HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-7, Page 44 TauaanaT, Nov. 7. 1901. FASHIONABLE. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO COFIFORTABLE: The• Raglant . 44 v.' ette,„., �� over= and a York e ��� Coats Are rte two most , lool,ab It skirt, vertical for tall lckew sat me demand for ther. They ore se In • Dark they Golf (loth, lona. ( lh•h b ea great putt the maoatsotueere have great di�a.lty to filling orders. They are F sate by tk. W, K. Seaford Ce : DI tfamous .k are SULK k Hall clothiers), and every Cgar- ment to getrtnlad re tit and g $12 to $14 !WENT9 for thea geode in OwdsrIN. Tb• pdaa is them Our Beaver, Frieze and Golf Cloth Overcots at $10 • eyh denoetbad bosh gneu at the trialemj .' Nnmmmmtt! mnTmtttTTtttttttttt TtT t4T•w1RT e, Ries ouuld nut have beau found guilty, but buuruee SRW AST was not killed, Rice stands to hang to the near future, and thio notwithstanding the fact that STIWAIIT does not swear that Rtci tired the shot that killed Burn, and Rice swears he did not do it. There is no da-guieiug the fact that Fats is a fwd man, and that it is a good thing to have him out of 0e way fur a lung term of years, but if he is to be hanged it will be on general principles, because he is • bad ' nus and not because the evidenoe elbows that he killed oon,t..ble Burl". Ws have a Dark they Tweed Overcoat AT $4.95 that is • wonder for the measly. i k. cloth ls good to wear and w111 give geed satisfaction are meeting with popular approval, and the large number of sales we bay• made goes to allow that the value* are by far the t :: in fawn. W • haven't *Pees to de Bribe tksw te yea but task you W all and ."•pest theta. e BOYS' REEFERS and OVERCOATS. W. cleared the manalaotnron out of • line of c)veroaate and got thin (They are rade of a Moe peewee y Tweed, Tweed Lined, Rood steam eo 23 to 27. Regular price 16 00, bargain { • pries. •r, Wee $4 50 UNDERWEAR. BbaasA.ld's Usuhrink•ble Underwearb 1. h re est koel Underwear re e 1 ger Su o. buy. $V. wteedarm, wearssaws well, cad g W. C. PRIDIIAM, bole Agwls fee 1.1E-tsty's London Hata. M.s's Furnisher sad HOW. MoLaas's Meek. �►e x,�nzx, w rustautxm EVERY THURSDAY MORNING air S. mosalaa NT .OD>ZRICH, THURSDAY, NOV. 1, U01. CANADA'S OOVERNOH-GENERAL EHO shall be the next Governor- ? i, • question that se worrying • number of the people who believe to Governon•Geuer•1 in Canada. A dart time age it was stated that a Rerun Di &iniac Was • possible man, and im• mediately there was • ripple ot. the river. IJa B1.AouIai, tt seems, had at one time lived In tyaaada, and had been a Montreal bank clerk. In that capacity he had been bonnet and upright, end asses thought by sane of the worrying Does tbat as he had at One time to work for a living and pay for bis own board and clothes, that should die credit him from presiding at Rideau Hall. Now The Montreal Star comes forward with the name of Lord STRATHCovA for the next Governor-General of Canada. sad claims that no better man could be ehomen. Well, let'. see. What will the auboorats who object W Baron D6 BLAji Izai say to the appointment of 8TRATYCONA? The latter ie a Canadian by adoption. He, too, ham been a Canadian clerk, and ;has sin e bettered his position. if D. BI.Aticiaz is persona non grata to the fatherheade who believe that it is not good form to work for • living. what will be said of DomaLD Ssrru, 01 8TaATUWa1. who believes in labor, first, Last wad always ? If The Montreal Star succeeds in straightening out this labor kink regarding the ()oyernor (leneralship we will have no objection to STYTH(ONA other flus that he Is too good a map to waste on a job that, uuder existing conditions, would be more easily filled by a man milliner or a dancing master. THE RICE TRIAL The trial of Rica, the burgltr, for the murder of Canetable BOYD, wbick Wok plate laxt week in Toronto, was a strange one, and the jury returned s otrange vex, dict RD'S was on his trial for murder, but the evidenoe did not prove that he