HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-5, Page 6MON$O
I(t,Netx)N is the original packet tea of Canada, end will doubtless
be on the uutrket when other's are forgotten. No tea possesses the
exquislte flavor of MONSOON.
_ ,* y,yy,L_ y I�
'55 45 45 45 4, 446 40 444546
6 46
, it was pact mideigltt-and at the
clove of the London newton. Halt the
weary world was sleeping, wulle the
other half (the true laboring else.)
wag tolling to procure the amusement
of Hoeft and tricolor.
At a bowmen Pa.k Lane, the numer-
ous lights, swede t f music, ant gay
figurer thrtt fatted continually tierred
the Often wlntow•r, "leave that none
festivity WAS taking place: while
the long train of carriage," in welt-
ing, with patient sertaut's slumber-
ing at their posts, WEN n•. sign I wit
the assembly was likely to break up
soon. A few ntght.wenderer.l, at-
tractrvd by flan glare. an 1 curious,
perftape, to gain some 'weight to a
work' Ot which they lute only heard,
were hanging about the paling. on
that ride of the house which looked
into the park, and grumbled to each
other that heaven's gifts were to
all divided. and that woe
at timate a pennon In her glance not
ofeen found in epees of teat cola. ;
and itt We morn vet when we fire fleet
irrtruducel to ks r dine seemed to have
forgotten every feeling but that of
filed lova
In a few minutiae Lord CIevedon
.Lessee unoesILY, and then. with a
alight sigh, °opened Els eyes and
flied deem on his daughter.
"Ethel, U that you le"
"'Yeti, dear papal I hope I have not
disturbed von.'
-What are you doing here, my'
dear 1"
el only ren up to s' how you were
going on 1 fee l uneasy when we are
separated for No many hours. Go to
ele"p again, dear father : I shall b•.
quite sattrfleed now I hate looked ate
"Haw goes the night. child e*
"It 1s past S o'clock.•.
unequally v. "Not hater 1 I hod hoped It was al-
lied all tie riches and the pleasure, ny'eI dawn' ; ewe with a look of
while others, homeless tike therm- reelgnttlon, the nick man .lightly
"elven, looked on from afar, with changed bis positkylt. "1 supped" your
empty eomache and replang heart". party la not over tlu-n, Ethel?"
But all was not ea nrtght as" It ap 'Mot yet ; but i dare say It soon
peered 1a the house to 1'ark Lana. will be."
' reception -chambers might ba "You had better go back. then. my
brllllaotdy II.umlrtated, but there dear, your mother may mos you.'
were other roam," beneath the same "No Nor of that. paw': Lady ('leve -
roof where the Ught burned dim and Ten le better engaged,"
low, and pain and sickness were Thar was a half hleleiett bitterness,
enuring a very different moenet° be let thio reply which olid nut eaonpe
enacted. In an apartment richly her frith r e n.tice.
hung wltb maroon velvet and fur- • You have not been enjoying your-
Dished) In the style of Louis Quatorse
-an apartment en.n.lentiy amended
to enable Its occupant to remain
undisturbed by any unite which
might go on beneath bin -ii man
was nineotng in an arm -chair. Not
an old m lit, by any means, and yet
so aged from the effects of rerlue•nt
and acute suffering then ten hair
and beard were nearly white, and
the long, thin hands, wh.oh lay
passively upon tilt lases, were shrunk
toe wrtakted. At a first glance
be seemed to be alone, for the
shaded lamp upon the table threw
Ire mild beams upon no other living
creature, But his- attcntlnnte bad
only left him when he appeared der
poral to sleep, and were in the ante-
chamber, napping themselves, but
reedy to start up at the tenet sum-
mons of their master.
For thb was tho owner of the
bowie Maisel(-tho man wheeler purse-
etrings must unlrnw to ear for all
the merriment going en below-.
Robert, Earl of ('lev.don ; ani hie
alcknees waw mot a thing e,( yester-
day For months he hal been reining
in that armeehnlr, u°abln from a erpee t t) ..t a whole bOoweheee ern,
self, I fair, Ethel.
The team reeked to hie daughter's
tee*. She rose hastily from the chair
eei which she wee gentwt. arid (lune
liermet upon her knees beetle him.
"Deleting myself ! while you lie
lore, h mw could I'. It lee a shame
there rib mei be any Joy In the house,
ne merry -making, even the Rem
booms Loa ref It, while you-nh, father
nue here lady Ethel'e utterance wits
jemmied by her sobs.
' Seale hush !" said Lord Clevettote
s'othlnely, na he paced hie hand ep n
her bowed heed ; it lone dimes Ilk•
mine. child, cannot be permitted to
Interfere with all the entire we ewe
to anny. My wife nrcupies a herb
etntlot In the world. and greater toe
.triers are expected from her than
would be from a woman of m lows r
r eek. She doer not belong entirely te,
Ire; 1 rotild not expect It."
