HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 3It comes to me often In ell
Wiwi, the firelight q,lutto
When the Mock, uncertain D
Seem wraiths of long ago
Always with a throb of hoe
That fhlr oaoh petaled rel
Cosner the oIJ, unquiet luugl
ter the puttee of howl fig
I'm sick of tho roar of tho
And of fueor cold end rtra
1 kuow where there's war
And my 7carebig
r [:►noire
Back to the dear ofd hunt eft
With an aching bifida, of p
But tltere'II bo Joy lu the
When I go house ugalu.
"romans' Huts.
rr low_ The witnert was Just getting to the
d Io wr thrid:hlg part of tho story wheu the
Judge Interrupted,
macho, There are eztranetl.ne setters"
else sold, ••that are dl a
n. ear
t •
I he
ug t!e itfon of the o: ort no 1 prep sting
her from givlug the evidence proper
din. conaid codon. 'We will take a recces
clue' !! ul fifteen *nates la order that the
u+;" ' 1 ther'tboo may retire
rind eallyut wile -
mai of i down,'-{,'a;o.tgu Post.
old, "n ^*xvevr>w++,.
Doming, '
Wheel I go home again: There's mu -
That not or Laity die' away,
And 11 'Dente tate handle of a
Uu a mystic harp et play,
Nino touched with a ye
sa 104411
On to beautiful, broken Meal
To which is my foul blurt
loth -
When 1 go home again.
Outside of my darkening win
le the great worker coach
And slowly the autumn ebudo
Couto drifting. drlltlttg lu,
Subbing, the night wild anuria
To the 'plaits of the uututeu
But 'hnt dreu01 lar gior(uue g
W1x,tgi go home again.
ngelr, I do wish meta one would write
arulu Ai few rules for mon " raid a you,.g
g married wumuu recently
fully tired of roailleg 1a t
A, 1 and newspaper's telute 1. emeet ,
N'O1�- I my Itusbateei pwhenheteines from it,r
ioffice .pieusnntly and cheerfully.'
That the houro must bis like a new
duo 1 Ito, I mug. he pre illy gowned, tits
and diener motet be ti.ilu.py etrektdl and
served, told •fiat he muetu't be wore
we clod wits, et rectal of the troubles , 1
Of the usy, td, matter if delirium
ore repertoires .'or tae.
ruin Th;•rie ••rcceptr art e ! right theor-
etically, and m
7, a 1
under to
r oar
eat- � dna
stances are r7 circum- 1
1 follows them nn lnctJ Every woman 1man
to retain ncr husband's admlrattlon
hot why aren't there a few taws of a
thus Dort la1J down for melt to fol-
low ? of
"telly bn't there ,ohne one to 'tetethe
hen theywe teCO grumble If +
le a trifle late for any g'a ren- •
butt, t, be a little sompathetee and ♦•
affee ttonate, and re:n melt that
theirs are not the ugly trbuhiee In ♦♦
the house.
"According. to the ordtnetry writ- •
me a woman', wit 11e married lite
should be spent In prise Icing ex-
periseentr to keep her hurbattd's love ♦♦
Irate gruwhig cull. while he, upp:tr-
ently, ea t v puree* Any •tiers• Me ha
pteasee, civil or uncivil, tyrannical
or gentle, and bo sure of retaining ma
herr. loud.
"1 Dedulourly keep all such articles we
- - roe.,
Buie* beans require one Ude halt
hotter t1 prang. and loafer. if old.
A dres•luf of pepper, salt a
ad butter
it all tart Is u.ur.sury, bat u.,We 1.ke,
them eerratl with u draw
u butter
dr• eisl ug.
beets require tbree-qua
au Lour rluw, steady bo.11q
liar out tort them by try
a fork or the color will lea
leave them pole and rick)
11 bard•bu.l d eggs aro tiro
the vin+g.tr lu welch beat*
(pickled for a few, bourn,
u«"omu a clear rad and for
ac(upanituent to coil meat
Kee requires from -0 to 2.
anti should be put Int., wa
it bulling rapidly and kept at that
petal null' done. A tardy diet nrly
be nada by pourtag oft the bulling
water la ten minutes end cuverlUg
tbe• rice with boiling milk, taking cure
that It le replaced as It bels away
until Lha rice awl molt ar
biendtd; thin add the yolk,'
eggs, a teaspoonful of van
sweeten to toot•, Serve Cold
ozo d w
Oy1y.w w� everywhere. Amoss the haute el
uartere of
g If young.
tag with
k• out and Not Bad for Good Teeth
Y looking.
ppm" Into
cure b:•cu
ltley will Soiudvnt •2k 5
m a ta„ty Sotudwu Tooth Powder 23e
or fried lore. Liquid sad Yvedcr %Sc
BALL A RUCYICL, llostrsal,
ter that
Good for Bad Teeth
.leeusafem's 1Yerr Wolof Supply From
an Aucleet optima.
The Ilo1
• well tle•trlo-l.yote nue Amte
e icuuilwaye wool
01 three i utt.l,, au.t uuw J,•ruwtl m id 1.11104 4,
lila and get. a .upp.y of g 11-P1 u.. ikiug water,
a. der- to eae
t u., limed nue City of hovel
Was Well suppled. Titorumble rble u1
uquetitd•tr 110,1 r000r,ulrs WWW tb.r
But .•tune tut, Tu. kviey'tbu prep*.
oat Jerueiletu have arca tlelxrude is of
lite avant y 1104 01
nteu It W demi hopes. hat/ultras 1a
e e•gleis and lu the ley -ways s„
uu t u re"-_-
"1t'e dead bugs abd beetles. I
whit' you wouk/b't talk that way.
