HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-14, Page 5Immrnrrr flhIi 9 a a arday, a X 23- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a wisittititm ayS, BARGAIN store will RICES, re - 'en whole - LIVE OF ►AYS ICH. II of new ices. Dt cash. sale. rne, Ioderich. • really good cough cure L Cherry recently : mitt aaythisg ovoid ,.i es q .Mkly, " EMIST. price 3 fee 10c. Poei- in, jr. BERS. rS, SHOES and ch. -known makers : Is," The Victoria ms Shoe Co. and nadian Granby, New York. man, jr. IR PRICES," E LATE RACHAN'S BLACKSMITH SHOP V MANAGEMENT. JOHNSTON, Ith the late Mk. Pro acfAII 1, and Is tboronehly floe - classes of work that here shop, telethon to announce n oharge of toe eet•Mlsh carry nn the c seines* to a to retain the confidence @rotafore ex ended to the will to pleased to have as omen ws tall favor him mire. In •ddltion to Ship e. Street We Pring Wag- er, etc , he will .astlnne IR.ACERM ITH'NO and JK of all kind,. MA NO, DRILIINO. PLAN IN,t, and sit kinds of me on ohm - amine. d a first -clam HRA7,INO rk In that line, molndlon ed twee/. of •Ii kind.. non hart norlo.. Lawn Mow 1000 will be found quite 'AM1r8 IT. J'tfNfTON, baa'e Machine and Rleok- ela eet,. 4sed.Nnh. leHT= It R. r mast be left at til. ,ter than Retardy Oopy for changes not Ir ter than Man- ama] Adverti.nmeote ) nor n Wednesday of THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THUIUWAT, Nov. 14. 1901. 5 W. Acheson & Son Extra Values 1n Men's and Women's UNDERWEAR. WE have just received some extraordinary purchases of Men's and Women's Underwear from some of the best manufacturers in Canada. Surplus stocks and the season's overntakos with the mills enabled us to secure some excep- tional values at a BIG DISCOUNT. Men's Underwear. Mtu's Heavy Fle.ot-lined Arctic Coder. wear, skirt• and drawee, Froaoh usok, pearl buttons, esteem trimming', over - looted wamu, double ribbed guts and ankles, wool fieeoe. winter weight, sizes 34 to 44, regular 75o germena at 50c each Mao's Heavy Sootoh tt ool titter weer, shirt/. and drawers, shirts double breestsil, setups trlmmiogs, pearl buttons, otos. ribbed .k rt and noes. outside trim minas oo drawers, solo Boise, slats 34 to 46, roaster woe would be fl 00 • garment, at 75c Women's Underwear. Ladies' Heavy R bbed Vs.tc, wool mixture and all wool, button tronl, pearl but tone, trimmed with lams god baby rib boo, ogturgl oolor. Cl sizes, regular price would `., 75o. selling 50C .t l.sdlee' Fleece noel Vests, ribbed, medium weight, trimmed with floe Iso, and baby ribbon, pearl buttons, tics flews, regular prow woull be 25C 40o, special at Carpets and Curtains. 5 pieces of 36 hobs. wid• heavy reversible 20 pierces 27 lochs wide, extra heavy Eog• Untoo Carpet, oleo colon and fas),and Bah Tapestry Carpet showing oswont pattoros and colorings, suitable for parlor or sitting room, ball or stairs regular 65o quality. st per yard 50c English and Cwadien Floor Oil Cloths, Heavy weight, and • great variety of patents In 1, 1.1, li 2 yds wide, al ter square yard 25c In good patterns and suitable for every room. regular 40o quality, at Der yard 25c W. Acheson & Son. COUNTY CURRENCY. Wroxeter: Wrozeter publlo .ch:ul Is closed on account of measles. Blyth : Br. Jerome, who sooceeds 1)r. Cooke as dentist here, has arrived In town. Morris : Mrs. F Baines, of Brussel., bar sold her 100 sore farm, co the 5ta hoe, Deer Sunshine. Prtoe $4,500. Wingbam: Harry St•veoeon, brakeman on the C 1'. R , had his leg bort at the Wiaaham station rewoNy. Ethel : A letter from Poelma for Spoto, says he and Mrs. Spew* reeobed Colorado Springs In safety foaling fairly well alter the long tourney. Clinton last week Mies Lortle Carte. les, eldest daughter of H. C.nte►m of the Hotel Clareedoa, bemires the bride el break Yea, of M t Forest. Exeter : Mrs. R. H Unpin save an •mem' log of welcome on Tuesday evening of last week to the b:ldes, Mrs (Dr.) Arnie and Mrs. 1. U. :Banbury. W Ingham : Themes Case.b, who lives about half • mile ,oath of town, has Bold ble farm of about 133 soros to Kohl. Stele, of