The Signal, 1901-12-5, Page 44, `THOtensi, Deo. 5, 1901. THE SIGINAL : GIODERIOR ONTARIO WE LEAD IN Sporting Goods, Ammunition, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers. %VIII /Led lois i.i co to t r.uo 1 it yea are well furalebed wi;'t attractive things we tau show you to OMEN'S WEAR. We are meklng • special display of new Neckwear, Shute, Cloves, etc , which will be mite to Interest you. No matter what your buatne:e is. ours Is to clothe you the best we tan for the Meat money, and we can do It with the line of tuercbtodlae e• oarry to your pet Mot satrefau- tine, OUR OVERCOATS Are going fast. We have the moat stylish coats In the trade, the l oke, R&.lsuett. had Obesterfield. Tbeee coate have had suob a wonderful sale It le impossible to Ret enough from the manufacturers. l..avo your order early if you want eco of Diem lash locable 'ermines. I1 will be Impoeritle for us to Ret many more. The prices are $14, 112 and 110, rsspeeuvely. FURS I FURS! We have a very select stock ol ladles' gad men'. fere, and would 'WI, Ise you to In sprat oat stook and got our prices beton purchasing elsewhere. W. C. PRIDHAM, Selo Agent. lar Christy's London Hate. Mom's Funfair mad Baiter. ht ofignsl, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING .T D. 1eaDL IIMIDT • ! aODIRIOR. THURSDAY, DIO. 6. 111X. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. No. 6. Mangan 14th -We started today, w coning* of golds, to view the historic p Inside the walls el Paris. Our first stop was at the Vendome co The greatest mooumeotal column 1 world 11 that of Vendome, construct order of Napoleon 1., to COmmem Motorise over the Residua and Awl/. It Is 142 feet high and thirteen fee diameter. Itis built of masonry, carr with plates of brooms upon which a lists representing soease of the oemp•i 1806. The meal of whittle it is tom was procured by melting 1.200 ea osptared Irom the Ruesh.os and Austr The total weight u 1.000,800 lbs. to the oommuolaa tbrew down lbs sol but It was rs-orooted, and now stands piste. and Drowned ciao* mon with a fi et the Emperor, weediest a wreath of ylo on big brow and dressed in the ,.it. Roman general. Our nut more was to the garden of 1'ulllerfes, with ire fine promenade, marble statues and groups that well worth inspection. We also viewed statue of Joao of Aro, la the Roe de RI • pretentious work In broou. The M 4 repres.ated bestriding ber horse, beaded. mod harrying • dig In her r hand. Ne=t we had an exterior yle the institute of France, where fin dare academie@ have triol, home : al.. &o esta yl.w of tis• mint, Oa the ground floor five arcades, and above them six handao Dorso columns. The statues above • yeoua rept. ant feat., Plenty, Commie Power, Wisdom, and Law. Next to Palate de Justice, on ('sty Island. 1 g ra•► 6u11di01 wee twioe neatly dntro by lite, and again by the Commute, bu now again complete T'h. prioolpal keno* is adorned by satuse represent Peso*. Plenty, Ju.tlo., and Prudent*, walboe hall la 255 feet long by 75 feet wi The western facade has • handsome ooro supported by eight IMrto oolomas and t corner pillars. NU statues represent P demo, Truth, l'onlshmeot, Protection, V lame, and Justices. The Chamber of ('o morn is another beautiful bmldug on t same island, srsotod at a . At of 11,000. Cho ('ooctsrgerie, • ramous prison is ef mod bn this Island, also Soma Chapel Although emelt in sere, this chap,' is ooe Obi Onset speulmeos of de_orat.d Got •rshlteeture in existence. The build( ventilate of two chapels, the ripper • lower. The upper ohapel is • mouth build' of extreme beauty, °octal.. fifteen wlodo fifty feet high by thirteen