HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-28, Page 7E X0. 48 l9ol
Fra/ /nlgr . :Y
I "t/y
„,. :. '' -,xis Dona
°r thought of Such a
rr a medicine did )loll
it'y a good Sign fc,r
Emulsion. The body
be repaired like other
and Scott's Emulsion is
dicine that does it.
ie poor bodies wear otit
vorry, from over -work,
sease. They get thiel
ak. Sonic of the new
re not well made-an(i
ie old ones are racked
ng usage.
is Emulsion fixes al;
It does the work boti•
Ind out. It makes soft
hard, thin blood red,
lungs strong, hollow
`ull. Only the best ma.
ire used in the patching
e patches don't show
i the new glow of health,
Inc has to Wait his urn,
n do it yourself ou
- and the bottle. •,
Thu picture represents
the Trade ►fark of Stor;e
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle. \
Sold lar hake supple•
sec. and $I . all druggitla.
!aloe's 9oothime wf nv should .
el for children tawl.Als'a• It esotns.
otters the fuel cures wind r,,.l,
art remedy fru Alarrbar s. Twe„ I r
a bolt le
"civ::v`is'i......."""i"""..i.i....i ;: '
rAQ scn001, _
PbR vs. i
ABN • • :'drat"
aS 11 tILCBtt T M em
Idealist building ube home of
r Senator Tureen. and several
f t.rr ntlful pounds to erding
ov d fns moun sin.
aid home for boanlere.
r for prospertus to ills RVAu.
• opew Math.u,rilr to wrh..ly
aJretWe a atl.g., Ca brldx•• 1.
!altar, Less, poultry and all kinAs
edam. write a. wben yon ane ,
('beet sent as won a. we rrrrlve
d L. Lewis Go.
Immiaslon Merchants 11 ill,
,w ryt,.-k15'a I
' 5 l
G f( S 1
hb I
wlfrvolk:, No HOOPS. _
to the ordinary
for domestic nn r;y
THEM. io x
.q Looe! Kospose. ton .•w Mlles 0r .10
Il-• M (well M►k. w.eh, low Mr
wM a1.. .s. e.h rel Pe ft •e11 •. r
• M oow: Aw ,I be e.t+d r•v.l..•n1
e•..M; 1Mr11r, flee.'.M r,-,-I,r. l
w,d w r•e•. fMale Ma ea11r....eA w .I I ...e
•ILLLL.A elOOOA PILLS •u„lq,,t IA-•
sea,' ...a •. MII wad r-• •nr er tic ese,s
`=h..w.r. hood, Moor ear almost, tooth
t rrrrs s• •s 1 •sera., wew• .ss
r.. r ,.'r a .• r ^rr ,•
+.>.. r ..w. h«nx,w. .ere. 11.M Mw••.
lt'T f11/ti eirn, 1
,=- ,log CURED
?ttx * a
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-- - -
Loilng's Yonder Nov. E5 -Yids Nrw Punt fur lira. en..brab UEEN DRAGD WEuDED WRONG M N4 SAME Ol0 GAME PI EQ.
CANADIAN If M10fuing's derl11atoties `roes 8uuth At- Calw `awn, Nor` E1 -lien. Bvubluat n I 'SNERWEII a
rico show that this recent fightllag Ilan reel gne] Ills wort of Inr tw tor- '"""`
osnr \ Illler.dorl,, auuthwert of Stan- gtyieral ut tLr l:ubnlal lldrnce Furtre -p__ __
til' CONTiN GENT AertuA, as to whloh Lard Kitchener 4i anis' k, tnta up a watt nploolut ASSASSINATED !; THE S1RA 6lER ? Two Suckers Bit and Sharpers
a •rT OA JF Av^ rn{wrtet uolhing Deyond the foot wear at Preterba, to which ls" lsar A. I After Marria a Learns Brother°
k,.1 P v + i that Cumwaudsut !lush had beer proceeded. t ,
l ' captured after attacking s patrol -- a Got $ 310•
afa4", } ui 1W railruaJ unaers, war real! s Juhnnulwtour Nuv. 2E.- AAuther G My+
is the Rich One. 1
z `,- . Ik V ,`t5 ---- serious offal `11` Y oorir Araao Iter be4ou nl t ;; it - n"r,,. v:: -- - y t
Y• 1 Y Ply In tit" loud. 'e'>N"r z+{
It seewr that Orubelaar's comman- Twenty arrertr were trade ut teld-
Tobe Recruited and Equipped to ing a dB `n hforc°`long and wt- `mitt` " Juliann ntw,re. `n .arien# Reported Case of Murder or Now SHE SEEKS A DI RCE, Policeman Held for the Mur- A MORAL IN TMIS STORY. 4:`
luring a Brltleh torou oI 1.00 Drlt- Ixarlw of Juhaunurtn[rg.
Irh Cape railway pioneer#. Sub- A grout rousatlon followed.
sequently COL• Retaington cause up :r + Naw York, Nov. 27. -Mistaken ,dell- Now York. Nov. 'J7. - Two South-
' x for South Africa ', with relnf°r°enaents, and after heavy - 1 of Suicide der of Two Women. ornero who had Ju#t set toot on
ttn f htln ales l'auadlrn 7rruspurte. c e ! fila +' tlty of the man rite releotel to be
' L lg g, cut llsol the Doerr to re- ,,, + their native rail after tvurklua fur
i tµ too ore .. _-__-...--a6 Ottawa, Nuv. _...-T1w MLuLrter of 1 ,_ iM tier husband to causing much pertur- lv ..-.•w _._ ,w,, man wuuthr uu »auw DuutU Amer-
- tire, And to ralease their prisoners. Militia, In view of rho Wllt of ' _,c '„ `- - y
Ther 1triUrh hwrus included MnJur possl 7 bastion to the mind of Misr Madelaine lo un ruilwuy fell luta the h&u1r of
fi toutingent being degostohel, has k'urber, who has for two ea yesterday uud
Flshor tilled, aad three officers y • d W rp uuufialtfncu wee
beau auikln in airier o1 Lite Allen
TO COS A ADA NOTHINC. watudad. The oarurltler atnung the ant Elder -Deem W er Steamshi Cal BUT NEITHER MAY BE TRUE aaraxting nlgUily !n ane ur aerobes CASE 100KS VERY BAD promptly turned over `° tile°' the
ttwn have nut yet been reported. 1 D • $1,3W toe which hey had toile,!
wales with n ani to nnga lag n of the comlo operutr wW mueltg►I
1 It ov and skituped In Lcuador. The trick 1', am 5 1 1'+ls-s
--- --- suitable tranrlwrt. Ttto fore" will
,,,,,,,,tom ....-- „-,,,,-, eomelturulung BrouJwaY• Thu re u'.t .• empluyucl to •wind!' them was as $;4a
Dutch t'uusul and Khaki. wear a un'torn similar to that o1 of huch a montal agltatlou has culls oW us the oldost street U1 New s. r.a;,
e ul. K%rus flay Curaraana -- BrUlai. Brurseb, Nor. 24. -With regard to lite Cana,tlan Mounted Rlfleo. Numer- York, last 1t worked like u churn f b
the depwrtnrs from PraWrls ut lite aur applkatbts have comes fruw YtatrA Dhr "'r■ Phut lu •Ile !Street t41 !•Iles Fortier, or lire. lil.:hnrd It. lint lire h:%ideare fs as Yet Almost t +t,"
Yurce l'upture4 al,d '1'heu Ne- C'auadlarts In the Stater who are f3and(urd, err rho Ir Lu lw known lu hitt tits same.rc k `*
Dutch Corlsul-0eneral, tt Is stated W bile Out Driving -- soeething 1• utirely Clrcuu:staullal - 'I hr TJw vk tlmr were Frank u. Bell, d.
