HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 1THREE "A'8"
ADv'T8 Awa
FOR (]
. • 1901
Oo.aaran. Deet 11. if )1.
Fall Wheat '1 70 te
Flour, tamily. pee ewe.... _.. V9 00 lo
Flow. ppaatoot, per owl....._.. --9 60 to
g41.0. .Wee .-.. ....-._ 1600 tot
Sar eeL. ,. per ewt 1 00 to
Aaek hoatt.pjer bust 0 000 ttoo
0000, a bats ___,.. f6 to
Peas.ebush.....__.._., 65 te
Barley, per bush 0 fA to
Hy torn 10 00 fol
Potatoes, bash., now 10 to
--- 0 15 to
nor 1h 0 t0 to
tiros► ttapse tsL, a See,17 to
. .. ...... .. 60 Lo
IA,. Hon
I fHDl rrnreerdssaspar Ib.. ,........._ ..«,
Ik.,med 8*s,, h d4,relee
Oattle, Reppoorrt
Ao a
00 to % 75
50 t 750
II to 0 16
15 too 16
13 to 11
00 to 6 00
00 to 650
75 tot .•A
00 to35u
Illtuatlone Vacant
peeing trade AppayS6 BwNAL0 e.
reaehere Wanted.
1 17, Ash0e1d, fcr 1007, to c xameea. Jan.-
ary Ind ADplloatloee received up 10 Deeem-
hsrl0th. 1001 AMOY to WM. J, BILACK.
fisa.•Trese., Du noaaoon 1'.0 .Ont.
Pubilo Notloe
Notloe I. hereby force that •ppllo• lo. will
be made to obi legislative Assembly of the
1'rorteo. of Ontario at the next Session there-
of for an Act to sliders and confirm • bj law
of the Towo of Oodertch. graDting • lose of
510.000. for the parpoI of aiding In ,,attblleb-
lug • Hummer lintel •t the said town. .a4 to
authorize the issue and No moot of debentures
(.411R0W t (JARROW,
Solicitors for the Town of
Ooderlcb, the •ppllcant
Dated at Ooderlob the 15th November, 1911
Mrs. S. ♦. McCOLL, In extending her thank
to our colxeus generally, ask* for • nom 1400
anoe of thele patronage. Orden promptly et•
tendod to ler making up new furs or remudel-
ling them to any style. I;momenta. etc . etc .
fwro4bed at her rooms. "a4 Oour (lake's
Block, nor. equateand Montreal it. Bnlrnoo.
on Moe treal/L 67.61.
COURT O0t)ERICH, NO. 32. C. 0 F..
lJ hold thole rewolar ineting of North 9t.
Int sad 3rd Tuesdays of every month. Visiting
brekre. always welcome.
Together of Fleteher music method, will re
osiet pupils a air studio. above Mr. Norm].
l,.araseeto toe, Iamb# re Hent For Infer
oration apply either at studio or at iesidenee.
81. Potresg'. Mewl
1Organist and musial dlreotor of North .L
Method,.' cboroh. and te►cher of pianoforte.
pi organ .o0 theory. will be ple.ed to re-
. pupils. InstruotIon given either at
goody or at pupyil's home, 01 desired. Othello
at 111eMoo's Mu.1c Ston. West et. 73-16
For Sale.
J 0.1d con.. Ooder(ch Ip„ 113 acres (66
cleared, balance hardwood, with • large
4nantttr of cedar on it). In good .um of eultr
ration. about 5 sores fall wheat and con.lder
able f.11 plowing done. ('omfortable brlok
hoose, large barn with stabling underneath.
driving shed end other outbuildings. About
two acres orchard, morally wt, er fruit. Wall
watered eater failing sprl.R creek and two
wells. Seven miles from Clinton and throe
from Hayfield, Posseeron •t any time, re.,,,.
able terms. ApDpply for further Dartloular. Ito
CHARLI.13 SIMONS, 7I St. D•vld et., (lode
rloh. 6) tin
the wsst half of lot 15, icon. 7. West W-
wanosb comprising 50 acres. Appl to HEN-
RY FOWI KR. Uunlo.non, or to Philip Holt,
H•rrtem' Ooderloh.
1 1,500 GABH, OR ON TKRM7 TO
'DD • 1.14, .111 purobase 144.1 large
stone hooee .tib si t -roomed .dd,rlon,dtuated
on Ploton Street. }lalf en acre of land with
all the outbuildings thereon thrown to Fur
farther partloulars .D ly to TH EO. J. MOO R -
HOUSIL, B•yneld P. 0. 30-tf.
OORSALR.-LOTS 96. 96, 117, 118. 119
and IM In Hntohleoo's survey. all In
oderlob. For partlonlem a ply to
Herri,ter, &o., Ooderi.h.
Morse 14th.4100. ne-tf
sod Surgeon. Of1oe la Rink ot Com-
mero.baflding, west .Ide of Moans. Milli
oslis et residence, Elrlo e.. W Toone 96.
Inauranoe. oto.
ANOS end re•1 sstate agent. OTne, the
door out of I'. 0., (ioderloh. Agent for the
Ieeding mutual fire Insurauoe oomlanler and
leading stook oomp.niee.
Mero.nttle and m.nofa°fhrt.g risk. at
°west rates. Call at o1Moe.
_Accountant and Insurance Agent
f11E/ ap4eanu made no.
and mots oolleetd,
to ikrltl.44 and Canadian
Prendfoot t Hays Mins, North
an -t(
j SURANOK and Real Rotate •pot.
Fir.. 146., Aeoldeatand Plate Glass Inenronoe
of .01.4 tin mutual or cesh plan at lowest
rater Eoselble.
11• t Rootlet and Canadian companies rep
res d.
OM e. next door to (arrow t (Jarrow, Bar
rl.'er. Hamilton street.
Auction hale
Under sod by Tien of the power of sale
Lentaln0A In • certain mortgage, whtoh .111
1S need at the time o t Nate, and noon
w default has been madee,, there will be
for salt by p ipllo another. at Hutton',
, Ilamntes etreet, le the town of Onde
In the Sassy r Heron, by John Knox.
.4 an atardy, December It.
tee Ilaaa, the fn:lowlnr vainable
peels or tracts of land
on t ietorl• .teat In the
, to the oonnty of Heron. Do
of lots sloe haedred-and-nme
..d -fort la th. said tows
Oa tka prset .re geld 4 be
✓ binge OM mate.
orale t m gprr sent. of the nr haee
meow to be pas ascan at the time of talo and
rte D.I..eo lei N y days theoa•f4r with In-
terest at 6'per Mot ;ere mortgage will he
takes ea teres tte he •rrsaget for • porno.
r e
trtke mereN a pp49 to
•dei s Moiloltore,
6 M.Ilada /4
No. 7.
