HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-5, Page 1THREE "A'S" ADV'TS ARS Acr,vE Ac -Airs WHIN FLAGS IN THE SIGNAL ional, THS I ADX Ni]W13PAPl]R OF 13VRON OOUNTY_ FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR -2859 LOOKIAT YOUR LABEL. I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID POR ..1901 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : *DECEMBER 5, 1901. D. M°G1LLICUDDY, EDITOR. Situations Vacant. QERVAN'I WANTED TO 1)O GEN - 1. -1 era' housework. Apply to MRS. Mo- OILLICUDDY, Went street. 11. BON' W ANTED. -'10 LEARN THE printing nada ♦ppb at SturcaLOmfs. Lost. LOST. -ON WEDNEMDAY. NOV. 27th, s right hand Persian lamb (*undid. Finder w II be rewarded by returning to Tea SIGNAL *Moe. LOM I' -ON TUESDAY NIGH A brown for asp between West street cad the resid..ce of M. U. Comecon. Reward *111 Ito a von on returning isms to Tu. Loser. omoe. Teachers Wanted. TEACHER WANTED FOR 8.5 NO. 1 17, Ashfield, for l' 11, to commenot Janu- ary Ind ♦ppllcetlow received up to Dsoem- ber 2011. 91101. Apply to WM. J. BLACK, Seo. 'Teas.. Dungannon 1'.0., Ont. r'KAI.HER WANTED. -COR SCHOOL motion No. 5, township of Colborne. Duties to commence January let, 1002_ Any close. experience preferre, . ADDlfo.tIone w111 be received by any of the trustees up to December let. HAMILTON MoMANNUS. Duuloy • JAS. WATSON, Loyal : JOS. HETHERINGTON, Mo. -seas., Nile. 21 Ptdblio Motto' RIC xELECTION OF A M RM BER 'TO THE LKGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, Notice is hereby Mem that under the pro- visions of the Ontario Election Aot A. M. Todd. Esq . of the town of Uoderloh, has been ',pointed the finance' est of Joseph Beck, t .. • oandidate for the Legislative Assem- bly. H. O. REYNOLDS, Returning OMoor, West Huron. Godaiob, Rev 17th. 1001, REELECTION OF A MK1IHER TO THE LKUISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, Nalco le herebyages that usder the ppro- vteiooe of the ntario Kleotio0 Aot Wm. Proudfoot, 1m. of the town of 0oderlob, has been appointed the financial agent of Jae T. Darrow Esq., • oandidate for the ests:ativs Assembly, I. y, It 0. 1REYNOLD4. fteturaing Omoer, West Huron. Ooderiob, Nov. 1711. 1901 NOF'ICK OF API'LICATION TO PARLIAMENT. Notice is hereby given that application w111 be meds to the Leglelstive Assembly of the 1'rorinoe of Uw'edo at the next Session there- of fa? an Act to validate and confirm a bylaw of the Town of Uoderlch. granting • loan or 180.900. for the purpose of &ding in eslsbllsh- (ng a Hummer limit at the esld town. and to authorize the issue &admit moot of debentures thereunder. I.AItR OW k °ARROW. So Dolton for the Town of Oodericb, the applicant Dual asOoderloh the 15th \ovember, I9J1 ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLE MEN! Mrs. B. A. Mol'OLL. In extending hi r 11 ank to our cttlrens generally, oke for • toe tine •toe of their pat .on•ge. Orden promptly at- tended to for making up new fur• or remodel- ling them in any style. t rrnaments. etc , etc furnished at her rooms, 2n4 floor Illake'e Block. nor. Square and Montreal 5L Kntranoe on Montreal et. 57-51. Sosleties COURT GODERICH, NO. 32, C. 0 F., V hold their regular meeting on North 41. let sad SM Tuesdays of month. Visiting brethren always welcome. Music. He K. JORDAN Teacher of piano, organ and oorne t. Studio - oormor of IDsmllton street and Square. MISS COLBORNE, Tesoher of Fletober musky method, will re• mire pupils at her studio, •bore Mr. Nattel's Insurance Dace, Hamllt m street. For Infor- mation apply either •t Studio or at 1 Ildsnoe. St. Patriot a street, GLENN CAMPBELL • • Organist and musical dlrnotor of North u'. Methodist rhumb, and lea0her of pianoforte. pips organ and theory, will be pleased to re - mire pupils. Instruction ¢fven either et studio or at pupil's home. as r estred. Htudf15 at Emerson's Music Ston, West -et. 71 tf For Sale. SlO1;K FOR MALE -THE UNDER - dgted has for a • number of steep 12 or Nowt., also mllch oowe. If, TEWSI ICY, Carlow. tt• I -30R BALE -THE FAST HALF OF the wear half of lot 15, non, 7, West Ws- wanosh. nomoyristeg 50 Io -res. Apply to HKN• HY FOWLER, Dungannon, or to Philip bolt. Banister Ood erl oh. $1 y ()till CASH, OR ON TERMS TO a silt will purohaes that large stone house with six -roomed •ddltion,situ•t.ed on Plotoo Street. Half en sore of lend with ell the outbutldln.*s thereon thrown In. env furtheryartioalan apply to Tit SO. J. MOOR H(WSE• Hayfield P. 0. 30-tf. FOR BALK. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118.119 and 114 In Hutchison''s survey. all In Oodertoh. For partltulai PHILIP totOLT. Barrister, to.. Ooderlch. March Nth. 1900. sbtf MedloaL DR w, F. CALLOW, PHYSICIAN and Mureeon. Omoe In flank of Com- merce building, west .lee of Sonars. Nista cels at residence, Elgin mt. W. Toone 911. Insuranoe. oto. AROUND TOWN PRIMMEST NAtRN.-A moot Wu• of Th• Detroit News 000taiae • very good likeness et George H. Nano, of Windsor, formerly of town, who has reoently been onoo m president of the Retail Merchants' Assoota tion of Windsor. Mr. Nairn 1. at the bead of • memberenlp of seventy Bee, iooludius the storekeepers of Walkerville and Sand• wtob, as well as of Windsor. IbCNCILLOa CANT.WN'4 ACCIDENT. -W• Oeglooted last week to mention the serious and very r.