HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-7, Page 88 THURSDAY, Nov. 7, U01. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Cold Weather Needs at Little Prices. Hosiery and Gloves. Jacket and Capes. Bargain Lot et heavy ribbed Wool How, jaetl right for the cold ' weather, Yt slue soft,sro,regular 50o p& r,golog at 21150, or 3 [etre for $1 00 Ladles' end Mlsew' Cashmere ()lova and Mote from lboto50 L•dlsi and Chit. date's V o d e r- wear,fiesos lined, the warmest kind of wear, all Prloes. Best Veins Wool How at One.Qoarter we ever sold, In plale and ribbed, Ladies' and Children's. NloeHasty Cloths for Warm ('apes sed Jeokete, with all styles of Fur Trlmmlegs w cult. - - Millinery Bargains In Ready -to -Wear Hats and Sailors, Children's Bonnets and Trimmed Hats. -Men's Clothing. .-Men's Overcoats.. Ohlldren's Ulstel-s.od Start Coate are hen to great variety with LITTLE PRICES. hileeesCoats to taw e, red, Flues sod oleo!", all style", end our N. ALL' e. the BKS 1'. Ladles' ; Coats In new gr t, awn, blocs,. ... $1 Ladles' Short Coats, tig60 to tt 00. from Just hall former pries. Comfortable and Durable Furs in Ruffs and Caperines. O 00urine first and William McPhee w ooed, wblob created a good deal of exalts merit atter ',blob, Moss Elle Bell Patterson of Auburo, wag • solo to her usual pleasing meaner. All loft for their homes atter • very enjoyable •venlig, ,wi•bine Miss Sallows" many happy rotates of her blrt,hday, -Boys' Clothing. -Boys' Pea Jackets. I COUPONS UIVEN ON ALL CASH PURCHASES FOR THK HANDSOME CHAIRS. CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. PORTER'S HILL. MoWDAv, Nov. 4, 1901 Golden Newton bas returned from Win Iib'. T. A. MoDonald has returned from M•nt lobe. Mt.. Tiohbourne, ot tloderioh, spent Sun- day at the home of her wools, Wm. Tern bourne. A valuable horse belonging to 1). S MoDougal dlsappeerd Irom hes farm some Uma ego end nothing has alio" been heard st lL ____-- - DUNLOP• Tut -snot, Nov. 5, 1901, During last week ono of our resldest* was to Buffalo owing the last of 0.. Pand, end saw while •w•y'vfelld Nagar• the barrel that carried Mrs. Taylor over She fella a taw weeks ago. Hs alvo saw the !mous Carle Nation. .She was addressing • fair •ndlenoe around • saloon oo the ooneeota of the bottle being poison to the human raps. She was munching an apple se she spoke and at the olo"s of her addrese eh* was *feted • treat of a oloarrwbtob "be did not eooept. She bad not b.ih bo .t with her. DUNGANNON. Mulles. The looal ageism, la Dungannon for Ten thug u.11 at the Aloe otJ.C. Ward. .1 P, oonvevsooer. Rm. who will reoelve for debut in a well -boring getable'. Hoo. order' for .ubecrlptloue, advertising and job J. T. (:arrow, K.C., for plff. • Dawson & work, sod Le authorized to give reolpte for i.reham ( Petrole•1 for deft. Judgment in •mounts paid for the sense, Tuaot so. Nev. 5th. ken. 1', H. Alton, of Loudon, 1e vl.Itiog at the homestead. Jno Hiles, el Kincardine, formerly of Dungannon, was In tows recently on a v 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker Telt bore o0 an extended visit to relatives sol squalo- tanoes a1 Uorrle. We wish the veuerable couple • bappy Yea.. NONJURY ASSIZES. Casa sought Sense. Mr. Jostles Nerelllb la the midi (Yore of JesIlee. The two -jury Assizes for the uoaoty of Huron were held to iha uoert house this week before Judge Mereditb Court opened at 1 o'ulook Monday •tter- u000. and the docket was *unposed of w follow*: Bell vs. nil W ell Supply Co. -Aa aotloo songs, brluglos ow to lite again which was very popular In the seventies, "Thieve be didn't L.ke to Sea," which brought roars of merriment from beginning to sod. All who went to the show were well pleased with it and bops Mr. (rant will oome win In the near future. The entertainment In the tsmperanos ball en Monday evening, Oobober 28th, In ooe• 0eotioo with the 1'.I',S ('. E. was • suooees. 