HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-7, Page 6MON$O Ins impatience twiner by fullowiug I guff tunes ut Sou. one 0f the terms kiln Igatrtlee elm wadi nlrakl of Iwr hue/baud; the terrible leek uu het' fats she ascribed to re - 1 twinge, end. While /her lwrrur grew greater with every tu,meut of I h,l pEctier-huunterurprnee, it war leir- nor metaled %title luvuluutary rwpw•et her it strong linters. In *tin. db • laid site rigidly listening fur route 11(sgieits, when her intent ears 2111110 heard the right sound of the opening of a door above. nod her lusb►nd'r Mow footrtellr along for pusr.tge up- - Matra. • Geraldine 1' lit called. Tete kitchen their opened at the mw m.•ut that lWnahUnn stepped luto the towage. Mrs. t'orbyu appwared, nue :u.lt•.1 timidly if anybody called. Ire antI %e• 1t2.it oluiwtlyUy w mgyto taIuwsw-1ptuuidneceails.llisnentane hpa,,rraU)mwthal,'otattbeaupo,ftateilnble•Muererrrlmiru'e w(ceiwwWs - turu.vL and whispery 1 into the lady's (sir. with aurr•ryUtiuur wtgernews-- " Don't take ou ell. omelet; and tkon't be 4,o lwnl to I(m, or you'll b• merry afterward -indeed you will 1" Then atm hurried bark. 'Into the kit•hcn. IeatInt; (:eraldtne bewildered nod aplrr•h.•usl%e as rhe went up the Yea irenee. Hes- husband. who wee standing at a clamor with hie fingers upon tier handle, ,sell, in a low coke -- "Oen you hear a sight which will le at terrible ediick to you? Can 3141 tear it quietly, I neon, awl toeep your rats and moat* till by and by. " "Yen" &newered ei.ralttlne cuddly, braced by the hareili 1101 sneering "Very well ; tluat l+ a promIse-re- umember 1" aid he (pined the deer, and led the way Into a email, hnw- twtleed bedroom. on the painted wood- en drewrfng-table of which war a tal- hm candle, He algoed to her to pear into the ru on. and, when oboe te the dress- iog-table,she turntite she saw that. on the bag, uaehogany. curtained bPd- etead behind the dour something. cov- ered over by a sheet. was lylog. leer husband watched her ; but she kept her word. A aburtder sheet her from head to five ; but rhe did not utter a i,4isl. As west ar.thle c sl- vulalon of her limbs War Iiwt. she adv.uteeel to Ow wide of the bed, nod, b fere her Bachand retie] prevent it. lifted the sheet oi} the head et the figure. Then. after one look at the utle face, the replaced the sheet' with eteady heads and turned awey. "Now I am rattly to too," Mee raid, quietly ; amt they left tate room to- gether. o- g4•tlwr. "Will you tell ale all about It tow?" eh, asked. with the mute frigid meekneer, as saws_ as they were outside. "Nast new ; 1 have something to ray to Mors. Cerbyn. There are weet:eine and fun•'ril arrangements t, be awoke. apt 1 went speak to her alenet them. I whet you to return I. iu..with m' at. time." • els. twgun -t, tremble ag iln, am he eel 1 thew words in a neatter•of-fs.T tow. which jarred up in her horribly. '•.1h,' he contented. dryly.' I gueemed tow wretch your vows of etern.i t sub- tle/anew, tt-T onty let you iter-tttm. mace or cbwaii, -were worth-+'' '• No, Philip, yeti new inartaken, t .will keep me wort : I will never oppose on again. I will whey you eke A./slave. What els • can 140? I have nothing elan t. Ilse fur now." 1m w t e Prx mn•keewn to her tips, and. printing a cold klieg of obedienoe ou her husband's Inger*. went tkwtlstier. line out of farm -house with •nt nnother word. Wan Mirthem Martel forward left him. but restrained him - a. wan on the went of crying •tui. to2,lt.•r. elle Ie(ete") over the bnl- asterx el the kM ling an 1 watched Iter to ou of the home; then, with a sigh lwavy with Tit: w1i 1e weight of the standee surra 22 mart cern bear. he went xlowly to the rear where Jams O way was lying. Genie, sweet h, rel:' l ebb IIHllt•loted Memnon on the l.tele net u teethe to 1•HJ •y it, there is n' 1.114•14 I kw home 10444++46444444++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++4444.4.14. 