Auraal Ibih-Our first h.lt today was •t
the ":rand Opera. of whlob we oblmed o0
eatortor view. 11 is owe of the greatest
bulldog. In fare, .nd the levet and
grandest opera house to the world. Between
four and five hundred bathos were demolish-
ed to provide the site. It o10uple the
whole block, an ore of Dearly three sore.
and for site .od bullding, finished, omit
.early ten m111toos of dollar.. it le • mag-
alfioeo/.fronto» viewed from any point.
sva broil 61
A do • .loo she (Jroat Boul rely
w to the }'Lae de la Uonoord,, the fines"
square In Poi.. Daring the Reign of 1'
In 1793. the 1.111./los was erected on the
spot where now stands the Obelik of Lux
or. On "he 30th of May, 1770, a1 • display
of fireworks to oelebrate the marrlag' of the
D.upblu, • panto mote from Bosse anex-
plaloed oaths, whlub resulted in 1,200 per
Btu being crushed or suffocated to death,
• od 2,000 being seriously loomed. Botwee,
January and M.y, 1795, upwards of 2,000
persona were her. deco') mated, sed Lout, X V 1
and Marie Autolwbto were the first vlotlm
The ebelt.k 1.. monolith, or solid piths of
stow•, seventy-elx feet high and *sighing
2140 tone, The grey granite pedestal on
which it stands b . single block of nloety-
six tow weight. The sight Moe statutes In
the u(ears rspremot the chief towns of
Franca. Tbenoe wo Berl •long the
Champ. ElyWel to the P•IAIs de 1' Klyse,
the offial.1 residence of the }'resident of the
Republlo for the time befog. Theo. s .long
to the Aro ds Triomphe to the P•I.o. and
(larded. of the Treoadero. The P.Loe otn-
sbt. of .. olroul•r tdi6ee of vest proportions,
surmounted by • dome, which Is 173 fee►
in diameter, .101wileg the width of that of
St. Peter's .1 Komi by thiey-five feet, and
th.t of St Paul'n, Loodoe,by elxtyfive feet.
t'he bronse-clic statue at the top represento
Rome, Oa e.ch side of the dome ere tinily
proportloo.d towers, we oosi.Jed one of
these towire by an enormous lift, that took
fifty of oe up .t ooe time. They •re 270 tt.
high. The large festival hall a 190 It ii
diameter, and 180 fl. high, Is seated to bold
6 000 porsens, and 00.t•ine the target
organ in Fr.00e. '1he wings sr. o.oh over
• quarter of • r.1'e la length, and the
touat.lw and gardens, .nd museum• are all
worthy of tospeotlo0
From the Troo.d.ro we oro.. over the
Jaw bridge, pose the Eiffel Lower, .od o0
through the C'h.mp de Mus; view the big
wheel. bu,lt ootlr.ly of Iron, •ed 328 ft. In
dl•metar, thence past the military tralolog
establlhhmes/ with its quarter of • mile
fa ode, and on to the Hotel des Iovlldes,
wk oh coven as •res of thirty-one scree
Originally e.teeded to reoelye 5,000 pen
•tonsn. tesral porta of the bolldln, h.ve
been devoted to other porpoise, and It now
contains about 200 beds It presents to-
wards the Selo' . facade 600 feet long. Oor
main .ttractioo here wo the Cbarob of the
Involutes, and tomb of Napoleon. Th.
Church of the Invalid's Is an edifice dlvlded
into two part, the ('buroh of St. Loots, and
the Dome, built by Man rt In 1706 The
ohurcb is •doroed w ith f.d.d flags and
trophies, ohirfiy (tuutored 1n Algeria. The
beautiful gilded dome, 340 lost high, o►o b.
seas at • great distance, .od undor this
great dom. b erected the beautiful memori-
al tomb of Nepoleom. 1'b• olrouler crypt is
thirty six het in diameter, .od twenty feet
r'eep The walls are of polished granite.
atler..d with mulls relief•, the *Hoot of
Public Notice.
green wood w111 bur the 1600. 9 Origltal
wood nook stove, Tbl. stove. 4 new and the
settles prloe was 115. Take 17 Inch wood. I
•gain •dvertl. that I .111 Dot be reepooeible
for an thing got without my written order.
O N.11)AVId
1w the matter of the Owardinsah(p of the in-
fant children o/ Horner Newton lore of
the Tows of Ooderich. in 6Ar Clounty
of Huron, Gentleman, Deeeneed•
rotloe Is hereby given th.t after twenty
days from !the first publication of this notice.
• plloatloo w111 be made to the Surrogate
()ourt of the County of Huron. on behalf of
the Toronto Gonenl Trout Corporation, for an
Order aptolnting the geld (Corporation ()mord
Ian of May Newlon and Iy Newton. Infant
ohildron of the said Horac. Newton, deceased.
Dated at Oodenoh this 10th day of Deoem-
her• 1L)1.
their Solirltor..
•n •pplinatlon will be made al the next
session of the legtstature of the Province of
Oo4rio for an Aot to Incorporate a nompany
for the folio•ing Pr -*ogee. among others .
(.1 To oonstrnot. equip, maintain and op.r-
• tean el.c1,.0 railway. rill..,. or radial
railway system from • point in or near the
town of Noderloh, In the county of Huron. to
the .111.ge of Ihonrannon, In obi 04nnt7 ; alp
with power to conetroot. equip. malotaln and
uprate a line of railway from Carlow, 1. the
Sown.hlp of ('Olborne, to • potot In or near
Auburn. In 4l4 oouoty ata tkenoe t r a point
In oroeer the rtllags of Blyth, and thence to
walten, nn the northern 1 road, and
theisoe through the township of Mogillop to
the town of beaforth, sal thence to the town
of Clinton. and thenoe through the tnwnehlp
of Ooderloh to the Hayfield road. and the.oe
to the tow, of Ooderloh ; oleo with power to
ooneroet equip, maintain an1 operate the
following Manch lines. viz. r north from the
eillag' of HI> th m the town of W'ngham north
from Walton beforem,,tlooed to the v,lage
of Brussel,. and thenoe , ,rth 16 the village r f
Wroxeter . oleo (tom a point whero rhe said
railway oonneets with the 1le►fi•ld road,
thence wash to Ibe village of Hayfield, thence
southerly through tta townships of Stanley,
Hay and Stephen to a pnlnt at or near Park -
h,11. thence through the county of Ml/silent
to the olty of London ; also with power to cos
. Droot, pulp. maintain and operate a Ione of
rl•w.7 from Dunlop In the towwklp of Cot
Lorne, theone through the township of A6h-
60l1 to • point in or near K tnoar.ilne, In the
county of Bene, theses to the •Illi/. .6 Tiv-
erton. In said moray, thence to a point in or
near Port &gin, In geld county. thence to •
potit Ip or near S ,nthsmpton, In bald county
and thenoe to a point In or near ,VI•rloo. ti
the said county of Hrnee.•ud there to Owea
Hoed, in the county of Orly ; •Iso from the
town of Ktnrrd'n. through the oonnp of
Brno* to the town of Walkerton, le said coun-
ty - and upon and over •oon streets, highways
e n, lands es may be snthorized by the muni-
eloalttlss, oompenle. or Individnais hoeing
jurisdiction over or owning the same.
onl To enable the eompany to make ar-
rangome• to regerding the nes or •7qulall Ion of
ilrerta, h!ghways and lands mot to arprop/
• e Iwd. for the pc-potin o tea company
wlc To enable the company to amdgamat.
