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The Greatest Case in the History of Modern Medi-
cine is Completed by Another Sworn
A Prominent Ottawa Mau Confirms Uhder Oath Every Stetemenl Made
by This Paper in the Original Story Published Nearly
Seven Years Ago.
t rrass tb. Wows Kae Photo
s)me &even • year% ago the roe* cured of Bright's' Dbease by Dodd'..
Prise pabllahed a graphic toe -wont of Kidney Pills 1n. 1895?'
reinarkuble c urn burs lu Ottawa. " Not a pitnute," answered Mr. Kent
" Havo yon "boo 11101 the bllghtert
symptom. of your old kidney tru-
lee or anything like it t'
"Not the rlighteet, ' he rakt.
" You are sore that 1)otIdo Kidney
Pills and nothing alae revel your Ilfe
14101 reeturea you to your pfeisent
toed health?"
A alma nastt.l (surge 11. Kent lied
own cured of Bright's Inseams after
ire. doocttrw bid giv.'t blurt up to "tie,
nd the Free Preen reporter, alter a
lout thorough Invetltigation, pub-
; seed the whole story In detail, glv-
wg moult to !kidder Kidney !'IIIc 141
. he moot wlrau.dour cure.
The following /morn .tatemegt
deer given by Mr. Kent] In order to
+. is tuntlute the. ula,4nt incredible
1:it0/11 mase by the paper 114 Its
..eo.nuet of the case:
glossa et:►tl•m.'nt, Feb. 1Ott1, 1805.)
1, George usury brut, resident
at 114 l'nmbrlige street, Oltuw-n,
fold employed ma a printer In the
iltitIN1 Aanrtului !dunk Note
Printing einupoluy, iu tee meld
city of Ottawa, .lu s,,lt•muly de-
clare that 1 (-welder it a duty
to myself and to no fellow-u.eu
annerolly to stake a ticluratiou
840 to the t•f4Mlency .lf Iheldb Kid-
ney Pills.
I. That I found them in my ter-
rible cove of Bright's b1K'are,
from which 1 suffered loos nlm.wt
one year, of the greatest medical
value, 1 owl lacy confidently and
assure n11)0114' interested, or a
offfarer, that I pusltt,elt owe my
life and prtwmt excellent health
t.. the r.rull■ brought 'bout by'
their arm'. 1 was taken sick and
meifsnwl to my bed on December
::B/b, 189a, noel wua suorerrtully
treated for lot Grippe, them
ray, followed followed by Kidney Troubles,
and latterly Bright's Disease. 1
kat the teen of all guy Bala, my
retire body became swollen to a
terrible als.•, and lay skin became
as hard as and similar to loather,
the pkr.w all htvmng closed sip.
awl 1 suffered the meet agonising
poalti, 1 w.ii ostbj.el. to pietistical
spans of uttof pr.atratbm and lu-
rrnslWllty, to, u state of absolute
maim. 1 was Wet et victim of dan-
gerous emit ululone, in w1t1 •h my
motel exl.r.ratnl anti other nita-
ci.w w.as1•1 104•04104 seter.•ly (•ou-
t.rteal 411,41 team..
O. )1y regular p11y.l.i.n attempt
ed to me, and. 1!lime' ru'duo I
consultations were hell alar 1uy
.v*Me. by two city dk'eturm. 1'•lb-
ng .void be done. My ease grew
gnulally worse, and latterly
wee giv.•.i up ns. Iolteleem . Vy--
wife, friends and neighs -men were
certain frost w lint they -!.ten anal
were' (obi by the 1.1 ti .!,•tura'
"bat i woul.1 .110 141 a ter.) nh.,rt
"Abiolut.ly sure. Why, my wife and
1 are au grateful to leold's Kldury
Pills that we have christened our
little girl, bora In December. of 16118.
by the trams of 'Ikeids.' Thta shows
you tetter than anything 1 can tell
you to what we attribute my recov-
ery. I owe mgr life to Dodd'. Kidney
"Would you be *1111 1 In order to
confirm our story pobltalied In 1695
to make !pother sworn etntement?"
&'.ked the *craw'.
"1f It would t1., you any good I have
110 obhcth.nr,•" answered Mr. Kent.
"The Free Presto war certaluly well
within the truth In every statement
they published about my case."
Mr. Kent, at the roomed of the
Free Prete, has given the folnewing
sworn elate -anent .
ieWOiLN STATEMENT, OCT. 3, 1901.
sident rat 408 Gilmour street, In
the City of Ottawa, act employ-
ed) as a printer at the American
Bank Note Company In the said
City of Ottawa, do roletnnly de-
clare :
1. That on February 16th.
1695, 1, George Henry Kent, then
reeident at 114 Cambridge street,
Ottawa, did appear before
Chorine 1.. Blanchet, C'nmmiimloa-
Pr, etc., and before him on that
date ted snake a_ /solemn de•lare-
t:on regarding my recovery from
Bight's tinware by tide use of
Il dd'o Kidney Pills and tatting
forth the facts of my case and
Its care.
2. That la the declaration 1
art forth that 1 believe that 1
was nlwlutely and permanent-
ly cored by IAOtd'. Kidney Pitta
after the doctor/ had gives ma
up to die.
That Ina gpw 45bMohutelvicer-
taln tl)at !torlt!'s Kidney P111.
----aai nothing else saved • 11iy life,
and I hereby unbesi t at ingly reef-
-- --linin every statement made in my
d.clarntlnn made before Mr. Man -
chid. lot February 111th, 1895.
