The Signal, 1901-11-28, Page 1THREE "A.e11
ADV' re Ana
.. 1901
0011aaou. Nov. f7. stmt.
Fall Wheat, 5 67 io 08
Ylour, family. par 0wt2 110 to 100
Irlour, per owl . 1 50 to 1 5 )
-. 11 00 tot(
Sheri& a tee _-. _. 15 00 told 00
Screening., per owl 1 W to 0 00
Rye, per bush ... 0 l0 to 0 50
Buckwheat, per bush 0 W to 0 00
()♦t.II bosh ...... ......._..-45 20 0 46
Ps..ebtlra....__..-....-..-65 to 0 70
Harley, par bush 46 to 0 50
Hay. a too....._.. .... .1 00 toll W
Potatoes. 11 bush,. sew 10 to 0 30
Putter. .-.. _. . _.. 15 1. 0 15
Cheese, tier Ib.......... 10 to 0
hash ..peeked. • do...... I7 to
0 1107
.. -. _-...... _.. _-.. W 20 t O1
HUM ..._. _ -..
Pole -
Live Ho..
Deemed Hosts
Bacon. ..... ..- ._ .Y, _-,
limn. per lb.. .......... _ ..... _
Lard. per Ib.
Dressed Beet fere quarter
Beef. Bi. hlad
Oat6l., Yxport
60 to 525
26 to 0 (0
50 ta7DO
11 to 0 16
15 to 0 It
13 4 00
00 to 0 (0
00 to 0 50
75 to 60
00 to 350
Situations Vacant.
O enl homework. Aptly N MRs. Me
GiLLICUDDY, West street. W -
Printing trade. Apply set 6I0NatOfllne.
Teaeher. Wanted.
1 Section Na 1, Port Al b'rt, holding flat
or mond .lase ceru6ate. Applto•tlona. eta.
lig star/ and experlenoe, will no reoslvd
till Doce'oborilli. H. HAY DIN,Rec.-Tree'.,
Pori •Ibert. 611 6
mottos No. 5, to "reship of Colborn
Duthie tocommence Janitor, 1st. ISM Any
else. experisaoe preferred. Applloatlo6
will Dereoelre.l by any of the trustees up to
Uooember 1st. HAMILTON Mol ANNUS.
Debtor' . JAB. WATSON. Loyal ; JOS.
HIrrHKRISGTON, sea -tram, Nile. tt
Public) Mottos.
Shareholder" oe The Ooderlcb (levator
and Transit l:ompaor.Llmltd. will be hel4 at
the Company's oleo. la Ode nob oe Tue.d•y.
the 5rd day of 1)01, ,inter, A 1). 1911, at the
hour of 1 O'olook la the afternoon, for the
trammtiO0 of mineral bulletin.
H. F. MOOERB. Secretary.
Notice 4 hereby given that application will
be made to the Legislative Assembly of the
I'rovtooe of vivaria at the next Medoc there
of for an Act to validate and oantrm • bylaw
of the Towo of Uoderlch, gra.11ug alma or
10.000, for the purpose of aiding In eatabltxh-
log • Sommer Hotel at the said town, and to
authorise the teem and peerage of debentures
Solloitan for the Towo of
Uoderloh, the applicant
Dated at Ooderloh the 55th S ov.mber, lei 1
Mrs. 8. A. MoOOLL, In extending her th ant
Le our Mamas generally, sake for • oo tole
anoe of their Orden prompt) y at-
teoded to for making up new furs or nmdel-
ling them In any style, (rnament". etc.. etc.
hindered at her roma. 2.4 floor Blake'.
Block. orsquare and Montreal at. Kntnnoe
on Montreal et. 57.51.
The council of the county of Iluron will
meet 1n the council chamber In the town of
Oodertch, on Tuesday. the 3•J day of Ueoem-
Deepest. at 1 o'clock, r.x. W M. LANK,
listed at Ooderich this Nth day Clerk.
of November. 15)1.
botla that anyone bathing off the
tela . using or tampering with the ferry.
oho or treeless ling upon any part oe our
pp will be arrested and prow.0td.
iU ATTItILL 32 tf
V kid their neater misting on North 9t.
let and eel Tuesdays of month. Matting
brethren always welowns.
SI utile.
Teacher of plano, org.o and noroe t.
Studio corner of Hamilton street and
Teacher of Fleteher music method. w111 re-
ceive pupils at ter stud to, above Mr. N•ftel's
insurance 01100. RamllI,n street. For Infor-
mation apply either *11(114)001 at reoldeoce.
Bt. Patrice. street.
Organist and music•% director of North st.
Methodist r hnroh, and teacher of pianoforte,
pipe organ and theory. will ho pleased te re-
ceive pupil". Instruction given either et
studio or at pupil's home, as 4.slred. Studio
it Emerson's Music Store. West is. 72-tf
For Bale.
si wed hen for sale a number of eteoonn,, 12
or nein.. also muoh cows. H. TEWBLEY,
Cettew. ft.
Rock eockeeela from prise -winning stook.
Apply Box 6, (6oderloh. 53tf
the west half of lot 15, con. 7, West Wa-
wanwh. comprising 50 scree. Applyto HEN-
RY FOWLER Dungannon, or to Pilip Holt,
Barrister. Ooderlch.
1 t) l/ salt will purchase that large
atone hones with calx-roomd ddltlon..ltn•ted
on Pluton Street. Half en eon of land with
all tie ontbntldings thereon thrown in. For
flintier particulars apply to THEO. J. M00R•
HOURS, Bayfield P. 0. 30.10.
FOR8AL.R.-t.OTS $b, 96, 117, 118.119
and 146 In Ilutellwq'e enemy, all In
Ooderloh. For particulate apply to
PHILIP 1101,1,
Barrister. to., Ooderleh,
March Itch. LIMO. 111-0
lneuranoe, ate. '
real 011os. tee .est of P. 0f)o., ageAge t for the
1oe11n• genteel fire feenrsnse onm melee ..d
ivied lag .took sem eniee
Mariant14 aod manufacturing rake et
omen r•tea (1011 at .Yee.
