HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-28, Page 6t•
"'WIMP 11(11\.'11, 1 414'1"
-Then go ; we have no Uwe to
hoe. tk't randy for Ute Journey 4114
weekly all you ('Jul, turd (((111(4 back
lea.. to fetch
"Yee; and 1 will order the car -
ouch the boll ; I w111 ileo to that.
• 1.i.41; make haste !r
Ile had grown feverishly impatient;
but, ar rhe left him, he su'ldenly
eRretchod cut his arms as 1f to de-
tain her; .he wv a hurrying to the
Iter, however. and did mkt See 111m,
and he checked the Impulse, and rank
Lack again in his (hair.
Ton minutes later Geraldine came
tack in her travelling dree., and
found fuer husband In the position In
which she had left him. H1r eyes
were ckewd, and lie raised his head
heavily aa she dropped upon her
knees In trent of him, and put her
Bands on his shoulders to reuse tum.
"Philip," she whimpered-"Phlllp!
Wake up; we must be going, dear!"
"Yee,' etil'I he, faintly, "we mod
bre going."
"The earrllge 1s round, Philip -
weke up, my pert buy! You will soot
be all richt, when you get away from
"1'(s, yes," he w11141Mred, dreamily;
"I shall be 1111 rtght then."
"Shall I call Johanson to help you
up? We are weattng time, and-'
"No. Geraldine; 1 want no help to
to mart un the journey I am gotigf
and no company. 1 must go itloe.l
Vie to ke•a into has fare awl under-,
rte .1 hint, With a low cry, she citing
elomer to him, sobbing and shudderlog.
•'11era1dtne ! My wife! Are you
sorry ? Thank Heaven !" ►
Ile put hia ar10r round her. and
dr'oppsl hie head on her shoulder.
"Geraldine, I "wore ynu should he
happy. and roe wily It le not your
old eomosta.on, Jnmew, who is (lead,
but your worthkeer brother. whom
you have known aa Dr. Ledbury."
'What (10 -I tare? What d.) I cart
who U alive or who in dead, 1f you-
() Philip, it can't be taw! Yon ate
ill. but nob -not dying. Why sheuld
you die? Nobody died of n sprain:"
teit-'a--•mar May (Tl of a' bat
let through •htat The mac Otway,
who Is now dead. shot me. through the
back. an I /a& In the sittin-room at
the farm" yesterday, mistaking m+'
liar James whom I was waiting for.
Half as hoar ago be tried to edioOt
nae awn my proper prelim this
tis t I threw up In. n:n-f and the bul-
let paused through his Mend : bat the
tomb has set my wound bleeding anti
1 stn ,lone for this theta i don't mind,
now I know you will be sorry. Kies
nae. Geraldine.'
She pressed her lip. to his With
quivering passion. -which rousted him
completely from the heavy torpor
Into, which be had been sinking. and
set his pulses beating for- a few..n
menta with their old .treength.
""Ah. my wife, MY' darling -,you are
giving me back my life aain!" he
whit red AS he held her face be -
Pe r
[swan hie hands and gaud Into her
e•yom. "Yeo conldn't love me while 1
live•! -I
WAS t(10 harsh, tet ball tem-
pered ; but now you are giving me a
taste of heaven. To feel your lips
warm at last ! 1(4ts me ngail-again!
Held me dimer--eptxak to rite -I am
lining pa! Ah, It's -all --ser !"
The haat weed wan termed with ht.
lips, but not tittered, fors speech had
left him ; and the next moment.
with one king, struggling, seeping
breath, he Iny dead tel her alone! .
Waringiinm [tall mink again
into Ion o1,1 glee n on the
day when tta master and
its guilty hr'ir dial within it. walls
Lin:(ley Fielding 'wino too much
overcome by the horrible (411'1 eat hle
aecomplla' to mak:: any attempt nt
flight ; and, noon a promitte of par-
don, Keely offered -by- the man be
had dear re) moll to injure, he con -
reeved that, upon d1lccrvering that
the Jamie f)twny lmpruemed 'tor
murder was )'4r Charles' legitimate
asst. he' Imo teemed a plot with him
to trade upon that fact. It was he
who 11041 suggested the device by
whish the felon Jame. Otway, by
hiding hie face. no If In
sllnmermaid contrition, when Mr.
Ma,tecy 114Ited him In prison,
had primed himself eft to the old
lawyer no his Innocent nameenkr'.
Ile then tracked the innocent Jnmoxt
Otway to the Cape of Good hope.
where he was Iiving under the name
of Harry Hammond, having resolve,'
never to return to hie unsympathetic
fatally again. The reasnn of Hir
-chtarlew' conetnnt aversion to the
levy was alleged by Mr. Massey t0
hare teem the open aattefaetldn
nbown by hie father. Sir Chardon'
brother, at the loss of the peasant•
wife Kathleen, whose story lead
tome to lets warn.
