The Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 2• The Signal w seaaaa� 11910Y Tnt011114DAt MOttt%tom IST D. Ms' 1LLWVDLT. -� TUUVABDAY, DEC. 12. 1901. STABILL 1'1'. I'n.rblent Roosevelt's remark.' on the tariff and reciprocity do nut In (Beate any change in the fiscal policy which has been maltitalned by the t'ultetl States for four decades, He drlwrcates radical tariff reductions, last they should disturb the bueiuess lutereets of the country, though he cannot be tgpuruut of the fact that much reductions, brought into opera- tion by Pitt, by Peel and by Glad- stone in Great Britain. gave a great Impetus to Industry and enlarged the ',rade and commerce of that coun- try. Stability is all right after &buss have been removed, but people whu hare to pay taxis of 50 to 100 per cent. on a wide range of com- ,atidittes may be excused for desiring relief from u portion of the burden. The kind of reciprocity recommended by J'reisMeet Roosevelt will not at- tract much attention in foreign come - tries, nor produce muck effect upon trade. He says that "duties court never be reduced below the paint that will cover the difference be- tween the 'abur cont here and abroad." but "whutterer Is merely petty and vexatious in the way or trade reef rictlonrshould be avoided." Thee he ignores the fact that high tariff dues not produce or maintain high wags, ae is demonstrated by the higher wagee in free trade Bri- tain than In protected Germany ; and It le oleo rt fart that many kinds ..f goods are produced at Itis cost in countries where wages nre high thorn in couutriew where wages nre low. t'nited States steel in a case In whit. The President has conceded a great deal to the Republican Pro- tertlunlsts In hie message, but he draws the line at the. theory that selling can go on without buying. "The ciurtomere to wham we dispose of out rtrplue producer, in the long run, directly or Indirectly, purchase those earplug products by giving us something in return. Their ability to perchase our products should as far tog poestbie be secured by so arrang- ing our tariff nm to enetde us to take drum them those proxlurts which we fain use without ltnrmeto our owu In- t and labor, or thi nee of which will be of marked benefit to ns" The act is that the United States could d bee its trate and vastly In- crease it wealth, *bile adding to the coed t of °the maaaes of its population, reducing its scale of customs duties to 20 or 25 per cent. and enlarging 1 free list. ±444444444444444444444444 CURRENT COMMENT t1444441444444.94.44-444-1.41+++ Cattadlab generally will regret to leant Of Lord Stratheuna'e illness, arid. Will. Wish him a speedy recovery. Well, President Roosevelt might have wrieten a great deal Irse and love mail more. Hli message needed dieing. Pneumonia kille more people In the United States grid Canada than any */bier malady. Don't fool with a 'eobt on the .hest." flo Ontario wunfcipnlitiee cannot tat moneys in deposit In banks in another province. Tuiation of per - tensity wives personalty away. Chinn has decided to abandon the nee of the flair -and arrow in its army. One of these days the econo- mic (lanes., of Canada will cease to advocate high taxation tie n means of making the people rich. I. ley eland has a society for the sup- 1,resgiun of the sale of Italian girls it. brides. The stile of American girls err the purchase of titled husbands se en unchecked. fb me of nor contemporaries are eagerly enquiring, "What 1s Chris- tianity f" Has It not occurred tt. them that "Christ -likeness" Is pretty nearly es gnarl a definition an they will find Wilbert P. Clark, of Toledo, ended bis life with laudanum on Sunday. itis title to glory rested on the claim that he was the man who wrote the "linmle Taylor" cocktail Into favor. elect' he fame. The Vancouver Province snye ex- linyor Morrie, of Ottawa, should hare resigned before his trial for drinking after hour's. Would it not have been better *till to hare resigned bit efore to brnaktne law and leading The C. P. R. sales of land this year are en far in advance of theme of any previous year that they'suggest the idea of an early lithe np of the Northwest country. November snlee ezeeetd October's, which was a record month, by 184,998 acre". Doter opposition to the German protective tariff bill 1a now being offered, and It 1. doubtful whether It will peen the Reichstag. The *of- fering million', of Germany doubt the r•lfleary of higher taxntlnn to fill their stdnnrhn. Judge