HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-7, Page 5W. Acheson & Son
Extra Values •
Men's and
WE have just received some extraordinary purchases of
Men's and Women's Underwear from some of the
best manufacturers in Canada. Surplus stocks and the season's
overmakes with the mills enabled us to secure some excep-
tional values at a BIG DISCOUNT.
Men's Underwear.
wear, shirts and drewets, French neck.
pearl buttone, sateen trimming', over
looted itearne, double ribbed cm& and
ankles. wool fleece. winter weight,
Wise 34 to 44, regular 75o
50c each
gement* a"
Medi Heavy Sootob W ool Uder wear. shirts
and drawers, shirte double breasted,
sateen triton:doge, pearl buttons, does
ribbed sk:rt and cuffs, outsid• trim
miners oci drawers, soft fields, else* 34
to 46, testier prime would be
Women's Underwear.
Lufkin' Heavy R hbod Vesta, wool mixture
and all wool. button trout. pearl but
tone, trimmed with loos sod baby rib
bon, natural oolor. all glean regul•r
price would te 751 selling 50c
1.*dlers' Flame hood Veit', ribbed, medium
weleht, trimmed with an. lace
•nr1 baby ribbon, pearl buttocup, fine
flame, regular pries would be 25c
40a, opeolal a'
Carpets and Curtains.
5 1,1 ow of 36 nobs" wide heavy re ver•lble 20 peons 27 inches wide, extra heavy Eat
Colon Carpet, clear oolore and fast,and Bah Tapestry Carpet showiog n•west
in good patter°. and mutable for every patteros end oo'nringe. suitable for
room. regular 40o yeallly, parlor or sitting room, bail or stairs,
per yard LOC reveler 6.5o yoslite. al Per soc
Kagleh and Cassedian Floor Oil Cloths.
heeve weight, and a greet variety of
patents in 1, It, 2 yds wide,
at per square yard • 25c
W. Acheson & Son.
Beth : Dr. N J. Tait, formerly of Blytis,
las formed a parteerehlp with Dr. Rorer%
Clinker% Mien If si‘le Hilt has taken •
esitioa in the store ot Mr. Jae. Twitebell,
a bookkeeper.
Citrate : Miss Carrie Spindler, fornserly
f tone, was married • few days ago to Jobe
I. Smith, Strathroy.
Ciliates : Mrs. W. C. Searle La delayed In
he West by the illness of her father, Roger
te, an old ClInteelan.
st week sari now hae tips Wanes a hi
treaty fire &ores cleared.
seed ast teacher ef 8. S. No. 1 MA
Grey : Mies Anal* Kam ballbele de
tar at ito advaace in salary.
hang rot his legal ehinele Blyth leveed
' Pert Perry, as was hie intenuos.
the same salary as this year, $285.
Sentorth telerran has gone to St.
homes, where he bee secured • rood poti-
on with the Lempbell Milling Commies',.
Clinton R. Jenklos lost two valuable
ows ; they were killed at the railway
0111111A, by the morning train going to Clothe
B• russels Brussels chime factory disposed
their Sept -ember mak• to M . Balla. -
'De & Son, of Stratford. at 94 cents per
e land's, fell while running on the sidewalk
verai day. ago sad brolt• her Win. She is
Atm nicely.
Walters : Miss Bessie McDonald, •
'lighter of Jur hi oltonald, now •ti Clinton
lode!. loas hose *ceased la S. No. 6 for
ie coming year.
Clete.. A. Taylor hes oontributed •
loe sem of money for the tittles( up ef a
iom In the hug:dial ; it will be celled the
odrew Taylor ward
Zonal' • quiet wedding took plane se
se residence of ./aoob Ort, on Thursday
!ening at 6 o'clook, when bla daughter was
Med in mauler' to Alfred Mellick.
r •I Wm. Routlege,sbout two years of age,
ell whim at play aed brok• her right arm ;
set a year age the little girl brok• her left
Brussels : Miss Lizzie Sample haa taken •
ennui AS soprano notelet In the Memorial
March. Loadon. and is also busy &meg the
reek, ea saleslady la • departmeet in Wills.
lards store.
lowo • large owl while oat hunting recently.
Re broseht IS Into toWn 10 hare it set up.
