The Signal, 1901-10-31, Page 3atones HOW DEAR MAMMY ' t ;, BRACED UP " PORE JOE." U 1 a atatry August tw,rulttg la 1d'.)0 I war riding along at ridge In Mag,d- 1111 Ioullty, Kentucky. The w ue yolk rued run In front of me he.L• a rtrenla 041 w '. ,Ilea bra..Thr leaves hang from their nimbi Ilwp and uw,tioulees. 8udden'y,' above the southweet Iltolewl, +t lou 4.f florae vutoismod, then hastuully c oat d 711 en m'• a muffled etpiurhwt. A moment lat,•r the. prow tan d n grunt Meek 'loud ship woe ..grandly forth luto the eta -rent sen, rtpiosled and weltered rtM Idiot wreckage user the heuvrnu. 1 urp'l my horse Into a full run anti n.,.n relguetl In fretaL of a newt lug hallas/Oily, e. Alighting haily, 1 threw brill.. over et patting, du..ltei through the gulp awl ran up u f{ower-rm- bn,klerel path to the tcrundu. A pal.•, sweet -tared Iltll W0111'111 greet - ,+1t one. After 1 911M witted rhe 'n rt ittIKhtfuI eyes on 1 110 .ktw1114,u . "Tads rain comer lis mighty total oono,"," sa he observed, in -mild, 'tweet tutee : "peer' -thing war •Irvin' rip 'tofu!. Three days more ei 'ttrh t. retail' weather an' crops of all ►1ud4 would a Wn rant. My well 1. .Iry no It le. an' us folk'. on the ridge haw btu haslet' wt.ter over a 'hoot attic ler 'ht two week( now. 1 Ind pat Orli. from the erlrk with a trtr-I o' vv utero nn' hod Jost gut my !mote un- to -area an 'put up w hen the storm hate. 1'd het' been wink'', though, to er gut ketehest nu the rued an paled roaktn' wet to het tate !Mit .i.me.' And the little ovation out led and tick a1 out on the swis11tng down{eour e uh grateful eyes. You're a widow Indy, 1 prrsuune i' 1 Inquired, 1nepeeting curiously the been frail little body that held en en- wilco!uur ol In tine &Muwork of hauling tenter. tihe hesitated for w'tee hole%, th- en it looking at me wh a ((treed laugh sae saki: "I'm Jest nb0ut 1Ie enter :w a wktder. .1411e -t11/1 VS my won-- he ,14,11't etny with Inc much. 11' hin with w,• 110W for the Mat 1 11'41 years." 1 .don't see why Ike thouldu't," I 41,1.1, Moking admiringly at lit. pale 1:,'.' and timid blue eyes. " f'd guar - Mee you never mistreated hint." "No, indeed," she quickly replied, "I uever gilt, 1f 1 kn)wed 1t. 1 alters trio! to do my part. 1 worked all 1 oast able -more thou 1 wartable- an' n, difference how, 111 he got 1 never gate Idm a short word -'taint my grater to quarrel whew,"" Then why doeua t he stay tit Iwnne with you'" -oh. 1 don't know. Pore Joe, he amyr he get., 'so 1011 10/01111; 'ere he can't stand It, nn' Int Rears off to town. where lac lute two married tiMtera They are nitron to him, they tett vee. but hr generally etwyr - etrot:nd them. 1 wCulht't iso about 'Mat if 1 war hien, tie' way tIt' y talk him "sometimes' pore Jae! "stn b lung's to good people. Joe dope," one continued. "They've got tots it' lend an' property- of a l amts. Ha pap an' team hoerin the trig white house 'bout half a utile down :taloa here. They 'ie give Joe awe) good •tart,., but 4.0111 0110W 110 couldn't keep it. People 'Iterate hint out of it ; though his 11141 111 ..ez 110 drinks It up. !t110 talk.. awful hard about hint wttaetime.. -pore Joe ! "I don't see how lite man' inn talk about her own flea& nn' blood we adultop de, hut .herr gaol grl woman, though -awful goo': wemnn-'rept I lilt. Kite's awful good to me, aw- ful g(HMl-au' llttt'o one r••neon why It Ituke odd that{c alto rakes ore Joe �. an' hien Iter own.amt. 1 war er or- pltan girl, ; 1 w+ta rebel he Jn,nea Melton dewu un tlttt crick, 'bout 4 mile. Joe's mother alters ..eem.•d tot love me, an' Mast tried to keep tn• from Ravin' Joe. !the wanted me to starry hl.. older brother. Tont. wisp 1's now a rielt storekeeper out t Oklahoma, but 11uved J...' -putt• Jue. A gal rollers her heart of it teeth' to starvation. "Folia around Bern talks about bowIw 1 tanned It by wit mnrryln' Tom, but I 1k,n't telttk 1 did If 1 dein'! love Idm do you' "Joe was an 'twit hanbnnl' man when hr was young. before he got iu had 'trait a. 1114 mother too whiskey will ruin the looks of anybo.iv, lout 1 think •lie's kind u' prej.dicetl attar _.. .ane, though. 