HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-7, Page 7'0. 45, 1901.
� the
thing to see fine
piled by the blight.
ays tell them flint]
hey never do well
at stay small and
e to see a blight
'en. Goo(t health
ll right of children.
)f them -don't ,get
While the rest
d strong one stays
,mullion can stop
t. There is no
such achild should..
Scott's Emulsion
ine with lots ofV
it -the kind of
tat makes thing.
Emulsion make
w, makes them eat,
sleep, makes them
the weak child a
ott's Emulsion trill
make it catch up
with the rest. r
This picture fey,-- ,
the Trade Stork ut
Emulsion tad is ou :..e
wrapper of every bottle./
Seed for fu .nark.
yor sitd $1 all dreg st•
nental Life
)anee Company
rFll'i. TORONN4.
)eepltwl - $5,500,00o
of this company en.
cod feature of Life M-
rets, and guaraotse Ib.
to 1a regard to loans,
✓ s, sed extended Ion,r-
wanted 10 this distrl•t
(len. (Fro. R Woods
int. teenernl Mnuate r.
r Wanted
your .rit e. tint, t."w
heli( Il. ail -111 .r• ..
Lewis & Go.
ision MerGhdllta
igton Street WLSt
Largest Tailors
.P•,TOOR1Elt for Er Kitt'
• at LOWER P4144 r.+ tho,,
cid Df1.1V KFt at your NIA It
for their Mahlon tamPkt-(
and measure...vet fors,
AlTIEe TO leo KN1111e••;
nine. We fnrnloh yare ton
work. trod pay. Hand kw,
.(end damp ter pertlruier•
'Co,. o.. kept. 2. Tnrunts. 411111
'a Soothing syrup •hest...'1
• children teething. It soothes
, the roma, nibsn wied roll.
' mady for diarrho • Teeter
TOR MALE Okik t)• 1 it.
:he NIAgara I'eni,'.vI'
e from lInmilthe ,.. two 0
n •11. 35 of within ie In f n.
Will M add In one ear .:
of 18 10 i1 omen tc net
• deotdSd harg••h. Ar,.
awe, P. 0. boa Wil, Who.,,.
• l!1(1 AO11I('1 Y(,
rnL Most 1311RFRrl A•"
sy.4.m for relleeting dein
Rutter end 1nr.'It0. wide
met hal. to our detest*
,y of collection guara0b,
zee: emit write or Irmo* Al
our repreestlative. sent
ernational Mmrsnnlle Ac'
rimer Yonge and Klee
s E
(. K St
M .'e* ilk••.•e"
.i,e.rn .e,edl• .'"....'r'
•me•n . Y•m
meets/ ''. ism M.P•.•P1t....
SM. a Dm.M.a M.w...,,r D s.. •
keweS n..r rkt.►�.r1 4.1...; 4,i`
ria. � p,....e 004 . r, ,
hT.` .....hyo . s"e"ed
n •..«ern.. r.'
♦Aar►. IM t -►,•r. Inn".' e
Ra w...* M •yyr
W. are 4.4mwhd M 1 t4.4 •e
d AT .. a gal'rel ease. c
✓ e w **Dr rereestwo
ase ..r. Moss.... r .e.r•.d. Mrr •
•100.41•••••' I . r..t r,. .
else. tusem:t..`
-;....-",.=-47,1-r„:47.--,.... o
eerwt r In
k.476 %• BROTH(
t Cam
A French Squadron Swoop-
ing Down on Him,
yl,,,•. 1'..y In Arrears, They 1 hrert-
,,„-d F'rrurr Is 1'rr.alna 111.
the l oiled :'dales ('&+laud Is (-um-
u e'
Mea �. t r r w
Loons Up Alm.
larh., Nov. 4. -Tee utfloiaiu ul the
}root(. Foreign f?f:ive confirm the re -
pet duet a (11%101004 01 the F'rruch
h,e;c.•rruneen Iter t, outupueed of
ileo, bu t t (.ship. and two t'rutrura,
tree! ow ded :rola '1V ukei oto
k,n., i•as p'os'ece
the Ise••ant t4 make n natal drnwru-
oration against Turkey.
1, }or, I4;u Office o(ficlnl in t•um-
yunlc:,1uig the heresy/Mg to the .vr.
resperelent here of Alin .As ea:lutad
}•r,•so .941:
•e' e. tymialrun balled with sealed
orders. and proceetie first t.. a Greek
purl --the Ismail of SJra. 1 think -
where the admiral will recelte defin-
ite lyst•rucllyne a■ to carrying out
kis sealed order*. I am Dot at liberty
w an. nhnt Ibe sealed orders are,
bit the
srlture of Ibe ('ualerms
at Ftuyrun would peckably h.+ a illy
4(Aetite way 4.•1 .tn oincing the Sul-
tan that Frances patience 14 et -
belated, and that we hat, decided to
Keene 00 Immediate exr4'1145,11 ('1
Turkish Government s engage -
We. howeter, are very hopeful that
the Pullen will not compel ue to go
to that extreme. Our squadron will
nut reach the Greek port before
kraluy. The Turkleh Goternmeut liar
thus .till three days' grace. add we
trees ill the meantime to receha
complete satisfaction. We have net -
vele considerately toward Tur-
ks., hoping up to the tart moment
dent elle would carry out err en-
p((cmeuts, add It is only now,
shin we Mai t114t there le nu ser-
fuus indleatien of her dw"g ago. that
tor hale relhctantly re.olted to put
str'ng.•r pressure to bear In the
shape uf a notal demonstratluu. It
Sri r,ow two monthe riuor the French
amienador, el. lionstans, left eon -
see tiuupdr. Efts departure failed to
pr •.-.'.• the dr.Irer1 .(feet. 4)n the
fo"rar., 4' Pr. the qu:y0,00l Tubiui
qu -terror, settled tit. ).nano'. Inader
I-,rtr.1 to .elite, reuMuu epee.