Fordyce, fir the sum of r,000. Holle:t : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor are oomtort•bly mottled on the MaCeughsy homestead, the old home of Mrs. Taylor, where tbey will lave to future. Leadb.ry : Joahoa Dennison, of the 14th Ila, bas .ofd hie farm to Jo* Love, of (iris brook. The price paid was $5,700. Mr. Deuolsoo will go to the Visit. Oodertch township : John Uaoby, Eley field road, had the misfortune to lose a valuable be res the other day; this is the mooed he hits loot We summer. Doderloh towaehlp : Charlie Middleton ✓ ,jol.ss In the ernvl ot • boy In bar bows hold, while Joho Talbott it happy over the adyeot of • girl -so both are satisfied. Stanley : Andrew Keys., of the Kabyloo line, of Stanley, died oo Sunday, November 3, after • lingering Biome; he had been coo. fined to his bed for about two months, Brussel.: Last week Wm. Jewitt shipped & car of bore to Paim.retoo factory. 'the pries paid was $5 50 Thee. will likely be • drop to • lower figure In the next ship- ment, Clinton : Deep sorrow Ie expressed for the tacitly and relatives of George Fltetof, who died co Sunday of last week, after battling with this dread dooms. of typhoid fever. Clinton . It Is said that there are els weddings. at (east, on the program before the New Year benne; the pro.o.otive brides are all Cantos residents se well as five of the gentlemen. !frowstier:. Will K. Coasley, Is In tows. He has been assisting at ohommaking at H leer Corners factory. H. Intends Liking • coons at the Dalry School •t Strathroy during the winter. Sseiorth : not many friends of Mrs. Noble 01.9, who has been seriously 111 for . oma time, w111 to learn that Ole is net msking muoh progress healthward and Is still confined to bed. Brussels : Capt. Stratton and wife are moving from their old home on the bank of the Maitland to the property parabolised seme time ago on Turnberry street, known In for- mer days as the R House, Dorris : .1. H. Dulmag., of Goals, for- merly props toter of the Brunswick hotel, Wingham, died tory suddenly on Sunday evening, 3rd inst. He had been s resid.et of %Ingham for over twenty yeas. ',,,Clinton : The resideow of O. D. MoT•g• t art eau the own* ot • quiet and pretty wedding on Titen.16y afternoon, Oot. 31.0, when MIs. Edith Broder, sister of Mrs. G. D. Moraggart, became the bride of M. 1). MoTaggot. Glisten : Mn. T. 0 Oo•per has just oom- plated her eighty third year and old ft tends say she look. almost as sprightly se she did tweoty years ago. She proposer; sp.odlog the winter with her sou, 1;.o. A Cooper, of Doderloh township. BIy1h : Mr. John Young, • former mo- dest of Blvtb. died at Se. Josephs fleapits! London, on Tuesday ot leas week. She had been to dello•te health for some year.. D.o.eesd, before her marriage, was Mies MaryMCUs., et Esse W•wano.h. Exeter : Wm. Harding, who for nearly twenty-six years has been In charge of oos of the grab warehouses at tee depot, has radioed hte position owing to the continued 111 health of Mrs. H .rdlog, whoae000dltlos at the proasot time 11 quite hopeless. Jamestown : W.d.,ssdav evealog Oot. 30th, was the *cepa of a pretty wedding a1 the home of the bride's parrots here, when Ml.. Maggie. daughter of Andrew and Mrs. S mown, was married to John Montgomery, • molt worthy young man, of Winthrop Myth : Watson A F.mlgh bays • camber of very doe cattle being mrd• ready for the market on :be farm of Des. Pot'er, In Hallett Th• yearlings have already • weiebl of 1,100 pounds and the two-year- old. will alp the beam at 1,400 pounds each. Wiogbam : Word was rewired here last week of the death of lir.. Wm Lewis, of 70 Brooklyn moue. Terooto, at th• age of sixty years, from heart failure. Her death was vary sudden. Mre. Lewis Dewing been apper.atly well a short time before th• seizure. Chatoo : Geo. !timbal!, who has been 1n Loudon for some time, owing to meotal disability, has been brought hick home His Woods will be glad to know that be has e ntirely reoovered mentally, but they will at the same time deeply regret to know that he I. paralyzed from his