feet wide, a these being tilled with fine stained glass 1 light is •ubd0.d and moderated, '1' large rose window above Ili• eotr•ooe beautiful. The pillars and surf.oe of t Interior are decorated In polychrome, en against the pillan.re Ketose of the Teel, Apo.tles Next to the Churoh of St. Gs main 1' Auserials-a very fine church, be Its interest to no was the foot that Its be sounded the signal for the massacre of th Huguesete en the day el St. Bartholomew We thee visited the Palate and Museum o the I.ou•re, the mo' Importaet petit' building to Paris. It would take velum to dssorfbs Ibis vast palnoe and to contents Th* louvre cantatas more statn&ry an painters than say other are gallery In th world. Enriched as It is by the prestos artiste of all ages, the coote011 are fovalo able, and the buildlrg alone cost $50, 000,000. The Plate do Carrousel, b• aro tweeted tame by Napoleon 1. to the filer of the Freeoh army, to forty Mehl fest hog and sixty.tbree 1. et wide, and isorowoe by four horses ; It le dwarfed by its for room:hogs The monamest to Gimbel'& Nola* the arch, le very lite. At the Kooles H des0x Arto,lo0ndeei to 1648 for teaohi0 10 palating, Sculpture, engraving, gem out flog, and •rohlbeotur., there are any pro femora and 500 pupils. Theme.to the shoran of Sl, ()emote des Pres. Tbir ie the oldest 'March to Paris, and dates from the tenth eentery. During the Recnlotino tem elurch was used as • saltpetre m•.e feelers. In th• choir obapel, to las right, 2. • manuresot to Jamie, Duke of Dooglae The oho, 2. of $e, Sulploe 1. very Leve, has Mme Bee painting., and the erten 2. ors of the finest la Paris. W. pass by ebe Observatory, and on to the statue of M.rsb.l Ney, le mends on the spot where the Marshal was shot, by s,mwooe prenoeoo.d against him by then Cbambee of Pee, 1815, for bawler Rene ever to the first Napoleon, Instead of fight lag him, after his soaps from Elbe. Our next halt was .l the Gnh.11e., the state establishment for rho manulaotore of taps* p. tele*. These ebofee prod u°tides aro for the etolc,i,e use of the royal family for the Nine being, are presented to foreign enacts, anehe meadows, er persons of distinction Some sal tn., larger tapestries enoopi.d many year. In enn.eruotloe, and eat oyer *10,000 2. malarial esti labor. All the work* are copies el well know. pictures. Out sett halt wee at the Pantheon. This large and Imposing 'trotter.. whleb stands es the highest groom! In Paris, south of the Kees, has erdergene many cheeses, and ie sew the burial place of the noted dead ef !ranee. The latest sedition is the hely MI Bruit Carnet, the late President of the Primo Republic, who was ..ordered on the 0A 94th of Jens, 94. f. the Plate here Is ere tad • Ilse Mateo of Reese•,. The tdeli eb of St.. Ketones en Mont 'meths next of labr.sr, Th. Interinr is nee of the is Part*. Tho mlraslee performed harm ars attested by the SOMA/ nee /rot/Asap. left hp'ripples said to hav, neon heal, 4 h Ith a lames lomo. a the •d by 0111,1•2101. t ID awedre r• gm of po.ed 000111 lane, 18710021., so.. • guru tory of a the and Ire the volt, 116 bare IMOw of rent riot ore me the 1.e, the 'hl' y••' i 11' en- ing 1'61 de. Ice w0 ru 10- m he 000. t0• I.. of ht. 05 0d OR WI ad he be 1s he d r es a h b d• e s • eo the Palace of the Lagsmboarg, °rooted to 1616. to Do used as • royal resident». At the first Revolution it w., tranelormed Into a outs prison, and et present re used as the assembly ball of the Senate, The atrooture le beautiful, sed the garden' with their fine atetues are veru lotereseing- Ito art material of astatine. and statuary are the works of living artiste ; the works of dead artists are removed to the Louvre. We must past along and be satisfied with an interior view of the library, the botanic wardens, and the mor woo, but we stop te slew the Noire lame Cathedral. Suffice to we that Its interior and exterior are of the boast quality, with Ile Immense sits (capacity, 20 000 people) and lts huge bell weighing sixteen tone, R -e nett view la turn the Hotel Dieu (hospital) and the Tour Se, Jac.laee, the tatter a floe moan Gothic tower. Tb° church of SI, Jacques wee demolished, gad the efts acquired by the nation to 1789. The purchase and restoration of the 10wer oost1250,000, Nut to the Piece du Chatelet. Hen formerly stood.Ihe notorious prison of the Chemist. The site la now 000upled by the celebrated Fo.'ain. de la 1'iotoln, deslgosd by Bolo, to commemorate the first victories of the first N.peleoo. The four principal sculptured figures are Fidelity, Vigilante, Justice, and Power The tiger' se the top of the column ia V. -- Wry distributing Morels. Hers the bat was paged aroucd, and opt guide Lid a adieu, and we were driven along the Avenue de 1' Opera and oo to our hotel, A. SANDS, (To Hr CONTINUCD.j IN WOLFE CO. Deed • kidney rill. featleme to Make Re- saark•ble ( sires e1 Ms..iea. (a.re. Y1. Joseph de Homme, slue., Deo. 2 (Special), Mademoiselle Eugenie (tube, eery popular young lady of this place, hue toren 111 for a long tome. Her trouble com meoo.d some three years ago, and has gradually grown worn, till she was very much worn down with the ooset•01 pato and weakness. Her friends were very anxious, and every thing that oonld b• tb.alht of was employ- ed W brtog about her recovery; but 0ethu5 came of it till someone summated Rodd'. Kidney 1'111•. From the tiro{ two beim an Improv(• meat was noticed, and when six boxes bad been teed the young lady was as well as over. She bad Men 0olbiog of her .I.1 trouble or pain left. Dodd'• Kidney Pills are without c' 1114 Prowler tbemeelvee to te.ufferi0R wome,'s best friend, as very many women have t eetified, BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. METHOD/INT MADA/.IN■ ANI) Rt1'I,N FOR Oct•c"n.a.-Tete maw's* t omplet a its Baty -forth Volume with an admirable Dam ter. It Includes copiously Illustrated ar doles oo Booker T. Waselogton and hie work, "The Doukhobor.' to Rues', sad Gan •d.," "Child Wives and Child Widows In India," and Sir E. Borne -loom and hie work; &iso,"The Romano* of iba Setting. Bank," and a number of Christmas stories, prem. and pictures. Isabelle Hortoo'e •trrrlog metal, "What Happened to Ted," Is continued. The aa0ouooemeot for 1902 Is • 'trona proor.m, and lodlo•tee a marked advertise In this oldest Canadian masa,ine, Among the more •trlklog Matures are numerous Illustrated papers on Canada and its reeoaro., Ito storied past, sod romaotlo Inmberlog and fishing In wrest', papers of aiventure, travel, social etoo.omb-s, popular science, obaraoter ekeeobee, misolonary adventure, Illustrated papers on art and memo, and th• I lie, with serial sod short .tortes by well-known writers. November and December num- bers ars given free to new subeerth.re. Toronto • Wm. Brigg•. Meatreal: C. W. Coat.., Halifax : 9 F queens. *2 00 a year; $1.00 for .lx month.. 