Iseakl-nazuuk'. tlOtleuus.
:.stuaa1m,ple, NO. . 4.-.\ uiutiu-
a ,, demonstration was 111.1. In
fr nt of the Admiralty- Office, un
Tetedo . by 600 offkters anti nun-
.- ,smeasioO,1 naafi-Basuuka. which
learn' dismay among the tiegmeuta
Text Shows He Advised White
to Surrender.
of title 1.1d1I mince. ne pay snow
talent part in the d,toonwtration is
se, teal months in arrears. and only
a pro/nose o1 prompt settlement
pee puts' the cnrry'int out of threats
of further actene The pay of all the
ti...4Yo, with the exception of the
marines. b similarly in nrrearr, but
Ile Marines are peek( with deer re-
gularity. erne.s they furnish the
rood weekly at the a(elamllk. and
dl,utoi'tent among them meltht re-
site In serious harm to .(haul H,tnitd.
Celina of the 1'.1(ed Ntrtee.
t ••nateuaineele, Nov. 4.- Tlo Turk-
ish (;orettiment Is already preparing
t., revert the anticipated demand of
1 feted Stator fur repayment of
1 remnant n,crstury to 'mitre the
r• oasts of Mira EIIee M. Sterne. the
•bhetet Amt'ric4ul missionary. The
1t.rte repudiates toll rrapeintb lily fur
the kW/lapping .'f MU** Stone. and
m.,intnirs taut the United States hes
• he rinlm agninat Turkey. and ttiat
tier. Nilo the batter is Justified in re-
fus.ng to recoup the Vetted States
for the mrs1Py expended In her rye -
cue. .4
cue..4 blgh Turkish • 1.1 10 the• mora-
fel( sal t the Tigkbft r•sletane - •d
arty el olrne wool 1 b • batted ups., th,s •
6.1. t en t ions : 1
Firm, that alias Stone, although
Wtr'rnel of the acumen' tet the road,
pereist•d In travelling ; Ftrc',tld. that
elle .!1.1 not notify the authorities of
for iutenti.,o. or obtain an escort,
which pr. tautI an even the forrlgu
cotton's nlwaya take: 844'). Tldrd.
dint the brlgeteie wh'. kidnappred
Inas Stone and her companion' were.
Poirot/we; that tit, ( me was plan
den In RulgarIrt. end that mortuary
was fount in Rulgnrien territeav
The Internet siltation In
Turktah empire deterred
to for surae time. from taking drns-
ttr rneasarpo to enforce oar tie-
5.44.ls. But the dignity of France
r. old t.ot permit the present state
of offnire to be prolonged indrfln-
11.43. We .Irrerely (lope the eultnn
will fully appreciate the fact that
we efnnot any longer be trifled
ht It h, 00.1 relieve us of taking fur-
ther steps to naleguard our inter -
t ItrI ..,te Vf t ot,.1ry to be Sent to
Mouth .tfrin. -- Paned(,■ Scouts
capture 7oda -Wrerkere rod 1t)-
namalte -- Beer spy t rptured -
1 erred \'ravel nark.
Lo0dua. Noe i. -Tho N.troller
number of the National Ite.lew.
w hich Bir Redder• huller in tits re-
oeut speeelt to the ttueeo'N Hest.
&motor Volunteers stated to have
In lir puseeselou hie telegram to ter
George White hi ladvsemitt., couunel-
Ing the latter to surrender after
the British defeat at Coteau), eeb-
llaLre today the text of the rues
✓ age. It runs:
'1 Have been repulse.. You will
burn your cipher*. You will .destroy
all your ammuulttuu. You will then
tike the best terms )oil can with
the Hoerr after 1 hate fortified zoy-
sia( oa the Tugela."
In hie recent speech to the Queen's
Weetmluister Volunteers, which led
to lit.'retlrrweut from the army.
Ueuernl huller Bahl ue believed a
telegram purporting to hate been
stent by tone to General White was
In the hagels of au editor of a snag-
aaltw which monde itself remarkable
by grubbing In auclent garbage
lirep a sow raking up u fifty -year -oho
+atudl dlecrrdlted liter) against an u41
*laz rained public .,errant• but he
did tot rae*'ifi the name ut the mag-
i/slue. 11e promised If this alleged
.lewpetcb war printed to publish &
certified copy of the telegram tie
really did send.
The editor wt the National Review
explahu that he 1,1 the despatvli
(rem a civilian wh„ WW1 In L,ldy-
Moth *4 tit- time, an 1 ash, sold t5, re
was nothing secret about It. Ile as -
sluts ala, tire 44" understands thnt
both Lien. Buller and ern. White
414.1'. • fltcl'lity naked permission to
puWitei th • nuthurlhnl version, nl:d
tie cannot c.•nc.•Ive who Iwrmiwlon
hes teem wither.' (. The same IuG1rm-
:ult Biting an alleged expluaatlse of
the fact 15.1 (there W11/1100 co-opera-
tion bete ere tem. Buller and Gen.