hart fired the shot that took horn's life. The prison- er orale a good witness, and, were It not that • strong leering stall prevails in 000nee tion with the death of the countable, Ries would undoubtedly have been acquitted of the crime. Of course the no called expert medical man was iu atteteleace, but the jury did not appear to take much st 3ck In his opinions one way er-Ms other. as the day of the medical fakir in court ses appears to be dying out. But the jury del bring in a verdict that Rica was guilty of a conspiracy t , kilt BoYD, and they brought in that finding with out having had produced before them one particle of evidence to favor their finding. For • mat to be guilty of ootupir.cy it is oeoeseary that he should be able. if so minded, to object to being a party to it, or have the privilege of retiring from any con. trireme in which s conspiracy is suggoe:eIl. Uranus', for the sake of argument. that an arrangement had been made by Jones or RtrrtsDus with outaidere to throw a hatful of pistols Into the prison conveyance at the corner of Sumach street, what eviden' e wee produced to show that Kies was k party ? Even if he was aware of the plot and did out agree to carrying it out, he was not in a position to walk away and, therefore, was not a free agent. If the burglars hail kil'ed STRWART, the eat red into parin•r.hlp with Or. Bethel*, other constable, instead of letting him off of Satortb. FROM OUR EXCHANGES. Ales . Lays • Slatted Warner Cutler! Lliut.n New bra : Alex.. Cooper, brother of our own 8. 8. Cooper, wee • caller at The New Era on Wednesday. He 1e the same jolly Alex , perhaps more so since a visit to the Emerald ls1e. Metter 1r7 1t wars Mere. Mitchell Advooate: When speik'iR of Rev. Mr. Hobson remaining In W iogham euotber year, we should have old that his salary we& rated from 11,000 to 512,000, Instead of saying 1t "was raised 51200." Mew Lea Villose rat In T•elr Time. Clinton N.ws.Kecerd : Mews. L B. Kennedy and J. Steep were'-. Godencb on Tueetsy and, fiod;eg time hanging upon heir hands, went down to the wheat, where 1n a short 5 nis they caught fifty percb. About one bemired persons, men, women and ohddren. were similarly rapeseed e.5 rers't ir, est Imitated. l I+oton New Era: Rev. W. (1. Howson end wile drove to ()oderlola on Wednesday_ Thera Is nothing particular about ties, except the fano that it was the Bret time during her resideooe In tows that Mre. Howson bad driven outside the town. Fur • lady in good health this is all the more unusual. A Aew 1-d.eat for sweeter. Clinton New Era: K. Philip, • Conserv• •tive stalwart of West Wawaoosh, wr, 10 town for a short time thts week, on his return from the Pan. H. has rented lee farm, and expects to move t r lioderlob to reeds, but Dae not yet fully decided. A mac more thoroughly straightforward and reliable would be hard to find. respite 1■ Glass Nooses, sir Brussels. Post . Sometimes the city papers poke • little fun at rural joar0al"m over what they ere pleats 1 to cell 1,1,1.1 notices suoh a tho ,brooiohng of small improve meets, the o.m',g and going of people, eta , but If these tblrgs are not outdone by some .t the social Items 11 our city cantimpor• ivies well ab:ee to at the otti:e towel o0 Thwksgivlov Day. We rad not loot/ ago that • (*mein lady to Toronto eotuuined oompeny. That w' • sensible enough but when It mime to telling the style of dr. s she had on, the kind of dishes on the table, woo poured the u , oto., we Mat had to smile Torre It wre right In oold print and by the newspaper that made fun be nuc nes said • mac had built a woodshed at bis haute 1'ou city fault finders would shed • more beiefieleet bale if year.. antaoaa i rd year words Winnow zed better. A Rpeeslaties TYst •lda't.. ray. Clinton News Record : The appte dealers who fought in bulk this year bcorUly w+•b they hadn't, for they have been bsdiv bit- t,n. la not one orohard did the output mane up to the e;peotatlons, bot testi .11, tl the tall peke of contract had