The Signal, 1901-11-21, Page 3The Signal M rVeLleRxD [Y[RY THVReDAY MORNING BY D. MCGILLJCUOUT. Terme of baboorlpUoa, One moa Lk In ed ran* ..1 V i I,,.monge. " Y eta 11uSks. ,.. ... M Oise year. .... I % Advsrtldar Ila#es, l.eeel odd other obattal a I tort'se,gpo•., 1% per one for ar`$ 1•t+. ruo 1. ♦n 1 J o "tis Poor n* /or each wbwtuset lu.ii w. li ,rureJ by a nnu{{ural a ale. Nwln•.s 61,14. of d. IL.* and ,.airs, N pa, year AdrortlPemeule of l.nat, louur4 Strayed lltu.tlimu V..o,ut RPn.a I,'a. w•Rnlo,l .u4 Ilu.tuo•. Chance- '• a,,Pd, not exa-dear a line. nusymrell, $1 podpp nth. Houstonou ea1• and Rana. on Stthr. not to exceed t hare, In for first m-,ntL tris p r .tb •mausut rrnatb. 1 ore r Notion. In pinpp..yom 4ny .peeial wort I—. the ubJrot o1 ..1 to 1• w promote L►e peouubory lst.ttt of .ny r•Jtrtit Mal or company. t+ be o.a. den.l .n 1,dvenl.e sesL and onartre.t a6a,r41n y. Lnoxl uoti. m In Nunp1,rMf type one seat pe word, so not, toe tem than rho. I.00al sotto" lis ord.ouT re1,A Jnr ,spa t w• amid per word. %o not lot for I•-. thk,, .W. Notoos.' for ohla-hos&tad ether rdlneuol ford bomevolost iaeutatio". Ise -f ml.. • arl ubecbers -be fall is roe -tore TenRtowat regularly by mot 1 wilt coater • an fa+or I, r au1,tntlur u of s teat u* early a dols as post, hie. W boost a ebaaaer of ad4rem L dmnred. 4,,1 tae fold and the *w Nddr, should ►e sivea Publisher's Nellie. J. s. Ica Toasrl of 0-deri•b, bee b ­ rt .p pointed I. aill Tr oiling Aron; for til- Tow•, ship. of Oodertd, Colborne, Asba.ld sod W a w aaooab. Lwical POOMa eterg over the dl•triat.re plea empowered to reeNre .eb.crlpUo* k' las 810 AL All eommuaJaatioes most be addrwed D. Id0UI1 LICUDDT. Tax trlittoo � Telepbeso OsB M OoIlarlo►. ()Ul -- THIIJlmD.IY, NOV. 31, 11'01. R TAV[LLINU UVIllo S _—— GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AWVS Kn,d p..... .... . 11 M . T JCs .......... . I,A r m ... toot. ,.W r,'n all and [sere.,•... . ......... lass p.e' Der a h T. Nan and Kirrew.. .. T!%&.. .11 .aid Crprsrr.. ... .... ........ J tt1, 1• n. Mired t U p.m DIUMSTRY, M. 1NICHOLAON L D.9.M, DENTL .VUOM-. Room* eoe. whe the L•Ma nal6i.. Goa•1�Ple llla, ow■ "it Wrltare Werk N 9gTrerJ� [xpsrl*ew ora,r lord on W.11no.olav aro.n.00n• 1,I , poet, loon. \toy t., 0.1"1 ell Inrlo.t.n. M MAB[IG D.D.S. LDA.-11W"Al, Ile Cngsow--I�t ts.an,l caressed ...th.4e ter Nu d*W opw-Wwe. Pro—tot Ina of tike Suggest teeth a .peew . ofaee: (or. Wood et Nod PgUsn Iq ant gstras* g Wed 01111er 1,•.ed antt wrdncmlav wnernorxt...1 1 p, g., from May to 0,.t, tn,:.wit,•. TOolophone No. T. s JM. TUR\BVT.1 D.D.P.. LD.r.-DiR s Sal Serxao "trlr assn bted til b Dr. Dla.me. of N,rotronl + O.M and porod.tt artlrelal teeth mnented se xw!d or atun.ln,am b1,w. P Watt*nen alrn W 1M scoots anion d the natural testi uA.• In >Ig Iwrd. soca NonL u sW -• om-�e rkw4 on Wcddewdar atnernoo* at 1 p.m. from May to Or.wher In, arAvr.' ZJWA L. �• CAMP -IO QO.-BAR IIQaN eN alive. Notary, 1,e Ooae ovw Jledlaa me", ltatto Go4srlDd O. J0i1NNTON - KAKI:NT►R, -41U I'lIoefLwcom .4me. all )toast" U Man. C=: t',-. HalatM4pn Nal et. Andres etseeta llsddrlob. Owt JAM ROIltor.aea yuanlu9� n___,-nbr1,rI'mbrg two this anItlas Cbrt 111c. Oted: .rth eL, wino door SIOMAL n®ou P"VMA t'und. to 1400 M lowest rr ea st tnformL 1-111w. IN. rrooT. R. C. HIT" GARROW a OARROW, BART $3I f OA / AlWrmeye, eeltdtwri, an• (10drrbd J T. Gormw, Q.C., t;bsrNg (ism W. r Lit )HILIP HOLT, (1 C.. BAItGIn;I, Solicitor. Notary ►neo era. Gill en Rayl Sae Sam Molly to load M I*- raw of In YIIC¢INeo-4 a Hcstzw m - Witt llxllessr 101aa�e"a.fort mat �ttwwkkerras��yys� f»Ifb, oto L L DICCI,, eO DUtTA Rolm =. !THAs. SZAO[R - BAKRJ14t'IL'K Xe li Jolter --- and oonepweer. gumw on Hamli tea street oPprlie the eO0N Hetet. tioderfck. PHvsla tttods to Iona as n.orteZ.h " at l por owL IeWsst raromW ergs eaasi -- - - - t O. WARN, CON(VRT Alf: 1,R. a., A1ti .l o comwJ.eitwer for a.,hnar suit r•,mdvta+y reo•xn ""em, of bill. afas..t.• airn&'car U•IIW depn•d Liens or ootenn dselanosas Is u e.eresrnfna ser Nrtton, suit w v w *edtae M the Hiar t'eurt of Justine, the "dim of Appeal frm Un Lans, nLans,sr I■ any t'enstr tin DI ►%also t All tma. aaotlera e1,t1,fuRyand Pkv erseg tad. Resaew naro P. O. X441 - eaan*. int --- - LOANS AAI• TNrwatAPCE6 M�{ON" TO tjhl)- A A�1KJh17 d Prtwab TsaM b saFas tsw est etas and oasanm ea M mapeamem Apply to Garroter it Garver, ea , a,a•Le1 r L_ -G KN s.I.wa. I N 41 ��s .ors. R,ml mince ami In SOY (..outs AJytw�n,rL lholy ant -ala,. eWny.Nl.. cry e•..a,� t. eeey to Issd on ple-trbt lean., at be ,c went r.ts sf Int.. rot Kai %I an sn) w1,/ to ua� the In _:ane ()fare: Merv.14 dear fNM ++LLal• west street. Uoderleb. ;A J - At(TI0Nr.xnlN(.. - - - rl•1fo11AP OUNDItY, AUOTIOYIi[R AND l t'Noukrr. UaMirh.ORL IMI*attwaaed to In any part of the obasty. .. _ JO�HNd Kill OZ CIRK[RAL A0.11r)Allr► s Seel ♦anwar. (hosom at, u,4 W. %a ked eri•s11tn.r a is a". ItIca a ronothlon to db etasrge w Y e-tl !§ rNrt lar. .11 alas IaN"ns so bon. Ur4ors tet: M ultnn'. RotN,ereast by matt 4+him add..