1 toll you it troubles tun. People to
not eue death with their eyrie tot-
tery there 1s eorrow In their hearts.
It would hurt mu Meru than 1 can
003 loll you to think dist you wore uu-
lappy "
fir,.• looked at him for a moment
It, and with clear eyes{
"Don't trovule yourself,' she saki
young and mulled,
r, Ila "Flu not a stricken deer yet."
e are lie sat down Weide her. "I hope
(fly Edsard Bok.)
\W,d•..irlty oat.. yudet of war- heed a lifetime we reterrne°
retie to a young msu au Impar- ties Jest bemused the trlbut
teat one--p.•riu'pw t,,. miltt 'vapor. Totw)eing the qucrtion of a
tact float N given ham to solve when man's Income when be marrie
be reaolter a marriageable age. rule can Ito Loki down. Ther
The fleet 'skeet to present ent 1u this thousands u1 married people w
(mutton of satellite., 1s the lain- living the happiest of liver u
elide of it ; Cyst It le unquenttlouably bun•lretl 4011ar0 per year, while
fur the goal oat abuurt every 'young are thousands. un the other baud,
man that he «hall marry 'ilio struggle 'to torp out of debt
thou/LadThere are not two re• to tide ou 14t thoud a year.
for the great m i jorlty u dung men. Aud so It goer. Everything de-
- Of•ooure, there are r oar whey ponds upon the people. iiuudredeof
u a man In Nome age vial luetine:. rhouid men evowtautly ark the question:
• •hour• to 1104 a stool.: life ; In fact, "Cann I w trry on rix hundred, eight
there are excellent reoroee why It Lo huodred or a themes -0d dollars per
been that moot' oleo *tumid
. When a young at.tu d liberately No one tun determine thle go
lays out for hMe,
taaf a stiele ll1 • but the young tol'ow himself, u
1 L0410
1 epee
1 ) oilier a
redua than tlrulurly the girl h k
be are you never will b.," he Stittlifter
a cis 11 101ppouts,., •slut you are bound to
The Ulreonleuled Wife.
From whatever pause domistle dle-
n n r It
b an:.kob the h •me
full of 41l'novr, ennui sand vagrant
imaginations: or of fl Tee eitrat•u-
genet', ant pus..lonate love of names -
meet. Atkl 11.0 a wife holds the 11ap-
pihees of m toy In her levels, dirmxt-
tent with her tluitiny Jr peen:l.arly
whter!. If it 14 resented, she got.
wheat ehe deserves ; If it Is quietly
endured, her Strome is the greater.
t'or nothing .'
a onor to
wins as tour ltntl neouandch hnothing
(loon her , little honor us the
patience of her bushand. And how-
ever gre:tt hie patience may be, rho
w not escape p•rr*ral In) try, linen
noun are to in hell 1 Innocent who
do harm even to their own 'soul and
orelor.of tthirt that vo uInflexible
ntarybi units
aro followed by Inetltablo prttu.-
AmrRa E. Burr.
His roulette. at an had.
An old housewife in the country
wait bemoaning her poverty to an
unity mpattctIe huebaud. •
"Things a!u't air they used ter
be," 0114' coulp.ained. ' Why, I ntn't
got anything like 1 lured ter hev.
nItet got quilts enough. ter go
'round the b. -ht; there,' two of the
beet chairs brokou, tin' I ain't got
110 dress Hester reully fit. ter go ter
cella' alt' If 1 war ter die ternight
wouein't Iwv it cap ter be burled
Tho ofd mare had stood the whining
to :one; air he cvukl.
"Billet 11 all. then," he fiercely
'Ice:Iatot, "why didn't yer die
hen yer „i,f hev a cap?"
ID our a woman Sae
awe consider that
utae 1!t'elty tecta it tb.y'
and •111114.11, waalei rrgu.ar and wed!
1140o4, Their demit,1g eu3ne mak .
(11.m reohdatle tit, ff. 1)1411,, (1LU la
fsot.Weee Ls • meLaputor 4., toitr.•ut-
ly hat Ilse tact It Its. l0c.,411a (4.1u41-
-"Iwo rows of patine seer which
Qom `Ilp. of coral.'
ttserr to are Important fo ters sad
the M• The ..flFbtg`tr d bonen \wlthuut
de ell.
!4i•'.>t; d fwd 'efts oho u1gi motetwares.
t s.Lt 1i,oa
L1.YYla:ieutly ca.,we,d- it
lea JI1*Lars.
1•. P41 her no tuner origin theft
N., sauce for g,,ot.reil health, but
fur th • e1 ' 14441.4 nod al 'enc.. of the
tooth' It 1, Lind of an eive04.iry to
perfect pee 10 e4 brouu..
1.1.1,.• th.• te un every monk ig w,th
Tarot etl+er andshoultltt then be Iboohe l
with a staff brush whleh can reach
every eoruer of the mouth.
Owe *build alwaye broom from the
gum to tar sed or the teeth, down -
wand for the upper Jaw arid upward
for the lower; never lengthwl..c, tar
that bares the gum.
