HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-31, Page 40.. .sanneras,:w.ts. I r�tigta r,. 4 Tdoaw►r, Oot 31. 1901. • • • . . • . Reasonable . Ambition. IS "TO LOOK WELL, " and we make the achievement a most ',amenable one by offering you the advantages of y•to wear at this more wtU Prise, ou aisle. suitlotia oat blue sereanidsome or black eworsted, madeupog. by a IfirmO which more will buy y hes famed a repaatioa fu the railabs Bade aced, the uosllenl out and the good work anablp. `_OUR OVERCOATS--- are VERCOATS_are me.tfne with popular approval' and the attestor we are selling Is • clear ladltatfoa Mot we have the best values to town. Ws invite you to call to and examine our $ beaver, blade sad g.0 sloth, that we ars selling a0 U los wont • °heap Overcoat, we have • good stoma dark -grey Tweed, • mu:op- pearMa ONO, that will give geed wear, at 5 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO snob fess mads over Mao.is best. h won't live. b tent • classics, by say moans. le won't Bed Its way tato the libraries. It Is evldently got up by a smart young men w ho woo to tura a Anent, sad ksowlmg that pool* le the Calmed Suites and Can. ada n- ada go elute., orary at election t m« about • tad that is of no vele, to then here or boreatter, be has placed his little rooters no the market -he bs. thrown oat his bolt for the suckers to bite. Tbue la no pollttoal dgni8oauai to it. It s merely a bushiest transaotloa between C. R. MABEE and his publishers, is *blob JAstss ptsvY W ItITNar la put to the metre of the 'log without ukloe his perm'ssloe. W. C. PRIDI1AM, Min's Furoliber and Hatter. Bela �IenM tet Ckrlsty9 LondonBata.MoLeaa's Block. flu �iignxl, *5 PVL 8'BRY THURSDAY MORNING •T D. 111011113.1•011••• 90DIR1013. THURSDAY. OCT. 31. IgM. ed • front place by the Tories, icor is it looked upon as a True Blue exponent of Tory opinion. It is not long shoe the proprietor of that journal took it into hie heat to knock out • Tory candidate for Parltament in Kut Toronto and succeeded in doing it in good style ; and when in Parhameat no one could say that JOHN Ross ROsgKTsON was not one of the most tHE MABEE PAMPHLET. independent members in the House. to be a THERE is a great deal of fuss trade Saturday Night dose not profess about the Massa pamphlet. and whpy tlns inti al newspaper, although it pounded Sir CHAet.wc Trrraa till a'1 was Wee The has is male u 0015 of those things that, as Lord De.uwxr would thy"a fact that iia editor was sent to South , Tellow America by the present Government does woolly cawn't ardent ld." ,n„t prove that' he should rank with die Thepamphlet itself does not exhibit any gusted Tories to any a'arming extent. particular evidences of genius, and the story The rest of the brochure is tak:m up with in reference to its being brought dna being Moons of WItIT.oY, BEATTIE I..RSBIT and put in circulation is merely a atter of a deal between a publishing firm and • pamphleteer who wanted to avail them selves of • propitious time tor putting their wares Oil the market. The pamphlet consists of a personal attack on Mr. WHITNEY, the leader of the t)ppo. sition, followed by some flattering refer• woes to the Hon. G. W. Roo, the present Premier of Ontario. Then there is an alleged examination of Mr. WHITNEY in the Witness box by an alleged Pantie. In this alleged.samination Mr. WHITNEY gets the wont end of it. as 1►as to b0 expected when the author was looking for a market for h s book amongst the opponents of that politi clan. In addition the pamph'et contains a synopsis of the political situation, from Mr MEESE'', standpoint. gleaned from scrap books, records of newspaper articles and political speeches with Literal lemmings. in►By, to bolster up Mr. MallI's oonten- Nos that he is a "disgusted Conservative," entracte Irom The Ontario Tory, The To. Tonto Telegram anti Saturday Night are pitchforked into the work. Now, we don t know anything about The Ontario Tory. other than that the extracts from it which we have real have pleased es immensely, because they are