HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-11-7, Page 1aA'BTHREE • s
ADV'T8 ono
Uorraatou. Nov.6, 10(11.
!Fall Wheat, 0 P5 to 65
Flour, Welly. par cwtt OJ to 100
Flour, •te.^.,__.__
at, per owl0 00 to 1 5)
��rcwsa (1!HI 00 toll 00
abed•, V too ._. _ _. 15 00 tole 13
Screenings. per cwt 1 00 1. 4 1 1
Rye, per bush ........ ....... 010 to 000
Buckwheat, per hush 0 10 to 0 60
Oats. IPbock ...... ............•
......�.. �70 to 0 t7
Pen, a bash....._ . es a o 61
Harles, per bush es •s -t• 3e to 0 40
liar. • ton .. 1 00 toll) W
Potatoes, 0 bush„ new 11 to 15
Rutter, .....,p,. �. 14 to 0 15
Chews. &tar Ib.--. ". 10 to 0 11
tr'erk anp•oked, alae, ... 15 to 0 f 5
I)io t )
HIy '1 to 500
Pell ea.. fl) to 0 'LS
Live Howe ._..........••e. 00 to 5 50
Dressed Hogs ......... ...... :. 50 to 7 F l
Here. ........._moon ,•. 11 to 0 18
Ilam, per lb.. ........,.......mo.,, to to to if,
Lard, per Ib. 13 to 11
Dressed Beef, tote quarter W to 0 I)
Dressed Heel. hind 00 to 0 1 )
()•tt1.. Kapott 75 to 150
Ordinary 00 to 3 far
lltltuation& Vacant.
leers the WAIN". J. W. 811ITH,IdM
vent for small family. IMRB. 1)
MOVER, south .t.
printing trade. Apply at 8t0NAL Omatf.
lx thasouao plata c wklae. Good wages
even to the richt person. Apply to hlre A
McOA W. 81. Vtaeeat et. 10.10
ere at the Colborne House. Apply
rougher& Wanted.
Ant or .eoond clam eaitiOoate, for 8. 8
Ne. 1, township of Colborne. Dudes to coin
rear Jan. 1.t. 1901 Aro irtloaa and teetl
mosWe received aril Nov. tab. W'M.
JONES, 8ea., Carlow 1'. O.. Oat. 71
Teerber of piano• oreen sod cone t.
Sttidlo corner of Hamilton street and
Teacher of Fletcher music method. will re
oelve pupils at her studio. stove Mr Nett& s
ins. ranee office , Sam)It to street. For infer
mall on apply either at studio or at n Od•0 e.
SL P atrlr • sl rest.
oJrgaaret and mu.lo.l director of North et.
Methodist rh•roh, and towbar of pianoforte.
pipe organ and theory. will be pleased to re
calve pupils. loetruotlon given either at
,tedto or at puplrs home, as desired. studio
at &mecums Mango Stare. West et. 72 t
For Rent.
►i`U RKNT.-.6 ROOMED 001.18E, ST.
1 Andrew's Ward, $1.00 per month, R. N.
LEWIS. 5611
3rd oonoeeeloe and out Ilse. Uodeglob
toweeblp. (Wilkinson'. terser). Il'& sores of
good land.weli tenor, excellent water, .print
creek. comfortable 6-roomnd hos... eo r1
celiac . ban. shed. stable. orchardsed c rune
orchard. Long l.•.e and easy arms to • rood
former. F particulars apply to Mil. E. J.
CPIL LAND. Uod.rioh 1'.O O. or 0.t RRU W &
GARRUW, Uoderloh, Ont. 1t
For Bate.
Rook eoekorels from pr'e►wloalag stook,
Apply ooze. Ood rbh. 63 if
11 the west half of lot IS, ooe. 7, West W-
wasoeb. comprising 50 sores. Applyto HNN-
RY POW L NH, Dungannon, or to Pilip Holt,
Bsrrleter. Ooderloh.
suit, will purchase that large
. term Dome with six -roomed •ddltlon,sit owed
pre Platen 8tmee, Half an senior land with
• E ase outbuildings thereon thrown in. For
further particular apply to T11120. J. M00 it
HOUSE, Hayfield P. 0. 304f.
VOR SALE. - LOTS 96, 96, 117, 118, 119
and 1/A In Hoahl.onp''DDs survey. all In
Ooderioh. For particular* aped" toP10LT.
Barrister. Bo., Uoderloh,
Msreh IIth.1000. 41Ftf
In&uranoea eta
Ir@t door month side West •t .tart
over C. P.It. Office.
Cerespoe't.•ot : J. r. Miro lav & Co.
AU orders promptly executed.
ANCA and real .0441. agent, Office, tee
door east of P. 0.. 0odorieh. Agent for the
twain mutual d» losurenoe oompaales and
leading 00006 oomt.anle..
Merssatlis and manufacturing risks at
lowest rates. Call at omoe.
11 Accountant and Insurance Agent.
Books and a000nnta made up.
Building. rented and rents collected.
Fire lmuranoe In Brit'.h and ('an•dlaa
l)m al
foot & Ho °Mee. North
.iUBANOE and Real Rstato agent.
I 1#ffe, Aoolde.tand Plate Maas Insurance
sires os. mutual or eaah plan at lowest
Ae t� Ea*Ueb .ad Coined' on comer me rap -
Om le nest door to O•reow Q Darrow, Dar
Metre Hamilton Wrest.
Pubtle Notloe.
seam tet anyone bathing off the
ideal., none or tampering with the ferry.
shooting or Ireepu.Ino neon any part of our
property, will be arrested and presorted,
Moth* to Creditors.
No. 3
Alter ybiting toe amuse of my early
days, 1 lett Augur& 1st for Douse to oom-
piste the Trowa,-hs tour. by Dumblane,
tbroneh the tunnel, and by the Bridge et
Aliso to Stirling. From Stilrhog 1 took
ticket lay the North !Jutish Railway a
Lrdieburph, the tourney taking me pest
Duofermlioe, the blrtbplaee of Andrew Car.
stogiesad the burl•l.plaoe of Krog Robert
Brune (&h1. part of 4ifeshlre is yery rough,
with plenty of heather growing along the
railway track) ; through termed* to loyer-
keetblog ; then over the great Forth bridge
to D•Iu..ny, the hems of lard Roseberry ;
Wino* on through • beautiful stretch of
country to the capital. At 10.30 A M. we
entered Waverley station -the largest sta-
tion In Great Britain. After o.lhog at the
earns! psetofioe, 1 took strut oar to
Prtnoes street, walked the whole length of
the street and up to tis• top of the Calton
Hill ; viewed the Nelms monument, also
Soetland's satire' wormiest (ollao called
Sootl•od'a Folly); then to llolyrood P•).,.,
with all its historic) rooms and anoteot, glory;
walked up Mob street sod then inspected
the Waverley Station.
