The Signal, 1901-11-21, Page 6Ni, other poseeemes the exquisite flaws .t the genuine M(7\aO01/
Osyloa Black Tea.
end. with their taste- . -; of 'e do
other ratter Incre feel t ,out :.luta
the two 1Idler rote from the break
feet table toll separate). ). t:erehlin
went to the !fleeter to ;mutt fir
t'rrialu'R hrrltnl. she beet net bee
there f.vPIribilltlibb before able heart
ring. and hegira I;Iltubeth rush out t
the .!r'i 'whim -mere t m •et Ilia, Mr
Morrison listened in mierhlevuue .1
light. for the doter rein•tte,l tie
story upon which they h id a grets
l and sleeker& to see *Twit. J..hnsu
knocked at the Iltrary dont. Fhe cam
met nice mtl.w,k hotels with 1 r. (lo1..e
who instantly led her . t .war 1 th
steireaee, leaving Elisabeth tiiaeom
"It Is a miNerahle bn+inpirs, tele of
Let -'r Otweeei." he ti 111 111 14004 ets
they were nut of !miring. "I have
Wen awake thinkine abut It hull the
night, neurso, i coin leo, have you.
Noe' 1 ten:It to tti't to the rootetelt,
en 1 1 want you to he ler m • by get tine
Lint too apw•.k out freely : hit y.,i
know, my dear young lady, if you call
,tppro•trh the question with a part
"nut i won't -I won't ! t spoke
hastily Inst night; i rent sorry. I
will elo bed whnt you pleas... rend say
what y'011 pheas*• I am more anxious
to gut nt the whole, truth than you
can be.'
`the w•utte•1 while he went Into the
rw„n which entree Oecupin'1; and ni-
ter n few minutes' movers ttlon with
hilt patient, the rbct:,r cama to the
door and beelweel to her.
Jninex war sttttne; 1n an arm-chnlr
by the fire; the room welt:, clot, but
by wax shivering, though the hand
he held cut to her wag dry rind fever-
ish. .tfter one shy glance. at her.
he hotrod at naithing but Oeruidlne,
hike eyen wurw-'dug restlessly -from
rnggel runlet too moldy wall paper,
from that to the doctor. and from
him t the fire, while he anewerel
vert -melt'- amt briefly. her first ques-
110n. ur t•, hie night'.. rest and whe-
ther he was well. Then there was
SI endue. ,wbTc1u 1/r. 'rea4P. b:Tag The
' met eoml'used of the three, was
nnturalie the first to break.
eYou were right. Mrs. .Morrison,
about theI
cnumsta c
n es 11
t which he
r km mel hl
meelf ""
raid he with a
keen nod ni,et expressive look. " It
Ira', the reset of a frlcud of Iter -n
d•rtor; and, when I se.y f:dlilt:' he
added. as James war nb:ut to- pro-
tect. "I .)are .a ey ()eerie segue• had
enueh to de with the strong effetet
as1 nom him.It'teems
hr h la Mtge},
to deulen the pain hP has aufferpl
Mire n fall he hid n whet& timer age.'
LinJMy'x story began nt the time
wheel the inti Mur (elude/. ftye-nnd-
twenty years before, had been eta•
ironed with hie regiment in Ireland„
Already appronching middle age, he
111111 (nllen ill kite with at teeintlfnl
peasant avant girl, the daughter .1 annuli
farmer, and privately married her
Bu( she wag a wild, thigh -spirited
. girl, very 'sung and very fickle; she
w.on got tired of her prosy, middle-
aged husband, and, two months be-
fore her confinement, elm left him for
u g .uel-looking young lrivhman In her
awn rank of life. Ten week., Inter,
having been unable
in the mean-
time te dineaver any trace of her.
sir Charles recelve.l. a vlslt from
her sister, who came with the town
t::,t Kathleen, hie wife, lin.1 died In
gibing birth ;u a cllikl, who wart
..ince dead) els,. Tine woman brunght
lock t., hint Ionic trainee trinkets he
had given tet hie wife, together with
the luring letters which Min hnd
scarcely been nbie to rend; site also
toot elm where his wife and child
were buried, and, though, an there
were ne planter over the gr:tees
. hic;l he vieittCJ by hie sister-in•Iaw''.
dire -clime anti he could not roe the
register .n) ncaount of the abpnce
of the prie-.t, ho hal to take 111e id.-
ter-iu-low's story upon trust, no
uetthe for deception had n eeireel 1.)
the e,inllle-Iwitrted gtentleinen, undies
hail 'levee doubted the truth of it.