doing the candid friend act to the Tory party, and are trying to put • tack in the tire of that grand old party on every poeeible occasion. We have time and again heard good. firm old-line Tories 000demning its utterances and swearing that as far as they were son• learned The Ontario Tory was es tar from Obese as the Jews were from the liemari• tans. Neither is The Toronto Telegram accent - NnmmMmmnrnrmMITIM tmmM tr n�Jtr.._ Stoves! �Stoves!! Stoves!! NE ARE SOLE t' AGENTS FOR The famous Lustrous Perfection " Heater and The " Regal Perfection " Cooking Range. These Stoves are the best value ever offered in Canada .wl are fully guarauteed by the motors. They will save their wet iu two season by reducing your oval bill 40 per out , and will last louge r than any usher save you Carl buy. CGI and tee them before you buy THE WOOLLEN INDUSTRY• i A MEItRY war is waging, on paper, over the position of the Canadian woollen trade It is claimed that the woollen menu factoring business in this country has boo hard hit by the tariff preference i. tavur art British imports, and a demand is made upon the Government tor a readjustment of the tariff which will enable Coto -lien manufac- turers to meet competition more easily. Canadian pruducte are admitted freely to the ruarketa of Oreat Britain, and we thought that in giving British goods a preference in Canada we were doing some thing in recognition of this veoeruus treat went of our exports by the British people, as well as making • concession to the Im• perial idea. But it seems that we are not to do anything iu this direction if it entails the slightest &acrid a on the part of any Canadian : the preference looks well on paper, but iu practice it is to be meaning- less This j. virtually the position taken by the mouthpieces of the woollen maul• facturers. The Opposition organs have indeed been striving to make out that the tariff prefer• ence is a sham, and that is its working out it is of nu real benefit to British producers. This dues not prevent them from trying to make a point against the Government by joining in the cry that the preference is g ving the Canadian market in woollens to the British manufecturere. The opponents of the preferential tariff have not so far been able le mfalbliab 1 good ease. Figures have been cited to show Wet the preferential tariff has hal very little to and others, an 1 the cartoonist has not failed to make WHtTNt' and the rest of the putht do with the increased importation of wool, len goods. In 1898,aceording tothese figures, the impose of woollen goods into (tri• ala under the preferential tariff were 11,• 127,333. and in 1901 the imports under the preferential tariff were 11,339.543. an in - of o01 X212,210. On the other hemi, •lmasae. 11 IM's ludi oar: v --- • n it is staled that the reason the importations say nothing bright abent 11; Irby ens should Imagine it would bat any lethargies with the electors is what beats the bend If we were a oandidats to • oonstituenoy and Mr. Maori wanted to sell • thousand oogles or two thousand, we should try to bargau with him to keep them away from the constituency. What Is in the book that le pow 1s not of any vales. True, Mr. MAagr'M camis Hos la argued to 1t, but thee reader may ark, "Who on earth is Mr. Masel!" The vales of a man's name mead to anything te is proportion to the promitemos of the man. Jobe 1). 110'11 rri.t.g& may sign a ohequs for one million dollars and It goes, but another man's obegae for • rellllon might be renamed with the legend attached, "No funds." And so with C. R. MABEE W. aro free to onion that we heard of him moth we saw his pamphlet, and we have known every an prominent to Con.dlan politios on either side 3arloR the past tweety•fivsea yr,m . Who Manta's book Dae our way tome read le toe what new thief 11 oenaled that would help our par►y,amd when we oould Bud nothing that would make votes we threw 11 down, restarting only, u ARTS/ARS N ASH would say, "It is an •,nosh little link u 1071 as the law all )W0. Now, that's the story of the maks up el the competes, and 11 it were not that a Pruvieal.'election le ea the carpet no one would pay any mors attention to the bloom. Ing thing than they would to a last year's lemurs rs Y Mantles and . :t1t)i, .