HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-14, Page 1THREE "A"8" ADv're ARS Ac_ rivE AG -'JTS WHIN PLACI IN THE SIGNAL 'My ionat. THf] I.i-7A•DINGF NDWBPAPER OP HTTROIST OOVNTY. LOOK AT YOUR - LABEL I IT SHOULD SE MARKED PAID FOR ( . • 1901 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. `(inti; GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : NOVEMBER 14, 1901. • D. M°G1LLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAltelt r REPORT flg.Migan. Nov. Is, lees. Pall Wheat, 9 m to 67 Flour. twang. peg Set......,,2 W to 200 Flour. patent, VW SV$....-2 50 to 2 53 Bron, • toe_ .. . 13 00 toll 00 Shoa. • toe «. «. 15 00 1010 00 eoreeainge, per SW$ 1603.340 Rye. per bosh........ 0 40 to 050 Buckwheat. per busk 0 00 to 0 00 Oats. • bash .....10 3. 040 Peas. •basa...-651070 Barley. per boob Haqy. • ton i Potatoes, • busk„ mew fosse, fret Ib. - -...• unseated, •• dna Br Pelts .. Live Hen - Brewed HORS Hansa. .... Lard, pee Ib. . . Brewed fleet fon quarter brewed Best hind OtttM, Export • Ordinary 40 to 046 00 to10 W 21 t. 25 It to 0 15 10 to 0 11 16 to 0 17 60 to400 50 to 500 25 to025 00 to 5 50 5t700 12 to 0 18 15 to 0 16 13 to (4 00 to 000 00 to0110 75 to 50 W to350 Lost. 1 OST. -ON MONDAY, NOS EMBER J tin. between Dungannon and Perot, an umbrella was dropped from • buggy Kinder 1'leae leave at the otpoe of J. O. WARD. .1. ., Dunganaoe, LOsr. - A FOX TERRIER PUP, black and white ; answers to "Foxy," has oo • steel Dollar. small padlock. Finder will be rewarded by rotunda( to M. °. CAMERON. Situations Va0an4 WANT►tu.-GOOD SMART BOY TO Ceara the baklsa. J. W. SMITH. cast . trees BUY W ANTED. -10 I EARN THE printing trade. Apply at 81or1L ()Moe. tf GOOD OIRL WANTED IN THE' KiT- ohee 0t the Colborne House. Apply to MR& SEW. BUXTON. reacher. Wanted. TEACHER WANTED;FOR SCHOOL Section Na 5. Township of Colborne. Duties to °eminence Jan IK 1902. Any class. Xaper1eoeed preferred. Appllaatione will be resolved by 00 of the truweee. HAMIL- TON MOMANNUS JAMES WATSON, JOS- EPH HETHERINGTON. Sec. treas. 1t TEACHER WANTED. -FGR UNION School Seaton No. & Ooderlob Tow. - ably. Mab or female. holdings Brat or wooed- al•m. c.rnflcate. Dodes will commence January lat.,: a. A ppl Mstloas,.aUng salary. rewired up to November 25th. Address; CHRIS. JOHNSTON. Ooderioh, P.O. Publlo Notloe. ANNUAL MEETING. The enema meetlnt of the shareholders of the Ooderleh Fzy.no and Hlieds O.sspeef Lin -dud wilt be betd at the offierise the we Wee. Ooderich, on Monday. Nov. 1506, t 3Y, N. IAC I'REROON, Dated this 13th Nov.. 3901. Seo. M tesla H . K. JOKDAN - Teerber.1 piaoe, organ and oorne t. Studio owner of Hamilton MUM MA Square. MISS CULBORNE, Teacher of Fletcher music teethed, will re - Wive pupils at her .tysilo, above Mr. Natters Inert ranee office. Hamlin to street. For In?or- matton apply either at studio or at 'evidence. HL P &trice • street. W. GLENN CAMPBKLL, Orltanlet and musloal director of North et. Methodist rhumb. and teacher of pleaMorte, pipe erg•0 and theory. will be pleased to re «eve pupils. Instruction given either at Mtods,eras pop11'1 home, se desired. Studio at S l on'e Made Ston, West.t. 7Ltf For Rent. TQ RENT. -6 -ROOMED HOUSE, ST. Andrew'. Ward, p!.9. per moetb. E. N. LEWII, 5521 FARM FOR RENT. - CORNER OF 3rd oonoeseloe sod out use. Ooderich township, iWuklneun's ooroer). 12{ sores of good Isad,weli fended, excellent eraser sprint creek. comfortable 6-roome4 bones. go d collar barn. shed, stable, orchard, tan d young orchard. Long lease and ewe terms e • 0,011 farmer. For particulars app)► to Mn, E. J. COPELAND,Ooderich 1'.O, or OARR°W t OARRUW, Oodertch, Ont. It For Sale. FOA MALE. - A FEW PLYMOUTH Rook °oakerele from prizewinning stook. Apply Box t, °oderloh. 5311 VOR BALE. -THE RAST HALT OF .L the west half of lot 15. own. 7, West Wa- wan*N. centprledeg 50 ares, Apply to HKN- RY FOWLKR, Doog•seos, Or to Philip Holt, Barrister. God•rlok, 1 500 (,AYH. OR ON TERMS TO V suit will purokase that large . tone bow with 111x -roomed addlrloneiteated on Photon Street. Half an ears of land with tilthe oouttheudIngs thereon thrown in For HOUSE Ifayllrtteg elld P pO / a THEO. J. Y(OOR- j OR EALK.-LOTS 96. 96, 117. 118. 119 1' and 148 In Ifotohleon'pps survey, all In oderiob. Yoe particulate apply 30P.T. Barrister, to., °oderinh. Maroh lltb,1000. WO In.uranoe, .to. JAB. R MACPHERSON, STOLE BROIitaf. Fleet door sonth tide of West street, over C. P. It. Office. Oooreapendent .1. 1. M.A, ,Y & ('n AB ceders promptly executed. !'IHAS. R. SHAW, GENERAL 1N1t1R- J ANCR and real Wale agent. °Toe, too door east of I'. 0.. °ederleh. Agent for the leading mutual fire lemuranne nom mules and leading stook oomt.11nles Mercantile and msnafaetnring risks at lowest rotes. !'all at *Pine. W R. R. RORKRTSON. Aoeounantend lntersnee Agent. (toots and an0oante made op. 1101141nm" rented and rents °enacted. Flee Insnranoe In British and Canadian ( 0mpoelea (Mice- In Peon/root t Hays' once, North trete °odMeh. Ohl F• J. T. IIAVTRL, GRNRRAL 114. ftURANt7R sad Real theta asset, Firnk Life. Aonldeet.ed PION Glue rnenraeos «footed on menial we flesh Fla. at lowest Fat towable. res Sawfish ish and Canedi50 companies rep Ota n most deer to (farrow R. Darrow, Bar rioter. Hamilton Street • 110 Ngtloe. W• ARNIND.