Melfngh, of Eeset, ham held that It eontraet to b.iy or sell it binding on Moth parties to It. wha- t her leaner proems or not. Some people have the Idea that b long an they pay or receive no money "to bind the bargwle" they do not weed to reinsert promises to blty or well. Tb.y sheath' rid thews/elves of that netball. Is this what you call au old-fash- luned whiter t A noticeable thing is the gentling eyntpathy for " tb• dowutroddoie Boer*" exhibited by some of the Unit- ed Stater people who are eager to tee the lust Filipino "lneurgent" wlpod uft the face of the earth. Some day a United Stater Presi- dent will &etre and trauenet to C'on- gvera u 'assuage Lei a fifth of a col - emu Ina/toad of fifteen column'., tied 1t will be reed by the people and hie name will go thundering duwu the age,. The "scrap-lron assessment" le again in question, tbie time at Ot- tawa, where the aaaessmeet of sev- eral corporations 1s before a Board of Judges. The effort to have the cures .lirpueed of on the strength of elle Toronto deolelon felled, the Judges deeiding to deal with each oasts ou Its merits Atter all the a[looping made about Oreat Britain's abnegation In the Isthmian Ca .1 Treaty matter, the text of the d lament shows that she Isar but agree, on terms similar to these which go ern the nations In the dues Canal. N.. y In Great Brit- ain ought to obese to that. But will the United States _ .. at• accept it ? Vletorien Sardoa w trained to be a doctor, but drifted tate plat writing and had vete' hard earl struggles. Hie !o new. however, a Ter) rich man, and resides lu a rummer esddenct- tluat cunt him $150.000. 1f a Igrew- tuit theatrics! manager rentu es to druggist an alteration en one of deter plays the author roars, "No line -not a word-uot a syllable Even the ectr.usee are in hie power fur he decides the colors of their drawee. Sam Hughes says that it Is a very wimple and very easy Job to round up and bag the Boer. He says Jots of other things In his letter, ./itch will be found In another column, but that eentenee is his masterpiece. Why 1. the Brltlell taxpayer forking out $7,500,000 per week, fur the long antic weary months during which the war continues, if It Is simple and easy to bag the Boer'. Are all the bralne of the Empire concealed ander Colonel dam's hat? a 'The Holy Ghost and Us" id the reaate of one of the many freak reli- gice r sects of the. United States. Tete wonder ie that the name was not made to read, "We and the Holy (ihoret." 1t las question which 1s the more disgusting, the coarse vul- garity of voile *Inners or the grog familiarity of some salute. The United Stater exclude the t'hlneee from their shores by a peeked act and further exclude Chin- -so goods by their tariff. But If John 'hinaman were to try to exclude U Intel Staten goods from bar country the Vetted Stats would resort to 'hips and pine to cantitice him of 11'. folly. That's the Bolden Mule of the Gulden Calf of Protection which owe people worship today. War Is very deplorable, but it in to make Cite Ontario farmer thibjt Imo when he sells it horse and goes botao with $150 in his pocket as the price of an animal he would have been glad to sell for $100 a while ego. ,1 goo l tuany thousand. of Ontario horses have been sent to *Kith Africa, but lir. Smith thinks lie can obtain alx hundred more within tho next three weeke. Women to whom Uatlto Nature has not been over -generous a the mat- ter of adipose will bless@ Queen Alex- andra for deciding to grant dispen- satieas to them, when attending court "functions," relieving them of the ordeal of appeareng in the al- most bodiceleser costume prescribed by Queen Victoria. like does not care to have her reception's take the fern of oeteologicnl exhibition*. Madame Sparerib" and Mina Meagre may uow bow to Royalty. Thome papers which have been bait- ing and decry,ng that courageous old soldier, Gen. Beller, have an idea that he Mtottld not greet his friends or acknowledge their constancy in the face of permecettlon. Even the Mont- real R'itnmet object. to tris presence at Me demonstrations. Aft*? Mek- ong and llpusing a DWI, and then de- grading hint for .peaking In his own defence. It to merely not very noble to squeal bee/seine he ackuowledgea her frac friend@ and !hews his grati. tele for their Kttpport. They say we -in nnotfieiefeitT vie= ter nntll enough rain comes to nil up talo ewotupn, and If that 1s iso dere will hart_.to_be some direly sky -weeping to ensure (Yirlstmar