HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-28, Page 4• Till SIGNAL : • GODER10/1 ONTARIO MEWS krYfizy 44ve Sporting Goods, mmunition, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers. WE LEAD IN Ladles' Coats Thankful rat Great Reductions on Regular Prkes. $5.00 for $3.90 5.75 " 4.25 6.00 " 4.75 6.50 " 4.95 7.25 " 5.75 8.00 " 6.50 6 FURNI Nos Season Will God you in the ootreat mood 11 you are well furnished with attributes Calais n I sae ahow yen Is WEA R. ,01. We are making a sproial display of new Neckwear, Shine, Glove', etc., which will be sure to interest you. No matter what your kinalce-s is. ours Is to clothe yeti the beet we oan for the least mosey, end we um do it with the line 01 merchandise we oarry to your potful) satisfac- tion. 0 e+ $ 8.75 for $ 6.95 9.00 " 7.25 10.00 " 8.00 11.00 " 8.75 12.00 " 9.50 14.00 " 11.00 13.50 " 10.75 41....._OUR OVERCOATS -I. Jure going feat. W. have the most stylish outs in the trade, the Yoke, R•glauette sad Obeetertield. Thews reeks have had such a wonderful sale it is impossible to get sneugh from the manufsotarers. Leave your order early d you went one of thou fash• losable garments. It will be Isopossitlit for as to get many mon. The prima are $14, 1112 sad ale, reopeetively. 4111‘.....FURS FURS! Lao. W. have a very select stook of ladle.' sod men's furs, and would advise yea to Im spiel ear stook and get ear prime before purchasing elsewbsee. W. C. PRIDHAM 8•I• Agents for Christy's London Bat& Farmers, Save Nosey by Dealing With Us. ---wwwili; .1E1• have (=Nets Assortment °T- ams, X cut Saws, Buck Saws. Saw Sete, Saw Jointers, Axe Handles, Saw Handles, Cow Chaius. Cattle Tiet., Stall Fixtures =trull.Coinbe, Cattle Cards, Horse Brushes, Stable Broonei, Stovepipe Wire, Stovepipe Eua eel, Weather Strip, Oil Cloth Ami ----Don't Bey a Steve lill You See Ours. They Are the Best.--. _ _ Feasistser sad Halter. Int cfignal, IPOSLIIIINZD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING •T•. Nessimairesor OODIRIOR. THURSDAY. NOV. R. 1101. REMEMBER R088. AER all ia said and done the election which is now on in West Huron is not one in which the person- ality of the two candidates should be tbe basis for votingon Dec. 4. Granted that the candidates are men of good repute in their respective positions in life, there is something of larger in- terest than either of them to be de- termined by the contest on election day. For thirty years the Liberal party has ruled the Province of Ontario, and during that time has held power in the Legislature. In that time there has been a development in the Pro- vince that has been in the interest of the public, irrespective of politics, and time and again it has been deuion- strated that the Province has been greatly the gainer because a Liberal policy was followed. It is now tory that 100,000 :square miles eau 'saved to Ontario by the far-sighted- ness of OLIVER MOWAT-._ and his col- leagues, and today we have the satis- faction of knowing that when they fought for and won that heritage they builded better,than they knew. Every other line of policy that the Liberals have followed in the thirty years dur- ing which they have ruled has been equally of advantage to the people of Ontario, and every Reformer can point with pride to the constructive legisla- tion which has kept the Province in the first place in the front rank of Confederation. Of the men who contributed to the building up of Ontario none has been more conspicuous than Hon. G. W. Iloss, who for nearly twenty years has been a member of Ontario'e*Liberal Government. During these years he had the privilege of being closely asso- ciated with such men as MOWAT, FRA- ZER, PARDEE and 1-IARDY, and in ad- dition to his great natural abilities - which are acknowledged by friends and opponents alike -was able to glean broad views from his associate Pro- vinoe builders, with the result that today he stands amongst the fore- most political leaders on the continent The present contest in West Huron has more to do with the future success or failure of Hon. G. W. Ross than with that of Hon. J. T. GARROW. The loss of West Huron at the pres- ent juncture would not serketilly in- jure Mr. °ARROW, but it would cer- tainly be looked upon as the prelude to disaster to the Itoes administra- tion. West Huron, as we have time and again remarked, is a Liberal con- stituency with a good majority that on one or two occaaions has slipped a cog. If every Grit voted Grit and every Tory voted Tory, the Grits would have the riding with 150: to the good; but there are others besides hide -bound Liberals who believe in the progressive policy of the Ross ad - Ministration. To these we appeal at the present juncture to set aside par- tisan or individual feeling, so far as the candidates are concerned, and to "Remember Ross" on