�HARDW ARE - We are endeaturiog to sell all lines of elielf and heavy Hardware at prices that will suit all. We try to gnu yoo Honest Goods at Honest Prices wiel we have succeeded in gaining the patronego of many new customers. Wt carry • large and well assorted stock.yary'cis; r: Our prices are right. (Jive us a call ant we will treat you right. ALLAN & McIVER, EThe Leading Hartle AM. Firm Honest tIoo,ds at 1lones1 Prices. ;J1u111U11I111�l�lUlU 1l«UM that rather than improve their Inaehilery and keep up with the times in the way of producing better goods a section of the tnanutactureis would like the l;uveroment to clap on higher duties and make the con• .user pay top ,rima for inferior good*. ABOUT ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. THE London !Advertiser, under the editorial beating, "Electric Railways - Will They Cheaper. Traver for P•aengers and awry Local Freight," AM the follow• ing : The original feast of cosrtrvction and equipment of an electric rails ay is mush below that ` of a steam railway. Steam xlnratis roe Bucarnee.-The Nov• railways usually aro compelled to buy ember somber of Scribner's Magazine ooa- tlm right of way, bui'd stations, .trocg tales the opening chapters of F. ilopktoson bridges, etc., aid in every way their cost Smith's 1o0rsst and most lmportaut stcry, exceeds that of the electric All the ''The 1'ortuaes of t) ter Horn." In dealing plant and rolling stock of the elettrie is with the oar«r of • young artist who owes much lighter and less expensive. 1t fol. to New fork from the Son►b to seek fame lows that the eletric railways can carry the author hos chosen a sympathetic bore passengers for lesa money; and as the sod drawn upon his own long sari Intimate speed they make is good, there is r10 association with the artistic, and ,literary reason why they would pot secure the development of the mty. He eves a most bulk of the local traffic We suggested attractive impression of the artistic elm« not looker? that travel by steam rail piers in whish the chief obarsotere move. ways was moreli xuriout and urprtrsiee Thai wbsrie fort' is characterised by a seas* than it 00011 ha. Perhaps by reducing of mesad humor and there ars many of the the size and expense cf the ears and author's well known passages of pathos and engines, travel might to made as cheap wholesome human sent !meet that have oo0- by the steam railways as Ly eta -tris, Ira oted so much to the wide popularity of The prnpo.etior is made that local hie previous storks. to the oonoluding freights, and the delivery of freight after paper on "Russia oh Today," Hoary Nor• a certain tine at nigh', might be allowed .i, an dear. with there lugs questions of throughout the 'saes. Tn. effect would national policy and diplomacy that hear so be to put pearly every Lu -tory and ware, Intimately on the fu' urn peace et the world house on the railway. The changes are 11I't o3mments upon the opposed friendship beteg bruugbtabout quietly and nature ily. that btu existed suicorbetween Rosie and The people are aljustin$ themselves to the Untied States, and h e Iuferesee• ,s - the new crier of things. ,and time will lording the outcome ot the contest over the tell how great a revolutied w i11 s o e in Iodise bold er between een Rued• and nd Great Britain ado wil oodo �tet otortes ga1 deal of travel i the handling direi It. We be'ievo many electric raitwnyg will t'iecussl«. Other articles are • "Maruu.s Its (wilt in the near future,that it is Ito, 1 h. (gest Man of Jarmo." by Frederick very questionable if the day lar dia. Palmer ; "With iso Cogger Hound.," by tont when steam railways will bee thing President Roosevelt ; "Amon; the Dank- ot the put. ere," by Ne;sos Lloyd. The belief of The Advertiser, that many eloctric railways will be built in the near under the preference are not larger is Nut the tuanuLu3uren have been cutting prices -a condition ot affairs which is viewed by the public with entire equanimity. In the aew.paper ceot.ruveray on the sub- ject very little attention has heen paid to the economic aspect of the thee. The sec• rotary ot the Manufacturers' Association has been trying to show that the woollen in• dustry is not prospering, but he dues not state any reason why the consumers of thta country ehoull be ealletl upon to make up the loses of the manufacturers. 