4. That I have tn.%er sine* that
e titan. date 1001 the •Iighteet symptom
:! My wife woe ensunlly read of thy. return of the Bright's 1)1s -
ink a wewpd(1epee abort (kir liars. *1N. fir any l:idney'-Tr1stble,.hav-
anl raw a de.rrlpti m of n stm•la Ing enjoy of unremitting goal
,im. In wi del n patient gave les. health sodd hating workol steed -
Dummy 'f the relief and Pure 1iy .41,41 wtItiotit interruption full
that had hewn effeUal ou him 10110 tit my regular employment
by Dield'. Kidney PI84. i Martel me a prlater•every working day
to take them right away, and from the tiny DO1d's Kidney !'ills
from the first p1,I 1 duawtered rent me bia'k to work to lite
et change for the tetter. .after date of thlw declaration.
the f14't bot I was wonderfully 5. That in et -Menu'. of air gra-
Improva, an.1 at the end of the titud.• to Iio(1d's Kidney !'Ills for
fourth 1 was sure I was. to get lotting loved my life, my wife and
welt again. 1 rentinued tnking 1 have chrtstene.l a little daugh-
them until the seventeenth boo ter bon to is in December of
lend I ran now pooltitely de,•Inre 1896 by the name of "Nettle-"
that 1 ani perfectly enre.1 tact 8. That 1 have recommended
able to our 14 day's work with any level's Kidney Pill. to ninny- peo-
er my romrsehe In the ,hap &nit I In that city hon! elsewhere,Dodd'• Kidney i'l.l• nndlmhtt.tl)
cured me, twenty*. from darting Rho having beard of •my wonder -
to take then,, i took n' o tier mrdi h0 escape from death by their
rine whatever. tele hate called 011 me or written
AND 1 maks. 11.1• s.demn <Dv to nen inquiring about them; nal
rinratlon, atanientloasly , be. having followed many of these
he4Ifla the came to he true. anti eager closely. I know of no ease
by .lrtun,y9f the ACT 1004PK('T- where 111141 have been tinsel ac -
1 NO F.XTIl\ JUI)K'I%l, 0%TIIM. cording to direction's that has
Declare.( before me. nt the City I10t' bees curet), and i know posi-
tively of my own pelaun:l know-
ledge of several extreme canes
where 1)odd's Kidney Pills have
effected 'satisfactory and per-
mane01 care&.
And I make thin iobmn declara-
tion, ronscientionsly believing It
lu Is• true and knowing that it
in of the Mime fewer and fifer' OP
if math, under milli and by virtue
of "The Canada Evidence A'•t,
D'rine's! before me at the ('Inv
of Ottnwn, 1,1 the County of
Carleton. tills 8r<I day of Octet -
of Ottawa. in the County of eerie.
tom thio 18th day of February,
(1. H. KENT.
(Bed) ('HAS A. 11LAN('HET.
A Oommkr.Inner, rte.
The Free Preen In the nrtiele ts
h.h.d In 1895 stated most p.»lt11e1y
•l nt 1)edd'o Kidney ('ill. and nothing
.1.0 were entitled to the reedit 1.1
,.Ing eared the dying mania life,
.o..I nils was moat emphntl,Ally epi-
dermis! by Mr. Kean In hie 'wore
•t. 1.'mellt. The Free Preset ale) mall
44 1lw.ut gsallfi'nli m that the cure
01 Mr. Kent erne an Absolute nod her, 11)01.
permanent one. And while (ir. Kent /R't.1l G )i. KENT.
goal,) not make a sworn statement (Nell A. W. F11:1SE11,
a• to the future. he Mated that he A Notary Public In and for
---tett be wait f,ermnnrnlly mired. Ontario.
Notwithstanding ode, there Were Notl,iug cold M• more convincing
Many who c(wkl not believe that a tMn this pinln deelnrntinn ninth" by
titan with one f.nt In the grave a• Mr. Kent, and the Free Pres. Is
Mr. Kent was could get a lasting plenuel to be able to present much
urs. --- "- -n complete and etnphntie confirma-
It occurred to the Free Preen the 'lion (4 our Article of 1495.
',quo any that 1t would he !iner`t- The Kent rune 111ust,_therefore, go
'sting to enquire now, niter the lapse on rrrrrri an the most wonderful cure
4.1 nearly Revert year*, us In how Mr. ever hrnrti of In this ns. province.
11111 Wan fPeltag. 1 Every detail of which ha* been rare-
IIP hod rern..4.4 to 4014 4711mo."r 1 filly euhetnntlatel by .morn evl-
street, and nt flint rehire.. n Iger derive.
Perste r(ys.rter found him To (k.,ld'. Kidney Pills be duo all
1144-7 rem nding Mr. Kent of thr-•tete • 411 f w 4ln.(wtf *Paeaotl-aa4-sew
article anti hie affidavit, the nrw•n- Mom! Oita dying nlnu, and that
pallor man asked him pole! hlnnk : atter all hope had been nbandoned
'=Have yon InMt any time f...01 and the 00141 waters of the river of
your regular work Rinse you were death were lapping Mb feet.
.(reale.' of Napoleon** Po/Ilion flip be
Marked Appropriately.
Eighty -Sr years has been allow-
<'i to alnpse bittern a monimoat ha.
teen Preetel to the honor 0f ohm
Prefect, *nutters who fought at the
lett!.• (,f Waterloo, Mars till/ Lon-
don TImem. Now, however, M. Henri
ion ye. the member of the
1' r. rah Academy and eminent hbe-
t'•.,: 1, with the ('onnt do Mauro:"
•"' 1 1f, (fr.4tnvw i.n rrnnntrt, haft
1011401 n pint of land tilt the j1"tte.
of the high rot.) from Rrlk
01f'Iv find that from [enrollee -At, near
14,e femme fnrm of la Bello 1111'
neer., chidh wne the centre of Nn-
pr,leona poolllon in the ladle. Thin
tfreatwo1 has been offered til thaw
Militarylety "1,a Rabr,'lnche,"
wide!, RM
hoe operool a mttwrrlptlon for
11..• emotion of a monttm••nt, nod
slw eeettel beyond all etpeeta-
(inn. The FrPnrh rrnlptor, M. (ler-
laned fine produced n .Irikittg Here
of work The prine4p•tl figure re-
e-Mrwn!. n dying eagle. with one
Rink" ir»keil and drnn n p 41.
