HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-14, Page 44 Tuopen A v, Nov. 14. 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO FASHIONABLE. The Raglan ette and York • con FORTABLE. • Over= Coats Are the two most fashionable garment t for ball and tt lour. They are made In a lark Grey (Jolt Cloth. long, full skirt, vertical pocket.. The dtmand for these Coats la se great that the manufacturers have great dithoulty In tilling orders. They are made by the W. E. Sanford I:empaoy (the famous Oak Hall clothiers), and *very ger- meat is guaranteed to fit and give good satisfaction. We are SOLE $ 12 to $14 MANTIS tor them Foods to Gods/lob. The pnoe is from .p We hays a Dark Grey Tweed Overcoat ATI $4.95 Our Beaver, Frieze and Golf Cloth Overcots at $10 aro meadow with popular approval, and the large dumber of gales we bays made goes to show that the values are by far the that is • wonder for the 01001)'. best to town. We haven't space to dsorlbe The olotb is good to wear and will give ; them to you but ask ye u to oall and Inspect geed eatWaouan. - I them. constituency as it it were a Tory hive. Against candidat • BECK we have nothing 1 1 say at this st ige of the game. He is a Rood canvasser, we know from past experience, but out- side of being a good "buttonholer"Iwe know of no other qualification that he posseubs for Legislative honors. Hon J. T. Onttow, on the other hand, has had ten years' ekperience, is a man of logical miud, a succuuful lawyer, and has attained a position in the councils of the Province that by no flight of imagination could anyone conceive of his opponent's occupying. Aa we said befece_, the Liberals have BOYS' REEFERS and OVERCOATS. We cleared the tnanslasturers out of w line of Uverooate and got them at a pride. (they are made e1 a aloe pattern In limy Tweed, T,...d Lined, good storm coaar, slues 23 to 27. Regular price $6 00, bargain i rine $4 50 UNDERWEAR. HWeffeld's Unsbrlokable Underwear Is the best Fool Underwear for you to bey. We ware, wears extra well, and guaranteed not to shrink. Be euro and get StauBdd'o. W. C. PRLDIIAM, Set. Agents for Christy's Loodou Hate. Men's Furnisher sad natter MoLean's Brock. Shue I$xgnnx, ia rOagyMeo EVERY THURSDAY MORNING NIL NeY1LYtlNT eODIRUCH, THURSDAY, NOV. It, lana. WEST HURON BYE -ELECTION. THE signs and portents are that an election is on in West Huron. The Star discovered them last week, and WILLIAM CASPIt1LL anticipated the writ by fixing the date for December 4th. Tux Stumm. has no oi&cial knowledge of the date of the election other than that received from Mr. CAMPBrLL and believes that that gentleman is not far astray in his con- jecture. Whoever amongst Liberals has the secret of the day for holding the election has evidently locked the safe and lost the combination, for up to the Ulna of writing (Tuesday) the Liberal rank and file (of which we are a humble member) has heard not a word. But that is not the subject before ns Our contomporary, The Star, last week started its campaign on the old lines, and for the next two or three weeks we shall expect to see all kinds of language hurled at the West Huron, Uritst he West Huron candi- date and the Ontario Government "Desperate attempts," "legal tricks," "boodles," "pluggers," "outrage" 0 and other pet words and phrase adorn the first editorial of the cam- paign, and it may be feared that the lexicon of vituperation will get a fear- ful and wonderful wrench by the time the election is over. What are the facts in the West Huron has always been a L era( riding. In 1675, when it was first constituted, Col. Ross defeated the Tory candidate, JOHN DAVISON, by 89 ; in 1679 Col. Ross defeated P. KELLY by 404 ; in 1883 Col. Ross defeated F. W. JOHNSTON by 167 ; in 1887 Col. hose defeated Dr. TAYLOR by 379 ; in 1890 J. T. GARRow (tab.) defeated J. M. Roui im by 112 ; in 1894 J. T. UARROw defeated James CoNNOLLY by 76 ; in 1898 J. T. GAR - Row defeated Jos Baca by the return- ing officer's vote, and in the bye - election ot the same year won the constituency by 43 voters. In the face of these facts our esteemed non- temporal y would have its readers believe that the constituency is Tory and was practically stolen from the party on the last two occasions. The fact is that the constituency was more nearly stolen from the Liberals, and it is the duty of the Liberals to