11 was Intended that It should be • social reunion In which •11 should bake pert and contribute to etch other's sojoymeot by mutual Intercourse, and an •o00danee of good things were provided for all. The literary end muetoal pert of the evening was ot the vary best and ell wool home l0 the best of humors. DASHWOOD• MONnoT, Now.4. Mies Laura Goo's spent Suede, IN bar beans here Mrs. Marna has refused Ikea Ma V " to Uoderioh. Mr. Molester bas sold out the Parkhill slate route to Mr. Qinntner. Mies Snell and Mies 11•g.bew ,lotted at the nom" of Oa leiter on Sunday. A very enjoyable time was spent at Mil ter on Wednesday eight, It being eke woes Ion of the diet husking bee *bout forty Voting people were present. Mise Martha Malloagb a deaconess at the training school, Toronto, was cm a visit to her mother reoenbly, and left to lemurs on d*a000"es work at Ripley and Poplar Grow. Mr. Tom, the popular inspector of le est Huron, visited our school reoeotly and was well pleased with the general protlolenoy of the sohotan, which shows that gto1 work le beteg dons by Mt frgart and Mise W ellwoed. Your correspondent arrived home on Fri- day of last week atter having a west's pleasant ,kite to friends at Varna. BayS*id and Uoderlob, visiting the school at Vero& and Billfold in company with Inspector Tom. It ie thirty-two tear) since he was lo Varna and he uotioed many improve. meow Duly two of Mee old resldente that he knew years ago are still living, viz , Joe. Mc('wli and David Roberteon. Au old pioneer of West Wawanosh In the person of Edward 1)uratn did a1 his raideooe fn Dunganoon en Saturday mottling last. Tee deoeased was In ble wv,mty-oiotl, year and was one of the first settlers to West Wawaowb. Through Industry and ,llligenoe he made a comfort• able home for himself and tamtly, and be was vary b'ghly esteemed by all. About three or tour yea,' ago he retired from farming end had since lived In Unogannoo. More In our next. ASHFIELD Tcrst*Y, Nov. 5. Mrs. W. Wilson, West Wawanoeb, left for Chlo•go this week te visit her daughter. Mrs. H, Pritchard. and Mr. Evans, twoher art wheel No. 12. were Yulting friends In this Ic,-alit/ last S•turdsy. James Joynt has boon engaged as towhee to .ohool sootloo No. 5, for the year, 1902. He Is at present attending the Model sobool, Uoderioh. PORT ALBERT TownAT, Nov. 5. Rey. Mr. b alrbalro called on some of his oongregatlen on Friday afternoon last. A. V. O°mll'e sale on Friday afternoon was largely attended, and It was a good Sale. Mn. Trumby returned to her home le Benmiller yesterday alter .peodIop • weer With bete parents here. J. J. Wright. of the PSiot Farm, was looking op old-time friends In and around this vlllege one 4.7 Inst wok. Mrs. A. C. /Hawkins hag retarded from Oederloh wban she bee been under medical h"•Imstt. Her friends are glad to learn Ne (1 Vetter. Via". Mr. Miller, of Loohaleh, addressed , meeting In the l're.bytertan oherrn here last Friday night. h was In the Interest of khe Bible Society. NOl ES OF SPORT The following worse were made at the eon otub's shoot Int Friday : E. R. Wet. we, 9; N. 1). Rcutvle, 4; Geo. Johnston, 7; K. Nattel, 7. terms of uoo•tot 'Minutes. Forster vs. lies et a1. -AoUoo to set wide • oonveyanoe as fraudulent. Wm. Proud foot for plff.; defeedente not represented by counsel. Judgment was elven declaring the oonveyanoe of the real estate mentioned In the pleadings to be fraudulent and ,old as &gimlet the plaintiff and all other creditors of the defendant Healy ll 14e", with owteof ac• two. Martin vs. Martin.--Actloo for board mod iodates. K Veneto°. (WInvham) fur plff ; E. L i):okineoe (W'takb►m) fur deft. Judge mint to term" of consent intimates and refer• •nos of :mewingarIn dtspuo' to J. A. Morton, LVtogb Wilson vs. Willem --Aotloo on a proml5- wry note for $1,000 The defendant was Chas. Wilson, of tiwforth, and the plaintf, bin mother, and the defendant claimed • .,Leff on account of the mal°tenenoe of hie mother. F. Holmested (Seeforth) for plff J. M. Best I\ealortb) for deft. Judgment for plaintiff ter 5'.1JO. and If this amount be paid or secured within ooe month that) will be no ooe:& to either patty; but if not so paid or secured within one month the pl•lo- tlff will nave full ousts 01 suit. haul es. Holmetted.