8»RI HNIIi H POR (,1i RrTMAH,-The Christ- mas cumber of soriboer's Magazine Is eepeetally notable for ohm ming fiction and novel and effective eft features. The old fashloned Chrletmaa story does net prevail. hob 10 It.. plate has cams the story of bright and (Meseta' soelal phases, delicate senti- ment, wit sod banter. The bestwork of the beet writers is used 10 theee epeeist eembors rather than Christmas tetra written to order. Themes Nelson Page, who knows the South tborouzhly, motors* in a delightfully romantlo vrn the oharaot.rb- tle. of "An Ind Vlrg(Na Sunday'' as It woe kept In his boyhood. Arthur C. gels. t Smith, author of t'The Meek and tbe Dan. oonaihuies a lime story of Venloe, the hero of which Is en Koallsh Earl and the man who solves the plot le • .ardent. The situation le moot original and the story Is tali of wit and eharm of dielogoe. Ar. eiseloall this Christmas number cantatas many effective f„ttires. Maxfield Parrish, W00 has • place of his own among artists ae • designer In Doter, fartLhee the bsaetl- (02 t'hristm•a cover and In addition the frcatlepleoe (prated la came) and other illustrations In black and white to &orom- p•ay era et the stories. There are many heaetlfol Iltn•traItnn• ie the norther, 1'11011ew*Serr t. eewee /Mm. As brae, Tble dletreeelag enrnp,s,nr earl he per fentiy en'ed by Inhaling ('a archness•, a vegetable •.tseptlo tbal destroys the term which sen.. the disease. Catarrh none. is Inhaled at !he mouth from • one Versant pocket Inhaler, and after pe'meet• f.g the mlee'me air .elle, i• ..holed slowly t.hre.ah the nostril. It stops the one/A, makes hreathing regal.r, seri sredicates the amerce so thoroughly treat the amnion 'hetet .tures. IMe't suffer from asthma, nee Oatarrbeseme, 22 will speedily Bare you. Large nota,, $1 00 Retail nee, 26 tents. itraggle% er by wall from Pol sea R Co., Kingston, Det Dtlr.ela i• this (Marsh Areh M.hn Mb„, Seefnrth Mr. Abe MnMerr.y has not D creased the handsome hriok residence le F:,,- wss eagasead by se er pet, .. ie 1867. Nut ..eadv111e Irom Mr. 6'eweet, for *1,400, All tufa Farmers, Save W. haws ompl.t. A..ortm.at ot- AxesX cut Sawa. k Saw Save Curry Coalb., Cattle Cards, Horse Brushes, Stable Brooms, StAge ovepipe Wire, StoveSaw pipe ECow Ltu►sel, Weather Strip,ttle Ties, f1 Oil Cloth Binding, Nosey by Dealing With Us. •;uaJ of sunD logs -Don't Buy a Stove 1111 You See Ours. They Are the Best. ALLAN The Leading Hardware Men. & McIVER Phase 57. Honest Goad* at Honest Prices. COUNTY CURRENCY. Clinton : Dr. Tbompeon has sold Isle spleadtd driver to R McLean, who expects to send It to South Alno•. Ethel: Miss Jennie Howe, of Bru(s•I*, hu bele engaged as teacher of the 2nd de- partment of Ethel publte bobcat. Heiman : Edmond Geiger has been raged for 1902 by the trustees of S. S. 12, tray, am leaober, salary $.360. Ester - Lewis. Zeroes, who reo.ntl turned from the West, has again •coop position with the Electric Light Co. 817th : Rec. A A. Walsh, an old Myth •oo East Wawaaoeh boy, was reoeotly or. dewed ea pa.tor of the Hopal.t church at Camtridge, Maine. _.. Exeter: Wm. Misses- IW felly reoover- .d from lila recent 111.w gad has /one to Ingersoll, where be will resume a former position as blacksmith. A n,h&m : A new furnace has been placed in SL- Paul's rectory, Wlogb•m. It tornishee heat by bot air and also hot water, end will cast about $375. Stephen : ('has. flux, of Stephen, who has been suffering from a sevens attack of ery- strelaa, is slowly improving, but it will be tome time before he fully recovers. Ethel H F McAllister shipped & car of dour to London last week and deLeered two loads to Blyth and one to Seaforlh. Ile aloe soot a oar of lire tarkeye eastward. N'iogham: Mr. and Mrs. (Rev ) Lowe were celled to London on Monday last week, on account of the death of Mrs. Lowe's mother, Mrs. Hamilton Banter. Brussels : Brussehtee will heeled to know bat the .deed is completed between .l D. Ronald and the Comber Carriage Company. of Ethel, whereby the latter take poesessioo of the Ronald