11 the business of making woollen goals w Can• ata is not a paying one, the sooner it Is given up the better, that those engaged in it may turn to some profitable industry. Every tax te maintain an unprofitable con• oern is a burden upon legitimate industry, and every mal in Canada who wears a woollen shirt should oppae the attempt of the manufacturers to make nim pay for it more than it is worth. Welds not beheve,however, that the wool. len manufacturing industry in Canada is dem pendent uponaprote:tivetariff . We read fre- quently in trade reports that the Canadian mills are unable to keep up with the de- mand for the higher grate goals which are otos." As we remarked at she start, there U too now asked for, and the fact seem. to be MT. MO. 301.01C741311wlir In GUNS we make the following offers :- Double -Barrel Breech Loaders, 12 Gauge ss .► .a Better Qual .17:"Savage Rifles,, 303 Cal. Flobert Rifles, 22 Cal. al Bonehill M ity ake rt O 1 ea 01 'syflsit 00001.01 1.00.w111.1. has an islersslfog story about Ira D. Sank• •y, the grant evangelist, and Edith Kit g Swale recounts the lomat, ascents she has made in oriole parrs of the world. Will -Bradley'} orlgial designs for • house !ogle with the breakfast room, and 1Vitson Eyre. j•., presents plans for a c entry nous* and • garden. Mr 6.110 goys* mob good ad• 'lee to young married commies ii his editori- al. Another most timely feature is "Why Should • Yong Mao Support the Church!' by the Rov. Franols H. Clark. Many home trade Christmas gtf,s are showy, and the first of "The Journal's Amu,iog Pr.des" sq par. Tea regular departments are ex- o,ptionally good rod the illustrations ss• pots. By the Curtis Publishiog Campony. Philadelphia. One dollar • )ear ; Nn cents • copy_ 'Phone .86. J • A lot art Ra!u Coats jest le, dseet from the maker and at Woes that should make a ready sale. Soma as low is $3.25. Great value. Ste oar lots. Tk.y are all new aad at mime that cannot be beaten goods. Dress Goods. Aaetber lot of Homespun. la blacks and dark and light inert The greatest vas. to be flood anywhere. Tweed Dress Stags from 200 up. A full stook el Lsdtee' and Mee's U.derolotbicg from 200 to $I.25 ne. future, in one that is confidently shared by a large number, and one has but to look around to see that progress is being made on that line in many parts of the country. Hull, Waterloo, Grinleby. Preston, Wtod- etock and Ingersoll have been benefited by the construction of electric roads, and the Metropolitan running north from Toronto has proved a boon to that district as far a' Newmarket. With such object. lessons working daily the men who would oppose electric railway toustru. tion would be very rash indeed. It ie for the rwoD5 given by Ths Adm.. tiler and for others that will present them • selves to the ordiary mind that we are pleased to see the general satisfaction with which the proposed electric road from Code- rich to outside points in hailed in this county and in the neighboring county of Bruce. With very few exceptions the welcome word and helping hand have been extended to the promoters of the project, and there -ie every rowers to bel1eve that 1(Jtin twelve months from date at least one section of the road will be eomptet '1 and in running order. 