HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-21, Page 88 TauseoAy, Nov. 21, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. An Art Sale. you will wonder N hat that means iu a Dry Goods Store. Well, it is just thi,. We have a great number of Lovely Art Souvenirs, reproductions, in colors, of Famous Paintings. These we alt' going to give away to our customers during tho Sal(', and we are offering some Special Values alt over the Store. The following list does not include all the Bargains we are giving. Come in for whatever your Dry Goods needs may be, we will save you money. DRESS GOODS, HSA\ 1' PLAID HOMI,SPUNS,56 trashes wide, satiable les SktzM, la emit varleby of emblems, regular $100 ud 75c. 11.25. to elms a1 HANDSOME REVEKSIBLE SUITING. some pieta stook .0 the other aide, some Plaid leaks, were $200, $225 Li 1.oW and 42 50, for v/ French Flannels at 35c. Levelly Pabwrns. Balance to go es ram sale, regalia 50e, for 35C, DO YOU WANT A COSTUME? Ili Bale Leagtha of l.holes Cheviots In all shades of aavy, browse, lawns, greys. reds, regales $1.25 and $l a yard $1.60, w ... clear at. 26 Skirt Leagtbs of Heavv Ub.vlotr, 56 Whom wide, all milers, of plain brown, grey. greens, fawns, 3 yds in arab end. W el.ar at... $1.50 for end JACKETS and CAPES. 11 you have a Jacket or Caps wul, now 1s tiles time to bays 11 supplied. Wo have a lasts stook for you to choose from, and we hind to oleo them all out, 11 pries will de It, (Nome early and get • aurae. MILLINERY. Th. Millinery Department orates in for its share too of narrate Gleirt. CHILDREN'S WINTER BONNETS. - A special let in all colon N each akar at.... . ......... Just boll price. LADIES' AND MISSES' READY -TO - WEAK HATS -all at Hedlund Priem. WE WILL SAVE 1'OU MONEY a • Trimmed Hat also. Remember we give you the Coupons i on the CHAIRS still HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. Extra Heavy Winter Hoes, Ladle.' slxss. • regular 20.1 lime, gide( at, 2 pairs 25c ter Special Heavy Ribbed Hose nag Deft Wool In Ladios' and Hoye' sizes, regalia 50o, nolog at bbo, of 3 $1 00 pain for.... Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vest with Heavy Fleece, Bmf maks, • rualar 75o lies tee 45c WE CAN GIVIs YOU • large .bol a of keg Nsw Far liapsrtnes sod Fur Ruff'. ud our pries. will ser. yea Niamey. Ready -To -Wear Silk Waists. Lovely Goads, wren siege, ud teed til, 1• all .had.", black Flak, weer red a.d br.. a► .00 and $5.00 CLOTHING. Never have we had aura • !arra and up - Is -date selection for you t• *boon from, aad our pelts' are at the bottom. Here are a few Specials: NEW GREY OVERCOATS, all sizes, geed 1 aliwool Cheviot. new make, $6.50• special at New Black heave Dress Overoo•t $6.50 special at BOY'E 1 -EA JACK EI'8 Irom $1.251. $4.00 MEN,' FLEECes LINED GLOVES, 25c • bargai. al .............. . ... New Colored Shirts. New Ties. Caps. All at Little Prins. Commencing Thursday Morning, Nov. 21st NILE. TUIP,bA',, Noy. 12. Miss Ellen Corey and Norman McUratttn heirs returned from Manitoba. They •re well plated with the prairie country. A. Morris and Mb. E. Randall were mar• risd is Goderieb Wednesday of last week. W • wish the happy 000ple • pleasant yoy• age through the sea of matrimony. Kenneth Morrie, • former resident of Nile, but now of Buffalo, Is renewing old ac usinetncos hue. H• is jaA the same jolty Ken., • smile aad joke wbosevsr you meet him. The Worthen of 3 S. No. 1 West Wawa. n osh bare both resigned. Mies McKnight tatads biking a tsars. In • badness col. home, ud Mtge Sprung Intends to -. That 1. sone of oar business. O. Roblin has returned from Exile, whore be has been employed meet of the year. He Is very maob taken with the young people of that orators of country, especially the gentler *ex. Oa November 21st there will be • fowl . upper gives in the