WVi.it. during (h' bottle a Colette..
say', (:en. White was Internee/ that
the attack wail flied for December
1Tth bet Gen. Dn1ler c.mnoolcot the
attack December 15th. to the dlrmuy
.,f Gen, White, wh', had not comfort-
ed lila preparations.
Holland Has Done All She
Could for the Boers.
CANi4JIAN SERGEANT KILLED. Scenes of Wildest Revel in
London, oa. ilko• 4. -Juin Mere". M
addr.urtug lobs ousetitueate to -day
at Arbroath. etdd : "Tb" 6overumrst
ere aggravatlag the wreathe' mite
u41ef ted (hs situation to South Africa
b_ their management .ales rateofcamps.
ctekireei, mwmsure it ea you will, Is
uWeuuers, exceed e, and appulJug. The
policy .'f devastation has been ad-
mftteul to be a adetaake.
1 wonder what Lord Palmerston
.void.( have mei of Government jus-
tifying themseleee by saying that
Russia In ['ideate and Austri* In hser enol k
to Bee -
nut, ad d g like the
tome. The war has entirely cbanged
'u eilkaraa•ter, omit la drifting into a
war u( extermination of a people
fighting fur their ow■ land.
"The whey of unconditional ser -
render and eubm!W-,a means rxter-
menatloo and aaalhllatloo. The prop -
mit attitude of Nie GutcrumeOt F>
one of sullen desperation. There b
nothing wore° tit■ mettle la a bli0d
"Tile King will perh•►ps at' 00 4140-
tnnt date hove to seek other Mites
tent with a better lnslgkt and a more
tamed mind. Is facie of the daug.er-
.1ea end swamis). situation whk•k con-
fronts the e.wuntry"
A Forgery.
The Morning hostler. welch et Sul.
!KW !lig Genrrnl Hull.•.. decanree holt
the message pibleked It the NnIL,nal
Isetirw * n G.rgrry. It dolens to
keno that It is in no wise klenticnt
w llh t;cu. faller s hell 'gram.
A drepelce rem Cape 'Down nays a
full report of siert. (lir Itedecrs Bol -
510 eproe't at tke dinner of the
(liseen'a Went minister Volunteers 00
Oct. Kith h is r,rach.d here by mn11.
COmmentlne on for speech. the Argue
s.ay. It 1* unable to dlovoter nnything
in It that mcrltr.i tee punishment
meted out to General Buller by the
military authorities. Tho 1.101e0, rat
the uth.r band. defends the action of
the War Of:lee In removing r, 1
Ruler from the o:rmmnnd of the First
Army Corps and placing him on half
('.nsdlan Down 41110 Enteric.
Ott, we, Nov. 4.- .A cable lnemitge
rrecelre( by ter Governor-General to-
day annolncer that Trer.,:rr Oliver A.
'Legere. of the Syith .tirk•an ('0n-
staMlary, is dangerously 111 nt iCru-
gel•iwkorp (rem Petiole fever. Ills next
•.f kin le denies Imagers. of Ilol*teln,
O ntnrlo. ---
More (wyalry for Mouth Arrive.
Loudon, Nov. ;--Thr War Office
mat order. to Aldershot last night
directing that n bilged., of cavalry
too prepared to start kw iinoth Africa
.bout the middle of nett month.
Ilullrwd and the hoer star.
Iou.l..n. Not 4 -The lirus.cie
correepoodeot of the lime, etyr
Lr. Kuyper, the Dutch Premix, de-
clared In the t40eund Chamber uf
the elutes General yesterday that
the Gutsrnmeut heel done all it was
'.Wil to do to secure peace In douth
Betrayed Ileyep.lrb Riders.
(7ipe lleurt, K„t. 1.-.\ B,.rklr
West rebel, who cau.el the death
of two native despatch riders by
betraying their whereabouts to the
Been hits been sentenced to four
years' imprisonment amt to t'ay
fire of £500.
Rory Mpy Careered.
t'rvpe Town, Nov. 4.-A Ifo.e spy
was dlweover'tI yesterday trnvelling
on n !rein from Steemberg 10 ilitr-
ghers.lnrp. lin wore the uniform of
It••mingtotee fink'''*
A portion nl the trlegrnphie line
from (ape Town to I'ort F:Ilrateeth,
tet George, testator and Humans -
(tore ions teen damaged by the Boers
Feer Ilmadred Children vow Their
Jostler 1)1e.
New fork, Nov 5 -Death ,tele l one
Ilullowe'uo celebration taut night
tont) cast a .'iwlow over marry hontre
In Williamsburg, when Josrp(i Itemp-
-1eFr f) years okl, of No. Le) Newton
street. leader of a part,. of 0)4*-
bnPrnders, stumble( and fell lin-
age -Mer whet)w of n trolley. The
(neon 50.1.1 woe ■.*.rods in the prom -
owe of 401 children, whose screams
'.roused the neighborhood.
With several eompsn.ons of him own
nate, young Dempsey was celebrat-
ing Hallowe'en so only My, can
F-n,h youngster war armed with a
stocking filled with rour, aryl of
the panty, which numbered nboat
twenty, Ail save two woro masks
noel toil turned their coats Inside
1) 0.5007 wee the leader end his
mmptnloas followed him In tr*veral
rails through the nelghborhoo,I, In
Which flour was dietrlbutwl with a
trot handl. The boys, were per-
mitted to have their fun without re-
rlreInt, And It was at Its Wight
when one of "Joe's' eonrpanlons turn -
e.1 ns If to strike h1m with n stock-
serif. Pemberton lulled.