It ',louvred four feet two Inobso from alp
lip of the wises
Eisler : Two small boys ef A. ft Ha-
ien'', sewed two owde of wood,makInn two
sets lo seen stick, and split the tame, te-
ed*. piling it In the woodshed. What two
boys out beat this ?
Zorloh • David Blackwell. of Hay, had
the misfortune. while eagage I ie putting a
pump iota hie well, to have it ellp in him
hand, injuring one ot his fingers so bedly
that It had te be ampetoted.
Clinton Mee Mary Lough wee re.
Melly oleo, red by tie lady studeete of Var-
sity as cu-ator of the Fancier Club ; Mien
Lough holds Lorne half dorm puttees In
the various violetiee connected with the
Mathes : The Dominion Bank am es•
febIlehleg ea agency 'n the Shaw bleak.
A. F. Odeon, of Toronto. who has had a
with experfeeoe and is held in the highest
esteem is Toronto as an able banker, will
keys olarge as mummer.
leadbury received from
W. Ran. B A., who loft moms tlais tO
tele • situate° as high school teacher In
Eillesooton. lie reached his destination lo
safety, has begins work and is well pleased
with the far western town.
Stephen Another of the pioneer reef.
dente of Stephen hes passed away, in the
person of Jacob Either, lather of Henry
Either, M.P. P. Mr. Either was ore of the
first lettere in Stephen toward:op. and tor •
greet many years bad °anted on a success-
ful and extensive mercantile business and
was also postmaster here.
Exeter Kiel 8wset. in playing at foot.
ball on the 'oho& grouods reoently was
knocked down and Ind his oollar hone
slightly wrenohed, and while out shooting
• few days later he was climbing over • log
whoa the bons broke. H• IS noir 1•1,1
Ciliates , Word was received ties 'ether
day that Fred, soo of John Stevenson of
towo, who le out in Souris, Man., met with
an aocident recently whereby his lett hand
was considerably injured. k red is employed
with his made on thii farm and lo some Wee
hie hand oame in oronteot with th• straw
Garners ot the threeber remelting In
beteg bully mangled.
Brussels A ramor was afloat lest week
that Daniel kineart who was visiting here
had been taken ser.ourly on his return to
Wiarton. Such, we are pleased to bear, le
n ot the Nue Mr. Stewart, aesoelased with
his son, William, has purotteseil a green•
house at Wiens:so and will no doubt ao
well. If etereet and acqueintenoe with
flown and plent ie of 0011MattilinCO, and
of oourse it le, teen Mr. Stewart should till
• first place as few •re better botanists Ono
Tuokersmith : Another of the worthy
ploasere of Huron boa departed this life
Andrew Archibald, sr. passed pearefully
away at his residence en the fifth oenoession
Tuck semi th. on Friday, Oat 25i h. Mr.
Arohibald wee In his seventy ninth you.
He has been • severe sufferer from Theorem -
thins for several years sod has suffered from
paralysis, but he death wee dos more to a
irradioil wearing out of the Outlast system
then to any other oases. He wee • native
Versa : Mr. Jobe Sparrow returned last
wwk from hie •ielt to Manitoba. Mr
Seerrow says th• weather wheel hit left wee
delightful, end farmers erre getting their
'rein throttled and sayed in very good
sh•pe. While there kr. Sparrow pot his
skill as • threeher and eogineer to good use.
H• gob $3 • day for running • threehlog
engine and waa offered 14 if he would ist•y
with the job, tot he had other intermits lit
home. Mr. Sparrow enjoyed his visit very
much, and was very favorably impressed
with the Praire Province.
&Worth : James Spelt, the well-known
breeder of thoroughbred stook, of Hallett,
was in town last week. Mr. Snell has been
very succenfol se the shows this year. rt4I•
sides liberal money prism his stock won
five very fine medal.. As he ham non four
e ons, he has preeented a medal to *soh of
them as an hetiloom, bat h• does not say
whet he le going to do with the fifth. The
medal presenter, by mr. Minty, manager of
the Itank of Gemmel, to here. and won by
Mr. Smell for the best pen of sheep, is •
parttoularly handsome one and is • trophy
well worthy of preservation.
