HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-21, Page 1THREE "A' S" ADIP TS AN. AOTIVE Ac -NTS WHIN PLAOI /N THE SIGNAL Iona. THD LD .DING Nf]WSPAPDR OP HURON COUNTY. FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. • 2857 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : NOVEMBER 21, 1901. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAnweT REPORT 00o01ad, Nov.:), 1901. Fall Wheat. w 5 flour, tangly. per owe.-.. _sass.. 1 lU te 2 97 Floor. patent, per ewe.... -sass..,- 150 to 1 6V w ton- -__....-. _. 1100 tali 0o,,,, oho wean _.,-,. -.- 16 Co tole 0" florosoinge, per owe 1 00 to 1 0q O 10 to 05,, 000to00, 42 to 01 (15 N uy 15 to 0 t- 00 to10 Oe 5 1. 1l t0 0 la 10 to 0 IS 16 to 0 it to a UO 50 to5O,t 25 to 00 to 5 ro 00to6 50 13 to ° 1, 15 to 018 13 to 1, 00 to 0 0n 00 to0u0 75 to 1 50 00 to 3 5p Rye. per bush.... Buckwheat, per bosh Gata, w bosh........ ..... Pose. w bosh,..-...._.. Harlow. per bosh His. w loo Potatoes, 1 bush„ sew Rutter. Obsess. Der 15.. seas - fresh aapaoked.. dM... .7......7.-...=--:::..=---- , es. .. .-. r..--_ _ _ Pelt.. „` Live Hon Dressed Hoge. Baron. ... .....-, sass ......--... Lard. per Ik. Dressed Har yon 9.1:00r Dressed Reel. hind castle.&:port n•ry GRAND TRUNK k is EM THANKSOIVINU DAY, THURSDAY, November MO. I: )1. 'rickets will be laved at single tan for the rotted trip, good going Wednesday and Thule d• Nov 77 and Ria Hood to return on or before Monday, Deo. 2011 Purchase your tickets from F. I. LAWRENCE. O.T.R. Town Ticket Agent, Next door to Har m hotel. 16. C. DICKSON District P•aseiger Agent. O®es boars : 3 0.0 to We Y. Situation Vacant. SKRVANI WANTED TO 1)O OKh• end housework. Apply to MRA. Mc- OILLICUDDY. West street tf. BUY WANTED -'10 LEARN THE prl.u.g trade. Apply at SiuNA1 Omoe. tf G00D GIRL WANTED IN THE KIT - oboe at the Colborne House. Apply to MRS. GEO. BUXTON. T.aeh.re Wanted. TEACHERS WANTED.-1.014.SCHOOL motion Nu. 5. township of Colborne Duties to commence January Lt, 190'1. Any class, experience preferred. Applloattooa w111 bereoeleed by any of the trustees up to December 2.r. HAMILTON MoOANNUS. Dunlop : JAS. WATSON. Loyal ; JOA. HETH°ERINGTON. see. treas., Nile. R Pubtto Nolte.. ATTENTION, LADIES AND 0ENTLE• 11EN Mr.. 8. A. MoCOLL, i. •zteed leg her thank, to our citizens generally, asks for a oo0tioa anon of their patroness. Orders promptly at- tended to for melee up new furs or remodel - Hog them in any style. uroamrnte. etc . etc . t.or•ebed at her rooms. Mod 3oor illak.'. Block. cor. morels and Montreal st. Entrance on Metres] et. 67-5t. KA t,h:TING OF THE HURON COUN- TY COI.'NUIL.- Ties council of the county of Huron will .nest to the council chamber In the town of Roderick. on Tueedsy, the 3rd day of Duero - bee oeet. at 3 o'clock, r. Y W M LANK, Dieted at Oodartee this Mtn day Clerk. of November, 1 )1. WARNING - '1'HIl ISS, TO GIVE notice that aorone bathing off the Weeds. wing or tampering with the ferry. •booting or aresp.s.inz upon any pan of our property, will be arrested and pro•eoaled. Elia 1' AT'[I(ILL 02tt ANNUAL MEKTIN(). The annual meeting of the sheath olden of the Ooderlch Engine and Bicycle C ompeny, Limited. will be held at the Mao' of the Vole way, Uodcrloh, on Mower. Nov. Sch. at 3 e. N. MACI'BERSON, Dated the 1,3th Nov.. 1901. Seo. Boe1.tles COURT OOUKRICH, NO, 32, C. 0 1.. hold their reenter meeting oc Norah 9t. Island 3rd Toesdaysol every amnia. Visiting brethnn always weloome. Musick H. K. JORDAN Tauten of piano, organ and owns t. letodio coroor of Hamilton street and 6gean. M188 COLBORNE, Teaoher of Fletcher mimic method. will re calve puede et her studio. abeye Mr. Natters Inenraaosemoe, Hamilton street. For Infos matlon apply either at studio or at i,elden.e. Palrlat's street. W GLENN CAMPBELL. Drollest and musical direetor of North at. Methodist churoh, and teaoher o/ pianoforte, pipe organ and theory. will be pleased to re- oelve pupils. Instruction giron either at studio or at pupvil's home, as desired. Studio at Emerson's Menlo Store. Westet. 71-tf For. Sale. FOR SALE. - A FEW PLYMOUTH Rook eoekerels from prep .wtunl.g stook. Apply Rot 6. °oder1.b. 63-11 VOR SALE -THE RAST HALF OF 11' the west halt of lot 15, 000. 7. West Wa- wanoeb. comprising 50 acres. Apply to HEN• RY FOWLER, Usogan.on, or to Philip Holt. Berrien* Owlerleh, $1,500 DASH, OR ON TKRMH TO atone ho with leix.rroom.d aldttloo.dtna d on Photon Street. Half an acre of land with all the outbuilding' thereon thrown le For further particulars apply to THEO. J. MOOK- 110USR, Reynold P. O. 3611. VOR MALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118, 119 and De In Hntohl.on's survey, all In Roderick. For particular apply to PHILIP BOLT. Harriette, to., 00011105. Marek flub, 1900. I140 Insurano., ate. (`(HAS. R. SHAW, URNRRAI. ItSUR• N-1 ANO! and real estate agent. Gane, tee door eau •t P. O., Goderloh. Agent for the loading muted ere Insurance oom panles and leading stook oomt•antee Mere•ntite and menafeet.ring risk" •. lowest rates. Call as omoe. Iv R. RORKRTSON. • Aeeoentent and Immranoe Agent. Rooks and amounts made tiro. Rnlldl.gs rented sed rents eolleoted, fire Insurance in British and Canadian (cm fes, O0to..le Proadfoot t Hays' Mlles, Korth Lea Redacted 11 tt .1L1 J. T.., MINERAL 1N• • Life and Roil Estate agent, rileAeeldmetand Plate Glass Insuren0e 0Reeta1 on mutual or sash pen at lowest rate out tile. Re res ed. sed C•eadl•n eempaelM rep 01111 v sett deer M Gerrow t O•rrow. Bar vlMsr. Handless 1NM. M.dl. L DR. W. r. CALLOW, PHYSICIAN earitees. 