Next day 1 started off for K4loburph
Castle. The first object of interest to m•
was the old bistorlo minor, Mots Meg. L
was termed of wrought iron ban and held
together with heavy Iron bands. It wee
manufactured at Moog, to Helgtum, In 1486,
was employed at the war. of Norbert) Calle
le 1497, wag soot to the Tower of Loodoo
In 1754, and war restored to Sootiaod at the
ropiest of Sir Walter Soots in 1829. Next
1 visited the room when the regalia of Scot-
land is kept. Kray artlole Is well pre-
wired, namely, the onewo, the smptre end
Die sword of Quite ; also the silver rod of
ethos of aha Lord Htgh Treasurer ; • ring
we with rabies and dumoode worn by
Charles 1. at hie ooroo.tion at Holyrood to
1633; the goLiea Cellar of the Garter, sent
by Kexabeth a Jame' VI ; the St. George
sod Dragon, or b.dg• of the Order of the
(tarter, and the badge of the Order of the
Thistle, with 8garai of St. Andrew and
Anne of Denmark set to diamonds These
latter insignia were bequeathed by Cardao•1
York to George IV. and were mot to Kdio-
burgh Cribs in 1830 by order of William
IV. I next visited the banqueting hall,
with Re acclre armor and souvsolre of
royalty, and then lett the Cantle to view the
oity, with 11 monument@ sod statuary io
6000r of the great dead. The Soon mooa-
meet surpasses .nytbioe 1 had ave ewe.
The deaden la m.gal6osot and the ,traoture
very lugs. A stslrw.y of almost 290 steps
leads to the top ; the coat of the mocanrent
war shoat $80,000. Other object of Intereet
were the Bonk of Scotleod, the Oommer
real Bent of Sootlaod, end the Colon
Renk .f Sootlaad ; statues to Gwrge IV.,
1822 ; Pat, Thomas Chalmers, I) D , LL D.,
end Prlooe Albert, the last mentioned • very
Bee one, with 'reap. of statuary in brotze.
O 1 August 3:d we lett E lloburgb by the
t'•ledoei3O Katlwy, aod went se lar as
Leohmaben. It was • holiday here, with
hone race. and Celled.. an games, and we
were met at the station by • bead of no Ise.
than • dorm yo°og men playing the bag-
pipes. Afar diaper •1 (be Kong's Arms Mr.
W ler wont to hunt op old Geode and I
went to we the old castle of King Robert
the Bruce, which .Leads on • peck of land
and ie surrounded oo throe sizes by Castle
Lake, and distant about two miler from the
town. Two mute have been dug across
the neck of land, and It would be • very de-
fensible plain in oil times. inside the old
wall. Is erected a building to commemorate
the jabdee of Queen Victoria sod to give
Welter to picotokere. A 01,0.1.. grate and
crane *Conde to one corner of the old oo.tle
e o the picnickers can warm their tea or
coffee. The walla ot the castle are eight
feet thick, sad aha height of the walls now
sending 1. about thirty feet. The walls
have been stripped of moot of their outside
acid Inside Moines.
Soaday was. day of neat Early out
morning I hard • strange nets, on the
road panning the boon -.0 was • binder,
plainly marked "Toronto, (Toads." Atter
break feet we bade good bye to the kind
friends who bad entertained as for two days
and took the toed to Loohm•beo, viewed
the fine statue of King Robert Brom, then
horded the train for 1)omtrle. W• took
• room a1 aha Station hotel, • very fine new
hapoing and the beet 8nlsbed and forotehed
hotel that i have seen ; then for the sighte
of lbs tows. The first thing that attracted
us was • floe rift nentel statue of Baron
and his collie dog, with mottoes from 61e
owe wrtrlegp oo Iia four sides. We sew
some of the places Barns used to frequent
and the hones in whioh he died; then we
went to St. Michael's ohoroh to *es the
last resting piace of the bard. The grave
yard lea great mass cf !arra headstone',
la the wetter of Thomas J. Video's. o/ the
Town o/ °adore -A, iw the Comely of
Hermes. Flour and Feed
MerrAnM, '
Noshes to hereby cern that the above
named hal made u as.leameet to me, nnder
the proytalone of "An Art Reeprctieg assure
mode for the Heeent of t .v.dlten," being
Cloth. 117. R 8.0
A •,.slaw of tae Creditor. of the said
Thomas, J. Vidor will be hold .t m nflloo 1n
the (hes (knurl HolIn the Town of Uater'nh, at
eleven e'Nnek In the fore0een, 0n Thnr*dsl.
the 7th day of November. 1911. for the •ppots4
must 0f 10epeot.1s and tho giviner of dlrea
Boss with reference to the dYpwel of to
114 ate.
Every person ntairning to 8. entitled .n rank
no the estate is required to runtish le me par
'lenient of realm, proved by affidavit toot dee-
lariat/mi. and snob yentas» as the ease ad
tell M.
ahgi , e. WNW of Assignee.
SATURDAY, NOV. 1.h, 1001.
Tickets will be lured at lowest one way
first -etre fare good going Friday and Hatur
da Nov. Arh and 0th. 1001, good returning on
odor. Nov, 11th, 1951.
Re sure and pur;b•w )oar ticket from
M. C. Dickson. 0. T. Ity, Town Agent
D.P.A. on the Square,
Once hours, 6 A.M. to 10 t'.M. Money re-
Insasd on tickets purchased and not used.
I number of *erotical lnetrumente, drugs
and m0mtn0 bottles. Tinder watt he tillers 1.
ly rewarded by returning It to Ruston n Hotel.
black and white; answers to "racy, has
on a .teal teilae, .mall pedlnok. Finder will
be rewarded by re:urning to M. U.
CA Malt 1N.
Sutaher BusinM& For dale.