The innocent young JAMES Otway
1)84 mewls' n j tt jd„iri TogTGii
girl of volatile manners. who hail
(x1,1110 telt to the ''elle ALS it gov-
erment; Lindley fell in bre with
her. amt, when be 1011061 that her
hlsrlra4M1, theingli week anel'e•eIly
led, had lavas of honer which fur.
lode the hope of making n bargain
with hind for information concerti-
iuug n mear+r heir to the title, .he
$OUROMT far th. TEETU 260
Reload the flighty Iitt:e erenture
to rue away with him. It. watt while
smarting under the lour of 11111 wile.
,d whom he was then Istasiunutely
fund, deft Jane* hail met Lindley
on hi.' unexpected return to :he
111111 on tho night of his utieltee
(kettle. .titer that event. James. had
gona out to tli.' Cape. under the
advice of hie treacherous natural:ake,
who wished to get him out of the
way; he there discovered that the
girl 11e• had naarrled, young ew R116
was, had 'already been the wife of
another pian at the tune : he learn-
ed later that, this first Husband be
Ing new Iesu. Lindley bud Married
her n his return to Englaml.
Li iley dis-olaimed all participa-
U011 i his accomplice's attempts to
murder awes. And, as the latter
velar incl tell to believe hint on this
point, th unlucky eoneplratur, re-
ceived ter venoms and a small sum
t money t help him back to the
Cape with hi wife, with an intima-
tion that hie 'eeappearanoe on the
shores of his t tire land woiId he
ill -received.
Janne(+' innocence being now clearly
established, he no difficulty In
.obtaining undisputed possession cJ
the Waringhatn estate; but the Hall,
now Inhabited solely by his two
old aunts, the younger of whom had
.mak (suddenly Into crestfallen -ire
e'igflticallce, owing t0 her share In
the late e•tnspiracy, from which she
n1141 n Ia3w
been trying t0 obtain
:4)1110 a.lVII ntagc, 1110 few charms for
iilm. And during the year following
Captalo Morrison's' death, which
Geraldine spent In complete s yIu-
eon with some relatives of her late
husband. Janet went abroad, and
fewlklingdof him reached his frleeds
a Englan.l.'
eleraldine visited Waringham every
month; to stand by her husband's
:rare, to pay dreary ptenitential calls
mon her two old aanta, and to see
the poor old housekeeper, who was
•bow,Mnking rapidly into childishness.
it want early In the new year,_ some
thirteen month after Captain Mor -
aeon'. death. that on one of these
periodical visits, Reginald Bamber
again proposed to her. rhe receiv-
ed this second offer from Palm more
gently than she had received the
first, but her answer was the same
-indeed, elle wan rather 'hocked,
and tomes,. 1 n very firm cxonvi+tion
that It was not right for a. widow
to marry .again.
8144 Wean extremely merry ,to have
to wound hie feelings, after much n
display of constancy; but, when, on
her neltt vlMt to Waringham, n
lie war
fterwetrd, she learned that
aged to the, wealthy but
blain (1atar of a retired tern
mert•Mnt, hr had taken Admtral
atanttope's i for the -.rummer,
111)0 could not help a slight feeling
of d(0appnint t and 'Mortifies -
lion. But Ells h told her that
he 'had had. Mx Hawks before. sn
opportunity of n brilliant opening
In Boston, wtateh demanded cnaital
to start with, and exert' sed her
opinion that the young mane( choice
wax it very 'sensible one. Geraldine
egress', but wan 1%'041 1141w1 again.
"1'12 week. ago." be thought to
herself ; "end it Ie nearly five weeks
4ince 1e prop ceiet1 to me '
rate had been left very well off by
Iter husband ; but rho could not
I'ompete in point of wealth with the
4•41 merchant's daughter; there-
fore nht ought to have felt flatter-
lattere! that a men In every Way ro e•« -
tamable an Reginald Bamber stwul,1
Imre given her tiro preference.
"1 memo(' you 117120 horse) that
.hone( has come' bank," continued
hie,, 1 had noL When did he coma r
414.44 Geraldine, without showing
any particular Interest.
"Only Inrt night, and he went away
again thin (waning. I tokl him you
were onming today; but he said he
didn't euppoee you had a.ny wish to
ase him, and he had business 1n town."
"Very civil of him, certainly t I dare
say widows are not lively enough
w,oiaty for him."
When she rose to take leave, she
remembered that site had nit paid
her mood visit to the eoneervntory,
where her oke frtend,, the flowers
were not quite so carefully tended
as during her reign at Wnringhnm.
She went by herself, for Elizabeth,
who had aged lately, wan now as
much averse to exertion as her sinter.
Geraldine stopped short on the
threshold, for In her old American
chair eat James Otway. Iso Jumped
tip and shook hands with her cheer-
How are you! So glad to see
you 1 Thought I should be back In
[tins-to-ea3-•di omel jyere de r before
pm went"
"I'm very glad to see you. I hear
you arrived only last night. Where
dirt you come from?"
"Prole Perla Inst."
flernldlne, after a few further re--
mird, turned hack toward the din -
Ing -room, expecting him to tnke the
natural rearm of arcompanying her
to the entrance. But he (11(1 nothing
of the kind. Rhe did not beer his foot-
steps following her, enol was Belle-
Ilse in year hand has a reviler position, with a name and sealing.
