HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-21, Page 7'SSIIE NO. 47, 1901.
. all right, if you are too fat;
nd all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
tealthy; a little more, or less, is
to great harm. Too fat, consult
doctor; too thin, persistently
hin, no matter what cause, take
icott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get-
ing too thin; they all come
'rider these two heads: over-
vork and under -digestion.
Stop over -work, if you can;
tut, whether you can or not,
ake Scott's Emulsion of Cod
..iver Oil, to balance yourself
vitli your work. You can't live
)n it -true -but, by it, you
an. There's a limit, however;
rou'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Dil is the readiest cure for
`can't eat," unless it comes of
;our doing no v:•ork--you can't
ong be Ocll and strong, without
;erne sort of activity.
The genuine has
his picture on It,
ake no other.
If you havo not
reed It, send for
res sample, Its a-
rreeable taste will
surprise you.
50c. and $1.00; all drugglets.
OOLLUCT1rO 1101011C1 Le.
;VIC Beige THg MORI' PRRr/.e T AND
s'1 enewUve peter for eolle.tiar debts at
.und.,. United N.ate. end ).supe. wlfhewt
.Ins offensive methods to root debtors :
Jnsn.. .. day el eollectlnn pasrant.*I r'
Damnable charges : mil. write rr .ho„ Mala
Rf: std rtnsor our reprwrotetires will roll
nyore. BThe nternatlesal Ileresut•,e'geaer.
saw Building. rester Veneto end king Na..
`- Ilegton. .11 rultostrd; 'w acres taut
Moor, Isrtelaos. blacksmith shop. Looks
Weer, and trboot, b.lf nine : will .toll in whole
r In part on easy Lerma O.0 k. Fisher
Yreessaa Oat
Mrs. Winslow's aoolb/ng /Syrup Owed 41
rays he newt for children nothing. It .
Mid, whom the gums. euro. roes
nd 1. the beet rem(dy for Mambo a. weal,.
v1 amiss bottles
fleas in the Niers Peninsula. .n
Mena, luwines from Mosherani too rer�
refs. lar scree In anho
. lb K wh• m in frail.
orally pas :heli Witt be sold la one parcel ".
trilled tato Int. of IA to ee stores lc we co
a.srra This is s decided barren Adm..
smithies (arp.et.r. P o. set see. Wiwi,.
ryo•rr,tr to the ordinary
retie.. for dom'•otir ore
tp, 0
Adores. not MOO.
Georgetown, Ont..
till t 1111 T D[ltNlt a.A
po.rdn atev,tN. NYhtWa�, tw RA�eIwR.A SECRETLY Y
Matt Terouta Uat.
Twenty-three Lives Lost in
One Wreck.
)11.. Vanderbilt-Wacker:oat., Nhu
ll,u Refused Altilti is t ) Artist
Ilerkonner, Ilse. (7rey Ntudeut
Idols lo Barcelona Mud. Lerd to
\tartlet Law.
L eeaon, Nov. 18. --Tho gale wIIlcli
hos been sweeping user 'beat ent-
itle nod Irolau(1 for the part two
day. centimes.' unabettexl at many
court pointy. Over tlta Welsh low -
lames the torrential rains are in-
creasing. causing dlsastruee rissole.
Reports of wrecks' ane careeltlus
resetuue to float M. Thu death
made up of threes and fours', basso
aggregate appruueling uno hun-
Thr mall boat Nord has •uceeodeel
in returning to Dover. The walla
rind passengers are safe. The brew
of Use lightship was also lauded this
mowing. after mooing a terrible
night tit sun In a email boat.
'I'lo, British steamer Stelvio has
Leen beached at Dover. bete Is high
;eel dry soros the Parade.
Early to -day a French barque
.,ruck'off Hoodoo, south of Sunder -
lend. Nineteen of, the crew were
Many %reeks.
'umerous other wrecks have been
reported, but the weather In mors
otiose prevents the identification of
Use, Craft. Two vessels In dearer.
nor. sighted yesterday issuing off
Dungeness., but the weather was
so severe that the lifeboat war en-
able to put out to their assistance.
'Cele morulug ono of them snake
The other, a steamer, reached Wein
Bay, where a its-ta now standlog
by lier.
The cutter Active has
been wrecked In the Firth of Forth,
Twenty three of her crew were
drowned and three were saved.
She 1s lesson,.
1.n.xlon, Nov. 18. -Miss Vanderbilt
Week.ratan. who name Into prom'
nonce last winter though Professor
Hubert Herkumer rrndde•°ly refusing
her further fittings for a picture fur
tits Academy, developed tawanity at
the Hotel Cecil last night, eat to
day was sent W an infirmary peed
ing examinatlon to morrow.
M.rtl.l Law (Jr Ilareeloue.