Itut Lindley now declare.) that
Kathleen had sent her 'deter tot•Ur
Charles to cut oft tllo last tis be-
t w,en
e•tw,en them, that elle night live
nidlstnrbeel with the twin child-
ren, a boy and a girl, Who lend been
1•urn to her, and with the mart of
Iter choice. It Was only when it
,i w family began to abieu •b her
nttrntkfn that 11 oceerrnd to her
to Mellow of her ewe legitimate
children hy bringing the girl to
England and Iemting It within sight
of her hlwband's home. and by con•
r'gning the toy to the care of her
sister, who was well married and
rhthdioes. Yams a ragas --fear a the
toe lore the law m'ght bring upon
her if she "toed a Ile In Welting,'
the Ignorant Kath:een had caused
the Lit th of the children to be rt'g;
i tiered in her hash -tale, mime ; Awl
It waw as Samos ()teeny. •hon gh egg
meant of the story of hie birth.
flint the boy w.ns adopted try his
aunt and her hueblml. They were
h feed nue proud of hiin. and aft they
1, ro.a, .in the World thoY gave hien A
- genal ehuiv Eton, tad (amity went hew
e to 1)ub.lrt 1'nitereilty, with the ,!s•
Ikt•Ign of making. it toictor of hint,
11 taking prldi• is the fact that by
n I th it teore they It t l re.,Loral him to
f ti:,, .pusJtl he grlea►au, wc
s,' II:s mother's of ruwu uttl ht of hail robbed
to hitt.
e "It was on the woe:talon of my go -
1. Ing to visit our late unlucky tele -
ti re.
ela•thre. the other Janine OtW.iy. who
e W.11 lheu 1n prune," continued Linde.
"{hat 1 nest the pretreat :Ur
to James by climes, at an hotel, and
Wad ret uha•h struck by the ninon,
ctrl by hie resemblance to some of
tour fawi.y, lit:tt I never reeto,l till
I lune uftourllr•.I the wduee .toy.
.%:llotegle 1tir Ulu/rite' nephew was
by that UUy, under wentetse of
11. nil evert It ale fur life, 1 tech nut
Induce air Jalat. to .owe teuw_tnd
1 11'1.1 pr.ncUt hutwelf to sue lather ;
1 it 'woe only when 1 thought u(
priefing upon Mau the (1.auountage
dudes WJi.t h !:is tarter Wiu p, l ed
try his .Lente, that he permitted me
to hook the tiele g., to 1311. llrnrlo,.
iuu a,l know the violent effect the
.inuouhce,n.,nt that he wow the fu•
,11 er of two ekL,1ren, loaf of ytt eu
case ante. dud. upon hits- 1 iat`ru
bead buy frlcud 114 the dueler. to
pcel•ent any dibturbb►nee on the part\
of ter Chteriea ruiuthte ." Elisabeth's
.p1 tightened. "Air Chair:et fie-
.ue.wawlgel him 'al Ado sun let a W111
Watch luta been kept concealed uu-
.1. tide weinrut, be Sir Jawr•,, who,
4' the ruth.en opi,e:►rauca of 1,14 (mu -
41 e•tcupnui from prison. refused to
kt• Id.. rightful place :te hits 'atb-
r g heir was a the ratan w Ito lend
1 way'NJNee_ thtit .pucetioil might stili
Lt1m It"
Lindley pro.huxnl the w.le which he,
said Charier hu I nettle wt the
night of hie death. en L• ed tut
.iu by, hie tenth sen , it was
n Lin,tley s oma luttitiwriting, war
July *gm* In it feeble. ecru -wen
Mind. 1,y Sir L'harice himeell, amJ
11t, eigwtturw u( ala. Myowr and of
lit.. butler, as waaesses, helowed.
l aptain luurrlsuo listened' to the
dory dile grave w n , sttee
5 ten Uexamined
b • wt
1 the h t»rthic to
a r, and certain
ten which Lttulley produced at
liferent 'pullet,. ht support of hit
.100.4eMellt1114 n
nd said, at east-
- 1 .111,,k your else 1s perfectly vie r,
noel 1 tick now le. ego that. through n
amber W uty howiebutel, 1 esu.: inn
a.t'Mf"vh •r
misstep ico
lt rthis s wt
:et motion. 111 cuurne. ]lr---lLtew:y.
.unst be eumm•nttt over bete-"
I 1,1114* Uoready to him,"
./ ;errapovl Lindley.
' .Uel tw tooetbi,, tier James, you will
hale a•, dI1(Icu.ty-l-A CI tug wltnei. .
Al prove .your identity ?"
"Noe, at ail, Capt,tiu Murritesu; my
iu .t :nil hi r Itllrba:nl ore ts,th
u:d, though my mother died mane
;ears ago, the farther for whom rhe
!everted m lather Y ix albs, awed can
site. you 1111 the ,buil!
r any cite can
' And for ylur later eft 2 sitppete
hem wuu.d be ,:u difficulty la toter
e.,ulleg 111) chile of e. i.leuce lu your
or ?'
' None at all. !assure you," -"No:
h • least," rh:►u(rl t e both ailment
eel supporter together.
1 an only say that. the he one In the whole story which re -
u u. n.. ristonlshing Is the dlslnterest-
vinwe whi:•il kept you silent so long,
4: Jam w, in the lntereet of n n►ur-
ter•r. nn esaa.ped convict a heart-
'cvcs and -brutit l-efelw•er."