Ottnwek . Not. 4. -Another (etna-
dlan has offered up hi life In the
wart ice of the Empire. IUs Exeel-
l.'1..•y rece(te1 a despatch today
suiting that Sergt. J. E. Pemberton.
of the Canadian (trouts. was 'Oiled
to action on (tualay last at Ker+
pwasabrlcken. HI, 6hext of kin le
Prof. Pemberton. Of Halifax.
I'ab.t's Heal t ..d Other Places
Raided by Hoodoos. - Mau)
rred b>
Chairs eon Water - 1 he ('tools*
Scears at lee Pais-Amerlras.
About one tholimod of the 1::4,439
who were la attendance at the Pon -
American Exposition oo Saturday
w.,,. from Hamllteo, awl they saw
sights whic•It thrr *Ul nut lace for-
get. Farewell Day at the show, whsle
only the third 'urgent In the matter
of attendance, was the greatest in
tunny other respects
A Meet Programme of special at-
tractions Was carried out. The most
exciting of the scenes witnrssed in
the Stadium during the els le summer
nail a Siam battle bete eon 400 In-
.ibon. from the Indian t'..ogree+ noel
:1 large actaetiment of 1 lilted State*
110.1.0. The excitement at the clove
4450 intense. and thousands cheered
the sealers. The e4citem•'dt was too
much fur an ok3 man--J.time. Brume.
of Syracuse. His heart !.milli( him.
nod lir fell from the seat and died.
eine Annie Taylor, of Ntnglra Fill.
fame ht4t a rroeptiou on the eesplan-
Early In the afternoon the people
began t0 cut liken eltee louse. and
*s night came on the Immense crowd
knew no buun.te W the matter • of
deportment. The exposition build -
lege were closed (cleat( except ez-
hibitor. and employees. and title
proved to be a very wise precaution.
In a number „or the building* which
were kept open until S o'clock. the
crowd carried off everything that
wasn't nailed and lound to be move -
I able.
I ('row.' neem. Bolder.
In the Horticulture Building ap-
ples. pears and frusta of all kinds
Canadian Bee Train -Wreckers.
Pretoria, Nov. 4. -The .uecemes of
the pace four dnys have Accounted
for 25O Boers. The capture of seven-
teen train -wrecker* by (len W)1-
Ilame oohlmn ions efffpcte•1 ehlrfly
by Major Roes and the Carnelian
Scouts. who marked down the party
over night, and rnpturet Nome of
them nt the fleet .nrprire Others
were rimmed for awry miles swttll
they were caught. .1 large quan-
tity of dynnmitd wee found (a p,e-
seselon of the prisoners.
Today erne the annlver.ary of the
death of Prine) Christian Vletor, a.
Keane/on of the late Quern Vietorla.
Mane 1►renthw were pietist ow 5la
grave, inclnding one from Princes*
"nine the blow, Denmeey wtartod
ncno0rr F:ngert 1111r001, near Me
h•,nm. A enr of the ernhnm At01131
lino, rhyming at high alpeel, rattle hi
sIglrt at thin Moment, nil"l before
ltrmpoey's companion's could rfAIIUI
w'il't tone happ-ming hr (Iwai til pi1ed
plcnge.l headlong unoter the
w hreln.
The per was stropped as anon se
Memel., het the I*•1'11 head had boon
ssvPrsl ns with n knife The Iooty
0.04 remove' to an undertaking Pa-
lnhIishmwnt, follows! by four hlln-
dr4r1 phlldren. Ftebt.ment rein high,
1"'t there wan no demised ration
heftiest the motorman. Hie *remit
Iellsflwi the crowd-
,Owdyiews had become seek ea the
Midway tbat It bemuse.eeermary for
the Eleoutb,a guards to call in a
r-a-tnrurvesuent of city pollee Deere,.
elation and deslructtoo were carried
uc lou hlert In the port b M sy • ed
the police. (erode; a nyi cordon.
eareolanded the marauder., t failed
to repels, them before rel of
tbu Cuace.rk,0s were peed Int' de,
watched. The National Glass exhibit
wee badly beadles" Pabst's was at-
tacked fur • uro.rod time. l'leopatra's
Temple weer..( sad rat'0N-v any
of the other coaee.elon0 escaped
The officials estimate the damage
thole to be pe0.000 It le to be re
grrl10.1 that the Foto should have
genie out In a sa•aDef. of disorder. *s
(hr chasing verrm.00les were certainly
.1 a moot Im(reertve character
The One (wenn In the Temple .i(
Mute !las helm purchare.l by J N
►dame a wealthy Burial. mcn'h•nt,
few the city The announcement war
male at the farewell meeting in the
Pan-American Freak Weds a
Buffalo Youth.
Wise eke limed :'-Rostock* le Vt Ila
Alarm -it rid e Taken Freon Ilu,-
baadat Petal el Kctet%er- Legal
l'ruceedlags Threatemed.
Buffet.. N Y., Nov. 6.-.UItlemy 1'
Weseku.r. C1 years old, a musleuln.
of title city, was married at 1 43clock
ywtrntay luorneug to .\1('e 1'. EspleI
(11,.11. .:1 year* .1.1, and a Mexican
The latter escaped from n.me yigi
bent wettllters who were trying to
prevent her marriage, noel the entire
expeitien is relr'brttting the .tent
• Mies F.ph•W4141 4.•1-.1,111„ atom -n to
Ow w..rl1 11,14 summer a. ('hl.luttn.