-ANY raRYON OR PER moue satUog or removes from the Rut "tope of Lake heron, ear eine or other saw 1011, to timber• meets or spore bearing the fel towbar marks will be arosseotod es the law iree.,i : H1, R3, Al, PUL Sp. TAT. CApT WM. BABB, Agent for owlet's WARNINQ. - THIS bISeg fT O (IiVK Ieialed•, off the sr wowTO ib ferry. .hnegge or MINI of Int ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. No. 4. We left Belfast for Dahlia by the Creat Northern Rtilway of Ireland. This road 4004 1brough some hoe ouuotry at first, but Melees to a very level district, along 011110(1 and bogs, with many small tote of turf in various stages of drying. The Iloe book us by L',buro, Lurgan, Partedowo, Daodalk, Drogheda, Balbriggan and Male - h ide to Dublin. We saw a few of the noted streams of Inland, namely, the B,yos, the Dee, Ito Clyde, the Bann. the Ltgao and the Liffey, and had several glimpses of Lough Neagh, the largest body of Iresb water Is the British 1,1es. In the morning we stared out to see the How of Dublin. Atter viewing Nelsoo'a and Denial 0 Commit's monuments, and the sato'. of Moore, Goldemllb, Burke, Get - tan Dud Kiog William, we wanted • rest. and so took skeet oar to Fbo•olz Pers. We bleed an 'rah jeue11i g oar and were driven 1111 through the park and had every obisoe explals.d to us by the driver. A lure square obelisk oommemorotei the yiobortee of the great Wellington. No grate is showed to grow on the •pote where Burke and Cavendish fall by the s.easdn, It Is a beautiful park. It 00030111. 1.800 S ores, 1,500 0l which are open to the publlo. There are about 500 sores In the *entre of the park M level as a bowling lawn. 1 saw more deer in this park at one plooe than 1 hays at all other times and place. con, biped. Returning, we visited Glasenevla oeme- Wanted. ABARGAIN. -I HAVE A NO. 9 Orlglbal reeking stove. which I will d e- pw of for Ore cords of good maple and benob dry wool, four fent long, delivered at os.. e. And 1 w,11 tete two or three Iowa of rough hardwood In ezehanrie for otheroods. O. N. DAVIS. Butcher Business For Sale. Ao established and fully egolpper business 1a Ooderloh for sale cheap for cash, u the proprietor is going to the Northw..L Ad- dress BOX IV, 63.41 GodMloh. Societies !`COURT OODRRICH, NO, 32, C.0 F., ✓ hold their rowalu meeting o, Keret 9t. let end 3111 To'.d«r. of every month. V W ting br4btae always weloome. MedtesI DR. W. F. OALLOW, PHYSICIAN mid Mermen. Ogee In Hank of Com - mann building, west side of !liners. Night mile at rssldence. Elgi..1. W. Phone ;e. Tender. Wanted. T'""° P° W..TRI) MIR 75 CORDS of (trees wood, half Maple and half Heeoh, to be delivered at the public school. of Godertch, et directed. Wood to he ft.. free from black loge, and to be delivered be- fore March 1st. IIot Tenders te be for not loos thea twelve coeds. Tenders will be re .steed up to Nov. 30th. 1001, by WM. MITCHELL, 1111-2t.11«.Oloder cl h.h1 Hoard, Notiee to Creditor.. IN THE MATTRR OF THE IOTA TE OF JANE TURNER, LATE OF THg TOWN Or cookft CH, iN THE COUN TY OF HURON. WiDOW, 11ECEAAED. Nolle• Is hereby elven pereuen1 to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario I ((071 ('hap.129, the, all credltore and others having claims against the estate of the said Jane Turner, who died on or about the 29th day of June, 1911, are re- quired, o0 or before the 2n4 day of December, 1901. to send by post nrepeid, or deliver to Messrs. Proudfoot k Have. Ooderinh, Solicit- ors for J. P, Brown. the exerntor of the bast will and testament of the said deoessel. their names and addresses, hull panlcnlan of their clatma,a statement of their amount aad the nature of the security ilf ani held by them. And further eke 0otlos that atter the said last mentioned date. the said executor wit: pro,-eed to distribute the assets of the deoeas ed among the parties sandal thereto, having regard only to the Waling of which notice shall then have teen ghee, and that the said ez- eoeter will not be liable for the assess or any part thereof to any person or persons of, whose claim notloe shall not have teen received at the time of 5001 .distribution, Dated of Ooderlob the 13th day of Novem• bet A. D. 1701. PROtYDFOOT t HAYS, '1St Solicitors for the meld Ezecator. NOTICK TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF TBc ESTATE OF THOMAS JOHNSTON. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP Or STANLEY, iN T349 COUNTY or HURON, YEOMAN, DECEASED, Notice le hereby given, pursuant 10 R. 8, 0. l(07, Cap. 110. that all creditors and Others havingolotmo agsin■t the estate of the said Thoma Johnston. who died on or about the lith nay of Anguli. 19 1are required on or be - (oro the let day of December. 1001. to send by toot prorate or deliver l o Messrs. °arrow It °arrow. of the town of trod each. solicitors for Ano Jane Armstrong• the adm olstratrlx of the estate of the said decreased, their Ch riot tan and surnames. addre,wee and descriptions, the full earth -Marmot their clalme, the statement of their s000unts and the nature cf the seem f Ity, If any, held by them. And further take notice that after suoh lavt- mentioned date the said administralrlx will proceed to dl.tributs /he *seen of the said de - nursed among the parties entitled thereto, havlog reg. -d only to the ((aims of which the shall then have notice and that the said adminietratrly will not he liable for the said assets or any pert thereof t, any pprsna or per. sons of whose clalme notloe shall not have been received by them at the time of saoh du- tribntlon. Dated the psi) day of November, 10)1, 56 2 BARROW t (JARROW , Solloltore for Ann Jane Armstrong. admiols trstriz of the estate of Thomas Johnston, de - wooed. TENDER'S FOR SUPI'LIEto, 1932. (The no -foreigner! will receive tenders np to noon on Monday. 25th Inst.. for 'implies of Mormon' meat, creamery hotter, flonr, oat noes'. potatoes. reed oo etc.. .to., for the following Institutions dertne the year 1912, •0.: At the A.ylnm. for the Insane In Toronto, London, Elnr,ton, Hamilton. Mlmino, Hrook• vide, Cohenre and Orlllla ; the Central Prison and Marcor Reformatory, Toronto • the Re formatory for Boyl, Penman/cm when.; the In.tltetlons for Deaf and Dnmh, lteilevllle, end the Blind at Brantford. Kroeptloe.