peen paid, the cwt per barrel to tic draper would have tyro from four to ten dollars. W• bats be told of • buyer 1a, say, (idartoh, who pall 1a the netghborhod of 1500 for fifty live bar -ole. Mr. A. M. Polley, the veteran live /man, of the same town, sold bla orchard for $45 and it raided only fir barrels, but, ea look would have it, he n• sewed only 510, the purchaser, It le N \ \ alleged, telling elm to go to a hotter clime for the baleoos. Mr. Polley is still in the o000ly toe a. Toe teilow.,g are a few of the Uoderlob tannin , who sold in balk : John Porter oontracti•l for 1100, yield 135 barrels ; John YouOI sold for $325. yield i.3 berre'e ; 'rhos ('>x sold for f3G0, yield 86 barrels ; lease Shield made cno- er•ot for $300. had 9.1 barrels ; Hen. Steep, ir., got $45 for 10 barrels. to nearly every case the farmer Rave • rebate. 1'be Hewson orchard to Colboi.te was bought •t $Z )0. but as 15 yielded only 186 barrels Mr. Hewson threw off $100. Stoves! Stoves!!m � Stoves!! 'ARS:1 AGEN1S FUR The famoust' Lustrous Perfection " Heater and The " Regal Perfection " Cooking Range. Thee Stoves are the test value ever offered in Canada and are fully guaranteed by the makers. They will save their cost in two seasma by reducing your tel bill 40 ler cent . end will last longer thou any other stove you can buy. Call and see them before you buy _HARDWARE We are eudeavoring to sell all lines of shelf and heavy Hardware prime that wilt suit all We try to give you Honest Goods at Honest Prices a ata and we have succeeded in gaining the patronage of merry new cuett>men. ^r WI carry a large and well aseortod stock. Our pricer are right. Give us a cull awl we will treat you right. a ALLAN & McIVEIS, TIie IA+ahng HardwaiT Rinn honest Goods at honest Prices. ��uttttuiutuuutttttt ttt►�u� 1 HE TOWN COUNCIL aall-Spltetaa ayIaw-Bylaw ' ,Marr f r vrs raid In Twa Inerv'meer.. The regular meeting of the tot's common was held on Friday evening last. Mayor Wilson t.00upted toe ohale and .11 the councillors were in their plwee Toe trwurer'e statement for Ditcher was as follows : Balance from S.ptember $ 1,463 93 art' it T•zce,bel.nos for 190011 848 83 1'•z• -1901 9,781 17 %Vats,ta'as •.• 136 00 Electric bgk1 rates.... 506 55 Market 10 00 Sewers 59 18 Maitland cemetery31 00- 11,422 73 $12.886 66 p1SROR8111ENTN. Saleris $ 191 64 Pristine k advertistar95 49 County rate for 1900 and 1901 1,947 55 O. C. aad O. expense968 , Public worts ... 180 14 Charity 5 55 Separate school 100 00 Collegiate lnstitu'2,600 00 Bills payable 4,000 (10 Bank rotert tt 169 20 Waterworks manatee - ono' 1 124 89 Electric light maintop. once 135 04 Public school 460 68 E!atrio light capital 57 25 Special grants 50 ( ) Public library..... 200 00 Mleoelleoeoas 16 00 Local improvement ' t- tarst 216 40 Bylaw vote 37 00 -- 11 596 51 Dr. 11. 11. Ross, formerly of Aube: a, hie fi N. MP. ROZTG,ITZE 4.J In GUNS we make the following offers :- Double -Barrel Breech Loaders, 12 Gauge " Better Quality Bonehill Make 16 as as 0e rel Savage Rifles,' 303 Cal. Flobert Rifles, 22 Cal. or LOADED SHELLS , $ 7.00 - 11.00 - 20.00 - 25.00 - 3.25 Black Powder, 2c. each. 12 GAUGE. Smokeless Powder, 2.c. each. We also carry a full line of Revolvers, Gun -Cases, Cartrigo Bags, Gnn Cleaners, Reloading Tools, etc. GUN POWDERS. 'BLAOK -_ American Deadshot, Kentucky Rifle, King's Semi -Smokeless. SMOKELESS. King's, Hazard's, Robin Hood, Gold Dust. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. N. D. RODUVIE, WS The Cash Hardware, GODERICH. water for all time. Referred le wal,r,o-i light oommltta. A letter from it Holmes, M. 1'., ea, is retieonce to the sgreemu i'. ou the part of the testa to keep a p'>rt on of the wharf In to pair In consideration of the se.tbdraw►1 of the tolls upon 'steels srteeng this barto:. "The statement fe m• -to to me," said Mr Holmes, "that 11 toe Government is nom• palled to build the orib•work in order to prevent eh.' wbr.oh is deoayed from falling into the harbor it it probable that the toll will be put on et formerly for vessels load log or unloadlrg or mooring at the con, me Dial dock " kir. Holmes asked the 03050 Ito look Into the matter and lot him know turther 0000erutne Tbs oommuolcatlon was referred to the public works and harbor committee. '1 hero war • letter from E. Campion, de- manding the pay meat by the town of $1? demurrage on the schooner Herschel, .od ole from the town wlioltor, Mr. G.rrow, stating that he had ooltected all the evl- denc• obtainable to the matter and that he 000'Idered 525 would be enough for the town to pee. The water and light committee were aut horded to act in the matter. The following a0000nts were referred to the beaxe committee : M. A. Hanna k Co., Cievelaod, O., peel, $1,158 43: lorthey Co.,lorrnto, valye *Wogs, 3; Maatoipal World, lie. Thema, blank forme, 51 58: Gutta Poroha & Robber Mfg. len., Toronto, valves, $16 21; McKetzis & Howell, hard woo, 17710; eaaadien General Electric Co., Toronto, wire, •0., $71 41 end 17.1 1 The water end light oommltta reoem- mendd no sottoa to regard to Mr. Camp on's letter In referenoe to the claim for brisk supplied tor the waterwo,ks chimney, and recommended that the tot.ler of G. W. Black for painting the standp'pe, $125, being the lowut t..nder, be sotsµ d. The report was adopted. Mr. C•otelon, In answer to an eotiotry, dthe n hits wee tb• material to b stet g p e used 'n painting the stmdptpe. oe $ 1,2) 15 1 he report re the finance committee, re oammendlog the reptant of • number of application from Mrs. Carleton tore •ocouota was adopted. redletioo In her water rate was referred to. Bylaw No. 11, to prohibit ap.ttio., par. the wattr and hvbl committee. t'cularly ot tota000 juice, on the sidewalks Riau. ring Officer Mitohell reported the of the toe a, was read • first r id • second time rid was then referred to th. special committee for ooesiderat.00 and a part. ('ounodlor Humber thought the Bylaw was too °overacted ; It should provide against defective the walks in o'her ways besides •pi tttng The °ounoit went into committee of the whole, Mr leaflet lo the chi-, wh''• Mayor Wilson introduced • motion bur the preper Iir of • bylaw provldlog for the payment of taxes in two tin' Amen on the 1st of .fuse and the let of Dees mho!. of each yes Mr. Humber a►ed how this °cold M done when the rate was n,t Croce until after the let of Joos. It was poleted cu. that in other plate.' the dual p,ym•nt plan was In force, so there Goold M n, Insur• mountable obstacle In the way. 1'h. motion was (marned, and when De N orshtp had resumed the chair the matter war referred to the special oommlttee, Mr. Mart',, who with the Mayor wr- ap,ointd by the council to de.l with the law mit arising cat of • tax file fn 000neo Mon with whlob there wee said to be some Irregularity, stated that they had author- ized uthorized the settlemept of th• c•a., the town paying about $20 In oats. The special commit' ,e was empowered to deal with the Goderleh Elevator Co, In re• gird to the snit brought against the company by the town. Mr. Martin reported toe result of tele vlelt to the ()reeve meeting In '1 otooto '1 oonn•otton with the 12th of July oele hration in Godrrich next year. He stared that the trip was nnsuocesefal The bat rel' • the Grand TrUnk would give them was 16 40 and there tau no proepeot of mitt' ng t n excursion from Toronto. The council then adjourned. revolt of the vote on the summer hotel by- law, whioh bee been already publ'•hed. Codeotor Held submitted • statement of the oolleotor'• roll for 1900, as follows : Total amount ot taxes on roll ...128,307 75 I'1•oed a,, dnst 1104 ..