sleighing in Ilnmllton. Ottawa tine Montreal end even little Peterbor- ough have, plenty of snow, and the people nre cheered with the sound of merry elelgh-heIts, while Hamil- ton le et111 wrestling whit the prob- lem of dusty street.. A foot or two of gnaw, even In Menne.. of the swamp -filling, wuttkl lav very wel- come (here. A New York broker who Wended no- gnnlnten ee with J. 1'lerp.nt Morgan wrote to the mulll-mllhonnlre meting fox nn Invitation to view the yacht relent nn %fr. %Ira-gnn's yacht Cor.nlr. mngnwte arurwera(t regretting tient he hnnl leaned his yacht to n friend nd.ling : "1f you think you mead earn 1,4 go nn the yacht of either Mr. Carmel, Mew. Goreet, Colonel Astor or any of the other* that may he going down. thet hnye 1 will try to get an tn•Itatlnn for yup end will entire whoever may take you Ibet they will have the honor of enter- taining the eheeklest man 1 ever hen rel from." The American Federation of Labor peered a resolution of sympathy for the pour Boer., whose liberty wan being wrested from them. But It did tut bare enough sympatb; to spare any fur the Filipluus who ere being wiped out by time forcer of the United State*/ I These are tete flay* when the small folks send In their orders to Mr. Banta Clues, and Santa steams the tide. la the Times to see where he can beet fUl teem. If your ad. Is not there, Mr. Merchant. Yew are waking a mistake that will show lie effects in your stook after the hull Jaye are over. Will those smart United Stater !injure that a -e making merry over tho prolongation of the Boer war laud joking Julio Bull ou her elowuese please cast their eyes towards the Philippines, and read the pessimistic report of lien. Chaffee, who rays that no troops can be spared from there ebb winter 7 !f that story of the Yukon miners throwing away quantities of plat- inum nu refuse turns out to be true there will be it new 'source of wealth to be developed In our north country. The supply of platinum haw been run- ning low, and the price haat gone up by greet Jumps of lute, And just as It grow*, *career we find the demand for It for electrical and pLotpgraph- teal uses increase". \\ Tho Nicaragua Canal hue not been dug yet ; the Pauanei (:real 1. well advanced toward completion, and it by all odds the better route. But N Uncle Satu can, by starting another ditch. bluff the .ensue Company in- to sacrificing lie property rather than brook competition ,he le going o doso. to Csar 1. much interested in all im. Temente 1u sltlpa anti he has u quit tat of models, of the moist fame tuts r Is oI all kinds which he liken to mho to hie visitors. HI*, marine museum tains at present about. thirty of two IU&NIPis, In copper, Steel or te . Some cost am much as $12,000 each. Elijah Bledsoe, Burgin, Ky., 1s bel est man In Amerlc bo goexl ground for is over 190 yearn cid. hare bewwt married tit +tied denething like half the children are ecattere State, o,lnre.l, lining near ved to be the old - There seems to leviug that he u is known to teen Haus. hundrrtt of over the Halifax Board of Trade wa to a line of last steamers, "equal to any running out of the port of w York," and an arrangement and which the Canadian Pacific abal matinee the Intercolonial eta?way, the Government retaining the own- erehip. The amount of rent to be pail for the $80,000,000 worth of reliveay ie not mentioned In the re- solution. The British ademblans want the Canadian Northern road to have Its terminus at Bute Inlet instead of Port Simpson. That is getting back to the 914 Mackenzie route, which the C. P. R. Company abandoned. Port Simpson has the advantage of nearness to Japan, and a branch from the more northerly road to the Yukon district would be among the possibilities. The Sugweme Court of Iowa ham fixed the caatt value cif a man'. leg at $8,000. In a cane tried last week the Jury gave a verdket of $14,500 fur an amputated deg, but the Court declared that s® excessive, and fol- lowed it precedent established a few years ago, when a verdict of SW, - (X)0 wets out down to $8,000. This is now regarded as the standard value of an Iowa leg. 4 The loneliest missionary In all the worril le meld to Ion Rev. J. 0. Spring- er, whore station Is tin Ifer(tchel Island, near the Mouth of the Milken - :le diver, well within the Arctic cir- cle. The Iateet received letter from tide moist -solitary man 1e dated Oct, 1900, No ship hag been at Hebei 'eland Leland for two winters, and the missioanry's white neighbors nre nt feel River; 250 miles away. 11, an In reported, Bir Christopher Furness has decided to erect an int. 