HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-14, Page 7"PRINCE RANJI" CURRY COO. Mystery Stripped From Vis- itor From Beloochistan. RECOCNIZED IN NEW YORK Arrives In That felly end Is'deatlaed by Former leu - Employees a1 sherry's Itestaurout The Itoyad Cook's Prat. Net' York. Nur. L. -Atter u tees.- terloas absence of more 1111111 u your, durino which he war given up as dead, "Primo Ltaujl," truce fam- ous to a curry conk at Lout.. Sherry's restaurant, alta wiener real mounts Hann 1'. rimlle,•returneU to thlrcity yurterfae. and 1t it sail is now d ialog at the hove of hlw wife, tit No. 161 Lust Ninety-fifth street. For weakir the unme of Prince ItuuJI bur appeared In the news - Palmer of the country, cuupiad with the anuuuuecmeut that lu wee the whin of a noble family w tae Pun - pub preeideucy, cud that with u dancing girl and u retinue of sur - vents he war to tour tine country. Wlwn "Prince Haan" left lar place 'mono lite puts and pause in the (harry kitchen on May Utb of suit your, no such flattering worJr were aid about him. 1111 pedigree here etas not traoed tiny further buck than to the time when lie was a cook oil a whip of the Oriental 1'eu- lnrule Line, of luudun, truly a few • years ago. No one k new moult of "Prince Ken- ji" whet no lett Sherry's, eleapt that he uoull wlx eowe very pwi- lttabb Lait Indian, dishier, but It euay bo that Ile will stroll boculur u prumitwut figure In this city, ((wit it announced Utat he Ir about to open au Oriental restaurant in elf th uceuue. It was for this purpose. it hs said, that the thirteen r.ast'In- diuus, who have been variou.ly rat- ed as gentlemen of wealth and au ordinary cooks, have come to thie country with tho "Prince." They are getting their first Im- pressions of New lurk lu two entail tonne nt No. 1103 Greenwich street They arrived here eerterdne 0.1 ante .ldironMck special, which I, ft Mont- real the bight Isidore. The prince was with than on the train, iwlt to the disappointment of blr wife alio was at the ()rand Centrul'Sla- thun to meet adv. he hal left the train et 126(11 ietreet, with a Miss tier. who 1♦ eel to Le -late name, :,114 a young 11111 MI 11041 W.' N. t;luaret. IVlth eine Smile were - Philip leauetlmpr, n stewar l ett yu'rry N and an Old frtenb of -Prime 'triage' a1e1 IMuent,ures teeter. a'h'em tae train pullet into the station. and thirteen *earthy Looking mon earn. Smile nal her party awned to be :unIoyetl le'(•nnee the " prinee-" was hot there. few :411114.hsly inquired for her husMmt. and one of the Fast loran. reeled that "Praire haute" ant bis two trawls had already -left the train. Dnnenleuer (lien teak charge i.t the East Indians and. putting theta into team, drovo them to the Greetsee eh 'street house. Than he went to his l...me at No 230 Weet Goth street. once at eherry'a, Inquiries nt Mlre. 44n1l0 • home eile- Itnl the Informntlon Lint the -prince- was Indisposed. rind would not receive valleys. She wood not admit that "Prince Ranee woe once u curry cook le Sherry's, but infer - motion to tills cffeet was confirmed by employees 01 the restaurant. who 1417 that they know the "{wince" ler, well. Whatever elating the "prince" may lin VP to royal nneeetry, they were never made apparent during him ser - %lee in S'1.t•ryee beat it le declared 1,14 (tile of prima wan won there. :u,.! thin has' e!.i:i L to him in his toilt absence from bie ell hamar. Like et true Indian mein of royalty. he hos travelled In the last few week's, rust In keeping with all the trndltiener anrrottnding the lives of three rulers of early day.. he line preserved a retiring shyness. In tact. lift said he preferred to travel Incog- ultn, but 11111 fnithfut followers weed hot prrintt him to do thee, and it la Mainly to them that he owns his gr:a- tltndo for the efficient manner In watch they hire ellrlribated the DPW/ concerning len 1olemente. Particularly Jealous in fila re- gard was Benhnlid Ahmed, one of the Prince'o (haat trustee men. bet who. thrrtlgh 4401)10 nenfortune. wan left in Montreal. withcet meant for travelling farther. Ahmad Known Prince's Ill•tory. Ahmed hew the story of "Prince Janne" at haw finger titer . , He ex- plains at great length that the "Prins" In a wealthy fallen from Beloochiertan,, who hna been mletuken for n real prince nanny tbmns, be- come ha name is redly Prince. Ahmed was nee a this number un- til Tlaalny, when his fund,' ran out. anal Ism weep allowed to rpiniln In Mon- treal. Altnrn(1's glory continual: 'Tlln doming girl who ncconipenlee the Prince Is ha niece. Ills wife 1s In Belnochbtaoloom her there br- ier.' we left. He haunt'( any chil- dren, pad hn Jr not In any blueness. lir inheritel a largo fortene from Mx father, who wee et wealthy merchant a the ptacr. fie ten r for Lark In hnwlnese after he return! how." it waif enl.l last night that an ef- fort would bt made to ascertnll 11 the "Prince's." retinue of nodetant e .eek,' heel mooed the (adores can- cer nt Plattab.irg. and that If they and not been properly examinp .an ef- fort would b• made to have them e Lpor ted. COULDN'T STAND DOCTRINE. t Inlrrh knee F:xpr a I)I.g.t.t I'reaeher'a Word*. 