HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-31, Page 88 THURSDAY, Ool. 31, 1901. Don'LZ1 t, THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. elay • • • • • your Fall purchases until the very cold weather sets In. Make your selections now. Our different stocks are brim full of the season's Novelties. First choice Is worth considering. Then you get the long sea- son's wear. DRESS GOODS and SILKS. Thousands of yards of Dress Goode fee you to obooee from --every kind, every color. Heavy Wide Suiting to new shades of brews, fawn, groes, olaok and greys, spacial at 750. New Reversible Butting, yy.tb heavy silver camel's half finish, and plaid and plain colored book, al 1.25, 2.00. 2.25 New Sootoh Suiting, In small not tern, all shades, at 50C, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Never so well prepered to cater to your needs with the latest casette'', la Me Millinery art. Children's Koeaete and Hata. Mlesse' Mallon and Trimmed Hats. Come la and look them over. JACKETS and CAPES. The longer effects in Ladle! Coats leve Dome to stay. They look gene• tut and oomforabls. You will have to. hangs. Why not now whoa the edootloo is largest! Never have we shown so many omits as this swoon, Jacket from 51 60 to $30.00. Handsome Slack Capes, fur lin• and and for trimmed 15.00, 20.00, 25.00 Children's Jackets and Clears. For Rude and Cspertnss, handsome, nom• fortabls, stylish, with little prloe• for their kinds. Cheek Gingham', for Pillow. la pink end Pais blue, good width, per yd 150 Remember the Coupons on alt Purchases We have given away a good many of those handsome Chairs Free. il1NTS' FURNISHINGS. .ssM' Beed Ltd Gloves, epeeist at... 25o New Ties, New Shirts, New Underwear. r°. CLOTHING. Latest Raglan Overomim, New Fall ST, Boys Snits and Pea J•ok.M. CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. DUNLOP. Tr1ADAY, OOL 29, 1101, Ws are plowed so say that Mrs. Jos. Morris, as we prepare for prem Tuesday of this weak, is programer{ favorably order medical owe Nwarda recevery from the *doom of hemp thrown out of her buggy ee night last weak, mooed by her burse takers fright at a lan/ere o the toed n ear her home. A *molal dancing party was held at the ✓ esddees of Mt. and Mrs. Cosa. Faller e Teeeday sight of last week. The non tap psaraoce of one of the jovial knights el Ka bow, who was to be on hand to help his fellow modeles w 15.4 the latter could take part to the daeol*g at limos, cased great anxiety, as he was etre to start for the party by some of those that were there. He crossed the brides fur Oodertoh 1. call for • friend to take with him, and to save time did not tie lets horse. His Mead was just about rely, bat the horse, however, thought the Oedrlob air was toe cold for a rest. and cleared off for home by way of 8•ltterd, aeronaut robes and blanket and the violin ileum the road, wblob were band is the moonlight bore and there by the violinist and several of his Meads who, all • little lata, put In an spp*eraoos for the olosing hours of the dunes. LEkBURN Tummy, 0,-1. 29th. This week. on Wednesday, a deep blank will be made 1a our midst by the departure o f nae et one popular yeaag men, Richard Foley, who goes to Chicago, with • view to genUlsg there, Quite 1 number here, though wishing him meow, will miss hit prewar* maob at their imolai pathetlogs. Two weeks age we recorded a potato hue weighed 3 pounds. 4 ouooes, for M. Foley, but when lt&.hlog op his potato digging for title year he dug one no that weighed 4 poaade and 2 ounces, which he task down to the seers h Dunlop, where Mr. Fulford weighed it and put it is his window for publto view. This Beate the one grown In (3oderlch township. ST. HELENS. SATURDAY, Ooe. 26. Rev. 0. Rutherford mashes at Ktnangh ftssserow, J. MsoPb.rses, W. C. Webb and D. Mao - kerb have narrated from Maeitoha, Mr. Noels, who ler the past few weeks kms boss 'ailing 01e dace ltr, Mrs. D. Todd, jos., left lase Tuesday for his home 1n Mlohlgan. .1. D. Murdock, who has given up betel