1h • ,1.11 Loki.' She w -a0 ,',need, d
with one of the Ilidero .1104'0, r1111
f.•r Rao ertMing purpeeeto she watt
;tnn..unred ea touch older than she
ant I she was w11(01 shr *ail mnrr1••d
by Juliette, R.,chfunl at the (atter r
home uu Welker street.
Jur4Ice Rochford nes paid two viv-
ito to Mr. Bostock. C'hkisita's mea•
agar, and has attempted to-*xplttdn
why ho performed the aeremeny up
der nueh peculiar uuwatluns, why lir
marled & dwell .4 djubtful *Witty
t.. (revel without a guardian to
n mere boy.
The pulk•e ere investigating some
..f tho teeturee of the marriage
C'hk ulta to worth 1120.000 n year a•
an nt tree ,
Odd in her own name tont jrwele
valued at ntwut 535,000
('hlgnlle la I.:metretftema Alice 4;Pnln,
ern In Pinar the 'Ito Pr'since, tuba.
in 1869.
Hrr parents tune realde In Gundnl
for the n11x
taat twcIveyeara000
lt3 111111
get. •,n.1 five yearn et thnt time
her been under the management er
Frank C. 15ortoek. the animal king.
('h(qutta says that a note wee sent
to her to meet Woeekoer am "be rate
out of the passage from her show
btikftnli slw.rtly befdr, mktnight,
and wheti1 ah. gut there he took her
atrnlglt*e to the fence, where she
was mimed toter anti into a car-
Flw was naked where shr was go-
ing and dry toll her for a little
Second Attempi to Murder
farmer Lover Succeeds.
snot Molina. N 1 , Not. 6. -At .
.. clock this morning F'rtd.'rtck'tank-
eet gained adtutttaure to the house
of Wm. Green, who hoed ut tee 10''
and story of to house un Elisabeth
street. lie killed lireecu by shout-
ing him In the neck watt a retol-
ear and splltttug hie head epee with
a hatchet. Baakert 111110 shot Mre.
Omen and cut her bead open with
11e batch. t. lufl.cting fatal woum.td.
Rrnkort thou shot hlmsel( through
the heart. dying instantly.
r to
t au e
rtl t
krrt gained Ran
tireeu's apartments by cIunlMug up
:t rip' Leleire un the o*teide of the
building.. and catering the window.
t4• was 11 purer of Mn. Orren before
her merle/we. but file Ise.. wile 1111-
rt'qultt.d. For tile rear.'u he shut
lee on Nov. _:Ira. 1B'J3. awl rut
ler with n .ebur, but elle recovered
from her wounds. For this erste
ftattkert was scut to State prlwia.
and war released from tiler.. .about
elm moll tl01 ago. Toelai's tragedy
le the worst In the history of the
Mlnieler of Foreign Affairs for France. who is dealing with the Sultan.
('o.ld Not Lend.
i.onk,n, Nov. 4. -Thr German
steamer Hermit, whlneh was detain-
ed and .Parched by the British In
Montt. %fries. early In the war. which
remitted In her owner* making to
rueire'ssfte elnlm against Groat nrl-
t,ln, ton* 1 itrt reternel to Hamburg
with 6,000 centnir* of saltpetre,
.Welt tin Rritbh wowild not allow her
her to land In tenth Afrins, becalms
It was deadline(' to be n.eo1 In the
manufacture of exploolves for the
finer*. The consignee * factory had
been trIamfPrrP4I to Portng.nee ter-
ritory. hut thin feet wan not Allowed
to Interfere with the reeved of the
British to allow the material to be
Tuberculosis Germs From the
Human Affec; Beast,
New York, Nov. 6.-Porttiveeigna of
tulrwrculoets hero appenrrif tit the
row that was lnocnlalwl with germs
1ov Dr. (barge. f). Barney, of Brooklyn,
several dnys alto. Dr. Barney will
permit the algn:i to become more pro-
nounced, rind w111 then kin the cow
nit( hold an autopsy.
Dr Barney 1r now r'rt*tu that he
lien disproved Dr. Koch'34 theory- thnt
human tutt'reuk)NW nal bovine tubr-
ruk)0 * ere not Intere ',mminlrabl".
The cow was tnorulnte.t len (days ago.
fact Pertlirtly Wirt ft Weenie 4r...tewew
11 fever, *not now nil the known skein
of tub•r'ukods nre appnront In the
Il.r !tarn, In Print.
One of the body nelegnte4 nt the
Inurnellota' cnnferenee told nn nem" -
hot hit y tttnstr*ther the, nmblthen
which many perennial 1,ri0P to are their
mentos In print. Rhe wan engaging A
+errant, an i1-1115 girl, loot Penne that
her terms were nnnmmnliv high. "llnw
Is It:' rhe naked, "11Ln1 you want resell
high lenges 7' "Share, ma'am," was
the answer, given In a delightful
broga % " my na(oe's been In the
paper*." " In the paper. ! Whet .In
yeti moan r' "Share, 1 gave evidence
at an tngnent."-Olaegow Mall.
were taken ply the bushel. The Ja-
maica booth' was stripped clean. Co-
coanuts and cocoanut trees were
carried Off bodily.