0111•• hank of"mu ?AIet wife ease •f W. Tames Com kt 1 HE TOWN COUNCIL d ulness Trammeled at the mea■tar Meet Ise on Friday Night. All the members exempt Couaolller M.r• w ry were proseae at the meeting of the town °ounell on Friday .ve.ing. Au applio•tion from Mrs. A MaoOdltvray for reduotio0 of tares was sent to the °our of revision. A oommuuloatlon from the Dopey Minister of Marine and Flatteries toaluded • oopy of the order In ('ounoll authorizing the etemptloo of toe Gods/ion harbor Iron the oolleotloo of tolls oo the understanding that ohm town "shall keep In wad and .ut- fioe0t repair the wharf and oommetalal duke" This wee referred to the yobbo w inks and harbor oommittee. A request from Patrick McCarthy, jr., for the plaolog of • °rtob basin on eke south-east corner of Elgin mod W.11logtoo Meseta wet sent to the pabllo works oom- mltt.e with power to get. A oommuoio.tlou from h Campion, K C., asking, on behalf of Rev. Father West, that the teem plane an elsotrlo neer •t St. Peter's oburuh, was referred to tem water and light oommittee. A communication from the ('soadian General h:l.otrlo Co., Toronto, regarding the proposed adoption by the town of en- closed aro lamps, was teat to 15. Same com- mittee. to reply to enquiries as to the working of the system of dual tax payments, letters were r.oecved from the Werke of the oily of Guelph and the town of Galt. The letter from Udelph was as follows : "We oolleot taxes I. two instalments, the Nottse to creditors. IN THE MATTER OF THIS ESTATE Or GEORGE C. SHANNON, LATE OF THIS TOWN Of GODERICH IN THE COUNTY Or HURON, PHYSICIAN. DECEASED. Notice 1e hereby g;ven, pursuant to the Ile vl.ed eututesof Ontario 11,971 Cap. 10) that all creditors and others having ola,m. agaiast Me estate of the said Moorgo C. Shannon, wh 3 d led on or about the 8th day of September, 1901, are re. . on or before toe 18th day of December . o send by poet, prepaid. or deliver to . Proudfoot & Hays. of the ma.d town of h, honors for the ex- ecutors of the d testamert of the said deceased, es and addresses, fun partloulars of t claims. a etateme01 of their •natant and he nature of the security (If any I held by them And further take Iloilo. that a'ter the said lost mentioned date, the said eze-utore will prooeed to distribute the meet t of the deosas. ed amoog the parties entitled thereto, bavinw regard onlyto the claims of which notice shell then have given, and that the .mid e1eo• utors will not be liable for the ...eta or any part thereof to any person Or persons of wham claim notice .hall not naves been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Guderloh the 10th day of Novem• bee, A.D. 1901. PROUDFOOT`S. Solicitors for the said klocutore. The-erecntrlx of the estate of the late In J. R. Shannon and the executors of the estate of tete late ase, f9. 0. Mka.aee require MI p.rtte• indebted to either of the maid estates or to the late firm of Shaneoi It Shannon to pay their Indeb'edness b fare the first •ley of January next, after that data their v,lloltors will be in ✓ rac'ed to sue without further notice all claims then unpaid. It Is necessary L, have thermic' emcee closed up sod no further time for payment of amounts should be expected or will Wallowed. i N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE l OF JAN! TURNER. LATE OF THE TOWN Or OUDEKICH, IN THE COUN TY Or 110KON, WIDOW, DECEASED. Notice I. hereby elven purulent to the Re- vlaed Atatutes of Ontario 11897) Chap.120, that all creditors and other. having claims against the estate of the said Jane Turner, who riled on or .boat the 29th day of June, 1911, are re- quired, o t or before the 2nd day of Deoember, 1901. to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. Proudfoot t Hays, Oodericb, Aoliclt on for J. P. Brown, the executor of the past will and testament of the said deieasel. their cremes and andre..... full particnl►n of their clamp,a etatment of their a000uot arid the nature of the security llf any) 5.14 by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date. the said executor wig. proceed to distribute the wets of the /roe.. ed among the parties entitle I thereto, having reward only to the olelms of which notice .hell then have leen given. and that the said ex- ecutor will not be llatle for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of, whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Ooderloh the 4315 day of Novem- ber. A. D. 1901. I'ROUDFOOT t HAYS. 56 30 SoHeltaa for the said Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Of TRUISM! JOHNSTON, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP Or STANLEY iN THE COUNTY Of HURON, YEOMAN, DECEASED, Notice is hereby elven, pursuant to H. 8. 0. ism, Cap. 119 that all creditors and others havingolaims against the estate of the said Thomas Johnston. who died on or about the 9th say of August, 1910. are required on or be fore the let day of December. 1901. to send by Dost pngald or deliver t c Mseers. Darrow t °arrow, of the town of Ooderioh. solicitors for Ano Jane Armstrong, the atm nlstrat1z of the estate of the,uld deceased, their Christian and surname., addre•1es and descriptions, the full particulars of their olslm,, the statement of their a000unts and the nature of the .rout, Ity. If any, held bythem. And further tae notice that after ouch last. mentioned dao the sdministratrin will proceed to distribute the assets of the eald do oeaaed amoog the parties entitled thereto. h aving regeoi only to the olalme of whioh Centel) thee have notice and that the said atmini.trstrlx will not he liable far the geld assets or . n y part thereof t 'any pe ren -r or per- sons of whose claims notion shall not have been received by them at the time of each dis- tribution. natribution. Dated the 9th day of November, 1901. 