+., od•rfeb l•.O„esd pontr atter4l ndn J, 71 Smolt, 0ognty AurtannNr. Nr. 1 AKWAGK (.ICK *Mist AV.LAKIL tlAl'xlt Oy iaA,)RMVJ U s=NML e'rip► e. t6tiIf Nuel% 1,1 1•litle. 1oung mien, ,lit rmN marry lh,• girl `11000 "mthrr never let. her rku any I-,gsrw(irk, Mat alwaym mays: -Dir stet "'it of the watt: 111 th) It tlr.VXflr.- "'tlt Rlrl In nut, likely to boot motel, of n lionmekPPper raw you, and tier atr.lher In not the kind riot a mother-. "'-'row who wllLmmka ynar hump n ho'ppy asp.-FirMtorp TrAnwIlpt. 1 believe MINARD'S I,iNIMFNT will -oro every ease of DlpAtherim. WRR8L ItFURFN RAKF:I:. I ti t prdnle. I believe MiN.LiW'S LINIMENT will prn'Inrn Itrowth of hair. MRS. CiIN A. ANDF11.,40N. Stanley, P. 1t. 1. 1 bodlevs 1tlK.tnw.i LINIMEYT Is the beat bommhob remedy on earth. c/fl Cft iiATTJIIAB FOLEY. y. onto , ----Just :r llrRlenpr•._�__._._ ri001e-111111roll nhm• M hey rrlen:ls in , l r? -0A• ye-: All,, hasn't here In els' r"" know,-Notcttlhror Arn-irt Sozodorit Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth dosodont Oso. ,Sowodont Tooth Powder Oso. I. Irdso Liquid end Powder - 7 c.25c. All stores or by u ­J (air the prim. tiamnle f•.r the po.pre, 1c. HALL i RUCKEL, MONTREAL. - X q A M W 00 k 3 . U\1\_- 9 A L""""'I"" In n Ilaby lire hone to School. I hood tun• duyn, weeks, anti mont{ts Tb•• baby lips gone to loch, of ; all, me! ' 1 W trial indeed. whlit will the. mother du, She hourly realises her re#ponsibill- With never a nail to Mutton or plw, ti -?s, she feels the Tors lyt the strung Or tier a little shtoo? man's old, the lollellne•mm rout worry Itoev cast she keep herself busy all of her Itfe; but she feeld the Cliff - di dren ought to be her first care. With the little hindering thing away? I that rhe must bring them up to take their posftlon In life, help them to Another brisket to LII will. lunch,I work their way to honorable tuc- Another "goon -bye" to qtly, . cess. The first y4tatr goer by and And mother stands at the door to we I then some man comes forward and floor baby maroh uw•ay; I Iaropure?s, others quickly follow suit. .\nit turn with n 6lgh that to hell r1, e• o faces ' Ch ueltt )u of re-n►arringe lief, I Iter. ha11 bile do IL? Slip loulaw Afill half a s'xnetidng little to rlet, i nrour� anal gradually realises that office hour. ere not tryinm mnrld- (scan a wage uurnl•r'» circa- I a stepfather In even a more doubt- atte lhlnkrr of a pordble futon, morn, I ful Nuceese than a stepmother. W11l u I It, chlldrnn, ,,n, -by one, 14 tat knows men are prou f of hav- Will got from their It ,mow to the dIF I Ing children, and mhe feels taut world, Itself is that the reel secret of do - To battle with life alone. The Mccian.l Hurbrud'. t hil.lien Sud not even baby tie left to cheer i would )told his I$earl, and rupyla t The scattered h,)me of that future any little love he might have til�e I 3 ear. to acquire for herr. She known that\ tAhe pocks till til(- garwClltll litre and I It she really loved to malt, and lie there, 1 I1 atter ranAAlly loves the mute, and he Throw•u down ill c:tr*-L"wi hank, ! herself wholly to him, rural, how can .led trite to think how It wuuld seem dlarpL•1ced. Pile when she has other and preashig I eft llm? It notuing were it tile bell/•? were always as still all I It the woman. after weighing the title, circ•cmntanced of both muter of the Ilow• c-puld the boar tl:r lonelldess? wart, lit the scales, decided to gil,u Into uualrinuuy,' amt having her life to her ehil Jret1..is •Ike not right? If unkind Atte ordain that f11K YUl'Vli N'IUON'. thews children do not turn out well, _ Ought abs to Hrrry a flfecuud mIto cannot blamo herself. If, Uu the ' otholor hurml, she marry, It 19 unlikely Time T I the new husband ham any real #ym- Now as regarale lite widow. There lathy with her children, if gradu- I ore two klttds of widows. The Lane ally they drift away from her, 11111 who to yomtlr oto attrective; the 1 blit+ finally Isar her h -n -do -Gil over other I%, hu, dons a isldow'a bonnet and I them• well. mile huts herself to blame. curls, and never put# them off again, re-morwe In bitter. laking a ehltiy ulr of miscnablu re- i (ldldren vire u grave laud serfou- tNgmail cal In tier wake. .4q)OnRlbility, and, utas, fete tmlr- I.t-t air leak at the young widow. I Confirm of either sex comprehend hoer I:ve'ry proposal who had as It girl is I grave, or how serious until the child - multiplied by tell when she Id freeI rill are actually there; nor do they rlganr. At first N161ht this electednvallse how utterly unfittivi they etriteg(-, bat Int reality It is not sax often are to become parents until .%u a girl her liurl tion was small ;rho It Ir tow luta. Kut the tviJuw and .maty went to purtlfptt with a chaper- lint wltlower have butight their fax - 1u.