Barretona, Nor. 18. -Martial law 1
expected to be enforced here to -thy.
lie the result of student riots during
the punt forty eight hours. A de-
tachment of cavalry occupied the
enlvor.tty and ejected the student•
awl professore. The troopers suhse,
quently charged the .tudent■ In the
street. Ntmbern of person■ were In
Nod. The stores are barricaded and
the trades Rome% are panic stricken
Horrible Torture of Aged
P, it by Robbers.
Woman Was Buried Alive in
French Cemetery.
Parte, Nov. 18.-A 0*mi/wiper here
reports a remarkable •tory from
l'nulllac. Mune. Boole. a paweuger
uti t1w steamer La Pinta, from Sene-
gal. was larded et that port rut -
teeing with what was eupposotl to
!•ave been yellow fever. She was
placed In the Lazaretto, where her
coodlttou became worse. and finally
the doctors certified that rite was
dead. and site was buried.
Ono of the uurrer, however, doubt-
ed that the woman was dead, and
communicated with Mme. Bolan'.
father, who caused the body of his
daughter to be exhumed, when 1t
war found that the 'simpered dead
woman had given blrtb to a child
In tho cofflu. An autopsy showed
that 4Ime. buten did not have yel-
low fever, amt that she had died
from suffocation after alto was
burled. Her fattier seed the pre-
fect and health officers, and the
court to-afuw awarded him 200 000
francs damng'ees.
Blow Up a Railway and Mur-
der a Policeman.
lirits§lu \"lolled by Wintry dales -A
„Cure by Violet Leaves Re-
ported -Address at (;rove of a
Duel Victim Creoles Denotation.
Now York. Nuv. 19.-A correwp,nt-
e0t ot the London Times and the
New 1"ork Times, wiring from 1.111-
delburg, Cape Colony, say. that
within the tart two days tiin Ilo're
lava approached still nearer toCape
Tuwo, either to obtain freak horses
or to revenge themselves os' the
Dutch farmers who have not sup-
•.ortntl them so they were expected
to do. In the 'wetheaut district
Commandant }'ouche and sixty mea,
leaving the main body, made a raid
last Saturday to Mlburg siding.
The rektor'. blew up a few yards
,t track and shot In cold bloat a
(tape policeman, who had turren-
iered. Fouennt bas shoe returned to
the nelgbborhoo•1 01 Jamestown. A
patrol of dlstriet mounted troops
was worsted on Monday by an in-
.lgnIfloant force of the enemy.
The Chicago police have been ask-
ed to arrest two men who. masquer-
ndiog as Iodlans, entered the home
.( Michael Johnson, near Hammond,
Ind., Wed0eelay afternoon, boon.' the
utao, 1.1s wife and a iervant to fur-
ultnr. , and tortured the aged woman
and tier husband until they were.
frightened away. The robbers se-
cured $178. but torture wee used b.-
cene. the roan refused to tell where
he had htddeo $10,000, which he wee
supposed to have.
Johnson l* to a critical condition
front being beatso over the head.
Joliette° Is a wealthy fanner and
ens had the reputation of keeping
n.00ey about the house. He lives
+Ione with his wile and a servant
Furl. Wednesday afternoon when he
Is work outside nd Detailed h
went Into the tltohen end int down
by the stove to await the cooking of
supper. He fell Into a dose.
Awakens to are Kohbers.
11. was awakened by n noise and
opened his eyes§ to nee two Iodlans
boding his wife to a large chair
The robbers, for snob he at once took
thorn to be, had revolvers, and were
roughly handling his wife. Ile rrpre at
iron Ills chair, but watt covnre.I with
the weapons so that he dare not
...eve. ile saw the servant bound to
tee door lending front the kitchen
to the sitting -room. and the den-
t...redoer threw him Into a chair be-
side the one ocouplef by Ids bound
and gagged wife. He resl.tted, and
one of the robbers .truck him re-
peatedly over the, head with the butt
of has pistol.
Beaten Into submteslon. the old
man allowed himself to be hound.
limn the robbers .ourche.l the house
nal found the money. They return-
ed to the 'kitchen and este' where
be kept his wealtk. The farmer re-
plier' that he had no other money
exeept the $178. The men timbale'
next threatened to kilt the man and
his wife If they weal) not tell. 1 hr•
fluorite did not wring from the tri"
the Information desired, and the In
diens resorted to torture.
Ono of the daisies had a candle
with the light of wheel It lull
eearehed the house. lhls was lighted
and held under the chin of use old
woman. 8he writhed with nein. bat
nuukl not release Morel( to cry
Then the Mme treatment wee ac-
corded the man. lits beard went up
In A whiff of smoke Mut he main-
tained that he had no money for
them. Then the candle was held
soder t)( wesennb nolo until she
fainted from leek of heath. She
demi not Inhale the flan' a and
.m•.ke given nil hy the can lie.
ntorni 61111 Raging.