'h. armoire theatonk, hond.. franoM4es and
01ets of. and to enter Into traffic or other
agreements with other corporations, oenpan
les or ..
(di o make paymenta In Feld np .took• nr
bonds for right of way. material, ppl.nt, rail-
way stook or oth'r Dort Ines 6'rth.ring the
fai To manuf.eto re.. sell or lean elentrinlly
Or electric power to am persona Or forgoes
tions Hong .e• part o Ili railways, and to
nonatroet ann operate teleranph •nd tole
phone systems In tanneotlon with the roll
wet .
I I To renolre asel.Unoe from munlalpoll
ties or IndIvldmla by way of .uheidk.v. bonus-
es on the ernarantee of las oompanre 'sonde or
etherwee rd fur other pnron"
ogl To build. armoire. own, nharter or lease.
navigate and nu etgem end other veae.a. and
to Anitd, eOnsaront an4 maintain all necessary
wharves and warehouses. piers and stooks,
for oke p ernes of the acmes,.
(h) Te amQaire load for the pur of no.-
sOrnetingaerl oper.11 g, and w11h power to
.eeetruo end operate, hotels at eneh panes
apes the Ilse of railway of the eompa.y ee
m(»a atOod le 11th day of Dame
bor.1M I.
16011.Itlr Dae Ap tiosot;
whloh ie greatly eobaoori by the etroog
/olden Mood of light admitted through the
stained wooden". Tbo n1 mai0 pavement at
the bottom represent. • wreath of laurels
The great Emperor sleep. (n • earooph•gus
made from • single blink of red Frul•nd
granite, prsse0tsd by Alezauder 1. of Hus-
eia, •od w.lgbiag sixty ..yet tone, The
dimensions of this beautiful carved and
poll.hed .*roophagu. are 13 feet long, 611
feel wide, and 14lj fe0 high. The remalo.
of hapo'ooi were brought from St. Helen•
to Pari. 10 1840, thus fulfilling the request
embodied In the conqueror'. will, a. to -
the vault : "1
bed oyer b
e rl
desire that my asbe may ret ou the banks
of the Se:n., in the midst of the Freooh
people, whom I have so well loved."
Right and left of the orypt are mooa-
meots to V.ub.o, the prloue of military
e egloeero, and Marshal Tureooe, and obs
two chapel• to the right of the eutranos
000t•l0 the erooph.gua.a of Jerome booa-
parte and Joseph Bonaparte.
From here we were driven past the fatale
Bourbon and eh. Poles de ta Ler,uo d'Hon-
near, and made • h.lt at the Palate Roy.I
for l000h. Thu polao. hu seen many
oh..,.., both 1a name and siege. '1h.
Mr.t Moon are used as restaurant., and •
great deal of cheap jewellery is sold her..
Our nett place to visit wee the church of
St. Kustache. The greater part of the
belda g was erected In the sixtenth and
tooth centuries. The wet portal
we only oompleted In 1854. The oburoh is
one of the most Important, in Pane. The
lot.rlur 1. 348 het loop and 108 leet wide.
1t L lofty and er•oelul. The °bangle, of
whloh there are many, are richly deoor•ted,
and *oaten fine fieaooes. We thou vblted
Ube Hailes Centrale.. 'fess, the l.rvee
market ie Parts. 1• • vel eiruoture °over -
log an area of twenty two acres. Th.
building ie of Irmo, rooted with zmoo, and
000es:. of tea pavthons, between which
run covered streets, this forming aroad•,
forty eight let wide and as many feet In
height Then are five payllloos on both the
north and south eds., bts.ot.d by •o
avenue eeveoty-sive feet wi4e and divided
by su ot.rsec•Ing s'reet 105 feet Ie width,
running north and .outh, with six p•vllto°.
on ane sole aid four on the otb.r. Kwh
p•vill. n oontains 250 stall. of forty square
feet, the tent of which s only lour °sore
per -day, and yet. email a the rectal ap
pear• to be, tet dally l000meof the building
from the tenants 1. 560. The twelve
hundred .torage cellar. bring an additional
rectal of 525 per day. The .411. are at-
tended to by smart look!nr women, and the
tor.1 daily else .mount to, o, an ay.rags,
From bare we drive to the P;oos de la
R.publigoa, and view the Statue of the R.-
publ.o. Th. figure is of brocz,, thirty-two
feet blob, standing on • stone pedetel
wbtob b fifty feet to height. It i. adorned
with three figure to bronze, •lz,, Liberty,
Equality and Freaernity, and twelve hs-
torloal bee relief". Our meth stop wt. at
the Place de la Batille. In thi. bl.torto.l
.guar. stands the Column of July. The
oolomo is of broom", thirteen feet to diam-
eter, and 154 tat to h.Ight, and ret. o0
• fo.odalon of whit. marble. A spiral
. tair of 212 supe leads to o b►Icony near
the too. We next drive by th. prsoo de
I. Roquette, and plan. of execution and
halt at the oem.te.y of Pen L.oh.lee. This
cemetmy wet e.tabliahed In 1804, contain.
110 acre, and 18,000 monuments. It is too
mach °rowd.d with a1une and bronze mono
menta to please ray fancy. 11 oon410a the
remains of many pinnate whose mama art
prominent in the history of the put eantury.
A crematory 1. established hare. We thou
drove to Port S1. Martin. This aroh war
erected in 1674, to oomm.mor•te victories,
but It was through this arch that the •Med
armies entered Pars in 1814, A
struggle b.twt, toe commune and the
g ayeromeot formee took piec. here In 1871.
We vlew.d Port St. Dent., erected In 1670.
It. bletory I. much the same as th. above.
III. e'ghty-on' feet high and elghty•two
fret wile. We pass on to Huts. Chaumont
This beautiful park le located on high
ground. Tne centre ha. beth exctyated for
• g0arry: to i. now °obverted into . mina
tore rocky wllder0ee., w.th lake, ouoode,
• t*lantlte grotto, etc., fornts, a doe sum
mer Tenn.