-A011oe for nee gill/sow In investing money) of plaintiff on losufoleot securities. (1. F . Blair (Brun• eels) for pH! ; Wm. I'roudfoot for deft. Action settled satisfactorily by the parties. Alter some evtdenoe had been taken •o agreement was made that was mutually eat .1101 ry. Smith et al ye. Powell. --Action for a quantity of grain burnt to • storehouse •t Blytb. (1 F. Blair for pith.; Wm. Proud• foot for deft. Jedv'en% for plaintiff with damages to be first ascertained and stated by the local revtsbrar at Goderlch it the patties cermet agree se to 11. No order as te oo.ts. Town of (iodi nth ve, (oderloh Elevator Co. -Action for perfnm.iuco of an agree nava. lion. J. 1'. (:arrow, K C , for pill , 1'roudfoot for dal,&. Oo •pplioation of the defendants trial of tbie action wall postpootd to the Woodstock nom jury sit- tings on the 16:1 of December next. Any additional smote of witnesses occasioned by the trial at Woodstook instead of Goderlch to be borne by defendants in any event of suit. The °occluded the busier.. before the Court, and His Lordship lett the Noah at 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. Dolt U played by a large number In Ooderloh now, 'There are thred eeperae clubs, and we understand a movement is oo foot for their amalgamation. A "booting matc0 will be held at roster's, Hill on Saturday afternoon, comm"onl"y ab 1 o'clock. A number of geese, ducks and turkeys will be offered as prizes. The G. (2. 1, football team has been pre- parlog for a fast match at Seaton') next SOturdey, and a strong effort will 5t made to land the Hough cup to Godertoh again. The tloderioh go:f olubs are holding a tournament this week at their Hoke et the south end of the town. Kidd & Co. are odutne for this touroamene a gentleman's and a lady's prize -tor the winning lady a gold golf pin and for the gertioman . "Iver one. NILE. TesoDAY, Oot. 29. The farmers are busy taking up this reete. Mies Met Teens, of Leokeow, is visit - tog at the home of R. Ryan. Moes Maggie Mollwalo, of (oderlob, le apendini a few days with friends here. Misses Pelyer, of Benmlller, and Cooper, of Iweburo, vlsitel friends here last week. J. 11. Pentland and Muter Harvey re - Wooed from their trip to Buffalo last week. Miss Martha Molls/aim, who has been vteriing friends la Uoderloh, retorted home oo Saturday. Miss Annie Grummet) entertained • num- ber of her young Mends at her home here Friday evening of Inst week. She Ieays on Thursday of this week for Toroote, The following to the r•esne of the exam. Inatloo held to s No. 1., West Wawa 0010. 'tbwbeir 17th and 18th, 1901: From jr. third to sr. third--Wllhe Ginlo, Ruth Eoblln, Nellie Ryas, Liza Hutchins, User's Ryas, Medford Elliott, Ketole Ryan. From ar. wooed to jr. third-U*11a Kirk, Rey Kerr. Wilfred Elliott, Lula Dunkeld, Willie Nola. Willie Wilson. LEtBURN. '1'rs$nsv, Nov. 5, Tins til ,$A0.'4 clubbing rates may be ob- taeed from the Iooal &gent hen. The well known firm of Frost A. Snow are going to resume business, and on Sitar day last the 8y had his lest Innings, and the screen doors are being put away and the storm doors are repltaln, them t0 rests the Inroads of the above mentioned firm, widish deals se largely In sore throats sod colds. Last week se Thursday and Friday even dew, moving plotures,en eanYa5,were shown al the hall. Owing to the rain the fleet night there was no show, bat the ;sewed eight there was • large atteadanes. lie sides the planate Mr. Grant played ester Mone on hie gaiter and sang I comic Last week the people of 'Aingham veva a great reoeptloo to the magnificent little Canadian paoer, Harold H , which has had a very euooeseful eewoa in the Lolled 'bates. At the Li. T.