body down. Brussels : Monday morolog of last -week Mrs Wm. Ks.ohtsl, • well known former beefily esteemed re.ldent of Brussels, passed away from time at the home of her daughter, Mt. W. A. Roes, of Fergon, with whom she had been living for • time She 1. aur. vivid by her husband, a son and lour daughters. Seslorth : Thomas Levy, liveryman of this town, met with • ratter sertoni lou on Tuesday of lest week. A roll of bills amounting to $75 dropped from his pocket to some way He got the money in the Dominion Rank here and than started for Rebel, and did not notloe nis lou until be reached there. Wiagb•m: Idles Cawmore, of the 2nd eeenesslon.1 Morris, bad both arms broken on Monday night of Iasi week. the got up te go dews stairs to clow a .term door, and lo the dark.eae missed her footing and tell a distaow of eight feet to the fluor One arm had both b. nes broken at the wrist and the other had one cone broken to about the same place. Seaforth : James Les, of the Huron road, .act el Sealertb, lona valuable hoses • short time ago. While playing around In th. oruh ard It struck • tree, receiving a dight wound In Ie. .boulder, whioh resulted to blood poisoning, causing Its death. It was • par- ticularly tine animal, befog one of • matched team, and Its owner had refused $150 for It • few day. belo,, It was hart. Clinton : Last week the family of John West left for Victoria, B C. Doe of his sons has been there for some Hoes, and ham Ing parohased •boat twenty sores of land aloes to the city porno.,. to work It as • market garden. Mr, West himself expects to go later on; he very kindly ooneaotiog M remain with Mr. Reuetord, where h. has 5..n employed for some time, until • saooessor can he secured H . son, who Is emplovedwith Jas. Flynn, .111 also Tomato here. (ir.y : The Gladstone (Man.) Age of Oct. 31st, of It hloh Paper F.ph. Downing, for. m.rfy of Brussels, a editor and manliest, AnDierivell, FOR CON5UMPTWON It meets the strongest indications, never fails to relieve the rough and other distressing symptoms, and has undoubted efficacy in checking diarrhrea, fever and night sweats. It supplies the vital elements so much needed by those afflicted with weak lungs and all forms of wasting dis- eases. Angier's Petroleum Emulsion expels disease by revitalising the blond and helping build healthy flesh tissue. it agrees with the weakest stomach, is pleasant to take, aids digestion, and soothes and heals all inflamed and irritable renditions of the stomach and towels. it has been prescribed by the medical profession and used in all the leading hospitals since i3Ro. COWSIIMP'1'IO1E:-1hart used .4nrier's Petroleum Emulsion with grand.rwccesr. 1 had .several rarer of chronic bronchitis which were very greatly benefited by its east. / Aare also used it fee 4 rase ojcan.rrnapllAN with marked benefit. Aowther tall of a yowler eekerrrw. greatly 'ma. laird, .1.., appetite ,pone. enteritis, mho was cured by the use of it / wce sI in the diseasts sj chil- dren with .sucrt.r.r. At permit 1 am owing it hit a young man having tubercular diaM'.ri s, who Aa c contra, tact very bad cold. //e haat iiwprrwed wonderfully since / put him on the treatment. 1 mill emgfiatue to prescribe it. 1)R. J. M..1f1LLER, Pi1Jt- bwr h, Pd, All Araggyer as11 It. Tye elm, an eta..M t1 OA a !.vale tar vire poi get ANit TR' Ft YOUR RAMS ANS ASTIR ERR n* a posnl rani will Ming yon • free ropy of • valnshle Penal., emitted, Abet Vow Threat sea Leese " It tells h+. to .ere tor the newt, tons, •q Ml,e„agssam ve Orgw. It gives ruin advice as to Diet sod Hne ygie, Oen Rweri•s., .hkh ere Illrs A*Olsa CSStI$CAL COMIP•Mlt SGITOM, MASS speaks as follows of W. H. Aleook, a termer resident of lbs 141.11 con. of Urey : - On Oct. 27 the rwideote of Uladetoso and onm- otoetty were chocked to hear of the stollen and uu.xp.oted demise of • pluuNr settler In the person of William Henry Aleook, at the ago of fifty six years and twelye day.. He bad bean suffering for a 'umber of years with wlauoa, but was to luso the day before he died. SERIOUS RESULTS