Seaforth Dr. liethues him taken into
of the Seeforth Collegiate Institute. After
nklog usual medical degree from
the Ilnivereity of Tomsk. Faculty of
Medicine and from this College of Physi•
, clans and Sargeona, of Ontario, Dr. Ross
practised for five years with ereat snoeeu
in Auburn, in (hie i.ounly. In 1898 Dr.
, Roes took a peat greduate roam in surgery
at the hloago Clinked school, under tie
!celebrated surgeons. Drs. Senn and Murphy.
Ordinary cough mixtures generally contain opiates that soothe and
quiet the cough temporarily, but do not cure it. Besides, they
also disturb digestion and cause bowel troubles. For acute Of
chronic coughs and colds nothing is equal to Angier's Petroleum
Emulsion. It effects a rapid and complete cure, and at the same
time builds up health and strength and puti the Sy-1qm% a CIIII-
dition to resist -catching cold again. It combines the soothing
and healing properties of our specially refined petroleum with the
3-mie epialitice of the Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda, and is
P.rfettly rife, and agreeable to the meet delicate -stomach. Chil-
dren become fond of it, and It makes them strong and healthy.
It k a perfect remedy for Whooping Cough and Croupy Coughs
of Children.
VOIJR AIM AND ADDRESS ere a motel tarci will Aries tn. fre• ehys a
h",1,..1"8110014 "Meet your Thema atttl omit," it tells ho. en Cafe. for the Throe, Les.,
;;;;.;:alvl MNIIN givre good *dim m to Dui lied .1.3 Semmes, MI
10 1900 he disposed ot prootlos In itubsin
ead spent • year in the hospital. of Leiden,
taking special coursed in diveres of 'tor
eve, ear, Quest, and g liminess y Dr.
How has had oostelderable •aperienoe lc
I praotioe, as well as •sterniv• Frac.
Mete le opt, ear and thrust disease" and
general surgery, and, sa Its is well and
favorably kooeu here, w• bespeak blai greet
Thongh many msy be rich in
ipooket, tf their blood is poor they
ire sick unhappy mortals. A pal-
lid facie and wrinkled skin result
from impoverished blood. "Climax
bon Tonle Pills make new, rich
blood. tone up the system and
barna Each box contains ten
days' treatmenL Pries) 26 cent.,
M all druggists, or mailed on re-
=of prioe. Address: The Ds.
Medicine Go., Kingston,
The Mater Mitre Cemerani eerier+ ea Li, -
"They dou't appreciate Canadians suffi-
ciently in Eogland, we ere all Amerman.,"
said Mr. Char. Slater, priest/not sod gen.
oral annum. ot the Slater Shoe Co , yeater-
day, as he chatted freely •bout business
trip to k:uropean oentree He has only late
ly stunted from a trip to London and
Paris. made with the object of intending
result th•t he le convinced that the ooly
way to secure permaoeni ly a share
series of Slater shoe store*, ors the same
spec al eystem of selling and ad wort loin, to
the consumer direot, es bee med. the Slater
She tht well known and popular in Commis
He spent about gig weeks in investigating
the shoe trade and noted the tremecdous
trade ot the London Shoe Co , and of dozens
of others who have as many en from 75 to
300 remit branches in different parts of the
Ktogdom. The Eaten!) oompentes do their
boot and shoe business largely on the mul
Mole system ; that 10, • hrm like Manfield,
or Ldley & Skinner own many brandies,
but *ell all kiwis ot hosts instead of one
special atak• or kind. There are no English
Shoe Company, making Goodyear welted
goods alone, which •re bound to replace the
hand wader shoe, ea soots as their merits be•
come property koown to the public).
"It le bard eo real.zs the possibilitise of
the Imo:tone* business there is to in done
over there," said Mr. Slater, "and w•
would be foolish not tO SolVILDLASS Of
Ohl opportunity. W• two land goods in
Eneland lege time, and tor oonsiderably
loos cost tor transportation then we oan in
British Columbia, Lod just think for a mo-
ment of the difference in population." 'I he
Caoadiau field is limited, as la well shown
by t hs export leather business, The tanners
of Canada shipped nine million pounds of
role lest .er to Eoglacd last year. The
English menututurer is fut losing ground
in his owo comitry. There is no duty on
boota sad shoos going Leto Enitland, and
this. coupled with tne Government rebate to
manufacturers le Crusade, of 90 per °ant oa
foreign material seed in manatacture for
"anon, mad• le plain selling for hie oom-
pony. Thu rebate apples to Bermuda and
Australia, as well as in other countries with
which Mr. Elate' arrayed for &woes
while in London. which is, of riourse. the
ovate ot the shipping trade of the world.