-Tenders are not required for the smutty of meat t the asylums in Toronto. Leaden, Kingston Hamilton and Brookvllis, nor for the Central Prison and - Marg a Re fnrmatory. Toronto. A marked nhegne for nye per oent. of the estimated &menet of the ('0ntrect. payable 10 the order of the Honorable the Provincial ver emery. mint 31. rernie3, n by earth tenderer as a guarantee of hie bona else. Two nfeefent soreHee will be required for the dao hullo. meet of each onntreet, and .honed any tender be withdrawn before the rontront hes been •ulrileseOdueAr)1ehtheM atmbeontet 4o.f,.,t,her.4il.t00 . 01fo11rme$, to forte( will e &otiose aad forme of tender may be hol!SS to O .s Depanme.l of the Preeanettylgy,'Arento,or to the bar reepeetly1 fo.tlrntlnne The towels m any teeter not neette•r11, ., «sppeed, 2jtltpo ., I384ertitt(t Ihi. advertlamost w1 Ma •they( from tthe Department will 504 be paid for 1t. J. R. RTRATTJN. Privinoisl Secretary , Parliament Buildings, ?are.(. ;NAV*, 1501, 19.1, OFft tery. This is • very boodsoate oemetery and I ootloed espeol•lly the remarkably tin quality and workmanship of the headstones The tomb and sotlonal monamso3 lo Daols °Connell is Fraud. We visited the grave of the late Cares Stewart Parnell. No monument hes twee erected for hint yet, but that h• Is not forgotten by bb 'moods is evident from the number of vases of flowers that steed by his grave and the pito togr•pbs of himself that are everywhere to be seen. 1Ve went through Dublin Castle and the old Parliament Honse, and on to the Four Court, vetted some of the floss§ ohurobes •ed lastly St. Pasrlok's Cathedral, and then arranged to leave Dublin •t 9.30 r g , taking peanuts on the S.S. Hibernian for Holyhead In Wales. This small bread u j..lned to Anglesey by an molted embank- ment. Boarding an etprees train o0 the London & Northwestern for Ledo°, we oro.. the great Britain's tubular bridge This bridge Is 102 feet •boyo high water mark, Is 1,841 feet In length and connects Anglesey hie with the mainland of Wales. 16 was the.ogine.ring wonder of my young days. We pees by 'langur to Chester, Crewe, Stafford. Birmingham nod Rugby, hid arnv• at Easton station In Loo'oo. We bad travelled all night without deep, but atter taking breakfal we resumed our sight ...log. First was S1. Paul's ('.tbed. rel, with Its vaso wealth ot statuary. An immense and grand struotaro it is. Theo we want along the Strand to the ethos of The Toronto Globe, where we received • oordlal weloome. Nett we visited the Canadian Hieb Commissioner'. °thee to make applloatloD for •dmI1100oe to the House of Commons, At Weetmiaster Ab- bey, b.bey, with Its vest number of settee to lbs grant dead, we heard divine servioe ; then viewed the outside of the Parliament Build. loge, traversed W.stmin.ter Bridge and thou weeded our way to our hotel. nett day was spent In vlaltiog the Royal Galleries of portroita and p•latiogs, Westminster Abbey, R.l's Court, London Bridge and the Tower. The following dry was Suoday. Mr. Wilson went to servloe at St. Paul's, and I went along tie Victoria Embankment, sew the shot towers, visited Waterloo, Bleaklriars, S,uthwark hid the C C.S.R R. bridges. Then I visited Cieo. ;satire'', Needle, the great obelisk whiob, after Iylog prostrate for centuries on the weds of Aletaodn., was presented to the British cation by 31 .homed All, vioeroy of Egypt. Other sights ot interest were the hotel Metropole, the L beret Club house and 1ts very tine grounds, St Thomas' hos- pital, Sootl•nd Yard. the Horse (surds, thatlog fire brigade, oto Ins river steam boats do more busieeu oo Suuday than o0 week days, and Sunday in Leaden has • good many features which do not aocem• pany the day In our eoantry. Walking sticks, umbrellas, shoe black and laws, and •II kinds of fruit, nod drink were sold on the streets rhe burs were open and tell to the door with men and women dringlog. Oo Monday we vielt.ed the British Mis. 30m, and loiter the Tower, where we .ow the drown jewels nod ell the rest of the vol utile treasures kept there, to ad (loon to she treat display of mllitsry antiquities. Theo we had a view of Tral•Igar Mquare, with its great display of fouat•ios, mono• mews and statues. We had got our credentials Se vat t14, Rouse of Commons •t 3 e. et., .i$ Tiira viii there on time. We took ewe 10 the gal- lery and the first thlet we witnessed was the &king of queetloas by the members, ebtoh were answered by the Government leader In the House, Mr. B.11our, A short speech by M.r 11. (,•mpbdh6►nnerman, the Apposition leader, followed, and then soma of the Irish members spoke -just to kill time, I tbnughr. First McNeil, then Dil- lon, then Col :i.,dereon. 