FOLLOW. Cold, olammy hands and feet, and pains in the back result from impoverished blood. Serious con- sequenoesfollow neglect. "Climax" Iron Tonic fills make new, rich blood, tole up the system, add vitality to wasting tissues and stssstgthen weak nerves. Each bra contains ben days' treatment. Pries 26 Dents, at all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price. Ad- dress; The Dr. Ball Medicine Co„ Hillaston, Ont. BLUEVALk. WsunmmDAy, Nov. 6th. Mr. Vito, of Tnroberry, has a Swede turnip weighing twenty-five pounds. .1. Yeo has retort.d after a two weeks' . lay with friends at Windsor, 'tarot& and Port fluting. Miss Hartle MoCrskeo returned on Sat, unsay from a few mouths' visit with friends •t Deuphio, Man. Al. Proctor, th• driver of Harold 11 , the lastest Canadian pacer, wall the traiuer of (fray Tot», owned by Tom Nixon ween he lived to rfluevab. Rev. W. J. Wast preached In the James- town Hall o, Sunday eveoaog. A ser,toe by elms minister in the surrounding district b gtv.o each week. Among thaws from this vicinity who hays glue to Mu.koka to boot to. fleet footed deer are James 'rhynoe, Fraser lsmbury, George Turesy and Gamed brothers R. N. Dud returned on Saturday from Hlewatha, Mich., where he and R. J. Case more have bowie working to the property recently purobased there. Mr. Casement and family wilt remain all winter. The wed news was reoeived last week of the death of Mrs. Thomas Jeczema at Cal- gary. What makes It more sorrowful 1. the tact that Mrs. J•oksoo leve • family of six snail oh:l iron to mourn a mother's oars. Mr.. A ft. Jackson left o0 Saturday for the home of her coo where her presence w111 be estivate at fhb sail hour. A PERMANENT CURE. Tele t'a'e Demonstrated That Ysdd's -. soy rims Core a6.etately and rerssueatly. claeteo, Que., Nov. 11 (Spsolal)-Away ba. -.4 1n May of 1898 the papers published • •teeem.ot made by Mr. Sam beseech ere. of this city, stating that he had suffersd with diabetes tor dee years and that he bad been oared by Dodd's kidney P11hs. At that time acme people seemed inclined to believe that he was not p.rmanervly cared and that tee dietss would return w hoa he Ivit off tektite the pill.. Mr. I)eerochers was heard from again Cue other day In an lotervlsw published to one of the peons. H• is as wsil as he ever was, and .tate, positively toot he has not had the .lightest ileum of any of the symptom of diabetes sinoe he was cured In 1898. Dodd'. Kidney Pills are the rnly remedy that has .y.r cured Bright's (linear., dot. betels or dropsy. CARLOW. MorDAy, Nov. 4. Milton Tirade' is speeding • few weeks at home before gotpe to Toronto. 1 Johnston has warmed from the West, .bo Wall Sallow, sad J. Lily._ 8 Bissett, of the Yukon district, is at present the guest of T. Sallow.. Mils Maud Salto we entertained her friend. with • ple•raot evening, @petit at. bar home on Hallowe'en Word has been reoelved of the safe array al at Honolulu of Mus M. I l'ew,ley, after a delightful j'urnsy. She has resumed her dobe. as teacher there. We regret to learn that our beaoher, MI.s Dale, will breve her dories se teacher of 5 S. Io. 1 at Xman to attend Normal. A. yet no one has been secured to fill the vaoaocy. The rising Reiteration does not seem to take the same interest In hiding the property belonging to other people as their predec, s sore did. Hallowe'en war dull In that respect. Mus C. Tewsley deserves oredit for the way in whioh @t. oonducted the last cense- ora ole meeting of the U. 1':. 'moiety. Mn. R. M Young will take charge of the topic for next Sunday evening. Out cheese factory for the year 1901 olosed lot Saturday with eatisfaotory re turas The patrons will take advantage of the next two weeks by supplying milk for the making of obsess for their own ase. Why Catarrb.aese Cares Catarrh. it goes to every affected part end kill. Ott germs that keep up the diseased condi- tion. Catarrhezeoe never irritates, tut stimulatos the mimeos Moine of the nose, throat and lunge to normal ►orlon, and keeps the nasal passages from offensive disoharges Cstarnccnoe oo•t•rng no dan- gerous drugs or opiates, sod Is delightfully pleasant and simple to use. Catsrrhozone b an •t»nlute and oertalc core for sty form of o atarrh and sells for • dollar at druggist*, small Sze 25s. Hy mail from Polson & Co , Kingston, Ont WHY IT IS DONE. (Windsor Record 1 Newspaper ■ubsoribers often wonder why a publisher keep oo sending the paper alter the sobeorlptlon period has expired. 