-.i,..station the Mete bay sew presented with a oollar of Bowen, and a prooesslon was then formed, beaded by the Lucknow brass band, and Harold H. was .00reed to his winter quarters. Oa Friday the Vi Ingham turf olub veva • Leaden Aoswen : A be" days aro • mattes" of races, also an ezblbltloo mile by Harold 11 The &ttanda°oe war aboutv°nog led enter ed • butchers shop in 1,500 lnoluaing a oumbes from Uoderlob. Hridgeworth and when the props "tor ape Harold H. did not try to lower the track p"et.d gave • rather .mall order. "Von record, as the treok was wry heavy and don't buy w much met w you did • year wet, but he gave & splendid race. A r ago," remarked the butcher. "No," re- sponded the boy, "lather'• b.00mo a vege tartan.' "My lad, ' came the grave :510:1, "yea ea' your dad warning from me, that as a rule .egetsrians oome to a nolent end. Take a bullock, for inattnee-e's • wogs tartan. Wct's the result! Why, e'. cat off sudden In his very prime ANNOUNCEMENTS. Floe now figs at 50. a Ib., oleo raisins, currants and dates at the stele low pries at the Maple Leaf Urooery. (1, M. I'a.l.b.1T. Wanted -Bright dried apples, Oa. Orders direct from Germany. Also roll butter, fowl and raw furs. G. E. Klee, Wtny- ham. Oysters, always fresh, at the old rel'ble oyster house, Victoria Restaurant. Weal st., 1e bulk or served all style.. Ice cream, fruit, 000fectlonery, olgan, eto. C. BArg• 4To. t, proprietor. Telepbou. 70. A. we now have our addition completed, ea -es be,lees $sleeted "shear, for which we are ravioli the higbest prices. We hire overhauled our chopper and aro now doing the br.t work la this district. N. 1)lrritn'It & Sus Suppose we Talk it Over VOLT have nut town perfectly satisfied with the BOO'T'S azul SHOES you have been getting, but ars not feet sure you can du better. We are nut giving our ribose away. but claim to be givinv the best values tube had in town, THE SPOT CASH PRICE at wbieh everytbiug :a marked, waked thinking people, t`.ose who shop around and want to make their dollars go the turtlteot, buy hero A Prescription .. . Filled here will have uxaetly the effect your Physician iutouded it should have. We keowthis. because the ingredients will all be fresh and reliable, sed the compounding accurate to the lest degree Bring prescriptions hero and take no Cherie"". F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS r• Corner of Wed et. and the Square. Moyer Young and Wm. Hill, his request was act granted. The couooll then pd• o hoed to meet a000rding to statute. JOHN MCMILLAN DEAD. The Vernier Member for i..ib Mores -• Mas of •ttrH■i Werth. John Mobdluo, ex M.1'. fur South H°• rots, died at bis reeldence in the township of Holleto. Thundey moralise, Ooieber 31st. The ao0ouooemeutof Mr Mobdtllao's death was • severe shook to the community. 11 bad been known for a few days that be was allow, tut few outside of hie immediot• family otrcle s°ppaed 1..s owe was so serious An •H.otwo of the stomach was the immediate cows of death. He was seventy-seven Tien of see. He oams to Canada from Scotland in 1843, settling 011 • farm to the township of Hubei, In the same neighborhood where he had ever since res sed. When he oasts to Huroa there was 111ih cleared land, sod hs sett led in the bush and did his full share towards 000vert in the site of the dense fore is into fruitful fermi. Fbr several years he had been one of the moat extensive farmers and stock - raisers In this part of 17a0a3a. From hie first settlement tie took • I-adlsg poeltius, and had filled many positions of trust, municipally aril otherwise.. H. was reeve POPLAR ROW. Mote Dee, Nov. 4 Mls. Cooper, of Dunlop, gent Sabbath last with her frteods the Misses LInbeld's. 8. Potter returned to Chloago after spend• ieg a ample of weeks °oder iha permute' reel. Harry Morris returned from Hoffalo last week aoelog many eights and wonders at the Pan American. Mr. WIII and Mlsa Blanche S•Ilows ware et the opening anolyersary services held at Balyny" and Mt. Heise', Sabbsth last. Alexander Bissett, o forma resident ot this plans, but now of the Klondike, is Yelling friends In this vicinity bears re- turning so Scotland, his blrthplaoe. A very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Thos. Hallows, Maplewood, ballowe en when his daughter, Wipe Mande, oelebrsted her birthday. A number of in- vited friends and relatives aoloyed them wive" at games and other amusements; a hidden search game was Indulged to and