1'11. las(-Domed omitted the Nationalist members of Doming to Parliament and toeing the oath of loyalty to the Crowe and then going book to 1ra land and preaching treason to the people. He was called to order by the Speaker for u sing the word treason. Teen he tried to make black bleaker. After hum cisme John Redmond, the beet orator of all that we had herd, and he made It hot for the Colonel. The principal subj.ct of debits was the King's title and the coronation oath. It was now six o'olook, and we had ars r•oged for a fico days' trip to Paris under the direction of the well -knows tourist agents, Thomas Cook k Sons I so we left Ibe PatH.mect buildings sed as 9 o'olock in the evening took true •t Cbartst Cross station en route to 1 raooe. A. MArhr, (1.0 e■ imeriNeeD,) [Ao error was mad• to Mr. Sand.' letter No. 3, publlehed last week, In that portion to which, speaking of the volt to Elle. beryl], It is stated • "Alter °ailing at the seoeral poetolBoe, 1 took street oar to Primers street," and so on, It should have reed . "After calling •t the general poet. ethos, 1 toot • street car to Brantsfield Pl•oe, where we had found apartments st Viewlorth UsrIens ; thence by street oar to Pekoes street." The q I postoffioe is situated 01 Princes street, and those of our readers who are acquainted with b.linburgh world notloe the mistake. -ern, SIICAL.] AROUND TOWN , Idabel Risk e,th• Paroore,Bettie. Trem•1se, •I Jaffrey and Whitney and a Dumber of . others. Remember one ofgghe only, Friday, 1 November 1616. Pries 25c, 36; 60a. Bort-turf THE PORT ALBERT H,TRL --Nel- son Pierson, of this town, is polar( Into the hotel business In Pere Albert having pur- chased the Delano house at the tort. The tloense has been transferred from Mr. 1)e long to Mr. !Terson, and the latter takes po.os•eion this week. Mr. Pierson will make a popular Rootlike. iNNTANTLY KILLttr.-Mr. Dente, an 0m• ploy in the electric light station at Au• burn, was killed Instantly on Monday eight. it is eat known definitely how the fatality neutered, but It is supposed he took hold of the braes .wlboh on the handle. of the awl oh board by mie30ke and received eeoh • shook as to cause Immediate death, ExAw(NINe roe Mt'Nn'il'Al, 30oog .- .1. B. I aieg, Provinol.l municipal auditor, hu baso In town thle week •tamlolnw the books et the oounty, the town of f loderloh and of other mo.tolpnlltles In the moiety. Mo far se Mr. Laing'. Iospeetlnn hae proceeded he has found the book. in satisfactory shape. ile upsets to complete hie work here today. A NRw Raneis.-The U T R. le reballd- Ing the bridge over the railway tee the aporoaob to the Maitland bridge. The new strootur• will le somewhat heavier than the old one, but it Is said to be four feet lees In width. Perseus driving rigs 10rose the river have to make • long detour, grilse ,Iowa the hill by tit, road at the gaol, put Platt's old melt bl00k and a«roes the flees, Trig Bre ties -men.- The d.1. of the bye *Mellen In Weat Huron has been find. Nemleebinne will be held en Wednesday, November 97th, and the elsetlon nn Do -em- ber 4th. The Liberals have opened 00mm4t• bee room* on West street, near Andrews' basher .hop, and all supporters of Hes. J. T. Ostrow are re..eented to meet there tor the fertb.ranne of the Liberal eampelgs. Cowan. - The Royal Cooled) Oempaoy shire will appear at ►he Vetere Open Hoses On Friday, November 15th, Is an aggregation of btgh-olaee talent wblob has boon «ratified regardless of omit, to Intro dew te the Ooeadtae Dublin .las Donese's great New Perk seedy seeeesa, "The D•- esl►fal 0ess1." Iaeleded Is skis eompssy am saoh well knows drusa5o glare as Dura Te Pout' ARTHua. - Joh. F. Berry, of Luokoow, formerly of Ooderiuh, lett last week for 'Port Arthur, when he will engage le the drug busloese. "Mr. Berry le • brat-olase druggist and • good gI1lz,," says '163. Looknow eleutiuel, "and we are sorry te Bos him lean the village, when he will be greatly missed by • tutee olrole of trends, who w111 be pleased to hoar of his suooew In his new home." Wi udtu • Losuoe LADY. -"Mier Duna Parish, of Ibis oily, was married yesterday afternoon to Rey. Harry J Bines, of the Centenary Methodist oharob, Binghamton. N.Y., by Rey, A. A. Cameron, of the blest Baptist okuroh, Ottawa . Mr. U. Herbert Parish, brother of the bride, bad the honor of glvlig his .tater sway. Mee feral was supported by her two nieces. The groom was attended by Earl l'•rish, nephew of the bride. Tb• Weiddiog March was played by William Warwick. The young oo.ple will visit the groem'e parents at Hamilton." The above, from The London Advertiser of the 0th lost., refers, we be• Ileve, Ito • young man who lived some yearn age is Ooderlob and who will still be re- memtered by many t f our readers, Ac01Dg,T Te HO,nt MA.MATH.-Wo war• sorry to learn of be•odden%which befell Hz• All. Hugh IdaoMath of Toronto last Thurs• day. He was wheeling home alter •ttend•noe upon his duties at the Criminal Assize In the new court house, where be had been •n• gaged Inc some day. as foreman of the grand jury. When turning at tie oorner of Queen street and Uoiverdty avenue the Mayo!. slipped and he was thrown to the pavement. He was ploked up at ones and carried Into a drug store, and the ambulates* afterwards removed him to hie home. Dr. T. McKeorto was summoned, and found that the hip was not broken, but leered sufficiently to Doo• tine Mr. M•oMath to the house for some time. Mt. M•oMath Is one of the Godenob Old Boys In Toronto, and a brother of Jas. J. MacM•th. We hope his recovery will be speedy. THR AOTIloj 10 WILT. KNuwr HERR - 1.1t• author of "Pandora," one of the new novels, is Mr.. A. Selztobeider, sister of Mrs. Lloyd, of tele town, and E. L. Dick. tos00 of Wtngham The clever author, who has many friends here, le well koowo as • writer of mataz'oo •rt,oles In ('entered., wh.r• she has lived since her marriage. The scene of the novel is laid principally io San Frenetic), and tie story narrates the dehgen which bowie a beautiful but unsophisticated Canadian girl in th•sudden trauma -ion from uuiet, unappreciative home •orrouadhn i to Ibe gaiety loving metropolis of California. It is • •tory with • purpose, showing the evils of divorce In the U.le4 Sales, and Is written In • striking and original style. A epeeist iotersse will no doubt be felt In the book here uo •coo1nt of Its authorship. To LAI( Tug (''Rtisit S7,rr1.