ball and • program in the obaroh, under the auspices ot the Nile Methodist oharob. The otiose Is to bank mosey to bnlld • ohureh some future day. The hila orohost:a will furnish •oma u. tsllent mode. Warts Ars raeliktly. That is the reaeob se ousts clamoring for a few mere warts -make them !ubiaable and • remedy w grow warts would quickly he made • financial osmoses. Yes. Pat n am'. Cern and Wart Extractor removes Obem, works quickly and without pain -- any draggles will tall you more about this remedy. DUNGANNON. Nortae The loos) agency la Dungannon for Tits Siun.t. is at the odloe of J. G. Ward. .1. P, oonvevmoer, ie.. who will reoelve orders for sotwortpUons, advertising and lob work. and 1. authorized to give receipts for amounts paid for the same. TULNDAY, Nov. 12. Mgrs,. -We regret te state that Mr. and Mrs. A 1'e.tlend are very 111. We trope 'bey will Goon recover Division wort was bold bare last Friday with only Dos case ma the docket. Next erasion of ourt on the 14 h of February 1902. INTzoii 1ST -Tho remains of the late Edward Durum, to whew decease reference was spade la our I•a', were lowered In I)ontanoe• cemetery on Wednesday, tits 6th Inco, being escorted thither from his Late residents by o largo oamcer of sorrow- ' leg relatives, triads and sympathizing setehbors. Rev. M. M. Goldberg eooduoted His obosgalw In a solemn and impressive manlier Among the Demerara relatives from • Marano* were Gordon YDo.g, sr., bb Gone Godo. ud John, Samuel Hte.tt, of Colborne township, Mr. and Mrs. (lee. 51...tt, of Goderich. and Mn. Roberto* Woods, wt of here. The pall bearers were flys sons and a eon-Io•law, ylr. William, of Ash/old, Thomas, of Dungannon, James, not ot here. Robert, of Dakota, and Also, on the old bomeetead, and hie son -in law, Matthew Wood., of West Wawanwh. The etntsrs'empathy of the oommusity 1. •z tended to the bereaved widow, 'arriving Gees and daughters and other relatives. The dooeaeed .111 be muob mimed in the home (Orals, the church, of whish he walln exemplary memher. and In this "lotion of country, being highly held in esteem as a goad and honorable aldose. HAVE A LOOK. Clearing Sale Before Christmas at The Bell Telephone Co. 1r ii, "laud /lead.' Don't yon think yon have used your neighbor's Tele phone long enough. withoot paying for It. y'on had het ter nal on. or ring *p, the Local Maoarrar (Telephone No. 10(11 and arrange to have one tint 1n your p1... of business. The 5E1.I. TELEPHONE Co. Geo. Powrr., Loral Manger. @oderloh. PORTER'S BOOK STORE. Daring the next two weeks we will sell the following lines at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Crepe Tissue, Toy Books, Paper Bound Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Blank Books, Purses, Fancy Nick-Nacks, 1r alicy Flower Pots, Fancy Vases, &c., &^. Several Special Lines of Wall Paper, clearing at # Price. Watch ear tlb.w Windows thorium this Rale. All Geode Marked 1a Plain Figures. TIRIKS STRICTLY GASH. PORTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store, Oar Telephone is No. 100 H. Court House Reiner*, Gederieh. aa,sae.e AUCTION SALEt3- Alt parties goMtleagg their gals hills printed at this Wiles willhave • fres notlts inserted to Ibis Ilia up to the tints of salsa. Fsluar, Nov. 22a..1. --Charism •uotion sale of tint -claw farm stook Mad implements . 1 lot 12, Hauge read, Uodorlob Wwtehlp (4t miles Irom Goderich), oommeeotng at 1 o'clock sharp. '1'be 11.t Includes some stook of extra good q.ultty, ud • tufo amount o1 farm Implemsata, all pr•otio•Ily new. Cues. YOUNG, proprietor. TMoe. OOgumy, auctioneer. SATURDAY, Nov. 23au - Auciioo sale of 41 head of sows and young cattle, 2 year olds, yearling hollers and eaten and *styes. Alec three goal work bursas, uus geasral purpose gelding, throe years old; one driving stare, 'lobe years old; and one heavy draft area cols. as Joan UlelioN'N farm on the Herm read, 21 miles from Uodorlob. Taos. U 0 I DMT, auot loner, )aluAy. N. t 29rn.