1111 sOAIIROW t °ARROtt, Sotlettors for Ann Jane Armstrong. &Aminie tratrix of the estate el Thomas Johnston, de - ousel Tenders Wanted. In1NDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1902. The undersigned w111 receive tenders up to noon on Monday, 35111 Inst.. for "unpile" of butchers' mea, creamery butter, floor, oat meal. potatoes, nordwooiI eta.. oto., for the following institutions during the year 1931, viz.: - At the Asylum" for the Inman. In Toronto. London, Rinesten, Hamilton. Mimic*. Brook. elle, (`otaurg and (hill). ; the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory. Toronto ; the Re formatory for Boys. Penetangqnlsbene; the Inetltntlons for Deaf and Dumb. Iteleville and the Blind at Hrsntrnrd. Exception. Tenders are not required for the supply of moat t e the asylum" In Toronto, London, Kiernan Hamilton and Rrookville, nor for the Oentrol ('rleen and Mere w Re format.ory, Toronto. A marked nheque for fire per cent. et the estimated amount of the nontrut, p09ame te the order of the Honorable the Provincial Sec rotary. most he furnished by reel tenderer as a guarantee of he bona M1.., Two sufficient seventies will no required for the tine rnifill- ma st of (web eontry-t, and annelid any tender be withdrawn hetet. the mutates has been awarded. or Ghent/ the tenderer fall to fornflh mnh eiwurlty, the amount of the 4npmalt will be ferrate/. Spne)Moatl0ns and forma of (rimier may be bad on apollution to the 1)epartmeet or the Provincial 8eerMary, Toronto, or to the bur meg of the respective InititnlInu. The Iowans or any testier sot ssm na0aarily a MNavnpapen eserung the adyertlsmeat without authority from the Department will . et he paid for It. 2. R. RTRATTON. Prov ods' Sewetary 1111, ParlIgunsat Rn1M1ng5, Tore.W. ;1 „mber VI Bret one about the middle of July and th second one about the middle of November and the aseeeeutene roll for any year le mad between the let of July and the 30.0 o September la the Preelous pier (see As.esa meat Aot). 1 enclose temple of tax bll which is used by our oolIeotor. I thluk a serious objection to this system a that a party assessed soy l0 the begmnlog of July 1900, hes no muololpal vote until the January elections In 1902, and oew owners and tenants wbo Deme Into the oily In the latter part of 1900 and the first half of 1901 are not on the assessment roll 1. any shape." Ties town olerk of G.1► stated that this was the first year In whioh the texas had been collected balf.yearly 1n that town, and the system bad worked satisfactorily. 1. he otymeuts were duo 00 the 28.5 dayr of June and Ueoember to each ywr. A oommun.uati.:n was received from Alfnd 1' H1llan•1, of Montreal, stetter that tie ('.nada Paint Co, h.4 plowed their Maim •gains[ the town for $100.80 to his hands for Imu,adlaI. 0oUse00w. H. 11114 drawn for l i• smouot at Matt. The matter was refuted W the nater sod light commit- tee tor report, the olerk to write Mr. Hol. land In the meeitim.. Au applroatioa from the Summer Hotel (,'.. for wa:er and sewerage connection was seat to conmItta., Korlour Kelly requested that two 100 hitt* transformers be purcha64A, also some other supplies whittle Le specified. The question of securing the trsndormere was referred to the water anal light oommittee. and It wee ordered that the other supplies be procured immediately. An application from J. A. McIntosh for Meotrio light ooan.°llon was sant to the water mad light oommlttu. The following wound's were referred to the finanos oommittee : I'ookard Eleotriu Co., St. Catharines, repsirlog iraoeformer, 158 06, leas credit for sorzp oopper, $11, $47.06 ; J. K. Brydges, repslrtng, $2.75; Commerolal 0.1 Co., Hamilton, ml, $10; THt SIGNAL, printing and advertletng, 114.10 ; T. 0. 'tripling, supplies, $1.86 ; Canadian 0 I Electric Co., Toronto, statement of a000uot, $528.15 ; Fairmont Coal Mining Co , Columbus, 0., Goal, $1,. 169 26; J Briodly, $7, Jes. Themes, relief, $1.25. The rdp,rt of the finance committee, recommen lied payment of • number of ac• count., was read and adopted. Tee speolal committee recommended that • bylaw offeriog $5.000 as a loan to the carpel factory oompaoy oo the terms set forth in their offer to the couaotl be sub mltted, the 0301 to be borne by the nom pang; that the olerk be Instructed to writ 'towns •boat the size of Uoderiob tor inform •tion to ties matter of the half•yearly col lection of taxes, and that debenture* for the cost of the er50olllhlo walks be 10.0.4 •1 as early • date a possible, The report was adopted. The public works committee mode the following recommendations : That the Gov --eenment n. tontmunUated-*Rego nT.nooe to repairs to the barbor; that the olerk sooty the Cocad. Company, in reference to the claim for erste! said to be taken from lot 750, that the tows Is not aware of hag• :0g taken it; that 1110 request of Robert Orr regarding the removal of a tree be referred back to the oounolt; that Mr. (:arrow be m,trooted to nettle the claim of the soborner Henohel provldlog It does not exceed 125, and that if he cannot so settle It he be e mpowered to defend any action that may be taken an the matter. The report was adopted. The matter of the removal of the tree whioh Mr. Orr wishes to have out down was referred to the epochal oommlttss, Councillors Mornay, Humber, ()antilop, and Martin wore 000stltated a °co mittse to aot with a committee of the Orange body io onnaeetloo with the proposed odsbrotioo of 1902 The $100 voted by the town for thle purpose is to be placed In their ooetrol. Tne spenal committee was authors.1 