Trade 000ditions, in boota and shoes es.
pepsin, were very different from thoee in
Cauida. As 6 rule the •tores were smeller
so were also the stocks °anted. There t be
retailers oarry • mese of ail kinds of stuff,
peeked into one shop, as well an displaying
so many different kinds of goods to the
windows (tisiog almost every loco of specie),
that Iti is lawriderreg purchasers. Ne
intonate* advertising was does by the re.
tailors. Asked If • (eatery might h• suc-
cessfully operated in England on a base
• miler to the one here, Sat•r said,
Use Dominions we e such. that in his °me-
lon it would be out of the question for a
good many years to come.
The lebn unions work to the disaevent
age of the English manufecitur or when tak
ire into consideration the ermines in im-
port". For instance, the workmen are pro•
bibited from meking more than a specified
n umber ot toots per day, and are very arbi
nary on the (location at the introduction of
new and improved msobinery. Panty ef
workmen were idle, and be believed that
m▪ anufacturing industries. To nee hie own
words, "there are rafte of Amerioen and
German goods of all kinds elbowiog the
Eaglish•made goods out of business.' He
was competed to smile at the utter lack of
and enterprise, in England. Whatever
Prestige Amerloan beeiness men had gaited
in the Foellah merket reflected to the oredit
of Cana Ilene, heinous the average Britisher
did not dleorimioate at all between Gan -
'oleos end Amereans.
In Paris. too, be saw en opening for
Canadian Mose, bat all that and th• many
•lements of th• opening of branches were
details that would follow in due course.
The nuoleus was formed ; the initiatory
stages were completed for the Sister bran
obits In England, and he felt unladen. then
great mimosas awaited their efforts.
WILDNINDAY, Oa. 31 st.
Joe. Viso la visiting Mender in Windsor.
We are sorry to state that Mrs. Jobe
DImeat Is still very
l'eter Wheeler and temily intend moving
loin P. King's home shortly.
Miss Minnie Coed, of Trowbridge, was
vialttng friends in Himmel* last week.
John Beeman, of Whigham, formerly for
many years a resident of Rh:Neale, la very
lohn Borges, was In Brantford last week
auditing the books of the Cusedien Order
of Forseters.
Mrs. It. Aineprove visited the Pen-Arnerl•
inn last week. She WY w000mpenled by
Mrs. T. Farrow, of Brussels.
hire Fraser. sr.. who has spent the last
few months with relatlyee and friends in
Menilloba, returned home last week. -- --
John Haney IMO returned from hle
months' l•bor in the Week He reports
hard work hot good pay. Wkat more could
be deemed
John Weanorm'a Sonds• and addressed
the Bible clean of the Methodist Monday
school In tin af t ST noon.
Mies Mabel Thomas' hes returned from
(nand V•Iley, where she hae been spend's,
a low weeks. She was rvcrompanied by her
noon, Mr. Thome" tVret, who spent a few
days here.
The anniversary ser•Ices of the Methedist
church will t it held ori November 17th,
white Rev. I. B. tA allele, Seeforth,
preeoh. Oa the Monett) evening following
• tea will be Oven
.10,11fre final Om large moo of note
have a pretty sate thing of lt It isn't g. n -
orally very retry to predict e severe sewer
or hot summer In thls ormolu.
Rev. W J. Watt tolk pat in eeni•
an• d h• •Iso delivered an •ddreee h•
eatertelnment which was given en Pdondey
nifitheV. Dr. Moffat, general await for the
ITpper Canada lithe anti Tram, hoelsty, As•
livered hie I address in the Preeby.
Cerise (Moron here en Wednesday Mon
A mere intended notion t• 4,1110 next
Thom people who ars wont to rensark en
th•Iiimeamers of tbow tele &actuate of the
tow luneh at th• modal feral ars reepeotful.