' You expect far ton little," mur
mnre.l Indy I:thel; "you think u1
everyone beforeyoureed,"
•;Cot aro," replied the earl not
faint "mile. "Are wenot ail to
bi pack -d oft to Nice next week, fo,
my emporial benefit, ape Is It not snf
painful nature of hie Mamie, tosleep
In rt recumbent p.,st01r, until even
those nearest to !t!m hal begin to
fancy that so lingering n complaint
meet end In convalescence. Aa -t yet -
the death -Ilk• appearance of his
handsome face, and the Mettles., heavy
manner in which Irl+ wasted body
premed Um pillow•, might have f•.ree-
warncd them that nature was almost
tirtal of the warfare and ready to
la down her arms.
the door of the b'd-eham-
ber was pushed noiselessly open, and
stepping in the cautious manner with
which we approach sleep.'re, a girl,
apparently of about nineteen yearn
old, passed over the threshold amt
drew near the arm -chat; of the'slum-
bering man. Robed In white satin,
with her fair arms nue- neck dis-
played, and pearls twisted In her
hralr, she seemed a strange appari-
tion to vi It a tIck-room at mktnlght ;
but rtnconecieus as heedless of the
fact. she dropped meetly Int,, an
adjacent seat, anti with claspd hand,
and parted Imps, which betrayed a
very sorrowful anxiety, gased•earn-
sat.ly upon the features of the eleep-
ing cnrl.
Ane at tide j acture, a stranger,
with p,•rmae on to observe her uedls-
trrtx.l, would have been less struck,
perletpn. with her beauty than with
the lofty patrician order n1 Its
merit, Fntr as .he war, almost to a
fault ear the dight broom which
mantled on her cheeks had been
collet fortis by excitenment and
would %eolith w.th the morning) the
Saxon hair. blue eye•, and delicately
molded features, so common to our
English nrestocracy, attracted lees
notice than the high brow, Oval fade,
and curled upper lip, wltleh Inst,
though obvlouoly formed by nature
for the purpose, bud been materially
andsted to its heavenward deetction
by the excellent o
f .
n teleeta n
a1 by Lady Ethel Carr of
her accident of birth, and every-
thing belonging to her. The stately
way In wh,oh she carried iter nris-
toeratlr Lola heed...chewed that she
edheldered herself au something su-
perior to the rest of the world ; and
a glance at her pretty superclllnus
mouth wan eufflclent to prove that
tbn surest point oa which she oould
be wounded was her pride And
yet there was nutting coil about the
expresekla of her time; on the con-
trary, proudly as tats+eoafr! repel the
advate:ea of strangers or Meek the
familiarity et interests+, there wan
$OZODONT for the TEETII 26c
get what 1. dem to bee birth and
citation In moiety aa to Mak the
nate of Carr In that of Bainbridge,"
with withering contempt.
"The Balubrklges are a very
wealthy faulty," resumed Lord ('leve-
duu, to a woeIug tone, "and It would
not be the filet teat• w woman has
exchanged her noble name for the
ulnen. of malntalnlog It. Remember
that you have no dowry, Ethel; that
when you marry you will take your
Itiiabrtud literally nothing."
"Notldug, father?" she repeateat,
tnterrugttively, with a satlsflel
glares of the lovely featured reflect-
ed to the mirror.
"Ah, child! 1 know what you are
thinking of ; but beauty le a gift
oonmmou to peer tad peasent alike,
and of small value In the matrimoulal
market. Yee know l am not rich.
Ethel; In fact, for a maxi in my po-
rtliest, 1 am t-xoeedingly poor ; and
lifter my death there will be no'sep-
arate provlrloa for yourself. Carr-
hnnlpton and Temple Orange are
entailed estates; they both go to
your brother Temple. with little
000ltgh for the poor child to keep
them up on, long es hie minority may
last ; for 1 rugret to say that 1 nm
deeply Involved in debt. This house,
then, and furniture with the income
derivable from her owu marriage set-
tleineuts, les poeltively all I have to
Nettle on your mother. Were I cer-
tain of Eel remaining aa elle le I
'Mould feel differently on the eubjeot,
for to any case stir will enjoy the
interest• of bur rot's money till he
Domes of age,, but as tt 1s", Ethel"
-with a dewy sigh -"Gertrude le
young. yoesee, eine very much admir-
ed, and It la Impoalllhle, to calculate
on wort t may happen."
"I understand you, father. and it
is no news to me; you have often
told me the same thing before : and,
t( it must be so. It must. But no
circumstances, however unfortun-
ate. are likely to Influence me In
snaking. n match below my nation In
"But what I w$.nt to convince you
of is, thus birth 1a a mere accident,
and mo clow who is a gentleman can
be beneath you. 1 have been °bilged
to leave you dependent on your mo-
ther. Ethel and you do not always
get on well together. The thought
often makes mo feel uMsppy."
"We get on well enough. father ;
eiou't let that distress you ; but as
for this ton DahabrldFe--"
• "Colonel 2talnbrelge.' mildly inter-
posed trued (Tevedon. "Colonel Tito -
mar Baiftbrldge, I believe his name
"Yes," rejoined Lady Ethel, with
supreme indifference, "perhaps so.
the name fits the man. As for this
Colonel Thomas Bainbridge, then 1.
toll yen truly, sir, that I would ra-
ther starve as Lady Ethel Carr,
than own my means of support to
"Not 11 yon learned to love him,
Ethel I"
My eyes are not likely to look on
tho gratnd long enough- to learn to
levo him," she replied Insolently'.
Lord Clevedon regarded his retel-
lings daughter for some moments In
-. l.u;Ce, nod when he spoke, the ead-
net"of hie tone was almost eoteme.
"Ethel, that pride of yams will
some day be brought down. I pray
that when It le, yet. life's happiness
may not be oeerwhelnrell at the
sante time:" and then. to thorigh fa-
tigued with the discussion, he add-
ed: "you had better go back to your
visitors now, my d•'ar ; year long ub-
s mco will be remarked npen ; an 1 I
think. U left to myself, I could sleep
Lady Ethel bent down and kleeed
hint alesattt mechanically, for her
refried feelings had not quite set-
t! el down Into their proper place:
bit as she wee leaving the apart -
urea. Lord Clevedoo called her back.