Amerman' and insnnno, Agent.
Limes and account made 1111.
talndems rented and rents nellentd.
In Ineur•nes In RrltIoh and Canadian
Gentofte les.
30150.- to eat ond0nnt 6t Hays• Mice. `*North
SURANiW and Real Estate sent
Ir. Life, Aeeldsat and Plate 01•s. Irenr•nnP
aVw,e1 m ureal or ash plan st Ioweat
rater .M
Re 1 end Canadian remp•nles rep
res ed.
Arun tom w & Harrow. Bar
Hoh. J. T. Darrow and Mr.
Joseph Book the Candidates.
A Large •tteadanre of Metiers -speeches
b7 tae 1'aadsuaes and ■can. Ifeyd
sad Wright An lateresllag wl•rwt.0
of 1 abile eeeatt...
THE nomination tor Weet Hurou
en Wdoisday was largely attended.
Hoo. Jae. T. ()arrow was nominated by
Wm. Proudloot, emended sty J. W. Yeo.
Joseph Book was nominated by James
Connolly, seamed by John Wilfred.
After re:nrning officer Reyoolds had de -
elated that a poll would be herd oo Wednes-
day, Ua. 4, Wm. Proudfoot was called to
the oh•ir, and the speakers were celled to
the following order :
Hon. J. T. ((strew was well rsolyd o0
oomlog forward. H• aid that this election
differed from general l'royfootal elections in
the fact that there ware 00 tame' outside of
the personality of the two oandldates. No
matter who was elected the Government
would still remefp In power. There were
some people, and not .11 Liberate, who be-
lieved that it would not have beau . bad
Hunk if 31 had been .flowed to be elected
by ••moilkm•tloo. Mr. Beck might ask why
should. be (Mr. (l.) not retire? The answer
to that wee that he had been •Irady oleo.
ted, .od should therefore be allowed to go
back and finish the last semen. He had
made bie,Wt to a place of prom)heu0e l0
the Honor, and had endeavored to give rho
best pomiilde Gerrie* during hie Mauro of
office_ Mr. Beek could not do more and
possibly would do lees. Mr Beck and his
friends were *Ngl.g • 0".9.290 00 Pima"'
IOIis-tut on the platform, perhaps, but
privately -and he (Mr. 0 ) would prefer
to mut miry lame la the open than 1n the
byway. During the ontest Mr. Bich oould
vet he friends to take the stump and talk
for him, but he could not tike them Into
the legislature, where he would either
have to do his own t.lkiog 00 beh.11 of he
o0stltme0te or ,it quiet .od say nothing
The man who repre..oted West Huron
should be •bls to decors publie 4400111 ace
Intelligently. The Ontario Government, of
which the sportier had rho honor to be •
member, had beta to diatoms .Imo. 1872.
and In that tune had won in honorable
mord. Bloke, Mowat and Hardy had
been grand laden, and Row, who lad the
Liberal party today, had been referred to
by Sir Charly Tupper as the "ablest polt-
11o.1 leder In Canada today.'' The duty of
the Lod Government was to deal hooe'tly
and fairly with alt question* ratan.e b
municipal matters, .4110.tio0 and public
property, and after thirty years he defied
any one to lay • Heger 00 oe dollar tbat
had bean m4approprtetel clot of all th•
millions that bad been open.. l'hn had
bean proved by the report of the Finance
Commission, whn after • p.mstakeg to
v.ttlpuo0 hod declared that a surplae of
Notice to Water -takers
ALL Water -rates for 1901 must
be paid not later than December 10th
next, w that my books may be closed
by the 15th, as ordered by :statute.
All parties in arrears after that date
will have the water turned oft; and •
charge of 81.00 will be incurred for
turning it on again.
('.filet t,,r.
58 21
evening, between eight and nine
oclock. either on the (Square or termini tow n,
three to do lar 21)11, and one fire dollar bit I.
They were.(( ,together In • roll. The finder
pple•ee lave at SION•1. 0200, or .t Button's
HOtst, and • suitable reward w.I be mean ged
and monsoon. °few In Bank of Com
meroe building, west gide ei Square. Night
tallest r0sidencn. Kira a . W. 'Puniest.
Notley to Credltote..
Notice le hereby given, pursuant to the Re
visa! Btat ammo((Mario Uv971 ('.p. 129. that
all creditor. and others having claims against
the estate of the meld Ueorga C. Shannon,
wh 0d led o0'or about the 8th day of September
IU,1. are required, o0 or before the 16th day of
Itenemher, 1901. to and hy post, prepaid, or
deliver to Meows. Proudfoot & Ifeye, of the
said town of Ooderfoh, solicitors for the ex -
motors of the last well and Mesmer.% of the
mud deaeas,rl, their name. and addressee. full
particulars of their claim. • statement of
their ancoant and the nature of the security
(if •n)7) held by than.
And further take notloe that atter the maid
Int mentioned date. the said monotone w 11
proceed to distribute the mete of the deceas-
ed among toe parties entitled thereto, hayin
✓ egard only to the claims of whioh notice shall
then have been give•,, and (bat the said exec
more will not be It.7te for the meets or any
part thereof to any mime or persons of whom
claim notice shall not have been received at
the time of much dlet rlhntlon.
Dated at Ood,rroh the 20th day of Novem-
ber. A.0.1901.
Solicitors for the said Kee/inters.
The executrix of the eet•te of the We Dr. J.
R. Shannon and the execntnre of the estate of
the late Dr. G. C. Shannon require all parties
Indebted 00 either of the sold retitle• or to the
late firm of Shannon & Shannon to pay their
indeb'ednese b•fore the first'1., of January
next, afar that date their solicitors will be In
✓ ror•ed to .on ti
t without further nonce all
claims then unpaid. ft a necessary ti have
0heal4 revere closed rep and no 'nether time
tor payment of mannashould be eipt'oted
re will be •hawed.