1:ven, body bum their finita. That's why 1 late Look over Joe R'ew English Turban Shape, Worn Tilted, Trimmed With better than other people. He can't aerie's the verandah Door, Into thel route ant toward lho beet tN+ah The beast fell Iu'r.,rr titsWg clean bed. The little woman etrulghleut'd titin ..wit, pulled off Itis shoes, :told the 111110W lilt ler 1114 head and'fosatd rib wit film in 1ovht:t anxiety fee a lung time. "f'..r' Joe" w•ue about pairing hitt. 11 nup ay 'dumber what 11noked uand wow +. big. rawboned woman at the gate. Mit-ah ateopen! It en with a stout, yuck itutol tit+ ttrodo up the petit with a slow uup►csty of move - meet :hut denoted great physioutw, strength and mental relution. A/ her heavy foe struck the ,rage of the veran'tuh rhe ..tared straight lilt,/ Al little suarel {tune, and, In a low, forceful voice, alto asked : "Whar'w Joe ?" Tti he little wocut for reply began to cry. The old Indy slowly pulled a king, kot•n hickory with.. from Ix- nnatti her nprrt. She inquired no more for Jou'. Ids gurgling snorer itnclnlmerl ttW k..•atl'nt Kir' rhrude rluwly aerates the verundub floor, her Ihrr premed tightly, her brow creamed au l crooked. 1 "Oh. mother," wnil.d the little 11(011141111! '',111.1111't hurt pure' Joe - pleat* don't, mother ! Ilr'r rick !" "1'4e cafe to :bettor hint. then - hickory ten's what Ill u.e"IM. 1'1 e gave It to Wine hundred tines when lu+ w•ar a bay, tart hn ne' ever netlel it one-tenth like lie dots now. He's hin needin' sic medicin ter years. now I'll give Iden a .twee that will do him for u lifrttwe-tio off. Nally .owl! Yon orter know better then try to stop gra when I go dosis' ant medicine!" The :thio w• n. crying loony,broke not of doorsThe old ductrerr rntert'd the room. gated upon her poor rick eon and then bigots her heroic treatment. Well, It's hupoesibie to ft.ttow her vet, + +Mia:: , tti4+:-+44t'Ft:• she;•r+ta+i•�r+•4f1.4.444•••••44114 }} BEAU I Y I ALKS FOR WOMEN : Gambling la not a vlcu .4 the male net al 'no 1•'rten time to Ouse lfiroughmit the world goulbllug un)ung women far fle,urlrhIMl stud de- ulint•I • Jtot al title time fk,url.httl. A religi nor b,tly of Noor Turk Iota we:certaiut•d this for a eertalaty by sprtrulhig br•)atbast the tiurrlkrl, "Iso bt•ttlug and gambling prevail iserstewomen t" The bialy lima been rhe eked by the nature of the answers rtoelval and flats decided that there evils do sola: Aril are literaurlstg. •lite decision reached Ir that "uwothers Qf Iatnlhlsl bet away hwibnioka' wager and pawn cloths and furniture to obtain funds for gambling parlwees. Hteldrekt of yo11K women engaged in factorler bit r'guluri). Some Ilea the Owl/milkers' 1wrrot'tlly, others setsi their rboaey through middlemen. Batting am.utg women of fnehlun is on the Increase, and drawing -room sweepstakes are bre )min's popular." Dui 1f the mania W growhi( strong in women of to -tiny ny Il W simply Vito revival of an old paaaion. Mme. de Montesptut won so wt:olt at ballet, tier faverile game, that Louie XIS•• wee delighted and bor- rowed some oI her whwingt. But she 1 pt a great deal at More.., wpd her ploy grew 111 fnrioue that In 188, Louts abullotted the game. 1t it re- corded ,4 Mme. Ue Mo ntespau that she one night, oriole. the king looked ort at the play, risked a rum equal to $00,000 on a single card and that the king grumbl..l wh'•,t it'..tue 4...11',1 Ir• fum'1 to outer the bet. But Madan" :As i hist oat N'w fear's might 71tt),- 000 crowns at Wee' and on another night almost $1,010,000 at tho atlule game Mme, Du Burry waa the moot fam- ous woman gambler of the limo of Louis X1'.. but with: hev it was only a pmelime. But that other Invorite, Mme. De Pompadour, went In with the sole 4bJeet of winning If the could. It W rtsrnelcd that her winnings were A PRETTY FALL TURBAN. help hid Wilt.. 1 aametlme.. think If a Few Plumes and Knot of Straw. lie Mel er gut 'tome other kind of a ..,'man he wou1;1 have thane totter. .1 woman may be ever 1011 good, but at the Mime time may not be Meltable to certain kinds of men. 111.. tenni mays be needed n woman of her w -a ter, one that would er put the std to him every wren er two. but Lardy, - eiylw' 1 wee nine, how -met I think of whipping Pore Joe. '.tar got shot In the i6oalvler last fall pore feller. .