foundry. Seatorth : Robert L Pete lee, wan a couple of years ago, was m basing.. In sea. forth for • time, committed suicide on Thursday, 21st alt, by 'umplog from Rolle Isle bridge, at Detroit. Hraoaele : At the division court here Lir MoN&,gbtoo, Medfeal Health Officer, is g ulag the town for $73.00 for needloel et Madame W Alex. Foresta mad lastly when 111 with typhoid fever. Meter The town of Exeter le enjoying • boom In the Luilding hoe, the like of which it has not experienced to many yews: a number of the new stlacturee se being erected In the bottom' sectloo. Constance : The death of Mrs. Jas. Stan- ley, occurred on Saturday, Nov. 23rd, at the age of sixty-one year.. Her death was due to cancer, for which she underwent an operation, but she could not recover. Br t eets : A abort time ago Edward Gar- vin, who recently beosme • resident ol Itrnesel.r, had the mit/octopi to dislocate the second Boger of be right bead while se• sting in butchering bogs at W. Ellis'. Exeter : A, Hurting.. who unfortunately oughts arm 10 ly come week• ago, has agate awum.l charge of hu barber shop, and apuareotly m&ntpol.tee the keeo-alged rarer and shears with the o'd-time swing and graoe. Brussels : N bile in the bu'h getting rut wood, en Monday of lags week, .I. B. Stret ton had the misfortune to break his leg just above the ankle. la jumping from the lead onto she ground his foot slipped with the above renal'. Morrie : N e are p;esoed to hear that oa, former Wen, ll. Mooney, who N loosed neer Wryburo, N. W. T., hu had ■ very suocesafel year, having 3.200 bushels of wheat and 1,500 bushel* ot oee on lata farm. May this good lame tonneaus, ea - No, operttloa for appendicitis which took place on Nuyember 19, A large abscess along with the dtee••ed •ppendtx made the operation mon dangerous ; still the doctor' have hopes of his re0oy.ry, Seaforth : Word was r !feed her. last week ot the death of Johp `t(, MoDouenll. The sad sweat occurred a/ 84. � meldeaca to Lan$doo. N,.rtb Dakota, on Friday last Mr. McDougall bed been Ill wi `Mt typhoid fever for about four weeks, Litt the home. death was peritonitis. H• woe about sixty years of age. Mr, Mc- Dougall bad been a resident of S,afurth'. for about twenty-five years. I1•oiel, the old' y n d21'e emus* of his ted • Clinton : Mn. Millar, of th• Base i sae when 1c' town recently met with an •ooideol which will lay her up for a while : owl./ to the dlpo.ty coodttlon of the sidewalk near the town hall, one fell heavily, iCjnring the muse'es of ler right arm ly. Seaforth : Mn. f. H. Miller daughter of Andrew Calder, left baso week for Brandon, Manitoba, to join her husband, who has a iced situation there. Mr. Miller was, for several moire, the very efficient leader mid ine'ruotor of the 33rd raglma:t bead. (ileton : The farm belonging to the estate ll of the lateamas] Holmes, Heron road, woe pet up by auction, and sold to J. Holes, for $3,625. Mcleod Bros. bid u rip to $3 600. Ths farm le well situated and rood land, but requiem new building*, 8• &forth : Mrs. I). McGregor, of this town, me'. with • very painful incident on Friday, November 22nd. She slipped and fell on the sidewalk neer Barba'. black- emit!).hop, breaking her arm •t the wrist in two please end recelvleg other injuries. Bayfield : Aa F. A. Edward, wee Doming from Brueefield one day re ently, his hone became ill ted fell on the road when roar Varna. The animal was gob to • ,table and a veterinary leant for, who pronounced Il paraiy.is, The born 1, still at Varna sad not likely to r,eover. Wroteter The Wrecat,r Star gives the following example el I,ns•vtty . Mrs Trine. Malloy, who