Leselt Andrnierg and evening pa,'s
thr+uvxh every interstice a piece of
ieattl Hoes In ore'? to Prevent any
food remaining.
Rinse the mouth as often as pos.
elide after each repast.
At regular Interenlr, and at 'cart
otter n year go to n dentt.t and
undergo a complete cleaning of the'
jaw. if a woman 101'0a's there ,tree.
tions she Is sure of keeping her teeth
beautiful and healthy for a long
THIO s'IHIyit, I11tt1.0N.
An Appropriate Shells ler the New
fetIll another etaintent for flret
honors 1s tb* ploee of furrier's/ :'rt
known as the m gun mut'. 1t gets
Its home quite as much frons the
stripes us tro.n the scrape, whbh is
like a cantaloupe of the elougtated
variety Stripe of fur. dirk 1111,1
.light. traverse the °yell sh ape. One
sometimes sees differot t kinds of
fur used in those vu doe 'near, but
n better effect Iv pro,u'eJ by al-
ternating dark and light shades of
the 11me idol of fur. Mink, cables,
chinchilla, all do tetter ttln,l the
for furs for the to loll fuelff. 8ltort-
hulrod furs aro preferred to long-
haired furs for the "melon."
Feshlus. for 1)4,11s.
"it mikes ma think of faro•," bald
es trim w to ono of the shhopr Jester
doy Ti.•1was upon seeing t1 counter
u-overed with dila' pommels. satiable
for the tis, of a thrice 1..i. d�II. There
were .0 ....._
relveot laid all a, re r,r lea elabor-
ates. Thee coat Irma 11,/ 0011 II up, a
very °tweeting pareate with which
one itee3 dell Went! he delighted
LI le red felt iir.tts Ao ,
10 th 14 for tide weather, tome
hi different titre and ehapes, and cost
leveeing loot settee,:
'than Monne gave embr ierl a scheme
Phan he (Hostler and yet not milieu*
to tho piracy Here It le:
Any handsome cloth serer' for the
think proper. White, pastel enstor.
blue. °easter gray awl rich ertnevort
are the favorite eletiles, AS to Sheipe,
eloonomital ono* ustsany choose the
knoo-long oepe. The tan storm collar
le lined with ernilne-theugh, to tell
tho truth, imel ermine" mote one"
hey. beim tbn out of some blonde
billet tail Hut
Now, the nature! thing would be to I
Gentlest this lining of 'royal ermine"
down to the veal hem of the gar -
holies In weft WPM.. eiderdown tit
there "he ror orwp ov kitten In ft
rm. retie te hoe pot wooer ba not too
I)) teeing the (rents§ down with
see elte•e• 0, the reale
sa see eep. le'r Oars, lot• PAR. Prior emir
1 ♦
Not back In the II130 day' was
11d bag of more prominence to
Ws dress theta now. Then. to
Aug 1'Ictoriaa era. dream ek
re to sknmpy that there was
m for a pocket , now they
Int again ani the tiebacks
crier a1wolutcly forbid the 60
Of a ' .tet anywhere.
retie a pole c n
adih In melt' an 'ungraceful
women her:tate to pert
!a pub.k ; to curry a pocket
e glee is not always poen' le
ver pretty, ne It' gives her a
e l look. Tho p.xtaet in the pa
tort 11 absurd sone the little hit
tet 14 ubetc.s. 8o to the han.1
s driven.
he -noir 4ttgn oro_ some of th
gums In co.or and exqu:dte
are --ant 1u pri.:e. You can sea
anything you wish for a h:
A J weler /ort completed
tu+_of_the i'p,{tcierbLt 14410..
to Lou,,ia`it.k Of-abiuo gre
r. The shape war ob'ong, also
t funs by lire Imbue lu will
not the lower lege of the 111
e was an appeque of cloth
of ale kln•I van•eb Louie XI. iov
10 wed. The Penni:thief or the to
esus gemmed with the Jewels pit
it I th
i til
Ni. 1
for o
a foo
_ uccu-
munation« of rani -Water to the reek -
hewn unwise bdurath their feet.
Even tats ruppl7 Ilse ret•outly faded,
ray0 a txx•rt,.,,w,dunt et the London
T.mt•e, owing to tau nullt ui rale.
Distrust 444 rlekuesr became et) ewe -
the tau Tark.rh Uuternor Luso
et lehgtll been 1u used to sanction
poaof frau pipe px1 to bring
wittier from Ala ttt/.th, or Lha 'Seaktl
1•'t?,4111 Lath, ' at liokleto ter 110014, about
uiat, miles ruuta tx Jereetilem• A
pipe .lx Issues in t4'meter will
brlag 8,000 'Jana' of water 1 day
for taotrthutket at 'luuutatw" 041-
pittd Will, faucets, Pvtion,,n, in bis
rumour "tkoug,' &pinta, of tins *ecrut
besting, now turue.l to ore. •' Jay be-
loved,' lie say•, as ()Doted by the
T.mee• aarre.;puedlent. .s pike a op tag
Nest up, a fountain salt.'.' It is a+
dt-cp-eown ouuterrnn-nn bl.rtug, wilt b
lace, frOln the tune of Soou,ou, Cowed
through the arche.t tunnel bu.. by
him LO the diatllbutiug olwmoeer or
et -eon -car near the neethweet corner
of the highest of S •emeses Poole.