• ; rhe had to make her young I perleaee anal have mu right to make (dentis. The Ltoys of her own age-ber a mecund Wunder. bn,thprs' school churls --were. too lhnt tho chlttitrPr widow should yrxwg and too posinlita+ to marry; marry ugrlln In purely only rljht. therefore it msdtable husband only why warto a good life when It to presdntel it m+elf wow and again. tier at Its very bast! 11hat the wltluwf i ob-Ace war limited- Fite nr tel& with chiklrel sioiuld- re-ivarry iii crcarr Inter fill Ily chang.ml. Iler Inti- re•,illy a necessity; but that the ban, 'sfriendly are older than herself; young wldow with ehildrou mhould they err lam,laLbly In a popltfon to marry again, alas, often uwannun- marry. They have 11wiL what it go"I happineen to all, and mlrunderdtau'l- wlfe all(, mallet what nn excellent Ilgs In several livem. nw,thfr ahe In. They know how Women rare often Racrlfical In charmingly she rums her house, how life I After fill If they Jo their duty em►rart Rhe kmNts at the head of her ow fur an they havo knowledge, table• what sa,rt at( a home 9110 Ill's they must be praldel, not blamel, built up around her, and naturally- If the Issue tunes out wrongly. quite naturally -Sal` In loon with the FWoul.l widows marry Radio 7 Cer- fnecinatl mut of thio dung widow, and train Jr. if they have no one else to lmplrp. consult but the•tnsrlves. If they The widow's borlrucl In enMrinded. hate, let them p.'iuse and think be- Sh • lifts rinlo many friends daring furca they take a step which may hor married state. She bun haat bdlig unhappiness to so many." men to dinner, they have stfay,III with __ her In the country, she has been at lecke of her town, and It she has the the- the theatre partied In town; nhe BABY'S HEALTH. keowN Iden, slip IN not afrald of them. _. They have called upon her end chat- The llu,ol 1'•e•cleus 1 Laing lathe World lord upon erery conceivable subject to r Luther -flow Ito Care for the over the twacurs; ridden or rycled little Ones. with he+r, find they one and all lout "hop fiacdm l, rulaco in the deference olmm her an a ",rattling goal sort." No price would be too grant to IN' a I.rpgrlar chum." anti -they pre- pay fur the preservation of the per- IsoNe•. Thur it in that lhlt young widow feet, rosy, sturdy health of n baby, has so atony Changan of marrying No pr:ce would hat too great ; but, as again. Ds n.•slip, do it' n matter of (not, the price Is very But entail -Pimply prtcautlon allot the ex- Louklmlt AbraJ. erciw.` ..t grand judgment. Nhe lifts the veil and locks ahead. It Ica not grmnl Jadgramat to give Supps e, she re-marnen and her son the tender, little Infant remedle s •FOes to the dogn, or her daughter lump out Mildly, would ane not blame containing opiates, and the so-called nerarlf fur inking other 'tics. rind "snoothleg" ma]ichhi•d always con. Ienving lh,wp slip hn4. Incompleteol ? tele cgdnttw; they two not cure. they Of comm:- one may may. "iso woman twlly drug anti etuplfy the little lea nN•nnl to, Rncrince tier own happl- , nes. Baby'.+ oda Tobloa are gun r - neral for her children. They will a ntoted ,lo contain no opiates and no grow up and leave her." Thl t fa harmful drugn. It IN iJim Wrt nit tit - trite, but who Influencem the ehild'R cine for tittle Omen, because It to life'. What hour every great man promptly rffrotive and absolutely written again find again In tile bio- hnrmteis. For nervrAwnesr, mlerp. grnphy : 'I owe everything to my lfasmurmm, comstipntlon, oolle, stomneh mother." It wich bn the crime, the truh:nm, the irritation accompany - woman who ornrrlfiePa her own life Jug the culling of teeth and other -in - for her child In amply repaid. It that ftntit:o troubles, Baby's Own Tablets mem can ferl and write mach menti- Is beyond gneutlnn tile beat medicine u/ent". Wow it not Werth ancrlfleing In the w,wNl. The TnMpls fire sweet wordR a. 1141. finrrio h for uch m ,I nutrs I111.1 IA(mumnl lis trite, and dissolved wrot0 of Margaret Ogiivy? hl Witter oan bit given with absolute Mat by far the larger proportion of safety to the youegeat Infant. Moth - won" have chlldrpn, and the gwpm- o•re who have nm01 this medicine Uor tical ariwee. which fa It to l)+? 14 their little ones sporadic of It In the minor enthusiastic terms -'hat la that title to consider her own inclinntinna, of Itm cfflono•y. Mrw. rw• the Iappiattns of her offspring 't Attainbfw, Fat Felt N. ifl-M-r.lit I fl great tanAto; b,it memaw- wtvIrT nton BpMl, "'ill ley culmen Babys Own MY n hot%-. when one broke round among Table TaiWnts syr unnlnnllaxl frK'chlldrpn. None's acqunintanorm. one Prem that Th,•y take It retulfly, end it rrgulntes the oordlofiry ymingg widow often None- the bawds, cares them of pppvlah- rlfle-a her own tare to tier childr,•n. news, ami Is a great helper In teeth - Is rhe 1111alht ^ Ing. 1 would not think of being Children ere thrust Inti. Star world without the Tablets." &)lit by drug- drug - 1,K maxi on n or nol •n9 vnipns; they fire given Ifre fin l drvioncelpt pricR'se -,Plot ols IN o pants n by ndJrcndng ex o'ete.l to live It. I+ it not the p the the lir. Williams'' Medicine ('n, duty. therefore, of the parent, to ,10 Breokvltir, Ont. the Most he or mile p0oerlbly can for "- their clliblren'w ankrR? Suppo,wo a womrmn he left with two KI.srs as Prlaet. or (w,rtlAps three children-clvillsed Few people am aware that kla- fain Ilea do not go tm•vonl that run- alite In a romp•tratively mod-rn In- lo,•r now idayn-AMI glip, is barely stitutlon. 