An establl.ne4 end felly egeloped Dulness
In Onderloh for ale cheap for orb. se the
proprietor is going to the Northwest. Ad
drew BOX 117.
63.11 Ooderloh.
Sonja M
(`fOURT 00DERICR, NO. 32, C. T„
.JJ hold their runlet meeting 01 North St.
let sod led Toes,layeof every month. Virden
brethren always welcome.
M itdiNN.
•M Somme. Omos la Rask of Com-
i*NVSbMldlnE. wet side of Rgreis. Night
os11Elit7IMldeloe, Mein .c. W. Phone t3.
Tenders Wanted.
of ares weed, half Maple and lelf
Bennh, to ha delivered at the pnblie gebeole
nf Uoder*o6. nos dlreeted. Word to M ft.,
fres from blast lege, and to be delivered he -
fore Marsh let, Ire Teeden to be for not
Irma tea twelve nada. Tenders will be re
eelved note Nov. 113th. 1911, by
Bee. I'nhlle. Reboot Board,
meetly of red sandstone, but the Burns
mausoleum Is a very bad•onu ,trocture and
000taioe the remains of the poet arid hie
wife, Jug Armor. Eaclosed is • group of
statuary to (1•rrara marble, showing Burns
etandl.g by the plow, while the Genius of
Poetry is throwing her inspiring mantle
over 61m.
Duolfrleo 1. • ulean, well -kept town.
The sidewalks an laid with brick nude of
iron and glass aombis.d, and t be "Owes are
mostly made of • composition of greys! and
tar, rolled when hot with • heavy .team
After • niroll through the town I thought
1 would arose the Over to Maxwelltuo, •
thriving village on the wait bank of the
Nath, Four widget, 0onneo0 the two
places. Tears are three mills to the pl•e
and they are bulldiug • Roman l'atbollo
weaved& on • very floe die. They um heavy
traotluo englote and crook" os th.-slnsla
bon and draw heavy loads.
The following moro:nl we 10m early, left
Dumfries for Stanrser by the Caledonian
Rahway. eared by hail. Douglas and le ew-
ton Stewart,.0d arrived •t Stir rarer at 6 10
A M W. barite] the steamer Pillows'
Victoria and, bidding good-bye to Scotland,
lett for Ireland'''. at 6:40. We landed at
Lorne and then tudk rail by way of C•rriok-
ferges to Belfast, blob we reached at
10 o'clock. Ow a ting out to see the
•IgbW of fns olty, • Tutted fret the
the palatial department store of Robinson
& Cleaver. the fi&Ort stor to Halfwit. The
hrm manufacture nearly • they seIl. From
the roof, 130 feet above a street, we
obtained a bird's eye View of (fast. Near
by 1. the municipal building,' handsome
struoter° of white marble. Be art is the
.oat of • great linen Industry, ani we visited
oars of the great malls,Lindsay & 1'.. mpeon's
work., aul were shown the pr ars of
manuis.:are from the raw material ' the
/lambed article. '1'h. factory em loy
•bout one thousand hands of all gra es.
We visited 16e Belfast art gallerlw, wh h
000tain, besides paintings and statuary,
fine oollection of aotiqu:ues W• saw the
large tobauoo factory of Gallagher et Co.,
said to he the largest to the world; also
Denville's greet distillery.
Next day we visited the large shipyard of
Harland & Woolf and saw two barge ship.
balldlos. W• also viewed the Albert
Memorial, • vary large square tower with •
olock showing four Noes. 1 made • mental
oomparleoe of Belfast to a little Glasgow.
RRnh r HER ARM. -Last Thursday after-
fteraeon Mrs. A. Williamson, while getting •
pail of write. dipped and fell, breaking her
left arm •t the wrist. Bath Mr. and Mn.
Williamson haye been uofor(unse of tat 10
the mistier of accidents
l'on 01,1,1rc HOURS on SAruRp4Y.-As
the obrervane of the Klog'. Birthday le a
subject of Dominion Legislation, the pest.
ethos w111 be oloeed on Saturday, exoept for
so hour In the monlcg. Irmo 10 to 11 o'olonk
sod an hour to the .ft.rsno0, from :::30 to
3.30. The ofho• will be open oo Monday
as usual.
W. C. T. U. Ptulvteel•LUrncaae. -At the
Provincial W. C. T. U o000.nhloo, field at
Stratford last weak, the old offrore were
ail re elected, se follow.: President, Mrs.
Y. O K McKee, Barrie; ,,os•preeiden0,
Mrs May K. Thornley, London; oorreepond
Mr secretary, Mrs. Sara R Wright, London ;
reoordtag secretary, Mr.. 0lla C. Ache.on,
Goderlch; treasurer, Mr.. Annie O. Britton,
Uanano.{oe. The oony.ntioa will meet next
year se Toronto.
Nitwit FROM rel■ HARnoa.-Th. str.
Advance arrived from Port Arthur on
S.turday with 45 000 rebels of wheat for
export. The rrro was discharged at t he
big sweater ...The tug Yea Queen a the
first of 18. fishing fleet to retard to winter
quarter' hen. Capt. McDonald arrived
with 61e tug oo Sunday afternoon The
blasting room has ceased operations for the
aroma Yeterd•y the new leg for the
mill elevator was below Rot ready to b.
hoisted Into position.
Hotaney ON MONDAY NEAr.-At • special
meeting of the town Uouoc,l on Moodsy
evening, a petition was presented esktog for
the nbeervanoe of the King's Btrthd.y no
Monday next Instead of on Saturday, The
Twitters was 'lend by some of the mer-
ohnnt, wbo did not wish the Saturday
trade to be Interfered with. The council
scored to the request, and Mayor Wilson
has issued • proclamation calling upon the
oltizooe to observe Monday, November 116h,
as Hie Majesty'. blrlhday.
1)15111 OM Mis. STEE1.a.-The death of
Mee Sophia Stale, •1 the Sts of thirty.
eight years. 000arred at Viotorl• Hospital,
London. Deosaeed was the daughter ot
Rev. Douglas Steele, of Port Stanley. form•
Bray of St. Stephen's, Goderioh township.
Death was °Au.ed by • oomplto•tlon of dis•
eases whioh set In after an operation.
Miss Steele had beau studying in London
and her many friends will mourn the loss of
so bright and aminable a young lady. The
interment took place at Port Stanley.
