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Acheson & Son
Special Offerings
urs dnd Fur Coats.
WE quote this week some extraordinary values to Lilies' sod Menu's fur Coats
f um our large stook. We guarantee the quality of all our fur garmoote and tell exolu•
lively bore fur garmeua manufactured by the oldest and moat reliable furriers in Canada.
Ladies' Aetraciuu Lamb Costa, 30 inches long, good style, with high cut collar,2300
farmers' satin lined, special
Lidiei Astrachan Iamb Coats. 36 inches long, fine curl and gloss, heavy farmers'
satin hued and quilted and wear guaranteed, at special 25.00
'Adios Astrohau Lamb Capes, 28 inches lung and full sweep, handsomely 1 ned
and male of flue thine, "pried.
Mountain Bear Black Capes, 26 towhee long, full sweep, heavily lined awl quilt 6.75
ed and cummeuded for great wear, special price
y �I
W. Acheson & Son.
No. 5
uond•y eyoiag, August 12 h. -W• bad
previooaly •rranped ler • five days' tour to
Paris aid its vlolulty, sod as beme are de•
frine..1 from eolog to France for the reason
khat they do not know the language, let m•
Rey te these, do not he guided by the old
Nmlo wing of fifty years aro : 1t does not
apply today. It oommeneed thus :
''Never go le Ft shoe.
Unless you know the (lore
Or if yea do, bus
You will repent, by page 1 r
Hearing like a tool,
Aad silent as • mummy,
There I stood soon" a orowd.
tante as any dummy."
Neither will you have to be gelded by
%b. adrift" el Mae Maury, to stick w dumb
*hew, like Thomas Heed, and a.$ lbw:
"Moo! 1 ogled for milk,
1 got my sweet things emmspgl
Whoa 1 klseed Jeannette,
Twee understood for wear ;
11 1 wasted breed,'
My jaws I set s gulag,
And biked for sew -leu eggs
By al•epia" bands and orowing !"
Sims the establishment of Cook's burs,
Mates ars cheeped. You bay your Moket•
from Thoma Cook and Sow, say from Loo•
dos to Paris and tomato, and reeky' • book
Olt tickets that Days for railways, •teem
been, earns:go drives, guide., and veer
gesso, fwd. and two meals • day .t a hotel
whore English la spoken.
At 9 r M. we telt Cha►iag Cross station
by the London, South Restore and Chatham
Railway On charge of Cook's ooadootor of
Souring) by way of Canterbury to Dover,
those by ransom to Calais. W• paired
She owlame without soy trouble, then
boarded • mail tr•lo for Perla and arrived
Ober. .1 6 a.e. on the 13111. A cab was
waiting to aka as to our howl, which was
situated in • very desirable place for geeing
*he hong of the oity, V. weirs "hoisted'
to our rooms. had • good wish, then break-
fast. and by this mom the oarrl•g. wars 1.
waiting 10 take a to Cook's ofrlos, where
Nth paas*oger reselves • grogram of t e
tour, and is lwtracted to observe that the
guide carries 1t out oompl•wiy, and 11 he
dem; not do so, to report to beadgi.rars.
W did net have any 000saloo to murmur.
Sebe carriage• nee mated to °arty twemty•
Aye passengers, and em the Versailles tear
woes draws by bye treestltsl Peroheroo
Our Snit stop was at the Churoh of Sr.
Augesttae, erected to oomm•mor•w the
birth of the Prism imperial, son of N• -
✓ igors 111. The dome In an imposlue eon
etractlon, 160 feet to height. Oyer the por
W is • Res fresco, representing the twelve
. pestles, and It bar .oma ver fies painting"
Is the teterlor. 'Chen peat Parc Monoeea,
see of the el•• trot it summer resort. to
Parts. Thence throayb this Bola de ftao
lagan. originally • game preserve, now
esaverted tato • public park at an •apeodi-
tare of $400.000 ; It ooyers 2,250 sores.
