HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-5, Page 3LIFE A BURDEN.
TheCondition of Mr. Gardiner,
Smith's Falls.
9e apsat Miserable Days and Sleep-
less Nights -Heads, 1r/stand and Limbs
Stiff and Swollen.
From We Record. uanitbb Valle Out.
"There Is wonderful talk about
Ik'. Wlllla.m ' Pink Pills, why don't
you try them?"
Tdww words were addressed to Mr.
Ateirew Uardher, of entities Fails,
by a friend when he was In the
depths of deepoudeue$ regarding
ids physical cuttditlou. For three
years Ito had suffered so touch that
life had become a burden to li1W
and uttontines he Styr, he almost
wished that he might die. Then he
• •
Sssis.Neses.Nteasss• ♦N:
Kit Clare, the theatrical :itemiser
and author of several books on the
gentle art of fait flag, when at the
heal of liuverly's Mastodon M,nstr,',r
greatly euj,.yel a little chatting at
the expense of his companions, and
rarely complained wheu he himself
became a vtctlm.
On one tarassuu upon reaching Bt.
Lords he hurried up to the office of
the t'Lantes' Hotel, and, without
waiting to regtater, Inquired eagerly :
"Any latter for me t"
The clerk sorted uver a package
with the negligent attention that
coiner of practice, then flipped one -
a very small oae-on the counter.
Kit took It with a curious smile
that twisted hie pleasant lookieg
face Into a mask of expectancy. Ile
smiled more ss he read It. Then,
oblivious to several members of las
company and a number of 111. friend
who )(stied or stood by to gr
he bail It tenderly agatnet his lips
and actually kissed It.
A loud guffaw startled him.
",Now, look here, Kit," slid Charley
Apaukting, "that won't do, you know.
Too spouney fur anything. Contest',
now, your wino didn't write that let-
ter ?"
"No, she didn't," said Kit, with an
ensued look, as If he wonld like to
change the subject. "That letter lo
from my hast girl."
The admaelon was .o frank and un-
expected that the friends who had
oaught him said no more until after
they hal eaten a good dinner and
were seated together In a cozy cor-
ner of the stnoklug room.
Then they began to badger hint.
"It's no use, you've got to read It
to us, Kit," said one of then. "We
want to know all about your boat
girl �_
"8o fou shall." said Kit, with great
coolness. & will give you the letter
and you em`i'r d It yourselves. There
It Ie,, and he latalt.open on the table.
"I guess not," said Spnulding• who
had been londett in demanding it.
"We like t.. cluiTt n little, Wit I hope
we are gentlemen. The young lady.
would tinnily care to have her let-
ter read by this crowd," and he
looked reproachfully at ala friend.
"Baht I insist upon It," ons he
answer. "There is nothing to be
ashamed of, barring the "welling ;
that fa a trifle shaky, I'll admit,
bat dhe won't c:tre in the least. Read
Charley, and Judge for yourself."
Thus urged Spaulding took up he
little letter shamefacedly enough and
read if. There were only a few
First lie laughed, then swallowed
snepicloaely, anti as the finl•ihed it
threw It on the table again and rub-
bed the back of ills hand across his
eyes as if troubled with dlutnes of
"Prhaw." he sale. "If d had a love
letter like tit--" and then he Wets
"Fair WY -TY -cried one of the th-
ere with an *Deasy laugh.
"I'll read it to von, boys," said
Spaulding, seeing they made nomove
to tako it. "and I think you'll agree
with non that it is a model love
Aad the is what he read:
Mi owPti doer Pa Pa -I ea nti P ore
epeut wlserale , auye and sleepless
nighty, now lin lr enjoying life. 'flies/
Lie feet, hands, end l.Wud were miff
and swollen apd ho wits tormented
with a cometuut atinging, creepy
seuratiuu In his, Indy which - gave
Klin no rest daor night ; now he
w um supple as, ever Ike war, with
the stlfiness, the .welliug and the
erettty wcneutiou all gone. 11e attri-
buter It ull to tiro use of Lr. Wil-
liam.' Pink fills.
Mr. Oardltor it a man of about
a5 years, an oil and highly respect-
ed reoldeut of temoted P'ullr. Hav-
ing heard n good deal of talk about
the Improvement effected In his
le,,,tll.lauy Ur. WIttiu ur''!eak Pilar the
iteourl rout a reporter to ascertain
the exact truth, and Air. uardtuer
told him sutielantialay what le re-
lated above. lie said that he tried
a number of doctors -as, good dot: -
torr as, the re in the country
-hut got lo relief. He war given
to uuderetaud that • tho trouble was
caused by bad circulation ut the
Wood, but nuthlug did hue any good.
tie could not wear boots, his feet
were mu swollen, thud when be tried
to walk hie loge felt like sticky.
Finally he was tiiducud to give Dr.