scO, that no combination of errors will allow our Tory friends to get within swiping distance again. There is a Liberal majority of 150 in West Ilu- ron at any hour on any day of any year that an election may be held, and The Star need not talk of the e laseljority in the riding. The thing to be done is to get out the vote. THE MAN WHO WINS THE following article, from The To- ronto Star, strikeo the nail on the head when it says that the best way for a public roan to succeed in life is to be bonnet and truthful in word and deed l J mire Jerome, who was elected Datrlot Attune)' in New York the other day. may or may not be all that tib friends say be 1e, bat to hie •Iter-sl.otion speech he sante mete and worthy w, r Is which de serve t. he repeated with all saroeaoeee, not only throughout the United Slaves, but In ('•sada as well. Hs bad last de tested the oandillats of Tammany, and for weeks had Deno the victim of whaled, . verth'ngs were bad and brutal to the campaign taotioe of aocu.ienc.lees tarty and •Iralent press. Hi.soocses, like that of Sts haler, Mr. Seta int., war the out Dome 01 a combination of the better *temente agalost the wont. 10 Closing his • dares' en the night of his @lectlos, Jos. t,oe Jerome said : "You °onset pin to truth and fail. The one abiding thing first, lest, and alt the time 1s sslt-respect. That 1s the only Oleg that won't run to the wash. When you have told the truth and kept your self respect you can tearlessly meet the Ince. It will not fail." Politics In all oouottl,. and In all par• ties would be more honorable sod would eery. the high inters''- of the State 1! then were more men who were brays enough to tell the troth, and hlgh•minded enough to keep their own self respect In the lung run truth le the only thing that will stand the wear and tsar of pub - Ito life ted will not run in the wash. Canadian political history la full of in * tutees of men who signed their own drat b• warrant when they oompromu.d with falsehood and tallied their own sense of boner. No politician ever told • cam pato Its except to hie own lasting hurt. Tbe men who, campaign after cane Oen, befoul Ontario potato' with literature which would be dignified were tt de -ort bed as scurrilous, dig for themaelves a grave which le bottomlery as the hell of their own lout sense of eetf-reepeot. It le easy for a Government to estate otli,e or for e n Opposition to secure it, if the pe, p's lclieve that Ise leaders ca,e brit of all for troth ; and It le not lb• hardest thug to bays suffered defeat if one keeps ones own self-respeot. That the liar and the trimmer porarily succeed in politics, nobod can deny, but the whole history of the nations gees to show that integrity in action and truthfulness of expression have always won the day finally. .ABRAHAM LINCOLN and JOHN BRIGHT will live in history when opportunists who bragged today and crawfished tomorrow will be forgotten. What is wanted in politica is ueu—men whose word can be relied upon, whose ac- tions cannot be misconstrued, and whom time cannot change in the re- solve to serve truth, honor and justice to all. Public position u a public trust, and any man who would prosti- tute it to private ends should not be tolerated. N. al. R.o11C.7Gv=E In GUNS we make the following offers Double -Barrel Breech Loaders, 12 Gauge tt Better Quality Bonehill Make tt tt tt tt Savage Rifles,' 303 Cal. Flobert Rifles, 22 Cal. tt O 0 • ▪ ft $ 7.00 - 11.00 - 20.00 - 25.00 - 3.25 LOADED SHELLS. Black Powder, 2c. each. - 12 GAUGE, Smokeless Powder, tic. each. We also carry a full line of Revolvers, Gun -Cases, Cartrige I1agv, Gun Cleaners, lteloading Tools, etc. GUN POWDERS. (BLACK. American Deadshot, Kentucky Rifle, King's Semi -Smokeless. SMOKELESS. King's. Hazard's, Robin Hood, Gold Dust. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware, GODERICH. ittrmmtrmmmtimmtmtmmtr IStoves! Stoves!! AGENTS FOR Stoves!!! mmmnrmmmmmmmmmmmmne " Bargain Q The famous " Lustrous Perfection " Heater and The " Regal Perfection " Cooking Range. These Stoves are the lest relies ever effete 1 in Canada and aro fully guaranteed by the makers. They will save their Dost in two mesons by reducing your goal bill 40 per cunt , end wilt lard lunger that any other stole you ern buy. Call and see them before yo buy HARDW ARE. We are endeavoring to tell all lines of shelf and heavy Hardware at prima that will suit all. We try to give °a Honest Goods at honest Prices 011,1 .0 haver succeeded in gaining the patronage of many new costumers. We carry • large and well esaorte,t stock. Our prioee are right Give us a call and we will treat you right. ALLAN & McIVER, ▪ The 1..