The Alabama, IlfInoto, and other of
the decorated booties In the Agri-
culture Building* were .1Pspolled In
lees time than it taliee to tell. i'eo-
pde would watch the exhtbita for a
moment land theft rush. Attendants
were powerleim,.
in the Mbesourt booth wale a py-
ramid made of the finest broom-
corn. It cost COO and was destined
for the Charleston Exposition. Fif-
teen women swoxope.t down upon it,
arwl In half it minute nothing re-
in:tined but the hare board.
itatle were made on flower -beds.
stat In a short while hundreds of
beautiful palms were tore up by
the roots by men amt', women.
A• noon ns the gran., illumination
of the electric tower took place.
the crown Blade a rlmtr for the Mid-
way, which wan soon 45.• tmenr of
the willtent revels, and pandemonium
r.4gnMd ..prem..
• From (leek until 10 n'c10.•k the
dated woo ..gRal na ur s and took
all kinds of liberties with the show
people on the Midway. On account
of the din. the rplelers male no
the crowd
rhos dirt Pitted on a fleyele to (:et
New York, Nov. 6.-HPr hair ablaze,
Mrw. Louis Bird, of Summit nvenne,
I'lniufield, N. J., y'Nterday afternoon
deal's/ along W'ashingtbn avenue on
n 1Mycl0. She woe elnwely followed
by Mime Fnnni. MOM. the. dnnglitor
of E \1'ivkhnm Mille local manager
1d nos Goitre( States Etpresr (ons -
pen.. who ratted 'welly to her to
suite odd let her extinguish the
Moe. hint. however. kept on her
engorge. her evert upon the near.+t
heeding, n bknokentlth .5alo. Iteneh-
Ing the shop. she leaped from her
wheel, noel Joseph D. Carver, the
blacksmith. with the 14141 of MI..
Wile. smothered the flames In Mine
Mere hide Mot Blot, who wnl
badly Mems' About the fore and neek
fainted, and was taken to her hone
In earrfhge.tl
it 1w .ppnlwwi that n lighted cigar
nil cignrettr, thrown from n win-
e/et fire to her hat, which she
t off when elle felt the Il*mse,
Metalling the handle bar of her In-
07ele with one hand.
Engaged to Father of Boy She
Took Care of.
T.;geed toter la a idemk at Reck-
oner' AI* lei.
.A storm W rioting aortbward (rues
the Weet Iwtlles.
Ab (loan, the Cheerer aur, Ierer, *Ut
be hanged at Van.tmiter on Jas. 14.
Mr. Andrew Curtengie fume offered
ILI0000 towards a poetic library at
Th.• Italian newrpapere report 11101
King Edward will iree tine wlater at
Seta 11.1*4.
The rile llf the' Wuala..r Street Rat -
wuy b. the 1'.4orrtt-Muse Nyn.hoate
tons e'en oomplets.L
The :enmesh Ck*mbs•r 01 Deputies
!ser passe.( the bill prohibiting the
free o oinage of silver.
A berme oI c.rrtabulary broke up a
(tilled Irish League desentetraMew at
KII.*I le, 001101 t Mayo.
Tbr total coat (or the rutt..l.tea'e
of time United elates artny .Infant
the fiscal year was 6156eid,1:a.
The foot p eitag' stamp beast tg the
portrait ,•t King litwurd baa been W.'
.01111d by the (ik,*oriiwrnt a Victoria.
James 1' Kruurrly, .one of the or-
gauls: r and n director of the Am-
erican 1(rittgr t'olnpa.U. Youngvtuwn,
to dead.
spr'ngft, 1,1, Oise., No' 5 -The man.
friend.. 01 J. stark 1\'a%ne. 14:e re-
tired capitalist of Southern OhL.. and
Mies Deese. [forward. a train,d nurse
of the Jewlsli Hospital elude of 14493,
*oh b- wsrprtrr.l gild please.) to hese
that they are engage&. Mr. Wayne
humeri( tine catfirgiett the rumor
Mier Bonnard and Mr. Wayne float
poet last (alp, whlul she acted as a
uurre to hu )o014 eon. T.•d.ly, who
woo, ill at the Alms hotel. where
the Wn a1s made their winter home.
The young woman. who is of a 1"061
aleinbk' dbpsielott. wen the heart
of the father by the lovittg.-.tr.' that
rhe bestowed oo the orphan boy. The
affection of the elder Way no *44, re-
turned, and the engagement le the
The date of the marriage tilts not
boo set. hitt it will take place In
Toronto. at the home of Mimi lkal-
garit'e brother. The groom is.n na-
tive Kentuckian, and woo fort/1011y
of the tobacco firm of Wayne d !tat-
termann. The bride is living in To-
ronto. where her brother Ir connect-
ed with Ihtn'r Commercial Atfescy•
Mimi Bongnnl'a native town Is Mas-
clowter. (l..t,sriu ('osnty. Fromthere
n crura,• in the Jew'Irli IG..pltal, gra-
dilating 411n high hotter..
At *upper they gave her a little
wine to drink, and slut seys that she
hardly knew wlat was going on Aril
464 not care very much. no .h'trust-
e1 Tony perfectly.
The party drote to the holes of
Justice Itochlottl, No. 6t Welker
street, where the marriage was
Meanwhile nt Rostock's there was
dire affright, anti great nlarm. The
timid hat discovered Chit -villa was not
In her place with the children Mr.