Theses by the r•oecoarse of Lon champ,
and the citadel of Mont Valirles. This was
18e Daly fort wound Perla that did not
lower la fag So tbelaarmane to 1871. It is
She largest and strongest of those which
defended Pane, sed 1t saved the Govern
meet of M. Theirs from destruotios by the
Commsoe Otr next stop was •t St.Cloud,
• "mall town noted to forma day. for lie
royal pilaw', but placed between Fort Val.
orlon •od the German batteries both town
and palace were knocked to plows, and the
none were removed In 1892. it was •
favorite abode of Napoleon I. sod Napoleon Ross never are Mabee to nee life. Mr. ,1 P.
II1. 1. 1815. •far V1sarlon, Hlaotmr bad I W esto•y, l sew
o110 ODId..tlon. lied
ahs ens a e vary her* Tha parks and several interview@ with him by appolntmeot
garden• are vary beautiful. and Irnm this I
top of she plateau a good vista of Paris is I and referred him to 61. organizing nom•
obtaloed. Our next hale was al Ville mitts', who did business with Mabee.
had oeotalus thirty-tbree greet oil palatloge
of as many victories gained by the French,
also marble baste of 80 h tenon generale who
fell la battle. Versatile. le distant abcut
fourteen miles south-west of Paris.
Our nett halt was at Sevres, one of the
oldest t•wns In the neighborhood of Paris,
dating from the year 560 A. 1). 1r' princi-
pal attraction lathe celebrated porosiain foo-
lery, whlob blown to the Government.
The exhibition rooms are open daily to the
public, from 12 to 4 o'clock. Our next
atop was at the fortifications of Parts.
These Immense defecate extend around the
olty to a nisch of about 28 miles in *Iroam-
ferono., and were oon.troc ted by order of
11. Tease, to 1841, at a root ot 120.000,000
The walla are 33 fest in height, caroled by •
moat 18 feel deep. At various intervals
.1x10.e d.latohed forte outside the walls,
mou.ted with beery •rtlll.ry of the most
soleatlfic modern 000strootioo, form en
outer olrole of dstenoe. A part of the walls
will be demolished oo the west side, and re
built farther back.
Now for the Aroh of Triumph, also stalled
Aro de l'E.otle or Arch of the Star. 1t le
welded to rank as one of the wonders of the
world, Ging the hugest In .xist000s, and
remarkable for the b.oty ot Its design and
la deoor•tlau of historic bae•reli.b, one•
more than for Ito magnitude. This "plead id
monument wee begun by Napoleon 1. In
1806. Its dtmsnsiooa aro 160 fest lar height,
146 feet 1. width sod 72 tete to dopih.wblle
the .rob Iaolf is 67 feet blah and 47 feet
wide. Oa Ito several aides are exquisite
oarYIags representing the greet riotorles of
Napol000, also the names of the battle-
fields upon which h• woo renown. It 1a
boated on the western boundary of the
arietooratle qaerters of Paris, •t the heed of
the Cbampe Styes, on an elevation whlob
readers it • coasplouous objsot from every
part of the city. From the arch twelve
*romtoent streets and boulevards radiate,
tnsludioe the Boulevard Bou de iioulogne,
which le properly a 000tlou•Oloa of the
0b•mps Kirwan. from which fact it dertyee
Its name, "Aroh of the Star." lo 1855 the
low Queen Victoria, bettor the goest of Na.
poison 111., nu drawn to one of the royal
outrages by forty of the most bantlfal
horses that Franca could prodoo.. She woe
escorted through this noble arob, along
those boaetlfol streets, and on to th. Royal
Palates at Versailles.
Next the hal went read for the benefit
of the gold. and driver, we bade adieu to
o re guide, and were driven to our hotel,
well pleased with what we had seen and the
Batons we bad beard on this oar first day
In Franoe.-A. SANDS.
Why Catarrh la Fatal.