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hent at this strange lack of cuurtely.
At let, most unwillingly, she looked
round when rhe war half aerusr the
room, and saw that lbl14 lianas were
Premed tightly In each other. 111141
that he was watching her with au
expression which moved her out of
her composure. She came buck 'lowly
to the cortae•rvatery door, ult.', offer-
ing her hand. add -
"Good -bye !"
But he sprang forward and held her
Gott. with 1115 arm round her valet.
"No, no, Deities; don't sty that -
for Heaven's sake, thof't 1 I love you
50. Don't you care a< bit about me?"
'Janie., Jemmy, how can you ark
me? Don't you know -don't you
know ? 1 don't remember the time,
Morey I first went to If tyre, when 1
!trice not thought mare about you
than about any nue 1n the world.
Heaven forgive me, Junes -I have
loved you more th i,n I ought 1"
"And you wild be my wife, beide.,
to you ilromised twenty years ago?"
And so, twenty years after his first
pmtMta.1, denier Otway galned the
wife whom he lend carried
a off to War -
Ingham as a little abandoned waif of
three years old; and the Deldee who
sheered hie boyhood and rescued him
from the dangers of his manhood I*
his good fairy stili.
(The End.)
•N••+••••+•••+•see. ••••••
"Set) here, Martlia." said Uncle
Ben Curtis, as ho shovel hack from
the br(akfaet table on Thanksgiv-
ing wonting ant wiped his mouth on
the newreet piece of tablecloth lie
could get hold of, "Ode Ir r('g'lar
ells-tnshtonod Thanksgivin' wen -
"'Yea." replied Aunt Martha. ns
she 'crewel the butter off her plate
back on the butter dist.
"Six inches of
.now and cold buff
( froeze a dug."
"I haln't got attach to do this moro-
ns'. and I goals+ 1'11 run down to
the WildIll:tck'r, nn' see what I
kin ttIo Meunier. It'e a turned shame
the Itk•k that woman has haul."
"Sones of us sit along an,1 some
of us don't;" drawled .Punt Martha,
as she tote' neat scrape on a
plate for a dog.
"'burned 1 we don't."
"Benjamin, n't cede. A cussln'
ottani' never c e to any good."
"Who's a -(oath 't I saki It wain it
tarnal ha eio i is
shame. a t J m
Black was a-gittinalong as 'well
as any of us whon at well (saved
In on him and made h wlf • awid-
(ler. It wasn't 'huff tl t eho was
bard-wurkin' and (sono izln', but
see must ger nn.1 fall . wn and
break her leg. an 1 her ba ain't
over a' year old. Who's take ' keer
of her ?"
"Hannah Bebec. I meant to ev
gond down yesterday, but them pi .'■
feet had to be taken keer of. I gee
111 mate -up a lrtsket of .tuft to
weal along. Ilauntr Heine is a
party goat gal on pork and beans
1111(1 sk11, but mho habil no hand to
get up dainties. You give her my
Inv and tell her she's gait to be
right up and down with Hama`' To'
zit a full day's work out or Iter."
When Uncle Ben set out be car-
ricel a basket wh.:clt contained jelly
cake, tea, pumpkin plc, and other
articles, and an ho pursue:! his way
along the froze road he drew his
ole her cap down over hie eyed and
soliloquised: ,
"Yeas, dura my buttons, but
sorry fur Nancy Black. On top of all
the other hard luck Domes that$400
rtguge on. the Iarm._add 1(4 my
solemn opinion she'll *ever b• Able_
to rake It,Fre �ot�o see ' aquas'
Potter,the Idskinflint,
no telllam
he ) i(
mut ql u the wielder 111141 the
fatherless a 'show. The tarnal old
critter 114 probably countin' the days
till he kin turn 'em out door, but if
he ever tries hell hear what the
(o!ke around hero thick of him"
Uncle Bea turned into the gate,
panted nround the house alai entered
the kitchen without knocking. to (Intl
Hannah doing up tho brcak(art
Merida', Manner. How's the will -
der unit the fatherless?'
"Sib+ rested purty well last night,"
replied the girl.
"Feed the stock yet?"
'No ; I was Jist goin' out."
"That's Jet like the Belies-ellue
an hour behind Limo! When yer
father 411e41 nod his funeral was set
fur " o'clock It didn't cum off till
3. I'll do the chorea fur ye Ulm
mornin', an' you incrIf the wltIder
sod the fatherless kin fin4 anything
In that basket to tempt their appe-
t k fes."
Half an Iioue later Uncle Ben re-
entered the kltcuea anal marched
through the setting Dm bedroom to
two the unfortunate widow.
"Say, Nancy, I'm dog -gone,' 'sorry
fur ye!".he said, as Ile wiggled out
of hie overcoat and flung hie cap
on the floor. "Here it 1. ThankM-
gitln: Day 011411 everybody gittan'
ready to canter 'route] and muff their
'stomachs, 0041 you a-lyin' hero with
a broken leg. I say ft's a tarnal
''It's an unfortunate thing. Uncle
Deb," the widow replied. "telt I'm
going to try amt not worry over It.