to prepare and complete the debentures ter the granolltbio walks. Mayor W'ileon said be had written to Mr. Stratton, the G.T.R. station IOW. 03 the advioe of 61r. (farrow, objecting to the ohange that was being made to the width of the railway bridge at the river hill. The n ew bridge le four feet narrower than the old one. Further action in the matter wee left to the publio work. oommittee. The chairman of the board of health was authorized to procure oertaln blank forms of notloe for the Gu et the sanitary lospeotor. The disposal of furniture in the old ooun oil chamber was left In the heads of the publio wort■ oommittee. The goe.rion of the extension et Consta- ble Hales' term of appointment was brought up and was reterreo to the special oommit tee, Mr. Hale to be retained in the position until the meeting of the oommittee. The Mayor gaye a report of the trip of the delegation to the munloipal convention held moms time ago In 'tomato, and Mr. Humber, who was one of the members of the delegation, also made • few remarks oonoerning the same matter. Bylaw No. 11, to prohibit spitting on the sidewalk and kindred pr•otioe., was taken op for Its third reading, but as it was not in very good shape It was again sent to the spoolal oommittee for revision. The crooned than adiosrned. • be loll In looking upon these thing. and to thinking of his former wnosotloo wttb • the ou0grSi atloi, to whom he had preached f the Methodist doctrine of growth to Chris Ilan peefecuou, • doatrloe welch they were I exemplltyl.r. An afternoon service was addressed by Rey. l)r, Daniel, pastor of North street Methodist uhurob; and In th. •re•loq Rey. Mr. Irvine again oouup:ed the pulp.!. There was a large attendance at e•oh •erviee, la the evenlbg especially the church being crowded. A collection of jg40 was asked for, and the result was $454.13, la addition to • promised 000trlbutloe of $10. We might mention here that the carpet for the stain leading to the gallery was the gift of Thomaa Borrows, and Mrs. J. !1. Edward Is prodding for the re-uphel.terlog of the chairs for the pulpit platform. Oa Mooday evening an organ recital was held, end the powers of the new instrument were shown In the playlog of Prot. H. C West, orgaaet of the New Rlohmond Methodist oburuh, Toronto. Addresses were given by Rev. Messrs. Aadersoo, Robinson easel Daniel, and muloal selections by the obole of the ahnroh and by R. A. Brown, of London, .o ezo•ll•ot vooallst. There was also• characteristic address tram Mr, Gree. wbiob "brought down the howo." '1 he Mutsu of Ventoria street churoh are. J. H. Millan, J. H. Edward, Usore. Grimm, O. M. Elliott, D. Boobaoan, L. E. Uano.y, W'm. Swafdd, Gseres Hart is, Robert r Young,J. Kirk "tr o D t k and H. Hale 'these, with the pastor, Rev, J. W. Robin son, and the member/ of the oo0gregatioo generally, are to be congratulated opao what they have been abbe to do, perhaps with some saorifioe, for their muoh loyal church, AROUND TOWN e • RE -OPENING SERVICES Of Viktoria Street Nethed1•0 (tb.rrb-A Very . . .1.1 0040.4.., For some weeks past painter., deooraton, carpenters and elutei° light men have been buoy at Viotoria street Methodist ohurob, and as • result of their combined efforts the oboroh has been thoroughly renovated. Repainted inside and out, the walls kal.omloed, the electric light in- stalled, the .e.ts re varnished, new carpets tor pulpit, gallery stairs, and ohurch parlor, a m.lalllo ceding In the lecture room, the oboroh abed reshingled and the panne. age stable improved all those things have been a000mpliehed. Nor ,s the tale yet oompltta. improvements have to be paid tor, and ae the congregation had recently raised Targe sums of money far the purposes of their ohuroh (the raising of the old debt and the buildleg of a parsonage), and the memberehlo does not Inolude any million. Iris, It looked as if another big effort wou'd hays to be mad• to pay for all the work that had been done. Then ileums Green oame down to his brother Mutate with 1h• proposition that It the oeogregati0n would raise the Duh for the Improyem•nte he would present the oheech with a new organ. Or he wnnld pay for the Improvement" 1f tbe 000grention would boy the organ. Mr. Green'. offer wee worth 1.500 and the amount to be raised for the work of remove. tion was tinier $4.50; ee the trustee• ae- ospteA the Br.t propodllen. Ho on Retnrday luta fineries 069.5 orgy, multi by the Compensatlnp i',pe Organ (30 , of Toronto, was plasm, le the oharoh, and en Moed•y the onngregattnn met with glad hest., and with generens offerings In their pork.... Rev. Henry Irvine, of Lb nwel, a former patter of the nhurrah, preanhei at the morning eervin•. He ooner•tolatel the ono/ ...ainn open what they had •now piloted in relent years --tbe raising of the Md debt, the mention of • ears.erari, .11 pall for, •.d new the bsetUVI.g of their Oharah. He .zpr.gaN Ike pastors whisk 1 (5 INTER POULTRY SHOw.-1 he directors of the Huron Poultry •0d Pet Stook A.•o• oIaLIOn met at Clinton on Saturday aod diecuseed the holding of the sooual wiener show dur ng the coming winter. Goderlch had the show last winter, but ae none of the other towoe seemed prepared to hold It it was decided to hold It here again. The dates have not yet been fixed, but will probably be about the end of January. Tug 801-xi.Ierh,N.-The political force. in town ham. been engaged ibis week t0 attending to the registration of manhood suffrage voters. 