Because It pour" • flood of potions foto
the circulation that saps streogth and
digestion so materially is to render the
body IMoep.bls of resisting dowse, and
oowompuoa le the result C•terrh is
quickly oared by Catarrhozone, a fragrant
g erm destroying vapor that goes to the root
of the disease. It soothes •od heals the lo•
famed mucous auditors, olearn the heed
and throat, and positively never fails to
perfectly our. bronohItie, asthma or os.
tarrh. Nothing is ear good for disarms of 16.
respiratory organs as Catarrhozoe. large
outfit 11, email size 25c Druggists or by
mail from 1'ol.on & Co., Kingston, Oot.
Brookville Recorder . to discussion the
Mabee pamphlet two things are admitted
and .honld not be forgotten : hon. li W
d'Avr►y, • beautiful spot, a1 which ware
burled the Prussian offio•re who tall during
the beige of Paris. A k'roaiiaa battery was
esabllebed 8.r..
At last we reach Veruaillee, a walled oity
of about 50,000 Vehabitaot., and for • long
time the beautify' and gay capital of
Fracas, although Phis was the metropolis
The Palace i•reseot. ► leo•d• towards the
garden • quarter of a mile long. The halld-
log is anegoal is •ppe•r•hoe, haying various
styles of auhlteoIare ; but its art galleries,
the royal apartment*, the royal oarrtages,
Its statutes, the church. the theatre, the
Oommose and Senate chamber., the perk.
the garden., .6ei femetelos, the harries, the
artificial lakes and the water supply ere alt
en • magnificent scale. (Our guide paid
abet 1t cook 1.600 men and 600 homes aye
years to build this Palate and its appends*.
e., and the soot was ;200,000.000) The
Satiety of battles Is abs. 400 feet in length
Brussel. Poet : It d. said the bye -oleo•
Ion in the west riding ot Huron will take
pleas early in Deoember. The candidates
will be Boo. J. T. Darrow and Major Joe
Beck. There Is • wrong probability that
the former w111 be returned as he is •
member of the C•bloet, without portfolio,
and • oiner, brainy lawyer with wide ex•
p"rienos In the praotioal Working out of
municipal law. Hon. Mr. (Jarrow's name
has been freely mentioned as we who will
have early promotion to the Judgb'• Benoit
sod It is hinted that be will sot .e k re
eleotioa to his oonstltuenoy •t the general
els:Wow, thereby making way for others to
fight for the coveted and worthy honor of
reepresesMeg West Hon a In the Legislature.
West Huron Liberals should give Mr (ear
row an old bouncier of • majority a • part-
s/ shot and a. • warm-ap for the nazi
FOUR B)RONCIhl aTt�'') erre(
Many persons think that they have merely a stubborn cough, when
they really have Bronchitis, which, if neglected, always rclults in
Chronic Bronchitis. The most effective remedy known to miCCAl
science for 'throat and Lung Troubles is Angier's Petroleum I' ul-
sion. It stops the cough. makes breathing easy-, relieves congestidq
and irritation, Soothes and heals the bronchial tubes, changes the
character of expectoration and effects a general and rapid improve-
• -'tent in all the syteptom+, it is pleasant to take and agrees With
the weakest stomach. It is not a patent medicine. but Intii
prescribed by physicians everywhere since ISSO
/ hares Assn irtatismi a very sewn, Arowrhin/ (one of
sfawrfiwf,rnIh Aarier's PetrnitMrn J saxRlriow, an,/ kart Atter 1r'
Anteitted Ay it that /,fu'o l/y rfellIM mend it In anyone IN,l/t riwf
/ tied. Last year / look SM'tral twills of terrslsina of r • r liver
nil, AMI it fulfil in ha:'e /Al dirirtd'Jest. /;onside,- .1.upitr's
Petro/row E.snalsinx far saprrier to any ether. .Nisar
T//Odf/'SON, Toronto, Oniario.
