HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-14, Page 813 Trugaoay, Nov. 14, 1801.
Cold Weather Needs
at Little Prices.
Hosiery and Gloves.
Bargain Lot • t
Wool Hoes, teat
right for Unsold
weather, ut otos
sof t veto, regular
50o palr,gol.g at
SEs, or 3 pairs
for . $1 00
Ladles' end Misses'
Cashmere Gloves
and Mitts from
.... 115o 10 50
Ludt' and Chil-
drss's U • d • r
wsat,aesw lined,
the warmest bled of wear, all Prfo.s.
Beet Vela* Wool Hoes a1 Ooe-Qoertsr we
ever sold, In plate and ribbed, Ladies' and
Nies Heavy Cloths for Warm Ceps' and
Jack.ta, with ell styles of Fur Trimmings
M suit.
Jacket and Capes.
Children's Mewls and Short (bib
•re here to 'reit variety with LITTLE
Misses' Coats In lawn, red, blues and
niacin, all styles, and our VALUE: the
BKS 1.
Ladles' t Coat/ In oew grey. fawn,
bl•os, $5 to $30
Ladles' Short Coats, tight -fitting,
from $1 50 to $5 00.
Just half former prior.
Comfortable and
Durable Furs in
Ruffs and Caperinea.
Millinery Bargains in Ready -to -Wear Hats and
Sailors, Children's Bonnets and Trimmed Hats.
-Boys' Clothing.
-Boys' Pea Jackets.
-Men's Clothing.
-Men's Overcoats.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Tteil.Av, Nov. 12.
Jacob Mosier and Wm. Chisholm drove
M Ser,Uonl with • »It .be former is
breaking In, M see relatives of his.
Mise Mary MaManns, who went to
Oslesburn. Dakota. to see her sister, Mrs
R. Morrie, returned home on Tuesday last.
Her nephew. John MaoManue, who went
(Mire Zeit August, returned with her.
A umber of oar tumors had galls • time
trying to break io s branobo piny one .lay
Met weak but ooutd sot make a income of
1t. Nest day our rising young horseman,
Meek Horton. was ..cured and with .
lease. 1. foil western style, osuebt the pony
and soon broke him for driving, a its
owner drove to town lent Saturday.
Wednesday evening of lass week Abner
Morris followed the example of many others
to taktor • wife In the person el Mb. Ethel
Kandla, who km resided to out midst dura
log t►o past summer. Volta • number of
friends amid rolsllyu were present at the
weds .upper bold steer the oeremoay.
We. with i terga number el Weeds,
Moder our best wisbee to the young o0ople
lot • sunny future,
SATDRDAY, Nov. 9tb.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Todd, w., visited friends
at Tew.ter this week.
Mrs. Henderson, of Auburn, is at present
visiting at Mr. Lockhart..
Ili. J. K. M. (Jordon visited •1 his
brother's. N ill sm Gordon, oo Sunday.
Mr William and Mies Jean Todd enter
Mined some of their friend. Tuesday eve.
O. Dooker, our cenisl tailor, le renovation
his hones and tailor shop. This looks aim
plolou., .b I
We are plea ed to know that one of our
boys, Jae. Jayne, Dei been engaged to teach
In 9.8. No. 5, AebBeld, and wish blm *very
0. A. T.bbwtt has bean rosewood t.
Mack is our school for 1902. He 1s s good
teacher and the school board have, we feel,
don. well In retaining his eervlose.
Tb. Kind. Birthday was somewhat ccol
end rather quiet for befog a publio holiday,
A .hootbnr match, got up by some of tine
boys, embed • little star la the afternoon.
'1'OmebLY, Nov. 12.
Maw Mamie Smith restores toUoderlob.
Maw Ansi. Crawford visited In Klneen
last week.
Bete Camll 1. visiting her little cousins
t. Uedselcb.
Mica Barbar. UcC.s is home from Sm -
forth for • visit.
Mrs. D. U Biekle, o1 Dungannon, is here
visiting relatives.
Joseph McMillan wa up from Pert Col-
borne on business lams week.