Williams' fink Piltr a trial. Ifo took
six boner, Ito rail, but did not see
that ho wee arch tetter. lie deter-
mined to Quit teklut; them, but was
persuaded to continue them for n
little while Ioliger. When the haul
totem ten bx,xw Io wad greatly im-
proved, anti when lie had taken
twelve boxer lie was eo well that
ito did not coed any wore. It is
several zuoutls since he her taken
them alhl lie hats hest no return of
the trouble. When the reporter sow
him ho was wearing his ordinary
booty, and ho raid ho could get
into and out of a buggy ss well
as any matt of hie years in the
country. -
1)r. Willi:tura' Pink Pills are the
friend of the weak and ailing. They
surpass alt otter m-adielnee lit their
ttrulc, strengthening (malltle's, and
snake weak and despondent people
bright. active anti healthy. 7 hese
pills are *old by dealers In medi-
cines. er 1), had. post pail. at
W cents can
box. er sill hater for
$::•50, try rimming tho 117. Wil-
liams' Medici o Om. Brockville, Ont.
aaa Up la,(ieugrapbya
A certain Uattarlien minister of
Greater New York Ie determined that
Tooth Powder 25
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
foaeeloa/ LlAld Indo. Largo Lioald sad Powder 7ajr.
At alt .. 1 .. c..., t t ' • , , . tK rtagr, ;lc.
---- - t a —.----
gest young women, the
by the of Ito) round udvurtlsewtatr In tar ladies' paps.-, tarlwi bunk rlauw sl ':.,e may have p uha'cu:u u: gam.' ...; ►u .Ise ttc:ua, l
tioce u pity when thlugr getcouWwsi tawffuuts, of 1tee b.tluw kit to. 'Ther., {else.', t!lull taw +b••ul',ra _all thus
1 allow. t{tr.wa 1 err
b,caure olttap. the lovely pink and 1. un ole! wurla rlavu; u: pi putts ole• .4411.0.40M 10):% Who
01st.' Sian UMW g4JW Mia, n boa .o es. mad° t, d of. Ls sirdar t,rrt sal
tualzIt oriental t'euetlan brads, ens • dhe' ' OIIL of Trl taus, of tl • s a .tit+Ecu. til.' mtacrub:o kattgvrr sit► s b.:tat, baru
distin lyorIntal, bilous hand I'h... .,t.t fro u 1 t (sir
t I il h t' she: sit "due hart u. lou Mai dal,' tau sex guwo.is: r►tuutug, pee ;ire Wwase
C death floe
ad tit t 1S•riJ tiat2-ttly " t icy tits votpond1t1 tl ''
dbtluottY ornawea u . ,e •• t uurhw .. •.•-••.. ---- - -:ups c or-
hqr, tu.wrver, caatag • g
of the '.,titles' utultllu war L►W eri,lut:u:,, ant In tlds•w,ty the tlauf•t' tau-:. 1 \'+o lair 'strung lu1I4t4 gs
heart) on titer►, awl -p'e'tal mit teeny. 1 w.tut Every asNag
ytrW of Iso her., e,oral.
they ser. dime to cwt i no p•I,ill • (so the svbJ set +•f code, many who Imuguhu.. hu ciao eurwh h,w•.e.f
1 he twee. ewe t e r ot tbu little cloth bul,'rui have at a galuuaua table to real zit itis
are very loft•• like stole.;, saute flat erase stela tlty• Wlt'-'u ttto g:i Wu to
et/srheo wit« stags. n *twist eutu.ly a gauze of 'kill what'
1 bot all ht dra-fulled 1f t t {quer► kali It V for an .,mat
,,•►M••••aresiio►i►N►ir1►►►f0i►fi►►pf11M,1 in0*,paE
every nate anted then I kiss yore Pic-
ture t ASK god to bless you ga)d
his young daughter shall nut know 'lit t'rr Pn yarn best girl. ELMA.
the dark wide of orthodox reggae'.
After the reading the company re-
miss went ta, the country alta mained silent, while the little tet-
her mother during the part rummer ter parsed front hand to hand. and
and there fount a playmate in the you would have said that every one
youthful daughter of i �j1 logo had lhay fever by the snaffling that
teacber. One day the tatlasrllo tarn• Iwad mrd. h.*n- the bell was tap-
waw overheard: '
'•You've told a rto a said the
village girl, accuring . "Don't yo
know w het a Iolke go._silt_t!ld
"No,' replied the New yet* nibs.
"Where dei they go?'
'"They go to hell."
"Where's hell?"