`rettable ec.11deot which befell Councillor Gastelon two weeks ago today. H4 was putting up the sto in windows at kis residence when the ladder upoo whioh he was standtog broke. and he fell homily to the ground. His bank was very ly lojured, and 1t may be some weeks beton he oan he about se usual. Is the aseaetlnt1, the sympatty of the townspeople is with hint. DIED IN DETROIT. -On Tuseday the re- melts of Mrs. Ehz.Wtb J. Kllio►t, r•Ilot of Obs late William Ellett, of Goderloh, were Interred to Maitland cemetery. Rev, Jas. A. Anderson conducted the obsequies, and the pallbearers were John Peons, D C. Mackay, John Aohesoo, E. Downing, T. Fitzsimons and Oswald Sturdy. Mt,. Elliott was • resident of Godenon for many yon, and in the early put of this veer removed to Detroit, where her death oo• tarred Sunday morning. She leaves a grows -up lamely of two sow and tour dsagbteru. DIATH OF A COL•ORNL RESIDENT -The death of Miller Lawson oocurred on Thurs- day. November 28th. at hie home In Oel- borne township. near Salt ford. The doos.s• ed removed to ►his oalgnoorbood from the vlolnity of Parry mound la the spring of 1900, puree/411'3g the plane on whloh he has roots reelded. He was an obliging neighbor and was reep•oted and esteemed to the community. His age was silty s11 years. 11e leaves a widow, but no obildren. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, the Interment being made to Ball's 0.0.1 ry, Hulled township. AT CASTLE GRIFFIN. Mr. Griffin and his family are now comfortably settled in the sew residence at the jail, and the grounds sorrounding have been nicely graded. Mr. Griffin's report to the county council shows thel eine persons. •11 males, are oo0hoed at the jail. John Weir, Walk- srtoo, for Insanity; Robt. Wallace, Tucker - smith, for vagrancy: John Johnson, pavan township, for tneantty; James Flynn, West W•wanceh. for Insanity; "Dr." W. Heoder- moo, Detroit; John Parker. Mitchell, Ar O'er Style. Morrie, all for vagrancy; Robert Kelly, Wyoming, for non-payment of fine, Robt. Cay, Loudon, awaiting trial for vagraa)y. TH. POULTRY BHow.-The dates of the winter poultry *bow, wbloh to to be hell In Goderlob, hairs boorxsd-Dose mbsr 31st. 1901, sod January 1st. 2nd and 3rd, 1902. The following omosn and dlrwton ban Men appointed : President. A. M. Todd; vice president, Wm War000k; eeoond vies preview, C Knlghte; secretary, 0. H. Pennington ; treasurer, F. E. Hingham; directors -U. Campbell, J. Hardy, J. S. Howrie, S. Fletcher, 1(. Po*tlolhwai'e, Doak. W. McCreath, Farr, J Pottlethwalts, El. Reblesoe, C. Knights, Wee Mclean, 1 Munro*, Jesepb W bltaly and Alex. Adan, jr. Gds of the best poultry judger. in ('wad& has been scoured to the memo of Sharpe Butterfield. of L'.ndon, Got, NEW, FI0M THE HAR,ot.-The .tr. Advaoo* mime io 0o Saturday Irom Fort William with 45,000 bushels of wheat ler the Godetfoh Elevator Co., and afoer dii charel•g her oargo left the same night for the northern port The echr. Stompers arrived in port oto Saturday olrht to take op her winter quarters bars The "big mill" was running yesterday and the salt works also wee in operation. The revlvinr of these Industries will add oondderably te the business done els the harbor The elevator Ie shipping hex mead to Hsdeo The Advance, Myles and Midland Queen are expeoted with wheat cargoes.... A large quantity of the leads used by the bohermeo has been stolen within the put two weeks The value of the stuff Is estimated at $'70 or 180. So far no one has been brought to Urns for the theft DCATtr or JoirN MrVtcap, JR,-Jehn McVlo•r, • Oodsriob young man who had I.tdy been working 18 Chatham, died In that city on Sunday last of inflammation of the Ino.•. The deceased was only twenty fon years of age, sod his death at this CHAS. R. SHAW, GENERAL 1NSUR• ANCE and rest rotate &goof. Ocoee, one door east of P.O., Ooderloh. Agent for the leading mutual flee In+nrence oompse's. and leading stook companies. Meresntl is and manufacturing risks at owed rates. (111 at omoe. UTR. ROBERTSON. Accountant and Insurance Agent. Books and account* made up. llnlldlngu rented and rents oolleeted, Fire Insurance In British and Canadian Compsnles. IMtee--le f'rondfool t Hay. omoe, North treet 0od•tieh. 49-lt EBURA.1. T. NAF TEL, GENERAL IN. NCE and Ileal Rotate agent, E. Life, Aonidestand Mate 000. Inettranee * Rooted on mutual or eash plan at lowest rater ;: ..al his. He , English and (:•nadten nomp•olea rep r.. M. OM to nett door to (Jarrow & Garrow, Bar risters Hamilton Street. Auction Sale AUCTION MALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY, l'hder and by mutes of the power of gale contained in et certain mortgage, which *ill he produced at the time r 1 sale. and upon which delanit has been mage there will he o ffered for rale by public &notion, at Bnoton'* hotel. Hamilton street, In the town of (lode- rieh. In the county of Heron, by John Knox, Ram., auctioneer. on Saturday, December H. 1' it 4111 o'nlonk noon, the fit:towhee valuable land and premtees. vIc• All those oertaln parcel, or treats of land and promisee mltnate on Victoria street in the town of Onderieh, In the county of Huron, he In comported of lots nine-hundred-sed-mne and nine -hundred -sod forty In the said town of Goderlob. On the premises are raid to be an oil frame house end stable. Terms : Ten per tent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale end the balance in thirty days theresfter wl.h in- termit at 5 'per cent.; or a mortgage w,11 be taken on tering to be arranged for a portion of oorohaae mosey. For farther partionl4M apply to MoMURRICH, 910001918 t MaMURRICff, Vendor's Nnllnitors. 