'white sldplullitng plant at Sault Seo. Mario In connectide with the Morgue steel works, Mr. Tarte will not have to complain of a ecaroity of (bnadlan bottoms on the lakes'. Another mach ptnnt at Sydney would provide the ocean Reamer■ and make ('11ntuln suite independent n1 foreign 1rnnwportatlon ngeneies. Tete Country in getting along pretty well. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman, in illi epeech at Rath on Nor.:'Oth, re. p.ldlated the charge that lie wan a Little Englander, and affirmed 11, heart's desire to -make our coun try and our empire great." The wn,v to do thin, he wall, "le not to cast hurtful eyes or lay greedy hand. upon other people* territory, or to waste our millions In Ill-considered and reclaims, adventures. ft le to par stn peace and follow rlghimuane.e, to devote our main energy to making our people healthy and comfortable, moral and learned. and well equip- ped for their Induetrtal purstlts. Wr long for the limn when our mind.• may be free to devote themeelvea to title tack, which Irwin to c',torten of higher renown and more looting Isenefit, and 1s nese certain to eeenre the Mewing Of Ai,nlghty (end than the mord brilliant triumphs of war" Only a rvvneeltnd Sas think. he en- dereteMl, women. The ernnk la not easily tnrn.d from hit, way of thinking, A .aft answer may turn away wrath, Mut never a book agent. SHOCKED THEIR AUDIENCE. Amateur Performers Warned .t) Wear More Clothes. ROMANCE ALSO DEVELOPS Springfield, Hare., Det. v. -It it a Iuug time wince au amateur prudes: tluu hew wade eueb a stir lu this city as dW "Bewitched by the Bloom,' which waw preruuted at Court Sonar. Theatre last week. The young men alto attended the performance Tour - day evening were inure t rwltehed by the lawn colored llgute worn by the 'Mang woman than they were by the moon. !u fact they were bewitched to such au extent that Nelly Bain. the lead - lug women,, was reqemitee by Col. C. L. Young. a leading lawyer In the city, who war ohalrwau of the col mittee eel arraugemeutiee to wear wore oluthe's at the aeoonkl perforat- e-nett erform w - oe. The extravagansa was given under the auspices of the Knights of Py- thias fur the benefit of the MtcKln- ley memorial fund, but owtug to the .corny weather the attendance was small atpl expense's were 11,t met, al deteral luuurechildren were to thpromotion,pruotion, which aur under the dlr- e)tluu of Nellie Nan, who receu iy came to thea city from New York. lice le a large woman and has her share of gutxl Woke. Tian(• covered With testier.. bite filled the role of Queen of Night, Sts! when ate sweated in tlerh.ugs the first memoir with thea gauze LU Cutor them out jualy the auelleocu was aetouwshed, but tun ager, air well. Tete: gauze was tuoanly draped sud war out tau- tened at aha melee, tour revealing her eluhpe very clearly. In thefirrt act the; King of Mime* made love to the Queen of Night, and when he tu Craced her vigurouely a titter ram thruugn obs audimo;e. At the More of the act many people left the theatre. So many Comments were made that Col. Young wrote Idea's Baia a letter in which he requested her to wear aero clothing at the secures per- turmanee. She compiled and thus the young ml's who occupied the front row Wedneeelay were disap- pointed for an un.tcrekirt war be- neath 'the gauze. itoutasee Also Developed. Then again there he more trou- ble over the fact that one of the little gine to take part failed 10 (.!1100d0 her parent. wleely in real Rte. Time mothers of the other little girls therefore are retaking their heads and tclhag their young Lepefele not to let the other lit- tle girls play in their ,Pard.. A romance has aieo developed is which Mier Bain dr the coutral fig- ure. It seems that she Dame to Ms city in search of her husband. He to emp:oyetl on a local newspaper, and refuses to acknow- ledge her as his wife. She says, how- ever, they were married in New York and that she intends to s- tsolCeT her Oehler.. When elrandm. Was a Little Girl MID) Ile. She saki there was a use' leg or - shard, Au' everywhere, as far as you could sea Just grass en' trees all full et fruit agrowlo'- Wheu grandma war a little girl like we. Nhe said there was lots of little bum- mer, And she told Just ?tow tame tbey used to be Eaten' lettuce an' clover from her ftngerie- When grnudma was • little girl like esu An' pig'', she Bald, em' cat., an' little chickens, An' a norful dog 'at barked tre- wen jouely, An' a cunning little calf down In the pg Whoa grandma war a little girl like ate. She had conte grew' big bruvvers an' a sister, An' a baby, Net a teeny, tonty wee, A little bit d bit o' baby, 'Cause greedier' wasn't a ouly ctiild-ilk, me. Ain' 'en she telled us all about 'e attic Where all 'e little children lured to play, AD' lots/ oo' room to rim around an holler When It rained outnlde the whole long, living day. It must 'a been just lovely there to grandma's.; The city's Just as different as cam be; I geese It was a good deal more like heaven When grandma war a little girl like me.