"My child," he said with. affection-
ate earne.teem, as he drew her to-
ward .him, "try to lei more like your
own deter mother who is gone be-
fore este she waw so meek ead gentle.,
Ethel. And If I should leave yew.
tient., If I should join her sooner than
coli anticipate, don't forget what I
have said to you to -night,"
Than nil the girl', pride melted be-
neath her alarm.
"Father! Father, dearest! what
do you mean ? You do not feel worse.
father : not weaker than you felt
yesterday or the day before?"
"No, no, my dear ; indeed not.
What have I said to frighten you?
But death Is near at hand for all
of us. Ethel, and purely nearer for
the weak than for the strong."
Lady Ethel shuddered To her the
nnune of Death eonveyed no notion
but tient of a dark grave and a nar-
row! coffin. red all the soul reprrllent
horrors with which wo Invest our
funeral solemnities. Her heart had
never realised the perfect happiness
of ransomed souls set free from the
ctmtne of earth and sin, or the burnt
of choose! singing with which the
settee of earl are thrown open to
admit another angel to the Pre-
sence that redeemed it. She had no
power to look beyond the elgne of
our mortality.
Her cheeks blanched, and her
frame trembled when Lord Cleve -
don mentloneel Eta probable de-
ceaAe, but It was more from frlgtrt
than winery. Mho 414 not believe 11
misible that IN surmise was correct.
I !m h urmis co D
but eche slinddere l to remember that
such. a horrid thing as death must
tetvltat:1y COno to every living
creature, and would have obHlerat-
a1 the knowledge altogether if elm
'Papa, papa, what are you think-
ing of -what are you iiaylnlg Tr elm.
said, Irl to In I don't
r n
p gy. Y
meek like that. the shall be at
Nice, you know, next week, and
then Dr. Chalmers says that you
are certain to got well again."
"Parings ao my ohild-as (hod
plennetrr�� repeal the earl gently.
And ttfen, with n bloating. he once
more dlinntsaed her. And basally
drawing Iter handhorchlef acme.
her ryes, Lady Ethel quitted the
•lint at this time of tee year for
the sake of one old nein 7 Mean
wl l'e, Lady CI'vednn owes 100111• thing
In return for tin attentions of her
trimer anti min.. wicks eke is very
properly trying to pay off. 1 week'
not have he. put off her reunion,
tele mown for any coo.klnrathoa
How many geode have you to -night
-01 an averag • 1' he continued, with
it view to diverting her attention
from himself.
"About two bemired, • i should'
think -perhaps more," maid Ludy
}:thel, Indifferently, as she rose from
her kneeling position, and etodnl be
inn the glees drying her ryes.
"The Merglde J' teicarran is among
them, I suppose!"'
A quick °beerier might have neer
the .e'arlrt flush whtnh mounted to
tin face of Ethel Garr, t• she re.
fillet to thin ginger, question ; it
souk' have tak et a ette quicker one
to note the look, made half of peen
and half of patience, with which th.
earl received her answer.
'Ansi your friend. Ethel ; the mil -
'ant tolonol of artlll'ry-Is ill there
alto 1"
"My friend: returned the Riri, re-
covering from leo slight coataelon
"who dares to call Colonel Baln•
bridge by that name?'
"1 understand you like 111m."
"From Lady ('levedoa, father ; air
way your ln'orment, t pregame?' and
fellers lip celled to Its highest ex-
''Or that-
hyou-which V It
'Voila line nitre clines," rejoined
hie daughter, haughtily, tie she
o taxed a stray love -lock to Ila
enr.0thly on her forehead. "Colonel
Bntnbrldge may admire me; I know
nothing about that. and once Iwo,
ynnr footman may do the! MOM, air.
nnl • Jtem
nd lratifxt of one man 1w
likely to bring forth as" much fruit
nun the other. it Is Impossible, even
for me, to Avoid the adulation of the
herd ; it would be another theta to
enoentrnge It."
Crani, Ethel,'' sold Lord
('Ievekm, with eomn degree of res
proof. "Y.m arooing too far In
sot eking like this. Were you ngree-
oble (te the proowedlnt, there weel4
be nettling rxtrnordinnry In your
ulnrrytrtrt a man Ilio Colonel Bain-
bridge. Ile le a gentleman ; and the
king ennnot be more,"
Lady Mel "tared at her father
with wnmltlgnted elrprlar.
"But your rinughtrr may require
mere, Sir," she snkl "and you mewl
not expet she will ever so far for -
1 here as" any reasons why It Is not always possible to
cnnautt a pal et personally. Our m,,thod is .ntlrely new.
It has many a vantage•, mad appeals pectieularly to those
who Ile. At it dirt nee from the e111... It noskca It possible for
ev.ryone to obtain reliable ..peen• of their hands without
towing oblige/ to befFywn homes. A hnoklet, utzplate•
lag the method, will Nat free upon sppllcetlon,
P. 0. riot fie. HAMILTON, CAN.
(Canadian Branch 1
The lett* of reoeptioa .none to
wrhk'h Ethel Ogre now took her way
were gorgeously turn WW1 With
welt° and gull and hanging.' of pale -
blue eaten, in the same oid-fa'shlooed
stye' as the bedchamber. They
were profusely decanted, uwreover,
with hot louse flowers, and crowded
wttit a large and brilliant company,
In the midst of which, surrounded by
tiro elite of her Ignitor*, sat their i
hostess, Gertrude, (bunters of Cleve.'