5 Melinda Toronto, PHILIP HOLT,_K. 0.. Ooderioh. or to Mottos to Creditors. early period of his lite Is a oanm of geese sorrow to his relatives and friends. The remain were brouabt to Ooderloh and were interred est Maitland cemetery yesterday afternoon, the funeral taking Place from the residence of Me aunt, Mrs (Capt.) McKay, Quatro street. Rey. J. A Anderson, pastor of Knox ohnrob, oonduoted the eer- rloee, rod the pall -bearers were Joseph Heal*, John Turbo Reg, Sharman, W Given, D. Mallows sod John Tut- The deoeued was • son of Joh.. MoVioar, of Weil Vir ginia, and brother of Alex. MoVlo•r, of Toronto, who were both present at the fuse/al. COYISH.- Prof. S. L. Taub', manufaotor- tng optlolan and eye specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Bedford Hoa.., Goderlch, on Tuesday, W eduesday, Thursday sod Fri- day, Deo. 17, 18, 19 end 20, and will teat ores and suit glasses to all deleotive sight. Ne matter what is wrong with Your eyes, come sod see into and if you can be suited I out woke the glossed for you. I am the oldest optlolan to 'Toronto and have been established since 1873, making spsot ol•e and fitting eyes. Over stventy bye thous• and Dues halo torn treated by me where others failed. The advantage I lime over others Is that I grind •11 my own looms, e nd as mekiDg apeotaoles le • profession and a science. as is suiting epeoleoles, it ✓ equires years of study and hard lsbor to be Ibis LO oorreot the errors of refraction, You have twenty-eight veers of erperlsooe at your alnico. Come and see me and get your eyed tested. Come early, as yo■ may require a second tooting. Consultatloo Tres. For referanoes and t..tlmociale sen circu- lars. Toronto .drifting : 8. L. loom, 254 Richmond st., West, T., CCNNEIR LAKES HURON AND EMIL - The latest thing to the way of oanal 000 struotion is • proposition to 0000ece Lakes Huron and Erie by a nav gable ohaanel of not less than fourteen feet deep. The gentleman wbo are identified with the enter. pries will mak for the eecs.ary legislative authority at the next session of the Dom1n- ton Perltameot, The title they will assume in the tit. Joseph & Lake Huron Ship C.nal Company. and Mr. M. 8. Lesergan,of Moo• treat, has been retained to prepare the 050- essar7 bit for presentation to Parliament. The Ides le to build the canal from some point on tree esetern shore of Lake Huron, to the county c( Huron, or of Lambtoo, to a point on Lem Erle, between Rondeao Harbor and Port Burwell, to the oo0Dt7 of Elgin. The promoters do not wish to he tied down to Wt. route. but want the power to guy It should further surveys establish the deslrab:lity of snob a prooeeding, and ask to le allowed to dredge, deepen, raise or lower the levels of existing watercourses Hat the oonstructioo of • canal la not the only enterprise which these gentlemen non template. 11 In evident from the notice of apphstloo that plane of preat magnitude are entertained For example. the oomp•ny, which to to progress -of Torm1tloe, asks for the right to build and operate harbors, wharfs, soaks and elevators; to construct works for the proluotion of bydra.lio or pneumatic power, to acquire and operate by male, eleotricty, or otherwise, .1•mere, bergms and ferries for the purpose of nevi gatlrg on inland waters and the R.ysr and Goll of St. Lowrieoe ; to own and operate ocean•golag steamers; to develop and trans mit Mooniest , '1'o 3. FITTED OUT MIK. -The steamer Lori S,anley hoe been purchased by the Dominion Government to replace the steamer B.yfleld in the hydrographio sur- vey work. Tho Lord Stanley 'tropes coo- improvementa and fittings for the work in which she Ie to be engaged, an,1 this to to be done at Ooderioh during tele winter. The Lord Stanley Is a very power. In' boat, as was shown by an indent at the Soulanges ('mai, on the way here from Quebeo. S I steamers were ice -bound at the o.nal, and to relieve them the Lord Stanley cat her way through five toohes of think, solid los as a Ivo of five miles per hour ander full head of steam. At Toronto ebe Lord 7tanley had an • ooideot which will delay her arrival at this port. The Globe had the following item ngardtog the woldeot : "Ise the Dominion Government top Lord Stanley stemmed up to leave the Toronto wharf on Seturd.y for (loderi,h the signal Delle did doe work rropetiy and the boat wee drtyro backwards agaion1 the dock with great force. and a good deal of Injury was done to the,hlp and the