Half a etntury Igo the localism of
thous "Widen* eprlug WLitrh was .111,
ar to Solomon c Urn ', flowing lata
the reeervotr m eitionrtl, Wur too
known. Tho tunnel le roofed by
.;toner )•rising agulnrt coach other
Lk' an laverteJ V, nue primitive form
of tete arch, which 1: also been to
the roof of the tjueou's vhuwbor of the i
Great P ramal. The entrance to this
tunnel front the spring it one of the
oloost structures in existence. The
piping Is to be lute uloug tho old
qu.,uce which to•mcrly. from the
tints of Solomon, brought this
.,:. m0 water to the t, m,,le urea.
Torre are e1' req or twriv + anetent
fuuntalne here and there to the
.1.y, Wog nnur•',I, Mit u.,w to Iva
ttiutztti, and trout which tho water
may Is, deafen, f{eo W a11, several t
tape being attached to each tuun-
ta 1n
full in love rum• day. Yuu wouldn't
histo been given such glorious eyes
unless It was Iuteaded that they
&kook! be lighted up."
"tow, 1 wonder." she murmured,
thoughtfully, "1f that could be call-
ed u commitment ?"
"1 obJnct to Ideals,' he Bald;
"they narrow one."
nstlua "1 wager you have lots of them,"
she ventured. shrewdly
the rtruun•st st'ro.
6 'myeloid Sror mental Ar 1 wrote to it vouug fellow who
rottauue llu maker the (L1R•ke of !hie asked aro If I believed it would be
lifetime. safe for ham to marry nn a thousand
If u young min refurees to marry elulirlrs per year, wo do 1 say to all
becutuw of a Leek vi fait` In woman- young men who are sulking the gges-
11004, ora dte,trttat u1 the a zlet.nce tion, trrespective of the "mount In -
of those quatltt er generally attrl- volved; noon's can tell you 1'ou and
• Instal to women, Iso erre. and he erre the girl In question must settle that.
fatally. I cannot tattle. any young fellow
There i on be no d
t+p,utiog the feet want to do, fiat I know it I were earn-
tlrat a tree I)to le never compl •te ing elf hnnelrrd, eight hundred or a
in lin fu urn hnppineer until thee Ilfe thousand dullsrr a year, and I really
lu mum whole isnot complete by the Inv.v1 n girt -felt, le other worths, ar
koro of a true weenie. The. also rice 11 1 rook' not live without her -and
or a wife from hum. hereemunstrat- Ito. g1 -I vane of the right kind -that
ed to many a men )tow large and fm- 1s, eenetble in her bear, frugal In her
portant a puart one to of it Dodi of t •. •r, 1 of n mnrring,'ntrle nee -1
him. The rgnt kind of a wife know" Would let her settle my doubt /or me.
better what 10.,dt4 ntiai to her hue- 0.e :1:.ng 1, coot:d0: Tito greatest
band's comfbrt than Ito done himself- safety In this world for it man le t
I Irottrr. place his Interests to the krepin
It 1e an unfortunate fact that the woman who loves hint, -From
Sorsa men never got to a paint where want Ilok'e book "Surceoeward."
they und••ndaod Woman. Aad yet to
know woM in, to prop erlyylntl retand
her, to eolrre•etJy ln.errprrt ler heat M♦+t ;'+•f•#d•++++ti++t++
aleuron 1r ate dee pert lesson that
life can teach a mar. t 11 ER 1 DEAL
Every moat wit;' a fair mind who }
chaepe la move women to flim breast
and call.' her M other. wife or roo-
ter will understand lite tiupurt of v++++++t+•h F+++++4•l•+♦}t
those word.. ll.,*' a to (11 Lin be , She had often spoken to him of
a hater of wale 111 14 hurt] to con-
ceive. when th:vugh her 04 much varlets Ideals, so It was not four
can be adduct to his life. 'Of tag that oho sltotild begin to end
The N I.done 01 t1..rdalte I 'Upon one of them a. soon as t
Itself Stere can be ax, hormion. The were cumtortubiy ••stool.
knotty Utile peubl int Willett touter "By !deal river 41111 sod
Into it ore eauuru8r matter. ?unto for for g • she raidi.. I have
01 them had el,prew,iton In the love for gurgling, «l,t+ashy stress
choice of the right girl, 'Wily. 1 don't know," he oblee
Aad here, uuturaLy, U a (1001 whit wide tolerance; "the little
tion which no one can decide for to ay not uccomplieh mucic,
auvther, It Le u mance heart which they work hard.'
dlrectae hien to the woman whom be That in why I objet to th
Wiemer ,r sir wiles never the huger• tel 1 Thry oreItn soclt act at'aorphers
he atltl.nr. "1,000 punned )surely., . warted energies. Ar long oar 11
!r an 011 proverb.' dud it it ad true ' art In eight one has to keep til
ts, cloy as upon the day It was
!ng of every foolish fad she 1
writCen, i followed."