IN•I. un.l the other extended. but
pierced) ,, illi bullet's; one claw firm-
ly gripe the French flag, while
with the other the dying eagle de -
fowls the eol0r4, on which are In-
stilled the words, "tusterlits" and
"Eyton" it typlflee France wonnd-
e, but defending herself. inlrepl•I
to the Inst. The eagle mearners two
In.trew 1n height, nod the extended
wing three metres twenty -flys.
Tim entire monument with pedoetal
mei bronze loo fittcen metre• high.
and 1's very .ImprPmnivP. It will eland
(Mt with fine effect In the Mon -
Grid 1)ekM •nrrounding Mont Rt.
Jean. It soul Osten hoped that Ups
monument would hr nnreilel thin
ycnr. hit as thin was Impn..lbta It
will be e4nete l an Juno LRth next.
!loveless Cotes.
tide one?" we anld. Indlent-
Ing a patient at 1110 interne stay -
"Hopeless entre," was the reply.
"Think. 1"q lin* dlleenerel permit -
.Int moot ton."
".tnl the next ane?"
'Rttll more tupelo,'" . (lnims In
have "0444',! the Prevent girl (men -
(Ion." •
C ]
The Mummy to the Slide.
Your hair Is gold, one, maiden fair,
And sweet your face to res.
Your brow unvexel with pausing
Save ns you pity fur.
Yun meas.. as well become. a bride,
And linger, gating here;
ltty slghtb'esi eyes are opened w1.1e.
Unmoved by love or fear.
And love, though older than the Nile,
Remains forever young;
Before yon pyramidal pile,
Or MewnuoL song war gulag.
Before okl Karnak'* stoner were
Or Luxor's archer sprang.
I('fo.re the Sphinx had cost a shade,
Or Timbal It. hummers rrulg.
Were plighted vows and 10110 lit sunt.
That wa4.10 the waste abloom;
IN, b', at last, as time unrolls,
lilt ashes in a tomb.
By nnclr'nt'hrinew and templed ways
That IIP In rains now,
They filleted my braids with bays,
And there 00.1 heard my VOW.
A golden serpent. twined lily arm,
A b.,, in amber ret
Ani hooped wttlt gold, u household
charm -
Nor death makes me forget.
The songs. the dances my robes and
Yet thrill my finger tips:
The kingly kits aa rhe bent down
Still burns upon my lips.
Tile barges on the stream at night,
The music's rise and fall,
'rho•cndeucet oars, the flame of
The lotus blooms and all.
Four thousand year's ago and more
The king Linde me his bride;
Rut why repeat the 'tory o'er -
We lived, we loved, we died.
My Nlrivell.d lips are parched and
My belittles blown with rust,
A withered heart, a sightless eye.
For centuries. are duet.
I break the Neale to ray the word
With fitful, failing breath.
That love which Duce the heart ham
1p mightier than death-
And yQl may weep or amble, soy
11ere by the river's flow,
As y'al love now, the mummy here
Lotert age all ago. ngo.
1:11(1.♦ A\1) MARUTAeOE.
Important Mut• fur Garb On Choc*.
lag husband*.
1'hole,' of m,.tsimony dome not an a
rule c • front the female nide. A
refined girl w111 not take the Mitla-
tlre, Isla *helms the rerponsibllity of
rerouting those who etre Illegible. On
what principle should this be done l'
F'Irst of all we would say, that how-
ever hand.enne and agreeable a (pan
may be he dieted not be thought of
as a husband 11 his character (bee
not commend Itself to the father nnii
brothers of the girl. An Irish magis-
trate asked a primmer If he were
married, "No." replied the man, "0,
then," said his worship, "It 1n a good
thing (or yonr wife,'.' It In Indeed a
good thing for n women not to have
to live with a liar, with a thief, with
a drunkard, for twenty.•or, forty or
even alxly y.arI. A limy man will
make but a weak l..sbatld or support
for a woman's honor : ort) will One
deficient In fortitnle-that I.., the
power to Lear pain and trouble with-
out whining. Beware of the selfish
man, for thoegli Ire may draw out of
his 4 111.14nees to the early 'risks of
courtahlp, he will Mettle tack Into It
again when the wear and worry of
life come 011.
it is necessary to rasrry a gentle-
man In the proper sense of the word
-that 111 to say, one who Is generous
and nn.elfi.11, one who condolers' an-
other's happiness and welfare and
not merely 11. own. A man who is
et bear to his slaters, discourteous
to his mother anti careless of the
feeling of servants and poor rela-
tions Is haat the man to avoid when
you come to the great question to
1w answered, yes or no.
A "duck of a huols)nd" generally
makes n goose of n I'nahend, no It
b else to choose for a husband one
with lasting qunlltl.s of heart and
character. We would not elate a
truth Po oh* 1011.4 were It not that
some women slay that they like a
mum to be a little 1,11 of a rake, just
it little garden one. If he Is not all
he ought to be before marrlagn he
Is more to reform after It, and NO
they marry In a Port of mieslonary
spirit, hoping to turn ltlm from the
error of his wept. Tilt* tenet it wise
thing to do, for some people's' rhar-
actery do not an n rule alter much
after NO yenr0 of age, ant if a man
lot" a had character it I. far more
Moly tlint he will Improve his wife
of( the a rlh by had treatment ra-
ther than that elle will much niter
him. The p0„rhonspx are full of wo-
men who thought that they . could
Reform Their Husbands.