Mrs. J. 1i. Hawkins and children, of
0ederloh, are spending • few days in our
Maw Elite MoMlllan, of the Oodwloh
Ooll.gtst• Institute, visited her parents here
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. K .1. H. DeLong sod
family leave this week for Ooderfoh. Mr.
DeLee' has sold his hotel business hers to
Mr. Nelson Ptareee, of Goderioh, who takes
pscawsies es Thursday of this week.
Pref. M. A. Grant gave tee illustrated
IeefarM end moving picture eo1rtaismesw
hi tie C.O.F. ball bet. on Friday and .'(etor-
day evemils/s Met. Both entertainments
were very mnob sppreobeted by them peas -
eat, and 11 lar. Orsee ebeold exec Dome
this way &gala with his taaopbotoscope be
may be sure of a hearty welcome.
Tye DAy, Nov. 12.
Mrs. Allen msdo • %ranei.ol visit to
Itruoelisid last week.
Ju. L Tobin, of The Free Pte staff,
London, spent Susdsy here.
Mir Cooper, our teacher here, was In
('llntoo on the Klsp a Birthday with two o1
her 'minims, Jean Clattoa and Blanche
Shaw, the latter hsvlog her brat ioUroe) 00
the oars.
Many of oar reeldeob sod of the I.eeburo
albinos were psying their Insurance rata
to Mr. Roberts, treasurer of the Wee: nosh
company, at the Exchange hotel on Friday
of last week.
On \V'edoesdsy of last week our school
bore, with Its present preoeptreee, Mise
Eva Cooper. and L. Horton. • former
scholar of the sobool• feoed the moor. of
K. Seinen, Goderlob.
Two sooldente 000urred last week on
nearly the tome spot within twenty boors.
l.. Friday • hod of bricks oa gong to
Por, Albert to be used in building • brink
oven fur • bakery• when one of the front
wheels wee smashed to pieces. A resident
lent • wagon wheel and the trip was 000
tinned. Oo Saturday • nal cam* of • why r'1
of • wagon loaded with sheep, thereto
measly causing • spill.
MoNUAY, Noy. 11.
Kenneth Mortis, of Buffalo, is visiting
triesds ben.
Miss Merger, Kirkpatrick, of Leeburn,
yielting .t the pareonare
Mr. and Mrs. K. Mollw.lo spent Sunday
with friend. In Holmesvllle.
Men. Tebhubt and Bowles, of St.
H.lee's, rolled o0 friends here last week.
Mies M. Sprung, of Ooderlob, was the
onset of her sister, Mies Tessa. OD Sunday.
Miss Clan Tew.ley, of Carlow, attended
the Meilen given hue Tuesday seeming of
last week.
Masa Mangle Ryan, who Is, been In
Luckoow for Some time, returned to ber
borne bare Thursday of last week.
Miss Ella Cony. who bee been on an 5r•
tended visit to her brothers In Manitoba,
returned home oo Friday well pleated with
her trip.
Rev. M. J. Wilson delivered • eery able
address on the "PoeulbIIltb.e of Oranglem
In the Twentieth Century" Toeed•y eyenbot
of hist week. It was mnob appreciated by
those preempt.
Thursday evening. Nov. 21s1, the people
of Nile Methodist ohuroh porpoise haying s
fowl supper. The supper will be served to
the Orange H.11 irate 5 to 8 s'olock r. M.,
after wblyb • program, oowt.tton of recita-
tions, inetrumentsl and vocal musty, and
several addrese,wtll to gives to the choral).
Admission 26 mien.
TuerwaY, Nov. 12, 1901.
Mr. Tom, the Inspector, visite! Ds,b-
wood wheel Tuesday.
Miss Klog vbalted at her home Is Clinton
Snturdey and Busdsy.
Augusta Hartman and family left tor
Alberta, N. W. T., on F rlday.
Miss Jsrdlnr has been re eor.red ler
the year 1902. Miss Kleg Invee for Ottawa
The new store In Hartlsib's block Is being
Clearing Sale
The Bell
Telephone Co.