1hat In to may the klosm thirty yearn of age. The regional- lion developed with the march of billty on Iter-houlders IR Pnormoum. civlllxatioh. Ifer Income Is nsuUlly ahout n quer- }dor Inwtrance, the kine, am a token ter of what It was In her humband'a of arfac•tlon, wast unknown among lifetimp-perhaps nn eighth -- snot tlx• ancient Greekm, and neither In tllnt at a tim- when exps,nwps are 1fultNrr nor In Hullo l do we, fin -1 really only "Inning. when the Per- any mention of It. 10111,411"It of school hllln nre facing lfrrtor did not ki49 the An.lr-a- Iter for the first dome. Is Noor pilot- rancho when he bade her farewell, line tin enviable one ? Crowflet will, nelther did Paris prone his lips to re nalWllty, worried at whlrh end those of the hpautlfnl Helton ; and to to to cut dawn Pfrprnmam, fit- J-1yp,M, who wasprrhaps the mon Ill lerAtly A116" 11111111161111t the hPlptnRty romtnapNofltan man or him day. nevi r nn whom mhp hew Iparns to rely, the hern- dreamed of rhast"ly salating there. flrst yPAr or lwo of her Wldow- first chanting (Irate on thin lipm. TO CURB A ('01,110 111 ORR DAT lbs 1Ate rWn 1lreamoiQslefna TablsbL An 'vrisreh-4 the macer It N Esus to mares iY oro.e'e AAa s" is on ow% bom M ;, gal, #".si1:I tt ,4 W 1, a:. - in fact, tlw. kiat As own know It Is quite a modern, latter-day ,•onvoini- mobi'P, ani It Is rewpOnslble for mans - of this thlllgs that happ-n nal at- tract attelatics the worli over. PAS.tilNG OF TIIK VONPADOIL lae.ie„lio for the \t rue of T Frehlue of \\ 'cortex the flair. Tilt- la,mpatlour lute Joint the till that ma do it for the last three )a llw moart pupulur furls of culrfure is still the tashuw Moot fre4uen seep, but It taus received Ito$ Jen blow. There +ire v'arlous reasons for Jeclluer of the fashkMa. With rtrell hair It wild always impossible. wlero1a1 the water which. If they nut ruppheil by nature, must be (rout llw hairdresser. Till* pnn•ord of artificial and tion woe Jestruetivo to than h Now tits, effects of the coutin tarnllg retsultiug from It aro to taavo Inmcume W apparent that of tlu• uerllrh womon in Purim wearlag Iwltutlufl pompadours. Thede Imitation off airs ore r1, able to deceive elll b'hly. They t ally look wiggy from tlw uther of a room lis oplle of the urtl way 1❑ wlwch they are worn. Tliey are, of course, Iitted over brow anti the Itnfxl oti which t are made In very like;y lis show. It Ie not vfslble, It will at le give tlw hair drawn back front I k,uk tit something that I not ture. Thin substitutes, even wheat t were artistically mingled with naturul hair, were the begannl of the w►d. fnic pompaJuur wad du `NI from the, time they were f uloi " Num it IN nettled thol the m will go It so moon aid women of Marls hatao hair ono to return to the tmlfig or fringe old wllloh Is aait1 lu Ica• the (nal of the near future. , As to Jackol's. Swill women -an I the wojlarlty French room era are Inclined to ,sunlit -faint slick to t1i,, bulerta ur very short Jacket. There In nu It ab.mut tial•, fur tun- rettl Parini will weur totally what Nulla tier, w aecYwants, probably, fur tho fuel t she I. always wt•h dressed, why Iho women tit other countries f,Ilow hrr idetls IRtlnhly tare Jratmwt or not, all the ruse way lye. fill French women are out nil unsay, Indeel, are tall. In any Ulrrd are sufficient tall linea to runt the Introductijn of the jac with falling barques. Ver, It has o4)m�, the fa dtabun, aril there In denying the fact, wor: luderd, French women wish to dpoy lt. t1r.L simple reason that It the 1 bawiuo down not suit them they w(ar what. does. The mmnjl la for., for the moment entering tl Nimple, boleros -one wonders w the trrlero, will go out of fashion France --or garments cut Pl about the wiltvt like lilt Eton o brolr•rtd and having Lulls twhind, of theprettlest mudell,ham tall• t rum'+ heluW the wait, anti 1,N well. small brierluen. Thp tl filling• ,,+rat with lung la"lues--t ronc h III tome instance" too tlip -to fashionable, but only the tall man wean It. OTTAWA PIAN WHO ,Women's Clubs Are a Bar to Matrimony. KATE TwrSON MARR'S OPINION OF T"ILM 11 _ toot, .=Tt •e kp much amusement lis tlanclug a Bodin Trop -writs with n GLMI-pwld Teutonic beauty when the breath furmv if leled Upoll this ultoudtache, and this W always the cure lis 041- engto fit I)reelaber. Tito anarchists of the Windy City rellavu their, fi,lingd by p:uruaialiug vhoolla¢ gallerium where they rm- ploy rlfb+# upon targets palated, It in sold; to repreunt the multi- MILUMalree Of the 1411101- 4, f LHON Stir gbi rely If Laubt bice ryas who care mgr- tit t" tares Aro women clubs u a to matrl- ( , ! otrlkinlpW empharisNi lhaut In \\'ash- ilwtwl. lis than Got'etuulxpt uffcer Ht►t Wert tarter d Err rem hero In the Kart, girl It Ir possible !l tuufly . \"cry deckfedl . y'or 1 II' fact any pursuit. {N)e UllR Stoll Or Ure Ilntll )' lovely CUIIUrWI WLaWI'll who that. the wows hwband there fhtfr In which wuu1J lou are Rut t)ueinrrr uftlllallw► that oung•luice it havo baou ware,) by thr beet leen of rut roan yr unouwfurtul to n New Yorker. woman's litre or cagroasew her at- the country. yet thin life of itwhgrPnd- Tlw iJca nevertheless li a good one. u!A. tentlua twirl# front lutr heart ain't allied to uu,re fameiwathrA than n haud- I:ood lis Urt lis touch \You Nature. alr. mind the Inclination Jur m+nlimentp wasivt bank neputiet wits a aaarCu_ lit I mad that air(, laudtuarkr leading to the line lock aril key attuchawnt. The It to well for huatuanda to get laid butte" of ulutr•Ieuuu". L woman, whether y'orntg or old, office hour. ere not tryinm mnrld- (scan a wage uurnl•r'» circa- I touch with nature now Rod then. At I:owu generally etarylhing earl. half are ea• I t,Yl with the e:ub cats carr In u 1, w � becomes creel •rr 1 i ti Jho wort 1 r eon nal R 1 . w 1 , whichprostate .