"Why, Mamie Blank. you a mint* -
ter'' daughter and don't know where
bell ler
"Well, I don't care," enamored the r
accused. "I never was in a geography
Class In lite:' -New York Times.
come round,.•sir to try
chore lr ruc'a u word'! The telly tither la the Itgttiw tl or u R
silk, placed Ic.t .,awns ulx,a talent, to.cluelone while a ptufesrluaal!
t I W t the chert and 1 g { It ter Ail triter., the game I. a mise 1 gauto
Oa sir sit tra:ntwtu a :•l{� • ` y .oe
raw few of the weird dlsea little f f little tau 4411 huvov,•.l nt all, .w•c•
facer, Jotted 'un to tails and boated
in a way that is unknown to neutral may ba bought un curds at the Lau
history. Souse boar are like wearver t r nod!' to r.,w oa, an 1 It 14 a pretty clones' are all at gets.,' of Old Rotes
b. {a fur , caught In at the waist way' of rat..ehlag it lol.'ro wtil'ti lr nn 1 egahltt tan outside player.eThe.
by n fur bow. The old-fashioned tot
to 1101 absolutely de mode, tuid yet not u.tiWtelImemte are not equipped fur nlace eckleforme a little collar. ts may ba brought up to tan Litten faCWoa, Another addition, caret el on toe the purpov. of enabling
,Lite by being laid on 0 frill of old
i toad tats may lit caro at the beet the
hnslehbflotlto grow riehi at the
rhy{w, rentable' of ornait�•utul fart- wan run th•'m arc owl i.laaanlhrold tit
r r I n,W 'ttau u, g<ol l or grey hpw
tang on ewe i s e u fairly clots, together ; moat 1 (Hugo tl fait f the baa The f the of chance uael sit la or olio
slags w en u
t nils 1 atter are going cut, ole , coat t►t Just lttla the vitae
I Ilt[i itTe17-orfeta -+`:t�h ay[ !r all chows, sWtllneto r
sea's wourl te=as lite= that the
' r. t, e0 that a rung„ u tibiae
• u.vut=cntr is re(tt :11 want. The very entailed. Iarticl1 of no==on
M'ur facet's ,., b.teelsig 1 suers u a the
wear nothing IN ro becoming no the metal, which era attached to
airy tulle Kiel mousseline -de -soh' ruf- 1 front* of lot. roen,iiree on each
Iles. I know 1 theutioaed them an ' o lacing g
tray putt letter, bat at the risk of Wang knotted
knitt ii atthe
115' mho
herring a whimper fte taut soothe lite , to match. 1t Ir thea email details
"chestnuts" wafted se'a'm the At- 1 aecesesrler wit .11 give sal much
s H �mg lentic, I will } two lila
HOME ► faces, and I think
; art dercrtbi one or
Ped:- amt glasses wife Zat*ed and
dralaed to the health and happinees
of Kit's best girl. -If. Y. Telegraph.
The 1'sethlag Period Denaerous to
Little Ones and Very Trying to
blot hers.
What motile! does not look tor -
Ward with dread to tho time when
baby shall be teething ? stn that
time baba' Is restless, feverlrlh and
irritable, and frequently there le
rocas disorder of the bowels anti
stomach. The floor little sufterer Is
fighting one of his flr.0 battles In
tkts old world of pain, ant if not aid-
ed in Isla tight WILY be overcome.
Every wise mother helps the Utile
sufferer as much ns, elm can, and the
mothers .who have been most !meess-
ful In this reopeet have found that
Baby'= own s. Siete glvo Net smelt
aasletanee ae tin little one nee,le.
Ma's. W. J. Wright, Brock%file, says:
"1 have use.) ikthy's Ow't Tablets
quite frequently, newt am mock pleas-
ed with them I find them especially Cheltenham, Ont., Nov. 25.-(Spee-
aatlstaotory during baby's first year. Lal) -A fortunate man. indeed, 1s Mr.
have teed than 11.1 teething, In Merles Turner, of tale place. For
resetting. In colic, in Indigestion, and
ileaserletl merit
'hhe method of measuring smell
adoptrol by M. Bertl:olet opens a
wide field for Investigation, sayslo-
veetlun. A bottle Iw f1Ue1 with
the vapor of an odorous substance,
which is weighed before and after
to determine the quantity of vapor,
and measured fractions of the vuper
are thorn poured from bottle to bot-
tle until' J tet enough remains In oue
to excite the nerves of smell. With
iodoform the quantity wax three•
eighths of one millionths of a grain,
while a thousandth as much muck
woekl probably .ulnen.
a real rari.laa 'flavor,..to
afar., which 1 have area °.,gram ug (*I'M n linin ant Inexnrn«it's toil-
ette. French ace In my nest i shall tell you of
y would be equally roma level own■ an 1 huts, A tout
Perls, Nov. 4. -Sl=oe d Isar wrote velvet, and to Infinitely
expense U tile' Het•oml,g to Piquant Ilamlltoul«rs. it' t' heurts'4teSutura 1
Paris has been crowing over her ter° Dear,ming• ae CHANTF.-('LAIR.