Again the h.t roes round and we are
dri•.o to our hotel.
le C. 1. COYYuNCIYINT.-Tb• annael
oommeocemest exercises of the Collegiate
institute w. 11 to bell In the assembly room
of the school tomorrow (Friday) svesiog.
Prize and oertitio•tee will be dletriboted to
the students who won them at the etamlo.
atone of the year.
MAsooic OrriczR' -Th. election of nlfio.
ere of Maitland Lode', No. 33, A.F. A
A.M., took plane oo Tuesday evening with
the following result: W.M., W, 1). Tyr;
S W., F. J. T Nafiel; J. W., Jeho ()alt;
aresarr, R G, Rnyoolde, oheplaio, W m.
Grose; territory, H. W. H•I': Tyler, John
Mtottoirat. KI.g,TtONt.-Nomloatlons for
the town oouootl and publlo school trustee
board w11l 4k• plat• on Monday, D.oem•
bey 30th, and the eleotloos • week Iter.
rho.ohool terr're. whose term expires tel.
tear. hat who are, of coarse, eligible for
re eleuIon, ars R Mclean, William Ache-
son, M. Nloholeea and H, W. IB.11,
1)1ATa or tion. F. R. LATCHrontes LrT•
T e DAt'°HTSR.-Those of our reader' who
had the prlvllege of meeting Hon. F. R.
Lstohford during hl. r.oent trip throuoh
West Huron, will regret to learn that be
has just suffered the lose of hl' y000gest
danghter, • bright little ohild of three
►ear'. It i' but • short time sinus the ds
ter of the hoe. R.ntleman wits removed by
deet h.
DIATII 0t Jons A1,Arn. OsHAWA.-1h.
death •f John Adair ((•them of Charlie
Adair, for some time • resident of this town)
occurred on the 211th nit. at hl' home In
Oshawa, to isle y fifth year. H' was
of Irl.h birth, bat h.d spent nosey his
whole lifetime neer the town In wbioh he
•pont his declining year'. He 1s .nrvlved
by hie vide and • homily M flu. d.ghter.
and two gone.
Niwe mmom TH■ iIARIMR. --The 'obr.
Ketohdln we towed into port en Tuesday
by the tug .lohn Owen, Alpena The
Katandin bad • load of lumber for Dym.01
and will winter here The tog Dymeni
•rrlved In th' harbor on 'Tossday and will
h•.e • new engin• plated Ih her.. . . Cwt
Cr.lgie has bruuvht in this buoys marking
the .ntra.ce channel, whloh moans prat.
Ideally that navigatles le aloud hero,
NArl.t l.1lAu a Orrtcaao. -- Maple Laf
Lodge, No 27, A 0 U W , eleet«I officers
se follow' on Moedoy sealer : 1'. M , W.
I) Forgoer; M. W , A. Ne'a'r; femme',
.1oh. Story; overseer, J. Sande: renerder,
Oso. Wood'; Meanest, W. Least tremorer,
K R Watson; gold'. W. Holland; i W.,
.1a. Poetlethwalle; 0. W., John R,•Ir;
repreeesgethe Ie Greed Lodge, (Jon. Weida;
•It .est', K. R. W•sesr treeee*, N. Merrle,
A Rgooan s, -This Is the time nl
yeat when we hear of bog load. of grate
.omlq b market ; and ee Saturday WIi.
Ibm ('eek, of th. Mnt nnsnsesl.a of Oede-
gbh township, drew en 1e A. J. reep.r's
twesh. S widish It le °Weed i. lb b 'psI
on r000rd, There were 200 ball is and 18
Ibs. of o•te in the load, and at 45 efoe •
bushel Mr. hook pookeeed the handsums
amount of 590.25. When anyboly beats
thle we want to hoar about it,
dUre0I6Tl0O Tua LAKs Suog■ RAILWAY.
-The Port EIglo town Oeanuli at lie last
reator meetle, paled • strong resolution
pledging itself to do •11 possible to promote
Ih. extension of the M001100140 Island rod i
Lake Shore Rtllw•y from Wtartuu to (3ods,
rtob •long the shore of Lake Huron, to 00o
. et this ,tilos of the 0ouotry with New
(laarlu, and alt urging oo bath the Pro
i on (Jo eromete the
use Dom of
•liuul • ►
I.taooe to he Cler use
rooderi0g of Ilbeul •see i R
company upon tiler agreeing to uodertak'
the work,
Hoto•Y (LCB RI•ob.cANI/.ID.-A meet-
inp was held on Monday evening for the
re.organis.tlon of the Uoderlob hockey
club. Others were elected as follows
Honorary president, Hoo. J. T. (Jarrow,
K C'., M.P.P ; boporary vtos president, W.
L. Etlot ; preeldeut, K. C. Attrill ; •loe-
presldent, H K Jordan ; secretory-treas.
urer, D. Molver ; captain, Chas. Mo0aw.
1f the so operation of other towns tau be
soured. a oouoty lexeun will be formed.
Ooderloh has good hockey seatarial and we
may "'poet some Moe sport during the
ENLInID rott SOUTO AY.ICA.-(:oderlch
will Ie represented in the J.•dlan oontln•
gent now being recruited for eeryioe In
South Afrlo• in the p.noo of Arthur C.
Pule. H. was taken on the force •t Lon•
don, where his eordierly qu•litte oarrled
bin. through the oxemloattoo which .II
applicants have to undergo. The term of
enlistment le "for • period of twelve
months, or until toe war :s 1.1 an end." Mr.
Yule was • member of the Canadian far•
rl,ou reglmeut at H.id.x, and It the men
of the new 000Uopent are ail of the ee0u
stuff as he they wilt do.
DEATH or MRs. W r. W ALTga. - The
doth of Mrs. W alter, widow of the late
William \Vatter, 000urred rather suddenly
oo Mond•v from hart failure. 1h. had
been In faili.g health for some time, but
was able to be •bout the house on 800day.
Mrs. Walter wee .o octogenarian, haring
posed the foursoore mark by twenty days.
Her husband piedeceased her by •bout two
yen, She leaves. large family, all grown
up, of wbom Mie Walter le the only one
living ao home. The tumoral took place
Irom the rtldesoo, corner Britannia road
and Eldon street, y.Nrday •fte•0000 to
Colbcroe oemeterv.