I y 'courted to &mot their attention to
that airplay of bad cowman th•t. look
aud Duobese of Cornw•li doctor their stay
in 'reroute lo the eager desire widen was
showo by almost •voryous ro mot at the
expense ef others, might be drawn a btting
outuparomo with the tuitions of their hum-
bler brethren. Many were ao overcame in
thie enUeb that they had to be Mina •way,
aud one lady bad tar dream so badly WIC
that she had to fight her way out wad go
home The neat morning the doors were
&laically covered with beide and jet. etc.,
which bad been torn od In the confine.
The people who sttecided the receptiou have
had greatly superior advantage' in teetotaler
to thie people at the model Islin sad Shots
au ions inuoh lime 11 uAlly of •Icuse, otiose
Regularly, once a seek, the pew)" sod
qUIM1101111 arbloh venally pervade the Intl,
red station house and verde lit broken by
MOODS of bustle and act.vity which recalls
the drys wheo liberals had ambitions and
when • breve band sad • fall show number
ad themselves among her antiunion", and,
by the way, that fail show was sotbing to
be ashamed of, either. The heeds %hot
plumed it milyht says graued • wider
Wier. of usefulness in ths show business
with credit to theaseettne, but they devoted
all their g tea to the teak before them
acd their hard work brought its own re.
ward The day of spooled attractions wits
then in Its Infazioy lot the oboe oommitten
with lbe originality and lonithesdedneas
which charaoter Lad all their stations, had
this feeture of the fair steclaily marked oo
their progrsm, and th• financial returns
neirer again hav• fall show, I'm afraid,
bon the time still live' green in our mensor
Ise when Arch. Peterson's brother won the
tin medal in the "freei for lilt" event. four
Liana to tinier d and bare, and Duff a
maw wee adorued with the rod ticket, not
only for her Rood points as a dairy 'Dims',
but as a recogoition of her &mows of tea:.
gates and mining midnight raids on Tilley*
cabbage gardens Bat this pleasant tetro•
speot bas led ea from the subjeot head
The day when Wm. JOWitt shim hogs from
oar station gives Blnev•le quite • business.
like air. From early moriiing the tall pig -
rack., with their squeaking inmates, go
lumbering pest. From the shipping yard
come the stern oommande of the shippers
mingled with the @brill protests of the pork
ere, while the tell wagons come and t cm pty
wagons go. When at lest the oar is filled,
when the train with MA hying burdock die
appears down the shining track, the profits
and losses are counted up. The farmer
alow:y wends his way home with •
pleased aod happy smile open his sun•
browned countenanon and the peace and
iiuletnees which had been ao rudely disturbed
again settle. for another week.
tad Neuralgia's Agony.
Have you failed to get permanent relief
1. so, why not Poison'S NenvillOS! It
is the only neuralgia remedy that hag never
failed to mine even the worst oases, and it
will aunty min vim. Five times the
strength of other remedies. it penetrates tin
tissues and drives out the pato iostently.
Qa.ok relief, ears oars, large bottles 25o.
John Lee (Libelled) was slecud by vole;
meters for Etat Kest..
"All is not gold that
Shoe finish covers up
shoe value, and throws
you back upon shoe
The Makers' price on
the sole, seals his res-
ponsibility for wha.t is
under the finith in --
"The Slater Shoe"
cafry 0 il a .
a hill line of
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers, \
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes, -
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
THURSDAY, Nov. 7. 1°11.
Store McKIM' S3 je.rdan
are simply kidney dleordons. The kidneys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood pooled, through the kid-
ney• every throe minutes. If the kidneys
du their work no impurity or cause of
disorder caul remain in the circulation
kmger than that time. Therefore if your
blood is out of order your kidney* have
failed in their work. They are in need olf
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring.
Oue niedicine will do all three, the finest
and MOM imitated blood (Peach's thaw*
W• mutt get rid of thom •sid the operation will pet mosey ha your pookotbook
If you avail roared( of ths opeortuaity.
160 OVERCOATS, ULS1'ERS AND REEFERS. These meet be cleared.
many of theiu at lees than nail price.
Another lot of those famous floe beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, fist front, geed
lining end tailor made. Well worth 110.00. our special prio• $8.50
A lot of boys' overcoats to clear at lies than onehalf their value.
Jacketa, 50o to 86.90. worth $3.50 to $12 60
Jaokie Cloths at half price, some at Iwo and some • little mom
Moro new Millinery to hand—the latest produotions.
