HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-5, Page 8r1
8 TgotuDAT, Dec. 6, 100I.
An Art Sale.
you will wonder what that means in a I)ry Goods Store.
Well, it is just this. We have a great nufnbel of Lovely
Art Souvenirs, reproductions, in colors, of Famous
Paintings. These we are going to give away to our
customers during the Sale, and we are offering some
Special Values all over the Store. The following list
does not include all the Bargains we are giving. Come
in for whatever your Dry Goods needs may be, we will
save you money.
BEAN Y PLAID HOldli.SPUNS. 66 Isobes
wide, meltable for Skirts, la great variety
ef patterns, regular $1.00 cad ry
$1 26, so cleat at t 5C,
some plain shade en the Mbar side, some
Plaid baths, were $2 00 $2 25
.ad $2 50. for
1f yea hove • Jwket or Caps want, oow Is
the tlm!•to bays Is supplied, We have •
large steak for you to oboess from, and we
intend w olear them all out, 11 prime will de
It, Come early sod get • obeloe.
French Flannels at 35c. res Milliner. Deputm.n►
Lovely P•Iaros. Balance to go en
Ibla sale, regular SOo, for 35c.
25 Salt Leagtb. of Owlet" Cheviots In •11
,base of navy, browse, ;•was, greys,
reds, regular $1.25 mad
81.50,1* clear at.... $1 00 a yard
25 Skirt Leagtks 1 Heavy Cheviots, 56'
IoHas wide, all calors, of plain brews,
grey, greens, fawns, 3 yds, la each sad,
to clear at $1,50 for end
oowes la for
1te &hare too of riargeld Giylag.
A opwlal let in all colon to
Meer at 25c each
Just half prtoe
WEAR HATS -all at Reduced Prtoss.
Trimmed Hot aloe.
Remember we give you the Coupons
. . on the CHAIRS still
Extra Heavy Winter Hose, ladles' sizes.
regular 20. hoe, going at. 2 pain 25c
Special Heavy Ribbed Hose
Fine Jofe Wool in Ladle,' and Boys' sizes,
regular 50o, going at 35o, or 3 cl'M
pain for..... .p W
Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vest''
with Heavy Fleece,
Beat make, o regular 75o hoe for 45c
- 1
WE CAN (UV/6 YOU • large choice of
the Now Far Leipertoos and Par Ruff,. cad
our priest will save you money.
Ready -To -Wear Silk Waists.
Lovely Goods, well made, and good lis, to
all shades, black, Dream, pink, mauve,
red and blue at $4.00 and $5.00
Never have we had such ante and ap•
be -date oeleattoa tor you to oboo** from,
and our prices are at lbs bottom.
Here are a few Specials:
NEW GRKY OVERCOATS, all elate, good
ali.wool Cheviot, new make,
a special at
New Black heavy 1)r
menial al
BOY'E t- EA JACKE('9 from
a beryls at.... ......... . ....
Overoo t 56.5
New Colored Shirts.
New Ties.
New Caps. ----- '- -
All at Little Prima.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Taut, Hien Gens. -Oar boys were 1a11
o! the election yesterday and attended etre
meeting as the Opera House to Goderloh to
hear the returns 1s the evening. They were
se filled with enthusiasm over the victory
that they bad 10 break out in song ole the
way home and their "'busty mea" Adam
bro°eht out these Impromptu lines sung to
the tune of 'The Datobmas'l Dog," whoa
all joined in the ohoru. and made the
valleys rind;
Oh where! and Oh whore! are the Tories
all none,
Oh where! Ob whore! oar they be!
Tbey are all spilt ftp and are sow on the
run -
9e berry ! we "MI are we,
tin! la!la!la!
Wive Ilaked'Gm IME time, and we'll lick
'em again
Ii they try it wain next June ;
We'll show Whitney and Wright the riding
eon fight,
For Grits are always In tune.
Tr&! /a! la! la!
The riding le our. --what we have w.lI
held -
And no Tortes need apply,
With Gun. all right and Book in the
Ued by. ! poor Joe, good bye !
Trs ! la l la 1 la!
rela.n's elervtllne Cane theamatleta.