--- Matlbew the Hepubileen. Ila the course of bis sermon lust Sunday morning one of our Oswego pastors referred to Matthew, the publican, describing the duties of her office and setting forth the WO - tempt with which he and others (•1 his claim were regarded by the Jews. -On retoraing home after the ALF MILLION UNEMPLOYED. La leer tion* an to t the vnre reveal a r affairs than mated by the These invest* in *bowing that Nosed In the nre em against 73,100 e name trtuloe in the m 1000. Tile working It. are have been reduced in half of the f. tortes. The unemployrl in larger to ne amount to front seven to ten pit cent. of their poplllatione, and the a: gregate of unemployed In Germany se Proportion in Germany Out of Work. n, Dee. 9. -Official investigat- e by the Municipal Council Dumber of ulmmploye.l In e induetriee of Gerulauy ther worse condition of end already been Intl- erman prem(. lone hart resulted .600 men aro em - trades to -day, oyed in these th of October, cached 5170,000 or four per cent. of the total number of artisans in the cou try. The Arboiter Markt, which tb- Ileher the foregoing report of ' , e Municipal Connell. says, eonimentln thereon, that one -twentieth of the whole number of laborers in tho em- pire are forced to remain Idle, bot optindnttcally remarks: "Although We number- fa terribly large, the unemployed PAn be ta.btn care of un- til prow/verity return,." PICTURE FOR BRIDEGROOM. Mewls Farmer, Tak- en bit ca.fuursey Married by Proxy. Binglinmton, N. Y., Dec. l0 -To save an estate it peculiar wedding was solemnized at Terga, Pa.. yesterday, when Mies Minn Herrin was married by proxy to Carleton Welle, a young farmer of DeKalb, 111.. a picture be- ing used to represent the bridegroom. The young people were engnged to be married Chrietmae, tett recently an uncia of the bride died, and it wee found that he had left a inrge pnrt of the estate to biles Herrin on the eendltlon that she marry Welts with - 111 ttdrty days. Weil* was taken 111 with pneumonln on hie way east. An the thirty ()nye expired to -day It wan arranged thnt Willis Johnson, n friend of the groom, should act nm proz7. The bride hod n large photograph of the groom on n table In front of which the ceremony was performer?, beslde which 'fond .7ohnann, who an- swered the question,, addressed to the phntngraph. At the errnelnabn of the ceremony Rev. Mr. Clemente pro- nounced Mina ifarris and Carleton Weals, repreeente.l by the phot(- grraph, husband and wife. MARRIAGE A F4ILURE. Why a Bride of Fero - Months Sues for Keparelloe. Freeport, L.I., Dec. 10. -lire. Louise flerglnr. 19 years old, a bride of two montha, began *alt to -day for separ- ation againet her hnaband, Joseph Bergler, 24 year. old, a well-to-do merchant of Raldwlns. The date of the wedding wee Oct. 7 Inst, and the rumple went to homes - keeping In Rnldwlne, but ,yesterday the bride reternM to her home and her attorney drew up papers In the eeparatlon proceedings. In her com- plaint llfrn. Bernier nommen her ling/ - band of cruel and Inhuman treatment, She ewenrn that he abound her and once pointed a pistol at her head. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. I..1. Berg - ler, way bortwl on Monday, and while at the funeral she alleges that her hnrbaad choked her. The Laocet this week publishes a long article by Dr. Jame. Braino 'vette. advancing the theory that awes, of salt In one'. diet 1s one of four rectors whleh originate mincer. service a bright eight -year -std bay who was la the audience mild very seriously to his father: "'Papa, ! know now that Mr. Sar- "is a Democrat." What makes you think sof" ask- ed the father. "Why, papa, didn't yet,. bear tho raking he gave Matthew, the Her publican, this morning?" 