Bootock tearing an Accident had W-
ellies her. or that *he been kid-
napfor her jewels, many of which
she had on, organized the employees
of the place in three gringo. One
searched the premixes, another
'scoured the grounds. and n third went
•Malde the grouse's. Both city and
towers toy
Exposition police w
••I'hoebe," who 1s
name. went net the
Kate hound drown town. alter linving
110011nbmt the ground+. and there
het .raw- the. boy (V•.ckn.•r And the
two men mentioned. They lied .4.111Ptr
hack to the gate and being unable
to flet in lied decided to take a car
amen town. Potter.. did not 11ee
l'hlquitn till he 191411' char 10 the
01004•. Tho Oren were holding her
between them with the bey in front.
She Iran crying.
Powers (drew n -evolver, anti tee -
Prime the party, (emptier' Woockuer
to giro over the little womoin. rind
picking her rip. rerrie.' her bark to
Ros tork'r.
She wnN gnnr.twl the rest of the
night. There veer. kitten* eerpus pro-
ceeding',Vtr.ntened nett tiny, tilt
Mr. fl o.tnrk. nn being informed by
("Lignite what hal occurred, sell
timelier to nil llier that he Intended
to ppr»nt
W'oo•ilfee 17 AWAIT 11t a DTI twin, WOO
nortnallc tieveh ail. HI. bride Is n
little over two feet tnll.
attempt to iwarrnngnr .
A genet many of the Omen were
thrown open, ndm it:eon free, and In
many otherm the crowd knocked gown
ticket taken and rushed In. Up
nn41 down the Highway of hilarity
tin crowd worked Ito way for hour.,
's0 me blowing horns. tenring down
ntgnn, and throwing confetti, of
sentcto nearly everybody hua
age. The fine cut colored paper
flew In nil dire:tlon0 It MAN an-
kle deep on the Mklwny.
M most of the Hamilton people
desired to return home Saturday
night, they lied to IP/SIP the grotmle
to eaten their trains. Vow 11f them.
wbtneesed the IRwleosneo* which
followed later In the night.
Wks at a lieatesaeaat.
About 10 o'el oek a rough honor, woo
ruedo ont of Paled on-tbe-Midway.
The reatanrnnt wen wrecked, fifty
people mere or leasee Infers', and the
merle of plot wet going la the Mid-
way crowd* rr.olted M rowdy(*m
which drove the hrttrr .IMM of
people from the groan•* The mob
whip') wrecked the ilk ref, WAS
(Wren from the banding by a hose
to the hnndw of A tltonghtfel welter.
113 terns; nn the enter And soaked
the erowd on every heed. ntending
•t*nntlre* Amid a .hewer of chairs,
ebonies. Mirka aril bottle*
r At t! o'clock yeat.rday morning
Nearly $2,000,000 to be
Distributed This Month.
Mr. Finley li Mae llarmlel M I' I' .
was renominated for the Legislative
.\s.elnbly by the eonwertatioeo ut
Voest Elgin.
A conflagration 1s reported at
FoioutowO. Pu. Two bloeke novo
been deetro.e.t, entailing it low. of
at least 11_90.000.
July Morgan. of tan Francisco, has
µ40++.'d her examination with honors
la the architectural wectlol of the
School of Fate Arts. Paris.
Chemin* new breathing .p't.
Weitlaley Park. bar an area of i0
roma, an •rtlftcial hi11, a wading
road amt a ewim01ag pond.
Ree. W. R. Calder, one of the gist
lag 1'nvbyterlan allshttere a (ripe
Breton. bate been suspended from the
m►nietry fur unheaeumlag conduct.
A epechal .lure. .1f inetructi*e1 fed
cavalry otflcers will b.• etmlmena�t
at Stauley ttarrache. Toronto, oa Nov.
11th., and ruotluue fur six days.
The ammeters' Gas Cues hey r
pwepnred to offer the city of Toronto
r.ekeotkrn In the trot r. of gas to 80
chits as a sAlleeneat of the tamest,.
The armada correspondent of the
Timm says the scheme to boycott
British (')01010000 Ilan failed Igastm-
inlonsly w far as Belgium lm ata -
The mem' lens of )1, Stoodj a acne,
;tt Terreta.ine, the largest manufac-
turers of agricultural lntplementl In
tloebe Provltw'e, have struck wawk
Moamar, of a chrutgn of for,mea.
Since the outbreak of ''smallpox to
Ottawa 73 cases tare' develop•rt, no-
.•onting to the stet lstice In the Health
l,rptetment. At present the patients
1110104' 4re,tmel,t number about 50.
The Seeress mowed In the Easiert - •
1'tv4lucee of (muerte by the failure of
Montrone 0.( 3E -This Is the tlmr
of your when a got.( number of'winh-
ing OOautlnlew ant a few- local indus-
trial concerns are bantling over to
their shareholders their quarterly •lid
half-yetrly dlvldends. A' few of the
banks have already' sent out the 41t1-
.Mmd cesium, het meet of them w111
be fortbeotntng about the middle of
All told the .hnreholders will be
62,204,84)3 richer when all is pail.
The brinks are now busy preparing to
pay the greater part of tint amount.
The Montrerl Street Railway Com -
Will)" pays out $150.08) t,.morrow.
The htlf-yearly bank dltldends are
ns follow. : -
Mo.ttrertl, per cent. 1600.000
Merchant*, R'f per cent. 210,(10)
Hcelleinga, 3ti per cent. '52,500
l'ommerce. Rtt per (Pint . 250,0)0
Imprrtnl, :' per cent.
T,.r.rIto, 1 per oent.
0Mterl o, 214 per cent.
Traders, 44 per cent.
Hnmtltoml, b per cent.