wharf. ltefor• the boat can proo..d on her trip to ("oderlch she will b. repaired .o(6otently to enable her to complete her trip to Goderloh betore the toe heOOnes too strong The Lnrd Stanley w ill in the future be used for surveying in the upper Iakee, and during the winter neo- eesary improvements, to the extent of $10,• 000, will be made at Loderlob, en as to make her first oleos in every particular. The tog was lowed Over to I'ort Dalboade by the steamer lakeside. She will be placed to the dry-dock for repair.." The Rayfield is to be trateferred to the S0. Lswr.nce, where the w111 be devoted to various pr•otl- cal uses by the Marin Department. FN THE MATTER OF TH01 ft9TAFE 1 OF GEORGE C. SHANNON LATE OF THE TOWN OF OODEHICH, IN THE (xtUNTYour HURON, PHYSICIAN, IIKCEAHED. Notice In hereby given. pennant to the Re gleed Stat rates of Ontario dor) 147) Cap. 129. that all creditors and other* having claims &goriest the estate of the said George C. Shannon, wh d led ontnr about the lith day of September, 19111. are Permitted, on or before the loth der of INnemhtr, 11111. to send hy poet prepaid. or deliver to Messrs. Prnndfont k 11ayn, of the said town of Ooderinh. .0 5.41oes fnr the ex- tontore of the last *111 and teetamerl of the said (theeeserl, their names and •idre see. full partionl•r of their olein.. a statement of their .,count end the nature of the security Of any) held hy them. And farther take notloe that atter the said ` last mentioned date. the said execntors .twill ••pron0M to dtatrlhnte the assets of the 4eneae• s4 among the parties entitled thereto. havin regard only to the Maims of whish notloe shall then have Morn, and that the geld ewer. More will not be liehle for the assets er sc part thereof to any meson or meeting of wheel Maim notion shall not tarn Mein reoelved at the time of such dlatrlhetlon. Dated at Golerinh the 20th day of Novem her. A.D. PROIJ DFOOT & HAYS. Sollniton for the said 5reenton. The svenntrl of the estate of the late Dr. J. R Shannon and the common of the estate of the sate Dr. O. C. Shannon require all parties Indebted to tether of the sale' estates or to the la's Bern of Shannon t Mimeos to pay their IndeMtdneas Meme the first Day of Jeerer, sett, after that date theAr 5lleltnra will he In emoted to tee without farther notloe all edem thou nepsld. it le to have the sealarm no further Ume tag pgat / . on tteo demi o Id b* esMMed uest Monew.L Notice to Water•takers I ALiI Waterratesfor 1901 mut be paid not later than December 10th next, so that my hooks may be closed by the 15th, as ordered by Statute All parties in arre►rs after that date will have the water turned off, and a charge of $1.00 will he incurred for turning it on again. gabW. L. HORTON, was (Wen over the hell 00 Saturday -it. Andrew's Day, Beet 000loe sod values In Xmas perfumes at HIcK'e Drug Store, See the lovely perfume atomisers at the Central Drug More. A regular 251 Japao tea fort ; also • 501 Japan tea for 25,, •1 STIW ART e Read •very page of TH1 SIoraI,. Ia. Wresting local matter oo Inside pages. Maple loaf Lodge, No. 27. A. 0 U. W., will sleet offnre on Moadsy evening next Bert Passmore, who le now attending the Model Mohool here, ham been engaged es teacher for 8. 8. No. 5, Morrie, at a salary of 11340. The gun oasts offered as a trophy to the gun olub by N. D. Ruugete, which was shot for on Thenkegiylog Day, was won by Harry Rateoo, Dr. Turnbull will boleti his oouns ot study In Chio•go this week and will be In his of- fice, Hamilton street, on Tuesday morning, ileoember 10.0. Jam.. Campbell, of THE StGNAl.'e com- posing staff, has been •ufferlog the past two weeks from a sprained ankle, sod Is not yet able to throw away his crutches. Some of the pictures in The Cnristmu Globe, wbioh p5 just out, are ..peolally' in- teresttog to Godench people. They are from photographs taken by R. R. Sallow. and will be reality recogo'zed, Dr. Tenn•ut, of Luodoo, sod Dr. W. F. Clark, of town, were this week applying shit tuberculosis test to oattle In Colborne township preparatory to their shipment to the United States This is a test whloh all oattle hoe to audergo before they oan be Im- ported luso she United Statss. Mies Minute Campbell. who has Deco tescblog s18. 8. No 6, Goderioh township, hoe steered a position to the Wiogh•m publio school. Her duties In the new p059 - tion will oomme0oe at New Year's. Wilfred Bell, who is now attending the Model School, wall teach at No. 6 pelt yiar. PUMP' 0,.I(Onl. Tat'uTRF_, --The monthly meeting of the mobilo school board was held on Monday evening. Trustee Colborne occupied the ohalr In the ab.enoe of Mr. McLean. The prtoo.pal reported that the average attendance of pupils for the month of November was 455-212 boys and 243 girls. The uumlor of boys oo the roll wee 241 and of girls 268- a total of 509. In- • peou.r Tom reported upon .o0• repairs anti alterations whioh he thought should be made. and also submitted a list of other matters for the considers. inn of the board This was as follows : (i) The Meehan should meet at bast once • fortoight for the die. mission of any mattare cnoneote.l