two prizes were Oven, Miss Annie Essen HAVE A LOOK. Clearing Sale Before Christmas at The Bell Telephone Co. Don't Inn think on hate need your neighbor's Tele phone long enough, withent paying for ityou had het ter nail on. or ring up, the Local Menefee (Telephone No. (Maud arrange to have one Ont 1n your pleas of bnalnces. The HRLI. TRLRPIIONE ('o. Oso. I'oerx R. i.oeel Manager. (toderloh. PORTER'S BOOK STORE. •0oompaoted him, but only for pert of the way. es Harold H Dead away from him on the last wafter. finishing strong to 2.14i. The free•for all furnished • very excltloy Taos. Edelman, Amelia and Lenient fiotsh ed heads •part In all six hest.. Summery Fressfor-all, half mile - Edelman ..,..,:t. 3-3 ZJ 1 Amelia.....,., ' 2 1 1 2 2 2 d'gz;le• 1 2 3 3 3 3 Little Jobe 444444 Time, 1 13, 1 111, 1.14, 1.14i, 1 14. 1.14, 2 30 claw, bait mile - Margaret Tommy Mack. Pet Ellerton . Doubtless Time, 1.16i, 1.15i, 1.16. in the *replog a bao,uet was elven by rhe citizens ot Wlnobam to Harold H.', owner, J. Iowarta, and his driver, Al. Proc. tor. Daring the oast two weeks we will sell the following linen at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Crepe Tissue,, Toy Books, Paper Bound Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Blank Books, Purses, Fancy Nick-Nacks, Fancy Flower Pots, Fancy Vases, &c., &^. Several Special Lines of Wall Paper, clearing at 4 Price, Wallah our Phew Windows during Mils Kale All (t'e& Mark Ie Pais Figures. TERMI8 STRICTLY CASH. PORTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store, ()ay T•losphnns is Nn 100 B. Court. Horse Speer*, Goderfch. 111 222 333 444 A 1 ERRiBLE MISTAKE. • Dew Sewa.wlek Man about to be Oper sited en fes apM•dtelt4-- • Netrew taupe. St. Mary's, N H , Nov. 4. -What come nearly beteg • leartul blunder happened Ilea a .bort time ego. Thomas Harrison thought from his pain- ful symptoms he had appendicitis He war being treated for it, Indeed the surgical operation which is supposed to be the only successful Westmont for appendicitis had been eugkeeted. He really had stone In the bladder. Mr. Marilee° says : - "About this time an aoxlene friend ad •teed me to nes Dodd's Kidney Pills and by the time 1 had finished the first box f passed • stow of unusual size which Is now in the doot0r'e pcaseeslon. "1 hamar at ono" to feel better and you gets judge of my gratit°de for my escape thus promptly and safely. Haviof oaken only three beiee 1 am happy to etas 1 am aMolutely cured with no sign of the return of my old trouble." You Must Keep Your Feet Warm and Dry ('all and see our Uusurpassed Line of AMERICAN KUBBRRH, manutaeturu: the I;«.iyoar (;love Ou., of ow York. Thny ars Ihu brill ubbanwWr, and thn 1'auzs All Multi/LATS. All things are judged by comparison. While all WALK -OVER SHOES are $4.00. All 54 00 Oboes are sol Welk Oven. fhey are the Shoes for oomtore web the "wenn" of Style. . . RSPAIRINU. The latest 'withers ; the newest styles and shapes, for all occasions, are to be bad la the famous Walk Over Shoos P. T. HALLS THK CASH BROS DEALER, of his own township of Ballet for fifteen year', and resigned that position to become a member of the Domlolo0 Partlemant. He first tepressuted ('entre Huron, and after the r.000struotion of the esostltusooles he st for South Huron from 1887 until the ososrel 'tootles of 1900 He was • man of great natural ab lay, and being Induttrlous and ambitious, he not only accumulated a oompeteooy; but mored his moms with marsh useful general knowing*, so that, although he had few educational advant.ves to his youth. he was io the hlgbeet sense of the term a remarkably well educated man. He had • thorough, practical acquainwece with his own cootpotion. and took delight In lin partlog his knowledge to other,. His pow - ere and gifts al an etc.' soot and newt platform speaker brought mem into promh woos the Preview over, and there are few counties or constituencies that hie voles bas not been heard In. either en the - pollbioal platform or at Farmers' Institute meetings, in both u! which capacities his services have been in