Wedneedey, December 4. to Mr. Dams simply because, when running for the Legislature on the wrong side of politica, he has been defeated twice in a Liberal riding 1 Ordinarily, when • man is beaten twice even his best friends are willing to concede that it is time he devoted himself W another line of business, and why syrupathy should be extended when be forces himself for • third time on his fellow -electors we fail W See. If any syrdpathy should be given to anyone it should be given to the man who was successful, and yet has been debarred from obtaining the fruits of hue victory owing to a series of legal persecutions that have been used against him for over three years and which have caused the seat in the Legislature to remain vacant for two sesosbioyntsh.0 r_ThteiotH sympe should given to the on. J. T. (JARROW, What are the facts? On the 1st of March, 1898, Mr. GARROW WSJ elect - t ha th yi returningnh a toeffivcene rt be , and a petitkai egainat his return was entered by Mr. BECK, who claimed the seat. Before the trial the case was withdrawn by mutual consent, Mr. ()ARROW having decided that tie would not take the seat on the re- turning officer's vote, and Mr. Baca withdrawing his claim to the seat. A new eduction was called for on De- cember 14th of the same year, and Mr. (JARROW wae returned by • majority of 45. Another protest was entered and again Mr. Rocs claimed the seat. The case went to court and Mr. BECK again withdrew nis claim to the seat, betore the seat was voided by the courta. An appeal was made against the ruling of the lower court and after a series of delays the higher court sustained the ruling of the trial judges. In the meantime West Huron was unrepresented in the Legislature for two sessions. Now, what we ask is, if Mr. Bece's elections were conducted on the pure lines that his supporters now claim for them, why did he withdraw his claim to the seat on each occasion? Why did he allow Mr. °ARROW to retire from the first trial, And why did he not maintain his claim to the seat on the second occasion1 These are per. tinent questions and should be an- swered by Mr. Baez and his friends when they attack the position of Mr. DARROW. H Mr. BECK'S election was pure and Mr. ()ARROW'S not, all they contend, why did Mr. Mice not claim the seat and occupy it for the past two years1 The answer is cob far to seek. Mr. BECK and his friends knew that Mr. RORIRT BIRMINGHAM'S methods were used in the riding, and they knew that had the attempt to claim the seat been gone on with there would have been a washing of dirty linen in the courts that would have double discounted the Cap SULLIVAN and Litre Large episode, which, after all, cut no figure in im- proving Mr. °ARROW'S majority. To the oontrary, where Mr. flaiumw had but 12 against him in Wingham when he ran with local assistance in March, 1898, the Tory majority was increased bo 72 when the outsiders were allegei to be getting in their fine work. Mr. (JARROW might wall say, all he has said, "Save me from the ottside manipulators. 1 never asked their assistance; I never wanted it , It mime into the riding without my de- sire or consent, and 1 neve: went to see it again in the riding" THE SYMPATHY CRY. WE have not heard up to the hour of writing of any reason why Hon. J. T. ()ARROW shOttliri not be Alentali la West Huron, unless it be the cry for syespathy for Mr. Been, which is being seed on the side lines and by ways where the (Acta are supposed not eo be known. Why should sympethy be etteeded ALLAN -& McIV The Leading Hardware Med. Phase 67. Honest Goads at Hooest Prioee. These coats are new this fall, and tailor made. Note the reductions. Be sure you see them if you need a coat this fall. They are great bargains. We are selling furs at prices that defy competition for new goods at the quality. J. H. Colborne 9 'Phone 86. Goderich. Macancax, of 'Hamilton, solicitor for the Municipal Association of the Province of Ontario, which it was considered would do away with the "scrap -iron" assessment. This was introduced in the House at the last session by H. CARSCALLICN, Conserva- tive member for East Hamilton, and was accepted, every word of it, by the Government, and was passed into law with the addition of the phrase, "or situate in any township," Mr. CAR8CALLEN'8 amendment having dealt only with cities and towns. In the session of 1900 Mr. CAR- SCALLEN had introduced an amend- ment containing the words which The Star quotes, but they were not in his amendment of 1901, and it is not to be "apposed . that Mr. CAR- 8CALLAN (whom the Conservatives consider one of the ablest men in the House) did not consider his second amendment to be fully as good and as effective as the first one. When the amendment adopted by the Govern- ment was before the House, neither Mr. WHIT -WRY nor any of