%n awful hail mea named Jame' Margie Mint him Har- die les ,doe trig.] t' kill him, but yen can't make me believe it. He wouldn't hart it cricket, unless" he must 1w• crazy at the that I went cul to town atter him an' fetched him home, nn' maxed him peevernl week's until he wad able to be up an' out agln. Then . bre weer: hark to town-'tw+te too I"n"oma for him hero Oh, 1 do wish he'd atny at home, hot It don't 'seem 1„ he his stater. He'.. Jest like a Imo- -levee- 'to lege tn-ltrety enutpnny, 'Ur dorm' "I believe, some day, though, he will come home and Ray 1 rend my little ?Able ever' day, an t have falt�t thvi eometlme my prayer... offered ever' nleltt, will be aoeweretk 1 don -t ave him to do a lick 'of work of he W011 Id } ,.t stay with awl hm .hilt v 1 rill s aattla aY: ablefans ai Jia era lull alt J,1, . _tlltszgll. a (tile money cumin' In nil the time now /1101 trotting on her greet neve newly' a little baby. 'I.eot wraith Jsw. ramtl-ilomr. intra -- fellow, lookln' awful weedy nu' had. Mexican Prost-rt...His mem arm: heed ben on a drunk, int 0.' waw never venturer( will never I know he wan all run down an' Mick. r_n..a the Men, 1 "111 an' got Itim n milt of (•lathe's. T11rre'a no tato wI1h.M11 pain. RIC when hr went to) leave I /t*'" 1 linflit+ cannot enter n rioted mouth. f iml Lord. but hlatnam wan m111 wh'-n tell _.- 1Jrllrel the rtup's IM lir drill. 4 eat in Wove,. will re ver catch rats. T. the hungry n., breed la !try. .t hook :lint la Mut 'oaken no The go d 'minaret'sv sombre! the shirt Drat. m1). roll will endure n lulndrhundred yens*.'{Ten the river le passe: the mint W forgotten. He who haw little has little to ker. If the pili were Rot bitted It wowld waiting. wIth atop n little etweri flirt. of b" gilt. Ill,., t.__-- abreit .. .trust yew. in'iney to thine_ *he keep their eye:4 on the floor (MA) an outward sign II( piety/. Wind awl 10011 Inek do not Mot Don't tat.* pawn that moat Ire fed here, inhospitable Pit*, - Ilt 14 gOld finhing ti reit I al VI a term. tack tie he was a few minntee now leaped from the hol and went nosinol the room like rt top, every instant yelling: 'Oh, pleam, „ewers killiug_niel Please _Alit CM. no. I'll never gal off an' 'er an oath on it ! Tea I will! itring the bible. quick I an' I'll lay tny hand en It I Yee, I will. "fear mn Yea. onvenr it on the bible, I nay ! plenee, good, sweet ma! Bring the 1711)14, ! Oh. mweet. goort 1,01 Ill 111.1 do bring the bible an' let Ille «wear, quiet( I" loud 'await I mooed the anew again. A fine-looking voting mon, longing a faint renctliblanee to the former "pore Jne," wrier larking goliiii- _glawagt new frame house adjoining the okl log one. .t little rat.% -facol woman stool in the yard smiling up btnnee to the pale titeter-vronme orni year* yoginger, however. On the err/falai pent great rawboned now -cider wont/tn. I recognised Het "Aro rovi Wok. Joe 7" she relied hi A nligni MT" /1"a 71 1"9"1- 4i1,41111 Yo100, 11.11 t 110 two name up us Milt arm In A.M. the 'nth. "Yes. ote gal. seek or 'ell" "Pore Joe. res. awful RR PRO V rel. rent', 1.1 nod lay down on Ivor and with rt fere In whi^h Lu_ggist. refine, the 100114.4 if It ion. to ewe. on• "de. ref. she piloted -Pere Joe. ft. W Drove sigoatere on welt how. Ilia “Tt&hY 001* in spot" No weed le III-weken If It Is not ill understood A '0,1p1 -1111,y n thee r Of un than a sword. 