great demead mad have been unsparingly riven. He will be much missed In the oommealty where he bad long been a prominent figure, and It is with feelings of the wooer.'', Borrow that the •n•ou00ement of hie death was received. He leases a widow, two was and owl daughter. Mearness t. Curable Seaters from Impaired bearing will be glad to know that their sthotioo Is pooh. ably not deo b0 coy mimeos defect In the we, bot results probably from • thlckeoleg of the lining of the middle ear caused ov catarrhal Inflammation. Hundreds of per• toot leooverles as • result of the inhalation of estarrhozoos ars reported, and on the highest authority we recommend this treat- ment to our reedits. Catarrhocooe quickly restore" Io.t hearing, and Ire ettioleocv 1s plead beyond dispute by the ow of MIs. Fetal' of St. Thomas, who rsoorsred per foot hearing by using Cabarrbozooe, slier years of deafness 1'rto• $1. At druggl.ts or by mall, from Poison & Co., niegstoo, Ont. ONF. Ito Ya. HODGENS BROS. Ind DNS WRIT seg M•MILTON ST. BORN. ROBERTSON. In Stratford, on Saturday. November 2nd. • son to Mr. and Mn. 1t. B. Itobertsoo. LIED. DONOOH At Mount (lope, Tender, o, Tues day. November 6th. Mess Ann D000gh, wed 71 roan. CARRIK. In Ooilerloh, on Saturday e'en Inc November Ind. Rev. James Carrie, aged (3 years and 1 month. HARRIS - In Ooderlch, on Thursday. October 315t, William Freeman Harris rfornter.y of Uransford MOlel. 10 his etth year. MciILLAN,-In Hallett. on Ootob,r John McMillan. 51 M.P. for Saute Huron, aged 77 yeah. DALY.-lo Ooderleh. o° Thursday. October else Margaret Daly. aged 11 years and 7 months. New - American Flannel %4'aists Selling at 5o cts. and 98 cts. THIS week we have some New American Cotton Flannel Waists to sell at less than cost of production. The factory that made them is one of the lead- ing ones in Canada. The time for making fall goods is now over and they are busy on Spring garments. Before changing from Fall to Spring goods they took all the winter materials they had on hand and made them up into these Waists. The material that they made up early in the season to retail at $1.00 they cleared out to be retailed at 50c; their better line what they made to re- tail at from $1.50 to $1.75, they cleared out so that they could be sold at 98 cts. We were fortunate enough to secure a good assortment of both lines and put these New and Stylish Waists on sale, commencing SATURDAY MORNING, at the low price of MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. WLB0INJ. CARLow, Nov. 2. Colborne council met In the township hall. All the members were preempt except Alex. Robertson. The minute, of the pre- vious revious meeting were signed. The following amounts were paid, viz.: R. McMillan, repairing celvert, 53 00; Tiiir 9u:SAt., print• log, 58,10; R, Jewell, work in new cemetery, $4.50. John MoLsrty, repairing culvert, F7.00; Richard Herndon, repalrinv culvert., 51 00. It was moved by Mayor young and seconded by R Jewell, that the sale ret the lots 1n the new cemetery commence 00 November 9 and continue for two menthe at the same price es the old, viz.: 54 00 per lot and 50, for deed to residents ot the township, non-residents to pay four times that amount, all applications to tis mese to the clerk. -Carried. Edward Good asked the council! to exohange his lot In the old cemetery for one in the new, hie lot being wet when he purchased D. On Motion of iIE Royal Tourists have 1 lift us, but Ito al Goods McKenzie c at Royal Bargain Prices are always to be had at Howell's low- -Nip ... HARDWARE ■■■ 50 cls. and 98 cts. each. There is every size from 32 to 40, and a splendid range of patterns. It can't pay you to bother making when you can buy at prices like these. THE 98c LINE. New Fancy Waists. male from good quality American Cotton Flannels. French Flannel Patterns. plain and tucked, lined throughout, colon of rot, old rose, sty ail navy blue, garments soled early in the season to re tail at 51 50 and 51.75. all sizes, your choice of this line,9 s THE 50c LINE. New Waists male of good quality American Cotton