1l,iuhipng, Nov. vid•-,1 Visiting( elergys ,nn ane preaching at a city chetah meter ley front the text. "The Ili. 1;pees ware called ('hrlatlana (trot tit Atitilrh," Roe 0M ',peaking of Infant "An Infant la not n('hrl1- t em entll nater haptlan,•" he toa -it Ie by beteg baptised that he is lode ten" .le he mall this there was n dela fling of feet at the centre of the rleireh, and 841' of the beet known Nt DHEA CONVICTS ESCAPE. Supplied With Revolvers, They Shot the Guards. CONVICTS HOLDING UP FARMERS Leavenworth'. Kia., Nov. 11. -One 8801 war killed, five..uthore were da'n- gerouely gouadel and twenty -61x de epurute convicts are at largo au I reisult of • mutely lute this tafler- 1ar011 at the site of the new United Stater prison, two oiler routheart ut have, where 400 prisoner's from the federal prleou, In charge of thirty armed guard', were at work. When tho trouble began the rebellious pris- oners Ital only two revolvers. T4uee Iola b•en,t,ocretej In one of the walla of the building by roma uukaaawu person. Two walla are partly non- pletdl, and the remainder of the site- of iteof the building le surrounded by a high woolen etoekale. Our Parker, of Aramis•, 1. T., dao of the ring- Iwulere of 11,0 mutiny, under pre- tence of n necessity, walked to the ecrner of the stockade where the revolver' were concealed. ami muter cover of steam wade blcured them without being detected. He returned to t4a gang and famed one of the revolrera to Frank To,mpron a negro (Ant�,uth SleAtesta, I. T., who svelte t about las person. When T. F. Hlnde, Superintendent of (trnatructbn, apd three armed weenie prepare) to raved 1111 men up ett the elan of the (layer work. tit., two armed oomelets. covered them with revolvers, and, encour- 'eglet by the other mutlnuun convict'', forced the ,meet to walk befuro them to the north- wtwtern corner of the *tock- tuie, whore they expecte.) to make as retell through the paling. On the outsldel of the rtookeole was an arm - (ml gutted. and the convtcte were met at the opening by C. E. Burrows, a guard. who fought diem( beret, but who receive(' two shots In the neck. The convicts then meshed over to the south wall to an`tlprnlua there, and were met by Arthur Telford, an termed guard, who 14 In charge of 1111Th.' convicts. Telford remelted the convicts' and was slot twice, hut not dangeroasby wounded. Defeated to their attempt to ee- eapr.• at tits point, the men rushed to the guard home, et temporary frame etrocture, where the arms are kept. The guards from aha outside dished to at this point. and drove the conelets away from the guard houw•. .1. P. Wal.lrupe, n guard, shot and killer Ford Quinn, from' Ryan, 1. T. The prisoners then needs et grand rush for tin maw entrance and twenty -mix of them succeeded Iq es- caping. (lonely followed hy the glares. the, men ran to a nearby forest and swapped in evading their purmlere. The men went In the eir.ction of Euston, Kan., :ad :t Is retorted here tint they have held up many farmers, taking bores and seething. IfalPnworth, Kan., Nov. 11 -Forty nsttnted guards are LN•atlag the mem- try for et realm. of five mile nround tin Foirrel penitentiary nt Fort Leavenworth to. -bay in sonnet (of the twenty -sit conviete wI,o ealeeeetPti to 'um•nping from the guards lute yes- tcnLly. The country it wild and ity for orrsape, and na all of the ouzo vats aro deeper:et.• men and armee' enr.fllott will el ehtI •.m res ill Ie•b.re the are eaptnret. The net known result of the mutiny and tin tollowlr; fight with the gawrdn was nee ran vlet kill,' and tour guide "trot Or oth'•rweur hurt. _Merit is believed Clot tunny of the fleeing mnticts revere( %v(alnd. from the bullet's sent after them ler pur- suing guard& Tele dear( mon in Quinn Fort, n deetterate rrlm!nnl from the Indla'i Item� who 14 bellovnl to hove been the ringTeader oT the out- break. Woumlal: Joseph B. Walderup. Allmon genre!, •hot In the forehead •amt shot In the breed, condition eon centred: Arthur Telford. captnln of the geed, shot In the leg: C. E Burrows. shot In the neck. not oerl- mua. rine Andrew Leonard. guard, leg broken. Mel ii.y 1 one 1'I..need . It. develop@ that the mutiny w -:aa plannr.d several month.' ewe but 11101 the. m -n ha -4 never fonn.t:1fav- ornble, opportunity to carry it Into effect until yesterday. The general plan was not now. but it worked well ie the ulweence in the limits 1 time of g,utr•Ir. Am the b•sl Lahnval prt'sote'rn err use! in the pad+. work the conspiracy some belched nmung the men In the instal gangs. The eon, ate' rhonc