1`1110114, And that 10 a *Ingle night e Paned 111' ta 'Acts or the king ef Q.' n Marie Anlitinette. accord- ing t hintory, was rt gambler who liked be surrounded by gamblerm. Faro if e popolar Mt the 13-4 sot graa.X -t.ltat a noblemen had him entire rotate wiped away a mingle night. Potraibly the nat famine woman gambier of Eitel history wan Nell Owynne. the netr who was mo great a favorite ith Charles II. t reign the tanner's were Much Ulf. sante as.the were at the French court. Nell liwy te lost 000 to her Meet, t Duette of Cie% e- ll mt. nwl In one year lost II ward of i60.000, which the King pelf . There had never been known mo emelt am- blitig •mong women ne was on led en In that reign. After the Duch eie of niece of the Cardinal. lin The acknowledged queen of %uteri - 'plata, who Iraq born In Texas for- Into Mexico to rnie over outlaw* n cowboy*. The (Aetna sra," Wetreekv twelve year.' obi when she fell In with an olgi-tinie gambler na m- ewl Qualetor. who talight her every trick known to Mos trembler.", art Mho fleet made her sippearatece in Prom del Norte. 1411e wan may n child and the rough gantblere laugh- ed at her, hot they 1100:1 found that they were no metch for her. and that ten• derfoot compared with the chill. With the pasting yearn Lonna. Pa- wiita grew to ha a beautiful woman. 114‘r was itm 'black es oight, mho 1001 e:t pi 11/7 1. emit -tondo] thane of and votes. tie sweet and *livery an a 1)41. 141114 wan sin handsome wo- '00 ono yrookl small to Nee. hot Witt dt- ',wort of fro end nervier at that defied the weteldnIneen of the keeueet &410111111T. A Proleaaional Weft a Few Mite ao Preserving Your Appearallco. • The Table. The years hiVe aped risme fleet I led( You to the table, 'tear, Awl you rat os er tar.. alone Ani I sat smiing here. A year or two flew poet awl yeu A little (IOC Walt ill our orate, Your darling and my own. MO *ben another year oe And mrineoust vise was there, And "Willie' test near me, yitu know, While •Vottit,' eitliEUR11 your care, Tho year. hive sped since. herb I led You to the table. their, Awl you looked queenly at' the foul. Azoi I kingly here. -the race Ir. A fen/ getter limier ollif in race -balding. A o the Unee/uea set mot Isere woultit throw us back Into the dark ages. Every edge of litotory Keyes thim to be ttTwh.ere la n set in bearing nor In par- iow einintals the nude does hie Moire In citing for the offspring. It haw twee gaboerved thnt the male lion talk" the training of tide young cube 114 own portioular took, end watchers °vet them faithfully for three years. man c mid not have got much love and t ruder care for hie family tot a woman onn have. Anyone with the alighteet knowl- Tookto look down at you that Ittve le not a 'Sou laxly feminine. virtue, ant a glance at the lint of Oa either aide 1 'pee A row ef buttery Mecum./ prize winners in our colleges ell Mims. that reason ig not a niaeculino Alt gilding op at me. We've added leaves. 'ale 011Ser 'Ale. It le true, thnt the average hither doer not do his Misr° in the child •Aud you ure fur away --S Aye, tbrice its far. my dear, ao on training. filst Widnes@ duller prevent Thnt btappy, happy dray. lath. But it would bo better for him But though we eit No far apart - awl better far the child if he could do eo. Aa a grout writer ties sled. You titter', au.1 I up here Two rows of toilets from nay forol the. race le in a eorialitIon of half Or- phanage lecauee the fathers are not heart 440111fr their pert In the 110100 life. Stretch dein to yoll, my dear. Tho worid need, fathers who are 'rile h Ado t(0-4,AY. . be retaeled De progress until there tender -natured and pure, and it will Thank 040.1 for every extra, leaf Awl WA:. we never knoe the grief le but one moral and Intellectual td putting oue away. etandard for both sexes., Flo long ea tho fatheer are allowed BAIIV'S ILLS. to be am Ins ae they please Itt their morale the race la begat to remain mongrel Elleabetit Cady Stanton. Every Mother Shout,' be in is poi's ten to Prompt ly !Relieve the Unser All- Ost Meal Bleceits. meets of Iler Little Ones. Put woven outsets of wheat flour in a btwl with three ounce, of oatmeal. The baby who le always.' plump &- wrote haw good appetite, always hum a clear eye aal /1 romy cheek. and Ito alway active. and playful, le the choiceet trealeire this life at - forth,. Tile medicine whicla keeps h tine's in such a condition