HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-21, Page 44 TsuksDAT, Nov. 21. 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOA ONTARIO FASHIONABLE. • conFORTABLE. The Raglan= ette and York Over= Coats Are Ito two most lesblooable garments fur hall and 1% toter. They are male In a Dark Grey Golf ('loth, long, full skirt, y.rttosl pookets. The demand for thee* Coats Ii so great that the mauutaotuiere have great diffouly In rinse orders. They ars made by the W. K Sanford l;emp.oy (ohs famous Oak H.11 otendon), and *eery gar - meat 1s gueraoteed to fit ..d give good setisf•ott.o. We are SOLS C �� to 14 AUEse p $ NTS for the ods to Uoderloh. The pries is from We hay. • bark Grey Tweed Overcoat `rl $4.95 that. • wonder for the mosey. The sloth 1. good to wear and will Kim good setl.f•oticu. Our Beaver, Frieze and Golf Cloth Overcots at $10 are nicotine with popular approval, and the large number of ales we have made goes to show that the velum are by far the beet in town. Wobaveo'tspace to describe them to you hot ask you to oall and Inspect thew. BOYS' REEFERS and OVERCOATS. W • oleared the m•nst•otur.n out of • itis el Uverooets and got them at a prto.. They are made of • Dice pattern 1s tiny Tweed. Tweed Limed, geed storm bullar, aces Y3 to Reeder prion $6 00, barrels pries 34 0 UNDERWEAR. g1a.Eeid'. Ueshrlakabl. Uodowe•r Is the beet Neel Underwear for you to boy, It's warm, wears extra well. and gaoreaNrd not to shrink. Be sure and get Staas6sld's. W. C. Sete Agents for Christy'. Loa on Hats. Mea's Furnisher and Hatter. IIit Oi nal, IS PORLaelow EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ET D. meanaaveraao 9OD1nUGH. THUR8DLY. NOV. 11. teat. LIBERAL MEE fINOS- I N another column will be found • hot of meetings which are to be held in the interests of Hon. J. T. (}ARROW between now and election day. We learn that several members of the Cabinet will take part in the contest, and amongst them Hon. J. R. STRATTON and Hon. Frank LATCR• roan, two of the brightest members of the Rosie administration. Neither of these gentlemen has spoken in this county heretofore, and the Liberals all over will rejoice at the opportunity of listening to them on Provincial issues. DON'T OBSCURE THE ISSUES. THE hullabaloo that our esteemed contemporary The Star is racing in its endeavor to hide the real issues is like an eel stirnng up the mud so as to escape from the eel cat&her. What the people want to know is whether the Province has prospered tinder the Liberal administration or whether it has retrograied, and whether the Liberal candidate would make • better member for the riding during the coming session than his opponent. The crux of the whole matter lies in these proposition, and instead of trying to work the sympa- thetic racket in favor of it. candidate The Star would be better employed in proving that he would be the titter candidate and that Wnrrxsy'n policy —if he has one—would be more to the advantage of the Province. The electors of the constituency are thinking people and, without desiring to disparage the gentleman who fur- nishes the thunder for our esteemed contemporary, we might say that there are very few among them who do not know fully as much about the political situation •s he does, and when the day of election arrives will be as well prepared to vote intelligently on the issue as be will be. This beating about the bush, and name-calling, and dealing in innuendo, and shouting hoarsely about stealing oon.tituencies is not a rational way of discussing public iuues. Our oon- temporary never tound fault with the -- —tussling of constitneucies during the ,bye—elections of 1892, when the dark. lantern brigade swept the Province from end to end, and it. present moral tone is somewhat belated. The fact that Hon. J.T. (JARROW was Unseated because of the actions of r-sealous men over in Wingham, against whom agency Was established, does nob prove that Mr. Bsce would have won but for the unlawful efforts in Wingham. To the contrary, it is • well known fact that Wingham gave some GO void more against Mr. (Ise - now on the ocoemton mentioned than it did at the previous election, and it is believed by many that had the men who tried to do crooked work on that occasion not taken any part in the election better results would have at- tended the vote for the Liberal c•ndi- date. The effort of The Star to prove that West Heron is or ever was a Tory constituency is an absurdity. It always has been • Liberal riding, and should never he allowed to he otherwise, and the bringing out of the fall Liberal vets on Wednesday, Deo, 4, will prove that there is a majority of at leant 150 in the riding. HIS HOSPITALITY 010 HIM UP. THE mayor of Ottawa, W. D. Mos - eta, is under s ban as we go to press. Some time ago he got at