the meet fat - eraWo, moment of the day. while molly of the gnarls acting 104 fore- men of the eonettruction of OW new alai hone. were elemental. Mince beat night the n41 prienn Iris presented an air of netivlty that 1t has not known for your. its emun 110 tis, ,il arm wee given, gttarif Were drawn up In front of lite main eu- trenee. Meat of the glclrae veers• old pl:.lnem'm. The reaped convlets er•rr, counted the most deeper:tae criminals In tho spnthwest, and the gunrde started out on ,their hunt in full realization of this fact. Expert to Capture Ail. Early too -day an increased r,am- tier of weirdo armed and mounted, were sU,rteel out from tho,paniten- tinry. --"" it to believed that alt the convicts ultimately wlil he raptured, If not overtaken by the gunrde and shot. Each' primitive line undergone an, ex- n.minetlon under the Ilcrtlllon sys- tem. and lu-(ay (leer deecrlptlone were mailed to every chief of police In the country. Wit rJPn it. Mee- Laughty ane In Kanmae ('ity when the mutiny broke nut• nrrnngingg, fpr the annual convention ea the Na- nette Priam 'l4t4erm Aeaowlation, which to to ennvenn there tomor- row. Ile arrival home nt the preen about three hours later, and Immnl- lately met to work to recapture the convicts. Armed Fenner', Ot Guard. Kahean ('ity. Mo., Not. I.1,--.td%icea r,'eelvt'tl nt (1544 prkran early today indicate that the convicts etre mak- ing for the Indian Territory, a hurl - ,Ire' mem' entitle with all speed. Waren S1'Clenghry I. meting every effort to bend them at. Ile line tele.- Cretanl to shrrlf). nal other roffl- earn, and enavaring telegrnme re- ceived to -env from the ru•IRlttw.rbmd oo1 i,Inw(xol, Knn., and 'several other points pity farmers, well nraerl, are %%etching res Karma's River bridges. The revert. show tient the eon%lets are noising formers' heroin nod run- ning thenal at • high speed until the Animals glee not. nn.1 then pressing In fresh renew wherever fennel. Ry tanking these rebore they pre trying to outride the offlnera to the ter- ritory. *het convict.. at large are being mail- A ua1 to oilers of puller through this awetk►lr of the ouurotry. Teel kraal pollee leave kept a •harp output for fleeing convlota from Fort hearntrwurth t to pawn ler up to -day nu arrests had beets made, and Chief Hayes believer moue of the mat is healed this way. ARMr STR�NG FOR BULIER. Gen. Roberts Hooted at Pre- sentation of Medals. WINNERS CHEER BULEER, Corea anti Japan Make is feed 1n 4aud--Tait Vile Das de Bar lase Gulag on Again In London court -Japan's Failure to Flout a Loan Causes Trouble. I4,114ou. \u1. 11. -At Fut litigates today. where a.ord Robert.., the cemwauder-In-chief, distributed n thousand war iaedale, he was re- peatedly "booed' and curers were raised for Oen. Buller. The recipients of the metals. at tho luncheon subsequently given iu their honor, repeatelly broke into cheered for lien. Buller. (lures Ned depae Deal. Yokohama; Nov. 11. -Cores alas al- lotted to Japan OSO acres at CI1a- pwkbo, near Marampo, fur •a eipeclul settlement, to be policei by the Japanese. Tine land war formerly pegged out by 'A Russian warship. The ('oreun taeto on grain ex- ports has been with.lrawn, 111 de- ference to Japanese relnonestrancee. 1 hr INrty asses Ae .Isar Char. London, NOV. 11.-lettr hearing ter aha charger &genet Theodore alai '.aura Jnclur,li IAnn O'Dnll:a Lie do !tare was rusumad est the Matelebune Po- lice Court teeduy. The court was' crowded. Laura Faulkner continued her t.stimuuy. The clerk tit the court informed 41 representative of the Aare olatnd Prow that enough wit. amass hod been summoned to keep tin o..we going for weeks. There were n, women in the Aosta ernce to -day. . The testimony wee; Lnrgely n reiternll m of that pee - v imettly given. Tltn mewt eiramntk;'evident to,het' war wile' Laura Jackson began her clmtumory bnalgering cress-exuminu (ken of the witness'. The bitter turn- ed, and•' p.lnting her finger at 110• female insets.., vehemrn(-Fy -- slo-- flounee+l her ns rho author of her ruln..•Tlio Incident aroused had ap- plause, plause, whKrupon the presW(ng judge threatened e. clear the court, The eceurrenvo eeemml to shnkr t11. nerve. of (11e female prisoner, sad her w lpan$u811L o'n,tuct of the cage was not marked by tit. ability which, elle ya Jepants LOA III a Failure. Ion•lini, Nov. 11 l ,lrepetilt fame Yokohama, published) in the roc.usl edition of tin Landon Times, to- day Kaye the failure to mall bonds to the amount of 50,000,000 yen In teeerica nal teaporar.ly shucked the Stot•k• Exchange, where an Influx of forelga capital war expected. Tho Japanese Government has adopted n new plan to provide cap- ital for the extension of the reit- roads 11m1 telegraphist, which are now yielding a profit of seven per cent, It proposes selling immediate- ly 10,000 yen in tondo to the postal