-Tbe big stone foundation fur the new summer hotel was oompleted o0 Saturday, and 11 was 1111• nounoed that the laying of the corner stone woull take plaice on Monday morning. Arrangements were made to have a little ceremony to oonneotloo with the event, bot on a000unt of the wet weather on Monday it was deolded to make • postponement uu• all Fr!day. Tomorrow afterocoo, therefore, at 2 o'clock, the ceremony will take place, providing the weather be t.vorabl., Judge Doyle will be chairman, Mayor Wilson will w1e1d the trowel, and 1t is etpeoted that .peaches will be delivered by a number of prominent citizen., namely, R McLean, Hoo. J. T. Garrote, Philip Holt, Major Beck, D. MoGilllonddy, Jas. Mitchell and A. edcD. Allan it is expected also that the Marine Hand will be out to furoish music for the 00000)oo. 1t Is hirdly oeoeseary to say that the publlo le cordially invited to be present. DIED AT Lornor,-At St. Joseph's Hos• p tel, Loodoo, on Tuesday, November 5, Mory, wile of John Young, pseud away after a brief Illoue. kin. Young was the daughter of the late John McGee,, of Man- chester, in Huron aouote, and had resided In London for the put fifteen year.. She WWI • women 0f devout Christian ebaraoet, vastly beloved by all who knew her, and •Itbough suffering Zoom much bodily weak. nese was •!ways thoughtful ot others and forgetful of self. Great sympathy is felt for her husband mod the daughters, Mies Mamie Young .01 Drs. Percy Hill, of Wlogham. Mee Young had be•o for year. m faithful member of the First Presbyterian ohuroh In this olty, and was greatly interested in the 1.0dles' Aid and (Vomsn'e Foreign Mission. cry Society in that 000gregutlon. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. 1). R. Menzies, of Staples, and Mrs. Moinughlln, *I Auburn, and one brother, Robert, of 1Vood.tock,- London Advertiser, DIATH ,ri M 11.0 CN AIYI alD, - On Matard&v Miss Naomi Swathdd, daughter of William Mwafold, Britannia road, passed away atter • long Illness of consumption. It was hoped for • time that Miss Mwgtt,dd might reoever, but In spite of all that omold be done for her the fell disease completed Its work, The funeral took ploos from the family residence to Maitland oeme4ery oo Monday afternoon and was very largely attended, many residents of town es well as old neigh• bore to the township showing their sym- pothy with the bereaved family by joining in the last tribute to the deemed. The servin.e were enedoeted by Rev. .1. W. Robinson and Rev. J. A. Anderson, and the psis bearers were Richard Porter, hart D.vldsee, Dated Bell, Wm. Kdward, MoMeth and George 13eett'e. Deceased'. brother's, ,Joseph and,Willlam 9waf8eld. of Cleveland, 0,, were present at the funeral, also Mn. Isaac Giles, of Woodstock; 11r. and Mn. John Kllman, of St. Thomas, sod Mrs, Alfred Roberto, of St, Thomas, N NW`, FROM TI1R HARROW -Tbe .t,. Midland (,mean arrived nn Suoday from Fort William with 105,000 lineable of wheat for the Uoderloh Elevator Co. The storm kept the vessel le harbor all day Tuesday and she did not tet away until yesterday morning The sohr Mineral Mete arrived from Toledo on Monday, and Is unlnading 645 tons of enol fnr the Raosford salt works ..Thesohrs. Knlf.pe and Singapore wore In port for shelter on Friday, and lett nett day, the Knifed. for Johnston'. Harbor end the Singapore for Alpena Ths togs A•. 14s11 and Seibold arrived from the tithing •ta',en es Mouthy, and the remainder of the fleet Is septeted In • few days The ate. 1)nenaten•, from Fort Willlsm, •raved yesterday afternoon at the harbor floor mull, with 97,000 ho•hels nl wheat. Thls le the Ant cargo which the Lake Herne k Munitehl Milling Co. hu reeelyed . Carso« slpeoted at the big skeeter ere, the India, from Fort W hlem, with 11,7000 berhele of wheat ; the Rosedale, from Fort William. with 80000 hoslyl. of whose, and the A(lvanee, from Ilalntb, with 47 500 hashed' el 6.e wed. These will all be la Aerieg the ease few dove. T90 Rt3n's RouretAr. --1n •eeerdance with 'hs Mayor's proolam.tlne, rho King's R rlh,l•v was nbservd hero es Monday. On Aatmd.y, howaysr, the kinks were Glowed, t1. pestelllos had Ili anal holiday hears, sad although Me steres were ripen shay did not de • wrest deal of ha.1•..s, The pseple le the sorts), evadestly wets not aware of the °hang. In the holiday, and tbey Bayed sway from town on Saturday, ezpeeting the stores to be aloud, 'the ot- fintal sod a number of private flags were hoisted to honor of the uo0uloo, 0. Mo s• day bon!nses around the Square was prac- tically .uap•nded. Amuug the eateries there was nota uniform ubservan« of either day as • holiday. Rain fell heavily several times during Monday and the streets were almost deserted. 1t wee Intended to have the corner stone of the new summer hotel laid with some 00remoty In lbs morning, but on 0000,03 of the damp weather the fu0otlun was ptstponed to Friday morning. In the afternoon there were to be some hone niece, with an elhlbitloo by Harold H., the Wingham wonder, but the track was too wet for ming, and the effete was called oil. Some took the day for • shooting ezpeditioo and bad good sport. '!'here .