1- a aplured - Kxreulluu of l.uurr that hs war chairman oL a eommIt- anxicur to serve In Mouth Afrlca private life, to mate application fur of Oulnrnllr, Ga., sad W. S fluilter, a 4' Ls'l`s'
,t 8evrrtal m!lltia offloera have also a l- About We'1'rouble. lu bervia -A 1't -I.- urr's Story- Duce Iirture Ile „
i, i ,. too formed fur supplying burghers un ► u divorce, ceuplod w•ltti it wude.rt re of Gorhon, Va. For eleven mentbit IIs is
tY,ti uud Other !turn A (lel utra't'uru plletl for eommlpolkwe, Almost l'hukeA r Wonwn to Death
'e"" parole whit clothes. Thlr committee, 1 Lime fill of Hlriory.
A Preacher /lone lu Flght. was was prov(,d at the Bruetsma trial, T--. yuwt [or ttwl cuwmo.11ly trcyurutly const uct onrkuln ronuthe Litayaqull ,t
furnlslied burghers o° parole with 81,11 t;houlbl floe URleers• Vienna, Nov. :'5. -Tho Neue Frele referred to ar Alimony. I:vnuevillo, Ind., Nov. L'5- WIlbur S. S Qultu ItaUrtleAf. 1lunWr workadaa ,•:•zea"rtdert.r
Ottawa, Nov. _1. -The war Office khaki unlformr, thus enablin them a Preaso sinter a t that )' g po a Qutlutt bund. The reactor Aew yr
bar act ted Canada's otter to ru. td g Cape Tower, Nov "E. -A 'Britlah P r Queen Mrr. Sandford, or !!ills Fortier, 1a . Nherwetl, who war welkin n he e- y i'r;1r.-T-`
rP pass the Brltlrh littee. It was toot putrol under Capt. Elliott left Ugte, Draga of Sorvla Was nest In a street the enure of tier troubles to a n• inun'o beat yesterday, tr now fn a York oil Tuesday ulgut and on Wed- rt, p 1 s
crust a force of mounted torn for proved that the (lprarul had any ttr►rkable aoaaditlou of affnlre, for mite naves!° oarhad a ch nes respect , a
n vlltugu In Une Trntislarl, brtweeA In Itelgradn. Another rawer Iv that [cluu'r cell cltargtxl with strung- y D 7 e4,
service In South Afrlca The utflcinl t°owlotigo of this, but ties mllltar) Elliott ata! Mrseloar, Wtore daybreak wlw committed suicide. Nu details nli'Ruuk the waa also wurrled for hie ling to death Lena Renner, ively fur jl,lfi0 utld j170. , t Q ?
euthurlt er urged the Howe Gor- brotlser, wno W A we,altly' real em- They. were ver careful after that wii r .e,
nutiflcalloil of aooeptance bus out orrtmeirt to ask the Uutob Goreril- T'veterdaT They dlaoovereef w Duer _ ____-.-__- - tate man ut huffnlo, While the man flan unlorhinate girl who wee `null! hu►lug Itenrtl ofytUo wiles and den r"+ $ + a
tot been received, but from private 00mmando undo[• Sezuldenhout un
1 meat to Inrtrnot ter 'sirs eseutaUve Gatberg 'Nei, In the Drakuutiurg- udi"actually marrwwl wav but n clerk dead by rho roIIJelde lnrt Tuewtay. gory to which rho unrul,ltlstieated ,e.: xv
, wlecem It la learned that the infer• to be more careful In future. (opt. kllbtt attacked the Dura, who ' tJ 1% •! f lx in the empty of the brother of Whether there Ir any eotmeetkm 'sero exposed here. They didn't t, ,
uuutloil Ir undoubtedly corrtrct. Ax On t►te other haoQ, cumtNalut■ have were airlven n Ute ttsountnln lu Jia 4 q =,, a .'ti wwdlth. Her hutAwtuA lr lth hard It. loelWeoo the comm n uI the trim drink, and . tlwy dlotrurtaxl every- \
lo,u err the annwncewrat l.+ utfl_ lnh loeun meals by a Dutohrnaa alleging ander, la%eln elx kI11eJ, ones wounded, ? e ,J a; SaaMtord, whil-, the man uLmuney end 8 body uud they were gulag home by +,$
Y that the (kxlsral dial res[ sufficiently and tort hearse ca tureJ. Cw 1. :v •t "' ° i r'' reit estate Ir Robert B. SmanJford. and the murder of Mrs. Raney ane trufu furl night. Dut first they >rat,
oorrulxoratet, pralwratloas for en support Ilia claims..11so, the officials p;llbtt and ones Drltleit I'rlvate were Y ry x N'rlrud Goa 13rukurs Jli:ed. the three other women stratiWed to wanted to buy oOme clothes. About li'r A:a ;!
rolling and equipping the force will of the Netherlands Railway Ouatt- uawtu ttxo
a are nulla killed, pnd three officers were - death is eat yet detcrmlaed. It L y were rtunding In front •"$' t
itt onau prooeud. Pa J yet Wlth the (beau!, wounded. it war °bout a year ugu, while of a tailor's, Roar Uubu fTquarc ' *'
as It a advice to his government Is s Mie# Farber •tad au er ement At a significant coincidence that Fail- iJ ,l„
lobe /:uv.•nnwcnt's toast. su ■elf Sero De tent fou favorwble to --- •s'!% ho New York Theistti[1nt rhe tae Duller, the mulatta irl, was easieh mere ha4dhgt u hand In the :f:};+S ri .asp
° la g pocket where els wad rertlwl, evheafi
Statement# published I■ the OP them, antd It Ir rald that tits Oou- 1•u.lring nock ate Itoer Nurse. t1m war latrolucetl to SI►ndtunl. rtruaglel to tenth last May In a :► wellilreesed Itrangtfe slapped 11 e ,", `,'I
lwtsitbn papers a'Onvey an erroneous std'' reported recall emanates from Pretoria, Nov. 22. --There is °no- to , house weeks later, when Chrirtslns- stable on tho beat which Slierwell Bolt o° the •boulder with a joyful, ` r ""ba a'""»:'
impreorlou as W the action he them. slderable Improvement W the mill- . , tido was at hued, dandfurd proposed patrolled. ITA war also acquainteaf Hello, Brown, old mail!" w "a,
l;uverumeut le taking. "Title will be --- Lary altustion. The lines of block- rtna,,, marriage, and was atuceptceak after n with Mrr. Halley. according to the Promptly, as i(• he Ilad read the 1, a; 4'
Iluer shot by lite British. i do of about a week. It war during statement of the dew11 woman's els- r
In uo vo°re a tLlrl watingeut,' said houses are pushing beck the Boer■ " , newspapers with a spoeial view o[ r,, .