or width reatores,,them to it WIIP11 they are ill is certainly It priceless,' Wren to humanity. There nre many teeth - cities, which proluce bdt their action upon the child ie similar to that which whiwkey- er opium lins Igloo 11111 grown 111411. They dead- en and //timely and ere the most In - LIP ciiihlron. The only isafe coureta 1.4 to line na- ture'a remeollee. !Cattle(' has pro- vides] a vegetable coos for every ill. mei her remedies/ for children•go 'lit - 'were are ecientifically compounded Baby'e Own Tablets. For diar- rimen, constipation, colic, simple Lop.", croup. irritation when teeth - lug, iudigestket-and all the disordern t his remedy is concededtby the medi- cal profentilon to Ito wit heat an equal. Its effect is gentle, soothing, prompt- ly curet i ve nisi never failing. It will Nate p . anxiety, shooter's bine and perhaps 11 1I1P. All mothere who their little (mete speak of them in tormo .1 worment praitw. Mro. Pon. Theatre wangle of plain gray crepe /Seward, Forfar. Ont., move have with collar trimming of lace lattice 'geed Baby'', Own Tablets, and can bordered with a scalloped highly recommeml them to all moth- edge of statin with tiny pearl bead'. ere. My baby watt cutting hia teeth, encrusted. Stock and plastron of the wrut %pry room when I first gave • erepe embroidered in eilk dote. The tlt,o3 to him. They sexed tie* magic ; formation of the bloom" at the waist he cut his teeth almost without my line into double eterringm- no girdle knowtawito -wort- gore -tdin such rawer----alsowittg & lace "stomacher" Met in front. le extremely pretty. The ale• that they proved a blessing both to the child and myself. Ile ham pot trign is pre-emlnently adapted te the tall *lender figure.-liert dela Mode. It -see sick shires I grave them' to him, and I would not ba without them in the house." Beby'd Own. Tablets can bs procured at any druggist:s. br will its sent pratpaid on recelpt of 241 center by erldreeitng the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Rreekville, l'ilK BOY AND TUN DI "IL. Elizabeth Caddy Stanton ea the Is. Creasing indueere of Wooten. Is it likely Mit a brother and i.hrter rocked in the eame cradle, reared in the name home. taught in the same wheel and college will be so entirely unlike otte anotherthat their life work wilt never coincide? On He, vont raty; Trims been proved that sone iire aot to inherit moth- ers' tatnes and Liens. while daugh- ters moot rest:titbit' their fathers ermine's! from 0414( Hex to thr other during the part few years. Men have twosome crake and women low- yere Girl.' make ribbone mid arena goode in the factory and men ;deal behind the counter and sell There IR In a tecitere' college a young girl whet tit one of the workers in the forging C1/1101. She Mamie al the anvil, with loather Apron. forging tho red-hot Iron In- to useful tent ornarneutal shapes. She nn Engliah girl woo 7R1n0 acres,' the ocean. to enloy the priv- The Proud Itrostent•r. • •'No, Mr," ex vie lined the I011.1- 1 -Mena in the ormoker, "Vin proud to my Oral no honer. in the eosin - try Imo more men peohine Ito line ro clink A COM) IN 0911 DAT ”1 Mod^ than ours. T Met 411 Colter nn.1 twiff in wide, with new trimming of tenet, clown and bend eggs of en,edneation witielt she multi not have In England. A Harvard professor owe declared in all seriousness that...the MIME innght Chasse* of W0111411 Wein mentally weakened henalote the leek of mental vigor la their On- rerdIty of ell reasoning reaches Ita /tenni. ...add he Wm nted that IOW whonbi he women. The women le the greater factor three ounces, of surer, fl. nnarter of a teaspentful of hien rb. 'nate of mode nal a ounttopooliful of silt. 311x all web together with a spoon. Next add, three 04111CPR of melted twitter. etlro ring It 1% ell through the figtur I then bent (RIR egg well with twe table - the mixturis and stir the whole in it mete with a spoon. If tho mixtotre ks too 'stiff to roll nub add water till It 111 the right consistency. It most. however, be very stiff. Flour poetry board, turn the mixture on it. flour a rolling pin and roll the mete mu' thin nil peeeible. Thee eat it in "knees' with a bisouit cutter ; bake them In well -buttered pan In st. meek oven. hlawe• Iter ItoIber. 