1n age not over eh and -twenty,
wtteh large, clear, gray eyes", rite
features, rosy complexion and an
abundance n( auburn heir, Lady
ele.etkm, In tie metlmatiu0 of many
of her friends, was considered a
haadeome.r woman than her step-
daughter. But a o1'rtaln ooaresenew
in tie attllnetl of iter figure, the
sparkle of her elm, and the appear -
tome or low open mouth, with its full
red epee, deterred teen of refinement
from paying her the admiration
wrtdrh she ,•xaoted from the crowd.
Physically beaatitul ph' oertatnly
was, but there wee less intellect
than vivacity written on her faoe,
tont tore cunning than eiovernelw
detected In her character. And
yet, like m'iny women of her type.
she drew simply because the 'stoop-
ed to draw; end the men who now
hovered round the ottoman on
which she was reclining, and vied
with one another hr engrossing her
attention; were ..'one of the most
flattered and ,,•,•first after of her
Conaploufusly :among them 'thous
the llnrgnbl de leo:eras, the men-
tion of whose nam' had called forth
is sigh from the lips eJ the Earl
of Cteveton. Tele gentlemene-even
In an ntsembly •where many were
hnndM.me.. most were young. and
nil fnshionahie-was the possessor
of sufficient beauty, youth, and
mote to command universal netloe.
An I, perhaps', hie nru,iteed attrac-
tions were increase 1 rather thnu
diminished by the fact of his na-
tlooallty, which was not eufftcf-
ently prominent to rale° any great
barrier of dbtlncttnn between hem
and his associate's. Descendel from
nae of the oldest and most noble
families of France, and bred and
born in the land of hie fathers.
Victor de Lacarrns had yet been
educated In England, and forme•
most of lite early friendahlpe with
eons of our country.
From tltul clrru:estnnce he beat t
been accustomed to pans much of p
Els time here an.i on beoeneng las •
own master, had ao associated him- i
self with English manners and c
people. las to be mere than half an
Ther' was
Enclt-hman himself. I f
noNubJ.et connected
with our national customs, laws. or '
amusements Oil +ellen the Marquis
do Lnrarra" was not am will Inform-
ed rte any of his n I lshre : he wan
to be m with on every race -comae
In England ; kept his hone'• in town,
hie hunters In the country, end his
yacht at Ryde; evoke the English
language as fluently as he hie its
own. nod never trouble,' Parks ex•
eepting twine tM /season
Netwt'.h•t: n ilree whole h • r tatn'd
all the gra"• and polish I. -reline to
a well bred Frr'nethrnan : knew intul-
t-ivet7 by wh#•h ei dente flattery enol,
woman's war WAN t0 tr' fenlne.l ; nod
had niwayn the pr a of foreign ex.
traction to fall hack upon when he
found that hn had gone ton far.
Finally. VMto. cow i,aeerrne wap
what Ie oim1i-1 by Me owl net n ensu
lucky men 111. hl.Ict, nine n 1-sirsp l
dyne, which newel i.' 'oft ns velvet
or hand am ate .1, as fickle nature
(lLrtntal to Elm. ware eufnctwnt of
theme -Ives to take Pewee hearts by
wts-•m. hail they not bon set In a
hatememe fee', awl joined to supple.
wee -knit repute.
Hut It 1n sorry work to attempt
to d. •'nib' b'anty. Eney enough in
write .town a Iht 01 f em.'s, ape
"a7 that, amnlgnmated._ _leek_"'
well ; bit expreiekm Ie not to to
caught in ten many wen de, ane with•
out exproudon life le wanthut
The expu-n. ton rg the margnb
waw generally an Indifferent ane;
to repope, he appetrw1 tired a the
world and Ire pleneuros which one
perhepil the reason that, wIlh Elm
to appear intertotei wee to fay
the hhthent compliment of whhob he
wax capable.
On the prevent oecesioo, hale
he hong conspicunnely over the
Countetes of Cleverinn. and eve°
took the trouble to draw off her
attention from her other /meets, he
'teemed more lertlees and Indifferent
than somal, and 'hie dark eyes rov-
ed constantly from the contempla-
tion of her neck and ehoulderN to
the door of the npartment In which
they were sitting.
No such feeling of ennui, how-
ever. pat/woo 1 Ilia fair heeteeu for
she wee all cparklo and flutter at
title monopoly of her, awl would
leave any gnestioe empowered to
listen to the fal°tset murmur from
hit languid lips.
it a all at this jgneture that Lady
EUiel de•fuende 1 the broad etAtr-
oa,u' fowling from the upper story.
A group of m •n and woman. else
had been unabl • to find mats with-
or who preferred freedom and
flirtation to foul ale and oiaper-
one, were clustered on the landing,
ahlspering In couples, or being
"eloquent In 'silence."
They fell apart tie she, appeared.
me king way for her to enter, and
with n faint smile and militia in-
clination of the head, she jwts'eed
through them Into the crowd be-
' Very lovely 1 Don't you think
pot' suggested one young
lady to her companion. AA
the wtlite satin train swept over
the threshold of the drawn root -
"H -gym!" paid the oompnnbn, medi-
tatively (ito knew that an unquali-
fied "yen" would anything but pitmen
tin fair gamiest), "soma temple might
think her so. but she's not my style;
she U far too cold ani etatueeque
looking to plenee me."