maims peaks, appropriating the snr- plum revenue :o the rnl'roads and telegraphs, and providing for grad- ual melee of Ixon Ie in tho domestic market. Foreign money will not tee sought, except on favorable terms, as the eten4y Inflow of gold, resulting from proeperens trade ;awl n floc Irervent also, readers easy ,kvmlwtic financial operation*. Mg flew/anis liner'.!. ream- pnrlavlli.tlrre, with hie ince ev ilewerds amounting to $60,000 P 1 heves leen ()lord for the •rMaptnres ing the dmepeet magas( et the Of all the nnnvleta. Tho soldiers etre pr.meher's, orntentlon. rose from Ws' keeping a watch crier the reserve- ennt, bank lata lint and marched Hulse- I tion. All work nit thee new poniten- 1""ely twit of the chianti Before he tbary elle le antipodal. and the eon - ranee.] the river he had pit an him vk'tu held In 88110 thee the Hoards tat anti hes (ace was red with 1*- can take) np the hoot. Pictures of GERMANY'S HUGE DEFICIT. She Has Had No War But She is Suffering Greatly. BOASTED PROGRESS A MYTH. Berlin, Nov. 11. -Tito I:rrman Iniper- inl deficit hes heretofore been esti- mated at 100,000,0J0 mark& 1,1123.- 000.0001. B':5:000.041(1). It 4. now (omeetet% that the budget will assume a deficit of 140,- 000,0(X1 40:000,0(71 marks (:t:15 ()00,000e. In view of rho 'severe commcrvial oriels t'trough which (iroma ny is writing, the size of rho deficit 1n the haperlaJ beige( must lie regarded a a likely to entail very serinin teepee - gnome& - Even the French budget, though much line been Raid of the Irlydette it 'mermen, shows n deficit of only *10,000,000, na ngnlnst the 1183,000,0(71 in Germany. Inst year the def:clt sinllnrly exceeded 100,- teX1.000 marks, which It wpm found neoseenry to meet by a loan. The ordinary estimates, thewing nu expenditure for the finnncleld year 1901 of 2,240,947,301 marls, .ind not, moreover. Inolale the PapPn.Uture en the expr.atl•on to ('harm, reckoned up 1.. Inst 'Marta ;(let tot eerlt 132,770,- 000 marks. The principal source' of reveille foe the lest year were: ('un - tom and exo'em duties'. 810,330,850 mArlts l'ins-otttan-retelpt.. 4 40,,162!= 950 mnrka, and contributions of the intim-eaelGovernments, 570,980.000 marks. WRECKED THE CHAMBER. REMARKABLE SCENE. Spectators Moved by Address of Schley's Counsel, Westerns toll, Nu v. 11. --rite allasus of the Hulley court u( Inquiry mime this ufternoui, when Mr. Rayner, tau chief counsel for & lu Iran Schley, concluded u brlllluut urguuiut of ever three hours. with a peroration ✓ o eloquent and Itaparrloned thut all within the sound of his 10400 were profoundly touched. This remarkable trial. lie raid, . ought to votscimau the Irvin wbu heal brought 10 11 'succaisrful termin- ation as great a caval triumph sr was ever wan. In vied colors he painted the picture set the Brook- lyn. with Admiral Schley on the bridge, fighting the entire lep:anls1 nowt, until the Orogen appeared out of the awoke. Tho tluutderr of the Brooklyn'.. caution, merle for theatre of Ida countrymen. ho said, aroused Admiral lichley's endows foes. He pictured the victorious sailor, suf- fering as few have suffered fur three long yours. while the fires of poreecutlun leaped around blue and now awaiting the hour of hie vindt- entlon, In the verdict of the court. "Arid when It, comes." ho conclud- ed "he oan, from the high and ex- alted position that he occupies. look down upon his traducer.' not teal- tgltere, and with excell•ut pride ex- claim. '1 clam not for the veuomuus gore's of (luta, drawing rooms and cliques, and the poisoned charts of envy tied of melte°. I anal( under tie, ,guWnnce of Divine Providence tine verdict of posterity.'" • Tito scene In the court roan us IN, finished with theme words was thrilling. The attendance had been largo all day and at the merning ✓ o►slon 11 lady had feinted from ex- citement. .1■ Mr. Rayner began hist ('slligy of Admiral Schley. shore In 119, audience. many .a whom were ladles. leaned forwar.l In their seete. TM spell of Ills ur (tory was over them, and when he Jrrcrltrel the Admiral's gallant (leads and the Tong persecution to which he had 001,) subjected m u,y of them broke down and wopt. Thr members of the court displayed evidences of emotion. and Admiral !Schley himself was plainly moved. He sat, leaning beck, with his hands be- hind lila head. 111s chin twitched, nna, ns hie c:auuel steed he could afford to await the verdict of poeterlty two big tearer rolled down his cheeks. He :novel uneasily to ouneonl his emo- tiote and under tho pretense of ad- Jualing his Klemm brushes' rho tears mete. For full 30 seconds alter Mr. Raynor ok»vl there was net a sound. Tho the tension broke 1u a loud buret of applutse, A.Imlrn! Dewey, after nb.ut n half - minute. Arose to remind 1118 mpecta- Mob llrokr 1'p n Pollee In eatlgntlon Meeting. Salem, Mae., Nov. 11. -The Council ('hainb •r and Ito approaches In the City Hall hero today prevent n plc• tnre nfalefecnmont and deetrnntlon wmklnnt septi, even after n dl.netrrnu fire sir oiler aerial.' experience, as the remelt of the work of a nob that loot night nttendel a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to hoar charger. of violation of rales br right by Mayor John F. Hurley errant City Morelia' John W. liar( and w-veral patrolmen. The session hgnn at 7 o'clock Inst evening and Wan not neljotrn.rl until after 4lhla morning. Mateo tho sitting of the Boort sense of the most dlsorderly -manes' ever experience? In a city govern event meeting took piece, ending with a d.strnetive rnah which pract'cally wrecked tho rnunc(I ehamber and it. tnrnlahlnRie Theo damage dnnn will reach wnvernl thauand dollars. The defew present s mate flet 111 l It t ONTARIO'S FINE_ FRUIT. WINNERS AT PAN-AMERICAN. This Garden Distrt a Surprise to the United States fruit Growers. (Bureau) Nee.. Outman'r fruit exhibit tit thePan- Auerleau Expxrltlon has achieved a record of which the people ucroea the lino may feel justly proud. Of the 114 gold medal.' awarded, On- tario carried off 19, ur one -otitis of the entire number. tate was beaten la variety ably by Now York. lu ell- %er medals she outs 27, ill bronze 3-1 and honorable mention. 'Ontario showed good runty in her selection of mea who Ilial charge tit her Waylay.- seal I'ruf. Van Deena, the Exparltlon authority on pomul- ogy, In referring to the Canadian fruit exhibit* this morning. "They were men w•1111 know frust and haw to show It off. There never was a day when 0, l:(r10 dldu'L leave a good display. There was nothing rparmo.ic abuut It. Ar fart as so apple. peach, pear, plum or bunch of grape' ripened upon Ontario toll 1l war hurried over to take the place of a specimen that had revved Its purpwse ; consequently her ta- bles were always fHied. 1 never saw ruck a continuum' performance Ii fruits. Ontario lar wou as much by tho clever management of the mess In charge as by the excellence of tho waterltle for dlrp:ay." lo Whims she Credit se Due. The commissioners In charge of thee fruit charley to whom credit must be given fur the success et On- tario in the fruit bete are lion. Johu Dryden. Mhulrter of Agriculture for Ontario: W. H. Bunten, Superinten-, deal of Horticulture at the Export - Don ; .1. J. Colline and ltobert Thump - eon, As►Irta.ut Superintendents Tlie latter two are Jueticee of tate Peace lu St. Catharines. 051141lu Woa 00141 Medals: Province of Ontario, Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agri(ulture, for general display of fruits. Province of Ontario, for 38 varie- ties of apples of the crop of 11)00. Province. of Ontario, for apples, crop of 1901. • Province of Ontario, for 68 varie- ties of pears. Proximo of Ontario, for 71 varie- ties, of peaches. Provinco of Ontario, for 76 Tarim tier of plums. i Province of Ontario, for 117 vex - Burlington horticultural Society, dimple) of ratite o iitluuourly (rote .trawberrter to the eel ere the sea- son. Olutarite• experlmeutesi fruit eta - lieu, E. Woulvertou, (Secretory, a tar - play of rippler, pears, plume, grapey and poacher, 250 plater. l'ruvinco of Ontario, fruit.. In sol- ution. 'Douse Medals. r C. l'. Adorer, ooleat1a11, of fruit'. 11, C. Itradlee, Merle:tam of fruits, Jolty Bartlett, dirp:ay of tippler. 1'. J. Cockburn, a dlsploy- of apple. of merit. 1t. Currie. a alaplay of fruity. S. M. Culp, a meritorious. dlNplay of fruiter. W. If. ('baplin, a 4lspinev of applies. J. 14)11111, u 4lsphay of fruits and nuts. Robert• Fuels, o'lspbay of apples. C, F:► Feeler & (tette, dlepiny of fruits. 1t. J.' Omelette evaporutel frultr rand vegetable. in glass. - - (io rrge Horning, display of apples turd peters. 1•'. l', Hug(vutaul, enrolee of Reeltby upplrr. J. E. Humble', collection of peaches and applies: W. W. !inborn, display of (rulte. W. V. Hopkins, .hlsphay of fruits. C. M. Housberger, display of fruit& W. K. Jacks,u, ge•n(•rnl display of fruiter. F. H. Elven, dirpluy of Seedling grnpx* J. A. Lickie, display of apples and pears. George Low, display of fruits. A. Lowry, display of fruits. Jamey Molireger. display of apples. I:. Morden, d.apluy of fruits, J. McLaren, (airplay of Rose prays. of Hblarus Stone, of Well/Igloo, dimple.> m(((r. Ayser & Sun, airplay of cherries. 11 1'.-trt, ealec(1or1 of fruits. A. \1'. Pextrt, cuilectlon of trolls. J. A. Patt(vsol, display of trolls. U. dM W. Randall, dlaplay of fruits met fags. John Sexton, display of superior ge. mieberrl ea. John Faolt, display of fruits. \'a,dergen & Griffith, display of traits. t B. W. Phoplyd, d,apiay of fruits. Ilotiorablet NeatIou, Allen, W. J., Hooter; Ambrurh. H. J.. Pelitam; Arnold, E..