.1. husband need not be hand.mmr,
but h0 Should be good looking, in
the "emus of looking good morally
and physically. it io n inlotako to
marry One An whose face the tan
r(ipnnnanlmente are conspicuous by
their absence, "When 1 WPM n elan."
Pny4 Aekllwm. "with et "Our, rlvlei
face. 1 carom tforbear pitying Isla
wife; POI when i meet with nn
open, Ingenuous countenance. 1
think of the hnppinetis of hie Meade.
tile fatally. and hie relations." We
need hardly my, however, that We
do not reconnu,nd a professional
beauty. who thinks thnt he in n
Indy-Miler. Whey Sweatt lave have
the trouble of keeping it Ilnehnol
for the ex(luelve benefit of ether
wt#nen 1 "Wien I tnnrry," renhl n
'bolol.lingi0lmclglrl. **Pit Want n fine'
4011, Iw0♦11. hnn.Mnmr man that
everybody will ndmirr„" " Thereot'
where yon err wrong," ,etll her
eller and more evperienr.al Resler.
"Yml IIavr enrich lee.. trouble In
watehing a limp good! -looking man.
nal would enjoy n greet glen] mare
of his eoriely,"
Never Marry a 1leelus
was the advice of Mr.. (inrlyle. An
the mlpply of (Centeno" U IimltM,
title ,inview any perm .rperflnoest
It W OOP PO, however, for Iher.1.
Pn(eyrh 10 spate of men who think
tbat they are geniis'/tee, and that as
slt'It they feel at liberty to be blot-
t.auperal and otherwise dlrugrae-
uWe. Tiler+ are geuerally only roue
of (and but (outtalk mothers, who
hats permit/Ado' them that they are
not made of 00111100/1 clay, and tlu►t
tho girls who get V.hem will be
bleared. From such u blersing young
woliten should luny to he delivered.
"And while item Loon, dear Katie."
*stye one of tilmkerpenrc'r mouth-
pieces, "take a fellow of plain and
uncolueal constancy ; for he per-
force not do thee right, became,
lie hath not aha glft to woo 1n other
places; for theme fellows of Infin-
ite tongue, that ran rhyme them-
.elvee Into ladles' favors'. they do
always reagod them4elv4r nut again.
What ! a 'swatter Ir lot 11 pruter.
n rhyme W but a ballmi. A good
leg w111 fall. a straight back will
stoop. a black bean! will turn
white. a curled Mala will grow bold,
n fair fare will wltI,t•r. it full eye,
will wax It0110W, but
A e;ood Henri, K.te,
1P 1.1,44 sun and the moon, or rather
the lash and Oat the moon. fur It
.lines bright. a,a never cbungeo
but keep, Its Course truly."
ae to 010 age la Imrlaautl should ise,
we. need say little about this, be-
cause men differ ,el much. 8 yne nee
more fitted to take upon themeelveM
the respondWhtiee of ,uarriage at 25
year". of age than others at 35.
It is Not \aler•I
for a young girl to wish to marry
au, Old 1unn. A father once said to
hie daughter, "When you marry 1
vhlll not allow y(u to throw yourself
away 011 000 of the gid'!'.. frlvq'ous
young fellows I ne' about. 1 mall
select you a dish], *sus ble. middle-
aged man. What .l, you may to one
'boat (.0 years of age?" " Well,
father," war the ingenuous reply, "if
It le quite the manse to you 1 w(uki
prefer two of 25." Just Nt, bit we
think that 4Oy 1,14•14110. are ,t miM-
take. 1'liey never know what they
nee pl'ased to cull their inicdr, and
It Is INA .,ity to discover from day
to dar what they urs going to do,
OP Into what they nee going to grow.
Then a burn Is not nae to ap preriate
a good woman until 114' (4,11111 to the
riga of dLeretlon.
There are heertn all the better for
keeping: they be4Omt: mellower anti
more worthy n wnquan'M acceptance
flan th.' erode, unripe things that
nn' 'omellmen gathers' -ns eli'.1•iren
gather green fruit -lo the discomfort
of those who obtnin them.
Their Hold I'pon 1,114' 1t Rllgbt, and
Mothers Olive Greet BypQe.
Every' baby --every little oils -re-
quires constant earn and watchful-
Oeae, dant When et trace of illness 1s
noticeable, the remedy should be
promptly applied. The little otter
are frail. Their hold upon life Is
.light. Tho slightest symptom of
trouble 'Mould be met by the proper
ourreettro medicine. Ilaby's Own
Tnbielr Imo.. is reoord rurpurning all
other medicines for the cure of chit-
dreo'm ailments. They are purely
vegetable and guaranteed to contain
no opiate or 900014oue drugs such
as form the. heath of snort so-called
"oouthing" medicines, For sour
stomnelt, colo, staple fever, consti-
pation, all bowel troubles. the Irri-
tation accompanying tip, cutting of
teeth, efetples,ncsr 11a1 1 similar
symptoms, thee° Tablets are with-
out nn equnl. They act directly
upon the organs which ramie the
trouble., and gently but effectively
remove the cause and brag back the
coudltioit of perfect, henrtshealtle
Every mother who has used these
Tablets for her little one,! praises
'them, which Is th44 best evi.knce of
their grout worth. Mrs. David Duf•
field, Ponsonby, Ont., says: "Baby's
Own Tablets are a wonderful moll.
eine. I thick they- .tool my Irtby'm
life, and 1 greatly recommwrl
them to other mother,, lek your
druggist for I:aby's Own Tablets. If
rho dorm not keep them, semi 25
cents direct to no std we will for-
ward n Mux pre -pall. Wo have a
valuable Ilttl • booklet on the care
of children not how to treat their
minor nllmoxite, which w0 will send
fres of charge to any mother who
ask, for It. Tho 1)r. Williams' Medi-
cine Co.. ilrnekvdll1)'Ont. ---
WIre'a !invite's.