I)Atcarrebs 1..' VIE EMrtRL.-Represeo-
tativai of lo.iges of the Daughters of the
Empire from Godartoh, Belleville, Hamilton
and Uollingwood were present at • general
meetlog In the rooms of the Woman's Art
Association ywterdnv• It wee decided
that henceforth the bmise.e of the head
°Moe 01 the order should be transacted at
lorosto. As • result el • dtsoueston open
the embitter of the Graves' Food, It was
deelded that the order should take salve
saps for the promotion of the fond. (Ilote.
Dr.l.rs.)r'ENy St'ao'RIn0RN.-We Imre •
few delinquent .ub*oriber, on our 11.1. if
yam ere one, pay rep ; if ran are nm one,
hat borrow a oopy of per !iffiest, that 1.
not marked up to date, don't fall to draw
the attention of the man from whom you
borrowed the paper to that fact. Don't be
sly on the "back pay." .lump on his corn.
with both feet. Make him pay for his
reading or borrow a paper that a paid for,
same es you wane to do. You need not
look •e the date on the label of this paper.
1'H.rrn.:RArlty. Some photographs on
eehlbleioo In R. R Mallows' @tulle window
hove drawn • Eood deal of attention the
put weak. They are taken with • oamere
haring • moying lens, whioh gives • much
more comprehensive view at aloe* range
than oral IN obtained- with an ordinary
remora. We notice that several of Mr.
Mallows' photn, have been published le
MOMS onmhen of The Inland Printer. This
1. Gee of the most elegantly printed yobbo"
sloe. on the continent, and only views of
the hleh.et artistic valve find i place In ale
Fritctkl. HORSE MEETING*, -Under the
aespio.e of the Wert. Huron Farmers' Inal.
tuts, .everal reeler will be held next
week for the disetudoo of .11 matters ram.
taleinr to harms anti their breedirg. Th...
marines will be held as feller. , Klnail,
Tewdsv. November 12 ; 8t. Helens. Nov-
ember 13: Atlee,., November 14: IAterles.
bore', November 16. Dr. Vetter Rego
Reed, of the Ontario Aplosheral College,
an anthnrity oe the hone, will .Aaron .ash
of these meeting.. At each mutter then
will he as afternoon realm, tnmmennine at
1:50 PAC, sed n minion .eselen, nem mese
leg at 7:30 e'olook. The Weer'. Institute
w111_heed afternoon Iteeel.ee at troll of to
places named but In different halls, sod w111
rite with the institute proper for the even -
log sessions. Resides Prof. Kwd, there will
he other speakers •t each et the meetings,
further particulars regarding whioh are
given ta bills.
THE (.oI.EMA'( SALE. -The property of
the Coleman Salt Company sou offered ler
sole at Seaforth on Wedoeeday of last week.
T. F. Coleman tout over the greater portion
of it, isoludlag the property at KuJorth,
Brussels, (lodutelt (the old Deteet,atioo•l
property), Dublin and St. Mary. rho
otiu• building and war.houw 16 the station
to Yeafor1h, • house ie Seatorth and •
quantity of ob•ttele were sold. 'The Brus-
sels works have Woo loafed by K. & J.
Kaadorl, of Claolon and Goderloh, Who
are making arrange of to operate them,
sod Mr. Coleman will water the works at
THE KING'S BIRTHDAY. Apropos ot the
keeping of the King's birth y as n holiday
the following from The Mall •d Empire ot
Wedoeday 1. is ot ler : "The hay, been
so many holidays this year that bjeotion Is
✓ nawd to the obeervanoe of th King's
Birthday as a general holiday oo , turd•y
next. This is • free country, and 1 is lar
oumbeot on no cue who desires to wo to
.upend labor. 10 England the birthda of
the Soverelgo le otfiolally recognized a
honored, altbough It Is not ob.erved as •
general holiday. Evidently this will be the
cue io Canada. Although the occasion
ought to be marked) In a .penial way, we do
not need bolidage to demonstrate our loy•
MANN.RS-111.•51 kin -A q.let wedding
took plum yesterday at the reetdenoe of
Mr. J. H•mlen, Napierst.. his sister -Ir•
law, Miss Soils MuMath, and Mr. 0. C.
Manners, of Wingham, being uotted to the
bond, of matrimony. Hey. Dr. Daniel,
pastor of North•et Methodist church, ror•
formed the ceremony at 12 o'clock noon.
the bride was nttlred In • trayelllog suit of
blue•gray neerf hair cloth, trimmed with
black applique and satin and carried •
oaquet of wbile roses. After the wedding
Hoer war ,artaken of Mr. and Mrr. Mon-
o • took the 3:15 tralo o° a short trip to
Le • on, Aylmer and other plane.. The
mao'.aw101 and beautiful present chow the
ester' • Is which the bride 1. held.
DRAT OF MIS., DoN0o11,-A few weeks
ago MOM .. Donogh, who had teen .uffer•
mg for a ODE time from ° ooer, was re-
moved to t. Mount Hope home, London.
tier stay the was of but short duration, as
she panni awe on Tuesday of this week.
Tee remsles w. . brought to Goderio6:by
the morning train e.terd•y and interred In
Maitland remoter Rev. Mark Turnbull
was the o(lieiating o rgyman and the pall-
bearers were G. W. omen, W. R. Rot.
erteon, J. W. Vaoatter and James Yuen.
Mia D000gh was "event one years of age.
She was for many years 18-antak.r of the
lodge rooms above Ina Sue. Al. otfiue, but
of late her severe and pain 1 Mese had
rendered necessary almost 000 ant •tten•
ticn upon her.
How Tlllt INvru-roR LroKED At\1-r.-A
correep5ndent of one of our exohang cred-
it I0.pwer Tom with • terse remark poo
the retreat between the careful w• In
whioh people -some people. at Ieaa1-lo
after their live stook and other posies/don
and the neglect whioh they show In matters
concerning the welters of their children.
The Inspector had been .nnouooed to pay
his semi-•s0oal visit to • certain school, and
when be arrived on the day appointed there
were sleet • dozen visitors' present Mr.
Tom remarked [het It a number of colts
were going through tome test or examina-
tion their owners would •11 bet eery mach
Interested speotators, but of course ohildreo
were not as valuable as colts In some pee -
pie'. estimation.