All Snipes sill It. Tan ewes, 10 els. and 91.60 • Wes. Ra e.re you get ANeatlt•e
YOUR NAME ANP ADDRESS or. a p^•'al raid w111 Ming roi a fro* rept ct a •,Mahle
hurtle, ..titled. "Abend Your Throat .nA 1 ns " It talk Mw ea dire MwTh•e•L w
sea rltge0O.e Omani. 11 styes rued .Avke at to Diet sal links',
". ''Jr'Ci7smJA/cal
Port Elgin THEM • We understand that
the Manitoulin Island and North Shure
Railway Company 1e teeing steps tl apply
lair • charter from the Oolitlo Legislature
at its oumiag emirs fur the debt to build
IU extension from W Lerma to Uodenuh
through Port h.lgm, Southaniploo, Tiv•rioo
and Ktuoardtoe. The solicitor if the Com -
pally le aro ourre.puodeoo. with Mr Bow•
men M P. I' , as to the details of the
charter. 1t •eeu.• very destrab'e that •
sIrong del oration repts•snting every
amokahny atetated should w.11 oo Ws
taov•rome0t dutlugg the session to interest
them in fever of the railway. There are so
Lusty •ppltcattcus for legislative aid 1uat if
we do not keep our need" well to the frost,
the piajeot may boot/smoked.
Port Klgm Zama : These 1. • belief
Ma' m•ay alcotr:o railways will be built io
the near future. The oat of ocostruutlun
and equipment of an,tectrlo railway is much
below that of • steam railway. '1'800 the
right or way. the building of stations and
b: idgee required cost a men trifle uompared
with steam roads1'he plant and rolling
stook 1.much lighter and leis
It follows that the electric oars oat o•rry
passenger' and frslgbt for lass money.
Such plana as Hull, Waterloo, Grimsby,
Preston, Woodatook and Iogersoll have
been benefited oy the000struotion of electric
road". The proposal of the Goderich oom-
pa0y to build a belt lies to Huron ooanty
is meeting with general favor and the Idea
of • lake shore toad from Uoderich to Owen
Sound by way of Kiocardioe •ed l'ort
Elgin i" bailed with enthusiasm. Thsr• is
n o doubt that the Company who will con.
n eat these towns by roll, either "tum or
oleo, rlo, will nap • greet rweene by the
e normous carrying trade sur• to develop.
Lake shots roads are the most popular all
over this continent wherever built. Tas
road .long Lake Huron will out -rival them
• 11.
Gall Reporter : Mr. J'. Stewart Clark
.yld.ttly has not act put out of tee elec-
tric railway business, as many supposed.
Th. Ayr man will not stay defeated. Ho
le turning up in Berlin .pain, with • number
of American sapltalists In tow, said capital
1"u having b.oame Impressed with t e
!Slue of his l'ort Dover, Brantford. Berlin
and God.rluh Railway scheme. Reports
from Berlin ay that • mating ot members
of the town couooll and board of trade was
held Wednesday afternoon to connection
with the scheme, and it may be that Mr.
Clark's prcj•oted enterprise w111 once more
brooms • live topic up there. Porbapl the
hypootio sol will be p.rtotmed before the
ourt•lo drops. Mr. Clarks'. perm vr.00e
1a oommand•ble, to say the least.
NuvEL. - Knox MuGss, the well-►oowu
author of "With Ring of Shield,' 1e oat
with another bow, "Mark Howard," which
we believe 1s destined to surpass in pope
larlty that attained by his previous vin -
tore. The story 1s htatotual and IS of the
days of Charles 11, when there war • warm
Lime in England and ooart Intrigue wits In
bloom The author hes delineated several
strong charaoters, and the story throughout
1e well written sod entertaining from cover
to Dover sod has ought the reading public
In the titles. The C.uadiao edition IS pub-
lished by McLeod & Allem. Oa sale at
LADIES' Hoses J001SAL.-There Ie no
lack of thoCbristmayspint in the Deo.mber
camber of The Ladies' Homo Journal.