Two MIN MADE HAt•rr.-There were
two "lost" alvertt.emnte to THE SIGNAL
last week. Oo• of the lost article, • fur
o•p, was returned to this office the day
follow.ng the publ,o•tlon of Ttis SIGNAL
It tong • little longer for the o•her "ad."
to take effect. tut It gob there, •o,i
this week a Paretan lamb gauntlet w01 rr
torpid to Its rightful owner through TIM
510NAL offre. '10. great family journal le
read by the ptople; and when you want to
End anythiop, or e11 anything, or root any
thing, or get • job, or draw • crowd. von
o.wnet get the et. e1 the public more ef
f.otually than throu,h the oolumo. of Tug
patch from Kingston i0nmatee that •n
lnv.atlg.ttoo w111 be asked for in the neer
of the four men of the steamer lndla who
lost their lives in the wreck of the sohroner
Marine Osty off Goderloh last a.onth. The
despatch is as follows: J. W. Halpin,
brother of the late Jas. Haipin. drowned
nff the eoh000er Marin• City, near Gods
rich, has forwarded to the MinUter of
Marine •od Fisheries.pecifioobarges against
Capt. Malone of the steamer India, the
chief Item being oeglot of duiy l0 not
making .n attempt to take the four men
off the Marine ('ity, Mr. Halpin has eked
for ao In•estlg•tfoo.
04FI''EILY or TDI■ HONr•ITAL B,Agb,-A1
the poll of Philip 8.lt, oon , • metlmg
of the director. of the Alexandra public and
marine hospital we held In the library of
the ooart house and the following offtoer.
were appointed : President, ,lodge Doyle;
viorprddeot, the Mayor of (Jodertch;
treasurer, W m. Proudfotl; secretary, E. N.
Lewis; and a maraging committee consist
Ing of Mre. Mscl):oold, Mn, Morrl., Mie
Lewis, Judge Doyle, Robert Mclean,
Mayor Wilson, Nm. P,oudfoot, Charle A
Nairn and F:. N. Lewis wt. appolffed.
Judge Doyle le chairman of the managing
oommlttee; Charles A, Nalro, •ice-ch•Ir-
man; Mre. MooDou•Id, .eor.tor9, and Mrs.
Morrl., treasurer. Tne oolleotore for the
bo.olt.l are meting with good success, a
specially gretllviti feature being the reoelpt
of • number of uneoltclted 000tri sutions.
Express, In reoordlog the death of the 1st*
Andrew J, Green, pays the following tri -
bate to the memory of the decea..d: in
1896 be settled ib Sault `lis. Marie and we
engaged with Mr. H. F.. Leland, who •t
chat time was proprietor of the Algonquin.
Subsequently, •bout four years ago, h•
entered the employ of Mr. Clerpue as gen
er•l oy f the etahles a0d mail oar
rler for the allied oomp.oles, where he
remained until the 11me of his death.
Thoroughly trustworthy to every reapeol,
energetic, Intelligent, oourteooe and cher
lis{ in the dlsoharg. of any and every duty
entrusted to him, both Mr. Clergue and
Mr, C. I'. Worthington soon recognized in
"Andy" -as he was familiarly known -•
valued and reliable man, It le Bald th.t
among the whole nt the men in Mr. Ulergue'a
employ, Irrespective of rank, how we
more Implicitly trusted than Andrew Greer,
and he will be sadly missed by both the
above named gentleman. Andrew wee a
member of Nlokel lodge of Fresmesona No
427, Sudbury, oleo • monster of Al(eegaln
(Jhapter of Royal Aroh Mann. of this town;
he wee of a 00urtenuo and kindly dt.pool
tion, aver ready to du one • good turn, and
hie integrity and uprightneu were manifest
to •ll who knew him; Ie bore ne •nlmnaity;
mo harsh word .past hie fellow man w..
ever heard to fall from hie hpe, and those
who knew him beat will mise him moth.
Rel. JAgry PRgRTON Dien. - -After •
prolonged illesss. Rey. .lames Preston, a
former pastor of Nnrth street Methodist.
church, died Thursday morning l.st •t
Brantford, where he h.d boon living for
some v.tre. 1'he deceased was • saperan-
nhoted minister of the Methodist ohoroh In
Canada, and had been In .otive work tom.
thirty yore, derin, which time h• h.ld
many Important appolotments. For th.
last eighteen years h• had led • retired id.
• od for snme nonsiderable time had teen
confined to the house. He wee Mre Nay
2, 1828, in Iwnrater, Eno , and risme to
this oonntry when twenty on• years of age,
ha•Inr beam. • minister of ten Wesleyan
Method .t ohoroh before leaving home. H.
beams nonneoted with the Indiana confer
enme and remained there tar two years,
after which he lobered ..rneeefolly open
vrion. ciroolU in this Province. Bofors
hu super tlnn M bred for • 1 .,, le
Mount Pleasant, enne•Is/ to liranttnrd
10014 11.00 years ago. Reside the wldnw,
there suryl.' him Iwo daeghtor.. MIN
Preston, how In .1ap•n ; Mro. FA. Johnson,
el Brrdno, and two.ene, Wm. Preston, of
Stratford, •nd T. H Preeten, b. P. P , of
Rroofind, The late Mr frets. wee •
mea of nomm.adine appearance ekes le
the vigor of life. e1 dlg.l5ed swum sad
ln.pe.eMAlit latagrby, .atgbg M the
fulled eztast the ett ce and confidence of
him brethren to the mlotat 7 and of the
people among whom he labored.
1 ITIRAN1' LAND ( .0(70 -A circular
letter has ben prepared and w111 be fur-
wardel Immediately to toe thouea0d or .0
veterans who., ulalme for laud grants hays
been approved by the Department of C'rowu
L.ods. The letter informs the recipient
that "fors.rvioes readered Caned• and the
•mptre he is 004111ed to • location of 160
• ores in the Proviuo.•, and thio letter is to
Iu1imats to him that be may proceed to
eeleot the same." A O'rtl8aale Is enoloeed,
whic eon tattoo to •n Crown Laud.
hes r o
• geot .,11 enable him to select his claim at
any tome during two years following the
dots of thecertl5o•te The .gent will issue
• reoeipt glvin0 particular. of the 1ot, wbioh
will he bald by the locates Feuding the
L.uanoe of formal papers by the depart
moor. Toera Is •iso furnished a 44.t of
township. •variable for settlement under
the act. [And guides will be furnlsb.d
e ppltwnU, at the expense of the depart•
ment, through whom the claims may be la
•ptosed. The ordinary prooedur. of proving
the 003 occupancy of the lots he been
simplified Dy providing that •hdavite to
thte effec: may be made by the applicant sir
h1. repreeentattve, oorrobarated by Ihs land
guide, and sworn to beloro the Crown Lands
agent without Dost. It a pointed out. in
conclusion, that only one ololm may be
rootetered to ouch square mile, •nd that
✓ ednoed railway rates wherever granted for
.otnal settlers will be available for •ppli
manta under this act, 00 senurlog • o.rtlfio• e
from the Bareau o1 Colualaatien,
Cbrletmu belle will soon Fr Heeling, What
more aooeptaole gift fora man than • natty
made-to-ordor ovorooat or suit 1 Uel" oa 1. J.