1n it Atoll town where houra'hul nvf ku.ledge tomtits for something u young atliWter'a wife. who Ira re- cent) begun her duties there Ila I Tooth her hutsau,l'r et urrirtut, W entirely i-Sozodont 2 Ignorant of everything connected with doitMtie affairs. If the maid b ill or Off fur the oftrrli on elle mtwt tail her mewl• out, for she doer not know how even to wake a cup of tett. She had tnrver darted u room ui, to the time ebo wad merriest. "it W all dote to un nvcrenergetle mother," Om rays. "My Mother far ahvayo dune everything at home, and qlu. a. tai *1 t Pruughly capable Mutt 1 11101 never been asked to do anythiwg, an.! ndw 1 feel that I hate lute something I can never n gtuin. 1 almtwt feel ria if I enutd blame sty mother for leaving me In such tgtto`auce." Canada a 1.ond Customer. It lo Druid that Canaria.. witit leas Lima 110 '0,tirO) p opts., buyo neve from the States than the 00.000,000 potpie ot !texts's:). Courtrai and South 'insert's' null the Wein- Itelleo. -Chi eager CiuroulcM. LOOK AT TIIE LINES IN YOUR HANDS 1 Powder Gelid liar: Md 'Tootle INA M , ,�yr torr Good Temkin aXse"-1 kris/ Ne Ibe Melo. du r•. j til 1tALL $ ILUCKEL, Meetnat. • 'Lino *bolt s A /Fret lots . I Nolen beim 1 The line of heart io eatorally important line in the 'dotty 11 the 110 Ik1. LOVP, or the attraction of the o▪ f the 'leant prominent party lei the drama of life, cind as In the nature, to In the hand. Tim line of the heart lo that line which runs across the up - ;tor' portion of the hand, at the Game of the Mounte of Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and lervury. It Florida he deep, clear and well -colored. It may rise frees three impOrtant pooltiono us fol. town : the middle of the Mount of Jupiter, between the first and sec- ond finger/I, and from the centre of the Mount of slattern. When It rises front the rentre of Jupiter, it given the higheet type of love. the pride and woraialp of the liffkrt's Weal The MAD With Snell & f1411114 doll 14 firm. strong end relitible In affection's. Ile is an well ambitious that the wo- man of hie choice shall be great. noble end Lintous. Muck a luau will neier marry beneath hiesdation, and will have far lees love affairs than the mai with the line from Return. When the line rises from the Mount of Jupiter. and even from the finger itself. it denoted the excess of all the foregoing qualitiea. It ghee the blind enthusiast, the nein se carried awny by hie pride that ler•-spite„,,see no faults nor !entity' in that belug whom ha as devotedly worshipm. Alas. such people nre the ruffererm in the world of affection. When their hhole fall, an 14011.4 will sometinses. the their pri,le 110 great that they rarely, if ever. reserver free' Ile Vests', The _Jima rheas hettyceo it calm_ but derwe nature mat- ters of love. Stuck Ideate Nernst to rest between the Ideality given doe given by bittern. "lhey are (Meter nal more Nutelued in their letelons. With the heart line rising front Saturn. the itubject will have more pension in lila attaelonente awl wilt be mote or 1/111 Retrial' and perhaps ra little ;mimeo When tio. line henrt nattOt fretted by it t•rosord of little 118404 rising into it it telle of inconinaney, foul so on, but of ne hotting affix.- tiotet. A line of heart running from sateen, when ehnlneel and_ Phrases sill utter contetnpt for the impoeite rex. When bright red, the line denotes§ great violenee pee - /don. When pale and broad, the nun. ;Oct La lodifferent. When UM ikawn on the hancl and thus clew to the 11110 Of 1W1141. the heart will alwaye interfere with the affairs of the head. Dettaki-ln the line tell of di/appointment in affection. Wheti thew are snider Saturn they are brought about by fatality, under the aid through pride, and under Mercury through folly and caprine. A very remarkable point ips to not- ien whether the line of heart cons- ult -flees high or low in the hand. he fine le the best. because it /Stowe the happiest nature. I most bring these remarks to nn et and yet ve only been able The Signal_ 0 PO mucus. UT D. Me011.1-1CIL'DDT. Terme of neibecrIpellests OBS =tooth, in &groom 1 If largo n.uotha 2 110 Mt utan:hs, IP Oawyme Ad wortitsing Rates. Legal aad other atonal aolvertiseinsinot, MM. per tote for tira ler rho an orate par 111141 for eases su bonniest lenortiort. Msestired elf • nonpareil s, ale. 141101.4.1 ewes of sla lines •od under. 