loggerheads with the chief of police, whose name L PowILL, and seal in favor of having the latter bounced. Owing to cir- cumstances over which the mayor had no control, the police chief held on, butt the mayor still kept awake all day and kept two eyes open Weight to see that the chief toed the scratch and walked square heel and toe from start to finish. The mayor is • hospitable man, but being of democratic proclivities doea'nt belong to any of the blue blooded clubs that adorn the Capital as corns do a navvy' foot, and eo, when he wants to entertain friends to the glass that cheereth and decorateth with a big head, he has to take the hotel bars for his hitching.plaoe. Thus it was that a short time since he found that the requirements of his position called upon him to ask some friends to go in and see a man in the Russell House after the clock had struck the hour for retiring, in accordance with the Ontario License Act and amend- ment. thereto. Bub s little thing like that did not worry the mayor, who didn't see why he shouldn't be as hospitable at midnight as he would 1* at high noon, and he asked them to take something, which they did. Rut alack and alas! the eagle eyes of police chief Powst,is myrmidons evidently had pierced the walls that surrounded the hotel bar -room, for an information was laid against the mayor in accordance with the laws and the statutes made and provided, that no intoxicants should be sold on and after s certain hour within the precincts of Ottawa. In the scene that ensued before the police niogis- trate the mayor threw up his hand as the other fellow. held all the tramps, and ecknowled{tri that his hospitality had done him up. The mayor wan fined five dollars and costa, and the statute provides that where an infnngement of the law is brought home to a member of the council of any town or city disqushification from office for two years resolte. Mayor MORRIS 1. now s municipal statesman out of a job, which is really $ misfortune to Ottawa, as that city never hada better or more progresive mayor, even if we admit that he was not a member of the W.C.T.O on the evening in question. SNAP SHO TS. WE LEAD IN — All tieds of Sporting Goods, Ammunition, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers. 1. C Uv bio fb • w 0 03 • tat— J7 1 Farmers, Save Duey by Dealing With Us. �-•_ 03 sunD Toys Imlmmmmmmmmmmmrmmm1 r� Bargain Days! Ws h&vs omplote Assortment of— &zee, X sot Saws, Buck Sews. Saw Sots, Saw Jointers, Ate Hanalei'. Saw Handles, Cow Chains, Cattle 'rib', Stall Fixtures, Q1gr, Gabbs, Cattle Carets, Horse Brushes, Stable Bruom', Stovepipe Wire, Stovepipe Euauel, Weather Strip, Oil Cloth tog. Don't Buy a Stove 1Ill You See Ours. They Are the Best. --.00001116. ALLAN (Sc McIVER The Leading Hardware Mer. Phone 57. Houe+t Gocds at Honest Prices. made between the two rationalities when W tt.tiaa, Prince of Orange, took the notion to visit Ireland a couple of hundred years ago—• visit which was nut appreciated at the time—and which has since enabled every stage Irishman to be opposed to the Hol lander, and to give as his reason, "Bekase Oi don't loike the Dutch." —If The Star's anonymous letter -writer nilly wants to know the position of the town regarding the elevator, he might look up The Star of the 8th inst., 1n which there is an editorial statement in the stat ter, which shows that the town's iuteresta are not in such a bmf shape as some blue - spectacled gentlemen are trying to make out. And while we are on the subject we might as well say that The Star's anony- mous letter -writer might be in bet'er brei nese than in making unwarranted ins'nu- attuns about • man w ho has a far greater stake in the town 9f Goderich than he has. I ECALLED DAYS OF YOUi H. M. Keeneeb Marrs Melt le Dumas Mier T1rtr-fear Tear.' £Meaee. We had • oall lest week from one old friend Kasmeth Morris, ot Baffaio, formerly • well-buowo resident of Oolboro. town- ship Mr. Morris had recently been vtsit- log sones of younger days at Dundee, and The Benner man has written him up In very Interest lag style Thus : "Fifty four yarn ago I stood right on this spot asd 1 haven't baso in Dundee , ieoe." So said Kenneth Morris to • Ban. n or man yesterday, as he stood oa the corner of Ring and Mate streets, His home was 1n the oouoy of Huron till • yeas age, wren he went to Buffalo, where be hes two son.. He was born witbtn a couple of hun• dred yards of Iiamberger's Hell way House on the Hamilton road, the Forsythe., David and James, befog his modes. He says I).