& Son, Queen - erten ; Autler■on, Dr. 11. L., Niagara ; Ashbaugh. C. D., Mohawk ; Andrrwr, Rev., Boanvuville; Adams, E. E., Lea- mington ; Brown Bros., Fruitland; Brown, II. J. & tion. Niagara: Brt•en- er. John, Ituthout; 'Lemmr, Thomas. Kiugwvi►Ir; (Bell, Js.ete), Wkilby; Backus. M., Chatham; Black. George, St. Davids; Benoit, (1. 14, tValker- ville; Biggar, O. 1L, Walkervlllu Big- gar, G. IL. Niagara Falls South; Cie:neut. John. Brantford; Camp- bell. Charlet,. Queennton ; Coate-., were -heti: M.. Kline. Mie , t'ontue, H. S., St. Catharines.; Cameron, It., Ni- agara Fall..; Corte, Joseph, St.Cath- arines; Duan, T., tit. ('atlirinee; F.1 - b14 Brom., Stamford; Freeman, W. 11., St. Catharines; Freeman, J. S„ Free- men; Freeltwater, A., Grimsby ; Flmh- cr, 3. A., Virgil; Ferber, W. T. W., Burlington; Fisher, George F... Frce- man, Grubb, J. C., St. Catharine -4a Ghent, T., Burlington; (;riffle, A., St. Catharine; ifavens, J., Ht. Cathar- ines; thanes, J., St. Catharine.; Hay nes, Andrew W., St. Catty/linen; Hue nose L., St. Cattuirines ; iinger•, Jamas, St. ('athariney ; Hender9hot, W. M., St. Davide; Heniaberry, W. A.. Jordan; Hurd,H.H.,lklrtbngton ; Hun - ton, Charles, Niagara; lllscott, Maj. Janie*, Niagara; Jones. li., Mait- land; Jolln.on, George, St. Davide; Kane W. J., Niagara; Lawman, Jo- seph, St. Catharines ; Lawton, IL. A., Whitby; McIntyre. B. J.. eit. Cath- arines; McCohla, W. C., Bt. Cathar- ines; Mitchell, J. O., Clarksletrg Myerscough, Thos„ Caledonia; Par- nell. E. E., Bt. Catharines; Painter. Iticlinrd, Jordan ; Trite' /ire, .1.. Harrison; Pattison, '1. J. 11., liriru'- by ; Crest, Percival, Stamford; Pen- dergrass', John & Son, Ht. Davide; Pettit, C. C.. Fruitland; Pettit, A. if., (irilueby; Pettit, A. C., Southend: Pettit, C.. Niagara Falls; Robert - Woe George, St. Catharines; Rob- Ineon, Joseph, Niagara; Springe, 1). W.. Port Dover: Slingslnn•I, 11., NI-- agora; Symington. ,Tames, Port Dover; Stupley, isblorr, Klrlgsvlll. MiiIdbnrg, James, Queeneton ; Stew- art, Alex., St. Cntanrin"K; Smith, Fal., Winona; Shearer, Dean, Ning- aril ; \'reeinan, 14'. H., Qneenstnl : Wilkins, 0. F., Bridgelarg ; W o l - ruff, If. ('., St. Devk1N; Werner, F. A.. Ironton; Well. Dr. T. H.. Niag- ara ; Wyl1. Mir.. H,unllton : White, C. F:.. St. (k,tinrluee. Eighty-nine, fruits in mention: BU•pheneon, L. 1L, Jordan; Meer.. A.. St. Catharinoe. D. A. Malley, fat. Catharines; Jae, Molloy, tit. Catharines; Allen Ram- sey, Ningn ra ; J. O. Bromley, St. Catherine. ; C. Button, /etagere; J. Cralgot, Nlagnrn. PRINtEBB £LIZ ABETH OF AUSTRIA. Betrothed to Prinoe Otto Wlndipeh-Uraets. tore thnt ..1oh n des*oratratton was (41t 1,1 plane, A moment afterward the court pall •urned, the Judge Advo. - mate pleadingthat ha o(elld not well g(. re troche. Then another remark- able thing happennl. An soon is the gavel feel the entire audience surged ferwarb to &hake tin hands of Ad- miens Polley and Sir. itnyner. But the olaeaming spectators fell bock a. mo- !rent o- went n& they saw Admiral Dewey and s&ex his two nclatos move nround the table ns if rev et onmmrn Impulse o and ongratulnte Admiral Schley and his counsel, Even ('npteln Lemly, the Judge Advocate, clime forward to jerin In the congratulate -new. Then the public hal Ile Innings, and for evert minutes after the vert ad- jalrneel Admiral Polley and MriRay- nor were kept blur shaking hauls. *BRIDE, IRISH/BOER, Urge; Open War oe Meted and Cella Irish M. 1'.'s Ilumbuas, Parte, Nov. 10.—A correepoadont 1110111e Interviewed Major McBride, of tate Irish Tranevnnl Brigade, In re- gard to the programme forthe pre- sentation of n sword and address to 111m toy it connnittee'Iif (riehnaen nn Monday. Ile maid (tat it world be et denriontrntton that irelaiv1 re- teem'to tamper nny longer with Parllnmeutarien. which le pi ayed nut, betake being a ureters and expensive fierce. - -"Thee - lrbeht 4(r-irehtarl mei. Am- price,- m--prlcn," he said, "have made more of me than 1 deeerved la chole and at dent PP, tele., not named nenewintione niter mo nm thow(h 1 had already been Pnrol'ed in the pantheon of faith martyr& The reason Ie that they have token me for a Ihlog symtwel of open tend honest opted - lion to Emboli misrule, which he de- populating Ireland feeder than the concentration rumps am depopulat- ing :both Africa. "A', optioned to tiro wordy hum - binge who nye 'Touting at the ex- penan of .\mcrlcn's dobinrm In \\'est- min'stere tele America to put andel- tern Into it Nati nd al to arm the beth for the firm( opportunity rath- er than throw them into Parliamen- tary galt('r. "1 advocate open AN! frank hoe - May when It Is poseibhe. Till then thorn whrmt:t fin tltrnity preprernttrm. Already, drinks to Mamie Gonne, they have 'stopped recruiting. The next atop will tat the trA .ter of Irishmen who muet fight to the rent* of the European powers which ern moat likely first to meet Knew lard. 