1 he town was divided In three dlvte'oos for Ibe registration, D. Mao donald, County ('ourt clerk, .lunge Mas,o° and Police Maglet:et* Seeger being the registrar:', ons m each division. The sit- ting. wet* on Tuesday and Wednesday. There wit: be supplementary MMus no Monday next, and •I peals will be heard o0 Tuesday The official nomfoattona will be on Wednesday of next week, at the neem house, at 1 o'ulook P.M. Sheriff Reynolds u toe returning (them. Lee -maim role THE lewriTress. - We own, Das been placed on the reserve 11at of eprak• en for the Womeo'e Institutes In various portio." of too Prcv.no• Mt.. Campbell le well fitted tor saoh dotes, and we nae sore o ho w111 please the audiences which she may be called upon to addrees upon matters of Interest to women. We 0otloe, also that F. C. Efford, of Holmesylllm, has been en• raged to deliver addressee during the cem Inn winter at Farmers' Institute meetings in Bract, Waterloo, Wellington and Halton Mr. Elford is the seesetaty of the West Huron Farmers' In.Utote end ie • clever young men. Huron oan produce good talkers as well as good these in other lines, A :1TRATPJRD RAILWAY SCIiIMI.-Dur• Mg lest summer some Pittsburg capitalists were considering the project of an eleolrio railway from S:rattord to (ioderich. It app.are they have retired from the field, considering the population along the pro. ported route too small. S,rne other wrote. man, however, are contemplating • stroller scheme, • rallw.y from Stratford to Mitch- ell, se an experiment, with the object of e xtending the I,oe should the reeutta of the experiment warrant such acltee. 0. 0. McPbereon, barrister, of Stratford, repro senting the promoter., hu made applio•tion to t5e city oouooll of Stratford for • fran- chise for the proposed railway within that oily, aid states that a charter w111 be applied for .t the approaching ee lion of the Legel•tore. THanestiIvlNO But-y,n AND CoNeERT.- The ladles of North Street Methodist church are strutting for a grand Thanksgiving "upper and oonoert o0 lbur.day, November 28;h. Sapper *111 be served in the leoture room from 6 to 8 o'olook, after which the eoocert will take place 1n the auditorium of the churoh. Tickets aomitting to both supper and oo0cert, 25 oenta. Everybody le Invited to attend. The ladles of the oongregatlon expect this year's entertain- ment to eolipse that of any former year, as 0o piing are being ep•red to make it • magnificent success. The effrolent choir of the church will render the cantata "l'eol- tee0e, Pardon and Puce." The it • beau- tiful pleds of music and no doubt will be rendered In an eroellent manner. Go and have • good time. Ho' • ttY CLUB RENS►IT. - Th• hockey °lob bas scoured the l.a Dell concert oom. pony for an entertelomene In Victoria Opera House on the evening of Thank.giving Day. Mies Marietta La Doll, B. E (a graduate of toe Philadelphia Sdhool of Oratory), who la making her second grand tour from oast to coast, will delight (lederieh people with her elocutionary efforts, w hloh have been reoog- sirod where as of the highest order ; and everyone will want to hear Miss Teresa Flanagan, who,. highly -trained soprano voice hes been heard with surprise and pleasure wherever she hu appeared. 'rhe hockey boys wish to make a little money to pat them on • geed footing for the oom- Ing season, but they believe that everyone et I, . burs the La Dell enoert company will receive more than the worth of hie money Admission, 25 and 35 menta ; children, 15 emit". Htttlol-. FIRR AT (l-INTOy,-G.neral re• grist was felt here on Sunday when i1 was heard that the IMhrrly Organ Company, •1 Clinton. had snffered from another tire. Tn. Doherty (.0(0,3, when It was re built a rumple of years •90, was erected In section" and the gentles In which Seturd•e n'Rh('s Bre took place was that which o00 tined the mashes, ease, key and finishing depertmoels, With the ex -option of • few msohines everything in the Interior of We budding was destroyed, Including some egg or sighs hundred or in emerge of ooe. attention. The company parried hea•y In. surance. A I ergo number of employes will b, thrown mi. of work until the dath•go Is repaired. The fin hroks not •twat 11 o'olook Saturday night. Th. •1254125 room and dry kiln, as well as the other large buildings and lumber yeti', were net af- footed Ricer vit. Fern RAR.. . On Saturday Angela Chisholm received by post. he 5.n for the South Afrloae rummies. in wheh he took part aa a men.hsr of the Royal Canadian Regiment of Weary. Then are font tars, on each noe e1 which le the Dawe of the battle of ptrtlen of the eamp•I40 for which rt. le given, ntmely : 'esp. Colney," •'1'urdeherg," '•lkiefontds," "Johannes Meg." hely 300 o1 the 1200 m.mhe. eke Oateaden minima are est11.1od to deer ban. H. has Use Ham moistest M SM 1 mseedal, wbiob be t'soelyed some time ago, d when his clasp arrives he will bate the bole thing complete. We are •11 the prouder of the distinction whioh Aust to has won from the faot that he learned bis trade rlght In 'run SICNAL otlioe. He I. again at tis. ooe 1u this ottioe, but bas .oma hank, rtog for • second campaign in the erstwhile country of the Boers. Ten "Lir.' -Another (otereetiug meeting ut the C.,llegl•te Institute Literary Soulety was held on Friday .v.oiog, A seam! feature was the impromptu sp.euh.s de- livered by a number of toe .todeeta, whioh added coosiderably to tea Interest of the meeting and doubtless benefitted those who gave them by iooreuiog their oonfideoce in themeelv.. and 10 their ability to stand up anal task to a public gatberinv. Miss Nellie J•tuiesen gave a recitation, and tn.trumeo- tale were rsutrlbeted by Mime Alys Smith, Ir.oe Adie.uo and Grace Dyke. The glee olub-a new institution, or perhaps we .buaid .ay aO old Institution revived, and • yery g ,,,d ape, t•o--ung the paten:ale chorus, "Prince George,' whioh was .ung before the Prines and Priories, of Wales io Toronto • few week. ago. Mr. Paumore read the Model Sobool Breeze and Frank Edward the G. U. L Jenne], and Mr. Strang took up the questlos drawer, Tux WOMEN'S IN•TITUrE.