Ottawa, 4t4 per pent.
("whim. 3 per cent.
National. 1 per.cent.
1/01111U1 00, quarterly. 2% per
oent. .. . 61.000
Total --- .1H,S:2,868
= Ametrallee Tariff 8111 St,tad..
Melbourne, Nov. •'.-After a con -
Unmet" sitting of 27 houre, thw Ent-
eral House of IUpresentative/1 re-
jected, by a vats of 89 to 25, a re-
enlution of no cnnfkle nee In mho Gov-
ernment, Introduced by Mr. Reid, the
Opposition lender,. In connection
the tnrltt Mil �P
the crops 11 so severe that theOle
tlorltles have forbkllett the news-
papers to publish any ante offrt•)
Fenrrthgttnkw were felt in maayt
Ito citl.w, hclisdIog Fyw•sala,
410.041. Relegnn, Verou:t. Brescia and
1 e
at (intimate. where several hewers
were damaged.
Tho returns reel Iord by the t'aoa-
.1t:G1 1'laetflr Italia ay slow that near-
ly 9,0('0.00(1 hu'sLris of wheat have
been marketed so far this year,
agnln.t 1,500.(01 during the mint'
perked last ;year.
J,.11n Patrick Parnell (ahel, a ((tr-
ifler basebolt delayer familiarly known
I,s **WitlItP Wings," and the original
-Casey" of "1',uey at the but," M
elated, at I'leuaantclo _1aL.His denten
ens title to centelmptlon.
At the i'nn-Amrrlctt.n I0ullr7 5.1-
111111kw1 Ontnrlo entered 1.015 bird's
and the felted Mtn t,w 1,1/110 Mrd.,
and 4)ntnrlr. won 61.1(1) In erten and
the (rated States 61._111). In n,ktltion
Otitart 4 won silver caps 111 the Moe re
stn k.w,
('nptnin 4. 11 Mandy, r.crntly con -
4h.1..1 -of .avitrdling lir. J. F•Igene
t iuMhVI, tit Nt•nt11.', out of $4.110) In
the sole of the odd steamer Prof.
Mn.'*'. and sentenced to two .ears
in the penitPutter.. 1134 ...raped front
the' MI.erlft.
Thr Outbreak of twtb.lue plague nt
I.Iverp, .1 hne been travel to to polite,.
men who watt an ntt.'etlant at the
Princeton leek Mertnnry, noel who Is
iu lh'. ktla})JNiI. :%t tic. hr'use where'
ton kolged two eltihirntl have .dad from
the (lissome bluer his remove( to time
Tho Offlc111 f;neette p'hlisl00 a de
Bial of the statement that King E.t-
wart le suffering from cancer. and
da'laree untrue the report that spec
inti+!* were Iu ronmsbtatkon regtonl-
ing him during hitt recent 0.I.It 5.
I )ren n1A rk.
The c.nitrncl for the c,rnatructlon
def the msnnmcnt nt Ot Lawn to the
Ottawa .'LILTt who hell in Beath
Afrlo:s has been awarded to Mr. Ham-
ilton MneCnrthy, the /wretrant price
icing 63,000; ,04rslsat
*r' John*( for63this1 obwajects In 10.15.81hr
Prof. %Innis. L. Moore, chief of the
W*.htngtoll weather bureau, and hie
sasistnote oomhat tise theory of
r•fncney of Mooting no a means of
deetroytng hall *corn's, nett my none
of the reports n( .tperlmente in
Europe line Milken their opposition.
The annonneement in and' that
the four steam canal boats end flf-
Theo offk'5.1 wits ,maks) what would(
inpp.en 111110 Torkielt nnthortt)es re-
ati*tat1. nn1i lie replied: That Is a
ter], unlikely eonttngettgy. (tort If It
teen consorts, wh!olt hnvr bora erred i snppewe we ■hall have
pl.ing between New York and ('leve- (0 bomlonrd the port. But we do
hetet via the. Erie Owned and i.alta not want blood.,ltetL and I do not
Erle are to be rut top Am1 shipped to believe there will be any occasion
the Philippines. for it to cern..
Cold Settles on the Kidneys
Deep-seated Kidney Disease se 011en the Result of a Neglected Cold -Then
Come Creat Sufferings From Lumbago and Backache.
Few people realize what a vast proportion of serious illnesses arittet from cold settling on some delicate
organ of the body. The kidneys and liver, an well as the lungs, ore very easily affected by sudden changes
of temperature, and the malts are often surld.nl_r fatal. It is a common experience with farmers, teamsters,
railroad men and laborers to have a cold settle 011 the kidneys and throw those organs.aa well u the whole di-
gestive system, out of order. There are usually b.ekaehe, pains in the sites and limbs, deposits in the urine,
pain and scalding with urination and irregularity of the trowels. -
Dr. Chase's Kid•ney-Liver Pills
Bo many thousands of case* of aerioue kidney disease have been cared by Dr. Chaae's Kidney-LIM
Pills that they have come to be cenaitlered an absolute cure for al', kidney derangenlenta. They aro purely
vegetable in composition, prompt and pleasant in action, and thor'ol h and far-renehing in their effects. They
are endorsed by doctors, lawyerq ministers and others, and are beroild d )ttbl the ala efficacious treatment
obtainable for di0e0,414 of the kidneys and liver. 0.10 oill a doss ; 25 OSOts a b.,s ; at all desire se
E/Imkaneon, Bases & Co., Toronto.