1'he R000rd for several veers •dooted the plan of stopping, th• pap's white the .ab- . orlptlon expired, ibis is the right way and many of our •nbecriben approved of It, but a la number made It eo hot fns the bugloss@ office that we were obliged to return co this old practice of allowing the paper to go on litter the term expired. There are very few of the Reoord subeorlb. ore In a for more than a few menthe, hut, most of them would register • vigorous kick If their (opera were dlsooatlnoed at t he end of the time for whioh they have paid An exchange, which has evidently had a somewhat similar exprrienoe to The it,00td, .ale: • When a .ubserlpt'ios le pall to a certain time, and the time 0005e' and the paper is etotpeA, 1t looks as r1 th• editor doubted the inteerity of the subscriber, and In nine rates not 0f ten the sah.orih.r will give the editor a calling down for Insinuating that hie oredlt was not good. Rather than caw any reflection arsine(nnfghhor's honesty to fay • small debt it bas h.en customary for nee spaper. to °ontinue sanding the paper after the time had ex plied. The oily we.kb, s and dailies do not g liy follow ihu title, ea their •uhsmth.,e are at adv tenor'. and, hail.., they are not arqu*lnre I w ith them and do not know !boor daaeoi•t e•nd!nr. 0 e .5..14 .'s m H an honor to keow that his media le not drott.cl wh.■ the rabbet e e continue to send the paper. Should the .obao ih t desire to h seek s p.p'r dnoourlis d h1 should Worm tee publisher and melt 504.1,11557 is owing. OF LOCAL INTEREST - ST OwrooDi HALL -lar the Divisional Court at Owed. Hall beet wet.' Hun J.1' (Jarrow, K.C., for del.adeot to the suit of Williams vs. Cook, appealed )row the judem.ot o1 Judge McMahon at the trha) al Ceder.oh !o lavor of tbs plaintiff for 8300 anusu d omits to an euoo for damsel's for broach of asre meet where by, le ucosidorstloo of 81,300 paid by plats tilt, the derwdaot emceed to ferm.h and Install fur the plaint d lar bis mill, to the village et-Luriob, an slectrlo light piaci, 000sletirg of dyoamoe,ffipolte, wires, volt. meters, etc. The plainfYS complained that the plant par: an by the delendeut was emceed band, and lsfertor in quality to that ooct noted for, and did out sower the purpose fur a hub it was Intended. tt. Ptoudf.u: (Uod.nuh), for plalotse, oppo,ad appeal. Judgment not gives......The tut - lowing tweet were disposed of at the 1)lrls• tonal roust aro Friday Bracken vs, Wood• ward. - W. Proudfoot, fur deleudar,t,muv.d to disease the scilicet tor want of prosouo- too. J. H. Moss, for plaloufl, ooatra. The mutton was referred to • Judge lar et•athers by oo. 01 the looei judges at Goderlob. Order mads dl.miaslov motion upon terms as to golog to trial and ether• wlee, and on payment of omits. ...Re Barton. -W. Proudtoot (Goderich) moved for order validating a sols of lands under the Devolution of Estates Act, made wltb• out toe consent of the ottulal guardist, •Ilbougb Infante are Interested. F. W. Harcourt for the official guardlao, Order made validating sale Re Samuel Smith Estate. -S. tt . McKeown, for the widow, moved for an order as M costs of an •ppli- tattoo made by the executors for ads too se to whether the w.dow was entitled to a ()email) allowance out of the estate for malo- teoaiom. Upon the application an issue was d rooted, io which the widow wag to be plaintiff, but she never proceeded to the trial of rho lame. W. Proulfoot (uodetich) tor mouton. Order made allowing the executors costa oat of the estate, No order as to widow's ooste 1'earas v. Cage. - W. E, Middleton, for pl•:utiff, appealed from order of one of the local judges al Uod.rioh dismissing a motion by the plain- tiff for summary judgment under rule 603, 1, an schen by an assidoee for oredttors log the recovery of land from the aselgoor W. Proadtot (Doderloh), tor defendant, contra, relied upon two defense*, viz., that ti• land question w.e devieed to her 10 truvt for bar children, and that the asstgnmeol to the plaintiff war suoers.ded by • subsequent assignment to the sheriff. Appeal allowed with own, sod jut'gmont to be entered for plaintiff with poets, without prepilice to the right of the *Midgets ender the will. THE SIONAL from DOW to January ler. 1903, 10 new subscribers. 