Johannesburg, Nov. 21I.-Vernich, a title dewy, w the husband any', that ter, lira Jells! Wagner. train! 11 imrolf for such an oc 'vy
Lulunel Bunten to duy, by way of from1he rallwayst A largo area t.e _ . " b Mim Verbs@ tmok the trouble to have It Is belluved lie hLmi an accom lice °g J` ' I
av,rnctln statemnatr wlilch have Doer, was tried by court-martlar on ouverl about unr•-thin] ut the high • I it .; n `'!amid lu Dufhato look u► the otaud- p ca+Jo0. Bell turual ruunl to r"pl) • yI E g p
g ii { atkl theft the two women. Lena ••My game ain't Brown -it'd Bell C •;
a charged high treasuu by luclting voWt, th Juhanaloosburg as a cen- ! ht of "K. 8 t3a►ndford, u'cool Lrtlatr t fry( d
appeared to certala Wooerrotira pa- H g Benner amt Getrnfba !:alley, were "Olt, aren't you Mr. Brown from
Duer• fu the burgher camps to break ire, lea fatally boon ecmpletely mut." The r t from tbi friend "
murders! efts a vldt to u ruad-
Oah os 7 t n 1, 2
n clew e
✓ t it asked rho o ran er a i
• r. t rtnouW be nwJ r b - t
r I ri ' g x
tit 1 t cleared too B 1tl columur wee
lit e r sea los of all !alias sed r" in t sic , ,
eg J: las. wee fist A:utdfard Wrlr wt rh r err
wrut oil to ray, "tlrot th►r Ir uu ares !heir commniiJuer. lie wee *lest ou worklhe ou forces they' eco outride $ ! notlse, Bell, still bahhfal at the ewer a■ • r a '
Thursda Me e U hurt! ne t rightna ung. Thi mqk- I'rlsurcr's Ntnlemrnt. dl red to hlzn b tater answered al ` ""' " "I
uff'x, bwtt lr iso niter male In 'rlaruti y• y r, ngaltist whom Ila blockltou o lines, and they are Ittg mnuey rlKUl alum;. Thio wtu j T rl6 1'?0"11«►*9
Not, which offer row out of the there war a similar charge, was sen- gradually pu nx forward. Their mough, draft ou this 11rt rAnne the Witen the warrant was read once, "I aad from Galnrville, Ga." 4r ,11
g teracet to pedal sen'IttsJe for life. Progress rocen y Imp been very fuotli at dultisel rloee d, Sandford charging him with delil11crate mar- Th• stranger hrggaJd purdyn aad W - t
p pproschin when dlsappeared, ant five mluuteu later , t 1
llurrltl oarreeyotttenue wltu tun g' I t tore
N'ar•01floa As a WaLter of fact we - ra W. The limo •e g - 111111 thnamn Itlr wife. Handford says der Sherwell war the coolest man in the two Southerners, still o s Broad ;t '
the high veldt will Ii clear of floes. that ho &1141 Itis brother were mixed rho ,num. Ho esus astud [or a wn wore met b the outer siren r: 1 d
are ornme the work for titer !m{idJai The l.aa of Luttrr. I
i,orernmwt auw, art ss ye u1J ►u KlmtlAr work is bel carried out to \ - up by the friend of him %rife, rand that )" T g +„ /r
the wee of the dttuth Afrlca Cwt Lorklun, Nov. 24. -The roma s- ! he; nevcv made wry 1'stellae to no- statement anJ rvpiled with, the ut- er, equally well dreaded and Jolly 6..,.t % .# ,
P me the Orartgu Ra a nay• nnA fr . s+,e
tion of the death sentence ou Lot- proving xo,uesate, bl ha mebewe of faced, who might have been ez-
rWtanlaey. The work ut elulpplug iha tor, which ttw,k Iacs at 3[klJelbu L usual wealth, whereas his wife moot unconewa: ..Tell the people i lel v'" -
P r¢, brio hag tlw war to elope. This QUEEN DRAGA. pee i
force will be done by the Department Lara colon g thought m win the mwteYed member am lnnoueut; I hnJ moth to do
pe y, was s cost lmprwdva will aNlable ttre reltlat o of the -- ---- • --__ tug ^1\•ell, 'well, welYc" Ire cried when anx+'^vsrii.Isss►
of Militia. Dat under the Conditions d the tnmily. with the murder of sena Renner. "dru t dlnli.
oeramuny, says Reutor'a eurrelapoild- tranwport ns well as rho Lnes of the nave Ween reoelved, gild It b ►mplos- Ile war still muuy fret away. "If litter
7 isn't Mr. [fell, of GAInsvllle, 1'11 de- ra
a,f tion M♦1ch offer, err nes brnu Luny eat. baser fur file columns to apo Col- oible to confirm either report. !S'pu'rted Iu r New W'eetca. toll tie sett right Iil u taw a1♦ a" ':;
explained, all the expenditure of fly order of the commandant, on Tito eastern When askew! by Coroner Walk" olare m self the deadest dock in the
y. provltsto are al-
rrrry klad will be borne by the 1Vnr Mayor Mararlcr, all baslueu was res_ Tho umored easltn:astloa of Qaeen Tho marrlttge was eat many weeb where he war last Monday dght he Y '
meet clear of the Doerr. Gen. each ■ (Ad before the theatrioal Woman dfe► !IDM•" t
Office. In other wonlr, the Militia De ntevl, and the lead) nttraeW more Aotl,o than It wa1J: "1 tlwnt it war about 6 or s
po rte resWcilts of autumns neve elrivtsn them Abo t anti lhagA Tlie rent followed the rater. The _
pa rtment will be acting merely as an covered the difference in the broth- little after that T left home. I took ~:
the town, b tb English au 1 wta•h, attrithono d the comtorataJoe of oherwiee would owing to too bellef , anti from that time^on both ad- stranger had relatives In Gainevtile 'b "'
ayleat for the our ro of recruit! tiro Cee and went to Second ami remewUerwl Hien \ and wmy VI 1 " ` i
f Po ng were Ordered to attenl. Phe psi- Foitcho aad Lytwrgh unit they ave which lr bared vn 1pfurmatlon from anti that hero hats bee trouble In ,,,
anti fitting out thus tome, preclscly wnere, closet; guarded by a troop nlrusoet dire claret, and the whole Ho amore roue s. °ear the Opera hi xo, se a es. by +
poo war done i° the case of Lilo Mouth DP tourers that lite cries whkh Ilse IonR thn hcratrphold. Tho wife negerUr4Aztd lIo„es From there went to Dr
of ttuo District Monntod Troupe and centro of flan colony 1r clear. in tits tun! diol not tette o ler caro of her• J him to !lase re tl%ea. Thaw a' St - 1
Afrlca► that t le nia . it la a mmawl- rotated In Servla hits reached a ell Ir d Fourth •treat aryl mach. as a's'st
to my loaf tit" 111auaa of • commral- Royal Fusiliers, wee" brought Into western provinishi ties ol. R m bands wh11e Sn1lJford tarlrwea,. that d1L wife he gvt IBe•II nntl Tlanier u itis "of [Ice .1^' r :,"
ttw square, which war hued wltA are also diminlshlnR, tool. Remington sono. Thn root of this climax Ix the about 7 o'cloct and another arrest in u fiunexhel rgtrstl hvuee at 10 '°kJv
ice ufticar war submitted with tits colltinually wanted clothes and ex- atx11ut twenty minutes later. 1
.tfvv of hist !larch. All floe trooper of titer gwrrlson. The ez- cwpturetl C mmanflsnt Bny and flrutttclnl dlffleulty. Thn army aN all lwq;eive luznrles away beyond 'itis ltxro went to the Grand era IIoase Fart 8ureateentlt mtreet. Tlnsy , 1
tint war ekme nt that time wam ccomandant went through the cors other Boer officers near Villiersdorp. rant" Is receiviA little a -r• no pie septi- were Jufned by a secotrd n, a Ken- x e.