At thin qualified) commendation the
young Indy felt tent she might Nafe-
ly t•uett her argwttont
"Oh ! hat I nereure you. Lady Ethel
Carr Iron harem considered quite a
belle fids season ; and at the last
drawing room tt was remarked that
mit was the prettiest wanes there,"
'Indeed ! then you can scarcely
Wye been prnnont," returned her
ea teller, gallantly.
"How can on 7" was thin curt hut
exprwpetve rejoinder. and then, as
tho,gh to °bang• no pereonal a sob-
Jret, the buly continual, "Ilett 1 be-
lieve whet Tat said rnnperel fg Lady
EttoI'e appearance U perfectly true
ts r
'Rarea Ider telemeter rr }v
says; tl.nt elm U terribly cold."
"Of (tourer': perhaps you will be-
lieve ton aneltter `into"
"Mhal (lore not deet on we'll with
other Kirin. They oemhplatn of her be-
tngtwm nneornmunkeeIveanti reserved.
Not n bet like deer Indy Clevedon,
IA It r"
" No! There's it pretty womtar
pow. If you like," replied the gen•
lienar, f eleetting for a moment
hie role "9rch Ilfe-ancb coloring.
She In worth two of her etep-
de tighter."
(To h. continued.)
la the beet. -
Matthias Foley, 011 City, Ont.
Joseph Sieow, Norway, Me.
Rur..1t. 0. Aruwtruog, Mulgruve,
N. II ,
Ch'tVVhuotene Mutgrate, N. li.
Pier Landry. 1'ukeuiouolte,
N. a
Tiuouas Wasson, Sheffield, N. Ii
IkIs U. 1e Highly Prised by le'ash-
luuebles at 1•re.eut.
"Not the least beautiful of the
many sena-prucl,uee stores fur whkh
thorn ka ulwayr it large demand is the
topes." said a whul..alu dealer ill
gumr to thu writer. -The nitwit togas
generetlle suypgurts only a yellow
Atone, yet there are Ught blue, brume
who green varieties winch are fre-
quenttt,)' sold as taboo ethic*. Tho
geuutne aquamarine m ty, however,
be weedy dlatiageleheed treat a topes,
ue the former .tome more closely re -
rumbles the oolur of green sea salt,
litaelee, the topes admits of a higher
pelwh, atnl is extremely slippery to
the touch. Strange to may. the yellow
topes when e.lghtly heated becomes
pink; heated further, the pluk grows
paler, and by k.eg heating it Is e'u-
►rely expelled, leaving the green
colorless. The sherry colonel or
brown topes Ie blenched In a very
choirt time by the rays lit the win
strong daylight, and all the whito
foundOpuses fond In nature have been
urlsed In this way. Tho topaz is
outset In granite rocks In Siberiaspan, Peru, Ceylon, Brasil, std
Mal testi ad In volcanic rocks lit Colo-
ruck",ck", ()tab and New M.zioa"-Wash-
ngtu(t Star,
Mknard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Not Flabbergasted,
On one occasion when Mr. Beecher
was to the midst of an Impossiuuvd
perch seer one attempted to inter
upt him by amts./sully crowing like
COLA. The orator, however, Itrtened
(11t the erowl.tg ceased and
ben, with a look of eve
rise, pulled out his watch.
Murcltig elreaet,r !' he Mild. "My
watch Le only lit 10 o'clock. But there
en be no etletrtke about' It. The In-
Nttrwte n' the lower animals are in-
There was a roar of laughter. The
'ower .,alarms" in the gallery col -
biped unl Sft. Heeweller wag able to
resume lee Lf nothing Intel occurred,
CII.1P'tER 11.
i.ut site had scarcely e•rosmel the
threv,ltoki of his ohnmber before the
torture's which had played about
her features am she listened to his
Met words, disappeared, to be re-
placed by a bearing In which of-
fended pride wan the predominant
feeling; for the tenor of her father's
oonversatloo returned upon her
memory, and she recalled from
whom It was he had derived his in-
fo. n 1 f 's , e11 ee-
t n o the en noel 1
ro o h 1 r
tion for hermit.
"She would we luxe married to a
tradesman." thought the girl, bit-
terly. "In order to gratify her own
ambition to get rid of me; but If
Lady (levedon lmeglnos that a
Carr will he turned out of her fa-
ther's house to enter any butt tine
equal to It, she la very much mol,-
ta ken."
And the remembrance of n title
na anUl.nt as the Earl of
('levrrkm'e, awl whirl' she had ren
non to exp'ot wood, before long
be offered for her n•oeptanc.- trent
the name segment* blush to her fair
hrrrenhe d, whk•It had crimsoned it
betters., and despoiled much of the ugly
felling wheal was lingering there.
$OZODONT Tooth Powder 26c
$100 REWARD, $1.00
The reader-, of this raper will be pleased to
earn that there is nt least one dreede,t disease
hat .cieuee has been able to cure in all its
Agee and that is Catarrh. Hall'- catarrh
'are 1e the only pe 'eve cure now known to
Le medical fraternity. t'atarrh being a conwe 1
tutorial disease requtrsea etx,M a nt iunal treat -
111121. Hall's wear•.• cure la taken internally,
.cttug directly upon the blued and mucous
ur(.,ce- of the system. Werth! desiroting tae
oundat on of the disease. an,l i• Ing the lent drcngth by building p the teas 'tut on
end as Moog nature In doing Its wo,k The
» n
Tprletoh.va so mush la Ill ht 1t.. carob.*
Sowers th it they offer One Hundr. d Dollars
lir an ease that It fails tone u. Send forte*
,f t.stimoniala.Address F
Address J. CHENET t Co., Toledo, 0
K dull by druggista. 73c.