-ypeolal meet logs of the Weide Huron Women's Institute were held at Knew!, S•. He'ens, B.lgrave and Loude.bo:o, oa the 12th, 13 to, 14th and 15th of November. Although the weather was eery unfavorable these meet. huge were wall attended. The addreseee and popor. given at the different sessions were thoroughly enjoyed by those present. The preeldeut, Mrs. Elford, of Ilolmeavllle, gave • talk at the afternoon sessions o0 "Home Saollatioo," pointing out the 'mimes of danger and the ideal standards of sanitation in and mound the perfectly healthful bowie. Mrs C. Campbell, snore tory of the Institute, gave • 1alk on "Bread and Bread Making" showing that it was wnential that so universe! a food should be nutritious, palatable and digestible. Mee dames Motile and 1.'oklater, of Wiogbam, read well prepared papers on "Tomorrow" and "The Home" a1 the Redgrave meeting The evening osseine6 were held in oonoeo Lion with the Farmers' Institute. Tb. next regular meelioge will be bold at Clinton on Jan. 23rd and at Dungannon on Jan. 24th, 1902. A FORMER WESTMINSTER Aunty CuoRio• rm.-Mr. J. P. Mason, wbo was In towo for some days repreeontIng Sorlbner's, sang at St. Gouge's oboroh oo Senday a1 bot* morning and evaoiog services, and his ren- dition of •'A New Heaven' f om Gaul's oratorio of "The Holy ('Ity," wltn the 050), joining In the chorus, was muoh appreciated. Mr. Mason was for four years a member of (Veatm peter Abbey choir, and done ooming to this °Gantry has sung In some of the o•thedr.ls..._ He has a powerful vole• and good soanolaWon. 0o Tuesday ementug Mr. M•ioa very kindly gave an entertainment of song and roo,'atlon to the school room, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the Woman's Auxiliary. The program con s;aced of a number of humorous eeleotlons as well as some of a more sertoue character. Wet Hoyt, Mies Tye, and Percy Tye also took part in the program, which was as fol. follow.: Song, Wide, Wide Sua,by S. Adana, Mr. Motion ; piano solo, Maas U. Holt ; recl .tion, "The Domiciliary that was Erected by Joh.,'' a modern version of the "House that Jack Built," Mr Masco ; a parody on "lo the Gloaming," retaloloq t1 a air sod acme of the sentiment of tb. original, Mr. Ma•o. ; piano selection, Mlle Tye ; song, ''Never to Know,' Mr, Mason ; Internet. slop ; song, •'In Did Madrid," by Trotters, Mr. Mason ; instrumental duet, Mtn Elise and Percy Tye ; humorous song.. "Tn. Frenchman," "Ibe Sweet Ratite Goatee'," "Mush, Mush,' Mr. Mason ; recitation from -Macaulay's "Horatiu,," tannic song, recitation Irom Shakeepeaie, song, all ty Mr. Mason ; God Sere the Ring Mr. Mum played his own auoompaoiments et. cent In a oouple of lnal•noes where Mr. Cuff presided at the piano. The bundler was well filled and the entertainment mane enjoyed. At the olo.e Rev. Mr. l'uroboll, who anted as chairman, tendered Mr. Mason the thane, of the audlenoe for the ryrning'■ entertainment, Mr. Mason, when in England, was • practitioner in the mod - load profession. THE Tows Lo.Rs THE TIMM ROUND After a long Interval judgment has at last been handed down q1 Osgood. Hall in the cue of Holmes vs the Town of (ioderioh It will be remembered that at the original trial of the cue Judge Armour gave a gar dint i0 favor of the pleat, iff. The Divl.)on• a1 Court at Toronto reversed this deosloo, and now the Court of Appeal has reversed the dulsinn of the Divisional Court and found in favor of the plaintiff rhe judges In the Court of Appeal stere Justices Osier, Metlenuen,. Meredith (CJ.), Moss and Lister; Jg t(oe Macle°nan befog the only ooe to dissent from the decision that has been given out. Whether the town will oarry the ones any fuller remains for the council to deold.. The text of the jadg- trent Is as follows : judgment ((1.) 00 appeal by plaintiff from order of • Division- al Court (20 C L.T. 0e. N. 303) reversing judgment of Armour, C.J,0 The plaintiff, tendering for • .apply of 1,000 tons of coal for the defendants' water works, wrote :-- "I will deliver in bond Into the coal shed at pumping station or grounds adjaoent thereto, where directed by you, 1,000 tons, oto." The tender was sooepled for 800 tons, and a untrue mooted by the Mayor and Clerk, but without previous resolution of Council, was drawn up and executed, by which plaintiff agreed to deliver 000 tone "at the coal shed," etc. Armour, (',.1 O,, held at the trial that all the ooal whioh was left at the dock near the pumping station was delivered "at the coal shed,` within the intent and meaning of the oontraot; that ".t," as used In the oontraot, meant. "i eer to." The Divisional (hurt held upon the evldenoe that the cosi to question was not delivered at the oleos designated to the oontreat, and, per Boyd, L'., that the word "at" meant rather within a plane than wlthnut t that the oases cited merely showed the meeninp of the word under the oircumet•noes of each nue, inch words taking thee o0loring from thlr oircom• stances and situation, sod, per Meredith, J that If .roe..ary ten onntraot Should be reformed, as tee meaning set the parties was elect. Held, Maclennan, .1 A., dlseenting, that the 0oetnot Si reeled was not Intended to vary the term. r f the tender. The pro vision In the tender that plaintiff was to deliver '`into the opal shed," etc , did not entitle defon4anli to direct attheir pleasure plaintiff to