lite• re.r town le Howlett, recently oelehrel her 100th Mrtbday, and le quite twelve with her An. gars. Lately eh* carded and .poo •a A :0w wheel, about 8 lb, of yarn. Wingbum hew ton Mw ..agn, eon be•la of Robb. Kennedy, lee dengeron.ly ill le the general hospital, Monte* 1. alter y WEALTL. SAPPINESS. AEALTQ, I A person may have wealth and Wisdom, yet feel most dejected be - cans* of Anemia orgeneral debility. Health and happiness are assured by nein, "Climax" Iron Tonic Pills, whish make new, rich blood, cleanse the system and tone op the nerves. Each box eontaine ten days' treat- ment. Pries 25 cents, at all druR- giete, or mailed on receipt of price.Address: The Dr, Hall Metiieine Kingston, $inis, Ont. soma le lust now reooverlog from the fever, and the two younger broth. n are now laid up with it. Thus there wars Mks of the family sick with ft •t the same time. Brussels: L K. Harvey, druggist, who bought out the bashes. of 1). A. Deadman laspa t summer, has taken & milkier la tie per eon of B. Hurctley, of Sr. Phomas, who will bake charge of the Brussels cleric Mr Harvey, rater pursuer a course 1. optic's at Toronto, will enter tato partoetehip .216 his brother, E. (' Hovey, of St Thomas, and will manage two branch stores located rt Rodney and West Lore, Elite money, rpt) m•kt•t lake former his ho•dquarters. }'YE never did advocate shopping away from home when you could do as welt there as anywhere. But there are things which, it Stands to reason, one can buy better in a centre like Toronto is, and one of these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get the variety and to get the guaranteed qual- ity you must go to the larger Inarket. We are exclusive fur manufacturers. We snake everything we 'sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and best appointed in the Dominion -if you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making a special feature of waren fur .Jackets. LADIES' ASTRACHAN JACKETS. -our spacial,. $25 l'ADIES' ASTRACHAN. COON AND WALLABY JACK- ETS $25 2' $50 LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS: P1aln 30 t" 40 LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS -Trimmed 45 t.. 65 J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONOE-ST. - ;TORONTO. Ls' --- Coats at Great l aiietlons�t on Regular Prl 8' cos. $5.00 for $3.90 5.75 " 4.25 6.00 " 4.75 6.50 " 4.95 7.25 " 5.75 8.00 " 6.50 $ 8.75 for $ 6.95 9.00 " 7.25 10.00 " 8.00 11.00 " 8.75 12.00 " 9.50 14.00 " 11.00 13.50 " 10.75 These coats aro new this fall, and tailor made. Note the reductions. Be sure you see them if you need a coat this fall. They are great bargains. We are selling furs at prices that defy competition for new goods at the quality. J. H. Colborne, 'Phone 86. aoderich, OUR CHRISTMAS PERFUMES -mg NOVELTIES are anow to hand, selected from all tete hest dolueetic and foreign makers throat believe we have - the o.t lino in Huron County. NEW ODORS. 44 PI!IK i'soNY, Wulrx HVlYga, Czaatva I1jAKNATIONe, (�LAKINA V5l1, Etc., Eta 44 OUR selection of Christmas Novelties comprises many litter- See this apa.o next week, CALL AND INSP1cr, WE HAVE Syrup of Linseed, Licorice "4 Chlorodyne A new tough cure which will load them all this year. Dunt chtx)so W without teeing our.. C. 600DE, '• Chemists j . Prices Wm. Sharman, jr. BOOTSHOES, RUBBERS. We have the larg e t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Gloderich. It comprises goods of the following well-known makers : J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co- and Wright & Co., of Rocla nd, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. D - Wm. Sharman, Jr. BIaI