g Pay, mmnas Ao n resldt the oou ani to the galley tqa F
molly without showing any sign• of ated last spring• and Mrs. Sandford Ilp y' tucklaA, who rata he vvns\,here buy s
eek floe Sucrctary d State for -- and iter eathnslasm fir the Obteilo- •'1 left rho alley before lot 5• ,,>'
fear until just the last, when 1•e g f
't whother the• name of a certain Deteuda the etovlrnmeut• vltch d now t►ns beguA her nation throragh curtain wcut u a l06 aP molar fOr the Btltb (Inver° av
q er would be a eeable. Thlw talatnd, and had to lou asatsted back .moi a 7nawty, which Ktng Milan •rpt her Attorne •, Leon Ltaski, of d1 Park P in [tom there w it m,, in aad produce4 4 a tre- ,• ° '
tR to the )all, . -Na R- "' The BcoretarJt ,tf AJivd try tanking the' army the- first 3 to Second anJ tdeln streets and thAT..
for n wilt bo raleol fcr the Imlt,-rW floe vera filo;! Froe Church has so- it<isir. Mr• T got word valdturdwy down to First stroct. melwlotte mli' oI yap,', CtaY iWs w -•
Thw following morning he waa ex- g' ectarldenttlon, basis now vanished, The
Gov Ament, awl every effort will be oohed ♦ letter from Lord George that the pe In the Dare were "Down there t met toule Kolthn\ ilio lollies AAd harltig a s1U qr two , I
ectrted on a kopje to the went of the troathlo war Inereaso:f b
wit to obtain rho 'wry Ipest egrlr Ila milt ,the Scorctery ter India y Klug Alex- sarrverl then t before vn Sandford stl. That was stoat 8.:50 ur '1.43. I for outsWu cover. Ant, of dourer, J: J
town. fie war taken to he place moder'r mars a and Utas outs vent at his be=& in talo. the firm thi the KentuekIn. ailA
that scan ire r ue.li th That wne be da•rcmdtn the conduct of the Govern- leg went to the Pe' lets theatre, sat on °g al.' .w. " 1
.lune on ser ranch floe crane 11nu a. In the awtAnlancw wagon, »d after Ine-I leiltr in eoanectlou therewith, ea- ',try, iSnndford, or Mlai Forbes, aw P war to chailenge, the stranger ,, „,,vw:rertw
7 mutt Inr to the Boar oonceil- f chair to the t. I def said aad mJ
getting e•tt of the wegor. all was trwUun cam Iter writer: "'The mor- :T rho •LID Halls h. ■elf, 1s at prevent rememberefl Belt to n game of cads, ,oZ_VVr_111t11
%verve `allows! Iil rho false ut all the pedal Queen I)raga'r tnwtwteil,r feet on another. 1 left Lhere after
other ser exce pt Strathcona'r near In Ipso iha° two minutes. grant coo- that her' brother, young Lieut, Lun in 'New York, and ntendn'to bock whir°' halheeltate . antt r .
{'r i tauty Iles a source of 10 o'clock, went up First street le e$
}lorry. That force vera 'nisei main! Throe day Inter {'let \4ulfwardt. Jeretrn, ntrwW be i►cknowletSgpd ns eon the idle s with` n feta wewts In N t lnsitated, Tion turf Monter be-
y cern to myse and my colleagues g' Main and down to Second and
In a .articular local!! but tin the. a nutorlous Ml,lckdtw.rg robeL who heir to the crown. 'The hostility of the divauow ocee n Sandford 1s ca u iiltrre•Led. anal ore they f,*y, a r t
I 3 EvorytWng that sanite'ry science cart iN gr caught a, oar. It waa raining about ._X_
rewlenL tour the men will be taken has beets rsplicntr.i in many acts of the army (y whared'by the populace, chnrR'ed wITD Im r conduct with gait f know sellllt -tlre were about Ic, f•v-:v
` 1 y. Tnerw crtle•lty, a:orag with Ills chlM, wax wtggeyt will be done. Our offbtalr aslzi ft W believed here that nlmowt 11 o'clock. I -was In beet when I y f e'
from fill partM of the counts are greatly hampered by the callons a nuffnlo woman dui g the summer had uilet out their rolls and placed u
executed on the same s ot, while an heard the clock strike 11.30." ,.:p
V ones thlAg, however, that will awn D ucea t u AB hygiene of mnoy of the 7 oetgOme of t111e etfetvesceilce Ir azul faU._ tha•m •oa the table before them. r 'milt, i
be done. lu the care e1 previevs cur Schuoman, Lottor's lieutenant, waa possible. llherwell's Wlfe`llrra)a.11JU v't• The things ,twee° to happen With ' " "." 11
w wowem til the Damp•, sod o[ tical' \
the mon were grouped together in execrated nt Tarkartdd. Uwida4ney to have recourse to rem- Sherwell's wife at first declared ttawllAp trt>; awiftnesa. The Kentuck-
rtctm .nnlxr atsoonlln to lice luewlltl•ts One of the disloyal Dutch farmers "e 0000 bar htubard did not t out blas ear- n l;r 1 rho two rolls of bills A •1"'t't1
I g galley of the marl detrimeiltol and YHIIBK +JI/Of•S N'Ittt:D.
from whkh the cacao. In tbb lu- was smartly trapped Inst week. _, \ rey last Henley night .1ght, af- tint ac '°puce uplw•are,l, recer%wal :. mt,
7 alanaeroer character."
wtance, the m.n will be ooncentmted Two colonial officer• b•Inoging to 1 the arrest she broke wa and said tt boot ant TitzJmblxl, and the % "
Neper/ lu Pwrls [+rya !`arra \trA Ort .HERE AND T RaA._ gg g
at rw.m,• nt, so-` when he nr- • Il themN'eKou'r column dls nes hlutxatd bad rotor In the SaoAtherne were left •tau Ila
Preraatrer WIstre eveA a on Boers. Drlvtdlt.
rive will lou u xexl wgether hidhw elm- N1sn1 therselvos ns [;nen, sad g afterttooA ted Ills none ad driven .wltt¢ the first Lwo coafidortco •nun.