Edney 1 young Mae, however,] ."Uood Lord It..
ito cowmeneted. "T
Maude uudecided ou the queellttls otaght nut to take nnturo ro berto41
of marrl.ige. lid believe* that the 1 1y. - Rost assured she will never
nets, Is taut born of love. The girl '#tad d 0e from tole needle to
w111) whom Adwh a marriage is pus- I grave."
foible is perhaps within hie eye- I 1HJrden stretched himself on
hile he,ltates. Why vea her. te feels. and he heettater 'mean- f 1 "e and
oftcuntemplated Wondered,"the
h. saki ie
not r e:ultimor explain. Sometimes ; flop "What your Ideal sumo 1s 11k
therm Ls anti -thee girl 1n tiff case lion -meet- be a bprtl;e-
i cies to hhuself ''I b. here it was Plato who decla
o duo not love quite so we I,.an . nu 'o on y t e
et he feels th.tt rhe wadi bring mon and fowl-,' lay ,in the cut of the
• him something (hetoithe eitie.:e clothe.," rho reinorked loftily.
irl dues nut -:a certain soal4l ad- ''ler, Platt•(" be ar.ented. "Ru
to eetue(t. pr-rhupv, a turtberanco old chap, that. No end of .an
sol Itis business interests or other' Wasn't it Thenen- who nude th
vantage of one kind or.aaolltor.. otter dirtittetiun-ubdul the Iva
Clic knee,' bent e"
)t.rry * Girl for iter )Moret ''N, not Tlwnau. 80
the nowt contemptunue net of hie made the di 111)01lop fund d
bleb a mxrl can be capable. - it ehroulcled it," eha corrected.
w'urts him and It (tweets the wo- '•That no ?-l--,'.,member some
to upon whom Ito Inflicts the thing about it now. plow du you Ilk
row rhureau 7"
marry a girl because of some '6lty, won enough. lie anderetoo
reaeton, Menet,' bernnse he !tare altar« bettor-LL.sa 411Mrt men,' - 1
better, perhaps, Ulan he .lues Wal,, a love tt.falr 1(111 drone blur 1
er girls; because, Maybe, he re- that will, enamel 11 .1 Ln tLe 0(0.340.
els, fanciest or a,1m.res her ; be -
kuuw. Alwuyr airiest m * us ru
use she reemii to sym;iathize wttli titer put.nl the IW117 be trio. al
Im. Iv to es'eab'f,h n wrong haste
through tis 'Walden' to con eluce him
a happy marriage
rel. dud everybu.J,y else that he wa
of ono of these emotions can form P ricctly happy and contented."
e foundation for any truly happy "1 woatkr, • tlwugflt.Wly, •'why
✓ r:age, Tuere are thing+ which that sort of thtoig g nerals
,peal to us to any dear friend, man P nee til gl Led m.•u." Y hap,
tv"min "Need Lt to bring out the best that
Tho girl who is to bo 4 young 14In tlIwa.,.
n',. fnmrnnu,u for life, to be with "But Iturttln says it doesn't do It.
gl.an.l of h!tn as long am she or he I That Dray wpprtrlatlon And happl-
llvo, and to be the ehtrer of nu.tr car bring put that bort In any
Joy' or worrowe, to by a .laugh- Item:ln tx-log.
to Ila mother and a anther to I "111, 1814 Is,on through the flee and
ehikdrrm, meet n'wnk•'n other emir 'ought to have 0rlowu. 11 was his
ns In it ynnng man's breast. wl.n that went back on hint. wasn't'
The girl that n young mon ehoutd ' 11.7"
cry, and tar Daly rtfrl he b socio Yee; well, she fell in love with
Marry. lit On *1c, fills ail h1e 0*0 01 -Les-felerels, aw.t he allowed
Int, every' tbongbt, wh.. g.,i,ici i her CO get a divorce.'•
in his Parry art, ' wirose [ores i 'Y•tinoute rb,nle . .,.,
"Well, all It 1 here T"
"You oat •,art don't bore other
people with them, all 1 du."
"Lou '/ever bore me."
"Now, that is u compliment. its
you know It /s tho firm you ha,e
paid me In ten year@ 7"
"Wottkl your 'Soul man pay eom-
pllmert. 7"
"Yea. 1 thine so. A few, when he
happened to think *bout It."
"What else would he do 7"
"Well. really, 1 don't know. You
roe, my Ideal would be a mea that
I could not possibly hope to uc4er-
rtA tido'
"An onlgmatical sort of a fellow 7"
"\o. but broader than I um. so
that 1 couldn't trot around and put
my finger on all 111e points of his
- of 'And yon expect to marry your
Ed- ideal ? Don't you think you ought
to tell me n little more about hlw.
so that I will be able to recognise
1 hint and know when my oma has
•'Neel.+ ; come, .to take a back onset?"
1 I Tho girl raised her eyebrows at
this, but said nothing. When a moa
,n, . has been making love to a girl ever
't- 1 Wilco she was lu pinafores, 11 14 ra-
d 1 titer annoying to hear him epeak-
441, lug cheerfully of taklug 4 back rest.
her -Go on,' 1(0 Inetntetl. " Thin , cun-
undrum of yours 1r to be bandeome
prls and gullsnt?"
ergo � The girl eeemod absorbed In the
hey , slow -flowing river, and matte no re-
, but wneIt he turned to look
deep ' he waw that the tips of her ears
smoii : were glowing.
mr n , "Bee herr," he saki, quietly. " if
ted. i you have I want you to tett me.
fel- ' When you rejected me last winter
but 1 1 purr.xl 11 over because 1 thought
you were too young to know •
go.x1 thing when you raw it."
um. " Not at all tone. ltod"
o[ "toncc)te1 enough to believe the.(
3ev • my love 1.o deserving of careful coo-
ak- i at n. 1 atiouro you that It has
ver: never been curele*.ty bestowed 1
• may 1101 be an Ideal moan, but my Ile
ou l,1Ms been clean and honest, ant! I
14-; have never neglected anytbltrg hi-
re- I trusted to my care. As my wife you
would be protected and petted, but
e 1 don't want y
ohs . you lose ma"
"I should say holt.•----- _--
Magistrate Dauph ne'sDeplor:
able Condition.