1-GERALDINE'S FORTUNES I44,444444444+++.1444+++444.14444444444.4444•44•4•44. •''oiw-Lhuig %tory awl has happened; I errr)' point. Are yetis net, go.ug to (heel 'r iso mot of one Oe•n,int2 that. olrsy, 1puret�thb queetlun as ►be ethane- tutees'. dvnnr tau•aw. Butt what it it and flow It 1 2.I sill farther into the room hear- t mewl )Ent will (11(4.01 learn from-, tag ever) word. but occupied at the wit lair that call tell you more it ordered In examining the tee- ale e ,ale its and tell it tatter (Wmj'kts eruusd her. Ar his we 1 I I et sharply spoken wort*fell on tier "gels do you isevui! Thin -leer n.re. eM passed IOU ami went rowel ohm op l 111 n tell ' the table toward the window, looking happened do year aouwe w• u, ,t the curtain on the their and ttheutemreIt than „veil 7" - f Alen chair. She turned to reply t2., lu•r hushnnd. Nu, she said firmly. ^You have taunted me with pearled eleellente. and you have' cured me of it. I shall not go away until I have learned wlutt has hnpliettl•1 here this after- . r e1." "1 have tete y(n already that nn turkk,tlt has happened." "Ib you thunk that will battery me I,o you caped due to go away sail. hag and cont•nt.••I with that essur- ,uuW' lb you think that,If you had 10%(11 a person anal propel for hila Wade not day for years. you could hear calmly from the Ilpe of 1.1e tle- ch.rt,.l enemy' that he lute met with n.1 *evident, and ask nothing here'.' 1tut do you hope that 1 rlotll - bow ) lead meekly and go without ao- ar worel. lust because you are my Ira M' There are limits toe there's end mer, anti there are limits t.. a Ile's! YOUr must 'satisfy nw blare- go." Slew white and trembling with e.eaflieting ressior0 of mime. ter - 1,•r. anti deepulr. as she stool by the table it Mort .ilxtanee tom him, sob- iit wide* which from seareely audible. awl); tap in his chair her. L 1'etpre•t n10'11 1 that you Ilmi4a to ell they are temeerenne mean IiM- ln' . Mee yarn think you elle in a ire ant hurry to eharge. tae wit avinfe Male away with this proton dams Otway 7 11eavr11 an 1 earth ',uldu't louver.' In ,vrnyinoin- 1111 "I'.tptaln rlrut wax here, tem ma'am, a2. ) haps you know, and it le kis wish that we Mould leave the telling of 1 to flim. Won't you please let me 11 you hate hence, ma'am? 1 proms cue the eaptel11 won't teep you ha spensr• hog.' -Where 1s he ?" "In the parlor op speaking to 1)r. ('none" ".111, Unwise hie gone . 1 met him ,d 1 demo In." She 0tiseetill, ns if fur n indene It the 1111.1 lent 1114 mem- ire of w1we. she Dam (w• w t s1i W11111ed W do. Then site drew •\"her- self suddenly mecca. the saying 4uk kly "I will go and Apootk to n» limbo, 1." hurried out of the room. The farmer 1141.1 his wife hooked a 'each other apprehensively. John.' .least the latter, deci►1ve- 10. ")ow might to have let raw tell her. t tb+ way the captain 'will telt it it'll .latter the Io,ur thing's wile." ter mut for 12.1 W come jtetween 144 MI a1141 wife, lane. The cap taiu Pham his ands t., wine and he r•guliL 4., kunw hid awn Mistime best. And. right or wrong, he meet lave his w -ay anew•." - "Oh Jotin, went does it 1110110 7 Tow know merit than Yee'll way. and Ton .,eglit W lee your wife knew trio. You knew very III can keep a secret. 1% hat did th eaptaIrI any to you. when be Palle roe Into the parlor, after we 'motel e_kbtol v oaf, and Mater _Lmee e v oatr _ "He sa11. •1t the Wfnt0lt.. lass. ,11.1 set a fl example which I mean t0 fellow." -Well, 11 d rk.wnrigtl unkind 24 you. Jelin. and it'll only i eke Ute FPt m) wits te find out el t I want t, know another way." :"rr.ke filo a worsen . enterer. cou won't have 4o watt ' .g; it'll rill evorne evit won enough ,w. Yeo, if yeti's' wive, you'll- Ju.t bee your tonged• ellent a 11111e• while least what )ott •k, know ; It's the burse )awl can do for Ulu (tiringh m "elk. wh-, 11a044 always leen kl•d friee,* to n.. -frons old Sir Ja team Mime -tluL-atas$-man .aW1 wife. What del Dr. Creel. say when yen ran 14. (reef Ido 7" •'He dwindle /rill anything; he Judd nodded and (sold. 'At Mat!' am if be --waw quite ;:1041 W being sent for to people that had been shot. Ile krerwx all about title mystery, the (teeter ea.., or Ie'd never lustre contr each iI,y sitting for sit long talking W Meister James rafter he'd got quite round. Hut of course he didn't let anything out W me." No, lie's m mnrried man. lass, anti Ire learned discretion this many it ) ear." - Airs. Corbyn was tee mach accus- tomed to this sort 11,1 P ley gibing at her diet on the part of her lumbered %sial 100 Well aware hew much It wax worth. to slow 1110 leadit resentment. mewing (11 it the smPWhat surly tone to wheel, he had prtalneel hie eli.,re of the talk:wai sine, net to 111 - temper, but to hie inability to find adequate moans of expression ter the -0Rricf and sympathy be sauteed In *Main degree with herself oyer the misfortunes of the WaringlIum house hold, she let the conversation drop; nett, hating dried ler eyes, sLeehe- 1Pne11 intently, ander cover of being luay with her needlework, to the faint sound of voices which reached • the kitchen from timo to time from the parlor nn the opposite Olde Of the Nom: Ceralulne had entered the room �11inay, fled etusee the--ddor-b'httw ler, and then X100.1 kis front of It without ndl1ncing farther. her eyes. fired upon her Muth oat as if open ,come. inject of unutter 1b11 horror. 