•eme to be • very general tooling that one holiday at this time of the year is eotlioleat. It is proposed that the King's Birthday and Thanksgiving Day be observed conjointly; but the simpler way would be to keep the holiday on Tbasksgivmg Day, sod to mask 4130 King's natal anniversary by the display of dinesnd other emblems of loyalty with - nut Interrupting business, The 24th of May holiday would then be reserved as dia. eiaatively a loyal and Imperial 000aslon. TUX Cot: cert. -Mr. Jordan in to be 000 gr•tulaltrl upon the success of the oenoee which he provided last Friday evening, It was from beginning to sod es rich musloal treat, one of the very best concerts which we have had in Goierloh for tome time TheOpera Home held a fairly Inge audieoo., but for so brilliant an occasion It ,hnuld have been filled to the doors. '1 ke audience sou appreolative, and demanded an e0eot• to every one of the numbers on the program, and the performers were very liberal to their responses Miss flutings and Mr Sleight, neither of whom had botors ap. peered In Uoderloh, were received very enthusiastically, and those who were already known here amply sustained their repua- ttooe. Miss flutings' violin -playing de Ilghtea everyone, She plays with remark- able precision and stpreslon, and In each of her numbers .be spored a success. So finished an artist as Miss Heating. will be heartily welcomed in lloderloh at any time. Mr. teloiht poeswes an ereslleot voice which he uses to splendid advantage, and his Buy manner and fine articulation added muob to the effectiveoess of his singing. He solos "The Baodolero" and "Vulean Moog" were given in duhing style and were eepeoielly pleasing' Miss lilanohe Teepl•L 30300 was again heard with delight and wonder. Her program numbers were, "8'eep, Little Baby of Mine." and "Oh 1 Where Is Heaven! ' and one of her e0ooree "0, Rest In the lard." Mus Teeple and Mr. Slaght atso gave a duet, "Wb.o Ltfe is Brightest,' the base and oentralto voloss bleeding very prettily. Mr. Albert Jordan proved himself • perteot master of the piano, and hie playlet, both it. his a000m- pu0lmente and in his solo, was one of the grestost pleasures of the evening The pi010 dost by the Messrs Jordan was thorough•y enjoyed, Mr. Henri Jordan's ooroet .oto also wee effectively rendered. The Marine Bead opened the program with "The Serenade" waltzes and responded to a very hearty recall. A pretty feature of the evening was tl,• presentation of handsome bouquets of roses to hiss Hastings and Miss Teeple. Ne hope that Mr. Jordan will again favor us with w geed an entert•la• meet as that of friday evening, 1)447(1 07 Rev. J1urs C1H1111,-0o Sat- urday evening, November god, a highly respected and widely koowo olergymao, In the person of Rev. James Come, passed away suddenly, from heart failure, aged e lzty.00e year. Deoeu.d had been in poor health for mime years, bas'. the reo.nt hoe weather seemed to have improved his health oon.iderably, and he wee up town more and in better Write than for a loog time, The •tt*ok Deme at a quarter after len o'clock, and although doctors were en heed Ins few minutes the reverend gentle- man was beyond human aid. The Neutral took place from his late residence, ooroer Trafalgar street and Cambria real, on uesdey moraine to the U.T. R. station. Rev. Mark Turnbull, rector of St. George's, oonduotod :he services at the house, and the nail bearers were Philip Holt, K.(i., Wm. Lane, Kd. Graham, P. Ford, R. C. Hays and !)r. Taylor. The body sou 0000mpanted by hie wife and four some and roma relatives. Of the funeral at London Wednesday's Free Press says : "Th, re- mains of Rev, James Carrie, who died •6 Uoderiob on Saturday, wore Interred to the cemetery at St Johne, London township, on Tuesday. The funeral took plus from the (3.7,50 depot on the arrival of the Goder(0b train, and was attended by • Inge number of deceased'. friends nod relatives, S.r- yloes were conducted l0 the English church at, St, Johne, by his Lordship the Bishop of Horon,ud.ted by Rev.Canon Richardson. Tits pall b. were two brothers of de - muted, f:.eorge and Wm. .I., and two moos, John and Arthur," Rev. James Carilo was born in Ireland and came to Canada when • child, with his pareote. settling 111 ltally- mote, London township. He received hie education In the grammar school, London, the Normal school, Teroato, and at Huron college. In 1866 he went to Manitoba, where he took charge of the parish of Headtngtey, twelve miles from Winnipeg, and taught for some time In the Winnipeg high school. While to Man6 tob• he sou • close friend of Donald Smith, now Lard Atr•tboone. Dor ing the rebellion in 1870 h• was one of • party who rescued Phomas yoott from the rebels, hiding him In him parsonage, and afterwards driving him to his own motto, • dletaooe of silty miles. He was the last man to shake hands with the unfortunate man after his being recaptured and sen. teooed. in 1877 he returned to Ontario, and was appolnled In 1878 to the parish'. of Dungannon, Lueknow, S1. Helen's nod Port Albert ilio health falling him in 1893, he was, at his own reqqu!st, planed on the superannuation list. He then retired to Uoderloh, where he lived till death claimed him. 11e was a faithful and eft olent clergyman, as his Bishop and his former parishlonere all testify, enduring the hardships which (all to the lot of moot pioneer clergymen with fortitude and cheer. fulness, and he ham new heard Ibe "Wail doles. thou good and faithful servant" of the fluter In whose service he had been worn out. Deceased was twice married. His first wife was Annie, eldest danghler of Wm Clnn.ton, of the Hudson Bay Ser- vlee, Maalt.b., and hie seonnd wife was R150,5.3, e'deat danghtar of the late George Wright., of Lindon. Resides his widow, five son( mourn his departure : William, nn •ally• oirvlol in 830th Afrlin ; John, Arthus, d horn. The b d 3.103)1 hnoaveCytit•nt •ympatethy of tbe eommmnlf;, LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. I'ridham'. 1x11►e pate to Ny 7err winter poK.oat. T. boot m•rsrL1. m41e 0o In i he best 430)1 end 01 ooeder•te pole.., Hind every peso of 1 n► 810y.t Thasbshine Day names two weeks frnen 4e4.y. The te90lar meetlog o1 t he ewe 00neel3 will be held tomorrow evening. '1'11810141. 