with the work or discipline of the clangs. (2) The keeping of pupils In the rooms an remise or otter sohool should he limited (3). Teachers should be In their oiaea room. fifteen minutes before the t me fired for nommen slog the exorcism. (4) Mental arithmetic should be taken regularly to all IM olas.es. (5). i am satisfied that the work of the peed'',..pes:ally to •rlth,wtio, would he more neatly and more aoourately done If dates were used instead of eoribblers, The nee of sonhhleru 1s a training in untldinss*. narl.anees and ellravaganee. (6). Should not the M:khand writing wh oh so many of the puede are Marione be prevented It possible. (7) Copy books, drawing book. and legends. book. should be fintehed before throwing them aside and nrdertbg new broke. The first t.uomm.ndation wee left to the approval of the principal and Inep, tor. id 00nneo,i00 with the smoond, the board r•oommend.I that the keeping In of popll. doting fettle n done away with. Raordlnr the third, It was remind tbab lb+ prinnlpal inform the teachers to not oo- cording to statute. The last three olanies el the in.p.ot.or's reDert were approved by the board. The Moder of K tweed Ma•s.II Inc the .apply o' seventy fire cords el wood at $3,23 per oord was &nevem'. kronen. of Tin SrtliAr, =1.60, and N. 0, Rouge's, VOA 8, were indent to be paid CHURCH NOTES. The Sunday sobool of Vtotorta serest Methodist ohuroh le preparing • grod pro• gram for Lbs &Douai Chrtetmu rntertaio• moot, which will be held oo CDrldtmas n ight. A reception service for new members was held at the close of the regular service to North-st Methodist church on Sunday evening. Twenty one new members were received. 50034 on profession of laitbnod • n umber by letter. Toe saorament of the Lord's &Wee will be dispensed in Knot ohorch next ford's Day morning. The pre; oratory mentos will b• held on Friday eveutng •t 8 o'olook, The Rev Jarmo Hamilton, B. A., will peek, n ew members will be re0dt.d, Mid rank distributed-% 7otend ng oommunloanta. The colleotion on Sabbath will he on behalf of the poor fond of the congregation. At the Thank.,ivmg enterfoloment 10 Nort4 street Methodist church the ohoir of the church, under the able direction of W. Glenn Campbell. rendered the omntata, "Peniuooe, Potion and Peace " The sol' - lets were Moine Trice and Aasebrook and Messrs. Andrews, Hrydges, Humber sod N lebtmao. The ohoir ■cgoitted Itself well, and the made was moon enloyul by 1h• large &admeoe, A meeting of the teachers and officers of St, Georges Sunday 'Afoul was held in the school house oo Friday evening last, when the Nowhere preaeoted their reports of the work during Oho year and the financial stvemeot was read and was oon•idered e auefwtory. It was resolved to take 4 laissionary Meese ne for the benefi• r,( the teachers and aleo to a iopt the "Child's Own" leaflet for 10e Infant claeen. The usual Christmas tree Is to be held In the school house this year, and it Is hoped that members of the congregation will Five what seetat.0oe they oan 5o that Ova new de psrture may be • s000es* as well fioanoially as ID other respects. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. When yen want the Newt and beet In men's entries' , don't 111 to mil on F. J. Prldh.m, the penpi,C elothler. He Is always up to the the se, 1'h* town menet' mete tomorrow (Fri. day) evening. The new flag el Ioverw Camp, COMING AND GOING A. Sande has returned from Glencoe. Mrs. B. J. Smite Ie molting Mrs. Clunis at London. Herbert Davidson has returned home trom the West. Miss Ada AIi.o, of (;oelph, 1e the guest of Mtge Maud Hale, A, 1). McLeod arrived hems Tuesday night after the season's oiling. Miss Nellie Muoro spent the holidays yleiting relatives at Str•tlord, Mrs. Rnsk visited her daughter, Mrs. Huston, at Exeter the pot week. Mn. and the Mines Hutchbox leave to- day Inc Montreal to spend the winter, George Goetz, of Mebrirevllle. Was s oailer at '1 1-11 MIH NAL office on Monday, Harry Tewdey, of Colborne townshlp, hu returned trot% hie trip to Manitoba. Mrs. 0. 0. Shannon and Miss Hamilton have gone to Cornwall to spend the winter. Tne Mises Susie and Ieabel . whan spent the Thanksgiving holidays friends in Leaden. Miss MoLell.n, of the Collegiate Iontl tut•, spent the Thanksgiving' holidays at her home in Stratford. Mrs, Shapland has returned to her hotre at Victoria, B. 1;., after spendingseveral months visiting her relatives bare. Commander Spain, of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, was In town on Monday on departmental barinea•. Keith McLean, who was o•itni to Caned• by the death of hie father, the lire Dr. McLean. male • brief visit to (ioderlch • last week. The 'amity of Startle Wright hove rr moved to Toronto. whore they w111 reside for • time at lent. Mr. Wright remains •t hie work ,n Gnderloh, .tae, Munro, jr., Ileo. Mr('reath and John Knox, jr., returned home Monday night from Ilio West, where they had been for about fon month■. Our townsman Maroon Swanson hne re• turned from Mifflin, where ne did good work at the Pen Amerinan exhibition as commissioner in charge of the Ontario lore.