11^ wnn totting In n leorrekeir-.:0r- e red ❑rm-«lair by the high old -fame - toned tweet IPE, :nccre the neglected fir.' wadi dimly burning. The room wadi in disorder • the table whirl) emntuler stool in the middle had. teen l,11111P11 tigo1nrt the 00(14, the cush- ioms and anthmaennsuri of which lad been dragged (n to the floor. One 14f the wlndio% -curet Ins had ham turn •I.nwn and it canner e,verturned. A tonal' Image, the wick turned rep tow high, wits flaring ten the treble. Week - ening the gimes with xm.rko and fill- ing the small rear with n xtrcrng smell .of oil. Hnl Captain Iterrlxen pate 1114 attention t, it. If Geraldine had not entered with her mind absorbed la 0110 horrible te, 11141'04014 Idng oat the ,,e1 turned to he "Iktit't imagine th from you on the are my wife. There a that you are a netennhur 111, nigh 1hr 'woof* were 1,101 f.o.gle: yet now, when I 21111 111. 1 ellen wave )4 r‘114141.l1141 seek cat ermine fee 'Yet 0144404014 TM Of advantage my prowl petition of eur hallo/el •givett toe?" mho welt no -attention -tri hew; itt. niter griming about in the ft •bie rglit of Ike mocking 12tmp, piekee up the everturnint t he net t moffte it 1. feeling t lett ner 11 0,1 was wet, Ow hehi it tip 10 tin, lig 1. and utteree a Viet!! ottriek rhe w the dark -red elide mon it. She II dkma urea her knees. stabbing li a child, shaking like a lief, utter broken there and re - able pleating,. ;et toe tee dant oval trio: I aus W.II teeter contrail you again if yuu wi este/died? Isn't my topielt ineieen menu/hi YOu then treat 'inte tut ytitr dict•-juet as pee say a liu band hely treat las Wife-negieet me 'aerate InUat -0 besiten. my heart Its Ilk - au 1 I 410111 1110 at, your 14•et if 'you co, WIC dile could sec only illuey, thrtmg her fust -flowing trues, the late of 1,114. 1111114 see was pleading; elle 1041 to Wait. for tilt, .0.mt or hi. wield buteeesful, All her energy :teemed amelenty mew; 412 del -Vet ote ter to her 1.0 neltftth the house. to W0014414 whether it wali-Jamem W110111 44110 had Well 111 the lane • ehe toted to nothing Me sub heeplewly, erushea at. home after tax menthe of MIA- prilne 11111 misery on Recount tyly her (Al playfellow. by the mysterialle W 11101 111111 'befallen him. There waft Pileup*, when gibe had finithed ...peaking. She mattinued to imb bitter- ly. while her huebteel for some two- mente snit! nothing. At luit she got iiie with tin Impeller. of energy. and moped her yray, still crying. tdevari t lin door. "Where nee you going ?" naked her husband, In a learn° vette. "I am going to find him. Since yoe emit help me, I'll flat a better IMO 111111. CC111111 Noe, and wait she levitated nnd her itemband. was ntateling. lakl Ids ham' gently en- ough do her arm and led her te the nearest chair. "stny here, and I'll come nnd fetch you." Something tunnelled In the tone of Ian tielce male her look no; awl the Hight of his (nee me lie stooped to my lime woe* close lwr onr, froze led•k her leant 111141 appalled her. She het 1104411 elm angry often enough, dile. hal morn lilm htirt by her own coldness ; init she had prver before •Pen him Mee brawled by the. ant -age ngony which marked it now. For ono moment it touched her ; she imetinetitely threw mit her right lintel iletnin him, tient Ow might dpseditien him mympetheti- ca ily. The et premien of lie sensi- the 1111100 moment lit•r ryes fell noon tedi elide dale atienved on ter hand, and, Willedrstwing it anIckly, ehrnnk have to herielf with ehorkter; end then *he heard one r141 he livened the thew reel left her Pliond-TrafeitieT Wattling helot ne hit very skrierly sweetie' the stairs nee whe tinned nine teen it dew above; hut, ars