$ 132 75 Unoollected 51 13 Remitted ty °outwit59 33 Discount over addition 192 30 Paid treasurer 27,872 24 - 128.307 75 The collector submitted also de• lied statements of taxes plat•l ermine land, tikes" uncollected and taxes remitted by The seoretary of the hard of Trade wrote enclosing two letters prom General Manager Reeves, of the Grand Trunk, Io regard to the proposed tmprotemeot; at Goderioh "tattoo, and urging that the corn. oil Mose the arrangement with the con poor. The letters from Mr. Reeves were as follows : "Mo,TaIAL, Aug. 12, 1901, "I' 8. Wrt.r'the. President Hard of Trade. Godench. Got. "Dx411 St&, -I have your■ of the 10th instant enclosing •xtraots from Gdertoh papers in reference to new depot. I do not know that we can bring this matter up. All we ask 1• for the town to or r. J out the propositionwhioh,i understand. they orlgln- ally agreed to. What we wast le to have our tax assessment left at 517.000 for ten years, end thea continued for another ten yeses at the end of the first period. "If we "orioles any extra lend,why,thst 1s a different thing and would not affr,0 the proposition at all. We simply elk for err taxes to be limited to the land we now own e ed improvements we may put upon that Iand." "MovTR,Ar., Aug. 15, 1901. W i ,u) ve, Rau , President Hoard of Trade, I:xlertah. l rt. : "l)zAR SIR, -1 have yuan of the 140e Inst., and 1 quite remember the 000v.rsa- !ion .we had when you were here, r td that 1 did say we would he willing to waive the second ben years' term, although I was In hopes that the town of (inderiab would see their way clear not to ark us to Jo so. However, If they Insist on Ir, yo:l are auth• or rel 1, make the etstement, "w• would he at illlrg to withdraw 1t." Mr. Mettle earl the courted were wiling to carry oat the propoetloo whioh they 0d made. Mr. (teens' loner started ant by reeve, int thele th. G. T It. wooll aoorpl h. town's eroposilien nod then west on to talk nt tater' the minimise wanted. (tel Ma sogssetlon the mater was Weir.' to this epeeist committee tor • oonlereno• with the Hard of Trade. The twenty clavi applied for •leotrlo Ilsht e.er'etation f •r the gaoler's residence. Referred to water and 11110 oommlteee with power to net. Engineer Kone wrote stating th tt • 'oral wa •r ttkete bad put the water opt In 1bg game trench se that in wflioh the *ewer pipe Ie laid. Ile silted that this he out a step to, as ' e case of a leak '., the water pips It would go to the fewer instead of r'• r5 to thee trhoe, whioh wnuld meal • :one of COULD NOT WALK. Some people become se crljlpled with rheumatism that they cannot walk for months at a stretch. Mr. John Connell, Redford Mille, Ont., sundered great ngnny with musular rheumatism in his lege and could not walk for two months. Four bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Otuw mule a well man of him. Thin greet blond purifier is put up in bot- tles containing ten day.' treatment, 80 nets, at all dru ,(ares, fir Dr. - c*.1 4a Oat. /Mendes and Furs.,_..*._ Coal lis are now a serious mei why burn coal, for weekly Mash? Some Soa vemushers mush Anes without but SUNLIGHT SOAP ' ft's a -Wu,. economy to buy the beat of el! Snap,, when by doing so the Wi, m t y of coal used os washing `- Reduced 50 per cent. Pnrning coal to help inferior and 1 ..v -priced Soaps to wash is like 'Tending a 3 cent tram faro to "Thaw a to coat a'tltla for n , cola By using ` I'NIA C. HT SOAP you save li. • ..st in the cost of DO. peals ,,n- o•ed, not to mentbos lie longer Ifo of tis articles tabled. A Sunlight Soap A V asare work RI * mast Nal de R infinitely better, than , Nee tahlea of common, chap s�eesri�� will do wl(a eelde• The msjsrlty fit the public soon And e the lines 01 true economy. That', why SUNLIGHT SOAP is asked for by three people to one asking for any other soap in the tend. Tb. Woes styles and leagthe to Tailor. made Coate, all mew Dile mes- ses, la the latest oolorlegs, aod at rook bottom prices. A lot cat Rahn Coate putt in, direct from the makers and at prices that sbould make a ready sale. Some w low es $3 25 Uncut valve. Ste oar Furs. They are all neer and at puoes this cannot In beaten for lite Roods. Dress Goods. Another lot of Homespun' In t•leeks aad dark and Sala greys Th, gtoateet value to be found say where. Tweed Drees Studs from 200 op. A'tall stook of Ladies' and Men's Uadsrolotbi Low 20o to $125 11 Itti Al -a WRAPPERETTS 20 for 15o., 12 for So.. 15 for 12e COSMOPOLITAN MODEL PATTERNS FOR SALE. 