roc the Viet time his hard, dry
manner changed an 1 hig vola. falter -
Sir Jataee bowed slightly, but
xeumed rather uneney ; Lin Iley'e eyes
:oral restlessly from his friend to
the speaker and back etgaln ; Eliseo
'rah wet teprlyltt, but was eoweel and
.heat ; t;eeraldine drew n sharp
:,north of pate. nn 1.. r h,sh;Ind lilt -
Wired the leaf words, but kept her
gees fitel upon him with 1111 Intent
'1' ok of Inquiry, whl'•h was not with•
cit a suggestion of feverish trust in
"It by A met singular and awful
„trokn eif what people call the irony
of tato that thin unikwtrving wreti•h
should lune got* to his grave wlth-
"et knowing -1 won't sty nppement-
ing, for that would !taro been be-
yond him -the noble retcrifi'' yin
ferule for him, Mir Jato.'e,"
"intkrd, yon are right. ('nptlin
(furrie en ; no one deplore.' his depth
•s. meet es 1 (le." anl•1 th•pynew Sir
in MM. Composedly : whits Lindley
evidently grew mere rawtleiw and Rrr-
eltUne more exelte.. "Rat yon over-
rate my sacrifice as much an you un•
,terr•nto my unlucky nrowestekehe good
gnalitlee. 1 had n fnndtlon of my
•wen- at Imfrt, I Wee replelhv tanking
'rt' --while pen. rate son week
to have. carved nee oat for himself.
If h' had been- deprived of that one
to which he b•lleveit himself born."
Ltn(1'ey r'iknovered his eels-pnli01.lot
no hr• note.l hen romp lnkin 'et com-
posure in fere of (;,ptnin llkaeplswe's
.trnnggel-v grave and eitemotfwkwte men -
et, cabbie t() him etpertencedd eyes
eigeroted dimmer.
l'erhnpe you nre right, Sir ,Tama,
le lived for lease tine ander your
••Iti, and sou: had morn eopnrtunity
of studying both be character and
$OZODONT for Iha TEETH 25.
tr.e I. III ..ret (amt hn• a reticular po.,tinr, w,th n name and mrwnln,
The I.ine of Fate, The Line of Life,
The Line of Head,
'The Linc of Heart
And tunny other equally Impnreent marks end aline.
They t.11 yogi many Intereeting and "'seed things.
Properly read they are sed. 10 nares/ In every well( In 1Ite.
1f you mesh In learn nnm.ti.ln' ahoul toura•le, write for FRIRK
mons .F:T, et%Ine full Information on tells Interesting subJrrl. Addrm..
1•, 0. Hut assn r"AMII.T(Nl,
bis conetltutlon than [have had.'.
Llud:ey turned pile. suet her Windt
leg,ut to twltrh .411,1 to trumbe ; the
new Sr James rem Ihued p •rfe(tly
(it:ut ; both th.. tidier kop; still its
statues carder the stronger efforts
et teefee:ttrul.
I wort repeat oaths more, M'r
Jamie." efetthtuoet Capta11t Workout,
wlkro. epee. h grew slower tend mere
del•borato every wbeute, 'that, hast
th.• story of your ie,ble and dlslnter-
petal crutduct ntlu:ttued uu.4up;x,rld.
ptx'tical Justice thuni l be Awttnled to
i1. tete;, yet. ('aa 14 re 1 l 1. true.
It, ifoshi hate ftp;w►ree c,trccly cooti-
es*: but, la ureter 'diet for ecce
Wut, heroic cct, Heaton her rulwed up
awit ess to the Truth{ of your story
whom Ito ono wi.1 •Ltro W duubt.-
•lame•s ()twat'," he i•a:latl, raising b'e
...deo a little. 'owes forwsrei and glee
your benefactor the tit inks which use
her des,'
Captain Meridiem fixed his eyes
upon the screen Uiruet bock ILI( the
r',,: u •r of tie. ruoiu, and Wt:. last'
....:tae were ,rarcely out of his mouth
11 hen eteryouc turned lne:in.etively.
ae they heetnl a wen! behind thew.
1 usonemt later, µt1:, *baking from
heron W f..ot, and looking, as b•
stnwbk.l nervously forward luta flu
to ,m. Lb) gu:ltlest yt•ret:h tbat ever
ikulkrwl about the earth. 'James (A-
way appeared before them.
L.a:lley leaped .41 1114 feet with a
hturrue cry ; Elisabeth burst Into
tnrr; dicrabliwf sprang forward and
'+tui ot0WII beetle her ltusbaud's cuut•Ii.
of all th:, four people whom his. ap-
lc,reLion ntrprieen. 'rely the new
rkalulnt to taw title retained leis
selepuesessiun. He grew white. Ids
'ye' traveled stealth ly from door to
.t ,n low, but eeiUter IstaSwge war
fee,. :in 1 6,1 turned tun ird tete 'new
iwentr and looked at him defiantly.
"leu you merto to deny." be began,
Ill ,1!y, "theft I nm isle Cttsrlevi lege
tbu'4, son, and consequently Jibe 11 w•
;111 J•,ur of the title T"
No,' answered James, who could
not face him.. bit stood nervously
sltlfting his hands nn I his feet, and
glan:aug reetk•srly ahs,ut hint, "1-1
Soul deny It. I only dl•ny that 1
ever elemsittei a 'eerier or betray-
al nw,th-er man's wlfe-nal-ileaten
forgive you for -for all you have
made nit loiter."
lie rink down, Into the :I0,trpat
chair, utterly oterc=nn e, nue turning
:sway lila held, let it met upon hes
han.IR, unable to boar the tight of
the friend hes hu 1 truvtel almost to
the death, after the pout two days'
1 k ening .aslo.rures +contertilwe hem
"1 really don't nndoxsrtmud all title;
:t is it Int of- Infernal ne.neenie!'•
cried the new Ns Jassy, rising coolly.