7.00 11.00 - 20.00 - 25.00 rs 3.25 WHERE THEY GROW WHEAL. ROOM BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VAINISL LEAST ODOR, BRIURTBQUK:KEST DRYING of them all. Useful fur buggies and all outside iron work. Ues OW Best. • When you want • really good cough cure use our Black Cherry Sa'd a customer recently : "1 .ever thought •.ytbl.g could relieve • Cough se q.kkly. " W. 0. GOODE, CHEMIST. A few duzei left art that cheap Oatmeal Soap, worth 10e, oui price 3 for 10e. Posi• ti'ely no more when this lot i* done. Wm. Sharman, jr. a• 5,1jt BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. We have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich. It comprises goods of the following well-known makers J. & T. Bell. Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co • and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. utas l'ola Beads God News le all Birk and S.• el.g floes lbs World Over. Oakville, MM., OJt. 28 tepecl.l) -S.aee the publtoatise et the story of Frank Col Ismer, of 1.1 Lake, mush atteotloo has bseo directed to tome similar oases 'o this neighborhood. Otte of the i meat striking of these v that of William Lloyd who for months , pest h.s had diabetes. All the deeeerous symptom. were presoak He lost over thirty po•eds 1e weight to less than three months. He heard of the good wo: k Dodd's Alder y Pill. were doing and stated te use them. Very soon he began to recover, Ilia tblret I.ft him, he gslned In weight sod one by one the unpleasant symptoms were for _ gotten 1111 now he Is as well as ever. • BOOKS Af"D PERIODICALS- Me(•LRRE's MAOA7.ige - Nothing Geoid be more timely than three of the artiel.s which go to make up MoOlure'■ Magazine ler November. William Allen White ana- lyses Roosevelt in • way which shows this nnola«Ified mao v • new light -tae true light. Mr. white will he remembered as ebe author of the striking obaronet.'ketch• ss, "Hanna," "Itryaa" and "Cooker." Al- though the steel strike is settled, leterene le the greatest corporation In the world has not abated. Ray Sane•rd Baker, author of the oh•rscter sketch, "J. 1 ier000t Mor- gan" expiates "What the United States Steel Corporation is, and How It Works," all In a manner that Is both Interesting and Instructive. As • d..orlber a • thrilling .gnat. The smtomehili rete from Perla to Berlin Is d«orih,d so vlv!dly that one ins almost see Fournier Rath by at the rate of e mile • minute. The "true story of a re- al illy discovered 'Treasons Lland." is told by Sturgis H. Rout in ' The Romano* et Christmas [lend." The fiction of IhelaM- her Is well worth reading. ','here are and other features, all of whish melee November MoClure'e a notable en mber. I.A01e1' HOwt► .I01-R1AL.-1 he Thanks• giving number of The 1,041.: Home Jodrell is replete with Mod Action and Mesmerise and novel («tures. li opens epprecrialel7 with' an article wbiob tells "When ►he i'rr indents Tarkey Comes From." Then there are dellghttsl steels, by Hesi• kl•h Butterworth sad Laura Sp.nlor Pot• to,, and a now lore story n.11ed "Chro use," by F•.d.rlck M. Smith. Covalence Moffatt LOADED SHELLS. Black Powder, 2c. each. 12 GAUGE. Smokeless Powder, tic. each. We also carry a full line of Revolvers, Gun -Cases, Cartrigo Bags, .A Grin Cleaners, Reloading Tools, etc. %mew -M GUN POWDERS. 6 $,et, ,. ., BLACK. American Deadshot, Kentucky Rifle, King's Semi -Smokeless. Tr"' 01. •MOKIe .. King's, Hazard's, Robin Hood, Oold Dust. SMILES. "Is this Hazel street P' stoked • 7055. woman In one of the back seats of an Fast Toth street car, who was oatrying adh initiative poodle dog under her arm. "Ivo, madam," said the oouduotsr "I will tell you when we soms to lt." Later on she re - posted the 'question, and the conductor ao.wered wltb some show of Impatl.oce. Fioafly, when Hard street was reached, he rat*, and the car using to_s stop. "This i. Hard street," said the soaduotor. "Oh. I don't want to get of at that street ; I oily wanted to know where N was ; 1 go to the end of the line." Theo, as the car started again, the looked down at the peg and said, In teem of extrema affection, "'1'bere, dear - le, there's where your muddy lives I"-ln- dian•pollu News. Coal Bills are now • serious item. Them wiry burn coals for lbs 11•= wash? Some Soaps won't wss� Mien without boiling, but SUNLIGHT SOAP win. It's a wise