the roams 110 enter- ed win not letteedlat•ly ()ter her hertdi, elle weed distinguish no for thee 1116101. tild not attempt to Manlier Mtn and 'satisfy her Imre tgivere.: one 'Philip. ell me where be is Ila ve some pity 71.1t1 or resist vo pit y on wit te MoronMoronnn excU lau►uun from Johrr at and it few authoritative words 1 rage tb.. ikict.,r. Thew She heartland wutsrrtar'rt. " l'aretully, . carefully a little the left !" Ami she heard the tramp e,( IUea rr feet ut the pauige. They were bringing wanethleg 111 11 Waw u IM utility night, sal a toe rail War faJlbyt , but It wits 12.41 toe, dark for her to find 1144r Way ac rota th r lawn fwd through th.. rim garden into th • grass walk. 11 was lot until (11 •u, wh+et she fend homer shut- In between tb, two h gli walls of ever r• gciw, alone in the ietrkuewt and 110 11llrn•1u ce Chit a rtr• 01 therIrk mita waw ruitnieg tole.'-••1Ir tout h•1 her im- agination. and suede ber start at s tient nomad of the wind uuo:ag thetee , round the ledden pod 00 her 1441 h mid. Rh -drew near to the green, Minty curette of the water, aid at that eminentunent tbn dial wh'ch heti (kirk - rued 111•• fare of th- Moon painted. the black expanse before her grew more defined, lead out of the base which hung star Q.! water Ot•rlltline w+rmed to w•• n figure rine up with haggard foot, anti staring Eyre, mud imemwd W 11 w a vuh,e calling her by name. With a cry. *he *braid' bink amasseramasser th • treadand crept out shuddering th, grass 1.1111. .100.1 which rhe ran like it deer.- Falls sb:• would riot tura back. Gimlet'ouGimlet'It required all h 2.r tevrnge to face the *exeunt int' path throu_h the 01x01 1111d for b..r eft•r the seek that tiw terrible potoni had glgivenher ; for; th,.gth the video had been dim, and the cry a faint raid oe ghtiy cry, yet it seemed totter that the figure eau Jamtlri (LINO ane the voice James' y(kee ; 001 a raid to herself that at that naotneat he had died. Ale reached itebert Davis' eit- her, leaking scarcely alive, wo white nm1 weak wee slue when) old Mrs. edited epergne etas donne dull foiled her *tieing againot the st'tc of the porch. Her errand wawa vain taw, after all, for Robot was out on his rouwts; se. tenting the reewe.ge that he war to cu er- Irp to the Hell in the meriting, diol to add to we her, ehr returned. As elm enterer' the dining room. eh -hen r 1 sobs tine hysterical ooriel/nml a t• filer Ut xr of volone; e (hoer was oxen ,tit! :n the inner non beyond was n snare. of excited, frightened nutter, in tate wide of whom rlatex)Johnruu. armed with some kind of n� tiier%iceable 14%411414%4114tirwirm, looking very v.aliai$i Elleale•t!i wee gnemtlon- lag the cock In a sherd %tdce ; Mea- nie(Mea- nie(wee murrina „o the upper flight of the stater/use, listening to the tu- mult below. rupp•rtrl by Aurelio and di the elder lathed? reseal. 14 (aklinr's appearance wee greet- ed by a oboe* of ahrielet. "Where have yea 'went Aurelle mkt you were In pour r o,and that you had locked the doer and witted sot open 1t," mid Elisabeth. in n sharper voice than ever. "I have only hetet us th.;arden for • few minntsa. What is all tide evene about f"rt Two or three account.. were of- fered at once. till unintelligible. Elisa- beth ernench.thtwrnor ttbst:-- - •'They tiny there tyre thieves in the house. Martha wan R 4• uing VI 111 the beck ricer for tate night, when, opening it to lock out, three linen ran in {wast her -s'• 21110 says-knnoking 10 PALE YOUNG GIRLS. How They May Gain Bright Eyettand Rosy Cheeks. It was nine iecteck that evening before Captain Morrison returned to the Hnii. Dinner Woe kept back. and thi•u hurried over en mimeo* and fitful attempte en the 'part of Oer- reline anti of Mien Elisabeth, Who guessed that something serieus had /IA if the nedenee of the ma• - ter of the haute was a trifling' Reel - tie nt leraldine I dared not speak Of James death until the had learned the details of It. elm Wan very white, heavy eyed, awl tintless; bet the wan ne tenger tearful; and the' terrible elimnx to th. nontery of I rev, menthe route! her able. t41 bear up Under the leave and the mystery n( it with the Palm dignity Itepired in a strung When the *elm went into the drawing rem, Geraldine tried to oc- c•upy itendelf with HOMO fancy work. letting by tbe ite1e of Mts. Meanie, who, contrary