'Phone 86. J. H. Colborne. BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VARNISH, i41/111w LEAST ODOR. BRIUHTBST LUSTRE. QUICKEST DRYING of them all. Useful for buggies and all outaide iron work. thee the Best W hen you went • really good cough cure use our Black Cherry Said customer recently : "I sever thought worthies aeeld relieves Coast se eek/ay, " W. C. GOODE. CHEMIST. A tow dozen bit of that cheap Oatmeal Soap, worth 10e, out price 3 fon 10c. Posh. tnely no more when this lot is done. Wm. Sharman; jr. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. We have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich, It comprises goods of the following well-known makers : J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress,", The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co- and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocla nd, Masa. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, jr. "GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICES," is our motto. Fall Season --1901 All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most noyel effects in trimming -anal everything of the best. These are the features of the FALL MILLIBBBY DISPLAY AT MISS CAI RON'8. Ladies are invited to call at any time and make an in- spection of the new goods. Trimmed Hats from it1.00 up. Hama°" MISS CAMERON. Street TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of onanges mast be left at thls Office not later than Ratan -lay noon. The Oopy for changes mast be left not le ter than Mon- day noon. Carnal Advertisements sooepted no to not n Wednesday of eaoh week. A Great Snap. le our Ginter Soap, at 5o. e pound, e1 whioh we all a barrel a week. This Isn't our only map, as we carve everything that oan be found in an 00 - to -date (roomy store, and oar prices are right. The farmers know that they oan •Iways get from ss a snap for their prodaoe. We draw the line at no legitimate trade - everything goes : Glassware or potatoes, warden stuff or ohelowt table Chins. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford block, Gderloh. Mill Wood FOR SALE The a+ ore ie cut into nt nen woo 1 1en$th and will be deliverevi to any part of the town the same day ea ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 9S. PETER McEWAN. („,lerieh, November 21.t, 1899. 13-3m THE LATE D. K.STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND OLACISIIT I SHOP UNDRR NEW MANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with the late MR. 8•TMAC11A1e Mor •eeal years, and 1, thoror-zhly non - versant with all plumes or work that have been done in the shop. wisher. t i announce *het he by batten charge of the establish meat end w111 Derry on the Drainer In each • manner se to re Gln the eonfidesee and patronage heretofore extended to the late owner, and w ' 1 ) pleased to have se many new customers as .111 favor him with their pita mete. la addition to Ship Work foe Plows. Street Watering Wag- ons, Horde Powers, eta . he w111 aoetten, to do ORNARAi, BI.ACKSMiTHING and Itrl'AIR WORK of all trod,. MA - CHINK TURNING. DRILLING,PLAN- ING, THRZADINO. and ail kin, of me - chino work done on abort notice. fie by idea added • first -clam HR/ ZINO 1'I,ANT. and eft wort to that Hee, tselwtaest teeyole repainng and brakes of all kind., can 1,e attended to on ohort notice. Inwn Mow- er. sharpened. Prices will be found quits r t'►eona hie. JAHNS II. JOHN TON, The late n. K. Btre ehad's Machine cad lasak- .mith Shop, victoria et,. Ootterloh. WORSELL'S Pi THE PLACE TO BUY,... STOVES, FURNACES and PLUI1BING CHEAP. J. H. Worsell, • The cheep stove aril Amite Nae Goderloh. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MGLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR/ A Wonderful Topic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. Ms MIIIIcLEOD. Godsrkh, Ont.