The remerk•ble strength and marvellons
soothing power of Norville@ renders It quite
infallible lo rheumatism. Five times
stronger than any ether remedy, Its penetra-
ting power enables It to reach th• wore* of
the pain and drive oat the disuse. Nervll
Ina 1e stronger, mon penetrating, more
highly pain subduing le Ito action than
any ether mediate* heretofore deemed for
tb• aur@ of rhsum•tlem. Sold la Targe 25
Dent bottle. scary where.
WA*Dsvtu.a, Feb. 28, 1901.
J. M. Mcf.aoo, ()edictal. -For Hee years
I suffered with dyspepsia, during that time
I 000aolted sey.ral doctors and took all
Mods of dyspepsia medlolae, but all to no
purpose. I was always tired, rootless and
aerv.u,, and •11 ambition eta goes. I felt
more 11k• beton In my bed than working.;
While en • Holt to Godertob last summer
t beard so wool about yenr remedies that I
wiled and parohaasd one bottle;o1 your
System Renev.ber Improved, and before I
bad taken ball of it I war a great deal
better. I have now taken nearly three
betties and I feel ten years youns.r and
as strong and os well as I ever was In my
I recommended your neediotoe to several
dyspeptics an our village who have sad are
taking It with the very best ramie.
Wishing you moth .&oow.
Year. trolly, D. MoRA..
sane Wata\ed Overboard.
Kincardine, Nov. 29 -The whoever
W bite Oak of Kingston, from Chatham for
Port Elgin, light, put In here this moroiot
under stream of weather, ha ring had a rough
eight. A sailor named MoAulay was 'rub'
ed syerboard early this morning. [We
understand the sailor mentioned In this dee
patch beb°ge to • Southampton family.
A new resident.
Exeter Advocate : Mr. Wm. MoNevin,
who has been engaged to the Woodham
grist mill for some tune, passed through
town on Tneedey on his way to (7oderfoh,
where he has socepted a similar position to
the same mull 1n whloh his brother Alex. is
Remember the date• Prof. Teats, at
Hotel Bedford, 17, 18, 19 anal 20 of Deo.
If your eyes trouble you. or any eye strain,
oensale bim. Come early as you may need
• emend testing.
Bell Telephone Co,
Rusieee• bane.... plea ere
with an Exreguug Drax sot
In your office. It brings beef.
new. 'ever many step* end
valuable time.
fie hell Telephsse Cs.
Leoal Manager,
Always the HEST, often the CHEAPEST, has been remarked many t!me*
about our store.
We ars 1s full swing displaying our Kea, Goods, and you are invited to come In and
ase them. 11 will sot he noneseary to aerobium either, hat If von w1.h, ere will put
aside anytblag yen may velar until you de require It.
OUR ART CALENDARS. yon will ge Into rapture' ever
pass them aeywa.,. ie Cuadra Priam range from
(At this Store only )
ANNUALS for ell. year -Bees' Owe. (11r1s' Own. Sender .41 Home, Leisure
Ukatte,Box, Chums, Boys of the Empire, Child's Cornpewlon, friss, Ac
clam prime u &eywbnre 1a Cased&.
iltir lbs caw hooks, heund 0p le 'pedal Slee editions for Christmas, .s4 at r I v
Oyer tea Ihnosss4 volumes to melee! from. Where In Gammie we you get mon ke
aela.e from. 00 yes, this ie a real Beek Ston and set • 14(41119 ase.
Whim, Prayer Hooke sed Rums Rooks for all °berths*.
A 1e11 nage of the New Hymn Book foe St. Noorge'. ('beroh, renals, is p►1es from
fin spa Ask to we thew
...thing toBur
5e to $2 50.
N as
Our Telephone is No. 100 B.
Court Howes Square, (Iodarich.
• Vermeer teleemea te.Nent Wk.** 1
de■ .ear\ Was Recently It a.
to our issue of two weeks ago we ma
brief matrw of the unexpected death
ear former raspwted townsman, Dr. '1'
Mclean, Is Montreal ea the 17th ult,
O 000uodemeot wblub, we h•ye no de
came sea stook and caused deep ands
egret in many • home In the vieini't.