"Vtrhapl as interview with a
!sawyer, and entailer with et etrupl*
of p,licemen willb ring thin *Meeting
hrhiest 4, refiner. In the mann tune. we
are Intruding upon yeti to nu pee-
ps*, l'aptnlu M.m'rlaswi, an I we will
lot' furtdh•r troupers up on you until
I am 011ie to, with the aid
of Mr. Mcuracy •nsl my other wit-
Isw.ew, the truth of the statements
1 have mile t., -41.1y."
"I want n', further grad, I asuure
you," mai 1 Captain M.arlwm,
canons eyes hal IMct their hard look
for a O nit'nt eke& they f.•II Upon Ile
wife crouching heel le the Nora ore
which he lay. "Dat 1 have sum •thing
A. itay to y.41 MI eery'; enol iT yen.
can spare nm a few ,menta, I prom-
ise nut to detain you cxtgor." Geral-
.'ine lo.,ke1 up In harm. " Mr.
F'k•l•ling 1 am sorry y„t vb at igluelld
have been apiHee by thin uhplet-
sunt scene.-.1}eral tine, you Will do
your lest to entertain 'ear omen
410 Mr. Fielding welter/4r Jetties and
1 have a few minutes' wenyersa-
tt .n ; Mus Otway will help yuu,nm
sure.' .
Geraldine owe (obediently faun r
knees, awl, with .offs faltering 1
pl•ring leek at her hoehanri subsets
i Ite
1 fthe
r ,vn with i h the others,
leaving (nptatn Slorrarnl alooe with
the tow claimant to Nue title of 81r
James Otway. No. sooner WAS the
dhxer (limed, thins the latter turned
oieflantly toward the Ilttle man o0
the 10(11
"You doubt my el dm. then ? I tel;
ton f sten prove It:" he begun, in a
t. t•
nus Crlug tone.
'1 flu nut doubt your rialto. 1 be.
Ilene -1 es .3' ray 1 know that, wiUout
some strung support of that kind. nei-
ther you nor your tutor would have
h :d the pluck to carry through your
imlude-ut Imposture."
"imposture? What do you mean! I
Mel you. I stn Sir Charles legitimate
• Of which f:ct you were ignorant
anti! your (resent mere cunning one
more inteingent eissoclnte, scenting n
,•boons of plunder. went to ir,'lun 1 to
see the' Jamoo Otway Imprisoned on a
rh lrge of murder, discovered you" -
the other, mored at last, changed
(color-"p./I",1 you oft upon Massey
the lawyer, ns your cousin, and bided
hen time. /II lt time rime when you
'moped from prison. The other Jit*ee
otw:ly hnd been lost eight of ; Lind-
ley believed lir would never return t.
England; your way sewmpd clear.
Then came year attempts to murder
the m on who mood In your way
by po.w,n and by a bullet, an''.
your efforts to Intl one my ..mind
him by ranging ing my J1Pe'ai(olusy
se n husband, anti by lmpntfnq to
hhm the very crime of which 1
hive rolled you hire to acme*.
yon. I don't know how fry
.our venomolnl ■nggestlonr might
have lel me, if my wife's frightened
hnIf-con (Menem anti the bold ap-
p•nrenre of her rt,watn. Yemen Otway,
'tail not wnked sUrrfriel,a enough In
ne to sear', mo to Enfield, where d
learned from my Meter's lips that It
was yes• fee whom ''hp wns Trend
enough to leneu her huibanel, that
you weamrical In n few week,' of the
well-bred woman your teens, natter(
mold net appreclnt•; that\ treeing
thee and heingg tet, mend to ronfew
that she was not your wife, she lent
your nnneenke Janes Otway, whom
she knew as Hasry Hammond, t. see
her off on her }wlrty y to Enfield.
where she livedi by herself until I
foam' her .it. On my return from
Enfield, I west neralght to Gtrbyn'e
farm, with the Intention of getting
an explanation from Janus OI.way
whom I had been persuing for the
crime, nt the other. Willie I was.
Waiting for him, ek.ting with my hack
to the (seen window, In hie sitting
room, I wogs shot (ram behind -In
mistake, no .I:rvtht, fir )2enelo Otway
-hy y(s1 ' ,tn.l Perrtntn M,t'rlerwl
teem,' Arri In"kd eterdeett tete the
fare ()1 the imnh•and ' "tie. Lelhtery'
"When the cry 1 'leered," he 00e-
tlnn tI, "had hrmght In 11.11. Cor-
hyn ah1d her terbium time tn. kitch-
en, and James Otwee from the field
behind the h(m•m•, thr,ngh
which he bad peal, slowly retuning
Isom., 1 had And tins, t., dense nom
A plan to cheer up the my+ttery. 1
Naw that the death n'f the Inv -went
Jane.* Ote ny *maid he ehn pigged
for the entity .m a to romp
forward, with his trine,. bur
lel In the genre .4 his natse-
atke; so I persuaded the unfiltered
•lames Otani to remain (lonely hid-
den nt the fnren, navel I had oven to
Moe, the cruel tr of pealing 1,1m off
nein! for dead t, hit Adopted slater -
my wlfn-In order that her evkMnee
might both 7011 amt yrmr
guiltier nrwMa►liee. My trick ineceed-
het yentwill ►renetiAni now11 dery
nother matter to disease will. you.