Among the stories that go to 611 this
largest number of the msgarhs ever unwed
are "Th. Baby Behled the Curtain," by
Eliztbsth MoCrackso ; "Christmas Kve o0
Looeeom•," by John For, Jr., the K.otuoky
author ; "How the First Letter was tont•
too,' by Rudyard Kipling, and the first part
of an amusing story of Western way. wiled
"The Russells In Chloago." "The People
Who Help Santa Clans' are told about :
the Rev. David M. Steele relates some
Datbetlo Mertes of the New York poor, and
Elliott Flower delightfully describes "Th.
Llnfields Chrt.tmu Deaner." '16s woad
room of the "Bradley House," the library,
u shown to detail. Mr. Bok's editorial i.
he.d•d "Personal," and that 1t is. There
is a charming Chratmu play for children,
•od a double page of oollen girls pictures,
which shows group. of students from almost
girls' school to the
I known r
ovary well
oosotry. Tnla is the first Installment
of The Journal's great "picture .tory" of
"What a Girl Does at College.' The regu-
lar departments are most ably pteesoted by
their rr.peotlye editors, •od the holiday
Dover le the work of Thomas Mitchell
Piro.. By The Curtis Publishing Cnm
pony, Pbiladelphla. Ono defter • year ; tee
ants • oapy.
McCtuaz's frog Dgc,Ms.n -No one w111
ark for bet'.r holiday loading than that
which the Christmas numi.r of McClure'.
Mogezloe will furnish. First and formes,
1. to b. mentioned John LeFari.'s article
en "Michael Angelo," toe first of • pries
in which during the following year this
g reat artist and orltlo of oar own day will
disown to the pages of McClure'. the grew
est artist of the put. "A Men•
dloant," by Adechl Klnno.ukl, t.
• tale of Japan In the heyday of romance,
touchingly simple in plot and full of the
. Obit ot that medleval idealism which Sods
its prototypes in the West In the teles of
troubadours and minstrels. Again, for the
briskly humornus style ot recital. it would
be hard to steel Hermiot. Templeton's
vivacious amount of "Darby Gill and the
Good People." Life of today 1. variously
dealt with by H. A. Crowell In "The Pio.
tures and Pineapples," a story of the Ialiars
quarter of New York; by Theodore Dreher
to "r'a True Patriarch," the fitting title to
the portrait of the old man It portrays; by
John Swain io an "Independent Boy," •
. k.toh of the unities invited, court of Cook
County, Illinois; and by Ray St d B.-
ker to "At the Tuned'. End," the story of
two brave men who risked thler live. In
the premur• workings of • submarine tan
net. In this Dumber oommeooes a serial
by Stewart Edward White, "The Forest
Runner," the ermine of which Is Tedd in the
forests of northern Mtohlgan; and there ate
other articles of merit,
mums of •dlouromwt the muoloipal oouo• I The annual thiamin' meohov of
all of the muoi•ipality of Wiest Wawanu.h George's Suod•y suboul will be 8.1d la
met l0 the council room 0. Wednesday. ilia (school room os Friday eveolog.
13 D iamb, all the members wipeout At
the otos' of r.u•r.l bur ores the uuunoil lea
solved itself Iota • court of revision aro •p
pe -1i se to Irregular asne.meots on the
property owner'. VV'Ith rsler.00s to this
Iluogenouo drain the mutt w111 appear
1.. the mloutee of 11,e ootrrVt1's prooaed,u5e
Orders to the •mount of 1130p ere.' t'ers'e aro
the Ir N•xt mimeo of ouunull well
h.. held on the statuary day, Mooday. .0.c.
16th, as the 1518 falls on Sunday, when all
UM tam, as required by statute, era to be
paid and all olaime egalost the muololpallty
ars to be presented to the treasurer.
PERSONAL --Mr. and Mrs. U. Jardine. of
Ashfisld, have recently returned tum• after
baring an *plowable yeah to friend. the 1•t -
ter part of the 19.8 century at 'reeewat•r.
Kinlen and other points In this county of
Brun'. Ws were pleased ton. the seoor-
•ble couple looklog hale and vigorous, they
befog muub tint roved to health. They re
port baying had •o intetestlog and ,aasant
time.... We regret Omit W. Moltt•th, who
as town 111 ter • length let tine, 1s not 't-
oomatoes In health as his numerous friends
would wish.... Arthur Prlos, of Brantford,
hes reo•otly secured • good position in Wm.