ioately. There will be no each thing wentwto a neighboring reacts houlw, Tactoma. Wash., ,U -v. 24.-,-Ith A Paries. N". 28,-Aecording (" des- away agalq_ not rotorBl till 11 Subbly' wQu)O have been caught, but "-" a
ar art Ontario tie a \ovn S(_tba , ow- Thu fetsmcr received them gladly• tlmdro to avenge the death d Lis only patch from Vienna to the icho do o'clock In ttie evening. flutitlpr, rush into the street,haal 4, ! It
party. There haw b•rn a little to„ anti while be wa• entertaining them soon, who %%ns shot by Boars hart u HUI announoer that Ito will buy Several times $herwell's e.ltas thei Itsek of ruxiiining straight Into tho m IMT1119w
ave them much valuable informs- year, Rev. It. I.. !Barr will leave earl Pars, an attempt hats been made b
much nt th ►t, aro-! It temlw to rl•c- a S Oreat Northern stect at jltm been compelled Lo appeal to tic pit- arm" a9f Drtcectivrr ibulndy, F'raner
tonal feeling. It would be most cuu- tion about tho column, where it was In D•rl•mlx•r fur South Afrlca to Join arenosinate the Queen of Servfa, lice comntlrrlunerr bec ause Its dl$ not nu -1 O' k
The Transvaal's gold output r jtpurke; gf the Clutrnl Oftice,
%en lent to mubizile the force at Ot- camped, and where it would be the tho BrItWh army.. For the last two three shots having boen tired at her October last was 33,$83 ounces. ' furnish her with proper food anal ;awl they fou<rt 'J ell still clinging to r; ,f " _J N
tuwa, but w,thing her •wen tlacldexl tot%rt to ntteck from. yn►rw ho has been rector of Protest- wttilei rhe woe drlvtn ne♦r;lloslJil. Clothing, and he alp had been or- Thr+ quart -Kentuckian, who, on tape- .oil" aJeIMJh
g Mr. W. C. Caldwell, M. i'. I'. for
:u to that." Tho following day he was sent for, ant Fralreropal churches In Whatoum p per from Nwtth I ianart, wee again numinatetl saline! for drtmtenneM a numbe> lira tine dwtoctivea, nt otnco gave rap a Y
A d reit to the enure n q
1'renrrrllone nt utlwwr. sal asked wbero the two Dutch of- nn1 Falr Haven. f tlmer, further remistanee-
tirerr were wtrn Daa1 vleltefl him the Hie eon wne tilted to an en Bolgrtade vee a rumor that the at the Libra! oonventk>ti nt 1^°nark. .• l
T110 Minncter a.f Militia anti Ma}r- gage- R1 Stlsptolon first pointed to Sherwell Ho salt tin was F'rnnk Pnlmrr, fi pu l"e
previous day. Flo declared then he mrnt In which rho Boerm lirtrsitly out- lSaclun attemptat suicWo near 8om11A. Cnptaln Dunn, of filo etrnm4hip w en John Kauffner, tar sweet- traveiling ucalrsmiu► of _5 Nest IOith 1e 4", `; '
Oen. O Gouty -Hely were lu cxrnuuttn herd w•em na flops off cess, and was numberavt the Brlthh. The Barre, It --- Petml, rel:el 5. lC1Il nets In the he rt of tic Renner girl, dsld rhe street. In the Jrffertxrn 1lnrkoc 'f"L i
tion lwbty regarding the recruiting foul in professed Loyalty. After hear- W alleged, stowed extrema cruelty to vicinity of the Pelee island. had told htm she was 1 out Mon- Peilce, Court he war held fur furthc r ,Ly s
01 the now U res•. It W mid,•rtiter„t Tho nnilounocment In July, 1800, by N ng n m''
lag what he 1•a,1 to say, the two the Britl.+h. Ever sinco receiving title It is expected that 12,000.00Obneh- day .ening with a pollee officer. wxamlilalion. The "8teprcr" mn 1p ht 4
that foul. Be r.lwu Iter mad" uy Lir King AleIatxitr Of S rule, of itis rte
rtiplwsrwi Uutchnan were brought omro Mr. Barr has bad a gtrona rte rlw of wheat will be shlpprd from Fort Alie WIC was ,the last day of tib good liar escape. .e,.:
rail°.! sw to titer officer he :viii °•com- W.furc him, nn1 wrack to hIe disgust rlrn tO tyotttnl to Mme. MAseln, formerly a ,, ,V r;_If.
Rto to South Africa ant fight. WILfine. tly water this season. frrloug not lie would be In eitl-
mnn.l fur icial n tingoff cer• but sill wdy-ln-wnlling to t4iwen Nhtulle,
hes was sent into the nearer• town. Hr line well hos twin fty ht What- g great Atlantic storm ownred senor aldthes. Sherwsll was tDr oaly „
await official Iwtico 01 ihw ars.•'•- onussal a reusntlon throw hoot 8enln Ttte
ttia're to start hl• trial for giving sum county to obtain rands far hie IIDliceman whore Tarlo t Irxf f R R jI t
once of a a,rlpr tram Canada b•Iore nnid a commotlun In't'lenna. Tno lady $1.(rW,0L)0 dumage along the U. S. WHO1ED A TORONTO GIHI t
nformat on to the enemy, trip. Mr. Barr hww ben one. of the Mortdny n ht. {
tvmmun►cIIting q t.:. him. Ar olwxi ns ass most re, and her was regarded Coast. , `
lmaling Phe Narnt .F:plse,pal clergy R'hen t3h rwNl r rtrd for dot► 1 , ''t$
zwtlftewtbn cement tits ufflrev In nem -- 7. °!most rlebclan. S.te was 1 ears &
q' man of rho Natrthwest. 1 3' BieNaop F'wllums ie quoted err tarot- fart Monda7 B ht he was oils of iha S 'rcb *- ° A
:fon will be aekel whethor bo Is Ire- Another Gertaua 'turn. older thnn King Alexander, The Ser- k -- v rpvt ik
.wrvd to Lata the• command. It seems Loodon, Nov. 25. -Ones of .the rin- -- vine Minlrtry upon learning Of the
ing ties plllcry for boys, aAd oar lad men pat to wort on tits manic' s.l pmt %ti
co bn P at the Puntinc, Ill., Retcumetory waa carer, No oar cried harder t n hs. {rm
geMernlly unfwrr:uul that r tn01 promptly rtylgnai, and the K1nR SOW He Is Taken i:rom Bride
clpal stories circulated In Germany mru7o to stared In It ter 24 homta nppsrenth, to itlscmer wino was re- c , u
LienL. ol. Franca, of %\'lnnil'ea. DAT THE PREMIER, foul great dlftioulty to find succersore
b the of"bar the Minister hna In rt'gant to Brltlah atrcelttes to l to them. Mlchignrt officer/ Belted eighteen opoilmlhle for the doAth of floe two p il''
In mind. It W thought that the l3outh Africa has boon in reference Tho match was regarded In Rel- milcw of nets. and 5,000 pounds of women who were strangled and then wT 10 i rl$ n. 1 r
nntformr ani saddl,r f(r the men " 'r"' add as erous, and as w men- (mail. belonging to-the.Doulh C't.m- thrown Into dlteheap-by-Sha_readdds. - _ - .
7 to the alleged are by the Br1Ush iCs freDo•t .