1/4, Vise 7.1x• ter of Ilimeelf. Total wets a unique way In which Mr. Smith. a merchant of an East- er. city. In want of a boy, Is said to have tested the young applicants situ name 1.0 him. Ile put a sign In him window : "Wonted, a Boy ; Wages $4 ; $6 to the Right One." As each applicant appeared tics merchant asked, "I7an you read?" Then he took the bog Leto a quiet room, gave bleu an open book and bade lean read without a break until toll to stop. V. hen the rending bad been going on for a few minute., Mr. eolith drop- ped a book to the floor and then rose and moved certain articles about the room. This was sufficient to Mime the curiosity of some of the candidates They looked up, lost heir place on the page, blundered, the merchant said You may stop, 1 shell not need ne • you at present. I want a boy WOO V charter of himself." If the router was undleturbed by Mr. Smith's movements, n lot of roguish pimpled was tumbled nut of a basket and encouraged to frolic about the floor. Thea proved too much for most. of the boys. They looked, hesi- tated, and were dismissed. Boy after boy underwent the same treatment until over 30 hart been tried and had !alle.t to eontrol their curiosity. At length, one morning, a boy read steadily on without mani- tfestttng a desire to look at the pup - r. "litop !" *gild the merchant, fin- ally. "Dict you see diose puppies?' "No, sir," replied the boy, "I Gould not see them and read. too." "You knew they were there?" "Yes, sir." "Are you fond of doge ?" "Yes, sir." "All right. i think yon will melt me," said the merchant. "Come to- morrow. Your wage. will start at $4, and if you prove mater of your- self, as I think you will, you shell WITS $6, perhaps more." IV was not many weeks before the wages were $5, and promotions fol- lowed. Now the young man fills a high position In the store. -From the World's Events. A Ito)• Out In Cleveland, 0., Id n boy who la proving himself to be it remarkable clectrlclan for one NO young. He In onfy fourteen '..are old, bat his knowledge of electrical matters In far beyond that of most men who follow the Mtdne,s or profusion of pie ore clan. Ile hearse the unromantic name of Stldd, in the attic of this boy's home there In a room of mystery. He fixed It np at odd tildes, when him parents thought he was up there playing. Tne other day Mrs. St1d1.1 went to the attic, which had not been used by her for a long time. Sin found It $rensfnrmed Into a enbinet of wonder*. There were hatterinn, elect - Irk brit., push button., and other elmetrlenl devioee, which the boy had rigged np. Where ditl yon learn anything about electricity t' Raymond's mother a*ed Trim. Atwayn knew it," wen the enig- matloal reap onse. Neighbors of the Stilt' fatuity ac- cept the tioy'n anvwer ar the tretll, for, they my, he seems to be n natornl born eiertrtrlen. Mnee ht* nr,nm(tllehmenfi breame known lee has been In deman-i In the nelglrhor- hood. sand he le already earning nenney n@ en eirefrfera expert. He hay recently pit in meta of elietrie belt, In several Mllidlnga, and a few day. ago cnnfonndM en eleetrical worker who le drawing $180 a 'booth. The latter war rent to repair a tele- tawne, which laid Luken a sudden spell, and could nut make It work. hay sound titItkI aypeeiredd en the scene, repaired u wire leading to the transmitter, and the dumb iuetrumopt (mood 11.. tongue. Raymond tuts recently put lu elec- tric wirer uuuueotiug Ids fathers Lucre with the barn iu such a man- ner that it tt uuld t)•1 itnpuselble for euybexly to break lu at ulght without arou eor the hwrultehd. Thera dire few ?woke on electricity that the boy liar not read, and his advance W that line has awakett,d general iuteroet tumung publiehtrs, and many of them are sending ttlm books op his laterite subject as fart se they aro Issued. A tttory of the tsar. Frederic Febvre, of the Comedie- Frattoala', narrates in the Paris Gane - ole au aneodote, which war told to ado lu Arcuoia, flueela, during a pro- fessional tour, ton year.' ego. It Ir reprinted lu the Courtier des Etats- Mee and it am follow.: A Frou hstta . visiting a faeb- touatde eoucert garden, stuppo! a pasting ituenti a offfwer. and asked for a light dor his cigar, which had gone out. The officer, alter a utu- moot'n ccrltatlou, handed his own cigar to the Frenchu stn, and looked en with a smile of rertgattteou at flue latter'. (retitle effort. to get s ULgbt. lou are French. I believe 7" id the officer. oQF-ro mkt "Not only Freech., but from Tou- louse!" Ir this your first visit to Russia'?" ,Yom" "Ah! now 1 understand why you did not salute the tall gentleman in uniform who wan with me whoa ,you asked iso for a light." "Tho (alt gentiensut' I did not 11A - tie. him Who was he 7" "Tete Emperor." replied the officer, et last regalneng possession of till cigar. "Are you sure?" "Perfectly. He happen. to be my father." -Translation made for "The Literary Dieted." Alt 110). should Learn 'Bo run. To swim. To carve. To be neat. To make a fire. To be punctual. To cut kindling. To do an errand. To help their mother. To dig, tt they enn. TD hang up their hats To respect their teacher. 