Who knows but what It Is all for the
beet 7"
-Witte" 'lis, but 1'11 be banged 11 i
lellrvc it ! Aunt Martha sent her lila
and I grows she'll ln• down about float-
"13114' U very, very kli(1."
"Howie the young 'un ?"
"As geed no pie."
hat's plc(. Some youngsters Is all
111 it, and wane seem to be possessed
of the old }terry. Look -n -here, Nnncy,
1 Mitt no hand to go pokin' my nosy
Into other people's bigness, as I gurney
i'ou'It allow, but thn,r's a matter I'd
Saks to -art iron about, You remember
w0 went to skate together, nhd the
night we bad the epellin' bee yau'n
mo waa the haat ones up. I went down
(se 'ilectrine,' and you went ahetl(1
t 111 the [molter wan party'ttlglrtuck•
toed out. I kinder feel a. III was
rebated to ye, yS knew."
"1'(d' ; what do you want to ask me
abut, Uncle Ben 7"
"Abut that moatgetge. in course I
know times one me the farm, far i
w -ns with Jim when he gat the
money, but bow about the lntereat ?"
"I won't bo able to pay n shilling
of it when clue."
"Yen don't tell me ! lens $tans'
('otter bun up here lately 7"
"ile was hu'( yeMtentny. lie will
take the pine em sow, :v the 1nw al-
"Tete Memel old stunk !F:xonne my
ome-wo.ra, Nancy, but when I'm ex-
cited they slip right out. If that "al
sklntllat turns bots oat 4 house Joel
home I'll gra down the ron+t find take
off my coot diel jock him till ha hol-
ler* like a calf !"
"Nn Uncle Ben. He !mein hie mono)
to live on the *Intermit, and it IS one)
right that he shoall be pebI. 1 woo
in hoped' to 1! able to pay him the
lnterrsl., but Hole mintortnne will pre-
$OZ000NT teeth ►owlet 25c
I "Ilea a dowartgrit shame, and 1
don't keer who limos me say 10. Say,
Sauey, there's a heap o' rheblyd corn
on the barn fluor which orter be
wlntoweed out altl put away afore
the rats lug It off,"
"1 war huntlu' for u box to put It
In when I fell end bloke any leg. 1f
' you'll ge up into the attic, Uncle Ben,
You'll probably Owl .omelhlug. 1
believe tbere'r an old blue chest up
there with nothlug lu It, but It will
hold tike cora."
"Dy'e mean that old chlet which
Jim b1.1 off at auction over to Jack
miner vendue?"
"1 wee than and bid two rhlllin
fur It. JIM raised my bid to 30 cents
and got It fur a wood box. Never acrd
k, eh T 1 believe Jackson said that
he got that o111at at u baggage
rule be Btoo a dozen ,years before,
and their was a kat u' Midi In It tvhlell
hey belonged to some furrelguer. Well,
I11 go up and hey It (low.\ and take
keer of that corn. torn as Bola' to be
extra fore next spring.
In the farmhouse utak:, stored away
with quill trainee, broken chair«,
. buuche0 of mitywe•.d and catnip and
hingeless trunk* and boxer, Uncle
lieu found the rad blue chert. There
wee a thick layer of duet on the
Ike mita he deleted It off with a beech
Of herbs and muttered:
"Whew, but how the du11t doer git
luta ea house. Yeas, that's the same
old chert. and I leffed at Jlm all the
way home fur buyln' it. Cum outer
here and dowhstaire -and be 11um
5001 fur natal'. Geese you'll hold all
that corn and 41 bushel or yo more.
If Manner Beets•( had been the right
fort u gal shad Nae-"
"Durn my lobed buttons and gosh -
all -fishhooks! Ilabier. whar ye be!
Struck my hide, if I ha1n't broke
every bone In any body and bust(d
sty Solt all to theaters! Hunner !
Hander l"
"What's happened, Uncle lien ?"
shouted Hannah. from oho foot of
the kitchen 'Vitro.
"T111s blamed obi chlet has went
and gond and knes'kod me head -
over -heels down them attic etuirs
and killed me au dead as a doornail.
Hurry up find git the durned (11105
offer met"
"Why, Uncle Ben!" exclaimed
Hannah, as she reecho.] the cham-
ber floor and found the ofd farmer
doubled up .at the foot of the attic
ladder and the blue chest holding
him fast.
"Get it offs me!" ho shouted.
" That's just like a Memel The
tlmo yer father's cow fell in the
well he took two flours to think of
it, a/1 let her Mel Hang It, do you
want to break my back!"
"You'll soon be a pirate If you
keepp on cussln'," teat fnnh. 11.1
441141 pulled the chert away and helped
him up.
"I'm a pirate now, 1211.1 deg -goer
it -it I don't cues all the rest of
the day d" shouted Uncle Ben. "Durn
yo. take that -and that -and that!