Notice le hereby Ciao pursuant to the Re-
v4d Statntet of Ontario (1197) Chap.lt0, that
all creditors and others having claim.' against
the estate of the *aid Jane Turner who did
on or about the 29th day of Jane, Ii11, are re•
qq ilred. on or before the 204 day of December,
2201. to mend by poet prepaid, or deliver to
Messrs Pronelfont & Have. AoAerinh, 1io11ett
ors for J. P. Brown. the * 001110r of the last
will and (dement of the said deie.eod. their
name. and a/dreamer, boll p•rtlen em Of their
name.. state Bent of their amount and the
nature of the seenrltl (If any) held by i hem.
Aol further take sotto. that after the said
lost'mentlond data, the said el•oetor wit:
reword to dlNHhee the asseta of the doom. -
ell among the parties entitled thereto bavlag
reword mil, to the nano. of "earth eeitr o shall
thea have neon given, and that the mid ex•
meter will not bo liable for the newts or ant
e ll.l• tthereof to m nettles eh•11 no person
have been rooe trod at
the time of web dlstrlhntion.
Ilaed at 0oderinh the 11th day of Novem-
ber. A. D. 1101.
MA 11MMtow for Ms sale Rosessar.
between $2,000,000 and 82,600,000 existed,
sod that the Provlooe was to reoelpt of
8300,000 Intermit enouahy. 1208,000.000
had been handled by the (iuveromeat dur-
ing the thirty ytare la whlub they hid been
In power, and not one penny wise uoaououo6-
•d for. Why, even The Mail, In • @palm
of trutbfulnoai,bad said that "whatever else
oould be said of the OD ere. Uoyero•
went its administration of the thence' bid
been olean." Referring to the •tt.ots that
had beep made upon him because be we. •
Maiden. without portfolio, he aid, the poi
Rion 4 an honorable nue and surely It 4 no
degrees to be selected out of ninety mem-
bra for the officio. True, the Mtnlet.r with-
out portfolio hat nu 90.100 age and Beta no
clary. but he site at the Cabinet ouooll
and hie voice and vote airy as muub
weight as do those of the Premier. The
development of New Ontario was then
taken up and thoroughly discussed, and the
.rand to..ltilities 0f that groat oouatey
were fully dwelt on. Mr. M•rter, the for-
mer leader of the Oppoe tine, had broken
from he party because of their factious
oppoeltioo to regard 10 developing the new
territory. Mr. Whitney did not see any
rood la New Unterio when we fought for it
and kept It l0 1883and hie attitude was un
ohanged today. 1a 1890 the Conservative
policy watt against separate schools, iu 1894
it was P•trohlam, and this campaign It was
an admixture of both with personal abuse
of the Liberal candidate thrown io. la
u000lwloo he said that he was ea old resi-
dent of Go teuuh, and had done hie beet to
help alorg the teem. He did not cairn to
be • perfect man, but he did ol•im to in en
honest man. He •ppared before the elm -
tors for the let time as a oandldate for
political honors, and he hoped they would
re-elect him to till out he unexpired term.
( Loud epidemic )
Mr Beck Wag reoelyed w11h appleum•',
and after remiodlov his 6 that this
was the third time he had come before the
elector. of West Huron he alarmed he had
won the election of Maroh, 1898, and it
everything had base straight be would
have at In the House for the pat three
year.. tie had to enter • protest to secure
his rivets, but Mr. Game threw up the
sat and they had another election In 14.
.ember, 1893, when, with the onetime" of
Cabinet Mlireta, In the riding, he was
buten by 45. Ano, her protest was enter
ed and aper a great many delays a deoeloo
was given unseating Mr. Garrow. The
Liberals entered an appal a/abet flits
d.isloo, and on the 13th of March last the
• ppeal was decided again." Mr. Gamow.
i1 was fileted to him that the realms for the
delay wa that If Mr. ()arrow bad secured
a oertato poaltlon he would have dropped
out of the tight for the representation of
the riding. if Mr. U.rrow wee W drop
out of politla, why not let him (the
@ poker) take Ohs mist that he bad woo.
l'he spseker thea referred to the Manion
of taw Wiwi Elgin b011oW. and rewriter to
Mr. (Arrow'. claim that party pelages
should not sway the basis's' ot. the Leaie-
I•tui• be asked how many 0onwrva'ive
m@.eare@ he had voted for, and the Goo- had brought in ell the bat
measures He claimed that Mr. Garrow
had not attended th• oomm,ttes meetings
of the Home as regularly as he should.
Mr. Uerrow had hod the prefix "Hoo."
added to his name with the object of defeat -
,og their humble servant, but he did not(
mooed In doing le Mr Renk r.i rred to'
he own e!e,Lloo .e warden o1 lbs county,
and olalmed to wa as well up to mu,stol•
pal affair. ea Mr. Garrote. He closed by
loritlog the electore to attend the meeting
to •he teeming to Le ddreead by \I
Whitney r Foy, end appealing 00 them
to oat their ballots for him oo polling
Mr. I'roodfoot introduced Lou's F. Heyd,
of Br.otford,who expressed his pleasure at
'ming Mr. Wneht present In betel) of Mr.
Book, who could not now olstm that he was
worklog .t a dlsdvaatage to not having soy
oateldl a,)stano. Th. .peaker appealed
tor a dispassionate consideration of this
public questions; for as long as men's minds
were filled with pollt...4 prejudioes It was
utterly impossible to consider publlo que'-
tloos upon their merit. He asked that the
*looters consider the two candidates who
prompted themselves, •11,1 then the two
police. whlob they r•presentel, The
Opposition policy had beeo shaped by every
rue of popular prejudice. referring to the
"Fact. for Irish Eleoters," lbs P. P. A
• g(Wtioo, oto. The L(berale had stood
consistently oo the platform of equal right.
for •1' and the preservatloo of Provicof•l
right.. The duties of the members of the
Legislature were to 000duat the manage -
meat of public affair. In an honest sod
effre:snt manner end secondly to plaos
aeon the statute book mush laws as
would be to the publio •dvatt'.age.