The Supreme Court of Appeal in
Anotrla line de•ldo,I that it n wife
e a vee 11)01*.')' from lbe nmomnt al -
IOW NI to her 9,v her hushand for
household expertise,' nal apprnprlatee
the, .avingn for herbelf, thin pro-
ceeding amounts to theft. The Len -
don Mali'. Vienna correspondent Mende
particulars" of the curious cane. Mr.
and Mrs. Uaun, atter bring mar-
ried for 80 yenr., were divorced, and
Mr.. Dann took with her oho ,unl,
fomentltyt to about C1)l5, which sate
had mtv0,1 from the weekly allowance
made to her for hounehokl rxlp.nneo,
Mr. Ilitun brought an aetion ngalnnt
her to reenter thin amount, tired
judgment. was given in hes favor.
Mrs. Unun !tag to refute] the whole
Hat. -au. ,Lloa. _-that -r4a-l.aa - arms
'dished her life work.
1400*'. (town with 11nd1Mg1l,s.11 3111)'
upas, heart -free companion.
q'04 w)mething to laugh at in the
joke* about mal'L'n,.
Spends er4rn-eighths of her time
19 the shops.
itogln• to tell her Mother how n
Iwn1,0 should he run.
Btnrts ft eollrctlon 0f hnntikerehief,
net dolllee.
'Thinks, nil her oil ndmlrera ere
dying ell broken hoar La.
Become* nbeen t -minded and leaves
her left hanti nngloned.
Oleo, the hem In the latest novel
her finneee'n nnmr.
Pmtnl•re etrry girl she knew. thnt
*hell Ise one of the hrtdermnlds.
Is on the whole the .weetesl pw'r-
wmI(h'ntlon of egotism imaglrlal.10.
Wanted (tome Help.
Aar yon the 1141111 who need to
wrltn nrtlele• on ' How to 1.Ire on
Ten Donne. n \Veck ?' " finked the
sauce of the pile gentlemen with for
bolting brew.
i nm he.' replied the pale gentle-
'un n.
We'll, Any, won't yon give no rate
on 'nn'.v to ;Inuit n Thonmmnd ik,linr
cottage for Flt. 11andtel Dollars?' •
Steps the Cruel
sled Works (IR iba (`old.
setive froveoQalafm Teller man a veld
can day, Ns Cora, No Pay, Price pp errs
Busse Vaataslic I)eliulllons.
Athlete -Au artist iu the fire of the
Darlug- A Lover with which nae
funny aea'oeewts In souring the
world against oae'e *elf.
Flit ure-A Damocles' hup4
Swing -Artificial rearIckaglig
Scribbler --Ally one of mylreliene
Bite ..tucking -A recruit w110 as-
plrea to become a field marshal of
IVaruting pan-T11e sun in bol.
Prude -One who tacitly boasts of
5Iwnuto(Iplac , vlrtue-
Bensiue-Abea,Iutlon of,eoat Collars,
jest 1111 abvu1mtlor it the betaine of
.0141 Ig.
•('rah'a1-A human bud.
Bullet* . duux--Leaver from the
tree of love, which wither with mar-
Bivouac -Tito alcove of war.
Blasphemer -One who walks on a
foot, which may bo imaginary.
Bot -An animal which live. on
rabbits, and a fur clutch is manu-
factured of rabbits..
Hood nature -The human heart in
a dreaming gown.
Ifs* Of Cllelc.t'Phermometer.
itt to a very gooli thing for every
mother to know how to OSP what I.
milled the "clinical" thermometer.
Tine6. a little iuetrument which
nay b• Weight from any chemise,
and it detests the prewence of fever
In the blual by Mlowing I( the tet
perulitre Is higher titan the nornutl.
The normal temperature 1'. mark..)
on the therntoweter by a little ar-
row at 98.4 degree* The index it n
appareled piece of mercury, which
oust be shaken dower to 95 de-
grees before the thermometer' is
used. The bulb should he placed
tut.le. the armpit, the arm pressed
down up<i It uo so to keep It cov-
ered. and It should In held for five
minutes. It can be read on removal,
as. Use index remains stationary.
The best time to take the tempera-
ture. is b'tre 0 to the morning and
b•tween 5 and 8 In the evening.
('art of line Helr.•
A woman expert gives these re-
cipes•for the Informatiou of her tes-
Quinire Hair Tonic
Sulphate of quinine, 20 grains.
Bay rum, 4 draws.
Olycerine, 4 dram.,
Tincture of tartharitlet, _ mirenla
Tincture of Capsicum, 2 drams.
Water enough to make 16 fluid
ounces. a
Mix and dissolve, let stand 24
(lours and iter. If it Is desirable
to here the tonic colored. add en-
ough red ea err to produce the
tulle required.
Jaharo Hair Tonle.
Sulphate of qn ine, s.0 grain..
Use every night rubbing It well
Into the scalp.
Tonic; for 01 Hair.
Witch hazel. J onus e..
Alcohol, (tunes,
Distilled water, 1 ou e,
RPsorchla, 40 grains.
Lotion for Dry HaIr-
Partteularly good after fever:
Phe'aic ackl, 2 grams.
Tincture of 1104. vomica, 74rus.
Tincture of roil C1roltona, 3 ggrmamn.
Tincture of caatlnrid't, _gr • mg.
Cologne. 180 grain..
Sweet almond fill, 84) grant..
Apply to the ro„t• of the hair one
a day. ^--
Tanz), Leaves for Moths.