,oulJ tin secured In three weeks. ' eco to the State. Feeling belnK eo ItAny, of Chicago, in Lake Michigan. of opposite sides o tic city. -_
troops of hoer women uAd children Student Riots in Athens Cause g• g planed a guard Thw Inn to form a CIIna lieu err
Tho unlhrrm will bo vt the acme pntr strop the Kin P 1'hrow Light not w Crimes.
ern sew that of the CanAaUnn ,,farunted sr rhteld. til the right at gea"panoA Around Mme. Mrscin's hoose, tearing wnclatlun of railwnymon was .its- Miss Garnet S roe mat a man EMBEZZLEMENT' THE CHARGE. v a % ^ l -a
rlflnr. Thu 9torlw branch of tile Mlll- Juno 6th, It has been all el that j a that all attem t would be made to cussed at a Meetin • In Ottawa and +r 'Jfti
tin lisaparlment haw been br(night Int,, eight wowon aad two children fell (e 9110 Bloodshe... e, .x, atw}mt nes. P postpone]. 6 near Mler itenner'o 4o e♦rly Yon- New Vork, Nov, .6.-ArreyteJ lit i f1, da
inpoh a highly efficient state by Cool- under the Boer .¢re on this occaxlon. As time wore nn, however, public day avenins; wad he, a elsettly ked he- r•.
;riot Macdonald that the outfit and The Daily Mail cabled Lord Kltch- opinion In ffelgrade bxi,sime divided MnJor R'oelelda obis` cereus eon- ing her for some ons el e ,astrd her the Impc•rinl IIotel, where deputy R; et r
Attiude, Nov, _j. -Tho a Latina meri(tor for the Yukon, rays the U Masa Renner were at h Mlas Malted States marshals ba d' walted wr
equlpmrnt will loll nbtn►nel wlttrout n eller about ttdw story, arm prints a tlI m the entajivot of tits Kinge br ulatibn there will not tall far o'
1p6ment's lieu of time. Bor"es will r ly this Morn agalnrt he propomi to tranrlato the peop 1 p m"r►' Spencer coil., not Identify 4herwell all Monday night, William E. r It 4+t tot
In which the com- troth° Matt of the Ie n t r ♦e}
' (" rix Into mudera Greet was coo l J e short of _0,000. nes the man thio morn) y prominent silk metal nt a.;
noel tO be Mwght, tint It V not manic' of ihw IIritlwh forcer sAys the 'sp ttf lt, rind th v visited the King and Ae. hr rata former! a < rgs <r::
thtwrght that there will low any diff! story is tlrvo4l of all fouodntion_ Onn tinat l to thy. Twenty thousand lrcr- Mme. Masoln and felicitated them. Fight °fining officals wore nnfto- rho officer Iootel lite lslm, t rhes of Nu. 58 Greene ',sect, war to en .'t J v"v
suitor In getting rliltable mounts The chLd was killed, says Lword Kltch- ""nr nmsembled sreund the ruins u. Tho Town Council went In a body and cated while Investigating the cause Could not bu'peslLive. from Ids bride and spent last night In ;Pal
questlrx of a sultables transport will moor, and another chll,t and w wo- tiv temple tit Jupiter Olywpu■ east. eoltgratulntetl the King. or the explosion in the Baby Mine, One woninn. whose names Cc tier Lae Ludlow street Jail. ,.),bite o n r.•
not ve much trouble. ins rabies have man warn woutrlrll by the Boer"On took part lit a de:moodaration or i•latrw Ln Au est the marries a was West Vir ala. Walker iIM as de Char es of embezzietn ant n tram I,.,
ICi I gu g go m f pgbllo. decltlFes g t my a
fiiz v t p
alb t t etude ter. A e ut i.
utree•I - b•en mode of iha F.Ider-Drmf>~ Lite occawbn referrei to. The natures n r aul u erlptnntad. Iwut 11f v the Ween en- the loeman waw fit her homes t Lou do bat►krnptay aro madeugalilet
3 tl 4 Tue (,reek Cabinet here rem`an'd on Pel wwsrt"talc
•tees• and Allan Com nies, and with of the battle war that the Doers had wax pnor*od calling on Ute Italy 8yuou devivorcd to account or the riots In Athena, AI_ y night. when 1 him, and the lawyers engaged 'n the -
tho px py g G- excowmu I1(;&te as a palm off its her own n 8.46 o'oloCt Moeda
perienon nlread wined In thele received large reinforcements and Y p Iron w n, bnbv born to ono of her sisters, that h eu claim! he waw fit thO theatre. This matey vllex of tbu• case estimate that
g pported on n veto in Lha
Nation tt a wiltable trntspfrt Ought warn recApturlrlg n ropvoy of 71 tranwlwtel •Lae (hrrl11ols lni:o Gnv'h Klatt AMznttipr L of SerTln was waw n few tnlnutes before Mles Iten- ttxf de(ul atbn cbnrget may Aggro- tl
Chn r of De utl s.
s.xri tO be at ihw 0overnmeilt'r •J; i q a ns from a small Drttlsh force. nes now spot!%°. Eight huildl•re) merles• Ix11rn on• A 14, 1970. rttbetl p o rte j:,o,WU. H:■ affairs +ares seial to '"'" " °"`'
were lauded and caro ug' to takot ti atHvpd At her
!sees,!. tt b galla I1tM► that the ••- -- perateJ wlu, ids Is lite son of Munn L, who nTr 011o of the tltoae wallw of Qaeen'r hcue to trite nes drlvi tt,[o In iso taltglel n oonJition that It .i
vlocsv of he de wty ofricpr comms; I- Uoo troupes In patrolling the locality. dlcatetl in favor of the rosent KIA now art building at Kingvton was ' will require weeks of work to unravel ",a ;,, . ,, ,, ;
1 'tIry Lwst Another }'war. Several aolllrbnr occurred aad oaf P g blown down. The v will be Coroner Walter will not gay what t
ing In eeoh mlUt.wr,r dtstr{,t wl,l be March Q, 18N8, nfGor the revels- d.amag """'
tion• of hie moral ter itude. which they to had etfteC wfilch world ,r'" gt .,*I+N
rrgnldtlouexl f8r the purpoes of en- New York, Nov. 24.-I. N. ord, the uksru6l shots were ural, The rtuJeilts P about 1700. tend to ecnnect tTherwetl with the 11 ' li• Hardt lr flyer •oa of itte
roWng rocrultw, which will obviate Tribune's torr silt I,,- will[ huld the university buildings. sctandallsond ever court In Ferro lute UTAm l;rprt ltfardt, este was rtv oo
esp°ad T P"• A onso ao( smallpox exlsto In Toron- murder of Mrs. Georgnsi Ralley, wno , e rt+;N
the' nroemit of havin s sal rr intrfnit thasdemoo'rtrationa following His adventures In the direction of well esu aDd reepeated among I
Y o Pp cion, caWpw: the wew•mbl a several shot■ wen lo. Th" man onmo an a ♦felt tram waa kUlel the mArnw night that Mtes
oralting offk ors The ofrtcer who V °g mammon havo also been Manitoulin, and it °cmr In the small- Renner wag murdered. c'ownto n mercfteatx. Until rpcentl,r
0 oommattd the Cor ,wfl_ however, TIL" JuttannrvAoorg mAspl 1w y gnite tr
ps Lha'most I xtwnt dlar,...,ra a `!semi at M. Thootokte, file Greet Pre numerous. In 1880 he war repot t- the• You man. U saLl to harodrawn
1, mL" mivr, tout without effect. pox hooWt♦{, There aro flaw-iOQaaser rijetit wfn11rre were atrnoffled re ,1,,000 -
♦a a voice In the proeedere to 6• wtl to ho betrothed to the NAr'e yn ,a year from the firm of
9onth Afrtevtn dpelxatrhwia. It In vme wren este protwnterr between the d mnnblpnlltls. drnth. F sich Dad ion" 'talo lite , .••w
ed with ''upset to recrniting. otothrr wrrlpg of milltnry trfaly dod g eldest dnnghter, iha Ornnd Ditch g ftnrdt A I^UleifCprte. Ho ie cooler` to low rs.