'ib boll their heads erect. To sew on their own button.. 1b read aloud when requested. I- u1 temper. To wlpo their boots on the n It To speak pleasantly to an oke per- son. To put every garment In its itro- per place. To remove their /Into upon enter- ing a Itoetso.-Ex. Toronto eareetersr Market. Dec. 9. -There was a fairly good market on Saturday, with primes generally firm. Wheat htgher for the beet mantles; 500 bushels of wldle trot at 67 to 700, 1; -Jif W -ti - eta of rel at 61 to TTc. 1,0110 Ia1eh- .•Ir of goose at Otte to 67c, An! 100 Isabela of entice; itt 690. Worley Measly. with splen of'.2,000 bushel. at 53 j to 6'S•. O.it■ continue firm, Macre- bein,'t Nile* of 1.:,110 bushels .it 4,8 to 49•. Rye nocleange.I, 100 hetehrla melting at SK.. and peas wte.tdy at 78c for 100 Irusl,el*, tiny it trifle firmer, with sales •'f 25 loads tit $1D to 811.50 for timothy, aril $7 to $8.50 per ton for clover. Straw unehauge-t, four Lode Wally nt 111 to $10 per load. Dressed hogs nre firm. reeling at ,7.75 to $8.15 per cwt. Ireadlnt Wne■t tlarkets. Yellowing are the eIos'ag quota- tions. at important ceatree to- day Caen- May. 867.8 Chx•n 82 5 8 'Menlo_. ... ... 855 8 877-8 Duluth, No' 1 North- ern... . 7d3- L 79 7-8 Duluth, No. 1 herd.., ?93-4 - Kegplsh Live stock Market Liverpool, Dee. 7 -tattle are un- changed at hd to 1,3c rer lb. (dress - lid weight); refrlgerutor beef le 9ife per ib. Toronto Lire Stook \11•!kete, export rattle. chole, per cm. >♦,l (a fo domedlnre .0 le do cow* per co t. r 1p te Butcher.' cattle Diked lee le do choice do fair de amnion do cow, do India leaders, short kser ' de. medium as to 3tie to t xi to 2 St u aMt.•te.k•rs.1,U J to 1t.a lits.... t.olht 2M toY11�o16 On t de, books..,..... 2 fin to de evils. . o.,�,.r...wen. fel te Lair M, per cwt 140 le hass . l•ee, per h'rl.. r 2 to to .gs: obolnw, put cwt a 121 1• tat, per ew•.,,grre.Trri F ger to Vega, light, per owe S bit to Bradslreel's on Trade. 'Thee has been moth lty In whole- sale trace circles et Montreal tote week. Stocktaking- hers shown gond rebult., and the whelesaL' trade seam well satisfied. Trade at Hamilton, It le learned by Hradetrret *, In very good. The holiday demand from the Jubsere le large. A feature le the demand for expensive article., and the volume of trade for the last month of this year p.roml.s% to show a large erpen*utn In tunny depart- ment*. There have been few line. to Job, and theta to a feeling of con- fidence In the future. The fine cold weather bag helped trade in whole- sale way at Toronto the pest week. •sssonable liner are moving eat well now, It being meceensry for retailers to Sart stocks In order to merit the therms/leg demand stimulated winter temperature, The hr,tlday bu.tneam 1. very active new, and that is swelling tke rolums of trade. Trade at the Pacific enact title* 1e tante eiders inswing to the demand for holt. day goods. ft la expected that th4 teade will ire very heavy this yeal., Trude nt WlnMpeg has baspt 1116%peat week M bright weathers wholesale trade Is fele?? settee. ON& t. • good douse for r11da Pamperer !trawl, Joseph of Luc. tele was huntlug reueotly, and at ulghtfull fount biutsulf at a mooed- eruhte dlwtulwe from the cattle in wilcit be was stay rapp• He was v( r‘ tired, and war wondering how h, could gmt fhoute, when suddeuty pea.ntlt'r wagon appeared. Belttte the driver, the Emperor larked if he aright ride. nod the peasant bluntly told hips to got W. 'Dieu the !UtIoit. lug cotirureatltn occurred: "Do you know who I am?" 'tete! the Emperor. "Upon spy faith, I haven't il,,. feast Idea," answered the peasant "1 nm oho Emperor of Ateetri.t, saki Fennel,' Joseph. Convinced that hie companion was trylug to play a Juke ou him, the ponsaut answered with superb in- difference: "And do you know who I am 7" "No, I liatou't that honor," replied lite Emperor. "Well, I'm the Binh of PerNtt.' said the peaeaut, and the he urged the oke horse to it trot, and tic , kmporor got tach u rhuklug that Ito u1u10 no further attempt tocor verso with hie imperial brother the peasant. 