MoNally's tore. He Domes highly ream
mended as • good general bl•ok.mltb....
W., along with the numerous friends of
Mrs. N m. Mallough, who was recently in-
jered by a 1.11, are pleased to know that the
venerable lady is slowly reoovertug.... Rev
R. Y'•(rb•iro and Eider .J. Beuoart, of Port
Albert, lett hers this morolsg to attend the
session of Presbytery at WIag8.m, to be
held today....Qult• a number of the youog
moo In this vlolulty are on their way, and
others are lstendlog to lave goon, to work
during the winter at Seals Ste. Marie. W •
"Heti them good suoiose and safe return to
the spring.... Mr.. A. Davidson, of Gods.
rich, formerly • resident of Dunga000n, is
enjoying hermit as a guest of Mrs. B. J.
CrawfordWe are informed that Mr.
Tigers, as prinmpal, and Miss Wellwood, as
assistant. are reappointed as the teaching
staff In Dunran000 public sobool for next
no rata et there Feet.
Jun about the most tantalizing of all
pains oemse from sore fest. To gel relief
bathe the lost in warm water and than rub
them with Tolson's Nervdtne, It poor rotes
through tie pores of the skin, takes out the
soreuees, rectum:. swelling". Invigorates the
tired muscles, tone. up the croulatloo, and
prevent. the tat from aoomlcg son main.
Nervilioe is • protvctbon and afe•guard
against the pains and echos of the entire
Family sod cure. rheumatism, neuralgia,
toothache, .to 25 cents.
Detroit, Mioh., Noy 12 -The report of
Ole lake survey engineer of the great lakes
for the month of October shows that Lake
Sup -Mr hes goo* down In one year almost
half . foot, Lake Michigan and Huron .bout
s little over one tooth of a foot, and the two
othe lakes haves gained but a very small
from to over that of 1895, when the water
was very low over these latter. Lake Ens
hu also gone down almcat half a foot, la •
year, '•art has gained over half • foot frog
the low stage of 1895. Th* figure, show
that the lake hare) 1s .lowly, but surely,
1•Ilneg. Tn• thingo dr.lo.ge canal is said
to be partly responsible for the conditions
of the lake levels, and an !mitigation of
this may be made.
Owen Sound, Noor. -R At tb* close of
oayigatioo Om Creamers Rosedale and Al
gooquln will go Into winter quarters at this
port •od will unlergo extensive alteration"
The Rosedale will have her wood deck" re-
placed by a steel deck, while the
Algorqulo, w btoh has been engage
.d almost eiolu..lvely In the grain oar
ryisr bugloss.. will have bet steel mato
d.uk removed and the material will be seed
to replace the wooden tapper deck. The
presence of the main deck has always affect-
ed the carrying opacity of this vessel, and
who the otange is made the grain .hovel"
will do mors efteotive work On the hold.
Thou work will be under the auperylsion of
Mr. Ktmund Feist, who built the steel
turtle decks en the C.1'.K..teamshlpe.
licorice. The looal agency en Dnngenorn
for TH•StUNAI.Is at the °Moo of J. G. Ward
J. P., oonvevenoer. Le., who will reeelye
orders for suteneriptlone, advsrtMng and lob
work. snd is authorized to give reselpa for
amounts paid for the lame.
Towner, Non. 19.
Sron'n -D. Hlokle and W. Sproule, who,
with other ;portsms°, have been en • two
weeks eportlo" tour Its Muskoka, return
lime, via Uederioh, let Saturday. D. B
eaptared Iwo dyer, W. Sproul one B. J.
Cr•w•or'l asd J. Comherl.ed are expected
home today. They have, we are Informed,
one deer each, which they bring home.
Messrs }tickle and Sproule report heeler
had a r ,y.l time, and If soared will take a
Mur nest game rumen.