010,1 11011 w Jasoary 1st, 1905, M now tlahsselhess. *sly 111,00. Put - age prepaid to any address In Canada or the Dolled Slates. Toe °ellegise Institute Literary Soolety will meet tomorrow (Friday) evening, A new roof Is being bn111 on the Waltham block at the 0orner of West street and the Square . Jacob Kuntz, of the Saltford brewery has purobaeed A. Sands' farm on the hll south of the village. Jas. Buchanan, jr., le having • stone foundation built ender his residence at the Corner of Vtotorla and Anglesea esreete. Th. Sons of Scotland will not celebrate Mt. Andrew's Day. the animal churoh parade of the society will, boweyer, be held um the 24th of this month. Rey. Mr. Tbynoe, who preached In fhb neigh othied the put semm,o., has our a The Arthur Euterpriee and will devote himself to journalism. A few Western horses belooglag 10 Thos. Tilt were offered for Nilo at Mr. Seeds' plate across the river on Saturday. Four of the animals were sold at about 740 saoh. R. R. Sallow. has • photogrepblo novelty to the shape of oalsnd•rn tor 1/02, on which are mounted sem• of hu prettiest views. They are decidedly handsome, and would mate elegant Chnetmae gifts. Yesterday Provuoial auditor l.alug olo.- ed bi. italic of the !Vest W•w•noeh town- ship uooeu,te, and •xprese.d himself as mitlsfied with the wslhodlo manner In whloh they had been kept by 0 Ward, The btrattord Herald states that A. Steel, painter and paperbaoger, of that olty, tateude to remove to lioderlob with hi. family In the course of .some month He will opus up • wall paper and wall mouldlog store. The Florence Nightingale obaper of the Daughter' of the Empire will hold their b•z.•, at the 0ldfellows' ball oo Friday afternoon, the 22od, starting at 2.30 Y r. Adminsloo 10c. Refreshment. to be served during the afternoon. All invited. W. J. Rainy, former') of Clinton, who u the travelling representative of the C. H. Hubbard Dental Ce., of Toronto, was In town yesterday, Mr. Rattroy has recently returned from a trio to British Colombia, and he speaks very highly 00 the Coast Province. Richard Bonnamy, of New York, a form. or resident of Uorlerlch, le` revisiting the town. He handed us some interested samples °t the o•mpalgn Monition' that was Issued during the meat great fight to New York between Temmar,y and its oppooeate Mr. Buonamy is an eotbusia.tie Low moo and ie greatly pleased at the rout of TIM - COMING AND DOING Mies Yates le visiting at Brussels. Chu.Shepbatd visited London over Sun- day. 1)r. W. J. R. Holmes was 1n London last week. Wm. Bawds«, of Exeter, was 1n town last week. Was Mary Graham has returned N tows from New York. Mn, R, S. Hay. and children retotoed Do Meatorth last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin visited Hamilton the past week. Walter Buchan«, of Toronto, was home this week for • short visit, M1.. Miggan .pent a few days at her home Stratton the In put week, MIs. Lizzie Acheson is •t Welland with her sister, Mrs. Jo !Melon, who is Itl, Mien Mary Elliott, of London, hoe bees visiting her pother, Mrs. Lewis Hlllott, Mtu Donogh spent the holld•ys in Detroit picking up novelties in the millinery hoe. Mtw Constance LeToured, of Hansell, spent • few days at her home here the put week. Albert Dickson, of the (tank of Montreal. Stratford, was one of the holiday vteitors t11 town. H. 1. Strang, /LA , attended the meeting of the Senate of Toronto University on Fr1• day last. S. Morningstsr will again spend the win- ter In the State.. He is now at Johnston - burg, i'.. Wm. Swanson and little daughter, of Hamilton, pude a brief visit to town dor• tog the week. Mrs. ,las. Breckenridge and son, Andrew, have returned from • visit to relatives in Frey township. James R',btoeon, who now has s position In Toronto with the T. Katon Ce., was at home over Sunday. Mies McLellan, of the Collegiate Iosii tuts, visited at her home In Stratford from Friday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bissett, of 350 P. 0., were In l Ilnton on Sunday, the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. Dave (,00k. Mee Hattie Downing. of the Goderich Model school, spent a few Boys of the put week at her home In Brussels, Mrs. Nairn, Miss Jennie Niro, Mr. Baker and Mr. Bonitos formed a party that made a holiday trip to Gelb the pest week. Mr and Mr.. R. W. McKenzie were at W Ingham on 'Tuesday attending the w0d• ding of their oleo, Mime Cottle MoKerzie. Mr.. E. Mwarts, Miss Rusk and Mlss Nettle harry made • holiday visit to Exeter, where they were the guests of Mrs, W. C. Hustcn, Mese Ida Holmes, den/Inter of R. Holmes, M. P., Clinton, left, last week for Toronto to °empbte her course at the Conservatory of Mule, A. Sounders, manager of the (toderlob Organ Go , attended thn misting of the I:uudlan Mannfaotar,n' Assoolatlon to Montreal last week, Mies Irwin and Min Jewel* Robertson, of the F:reter nubile eoheel, spent a few days the past week visiting at Mus Robertson's home, N.wpte street. Mus notions 1.. Hartle left yesterday no her return to Philadelphia, l'a. Wee Harris hu recently graduated as a nurse from the mty hoapltal of Philadelphia. Robot. Roimoe, M t'., (Clinton, and Prof. heed, of the Ontario Agrlonitnral ('ollege, were in town Tuesday morning. no their way to Keel! to attend the meeting of the Farmers' Institute there. Fred. Nettie, of the I'hatbam branch of the Rank of Commerce, made • Ryles yids to town on Monday, lie says Chatham Is all right for boon..