boos here, a busily engaged to moving his honaebold goods p Gderioh, where he bi- tieds to reside In the sear future. Rev. Mr. Martin, of Feeler. takes the Work et Rev. Mr. Whaley on Sunday, While the letter oedeate aaelvereery ser time Is ooeeotion with Mr. Martin's [oburoh. The aanlvenary seryloes le ooseootlen with Cable nhstab lest Sunday were very oaoossshl. The weather eoald we bars besiemeg. favorable. The trey. Mr. Larkin, of the Myst Presbyterian oburoh, Seaforth. preached to the morning and evening and Iter. U Rutherford preached to the efter- noon, All the orvlces were attended by large and appreciative audiences. llo Mon day evening a very euooeesful tea meeting and eotertalames was bold. Proceeds amounted to about $130. SHEPPARDTON. Trr.i0AT, Oji. 29. Masa C. Salisbury was visitant at Mn. Berndt'''. on Sunday. Mrs. McLean and eon (torp, of Luck• new, ratted at Mn. Doa�berty's this week. Mr. and Mrs. lies. Tburlow, of Goderlab, spent Sunday with friend" In the vlolnity Mn, Wm. Bogle and three children left lest week for Muskoka to volt relatives there. Mise Gress Rlohardeon left oo Friday for Muskoka to ,to her brother, William, who bag a saw mill there. Ge .sweet of the quarterly meeting at Nus next Sunday there will be no gigolos here at the usual bear. but there will he obnrob at 7 r. e, Instead. NILE. Tr..DAT, Oot. 29. Sasrametal earvloss tee Nile next Sas day. When w we goitre to get our new school at Nile' Apple p.oklog Is nearly finished for the present year. Mtn A. Grammett entertained • few of her friends Friday enrolee of last week. Mlp Nellie Stewart, who has been &Dwell for eomo time past, we aro glad to say is better. There w111 be a lecture to the Methodist oburoh ceder the auspices of the L G.L. of Nile, on 11. evening of November 5th. Don't miss this or you .111 mime a treat. Admaele 25 rents. R. Fairbalro, B. A. The bride wore a lovely) gown of oream s11k, with embroidered uhf, Soo trimmings, .n11 bridal yell and orange blossoms, and carried • bouquet of white row sed terns. Mies Sloclair, oteoe of the othoiattsa eiluistsr, acted as bridesmaid, and wore a dainty gown of pale blue, trim mod with len and Abbott'. Her bouquet u was of pink osa8ons and ferns. The bride's niece, MW Clara Stotherr, made • Tory oharmtag dower girl, In • pretty Brook of white looked organdie with \ •tenderaos trlmminge, and marled a shower bouquet of fermi and white carnations. J. VV. Cumber• land ably euppurted tha groom. Afar lbs happy ample had reosiyd the 000gratula tion of their Waldo, all repaired to the dialog room, where • )east of good thanes was oertlly weaken ot. The retrial/An of the "venue wits spent to music. mantas, oto. The promote were many and beautiful, eyldeouing the high esteem In which lbs bride L held by her many friends. The groom's gilt to the bride was • handsome gold watch. Mr. and Mrs. Wllsoa left fur • trip to Fergus, Elora and Toronto before WOW, to their home )n Z.-phyr. The bride's going away gown wee of blue broad- cloth. Mrs. W fleon wilt be much in sed in Krsktae °hutch. where she has been • faith ful and willing worker. DUNGANNON. Nartca-Tb* local a.eaq la Dungannon for Te. BmKAt.le at the omoe of J. C. Ward, .1. P. ooeveveooer, &a, who w111 reoelve orders for subscriptions. advertising and lob work, and b authorized to give receipts for amounts paid for the same, TDrADAY, oak 291b. The L,0. L. of Duogasooa will (D. V ) at - wed divan. service In Sb. Paul', ohurah mixt Sunday 51 3 '.M.. when the Rev. M. Y Goldberg will preasb • sermon appro- prl•te ta she occasion. HYM.w.AL.-Oa Wedoeeday evening the home of Mrs. Davidson was the scene of • very pretty wedding, It being the 000seloo of the marriage ot her youngest daughter, Naomi, to J. M. Wilson, mt.hani, of Zephyr. The house w*e tastefully decorat- ed with evergreen' and omelet berrlee, and preeauWd • very pleasing appearaeco. At 7 o'olook, as the waddle' m•roh woo bidet payed by Miss McCluskey, the brld•I:oorty catered the parlor and took their places ander • large *rob of evergneee, and the marriage memos, was performed by Rev. SelhngOut....1s December number, teas, thus **curiae the whole of this stirring story. '1'hs USW alp Icuuosment, foreshadowed, la one of special Interest. 