• try exhibit. The friend, of \it.. h:liz.btth Wilmer, daughter el Rey, Jasper Wilson, formerly pastor of North street Methodist ohuroh, won pleased to hove her &mongol them for I days the pot week. Miss Wilson le at present teaching at Crediton, hot Is giving tip her po*itton there a1 Chris'ma. COCK•A•DOODLE•D001 WE'VE GOT 'EM AGAIN lion. J.,T. Garrow the Man unman weP van n Victory OOmpl to All Along the Lino. Twat, m mazes and Tewn,blps Remembered Ross, aid Stated to eluted (p flew O.tarle-The Returns Fut lbs Sr; Candidate Oat of Madam Fe111 WHEN BUD BRAN'S mother, in the ''Hoosier Soboolma.ter,' used the expren- sloe, "When you&gitting, git a -plenty,' she vetoed • phrase that exaotly fit. tl.• Liberal majority in West Huron. The most snoguioe Grit in the coon Hueco, never imagined tbst the tide was ruanlhg so heavily against Whltneylem In the riding, and the result hal put Landidate Book out of business as • liters staodard.b and has also made the managers of the Tory party put on their considerfng caps In con- nection with the eleulloo to bre held next .1 DWhos. en Mr. Book, practloally dngle-handal and alone, ren at the Tr ry co dld.te to Meech, 1898, hie apparent weakness se a oandidate appealed to many of the electors, and he succeeded to petting s large number of electors to support him who evidently believed that It would help hem from being snowed under, and *hen the votes were counted sod Mr. Heck was • tie with his opponent no one was more surprised than each of the individuals wbo had voted to help .Ice from befog left too far In the rear. In the Aye slecllon eLat followed Mr. fleck went over the ground main, and although he did not do so well, snooe•ded in keep', or Mr. Garrow'• majority down to 45. This faot ought to have warned the Tory oandi- date and his friends that the tide was rising against him, but such • contingency never owns to have entered his mind, and when the election which hag just cloud was brought on they Imagined that with Improved methods and greater assistance from ontefd• the riding would be safe for the Conservetlys party. That was where they made their mis- take. In the old days the quiet still -hunt worked the charm for Mr. Beak, who is parrooally popular, and whose plea of weskn..s gained him a certain amount of sympathy, std se, when the HedfOYd hotel filiu.1 up W11 •l1 grades and conditions of Tory workers, and when organizers A. W. Wright and Leavitt and others tamped in the constituency, it became apparent to the electors that it was time to get together and etr•tehteo out the kinks that had previously eluted IID the connecting Ones of the Liberal .majrrity, and they were w cn;dingly straightened out. Tne cooduot of the platform o•eepalen onnduoted by Mr. W right and too other epoakere was not approved of by the electors, .o1 the policy of tenoned abuse and villfinatton of the Liberal oandidate that was punned in the roomer's had • tendency also to set the motee of thanking people .mime the candidate of the Whitney party. The Tory plan of O*moalgn seems to have been the same all over the riding, and the ✓ ..olls against them have bees wldsepre.d le onnsequenoe. The Ged.rloh vote romped from 66 a1 the prrvlone election to 130; Clinton went from 22 to 79; Colborne town• ship, which had given Book • majority of 39, t d ever 10 (farrow • majority of 116 (30d.rleh tnw.ekip, lh• writ•koowo Tory e nough* n, .lropped •hr.'t 30 from Il.ok's majority, and en It wont all along tis IIS. Slumo after @temp followed the figures of lbs Tory *emendate, cul the Gaal returns Wee Elms Fisher left on Materdey for l aokee, M loh., where .he will speed • term with her stator, Mo. (Rae.) J. T. 9.Osar. Mr. loGear has recently bsoome pastor el the First Methn.11st Foilsoopal churoh le .la.kgon, and aot hie new ober/* U the leading oengryatton In • 0117 01 nearly 30,000 in- habitants It opens to him a hroad field of ...tela.... Ssotbampton Mann . ; The Moser 1 Mo. Tend, two of nor highly respeoted e t eine, are goon to Isere here, haying dl•pe,ed of their property to Andrew Gray. Mas Mar- garet will go to Vaaoouyer to meet her brother, C•p1..1. O. Mnl.mel, of Sksgway, sad Mir Sarah will go to )els a.eeher brobst, Cs01. A. Mcleod, at Goderlob. showed that Mr. ("arrow's former majortly of 45 had been swelled to some 275. The result of the coolest puts Mr, book out of the runolog in a future oontest, has shot his bolt, Even Mr. W right is reported to have suggested changing the oandidate between now and the date for hold ng the Pcovinoiai election. But be the Tory oandidate who he may It should now be an may matter for the West Huron Lib- e rals to hold the riding omit June. Hoo. Mr. (:arrow has definitely stated that be will not be the candidate again, and It is n ow In order for the Liberal party to call • 000ventloo at the earliest possible moment to put • man In the field who will 001 fall of suooees when eleott.0 day Comes round. There is no time for delay. The work should be dote now when the party Is to the flush of victory. and before the fire of battle becomes oold. Let a cooventlon be called at the earliest