� t her su u t v a rw K [ fort, beumrr eorreslx>gJlaagly Intro- lub.)ce all. than (lay' I» 9u,(1 evtth uu above Itself is that the reel secret of do - ulaltiOd In o1, aggruvat(sl forul within fear or doln}t+ In the wPltle:aeuIm- mewtic c•unifl)rt, no tar as tilt) hus- lianh 1 Is concenuwl, Ica to leave Wall leu- sMo tN•ew. of her own Importance ant) funcl•rs Mutt her misnlOII uta Ilfx Is til@ WLa11aep grow grey Ili nes service. se hl the mprvbon 'I7hha (thllosohave, Mune by Itlmep•I[ for a reasonable rtic Lot, gather tato this (okl cuuverlsto tIW club teachings, slut her euthu_ that "they know whet they, have, perluJ. This underlies the daxc- trine of larger liberty and of free- the ►lusm leaver her neither time ,nor bit they !M not know what they doss to attend all kind• of gather - half Iu•I nalluu fu• the srnllmentat tell- wanld b r get Ung It they ventured taken Ings and remain there an 10119 Its ! 'tenriew of ler rr.%. Tho alm air obJeet Into uualrinuuy,' amt having possible. Men tiro of monotony, of tlr+ chub rho oa.nrlderd her first the, IeNmronx to bract of the uzprrl- and even the suclety of an affeotion- eat nod nil engrossing thity. Hilae of nionarly' of their cu-workore. of ate w•L:u Olten it uo exception to the t a Unmarried women, than unappropri- whole% there are many potent as- rule• n1,_ stat blL•ssinge, or the sheltod pats@ u1n1/1iw where pretty girls left the The point has bees recognised odd hey et,illk,ns of feminity are Often well offs•,• for lovl•, alid after finding explain,, tlw ruaoesr of wouien'a %ltd chairged 4113nauwr of both pn-ergy marring +u failure have drifted back I clubm, Thera prosper, not no much Unit mein -esteem. Tiley eherldt Lite lac) lunger light-hearted girls, b:1t on alocohmt a>I• their benefit to the ang Idea of fi mission in life ami the wuaten with other little hiveY to mhare I women, but because they give the alit- "wiakenfrtg to tfu+ 'met that the the maalary. heraoe the tru►jority labor hnsbttuJ comparative molltbdo while charm of girlhood is qulck!y an I on an•.1 shiny of them allill in harness. I the, wife, lw attending W her club' tole surely purring often tinctured tits, Club IIIc+ 1m even I% greater bar to ; dullest. Lilo C01111lll9 yeurm with at strong flavor matrinio ny than bWlueed Ifo for a ugh (It acidity. It is witch wuru•uu. The spirit of 11a1Ppendeuce of "Thar, coming of tho crow's feet, of thought and action in tit- club' A DUNKER MEETING. lion Itingoo the death knell of the beaus , woman- the Independence flnau- cWly o. the botaid Less wom-in-all I _ ' feet," that rite finds an escape Inhil ill I enol to antagv)nlse sentiment. flan wilt %Lever meek the pro'essional club l:raekte Description of flow tke bUmaaonrct Worship. alto club fads whererun to expend the womalr with tho Jntentlon a pay- At one bide, at than lung tables, sit of surcharge of energy. With tile, cam- Ingo tier that hgght•mt compliment- that the Haters, their white prayer - be Wicum"emn that rlto for growing test' a nrnn Bran pay a woman, tlie o`lar of culerings ahowinK full agaladt the, the and less farchtatfag to than uppOdltc lits heart and name. Anti the wog ¢enrtrtl glvuw, their luted, s@slow rex sire takes up the cwdgeld in de- mann who asmmmom club a'filialton■ af- favor LurnL•ol toward ttw preachers. ear lecke of her town, and It she has the the- ter murrtngr, In propurlloa 1,v her and clia etpry Iwau-I hung their black magnetic forces Witli�It her to interest In the one inerramem, lin,liall Iuunt-tt-mumbru draprr.er eufJed to hat come a leading)trit auloa,t thou) sf It dhululsh In til@ other. The two I t1w tounl4o Occur. Al the other side "hop fiacdm l, rulaco in the deference will out nm,ncil@ any store than a I are tltsr brethren, lung -bearded, who paid later and noun Itecumer nut duly' la -ill can maintain two ewtabllrll= lying-hairat,l men iii mulema faces• well 111,91 by that dofnrenoe, but nrrv,- ment•1 nn till. name touting. Women's anal alurlg every low-lying beam But giant anti dcit-l►mwertive. Nile+ fah alway# elation Maya delegated many homer, i rrtretteh row on row of great hate, ; "nrruuntlet by A nx,b or woulen wile nnml. no argua►^nt In their favor ever . 