Tho Mlnfater M Mllltln, CalilenU exeathor fer wad ekes nest encourfind militwry and the turbulent dollmon- omm Nrntn; to the Princess Ilclpnn Martin Hagan. An Irish "pntrlot," °!Kitt bntore thole ttotllerr were fmtnd. ,► .I( -blot tu` It for j_5,000, which he
O'Grady-Hafy and Colonel 1`10Aalt, strslarw mrvexa prraons wwre kills`. of Montrnngro; In 1898 to the whO wear roscned from Van Uiemen's and Awlthsr mentloAM the nwme of he.l drown lttezcew. i
dopa AP y thief. were aoverw I 'a
of n eetl settlement of the _ ,
1fu tlnttell tomorlowe Lbuvplhe lxpn -ace frttl. The cwnworehllr Allows the IYs slightly woundeed.wnd many oth c; nd Ducttw•s Atexandrovha, the t`i es M t}a `, Ir dying tnllledesll the Cwfrriagwlin which the! (',bu _ wan married Inn rf nen ;t ; . ", -
• - t lrawpga of little saws trues iha tame, 7 ttRest daughter of tics Ghs►r , M - - - ---t 3 fs - g Ximl Mlgma.-Bat h n
667arioalaea -as witneomem rn the ITIs"T t3rSat axeltwment 'avail+ tae AI ht ppt
Prlvnto letters from man In the pm- P mt •685 to Princarr" Albyllp, youngpmt Lon hloago T1n•ptinl. Yiere rlfittq. Hnha, dnuahtwr of rho tate lUch- raw!
notion t by Llent.-Col. Cooke ploy of the mining companies report 9tsoslg military detachments guars. ,daughter of thn Grand Duke of g chambers of the Little In knoomm of Sherwell, tits Ard Von Halrf of Toronto, an I a ti
h T7to Mcnctd° moon uAAer arrest. Ire came heretwo wa1(11 breis rut were eer%e,1 nt
AWJf st the Star, d that city. It I• a rtagaaut Condition *4 that Indra he pA e, and the reosklena a of tit' !!case ; In 1896 to Princess Marie, Cnnndlan Electro -Chemical Com- ag i '' "' . M
wxtresety Awlt*aid ter the ]Hinlater Prra.bc.'Yverywhere anxlouw group ewrr n P
and these td members of Ms staff T' And ♦ g allot r yalar th♦t the ata d w the situation. dnuaMer of the er I of Grto h pang nt Snell• Ste, Mnrlo were .ado- a Ro And elm rrleiltitm later was the 1jo.land t Lak They mmlr.J., their
V war tmwy til t arlothwr yeses." I•sw In 1888 Alwznwkr Ir anW to hnvw slroycl by tiro. Tltr low wul be afapdnted a, ,tnirrrlt/tIr oL the polies IwAcJmoctn at Lakowgal, N. J., an 1 .
to IeaTo OttwaiA at tie present Jutta _- R,attmarttug arenas oicarred *her lw•pn Infatuatei with, and to have over $25,000. forces. flesitlllr him trouble hoewnsa OXlwvtmt to wall for "crop". •r Mt% w 1
tate, bot It f. het{rmn <hey will net he ttodlerp t tics diad were hAnAo% re Mv1 tO Miers Pullman, dao of drnntrnnpom rind fallure to ro- Lir. Hnrdt In said to 11r►vo lx.en ah ; I;k ,
be detained In Monatreltt very Ion 44.0410 NahlvA Refrrgrr.• Orb} to th"tr ra•lathes. P 'toll ghter It Is "idol that a movement to me- p IN
g• of Mr, (too o M. Pullln:trt, of ('hi- erre the Immediate rrlpAsm of ske- Title for Ills family he. nearly oAoked Went from his olCee, nt N,,. _9111 far + * >ay.,
(bions! Bonlen hawbtea wnIDmoned (.n PlopmfO nteln, Nov. .2 -MnJ I,ot- It Iw rotlrorod that armed IDwn !lave Isroadwa racticall n "xJ:
eneo, Fatmtwick, the American woman who a nnarnse to cloltth oils nlplht In n 3 P y 11 the thin g. ;,
btahalf of the defmnaa, while Genprnl biniere'x scheme In regard to pro- arrived at the university, bat the rrtsort, awl ons the Interfereno, of for throo mamthw. Whin hies dank r v
O,Oryd 1^°fess to the mnmw year tin lOwt waw apntr•dow y
nj 13a j ♦nd lSo1. Plnwnit err ahll tmlWlog Im sill! ud►reMd by Lite win 1 to six months' Impel- Othpr officer" waved hest. wnm ape•ncrl snares lfiwa a hnmlrrd un- t J t'
req red by the pinlntlft m witnermen. nit wart for the nntivrt rringwea dents% who era waloptlng military die gln(ly+r Mll ^ RowaatDOokOmu"lo hall annmrnt In iwrnlon tot forging strict Thw ttpnner and Rolle t up,•nel letters ware k•nn4l, n,•.trl) all " ' I
What Cr"soda is 1110101•. les enndna mat admirably. There are elpllrte. Opposition deputies pfi1'nded cortificatex will be anccexst°1. Y Horden waw fly SR+,u ; ti
file atreeto der the dlt In February. 1800, a nu.inpert de- thn unowt recent of n morins or five. relating to the lwwinemx of the ex . ,re, art
Thwrw Is w telldMloy to some gnnr- now 44,(100 of them In C5 camps Ia Mfg y, exeltlttg !Martin Iloaan, thio irloh c•onmpira- will,,, have bean committed near trite. Ilozono os e1welta for crelitors l'i "c :^ .
spwioh to the HI•rllnpr T ►AaMnt t
Ute rioters by vlolrot IattgnAfe, tor, who wan rometn%i from tonne lilt•- wero °Ice there, fintivl innny weeks eA ';•.411l
tare to crottcls" the Government nn ihw Ornnao Rivpr Cdonv, wad ♦fits '1'b"m were so tnrthwr dleturMsirloer Announced the enanapment of the LhI" city In Lha Inmt yilar. Only Dns
thA man's Lend In 18(19. Whew mervint brick.