Lotxlon, Nor. 19. -The gale hste been
eturcoe ed by front and snow 111 un-
precedented severity me early In the
yeomen. Ten awl fifteen degrees a
frost are common, while the snow on
the northern hills Is serknuly imped-
ing railroad traffic and le cawing the
Avers to overflow. Hundreds of sheep
here been drowned in the neighbor -
'ng meadows. The lakes In the Leo -
Lau park* are revered with lee.
Queenstown, Nov. 15. -The White
Sear Line steamer Cymric. which me-
tre' herr title morning from New
York, Nov. 5th. reps§rte having en-
countered terrific adverse gales.
A Cancer Remedy.
New York, Nov. 19.-Aocording to
thin London representative. of tau
Journal earl Advertiser, the On-
looker contains an account of a most
remarkable cure of cancer, whish
coedited circles are eagerly discuss -
fag. It says the cure was dl.cov-
tool through the case of Lady Mar-
garet Masham, elder of the Earl
of Romney. Lady Margaret became
w 111 that her throat nearly cloye.t,
nourishment had to be administered
artificially, and her death was ex-
pected whoa bo a
foci in about week, few a
ideal prescribed the use of herb
green violet leaves. The
was followed. itelief was Immediate.
Thn large, hard, external tumor site -
appeared, and to a week all pain had
ceased, an.l flee eanrerous growth hi
the tonsil dt.wppnare.t to a fortnight.
!Nettling I enonneed.
New York Nov. 19. - The Berlin
correspondent of the London Times
reports an metros delivered by
bnperinteadent Gemmel at the grave
orf Lieut. Bleskowlts, who was tilled
In o dowel which ho did not want
to fight. The preacher entered n
protest 'molest "the spirit of elev-
ery that will not emancipate it-
self from the degrading bowls of
nntluuated mediaeval prejull00."
8supt. Gemmel anti he expected to
be hurehly criticized by some army
officers. but, on the other hind,
teeny. Including men of high rank.
would acknowledge the hustles of
whet he mid. Ile declared that
d'wslling was no longer supported
hy the sympathy of the nation or
the nrm'y, remarking that there was
nn (suttenret of indignation at every
fresh ease.
Planned Pa ether Inri ter••.
All the torture conLl not wring
the desired confession from the old
'•Duple, end the robber's were heat -
Pig the poker rel hot, with the In-
t'ntinn of burning the Ilenh of the
nM man and Ab wife. wh, n they
dlenovered that the 'torrent hmt
ase*prat and given the alarm.
Wiesen the Johnson.' were oilier
leg the hnrritepe tortures the girl
br,le her bond. nt the expen,n of
her tooder skin and ran out of the
house. in lenving else mule n nolon
noel floe men heard It. They beam,
frlghtnnM end, fled before the neighh
Mere nrrlve.A
King f dward Equalizes Pres-
idents and Kings
Bulgarian Clergymd Has
U. S. Miners Plan to Overthrow Visited Her.
Canadian Authority There.
The Conspirators Aimed to Make Dawson the Capital of a (IoW -Pieta Repub.
Ilc by Reuling the Mounted Police and locking Up the Civic Officials
-- The Story De01cd-Only a Hoax. ,
See Franols•o, Nov. 17. -The Call
toady prints an unconfirmed story
from Skagiut , Alaska. under date of
Nuv. 6, telling of the discovery of
what 1e alleged to have been a huge
otagdracy existing In Damsel. and
ramlfying to Skaguay, Victoria, Van-
couver and Seattle for the over-
throw of the local government of the
Nortbw.wt Territories, and the esu
tadliabing of a republic, with Dawson
as Its capital
Five Thousand M1wer. heady.
A000rdlug to the detail* of the
.tory, arms. ammunition and provi-
sions have been taken In over the
nailr(tnd and cached at .trateglo
points. l'rominent American resident.
of riknguay aro Bald to be leaders 1n
the ounater•tc y. Miners to the number
of 5,000 are add to await the sum -
mow to arms, rawly to fight for lode.
pmtdeuoe from Dominion rule of the
goal field., campy nod towns.
unsplrott.rs' Iluld Platt.
The plan is to overpower the
Mounted Police, arrest the civil au-
thorities atu] take the Government
Into their own bandit. The rigors of
the Arctic winters would give the
Inewtrgente dx months 'Immunity fre,m
attesok by Canadiau or Brlll*h troops,
and the adventnroent arch-conspirat
tors hope for Intervention or outside
assl.tarsoe by the time the melting of
the We awl snow will permit the In-
vasion of their isolated repubec.
Hurried Conference 11.1.].