•,ling ILtnlw.uo Pum Iluut-et 1.,., ,.1- ot 11 o sit �1IIIUIll1llI11111111�1�1111�1u11111�IC a a LI HUNG CHANO DEAD. THE world at Large will tojoicc at the passing away of Li HeN,e ellAxn. who, during the past week has hero slobbered over as "China's Grand Old Mao" by allot of maudhu newspaper sontimeutali.te iu Europe and Arlen lea, The. death of Li Hem; tetuovea from active political and commercial life one ot the moat unscrupulous rascals that ever live,(—bar none. He was born in compare tive obscurity, and woo his way to prefer anent by treachery to everyone that stood in his way. During his Isle he caused the death of more innocent people than ALax• Avoca the Great. Nato and NArliLtoN combined; he robbed more individua'e And appropriste,l the money to his own use than Jim ! i -s J av IierrLD and a score or two of other Wall street shuts over saw; and he lied more than MovcIIAcste and Tot PEPPIER rolled into 0110. There are some exceedingly good people who speak ill of only NERD and JUDAS IsCAattn, and would hive nothing but good said of other ruffians who have p'ay.d their w(M,.hed game upon the world's -shams board. To these we may say that t em have been rascals transacting large affair. and hording high places in the world during the past century who could give the gentle• men name 1 the liberty to dead the cards all of the time and heat them at the game o� treachery, duplicity, thieving and traffic in life, and of these the character that loomed op largest in the past hundred years was Lt rag CHANO. In life of "Chines" Goatom will to found erenee, to Li Huse whish show that Mon ian to be a liar, a thief and a murderer ,the darkest .hate, and his conduct during the Taeping rebellion was enough to call upon hint the curse of heaven and the wrathot earth. it was his political rascality that brought about the re. ent horrors in China, andouch a complete thimble•ngger wan he that when the all eel powers went, in and poeee.ved the land it was he that they looked to as the man who could nettle the existing d dor. able conditions and bring Tight out of duie� nese. Ilia death will be a good thing for the country which he laid under tribute and deluged with blood during his lifetime. True, some equally robust villain may foist himself upon his fellows in Chou in the future, and attempt the tame game that Li HONG played eo well, but with the intro- duction of modern methods into that land, and the general enlightenntent that is bound to come, the man who would attempt to follow in the footetepe of Lt Hviso woukt not have the privilege of dying in hies t d in hie seventy.eighth year. He and the public execnticner would meet at an earlier date. —Talk about 'sharp tarns. The Local Opposition organs have spared no words in condemning the Government for changing the school text book, too frequently. Now the complaint is that the high scnool geo. graphy has been is time too long and is not up•to-date. The Conservative party out of office ie hard to please. —At the Canadian Manufacturers' ban. quet at Montreal lent week the Minister of Finance, Mr. Emotirgo. delivered a re• frev,hingly candid speech. With the bene• ficiariea, present and prespeotire, of pro- tection all about him, he told them that in framing a tariff other int -rests besides thoee of the manufacturers must be taken into oonsideration. They represented only one of the various classes in the country, and it would 1 , • mistaken policy- for you to attempt to eatabl sh • tariff policy in this country which would antagonize the great consuming mimes of the esiuntry." He thought the heat assistance that any Government could give to the mamdac• toren wee to fill np the vacant Iambs of the Northwest with pr,s.peronn farmers. Mr. FIRLoLvu's speech wart e*eentially patriotic, although it met with genie mark. of 'leap proval from him auditor*. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAVING. A MiTRnr&ORg THIIAT. Toronto Star : Tns futon of a country Is dark when a man so prominent in it. affairs as Senator Tillman of Soot h est -dins, in referring to the fact that I',eudoo veli rat at droner aila (tutored Ilnoker ONLY ONE ESCAPE. A man may break away frnm prison but he cannot get away frnm the torture of rheumatism until he takes Dr Hall* Ithenmatio Cure. 11 is the only reliable rrrnrdy m, the market. Mr. Charles 11 ( lark., Kingston. Ont., whn for fifteen t ears In noawsion held the swim street watering cnntraet conid not pat on his Isnot* or walk for several week*. He tried Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Care, and thine bottles, with the Climax Imo Toelb fills, completelycord him. This groat blood portlier pat op in battles nun raining ten days Writtle$. Prlm iso eenta at all _ GM. rn lama at The Dv. Hall Mediates T. Washington, said : "A thousand niggers must be killed to °fleet the bad influence of that dinner." Why bother about Emma Goldman, or imprison Herr Most, or seek to root out anarchy wrens • United States Senator can win applause by making such a threat as this' Tllr1'R0 I.00si,e, Gtr Y,Ia No. 1. Owen Sound Atvecttaer Canadian wool; lett manufacturing are not satl.Er,l with • .111.y of t.•.Irti dye per cent. ordinary, ,r 224 per mot. under British preference They .vast "protaotioo" with all that the tern Implies, The Idea of the rest of the people wanting a little protaot'on dies not them to have *marred to the woollen men. !WRAC -IRON SPIN.GY. Brookville Recorder : The amendment to the assessment act paved at the last .e»ion of the Legislature was drawn up by the solicitor of the Ontario Municipal Assoc:. atloo, and It met the sxwt ddfioulty point- ed out by the judge who nest gave what le known as the some Iron decadent. The trouble le sot so much with the legislation, as with the fact that the judges cannot be got to agree on the Interprstatoo of Aogto- Saxoa. WHAT I. RItAT I siITAIN DOING! London Adv.rtleer : The revisal of the siltation for the union of Newfoundland With Canada suggests the one gnat difficulty is the way—the dbput, between Gnat Brit ale and Francs as to the right of fiber sten belonging to that republlo to the u•os of the foreshore, of the Weed Oates that knotty question 1. fairly deposed of we believe Newfoundland would be joined to the Contederation, with all the right' sod privileges that belong to • province of th, great nelioo, losid• of twelve trent ha. What i. Great Britain doing • Canada stands ready to sot. srl't, roe DAIAOLS. Kinoardins Review : L E. Dear ny,basrle ter, of Uod.rloh, Cat., has issued, at the i • stenos ot Capt. W m. Babb, • wilt for $2.000 alleged damages for alleged deader. The 'rouble arose out of certain eve ., which happeo.a four yearc ago wimp (Sept. Babb and Mr, Danoey were meklar things hot for Persons who bad taken driftwood . if tb. b .oh The proeeoation will allege that Mr. MoCoah need the word "blackmail' in coon,otioo with Capt. 1'nbb's exploita at that time. The conversation out of wh eh Mos action arises took place at the ,lieen's ho', d about two weeks ago. 111121's ,I110ITHING RTRANI.s. Detroit Joutoal : A browser among old magazlos recently brought to light a most t oculist of ,s of anticipation In No 1 , dol 25, of Mangey's M•g.zln., published last April—mark the Sleuth—may he found an exo.h.ot Illustrated artlale by Edwin Lrfevre, on Wall attest, Mr. Lasers Ire. quietlywrites •Idol.. op Wall street, but thou article le entirely descript vs. In ell probathlity, to be published in Apr.1, It was written at least two months previously. On page thirtyfou ;ret the article, Mr, Ls• f,.vre makes ala propheoy. He 1e wrltlog of the broken, and says :—"They did not parade their eoovlottous, bo -au,* it would not be well to encourage a geoerel feeling of ovsroonfidence. They were justified by the event. Bat they took enormous chances, none the lees. For who 000ld g res that some dismal day In Septemher"—again mark the month—"they might not see In huge type en the front pegs of the new. paper : 'THE l'RENIDENT ASSASSIN ATED ' " Ti Break ■p • Cold All you reonin Is • glass of hot water, • little angar and thirty drop. of Poleon'e Nervtlioe, Take It real hot aad to the morning you will woke op without a cold. N hen depressed or tire,(, try Nervitine ; It will tone you op better than atimulante. Nervtlhne wards off all sickness and keeps people well. Large bottles 25o. Coal Bills ire now a serious item. Then y burn coals for the weekly wash? Some Soaps won't wash laiden without boiling, but SUNLIGHT SOAP want it's a wise economy to buy the beat of - ,til Seams, when by doing so the o i unity of coal used on washing can be Reduced 50 per cent. !turning coal to help Inferior and ,.Iry-pre. ed Soaps to wash is like •;,ending a s cent tram fan to ,-•Irchase a to cent artkfe for . enta By using 'NI IGHT SOAP Ton save ire .t in the cost of the coals un- uard, not to mention the longer lire of the articles washed. A tablet of Sunlight Soap will do mon work wlth..t esea, used de it infinitely better, than Iwo tablets of common, cheap .