.1.11 old-fashioned country r001edy
that n %lunge housewife reOmmente
to drive alit moth's is tansy •10144.4',.
Theme sprinkled freely abnttt wool-
ens and furs prove efficient, - New
York Evening Poet, .
Smiles 1a a Line.
Philadelphia preacher re-
cently Marries! five coupled within
an )lour.
11e (absently) -Yes, but I'll bet 11
couldn't have done It if any of them
lad wanted u shampoo.
Percy- Quick-Slr, 1 love your
daughter and want to marry her.
The Fattier -flow long has Ih),,
been going on. young man
Percy Quick -Oh. as far back air
early yesterday morning '
"Don't you think. I.'M wrong," asked
the sweet young girl. "for a conn
to marry a woman for her money?"
"011, 1 don't know," replied the
confirmed 0141 bachelor, "1 411ppw)MP
*onitimeo they can't get the money
any other way."
"Your bombard emotes' Incessantly,
(doesn't be ?"
"No, Indeed ; 1.e stops for meal.."
Young Mrs. Lucre (who Iona re-
cently married old Mr. Lucre) -You
are quite aura nothing ham been
heard from \fr. Lucre piece the pow-
der mill went up?
Bridget -Not a word, mum.
Young Mro. Lucre (wiping away a
tenr)-Well, no news Is good news.
You will nee, Bridget, that crepe In
palon the front door as noon an pon-
Brown -1 herr you married n very
e)larming young widow since I last
Haw you.
(trees -That's what I thought the
day We, were married.
Brown -Well, didn't you?
Ureen-NO , she married rue.
The widow -Every time he kiss.'a
rite he color* up to Isle eyes!
The btu! -And doe* he never get
any of the Bluff In 4,4.. eyes ?
Moho) Do 5111 think 11,.' use of
Mang M' n young woman eonl4 Peer
lead to profanity ?
Abel -It might on the pert At the.
Man Win heard Tier.
The Sweet Young Thing -Yon sty
thnt marriage lo a failure, Mit just
take 414)111)4' of the men you meet
to -day and you will have to admit
that you hove !deco mistaken. The
married men, as a rule, lark much
hnppler than their bachelor breth-
01,1 Mr. ('rusty --Yen, of e041r040 111ey
(10. Why aho.ddn't tliey? Mont of
their wive* are getting ready to go
away for the nurfler-
l)ar0, Twlcs and eilenee.
Not long aur) a Indy wan giving
n lecture. Her minimi WAR the hu-
man figure, and the requir'menli,
In the way of proportion. for
twenty. Roto hornier wit* of Renee-
..Io -4144.' may May u11W411ti1y •- mdse,
end Ler manner wan supwerellkwu
rind lofty. Mho waw trying In 'le-
rmmstrate the relativo .411.9 of the
limes no they r.nlly might to be,
"Eur evnmpl.," roil she, 'twice
retsina my tl.um:,--rhe bald it lap -
"once round my wrlet ; (ole/. round
my wrlwl, rmee round my nee ;
lark'. room) m'y neck. once round my
wn let:'
Herr *lir pnoara, and a *brill vole.
frnln the ellchrnro Px441*Ime1.
"Twice rectal r0ne wnl0t. 011544
rrnrsl Hyde !'Ark.'
The, teeters* heartily pawed 0n t0
another Trench of the tinhjert.-
IaNplo44 Anewer a.
Soz dont ,
Tooth Powder 25C
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
i rawirssi ILfiwlld Sia Lata Liquid and Powder, 711.
At aroma or by mail. Semple of the I tut the p,o.ug., 3c
+++++++•l+++++++++++++4'++ -
The Signal
i r ru suntan.
When a man Is In love he seldom
elope to consider whether or nut
tlu. Mrs. Gruldys of his Met will ap-
prove, of hie selection fir mut: If
the woman le willing he straightaway 1
hies him to a winlrter or a maglt
trate and the, twain are Heade one.
Mee Have been luting that way
almost from time Immemorial. For
NWUttu'e, there wait William Cub'
beth, the great writer and the ''I:b
orator of the F:nglirtt press," am lir
is frrjueutly called. lie was only 21
)etre of age, when, walking out at
the streets of Halifax, Nova Scotia,
ono wornlug he clrinced to Mfe n but•
onl nervaut girl busily' emerged in
warning the family linen. The girl
though only 13 years of age, w•ar,
pretty, flu Cobbett stoke to her,
learned her name, and the save
evening called upon her parents 11n1
Mall h., would like to marry their'1
daughter. This 114 probably the or-
igin of tit, etpre..ion, "This be s..
.0 Men," which blushing maidens hate
111'00 II 4144 Of et Pr Mllu(•e. '1'114' Isar
.m ten of tale girl Informed the young
man that they lord 114e objection to
him ss a mel in-law, but that lie
would hnv.' to wait until their
dnughter was of a marringeable nge.
Acox,r\luagly, (A,bbett gave the girl all
the Money he had, which amounted
to $700, and she went to England
and became a .k.mrstle in the fnm•'
ily et a clergyman. Five yearn later
Cobbett returned to England and
811trrfIil.*ury I'ark(w, Premier of New
Santo Walen, iv anotll"r.exnmp'P. 0110.
night a hen dining nt n friend's hods.'
he was struck by th c nppearan.m of et
s.•rvnnt girl who waited upon th i
table. anti persurulc.l the Esti it/al-
low her to Prater Ws employ. Thie she
did, rand for n Mu's't time held the
1.lnitbwl of cook In Sir Henry's tlolmt'-
hold. Then his love fur her 04.ermune
all txrlventtugalitlee, flea he made
1itr 14ady Parke
Sir (:.rvnl/e.. ('lifter), whirs b
tory of •lantakut is one) of the fin
brinks of tot kind 1,t .•tlat('n'e. mar-
ried no hos than .even tlmeM. and
ich time eelectel his Indy from
motsg 11W domestic servants. Tie*
rs ventti 14ndy Clifton mantel' her
1. , but the other Mx Ile M►rlr.l In n
him y mn4a dent" which civet
(IPxl, 1
This aw iMy. tbe• author of the
fans -ma book, •-ftanfori and Merton,"'
se'l.etel War girls, one from► n )wu)r-
Irwrse nm one from n. foundling rny-
and ' ,k them into his hones'
nn.k.nlest • Ile proposed to both of
them 111 tar One rej.cled his mutt,
The other pr 's1•'l to marry him,
but sub.rluenl withdrew her prom-
iro er1 1141 14111 f ids trceutrlcllles.