• Tho Grolvlh of is Popular Tea"
Some few yours Itgu the ''Salada"
Tout Company ptrcludred and remod-
elled their new and ee'm's:ether
"remise:* at 32 Yong. street, Te.
root°, making them the Net rout/stied
clod most eleg.tntly fitted tea Hereto
en the o•t°tenrnt. It was then
thought that the tweeting psers.at
would be amply sutf.cteat to serve
alt demtnda fur tern :• years to Come.
Mit so great hoe bre ,me the growth
and expee/te n of "PWl•tda" Ceylon
Tet that It hes been fount impera-
tively n.crmwry to •tel further era-
e rgo and improve, a's, to add two
ete•-ler, which will certalaly not only
greatly fuct.ltate the conduct of the
'ilnlada" beetrtrMi, but largely soli to
the appearauc i of an already Inapt s-
lag letrosturet
,Trek -Where the Joke 7
will -Thep letter le from the pro-
prietor of a temperance hotel i
orate. In engutge a room, and he
mvo. "I'm sorry, ahs, but we're all
tete" I.
Advautages to be tlalued by Iles"u'-
lee Ambidextrous..
Tte qulertiu shn,uhl niubleexterlty
be encouraged le un.wersd Ili the
uegetive by a writer 1n the Anuerl-
eau Journal of leeutlly, auel upon
tit, ground that, while ouaree move.
moults way be perforuied nearly as
well by aur half of the bydy as by
the other, accurate and expert move•
muerte require tt higher organisation
of, rue hall of the brain than the
other. ileuee the w,re expert hand
rituuki be outeuluuely •till more awl
more rpccialhled, making Use urdt-
'tarlly qulrwceed heal! et the bruin
nevem., c,Nttrot teeter, It Is weld, 1.
impairment of the mental process.•
as well um luted /rite of phyaiul^btl
ep.wi Lund d ote•rlty.
All of wicker we deny, both fact on
theory bring untrue. The writer let
dk,ubtlees breast tetrled by abet rued...
of the fuurtl.)n of wt r. ecu, wbl,h 1s" MO
gee, awl la execull in requires O.
earn Lead of a atingle centre. we lust
but, one voter. but we have tw
lamer wlthelt In many caged at Of
fereut in tants uvty be out la n•
teen with the mune de.ttenbty. Man,
Nurgsunr can upente equally w.1
with tither lined, and we Iwve ere•
meq who Could write as well with tit.
one hand as with the other. Th
critic et ambid.'iterity may rept;
that tide to Imptl.sibl, with eynchr'nt
ogle movements, forgetting that 1
oho neaklart, un•l especially In the
pianlet, there U the toot marvell. tis
expertness of both hands executing
most complicated and entirely defer
tett fumetions, and at the same In
rte nt.
The arguments against ambl lexter
Ity appear not only Ineonelnsive. but
nee syunrely eomtndlcted by facts
Surely alta/ they are ngalnet a de
elrlbin freed..m of mind Without the
muertelans' nmbtdexterlt•v iii' wo.ill
beedeprived of much charm. tV.' shoed
eneourtige "divided retention," and
deft large power of the Mel over
Ith' lusty alltrw•It tit the syn,'hroneus
control of multiform activities,. --Am
ericen Medicine.
Minaret's Liniment Cures (target In
HIghfleld - - Hamilton
R('ORY and H tiLtal'ItY men on
the oaf. 041on FRO, u.
Magnificent building rhe home of
the late Senator Turners, and several
acre* of beautiful grounds extending
to the top of the moon:ion.
Splendid home for boarders.
Apply for prospectus to the HEAD
J. 11. COLLI\SON, M.A.,
( LM. Opea MaINwMlsal Aehorar
(jC ofQtssati Cals�q Casubrldgr.
Mra wlwlow'a noablag it rep Mend al-
ways be used for children teething. It swathes
We child, softens the tuna, curer wind eolk
t tad Mete bawl eamadr Mr dIesrl s. lemasy-
Ilea owu a betula
Words st the Wise.
They're only truly great who are
truly good. -Chapman.
It matters not Itow a man tiles.
but haw he lives-lohneoo.
Corrupted freemen are the worst of
The trite me of 'pewit Ie not is
mu -h to express,' oar wants NO to
Conceal them--Ookbemith.
Clever men are good, but they are
not the best. -Carlyle,
Let hot thy miiwi ran on what
thou lecke/et as much as on what
thou fret already.-Anrellue.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Pec treeing llla.self.
Bl,bbe-What are a:Al carrying a
gun for 1
Wobble -1'm going house hunting.
Blnbbe--Thnt'n a pretty pax joke.
filobbe -No joke about It. You don't
know want theffa t•al estate agents
might do to yet If they catch you
Imnrmed,-1 hlladerlphla ILecord.
M nard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
We will posy you O cents per
pound for Plucked Turk. y a, borte
or small Iota. lbw buy .11 kl., l
of Poultry. Ne pay freight and
send check or money order as
soon as we receive the Poultry.