Stearn. or M r a tri rm. FATHERS. - -la pnr -
There is s mistaken isles as to
the cans' of cankers in the month
and throat. Sufferers imagine that
they arias from stomach troubles,
but it is nothing more or less than
the result of impure blood. Nn-
marous *o -called remedies have
been floated on the market, but
*venom* has proven that there is
only oneenre,"Ciivtax" Irnm Tnnio
Pills. 4d mints s bot at all druggist*,
nr mailed on r*o*ipt of pries. Dr.
Bail Medicine nae Ei1kgstonAllne.
.odd'. Yldsey 51110 are Doing their t'•sal
Coed Werk an Ike Island.
Southern Harbor, Ntld , Nov. 25 (Special)
-For over so years Mannoe Best has sof
feted greatly with kidney •od stomach
trouble. Hs has been gradually µrowing
worse although he has been under the doo
tor's treatment all the time.
At Int he road In an advertisement how
Dodd's Kidney Pills were curing men and
women all over the Island ot trouble similar
to hie own eta he commenoal to use them.
They have cared him compliably and rs
stored to him his ol1 time strength and
vigor. He says he will always recommend
Dodd's Kldosy Pi11s awl la proof of his
earnestness he has already got his brother
and ',noel others to use them and all with
he most happy results.
Do id's Kidney Pill* ars the only remedy
that has ever cured Bright's dl , dl•
Wet. or deeply.
"Praise the sea but
keep on land."
Admist window
shoes - that's what
they were made for.
Bat keep on wear-
ing theshoe you know
to be "as goocra-s it
looks.I-$3.50, $5.00.
"The -Slater Shoe
Wm. Skaraas, Jr. • Sae Local Ages'.
are the only
medicine that
wall cure Dia-
betes. Like
Bright's Dis-
ease this dis-
ease was le-
d cur•bleuntil
Do d's Kidney Pius
cured B. Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd'•
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia-
betes. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations - box, name and
pill, are advertised to do so,
but the medicine that deco
la Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pi1ls are
fifty cents a boa at all
` with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At. our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
Taman. ie. 1101.
R. B. Smith's % J ck I M' S 3 Jordea
StoreL 1 Block
Red's Underwear,- cleared that mew mousy in your pnk.$1!
you want • ooao. See them.
A few left of loose sanitary or natural
wool shirts and drawers, good value at $1.25 Rilliaery at abo/t Ba11 Pricy--
eanb, to cher at per garment 11.00
All our fine wool Mooed shirts and draw-
ers at one woe, sod 1s'. an easy co.. 600.
The prlose were 65o and 750, all now .o
each boo
Extra quality wool firmed .histg and
drawers, good value at 658 and 75o, for.50o
Ladies' fine Vests,51c..--
11n. u a big mill lot of 65a and 75o vests,
the very mow, whlob we ideated a1 • prtoe
sod your chance comes to get vests worth
65o sod 75o for 50o
Vh a have • good @took of these which
meet be cleared. When we say most be
Now le the time to out prloms so as to 1*.
ere • olefin stook for next season. 13.00.
14.00 and $6.00 bale for 12.00. Term are
our own hemming. of the latest shape and
material, trimmed just as they should be
fur the last mouth of 1901. If you bare not
got your hat yet or it you want another sow
b your opportunity to hese the Istest se •
lraotlon of what is nhoald lm.
A lot of rewdy-tu went bats a1 bat rub.
Jacket Cloths.-
Just the material to make • cheep cleat
for that girl or boy and have • rood welols.
Priori are out 1n half and some at about oar
third o1 regular prioe.
J.okete at half Oreo'. tiJFltk,.irl,.4, `
ixYet 4, h
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for, WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD. Goderich, Ont.
Fu►ner(a\ TY.re :tor» rend
Emote\mere •
orders rarotelly ' arteadisd te n/ all
Yaws, eaglet or day,
!settee Street.