PUnLIc S.'HdoI. 1 RI-NTESS -The publlo
e ohool board held Ite regular monthly meet -
log on Monday evening, All the members
were present and Chairman, Mci.ean pre-
sided. The principal repotted that for the
month of °etober 509 names were oo the
roll -234 boys and 275 girls. The average
attendance of boy. was 208 and of girls 258
-• total of 466, or 91 per cent of the
enrolment. George Campbell was ape
pointed caretaker of St, Petrick's ward
school. The ouestlon of the re-engagement
of teacher and of salaries came up, and a
motion was posed that all the lady teachers
be re•engaged at an Inane... of 815 each to
. glary, the entrapments to hold rood until
midsummer. Two tendert for the supply
of wood were reoeiyei, but It was decided
to advertise for tp.8ve cord.. The
following accounts were ordered to be paid
if correct : Lee & Shepherd, reveler, oto.,
$19.32; The Star, blank reverie, $3.50, The
Manictp.l World, blank totes, 81.54. The
board then anjoureed,
PATENT `,', A81DE. --in the E*ch.lusr
Court at Ottawa oo Saturday Mr. Juntas
liarbrldr• delivered judgment in the ease
of Meldrum v.. Wilson the defendants
being the well known cog.dealer. of Sea
forth. This was • proceeding to set amide
• paten' of Invention. The dnlendente
employed • solution of hydro rhlolo sold
to remove from pickled eggs the dopwit
of carbonate of lime that forme upon them
while being preserved In a pickle of lime
water. The defendant, were the first to use
the prom., and to dl.00ver that it could be
used with safety. No particular directions
were given by the deeodaot" io their olelm
for the patent as to how the prooese of
cleansing the eggsshould be o•rrled out.
The plaintiff, Meldrum, I. also engaged In
the egg business, and he moved to set aside
the potent on the ground that defendant°
had @hewn nothing In the mode of employ
tog snail solution demanding the exercise of
Inventive faculties. Mr. Juetloe Iturbthge
decides that there was no Invention, and
that a patent far the proem could not be
('010050 TO ROYALTY,- V% hen the Lake
and tracheas of Cornwall were et Calgary,
W..I. H•Illday. who learned the b.klog
boohoos here with .1, W. Smith, and who
le • onu•in of Mn. Smith, had their p$tron.
age In the.upplying of bread and pastry for
them. Ivy. and suite. Se well pleased were
they with W. .1'. handiwork that they
ordered a barrel of the same flour from
whioh the bread was baked from the Moose.
jaw mill. n4 had It *hipped to IL M. S.
Ophlr to be need by them on the home trip.
The M-.oaejtw Tonto In referring to the
matter soya 1 " The royal couple have now
• boa' enoireled the 'lobs. They have vI.lt
ed the hest puts of greater Britain ; bean
dined and wined by the !aroma einem of the
fast empire, and everywhere the word bas
hewn: 'Th.r✓s nothing ton gond for the
Doke -and i)uchess,' bait nowhere have we
reed of tier Koval 0.6..e erprEwiaf bot
p.rtirnlar appreaatlnn of tate breed of
which troy partook until tn., resohed Cal
eery." Mr. Halliday bee • fano iinoineee at
Calgary and his old friends here will be
t loured to hear_of hi...ccerr.
A 00000,1AL Eyeo7-Thr.. who Ilke good
n,nele are look's/ ferwud to tomorrow
r t ening'. 0,,no.r► a Wells Open Hesse.
'1 he h.1 of attar'. snared far Ih. o'e !.inn
1• gearantee of • program of .voeptienal
trent. Mise Hosting" ea a •loltnl.t has •
e. 0t'nr..F.4 np1't' n1 the eon.. (nam^fly
Iador of td,. it.eton i.ad'..' Symphony
Orchestra, and has tees called (;goad.'e
first lady violists% Thom 'the heard MI*.
Blush* Teeple in Kau ebareh a few week.
ago will Meyer be hear her .meet, clear
yolr agata, Wee Teeple is meeting every•
when with phenomenal suety, and to hear
her alone will be • treat. Mr. Slight has
. nog with mumses in nearly every State In
the Caton, and as a °erect and uperatlo
stager has been reoelved with delight by
his •u]i,oes. A. D. Jordan, plsilisl, h a
muter In the art. sod le already • favorite
with the musiel public of 0041,4oh. H.
K. Jordan, whcet abilities as • cornetist are
well known, wall glare • cornet solo, and the
lloderlch Marine Band, an organlzotlon of
which we are all proud, will aside In the
program. The prices are 251 and 35o. The
Plan is at Kidd's book .tore sod fete should
be scoured early. This will be one of the
musical .routs of the season, acid no one
should mitre It.
AN O.TIN:oNARIAN.-Oar Thursday, Oa•
tober 31st, Mrs. Margaret Daly, relict of
the late !huh Daly, of County 'Tyrone,
Ireland, died at the residue)" of Mn. Mao-
OUlayray, P•latentoo street, at the ripe age
of eighty six years and seven month.. Mrs.
Daly soar •.aster of dohs" McIntyre. late of
Saltford, and now of Vancouver, B. C.,
•sed was visiting him previous to his re-
moval to the West. Stone teen mho had
been residing with Mr., Man(Llllvroy. Mrs.
J. 1.. Arleen, of town, le a niece of de
ceased. Death moulted from weakne.s fol
lowing an Bloom of about six week.. Mn.
Daly was • native of Ireland, but had lived
mit of her life In the United Stated. She
e • woman of floe Cbristlan :hemmer
an • faithful and eosi.tent member of
the J•uroh of Eogl.od. and pawed •way
trued In the Master whom .he had d.
The fural tcok' place to Maltend ceme
tory on today, Rev. M. Turnbull, reotor
of St. 0. rg.'., conduottog the service..
'rhe pall -baa re were le. A. Humber, W.
R. Robert.0o, . Hale, R. W. McKeezls,
Stoddart •.. W. A. Hurl.00. Mre.
Daly. +.ter, Mr Schetky, wife of (ism•
mender Suhetky, S. Navy, came from
Philadelphia to etre • the obeequle..
A QUESTION Or LA - The following
appeared •moos The II and ha. -pin'.
Legal Questions and Anew . last Saturday :
J. M., Coderlah.-Qu.--A • •oed an artlole
In poeseastoh of B for tale, be sold by 1t
on commission. While the • tole was to
B's pose..ton it was used and , imaged to
such an extent that it is now orthler..