(tont yon think you hav0
used your neighbor's Teln
phone long eaough, without
paying for 11. you had bet
tete rail on. or ring up the
Local Msm.ger (Telephone
No. 111(14 .n4 arrange to have
one oat In yor glee. of
Geo. Poetics.
I.00•1 Manager, Ooderloh.
During the next two weeks we will sell the following lines at greatly
('repe Tissue, Toy Books, Paper Bound Books Bibles,
Prayer Books, Blank Books, Purses, Fancy Nick-Nacks,
Fancy Flower Pots, Fancy Vases, &c., &".
Several special Lines of Wall Paper, clearing at 4 Price.
Warmth ear Sheen W4tdews diming this Kale.
All Iteed* Market Is Phil. Flores.
PORTER'S Bak and Wall Paper Store,
Owe Ts1s res• ie Nn 100 K. Court House Square, Ostllilfl.
Iapldly hmlebed sad will 'moo be ready for
Idles Banshee and Miss Jsrdin,'pest
Saturd.y sod Sundry at the forumer's nom*
uesr Exeter.
Key. Moiloek bee been 1 o'piog Kev.
Ftokbelsu, of Zanub, to 000duel tevivel
meetleg le that villa's during the past
wet k.
=Charlie L.derffeld took le the hutday
tr.p to Detroit and brought his mother borne
who bad boon wader treatment to that oily
for her eyes.
The tumbrel of the late Bsrbsrs Smith
passed through the village Tuesday. Tho
Dwain* were banned 1n the Lutheran
wmetsry on the linemen Ilse. 'I'be to
reavd family hay* tite sympathy of the .n•
tote oemmnnity,
Narita. The loon &genoy 1. Dungannon
for Tum SruNAI. is at the CMOS of J. C. Dungan._
J. 1', 000hevenoer. Re.. who will resely*
orders for euteoriptlons, advertle ng and lob
wort, and is authorized 10 give receipts for
amounts paid for the same.
TUc.NDav, Nov. 12.
Exoexergo Hua. -Our eporteme0, wbo
have been is Muskoka for about two weeks
on their ensued bunting lour. aro expeoted
to return hums this week, whop we presume
that some tall yarns of spurts will be spun
sod a hearty w.looa'e home euoorded to
them on the return home.
(batt' AND GOIN,.-Myo. 1). Jaratoe, of
Ashfield, who has been on an extended and
pleasant visit 5. relatives et Giacomo, hes
returned home It. ('leodeoo'.g, of
t.oder:ob, for many yore • bushes'
resident of I)angeonoo, was to our village
last week renewing former acquaintances
and calling on friends We were pleased
to nes tit• hie gentleman looking eo
bate and vlroroue, although •dyenoed In
All parties getting their sale bilis printed at
this adios wtllhave • tree notice twirled
1n this 11at up to the time of melee.
Tl esDAY, Nov. 19 -Oo iota 21 22,00n. 4,
Goderlob township, the two farina oonsst.
log of HO acres each, and • !ergs lot of
horses, settle and farm Implements. Terme,
11 mos. ordla on sums over $10, or 5 per
oent. elf for ooh -Ah. a ELLIrrr and 41,
M. KNi, or, props , Too., (e t'Ry. •arc•
WEDNRSDAY. NOT. 20 -Auction sale of
ftm Meek and Implements at north half
let 4, oma. 7, W. 1). Ashfield, commencing
at 1 oclook, EDWARD WALL, proprietor.
R. MoCti•ot.rl..uobooeor.
FRIDAY. Nov. 22nd.-l'1•aring aucduo
isle of first-class farm stock and Implement•
.t lot 12, Huron rod, lioderlch toworbip
11; miles from Uoderloh), commencing .t 1
o'clook sharp. The flat includes some
stook of extra good quality, and • large
amount of farm Implements, all praotlolly
sew. CHAS. 1'ot'Nu, proprietor. Tu,...
1, 1NDRY, auctioneer.
SATI'KDAY, N. '23ai' -Auction ole of
41 heed of cows and young matte. 2 year
olds. yearling heifers and steers and calves.