RratrM that It Is nrtt Aolna auf- less rant monthly Increnme 101 e1- tlnrloe the eveA(11g, tint It im fmarM ArcMrtb"rm Mnrl•• (hrlwlfn". dnnch- n rAntenco tIr tronnon ninxt hna bop° molvo.,, that of Nurw Kiter, r t
fleopnt to all the Imperial nnthorl portal within the next six months. tar of the rrhlukn Frederick, tO ' far whish Joww K,Ith was ha'il'ed Mr. ITnnit wnm wt the Hotel Im- 1,w v4
ntftea P y thwt thmer w111 be a texnewal d d1s 4 Britain with John Boyle O'Reilly, Im !trill! with hU tridr when nrtropted „ir ", kv, •in
tiws In CO rl nn with t,l'p hal ern- lie"Ida4 Lilo!' n{rrl,nit'prnl wort. tit" Araiwt tt11-morrow. Alexander• at MiehlgAA Clty last FrIJAy metA-
n/C o A thorn sl hely IilJtt are dying at the (:aunty Hompltril, ('ht- on a warrant twwned by United ,tntao i1A„ ,r.1•n•
dwrpd by othar a thatx. Tluese ion to am nal nmmt e, thw ew and rm- Hr was the character aft which I
w1Mt"ar to forr;rt that In wdAltloq to crnitlna around*, wad waw wmplfiyed tlM pet of ' Anthony Hop" founded him novel. nom• ('ommlxnh%ti(•r Alrxnnlpr. He war r ,
1w"pntnhlrlA twn,ontinRwntx tOAmoth wortmfAti for ihw wrmy. The poi O" of Ati , AAd ,rt gl • lflrrCr.0 7110 St. Paul Pionewr Prpes says W'i +'s 1"aperiant Admleslon. repro«'nt"1 torfore the Comntlsslonwr "' K- f
eeyy T nal" prefect of Attlee ' by Ahrnhaim i ev Ball wam Iixd .vtti>v r I-"'
Arrien the. Canndtwn Oovernment him AFw alwo neenpipet In fencing thm roll- OoTernor Van Kande tin" deterndawtl EvwnRY41ma, ind., Nov. 20 -The will y i wl,a''
for nbout two vearm mnlntadnad a wily, which Ia now romplptr4. rand Noor A Down to fleht the aunt rallwny rombine d gllbai 1►wrw 11 nl $5,(>[l0, and Ib, was• sevnt toLaed- l'v; Tdt
aWment nt lialitwx In orAer to ro- met goo night wmt,htfuln for the tin". Rr JMaclor ._--r_- 11im.ewntml 17v rite N611'" ll'" urvTer arses e r alrw
r . r[ stst r I.j .. S , A llliqueemnn JwTI. --iii'- examivatlern S, J:
lawwe from f'AN ' 1011119 S11.11e rill 1 at1 wag set for Frida
w wt rerL
y M They also wort far the mm rmm nC wp Rf dA, Ont•. Nov. 24.-Betlt'sea Rectirlttwm Com nv to th" IsAt M"Mlpr Of t*a omex tIn t hlvccity', l'
gnrrlron dart titer° poo ) 7•
Imperial corps which is now on iso- Jp{xtrtments, in the block-houasx. And lI &M L o'clock yesterday morning uutoh, evrrs.It he bar to uxe his pri. Ilan admitt/rl tbwt Ahwrwell had hes
tivn service. Thw mwintpnanen of In se•e,irUg remmtnts. Thev era now t h'lemge W eeckl"R C'ontpany Payr Tnt" mons to do ro. two woman out the nl ht of the mar- Navrvwber frwnarre. ,,
ihw NpringflrW' ohmcrw tnctery. AJ1d T R $ F
this regiment at Flalffax entails an recel.lna vegete.bles, In addition to 002,000 for 1haim, _.- ._ _ _ 4ryln hawses 1lrr" com et Aem3lc ooh" dwftArrtleA the AAnk of 'lel' and an)otned-tier tar dray hes •net Re orb _to -IL B. Dun & {;•, allow
wxpmnditnra of abtut $1100 n tiny, the r alar allowances. A rrn.,u lis Thn prisoner lion omployw,l eounswl IlAhllltlerr Of fallerpx thus far In 11tt.• 1'*4 , Y p F,'
"rr nuffAlo, N. 't'.. Nov. 2l. -Tb" Pao strnyret by flan, It wnm Im slble to Llvcrprtel of i}70,000• Ig m[III nt Ura' lI i i
or j1N10.0f10 a year. finppllra for will shortly ba tntnn M fAellltatp the Amprienn F:x rattlon bnlldln`" wpr• viva Clrtse Intlairlt+e Arm being mads nv the Aa -1 will not talk. lib• Inho1A Pfhol maw r''mb•-t' Only jl.1SK11.S(14, ngnln.st •$'►,. 1" a
mwetln this ex i pn,vthing, tmlt them nila?tnd M „r
a pensp have 130011 MA Claims of the kraal" aftwr thw sr,l1 to the Chl(,Mo Hoamw•Wr'wc't) prsilei Among bwttlnst men In both a main itM a woman In n murrey on 127,5711 a year ago, j/lalA6,6,i7 III i
seta! not11 lune 30 next, by whkh war U over, and the rtlwlme far ram- , n[ Thn (ITA hnn(Ired and w••vrnty Chtwwews the night of the Murder, re"embilna IRIJta, nri l ov,w Sn,000,000 in (weh e.t
r•ermlwany ytMlpTatAy for j9:,Of19^ Thr In thr+etr.11.1 hovpwt% warp rstTpA. Thp Llvwrpool mnA iw►ndon. \\'hrther or •1 n
time Canada will have enntrib ItwA nawtlenm haves been s,iiii, wll far h rwHl wrtl M1401 Rnnnrr, on^ of the tit•• twppritnR fits year•. fn mnnnfna-
fM Inti) 11•'ge Aro t,. h" rpromord find the• LMAI Tnlilm of the property 1s nbent not GoutdlA hail been wewl"111.11 In files , t
ownrle w mllllan of affiliates. In addl- everythloa that has born com- ,trvwrawl-rw.IwrM tea thwlr forma. Corn !6,000, mnrd!ired women. Othwr wltneimes luring defaults wit'r_j1A6L6,7A.', and
tion to n prr%Imo O,rtlwv of *!,r t( )0'. mwndook"d P lal trnetm w nllow- tartly cnv0rnd by Inset"111!w wr•afMr elrl M flow ba/dgf hWAwn hp him wworn they" anw flhprwell rind MM. In tra Unit $2,547,_615. Fal'.urw thin 1;+ ` "'' ,"/
t a dill..:' he the rompnhv Thr wfrrl In In thn i.oltt„n lfatnnl-IIe,rM barns bitting friends is A writinr upon pallwy, the etrthwr wCswn trmrdarwi, trek nuintw•ro-1 2IR In the I'niteli s.
(100 towwrA* the Awfporrw e( ilnpprf♦1 caner has bwwn mAile for this *apply of the rlreetrleAl tower Alone is valued rel the iwtlldlnam n"d frowchonwry, and which the pel{ee are swriminly In soon the tvelllng of thlb doublet trm• ptatey, nKftJ&t 288 last war, apart
interests, , lotteries to these who are destitute. At $W,OW.
t)2AM nn ohrw•m. Aoubt. e , I xr *a-
rdy 1111 fn Caanastr amalears ra . ____ 1 Y ,&tea;