Can A compel B to pay the value of the
article' Ans. - A person to soh... an
• rttole is entrusted for sale hen no rig. t a
use the article. Where •o owoer deli r.
goods to an agent to be sold on oommisat
the agent ie bound to take at Meet ordinary
care of the articles entrusted to him, and If
they are damaged or let through his negll
gence he will be liable ; a fortiori where the
good. are Mitred or destroyed by the not, of
the agent. A can oompel 11 to pay the
value of the goods destroyed. This may
come under that class of oases where a ball
merit of goods is for the mutual benefit of
both parties. The owner of the goods may
be regarded as the "bailor,' and the agent
a. the "bailee.' The owner le to receive
the price of the growls when sold, less the
agent's oommi.sione and the agent is to
receive hi.eoommielon. The agent must
therefore take the same oars of the goods
e ntrusted to him that a prudent owner
would tike of b(s own goods. Tres priool
pies of law whioh govern the relationship of
"prlocipal and agent" •leo apply to &61.
d• morning of last week the death of
Wi11i .• Freeman Harris 0000rred at the
home 1 his brother, 'Phomas Harris,
Trafalga street. Mr. Harris was In his
sixty tour . year, and his death resulted
from • gene - 1 breaking up 01 the 'Were
following an ttaok of typhoid malaria a
year ago. Mr. arulo wee for many years
the proprietor o the Crawford M11'.,
Ashfield, end was one ot the beet know,
men to the ooua He wag born In
lloderlch towo.hlp, ar Clinton, and was
educated at the old CoJertoh grammar
e ohool. Hie father, W 1). Horrie, fifty
Sean •go established the Cranford MIl1.,
which were the 0rnt mills orth of God" -
rich and were known all thro h the Huron
tract. The deceased followed . father In
the proprletorehtpof the mdl.,an oo.luoted
the business until fifteen years .g Since
that time he had lived •t variouslanai,
He war • man of wide reading, of 'Armed
. ympathies and generous impulsu.,loarelted
as everything that tended to pregres and
enlightenment. He was an adherent of 18 ,
Presbyterian church and • member of the
Meac,ia order. He married Mary Martin.
youngest daughter of the lata Robt. Martin,
of West Wowaoo.h, who died in 1882.
Their children, four daughter& and nos sod,
all .urvlve : W. D., of Philadelphia. Pa. ;
Mary and Melel, .t Termite ; Robeo• 1. .
at Philadelphia, and Nellie, at home. The
funeral took place on Saturday afternoon
and was 000duoted by Rev. 1)r. Daniel,
who wee assisted a5 the grave by Rev. T.
K McN.i r, of Dungannon, and Rev. James
Collier', of Anuerer. 'The Interment war
made in the family burying plot io the
I)uogsnnon cemetery. The pall b
were 1Villiem and Jaoob A Shaver, of An -
caster, brothers in-law of the deoe•,ed,
William Holland sod William Wnrnook ;
and among those who were prevent •1 the
funeral wore Mrs. Wm. Shaver and Mn. J.
A. Shaver, of Ancestor, sed Thomas and
George Harris, of town, sisters and hrothers
of the deceased.
111E MODEL. 9UI100L " AT HOMx."-Go
Friday evening lase the (ioderloh Model
School was the .Dene ot • brilliant reception
given by the studente to their friends of the
Clinton Model. The lower flab of the
. ehonl was elaborately deoorated for the
000aslon with flees, bunting, garlands of
maple leaves and pl0o1. Three arches of
evergreens and rowan berries deoorated the
Irunt hall, where the reception emetine
heartily weloomed the guests of theevenioe.
The room, wore brightly lighted by electric
lights, ohandelters end emoted oendles.
About 8:30 r M. the happy orowd of Clin-
ton students arrived Ano, after @pestling
..,me tame In social Interoour.e, the flat
part of the program was rendered, it
opened with the chairman's address by Mr.
Stewart, the genal principal of the Model
S,hool, who gave • hearty welcome to the
visitors. Then Mies Quarry, 010 clever
plsolot of the 0. M. S , rendered .n in-
. tramentel .0)0. Mr. Eva.e, of the Clinton
Model, followed with • vert eoto, and Mies
Broker' prowl the audience by a well
r.nee-0d rnoat'oo, daring whioh " Home,
Sweet Home" was tort softly played on
the plant Then ems t..e m•@-. amusing
pelt of the preer•m-imptnntn speeches by
menthe's al the eobcobs. The refreshments
were t hen ..reed by several of the Goderloh
students After all tied heartily partake, .f
the ample eopply of dainties, promenading
through the corridors to sweet etr*In. e1
Ie.'romental 51,1)0, ronrl.r.d by Mies P.r.
sone. win indulged Is. Then the .,onnd
Parte 'Ohs program was prnn.Msl with.
11 ."..lied el • pretty their -nom tat sole
by Mies (;rest, A v.,esl seln renderel by
Mr. rtrydges 10 M. usual good style, r valet
witty imprnmpte or.e.nhee, after whioh Mr.
Brown delighted all with s swinging mill
eery sols whioh was lenity moored. Shortly
alter midnight the cath•rl•a, whleh num
heart between sit y 0nd seven'. .todm1.
.n t teaohnts, broke up after the tangier of
"tied Save the Kleig;" and ease the visiting
Modesto drove off into the Mantif,l moor
light migilit amid sheers and "Go.d•fryee."
The alie wan • till eejnyable out sad the
g eoerwl opinion seemed to be that it was
the beet and moat euooeeeful "at home" the
Loderloh Model School had ever known.
Th. new officers of the Salvation Army
here are Capt. Fife and Lieut. Close. The
late othoers, Ensign Crawford and Caleb.
Suter, ars now commanding to Stratford.
The re opening of t lotorla street Metho-
dist ohurab will take plaoe ma Sunday,
November 17th. Three 'stylises w111 be
held, those in the morning and evening to
be add d by • former poster, Key. 11.
lrwlo, of Listowel, and • meeting in the
after000n to be addressed by Rev. Dr,
Uanlel, pastor of North street Methodist
churob. Further partloulare regarding
these sere tom will be given next week.