'foroat° : N Ill/am Briggs. Mont. real : C. W. Coates. Halifax : S. It. Hu. «tie. 92 00 a year 91.00 tor six months. THE PREMIER'S SNUFF BOX. Row "Tiger' Dunlop 1 are to Take Nis aasg-A femmes Rabbi Them. 19tratford iteaeon. Th. preeeet•ilo of • gold snuff box, studded with dl•moods, to Sir Wilfrid Courier by the Uuke and Duchess of Corn- wall, 'alms an Inappropriate present. so far se usefuloess is oonoetnd, to these days. But the time is 005 au »mote when nulling war to tublon as some might suppose. All through the eighteenth oentury and up to the middle of the nineteenth it was general With both sexes. A snuff box was t1.•e • common preset, whether of good w111 or ceremony. On this amount, and for per eooal display, the boxes wore oaten made of the most °Ditty materials, highly finished portraits were est to the lids, and settings of pearl' or diamonds were not uoknowb. thy yMfe ago •nutfi°g was almost as uom- mue among the early settler' of Western Ontario as whisker drinking. That prince of good fellow', Dr. Dunlop, the sutbors of "In the 1Lye ot the Canada 1''hipany" tell us, had Is as • beseltlog sin. 11e Dever could wear the ruffled shirt time In fashion, coo account of the dirty habit, trying to bide bis latllog to sults of snuff-oolored broad. oloth. t or ordl•ary he was clad io obeoked grey Comedian bomeepon, wore a plaid, and on his eraser head the broadest of Sootob boobets. He was once stooped at the Customs, the ofbaer demandiug the reuse of Duch an importation of rapp.e. He, would not believe it could be for prlvste' 000eumptlou, rill Dunlop threw • h•udlul is the ale, and catching It se beet be could on i hie tare, "aid, snuffing 1t up, "That's what 1 want It tor. That's the way 1 use tt." The dcr'or was known In literary circle; to F tlnburgh, adore oomica; to Canada, se "The Tiger.' He came by the name In lits I way : While stationed with his regiment in l India, • tiger one ulght made its appear- ance in his toot, facing him, and he den not tura to get his sword. With ono hand he draw his snuff box from his waistoo•t pocket and threw the dust in the orealure's eves, white with the other reacbloe for hie sword durlog the moment's blindes,, he despatched the bast. Then Is • suggestion In this for i r Wel. frld Lourier. He, bot befog addicted to the us* of tobacco in any form, might hod • practical use tor the muff box in battling wtih the Ger* nl the Uppotttion. fiat, be that se It may, the preseoiatioa was a kind= ly and thoughtful sot on they part of the Duke and Duchess, and the snuff hoz will be highly prlud by the Premier se • token ot their regard. A Regal P.bIlc.Itat. (isle of the moat handsome pieces of print iog, ami • publlcattua that will come to bare historic tnterssi, is the specially pn pared time table of the tour through Canada el T. R H. the Duke mod ltuohem of Coro. wall and Yolk, embraoing that portion of the Grand Trunk hallway System over which the Royal couple travelled In the I'rovinoee of Ontario and Quebec. Never before did a time table scum, such a sump ltu'US gulee, ani It r,tlests the utmost credit We the Grand Lusk Railway System. '1'helbock in question Is • tail octavo, one of one hundred pages, printed on special deck lel edge Itneu paper. The letter prey is to Week and rd; the text is desar.ptive of the route from North Bay, Uutarlo, to 'i'oroato, Loudon, Niagara Fatly, Weskit Ad, Woodstock, Hamlltoo, Ilallevtlle, Kiugstou, Brockville, Corners II, Montreal, Sherbrooke, RI:booed and (Quebec, with marginal time table, distances from North flay and die tattoos from Montreal, tee well as showing the altitude above ala late! of every point along the route. Blank pages ere inter• leaved opposite every page for pencilled memoranda. The book ie profusely Illoa• treted, the numerous halt tone view' beteg printed on esperIboe paper orn•meuted with smbitmati0 thrower printed to grey auk, the bait tone. being printed In black ink. Edition de Luxe copies for presentation to T. R. H., The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, sod other piteous of dotiootionin the Royal patty, are bound in blue prey ooze oalf with appropriate stamp and silk binding ribbons to the Royal colon, the Duoal orowo, which appears on front page of cover. being printed In gold and enamelled. 