*. hut there Is no place like God.rloh in his •stdmatlen, W, Amlth, R, .1. Anhwei, Drs. Mabee awl Turnbull spent ton vary sneewtol Aay• nn the Any Sable river (look shooting last week, the onset of and enreralned by .lorsph Brewer, Req., of Grand Ree4. NOIER OF SPORT. The Hough onp Is still In Asefrwlh. The matoh en Saturday) at Meafmlh remelted la Ibe defeat. of the (3od•rleh Collegiate Ie.ti. tete teem by3te0 The gas Blob wilebwated RIs Maj.4 '. Mrthday by a w•Ii•otii.eded twew•g a W NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -- NOV. 14. Heaters and Rang.. -Lee & Shepherd. b Teacher Wasted-U.S.S. No. 6, (lode - rich 'township 1 Notion to Creditors -Ostrow & Ostrow1 Two Great Bargain 1)ay8-J, H. Colbor4 Millinery - W. n. McKim,_ 6 Our Weekly Shire News-Hodgeae Bros8 Tenders for Supplies -J. K. Senlesu1 Anaoueoemeat-Doyle Ball •- 1 Umbrella Lost -J. 0. N mrd, Duagaaaes 1 Notice to Creditors-Preadtoot & Hays„ °poplar -Vioterisest Methodist Churoh . Annual Meeting-Ooderlob Engine and Bicycle Co 1 Warning -Capt, Wm. Babb 1 AsotionSale-Thos.Goode y......,vv.e, Coe! -Wm, Campbell 8 The Royal Uemedy Ce.-VIol.iIa Otlere House 9 Wood Wanted, A Bsrpla-O. N. Davis 1 Teacher Wanted -S.8. Ne. 5, Caboose Township 1 ELECTION DAY -DEG 4 SINCE our editorial page went to press the date for holding the bye - election has been officially announced -Wednesday, December 4. The time for the fight is short, end the work to be done by our friends mast be sharp and decisive. The Liberals go into the contest to win, with the knowledge that the riding is and always has been Liberal, and they mast snake up their mind that what they have they will hold. We have at present no knowledge of the plan of campaign other than that Hon. J. T GARROW is throwing his whole personality into the fight, and believes that with the assistance of all of his Liberal friends he will win. We understand that arrangements will soon be made for holding a series of meetings to. be addressed by the most prominent Reform speakers in the Province, at which intelligent and forceful presentations of the Pro.. vincial Government's case will be,, The conditions aro with the Liberals, and with the good cause of the (Government and the capable and ener- getic local leader there should be no trouble in bringing the Liberal_ majority in We.t Huron op to its normal figure. It should not be again allowed to drop below 150. Ae Hon. JOIN CARLING used to say, "Let there be a long pull, a strong pull and • pull altogether." olab grounds en Monday afternoon. The eoorlor was as follows :- At 15 bird. -A, Rougvle,14; W. Mutual', 11; K. Noltel, 8; N 1). Rnugvle, 8; H. Ruceo0, 9; R. Walker, 8; E R Watson, 10; Jas. Frttrley, 2; F. Shannon, 7; Ileo, Alias. 3; D. Molyor, 6. At 10 bled.- H Rutwa, 7; D. Mayor, 4; Ju, FrIrzley, 4; N D. IReogyfe. 4; Geo. Allan, 2; K. Naftali. 4; A. Rowel*, 2; R. R. Watson, 6_„ CHURCH NOTES. The quarterly board of the Askin -street Methedlee churoh, Lemke, hu extended a oall to Ray. W. G. Howson, of Clinton. The choir of North -street Methodist ohuroh will be assisted next Sunday even- ing by • male quartette from Clinton, who will alto glye some selections during the service. A Mr. Moon who I. in town en basins« will assist the choir of St. Gum'. Meech at both services on Sunday. )Jr Mason received his musioal training Io the choir of Westminster Abbey. The pulpit of North -.treat Methodist ohuroh was occupied on Sunday by Roy, Wm. Pinball, of Rlyth, who delivered ere good ferment. Rev. Dr. Daniel was at Blyth o00duoNog the annlvreary wireless of the Methodist church there, and on Mow day evening he delivered his lecture, "Oar Twentieth Century Heritage." The re opening serviette In oenneetien with Vloterl11-st Methodist ohorob take place next Sunday. A good deal has been done during the put weeks In the way of renovating and Improving. The church has been repainted bride and out, the seats re - varnished, the eleoerlo light Installed, and new carpets pub In. The Improvements will omit about 8425. h is the leantlee of the oo0gre4atlon to place this amount es the collection plate en Sunday. Geo. Green, • member of the congregation, hes Presented a beautiful oombinotlon organ to the eheroh, and an organ recital will be given on Monday evening In the ohurch. The publlo are Invited le the services ANNOUNCEMENTS. Wanted-- Bright dried apples, Ro. Orders diner from Germany. Also roll butter, fowl sod raw furs, U. E. KING, W10gb0m. Oysters, .Iw.ys fresh, at the old reliable oyster hoose, Victoria Restaurant, Weal_ st., In bulk or d all styles, toe °ream, fruit, coofeotinnary, edgers, We. 0. Bha41t- 3T0411, proprietor, Telephone 70. ('ARM' WIAt'IN11 1 have opened a shop on Montreal street (the stand formerly occupied by Johnston Broil , bloyele meal Inc the weaving of esrpete, and am prepared to de all kinds of work 111 this Ila. Yea V patronage 111 respectfully aoliolted. D1710 wrested glebe ilseardlee, Klnoardlne, ()n1., Nov. 9 -The sobooses Eureka, loaded with lumber trews Tawas, M3.43 • for Lorain, 0.. went to pieces Thurs- day evening, about twenty m,1.e from this plane. The tote of the 034 timer !yam aha -. Meter.ns from that of the Jupiter and wow v e"esl. which her. passed Bot 01 ezionese ►his season. 1n the gale el Tbered.y Nb old boat waterlogged sod was 6e00k.A es Meet's by the seas. The mew took lie s rale they had mad., and ,nneeeAod te rootlet shore two mile" north of her. as 6 e'deek yesterday morning_ They brn.wbt with them the lifeless body of Mn. Arthur Hakim. wife nI the mate, who sneonmbed M the enl4 and uproars en the raft daresg the night. The nese was eempos.d .1 tM fel- Insist • (hut. Henry R.etbee, Pere Acreat mess Artbar Baker, •lpsl Tred. (lar. palter sad Jambes 8bsik.y, Meso.