SAMI'R1, 1,. LOW'S B C0.,
('ommb.aton Merehanla,
Loudon, 0n1.
le Ottawa for Nolo: stook abet ge.
emanate Mode. to terser a year. Address
Boaiaset' ori Marta ntrest. Ottawa.
Trenton -ekes to railway station,
t ounty Nor humbertand ; wnst.tt g nf'y-
three sores : modem, hr tk house. g'wd bare.
h otters and windmill, two the mond apple.
pear, •berry esti plum trees, alt bearing ; fl ve
acres raspberries, currants and gooesMrrin,
four acres ofgrapc., all In hest state of cm' t•
vatloo; lard away Wan and clay Isrt; out
sell with or without chattel.; terms easy for
quick .ale; puse.elon 51 once. F'or panic.
Mars addrews W. A Warner. box Is, Trenton.
ISSUE NO. 49, 1901.
Does 'your horse "feel his
oats"? 'What a difference be-
tween the grain -fed and the
grass-fed horse 1 The first
strong and full of ginger, the
second flabby, weak and tired
out before he begins. The
feeding makes the difference,
Children are not alike either.
One is rosy, bright-eyed, full
of life and laughter, another is
pale, weak and dull. The feed-
ing again is responsible.
Sickly children need special
feeding. They don't "feel their
oats". Scott's Emulsion adds
just the right richness to their
diet. It is like grain to the
horse. The child gets new
appetite and strong digestion.
Scotts Emulsion is more
than food. It is a strong
medicine.It rouses up dull
children, puts new flesh on thin
ones and red blood into pal,'
ones. It makes children groti
Scott's Emulsion makes trd
nary food do it.
This picture represents
the 1 rade Mark of 'tott's
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle
Sell. H► fru amok
S« tad et. all dreggbu.
1; RUIT .ARM FOR GALL -011e OP Tal
11 nnoc in 1*.Nsierala
W111041•. It, miles from Hamilton or two nn.
wet.. IL scree in ell At of whieb is in holt
mowly Ise*. hrs. Will be sold In one parcel or
divided into t000f 1b to re acres tc sun per
chasers. Tile le a deeded bargain Address
Jonathan Onrpset r, P. O. box eta, Weer.
New and Enlarged Edition
Jction_ y
d tL.11o, bnno,hr. t.r..r. ep4y. i.'ion, etc.
15.000 NEW WORDS, ETC.
Laded by W. T. It•tllals, 1'b. h., 11 0.,
('a,ted Sear. (.mares/ d
Hew Plats Throughout. with Btadi.gs.
axes Pages. yam Illustrations.
also Webieter'.Colle sate
inlctleaary eat • venom
,' an,.h (11 .eery. Iroo Pages.
seas I lluerasar. Sae 75,0....11.
e, nue pages, eft seth
Oaks NM.v apphea[nn.
O. • C. Marrlam Co,. t,prregi.Id
MfiDE Of
are vastly superior to the erten n
Woodeeware articles for domestic use.
For gale by all first olase dealers. e. 1"1se-Afrfefilt
CURSEOF IKNeBPR eta rl .•'RrovFAMpIeLrtTaaDteRaitN7KOr
If lying Tasteless penash 1'rw.d1ptl.w soersUyn
DRINK food or drink, Pollute Imtloeable. Free • vs, Isle.SECRETLY
ledimnninls, pries sent ...Ind. Write SAMARIA
E Mk;UY CO., la Jordan street Toronto Ont.
Ws want yen, Welton .0/Children to were for us ether ewe Homes. under. lis Direction et
(Authorised Capital, 4110,000) To FIII Large Osntraota-Oood Wages Easily Earned
W. want .14. mor. worker. In thle locality, at *Nee, and on erd•r 10 Secure deur CO eperatlon wItherUt pm delay Of eorrnpOndenc•, we
herewde on
ea. h etplein aur 1u'1 plan In this ad•rrtl.•mene The were re Simple, and the Machine 1t es,lly operated, and with the Ould•. require. nn
work t
s 11 vou wish 110u,
o Jain aur ■lass of Worker' let NS Aur from a m
yeproptly wnnd
ife rnlltaee, anwe .111 s meet d maehlna and oet to 1. gin
N. war t. ...Ile W.1r•. e11te111.. 1. de 5n111log M we he 1MIr Mm.. No are tho lr,lm/tren of Ole 01., In rents. stem. rh• letf•e 5,Ileo mwrwn e,. lh• •anti„•`"
An.. l••u• me polo.. we 1.44 l....uNle au.4.t1 eat4 Ye. 4144 by.h,'h. mi kudt,f W„voM.t n4f 1, our,. r.n.
..rill.. in.,l1 '�all e'/ now t”Sromlo k.5. I.iln n•..r
f.n • • 4.e I tarn la, .. w• awl' It„e IN I pool.,
• ,. , a es" rwellln N l\.1 roe roe ON i.a\IN aAMe1y 4, Alrwrtlaw.. TN MKa1,,.Ll ynmaAa
a, pr•wlj) r s"1, 11 p„rpnr, are e\. �wr�14e .a al.pl., N annsl p.ANIMy en4r a mina. to It. e.�rt
11w won Mo.. owe P M'R ele.w... M. h. •t 0, .r,,.. t 5l rums. and as e..ro .n.hlo to apply 0s dwa0.4 as love regia MI. method «rwrtbene ern ears MIp
The NS,. we ns" b. Salable' 5Nr: Ole. tams on ow 0.A0. ....rm. k,. 11 NI1, 1w.e wou.N.O• Witt. is. IT, 51ar
TM Erne can 5. p. lel hy •y M • Welly. ,4 at ear whoa .ay ....l• f. N 5,544. .51.0 , Ween lherewIree ,,,'i,e.tl,
On, p1.a1. 4 wn• onl or, k ear 1N rile.