Why, I'll bust yo all to smash and
throw the pbrea Into the fire!"
It le needless to cxpltin that he
kicked the cheat Instead of Hannah,
and that the evening ing and smashing
all referred to the ancient -looking
receptacle. The bottom was turned
toward him, and the third kick front
hb heavy eoW-hide took n portion
1t away and Hannah uttered a
1ek of smrprbe.
e at It! Lemma bust It all
Ines P' shouted Uncle Ben as
eel around.
Uncle Ben, see there !"
"Money\ --gold and ellrer-dog-gone
my sneerer'
Yee, it writ money -gold and «11yer
coins of holland and Germany. There
was a false bottom In the chest, rind
they had been itkkter under it for a
dozen years or more. It was the chest
of a Holland immigrant, but. how it
had gone astray and finally been
sold at auction as unelalmed no one
[bald find out had they wanted to.
.There waa Jest $750 in the find, and
Uncle Ben carried It down stairs in
ITT( old fur cap and poured It out
on the
[tad before the e' the
u es of
wondering and astunlehed cripple.
and said
"Nancy Bl Lek, It's all yours -every
collar of it. and thar's nett to pay
the mortgage rind the doctor and
leave ye within' to toot."
"Anil you found It In the old
chest ?"
"That's whar' It was ; hut If the
blamed thing hadn't tell on me no-
body would have knowed about 11.
Nancy, I'm dog-goned glad!"
"Oli ! Uncle Ben, the Lord hail not
deserted me. after ell!" she robbed.
"No, I guess not, but If I hadn't
got mad and cussed and kicked 1 geese
you'd never Iter got It. The Lord
[sorter helped. i '«pose, hitt casein'
,Nd the most of it, and from Ode
time on Martha may blow all she's
a mind to but I'm going to gay all
the gosh -all -fish-hooks I wanter."
Small Matters 'That iIahr or Mar
Household DeeoratIon r
.Amateur upholeterere should be-
ware of the tufted furniture, nseot
all are able to puff and place the
luttens+ in it workmanlike manner.
Candle effects are a goad lighting
Rel emo where the chandelier hnw
n.nny jet., or for twta Mdo brackets.
One who ham barely patience to
cover n es,fa cushion 14hould beware
of elaborate undertakiflgs in up-
Any carpenter, and many n"handy'
person, can make some wooden
ethelvee which, with n root not a
cheep bit of drapery, will 'serv'e
admirably for 000'14 booker.
No matter how alluring it bedroom
fixed up as a des may bo it 1. better
to hale each room devoted to its
own purpose.* if apnea permits.
A bed wh4r'h may be left to air in
the mtoslinn a quarter of a clay!.
more wholesome by far than one
which 1e smothered 1
nmoms f(w
Ish maequcrado as soon as Its occu-
pant In out of It.
W nn my have 7011r plcturas few
and good, and then go right along
end hong up everything in a frame
that comes our way.
Built-in hook shelves are ell the
more' effective for Tearing the top
one In the shape of a shelf for nr-
hldettonnt scarfs do net n(resRar-
ily come to the end., and as for hang-
ing far down, many think it too much
like the .s•arf on a dreaming CAMS
011 n cl)Lffnnnier.
Mirrors, If at n11 well framed a(44
welt placed, are weirdly a 500.1 ad-
It pny4 to buy Kona rugs.
Though floors be bad, rugs am
much miler every way than carpet..
Said flours, as well at almost every
other wnohh(•n thing, may he im-
proved by Applying it few cent.'
wroth of stain.
('!mire that look quite impotent
after a .(Asch on the porch' rei,pond
to a stain its well a. to cnnm.l ptlnt.
An Appik ntlon Of emmonda will help
to, remota any farmer "coat."
A few tre4mtre4 are charming, but
brie -a -brim by the bwflel In A
Feriae work likewise.
Whoever Inveate) 'straight, .tiff -
harked ch61r. h*d something agaleve
h amenity. The Jap modem of no
chairs at all Is luxury In eomparl-
Suffered Greatly From Asthma
and Kidney Troubles.
t Rome '1 Im• lu is lluspttal and
moat Impoverbhed himself Uuy-
Medicines Without Benefit -
*Rola Dr. Will lams' l'luk ('111• Cure
After Other Medicines Pall.