GOODS AT FAIR PRIORS," is our motto. Square and Hard Coal! Co Jost Received 80 Tons Massillon Ltimp Coal, The beet Soft Cosi In he markt1 for domestic Purposes, also s 1 cars of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING. ALL GOAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES. Soaroi/y of oars le likely W t toes • coal famine daring the next two moathle, would therefore advise parobue of your Coal new. We are making a hit with our Hardware. it's genuine quality that does it -the genuine excellence of what we sell rather than low prices, which mean lack of character. If you want the best you can de- pend on what we sell. Look at these prices : .tones Steel Snow Shovels Gem Meat Choppers, No. 20 (1 (4 - ft (2 22 Steel Wire Door Mats Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, per set 44 " 44 " plated $ 30 1 40 1 50 1 00 85 Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper ' 1 50 Economical Cobbler Sets, per set 60 4 -Ib. Even Balance Butter Scales ., • 50 Cold Blast Lanterns " 60 Greening Cow ('hains, from 1 Rc to 35 Trap Loaded Shells, 12 gauge (only a few left) 1 Axes rom, each 65c to 100 Axe Handles " 10e to 25 Happy Idea Buck Saws 40 X-('ut I Maple Leaf Racer, 5 1-2 ft. Saws 1 " " Lance, t( " a( Premier, el Complete with handles. N. D. ROUGYIE. . 4 Wm. Campbell. Oo.lerloh, hos, 13th 1901. A Great Snap•. Is our Mager Soap, at 5o. a pound, of which we sell • barrel • week. This isn't our only seep, as we Derry sverything that oaa be found In en 00• tle-date grocery store, sed one prices are right. The farmers know that they can alwayset from os a snap for their products. We drew the line •1 me Iegitlmaes trade -- everything goes : (narrower* or potatoes, garden stuff or oholosst able Chioa. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford block, (txlerloh, Mill Wood FOR SALE The .2 eve is cut into store wood length and will be delivered to any 00 part of the town the same day .t ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Oambrisi street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Ooderioh. November glut, 1819. 5y_3tm Before uying see our line of-..•.. •• . HETERS RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove folly (luaranteed. . - . GO PORK' D. THE LATE D.K.STRACHAN'S MACIDNE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP UNDiCR NEW MANAGEMENT. JAMES IL JOHNSTON,~ who had Dean with the late MR. (trete/VAR for several years, serf Is thoroughly non - Tenant with all Blares of work that have heart done In the shop, wishes to announce that he has taken charge of the establish moot and will carry on the t oldness In mach • manner as to retain the ooefidenee and patronage heretofore extended W the late owner, and will he pleased to have as many new customers u wltl favor him with their patronage. In addition to Ship Work los Plow,. Ntrt WiverIng Wag ont, hRifest Powers, .to he w111 noetlner to do 0L( *RAI BLACg8MITHINO and RIPAIR WORK of all Mode. MA 021261 TURNING, DRILLING PLAN 1NO, THREADING. and all kends of ma chine work done on abort .etfne- He hoe also added a first -elate BRAZING PLANT, and all work In that line, Intlnding Rloyrle revelries/ and brakes of all Mad t. even be attended to on Mewl notion. Leese Mow er. sharpened. Priebe w111 be found q ala reeeoeable. The late D, K..trash., Manhole aa4 Black- smith Ahop. Viotora it. ('parlch. To ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes mast 12. loft .1 this (Mice not later than Saturday neon. The Oopy for ohangee malls he len not it ter ban Mon- day wee. Oaaaal Advertisements asMpMd Do to nee o Wednesday of sue week.