to her amid practice Jten any alight dititurbance of the evectiold mettne took place, bed very few comments on Ca.ptaln lesne almenee, awl had been tint neent dining dinner. Hut !low weula text reit on her sofa; *he felgeted. the etched, ehe tattered dime/m.4.01ns little means, and at nee raised hernelf on her elbows awl emote otrt In her thin, weak eines- "t ter Orem, know how you about this; bat I em very uncomfort. abbe tine If rapt n Morriem were my henhand, I sleet knoinf Winne n▪ erer Mettle/It/Prate and, atever of on thp IIP hal ever hefore been re inernmelerate roe to keep us vralthic for dinner re tOZODONT Ts•th Fwd.. 25. meint *peak. 1 don't nd Elisabeth feel I thlnIt he lento He has never yott know. Inciter ale It .m been something Altogether wro ((bout this housahoti lattIll; 1- have nothing nbont it mall now: nal now T tenet 'Mire rt preeerisitlIPITt mend nnt In renrch et entente therfes The young lady row anti tried with trembling fingers to rare.. the old I ely Into calmness. ' Yon need nnt be alarrond for him, Aunt limner. Whoever mAy he in danger, ynn mny he ewe he will re- ture nifely." the maid, bitterly. Hut the black eyee remnIned fermi iipon her piercingly. "0 fieroldIne, you nrr too linr,1 1" told thn crone -like creature, cement- Iy. "Eta your humbler). nnd lin has been untinppy lately -I hare men it. Trill ought to be kind to elm wlint. ever lin her done." Cie Ode*, tonehed by this strny shot. left the old truly in retentive nt h." WI)fort hal collet lip le ow Tommy wife's face. She wnliceti to thn end of ten room fled evened the piano; but ▪ had rettretey ntruck the first notes of an eel pieta knew by heart kW' 141111441 the entrant* her 'Heger« feat Idly fel thI1 7411 1 1 Ilia -el to the butler -di foritetepm One of the in.•11 was seen by the cook. wile ran out of the servants' hall Ott bearing Marthnea creme Hut Ogey eon not 111 r 0111111 :111 %Ilene. and ide ••544/ 1 Millfll141 111/11k." said Geraldine, three tutor, to clear liere••If in leer own ryeA from the charge of letting her iniagieutt ion run nway with bee "'Davie story ham turstaliarery- body's la -ad -Hove you 11ParPhP4 he.. Meow. Johnnie ?" -Yee, unt'am. l'te 100110.1 every' Where, awl I roan feet no tram of "Alt so 1 extmeted 1. Anil I eau trust your Pelee/we Mrs Marsden, Martha. I um inclined to think Jo or one of the dtablemen must have played yen a trick. I think you may ell go to 1164,11 14 pence." Then. turning to Johneson-'•Pyritaps Tho- mas haul b•tter *rep awe" staled to - "Not he, inn'em. Dot retiree -ire might dame on hie bed and he'd never wale, up. I'll *pep down -stair'', to., ma'am, an 1 my ohl pare eel ess 301W1If 11.1110 mixed *tette a troop i4 Then ilerabline bele geol-night ti, tho leg del net at onee follow them upotnies. As Imam a• she homed the kepi torn Ln the lecke of their otauros, she turned to the vie leder. to whom ette 1111/1 to fernlike with her, and mike! quietly : "ls there any-thbot In the story?" "1 dotet know, ton'am There were mark" of a man'm beets in our pam- dingy ; but I can't follow them ever the cerpet of the hall. I didn't any anything about them. Meatier t he Women. towderated women nee that, nwearn. are men fools." "Well miriade. retold the plaeo bat I'll give you fee Cherie* revolver Hbo led the way into the library, took tivx revolver from the drawer in welch It wee kept, and handed It to the oil ershiler, who had cleaned 41 ninny a time In days gone by. Ile took lt reverently, with moidnenel P yew. vISSUE NO. 45, 1901. Stop the Blight LA HIE FOR PROFIT. Pan-Ausorricao Model Dairy hetes ow Recite, Results lu Test. Th, wipi•rior staying power@ of the Holatetim are now bemusing mini - feet, stud itat the week ending Octo- b ea they rtaiel firrt on the list 01 I. lie Witter profit test, beating the Jerweyw by tett mate end the Intern - Wel by limey -erten ceute However. flub leery of a teem* Who buf- fered frum Headache*, lerriuess red icalathis epees IteC•11415 lie Mad test eke X% id• eurced to (live l'p School. 10.14 lade knowu la Liter- Wiry of the liner:treys, still 1°Uttowil, L. tiosl ilTrottlf en- retain., lior least as bee COW in the Lieu so many other youug *diem who line been fur a good deal of the wittillig to 1b*11, her until Ihe negaa the week b: the rolled Jemmy Ore miter Or. William' Pleb Pete for attne hue bean unable to prneerlY l'itle People. Miss 'McLellan tella the en now le year. of age, . age. anti bast ft ea sick and feveriett. 