He notated oat that of all the Provinoes of
the Domicioo, from the AL'antlo to the Pa-
cifier, Ontario alone had • surplus, while
(habeas almost as advantageously plead as
Oot•rio, had a debt of 835.000,000, and the
other Provinces debt" of vetoes amount.;
And at ,ha same time the affairs of this
Pr,yinoe had been enminietered In • pre
minim way. Ontario's proud positron was
the result of the work of the Liberal Goy.
.remenl. Much time had been wasted In
discussing the amount of the surplus, but. In
hl@ opinion the Uovernment ehoald Dot "eek
to Mild up a large surplus Tn. g0sstl0n
was : Have the moneys of the Province
been .pont wisely and eoonemioally ? Dur-
ing thirty year. 1210,000,000 had been dm
horsed by the Liberal U .meet, and be
•ballenged Mr. Wright to show one dollar
0l that amount corruptly expended, and to
oompare the Government's record with
that of any latae backlog or other finanatsl
corporation. Th. Provincial Government -
and ha had hal .nm@ dealing. with them --
were the meanest Government to get mossy
not of thtt mold ret found on earth Mr.
Wrirbl had made some wholesale .barges
as to miettetemeot. In • record lased by
the Liberal Government, but he challenged
him to produce any proof of a single one of
his oharve. ; and he prepared his hearers for
a repetition of Mr. Wright'. unfounded
.Gateman, whioh th.t gentlemen had made
a0 a meeting the previous night. Ho went
In detail Into a simple of Mr. Wright's
charges of mlesaament. and Wm:ti idly
cornered thee gentleman, whn refined to
take an opportunity offered him to make
gond he uh.rve.
Mr. hayed erprsesd a deer" that he
might be allowed to 'omit at Mr. Whitney's
mating in the evening to disown further the
questions of the day, hot he edit he did
not orient rel. desire would he gratified.
rte olmed with an elrq'to'tt ref.rsnoe to the
apt ndld administration of the liberal
Geverenteet of Ontario, whioh deterred the
fall oonfldeeri of every elector.
A W Wright then took the floor, and
referred to • phare@ made spinet Major
Rack that he had not pose to 41.0'0. Airing
to fight the battle of hie o„aatry. He
claimed that Mr. Beck was fighting In On.
t•rlo for the .oma rights se the British
troops 'floret for In Smith Afrlea. He re -
ferried M what he termed the r►"oallttes le
%NI Herm, and denneeed the hornbill
awl staling of bellntewhioh he arced heed been
mew flitted. He thonght Mr, Garenw was
set arrears In hl. remark. 'hent the a od..
rinhlllly of party polities In the Loos'
Hnnse, het .poke of i1 sew Meaese Omitted
his perpoes. Ha charged them Mr. Prestos
had resolved fayers frees the Oeyerameet
latter hlvlog bow concerned la political la•
iqutaia, • st•temeet that woo promptly
uballewged by Mr. Heyd, He ott•rgd the
Uoveromeor with eztr•vgaoce and aortae
Liuo la the muoteoww of the loatltute for
the BUod wed other Uovoromeot IneUtu-
tluos. It was stared that the Oppuutloo
hal nob objected to any expenditures, but
he bad himself ban lo the House and hard
the Oppoeitloo member, appal io veto ttr
Information dice 3111E whioh were be.
Mg rushed through the Hoose.
He went Into the question of the
surplus, and doted that the crow
mission appointed by the Govern-
ment to ioveetigete the matter had sub-
scribed to soy statement that fns Govern-
ment bad. surplus. He charged the Lib-
erals with loaning do,ument, with incorrect
statuti0. and Ilse statements. After speck•
tug on the question of the vulp oo0otesio0s,
the r•o..nd creed cr.. and the oompar.tive
financial oundlttuns of the Provinces of
Uaterio and Quebec, Ire sprang •ceasation lo
the Mete of • Marge that the returolog
utboer for this oleotioo bed violated the
law ',Mob, hs said, provided that the clerk
of every muntotpalUv shall be appointed
cin of the deputy returning office'' in the
manlolp•luy. The had been ululated by
the appointment of Grit deputise to Cod
borne township, Ooderloh township, Wtog
ham, Myth and the town of Godericb, In
place of the maolo.p.l clerks, who were
Donserv•tivelI. To •nforoe his Indictment
of the retaining Mitotic he held up th•
statute book wbloh he said contained the
Provision upon wb:,•h be founded lib
charge Mr. Wright vehemently declared
that the returning otllar was .06 6t
to occupy any public ottioe, and he
called upon Mr. Garrow to protest against
thew unlawful sots. Otherwise be would
charge that those men had been ..ppetoted
won the express purpose of doing wrong
He eked the elector. to restore Mr. Beck
to the position out of whioh he had been
abated for three years.
Mr. Garrow, woo Dan blte•o minuted to
reply, •0 once took up the previoneapeaker's
Marge against the returning officer. Hs
obt•toed possession of the book from w high
Wright had quoted, and showed that .ppm.
ite the very olanse in question was • note in
handwriting showing that the clause had
teen repealed. The law did not now coni
pal the appo.otment of township clerks and
never did ompel the •ppoiotme0t of town
•04 village clerks as deputy returoIng of -
doers. Mr. Wright had deliberately at-
tempted to lay • film charge against the
returning officer. If he could not be be.
Revd in the, bow mold he be behoved In
any of he st.Wmeots? "Moreover," declared
Mr. Gamow, "I defy any man to show that
I ever asked the returning cfftoer to appoint
any man, In this or to any other election."