only drawboek. Titre has beep nwN One, in white tulle, of a fine, strung
black-browed elrter capital, for poor wholesale slaughter of sables Sad make, owes hugely vuhtmliicud, until -
old Landon Itae been' shrouded in reale of late Tears that .the number% lead tiny little ruses. In pint sak maw
of the "pttkr bNetlee" stoadlly d♦ Un dotted all over It, and lung ends 6AM
"fulletttw," as, they are called -tet tY. I�I
narrow wldto velvet with a little
cluster or "chow" of chlffou ftutenlug
the many 'arenas s together, a few
imbue from the bottom. A little pearl
or scintillating parte ornament hangs
from ouch cud, and keeps. it down
Another, of white, foamy
Egyptian darkness by a paralyzing
'lege of fog. whereas Parte, la belle,
has been bathed In sunshine, her
grease, and so their
Myr tirows to Pelee
and preiclo
streets well swept, her shop windows 1„ still ver
bright and alluring. 11 Ir hard liner eonaforttag t
for I.olrlun ! Iler whops too are well I omits. of
Supplied with lonely novelties wait -
log to bo bought, the dress -makers'
anions are full of charming erea-
lienr welting to he "tried os/." the
theatres have put forth thrilling bolero eating at tl.te waist line, there
Iwcn. Tae mixture of furs
ladhioaable, and this is
the eronOmlcal people
have furs to alter.
An all-fashionkd 4k:Iapy sort of meal-
►kln (oat, or ens taker a charming t}lcozhyu'spottad with satin, had narrow
motet tee ort the nt est iron, a bolero sacatin toilettes," a bunch of wood
at the back wit the front slightly or viol s laced at each side of the col-
iouset, hating n old tissue or jew-
ri ipi little bouquets un the ends,
'list belt beneath Instead of Insstthatithem together. Black, as
plays, wafting to be applauded. Alas! may be a slight shttipet barque all J wellas Whiteeamed with torerd ruff ledging,
es, ere
for the round. The rll
oer may be a ''w
Mar- mswhich, le most witthmraIn this case
Rigor. of a London Vox. Beau" -or High, tctde-spreading one,
People, and especially visitors, who
are not to the manner born, will
not venture out ut the risk of life
and limb, to be pitched out of a han-
som, run over by the underground, or
walk Into the Thames, because they
could not see It was there! Some
friends of none the other mornlug
Mailed out with Japanese lanterns.
a worry carnival, forsooth ! and not a
success as an illumination of the
crossings. Well! to return to the
subject of my letter -'on watch all
the saiue this dlgreeslon hnr a bear-
ing -namely, the latest farhious, 1
will leave London to emerge from
her block yell with tier wonted state-
ly dignity -rite Is too high-minded to
be jealous -and will tell you this time
ot the world of dress in the French
leers Furs tsars;
there is a perfect furore over tars
for the mutnent ; the shops are full of
them, the picture -papers replete
with their purtralte. Every dame
fluid suddenly that she feels the
eukt t)readfully ; the pretty Paris-
arlwietoite ahrugr her .siotuty 'Wonkier.
and is ",i trlleuee," one and all must
hate a set of furs. the more thrifty -
minded wonders how she can best al -
A Cheltenham Mas Is Agreeably
Surprised -Aft Olt Orudte
me. Turner Alter a Successful !Merl
to art Hitt of tee Keenly Visd.
1 hat 1s/ Doing be He flee Pat
Away Another.
years Mr. Turner has Wen saffertng
bowels usually nccompat od by rest- with kidney disease. It gave alta
leastwise and fever. The action ofT�roat Mi S," and for tan ta*t two or
the Tablets hat always been all that t'breo yenta rheumatism has added
could ho desired."II to his already heavy b.trden of sick -
Baby's Own Tablets are a sweet, i nese,
trod hefrlute em 'tld nt known
nla n
dlessaat little lozenge that all cab t the rheumatism with lite old
drnn will take readily. They' Carl betting- of ow-
crushed or dLas.,Iced in water `zlmQfleldney' CraiWeo ellid+lewtsalr
lag adminletere•1 with safety to even the ,Ina the former, Me. Turner bought
youngest Infant. tivaresteed to con-' and nand Dodd's Kidney Pills to try
tmir1 no opiate ns, nnyt of the potion-: anti- dispels- el the kidass trouble.
nus stuffs that stake the 110.-C$lletd, lie .used a few bow" and the pain
soothdng medicines dangerous to Ilt-' In his back kept getting lase and
'ole antes. If yon do not find Baby's less. and iinalty went away. All the
Own- Tablets at your druggist's.' anpleasant symptoms of kidney troi-
eeoel 25 cents to the Dr. WUSLIms hTo tteoppeleaa - add- w1ier -wag vitt
Ieedlotne Co.. Brockville, Ont. 0534 a nate etrnegtn to Mr. Turner, he has
• box will be seat yo01 by mall poet- I not since been bothered with rheu-
patd. I , . r , 1 maths=.
Avoid the Alligator.