Des • Us Mediu Treelnient 11
ily holy marri.t�geu -the only war- ! turn the commitment."
+(3110 from whiub coo .pring,happi. 1_ ""No, tont la true. Site makes
his' "But I n'aat 7041 to learn to do
Met. Go to work earnoetly and
os,- i learn to love me every bit as much
e, its I iove you. It will not be as easy'
fuel[ but 1 want you to pot settle all
r- this ileal nonreuse abd go home/try------
• at It."
it i " Anyth ug t.
" refs; when you have done that 1'
nt expect you to marry me and iive for
d Uto reef of tour Ilfc n happy, con-
e tented woman."
'And' euppoee I fail to fulfil your
Y expectatlous Y'
of IIs oat too still for moment that
her resentment began to die away.
he Eben dm spoke again her tome war
0 love Suppose
my 1410!, hove wdy could111"in
:,ll that 'nonsense' aside?'
d "Here you r" he questlosed gently.
t Otte nodded slowly,
f' 'dope you will be very - _-
root* tl ee4er .a4 Weaker, Urtlt 11
H. Could 1t•rrcely Sage Iib S.ote i y
3Ir. James l.)aupb1e, of East i
Bridg-touter, or as he 11 better w
kuuw" as ex-touac,hor 1)aupnlae, • ad
11114 been a b4.•ot (3444 roc Cue part
1 Ile
t..ree Pours. Lel. beuldt gradually tor.
ole .vyo tam_too1lt-lsy *,`peer he WAD; le
,!ti l.tuKtetd l0 god up &t...4 all kind, of ; F
old ! Woo'*. It., uo.d.uloxi t. 1h,y..Llon and d
One , 40'44 u tang_ t,u..a.l.y et u'e..l.ta., telt m
ea 1,. W4 atom a.0 4)J* i(,u.1 ,.., goeuUul.y w
en geese w...acr +1.4.1..trr�it-1c. 4a... uu.aad Tu
oat s u lul44,.trdlo lteue.>lt.ut.vd ahs oxo- pee
tie L= moo" w.1.a.,g. e.t.a e..o.Ls as os -1„,h her
`g c.11dae. pt•utu.t.1 t.' Ll, (07. 01 goud
l4.,t1t..i 1. 3.141).• v..-ty hero to haat W.,ou ' r1
ell hold hand roost ru W.W.I he could nu
g .0Jreely keep 11 adieuy tuougu to It
on `'ogee .'1' nt.unt. t1.0 Wolipiter. seeing I f A
se 11.1 depforavl , eoettI,ii.1, *Jvluee ban ,
ce ter try �'• %t allel e, ilea Pols, anti Cit
an (.1+.,r a Wt te ewa1 .g ,ve war ludee•�edd l m t
oat to try them. Tuere woe no uo.L:,aules I ap
0•.•...d•' lu .ls cuuwtu) I un an he had l or
le ' ►tinted taklag thou third box. Fre AI
tout 0u tea.• improve/neat wad rode.. In
ill He grew etreeerer every day. Itis awe- a
ilia: i.e.('4. eu, the wearfess a,.d may
' ' lawrltud., departed truth his limbs, his
eomd of the lustre of lit' youth rt:• ter
tue.i.,d to her eye, and by the time Uo
rive boxes were ueel Nr. Duupel.ie
• felt a new man. T410 we.gut w yours
or avd- tree late, n of eleaaerr . have to
-y roiled from our shoulders. h1: hands 1 to
d are,, 11ow steady and 111[ pen can 0011 him,
as rapLlly as ever. He attrL,utes his , (veinv
• cur • to the nil 1 •raOen of a ' ,
wife and Dr. 1t71linmr' Pink folie Mr. lir '
Dauphine le 73 years of age, but /mid who
a•Y..u..gand vg,,.0usas h:.:11 , wlthrt
n ago. avid to (WSW P. tidy CO y are Tlia
W.i.rz .,4 terms the health -styli,: '
(tuella re of Dr. tt'libamt' Pink I'111er.
tor. Williems' Pink Pills are the or c
Yi its of the weak and ailing. They I Eno,
d tour
,arpxtxr all other rwvd4lars in their
R toalc. rtlong thenleg qualities, and
funks weak Anil tleepondent people thou
bright, active and healthy. Theme qm,h!
1.111,+ nre eAtd b,► all dealers 11 WWII- Th
ebte, or ala be find by mill, pootpeld, whir,
tut t,0. colts per box or six bores meth
fate 1)^-r0. by addros sig the Dir. Wn-ore t
liens.+' Medicine Go., liorekvIII e, Ont. good
at they forme.1 an t. neuee re
frith leaver and totem. The pr.
\was so al.,courtghig to the wont
Of average puree that It 1. beet n
to tell it.