Veer murder, your Ilea. 70111 fresh
, ttt•npte at marker. do not rwneern
me; they eminent the detective who
line been on 70ar tenet Mime Inn
left this house yesterd.vy morning,
JI and who Is now welting uutItle with
tt cordon of pollee to arrest you, and
restore you to the reclusion you left
ex, abruptly eight menthe age
ter James started up from the chair
In which he had defiantly placed him-
self nt the begia,ting aJ this speech,
and showed his gtewming, white teeth
rolet nn /mlnuetIage gape atquietly-
h1. accuser, who
"1td 1 14/1 11.1 before, these trifling er-
rors tion"t concern rue. But you nre
n versatile ruffian. In the Interval
between escaping from prison and
(mating your cousin from the inherit -
"nee your crime had forfeited, you
filial up your time 1y making love
to a married woman, and persuading
Iwr to elope with yea ; you took
her nhro•td with you," eontimued l'ap-
i ,In Morrirm, her coke stinking, In
mete of himself. "geotel11{ yourself
,.rt nes Sir Jennie Otway ; and on your
n trurn to England you deserted her
nal lett It to your r; et
t;.tim, the
nude• ytal We1W trytiig to make away
with t., em her safelytht. a plat's
of seclusion."
"R.. t►u.t. U your tension of his
shnrw In the matter :" sneered the
other. rignl(leantly.
"Yes. i iced 1t from my sister's own
111ns the nigh• before Inst. James Ot
way believed ler 4, be your wife.
for she was too proud to betray you.
Now I have /were to avenge my
Miter; at. this does tone n me. I!
I heel met you. knowing what, 1 now
do. anywhere but un.ler my own
roof, 1 would 11nve shot you dead
Ilke n dug; as It es. you aro It eon
demned man; the pollee are waiting
tett you to heave this house to rear
peat YOU ; so that I ran not take
ndvantoge of you now. itnt f will show
you a way of estops,, that you nifty
made them and get away safely -for
the;dt (or 1 ;rill truck you
down again, if 1 hate t, follow yon
round the world, and, when T next
meet you]. i will show you no merry'."
"'Manta. Thee perhaps you w111'be
PO gool as to fulfill the first part of
'our offer at once; and, ad for your
kin.t promise to scalp nes nfterwanl.
why. I'll take my chants• of that."
"(it. up 4o the top 111' the house,
48101 get twit by the la'lo1Pr on t, the
toot. I w111 have you brought down
and let out not soon ns it Is safe."
"Thanks. Perhaps you won't mind
paying befnrehaat for the exciting
little chsee of me you have promise'
,vourMlf, by lending mg n ooapIP n(
sovereigjns to help me to get a (air
Ile was es Impudently triol as ever
rut he exerted the room toward the
morn to take the money Captain Moo
Hymn held o to him. He put out
his left hand receive it, at the
enme moment t t with bis right he
drew out a rev ver and pointed it
with the muale n druphe of feet the eaptafn's'breast; but thr
eei.(ier was quick of Sy.. and sure of
hand. Springing no the sofa, he
wised tits hand that h et the recei-
ver In both of hire and omelet It nt
.it tete very moment that a wP:1poh
went off. The assailant nggered.
and fell b1 the ground w hout a
bend••.roan or a cryslot ot throu . the
Captain, Mnrrl.un. drawn flow
the fall of the dead loan, rose
ir:Riedit7 and groped ids way cal
*few st•.pe to the bell; but betor
he touched the handle the door open-
ed and
Jnn see
a Otway ot
In. H(
remained within hearing, rm having
g, hav R
reamer' to mistrust hie nameenke's
'Captain Morrison, he Las hurt
yon !-1 knew." he began. and then
+t' p eel short. horror-struck nt the
Right of the deed man on the flo Ir at
hitt r
1 feet.
wee nn nceklatt:" gasped the
other in n weak, hoarse voice, ag
he reeleet against an arm -chair ; and
ernes help.( hien to place NIw*;ee1(f
It. "Tete sight makes me (alit. tet'111
7 send Johnston to take -him away
tabs -4, his father's nmm ?
floelet my wife know anythlnpl-
' ('H'1PTER XL.
f ml`
,ty to later the three ladies
and Lindley, who were In the draw
ing-rcxnn together, heard 9011 111141 In
the hall and low tonnes which alarmed
them. Geraldine started up and rush
at 4. the door ; but It had been lock-
er1 on the outside. She could hear
the wounds prop ecling through the
hall aril up this etaircaw, and she
recd i
seal them
inan of t r
the sem ,
no theme Rhe had heard the night 1*
'Oce wheel he Itttetxuul vett brought
lents.. Without uttoring ei cry Rhe
raft aerosol the room to the French
wlr,low, oppnert it, and hurtle,' to
tlw' nearest of the two 111rnrv- win-
kywis Her husband was laming black
in the arm ,•hair by the.firs•
DIAN*, nee, .14dhiu,ow was b,hiel\
fade. She tapped sharply on the
gins. and the butler, at a gesture
from his mneter, crosser) the room,
opwenel the window, and then left
thn librnrv.
Rat the expre•s'ien ote leer hnibancl's
Ince died not change as (Geraldine
hurried toward him and knelt down
by hie side. He still stared In front
of him with dull, glassy eyes, and
•alit, without looking at her, as her
kende softly torched hit arm:
''Why have you comes Yon sh,akl
not have come till yon were sent for.