(b'rom the Recorder, Idallfax, N. 13)
Mr. WaLlulu Cuohraae, a well keowu
hamster, who liver near the Halifax
Holo grouude, 1. 000 of those atm
wintery), bear tertrm.ny to the curd -
Use powers of Dr. Whiteout 1'.uk ('1(14,
A reporter ut the awed as Recorder
who had heu3't of Mr. Cwhtoaue'r euf-
iorr nw ead hubraameot cure, called
at h1r home, why' 1)e gave an ac-
count 01 ala experience rubsta)ltlally
liar follow': "(le had fur uauuy years
beau a aaaarte.nt utterer Isom aeth•
Ina, uecompaaled by an aggravated
form of kleaey trouble. law latter
trouble canned severe paints In the
bek and loots, and at times his suf-
fering., were very aoute. lie said he
had uluwrt Impove+rleried ltlm.611 in
buytug weakened of all Mode, but to
no purpose; the trouble continued
reed seemed to grow worm° aM the
year. passed. Mrs. Cochrane saki that
rite bad frequently seen her hus-
band choke up anal fall to the floor
68 though dead, and he would have to
be worked with and rolled aruuud
before be would revive. A few yea
spent ten days In the Victo-
ria General Hospital. The doctor.
they] thought that the pains in the
back were due to overexertion lu his
lustros «r as a teamster, but gave him
no material help. .titer leaving the
hospital he used bottler and bottles
a medicine, but failea11.1 to find a cure.
A nelgbhor of 1114," Mr. Lowth whose
wife had been made a► well woman
attar yeyarr .41 s4'kne..r by the ere of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, maimed hint
tis try them, He erect a couple of
base( without apparent result, anti
felt somewhat dlrceyuraged, but Mr.
Lowe advised him to continue the
use of the pills, and before the third
box waw 111114h•xi lie began to im-
prove. 'Dr. Williams' Pink fills have
boon a Gexlsend to me,' said Mr.
Cochrane, 'they are the only molt
Gina I luive taken which seemed to
do me any good. I had one pre.erip-
t)an from a doctor which trout me
$1.75 a bottle, which. like many other
medk'Inea 1 tarok, mut Juet so much
money warted. 1 h&ve'uee4d eight or
tan boxer. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and can say that b"f.a'' i be gen their
ere Ilfe was An intolerable burden.
i have reason to he thankful. that i
followed the friendly ndttre t
newel me to nee thle medicine."
Mort diseases have their origin In
poor blood or weak nerves. ,.n 1 It
W became. Dr. WilIlnm.' Pint ('ills
make ric!t, red blood and strengthen
the nerves that they Wive met with
inch .arca'(. In curing ki tnev treeihle,
rheumatism, paralysis, St. Vitas
dance, antIvalia. 114•rte1A40 prostration
and kindred trouble". See that the
fall name. "Dr. Wllllnnee Pink Palls
for Pale People.' le on the wrnpprr
emend each lot. If In doubt, '-"nd
direct to the Dr. Williams' M6dl^tne
Co., Brockville. Ont., sad the pills
w 11 b' mailed pn.-nald at .0 cents
or stx'balm for $'2.:d0.
Mlnard's Llnlmeut Cure• Diph-
Quirk. and Quibbles.
It la easy for the light -kasha to
be light-uearted.. _ - -
He who ooraesssc that Its 1(01,-116.:
he who denten that he Hee, lire twice.
'Wei admire the man who w111 Ilam
to meson berates. he ghee 1114 it
chants* to talk_--- -
Mort of ON kn W 061). Orin w Iron
regard as absolutely fair sMI un-
biased, and 11
.deety prevents u. from
ot180(11g him.
LIt a man Imagine he 1. having 1110
Own way and a w.rm.'tr11 ('4111 do any-
thing nItlf him I it :a woman but
snap et elle Ir l avinot her awn way
Itself a man (•an 11.14 nothing will" •r.
WI,a.t n pity that moat it oar most
brilliant and origin:ah 1.14,61 did
not preesent tleenlu•1'e4 Lt hu (lett.
Most men wou41 •Ind (i' a diffl"nit
metier to tell till they knew : not
that, they know molt 1 l'ut' the 4111-
eulty woukl arks+ In trytril4 h, win-
now whet they do know from whet
they 111tnglne they know.
U a roan les nlways as oke as lie furl«,
=any men pews Tum youth to obi age
in n stags' night -rosin the evening
be''ore to the iworning atter.-L. Ile
V. Matthewnuan, in December Smart
An Ieherltr. Hle oder.
A m!rtake not I kelt' to be recti•
fled seems tot have been made by the
deelgn+ri+ d the fire( wheel+ for sell
ways. The flange*, doubtless with-
out .➢acid conrl.err.(tion, were placed -
tin the in -11e, where they may re- \
math, but a Burmah contractor has.-!
just shown that wheel. with out-
stda flanges will round /sharp enrvee
Without derailment or Ioeking
where wheels with inside flanges will
jam or leave Rohe track.
If vuu )lust ensue, Du It N Ith 1•s1-
.aicly 1.6411..
There are many plpe '(pokers who
(10 not know how, to gni the (wet
there is uut of their inlulgent's. The
greet puha lu pipe marking le to
10I10ke 'slowly. Nervous ruwkure
awoke too rapkty aixl bur(' their
temples with hot smoke, bender fail-
ing ..latlrely to get the fulleat and
Litt {boor net o1 the tobacco. It
W SMI a mottay' of habit, but slow
smoking le a habit which It le hard
for wow people to uA'qulre. In 201110
eared Lupe smokers hale tried for
years to cheek their rwuuklulge speed
without encoe•rr. They begin too
late, sal the habit of rapid nnuklng
Law sohnaketa o:f with difficulty when It
Is slew acqulr0d.