Ile Is tib grateful for the miraculous
revolts of the treetment that ho ham
He was evidently from the conn- beenyheerfnlly telling hie friends and
try, title little old German, and an nelchbors his experience. He says :
his eyes rested on the. elevator, nn- "1)o'W'r Kidney fills have enrol me
dotbtedlf for the fret time, his of n long-standing case of kidney.
lanae of the ridiculous was touched. disease. I watt also it Fritterer cd
For a few minute"' he stood In won- rhemmntiem, end although I took
derment, and then, Ineghtng rattly the piles for the kidney trouble !WWI
to himself, ho stopped the first per- seir{rl.Arl to find that when this dlw-
men he chanced to meet, who hap- retie was eared the rheutnntlem also
penes to be the janitor. and fire) thee elsnppwnred. This wee over a year
nt him "Vat las dot leelle bot ('Ing ego nnel 1 have not horn troubled
vat visite peol,le nap der stairs slnre. 1 noel In ell sic bolted. Tito
wtoolen still?" 1 first two beers Mil not app^nr to
"Oh, that's the elevator," was the • do nitenv'good. hot I persevered nn 1
answer. j tar remelt le that I nm now n henithy
"Oh, hat's vat Ido Is, Is Idt 7 1 haf man.'
a pocket -book made :.f,en der peal Of emirs!, to; thous who recognise
sig one, of doer." fir tried n ride, rht•mmntlstn ars what It really 1t', n
Mat he didn't like It Then he *Stat: nvmptom of kidvrey damn**. there le
"1 vosihl told my wife nefer to go nothing wonderful giblet Mr. Tern.
to telt' von of dos alligators van der mew experience. Dr51d'. Kidney fills
valkin' by hand vas goot." ntwnys ours Kidney Trotble, and
with It Rlhoumntlem, Sclatica. Lame
TA C11RK A ( OLu IN ONR DAT Bark. Nenrnlgla, Heart Treubin,
aka Tamely. prntwaQ,.(wlne T.Mrfa All Propene, t)1ebeteta Ttrlgltt s dlbmeave,
terrtredtre to..rrltn 1.11. ,,,, end nnv ell the other ninny form. in
� W. Grovi s demons i a seat rsa lea which It Mita and often foe* appear.
has In her wardrobe. and decides
that with a little addition to her
stuck elle can perbaps foilow 1lie rat --
lathing fashions prescribed by Atte
patron walnt, la mash ; °there, for-
tune's favorites, have the where-
withal to provide themselves with
lovely fur garments
Terni file firrletal
tt is charm et." no�oubt. baEaso`bf
wltdertng. many new animals
b epi to have sprung Into exlrteuce
for the role purpose of offering up
their lovely colored oo:ats
shrine of taithiot . The names mons
are ooefusiug. True, when you meet
them In the, flesh, or rather In the
skin, you recognize your old chums,
the sable, the mink, the broad -tail,
but bow much more dlrtngue to be
called "zibeline," "clean" or "brelt-
achwanz," nearly as high toned as
'•pnwtry-nooks" with a hyphen ! Well,
whiff's in a name? The thing id
aticrabl •, rind never was fur so lovely.
it may seem Ike eroding Quaid to
Newcastle to describe them to the
ladies of Hamilton, wheu one hears
of the exquisite gifts bestowed by
the Canadlennes on their royal vis-
itors. The English ladles are all
eager to behold them. By the way,
aoother dlgresalon. I was told by
eager to afford tomo of their fe.
In u an opportunity to make tem
Wilt kly asst t ally. If taey da l no
pay, If they were not sure to pay,
these Inlgaltous dens would be
kalialways ld
ays win, that woul•l be almost
as great a calamity as being com-
pelled to take equal chances with the
players, for It outset mean that the
business woul 1 entirely ceases. Keep -
(WA of g-tm'.ng houses can accent th.lr
103110e wait the utmost equanimity,
because at le a mathematical will
tainty that In tlea leng rue they
gain tar m,ra than they lose. Cou101
any language b, too attract to de-
scribe rue insatiate folly of tlw,e
who rt -k th 4r prwpt•cts of honor and
um fulness and even the interests of
their immortal ,souls on the bare
1 Presbyterian Preacher Lo- clu—e facts hang the one nett of
n hundred that may gain a temper -
'try advantage ?
'But in pointing out the 'wsponsl-
bktiy for the previa eutoe of g•hm'allug
of those who`p.ttrottizr these gamb-
ling dens, I want to emphadlze not
(poly their colossal stolidity, but •
also tlw•Ir heartless ctu:lty. They
know that they are Inflicting Ilia
keenest anguish upon those who
love them --darkening all the young
lives of their Innocent little child-
ren, and crushing out all joy and
(hope from the hearts of the women
they have vowed before (itel to love.
honor or cherish ; or bowing it fath-
er's bead to shame and breaking a
BY Vi0l1Y1 OF 1111 1101 niotaer's heart with grief.