Also three goal work horses, one g I
purport gelding, three yours old; one driving
mare, eight years old; and o.e heavy droll
spring colt, at JOHN UIe.SON's farm on the
Huron road, 21 miles from Coderlota Tiros.
UI'N DRI', .uotioseer,
FRIDAY, Nov. 29TH.-Auotlon rale of
farm stook sod Implemau. prupirty of
Tsi GAS MartR*N, at the feta lorssrly
occupied by A. Manes, Seltford, 1',Ibout,
township. Mr. MacLean has sold the term,
mod the stock and Implements, which .rs In
good shape, will be sold without any rs,crve.
S.le •t one o'olook r,N. Tinto. GCNDRY,
NIL 5111.01140 ANP Till TARIFF,
Guelph Meroury • We trust that the
Finance Minister mod the Government will
stand out stiffly against .0y naw specific
duties nob u .re baked for by the Mena.
t•oturere' A.00t.tlon sod wblo► an the
most 'condoms form of proteotloo, and that
they will abolish some of the specific duties
on starch. oto., that we now bays. The
tank of Mr. Emitting In making a stable
ompromlee Is one of groat difficulty, and
even It the 11397 tariff did nob go qo.t* se
fu in some directions as be would hive
Hied, we feel satisfied that to no more.ble
or competent halide can the revision of 1902
be entrusted. Mr. Fielding.lms a1 what ie
Practical and fair; be is • shrewd and sole
man, with backbone in him, and we have
no doubt that the general 'oncosts of
the country will be prote:Asa in any re-
esv felon.
1' TSA "TAY' '
Stratford Beacon : The erudite Irish edit.
or of the Woodstock Esprees says that Mir
Thomas Lipton's pronunol.tloo of the word
lea a "tay" le the original pronunciation
mod that "tea" is • modern degenerate. He
mills the English poet Pope se a witoeen
Here thou. treat Anna, whom three realms
Dost rometimee oouneel take and tome
times tea
Again :
Soft yielding minds to water glide away,
And alp with nymphs their elemental tea
Agate :
MUM 0'51 5005 book, or trills o'er the tot,
Or with soft music oharm dull nue sway.
Well word 1 The eminent literary orttto,
"Tay Pay" O'Connor, ooutd not have done
11 better.
Do NOT 0, . AT MARNIArim,
Exobange : There Is • thoughtless mod
flippant way of talking shoat marriage that
does far more than we often think to
lower the ideal of the relationship. sod to
foster that unwholesome eseptielem as M
the happiness of married life that maim one
to be happy In 11. 1! we could only look
IUM the Inner life of oonetleM homes we
should Bed many husbands and wive; who
da11y thank the goof Providence that gave
them to .sob ether. The very obotoe.t
torten' that ever mime to them was the
other's love, sod a far from regretting the
wedding dsv, ur talking oynloally about
minis'' as • failure, they look took te
their marriage es the beginning of • richer
sed more beau:dui life. Such people do
sot Ilve out -dere or blazon their felicity to
the newspapers, while the outdo) is •pt to
hear of the retreeged oeutle end Wooly too
NUM to devour the nohsome records of the
dlvoroe court. We do ooreelves, and all
our thoughts of marriage, • serious wrong
when we iodate* the soap:oleo that failures
ie this relatloneblp are
perinea, or that we
would bey' to go far to
discover marriages that
are the moire brilliant
A scooleeTION TO OI'. Year N,: Yrori.■
('hrletlan 011ier J111.1 'liters are very few
students who hays oompleted our publio
and high school oou who are praotloally
b' -lingual. It would atom possible and
desirable, and profitable oommeroially and
nationally, if the young men and women
from our sobools ooutd soon English and
German or Eogllab and French A few
we.k•, or at meet, • few mootba, In 11'.ter-
loo uouoty or In some parts art l,loebau, due.