Flannels, unhnel,made in p,pu'ar styles black and navy gmunds with white &'ripe, or rel ground with narrow black stripe, all sizes. garments made to retail at 51.005A. each, 0n at sale, commencing Saturday. at Vim• Here are a Few Prices at which we are Selling : Best $3.00 Royal Canadian Wringers at $2.:4 A Cheaper Grain at 51.75 12 Gauge Loaded Shells $.L7ii_per 140. _ A Good Breech -loading Single Harrel Shot Gun at $5. Best Grade C Blast Lantern at 60c. Cow Chins, Axes, X Cut Same. Lock• and Hinges are given our teat at tenUon, while in • 130 Fife YTo IMVSF offered better. We Buy for Cash the teat Goods ObtalUablo. M CKENZIE &HOW ELL The place to buy all Hardware cheap. Right Styles in Mantles. The Correct $tyle in Ladies' Jackets this season is a Coat with a semi -fitting back -between those with the extremely loose and the tight backs -anti 27, 36 and 42 inches long, with a tendency in the larger places towards longer garments. In our Mantle Stock you will find a generous assortment in these three popular styles. There is a variety that you will find in no other store here, and in the better and more ex- treme garments you will not find more than one, or, at the most, two garments alike. The number of Mantles leaving the store weekly is proof enough that our styles and values are meeting with popular favor. Here are a few of our leaders : A Good Fawn Coat at $5.00. These Coats have just come in thi week and are the best $3.00 Coats we have had this season. Ladies' Beat er Jackets', good quality material, dark shade of fawn, semi fitting back, 27 (ruches tong, coat collar, 6 tansy ivory buttons extra spsei&l $5.00 value at, each e fedi".' Mantles in dark Orford grey rough fihevmt,-i uttr-,ttnr,-Amore t,fff, Nape en packet, 6 pearl buttons. semi•fitting back, 36 bodies long. line] Ain ft throughout, Bach isn•ou Ladies' ,packets, good quality illaek Frieze, 6 pearl buttons. velvet roller, 27 inehe, long, .ami -filling lack, menu rime' lining, each $5.50 Lal es' heaver Jackets, good duality, 36 in- e•he* long. semi fitting back. 6 fancy pearl betimes, 6 rows silk .tiarms red hot - tom silk lined, velvet collar, 10 M black or fawn, each oo Lathe's Beaver,laokete, semi tilting back, 77 inehes long velvet collar, mercerized lining. pearl buttons, .ilk stitch iog around bottom, each iPal.LRO NEW FRENCH FLANNELS and FANCY CASHMERES. We have received another lot of French Flan- ngls and Fancy (eashtneres for Waists. The Flan- nels conic in handsome Persian designs on cream, fawn and blue grounds, and the Cashmeres in small white polka dots on black, red and blue grounds. The prices are, The Flannels, 50 cts. a Yard. The Cashmeres, 5Q cts. a Yard. 2 1-2 yards of Flannel or 2 yards of the Cashmere will make a waist. Blanket Weather. This is B lanket Weather, and this is the Blanket S tore of the town. Whether it be a cheap or a good pair of Blankets you want you will make no mistake if you come here. We know of nn poor Blankets in the entire stock. Every pair is the best for the price that money eau buy. Flannelette Blankets. Two of our popular makes in Flaenelettn Blankets are a line at 75 eta . and one et 51.35 a pair. The 75 et. line i. • Canadian Blanket, and the lint at 51 35 is male in M:nglaml At 75 cts. Flannelette Blankets, good "Night and Rize. .oft finish, grey or cream, with el5c pink or blue bor,lers, at per pair At $I.35. Very Heavy Flannelette Blanket., extra large .ize, these r',mo in fro separate pieces which makes them easy to handle, English make, epeeist! ji1 35 c alum, at per pair ...... ... ... • Our Two Leaders. We have a big rale for thew two line.: it ix no wonder, for .nch value* we hese never given before At $2.75. lies -y White Union Blankets, soft flnHV fimsh, firmly mate, large rite. fan''v eelnreol borders. extra apnelal 5 7 X4. value, et. per pair............ /Y At $3.00. Very fine quality White Blankets, j°•t a little rotten, mixed with the blanket that looks well, end will wear well, •soonest tancy borders, extra special $2.WW00 value, at per pair lin rose .Il.wSsl :syVow' at 1101 HODGENS BROS.