Doctor had been ea reoeotJy 1n our midst,
revieltlog Id friends end .ueuee, and had
seemed lie bright and penal and so much
interested to affvr., that it wee hard t
realize that be had already puled .way
from this busy world. 11 appears 11 at be
and Mn, Malaita were to Montreal os their
we home te Ftorld., when the Do3tur was
sad isoly &tucked with acute pasamoats,
and tboneh ha had the best of medical at.
s.odaoos sod Donrsg his weak.a.d pby.loal
000dttlon Gauged him to sucemmb to the
disease The following parUoul.re regard•
los ale 111e will, we believe, be of lutenist
to wally readers.
Tbomos Ferguson McLean wee bora near
Perth, Ont., oo the 2let of Jaoury 1835,
and was the 'mound sea of Surgeon Joos
McLean of the Royal Navy, wbo was with
(lepau, afterwards Admiral, Baydeid dot-
ter the whole of his.ur,.y of the Canadian
Lakes. Alter a abort term at the poblw
w heal he became • pupil of the earth
Grammar School. whloh war then under tee
charge of the late Wm. Kay, M. A , for
so many years the respected chairman of
oar Collegiate loetltuto board. From b's
only years to proved himself te be an apt
pupil sad pwe.ssed it mors than overarm
ability. Al the public school he eta far
advance of schoolmates of Ola age, and
ander Mr. Kays tuition he made snob
rapid progress that at the age of funnier)
hs obtained a Bnt-°lass oounty oertifloate
and w•a toady to begin the bottle of lite for
After leaching for • time In country
whecla cad to Betleyliis he entered the
Toronto Normal School, and by bar ability
and kis diligence he was able In the aprleg
of 1854 la carry of a &seclos• Provtnoial
certificate, together with the lioysoor
Oeneral'e prise for guars! proeolenoy. With
ih4 skaadl.g he resumed teaching, al
Drummondville, bat the strain oo bus 000stl•
to►lon bad been too great, and finding him•
self thteatoned with • serious affection of
the loop bs resigned his posit on and weal
out West, where, ohiedy to Minnesota, he
ougbed Is for • few years. Fortunately he
had acted in time, and returning to Ontario
with fully watered health and •Igor he be-
an the study of medicine in Queen's Col
ego, Kingston. Attar a socmeelul caner
u a student, during which he won a priz
or ohereletty, he graduated In 1863, and
sad of his claw war rewarded with th
position of bones.u,geoa In the hospital fo
Shortly afterwards be settled In Godsrlob,
d by his skill and his devotion to his pro.
salon he soon established an exultant repo
tion and • s000wtal practice. While
treading to It, however, he took an active
oterset u • citizen in all the 000cerned
he welfare •od progress of th• town
hither wteuJ, morat or a11uoat.00.l
or several years be held the position of
ooalsup.rintsodeot of eoboola, and die
barged its duties faithfully, and .Iter re
lasing It bs was made • trustee of the
igh School, a position whioh he coottnusd
bold till his removal to Florida, and In
hlob,be war always ready to further the
owth and u*fulow of the whool. He
u a member sod liberal supporter of Kaox
inch and for marry years • member of the
rd of managers. When salt war die.
voted the Doctor became warmly latero,'.
, and spent much time, energy. and
easy la efforts to cheapen sad Improve
• moues of manufacture, but, like no
any othen, he gained nothing but ex•
rtenoe. He also did ninon te create .
alto sentiment 1° favor of a system of
& tinworks rind sewerage, heeler become
evinced that the recurring outbreaks of
phold and similar diseaus were due to the
ant of tees..
The Doctor was always a great reader,
d, while speololly Interested In matters
rtaloteg to bus profession and in the
entltio discoveries and Inventions that
v' dooa so math to alter mod improve the
odltlou of life within the last quarter of
°eatery, he had also read widely In gen-
al liberators sod ,o.eeetted not only a
!tuned mind, but an unusual store of 1n.
motion on • great variety of subjects,
Is with his kindly diopoation mads him
try agreeable neighbor and Interesting
About twelve years ler, he war led by
ling health and other oonuderatloos to
ad • whiter with Mrs M°Laas in Florin
, and Boding that the climate sod oon-
loos suited him the family removed to
snot In that slate in the following year,
d have Mew had their home there, the
ootor not ha•ing revisited Uoderloh until
e lost summer. Bat although e0 lar re.
va3 from his old home be continuo] to
• • warm tuberose In Canadian and lm.
rig/ .Rain. 1a podNos hs woe a stoonob
demi, and he lett great satisfaction 1n the
umpb .f bis party, aod Ip *slog the
Id advanoe and the prosperity of the
tnlui to under the present Liberal d-
n istr•tion.