Day, flowerer, n mired the girl's
courage., and sett • it dowryof
$2.!'(X) upon her, n th' .time time
deciding to remit,' a.
But more Illuetrtoun Ilan nil these'
examples is that of I'et. the Orent.
One .try the colander of a Russian
Empire, the great and ter We Peter.
was dining at the braise •f, Prince
\reuw1,lk4f. Ile notice( on of til"
seeding mails particularly, arid,
though she teas 1101 handes'rn she
content the fancy .4 Peter. Her n me,
t1)e prh:c . 444 d th • Cs'u', waw Mar I.
Nle 11'ot been a neernnt• In the imam
of a Lutheran minister of Marlen
burg and when that city tens sari -
tared by the troops of Rn.tlsla the had
been taken proetner by (lenernl
Rnn.r, who 1rd 9w14+011 Iter Over to
the ItrIn l'. w'h'at serf .he was, The
prince politely mrule n present of her
to the E'en*, who' eventually mnrrlet
her. rename! her Catherine, and she
relgn(vl after film an Catherine I„
Empress of all (her Rasing.
Useful and Interesting.
Pnitustry is now rroognls4•I nn. a
,rwdnl and Interpreting .'tenor. There
are spw•cilllatm hi all the larger Title.
art thlw elle of the Atlnntio. ne well
ns In Europe and other foreign conn -
tries, who are mrlsulted regularly in
(*miaow. lefty nn. one seek11 tbn adtice
of n Integer or poly.(clnn. One ad-
vantage thnt milmistry bats over t►te
nbove prufenel.sni Iv hl tine very mid-
rente charges mnlle fir tic, vnlunitle
informnt' of often obtained from the
Wee Eyes Keenest.
An optician w time quoted
in the 4'! llnofrlphln It.'rnr'1 . Nine
tenth,* of the retirees.' then.
oto and men in whose' bntd-
now keenness nnti correctness* of
vision urn n neeeenetr' al1hinet
pommel bine eye.. haven t yon( ever
noticed the penetrating anality a
Oteneo from nn 'Wife (Tri
1114.11114 to !MVP? The cold, steady
look from mach an ego appenrMto
read ol
you thrgTd an0tFtrough. 16 n
!trent many years of prat -Olen I've
dlaenvered thnt very few blur eyed
people are compelled to wear gla..ee.
gine eyes' nee very nttrnetive, hat
brown I'700 are the most b•nntifnl.
inlelleelunlity IM anally denoted by
gray ryes, and hazel eyes indient" 15
tltlent for music. Tito conmoneet syr
I* hhn gray eye, and the menet 4M
Quest Aleesnern, •
The (»leen 01 England his just i.nd
tier hand rend. Not for the first tln"e,
however. "1 was loll en ninny nsrfn1
and Interesting things," 111" was
heart to remark, "not only ihonl
myss4f int elrw"t evrryttting. 1t al-
wnyr Rives me new enrage nn'I de-
termination for nay daily tiutlrwmind
plonfeoree *ley, to have *ty hand look-
nt by a good pwvlro!wt" spleen Aletr-
nndvn. na to well kennel'', in On of
the homiest ailed toot Irving teenier' in
Sem» girim Ara decided blondes and
monis. are decided brunette* -- Mit
either kind urn apt to nuke derided
.ke favid.. there Potshot Tablets An
reg iota refund the mosey If 11 fall. 10 enr4*
w' greeds dgeubre is es ser► hos. els.
Terms •( ■■ barrt4sloa.
One month, in advance 4 r
'three...oath., " N
eft months, " 1 y
Otte yea..
Ad.ertlsbag tiers,.
Legal and other casual ad, .rt',. meet*, MO
per line for l -.11•... -roto 1. an 1 10.1u per Iles
for each enMintwat In.eruan. Neese red or
a nomyy..rel! .144*
l9ssluew tarda.! dx liter and ..den. M pen
A4..rti,.ments of,
1,041, Iroe..1. 8trar.d
pltu*1!ons Vac" W. Sltua.fou. 7.'1i/water' eat
Business ('hancee W'.nkd, not esa.edl*g I
lines nonpareil. 41 per .Oath.
Houses uo Kale and Venom ea Sal., *K be
•z.seed a liner. It for Myst m..oth. Mo. per •ah.
',fluent month I.e re. r &Avtsla preporLloa
Any special Notice. the object of whist Is 1.
promote the penunlary Weep of any Indltld.
oat or tympany. ►e be o.melder.d an advertise
moist and (Merged *000Mtngly.
Local nota es In nonpareil type one e.at pr
word. no nettles Los them 76c.
Local notices in ord.nary reading typo ten.
cents per wont. N. nol too for less aka.
Notre fnr churches and other religiose ea
beaevol..t Iaetltatlons, 14.lf rate.
llubecrfben whit fall Le mealy, TRIP 8te&a4
regularly by 10.11 will Costo a rater Mas
quelnnog us of the [sot at as earls • date ed
Whet • clams e( midden L dsstred. lot/
We old fid the stew address 'roar he glveA
PablI.ber'e Neuse.