'Ito ordiosry edition le bouod in stiff grey paper, the side title with Ducal crown and maple lea! .leoora- tlong in rd sod gold, all bound with scarlet silk curd and eaoloasd in grey ooclop..' The Edition de -Lose copies wore enclosed In bozee ot the Royal purple color, with the Duos! crown printed on the outside in gold. Nowhere In all their tour had Their Royal Highnesses provided for them so betutlfal • hand book, and the Duchess remarked oar this beanttlal woes. Is reflects great credit oo the onterprlee of the Wand 'freak Ra1L way. in addition to this Royal Souvenir, the Grand '1'rank also Issued a very handsome edition of their book ent •.fled "Across Na agara's Gores," !went in green ooze Dalt hoed with brown:silk, the inside being printed in heavy enamelled paper in the Luxotype process. They also luneI a volt - pocket map of the entice system, showing the n.ute ot the Rota! party while on their line. This map is printed in lour colors, mounted on silk and bound to smooth call akin cover, crnameted be geld, BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Tile Not IMISLI (;A.ADI4N MA.•A/INI: - The opening feature of the November Can. e dicts Magazine Is • profusely illustrated account of the Dake'e tour Gard11 the coott- nest. Nor l• this a000uot an ordioery Doe. It is *lithely d&derent from aoything which has appeared to any of the newspapers and is tall of historical references and quaint Imagidogs. The lllustrettons are repro - durations of photographs of the chief *smote oonnectei with the Rtay1 reception at Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa. The repro- duottooa are pedally done. The second feature of the Dumber le s wise ot three ' portleg articles. Capt R. K. Barker r 'views the rowing torsion ; John E Hall, eeoret•ry of the Canadian Urloket Assool •tloo, reviews the gseson's cricket ; while F .1. Campbell, eeoretary of the Lake Yacht Racing Aesoolatlua, writes of the various yachting •were of the sewon. Then are other very ioteresting articles In the issue, loolodieg one on "City (lovernmeot In Len oda," by Dr, 8 Morley Wicket[, Ph.D. Short stories, the usual departments. and superb illustrations make up what is • moat interesting and valuable issue of the nation- al perbodloaL McTHODI*T MADA715w AND Revly:w' TOR Novgnezt -The birthday of Kiss Kdw•rd 1s taipallzod by • wsll•illustr*ted article on the Royal hour/, wish many portraits. A splendid Illustrat$ipeper on the oelebrated rLiet, Alm•-T•dems, le oontrlboted by Bernard McEvoy. Some Peculiar People et Caned•, the Markham Mennonites, are the subject of • paper by the Rev. W. H Adams, with numerous engravlevs. "The Storied Rhine" Is alio h•bdeomsly 111tirtrai• ed Principal Maggs, of Wesleyan Theo logical Oollege, Montreal, contribute" • graphic paper, with • spice of humor, on "The Moderil British Pulpit," and the Ray. J. O. Anvwlo one on the mbesionery heroism of Captain Allan Uardiner, Sailor and Saint. 'lint recent development ot photography, the kioetescope, le lucidly described. Cur retib topical and religious intelligences re- oelvs dal attention, and aro profanely Illar tested. "Despled and Rejeoted of Mer" In • Worthing story by8. Morton. A etroegly written serial, "What Happened to Ted," by Isabelle Horton b begun. it grips the attention at once and will be a marked feature o1 sevrel number'. New subscribers will melee the November and NO1 ES OF SPORT. The members of the bowling 3Ieb will he lottreetd to the announcement that.1. N. Gordon, who has been manager of the Stan- dard Barak ae Brussels, is being trenterred to Forest. Mr. G«rdou has played oo the Uoderich green and is recogn'zed here es • very sirotg play.