110 per Advortieenseuts of Lost. Found. etzikreej 1(11 tub Lions Vest nt, Filties,tees. Wanted 411114 lines lion pond/. III per issoatk. 11.,U•es 'tale end Panne es Selo. aet stoned Italie 41 for thin ososit, 30e pert;orel: Any special a ate.. the object of esti el te promote th• peronista., bosetilt of stay nal or company. to he otonindered as advertise ▪ Local n..11. 4,4 in nnollaral type 01111 soot pell word, no no11.0 lea Lao& We. Loral uutleat petiolate,' reeding typo two cente per word. lee notice for le.e thee 36o. Notion. for churches •nil ether relltrieus and bettevolent Inetitutioss. half rate - Subscriber, whe fall to receive Tim Sten* painterly by met) will bonier a favor by as quaint inn IN eta' tact at as smarty a diste poen Ale. When • cheeps addrew Is desired. WW1 Use eld &ad the new address should 10 (14414 Publieher's Nolte*. Touts]. of Goderieli, low been ap pointed Local Travelling Agent fee the Tows - *hips of Dederick, Colborne, Askassid and Lomat postmootortover the elleark4 are aloe empowered to receive subsoriphoes ts: Tele AU etas assaleationa moot bo widowed D. MoGILLICUODT. Tim Non ifelepilinse Call IL Olotorterbna. 1HCR$DAV. OCT. n Deis . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAT. hilted II 14 al and Ihrprets. 1.11i p Mixed f.le P.1= Mall and [zero.. • Age/ p.n. Mail awl Pitt:levet', 1.16 a.m. )1/01 and IC tprees. 120 10.1111. Mixed esit An leonine filet. A 'tour Ironer 14 011* of the ',reit trials of housekeeping. &torched clothe.' are often di:carded an !tope - 1,414, teit If not too much burned mny m ide all right by the patient une of onion Juice. Behr the onion anti squeeze out the juiee. Mix it with an amen or Lliier's earth. a little eliredded wrap and wIneglassfut of tinesetr 11064 4-1449-114144111441 wft441- lift614-be-IfF-cre. applying. HOUR tvW1 over the "creches! place, leave to dry and then put the garment in the reguler washing. SPIDER IS WEATHER WISE. Insect In escalate Foretells Clotnges In :Meteorological Conditions. Most birds and animals have the faculty of discerning the approach d' & storm with more or lees scour- acy. but In Yet:stem they have a -the-Lephier t hat Le leinervel-tar-a -treat her forecaater. Titis inspect_ is known 11 11 up secouut theTRiect pro- duced by Ito potion. As far as fin o'W71 00110&6111-1J WON 14HOROt -ter bluf- f emotive alld pan tie handled with, ins - wintry. hut if anybody bad tho min - fortune to re ono mysderiously mix- ed witir file food he la (metals todie after it few levant, end meanwhile, for memo unexplained moon, will Throughout Cho predneula tido lot af- fails Ingo fodder Of 110r* 94 or mallet' the animal that orwallowa It manly diem name thei clews, tint is of ti bright yglow color, with brown inputs; the n. miter dote. Ite 'excrete abode le Among the leavers of the ba- nana eked, - commonly, but er- teens, with extrtine rapkilty, Ite web, which It modigiouely ned proceeds to devour file. that are trninelry Parma* to get eritangted the mesh.* of thle netontobIng Mee glutton, that Is red mntivilbst with lees then is dosen a day; that le to any, It 1,o/totems it gond droll snore then Its own 'silk. Ile progeny are numerous, Anil appear, at fleet, like mere black weeks. mealier than *be millivolt Mari heal. The tky may he blue RINI cloudless lou. suddenly the am vionmenene in Ito oleo, or, rather, gath- ering In Iln net. tooth tient/con awl the materiel Into lin (11111 I/1111,11'P few ritheite• oemphoee the job nisi the 'spider tette, up -tte pereitleit 011 1 110 under sm fagot 'Of one of the 'dorm rages It Its fee VAIN, Mint the nin hes prepored. mei never In It Me. sill epee:111e felt within all Meir felon* (tenth rand let', itself drop. *mowing no align of life until nettle st tele hare lain th1" palm of tite writer's' h 111 I, inert all Om lege Amgen 'shove to twisty. 