-Auotion Nils of farm stook and Implements. properly of TuLMAa MAUL.AN, at the farts tormerly **copied by A Sods, Saltford, Colborne township. Mr. Maol.ean has sold the farm, sad the stook and implements, which are In good shape, will be sold without any referral. Male at Doe e'olook tom. THOS. Ut'NDeT, auobtoneer. Clinton . Mrs. J. Leslie, an old resident of Clinton, pooled away on Sunday. Nov, ember 10th, after a long illness of rheuma- tism, heumstum, in the eightieth year of her age. The dosoamid was born Dear Rdlevtl1., in Hest. lope comity. Besides her busts/id five obildren sarvlvs: Mn. James Wetsoo, Seal.rtb; Mrs. Patterson, Chesil'); Hattie, at home; James, of Wlanlp.g, sod Joh of Uodorlob. A sick stomach Ie always relieved, and lar uopleesaak guano's averted by taking thirty drops of Polaoo'. Norville/ in a 11tt1e sweetened water. 11 instantly relieves the nausea and by Ito soothing and stimulating powers, calms the stomach and enables it to Dom Diets the promise of digestion. Norville* hes hese proved more than a million time. the best remedy for etomaob ad towel troubles. Nervllioe will our. you, 2bc. DISASTEN ON LAKE HURON. a sekesner Wrecked .ad Isar Uvea Les" 1a the aterm. Otte of the worst storms experienced durlag 1' years roped last work on Lake Huronand for wyeral day. nayiga• tlon woe exo,eedt sly dithoult. 11 was an anxious week for mariners and their tam hies, and thcnee no lioderloh homes were desolated by the loos of a father or brother oat upon she t'mpost-tared lakes mud) sympathy was stirred by the tragic fate of four brave seamen of the steamer lnot• The l.dla was coming from Fort William with • load of wheat for Uoderich, a.d on Wednesday morning, when off Feint aux Parquet, she cams .crow the schooner Marine City, abandoned and drifting In tb• gale. lour moo from the India went atward the derellot, and the steamer took her in tow and continued on the way to flit. Fart. When they arrived off Goder,ch that svenlov the captain, aro aolount of the storm, dad not venture to enter t he harbor All that, Dight and the following day and night the lodts retrained oaten 1e in the terrtho gale, and during Thursday night the toh.o.er broke •way rad deltte4 to her fate with her helpless crew. The India came Into port Friday morning, and notbi*v was heard of the unfortunate .ob000.r uotll word oame from Bayfield on Saturday that porH.at.p1 it wars coming chore nen thu plias. This was followed by farther Dees of a similar effect, and portions also of the ovule of pulpwood, which the Marine C,ty carried, were washed &shore, and all bops for the foo: men WWI given up. The names of the men were : :lothooy Lush, Garden Nand, mats of the India : Jame. Hslplo, Kingston, Nonni engineer ; .lames Connelly, King,too, fireman, and Fruk Lawienoe, Kingston, obi elman. They had DODO OD board In high spirits, with the proepeol of earning something In the d•agsroos week they were .adart.kmi, and the fact that they • were all heads of lamtlie', some of them with a tarts number of children. odds be the radiuses of tby dlsaetsr. A MLssAO0 are 015117(10 VMUM t.ct/'ALO. Buffalo, Nov. 18. --There era oonalder• able talk along the waterfront yesterday over the fate of the lour members of the Drew of the ('a•dlan propeller Indt., who wen: aboard the echooner Marine City after e ra bad bora abaodomed to the storm last week on l..ke Hnroo. Some of the old lake moo were of the opinion that 11 was a pretty risk♦ piece of business on the part of the sailors of the India to attempt to save the Marine I•tty 1n the gale which was then raging. Others held that it was an act of bravery oo the part of the men, as the vessel, If