•r. Sea era! members of the Goderlch gu u club sill tel art In the tournament at Clinton on the Kings ill •y. a Clinton ,tub hu error cad an elaborate program ler the dot, • special tealure being a guarantee of 5109 dtvldrd among three events. The •hooting will oommenoe at 1,0 o'clock, and Mauer will be d on the ground. A southwest wand Interfered considerably with the stcoting at the gun club's meet last Friday, and kepi ttte scone down. The results were : E. R, Watsoo, 9 ; Capt. Dooley, 8 ; K. Naltet, 6 ; Oeo. Johnston. 5; D. Melver, 5 ; N. D. Rougvle, 4 ; W. Lat- ham, 3 -with a possible of 12 R. 11. Walker hit 3 out of 4, ant K. N. Lewis and C. J. Nagel o•oh 1 out of 6, Malt. Humber, formerly ot town, had another trial of speed on the foot path at Stratford art Saturday with .)•ms. Murphy, 01 `Stratford. '1 here hes been • good deal of controversy In the (;lapin City as to wh?oh of the two moo was the luster. It was Humber', day off on Saturr'ay- and he was beaten. The race was for 100 yards, and Morphy's time was 11 1.5 oeoonde, Arrangements have been made for the playing of the football m•tth •1 Seafortb, between the Seaforin and Ooderloh Got Isolate Institute teams,on the knee's R:rth- Aay, the 9.h of November This match is for possession of the Hough oup and will be • worm contest, as the Gederioh boys are indeed earnest to their attempt to regelo the cup. There will he holiday rates on the Orland 'Trunk, and It is expected that • large party will go down to ober the boys along. It promisee to he the hottest game o1 football that has been teen In thio o -&Dly for years. Rheumatic Pales eared by Rervlllee. This is the teatimoey of Mr. Reejtmlo Dillon, of Leede, Got., who says : I feel It my duty to proclaim the marvellous value of Poleoo's Nervlllne as an infallible remedy tot thenmatlo pales ; to ogres them every time. Nothiog I know of equals 11 as • household Imlmoot, sod mthcre should feel it as beoeseary as bread Itself. Norvtltne has cured rheumatism of 30 years' 'medlar, end eon ours von. instant relief, ab,olata cure, large bottler, 25,. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. C'OU'NTRY AND CITY n0Y'*. Toronto World : The question Is often dteoutsed as to why so many country boys come Into the city and outstrip the urban youths In the hoe for semen In Easiness. Mary reasons are given, but the prinrip•I one may be found In the training and fur• roandlegs. 'the city boy is subitoted to Paper' The Duke Seas will autism until November lit We intend to sell out of all Wall Paper in stock. Not one roll is to be left, This is certainly a Chance of a Lifetime, as all papers are NEW THIS YEAR, with the exception of probably five or six patterns, of a few hundred each, ranging in price from 10e. to t5c, which will be gold at exactly One-half Price. saga ags11 tm't i Other prices are a.s follows Well Payee, ,Solar fl' and 6l' per roll, !felling Out Pries, 3, aril 4, per roll, N A $r 8c and 9.. " �• N sax• anal 60 " w r► ss 12e and 15e .. " N 8e and 100 " w " 20e and 25e " " " 128.• and 15r ":yy A wiry special RRi)UCTION made on onr regular 10, Paper*. The following rules mnet let observed during this sale:- TIRMs HTRI(TLY CASH; SAMPI,xs NOT MINT OU'!; ALL PAPXR.q MUST RF rl'Rt'HASID AT STORK, OTHIRWiME OXLT A i1R`OUNT OP 10 PER ('INT, Wi11. RR Ai.LOwltl. t' Tei will have to look sharp, as this SALE will last until the let day of November. PORTER'S Book Store, Owe Tektpbmts is No. 100 S, Court douse Nose% (iodsrioh. e :r.wo'04'i ., and Duchess ARE WITH US. THEY LIKE GOOD THINGS, and SO DO YOU. 1=or the Sick .... The doctor can do you no good un lees his prescriptions are properly put up frum reliable iupr0diente. That • whore we render iuvalual 1, cid to the doctor. We oompomtd proscriptions as they 'honk' be. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. Be DRUGGIS f• Corner of Writ •t. and the &tuare. temptations that the country lad knows nothing about. The latter may have no hatter nature to start with than the city boy, sod given the elms opportubttles to learn the evils that abound In the city, melt go downward even butter than the youngster who hes had the opportunity of visiting haunts of vice all along. But the oecessittes of farm life have caused the oouotry Id to torn, frogs! habits and keep good hours. When he leaves the farm to start life for himself he 1e placed oar hie mettle and moms. Into the olty prepared to work soy hours and •t may kind of employment. If It is necessary to go to airs •t 5 or 6 A.e, he will do It. rte sty boy Manske 8 A.M 1s early enough to Mt�KaNz1F & HowELI. !lave just opened up two consigntnentr of the finest Cutlery ever shown in Ooderich, consisting of Carvers, Carver Sets, Table Kniv nd Forks, Spoons, etc., eter Have you seen our Stfverware? We have another lot of those Dollar -a -dozen wear -always -the -soma Tea Spoons. As regards Peninsular Portland Cement, every user is delighted. They never thought it passible that ('eluent could len had all strong as Ours. TEKKK RONIE g0. 83. m IMIttrfn/WItMirftrfrMtrrtirMIttRIMittrt ANY women run hither and thither and think they are buying shoes, Anbut they are not. They are simply buying experience. The woman who once has by wearing experienced the differ- ence between / the Fam- ous Shoe for Women, and other (((/// shoes, will not �1f�/��i wear the others /There is no longer in. �/ r such a case any need for argument. She will ihave discovered that shoes in advertisements are one thing, but shoes on the feet are quite another. "Queen Quality" Shoes are the handsomest and easiest shoes ever made. They are elegant In construction, superior in quality, and yet modest in price. They fit the foot to perfection, and in this respect are unapproached. All styles, for all uses and occasions. One price : Boots, 53.75; Oxfords, $3.00. We have good Rubbers at last --the best made in America. P. 'r._ BALLS Bois Apot fee News Quality" sad "watkOvet" Shoes. OODIIRICH. �$eeNe99e ,fP p 1 pt to bushiest. because he hes beet umbel that way. The eouatry boy will go to bed a1 9 or 10 i' M. In order to get the rest se- oer•rj for his worts. ;while the oily boy will remain out until 11jo'clock or midnight, aid will thus rob himself of neoeseary repose. Natoli the boys until they ate grows to manhood, and to • great many 0.ses you w111 sea the ccuotry boy gaining lbs letd Is sedans lits, Net sfrsid et work, be girls' the confident,* of his em• oloyer and vets rapid pnmodes, whsle the city lay [bloke he leu beau worked too much lot the money he receives, and grum. Wes and goes down. Numerous Instance. oould le given of clever boys ttom the oouotry coming to the oily and becemlcg leaders In boldness and wealth. HODG ENS BROS. The Second Week of the Sad DNR WI RT sir ■AtiILTe9 RT. 1 Great Dress Goods Selling HIS selling of new fall dress goods stuffs at prices that are one-quarter less than regular brought us lots of business the past week. It could hardly be otherwise, for new, perfect and stylish dress goods for fall and winter wear are going over our counters gt prices not matched anywhere else in town. We start the second week's selling with generous assortments' all along the line. The price cuts are genuine, the argains are real, the people who buy will make a material saving on the price oftheir fall dress. Until the end of next week you can buy µ W New Dress Stuffs *' R, Tie R'. at one-quarter less than regular. THE HOPIESPUN AT 70c. These have been .going with a rush. Q. wonder, for the value is good enough to make thein sell at sight. We have never 801d as good goods for as little money. 