He war married 1n June, 1865, to Mar.
at, the oldest daughter of 01. former
her, Mr. Kay, and M. Mclean and
Ir thief soot, Harry, Keith and Gregor,
•1•s him. Two at his brothers and one
.r, tars. M. C. Cameron, also wryly*
wN oousty jail surgeon. He stated that he
!bad appointed Dr. Hunter temporarily lo
cad- the position oottl the unclog of the °ens
all The oompletton of the jailer's resideco.
de • oleo was referred to, soil the Warden et,t.d
of 10+1 • tu!; report of the build. uta oonimttte.
F. would be plumed beton the cuuouti. The
W •edea thought the ecunoi! "lipoid
sex rotatder the advisability of sharing
ub', :u the hormone! li,..enmeat'• •ppropri.
t. " t uf. lora
or road lop:. y'ment, and erug e.tad
1(0' a nom striae h. appointed 10 npers (■
7 Ue ita• metier at the J.nuu y ssulun.
Applications for thy poutlon of jail sur•
aeon front l)u . 'reader, U.IIow, N bltely,
Cassidy and Hooter were ielernd to tithes
ecutlye oomwlttew
A memorial from the county of Welhoo-
tun te4arding amendments to the Railway
Aot, .ed !Lotting the
00 oper.t'oo of the
Huron oououil, was soot
to the sputa' oommt -
A letter (from A. A.
Doane, relating to amnione.r's noses., was
referred to the *agouti!. oommlttee.
Commitments of two boy', Brown and
Kelly, to the Industrie! bow• (the first by
J. Beattie, 1'. M , the wound by C. Sugar,
P. M ) were soot to the executive oommittee.
A petition from Frank Wheeler and
other* rei•ttog to the formation of • union
school eectloo •1 Belgr•ve, comprlaieg puts
of the townships of !•: ext Wawanoaa and
Morrie, was referred to the education nom
A motion by Mears. Miller and Kerr
that the floa.ol.l year for the house of
refuge wow on this first day of December un
each year. instead of oo the fire; day of lan-
eary, la order that the report for that year
may be laid tefore the ooanoll at the De-
cember session, war seat to ,h. special oow•
The ooanoll adjourned until Thursday
moralog to allow seyeral member* wbo re-
ed• In West Huron to go home and oast
their ballot. In Wednesday's election.
MONDAY, Deo. 2nd.
J. J. Wright enjoyed his Thanksgiving
turkey In the Finset City with ttls son, T.
C. Wright.
From The New En we learn that Al.,.
Rapsou, cousin of H. A. Horton, of tb4
plow, who 1a well known here, hem suooeed-
ed well as a mission worker for the Method-
ist ohoroh in Manitoba and has rust ole
more examination to pus, after which he
will be •c.ndudat* for ordination it Jane of
the coming year.
Howe, Swart Hoag. -Jost as the sun
went down on Saturday last the well koowo
form of Hor.oe Horton was seen treading
, the L,ehuro heath once more after • (hies
as months' stay (o Manitoba. With his friend
Alex. MoNevin be w,1i guys Interesting aa-
• 000°ts of the harvesting experiences and
bow tbsy spent the time nines off duty In
that hos land of the West.
1• k
New raIsleo en 1 cu 'rants, 3 pounds- for
25e ; also 503 blank tea lee t40o, ,,at
Warden Molt•a •ddgw-Mlliesesomne
Over tletues Me.
The county ooanoll met on Tneadar.
Warden Holt was in the their sod all the
members were present.
The Warden In his address to the onun
oll referred 1n terms of regret to the death
.f(Dr.'G.;C. Shaosoo,lwho for many year*
Norma -The ?local agencyt la 1. U. Waon
rd, for Ti. aiagaL is at i he office of J. V. ward,
J. 1'.. 000ve,encer. otos, who w111 receive
orders for subecrip•ions, edentates and lob
work, and 4 •atborired to g.vs receipts for
amounts paid for the same.
TCL,DAy, Nov, 26.