economy to buy the beet of -:11 Soaps, when by doing .e the ,.r.. .1 ...11 emwa bing ' v can be Wm. Sharman, jr. swop BLI GOODS AT FAIR PRIM," Ia our motto. Fall Season --1901: 1 All the latent shapes, the newest colors, the most novel effects in trimming -anti everything of the beat. These are the features of the FILL MILLINERI DISPLAY LT IISS CIIERON'S. Ladies are invited to call at any time and make an in- spection of the now goods. Trimmed flats from $1.00 up, Hareetmilton MISS CAMERON, 8�. TO - Roiios of oosagea mart be left at OD Omoe not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for changes mast be left not U ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements aooepted no to nor n Wednesday of each week. A Great Saap.J• Reduced 50 per cent. - _ter II:ICSTRAOHAN'S NACMIE AND BLACK -WTI SHIP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. - JAMES H. JOHNSTON, le oar Mager Sap, ai , posed, of whilst* we «II a barrel awe*. This help our only snap. as we tarry , everything that oa0 be found 1n an aor- to -dao grooery .tore, and set prises ars right. The termer. know that they tae sways get from us a Map for their produce. W. draw the line at no legitimaa Made - everything g : fl.,rning coal to help Inferior and 6•w -priced Soaps to wash la like .lending a 3 cent tram fare to re -chaos a to cast article for e : cots. WORRY AND LATE HOURS. Worry and late hours seriouijy -affect the system, causing eibaus- ' tion, fietfoffitness, general debility and sleeplessness. "Climax" Iron Tonin Pills are great blood makers. They strengthen the nerves, invig- orate the system, restore wasting vitality and erre all constitutional irregularities. Eat& box oontaias ten days' treatment. Prise 26 cents, at all druggists, or mans& on reoaipl of pries. Address: Dr. Hall Nodiaise Oo.. siopie., 0.1. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. N. D. ROUQV I E, 1 f, The Cash Hardware,OODERICH. By using SUNLIGHT SOAPonsavei11 cost In tbe cost of the coals un- used, not to mention the longer I fe of the t wombed. A tablet of - Sunlight Soap will de work wttae.l seam, and do It infinitely better, than Iwo tahl.• of common, cheap snap will do writ ossa. The ma)ority albs piddle coon End net the tins of true ecoaos7. That's why SUNLIGHT SOAP is asked for by thews people to one asking for say odour soap in the world. ohoioset able Chita. Ws deal to of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford bleak. Ovderlob all Mill Wood FOR SALE The al ove ie cut into stove wood length and will 1e delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders reoeived by telephone or loft at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. G,tllsile►, * noslor Slat, 111119. 65-3m whet had been with the late MR. STI)ACRAE IOCseveralears, sad la mo- vement o- vement with all Gasses of work that bare been done 1n the shop, wishes to announce that he has taken ethane of the establish meet and w111 carry on the business In each a manner as to ream the confidence and patronage heretofore extends 10 the lea owner, and will be pleated to hare as many new eestomers as will favor him with their patronage. In addition to Shl0 Work los Plows, Street Waterlog WaE- BSs, bores Porten otohe will coutin. to do MINERAL BLAdKe- SMlrHISO and REPAIR WORK of all kind,. MA CHINA Tl RN1NG, DRILLING PLAN- ING. TOR*ADINU. sad at Sloes of ma- ohlee work done or short nodes. He has also added a Bret -doss BRAZING NT and all work In that line inolodin* be attended to on short mottos. Laws Mow - ere sharpened. I'rloes w111 be found quite reasonable. JAMES R. JOHNI70N. The ate D. K, titnobm.'s Machine sad Block - smith Shop. Vietorla et., Uderteh. WORSELL'S 15 THS PLAOS TO SUV.... STOVES, FURNACES and PLUMBING CHRAP. J. H. Worsell The .heap Owe sod lanases mw. ood.s.b. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR I1EOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A WOtnd.Mit1 Tonic and D, KIDNEY anRemedyIMPURE for WEAK and LIVER TROUBLES. Hi000 Manufactured by J. M: MacLEDD, Dederick. O'it.