• t p will do wk• *mho The tn:.jority n( the pibibe soon And ant the lines of true economy. 1 hat'. why SUNLIGHT SOAP le 'stilted (or by three people to cnw waking for any other asap to the world. Great Bargain Days, E Fridayand Saturday, y, EE OP - 410 -- 1110 -- NOVEMBER f NOVEMBER 22 AND 23. Remember these are our FIRST BARGAIN DAYS, and everything in the store will be sold at BARGAIN DAY PRICES, re- gardless of retail prices or even whole- sale prices. WE ARE GOING TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS TWO OF THE BIGGEST BARGAIN DAYS EVER SEEN IN GODERICH. Don't forget that our store -fust - of Goods will be at bargain prices. Terms t♦� lal— i new ▪ spot cash. Cosmopolitan Patterns for sale. J. I-I. *-l�.1L.__.__r- Goderich. 'Phone 86. a a 1 a a a a a a a 1 a 111�1IU 111U1U11lui 111sss Illi [BEATSRIOH�EET LU6TRESTOVEPIPE VARNISH. SINAI EMALL AST ODOR QUIGKBST ORYINO them all. Useful for buggies and Weide iron work. Uss the Best seir When you want a really good cough cure use our Black Cherry field a customer recently : "1 sever thought •nythleg could relieve a Cough se q.l.kly. " W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST. A few dozen left of that cheap Oatmeal Soap, worth 10c. out price 3 for 10c tnely no more when this lot is done. Posi Wm. Sharman, jr. BOOTS, SHOES RUBBERS. We have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich, It comprises goods of the following well-known makers : IgA T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. m. Sharman, jr. "GOOD RELIABLE G ODS AT FAIR PRICES," is our motto. A Great Snap is our (linger Snap, at bo. a pound, o1 which we sell • barn' a week. Thi. Isn't our only .nap, as we carry everything that nen M Inland in an no- te -data grocery store, and our prime are right. The farmers know that, they nae always get from o* a snap tor their proelon.. W• drew the line at no legitimate trade — everything goes Glassware or potatoes, garden .tuff or choioeet table China. W• deal 1n all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford binok, G slerloh Mill Wood FOR SALE The a• ove in cut into stove wor d len;th and will Le delivered to any part till the town the same day AR ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street., will receive prompt .ttention. 'Phone 9R. PETER McEWAN. (i..lerich, November lust, 1899. 68 -Se t-• THE i.ATE D. K. AC H A N'S MACHINE £R) ILACKSMITH SHOP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, wa0 had been with the late Mn. Houton ant for 'several years, and le thnronahiy non- vereent with all /dawn. of work that have been done In the shop. wlahtwi to annonare That he has ta''een oherg. of tn. ,.tahtl.h meat and sill carry on the , usineoe In anon a manner as to retain the confidence and pet renege heretofore ex ended to the late owner. and w111 he pleased to have as many new nuet001e111 as 141.1 favor him with their patronage. In addition to tale Work Ion Plows. Street Wa .ring Wag- ons, Bores Powers. etc , he wilt matinee - to do MINERAL I*I.A(:RBM!THINO and iREPAIR WORK of all kind,. MA - (MINX TURNING. DRILI 1•40. PLAN 1N6, THkRAIIIN,t. and rte kinds of ma- chine work dnna on .tin . natio,. He has also added • arst.nlara BRAZING 1 ANT, and alt work In that line. mdndlar eyrie rapalnng .04 brae.. of all kind.. nen be • i,neled to on short np'ioe. Lawn Mow- ers 'sharpened. Primes will be found setts rwonable. JAMBS If. J,4111t19TON, The let* 1*. 11 Strsobade Machine, and Black. amith Shop, Viotorla at,. 4Jedeelxb. TO ADVERTISERS. Notion of changers mast he left at tthla l )Aloe not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for chanson loud be lett not tr Law (than Mon- day Miro °areal Advprtismeoa s000plied Ito to nn. n Wedneday of sash IOW 1