Prtdh•m, the people i clothier.
-Now ie the time to renew your sub•
scription to THs SIGNAL for 190`2.
Christmas Is not quos ewo weeks away.
County Court t. in progress this week
beloro Judge Doyle.
Miss Edo• Gust has been sog.ged to
reach In the Fordyoe publlo school next
Mia. Dugas spent Thanksgiving In Detroit
and brought book some new Ideas 10 mil•
I loery.
Mn. G. Simons hoe returned from Boy -
field •fear speudlog a pleasant week wub
friends there.
1lavld MoKloley, of Edinburgh, Soot•
land, hay Dome to reside with les uoole, Dr.
J, M. McLeod.
The Daughters of the Empire will meet
on Moodoy In the library in the court
bone at 4.30 t• R
The skating •00100 hes commeooed early
this Tear. 1). lhomp.00 L again the lessee
of the Weft st rink.
Rob( Brown 1. home for the holidays
from Toronto, when he he been atteudln.
tea Uolloge of }'harm.oy.
Mr. and Mrs, Westoby have removed to
S'. Catherine, where Mr, Weatoby h.s h.d
a w,sition as mill,r for some time.
Abe Ida Harland returned this wok
from I)•trait, where she h.d bean fur some
months tab fog • course is stenography.
We have bat pretty nerdy all kinds of
wether the past week. The snow plow
was oat Tuesday morning for the Sret time
this season.
An lnmate of the jail named John Weir,
who was confined for Insanity, died on
Tuesday. He was registered from the town
of Walkerton.
Th. gun club wi11 h.v.. r(fi. shoot for
,orkeys nett Wednesday atternoon at the
club ranges, and etpect to hove a good
ofterdoon's sport.
Mrs. Geo. Thomson 1. 00 Rodney atteod-
nr bar son, Rey. A. K. Ai. Thomsen, whn,
we regret to (earn, Is sufferlog from an
wrack of quinsy.
James Fleming, Proylnolal inspector of
Legal Offices, was at the court home on
Friday 101► and found everything In • eat
hfaolory toodit,00.
John Gentles, of Ktoo.rdine, well known
,n 1;ederioh, has gone out of the bore boss•
MISS and wi11 devo!• his attention axclu.•
Ivsly to rel estate.
Clinton New Era : Miss Ferguson, of
Goderich, i. now engaged at Hodgins Bros
Palsoe In the place of Mlee C000h, who re-
. gned her pcsitfoo oo Saturday last.
It Is new • nil/demeanor, punishable by
fine, to spit upon or otherwise disfigure the
granolttblo walks of the town. The tow■
council p.eaed a bylaw ooverlog the matter
.1 their meeting last Friday night.
The selectors of juror. for the year 1902
will oommeooe their work on Monday, 16th
,not. Th. board oonel.re or .fudge Meson,
Judge Doyle, Sheriff Reynolds, Treasurer
Holmes •od Warden Holt.
U. M. Elliott has carried out quite •
novel idea in one of his windows, It is •
modal of the Ooderlch summer hotel, made
from bars of Sunlight soap, and look.
particularly well when lighted up in the
W. R, Miller, of the North Amerlo•o
L1fe Inturonoe Company, woe fo town this
weak. Mr. 501 1.r'. headquarters is now at
London, ped he will probably be able Io
•ids his friends In Ooderloh more frequently
than before.
Mn. Clark, of Colborne township, mother
of W, F. Clark, V S., town, sustained •
. overs accident at her home oa Monday.
tie. slipped on o plena of toe and fell oh her
arm, putting the elbow out of joint and
fracturing It near the same place.
Court Unclench, No 32, C.0.F.,wlll hold
their nest regular meting on Tuesday nett,
December 17th, when toe slsetiob of officer
will Oke place, and also a fres eotertaln-
Mebt will be given to the brethren present.
All the members ar. aroed to be present.
Tilos. I4URRnwe, isoretary.
1'rom now until ('artatm•. our readers
should give careful 000001.. to the •dyer.
ti..ment. of our local truenes men. it
will rain them a -hood deal of time to
konw just where to gn for what they w.nt;
and, Mode., the merchant. who advertise
are oenerally the merohanto who parry 1 he
best. abate.
Nrrrma. -The loeal agency In Dungannon
(or 7 n■ SIfiN.I.le at the omce of J. O. Ward.
.l. 1', oonvsvencer. to., who w111 receive
orders for .nbwirip•Inns, •dverb.ing and lob
work. and Is authorized to give reoelpu for
amount. paid for the same.
fr:eawer. Dee. 3.
ArroINTWIINT, -Joe. A. M.Ilonrh, h.y•
Ins, ruined • oommiesfon to parohsee
horse for South Afrio., left here recently
for London with horse• for Impeotfon. He
nu erns hers., p.rohoesd
THANgtaniVIN, Fetrrlv.l..-Oo Thursday
eveeing (Thank.glving I)ay) cher. was held
In Gay's •nditortotm a thankeglving supper
at whleb gills • taro. number partook of
the vrled and hnuntdd opted el edibles.
Alter sapper woo oyer there was an ez0e1-
leet program, eoesf.ting of mein, and rond
add by Ret Meson. Harris, of f.uok•
sow, 'A Ilan, of Nils, .pd the paster, Rev.
T. MoN.lr, whn ably presided, • oh•Irm•n
who, by oke ay, 1. a hest le himself. The
pressed, e1 the wpp.r 1s4 of ►h. noel
n eat evenlsg amounted to upwards of 1170.
• n Interesting 000carl In thi Agrloultural
ball un the ovenlog of December 19.h,
ander the •uspl0.. of the board of publlo
suhoul trustee., In uooaeotlou with toe
publlo sohuol hen. 11 is expeoted that
Mie Merton Wallows, • graduate of the
Comuook liohool of Oratory, w111 assist In
the entertainment. 1'he young lady is
probouoeed to be one of the best entertain•
ars in oratory In the Dominion, therefore s
Is anticipated that • large 041.04•.0. w111
be present. A .ptsodid program 1. being
re •red for the occasion.
H ITH[R AND THITHKR.-Mn. Vandusen,
of Mount Brydge., L enjoylog h.rself oo an
extended rhtto to Doctor and Mre, Byes and
family. She i. btghly pleased with our
neat, progressive hamlet Mrs. B. J.