Mtge Edith Roberts le yuitiog friends ID
Mr awl Mrs. 1'. Clerk were In Auburn
over Sunday.
Mre James Whyord is recoverlos after
her recent Illoeeo.
Mrs. H. J. Crawford hu gone to Lon-
don to spend Thanksgiving.
Lew Westbrook, of (;oderich, 1. nailing
at the home of hie parent..
Yr*. Vendome, of London, ie •lining
Mn, (Dr.) Bice tore few week*.
Sam Roach hes moved into the residence
over Mr. Garr v's hardware store,
Mrs. D. G. Boole bar returned from her
vidt to hu brother at fort Albert,
Mrs. Thos. t'eotla°d fe vetting her son,
Rev. S. V. R. Peotiand, In Waosted•
Mr. Treleaven moves oo Monday sod
takes possession of Ito bekeehop then
5 W. Alexander bee retorted to his
home to Ooderlch alter episodic a week to
our village.
W. J. }tittle, of Toronto, spent Sunday
We would like to remind
the public that our stock con-
tains the very best that is made
without the fancy prices. For a
varied list of reliable, lasting,
delicate and popular odors, in-
cluding Lorna, our stock of
bottled and bulk perfumes wits
never better than now. Drop in
and see the stock and judge for
Don't think you have to
buy because you came into the
store to examine the goods and
prices. Look at our Sachet
Powders, Toilet Sets, Dressing
Cases, Leather Goods, Shaving
Sets, Manicure Sete, &c. ; all
nowwoods and,new prices.
Firescriptfon-Drug Store
Telephone .45
wad°notsell lump' Terms"Cash
or postal cards. .
A New Year's Gift.
MI:FiENZIE & H(Itt'ELI. offer a present to the value of 50e. to
all purchasers of Silverware or Cutlery to the value of 11 or over
on condition that you present a clipped copy of each of our adver-
tisements of the last six issues of this year. We want to make
this space the most readable in the paper.
We hate made great preparations for the Holiday trade, Oar assort•
ment of Silverware ie admired by all who have looked it o,er, while in
staple and fenny Cutlery our stook and values are all you could wish for.
FORWARD 1 FORWARD 1 is our watchword
The pest season's business haa hewn the largest in our hietrwy. You
gay, 'That'' sot we know you do the Mutineer ; hat what has made it gr* 1 "
- Thers are three main recastss which have stool and will continue to stand:
1st, Hone.ty ; 2nd, Good Value ; 3rd, Courtesy. if you do not, know n.,
Came and see for yourself.
fhrr •tock of Prn•..cut saws M now in. They are Me same well
known brands we have kept hereto pet "Leader," "Buffalo 1111I,-- "Re, or,"
"Premier," rYYyllenge," sod others
The place to buy all Hardware cheap.
A General
Favorite. aT
J `✓
.vu rightly applied, thorough
ORM ' knowledge of the human foot and
its requirements and up-to-date
methods are the causes of the
supremacy of
A Prescription .. .
Filled here will have exactly
the affect your Physieitu iutoudel it
should have.
We know this, because the ingredient.,
will all be fresh and reliable, and the
compounding aocura', to the last
Bring prescriptions here and take
no chances.
F. E. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of West st.and the Square.
at the home of bis parent*, who lee both
very ill at present.
Mise Corslsh has returned to her home
In Kirk ton after spending • few months .t
the home -of Mr. Walkout.
J. H. Medd, V. S., hoe juel completed
his new oflioe. It Is quite an Improvement
to his property ea South•mptcr et.
Rev. A. U, Harris, of L000..., preaob-
ed two excellent 'l'banksgl•Ing sermon 1r*
the Methodist oburch tut Sebhatb, and the
choir rendered very obo:o* music on the
The hunters, Will Sproul, 1), O. Bluffs,
J Camaerland sod B. J. OYewf.rd, rotors
ed from the Parry Soiled D:•trlot brings'
seven deer with them Pretty good look
for the Duog.ri'on old boys.
S J. Young took in fowl for ablpmens cn
Tuesday. He had them on exhibition in
the evoiog. It is not often Dung
poop a we 2,500 pounds of turkey and
geese at one time. Mr. Young 1. a "butler."
Tcrotoy, Doo 3.