"When 1 think of all that 1 have
[Vancouver Weida seen and beard during the Inst few
An immense c agrtlgotl.)a assembled vice --the young wife, who had been
years of the results of tilts accursed
at lit. AIdlbw r a.udes,li W prat )rev. brought up in a houin of luxury,
Lr. Mciwrett preesch on 'Mao is re• ' left alone for three or four bays
elPous4ult for tue prevalence of gam- at a time, and ouco at least without
blutgY fly T.-O''uclos every peas oven u crust of broad to the buuYe.
lit tow ouurch wase o, cupped uud Elie ' *aIle her husband war .Quandering
ride etate. weed rupluly beteg up. This money lu ono of there dens of
1'lWIl the dtxaur eutered the {pulpit tnfomY-tho fathers who have told
' b uiidredd were at rue dour uuaulr 111,, t>t laow, night attar might, they
w Vutaln lists.. Flualiy' coaled were have w'alte,d lit ngouy for theta sons'
brIttv1utggta froua the tc..oul-rouw, gl.tug rotusm from rho gamtag tabWs
ac t,e,Ku�glutla ilea to a uuuurrnl ur ear. who's they were spendlug mousy
Tae preacher war wffervug (rola a that was not their own -the heart
cold, and\rpukt with roue., dl.,tcuitY• breaking letters 1 have received
but his arts ossa ttrct.Je. The from tow oiet and from the old
preacherh u ed i" test, Jere' country pleading for sumo word of
mina v. $l; _ the pw•epliet'r prophesy g cheer regarding aunt or tiro-
fulsety, awl tic wheatbone rote by fitness who were simply going
my ',motile love 10 : to the' devil as hart ae
Cates the Responsibility.
and Children Ire Left in
er-ahs-"Atgfort"-high and turned
dews_ -1t stuwl4 b3 u: n._coatrastleg
fur, chinchilla or ermine for choice
though viion, .1 mean mink 1 look,
very well. The revers Should match.
and a trio of "notvaatt- art„ 01
handsome antique buttons Is an im-'
prevenient doom the front. below the
revers. The sleeves most bre tight
at the top. fuller below the elbow
and drawn into a fur wrist -band
like the collar. Nothing could be
smarter or dressier wish any skirt,
es,pccially if worn ■tightly open, over
a' front of 'd IacP, sir closed, with
a "jabot" of lace.
4 iterinl sift linlero•
may bo made sof mink. or 4 b modest
cement, bit to be In the "crate note"
you mulct have the right shape, and
the nocesaorles 1 have described.
With these lip to date little coats
you must have a matt to match; It
i Is flat, rather like a pouch, and the
the long pendant enditi ofthe trnne-
porhltTm'slerlal ire
ith marabout. — _ -- - _
matte ,te mousseline -de -sole. many
evening Ikea* are awe-adoeaad-*Ith fi
them. and very smart they lout ;
garlands or branches ot little pom-
pom niece, In white, maize or pink,
the leaves of applique panne velvet,
veined or couched down with gold.
the stalks of cite. I le LI saa•!ed gre no
or browns. It id a pretty industry for
any Iuar flagons, tri are the flower%
out out of brucudo oe cretonne, the
"pretenulue" of former days. They
are appal tuod to trucks or vests, and
further enbauaeil with silk .tltchu,
gold thread, and tiny paldetter,. They
look very cffectlre,und It Is quick and
entry work. Kwbroldered fronts nal
erste are all the raga to wear with
the little open coats. They are usu-
ally mode tight -fitting with fancy
buttons and tittle true -lovers' knots
turs.lag to blowers
in the disorders of tho stosonch and
their weasel, a
have It sou.'