Crawford left here. via l:oderiob, oo a •ta-
lotog tour to friend• •t the Forest City,
Ingersoll and other point., on W.doesd•y
of 1.04 week. W. wish her • joyous vislt-
ing tour and safe return Mrs. Jobb
Hrydges, of Ooderlob, attended the funeral
of her uncle, Alex. Pentland, on Saturday
last, otiose which time she h•a been vleltlog
her father, Thomas l'entland, r.6urolog
home thi. mur0leg Mrs. Sands, of
Arise Cr.iF, left for hums on Monday after
having spent • w.ek's visit to her son, Rioh
mond Sand. Mesons. Alex., William
and Richard Spier., employees of the Big
Mill, Ooderloh, rpeot Sunday with nor
.enl.l and esteemed llyery keeper, Donald
McNevin, brother to the two firmer
Joha Olen has moved, with hi. family, into
the bush on lot 17, con, 6, where he ban •
timber oontrwt until spring Jo.eph
tVlleoo, who has leased his premises, lot 18,
acne 6, W est Wawanosh, to (Jenrge Henry,
for. term of years, will 000apy John Olen'.
house in Dungannon until spring, and moved
lob 11 on Monday.
Oa Saturday the rem.lns of the late Alex.
Pentland, who died laet Thursday, were
solemnly laid in their final resting place In
Dungannon cemetery, bear escorted thit her
by • large oorte9s of sorrowing 111►tive.
.nd .vmpath,.i,g trieod., many of whom
were from Luckoow, Dorris, Goderich, Nile,
Manchester and other points. Hs pastor,
Rev. T. MoN•,r oondncted the obsiquies In
the Methodist oburoh, whloh was tilled to
14. atmo.t capacity. The d gentle
m.n based h1. remark. on the words, "The
death of the just,' reminding hsandtenosof
the necessity, In order to die happy, of
living • just and Godly Ilfe. Shim and
hypoorttlo.l profes.loc of rellgioo would b.
of little avail In the time of d.p•rtur. Irom
thi. world, 1'h. deceased was highly
esteemed es • parent, husband, oitizen and
upright, contelsat member of the M.tbod
sit ohurcb, with which he was connected
from his youth, and io which he was ew-
trusted with many otfioes. Hie la.t words,
"1 am happy,'' were of great .ignt6wnoe
and consolation to the eurvlvtng r.latives
ore was age." .eventy•reven year. and teres
month. and was one of the first settler" 1n
,hu locality when 1t wan • done forest, and
atter enduring meuy prlyation. and hard-
shlps, by .heer industry and Integrity made
to himself numerous friends an'd a comfort•
able home. The slooere sympathy of the
entire oommunity le extended to the be-
reaved family, especially the widow who,
we regret le in • eery poor •tate of health,
In the b •em.ot, '1'he oau•e of decease
was •.ort of caooer In thn face, wish which
Mr. Pentland had been .tilt ted for many
year.. The poll.be•✓ers were hl. eon Alex.,
U. Htokle, James Gtrvl0, Ce. Anderson,
Sam Penrland and Samuel Shepard.
TOmenAr, Deo. 10th.
The p0llitcal friend. of Hno, J. T. Gar•
row, M.P.P , on account of the large m•
jority reuroing him to Parliament, are
quits, jubilant.
MnntcllAL UOl'N,'II,s -- The muotolpal
fat.here of the township. of Ashfield and
West W •w•oo.4 will both meet on Monday
the 16th. All c000erned will govern them•
selves •000rdingly. Colleotor 1. H. Tailor
ezpeota all unpaid taxes for 1901 to be paid
at or before the session of conooll. All
ol.:m. against the township of West W•
whoosh ar. to be presented at or before the
aassloh for payment.
HITIt1R AND I4ITHIII-Mr.. 1'1. Dur,io,
rellat of the late Edward I)urnio, left here
last Friday on an extended visit to her
daughter, Mn. John Wood., Grand Valley,
Wellington Co. W. wish the venerable
lady • pleasant visit and safe retort
R R. Duraln ie visiting relatives at Her
peter, °minty of Waterloo MIse Mao
ares Bodlle. of (Jodertoh, le enjoying herself
• siting restivee, friends sod former aeso
plate.. . .. William Henry, son in 1•w of
Tho.. Pentland, formerly of A.b6.l.l, and
now of Sault Ste. Marle,ls visiting relatives
and friend. and renewing former acquaiot-
aho..hipe, The new lo0alo0 seems to
•gree with him and he reports doing well
there Jas. \Volker, at present of Oor
ri., Was In Dungannon last week vleltlog
frlsods and acquaintances. He aleo record-
ed hi. vote on Wedneadsy and lefts on
Thursday for hi. present home •t Gorrl.,
v1• !makoow, \Ve are pleased to .ee the
venerable gentleman looking a. 1f iw good
(From another correspondent.)
TCI"DAY, 1)e':. 1010.
R. Glendenning spent • few day. in 1)un
galloon this week.
John Glenn has moved to his winter
resfd.noe up north,
Mre. Pend., of Aliso Craig, le visiting her
e on, R, `and., fora few day..
Jo. Wilson, jr , has moved Into the
house lately occupied by 1. Olson.
Mn Saniharn, of Oriel Fails, Wash., Is
v,alting her mother, Mn. Fallen Oban.
Edith Roberto .nd Mrs. Ii..1. Crawford
have returned from their volt to London.
Mrs..1000 Oay has returned home after
vleltlog her sister, Mr.. Powell, of Kzeter.
QJolte • number of former residents were
.round on election day. Some of them h.d
Inng faoe. on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. (iso. Manners, of Wing•
ham, .pent Sondey at the home of Mr..
Manners' lather, Wm. MoM.th.
Whose happened that the "Barbers'"
assistant. were 06 duty `Saturday night`
Did you miss them very much, Jaok '
Harry Rlokls and Aah/titer, Winbifred,
of U4•d.tone, Man., are on • visit to hs
mother, Mn. Alex. Pentland, who 1e golte
The 1 entertainment of the Meth
B els.. Mubday school will be held as usnot
N.w Year's night. A rood .program Is
being prepared.
Jo.. Cumberland has left Bur itllags for
Auburn, where he has secured • good
&nsltion. ,1e. will be ver moth missed, ea
he made • host of friends while reeldmg
A number of oar young people are onfler-
Ing with severe °olds. Where ars the
''P1oa•d111y Slater.'" WI would engg•.t
that the preeidenb calf a mseting o.d .t
teed to the work rgair.d of them.