she stayed afloat, was . dangerous menace to other vessels which might be running before the gale. However, there was another incentive for the sot, that of getting selvage If the vessel was saved. The Marine City and her cargo, which It le said was valuable, practically became the prop. arty of the members of the orew of the Jodi* when she was taken in tow by that wewl. 01 Doane, the owners 000ld claim the Marine Cley by paying heavy selvage olalme. The .mel was probably worth 15,000 or 16,000 and the oarge nearly as muob. If the India's ores, had saved the Marius C,ty the men oould have realized about 110.000 This amoaat would have bees divided .ruoog the men from tie rap t.ln dew.. There are • Dumber of Arnett.' ecu eallors who would hav• taken the risk l5. Canadians did to D. able to get a share of $10,000 now teat the swop of navigation u nearing ao end. Toe four .,.0 who los' their lives trylor to ore the Mules City were Canadleae, bus, er•rt.'the cels ` lives her,' of the brave mon j haili5heartfelt near tlelt syw palhy of tho Amyrilan winnow:, NOT it MOW TMs Hannon The "tr. Rosedale arrived from Fort William Friday morning with 110,000 bash. Lasting Perfumes By that we mean a Perfume whose odor is permanent and whose fragrance is rich and sensible to the slued a long tiule. All perfumes are not this way. We have the kind that is this way. In bulk we have twenty odors, including Lorna, to choose from, at 25c to 75c per ounce, and in the bottled perfumes we will show the moat varied stbek we have ever had, iron 5c to $5.00 per bottle. Call in and see our stock, whether you buy or not. At the same time take s look at our stock of Dressing Cases, Cuff and Collar Cases, Shav- ing Cases, Manicures, eta, etc. Goods harked in plain tigurala. If you are not satisfied we will either hand you back your money or exchange the goods. Terms Cash. We do not .ell stamps or postal card.. J. WILSON,_ Prescription Drug Store. Art Soavenit au 1 Art Amherst are the best coal heaters in the market. Sit the moveable fire pots and gratis. Last twice as long as the stationary ones, and no poker required to remove •ahra. For sate only by J. H. Worsell, "1 abaap stove and Ing ao. moan, Coal! Coal! Jasl K.s.ivsd 80. Tons Massillon Lump Coal, The best Solt foal in the market for domestic purposes, also several oars of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING. ALL COAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SCALES. Soaroity of carr is likely to i auto a coal famine daring the next two moothlr, would therefore adobe parohass of your (ie t now. Wm. Campbell. Ood.rich, Nov. 13th 1901. A Thanksgiving Turkey. . . .. %4 ill Require • • • • A Good Pair of Carvers. MOKtxZIE & HOwELL, anticipating the fact, put in a stock, and have now on sale a fine line of Carvers and Carving Sets, something better, we believe, than has ever been put on sale in Goderich before. We believe nothing is too good for Goderich people. Of course, we have carvers at all prices, ranging from a neat but plain good two-piece Set at $1 09, Then a more fancy two-piece Set at 1 25 A mounted Set 150 A three-piece Set, silver mounted, with beat buckhorn handles 3 25 We have not room here to do justice to our ('ase Carvers. In fact, you ought to come and see them, whether you are buy- ing or not. Our clerks are courteous and are always pleased to show goods. We will describe to you what we consider an elegent set :- Made up of 5 pieces, i.e., a pair of 9 -inch standard sized car- ver and fork, with steel, and a neat pair of breakfast carvers. All fancy blades of the very best Sheffield steel, with fancy celluloid handles, all laid in a neat plush -lined, leather-bound case, all for $12 00 Then we have thein ranging at $6.00, *I5.00, $4.00, and one of extra value , which we bought as a leader and have put on sale at only i3 00 Come early and vet the pick. We carry a full stock of Loaded Shells and Ammunition for Thanksgiving sport McKEI'zIE & NOW ELL The place W buy all Hardware cheap. A Prescription ... Filled here will hale exactly the effect your Physician iuteuded it .huuld have. Wel k•ow this, because the irtgredieuts will all be fresh end reliable, and the compounding eaur••o W the last degree tiring proscriptions here and tab nu chautes. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS r. Dormer of West at. and the Square. ale of wbea'. 1'h. Rosedale was unloaded at the big elevator and left Saturday morn- ing for Fort William The etr. ladle oame in Friday forenoon with 50,000 bush els of wheat from Fort William for the elevator Her cargo was uploaded Satar day and she *leered Sunday morellos fur Fort William The etr. Il000aoono, which brought down • oargo of wheat last week for toe lake Huron and Mautloba Milling Co , left Saturday afternoon for Fort W. Ilam. Jas Craig, boo of %Vm. Craig, took passage on her as a seaman.... The.obr Mineral State, whish unloaded a Suppose we Talk it Over YOU have not been perfectly satisfied with the BOOTS and SHOES yuu have been getting, but aro nut just intro yuu can du better. We are nut giviug our Shoes away, but Maim to be givinv the beat values to be had in tows. THE SPOT CASH PRICE .1 which everything is worked, makes thinking people, those who shop aruuud and want W make their dollars go the furthest, buy here You Must Keep Your Feet Warm and Dry Call and see our Un•urpaasal Line of AMERICAN RUBBERS. manufactured by the Goodyear Glove Co., of New York. They aro the beet obtainable, and the Paucie Gig MUumaATm. All things aro judged by twmparisou. While all WALK -OVER SHOES are $4.00. AU $4.00 shoes ars not Walk Orort rimy are the Shoes ter oomfort with the emeooe of Style REPAIRING The latest leathers ; the newest styles and shapes, for all 000aaio.s, are le be had in the lemous Walk ()yet Shoes... P. T. HALLS THE CASH SHOE DEALER, caravel opal hero 'lost week, left os. Headily for Aiabwler, Mich, . The eta Advents arrived oo Honday from Duluth with 43.000 bushels of dimmed. Op Monday the cargo was unloaded at the elevator to five boars and • quarter. Tne Adysots left Moody afternoon for Sarnia to load hay for Fort William The orals t the Rosedale, which was taken in last week at the elevator, was for the Lake Heron and Man. ltoba Milling Co Mr. Mot.•w laterals us that lb. big mill will oonmsnw to grind on Monday or Tuesday neat, and the oltlaue may expect soon to see • lose trade 1a lour re-setabllsk.d hero alter a lapse of several yeses. TELLra11151 1e. u. HODGENS 05. Sad & NM WEST OF ■amiLTe■-aT. 'riest/ey's Famous-� Black Dress Goods___ ARE known the world over for their style, durability and "general excellence. The name Priestley stamped on the selvgae is a guarantee of worth, and black dress goods bearing this mark can be depended on absolutely. \There is a lib- eral representation of these famous dress fabrics in our black d s goods stock. They are shown in the newest weaves and materials, and can be depended on to give satisfactory wear and retain their color until the last thread is gone. Here are a few of the molly lines we show. They are hints only of the com- pleteness of our range and the breadth of our assortment, but will do to give you an idea atwtrat the shock is tike. Priestley s b•ngalines and poplins, wry fine quahtlmi, •II pure wool, let dye, make very stylish dr..