Harry Bennett left for Chicago lastwool.
MUe Bookie Mold Man has goo* to Gods
rich to learn dress making.
The Forester.' ball nu* on Thursday swan
ing lest ecu very largely attended.
Mise Ethel DeLoog, of Goderich, visited
0.r old friend* here 00 Tospk.gtvtng Dey.
Mn. Smith and Mn. Barden, of Car-
eens, are here to see yrs. H'uton, who Is
quits ill at present.
Mre P. F. Hamlin returned yesterday
from Exeter, Esher* she bad been visiting
relative*. She was s000mpanted by her
Mater, Mn, Gay, el Dnggsanoa.
Elea, a.rwoeuarmw eV rale emu setas.
The Famous
Shoe for Women
These shoes have what the fashionable young woman wants -
the new leathers, latest shapes and perfect fit.
Being the embodiment of perfection in material, workmanship ati,[
shape, they outclass alt others in worth and wear. These facts hav,-
created a demand for them that dwarfs that of any other shoe in America.
All styles for every use and occasion.
P. T. H A L LS
MOND•;, Deo. 2ad.
Oar teacher, Mise Cooper, a.joyod bot
Thanks,tving dinner at Clinton last week.
Chu, Haugbtou,of Churchill, attar Barrie,
s home o° • month'* visit to his relatives
Our former 10wumao John Lawton, sow
of Buohanatu & Loewe, Godenob, ',leas
Thanksgiving day hen under the persisted
Litvts . L'• -It was with regret wa
leaned of the intended departure of Robert
Fulford, who for the put six year* hes been
our postmaster and general merobtnt. Mr.
and Mr.. Fallout have ably attended to
their bushiest of eapplymg the wants ut the
nelmbborbood. They are leaving a to go
to their former resud•noe la I,od.rlob, and
next summer will Lake • trip to E'gland to
Ilett rel*tl•oe and friends there after as
•beenoeof thirty two yeah. Mr. Clerk, of
Monohester, Is to moaned to the bu.laese
ion LAT. Am Nino Wizen. -A ■loom
was cost over 1.01, oommeotty by the ted
tidings of the sudden cad unexpected death
of Andrew (;reon. who formerly lived here
fur several years before going to Sault St.
Mane. The dressed was respected by
his acquaintances and woe • general f•,erft•
loth his friends, old and ,coag. 4earty a
year ago his friends bore tendered their
hearty congestal•tloss qo hie weddla,, and
later lex August, he and bhp bride visited In
our midst; and little did we think that tine,
tall form would ratan 1n the alitnaiwir ref
death. His parents sod other relatives
hays the elopers rympatby of the oommoouy
in their hoar of deep sorrow far one taken
Iron them 1. the dower of lie.
Mott ler. Deo. Zed, 1901
Chas. T.bbatt, of St. Helens, ,peal Suo•
day with !Heade ben.
Y. O. Eobliu left last week to vleft friends
In Herrteburg, Peso.
MW Mabel Bailie, of Uoderlob, spent
Saturday and Saaday at her same hen.
Yr*. Shephard .1eaes, formerly of N+te,
but sow of Dakota. lm calling oo frisods to
this wigbborhool.
Inspector Tom .I.lted our wheal one day
last week and reported good work by 1„!h
tauten and pupils,
Mies Tens Sprung and Was San Mo•
Knight welted at the termrs bowie our
Auburn Friday and Saturday of los week.
Mir Teas Sprang, who has resigned her
position here, bar been eog.ted to lesion in
her hems sobool our Aubar° for the year
Jobe Keine and can, of Corrie, 041104 0°
!floods here oe their way home from the
funeral of rhe late Alex. Poetised, Deegan -
coo, w►1sb took plow ole Saturday lost.
Tisa?* 1E M, ria
Sterling Good Values
IT is our opinion -that it will pay you to do your Underwear buying here. Of
course it is natural that we should think so : however, we are willing that
you should be the judge and would like you to put our claim to test. Com-
pare these values with those of any other store in town and you will not
likely go very far from here for your Underwear.