•td is • wonder Bore blind, be oan go •bout otght and day better tbao most people with their eyes open. Fur sixteen years he miffed on the sawmlll bushiest In Missouri, In Michigan and to Canada, bat this year he wee Interested In the hotel Aloszsr at the I'.o. Hs says that Stator, who put op the big howl for the Pan Ain , lust hiog he had and went orezy, as the.oheme was • failure. Nearly all the hotels that were put up for the fair lost money, just as they did at the ('hloago world'. fair. Mr. Morris remembers die- tloolly many things that happened to 1>uo- das many year. ago. N. was •t the lunching of James Coleman's steamer on the meal, sad went down to see the old plane when he mod to go swlmm ng. H. went up to ese 11. old minds. Mr. and Mr.. J I'. Billtogtnn, and teoailed the 000estoo when Mrs. Billington .witched him for oarrying off her joh.oy-iump-rep.. H. was se the fair when Pro] tent McKinley eau shot. At the trolley oresstng near Boma b.rger's stood an old log patient tome which he attended, the timbers being Mr. Bell 1T COST MONEY. Many a man bee spent an his earnings in trying to get rid of rkeamatieen. It cost Mr. James Da- vison, Oconto, Ont., between $1,000 and $2,000 before he tried Dr.Jdall'b Ithenmatic Cure. He was a help - lees Invalid for six years but suf- fered from .cieticn in his hip joint for ten yearn. Six bottles cured him completely and be is now working hie farm. This great blood puri- fier is put up in bottles containing ten days' treatment. Price 60 cents et all drug stores or The lir. Hall fdedieine Co., Kingston, Ont. Coal Bilis .re now a serious item. Than wily born coals for the weekly :ash? Some Soaps won't wash linen without boiling, but sUNUGH T SOAP .111 11's a •s its economy 10 buy the beet of .lf$oaps, when by doing .o the ;demi', of coal used on washing .lay ca. b. —The Star would rather fight thio elec. tion contest on the sympathy racket than on the real issues. —if The Star is so sure that the Tories will win in West Huron on December 4, and that Major ,log Rena will be elected member, why doe: it object to a bye elec• tion —The Clinton News Record lent week tried t, • ivenee the intermits' of its condi• date by publishing s quack medicine "be- fore taken" portrait. That tired feeling was very apparent. This story that im going the rounds that it is the intention of the Irish repre.enta- tivea in the imperial Parliam.nt a, tinct • seat for Kerala, le Mein( the HAA.' yarns of the day. Of noturee it is nlaimal that Kanas. 1. not eligible bemuse he ts not a British suhj.,et, hat as Lord Krr mese Ism made all Boers irr;U.h .ubjecte by p enlamstinn, that nontenti'n of those np• prteed to Karaite will not stand. If Kar•osa gate an Irish enn.t.ituancy, it will go far tnwanle reeono(ling the Irish and the , Dutch, and will mend the breach that wag Reduced 50 per cent. Rnrn i ng coal to help inferior and luw•prioed Soaps to wash le like dpendieg a e Beet tram fan to c•,rcham a to met artiste for n rent& By using SUNLIGHT SOAP you save its r est in the cost of the coals an - ..ed, not to mantles the longer life of the articles washed. A tablet of Sunlight Soap will do mem work *Nasse sots, and do N Meaid.ly better, than two telltale of common, elwmp Dna w'E do web cool. Th. ma{ority of 45.plc ililc soon Sod nil the Ew.s of true emeneny. That'. why SUNLIGHT SOAP Id asked fr by three people to one aside( for any outer soap ie aka ward. asd Mr. McBride. Nelson Eoe1Ma was • mule, Doe ot five brother., all preaoheri ; be went 1, see his grave 1n the old cemetery on the Hamilton road hill. He %rob to oall on • friend whom they used se Dell "Young John Bomberger," but found him an old man. He remembered Granny Lyons and mentioned the names of many old citizens, like Jae. Coleman. Nm. Norman, W. Lyon McKenzie, the Leel es and others. He walked up from the Halfway to Dundee, to see if he would know the way, and balled as Alex. Crook's betel, wb!eh In his days was known as lt.mt•erger'. hotel. He was greatly pleaded to see the old town again bet sadly missed thesld t•millar fano., and when be asked for my person he war nearly always told that snob •o one war dead, and this made him feel rather lonely. Mr Morrie t. • hoe specimen of manhood ani o•rrlee hie silty one years well He is going up to Huron musty to ase his fr.ente there. Brussels : Mtess Mary and Magri. Heat tie, •ocompaoted by their brAber John, were al Wingham on Tuesday lest week •tteodlog the weddog of their brother, Roland, to Mee Okarlobte I.00la, daughter of ex -Mayor M.Keee'.. ELIA BLI E never did advocate shopping away from ome when you could do as well there as anywhere. But there are things which, it standsto reason, one can buy better in a centre 11 Toronto is, and one of these is FINE REL LE FURS, because to get the variety and get the guaranteed qual- ity you must go to the larger market. We are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and wegnarantee every- thing we make. We shall be pleased \to welcome you to our showrooms—the 1 and best appointed in the Dominion you are passing our wary-, but if that's not sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making a special feature of warm dr Jackets. i,Ai)Ii*i' ASTRACHAN .iACKETS.