54 inch homespun cuttings, pure wool goods, god weight, shades of dark and mid grey and black, 20a to 30o less rfA,, than regular prices, at per yard 0c THE HOMESPUN AT 98c.tt��' $1.00 per yard was the wholesale price of this line, but they were willing to take a little less in order to clear out the last few pieces. We bought the lot and now you can buy it at 98c a yard. M:xtre good quality bomospuo smiting, every thread pore wool, dose not require tieing, eseotal finish, deck ed 8c lith[ grey and black, a apso:al hrrgsln at per yard 913c E 39c CHEVIOT. _ _ _ This is a line for children's wear or every day skirts. You save exactly flc per yard, for the regular price is 50c. • 52 inch obnlot'tilting, w111 was well sad Mk. a Too costume. a line that sells all over at 50e sv 60., Tout and trio shades of grey, for calk THE 50c WOOL SUITING. Your saving on this line is 25c per yard. I It would be real good value at 75c, and at 50c it is as good a half -dollar's worth of dress goods as you are likely to get for many a day. All wool °bovine snitlog, 54 Indies wide, heavy enough to make up without linter, suitable for suite or skirts, dark oolorimes, will stand no ed of hard wear, sold at i/tlt. 75o a yard wholesale, our *penal pries for sale VW The Blue Broadcloth At 50c a Yard. This is the cheapest dress goods we ever sold. Never before nave we given as good value for half -a -dollar. It has a bright Venetian finish, is every thread pure wool, and is worth every penny of 75a per yard. It is just the shade of blue that is so much worn and will make a stylish costume. Navy telae hroa.loloth, good shade, pure wool, 40 to 44 Indies wide, snit able for girls' wear or ladles' °eel urns/ and battered sn.1, and neer sold h r lees than 753, spaniel at per yard 50C The Wholesale Remnants. ' We have still a few ends of these wholesale remnants of homespuns, Borges and ladies' cloth, that we got at one -halt price. If there is an end in the lot you can use you can have it the same way we bought it, exactly one-half the regular price. manufacturers' Over -makes of Cashmere Bose. When leaking up a big older English hosiery manufacturers often have a few dozen pairs over. These they call over -makes. At the end of the season these left -overs from all the orders are gathered together and sold at a price per dozen all round. Last week we wore fortunate enough to secure over f)00 pairs, assorted plain and ribbed, and aro now selling them at from 10c to 20c per pair, less than they would cost you if we bought them in the regular way. That is the reason for these low prices. Ulaas, Home Furnishings, Tar Paper and all kinds of Hardware are given onr beat attention. We endeavor to Carry the heat values that the market affords. MCKENZ/E &HOWELL The place to buy all Hardware cheap. At 23c. f At 3fk. 300 2.40 pain IAdln' IMG esebmre hone, airs ladies' cashmere hose, elms P worth mere, came not gait* 60e, all asssrted els•Is, geode worth all the wort" a too 1 deal mere tbs. oar way ta 50e pr parr, °bolo* of IN._ Alec e°w$`.4e'rs .nt. �-:_ Bee onr •I1 weal Kers Tramiel at 20a a yard. THREE BARGAINS IN MEN'S UNDER- WEAR. We use the word bargain advisedly here, l.• as these three Tines of underwear are un- doubted bargains. Tho prices we quote are only made possible by fortunate pur- chases of three lines away be- low their real value. Instead of holding them for a regular and higher price we pass them on to you at a saving of at least of the regular price. Two lines are all wool, ono Is fleece lined. ALL WOOL. 'Sc. Mea'. heavy •1l wool shirts and drawers. soft finish, shirts double - Wended, were made to eel! at $1, or price w111 be each . ... . FLEPCB LINED, 7M. This is an setts good Iles of fleeoe- lleed underwear, with wool lime- ine. it war mad* by the best mill la t;sn•d• to sell at Slow Or' anent. We bought. 11 se • price that allows us to sell f1 at eaeh.... ALL WOOL, orb. Men's Shetland wool shirt* and draw• en, soft. helsh, well made, swami Dolor, tf regular price had hese paid we weld ka.t bad to sell et �`, 75o, as is is our pries le *Gob We will not be able to dupli- cate these lines at the above prices once they are sold out, so if you want to save on your underwear buying our advice is to buy early. 75c HODGENS BROS.