Rey. tar , U. Hewson, pastor of Hatton -
bury street Methodist ohurob, Cilneoo, will
ohms his three year! term In that charge
next June, and Rev. Henry M. lancing, of
Brampton, hue been invited to summed him.
Th. congregation was anxious to retain Mr
Howson fur n fourth year ; but be wished
to remove, although stating that hie rola-
time with the ofliol•l board and the congre-
T•tlon had always been meet harmonious
he board passed • reeolutlon expressing the
most hearty appreciation of his work and
life amongst them.
The semi-annual election of °thaws of the
North street Epworth League war held on
Tuesday evening, with the following result :
t'resideut, blies Mildred Campbell ; vies
preselect, Mise Lizzie Acheson ; recording
secretary, H. B. Coast ; oorrespondlog
secretary, Mies I. K. Sherman ; treasurer,
Miss Maggie Robertson ; pianist Miss Mo•
Kay , chorister, Chu. Andrew : oo cin
o f committees -pryer meeting, Mr. Story ;
missionary, Mur Harris ; 111.1.19, Mug
Olive Robertson ; lookout, J. E. Hent ;
social. Miss F. Brydgee oounoillure, Mise
Hatt.° Thompson, MI6. Salkeld, J. W.
Vanatter and M. W. Howell.
The Woman's Missionary Auxiliary` of
North street Methodist°hutch gave • "mh-
• iooary tea" on Monday evening at the
twine of William Campbell. The ladles
held a meeting In the afternoon. sod at 6
o'clock tea was served. quite • large num-
ber of ladies and gentlemen being present,
Afterwards s short program was rendered.
Mien Clara Sharman and Mist Mildred
Campbell played •n Ina,rumental duet very
cleverly, Wet L'zzte Aobeson pave an Inter-
esting account of the recent mooting of the
Women's Missionary Board at Guelph,
blob she •ttendeda. • 'delegate from the
don conference branch, land Miss Dora
Pei • limp pleoeingiy, "N My Cod, to
Thee,' The eveolog was • very enjoyable
one to ' see who were present.
The am xes ere being held this week for
the trial of the utts entered. When you en-
ter one of l'rld' ..'s sults It takes only ave n
short trial to con nce you of theis superior
style and no I'rlmoderate.
Select railing, 5 Ib, at G. STEWART'a
Don't forget the grad concert in V10-
lona Opera House bomor ow (Frldayi even•
J. W. Broderick was In to n this week
making prepatatlone to comm . oe business
here again.
Fred Marsh, an old resident of 'olerl01,,
left on Tuesday to enter the count house
of refuge at Clanton.
The organ factory le kept busy Inv
orders and tome of the departments h
been working over tame.
A Dumber of those who went to Mani-
toba and the Northwest on the exoanluns
the past summer are retuning home.
J. D. Leslie has been engaged by the
Fret & Wood Co for soother year as their
agent here. with a goal looree.e of salary
(1004 progress 1. being trade on the
foundation for the new summa: hetet, and
the work is Wog pushed alone with energy.
Galt has voted • bonus to the Royal
Carpet Co., of Guelph. Tau is • cocoon
which was negotiating with Ilodertoh far •
Chan. Washington has 13011011 $ portion
of Mrs. ll. Ember's progeny no 41. David's
street, in the rear of the Warhiogton prop-
e rly on Kut street.
Mrs. Wilson, who underwent an opera
on •e the halide of Dr. Turnbull, was able
°company her daughter, hitt Cathcart,
to Sqr home at Toronto, where .he will re-
main or (isle winter.
and Ire
boiler at t
last week, a
was started a
cork of enlarging the aniline room
Iliog • new engine and a new
knitting (Artery war completed
on Monday the maohioery
o with • lull ,tall of hands.
Philip Holt,
County Court °lei
the tote John Mo
Mid i). McDonald,
attended t.6e funeral of
Ian at Coastlnes on
Seter,)ay. The fon al cortege was an
immense one, a very la a number of people
haying gathered to pay air last respects
to the former member
tor, nth Huron.
A horse got away from It driver on West
street Monday evening and h•4,y aIle • run.
11 made op Went street to tie Square
to Hamilton street and bad oover.d most of
Hamilton betere It ran the buggy •game/ •
poet, whioh checked its . The shalta
of the harpy were damaged, hat the tram
wse uninjured. The driver had been
thrown to the ground when the berry start-
eil off, but was no/ mach hart.
Mn. Phillips, of Trenton, le vatting Mimi
Ethel Acheson.
Mt,. ('egtord has 751Arned from • whit to
London and Toronto.
A' .4. Cooper shipped five rare of grain to
London, Eng , last weak.
Mies Ball lett on Tue..l►y to take the
tloket .gent'. IrID to Montreal sod Qoeb.°.
Mrs. Joseph William, has gone to Cali
fornia, and will remain were for some time.
MIs. Frances Rotnn is ,pending two
wore' holidays with friends to Uhto•ge.
Mrs. Brownell, of 'Toronto, was visiting
her sister Mn. Genre. Aohe000, the past
H. Knulten, late of the D, t:. .leamer
lAtyfeld, le the guest of Mr. and Mr..
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lswrence lett on
Monday on • trip to Toronto, Montreal and
Sir. and Mr.. Woke, of Pine Iirov., ware
the garrets rhe put week of Mr and Mrs.
W. Adheion,
Harold Rowell, of (Mondavi, wheeled op
home let week and spent Snnd•y here
with hie brother M. W. Howell.
.Inha Weill* and family have remnyrd to
town from Unclench township, and are
oceanyln• one of Mr. Wallis new hooses on
h:ut .Orme.
Alexander Pears, of Mayfield, ('AI., Rleb-
ard Teen, el Rrohvlll., Ont., and Mr..
Smith, of Washington State, are visiting
Mn. K. 3. Peon .0 her home, Ashfield Hall.
Her .on, Masts Aloe., of Central l(uelame
Grillage, ,pant last Beady at home.
Rom.., narnatIons, .bryeasthemhm• and
Heel &Ape, N !Wash./reg.