J.111. Le Tonrel. of Onderfel. Sas Mea ep
pointed Lanai Travailing Agsat tar the Tewa-
shqw of Oodertok. Colborne, AMteld as&
Ws wanoeb.
Local postmaster* over the dieted are ale
empowered to rebel.. .Nborlptloas to Tan
All co.maalwt.oue mast be addressed
Tres WIManew s.t
Tpbese Cam N. Oodwl.K icer
TM' it4DA1", \O\ 7, 1901.
]used -_ 111 a.ta
Si al and Kipresa 1-S pa,
Mixed top pa
Mali wad Ixprer Ile p.n.
F.11 and giprees t. a-.-
11 aid Lapeer. , *.ss.
x041 A 4..
lis• NICHOnsLSONn•ral-.t Ln•.D.8.,
1l 4ll aeso,t,
Roowe oppnn.te the Pest O4.1.
Gold Tilling, Crows and MU* Writ a
S pecialty.
tl Yore' txper4Soee.
"Vale„ elosnd on Wednesday enern.Nae hi
p.m. from Mny to October ancient -vs'
M. MAmtl, 141.4, iL1),I' 1) 12
L. Surgeon t tater andappeweed math
6w ell dental open.tlous. Pressrvules d -Ile
n atural teeth a epeciwl. , (Mee' C. s..4
.g...4 Square lop .t/t Retrains es *00
Office closed on Wednesday afternoons. at
I p. m., from May to Oct.. InclaNve.
Telephone No, 30.
at•M. TUrssos. (. D.Drely s Ll
W 814 gaud LPI* aesn'.LW
Dr. Dixon, of Mnottwi.) Onld and
artificial teeth mmunt,4 on troll .r s ateMes
bases- Sped tat attention erre to 11.e rescue.
antlers of Welk of the natal eth. 060. In. 11/0
Lean's sew Weak. IS tett
'• Omce closed on Wednesday ahrennona at
1 pm. front May to October Incised yr."
LCAN1'ION, Q.0,-BAK1tl4Tglt 5b4,
Maw. Notary, to Odle* over ktsdlW
$ .11, Square. Oalerlek.
Ile situs, Commissionsns , An,
an. Moos Car. Hamilton as/ 131..11111=
streets. Ooderleh, 0..t. set
tROUDY(?'1 wt lust UI
'ollcrtn, wdarlw public prd•tn(1 1. obs
Maldtlnte L'r.onrt, te, 081ee.: !l„rah it.. .'ea/
don4tisonat onion. Private reside to lead Mt
50 west nl ss of utterer.
PI(OUDI'txrl'. R. C. 7*91
Attor*Pys, Solicitors, kw, J,
T. G. row, 6 .C.. Charts. (]arrow, ! L IL
nfILiP HOLT, Q (1, DAIt I i
1 Sollottor, Notary Public, sea (lobe llaet
sadaCearthou..e ears. Monty to less et
low rare of Inter
ten Sollcltor., lemariw Pub! , sea,
Money to men. Omoe,'W est ►acct.
!'71118. 84410IR - SARftlAR7t8.
li totter, notar7 and 000
on Hamilton 'treed et.pr.e1
Hetet, Uode1ch. Private
mortgagee at d tar out.
motes *wheel. _ --
J O. WARD, CON a a' Anc&L b1.. AIR1r
m rowm4elssr for taking sal reedvYea
rerintieneee of bell, .talo•(ta er sItnwe.
tines. depo,ltione or solemn deelawU1a weeg
eoin.r..l..g any actlen. molt es. pes...44. i
the II nth Court of Jostles, the Vitae. of Algesi
for Ontario, ns. is any f'nu.tj or Di
°Part. All k s w.n, lone dr ef.11y end
•xsoaw- tle.ldeoo. fid P. 0. address -Dui
gaa0o4, Ont. tuff
MON*T v Llztal} i.A1119R AIfi =
d vats Pends tar u Iso•
M rates sad espouse on 4,.o.11er mwOlyaa
Apply ta (Jarrow t Darrow.
I1n,. merit- sit- Q6Nkllw44''., 1 ':
•\s awes, I4.wt hwt.te awl N'rey Loaning
Arent. Only Ile( Maas eom►.ntes rep-sseerstroL
Money .o lend on tenni:1st lamas, at the touts*
MW sf Into, ret awing. In aro . suit W
borrower. (IM.•, w.d dway tit
Oastort street, Uoderfcb.
,t1 t 11..\YYR1N0.
Teleator. od,h•o, I, Oct, albs Minis'
10 la any part 441 the ..amt,.
and Load Valuator. Oud.H. b, Ont Naw
Int had eendsIssable merlons* n th4 a.•
thmestre.lry'gt.ell trodah therhnel tr a • utlen m.110atm
!Iona entruO..md to ►Im- O.4*,,. IeA M
l+4,te t'. Hotel, or tent by ,.all to hl edArowN
oderlda P. O.. 4arefuliy attended le JON..
Wog, County •uctior.e.r, =&-t
YARa1AOg 1.101. SUP.
TV• • LA
. eeee4a, l
0..Ieat(al.°11 Om4 1 p4f &11, •fig...
Wien n nun taken wan' hlmuplf en
1.1•1rr.. n helpmeet he pr0hnbly
n.'.•') her help In meet Irl. 14)111.
t honer. .1 turn *tnnl oto the shore
and *n ' There 1M no Intel heynml-"
One brave rind truetfnl ova& like
lidnhno. hells., (tint the crimpled.* l
world I. e plats•, rind nails for rt fel!
la 7•i b'yonI the sea, and (lode It.