11 was mid earl e•en helms. pick- l'epe'• Opinion of Wetness's Clothes. The Pope him recently ntanIfested parel over awl above the strict re- gulation lw regard to ladle." who ere received by the Holy Father at the Vatican. A nieee of the Pepe wan shale to he married, and her dbdinguielied relative took so greet an interest in her transient' as to Stipulate that the young ladY +Mould only have white. blue Ar TRAM goners, adding that -Weer were the three colore moat beroming to young girl" "Only and brown," re - parked His Heinlein,. "are only imit- able for roll women. and I 110 110t. Popo pregerrittrol white becaude it le the ',puts'. a purity, blue because ir the color dedicated to the "Vir- gin Mary, and blatk because It. in the tino hollered hue of drew for Lot nothing make thee met and fret - Or too forgetful ; Ile atilt. Pilot find in thine 'Yen delight, ;My wIlL Why- ebouhl`st thee fill tiedny vein' sorrow About to-reorrow. 3(y bestrt one. watchtss all with Core motet trete, Doe ot that 9111 give thee. ff'lly pert. Only. he sterolfoot, eeN pr vetiver, Nee meek ivi ern's Ant rivet. For nil erontoreo r) for there Thou knoweet that (Isere will mute he The beet. wow Rooms opposite dm Pau maim lid Years( Experiestos. -gm eiegoot ,,t) Wednesday afteepegne at Lie Stirgeon -latest and approved far all dental operations. Preeerreslite am unit teeth • specialty. Oates' Ver. eme -Cfdee et vied on Wednesday afternoons. at M. TUNNOUT4--1,311. ertIllotal teeth umminted on geld or alisselewis bests. Stun -tat &motion eras to the I p.m. from Mey to October inclusive." Iles tette. Notary, Ike. Offloo evekele MIL Square, Oodwieh. win. Moos: Hamilton St nest Mona Goderich, 3611 un• isons* court. Ofilee: Nerds nowt 400r 8141 AI. 0111045. Private Funds to lend al fewest. vete/40f Interest. "60 `IJ1 Attorneys Solicitors. ire., DiltILIP HOLT. Q. C., BARRiefIgh. • Seltolter. Notary eta. Ogliagasa ode Courtboues &more. Meaty to as tee rates of istmese LP ten, Solicitors, Noterse• -NMI/ eta Mosey lo Moe, Weal. Peres/ S. L. DICKINSON. OUDI.11 HOLMItn. HotoL Oodartot:. PO feeds to bead so mortgages at t est leek. labevest. learesets mum embed. 0. WA RD. fl3H1-1e4ISCIllt. 14.. ASP weeeruing soy action. not or proceeding is the Molt Court of Juane.. the evert de tor °nutria, tar is any tensity or Closet. •Il anionedests ganef arty and exeruted Residence sad P. 0. gamma. Ont LOANS AND URSCIILASOU. MONIST TO LiChTli -A LAMS of Private Funds for lave•ImerreC est rotas awl espouse ou rivrase. weeleponse. Apply to Owen, &Garrey& siren. OFV-Icl 4177 Nrirrr • awe. Keel &date end 11 nay I team. Only firet-olase rem os o ren -o= 14:ZIn 1*nd on straight lairs.. al tile 10V/e0 ino. e -t going. in any way t• suit the borrower. 0111ce . Second doer front Z:itattee Valuator. Ooderich. Ont. Salle es see Vainik(Or. Under, IAA. MAR lag luel ensteiderable es tortersell Use 6.10 eheryte oho thorongl. easi.fnri ion all ems taint,. 1101al. or went by mall to his addren, 'MOIL County A netIonow Works tlff lle• Vold. 1:•••aier •• Curs /4a rat. P • 16 wade tenting any Olin rs" life. T.. 7. VsiFfil,#.417.‘sirgithilikENIrstiMirsicalleEkrirAtsieleigalliistema.a Te Keep our Heir Waved. • clioneeti your hair with • en 1 a low it to dry thorough- ly. Then tgic it. a pier,. 41 1 It time. dip your III Ily 11(00,1 mcotit r1r4 4p, reborn', ter preferenve and brood) tlo• miranil to he varied with tin. ilentri brush. While atilt damp /Teti beet at curling iroan or wavers ntel hold the hair In p'nee alth them 111 11 In quit e dry probably a min tile. Th,,ti tido" the next atrend ati I treat It tit the PlAill 0 1%93 till tittle'''. the wen t her liepremm br, very dune,