Neat little hind bags can be into
nt forme. If there 14 a gold clar+p
in the* family it can bo attligh
to a ,Colo bilkeu bag made lot an
bhupe tl•eetrtel. The work of fasten.,
ou the cln,,p should be ,lours c ir
fully to give a neat appoaratiee. T
1n.Me 0nn bo. )n n coutra,Lngeolor
A bdg 4f T1QIt+&- nntttt- Co soften
contrast with 11 tai.ored omit is
pretty. Let tite outailthe 1.4.
%lin meet nail heads or wth shier
et ones or mill head* of gold. Th
fettle end the initial Pt TVOrlitNi
si le the bag, not outride.
Very loos chalet; Coe be wound
twiee around tfin arm or the ehai
lie PAM Prepf.11tly , then. after wait-
- her, a Moment for Iler 10 spook, arose
and week id away to the bank.
lite girl watched lilm wietfuly me
• Ile stood with he. hands 14 his pock-
ets, staring down at the dim, deep
water. lier lips oarted once or
tyLce, but closed again In silence.
ho *ill% turning around with
a smtie. ,''we must not keep theldeel
waiting. 1 hod hotter cake you
hotne. Bowe day," be continued,
lance, "eume day you will introduce
loim to me, w.II yott not 7"
Tho girl ptit hor head tato Maud
armee deliberately.
"1 think." she raid ,oarefully,"that
you know him."
- -mar mo.- Ton are ructr a crave
main I could scarcely believe that you
wotiel neglect the excehent (violet,
that Cicero gives. Weer: t it Cerro
who enlarges so upon the desirable.
ity of knowing ono's molt ?"
, The man pattered and faced bee
ran be wern around the welet
tort of drown up tiu) belt. The ward
robe of winter -1f ono would be Ver
e not ono bag alone, but Lod them be of ail sohepes ano
elute and of every color that
will witle the coetitme. The
may be very guy,. Indeed, and
allow a vivid contrast to tho
steer -the gild in short, n Invest mon'e 11.e." i▪ le turned 011 his side and
m h. tett. lit. wouei iv, a blank, looked ILL her. "Queer 1 ning, love,
touch a girl ho rich or 1,rue, trolereted
i away frorm John, for he is a very (Relief
good husband. aa! I'm afraid ouch Cozen.
'Herniate wouhl put ideas into Ills in nil
hoed and spod hint, toil I go
'Now, poor, unentglitened Pout, he linhig
aerobe) hem kr OW11 worrien, and be eiontple
tries 10 'nip mo straighten them
to be hl.ntlied w1:11 etre to keep him enetion
from being broken ?"-New York
Journal. amateur
o s ttement end quotel ab- ', elm you know what you are en
her ears • to spread over face and
att.. appreciative or hie beat "I'te to picture of a. river over me '; tii(e)crIti.nd 1115,1hi: inturrrn7,:t haotekhe:n. d movie
[lee. leek that this one reminds me to,. an uncertain Woo toward tbe river
rote aro the traits In a wornag It lis a
hnewledge le a good them In a wo-
twhotiwyeashifrrtorrtielf Ilythdirerent.leng.":_es7lirva4A.14c"Altli*geitirisaltlo , I agn..g‘NPaltgl:113:Ctleulfil:7111PteklanNeslritin. et tang f Ind --"
7;tiolnet, I hare
wife tireting out to too In ;
laid tho ioneeet nod remal nm odd beat The river 14 illm told
a men throughoia hie We. They deep, with ffedgy batiks, and the way e
st the river," Idle explained with
he trelte tn yeomen which make LA° Iii°44 10°464 (104'11 00 tile d Perhape you tilt. Bet yon are go -
wive* nal bet ter
mnrrire the etnpidest girl In the
"11,:nr wirier le the young tun who
Mike mo wretclieJ.'
up," "do' n't"fliel,.; ringee little. ftrItit'altr.it fruu 1 st."Ftlete7r70rilivwEePfx5ril: :wiut"Cifilwriteiltilr-m-ha7ve:. a. look - '
• .1 date 1047." he agreed, Statting i Ho paueted with hie eyes ohms te -------
111h allthe fernehing te.f the clinging 1. --
be who nottolee the brighteirt "raw*.
n the univeree, 11 mho be cobe "11 Ode ateliers you as lugubrious 1 .17f0.7attl yon tiarleretrind how bad??
ly rind unremounsive In hardier.. Jet." go eitlewhere." I need 1t-evan If I am not at all
"Not at air. 1 lila this delheithiel." Ti gaLlialtnetr."on they totopped find etared
laugh nt went/mut. we men, -"A lae-ot" *mid thhheretelgethtter ,•
we aro young; when we have 1 e "Oh, W011, 7011 will find that :
_Jug etoeue_Al um.
pretty and mowing way of
jewel,7 to be Mind in the pro-
of enatitili,s or in Juvenile
theatricals In shown here.
a a nomad of alus.a in a. quart
water and immtnaden the nate-
,' akin a frown or some other
form made of wire and eov-
leo strip, of flannel or wound
°teen thread/C-7h- -Order to
ono very Mere resents ft iff
ry to *fleet o vessel ot glare
it even highly -polished Inside
--erfrictreounnotorennthe too
d for about. twenty-four
hen hang up to dry.