possible moment. The following prominent 'Tory members were in the tiding, amongst others: Moons. Whitney, Foy, Canoallen, Matheson, War- dell and Hoyle, of rhe Legislature ; Blain and Henderson; of the Dominion House, Mr. Joe Downey, oandidate for South Wellington, and Wright, Leevltt, Flock, The Liberals received the returns in Via torte Opera House This is the usual plane of resort for the Conservatives on election D ight, but they did net need It last night. The jubilant Grits overflowed the hall, and there were present also not a few lioneerva lovas. The returns oame to slowly, but from the first they showed suoh a deatdei slant in favor of Mr. Garrow that nu one had any doubt as to the ultimate result. W. Proudfoot, president of the West Huron Liberal Association, occupied the chair, and when the majority had mounted to a good flours he called upon the member• elect to satirise the meeting. Mr. (Ostrow rewlved an ovation when hs appeared upon the ptstform. He thanked the Liberals who had worked so earnestly and fatthluley for his eteotloo, and also the Conservatives who had g,v.n bim their asdstanoe. He believed there were a num ber of Conservatives who thought that he should have Man allowed to go to by mole matron fur the last session of the Portia - remit, sod who registered a protest at the oallot-box against the action of their party ,D opposing him, He was sorry that hie opponent had been led into this unoeotes•ry °oaten; he had Nairn to believe thit Aidr. did not wish It. but woeTorce,T into it by the machine. H• again thanked the faitb!ttl band of workers who had put forth their efforts In his behalf. The next speaker was W. H. Kerr, ddb ter of TM Brussels Post, who expressed his pleasure at being present at snob a meeting Over to hie riding the liberals bad things pretty muoh their own way. It was dd. !trent here : the Liberals of West Huron had to fight their way to win, but he did n ot know but they had the mere satisfac- tion on this amount in *Inning the victory. They had their fighting clothes on, and he advised them to keep lo 6gh•inr trim and just double the majority at the general elections, when, he prophesied, Mr. Ross would sweep the oouotry. George Goetz, of Sebnnevtl.e, wl,o was Ih• Liberal oandidate In North Perth at the last Dominion oleotton, added hie 00opr.te tato.• to Mr. Garrow upon the splendid victory. He bad been defeattd In hu own riding by the gerrymander, but that matter would be righted before the noxi gapers' 'friction. He had tome up to help Mr Connie and woe glad to know that he had been suoo..eful In his efforts. Mr. Garrow eat doe of the most prominent members of the Provincial Legislature, and the riding should be proud to he represented by so urand and nobles man. 1). Mol?hhooddy sold they had gathered to celebrate one of the grwdeut vlotorlss ever won in West Huron. The Liberals had claimed a majority of 150 1,. the riding, and they had today proved It and put the ohronio oandidate 001 of business. All over Ontario the people were looking to this sisotion, for them said, as West Huron gees, so go.. the Provinoe next June. Tbo result of this el»cuon foreshadowed' • victory for the 1, Neral Administration in the rersral 010C- 0o.e0, and "Remember Roes" should be the shibboleth of every Liberal. Philip Holt, K, C., who was the next speaker, said he had been sorry to hear Mr. Garrow'• statement that he would not again offer himself for election. The Liberals would have 1 make him take thee beak Brief sadnesses wire given by A. Saun- ders, M. G. Cameron, B. D. Grant, H. I. Strang, 11. A., County Councillor Robt. Miller, of Howtok, and M•loolm Mao- donald. Outside the boys had started a boctflre, wbloh was kept biasing until . late hour. The figures given In Otte Issue are not othal.l and may not be quite onrreot, but from the returns we hays reoeived there appears to be a majority for Mr. (farrow of 290. THE RETURNS. Following are the majorities In the dif• forest memlelpslltlee of the riding : (JARROW. *IF, R. (loderich 130 Clinton 79 Moth ...... . 23 W ine/bam "_.. _... 72 Aehtlsld........ 69 (:olberne me 36 West Wawanoeh..... 9 Fest Wewasesk...-,f 78 uoderioh Townehlp, ,, 98 Hallett • 36 460 170 Majority for Oerrow-290. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - DEC. 6. Arse Fioaoolal Agent of Joe. Renk -R. G. Reynolds..., 1 Financial Ageo. of Jae T. G•rrew- R G. Reynolds 1 London Free Prom.,., 5 Our Shirt Factory --W. A. McKim 5 Christmas Perfumes --W. C. Goode 4 Gau0clel Lost-SIONAL Moe 1 Eye Speolaliet-Pref. 8. L. Tombs 4 A000uooemeol-O. M. Elliott 1 Xmas Perfumes -F. Jordan 6 Fur li•rmeote-W. Acheson A Son b Our Perfumes -J. Wilson..., 8 A Who Man - --J. M. Molnod...... ,.., 8 Aoneuooemeots -S. E. Hiok1 Towner Wanted -5.8. N0. 17, AabMld. 