plass entre coal In the shed and some on r he ed)acent grounds, or the whole In the sheds or on the grounds. The agree. trent provide" for two modes 01 delivery, and the defendants' right to alums b onn- fioed to the gerund. adjacent to the shed, sed only comes Into play In the event of plaintiff exerolalnr hie right of elution In favor of the grounds Instead o1 the shad. Where It la not spindled at whose option nee at two altereatives le to taka plane, the ep'lnn I. to the party who le to do the ant act : Reed v. Kilburn, 1,. R 10 t,). R 964,por Lord Meek barn. Here, therefore, the plaintiff ...tie rased ►h. option In favor of the grounds, and defu'Is.N havlog declined to .1•e •ay dimities p1.l.1tlt1 woe jestlfied le Way so be did. Awl Illl.we* with ooata tbroughout to plalnllS. A. B. Aylu. worth, K l,, for plaintiff. J. T. Uarrow, K.0 , for defeadante. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. 'Those who get their, tailoting at t'ridham'. have the wtiefwtloa of knowing that they have the beet in style and 5t, and at price* ea Iowa 4 oonal•to01 with good work and ma tennis. Toe 0. T. R. 4. adyeredeemtiller special redeem for Thaoksglvlup Day. To.l'ollegiate institute "at home" will ie held next Tuesday eight. Raisins five outs per Ib. at STCW*.T'*. Also 304 Japan tea for 25o and 25o for 22a. 'the December session of the °ounty oounoll will comm•ose on 'l outlay, Deem• ber 3rd. There has 6640 snow on the ground einoe Tbunday of last week, but It le new deep. peartog slowly. J. W. Broderioa has returned 22o town and hu opened up • stock In H. 1. Hortoni old stand on the :+quare. J. H. Worsell has had quite a large addition made to his workshop In the rear of hie store on Hamlltoo strut. Mr. J. .1. 'Tilley, lnsprotor of Model sohoole, visited the Godertch Model Taw day and Wedneoday of this week. The dr•m•tlo oompooy whioh was to have appeared in the Opera House on Friday evening did not come, haying disbanded at Stratford. 1'h. latter tor this week in continuation of Mr. Sands' a000uot of his trip to Europe e left over until next week on 0o0ount of other matter. Last week we were pleased to have • oall trom J. O. Ward, J. P., who hes been a Oondanl subeoriber and ruder of Tine Su:NAI.0100. 1856. W. Dahm is now •mployel .t the Santis house, •'Daddy" seemed to be • fixture at toe Bedford, and the l otel 'bus doesu't look quite right without him. We learn from Toe Kincardine Review thee A. 0. Secord, late of the ( 01 Owe. Sound, and • former Goderioh boy, has been removed to the oompsuy's office at St. John, N.B. The Dungannon party of hooters have returned from th.•ir trip to the Parry Sound district, briorloq seven deer with them. Lapt. Donley, who was up In the Brune Peninsula, brought two bones. Word was received on Sunday of the death of Dr McLean at hInntreal. He was preparing to r0taro to his home In Florida the Monday prsyloas, but took • ohlll which developed into pneumonia resulting In hie death on Suoday. Further 0o11oe next week. Jan. Stewart. of (loderloh, hu sold his 5 sore censer lot Dear the Dunlop property, to Mr • decsoo, of S.ltlord, for 1 .• earn of $500. 1t 1e one of the prettl'et betiding 'potato that ne ghborhood, bavleg • fall view of Goderloh harbor and the mouth of the Maitleod river. Saturday's Globe had several pictures of the men who attended the Canadian School of Muoketry at Ottawa Int summer, and the familiar funs of Capt. Grant and Lieut. Masson were distinguishable In some of them. Will OoOdry, who Is now serving Hie Majesty- in West Alrio•, alto wee a member of one of the group,. The provisional trustees et the (ioderlch 0 I and Marine Hospital are urgently requested to meet in the law library at the court house at 8 O'o'01k on Thursday even Ing, for the electh.o of oeceleary 00ioere, The following gentlemen are on the board : P. Holt, co0yener, Hon. J. T. Darrow, Judge Masson, Judge Doyle, R. 0 Reynold., Ju, A. Msoblereh, •len. Clark, Chu. Seeger, Jae Wilson, Wm. Proudfoee, E. N. Umlaut' Chas, A. Nairn, Dr. J. L. Turnbull, and his old oollees ohum, 1)r R Itbertord, of Listowel, lett on Tuesday for their annual comae of study .t the loge hospitals. This year they wool to ('hioagv, where they intend to tinleh their courses on electricity and eleotrloel treat- ment, and take apeal.l work In y and disease" of the eye, ear, nese and taut. They will he gone for n few weeks, For the oo0veuie0oe of his patien•a who may wish to get their m.dloln.e repeated Dr !'aroholi's a.sl•t.nt, Miss Keane, will be In toe cm:e on Saturdays from 1230 to 3 r.M. Due nottoe will be elven of the doctor's return, COMING AND GOING Mise Striae/Ian left yeaterday for Trronte. Wm. Sharman, jr., was In Lon ion this week. Mss Minnie Stokes has returned home from London, Rev. I. B. Waliwl0, of Seaforth, was to town this week. Mr, goblin, of Renmiller, left oo Tuesday for Harrlsbnrgh, Pa. Walter Rrlminomhe returned home on Saturday from Chicago. los, Edward left Monday for Sault Ste. Marie on a prospecting trip. Mrs, J. M. Best, of Swtortb, has been visite., her dater, tare. P•smor., this week Mrs. Chu. Pirie and obildren returned on Friday from a •alt to her parents In Rlen• helm. .Tohn Tolm1., M.P., of Kincardine, was In town lase Thursday and gave THE Stoner, a nail. Frank Dalton, of Klotell, has gone to Stratford, and a worklog In the 0. T. R. shops there. R. S. Williams attended the meeting of the Canadian Rankers' Association In Mon - seal last week. Ju, Mol'h*non 1.122 yesterday morning for Vps(lantl, Mloh., to take a position u telegraph operator, Capt. Tretheway eft last week for Eng- land, sailing on Saturday on the steamer Corinthian from ynehu. Mrs. ,l•s.D. Long and her little donehter, Aleta, have returned to their home In Wing• ham alter a very pleasant •lett with Mn. Long'■ mother, Mn. Ellen Mallows, Brace street. frank Mallows and wife, also their son, Ariel, who wen vlsltlog Mrs. Ellen Sal lows, Rrao..at„ nave returned to their home In hhtlowel. Mr. Sallow. 