PLItnianallen Erse,
lot to he right in the ne tile
you nate gee for ,votireelf,
oft A Mu 1 road some miler
't understand IL" *aid the
bicyclist. "unless the 113 ip
le by some of those naval
"-Baltimore American.
of hot
; rated Or
, Mower lots on ( otoklito surd Serving; et.oi
whet oiseeee tv11.11 tomatoes'. and
Amiarnetuo whro young mid ten."
loig, and should b) serve,' with drawn "Well,
buttee, or white reofee, as it is unto 'ham Mg
time' known, anol tout. o of 131.gg
Oalorte require from 110 to 33 min- yet, aa
ntee and a drools our of drawn tenter. we are
A sprig of part' oy eaten atter the front a
onion. will remove much of the odor I "1 ean
from the breath. Oni ester. en wholo osecond
A "weep; when nn ;Meek of croup
!tree ten 4. If cut too. r plosive
to the cheet, they w,11 give relief ; Rol heti/
end in cam tor diphtheria. If odood the mese,
in the sick room they will help to ; Can
flhanfti enetneerin, het they ehmild nn 'nosh,
leo towered with di entact tat brtore
tin howl,.
AR rather proof of her wnlet,
lotted that he couldn't anneal
are of IL.
they are taken Agony front the room. "oomie
Lime heen•,roottlee one hoar and ' exclidme
pepper end eon. it I. beet to per. "Then
foregoer, to keep there o•Rofilfglit,i "1 (neln
for they retain Moir foolospeo and pelt to n
foot* to molt greater TI ,
than when rourcba•Rd toady IdUr", ed. ktughad.
girt, It nithIn the frnotien of
,no roma here ioid 7011 1" eh.
,e he nruirweriel.
how 1111 you Kunio ?" elle
't rapes it," he told. hap -
Ivey the length of my erre
The One exeeption Washed.
AR ho the whole world over,
wag this Cupid In th clover.' "
It. In her nature, aympathet0, coin,ng buck to earth with
with lila work. reteremsloro to lile 111 "eh:
icorm..r1.. itiltlitima, AVM 130; the
There Ls to New York ie fereloty
whose members II'1VP bilren is surfeit thnto
of tufelese time t lint they devote a girl I
great deal of time t unique study of elituin
people the ohleet nun ensirrtmtirye trodit.eittililt We
Isal Redo:sty, of noscow. Tills Rote when
oaten ho yoar• 01 1 and his ease is
good eyesight, but poor hearing, was
rioter known to Nuffer nn anol
ban lived 1:(hter 1110 1110. 111, fath-
er tiled M the rine of 120.
Tllo meet ngeol woman of to -day.
see far no these Ineeiehrators can 1110 -
rover, Is Mrs". Natley ron
Inmate of the /tattle Creek, kWh.,
en.oltarium, who hen *min 117 year..
Hen nave Is reported by Dr. Wood, a
physician of that inelitutlon. She
Ilfe, doing iteueoworit principally
sines RIM retched maturity.
There are much more remarkable
mom nab these on recent. too the
ckoiem Of but it relatitely few centen-
arians OAR be cerroboratol. Osman
lluotio, of /Chute Alhotriln. ho reported
to have died feet month at the RICO of
1110, hie faculties toeing unimpaired,
and his teeth (elect north the laid.
Whether this was 'OM Ode eafte,
IstaW•00r. bets not gut -ewe hum deter -
Mined by the commll tee. '
ro cries es ritlitdr fel MIN niiir
lkitrn at the neer, but neither of
them saw it.
1 YO"--u-T&-i-Asthma
Bronchitis or a S:evcre Co:d on the Chest and i_ungs, Doctors Will Point You
to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and .1 urpentine as the
Most Effective Treatment.
For every clan of Meuse the et) te ono medicine ovi,leh totatels pre-eminent art being superler to ith
°there. In i he rase of Anthill 1, Bron chills, and all throat an,1 Nag ailments the reeognIzeof treatment la
Dr. (emu ii les Nip of Unfilled and Turponitne. Loonier./ de not herltate to eiy thnt when the finCient. heroine.
Ourated and fanspereted In hlio etre gee for breath, 0 !opus,. 10i1(117 And etperlencee intense agony In lee
chedt athi ItIllga there le no prepare tem available that will give etlal prompt and thorough relief as ler.
Hrs. George. Bndden, Putnaint lie. Oete, Olga; " i feel It toy dety to fltoommead 11r. times'', Syrup ef
Tethered awl Terpentine, as / had the s.thasa very hal . ceeld get not Wen too oto me cony geol. A friend of
mine perenaled win to try title remedy, al he hil treed it, nee It 'retired enereesful. I tried It and it etsrati
nee. 1 ftm thrtnidni trolley to linty I nm A irrt1 0771TOM IftEnttgli 7110 0114 or thISPOIlled,f. Iff641) It TA Ow lames
n11 the Hato And whal I not bo withomt lt."
De. elniee'eta rifle of :Aniseed nod Terpen, !fie 14 no W.11 known In the tempo of Cantu% that it seeibe
unnoeissorarr to .1 further ointment. bit a weed of warnine ni to he needed. Teere are (elver prepanttlelle
of !Mimed and herpentIne, ludiations 01 Dr. caw,- P ft • eir , 4 1. . portrait And elgentirre of ,ila A W. (Imes
ars) _ern the hettie pm buy, Twenty- /Ire snots h hot 1 le Coney dm. three tiara lee much, We- et) Aube%
or samossos, Sates & Oa* 'remote