The moo appointed would no doubt dta-
ober.o the duties of their otfio honorably -
Mr. Cox, for fnstknoe, who bed bean sp.
n Odertoh tuwnehtp, was just as
honest as Mr. 810 , ay. . ey were
booest mr.0. Toe Liberals were simply
adopting the Cooseryallve plan, Led when
there wa a position tole filled, and one
moo was as .nod u aooth,r, they,wete going
to give the Ltboral the $4. The unctuous
Wright wrrhe 1 ur,l•r the lash whim Mr
Gatto. •pp)•e I, wh le the 1r' bends cheered
again and .gala so their caodhlae showed
up the gl.nog falsities of whioh Wright
mid been auily. Where, salted Mr. Gar-
arrow, were the resat leaden of the
Con,erv*ttve party when these monstrous
discrepancies whioh Wright spoke of
were d,gooverd? There wee no
such discrepancies ; they ex sad only In
the Imagination of Mr. Wright and in the
.hart which Mr. Wright bad coo.truoted to
suit hie own deceitful parttime. He (,he
speaker) did not oleim that the Darty cam
paigo literature was authoritative, bat at
any rate it was not conceived In tread, as
was the bogus globe, which had been o,rou•
laid by The Godman 8..r and whioh had
been baud •nn distributed for the ex•
press purpose of deceiving the electorate.
The figures to which Mr. Wright had taken
exception were in may Dass absolutely
orreot. Mr, Wright In making his om-
par11o0e was talking of two entire by did
Irani things. 000 was the supply bill, and
the other was the total reolpt. ann •xpendi•
ton, from all sources, some of whioh were
n ot under the eontrol of the Legislature
and therefore wereof lacluded In the
Nunn which. Mr. right had quoted.
Mr, Wright had falls to show • single in
stance in whloh . re,eipt or • payment had
not beet, properly recorded. Mr. Harrow
then went into the matter of the W lneh.m
itregulintles and showed how It was he and
n ot Mr. Beak who had suffered therefrom.
He did not ktow Cap. Sullivan, and be
was not aware of any man In the riding
from outside. The elections had been 000•
daoted Iairly, with the tingle e1oeptl00 of
the Wlogh.m opined.. It Mr. Wright
would dome out and couple names with
hie charg 0 of Irregularities he would
soon he priokei try the legal .h.rp stuck.
He (the speaker) had acted straight.
forwardly and stove board and he did not
want any whining from Mr. Beck. Mr,
Beak would net even let his laws Ivt. alone ;
but he had Davit interfere' with Mr. Reek's
tannery or 0te apple factory and he advised
Mr. Beek to mind his own bunness. Mr.
Uerrow concluded after speekieg of the
uoderbiod methods whioh were beteg need
against him In the moven.
The meeting c'otei atter • vote of thanks
had been tendered to the chairman.
(IRANT'a 8(11000. HOUe&
A very enthu,lastio meeting was held
here on Tuesday ryenlr.g In favor of the
Liber.( osndid,'r, which wail attended by a
large number o! the clec'or. of the neigh-
borhod. Notwithstanding the had stats
of the made • large number were then from
Amherley and Lochalsh, anxious to hear
the p0litloal gon.ttons of the day dvauaeed.
Hugh Molnloh was appointed ohalrman
an .2117 fitted the ohatr. As there was no
person present to represent the Oppoeitioo
o.ndid•te tte meeting was addrras, d by
Alex Maunders and M. 0. Cameron, of
The fir.t speaker, to a speech of over
forty miniver, introduced hes subject
1 hy
showing to •very •tie manner the position
that Ontario now held. ander • Liberal
s,lministretlon, and at the aloe was warm-
ly .oplanIed int hl. Interesting speech.
M. (1. Carneroa alit d hle heelers to
a finished Were, (regnenlly •ppl*oded,
au I overate.' the in wrgent electorate of
this motion. ft fa his first appearance in
W. "ohne' hell., sni rh',u'd he eyrie return
he will be alwsye w.loemed by the people
The prospects for the return el Mr. Air•
row. th• L heral eandid•te, were never
better Wire it this satire. -
Oysters, sleety' fresh, at the old reliable
oyster hone', Victoria Rn-teurant, West -
e t., In hulk or sewed all sty'se, log cream,
halt, cnnfsotlonery, nlgare, eta C. lit.@, g.
ITANt, proprietor. Telephone 70.
The new biretta store on the is
the spot for h.raslns, end on Saturday, the
3001 of November, to oommeno one apse
1a1 este of ninth, and tensed•, whloh will he
offers 1 In .o't and pant le litho at j u' hall
pries. Our sleek el groceries le fresh end
sew, and as this stook wa patellar/id at •
low wee as the dollar, big beef•(.• will be
seated, J. W. Baoostbfoe.
0 C. 1. AT HOME.
A Dual Aaalvereary-rreessmette■ by tae
alaaeata to rrinelpl strewn.
No institution In the town of (lo.lerluh is
more hrmly established In the pride and the
affection of the uommuolty than Is the Col
',guts lostttute. By those who have no
W eeded it it le held In regard as um of the
me et •uooesaful educational centre. of the
Provmoe; its graduate', satturea over the
wide world, terry with them an ohms
&Hat:iooata d for the old school, and
to the boys and girls who gather within 1ts
walls from day to day It Is the melte o
their lives. The school has now nem
established sixty yeere, and it was for the
purpose of celebrating the "diamond jub:lee'
that the "at home" was elven by the
students on '1 ueed*y avenue. During just
half of them sixty years Mr. Strang has
been the principal of the school, and they
have b(e0 thirty Stan ul great usefulness
to the edu..Liooal interest. of the common
ity. Mr. Strang Sod the 101111111. WO 000
and Inseparable. As prlocipal he nae had
able Resistants In the work of the past
thirty years, and the present .1.ff of (emb-
ers Is an sxoelleot and meet efficient one,
but so closely has Mr, Strang Identified him
self In every way with th• school, with Its
educational work, with its social lnIAeut.,
with Its honor and repute, that he has be-
come, w It were, Ire personal embodiment.