leg holiday mases or •I any other time of
the year, would lurnleh the practical oppor-
tuelty for t atiur and,lmprotlog the praoti-
cal ksowledge of tsumau In the one case
mod of Freooh In the other. We know of
many students who have spent years with
French or German Iotroduotory and Onm-
mar and I)istlonary until the power of
rapid translation esu acyulred, but the
power of practical bl-Ilogu•l speech war
never acquired, though so Dearly wathlo
rook]. Young Methodists who follow the
hint of this paragraph, sod master either
German or Intuit) to • practical way, will
regret having done so to mixed
ommumltlee, soots as we have In Ottawa,
Montreal and Quebec, and to a smaller way
at many other noires, it ought to be our
elm and our pride to Neter m very large
o 0mber of bi•tbnguml oltinon, each as are to
be louod on the borders of European
1111. t'Itt 01 1'ROT1tTl.��l�i Tn a,itll l+.
Montreal Witness: rhe Canadian Mau•
Montero here gathered to forme with no
sbstement of their demands. 'twenty bye
years .tgo lb. universal *minds ot the
protectionists was that they believed in
Ire tr11e, but that the condition of a
country whose uu.ulsotures were to •o
Want oonditlos was psoullar, and that
Intents needed nursing foto life. After •
quarter ot a ue0tury we oatursl y hoar no
mora of Inlaat Industries, I. • now the
country (hat 1e an intent, and its Iriluetrle,
must be protected until It grows large
eaoueh to furnish them • marker, This
"ems to moan that the five millions. cbhtly
farmers, now In the oountry, must be taxed
for the topport of manufacturers, to u to
ohange the five millions Into fifty, to secure
• market for manufactures. There is this
to be and to favor of this view. that the
on!) put of the country whl.:h hes grown
vigorously under protection has been Moo
treed. It might, therefore, be held that
whatever Increase wa to be observed any
where was due to protection. 0.. submit,
however, that the result has been uosstie•
notary. 1f the ouuotry is developed ite
eemtres w,ll need so d•i eloping. It the
menu, are de%c:op.d at the expense of the
country they are simply sapping lar 'Ord
strength. That the taxing of farmers and
.11 others fo e0oourage manufactures is
adding to the growth of our population
Mira Woo eritone* to prover 0alcuti ttons
bed on the absurd figures of tte osseus of
1901 are quite useless. Th* obvious pre.
sumptloo is that were our burdens less our
numbers would be g,oater. Ltmltatlose of
trade between the provinces the maniac -
deprecated on pstrlotte grounds, as
nothing tends more to draw peoples to.
gather than absolute freedom of trade. Fur
11111 one lofty reasons they will have no
thing to do with reclprooity with the
United States. They do not, however,
apply tuts patriotic doctrine la its sim-
plicity to the Mother Country. They are
willing to enter Into special and mutually
prototlonist patents with the Mother
Country, taxing the food of the latter for
our benefit, but es for that absolute freedom
of intercourse which draws oonntriss to-
gether they will none of It.
SWAYYIELD in Goderlo6. o0 Saturday,
November 9th. Naomi Roth. fosrth d sugghter
of William and Margaret Swafiliold.
BOYD.-In Exeter• on Friday. Nov. isr. Ads
Pearl, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
A. Boyd.
of Victoria-st.
NOV. 17th, 1901.
11 A.N., Roo. H. limes.
3 P.N., " DR. DANILL.
7 P.N., " H. Dimon.
On Monday, ISth Inst.,
will be given • UKAND RECITAL
on their New Pipe Organ by Prof.
H. C. W rs'r, organist of Now
Ktebmood Methodist church, 10
ronto, interspersed by •ddro•ees by
Rev. 1. A ANDrRsoN, H. IRvtNt.
and DR Damon -
Admission to Recital, • 15 cis.
HE Royal 'Tourists have
1 left us, but .Royal Goods
at Royal Bargain )'rices are
always to be had at
McKenzie &
Here are a Few Prices at
which we are Selling :
Best $3.00 ltoyal Canadian Wringers at $2.:)0.
A Cheaper Grade at $1.75.
12 Gauge Loaded Shells $1.75 per 100.
A Good Breech -loading Singh' Barrel Shot Gun at $5.
Bost Grade (1 Blast Lantern at ROc.
Cow Chains, Ave*, X Cat Sawa, Looks and Hinfraa are given our heat at-
twntlnn, while in a lOe File we never offered twitter.