. sue a wt e4.0 runt pa 1nlr k.riu..l. 0rrl "m.1nl.( 4 lie m✓h1N wetly N M ...I...1. .n.1). Mtme,,1 yt , 1. inn
.M p.r of..nrpi ark. 0 0 Slott a. • Pro.. own New Inenl. II.n Herr., Neel..' Me IM ..nk It to be 4ms 0 M se a•1ap1) as tow wrn•I4.1 NA r" i
A • 4„anr IN of yam, eh{rb yen knit emu worn KkrwW eke. aniseed a. pr.pr raw', n • II nth www war. ane.., IWew,t r room,. riot,.. 15. eek 'a
ht.. rat od, n Mmpl, 444 T.pMt. 4..44. 1k. tNr\1N M.4e • cepa. tri� w(1•n Ibnta„1 w to .w • 01,.11. "le w Immo mea) pn ., ae. M *rope:, wM halt Note tw..ty•e•.
415107 Ir Mm.to 0s".to5i.tet• A•r.p.,1 beerIb1.0.-.;:.-1:::;;;:7;,--„:.;01:^.
ar1,to'1.,r•.d1lypun.Irefrtk. e'M 51• per teat....r*lr0Staa..
w• 55,1.5 mn wwr.n .11 tN m.ter to .0. 0, , rrr, NA.n.r, hIq 1\el et e ',v. 5,15 w.,r5. w. • •mor IM y, tool . l tho
lie .trier.• ee• . that th••Sw u
e e4. .onset,,e 4 .1,51..5, matt r De w Y wrerlu.ot hee.r.•M Al W.r o..( 0 ,,,...sew. *0.. rmnW,. en awl WIN .In Ire m. tM ] mew taws Haat /M t "
M '•ole.. f flute o e nem Dew 4 wow w111 .t M wtsat M •Neper,P of 1)..s" 1n1,7001 am m ra i. •eA 111 0,MMNA Nast M r4Mld,N If won are 4 anre►1.
n • f•5r".1wr her AaeN rt f • A pnrelpt Tweed h a5 as.. r dA not W Y drrlW Pool ..r Way 0. waft.. rvre a AMIIrHN was �e all M/ .'MW 1 bf1Ar. 'e' M NW
•r /n.edn Endre. lid baa M l',. nN as" kn.1....,.nn.trl..
TM er4nr.rerh.l pn. • 01 the vomit.. t. Mk sot pnMl..l, 14111.4 M MIA to an, 414•441%...11,..44 441., 0111arra 1. An koNlty rm.&
1'h... le a 14•544 44.5.1 by t4. Irvle for this .l.w M work nor ewtan ran drp..4 n,.. et 'wt.", 7) r ani ,r y.. •.awe .115 lit (wee!• nt Weer Ilse ...In Well r•e
ppm. •Ila wr1 . in f r 1. It ouse nrny tun ow •Irl mt., a pr.mpely, a • wit.* a,n w..15•n with e.q. ,rant Ws" of .aeric yon. ear u w. err. era.•..•• ea woof
5,.rrty •a. Weil, V. w• lar.0 ash me to A. the Wow 4.Nn 1040. .o boom 01M.tmn wn tw Are.;rr.
.e'•r7s W. Mw, . MIr1• meow, r p.. *5. .. IrA^; ,h.o yen whit mer ...re It ....air rot m In la• m5.l,. I, 1. Inn else N rewore't 11 le he .m1 w1.1 Itt..l)) •.
hl • •PIA 1,s" t w .,sped W. wow./ n 4 rtes FAM wllb em ..5 1W wl Mr w." ta„rm, hl M nifty wows 91 Mh„
5., rod NI '•e f t ,wIM. •M • .,r t or K 1101 pe
4 f ppine aM.N y hist w ., Ill .. ooh k .. N el o ft row , ,7to M 4444 1,4 eel... lel ON •wl Warm., 1., fataw w:l\ 114114.144.0641114. al as" M, wMd taxa tM ttrdlwa
post pr'Mr1♦ none owl,/ N w\M1 wa will M1rnH .•.'slew a01 oft. rae.ly M wwem.wr�
to hpwtrelr .. .tew.rM. Wed If Na rat Par. to AN .Rolle a too hos We way. Y.. N rima. N Nolo 1 eay pie se N .N.,.., ts* _ was es. math• deo OreNto. 4,i 4. No low u tot o on,
1 r at any Slow • grotto' bowoler 41•."4•.4 •4 nide 4 4IwNtle. It •w espial es win 4k. Met tae armadas Nd Meta rr Newry. pre4y tic oared. le la we.
'meal. ea .k.. l...ra Sed gavial M'a,.,M n1 wort .1'.!,'M amen. pall (of tN ma,41.m hot aw.4 dee.
la14 1MrunteaeWw sr1Wr.. u. *Wrefw(..50.05 NNW or owls..rte rorowws-wa• OW OMspat r ryllrta-..by oboeaai ye. Sean. wpm. olbro
O.r References [apneas Seaepmlea, Sanks. or Tweet',Rasinaee Habeas,
N..d 0111••t ■ ew Bldg., Tarots.