Whether the school is Mr. Strang, or Mr.
Strang is the school, w• do not know, but
It is impossible to think of one without the
other. end tn. gradate who looks beak to
his high school days, with ever.Inoreo.iog
fractious a the yeah go by, finds Mr.
Strang 000upylne a large place In the norm
Th e, theo, being the thirtieth anniver-
sary of Mr.Strang's principalship. the stu-
dents ooacetved the happy Idea of marking
the oommoo by • preeentatlo0 to him, and
they parried out their projeot with entire
mucosas, and with .o muoh secrecy that,
though it was to be the .antral feature of
the "at home," neither Mr. Str.og nor any
member of hit family had any inkling of li
until the denouement on 'Tuesday even-
The school was beautifully ,loor•iu1 for
the oocaetoo The hells and stairways were
gay with bags and bunting artistically
arranged. In the h%llway leading to the
0ym0asiUm, where the refreshments ware
serve], was an arbor of oder branobes, and
the gymnasium Itself was embowered in
evergreens, whioh abed • balmy perfume
round. Small Bags set round the walla
contrasted prettily with the green, and
Chinese luuerns and other decorations con-
tributed to the beautifying of the room.
'1 he assembly room was as pretty as •
preterit. Dainty festoons of varied Dolor
hong from the selling; the walls were
•drrod with picture. and coloted patriotlo
duugos; the Dinars were entwined In pink.
blue and yellow. -'Thi deep rediFiw of the
w10,low1 were curtained with lattice work
to red and blue, and to some of them were
naog Chloe*. lanterns, the soft glow shining
through the lattice( curtains making • veryt
pretty effect. Behind the platform hong a
large red ensign.
There was . very large atteodanoe of
parents and friend. of the pupils and others.
1. one of the roma seleotions were given
from • large phonograph superintended by
W. Dalin. The main program was given io
the lmiemu:y room, where Principal Strang
presided, and Included • vocal quartette by
Meter. Brown, )ir'Agra, Loree end
Wlghtman, iostrumeotsl select ons by the
Rlaokstooe quartette, reoitarions by Mies
Donis, vocal solos by Mies MoVlttle, Mr.
Brydges end Mise Eva Acheson.
When the last number oo the oh*irman's
program had been giv•11,there wen • dight
oommotion at the door, front what, eme.eel
a handsome 'my Mate in charge of tome of
the students, who bore also an addr•.a
beantllully printed on • large place of oath,.
The address, whioh was read In • alar
voice by Mia Fee Graham, was as follows :
To Ma. H. 1. Smarm, H.A.,
Principal (loderich Collegiate Institute.
Dean MR. STRANo,-W., the students of
the (ioderlch Collegiate Institute, on this
the sixtieth semi y of the foundation
of the school and the thirtieth of your
prinmpalebip, have taken Ulla 000..loo to
•.!drse. you, •od to express our high
appreciation of the untiring efforts you have
ever pot forth for our educational adyanoe•
meet, -efforts whioh In the years past hove
left en enduring mark of Intelligence •od
Culture on many hundreds of men and
women of the Wino •ml Provlooe, and
which have raised this school to its present
high pnntioo,
But, while fatly reoognle og your lUOoeet
• s prtompal and eduoetionist, we must out
forget to mention the respect and •ffotIon
whioh all your pupils, past and prevent,
amerce). towards ynu both as a man and as
• towner 1 we do not forget the lessons of
courtesy sad self oontrel, the counsels and
werofngs as to language and oonduot, the
•vtceaod admooltion oonmrning 1 he future,
whioh will stand us in good stand our lifelong.d
Ws bop* you may be avers(' many yews
to preside over this Institution, so that
farther advantage. may be added to those
which have already earned the oommeoda
tine of this community, and so that we and
others may profit by your teaching and es•
Wo wish you to possess, In addition to
this address, something to eerve as a more
substantial reminder of this 000asien, and,
In exprew!ni of our sinner. esteem. 111*
with tho utmost pleasure that we present
you with title arm .hair. May you long
enjoy Its me and comfort, as we have enjoy•
ed and .ppreol.t.d your work As %ember
and principal.
Signed on helm!) of :
Form IV, -"JAR Tv.,
Form ill,ARwrLT NHIPHARn,
Form IL-(CHRtNTONRt. AND1seox,
Form I., D1v, rr
11411 - v 1RA W IIITiLy,
DI . r H' -
II..1R I'Ro wo
1 I Y , ,T.
(;odarlob, Nov. 26121W, 1901.
The chair was pr.eotd by Wesly Ed.
ward and Percy Tye, amidst loud and long -
continued ♦pp!ause.
Mr. !lining, In aoospting the p Wblon,
admitted th.t, he had been taken ompletaly
by surprise. 11e thanked the etoder2 for
the and 1"r the kindly word. of th•
'Mom, whioh he felt were too generous.
Hte work Io the aimed hod been • tatter of
lova, hie hart was In the work, and there
was nothing more gratlfyIng b him than the
evidence of the kindly feeling of his pantie.
it was thirty years lett month shoe Its
wme to OederIoh 1 thirty years was a long
time In a m*a's life, and its knew he was
matron the end of the lane that ha4 no
Mining. 11e prayed that (led would help
him to do hie duty to the seared and to
the soholare In hie Attire ; he did net want
to stay a day longer ►h.o he meld be of stn
Hr appreciated the gl't t hey had re Rented
and hotel he might lone stilly IW nnmfnrt ;
but aM a that he 'pereelated the kindly
word* whleh they had addressed to him.
The onnla.ioe of Mr.:31wng. reply was
marked by ensiles eabbarm el applause,
whish showed AM IM words of the graphs'
• 44reu found an sehe t0 tke boort. of thaw
who omposed th0 hive gstbvin9.