+v., per yard 75 and 85c Very loe quality bleak cartel's hair drew. good., soft cbevlot timeb, makes very budaom• costumer, Dee of the newest fashionable fabrics enowc thv aeuo., 44 Indira wide, per y. rd 1.25 t'rieetley's cheviot serge. all We wool, warrankd 4t dye, 40 !nobs* wide, suitable for hills Its aspirate skirts, A,, -tetra epeeist mine at per yard • 50C Priestley', wool cateeo, • very fine labrio th.t makes a stylish and sorvoeahle costum., .vary thread , urs wool, 90C absolutely fast dye, 42 'oohs" wide, per yard...... Ail wcol ohevtot seeps, 4* Lobos wide, soft b.bh,will WIMP and m.k• up well, spoolal value at per yard Pr lett ley's wool sofel', • wry popular 'aerie the§ makes • u'viowDl. otstame, all pure wool, per yd 60, 75, 90c Priestley s fliured repp, an all wool mal.rfal with • repp finish and small satin "pet', very neat design", 42 taohn OW • wide, •1.. .. .... a7Y Priestly'. all wool benrt.lta, 46 laches wide, good w.lghv, rise silky 5.1.b, suitable ter dresses or waists, per yd Extra fine oheviob serge, very popular for salts•or Garbo. imported goods, all ours wool, 48 inches wide, per yJ A t Skirting Frieze, $1.00 per Yard. This is the best value in a skirting or suit mater- ial we have shown this season. It is made from good clean yarns, comes in black or dark Oxford grey and is heavy enough to snake up without lin- ing. Heavy frieze..itig, fell 54 inohes whit, deo. not r.gaire lining, will give ezotleot wear and will retells its •ppearanoe, bla,k or dark Oxford grey, will mot got ressF.Iwklysaes a , extra coed sales per yard .. 1.00 1 New Wrapperettes. This has been a big season with us for wrapperettes. We have had the right patterns and values and as a natural re- sult trade has comp our way. Some new lines came in last week to replace sold -outs. The price of the popular one 121c per yard, and they aro real good value for that money' New wnpperetter, red or black ground, with enrolt er .tripe patters' W Week, red or blue, good weight, fast colon, per yard 12/1C English Shakers, At 121-2 c. The best selling shaker flannel we have is a line we import direct from England and sell at 12 1-2 c per yard. They are a very soft make, good weight, wide, fast colors, and come in a nice assortment of fancy stripes and combinations. Of course we have plenty of the cheaper lines, all good value, but if' you want a real good flannelette you will find it hard to heat this line. Ladies' Under wear. You will get good under- wear if you do your buying here. There is not a poor make or inferior garment in the whole stock. Whether it be cheaper or more expen- sive make you want you will find hero values at each price that you are not likely to duplicate. Ladles' hy,.lu ribbed veleta, natural finleb, long sleeve* opt front, • real good garment for the money, each ... Z5C Ladles' ribbed vests, lorae hued, open front, long .leaves, geed weight, fancy ribbon tnmmlmg •round seek a.d down front, eaob ZSC Ladies' ribbed vests, nearly all wool, just enough mutes mixed In to keep them from shrinking, plain or fano, ribbed. open front, pearl bot- toms, long sleeves, drawers to match, Duh 50C Laois.' fine ribbed woofer' yes, rat- io* 8•eriag, .ilk trimming, pearl buttons, lag sleeves, white or nat- ural, *soh .... 75c !wiles' oatmeal wool ondervests. very fine quality, It washed carefully will net shriek, shaped high nock. loaf elmiym, one of our best Rollick lines, drawers to match, small mo• diem and Targe sizes . 1 .00 and 1.25 Children's garments In the Astra oral by 60/0 85c !Adios' htaok equestrian tight*, oral of i5a most oomlorl•ble gnrmeats mads for one -door wear, fine geal- ity'woot, fast dye, elastlo trade,' OO per pair Chuidrea'a tights, aeseriod strew . 60C, 75c Our Two Big Hosiery Specials. We are selling a -great quantity of oar two tines of' manufacturers' over -makes of cashmere hose at 25c and 30c per pair. It is no wonder for on every pair you buy you save from 6c to 20c, and they are beyond question the hest hosiery bar- gain in town. You will he money in pocket if you lay in a supply whilereour stock lasts. c_= HODGENS BROS.