Said the prrache
determine who !s re
preoalrnce i•1 Kam"
1 euppoee 1 may vtntu
for granted that gambl
I their folly coul l carry them In the
"la .seting to
Wo fur ttu itivuty or Balwural, sir some place et
la this city, almWtr ohariwter-when 1 think of
o all
tate It -tlar, It see=r to ma that nu remorse
has been that earth or hell can have !n store
would be to„ keen for the senseles*
°venal , .h t e s cruelty
tar that hare intik Led ea( It eu tering upon
40,1"'" that
lttntoent, and that no punshmint
that huwan law c.an Inflict would be
Lou•' too severe for the vultures In human
tut form who fatten, not merely upon
the moral and splrttual degradation
of their miserable- victims, but also
+40100 members of the City
poured to be in doubt abo
matter. 1 think 1 may safely
ttutt their double have ba tide
been dl►pclled. In slew of all
has amental In the public press t'
Ing the past week, 1 Sealy that eve
anti flowerets embroidered to sal n
Witch, it. Louie S,•Izt' style. In ribbed
elk or velvet, or Oriental satin, they
aro lovely ; cream, bs.:ult color or
pearl may beteg the best grounds to
ohouse to show off the work. Tiny '
Hose Buds and Forget -Me -Note I
may be dotted over them, or detach- '
ed marguerites", nth a pearl or pasta
centre. They are cut open at the
throat, to show an inner vest Knit
high Dollar of muslin ur old Wee, and
ala round the opening, and down the
fronts, is a little 'emulate pattern,
stay a twisted bloc rennet In satin-
stitch,- with knots, entwining little
sprays • 01 pato flower*. 1t re-
quires no ekhle t artist to draw
the deeegne, but the work should
be neat ,toil 'beauty. If a wide eatdn
striped silk be c.x,eeu it is pretty
to work tho flowers on the plain
stripe, laving the other unorna-
mistel. Or, In a ribbed velvet, the
Misted 'stripe is left plain and the
alternate one worked. Tiny flap
pocket,. with a Ilttle border round
them aro an improvement. They are
adorable with the velvet or satin
' Singes -Coata,"- as It is now chic to
lotted Loslo RV. (torments
with cut -away hasque•e, cavell"r cuffs
and turned -beet lnpt•Io. These are
sly fade M, /lowered 'patina' or .
btr)ead*', with filling ruffle,. and are
useful for home dinner's and theta
ei; they muv he more or lets de -
°Witte, with a berth& or e4apuc `
those guileless, unsuspecting .hurl- athptra the very Ufea b;ood of tarts rio-
Ltns of civic morality will hardly vete time' relatives and friends.
tore to quartile', the *tatem,tnt that _,
gambling, !netted of -existing, if at ,t j.{Isy..{)Ils rtgtone bioayfor tba
all, o:tly to a eery taught degree and prey coop or g;tmbing thirdly at tics
in very secret places, has been ear door sit the civic authorities. Howl -
rl.d on to an ularmthhg extent and that rcipolisitlwllty Is to be appore-
wiUt olsgraceful, brnztn facr_d__9flno �Io Sween the Chief -at-.
news. Pulte, the Police Committee, tke
"Therefore, since the praetice of City Connell yard the Mayor, It le not
gambling line undoubtedly been 'al- for me to determine. Thar much, how -
lowed to nesurne alarming proper- fever, I am 1►ouud to say -the prov}.
tlons and work aft Incalculable lions of the. Crlminal Code are sal ex -
amount of harm, and eine.", In the 11dt, the prima' facie evidence of
loft mrnt of tar grtmt majority oft wilt sal easily obtained, the kind of
the citizens It Is prejudicial alike to , gsuabllni that hos been carried on no
the moral and to the material In- undeniably nn infraction of the code
tercets of the city, the question as' and the gambling please so well
to who Ir responsible for Its preval- known that nut one of those ',stab-
ence becomes; a question of the very ustments would have dared to keep
gravest Importance. There are at , .gree for a eine, day 11 It had been
least four clatters of persons, who, known that the 1a* was really g,dng
with varying degree's of guilt, mart to be enforced and the full peualty
shottkler the burden of 'lied *semen-' for its violation Inflicted."
ekoue responsibility.
"I. I tnenitlon firer, because I hold
them' to be primarily end most Inez- SUE'S A SPARRING CAT.
cusnhly responsible, the pruprletorm
of gambling dens, the men, who, for A Washington Market Boxer Reads
the sake of Ill-gotten gain, have I Always to Meet All Cowart.masse broad and erm,otlt the road that
leads down to (hell. Gambling, no
doubt, has exhstoat to some extent
froth the very beginning of the city's
history ; but some half dollen years ,
ago the proprietors of a well known
Istloon inaugurated the open carol- i
vat of gambling that with occasional'
brief Irrterrnp.lone line hell sway
ever etre. For soothe time these men
enjoyed a practical monopoly of their
nefarious business.; but Imitators and
eompetitore gradually appeared upon
the scene. as the unholy pension was
fostered la the minds of an Increas-
iumbere, , with
ttySime lnast fewof montcltlzenhs, we haveuntilhail aint
tenet Mx establishments where gamb-
ling iham been going on in direct,
nal more or lees olden, defiance •of
tho criminal cotio of the Dominion.
Here; st-the bail of public up.aiou,
i arraign the proprietors of these
estitIlishment$- as the henrtleo(
nuthors of private suffering and pub -
Iia diegrnce. Before High heaven I
charge tldrm with all the ghastly cones
seq.,',ncPs of their diobo lcnl buelnese
-4f1r+appotnte d-tsvpee, bighted homes,
broken M•nrte, bleated characters
nnil mined souls. For their own
router saes, I implore them to remem-
ber thatthisaerial cltarge preferred
by a mightier than any human voice,
they shall have to Mice some day,
when they stand before the tribune
of eternal Ju[riios.
a man who sat next me at dinner the
other night, whose am 1s n King's
rgnerry, ,that It le mute remarked
how wonderfully
The Iheehes• '• May"
ism mane nett during her colonial tlslts
and experiences. 8I1P had always no
arlatts•rntle and grit clout. bearing,
and was Intel lcc•tunl end nreoln-
'dished, but now there la an added
dignity and tactfulness In her mnit-
nee and mnve'raatkon , In plain Eng-
tlah, oho line improved wonderfully,
amt t+• truly n fitting under -study to
our -gawking Queen Alexandre."'