Oa Wednesday, Nov. Otb, we will bare • Wigan feast randy for yea In oar ems
trimmlor of the most stylish hats. $2.00 le the price we have filed sad we will
aurpriee you wish th• amount of style, qaality and veins we will wows tato o tuts
at $2,00. We know you ain't do homer at torlos the
Remember Wednesday, No•. titb, for • d3.00 to $4.00 Wit, the newest, for $2.00
with your heelth.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the game prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each srticle pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness arid
Medical Dail.
*reeve earefelly-attended Co al all
hears, swot or day.
eat bee Street.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Snort
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince
Pies and Lady Firiers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Marangnes,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
ses as good as the l.eltit Illetati;113 any
city in Oanada.
Oantelon lesds the trade in
to attend the Lierowel Bushier Colleen, for •
term. Students may enter at any time, either
or • filminess or • Shorthand COUTO*. Rates
reasonable. Send for Journal. C. A. 'LEM
Clothing of find clue manufacture, and
at prices to mit the times.
Ordered Clothing
Is still my lilted& ty A good range of
clothe to eelect from ; and workmanship
the beet to be had.
If you need an overcoat this fall call and
see me. A number of lengths of piece
good* to be cleared out at cost.
West Street
the leari,og Furniture Dea era n11.1
Undertak* s. have just received the
following goixis:
Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up,
Couches, 85.00 to $20.00
Parlor Chairs, 81.00 to 810.00
Hall Racks, 85.00 to 9118.0ra
and choice odd pieees of Furniture.
We ate *till selling Window Shades'
and Pelee at reduced pricee
Picture framing, Upholstering. Pack•
is ‘/Inder export impervimion, and the
rtervide, me guarantee in of the very
NIGHT \OR DAY calls promptly
attended to.
We (solicit patronage on the merits;
of the geode we toll tend servicee we
_Sitteeireea shwa, &Kari*
In fancy deshming and ornament
int and almond icing.
Give him an order and your sat-
isfaction will be assured. ;
Far "'Move
.797/ 011iers•
That's the standing of the
" King Quality " shoe for
Many Women imagine
that they have to pay a big
price when they want a fine
pair of shoes. That's a
" King Quality " is the
one shoe that gives comfort
to the feet, wears long, fits
snug and nice and look'
Sensible Women buy the
They cost $3.
lickillep fire Issirsice Cs.
Value of Property Insured up to Jesuitry,
Watt, Jae. Leans, J. G. Grieve, J fhtna•welp„,
tor of knees ; T. IL Hays, kleaforth, secretary -
trent Wet%
J. W. Teo, Holnereville ; James Cummlag
their °Ards recelpted at Mr. Coate' Mewls. or
at McLean Bros.' Palace Clothtag Store, God*
Scrailtoimillird Coal
All Coal weighed on the market lissisir
Where you get MOO lbs. tor • ton.
Orders left at LEE SIDIPILARD'S
8tors promptly attended to.
Made by nu J. D., KIND 00., Limittolf• TORONTO.
For Sale in Goderich by 8T. GEO. PRICE.
Wet WeathEr Shoes and Rubbers.
WE have what pat west and what
VIF you need in ow!
Quality 4.-711
King- Rubbers
They are abeolutely
nUR Shoes are known tor thefr Fit, Comfort and Durability, and our Rubbers
%, for there Fit and Shari°. and being made of PURE GUM, will wear twiee long
Wo have a large suoiortment of ;
Wool Soles, Etc
Thee. goods are the very best goods that money elm buy
Th• fling of Ranges.—
"Buch'• Happy Thought"
The STUB PROOF RUBBERS for men are here at Wt. and we
YOTTR INMPRPTION, or, if you can't call to wie them, drop ne • cord for catalogue.
have been made for modern
cooks and the careful housewife
who reouires to nse economy
and get the best results. : :
Nappy Thought Range* are not experlmenta. They have been
tested in 15.0,000 Canadian homes and have been imitated by
more stove manufacturers than any other Rasp. t
Ruy • Happy Thought, you'll get Qsalditi
that Means a Saving if you Oe
eastaateeed tow
Th. Wm. Buck Stov• Co., Lissitod. reatford
'fella the Illwroirsetorers for as Illuetrated Ceitelorywre„
We rive one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50e a lb. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, hut a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
Telephone No. 91.