11wir civarue rJrlug bku u series of follow subserviently In her traain. her reffeem them In the eye no right- I t$wlttuments to tlw+ doctrine of u- . The cluscr her liffllatlon Witt, Inhaled sten. milac o- Ula• Platform ern N et ket club, than further receded, kyr charm ,� mus m•<y bravely fare u gallllgl a Ifpe ut tThefewst o provin be. fur the uyposltg ccs. If rho fr pus- on a kicking uutou xrMl) un n dpu- g 4q { ' + tits roc old 1,p I while. The Sew, flick- old no spsmal of ole meaud to live wet, her Slat chair, trot echos t comer to fac- 'ora 1 htu throw rtrau a shadows Ig g [ do Lome becomes the retdezvoua fur wu- ft Other real rtrenm,md club wumwtr. 1 Pt pryw•here•, it let now tuul thee► 1trh1 \" For well Who hold CeM$genlal LIICLarldI, lewd flits coura ) In plldl'td, and lie may [' 1 tofu rel of the Wnct forme of the 40- ong Whl-h loon verges more or on to a sort of freak Incubator 1net1- 1 be excime,t If tali, retreat le more precipitate than rtf n1Ycd. 1 P g I regenerate In the Asif-hilts( mows � From thin w1.1 lalioni wherein IN hatellAd the often Men 1k) not au11n re+ the woman oil either cpJ. XtaMu that of cattlescrawl s tier wurwc than freakish hloaas that at whutn the world calls "clever." On I rias •edam ed- ting restlessly h► thele ellen hed- n til hen limen startle a cuutmualty. These lila- •rime start de they (x11 to a leeceutrlettlen 'tif(K, than half-eupprprreti Wrnt of a In abuorruul tpiurters cherish an abld- leg rtrentmeut againmt maalcultulty, etc tate titpsi that Iamb, Etre cluck of a nervous hcn. fort r R Jur Elle moron lluti the closer a runt' r woman'• clubs. Tine very air- t ray of till •a demi natlr theme cliques g � q Back of It nil, a putslr n1,, vulgar mass, crowding at the wide doors, stares One auman'n afllhationr with, other eau- IN formidnbl.•, and the women wed - In at flat, company -rho sightseers hnt min lm .frown• ice uwru rtuoiowly' ,jell W then% ouuu lute the Pulle- ¢ from lite neighboring YIIIagL•r, ar- urO wIll me" uvu:d her. been and true wtrn-Lely rate that g rayed I papa levery s gay with r ilt- Wunntu'm rluhw are lire c•untlnuuua Performance a death knell of wend- n�.,al to a moo's XPnXe of chiv"Rlry. ' a fbw•rrX of every ha@. bright dresrds, Ir@y went. When a wtomae bm deeply Inter- I waPtr Stet 1.11111'.. whom lip l0vefa i w book up to him. Ha tv'Wlis tier of ttte terrible -prrxluctious tot the "famhlothablo tailor" or the "gants' w corte,l fu nnything or ranyuUJy, wtle- tile', It be a loan, n baby ox a club' , bright and entertaining and com- _rarnieher" of the cUUrttry town. ,,Witt tat a ctrulco comkivatlunt), paulonable, and certainly the we- man whom. brain Is distorted Red A meronal preacher is on life fret _ - that one particular object Nile. wakes axrlual++ut." 1°g- �ewe""t' Late Lata topic of all her conversutiun. If echo e, time In engrossed club fathe ng >?y Is not the kind of woman that tt ma.n will seek to card) with the old• pin unlul the /kxctrhle of humility. W [ Hx tests a`ablest the tendency oT-iome of Shit •Eters to relax a lit - tie in their wtrfetneem am to dress. ship Is lit love rile actin only think of that cue man, ...lit tier speech Is the old story. as tea evidenced here and there fly rcho of the '*think" If It's IL bx1w I R 1' ht 1)Itr• [ own. Ile beseeches her them WHITES THIS TIME Ilsst in the ante "Ltd only baby that - to keep apart from the world, and ever happened, although thume who 1 ,I I to shun the ways of the unregon- Itvt4n lltmow that there hate been [ON Ill CHi G crate. -- "then► it It's it club• staw want+ to I"Lot lila young brethren " an hatumer everyorhe with It. and luon , the Laid brethren!" ho cries. "lwtt Grants Full Permission _to U tate il@a eml attentdextr from the up-_ tits ,young Antprd be. nr the old sis- als Name in B:half of D• dd's poslte vex becomes a forlorn, or roc111 Kidney Pills. ther a formaken dim -In -the -distance I " ""men a Their Nus lie, wimp man, looks neer tilt - 1 -Au f 1 ls Was IN the Clutch lay Bright Db •-zlrRw W all site ny mr�tWa eH 1 Fearful 1Malydy - Uwt H 11 DwAld's Kid4vJf a Ill, La Th1ll Oith�a, .Noy. 18.-(Aprehll)-. tune►to young msn to F'rotnk L nand, of this city, for by Jho me chcauce, he. watt raved from that prat r»rsP eo dreaded by cruet IlrigliVor Disease, the Incurable Lady of the Kiltleya. 'rho wtrttry of Mr. C•hartran:l'd cojwl from thin dreadful disease beat told ht his'uwn word.: "I had beet) greatly troubled my Kkhrgs for two years, tince 1 Ing m clot+e of the grip. I suffered Mlrkachf+ anti 1 always felt tiro and veryy heavy to the Ilmb+, with nluwlt ..were headaches and oft still severe pelnn in the Sup of held which prevented me frwu my' work no I would like to dor Often my finger" and legm w cramp and oreaamionallp I felt p feUue bits ani ti vary heavy d ffettttg with eM)rtmme of breath lutin in the lett .NIP. HomptIm wool I eft very igood mealm and oil tlnl'v+ i Wolof.] take a blmcult an cup Of t(n and that would flnl+lf mrT$1. I had tender Spots over Mack of the spine and felt very t in UP region cif the kklnrym, It draRglrl,I heavy feeling acrom lelns, In short, th,Ir'e was no ti i wits cnlff"Ifig from Brighton My "I kfgrt taking the mf•illa inee 44retierm glove m^ all thin time, t.hpv 4161 me no good. .