Men's Woolen Underwear, fine
soft finish, rtbbed cuffs and
ankle', will not irritate the
skin, wi11 wear wall, extra
spooled value, per
garment 500Cc
Men's heavy Woolen (Jude,.
wear, Ga. finish, will wear
well, •hitt@ double breasted,
ribbed cuff. and ankles, made
to sell at 111 00 per garment,
ourspe°lal price, each. 75c
Men's woos Hoed Under-
wear, hiss .v weight, soft
fleecing. will wash and wear
well, ail •Iz•e,
stab 50C
Extra good quality &sees
hoed Underwear, w111 tt,.
.10.11ow wear, regular 11 00
quality, our 'penial
price, each. 75C
Good Fu rs.. -
(luality. The
assortment of
ALL the Furs we sell are good, not an
inferior or unworthy quality finds
a place in the stock. Quality is the
great consideration with us when buying
furs and it should be with you. Lowness
of price should be the Last recommendation,
for if the quality is not good, no matter how
low the price, the article is hound to
be unsatisfactory. You will find all these
good and the price is just as small as can
be charged anywhere f2r garments of equal
items we print here are Milts only of the lig
good Furs to be found at this store :
Black Opossum Storm Collar, comes
down well in front, high ooller,
thlekly furred, good 40.lity and
well made, very oomfortable fore
stormy weather 54.75
Elsotrla Seel Ruff,, No. 1 enslity,
shaped, the new long style, trim.
loll., stylish and die*.y, each...56•50
mel with good qu.hty
Large •es°rtment of Ruff., straight
and .hayed, nicely trimmed with
-- bads and tells, good qualities
far only, In American 1)psbeum,
Black Opossum, Imlutioo Mink,
Astraoban s n d
Eleotrlo Sell, *sob $3.00 to 5.00
Black Opossum Ruff., the now long
shape, very stylish, good guilty,
oath $8.00
We have been selling a lot
of Sable Ruffs for we have had
some very choice pieces,
quality of which has'heen ex-
tra good. This week wo re
ceived another shipment and
if you are looking for some-
thing nice in a Sable Ruff you
will make no mistake in
coming here.
Gond quality Ohle Sable Roff.,
thickly Tarred, .hsped, roma
down well 1r* front, 10 largo Sobl.
tail. 56.50
Extra large and gond quality Ohlo
Sable Ref., era erlde .hobo,
very large, nlcely trimmed with
bushy bells, prat in lest week,
sod the hest value wo have had
ibis season 8.00
No. 1 anality Alaska 5.01, Ruff.,
msdunm and lana Isom he, thlekly
wag.... .... $10,513and $18
For an elderly lady there
is no garment for style or com-
fort that will equal a Fur
Lined Cape. Here are three
lines you will find it hard to
beat for value :
Lajas' For•Lined (ape, made of
sloe quality blank Mathieu,
Rood hning,lorgecollar of blank!
1M ho, For, each 520,00
Ladies' For i in.d 11.pse, of geed
quality bleak broadoloth, will
not weer rough or ohangs des
ooler, lined with gent quality
fur that w111 airs satlafaotory
wear, onllar and trent of blaok
Thlb. , web 25.00
Indies' Fur Lined Caps, very
lee (matlty hlaek Milt Mate -
lease, lined with rued onallty
for. ostler and front of No. 1
Cnlemhl. Sable, web 30.00
58 cts.
These Gowns aro special
value at this price and you "an
hardly afford to take the time
to make up your own material
when you can buy the ready-
made garment at as low a
figure as this.
Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, made
from good quality Flannelette,
assorted fancy stripes, fast whirs,
Deck, trout and oaIe trimmed
withfrllling,of thiamine. material,
good weighs, each
at 50 cts. and 98 cts.
We remind you again of
the Waists we advertised a
couple of weeks ago. They
aro selling at just about one-
half the real value and if you
want a house -waist for winter
you should not let this chance
go by.
Ladies' Winter Waists, rads from
good quality Amerlean Cotton
Flannel, narrow blank and whit•
stripes on red red awry blue
grounds, waists that were made
to retail at $1.00 saah, new
willow at. enol .. .. sass . ... .
Ladles' Winter Wast, made frier
extra good quality American
Cotten Flannwe. Frsueh funnel
pattern', sae quJ(ties, will give
exosllent wear, fast orders, Beet
Mreeghnnl, made to retail et
s1.50 to w 00. sew selling
...tri..:, -me• it or5t