1 considerable time suffered much 1 „ie. eme.i.g„ Le, e,„1 „ertie„. ey „le bY far the bight -et batter fat test ntultral‘lia.t,tol lwmak,eiriunfTui•t1, cwd:17111 4 Pura- :11::' lu'l,',8„fribb...- 111:14.."-'0.4 holi'.,.. :pliwt.3. 'rill,' la petite failed. tee; I ',deferent fr become dizzy, and frettuen Jerseys. 17.441. tliternse.te, OT.00; , i wee Muir tiler me $:..82 4 ileown eyries. Ay ralares, $11.141 ; Red Pulled. 115.9:1: of getting better I was gradually /1•1•842 cremes Cattaliau, ea.A4 2 Poll- iOunine weaker. aud eventually el Jerwey di. $3.e.i, Mitch Bolted. dad to discontinue gurus to eclitiol. @MUT. About this timi I read the teeth. Fur the stexeic coding October telt menial 44 a girl whom condition 0"11111 noiltlii•• Mengel have taken WUN 6111111M' to Mine, W110 had been peter. Tie Holattin 1144041 101410 0 cured lei lir. 'Veneta* Pink l'ills. I gain over tart *oak. se they are .1.en decided to try theme petit, and keeping up their fkiw of melt i it- enve every remote ti. be greens.' meteugly web hut. the Jersey -auto) ono of the symptoms that hatl Made The 13 rYitir *It Isvnk altalll ee, iiiheeabe. h„,ethetptwer„ third ;Mee with tit, bite:ruseyre el. and 11 cnieyiee titre Nett cora. the French -CA - *16h, alt I shall alwayr liar. a both doing 11.1te1 work. and Ma) o w Ord to f In*. W 'ant. .1 et mooned tn plaint the iduerit. health as icy girl of nty Age vuule Inediene anti the Sliorthortie elects l'Ink Nee" deer before the ...quite of the test. Mier Meld/elan further ist.tted that vi104 a cane all ' 'Ile' Unita- iicity In 'tattlers oT titer kind, oho Ant"tinall The while mho wee uot desirous tif pub- , netertheleas felt that her expert, fleyil Oilitt11110.1 W1011 11 long 1,•ati in enee, If known. &Might be the means the Perky got of the test that of bringing heelth to smut. oilier th" wilt Initt'' to win fired prisu In ilia butter prrillt 1101 It thin I pry prate. - but as tot. ouw Is now' tjulte publicat twee* if the tete were eintinued Dr. Wiliam.' leek make•rlelt. r431 bloodl, and give tone to the k'r tew we'alt• 1014(er• The brown nerves. It Is beetle,* of this that , t'hweeeet...,°°w! 11"11""4 Minwilk". hog tlt« week. and ir 41111 light foottitepe to g la w 1.1., but .4,-. 44 1,0w much hpt- Mee been weary, pale and listless 2 r.r nee. la the firdt In the nal lind n to feel that life was bortiett. end ampule. girls a fair trial. as tiwy aro certain to restore henite end strength. elee timt tapa full name, el*. Williams' Ptak PHU for rale People" is_ oil by all (1...e..rm or wont postpaid at !eye n box. or mix tote* for 112.50. by addressing the Hr. Weltered' Medicine Cu.. Brockville. Ont. How seye. An Engileh gentilu why Jots the -.put-alum of being 'a tr) bad shot. rdecntly !tette' 1444111P if els (rime, :o dine well lain le fore dinner he •the,wint them 0. target painted gni till' burn door, With bullet in the toles -eye. Thim h.. timed to have •-eitande 'weevil/4 hue, he Offer0.1 •1. the priee--td bit oYeler empire Chi olio of nueste areepting the tionwl fr. prove his sesertion. As they bott said that he bed done whet he cleiseed Ise Won :he bet. At tibiae, the loser 44 the wager ssked how Alt host. (had innnnited to Oro wash an eiteellent shot. Tile howt "1 shot the bullet It the door at a listens* of 1,000 yards.. bed them I le tit Then they started on their *Perch, nal examinee' every nook and cranny In the big rooms, ami the wide hails on the ground flOor, Geraldine hold- ing tee tights. with perfectly nteady hand*, for, now thnt knew there wend/meet. le. he facet nhe erom and mintreed of berme'''. At MO, 4/11 1.1111 back stnirenso, they founel a faint t print, are! the old *cyanid looked Maim ma'am," mild he. 14 444 tri th- pasement of the vete/mew-hell, to 4110 ( floor. and to tba Female the Wilde Perham, it In only Aime- e( antern1 yokes., timing which elie whet hew locked herself in In reengnized thnt of Or. Crowe fright If you wen give me hair. ale. *prang np and welled nerves to tes. 1 will hem it owe In no time." the door midi Into the outer hall, rro h, mot innel whir* dhe waited for dome moments Ilatcelng. this heard the vrvie0 Of Minor** Vernier C. -when wet -me being nit's to MINT fee TErni 1st I" Pr".114 distlegnieh whnt sale than the 0113 leriory of the dairy that It has hem meemetry ta reser c to mete eine. which gee to show evil the (owe tette b.