Ib te farther related that a hurried
conference, hating anti' mkinlght,
ware held at Skageay. NOT. etlt, at
which were prevent Captain Corrl-
gwo, aC the Northwest Mounted Po-
Ilce, who had arrived from across the
London, Nov. 18.-I0 view of the
recent attttudn of Count Uoluo:howMl,
the Austrian [tangerine i orelg n M,n-
LRe•r, In reseed to the difference in
the etanslireg of the head' of reptb
11n• anti of nionsrchl'ea, the deem')
of King Edward, holding that the
honor.. to Me peel to Presidents and
renewers' haulm at the time of Hp'
testi sty'' coronation shell ie keen
teal, haw 'p•'clal Internet.
Th. gne4Itkn aro'• during n dee
riin4frt of the d'ta114 of the dernra-
tkene to Its heirlownd, and the MM.
of r-ittertainment of the bend'. of
ttAtee attrrtdtttg the rootentMn.
King reflood point blank to Meths
Follett pJyetween the title. of Pre'1
'I.-nt, King and Emperor. argning that
lei ohjnst wee to honor the Sin t•
and not the man.
N0 dl.tlnetlnne will ire mane, ex
rcpt, peasibly, in the ears of neer
reletiOns of the royal family.
(Oat►aatien border late that evening.
Judge Brown. of the United Sister
District Court ; U. S. Marshal feboupt
U. S. Attorney Frederbch, and Mee
Hovey, commanding the United Stator
troops at 8knguay.
hi, let es' ere cy flalntalnrd.
This was the last of several hasty
consultations between the civil and
military representatives of the two
powers' le isolation to myrterlous
tran.postattu►us of supplies loto the
interior and rumors of a conaplraoy
to lend the miners In u revolt against
the Oatwudian Government In the
Northwest Territories'. Thome pre-
sent nialntalned ouesequently 'the
gtrlet.rt valence concerning the new
evidence tali' before them, and their
evident anxiety helped to con.lrm
the rumor. of conspiracy.
Rail Loom -tent Uusrness Klsrithere.
Captain Corrigan took a train back
t0 iesee the border the next morning,
while U. S. &lare.hal Shoup emtenrkel
on the fleet steamer for Seattle,
which Port 110 reached several days
ago. The object of hid visit was
pros umably to confer by telegraph
with the authorities at Washington.
lie staged yesterday afternoon on the
Dolphin, on him way back to Skno-
007. ---
Story Not Helle.•ed.
Seattle, Wait., Nov. 17. -No creel -
owe La given here to the story of the
alleged dlsoovery at Skaguay, Alaska,
of eon.ptracy to overturn the Cana-
dian Government in Alaska. United
States Marshal Shoup, who 1t erne
'ted with having come Isere to eoen
mnnkf'tn with the United State.,
Government regarding the matter, Le
sell to have come only for the pur-
pose% of bringing some United States
prisoners, who haat been sentenced to
teems In the penitentiary at McN'elll'o
Ivlaol. He returned north yesterday.
supreme i Inauce Keeper of Mnccabens, who admits theft of •67,000 of
society s money.
And a Girl From Near Ham-
ilton Perished.
Miss Bonham Was Visiting Frleudo-
sad Void of a Pleasure Trip- Sur-
vivors Rad Hard Work to Make
WbJaon, N. T., Nov. 18. -Geo. te,
H.mpkr•y, of Allegheny, i'a., Henry
Lortoe, of Westerville, Franklin
County, 0., and Mks Edith Kennedy,
of Toronto, had an experience on
leaks Ontario this week which nearly
coot them their MVP., while the body
Of Mama Grime Bonk nm. living near
tinmllton. Ont., a member of the
party, now IMem ut the bottom of the
Inks. Tlla young people tried to wall
up the lake frau Younenowo to
Ok'ott In a Snail .ailbnat. When they
were opposite this proses std with-
in sight of the U. H. shore, a equal!
mite up and overternnd their emelt
craft. The occupants were precipi-
tated Into the ley water. and
(Poly the Iwo Men ('uuld Swim.
Humphrey not Loftne. eewh with
one hand bolding to the enpwl.e]
holt, held fest to the young women.
Ad four were st1t* keevlry elad wtlh
long coat., and It was with dl fl-
cnity that they kept their he.uM
&hove the water. V(tth a good deal o'
labor, Humphrey untangled part 0r
& s.tMI rop", and wlgl this he tied
MIRA Kennedy to the boot. whleln was
on It. 'll and net completely up-
side down. MI.. Pon hem be•cwme
Inumbed .will' roll and pot go. Rho
vett* .•'ore elle scull Rigain'b
me reaeh-
ol by the young en. who had le't
nee shote Irk
A waw cN I 1■
thepl �
order to make kik.. Leestlyi