1 Aan000cement-Geo. Stewart 1 Sterling Good Values-Hodgeae Bros8 SNAP SHOTS. - Saltford, shake 1 -One, two, three -OUT 1 - WRIGHT is generally wrong. -The Star should take a "Hutch," -Goderich's Liberal majority is e hummer ! -Wingham has stereotyped its election returra-72 Tory. - Hr. Baca has changed his address from Salttord to Salt Creek -It begins to look like the old-time majority in West Huron. -Organizer WRIGHT most have been. editing The Star last week. -Blyth has notified Conservative candi• dates to keep off the gra... -Say, Mi. WIUTNsy, did you hear some- thing drop in West Huron, - (:old weather and dead ducks aro sea- sonable just before ho iday time. -It snowed ,yeaterday, but most of it fell on the unjust, and buries! them. - Colborne blew out the gas on the Con. secretive candidate on Wednesday. -The Major wakes this morning to the fact that this is a hard, oold world. -The man who was saying, "It is (tune for a-nbangs, h.a-boon, tongue-tied:- '= -The miserable tactic, of The Star and ptner Tory organs received the rebuke they Ioeerved, - ehfield, the Wswanoehee and Hullett titayakeiththe game in the Liberal interest on election day. -Frionde neighbors, countrymen I Let's get. together •t 0,10e to roll the o d chariot along between now and next June. Tna SIONAI. will be sent, poet -pall, to any address In Canada or tee United Sbnt.es from now to January 14, 1903, for 11 00: Meagre. BI'RRnw•' k Sox and McKee -mg A Hon got. sell Herh.geom, which has by tens of thousands of Canadian farmers. feeders and stookmen been proved to be the most effeotivo spice for animal*, and from Its email feeds the cheapest ever sold. A book worth dollars to teeders farnlebed Lea with every dollar's worth sold. bt•.,o w. BORN. BIRO. --At Belleville, Ontario, on 'the 22nd 0f November, 10)1. to Mr. and Mrs. Krn..t H. Bled. • son. MARRIED. ORAL * miss At the C.M.S. ohuroh, Olr gannd, Bombay. by the Rev. canon Roh ere, On Novemtver 01h, the Rev. Areht bald Hew gran, R. (, of Allahahad, Ind1•, to Mies Elisabeth Roes, B.A., eldest dannfrtthter of the late Rev. John Role, of Rruoelfeld, Ont., UIk0. MoVICAR. In Chatham. on Sonnet, Den. 1 1901. John MoVloar, aged 24 years, I month and 1dars. LAWSON. In Colborne township, on Thnr. day, November 2Rth, Miller Lawson, aged M years. 11.1,10TT, In Detroit. on Ronda, morning, Dtnamtwe let. Mrs. Elisabeth J. 11111011, demerit or (i.dsrt.h, -Wednesday's vote rather rebukes Organiser W altt*r for his attack on the character of the Returning Officer -ALICE WatUHT doesn't feel like feeding that man on angel cake who loaded hint up the wrong way on nomm•tion day. - The electors of West Huron have given Mr. LEAyrrr, the deputy organizer q1 the Tory party, notice to leave it as it is. -The "scrap iron" assessment should bi all right as applied to the Opposition. la can hardly be valued as • "going concern." -They say WILLIAM CAMPBELL ie hunt ing all over town for the ran who loaded up WRIl1HT the wrong way at the nominee tion,, - If Ooderich township hearse up the good work we will soon weloome it as a township that favors good government and the up - building of New Ontario. --This would be a propitious time for our Tory friends to start • boom for DUD. H"LM1A, of (Ixierich, JAMEe CONNOLLY, of (1o.lerich township, or the lively and ener- getic LorounoRT, ot East Wawanosh. -Notwithstanding all the talk we have heard about the "machine," the Opposition "machine" in the only one that was in evi- dence during this election. The Opposition organs and speaker, were shouting "Stop thief 9' simply to draw attention away from the misdeeds of their own party, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Elquldte vinlet sachet at HICe's. A great variety of oholoe confectionery at low pr10.. at STEWART., See ebony and other fancy hair brushes at HrcK'e Drug Ston. O. M. ht.L1nrr is paying the hfghone ooh price for potatoes for shipment. Mast bet good sod free from rot. Wanted -Bright dried apples, l , Oris.' direot from Germany. Also call butter, fowl and raw fun. G. E. KrNt. Wlogham, Remember the date : l'rof. Tanta, al Hotel Bedford, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Deo. If your eyes trouble you, or any eye strain, nonsuit him. Come early se you may need • second testing. Oyster., always fresh` at the old reliable oyster house. Vlotorla Ke,Naranl, West. et., In bulk or d all styles, ice oream, fruit, confectionery, algae, oto. C. Rt.ACE• smelt, proprietor. Telephone 70. `lima Doerwrn wishes to 0.11 attention to her Deetmber sale of rnllltnery. Having thinned space rhe 1s onmp.11ed to make room for spring goods, and well sell Milano* of winter stook at greatly reduced proose. Look out for window of trimmed hate se Friday and Satardey. Ali eetrlmmed hate at half price. Monday was ear fourth anniversary of doing business on Hamilton etrISO We take this opp,reweily of thermion our many customers who have favored es with their patronage, and ,ounft . enntlnna,00 of the same and ask others to ..II ant •g amine goods and prior. We oommsseed a thirty day nil• on Mnnd.y, the led day of 1)ooember, and onntinse eatll the tools of the 010.19,, when we will out the profits with e11 those who favor e. wltb their eastern. Call and Tea for yourselves that wo mean whet we my. Oar geode aro all new sed .re of the hest that ma M bought tor spot nab. Rotes, eggs. dried apples and potatoes taken at sash osio s, W, J. Motttow, Hamt.s 8E