% few w ago I phAneel to teff a friend t I fuel Itfyexl lop hope. "'why akN1't you try Dodd's net• 1111191" tie told me. "I went directly to the drug and got throe boxes, *blob I h oval, rind wi4elt have wit mnell proved my health, that without h tntkrf f my i am sure 1t Is tan matter of A short tis@ till i bre' PomplPtely acid permanently sur _ - s--._-__ -- paap ilhats. Diplomacy In liar polite 11nnae International lying. The Pmallrr n mnnb wit til^ in lNlhrm he taken 141allowIt. A mlmpr'R face. lR like n bankno ,,eery line In It means money. Trumt your nerret to annthpr It h ill be "tunle,l hndly willed. 'MIA arrrng,' in.n'N gi•hr'len •ill hasn't ttmp to tittle n anenlioe Vont might as well talk to nit e an to a pmrwu Who 91W,1YR fogy with .Vale. \\•leen It I -omen to drawing rent itneem, lawyers are almost nor rum donkeys. One-half lhr• world d,woon't kI INo+a the nthrr holt fives, Jul doing it- btv't II, find rout. holm•. There fire few mon lmoasemwel If 0 1 oan-worm i llifrrs foot, lilt, of mufrk•I•tnt otxnrage to face a rrol bands Seek It• world as It stands thern .,u the turn •W' live club w YiNviii with him love. In him , bridge gaping at him, nnrt the world kw eyes and him heart In him hand. That I - I' m a dreadful thing. Little won - "' love would tin? frozen by the :.%cert ' tip ! Asp la?twreu film people, with -- tormuta of the rent club watmarr"wtnrp, ! PROPOSED HOMES�� wa'onPeh+trs art, xnd ttte trn- for• nal the hand that held tilt, henrl nge.n rate wltlwut, our wy'mlalhfes 'tnart• would he wtrlcken with lartint if not i T'New-York Tefegraph.l - --,—" or" ith the I►rPthren. -Frua vert total parnlyRIR. ! Mrs. Carter Harriman, wife of the ".Lmong the Dun.karm," loy Nelmon • mOd- Aman may tolorate a woman'« club 1,10311, In the November `Scribner. ors, tit 'a wife, be(rafime, were he to up• lllnyur of (!Iilcaplo, fuss 1x61 thr pub- mal- prase hrr hp woxlld fLn,l n mtony re- tie unler n lasting obligatluu by lid.HISTO Y OF A COIN. cache horrlcilding her itapablp Of re" yaac:a,,, In uu able rltuech, at the P.a slating any attempt" of mle•gr. In the L I holic' Woman'm National Lpnguo in wit& hp must tolpmtp It, but in It relaxatlun for humbands. No man There in n prof Ietor of a popular rertmetheart-/ drnlbt It. call row] her cluyuent aaddreas wlth- by The men who flowil lrrr a wife'» clubs <Alt mlyfng nmou, and no old fogy caf•t In a lh.wa-low• crlsestr+pal who hat• or who mnuctlon them, du mo after o: the buftee sex wlthuut giving gUards as Thin chtt at treasure it IN (raving found flint opposition only I vent to exclamations of lrandceud- worn snot battered In wuicla wits wmy mlrenigUhetls wt bhorn rPRULance. A I Ing +amasement. ! struck from tire mint I 18(IJ. The ire- nmtn who encan�ragPe mach nffillntlunm Unfortunately for the general nate lo only n :,t•r+nb pl vt. Mat It b ener I+ n rare avl+ and genc-rally pntPr- I [nod. Mrs. Harrison did not go Into +Info to sfty that p'_:) cou not buy Iny miner mom- melfl"Interested mntivp ler- ( complete dootafls, but It Is easy to it, anti the reurse catty Is t ; doIng d(-jmx,dent.of the club itself for xuell I dewee from the up -to -Jule text Wheat the owuf•r of lop soul upenel It. Indulgence. men hu hiseare shortly alter thoclvll or he g Y happy departurrhi from the ufrwr a gow.l 6x•ntlon, and this act, uuld The Spirit of lnlpppndenee that Present dumpstle system. Ons it aof ple.l with ills own vlgo,rone Pc on - law foilown the wake of the woman 'm club rho noce""ity for greater liberty to ntity, tor might him m flcstrlslling tr e, Izzy W dinmertrleally opponel to the men- the busbnud. I life is philosophic unit it In Waor might emse t Out err r strimsy that a it I a mominl Iden of depMta be that "wino. other cmfp cane upene+ti by n rival dl - PM t a [earth IIkM to feel es(mtm better ,the prement practice of chaInIn ,eett,,ly :u•rv"st the street. Tin- new - tier himw if and the w4mtnn he locpm. ('tub hu.4 1. to than dl11hag-ruom fires o,oLl-''y nin,l so el that h0 was nftrr a d a wrmlen woos lo9r ihlm grmclmfw ehnrm. place, the library tablu air the par- hart art %fie lrittle to tflc nrlghlxN- \ my it may he a► braved nsserthm, het lots rocking chrtir. Is not cuuduclve 1"-I, and that, what was m,,r+t, tan the obmryvatfota lifts Iwl me, to believe, to comfort our to their I;nnbt111y• waw g„ Ing to grt it. 111w nttllalr Ecru %red that women deteriorate through too Neither con the curtepin W? cum- t,lt,tlnctlJ defiant, #Lna that a•timto matra Oil crofwtnnt viwes•lattnn with other mended of keeping it large brazen- rrf the catnblishwl caafe wagged their the women. A men's companionship In-; fncc,I and film' lent clock 'a the Jo- hrn,'w moh•mnly and call that trouhl,- oubt ahtc<w her to appear always at tier i mtrrtle chamber find enllim.Z ulten- aver browing. Divot brat, pprsotrilly ; and if the main Is ' ticl'1 to tine ptlaltion of the Ww,lbi ()If the .Lf y (hat the new cafe wrist that cultural, mltlr In Otos, b�apfltel men- I when at Ileac lord returns from lair ,rjtelel w cn)wot of hllrrs filled the Pkmbill. tallmanic His slraagtta or superiority siti In i social or prof"sainnat rngagementr. place anal waltel f.or w.NnPthinlf to we ruuxttal attnhlmrntw nets an m stfmhr I Ncldier LIIOuhJ wives Interfere with happen. They were tett dlenppolaim. hat Innt. The matst