Rapid smoking !r as bad as rapid
(Hating ur worse, 1t la alio "bat
form," whether It Ir cigar, pipe er
cigarette. The .coking should be de-
liberate to order to gall the fullest
en)oy'ment. It W especially y sot
a pipe. Many portals have smoked
all itlu+ir lives and yeti to not know
how .to smokes It be aa palm ul to
watch' some people @melte a' It Ie to
tit et the table wltl( o man wile
"gobbles" and "gorges" bis fool on
the "1Uteen animated for refresII-
nre.tsta" plan.
The dehUwrate pipe smoker gets
out of hie pipe an enjoyment of
which the rapid stoker bee no Ink-
ling. A cigar whloh hada once wino
out Nay Ltd flavor ruled forever, for
nothing Ir more obnoxious to the•
Nesse of smell than it newly extlu-
whoted "batt." The beeelly persons
who tnklo their beastly "later,' hal-
lighted or newly extIngulehe . Into
the elevated and @ileac° ears should
have some punishment devised fur
theta -"something humorous , with
toiling ell."
Bot It makee too difference! to the
f*I4vor (tf •pip+. hew starry timer tt
gem out. Fastidious pipe smokers al-
ways hayms at least two pipes at
166.11 sad sewer refill one until It
W entlrelyr cooled off, Tlilr Ira help
toward g')od emoting and a rtaton-
111,1 + Ilse lu a pipe. A good way t0
t 11 if you bre rosikl g . too fast M
to 11011 oho bead o: the pipe to your
1slnrl L'' It Is to; hot to b.• held
1 with comfort, [hays you know that
your [(selling atpy'ed tr too great.
Go'.ld tobacco, a good p:p' anti de-
are the prime Paseo-
U11e to pip• snnrklnr. Eat 'sIuwl,v,
smote alowh. drink se1J.mi so'shat(
)uta 1Me 111 ng hu (1164 land And enjoy
the fvtness therdot.11ibago Tri-
three Oar
sard'� Liniment
la tbwa
CMlekes i'lsklag Cyclones.
You no doubt have beard of cy
Monte, blowing (tethers off chlck-
ens,'utr poalbly yo:t m17 hate wit -
flowed tee operata0, but . whether
cru have or not, It le a foot that cy•
1:1e4 are sometimes chicken pick-
s: well as illlt peers a other
an Isgfeokxs German, with •
tin([ cyclone for hes model,
at a niallile that creates
+rrdrr, • -wldde yen watt,
picking purposes. Ills cy•
considerable In else.
4 awed
has incl
for chicle
el. "100- are
beet a try Int)4aIR id their held of
/ratan, whielt in Parse. eno•agh to em-
braee A Itlwnghn'i ronvter.
Yoram take the nrrster or other fowl
to him he tu:R•16"
fore y an (•nn
feather le fief the M
c•url..•tits (1 air from
tie -alter at 1b',mite d
tirarM a minute, clothe w
button, and be
twice every
Several crow
ec.trlc fano,
1 reviata
There b more U$terrh in th1i seed.* of the
nary tit.. all other diseases put together,
e 14.1 few ye.re wa•mtlq•.d to be
oraree•t tes' v
teeny y ear. ntor'pr
'(!disease. andrrrlhed local
rooster. ly felling rare ode
prntlounral it IMerabia.
n Catarrh to be n roo-(ttu•
llanal diemwo .nd therelore requires eonetltu-
t(nnal treatment. I1M*11'. Catarrh (lire. moor.
fathered hy F. J(hef1r
I k(n 1' nl4 (AM.
1. the only ron.Ut ulMull euro .in the market It
1• taken Internally in Mae, from 1(1 drops to a
toaopmnful. 11 set• Moult ly on the blood and
mucous snrfecw of the ny.lem. They offer one
batt) •ed doll .n for any ,a -s Itfails to cara
bend for circular. and testimonial.
Adders r. J. ('HKVRY a OO., Toledo, O.
!told tr drurglslr, 75e.
_Hale Family Pale en We best. '
and until t
nmenred It a
remedial... nd
local treatise..
SHIM.. haw pros
I' finest In the Mesons Pea1a.ohl, at
Winona- In mile. from Hamiltoe en two '411.
way.. lan.cre, In all. N of who h is In frost
mostly pee. Ara Will be .n1.1 In one i44•r".1 (ir
divided Into tor. of 15 1( 911 *Are. tc suit per
i,eeere. This is a Bedded bargain Addrees
June, hen Carpenter. P. 0. box 4145. Whose
, letsren
ISSUE NO. 48, 1901,
Never thought of such a
sign for a medicine did you?
Well, it's a good sign for
Scott's Emulsion. The body
has to be repaired like other
things and Scott's Emulsion is
medicine that does es !t.
These poor bodies wear out
from worry, from over -work,
from disease. They get thiel
and weak. Some of the nc11
ones are not well made -and
all of the old ones are racked
from long usage.