Yen lento to henr w.methlme thnt will
mike yeti shudder end shrink from
me. 1 have sent r,me Olin to lerenk
It to you; now yam fere• me to tell
it myself."
"Nothing will make ms 'brink fro'n
you now, Philip." she whispered,
timidly, am her clasp tighteJled on
his m.
lenarInnghecl harshly.
"Walt till yen hear what I have
done. I have killed Janie., Otw+ty I"
As hp had etpeeted, there was only
oar. .1n moo Otwny for her. She
+hu,Llernd from head to foot; hot her
fingers, tie.ugh they trembled on hie
nrn. .11.1 not relax their clasp.
"Well f" said he. learehiy.
"Well 1" elle echoed, faintly.
"Have yen, forgotten the des Aeon
for hien that yon, were eilweyi►ling-
Ing Itt my fire, your bitter words and
throne.. If 1 should dere tau •11 n hair
of his leered 7'
Philip, i'hilip, I am lorry -yeti moat
forget them. Von are hiding Prime.
thtng from m'; yeti did not. mean
SO der It -I nm $Ute' n1 It. 1 have
hvlraPd t0 trust yin ; treat tee, tone,
anti 5011 in' what yem mean."
lin tried to aprwtk, bet could not ;
.rho felt that 114' wan trembling vke-
!ently, and shoe saw the old flee roc.
kevilo In him eyes. After A minute'.,
RStenos, he weld -
"Yon etre right ; It wan en nrcllent.
RJR 1 nnot prove it. We wPre alone
together; awl i suits hive to fav
from the melon. -
"Will you 7 When 7"
...hyo -(key -neves.,.
'Where *heel WP gn 7" elle whim
pu'rd. R4trting t, her feet.
"We Rn 7" be «retroed, teltb it flume
springing up In hie dark eyes.
"'Yee, yogi, 1 w111 go with yen, of
"sr.Irm0 ; anti I will nerve yon and de.
tote mymelf 4, yin, and try to make
yin forget,' fetid Om. hurriedly
"ill• yon wen 1(7" he asked, look
Ing Rtnullly np In heir fare.
11‘. h' eontInneri 1
$SZODONT Tooth Nyder 21.
More to be Dreaded Than an
Outbreak of Smallpox.
N4pidenale let the Lost Quarter of a
lury Ilse Carried 01r a. Many
People as Annually Mall Victims lu
t ouwmptloa,
(I.Atrluir du bowl, St. Jerutee,
Throughout lana iii wuol, alarm hie
been felt during the pari few months
at the outbreak o1 smallpox that her
of furred In vinous luralliles and
thousands of dollar's *eve been ex-
lw•ated-tend rightly set -1n evppress-
Ing it. An 1 yet your In and year out
the* tuuutry suffers from a plugue
that claims more victims annually
than have been carried off by any
eyehole. during the past quarter of
a century. Cousuwptiuu-the great
white plague of the ;ural -l. wore
W be dret, lel than ally epldewle. 1(11
vie -tines throughout l'anu•ta nre nuns.
areal by tete tlivusands auaaally, nut,
through Its rutugee bright young
lives In every quarter are brought to
en untimely tend. N'11) T There are
W1• rntoxous, flit mswlioxtr character
ur tb* digester, and the all tow prev:t-
1„at honest tont th.s tyhu liheiet
.wnik lung.► are fornkwuned to vel
•arty death, end that the most that
tau b • .lone It to give the luvinl ones
t.cmpintry relief en the Journey tet.
.venal 1,l. grate. This le a great
mistake. Mali *l *ciente• raw ktowi
_Oat committee km, w a It lin, not
.•setl'hetl au acute stege, is curable.
MI. b 41er sail, leis prevented. •. litre
Doers /rots blade hinge w11, .rill
lithe t hemse lves prop••rly, w b , wet
Keels the Wool Acle ay.l reel, not only
.hest pit dread coneusapietee. but will
ulllmutely bee ,me he Oily.
,sople. Among those t(s,.t whew
ubrtunptlun had (41, one. Its (tinge,
out who i1111P (moved the (14.4.11*, Is
curable, le 1tr. lldege S'. eor e, of
3a• Jerome, hens. Ills .tor at re.
tint to a reporter of 1:S nix du
Nord, will be of Interest to 'mite
urfererw. lir. B:. George' aoyr. "l'p
to the Age of fifteen year, 1 . el
aware enjoyed the best of hen (1
but at that ago I became great
un down. 1 keit rotor, suffered cot
cantly irotn hta•tnrhee awl plains' 1-
-he sales; my appetite left me and I
beam, very weak. F'tw upward; of
Aires. yearn -though 1 was hathe
medical treatment -the tronbl • wen
re. Then 1 was attackat by n cough
tail was told that 1 acne In orneeunp-
kon. Tieen the dectoe who wag at
feuding me ordered me to the
Laurentian I(ountulni hi the Mie
lett the change Mills wlsll1 ben, fit
ewe 1 rcmninet there for sow • leer,
net dict not Impn,oe, and returned
.tome feeling that I hal not newt]
'eager to live. It was then that my
,Ntrente'Ireeted that 1,11,uId use 1)r
Willi ms' Pint 1 1110 err+ t yeg„w-tek-
Ing them. After using .cver,t1 bine-*,
tees appPthte lwgen to return, noel
bl/ a t•
meds t
otaaekt t'.
o urn res
I bleb
b g' ,i about Itrart m► r
rev w.