We Buy for Cuh the Best Goode Obtainable.
A Prescription .. .
Patel here will hey° exactly
the effect your Physician iuteudal 11
should have.
We know this, boosuve the ingredioute
wi tall tic fresh and reliable, and the
compounding oa ura'e to the hat.
Bring prescriptions here and take
no chaurea.
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of West et. and the Square.
Coal! Coal!
Just Received
80 Tons
Massillon Lump Coal,
Tb• best Soft ('oaf Is the market for
domestlo purposes, also 1 ors el
Hard Coal
Suppose we
Talk it Over
YOU have out been perfectly eati.Be.l
with the BOOTS and 511058 you
hate been getting, but aro not just
sure yuu out du better. We are not
giviug our Shoes away, but claim W be
givuw the beet values W be bit in town.
THE SPOT CASH PRICE at which everything is marked, make' thiukiug
people, (tow who shop around and want to ,lake their dollars go the furthest,
buy here
You Must Keep Your Feet
Warm and Dry
('sIl stud see our Uusurpereed Lire of AMERICAN KUBBERS, manufactured by
the Goodyear (clove Co., id New York. They an the beet obtainable, and the Pfucse
by oomparisoo. VC; all WALK -OVER
SHOES are $4.00.
All $4 00 Shoes are sol Walk there.
They are the Shoes for comfort
with the essence of Style. . .. .
The latest leathers ; 1►s newest styles and
.bcpes for all ocosslone, are te be had
in the tamous Walk Oyer Sheet...
The Royal Comedy Co.
hr Y1'03171/40
la JAS DUMAS' latest samosa
WEIGHED ON "The Deceitful Count
So.roity of oars is bk•ly to , sues • coal
femme donne the next two montble, would
therefore advise puruhue of your Coal
The place to buy all Hardware cheap.
Wm. Campbell.
Goderloh, Nov. 13 h 1"(31
A I..ugh From Start b Finial.
No Waits.
PRICES, 25, 35, and
A strange minister was baked to speak se
• Sundayschoolsoiree In Auohtsrmuchty.
Alter he had spoken for some time, polar
log the beauties of Weaves. sod oostrbating
them with the vary ordlusvf le.dsrop. of •
coal production district, be baked ail who
wished to go to • better world to stead up.
All the obildno roes exempt one smell boy
e t the end of ors el the meati. The minister
was palmed, and be looked In • very re-
proachful way st the little fellow. "My
child," he said, vary 'eptly and solemnly,
se befitted the ooesnlom, "wby don't you
ries with the otbset" "Because Auobter-
mo hty's geld enough for m.," sans opt the
voung.Mr, and the platform shed Mars-- but
they were of laughter.
,11 EAP.
J. H. Worsell,
- lbs t1Map'tome and leases man,
\P. ,le. TS.
1.d Dees WWII' M
Nstru»g et.
Is a simple story of the Goods we have to sell and how we sell them, told
plainly, without exaggeration or desire to create false impressions of any
kind. If, for any reason, we have Goods to sell for less than they are really
worth we say so, but never inflate or exaggerate the worth in order to make you
think you are getting a bargain greater than it really is. We do not say, worth
35c, our price 25c, when the article is only good value at 25 cts. You will find
the Store News a faithful representation of the Goods in the Store and values
always as good as we say. We stand behind every dollar's worth that goes
over our counters, and are ready at any time to buy back anything that for any
reason you are dissatisfied with.
Concerning Furs.
We could fill columns about the goodness, the style, and
variety to be found in this Fur stock. It is a stock that is
thoroughly good in every way, itnd you eau buy Furs here with
absolute confidence, knowing that you are getting garments
that will prove satisfactory. We do not buy poor Furs, no
matter what the price inducement may be, and as we (lo not
buy then] we cannot sell them.
Black or Natural Opossum Neck Ruffs,
thick bushy fur, bead, tall sad 2.75
claws, each.... ..