Scott's Emulsion fixes al;
kinds. It does the work bots'
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places full. Only the best ma-
terials are used in the patching
and the patches don't show
through the new glow of health.
No one has to wait hisurn.
You can do it yourself
and the bottle. ,
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of States
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle.
lead lir Mer sample.
roc and $1. all druggisla
Mrs. W inslow's Yoot4Ioa syrup .seek el
wry' be used for children teething. It ss.M.e
the rhe$, eoft.ae the 1)151. cores wind rank
and le the beet MOH 47 far diarrhea a. Twenty --
ere teats a bottle.
Nlghfteid - - ttamilto.
Rt'ORY and HUI.SBI'RY men on
the staff. Oros FMK.,,' a.
Magnificent bugdl•.g ahs home of
the late Senator Turner,, and revere!
acrec of he, 'life' grounds etlendang
to the top of 111• mann, ain
eetendid home for boarder.
Apply for prospectus to the Rr o
.1. 11. ('OLI.1\9ON, M.A.,
late Open galhe,aal leak PIrhoIar
of queen's (-.11rgr, Cambridge. )ti
We bey Bauer. Igo. Poultry and all kinds
of Sam Predao'e. Write se when yon 1.,e
any to sell. ('beck rent as soon Uwe rerrlve
the goal..
Samuel L. Lewis & Go.
Commission Merchants
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
SInsple Aeleanr !Sharpener.
One of the simplest devices ever of-
fered for sharpening minsors h dee-
oribed by one of the hardware Jnurn-
als. allose editorial department
towhee for It. efficiency. It con -
Meta of a (mall glass rod with bulb
mete ronvenient for holding. To
sharpen the a.'IRmlrl It le only ne-
°emlary to draw the rod backward
and forward a few tenter between
the Made.. When tented, says this
Journal, on the idolised pair of Hei5-
e office, It lona found Heirl-
oom In t1
I t 111141 to
aet 111 quite a magical meaner.
Itheumatlsnt Cured.
Jas. 1fcKee, Ltnwoo(L Ont.
Lnchlin McNeii. M.bnta, C. It
John A. McDonald. Ornerier, Ont.
C. R. Killing, Markham Ont. '
John Milder. Mahone Ray, N.8.
Lewin Butler. Rath, Nf11.
Thew well known gentlemen all as-
sert that thnv were cored by MiN-
scree( Hallway Reel/eat KILO
The 5er'esianeen of the arehent and
claim expumew of street rnllway. 1.
amply dem.wtetrate.l by the recent
r real of .the Brooklyn Reel,' Transit
Company, whleh petal mit Iawt year
the emitting Ram of $1,210,000 on
(lila account. Amending to the Street
Rallwey ;lonrnal the compbany flg-
eres that not more then g!fN1,0')l of
thin reprreent■ legitimate °taints,
(neer 1pieleue lowyere an.I fraudulent
damage Melte being re.pon.lble for
the hebanes.
Minnrd's Liniment Ceres Dlstem-
"11ADEI1N ' �,� ' ? a TH MANN
� . RERS
are vastly impeder to the ordloary
Woodenware articles for domestic use.
For lade by Ni Inst .tris dsaltlrs.
lir t- C.et� tr(w Fwrrss the s.w ►ran aw n/Mf
/Ill's a 1et14 (..M 41l.r, ::.:1111,(...•7•11,.....
.311 ,1, (•'ea 11,4 '.
/t•p fw : V WI. •„ 4 he- .. A NwI,•rr I n. a•T.l AO"4 Mon
! a4 '• e• rwM\ t5*6.5 *dtmrl we, 41 (..,.4 1 ray( (4041 (iesN • 4 Pin -•nerd
wet ct^rtA�b' 5ass 1.. M.'N7 r"M w Naw or MA M 4 aaA *• •I.1 •r.r
1°e .w la't(0 _r.�n}.� ..'raw owl sow Maw d 41.77/ tMOlta OLD kMt.I.l alt
'Nem. IM t.RIGe'6 NARSA►ARILLA BLOOM .."4 seeps. n
Iry w M •.h r -t .n• W a,41e e. ••r ••41+1 mai w ee aaN l -r •111 i,w ih. be"
►41.5... r..,, w., e.
(1,. PPS •" tA. tow ,.wooer h tM -nM N Wpm 11YU, rw ue a aver Month
e,...e•ehw, ear.. a ,1s.o,u•....d.41 1170•1•
,a-„r moo, .w •rt .•,.r. W•.ar•-• r.r •.M••y„w• e.woa.'w+e. .sM.•e,o.'et UT1.0
.•nVeto tetenhMwaedlwe
the tow fee llgnor eon be remev peraaeuul by
{vine r.N,w
.l....sarla I'r.e.rlotle0 merwel(7 Is
food at drink. /•Ilett Imt«aMkWe. lee* tam)/., SECRETLY
Ir -Hine„,..., min, emit witted, wilts RAiZ ARIA
ItiYILUY CO. to Jsidaa street. Tsrue4a Out