F. Jordon, ohairman of the Collegiate
looglute board, followed with • happy
speech, le wbluh he boetlously oongratul•-
te.1 Mr. Strang most his good torluoe 1n
seuuriog • seop
at whiohe could 0.1*10 with-
out her of • protist.
Theo the re'reshm.ot room became the
objeotly• point, and the remdoder of the
evening woe spent to au Informal way. The
phonograph was brought up bo the assembly
room,and was heard In • numberol telseLloo..
Piano selections were grew both before
end after the regular program. Ohom
who contributed :o this way being Warms
Tye, Shepherd, grit/Tie, Alys Smith, trans
Aobesoo, Pearl Evan., Hattie Sault., Vera
Whitely and ((race Dyke, Norman All..,
Percy and Reggie Tye.
All who were present appeared thorough
ly to 50)oy the pr0000dtngs of the •venlog
and the sotert•tom'+nt proyidd for them by
the student.. who one and all are to be ono•
graulated upon the enooses or their efforts
la making the diamond jubilee of the sohol
• delightful sod • memorable •vent.
S*v&RI Loss TOA FOIllItglit RgN1pgNT.-
Gabriel Elliott, who moved from Uoderloh
to Woodstock some years ago and has been
doing well there is the market gardenlog
and greenhouse Madams, suffered •
loss last work. Fin broke out In hiegreen-
houseand did between 8.3,000 and 84,000
mintage, The insurance eau only 8700.
Oourcu owe ELccr Oy0D:gRs.-The semi-
annual election of dilaters wok plane at the
meeting of Huron Lodge, No. 62, 1. O 0.
F., on Monday evening, and resulted as
follows : N. G., Harry T. Edwards; V. O.,
Percy Cornell; R. S., Other W. Ithyna,;
F. S., W. F. Clark; treasurer, C. A, Nairn;
trustees, Philip Holt, Wm. Proudfoot, R.
G. Reynolds.
l'Rn01,NTRD WITH A FLAG. -Camp lover•
n ese, Son. of Sotlond, new Posen • large
Scottish bag, the gift of their chief, M. G.
Cameroo. The presentation was made at
• meeting of the Camp ant Friday evening
The deg Is of 9enero00 dimensions, and
shows a lion rampant, to red, on • yellow
ground. with a red border. A hearty vote
of (banks was tendered to Mr. Cameron for
his welcome gift, and the tlhlet made a
suitable response.
A FATAL. A,'cIDLNT.-00 Saturday 0. H.
Green, Hamilton -et., received the sed taws
of the dash of ht. brother, Andrew J
Gree., at Sault Ste. Marie, Oat., as the a.. -
.nit of an accident.. The body was brought
here for Interment, soompaoid by demeas-
ad's wife and his brother D.ytd, and partic-
ulars of the fatal accident were then learned
Andrew Green was employed by the Clereen
oompany at the SA01t, and oo Friday last
as one of his detaeil he was attending to the
shipping of some deer, • herd of whish are
tape by Mr, Clergee. He wee leading nae
of the anlm.le to the oar ID wlfloh It was to
be shipped when le suddenly jumped to one
side and threw him off hie fist, and in fall
tog the back of hi. heed struok on • stone.
Al first he did not seem to (115ertous17 hurt,
but he gradually grew worse until death en-
saOl the followiog day. Mr. Green was •
see of Peter Grego, Mbeppardt.on, and was
32 years of age, and was much esteemed by
he trends and acquaintances. The funeral
Look plea from he father's rea)denoe on
Wednesday •f srnoon, the Interment being
made In Colborne oemetery, with Masonic
A Novx,ngR WgDDIN.. -A bib of re.l
mance is luvolved In the w,Jdine whioh
took plane on Wednesday 001•0109 of last
week .t the home of J•mee Bogie, Trafal.
gar street. The bride was Mr. Bogie's els
ter, Mtge Mary BORIS. of Nile, and the
groom was Robert Rafferty, of Toronto.
Mr. R.tferty some three or four year. ago
was working at Muse Bogie'. home at Nile
Putting In a tome pomp, when he fell down
tie well and was severely aimed. Ile was
taken into the term residence and was there
o.relully tended f ,r several week. by Mee
Bogie, and an att., Invent sprang up bet-
ween them whioh resulted In the happy
event of last wee'. The ceremony was per
formed by Rey.Jemca 11.m Iton In the prem.
ewe of Im nediat• rela1iv.s of the pride.
The brldesmaid was Mini Nelle Clark, and
the groomsmen ('oared Stewart. The bride
was attired in her going away costume of
o•vv•blus and arr,.d wide* ohryeanthe
mums, while the grid an .id was In white,
carrying pink ohrysanth• n um. Mr, and
Mrs. R.fferty spent a few .lase visiting the
bride's relatives and friends in Colborne,
and left on Tuesday for their h .me In
Toronto. Tug Silt M•1. extends doper. coo•
gra1ul• Clone,
No A.:RremiteT '111T -A onferenoe of
members of the board of trade with the
special onmmlttee of the town oe000ll was
held on Friday evening, th• object of the
meeting being to discuss the state of negotia-
tion. between the 0. T. R. and the town
regarding the emotion of a new station
building here R S. William•, president
of the board of trade, had mat the firmed
Trunk manager. Mr. Rays, during his
✓ ecent visit to Mnotre.1 and aid rweived
a.Oranoes of the company's position in the
matter. As has been stated before, ane
oompany desires exemption for ten years
only, instead of twenty, and asks, In oon-
sideratlon of the proposed ImprovemeoW *1
the station, that the town fix the ammo -
moot of the ompeny's entire property tor
the next ten years .t the figure at which
It now stand. The board of trade mem-
bers strongly urged thele the town nnutotl
eooept this propoettion. The members of
the medal committee, however, are not
prepared to recommend (0e step. Their
position, as we understand it, le (4.t the
town will grant ezemplina for ten years o0
the new statin. building, but they refuse to
glue the (trend Trunk oarte blanche in the
way of exemption on all ether buildings
they may erect or Improvements they may
make during the next tee It the
company wants to pot no an elevator, may,
they can come to the oonnoll and ask for
upon It and the)
willD rnl
vet it: bot the oounoll want to know what
they are doing. The mooting did net resale
In an avreemen0 between the hard n1 trade
and the oounoil, and the matter stands in
the sem a position am for months pest.