..o. t th
.h Improved appetite came gradual
but surely lnyreastng strength. 1
,+sena uet thee use ed the pi'1., nn,
dully elt the weakens* that bat
threats to eci no life disappear
until ft ly i Mos again enit.yi•ig
goose }Malt , and flow-, aR t1:0s' who
knew' m a c.
se e, 1 slew tan braes.
'bey Meese 1 esr.l thrvmgh. 1 be-
tters 13r- William,' fink 1 Uls oared
my life and 1 icer my .statement w'lll
induce stroller sufferers t., try thew -
Dr. William,' Pink I elle meek • new,
"kW, reef blood. With every *we the
blood is strengthened, the gewnttty
:eteernised, and thus The patient 1s en.
.bled not only to resist the turtles
inroad of disease, but dr soon re-
dwood to active health and strength.
fro are 111, or weak, or suffering
n,im any ng
disease trtaee der• to poor blood
or week nerve!, take Dr. Williams'
Pink (111, at onee awl they will moo
make you ',Adj. Thew p1111 are Rohl
hy all denies In m':dlclnes, or will
lx' rent swot denier(
at n0 cents a tint
,r 'It h,t•. for 82.50 by addressing
he Pr Willenme ]Iahklnr Cu„
%rock, Ole. 0:,:
A',auguawe Mull of Pllfrlle fur Mer.
"I Wein to uuderstarid your Ian-
fuage letter." slay y ereuee
riend, Monsieur liubuix, to due; "but
your verba trouble me *till; you
adv them up re with prepositions.
"I saw your friend, \Ire. Murke-
tun, Jure now," ho continued. "Site
says rho luteitde to tweak Sown her
whore earlier them usual. Am I
rlg'lt titero7'
"Meek up her wheel, she must
I.a to• %ALJ. '
"Olt. yes, I rememiwer ; break up
her school."
"11'11; does she do that 1" I asked.
"Beeause her health le brukeu
"'Arokeu down...
"'Broken down T 01,. yes. .end, In-
uktd, duce fever •bes broken up In
"Broken out."
"She thhnkr she will leave It for
a few weeks."
"Will rhe leave her house alone?"
"\o, rhes be afraid It will be broken
-broken-how do I eny that 7"
ntken Into.'
"(ortninly. 41 1e what t meant to
"Is her son to be married goon 7.
"Nothat engagement is broken-
"Broken off.,.
"Yes, broken off."
"'eh, d boil heard that."
"Ste. Is very worry about it. Iles
son only broke the newt/ down to
bee legit week. Aw 1 right T 1 tin
nnil,us to nook English w' I1.
"'Ho merely broke the nevus . a„
prepoaltIon tide time."
"1t 1m hand to UIcferrtetr.l. That
young marl, Iter sun, Is a f:n'• young
follow; is tr.'ukte 1 think."
".1 breaker, nn 1 a 1111e feiiuw. (flood
"Foo much for the terb "break,"
SUnard's Llnlmsut threw IHph-
ther la,
Titer,- is a 11141101/311 .17 lwttleortlewt
or tension 01 1.118.i.6I0 women hr
(iretit Rritul.t tatoo e:w peter h pe tt.
Ise me bride+, rays the Nell•. ern.,
Argue. There are 11a eliough hive
hewer to go nrennet ! The, cule tomer
ent rewrote- le polygamy. N -h.. wee
refr►ee te• tiro, a s'mpeithel:e tear
leer this mnnstrnet pnrrwtriou of
FEngile% m:,I I 'ns. pried ...sued by Na
taro itself 44. lite doom of longsod
t:nfruitful pIisttriu,ol!
l'bwe le more remote in lel. section et the
Country th.n allother
therdleeeees plot toreth'r,
.1 toethe,•w year, was supposed Wiwi
mreble. tor a greet
rroolanners pre
1nceet e . InceIl disease, ans
dr enbe.l1 1
e.he.,. a d by c'.n•l*e, lr fames,.
e,W rwrs w to
Weal treatment. pronornenl It Inennbla'
P••Irons. hes. plusrn Calcarh to be aeos.lttes-
I(tonal' 1.4.4* aloe therefore require.'e'eawthte•
tis.el t nttnent. I1A11'r Calera. ('nre, mann.
-- ' y F. J 1 henna 1 1'n.. 1'.. .1., . s tq
d,lheoaf opartit wee' nr' 0,1E+1msB111
1• oaken en anally in dare. from 1n drops to A
tea-putn,f n It art. dire, .ly un Ile', beant and
inu•nu..ur' d the .y.ten.. The(' atter OAS
hued ay doll r for any .te.e It tails to acre.
#wend fo .leu n. and ee+lesomlals.
Address F..1. •11 F.Y R CO.. Toledo. O.
hold by dnosW -, 7's'.
)fall• Family t7 . aro the best.
ISSUE NO. 47, 1901.
is all right, if you are too fan
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get-
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over-
work and under -digestion.
Stop over -work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Livor Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
on it--true—but, by it, you
can. "There's a limit, however;
you'll pav for it.