'A movement In on font, het i am linable (0 may morn Jnst now. Per- haps on M(wwlny t may meek more full.. That dementia upon the opin- ion.,of the other chiefs. Dot this metal I may say--IrMAnd le awake 3Zpp. and rewiring.' Wier of groper, grown out of (hors. Province of Ontario. for six varie- tlee of gropes grown In doors. Province of Ontario, for three var- ieties of strawberries. Province of Ontario, for eight enema of apples, peeked for exporta- tion, 97 per cent. being found per- fect on the cases being °paned. A. !Wilton, Fonthill, for contlnu- oUK exhibit of fruits. L. Woolverton, for general display of fruits. J. Tittermyer, for continuuus dis- play of fruits. F. •(t. Stewart, Hotter, for-(tontinu- Ote display of fruits. A. Pay, for continuous display of fruits. William Orr & Son. .for .'.tntlnu- oals dlepbty of fruity. W. 1t. Dempsey, for continuous dlspiny of fruits. J. le. Brennan', for display of peachu, Silver Medal.. S. W. H. Collin on, it (lspiny of fruits of superior merit. A. M. tamit11, a corrtinuoun display of fruits. J. Shepard & Son. a large and sup- erior display of fruite. Ju,w'pli Thveedle, a general dlaplay Of fruit's of et eup.rior excellence. 1\'m. Armstrong, an exhibit of fruits of superior quality. G. E. *card, a generale dNplay of frusta M. Read, a Motility of Lincoln grapes, a new variety of superlor quo llty. C. la Purdy, dNpeay oC Dee perdy p0414•11, a now nal moot premising VArlety. 1t. I.. Haggard, Whitby, it mup'rlor (Replay of fruite. A. ()riffle. n general dlaplay of ratan °f Importer excellence. Tho.. Bottle, n collection of fruite of eup•rbr merit. aerate Bunting, a collection of fruit', of eup'rlor merit. Dominion of (ktnadn Experimental Fhtrm, Ottawa, a eihoplay of twenty- five, varietler of apples. 11. Dempsey, a (lrplay of apples of superior merit, St. A. Revuln, et general display of fruit of wup'rior quality. 0. .1. (irahnm. a display of fruite of ammeter gnnllty. • Free! Bros., 11 airplay of fruits of expiator exrellsnee. M. Pettit, A e.snprchnnrve display 01 trona of impairer quality. F. T. Merritt, a wuperlor display df fruit& Willem iMebard, a display of ap- pIM0 of very superlor merit. C. 1.. Stephens. a dlepl y of front of 'evertor exrellenee. George M. Poor, general display of fruit*. George Beayt, rllspley of enparagas. A. Pay, ellaplay of asparagus. 10 Tbotnp ren & Son. a very so1Mr- ler and nontInonuw dlaplay of frnita. Frontes Peek. a display of apples of nil varieties. - GERMAN OFFICER'S BRAS. Says an InvJsion of Britain Would be Easy. ONLY TAKE THIRTY HOURS. Berlin, Nov. 10.--Conside•rable at- tention le attracted here by a pamphlet just published by liar., von ledelolw►m, an officer on the chief general rtaft of the ()armee army, in which he doolures that tier - matey ooukl tibula 100.000 wars on the Engllidt court within a very ..tart time. Tine Baron pot fire- wood blr tetetemeut as u matter of ubrulute eertntuty, and It le con- sidered euwewhut ourlour that lie it permitted by his (iuvernmwlt all publish. It. lin aha) dircurrer the pus- siblltl• of landing troops It ltureio and F'rtuw•e, ail proceeds to con- templates ale hypothesise elf a war between Cerium* and the Fatted ~tater. He darts from the assumption that Germany must cue day be Involved in a conflict ueosuse the growth of her traffic and commerce is It source of danger to 1:rygiuud. lie Malde the opinion that Oermany might hope to,secure some success at weer whurtly after horn !ties began, air 111A Gorman navy weak.' rturt tuobtlivation fir et, but before Ions Eugltu*f would bo able to ret such powerful naval forcer la sctiou that Gerluuny would bo reduced W de- fenely a tactics, In which rucceer (weld nut be rocketed upon. HIS paper pre. cee(1* : ' England'* weakness is our strength. The laud (omen of the English armye correwpoud neither in 'strength nor in quality with her position as ti great power. England le convince! that' Beery hostile invasion can be prevented by her fleet, but thin con- viction le not by any means well f,Nlm1011. EVe11 If England after a time could rot lu motion great naval force*, those which wend' ba ready, at the b.'yiantag are not s:o over- whelming that 4111 opponent essen- tially weaker at sea, who has every- thing ready, may not Iiavo acbatu:e of scoring n temporary succors. uer- uauy meet throw part of bar land forcer on the Eaglet!' coast and thug bring the conflict to au Irrue on land, where German trop(►-+ are much ratl►eriot' to English." Depreciates British Army. After rueiunliyf up the, shortcoat- liige of England's land forces, the Baron declares that only her present etatdulg army and regular reserve can b a Canute d on in cure of sudden Invasion, as the others would take u conriderablu tinter to mobilise. He observer : "Nee must dee take account of their alight lighting value compared with wee truialel German Douse. The only troupe