—Our special 325 IADIE.S' ASTRACHAN, COON AND WALLABY JACK STs $25 1. $50 LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS.—Plain 30 t" 40_ LADIF.S' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS —Trimmed 45 to 65 J. W. T. • FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONGE-ST. - TORONTO. Square hard We are making a hit with our .Hardware. It's genuine quality that does it—the genuine excellence of what we sell rather than low prices, which mean lack of character. If you want the best you can de- pend on what we sell. Look at these prices : .tones Steel Snow Shovels $ 30 Gem Meat Choppers, No. 20 1 40 1 50 " ff 14 of 22 Steel Wire Door Mats 1 00 Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, per set 85 If /1 of II " pated, 1 00 Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper '2 50 Economical Cobbler Sets, per set 60 4-1b. Even Balance Butter Scales 2 50 Cold Blast Lanterns 60 Greening Cow Chains, from lfk to 36 Trap Loaded Shells, 12 gauge (only a few ITR) 1+ Axes rom, each 65c to 1 00 Axe Handles " 10c to 25 Happy Idea Buck Saws 40 X -cut Maple Leaf Racer, 5 1-2- SitweLance, " 4 00 " " Premier, " Complete with handles. N. D. I{OUGVIE. Great Bargain Days, E Friday and Saturday, NOVEMBER 22 AND 23. EE er dler dee dee Remember these are our FIRST BARGAIN DAYS, and everything in the store will be sold at BARGAIN DAY PRICES, re- gardless of retail prices or even whole- sale prices. LOE ARE GOING TO GIVE UR CUSTOMERS TWO OF HE BIGGEST BARGAIN DAYS VER SEEN IN GODERICH. Don't forget that our store -full of Goods will be at bargain prices. Terms new M. - - spot cash. Cosmopolitan Patterns for sale. r • tJ.41. Colborne, 4E 'Phone 86. Goderich. I11�►111 111 111 ll� lis ��11�11111111U lU� 1 —40 —411 1 110 —461 —40 —40 1 1 7 a 1 r —48a BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE YARNISL 116• LEAST ODOR. BRIGHTEST LUSTRE. QUICKEST DRYING of them all. I'eeful for buggies am! all outside iron work. Use the Best Wheu you want • really good cough cure 114.0 our Black Cherry Said • customer remedy : °I sever Hoagie amyl/Ong could relieve a G.egt .o weekly..' W. 0. GOODE, CHEMIST. A tow dozen left of that cheap Oatmeal Soap, worth 10c. out price 3 for 10.• ti,ely no more when this lot is done. Post Wm. Sharman, jr. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. We have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich, It comprises goods of the following well•known makers J. & T. Bel!, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, jr. /"GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT PRICE$," is our motto. - -. __— A Great Soap,. ap,. 1e oar Ginter Snap, at 5o. a pound, of whish we sell a barrel a week. This Isn't our only reap, as we carry everything that oan he found in an co. w date grocery store, and our prime are right. The farmers know that they nen always gat from us a snap for their produces. We drew the line at no legitimate trade — everything goes Glassware or potatoes, garden staff or obnioset table (thin&. We deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford block, Dederick. Mill Wood - FOR SALE The above is cut Into stove wood length and will )?e delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at reddens, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. llodesioh, November 21.t, 1800. 53-3m THK LA D. K. STRA AN'S MACHiNE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with theists MR. STRACnan for severs' years, and 1. thoroughly con versant wl•h all alarms of work that have been done 1n the shop, whore to announce that he had taken charge of the e,tabllah meet end will Barry on the , tidiness In finch a manner as to retain the confidence and patronage heretofore extended to the late owner. sod will he pledged to have as many new da.tomera as will favor him with their patronage. In sddltlnn to ship work, Ine Plows, street We wring Wae oto do (IENRorse ErAL RLeAOkhe will rMITR1 G and REPAIR WORE of all tied,. MA CHINE TLRNINO, I)RILIIMO, PLAN IMO. THREADING. and all kinds of ma ehloe work done oe abort node*. He has also &died a first-class BRAZING PLANT, and all work In that Ilse, mending Itloyole repairing and Araks. of all kind., ren he attended to on short notice. Levee Mow en sharpened. Preees will be found unite redntoah'e. JAMER R. JO>HNiTON. The tat• n. E. Stnebaa'r Reelable a.d Black emit It Be.w, V MMr4• tea, p.d.reeh. TO ADVERTISERS. Nodus of oranges mart be left at this Mee not later than Saturday soon. The Oopy for changes mast be lett not L ter than Mon- day noon. Oasts.) Advertisem+nb' accepted en to not n Wednesday O awe week.