E.ngllelt and forrtgft farriers of tete
linvr• been oinking wonderful strider'
In the manipulation of fur, and hove
arra el nt miry4411011effa`ta. I(0 need
I now to Fay a for rent or cloak Is
I'm beery." Tho sk'no are so pre Mep. the roughpared, And the gnrmonte ro t'qt and Sett Works (Its the ('nod.
lined, that they et.• as tillable and totally* Promo Qnl„cnr Tablet. enrea este
light me Kra) maters qts as plush and ' le ea* day. No Ca.*. No leas. fries 1111mob*
node may be of frilled fur, tunny have
tells hanging from taro, or flute of
Men with a banquet of par=e violets
-or white velvet edelweiss, (the
"dernier eel" In flowers In farts) on
the framt ; at the beck is n wee
pneket for the lama nnI 'kerchief.
Other nettle ere lined with soft
panne In old row. or turquoise new -
ante, amt have
hell!. of Lar.
hanging nronnd the openings. Miff
chnine aro no longer quint' elate.
they were too mach traveeheel, and
I mar remark "en ptawant" that the
lama may bo Said of the heed -chain*,
pretty na .0.1, of them were, and no
doubt n profitable Ind iotry le Inel-
Tlhere Is a sparring car In Whets
Ington Market whose, antloe would
melte a alit upon the stage.
She le a rommon gray tabby, bs-
bnging to no one 1n particular, but
following the natural habit of eats
In keeping where fish food lei plenti-
ful, mlhe can generally be found tear
tied fish stand. She doe./ her stunts
In the 'isles when ono of the boys
, her time to play wit td her.
A, touclt on the heat will make her
rear up and strike out deal, with
right and left pawn She leap. a
forts in the air at tomes to strike at
a boy's hand, but whets the blows
fall they are aunt Illy as harmless as
la she wore boxing gloves.
I Only when she ie under the great-
. est excitement does she permit her
claw. to protrude beyond the vel-
vety pads, and when .he bits she
'seldom breaks the skin, bull woe to
the ton who 'Takes at her and rums
elle will stand up td the fray as
long' ea proems sire made et herr bat - -
eltonld her tormenter turn to run.
Tabby fastens to the calf of las
Ing with tenth teeth and claw' and
.:..holds on utstll_he renews the fight
l with file hands.
fit.' 1; on used to lighting men that
1 tt11e big'goot of dogs has no terrors
Tor heir: -N. '1 Sita.
Irritability, Sleeplessness, Feelings of Lassitude and Depression, Weakness
and Irregularity of the Bodily Organs.
Three are the symptoms whlrh point to a depleted nervous system. They tell of thin, weak, watery
blood, of weeting vitality and lack of energy and nmbltlon. They warn you that norvou, prostration, 1„00•
motor ataxia. paraly..l+ and even Inennity are pooetbllltlea of the future.
It le folly to nogli et nervous diseases, folly to e'oposs that they will dlatfiprar of to rtr own accord and
still grr.nter folly to dend'n nod destroy the nerve, by the aloe of potsonaahs nnr•otles. It 1s it r, r uud mat
ter to trifle with the nerve*it le n queetlon of life nal death.
Mrs. !teary Clarke, Port Hope, Ont., states : "I have need erten beeps of 1)r. Chone's Nerve Fond for Ker
vrai•nrao nn1 n oompletely run down .yetem and can henrl,ly recommend It an it wonderfully effective treat.
m nt. Before u ing this remedy I hod been In very poor health for soot,' 115011th.. 1 teemed to anus no energy
or ambition, felt tired and lindens =ort 01 the thee, and cnn1,1 ,enrrely dr,g myarlt nbaut tic, house I was
wr,k Irrltabl' and nerves'*, could not pi •'p well, and felt dl courage.) about my health. Dr Chnee'e Nerve
Food has taken sway these symptoms and given back my usual health and vigor, consequently I endorse
dt felly.
F110 the ehNvelled arteries with new, rteh hl.wel, e1r ngth.ne and rarltnllzaw the by Paeans new
nerve force Sed gradnallp and thorc,ughly overcomev thereon niid weakness. It forms new healthy teems,
sod glees a we I•rottndr•d form and conte hrnitbt eo,upietion to all w bo see It. 50 roils is hot, (1 both
for $2.G0, at all (Veleta, or Edmansoo, Bate., & Co , Toronto.