1e In the furni- ture and undertaking basinfuls In (bat town. ('apt. McGregor left no Monday for Otta- wa to take ever the command of the new survey steamer which Is to r•plaoa the Hayfield. He will bring the boat from the Ile. Lawrence to 01/4. Sound this fall. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. 1)r, lanai will preaoh In the Sea• forth Methodist Chnreh nn Hnnd•y, Denem- her R►k, wh.n the anniversary rerylose of the ohnrnh will be held. On amount of the fire in the orfan f110 - tory at (Allton, on Saturday night, the quartette whish was to have sen.' In North 'beset Methodist oharoh Sunday evening did net (tome. Rev. Ur. Daniel will rssnms hl. Friday *yule' talks this week. Th. subtlest .111 b. “The drnsl•s .0 tie Ohurek." Tb. Liberals, Attention! Committee Rooms have been opened in SAUNDERS' BLOCK, Wast street.. Theme win be open 'from 10 A M W 10 r M. every day until election day. All Liberals are invited to drop In and give or receive information pertaining to the camp0'gn As every vote is desired for the advance-, meat of good government, ever Liberal is asked to lend his aid in supporting our OUP delete Committee•, meet every evening. N. H. ROBERTSON, AUL SAUNA Secretary. President. LIBERAL MEETINGS. Meetings in the interest of &ON. J. T. GAHROW will be held as follow. ; 'MYTH -Thursday, Nov. 21, .t 8 P.Y , Hon. P. MAC'DONALD, M.Y.• R. HOLMES, M.P., G. F, );LAIR, and others- BBLLOHAVE-Fridayy Nov. 22, al 8 t'.M., Hon. P. MACDONALD. M.P., R. HOLMES, M.P., (f, F. BLAIR, nod others. ST. HELENS -Saturday, Nov, 23, at8 P.Y., Hon. P. MACI)ONALD, B.P., and Hon. J. T.IiARROW, HOLMESVILLE-Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 8 1..Y . R. HOLMES, M,P., and D. A. FORRESTER, ORANT'N SCHOOL HOUSE -Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 8 r.u., M. G. CAMERON and A. SAUNDERS. NOMINATION DAY-Wedner day, Nov 27, .t 2 P,Y., Hon. J. R. lrltarrt,N and Hon. J. 1' GARROW, 27.8 ret , Hon. J. T. (JARROW and R. HOLMESBENM, M.P,ILL.ER-Wednesday, Nov. AUBURN-Thursdayy. Nov. 28, at 13 r. M., Hon. J. It STRATTON, Hen .1 T. GAKKUW and R. HOLMES, M.P. atDUNOANNONs F1,d yNNHv29. I'. G:(I(Ri)W and R. HOLMES, M.P. K st P ., Hon. F. R LATCHFNORD 30, 0. CAMERON and D. MoOILLICUDDY, WINGHAM-Mood.yl Dna s, .t 8 -. 1.01 , Hon. G. W. ROSS and Hon. P. MAC. - 1)ONALD. r ,, {DE RIRHATCHFORand Hoo J. T. GARROW, CLINTON-Monday, Dec. 2, at 8 P. M , Hon. J. R. STRATTON and R. HOLMES, M.P, 2, at ST.•s., MUBTA M B ON and other.-Monda. Dec . Tho Conservative Candidate is invited to attend. GOD SAVE THE KING. public are Invited. Looters to oemmwoe at 8 o'clock sharp. A union meeting of the Presbyterian and M.thodut Sabbath sohoojg will be held 1. Viotorla street oboroh nixie Sunday after• noon. Temperance will be the topic of the afternoon. Miss Mildred Campbell w111 sot tempor- arily as °roamed In Victoria street Me1ho• dist oharoh. Although she had not had opportunity to become acquainted with the new Instrument, .he took obarge of 11 at oho reopening serdoee of the church on Sun- day lase. A nylon meeting of the North .treat and Viotorla street Epworth !Amami was held at North -.t. Methodist ohurob on Tueeday syeneng. The muting was in °harm• of the missionary oommittee of 15e Victoria street Leago°. and • pleasant and profitable ev.nlnu wall spent. The Myth oorreepondeol of The Seaferth Elpo,itor writes ;-ttey, Dr. Daniel, of Goderloh, preached two grand sermon, b large crowd., on Sunday, in the Methodlee churoh, at their aonlyereary eeryloee. H. also gave a splendid address to the Sunday school scholars In the afternoon. On Mo.• day evening he gave an address entitled "Ger2Orh Century Heritage," roing beck exactly 100 years and comparing the presene age with the past. Although the evening w•• stormy there was a fair crowd, but there 1e oar doubt that If the weather had been fine there would have been an immense attendanoe, as people wen 110 well ailed with hie Sunday d,•es0rses, ANNOUNCEMENTS. in by net try MrewanT'. for greesrles. He gime you beet value for lout money. Wanted -Bright dried apples, 80. Orders direct from Germany. Also roll butter, fowl and raw furs, 0. E. Kien, Wiegham. ()miters, always fresh, at the old sellable oyster house, Victoria Restaurant, Wee4 s1 , In bulk or served all .tyle., toe cream, fruit, c0nfeotlonery, olgare, .to. U. Hi,*, g - W7 Nt, proprietor. Telephone 70. A N.w BA.OAIN STehi. We will open ter new terrain Peen on Saturday morning, November gird, three doors east of Nalrn's on the 9gaare. W. have reed stook of dry goods, grenades, oto., to offer you .t unusually low prices. As we are here to stay, yon oan depend on getting bargal.s all the time, J. W. RRODRRn'g. Mesar. RiRROw• k Sow and McKenzie & ROW NIA, sell Herbarium, wbiob baa by tine et thousands of Canadian farmers. feeders and stockmen been preyed to be eke moot ,!sedge spies for animals, and item Its small feeds the nheapeet ever sold. A brnk worth drllars to tootles far.ls5wd fru with every dollar's worth *old. 3t e.e.w. DIED. M7•ALLISTER to (lod•Hoh tnwesehipp on Friday,November 16th, Wm, McAllister, aged lyears. MARRIED. RE ATTIE hick ENZI!. On Tuesday. No amber 19th. .t the resident.* of the bride's father ' Rw lveevte," WI ham, the Risee.gDSS.. Perri*, Obaelolte Lefties ilmelN,