D.n't forget the publlo .ohool e0nn.rt en
the 1910 of Deemb.r, Mr. Tfgort •nd
M(e Wellwood are training the ehildr.n,
and Miss Wall•°., nl Detroit, 1. the chief
attraction of the evening. She mimes high
ly r50nmmee.ed. Admission, 20 amts ;
reserved set", 26 onto. Oom. and help
this oblides ban. • geed time
Uleariog Sale of 7tuves-J. 11 Worse11 8
It Ought to be Easy --W. C. Prldham... 4
Whoa Cotton Bar aim -W. A. MoKlm. 6
Perfumes -F la, Dunkin.,, fl
Merry l'hristmas-W. C. (food* 4
Christmas J. H. Collars* 4
The Busy Hardware Stere -All•. t Me-
Iver 4
Skates --N. L. I-0.,,4' 4
Platen and Art Depot -Wilmer Smith8
Meriden-Brltanal• Silverware - M.Kes•
zie k Howell 8
Notloe of Appllo•tlon to Pullameet-M,
G. Camera
a 1
Wonted -O. E. Klug, Wingk•m 1
Announoemeot-Kidd's Book Store ..,1
Bulk Perfumes -Jas. W 11eos 8
Sensible Christmas 011b -Smit► H/g& 1
Nottm-t3 N. Davis \ 1
Aouounoemene-S. !t'. Hlek 1
A000unoement-J, W. Broderick ,.,, 1
Aonounoementa-(Jr. Stewart 1
to the Surrogate Court-Proadfo $ R
Hays 1
THE Toronto Telegram u in error
when it states that'1'ti. 810NAL after the
election "gave Hon..1. T. GAMMOw notice
that h. should not aggain be a candidate."
There wt. no occasion for such "notice,"
and no .uch Doti°, was given. Every
body up here know. that for acme
time past it has been Mr. OAaaow'a
intention to retire from politics and de-
vote himself to hie large and incre•siog
practice. Time and again h0 has .sited
that politics wee not his ambition. and
before and during the recent election he
stated publicly and privately that ho would
not have run did h e not desire to finish out
the present term and round off his twelve
years of public .orvlee. At nomination and
at every other gathering which he attended
Mr OARROW unhesitatingly and 00e(juiv-
oc.Ily made it plain to his hearers that he
had no deet» to continue in politics, and it
ie unfair for 'Ike Telegram to ignore theme
facto ardl attribute to Tui SIGNAL a state•
went that never emanated from iia columns,
Exquisite .4ole1 sachet a► HICK'S.
Leve your Arden early lee Xmas rens
and carnal inns at STEWARTS.
See the lovely pertain* atomizers .t the
A largo stook of fancy grrwosrl's for Xmas
trade at Dash prices at Ulq, > wa.T'n
Bar obotoe .od vales* b xe.s pltfaess
ar 1I1. -K.4 drug .tore _ -
WANTBD. - Dried- appTis, 8a t tarksys,
u odrawo, 9o. Cath for butter and raw
lure, (J. E. KING, %V ein•al.
I have • fine selection of oholoe oonfeo•
tlowry for Xmas •t moderate prloee, (1.II
and see my stook. Oso. STIWART
See teeny and other fancy hair brushes
• t HI, 4', drug store.
Make an Xame present to your best
friend of • floe pelm, Roston fern, primrose,
.z.lea or oyolemen, All can be got at
STztt ART'S floral depot,
Remember the dots : Prot. Tuba, at
Hotel Bedford, 17, 18, 19 .ad 20 of Den.
It your eye trouble you, or any eye strain,
consult him. Come early as you may Oeao
a second testlog.
Remember the date• l'rof. T.ob*, •t
Hotel Bedford, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Deo.
II your eyes trouble you, or any eve strain,
oonsult him. Come early as you may seed
a se000d testing.
Oyster", always fresh, ase the old reliable
oyster house-, Victoria Restaurant, West-
.t., In bulk or served .11 style, loe cream,
fruit, oo0feot(ooery, aig.n, oto. (2. BWCE-
eToN1, proprietor. Telephone 70.
Ktnn'n book store Is showing some *f
the delntlest l'hrt. map oards this year ever
•6owu 10 1;0derloh. Their calendars ars
beautiful works of art, It is • d.hghtfhl
pleasure to tea what pretty cards oon be
bought for 50, envelope Included. Their
eesortment of toys 1s very well ealeed.
Tbeir toy books, games, leather good., fanny
ohlo• •r. proclai rued perleotly lovely by
• II'who bave seen them.
Ciiior SAL, -Another bankrupt stook al
, he Dew bargain ,tors on the Square, (Jedo-
rlob, J. W. BRODgrucK has purooased of
Clinton • bankrupt stock of grocertes-
oholoe good.. This stook will arrive •t the
bargain store today and the oheap ■ate will
begin Saturday, 14th December, We have
also a bankrupt stook of cloths and tweeds,
one hundred-nod-Sfty-pleas.. All thee.
fine cloths w111 M offered .t just half pries,
Don't miss this obanoe, .1. W. BRODIRIC K,
lbwtN,1.- Prof, N. 1.. Tanbe, m•nufaotur•
log optician and eye specialist, of Toronto,
well be at the Bedford House, Ooderloh, oa
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nod FN•
day, i eo. 17, 18, 19 and 20, .nd will ter/
eye and salt glees to ail defective Mehl.
No matter what s wrong with your .yes,
come •od see me, and if you can he stilted
i oan mike the claeses for you. I .m the
oldest optiofan In Toronto and h.y been
established since 1873, maklog sp.o0oles
and fitting eyes. Over .seventy eve thous-
and owes have heen treated by me eber*
others failed. The advant.ge I have over
other Ie that i grind ail my own lenses.
and a making epeoto0les 1. • profeesiou
and • solenoe, as ta eob8leg ,peo•rales, it
requires years of study and hard labor to be
•b.e to oorreot the err"r . of refraction,
Vnu have twenty-eight year of experI.noe
at your service. Come and see me and gat
Your oyes teeted (-oma early, as you m.y
esquire. throne' tooting. Consultation free.
For references and testimonials see oiren-
fare Toronto address : 8. L. TAIIPS, 264
Richmond se, West.
WARI1SVILL1, Fab. 28, 1901.
.1. M. McLgor,, Godertoh. --For My years
i anffered with dyspepsia, durtn6 that time
1 000eslted seyer•I doctors and took •11
kind. of dyspepsia medlois., het ail to se
oarpose.. 1 was always tired, retless and
nervous, and ell ambition woe gone. i Alt
more like Ming In my led than working.
While no • Moll toUoderlah last summer
I heard .o monh shoot yonr remedies D h.t I
called and porohaeed nee bottle of your
System Renovator Improved, and before I
had taken half of it I was a grme deal
better. 1 h.ve now 4k'. early three
bottles and 1 feel ten year younger sad
as .f.rong and as well as i ever was le my
1 roci-mmnded your molteln* to several
dyepeptloe ie Bar village whn hays avid ere
eking It with the .try test renito.
W leblag you much .nooses,
Ynsr. truly, 1). MoRAI
itARKRK--ia Dnabp on Fridy. the 1 h
Im'R, the wife of John it. Harker, of • arm.
WAI,TRR. in OodeNnh, on 11041,1.7 Dos. a,
Salley Allle, relict of oke lato WI11Mm
waiter, aged 90 yean and le days
Res hart' weeks at Eooe'a frets slnwe