Scott's I' mulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure tr,r
"can't cat," useless it comes of
your doing no cork --your can't
long be t{ cll and strong, without
some sort of activity.
The genuine hart
this picture on It.
take no other.
Ifou have not
tried It, send for
tree sample, Its a-
greeable taste will
Surprtse you.
50c. and I$1.Oo; all druggists.
u -a RA*'k THR wont Pgttrat T ANTI
effective •rotes for rolle,•tiaa debts to
('auada. United ;,ate. .nd, whltwtt
stone na:n.lve method. to rent debtors: re
nil. tan. r eat day el roNeetlon r+arantnd
.w.rorable charge.: call, write er phone Inde
ne,A nnen f our repre..illative. will call
on you. The Intrwatleaal Morr.rn't., 'gear!,
Tame. Building. vetoer Yews* and king ail..
Vett MAI - AI'Hra• Neel( HI"R
.11 ruin. •t.rt -n
railway, W .t
ereay. Lewd• .
n6 P. hes.'►wt
ferenry end rh'.,., bolt mile : will 4•1111f1 whole
Sr he parr nn esey derma 0.•a k. "Mb.,
"'yeoman, 001.
tee bar Honer. eggs, Poultry and ail icicles- waysyrs. tl'lnsiow's emelklss eyrie weeks s1
be used ler eblldren teething. It 'oath..
of Vann Produce write ur she. you MY* ski14. setter the rune, cures wind mil,
M tis 1e111 flea dr for entry's., a. T wen, r
slats knob,
alar to .ell. t he k dent as -owe as ! r Maly*
the r.wl•.
Saiaaei L. Lewis & Go
111. Uadaese.
T ws—Dbl yowl nolle•• hew that mai
.tnr"T nt me ?
Jam -1'.e, h''m it reporter,
Tow--llut Isl,v should he state at
se mo?
Jew -He was probably 'retching
your noww. He's enimeso 1 to tarp h w
e ern everything that turns up.-.•
I Ledelphll t're'es.
Mlbard'a Linlment Lures Colds, sett
(blase* Sauer.
One pnrrd of wilt, four pounds of
sugar, eine- If trowel of garlic, half
n peened of s t'almond'', two pounds
of stoned rn Ins. weighed niter
atonies, one a1 of wuetant set
eight pounds of nely chopped, un
ripe. Juley Itlklttg moles awl nit
(mart. of vinegar. 'revlousm to the
blending ob these is ether, soak A
getter/ma 'epee of gree ganger root
In the tlnegnnr. to he n 1 for 'Iv
day.. Pound nil of the gredlente
o pitrately 111 11 mortar en m' Iuten
with vin -star. After theroughl, pound-
ing mix ell the Ingredient, W ether
In a at'uno Jar and oiler in a rap
pen 01 water for rt stay over a w
nee. When perfectly cooked the
grecllents shook] be soft end per.
/Petty blended. When cold bottle.
Mlnnrd's Liniment Lures Oarget
In Cows.
('at heel a Long Feint.
A cat h longing to fire ("reopeny
In Cincinnati recently dlevemeare,l inti
was not f(send for thirteen •days
greatly 10 1b • nmerement and grief
n1 it•ol "wneee who, mearrhai for It
th .seghnnt the' entire nelghlx,rhnnd of
th' engine -mem. Their shoria were
finally- reward -al when he was Moen -
era, tiered tinder a text of hay thht
had recently been deposited In the
u'tel•I'ahment. ire hind been there for
all that time. rued when taken 0111,
though very thin andshrk, gave evi-
v -denree that be was yet nose to pore
eind••r remora nod renew hie natural
atoratten ns it rat catcher.
Mlsard'a Liniment pares Distem-
The Continental Lite
Inuranee Company
Akeo of-F1(1t, TORONTO.
Aulhnrlr.ed ltapltal - al,li00,000
The polieiea of this rempiny •w
brnee Pvery rood feature of iAfs fi.
nirnneeeoutrnets, and gneraatee they
highest benefits Ice regard to keine
wish surrenders, and extended lnen..
(10011 ngents west ed In thin dietrlct
lens. Jan iirydes. (den R WOMR,
Presider• DenernI We eager.
Gommisslon Merchants
"8(11T'ARM MOR SALL- 1M Or YR,
1 . W fnn tlrh Negros PNlaawla.
taeaa, o.a 1we alt.
• wAre, Is, acre+ In all. L' ef writ. h le In free.
mewl, pilau/sea Wil be Med .5 ewe parcel e,
divided tato kw.of 15 to No .crew Ic molt p,.
sowed.. Thiele a decided bargain Asara'.
Jonathan l•*r. P o bee soy •tare.
MADE. n>;
nre v;ntc
Waste w are
r r
uiw en to the n ordinary
articles for domestic use.
few rale b; all first curs el/oilers.
12 TO 20
At a lm v an.) speelnl price.
A.:'re-10i innt !ion
• Georgetown, Ont.
it AMY MtMnrj or t0t'R TANTT,Y nnrxga, g•
the lasts roe llgotr ran he removed permanently by CURED D
ring T.•r•Ier ..sarin /•rNp
rr/l..w w..rv(r Ica V 11 a.
it nrO . Fan are Iniyeeelb14 .estrItl rnlnle, reds/ t .eehel. rlgs aAMARtS SECRETLY
CO.. la Jordan etre* Tweets. oea