ready to England fur action aro three (itlatoar of the First Army letups, about two divisions of the roomed and a combined division of dere OW. Tegetlier with three car nlry brigade.. The strength of fin Eagilsh division on a war footing Is only 10,00J teen„while a situilar %e man dlvielot numbers about 16,000 men. Germany ran transport ale In- fantry allelilons or One cavalry bri- gade and five Infantry divisions to Fulani In a very abort time. How tter(q)ernt on could bo married out t hot, of count... bo eeplainel here. tspt this cam be maid, that It can be acne within little more thou thirty hoer* In favorable, weatber from German harborer to the Neat,' Sea. Large tracts of the English meat furnish god(1 landing place* fur troupe, and the reentry Itself hag u many resouroes that an 'invading army could lire on them for a long (Imo. On the other ham! the island le not large enough to allow English troop! to destroy a once vlctoricnie booth*. army. It I. unlikely that such a war would last very long, and con. ▪ hi FPI nfore emonts‘wou 1el, therefore, not be needed.” PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE. Draft of a Treaty of Arleiret Ion to be ('one ldered. MPxloo City, Nov. 11. -Tho pre epee - toe for a treaty of arbitration and Court of 'rbttratlon, which will be subinttteel to the Pan-American elm- ferenem to -slay by the Mexican dele- gation, is largely framed on linos rained by The ling ue Pence Confer- ence. However, it proposes an in - earned neintis!r of obllgetory sub- jects for arbitratloe, anti hes In view the coercion otspumistlment of nations, whleb, after 'Ignitor a treaty, fail to 11vo op to 1t. Among they meaeree propene] ere the fol- lowing: Tl*' aggrinvo.l nation and any other waren sympathizing with It may terminate their treaties with stet offending power before the proper dote for their ..Wbrstlon. Members of tin offending power on the court of nrlltratton may ho erased there- from, nal awned the majority of nations earning the treaty approve, a note of censor') may lit a.l.lreassl to tlsn said power. In extreme onset the dlanpproving powers may suspend diplomatle relations with rho recaleltrnnt (imvernment. The reception of Mme. Diaz to the delegates and their families at Ohe- prltmpec Castle last night wax the meet trr(Illant yet et the meat functions to honor of the 'Jailor.. A despatch from Rom., to the London (1,ronlco, rrrords the elle- emery of fifty akeletene et Pom- pell. supp,snl to 1t' (lane of Pliny and hie eleven. There dorm not amens to 1w. mueh remind for the Ruppoel- tlon, 1 SMUGGLERS OF CHINESE, \ Four he Celestials Held Prisoners in Buffalo. DRIVER OF RIG ARRESTED. Buffalo, Nov. 11. -AD attempt to enemao Chinese tato thin country 'from Canasta was frustrated by the pollen at an early hour this morn- ing. While tees- Patrolmen were , tending at Niagara street and Hotel (Lven118, they maw a earring.. rnpklly approaching them, and when the. driver saw the patrolmen he whipped up hna horsey. That ex- cited their suspicions, and they or- dered the driver to atop. The door of the carriage waft opnard. and In It . were four Ctllno.e huddled as fes out of tritest an they conk' get, Tho driver of (tin rig. who gave his name no Grant Householder, was taken to W custody, ant ordered be pro- ceed to police station. Ile ischarged with. attempting to smuggle Chlneee dl vlolntlon of the exclusion act. Thn four Chinese gave their mimeo an: Clang Kud, Kern Sing, Finn Kung nowt Quong ('alk. They nye Chas -gal with being In the oountry Illegally. It in supposed the (:hi - nese) were brought aoroaa the river from a point near Fort Erle, and the authorities pre trying to find the bout which brought them across the river. It is also believed that Ilorleehokler hna accomplice,' on thin stdo of the river In tho attempted *mingling. All the prinoners have troy, turned over to the authorl- tlmw, who will have charge of the pr+,ercatlon. CANAOIANS ON A CRUISE. Going Around ther -World in an Indian Dug -Out. THEY HAVE ARRIVED. AT APiA. Ap1u, Nov. U. -Captain J, 0. V,'.. and A. K. Luxton, the a,lventuroas (:nrwullnne who sailed from \•nncou- trr early lu Jay In An Indian dug -out onto:, for le toe age nround the world In her, arrival here cafe and sound VII Vet. Mil. -having travelled In that Dine n dletnncu of 6,400 puler. .after leaving Vancouver, H. ('.. they -pile( fon• 1111 days without seeing land or will of espy description, 111141 on Aug 314 they lorded nt Penrhyn Island "'one there they cruised to Apia, ar riving Ort. 10th. Thn 1Pnlnresom• travellers remand but a few hour', 11 Aple, only tong enough to epeure n topply of welter and prvevisions, and throe amt will for Sydney hy way of Ftp. 'loth mem were In (10,1 health newt r•aprr'swn) thpmvelviva All mettle fled that they world he able to Peo- pled@ their aederta&Iet