his sup- porters suggested that it would not meet the case, or would be miscon- strued in the courts. The Conserva- tive journals are simply acting the hypocrite in the matter. Not all of them, however, for The Toronto World has the honesty to say that it does not consider the fault is with the drafting of the statute to much as with the judges, who, it beleaves, "are too assiduous in picking :out items in the law and in giving de- cisions on technicalities rather than in rendering substantial justice to litigants and the people." The Government is assisting the city of Toront,o in appealing from the decision, end in case it is found that the law is really defective a good one will be passed, if words can be found in the English language to satisfy the judges. Meanwhile cavils. THE Mi AR misarpaxsinvs THE Gorlerich Star ta following The Toronto Telegram and The Mail and Empire in miarepreeenting the biota in eonnection with what is oomnionly called the "wrap iron" law. An amendment was drew's sp by Mr. Mr. WeITNLY Simply they Cited tC havesiessure thrown out., Under that law the Provincial Treasury has received over half a million dollars from the oorporationx. Mr. WHITE EY tolks against the corporations, but talk is cheap. -The Simcce Itsformer addressee this open letter to the Opposition leader Dear Mr. Whitney. -Have you road Mabee's pamphlet yet ? In it Mr. Ma- bee charges that you solicited and ob- tained subocriptions from your party THE WOOLEN TAHIFF DENOUNCED. IT was refreshing to find in the col- umns of The Mail and Empire the other day -in the new+, not the edi- torial columns -an account of a meet- ing of business men at which the pro- ree.----1 to increase the woolen tariff was strongly denounced. The account reads thus At a meeting of the tailors' section of the Retail Merchants' Association bit - evening the members put themselves on record 1111/ opposed to any increue in the present duty on woolens. It wae contended that the Canadian mills engaged in the manufacture of the better c6as of goods had more buninesi than they mold atuin•I to. and that it was only those engaged in making the lower grades who were suffering. It was doubtful if an increase in the duty would help their cue. Th• tailors were of the opinion that the remedy for the alleged magnation in the woolen industry waa not to he found in more protection, but in the manufac lure of a better class of mods. SNAP SHOTS. - Wonder if 111e. CalieCaLLILK. M. P. P., when he visite this riding in behalf of the Opposition candidata, will deneunee Mr Rom' Government for ucepting his amend ntent to the "'scrap iron" law. - The Whitneyitos pen as the friend* of the people and the irrecumilable foe. of the eoroorations. Let es one. Two or three years ago a bill waA introduced in the House to tax hooka, inaniance compitiou, telegraph and telephone companies, etc. Did Mr. Wiirreav and his followers sup. port it? They did not On ts o wisdom LIPS WORTH LfV1140. Why not have the fres use ofyour arm. and lege. Drive out the rheu- matism and feel that life is worth living Wm. Lee, gardener. No. 793 Princess street, Kingston. Ont.. ire - Um! for years with rheeznatism in the shoulders and arms. Three bet- ties of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure made a new man of him. Thi. great Mood purifier is pet ep in brittle, nontaining ten days treatment, 60 omits, at druggists cr The Dr. Hall Medians Co., Kinston, Oat. 1rlend throughout the Province, after the last Ontario elections. That in this vilY $76,000 WILII relived. to be s nt in fighting tb. bye e-tctions 176.111for a doaen bye your die bribery lan been busy wi Could you take country kriow Dona means that you had at a pretty generous sized You have, up to daie, Mr. Mabee's politico. hour off and let the (her Mabee's charge about the $76,000 fuhd is true or false ? There will be iseryiesa this morning (Th teltig v. es Day) in Si. °WOO 011014A. ▪ IMPS./ BEA TEMA LL STOVEPIPE VAIN% LEAST ODOR, BRIOHTEST LUSTRE. QUICKEST DRYING of them all. Useful for buggies and all outeide iron,work. Use the See •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•••••,•••• Wises ris west a many geed megh cure WOW - Black Cherry Said • °downier recently : "I never thought anything daldl relieve a Coast' se sesialdp. " • W. 0. GOODE, CHEMIST.. A teW dozen left of that i -heap Oatmeal Soap, worth 10,, out price 3 fix 10o. Posi. tiNely no more when this lot is doue. • Wm. Sharman, jr. BOOTS, SHOES RUBBERS. \r• E never did advocate shopping away froni home when yoti could do as well there as anywhere. But hpre are .things which, it stands to reason, be can buy better in a centre like Toronto and one of these , is FINE RELIABLtFtS, because to - get the variety and to get th guaranteed qual- you must go to the larger market. We exclusive fur manufactures. We make eve hing we sell, and we gu atee every- thing we make. We shall be eased to we1con1 you to our showrooms- largest and best appointed in the Dominion you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through "our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our ne'w 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking\ We are Making a special feature of warm -Ihr Jackets. RELIABLE FuRs, •••••••• kigattilib LADIES' ASTRACHAN JACKETS. -Our special. $25 LADIES' ASTRACHAN, COON AND WALLABY JACK - 525 to $50 LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS. -Plain 30 ttt 40- 45 to 85. ETS LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS -Trimemd i. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 VONGE-ST. TORONTO. Square' and 1 Hard We are making a hit with our Hardware. It's genuine quality that does it -the genuine excellence of what we sell rather than low prices, which mean lack of character. If you want the best you can de- pend on what we sell. Look at these prices : . _. .Tones Steel Snow Shovels :7:1"- *30 Gem Meat Choppers, No. 20 1 40 " 22 1 50 Steel Wire Door Mats 1 00 Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, per set 85 I t i I " I I 4 I plated, 1 00 Grand ltapids Carpet Sweeper '2 50 Economical Cobbler Sets, per set 60 4-1h. Even Balance Butter Scales 2 50 Cold Blast Lanterns Greening Cow Chains, frotn 18c to :35 trap Loaded Shells, 12 gauge (only a few left) li Ai& rrom, each tlbe to 1 00 44 44 60 Axe Handles " IIappy Idea Buck Saws X.Cut Maple Leaf Rae,er, 5 1-2 ft. Lance, " Saws I I I I Premier, " I Complete with handles. • • • ..... • •••••-•-•-•• 10h to_ 25 40 oo We have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES and R BUB GOODS ever shown in Goderich. It compriaes goods of the following well-known makers J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co, "Empress," The Victoria Shoe 00., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can giv either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goody�r Rubber, of New York. e W.3144.0314ffin• s Wm. Sharman, jr. "GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICES," Is our motto. Coal! Coal Just Received . 80 Tons Before uying I\Tourune ilEiTERS RAN 6ESU.I Massillon Lump Coal, Soft Cleal is ths market fer 96,11108.• Mao several ears ef Hard Coal R4NOW ALL 00AL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES. Soarolty of ears Is likely to • atm • NMI (amble dating the next two monthls. would therefore advise purchase of your Coal now. Wm. Campbell.1 Gederioh, Nov. 13th 1901. A Great Snap_. T. la our •• Inger Snap, at be. a posed, of which we salt • hone! • week.. Thls Isn't our only snap. ti we °any everything that oan be found in an um. to -date on:wry store, and our prises are right. The Dinners know that they can •Iwaye pt from us a snap tor their produe. We drew the line at ne legitimate trade - everything go.. . Glassware or potatoas, garden stuff or eheloem table Ohms. We diml in all of them. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford block. Gederleh. Mill Wood FOR SALE The a, ove is cut Into stove wood jenath and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at rtsidenco, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98 D. ROUGVIE. • easulemanitweesemwouesensisimweinalisillisultoseelesteellemillosteeswee+ PETER McEWAN. Ooderich.,Novemher tflsL, 1/1011. 66-3as We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove fully Guaranteed. . . . THE LATE D.K.STRAOHAN'S MINE AND BLACKMUN SNP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with the late Me Wrn8CItAS tor several yews, and Is thorovithly oon- versant with all clasaw or work that have been doss In the shop, 'sighs* tO announce that he has taken nharge of ton establish ment and will oarrr on the Liminess In sorb • icanner.. to retain the confidence and patronage heretofore 'intended to the late owner. sad will be pleased to nava am maim nOw onstometi an will f•vor him with their patronage. la sdditlen to Ship Work, loe Plows. Street Wowing Ws( one. Horse Powers. ete , he will eontlone to do ogN BAAL MLACICSMITHIN6 and REPAIR WORK of all Mad,. MA URINE TURNING, DRILLING, PLAN ltla, THREADING. and all kinds of ma shine work done on short sales Pe has Moo added • first -oleos FIRAZING PLANT, and all work In that Ilse, including /Heyde repairing and brakes of all kind.. 0/1n he attend. rl to Ow Sheri settee. kawa Mow era miarpued. Prmee wiii be found unite reasonable. J A/IIE.9 ft. JOHNiTON. The late D. K Matchin• and Mlack• swim BM% ri..terla oadartet. TO ADVIIIRTIMMERM. Notice of onanges insist be left at this Offioe not lister flan Eiaterday noon. The Oopy for °hangers mast be left not ir ter than Mon day noon. Oesnal Advertisements amtepted no to nor a Wednesday of mesh week. t