Ohio Sable ]tuff., meds from oholc* selected
skins, think bushy fur, 9 large a.Wes y640(.1•01/toils, rs value •', etch ... .p
Extra Fine ttoslity Masks Sable Ruffs.
made from ohotoe eeleoted skins, new
oheio fastener, 10 large is I.,
$ 10.00
Largs Al.sk• liable Raffe, ohomist skins,
no better quality to be $ 1 I t0 $20
had at
Good Uselity Kletrie `lei.l Ruffs, rY�t
6 Iuga Sable toile, each $5.00
Caperin. Fine Quality Eleotrio Seal, r ime4
down well over the shoulders and at bark,
high Dollar of black Meyer, wWe tnm-
mien and frost of 'scan, 6 term,
tail., fancy silk lining, raih.. $20.00
Circular Caperine, made of No. 1 Persian
Lomb, oollar and 'dee of oink» A'•sk•
Kahl., wain lined, • v..ry 42.50
handsome garment... .. .D
KIeeMIO Seal Caper's'. oirenier shape, wide
trimming and collar of lila, k $
Marten, 3 lure tails . 1 6.(10
Black Astrachan C•verins, circular back,
long front, ollu and trlmmlags of blank
Opossum. satin lined, 6 Mlle,
sob .................. x12.00
Hans Opoesom Ruff, the new long shape,
50 Mabee long, 6 floe sable .p9,00
ta115 .D
Bleak French (;sexy 0apeti.e, high collar,
(Arcola(' shape, memorised lin• t !Y!t
log, eioh $5.00
Black Opossum C•perloe, circular shape,
high cellar, quilted satin Ileing, very
comfortable mod stylish gar-
merit, each.. ..... $9.00
Black Astrachan Cepertoes, blgh cellar,
mimes down well at Wok and front, even
glossy curl, well made, entre
good value at, each....
Ladies' Fur Llssd Capes, made of goal
gaahty of Wool Box Cloth, will not spot
or rub up roagb, very full sweep, roller
and front of good quality black Telbet,
for lined throarhoot,
mob E25.Q0
L.11's' For Lined Caps, gond quality lin
Ing, outside bleak silk brocade oollar, and
front good quality black Mar-
tae, • very headmen, garment $30.00
More New French Flannels. -
Our trade in French Flannels this season has
been phenomenal. Our greatest trouble has been
to get enough of them to supply the demand. This
week we have opened up another big shipment in
a big range of colorings ; they are exceptionally
handsome designs, and as the quantity is limited we
would advise early shopping to secure best
choice. The price will be
50 cts. Per Yard.
Floor 011 Cloths
We paid freight on over
3000 lbs. of Oil Cloths and
Linoleums this fall ; that is a
pretty big quantity, and we
just mention it to give you
an idea of the wide variety you
have to select from if you buy
here. You get good dualities,
too, for most of the lines we
sell aro imported direct from
England. There are many
patterns to select from, and
every width from 1R inches to
4 yards wide. Just a hint or
two of our prices :
18 leob Stab 011 Cloth, small obooked oeo•
tre with fumy border,
per yard.... 12 1-2 dB.
Good quality Canadian 011 010th, made
from Bret -class materials, will give sotto
factory wear, good range of patterns, and
widths from one to two yards, •1 bC,
per 'nears yard ! 2.i!
Heavy weight extra 'rood quality English
Floor Ott ('loth, Imported by ourselves,
will give excellent wear, hambome pet.
terns that are entirely different from the
ordinary destgno, all widths from one
to four yards, •t par ignore
God quality M'ot'h Linoleum*, two yards
wide, good bloat patterns, speolsl 75c.
value at per running yard ill:
Extra good quality Scotch IAnnleuml, will
stand any .mount of herd wear, jett the
thing for halls, shine rooms, or kitchen,
• good range of potters, to mien from,
two and four yards wide. •e per equate
50, 60 and 75c.
Our $3.00 Blanket.
Our $3.(N) Blanket is the bout
$9.00 worth of blanket we have
ever soldit is made from clean
selected wools thoroughly scoured,
just a little cotton milers in with
the wool, goal size, fanny oolored
borders, soft Entail, selling at
$8.00 per pair.