Bargains 1n Wrepperettes-J. H. Co Peers
borne . 4
Wet Weather Shoes and Rubber -Sl
George Price 6
Have • Look -Porter's Book More 8
Men's and Women's Underwear - W
Aohaoo & Don 6
Cold Weather Needs -Smith Bre. & Ce8
A I'resorlptlon-F. M. Dunham8
Reglaoelte and York -W. 0. Psidem., 4
Farm for Her -Mr , E. J. Copeland1
The K3y1 Tourists -McKee le & Hewell 8
House to Rent -E. N. Lewis. 1
Canadian Order of Foresters
A000unoemsot-U. M. EIIlo11
Servant Wanted -Mrs. 1). Molver 1
Boy 15 anted -J. W. Smith 1
lander. for Wood -Wm. Mltohell 1 ----
New Flannel Wara1-Hodgen. BrosA
Aonouooemeot-N. Dietrich R Sou 8
Lest -Batton'. Hotel 1
Aonouoieenents-0, Steware...... ..., 1
ala W.rshlp le 6.111 0. the Maids el kW
That Mayor Wilson, during his arm of
Ohm, bas proved buneelf to he an energetic,
and prwtio*I Iowa exeoutlye will be
questioned by no elector.
He nae Riven his time ungrud,logly
towards the adv•noement of the hese In•
Wrests of the town, and It sou with • fool.
Mg of regret that we learned twee • rumor
warm mroulatlon that he would not stand
again for the mayoralty. A reporter of THE
SIGOAI. Immediately celled upon Mayor
W Ilton to find out It then was anything is
Olt rumor, and His Wonhlp eald :
"1 heard some time ago that such •
rumor war In olrcu1.01oo, but It did not
bother me, as I knew the position ot things.
J,1 le only soother indication that the people
.Sp the outside pretend to know your boa!•
cess better than you do yourself. I may
say that If 1 were to woman my own per•
soo•l feelings *red prlyate afl•ir. I would be
very willing to atop aside, but then are •
good many things that 1 should lake to seal
straightened out before 1 make up my mind
to Fault. The publlo improvements Glatt
have been Initlated during the part two
years are only the preliminaries to whet
may be done for the town, and with the
inception of the new summer hotel, the
proposed power company and the trolley
system whicb It Is confidently expected w111
be inaugurated within the next year or so,
I believe there Is an Indooement to keep
not only myself but every man who 1. 1n
favor of the progress and prosperity of the
town In nubile lib, or In some pceulon to
keep up the spirit of enterprise that now
exists in Godenoh. Von may say that the
gentlemen who started the rumor tint I am
going to retire did so without taking me
into their confidence, sod lee the publlo,
who hays stood by me so wall in the past,
'mow that 1 will give them fair waning
and a good reason for stepping down from
publlo lite, 0 1 should see fit to retire,
whioh I really don't as matters stand."
I W iarton Koho.l
Meets. Allao A Gold*borpe, of (lode/dolt,
representing the Huroo, Bruce sod Middle-
sex h:leotri0 railroad, visited our town on
&day last. They are on a tour of the
rn a of the proposed lice, wowing fran-
°hiefrom the different muniolpalatlee
thr,u• , which they pass. A speeds! meat•
Ing of t e oounall was held at 3 o'clock en
Friday • :moon for the purports of discuss-
ing the • Itabillty nf granting the com-
pany it franc leo for this town. There was
barely a quer - present, the Mayor occu-
pied the chair. Mr. Allan was present,
representing the eleotrlo road, who ex-
plained the object .d extantof th• com-
pany's enterprise. • e said the proposed
road mal. • olroult pond the county of
Huron and then along\the shore of Lake
Huron to W44rtoo, peas g through Kin.
oardIne, I'ort !Agin, S tbamptoo and
other smaller places along t e bine. Fran•
°hies from all the above town bad already
been wormed. The Moe bitten to oarry
freight as well as passengers. r. Allan
further said the steam road pro ed by
Mr. t'lergue would not In any way (n "fere
with his road. After some dleoaseio the
following motion was carried
Moved by .1. H. Fielding, "eroded
J. J. ('lark, and resolved, that a franohls
he and to hereby greeted by the municipal-
ity of the town of Marton, In the ooaoty
of (truce, to 11 . MoO111lauddy and
Goldthorpe In trust for • company to he
formed, for • term of fifty years, for the
building end opentlog of an eleotrlo railway
In and upon oertal0 of the highways of the
Laid town of Wl.rte° to be hereafter agreed
upon by and between the said manlolpel-
ity and the sold Mesar,. McGillicuddy and
It is further agreed that the said railway
shall he exempt from all t•ratloo by the
said nunlolpality for the first tweoty•one
year. of the said term. The said franchise
le granted only on osditiohe that said °em-
ery is formed a000rding to statute and
o peration °eminenced within one year from
Wort Elgin Times 1
A special meeting of l'ort Eigln coonoll
was het s Friday afternoon to meet •
deput•t1Jiros Uo4erloh, composed of
Mr. A. Mole, Allan and \Ir. Goldthorpe,
who laid b.fori.Ih. town Pathea the plan
of the promote!. In reference to the cos•
@ trootion of an eleotrlo railway from
Ooderloh and Wlarten, and to Owen Sound.
p.sing through Rinoardin., Tiverton,
Underwood, Port b:Igln, Southampton,
Elsinore, Allenfor.l and Hepworth. Mr.
Alias explained the present nosities of
affairs •t ooe.iderahl• Meath. A belt
line eighty five mile. long w111 he boll*
through th• county of Huron, maklag
ooanentlon with all the principal *entree et
trade in the onunty. Application w111 les
made Inc the ohnrter at the coming .e0el..
of Parliament and • onmpany will all ohne
be breed. It 1. *aid there will he no
trouble In sectoring th• nrae..ary capital to
bnild and operate the ro.d. The oonooll
here, on motion of Meiners. Thomeem sed
Helier, rebated the name cry franchises
whine the right of way throne' the menl-
nlpality. It 1. expeoe.d Last the company
will flegln operation, within • year. All
the council* between here .rid Uod.rloh, eo
far ea they have bean spproanhed, gave the
franchise readily, realising that soh • road
cannot but be In the Interese of the people
as • whele. Messrs MiGllllosddy and
Goldthorpe, of Godeloh, are arise In treat
for the bohemia Otll each time as lbs °employ
shall he formally organised.
sea "'eyes
Foolish to keep them if yea have. No
inn In Berne, tint lets of pale. Pet/aisle
Males. (Frere b1tw..ter mines ears* to
twisty fear hours. Oat • gelek woo by
valetas 11-dr.gr1.ta well Is.