11e Knewlletter. At at evhiool lu Kont tho hispeetur was examining a class of clihWren In arithmetic, whim the Inspector tek..l the following uuertion : "Now, John, support, I give yu'e two rabbits, and another kind friend go VP you one more, how tunny would you have?" John -Four, ale. Iusprctor-No, m7 boy, two and one don't mike tour. John (Quickly) -Please, sir, 1'.. got an old lop-eared 'un at hems'._ Loudon Spare Momenta The Signal Id TOivaaaD MIRY THURSDAY MORN1N9 MY D. McOILLICI(DDT. -j Terme et sebeerl.Y... O.. month, In &dosses 1 tree m,ontb•, Bis months, a, One year, 1 N 1 y Ad•ertl•1 ng Rates, Labial al aid other emo set M ',art'•.m.nu. 10,,, per loose for nark law -rte ,, an 1 x tootle per Int. for each s,b.sm.Mt Isa.raun. ►(eaa;ir.J •r • nonperson orals 111,1111,.1111.1 e.r4141.lx lines and under. $4 per year A d•wet Worsen ta of best, rush, oat rayed, elru.tlon• V.orot, *iw.,le.. Wt,aa,tMi ••4 8,14.100. (AMMO Wanted not exdeelteg 1 lin.. nonpareil, 11 per menta Mame a on life and t'atea• a Flet.. root to *awed a lines. II for newt +s4 eepuen1 en,nte. larger A.r epeol+tl ■ntYee. tic. + n fountote the rerun tory *w.�f.'.wdt:Yi'%1wn oer a nnretttnr, t• he n ✓ ent and onareel icenrotw tr. - e - - __- L.wal oche. in nn Ikea (i -p. one soot err Wont e0 a0lle. ler Lp uta . Zooid mottoes 1. cnftna sante per wart. No nod,* to 1. • ytp�Oa Tin. tura Nuhn.. ler err re►ae .e4 .*her si{dfI"m and bis•rol.at toatitraro.u, ran rat*. 6utteerpbers she lad! le .serf r• Tyre tttsn.t regularly by nail .Ill r,onfer • fi4V0v ,u. Qualm Ung ea et the fait at as early a date al ° beta nen, .1 Slant. Is desired. pore lassie Me new eddremeelalld. b.glr.a Tobn•hrr'• coiner. J. Qi. 1.. Tencel of Oodertelo. has born apt p.lneed Lanai Travelling Agent 1',r the 'town- ships of Ooderlck, whom*. AskIild and uta waetowb. Groat tees -mestere over tb• dytriot ere a�1JNss e mpowered to receive '.•beertpllons to '!b e le.a_ ♦ll seeruteat'ens most to D. MoU114.1Gt1DflY. Tweeeasee Call 10. THURSDAY, De)r:, 12, 1901. TRATELLIRO OVID& ORAIfD TRUAY RAILWAY. Sisal .11 and repress. Meed Mall and [:par DBfaIIT. It.M as }1� Ira I> µd. I..t frau end Expr..w, 7.13 &&.rn. !fait end I(rprra.. iffeeA D RN1RITRY. .s NICHOLSON, 1, D.S.. 1 • RRoa+a�mm��n�u...PA . eonsaoa, Gold t%r.rri dr eg Wirk a tp.csee*r.Fllfl.ef, 111 Years' Zsperlesew LWI MAR[R tThp,tL . its aw restLo. fee all dental opelr•.t a Pre.emarres of nos *Wont teeth • op.datl . (lee: 1 -or. W.-, BR a,la aqualen "Ai* l 1.ttaec ea N'••. Telethon. e& Nt, 10. M. TT'RNBULIn.n.a, L .ntef riP • ta1 Porten*. `liAtMM1 .rt•* Liv. Dixon. of Monte*" Onld and ppoorr+N1 a+a arttIcl.t teeth mounted on gold or a(t,e,tnus, ba'... 14peeign .U.atl•n tee. to t(tore.en ♦.ties of the n&santl Worth. UNoe Ion M+ Lis.'..ew bleed. >t zpr [JGAI. ECAWPTON. Qat-BAH[Iff9Tsold . alter. Nevem, be. Mese otter Mahon/ Rall, Square. Onderleh. G. JOIN*TON-ttttokI;Tli.tL -.to1 .lI • alter, Conntp■A.t4pke , kr, Mop.) e keep. OMws e: (leen Hamilton end aa. AMiro AI streets, 00.la!et, Ont. 1 . tin aollgtt Merritt door 'intim. 0 lowest W.r . RS, 11110 w • d e t tet wl ti GAHU�O(W'Myr�J{, 1 � 4 T. G,hORI�t - t;(;,, rM�11 t - J. km raise 4QPo11 • NOS s 5*b, ftehty to RAii 16fin0/.I4CKiNsdN t 110 IKMau. b E1. DI prim .hl. i0410:4pp1 yyEtpS. gees to feud ,t) Partt>.n (111Ae. exiaon - BA ll�� letter,notaey and e on Hnmfeontnn Weld epp(* Hetet, Iled.rick. Pr' Tate dl n re on I sots. e•"ihe4. per seek r O. WAMitring .4* roust r ter se r•xxnisumnee coif heft. a trona, d.p naltiona Of .olee,n eeno•rnint any ,erten, •elf the idyll P.•urt of J0.M•., for Ontario, or la any Court. All to.vaetloet• M e xecuted. Reside..* sad genas, Ont. LOAN5 Ass 1oureis sea ;To.r,y rn i�? 4D-- i1 t.A 1[.l of Mvu limas t es rates set .see... oe raiE Ani te Garvow a oltrNw, 'I' AUCTi0NRRRIf•O. NO]tAR GVWDRY, ATTCT'iANARR AN at Vilnaroe, (eaeertnh. Ont. 051.. airrs4,'e 10111 any part of the *Pope), G HN pica.GCNz, �L°NJand Ad vallusion, ()Mw .Ges,H. r Ing hoed sae fdwrwhi. •ip.rlOw$ in use m"o ttone•rlag tr.de. hes 1. da a pper•i1tion 1n de• charge wile tbnro,tgh 'attain/Ilse all raw► leakrse atal to hire. Orders let •• •tion'. EFMwrn.tt or sent try Vail tab('War1*' of week .0., eaewfnllp attended tn. yo11•) te(IZ, fbentr Aeel baser. ties" 'I III AH1tt101 IJCL• ekll. We La MI MIT sdiil ► Oaf ARR1V4&L Lar u,2