81 00. Brussels Post : Jae. McCracken nod wife. of Uodsrioh, are visitors with their wen cad family, King strait, Brussels. to A Mk saki bow - mach dust." A little fluishcomess mu n u -c -h zkioddn y, i shoes. AAs jtorreicaet@ie fifes as It looks oast -- side," is placated by the Maims' prim on tlrl-Gsoic o4- r f.beSkt ry CJtVL, m. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent. Why /t Wog. A shoe that has won the highest award at the Paris World's Fair ought to be good enough for a lady to wear. Beauty, comfort, style, ap- pearance and durability are the points that won the gold medal. Its price and value make it the choice of thousands of ladies who know how to dress taste- fully and comfortably. $3.0o and 400 per pair. Made by The J. D. King Co., Limited, Tor -Mite. e.1. Gamma Prue, sole Agra►, (lettere*. A rectal. ftewedv fee ceras And nn..I a aye to be relied epee. M 1•u' I n im'• l'•'711••• Cora gstrao'or. Sats, sure' sed always painless Nearly fifty telt. Nn,. peeve Ira vela*. Btwars of soeh. 1 Get Poteem's •r dregsirts, er 11 yen manned get 1t we will seed r► to you by mall upon rootlet el 25 egrets, post paid, to Canada or Milled fiestas. N. C. Pelson & Ce., Klege- We. Oat. mitations of Dodd's Kidney P111s are legion. Tiye boa la imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are Imitated and the names--Dodd'e Kidney Pills l. Imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The ori/;i)al is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pilla haus a reputation. Imita. tors ham. now or they wouldn't Imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the original. Dodd's l. the Dame to be cars. ful about - n -o -o -n o -s KIDNEY PILLS DON'7- TAMPER... TTAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the beat there is at the Paine prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department hoe a reputation for promptness and accuracy. F. JORDAN medical Hall. BEAR IN MINO THAT to attend the Listowel Bualneas College fes • R. B. Smith's M cK IA'I'S3 Jorthen Store Block AnotherLot...... of $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Ilats for each, $2.00 These are our own trimmings, of this season's styles, tight up-to-date in everything but the price, and you will not quarrel with it. Miss llufl'us can suit you whether you want a $2.00 or a $25,00 hat, or any price between. New goods in every week. $4.75 for a man's heavy frieze Oyerooat, double breast, storm $4.75 collar, well made, good 110104e. $6.75 5 for a meas', all wool heavy frieze Illsler,double breaat,tweed lining, storm oollar,lapped seams, wlod, frost and ram resisting, Rood value at $8.00, for.. ... . $6.75 Men's beaver llverooate, fly front, velvet roller, farms r's satin llsreq, mohair sleeve Itnlov, In latest stylos, at 51) $5.00, $6.00, $8.50. $2.50 for a boy's navy blas reel- er, double breast, ao"'i Itsing, well made y .50 Boy's frieze reefers and or.ruoets from 82.50 te $5 00. 1t will pay you to see them. A few lett yet of three men's and boys' last year's orerooate at Imp than half price. Speolel value In Furs, J.ok.a, half prim, Jacket Clothe, halt price. These goods must be sold -that Is the rearm) of threes tabes. flcKIII'S BUSY STORE ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M; MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. J. BROPHEY & SON - THE LIADINU - `i watroX \Y retort a)ao, Y.va.00.Vmer s. Orders carefully attended to at at1 hewn, intent sr day. se bee 81r.e1. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Snort Bread and Cream Rolls, Mince Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranon, term. utnesste m sv enter at any time, either Brafdy Snaps, Etc. fora Huelns or a Shu'thaod Course. hetes -,wsoonblo. Send for Journal. C. A. new IS - I\tl. Pias ; _A.. hMol... Yna, pee.are aa goal as the beet madelin any city in Canada. Cantelon leads the trade in Clothing 1 have put into stack a line •of Ready made Clothing of first claw. manufacture, and at prices to suit the times. Ordered Clothing In still my penia ty A good range of clothe to select from ; and workmanship the bust to be had. 1f you notal an overcoat this fall call and saw mo. A number of lengths of piece goods to be cleared out at cost. H. DUNLOP, West street Before Buying I see our line of HEATERS and RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove hilly Guaranteed, .. . LEE & SlBPHIRD, GODh:RICII, •+•4444444444444.41441144,44NFIF411444411411611111 Th. King of flanges, "Buck's Happy. Thought" Happy Thought Their Cue %iv tie I T too' f stoney, Hands and Brains to perfect The Happy Thought Range, and It's the Range that ardent copiers have taken their cue from. S 1 S 1 t Happy Thought Rama are made in 8 different sizes and 72 different styles. They have an the latest practical improve- ments such as the Corrugated Oven, Transparent Oven Doors, Unobjtructahle Oven Damper and •Thorough System of Oy4} Ventilation. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1100.000 Canadian Ceche limousine/id Thea. ISI "Pita for illustrated pamphlet. Wetafaetased bT The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford SOLD IT LEE & SHEPHARD, Goderich. WEDDING CAKES In fancy designing and ornament ing and almond icing. (rive him an order and your sat- isfaction will be assured, D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. McKillop Edna! Fire illlsarance G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of Property Insure] up to January, 1901 .a,eae,rAee OrriCERO AND DIRECTORS. J, B. MoLeao, pro. ; T. Fraser. vice -ores. ; Jae. Connolly. p. Dale. W. 0. Broadfoot, J. Watt, Jas. Evans, J. O. Grieve, J. Heouewels, directors; W. q. Broadfo,t, dearorlb, Ipspeo- tor of losses ; T. IL Hays, 5eaforth, secretary - treasurer. AGENTS. J. W. yep, Holmesvllle ; James Cumming Remondvllle ; B. MoMlllao, Seafurth ; R Smith, Harlook Policy holders caqp• y seeesemeots and get their cards recclptedat Mr. Coats' Clinton. or at MoLeen Bros.' Palace Clothing Store. pods doh HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THi HKST Scra1ltol Hord 0001 IN THE MARKET All Coal weighed on the Market Scales where you get Ras. for • ton. WM. LEE. Orden left at LEE i sampEARDI Store p-omptly attended to. Wet Weathc r Shoes and Rubbers. WE Ile what yon want and r yea seed ui ler King - Quality Shoes and what King- Rubbers Quality They are absolutely the beet made.... OUR Shoes are known for their Style, Fit, Comfort and Durability, and our Rubbers for there Fit and Shape, and being made of PURE GUM, will wear twice as long w ordinary rubbers. We have s largo assortment of Ladies' Leggins, Overstockings, ' Wool Soles, Etc These goods are the very beet goods that money can buy The STUB PROOF RUBBER$ for men are here at last, and we Ievers YOUR lasezertog, or, it you can't call to see them, drop us a card for catalogue, ST. GEORGE PRICE. ROLE AGENT FOR KING QUALITY SHOWS. All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most novel effects in trimming -and everything of the best. These are the features of the FILL MILLIBBRI DISPLAY AT MISS CAMROR'S. Hamilton etr'eet Ladies are invited to call Rt an)' time and snake an in- spection of the new goods. Trimmed Hats from 81.00 or MISS CAMERON. WANT A STEP-LAODER? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from ua. 60c a Ib. The atep-Insider alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in it ecientifie manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a fall wee, rtment, Telephone No. 91. sTv= dr, co. THE GROCESEs se