(en both carefully and fet and handl For the. week Beauty ef Nonni. of the Hol- stein hare. le the beat wive Mateo, )(urethan by five Dente Below is the net profit of ewe herd for the week ending %tuber Nth : Jerrie., $7.741. timers/ways. 0.541; French t'a n 1, 118.95. It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children But some of them don't set their rights. While. the rest grow,big and strong one stays small and. weak. , Scott's Emu6ion can stop that blight. Tkiere is no reascin why such iChild should May small. Scott's Emulsion is a medicine with kits of strength in it -the kind ot strength that makes thin,gs grow. . Scott's Emulsion makes children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion make it catch up TM% picture Terme" the Trade Mark M see!, Emulsion and 11 on the wrapper of every bottle Sena isr fres ternek. oate.tre CANADA 5os and jt. oh druggist. A F1 AND e ea el TI 144 Far 11140 putt tilfcc under tare the I Oral TePr POWs urtier purt- slier Ile to hut The Continental Life Insurance Company DEAD or -11M TORONlxi it Si rife tan handl ellfof the int lit the 1 to 1 nut Stind time truel tlint th etre elide settN nit Authorised Capital - $1,500,04)to The policies of this company ete. braes every grond feature of Las le- higheat benefits In regard to liens, Good assets waisted la this filstri((t. Boa. Drydea. Oro. Wood, Prot/dent. Gemara! Manager. Blinard'a Liniment f `tires text eel - Peed Kee. A. 11. likaldwbe on Trotting I don't think that we wet eter get t nip.,raftett• in MO reentry, either by (beetle prohibiter) laws er by charging high priers§ for the right to well drink. I le Bet e t lint the ennedietred are finest race of peo- ple oa the earth, awl 1 locliers they con1,1 I1P the meet temperate peoplo tf the Denting habit WW1 wants. ono drink ink, five, and then have the "'reicher compeny railed in for lino? When you know that it door 2.0 fallen harm why do you per- cbtt in the, sennetese habit If you canine menage to avoid it In the teem end you centeit wirings to it %eel It in the t•ut tie le both iind he ember nntl let your light 1.111110. Went morn uf 'teeth are you at home? Dore your light thine lwfore your wife nnd children. I love to swe the little children miming out to meet tee enthpr when he troth* home. hut when I gee 11 man tacking Meng the atdrivalk how I don't me the eblicliren pelt -to meet hlm. lid the I yr felt up tell' natty, aliWiid !Pet siTed Mundt) mice amen the ' °tickling emcee choruit. They did not ' open the doer of the room whore tier- I Aldine hermit slept, vrhIch wns the top of tho metiers It wam too mmall to harbor a robber or to rittraet 111,1 notice anil nothing of %aloe erns kept there. "le it worth while \searching eater', Johnson 1" mhe edited, In whimper, when they hrelegot to the 1101e1 et the back Wilmette! again. "JUPIt nn you please. wenn ; but I think yen teeny leave that to me." "Very Well, then. Take one of these. Good-nleitt." out. fuel ilernblinn tnrsted the handle of her own door, When Mid- denly *lie drew back end summoned the Nerrant. Tim door vtom looked. Johnidon steppe' forwardl And treed 11 iTiar pry. MITII no trent. Ail Dimmed (Lewin and P IlanlinP41 It. "The kev 10 In the hie, ma'am, on Minard'a Liniment Cures Cold*, ete. Hen' Was for seven years a daleferer from Bronchial tr.iuble. and would he so bootee nt etude Hint 1 got no relief from anything till I tried „Wear IIINAltirrt HONEY RA1,- 111111. Two hot t 1.011 gess. relief and! six would Mistily rrootuntend it to any- one sraffeeleg from throat or lung trouble. J. le LANK( Seine. Honey Wanted Let MI have your prhe, Om I rereire the bogey. SdIMIGI L. Lewis & Go. 1.1vreg In •n Ancient Hoene. The °Meet inhabited 1101110 In Eng- land Le on the, River Ver, CIONP tO St Albnn'e abbey. It lw octagonal In ahem, and supposed to be eleven CP11- OTTAWA CITIZENS AMAZED. city- papers are hue glow puellelligg *darning statement.' am to the cure de emeriti very bad canes of 'fright's Inerase by Dorldlet Kidney Mlle That the matter tem taken hold of the elty in bet evkleneed by the fact that the paper. are giving