No. 1 coffee 1t ST0WART's for 25o per Ib.
All other goods In proportion. •
Wanted -Bright dried apple., Ro. Orders
d(reee from Germany. Also roll butter,
fowl and raw furs, 0. E. Kiwi, Wlegham.
Next Monday will be onr fourth *entree
teary of doing hominess on H•mlltnn street.
We t.k• this opportunity of Messina oar
many customers who have favored nm with
their patronage, and 1llni2 fa onti1esnne
of the game and ask others to tali and or.
amine geode and press. We will oom-
mimeo • thirty day a1le n Monday, the 2nd
day of December, and onetime 0.611 the
bolt al the mantis, when we will ant the
profits with all those who favor no with
their custom. Call tad see for yourselves
that we mean what we say. Onr geed. ars
all new and are .f the bat Mat can he
bought ter spot mall. Ratter, ergs, dried
appples sad estates* taken at eseh prloga.
W. J. Mo*sow, HamIMs at. 96
Mn LtuJgs in GARRO
Tthew totereot of
will b. held 1a follows s
AUBURN -Thursday Nov. 28, at 8
Hon. J. R. STRATTON. Hoa J. T.
at 8 r x , Hon, J. R STRATTON -Friday , Hoa J.
T. ()ARROW and R. HOLME8. M.P.
HFORD3, Y. O, at 8
R. .
WINGHAM-Monday Dec. 2, at 8
s',m , Hon. O. W. R088wad Ion, P. MAC.
OODERICH-Monday. Dec. 2. at
rex„ Hon. F. R. LATCHFORD and Hon.
OLINTON-Monday, Dec. 2, at 8
i'HO.x ,Li1HF.Son.,MJ..1',R. STRATTON and R.
BT. AUGUSTINE-Monday, Dec .
2, at ti r ales M,.1). CAMERON and others.
The Conservative Candidate be invited t0
'FILE Mail and Empire of Monday
last says editorially that "skilled men
are at work in West Huron." Where
The Mail and Empire got its informa-
tion we do not know, but if by "skilled
men" it meats that outside workers
are in the constituency in the Liberal
interest or with the knowledge or con-
sent of Mr. GARROW and his friends,
that journal is sadly off gear. Up to
today (Tuesday) the only outsider,
big or Tittle, who has been "in our
midst" is A. W. WRIGHT, the chief
Tory organizer, and we do not doubt
that he should be classed with "skilled
then" in an election campaign. Hut
not now and never we. a
One thing is certain the Reformers
of West Huron don't want ".killed
men" from the outside in the present
contest. It was the "skilled men"
who caused what truble there was in
December, 1898, and neither the can-
didate nor any true friend he has in
the riding wishes to see one of them
here again.
The last Dominion election was won
to West Huron without the assistance
of a solitary outsider, great or small,
and there should be no troub)e in
winning the present election contest,
as the constituency is better for the
Local than It was for the Dominion
by a majority of 150. Wo got along
very well when Mr. HoLMge ran for
the Commons last November without
the aid of "skilled men" from outside
and we now state that we don't want
them, and will not tolerate them in
the present campaign.
'The Mail has evidently published
its statement to cover the importation
of "skilled men" by our Tory friends,
but we warn them that under the new
law regarding electoral corruption
the jail doors yawn wide for
"skilled men" and their dupes. The
following amendments to the Act will,
we hope, be a warning to both bribers
and bribed during the day. that inter-
vene between now and election day :
Every person who advances or pays, or
causes to be paid to, or to the use of, an
other person with the intent that, such
money or any part thereof shall be ex.
pended in bribery at an election, or who
knowingly pays, or to be paid,
money to any person in di'tcherge or re.
payment of any money wholly or in part
expended in bribery at an election ,hall
,wt onviction incur a penalty of 8200 and
shall abet be imprisoned for a term of
six month, with or without hard labor.
Every voter who, before or during .n
election. directly or indirectly, hy him -
melt or by any other person on his he.
half, rocoivea, agrees or contracts for
any money, gift, lain or valuable non-
.ideration, office, piece or emplo mon6,
for himself or any other person, for vot-
ing or *freeing to tote, or for refraining
or agreeing to refrain from voting at an
election ;
Every pennon who. after an election,
directly or indirect( b himself or by
an other
Vperson on his Pe
any money or valuable consideration on
account of any person having voted or
r•efrainod from voting, or having induced
any other parson to vote or to refrain
from voting at an election ;
8h*11 in the discretion of the trial
judges be liable to imprisonment for •
term not exceeding six monthm with or
without hard I*bor, or to *penalty of not
mote than I000, or to both.
R('RIMOEOUR- GARNER.-- On November
hie y Ndeaee, LAornM. Snvttm ov n,, .low at
Emma Of ♦s•
been, &midget of the tate Jobe Garner. et
Hlrmrniham, England,
LA('EY In (444 rich Townahlp. on Randy.
Nov. life. 1101, John Joseph..ort of Mr,
Thee, IAoey, aged :1 tars and 11 menthe.
ORKIN 41 Molt Ste. Merie. Oat., 0e Rotor -
day, November 13rd, 1.41, Andrew .1. Gro.
ane of Peter Gram, Itbepp•rdtea, ogee
!MURAL!, -fa Clinton, on November 11th,
satire Southall. men 42 years,
5 en w111 ave money by pnreba•Iagg year
'tome groceries at fleraweirea. (..11 era
gist his prten ea sew traits.