britilnnt women of thr 1 that natural desire of men to lofty fmr In the ndddlo ,tf tho morning In worbl of art ned literature have friendly riot ptrltonic attentloan 4.o str,llef the restaurattear from ncrm$ ICId nehl-vi-I tame thromagh aeNrMliltlllll other Alemiters of their t.ex. Chronic the @treat, allot, throwing_" shining Witt! mPt1 of. sews grt-nter brllfapcty, jxllouay Is b+unl Lo Inflame Its 0b- gnnrter ash that har, lie asked life wtore while, although a main may be atm) J•ct nn„1 to product) In time a devil- rival to have something to drink. tilt ave usoietiod by n women, It Is negatively ( may -carr d:,apoal.l on to patroblap that men drunk• whllo the crowd Im- and tn,rally'. The more dependent a mpl,tuagennrmal bnllelr apt white- Ralwvl nn41 won'tarel who scold psi- womrtn v nitre rho protection of n Ih1t:el vaudeville artl.etN. strike the first blow. lint ran blows It n his a levy, the more Ie wbp mfr IN In Harrison taken to the N ooda. were struck. On the contrary, during nm" tats eyes. 1ndPjpPnd"rloe wh"t her fin- ed." nnOint, or in thought or mctlon, very According to ItLi wltfl, Wayor Holy- that nftern,w)11 thea owner of the. new often. detracts Immenwry from n ,lrvn f[ndm ant Joy 1n frequeullag ear(' trw k the rnmP crvin which tale --- rival heti v-41 hr-thr vr>r full. end, wiiriu►n s"ohtlrm: life rmtinot" mfmnd Jt a moi --W. t In Ito b- r -gretted LIMt ,,,'klllg nerwse the r1f isrt, trentert in and If n in a ehrmlr etnfb of nntdg- to LTM reported speech there Im much tern for o nlam against even her own Impulapp, indefiniteness about this mtnlement. ,rho• rvlterntion was uprated the Thin independence becomes to her In- Chlesg0 coyerw the northern part orf lip NIL tilt and every tiny 6M thirty, finitely otcnrpr than any love. it m•tn I lilt" State of Illinule, and contains criers. \irnntime til" pl^er of money In proffer to her. I 287 forcvntol. Koch one taf theme, Im ore Nr>♦► otts,n +fro cap taper w0mrn ar>;,a- }owned par irrcapd by n //prnlnn w1 brut• grety Wora anti (Pic] anti Ebro two mon Ing Against the very dtetatks of thou ' stars 1 k laowlln nil dem In hull, Krrw wain and too. At Inst for WL [ y. [ lbrioprlPler or lhp fewer cats, dird, own hmrtfs In wfi/viktag of a lance ellen,• museum o. mule gardrn. rand the other man wits the chief to: affnir thf-y will say, cmphnticallly, I Which 011.7 of these It M that gsvrs mnnrner'at'hts fhito•ral, and when It 'oYefe. I wool') marry film, bit I tanto I a maslmnm of r0aXILtkfiu Is hard to was all over hp to give tip my own independence," I determine• There I muscular Spy _In jxlt the hsttercot flyn't'low Appill" AiMA In Out women i rollingoml-ro a 3erpr Be a e,trP phrr, RiM Trnr"rl nal I tglh rats of tozwo o I npvpr tv (mart with It this mIU of of the clubs and tilt- business women. flown n hug allay 'wlheu the ther- the Ilap sorpnrnting him frv)Kn one In no city cot the country Is thln I n1UmPter Ir at 180, Itvhlch It u9unlly who haul been both his rival and IW Igej wplrit of Indepeadeu$ca-lovlug' more I+ At ( Meng" In-.untmpr. Thorp tilos frlpnd.-tpw Trak ,Wall and t xprnss. If ON mail hast nn tlrfeee or himown he IN slat to lmM.t of than". pomseamel by him ancestors. if there Is a mlrmr In sight It In alsoy Imposslblo row it wosan tea avolid prr_onal rpflectfonR. Thp bfRht11"Kil P ti net morin Inter- peldmr than the midnight pat to the man Who wwate to sleep. St„e Ike CNgh rad Warble 4)R the cold. fs 69 Mss Te. we �bNls wrto a df` 1� ore W. N• Oer� we 1141as MAKE ATEST OF THE KIDNEYS Decide for Yourself by a Simple Experiment If You Have Kidney Disease. Frmem and hundred" of pPople, who arp rnml4listing almost# daH! of tw$ckmell I �lnm In that, IlmbNo. not unllkr thrmm�tlml, and rtinging, men"rig semm�tionn when nrinatlng, flntsot know IlfkI t4f.1 nre fn reality P1l'f.rltlef frown klAnPy drning"mentta Idrmahln tlr lh,•r hol-ri -ft trllnnoor ant'inviter.-expwpienr.P. favorer or I(- v Pu'flu.en nthter the eyAr and srwplllnr rs' the iing)m, And fppl chemic rtlmio"mop I►vif% htsrU span l the Pt R1 eIw. it Im not n•teeomity for you to wnx•rgn an t,sp(-nstv'e exnminntlon to (Ilial mV. If tilt kllnf•y . are dto- ramp t! You ran m'Lkp the rxaminatlo n dor ,loam if. Tak,• A rl".va gl," v ps ; Istat` RGaaw stud carina to r1Awr1 IM It free t.tpe•nly-fent Itoarla If at that Sites til"r•• arp dPpnits In file IrKlr,m or the v".,w•l tot$ lean be certain that ll,e kikyays are not In ilrralth� winking order. 'nil I tent. art'ormiparllosd by 111p ,yn:ptama n•" ferrel to mhnval, are IMlmpulAhlP nT1,I ytr of klriney dl+curs. DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. There i• Ion Inngpr Ani qur.tl,rn ,.tm."I Ili,, r•'h•,,•ni , air Dr. cwtv-n Kltlnpt- ippompt, thoronah nlrl ImotinR r•ur, ;,or ,•,rr, f-.n,i ,,f k',lneyl ,ll-PIPP Th,ir ,omhlnri 1'Ivrr 111 t 1,e a e Y- eml latter vt word tit Pin `.n rnr,. cittnnle if Fill e'n%1.h,•alrl ,Ilv,mspm aborta o•aonat h.Mv,;l,l oil iltp kid• ary kid mrdirinPP. Ton can depend on fir. ('hnm•'a Kitner -(Iver 111114 rcrn tln►e. One n'•'h ••1 by ordlse a" 1 box, rt call dPNere or Edmltndrion, &Ltms • U,., +1;1ronte. Iltil a do+r. p Or