column. of space to a foil detailed neconnt One of the came which ham made a 'great sensation thin week is that of n Ur. Kent. who Is said to have been !cored of Bright's Demand. by Dodd`s 1 Kidney after having been given ey *corral prominent phyeiciane The pnperm are elb tie -einem( their wworn santementm male by Mr. Kent in which hr. diets forth n twee re- markable and thrilling mote. Another le the "nee of a girl ten years of age. who/is home im at :130 Lyon Ariel, thim city, and who le mei to hese b.en cured of Itrightei Manse by Doer* Kittery P11111 nfter fuer phydecianm had given her tem than 24 honre to live Them wonderful eases. are Ow inlk of the town mime re the patettee are well known. An All -Arwood Itiplem•t. el new yee dett-ang In n car !ant night when there were several Metes was there, 74.11 knew. reel the Indeed whs. RUNK! were all young rine gem' TfilLoitiNG Go Having been 400 of tinew who Nt.4441, 611P permitted him te :eget her away to a corner where they come al11ne4-411kalfer Record -Herold Doing the duty that we mop, 11%. leg by the truth we know. Ilim pm anise la tn eise We 4,1 not walk In darkeras, Ant lia‘e the light of life 111141111114 4•11.1. 4.-4•4441111111 Lint/need (*tires (target Commission Merchnts GROWN- There le More atarth in this Section ef the country tha• all lobe dime. put togsdhar, and until the lam few ;Orr wow wippreed take loco Fable. For m groat easy yore doctor. pity flee nred It • Meat disease, and prostrated local rementea.asahyronatanily falling Locum witll local treatment. promenade it Incurable Science has protein catarrh to be • eonyUlin- tonal disease end therefore requires nonellto le 1 he owly coo., it ut iota I cure on I he Inns kat it 1. taken fniernatly dom. front 10 drone uri • leoppoonfol. lt arty diocctly on thy Mood sad murmtw norfacco of he Mont. he• offer one blindred dollar.. for any rak.e it fails to t ure. Mold by druggi.f.. 714- 114144 family are the beat. Tobacco In Japan. Nenrly n11 the men and women In have pipes witralongecteEr siemhealadthinerl Jelin SOW ke the Men and if one tif them wishes to show freittlenann a mark of ro- tor ohe lights her pipe. t n keit a whiff, halide it to lilac ane Idem him emote. Weenie Liniment Cures 1/iph- NrA. FARMS ss Pelt ACME ANO Hard*. Eau par me ot raffling'', res. tioa n. Crawford st 'e Rinhenyed, Os. A. Hurt." otitrnowir * wren trait: fentery and whom half milt. ; will soil In whole or in part on easy term. bleo. K. Fisher. Freenon. Ont 4,971 c "1"I OsearemH- THAtionn;78D:::euroser Ise piesie. a memissaw U CUR ONE OF THESE FREL SOM PRESENTS .11911.11.411et 1,11 lb. truth. yr.. aaa • 7 Wellington Street West ' TORONTO Canada's Largest Tailors Will make clothe. TO °Risen for eeetti MAN in Canada at LOWER PhICICs tho, any other firni,sind DICIA VIM at your .4. 44 ft KAT EXPIttrot STATION. Thep n card for their fisehuci 1•04141,1c1 machine Itjtay work. (lend pay. 11211.1 kr.. WInillnw's Soothing 'Syrup .110414 ways be seed for children teething. It sauth,.. and la the beat remedy for Merrier FL. five rents • bottle. IRVIT FARM FOR KALE ONK 11V -111,• MOM, 111 miles from Harnlitnel on two rs• 1 War&rola In wil. 33 of whit la lig In fru. peaches. Wili bosom to one tered .. into lob of 13 to to acres tc felt pl• =Ill ceresstar, P. 0. hos WS woowao Astarte Commie. t(nisert Moss and Komp.. OW.. reglet offensive mei hods to r•ur datum. Mi. f e on day of collection guorliat illavonahla rhargee fait writ* as Mums 1 TM7, end one of our repreeentative. .111 ' on yon The International Mercantile At:, Juno. Building. corner Vonge and Klrg 041 1101 lit 1 the rcie ab I the let llic 1641 1111. th alli Ito Wn 111. 111/4 tir lnf of Fo 1.1 VD Tn. 111114,11111 MetInee. ot /hew. et Oftverwa yell to ere. PIRO We fee INg .fi 7.7.„. 14116 lahreletylwasbeig moll an ate.......h$ OM. rat. WRITS A? i lib 'IL ...., ... 111111111111/011 Of /lob Inessrelle erresetsessis we are ollariterpstantir wit bartassaal beg r.• te genie no amass 1 'wilt t:Z1 66 010.44,64...444. ell WM. tin 011.11110 no Bake Blab. ,..-I oessest us abibto trraot, 1 loe men Otto 11.4..b,o1 er : 444araly 4 le deed MN ben. An14:1:11CM11111 00 "tit 741nreill"". SISTERS a 1014•• street. Yareete, Casa the tote for Ipso sin he Mlle," perlisanently Ay MOTHERS tri. --01104' .,7,1:77,1mor.P7A7,717 BROTH',