Pastry, Oyster Pattie s, Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls, Mince
Pies and Lady Finiers, Kisses,
Macaroons, !brawn,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
to attend the Ustowel Bn.inosFOellsgs for •
term. Students may enter at any time, either
for • Business ora Sho•thand Course. Hates
reaaon•blefiend for Journal. C. A. r1.KM
1Nt), Pres.: A. 1. Mo1NTYRE. Seo.
I lar, ve put into stuck a line of Re:uly i.,a�b•
C thing of first close manufacture, and
at ricm to suit the times.
Ordered Clothing
Is atl my specie ty. A good range of
cloths to select from ; and workmanship
the heato b had.
If you n an overcoat this fall call and
nee me. A number of lengths of pi,•�,
goods to
b w out at t.
\oypa] H. DUNLOP,
'Vest 8t rest
The Art Souvenir
Art Amherst
ate the best a-o.tl heaters inthe
market. See the moveable
Sr. pots sod grates. Last
twice as long as the stationary
ones, and no poker required to
remove ashes. For sale only by
J. H. Worsell,
The oheep stove and fermium man,
The Best in Current Literature
$2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 c rs. A COPY
The !Sing of Ranges
"Bunk's Happy Thought"
are es good as the beat madelin any
city in Canada.
Caritelon leorle the trade in
in fancy designing and ornament
ing and almond icing.
Dive him an order and your sat-
isfaction will be assured.
1lckilbp Motu! Fire Iasarasae Cee
Value of Property Insuro1 up to January,
orrteess AND DIRICTOR».
J. B. McLean, pees. ; T. Fraser, vtoe-pros.
Jas. Oonnouy. B. Dale, W. 0. Broadreet, J.
Watt, Jae. Evans, J. O. Grieve, J. Beraaewels,
director'; W. O. Bro•dfo,t, Heafurth, teepee -
tor of losses ; T. Z. Hays, 8eaforth, secretary -
.1 Wr Yeo, Holmeeville; James Commies
Bguwndvule ; 1L McMillen, 8eaforth ; R
Smith. Bedeck.
Polley holden can pay asee..mente and gat
their Dards reoelpted at Mr. Coats'. 011utes. or
at McLean Broa' Palace Clothlag Stare, amid
-A�'I ....
Lirb r^e
All Coal weighed on the Market Bailee
where you get 900u lbs. tor a ton.
Ordwe Isft at LEE • B1SPEA8.Di
Sure promptly attended be.
Wet Weather Shoes and Rubbers.
WE have what you want and what
you need in our
Quality Shoes
.tr.:.a-0y115 . and r„.; +tt• a'+�. e:»�'
f King_ Rubbers
They aro abeolutely • -'
the best made, .. • .
R Shoes known for their Style, Fit, Comfort and Durability, and our Rub
for there Fi nil Shape, and being made of PURI GUM, will wear twice as long
ns nnlinary rubbers.
Wu 'nave a large assortment of j
Ladies' Leggins, Overstockings, m
Wool Soles, Etc . . .
Tho.o groat, are the very beat goods that money can bey
The BTUS PROOF RUBBERS for men are hero at lest, and we herr*
Voce Isertecriow, or, if you can't call to see them, drop UR n card for catalogue.
Having found my midsummer stale a success, I purpose having
another sale, beginning
Think before you Buy
Felt Hate, from laic up.
Trimmed Hats, at half price.
Fancy Breasts, at a great reduction.
Wit*n baying a range think before you buy and then you will
buy a Happy Thought. In buying a Happy Thought you
bave the unstinted recommendation of 150,000 previous happy
purchasers. Range building is a
specialty with ns -it's not a side
issue -we leave no room for improve-
ment in our construction of the
Happy Thought.
" They are manufactured by
CO., Limited, 0 gik Brantford
tante for sa Illustrated hmpblst
LEE & SREPHARD, Goderich.
We give one away with eaeb pound of Pore Cream Baking
Powder purchased) from os. 608 a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package. of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a eare-
fnlly selected Indian anti Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to bny your tauten Seeds. We have a
• full assn rtment.
Telephone No. 91.
Sfry Y az co.