HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-31, Page 1that, little come Just re can t one - on to The lg the regular Iles lout Ill{ we ,VC 8c lildren's cirts. A er yard xt two tire. yli.h 'er at '.t1« 39c tains of c a yard C. 1. 54 mak• anile taod Vie s pries 50c Solo or out ire 11.1 elle`` M 11f On 0 called irmakes, 1(I ends fter the shipped. sell and will get re hose hey will 33c per hemp, s the eyf lel.. Zia hese, pate mor. 33c r THREE ."111'8'' ADV'T8 awe ACTIVE AG -yrs WHIN PLAO1 IN THE SIGNAL THS I I. 10 LT3ADINGF 1STf]Wl3PAPER OF HURON OOVNTY. FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. -'28 54 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : OCTOBER 31, 1901. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL! IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR „ . 1901 D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR THE WEEKLY MANwer REPORT Ooonstoa, Dot. 30 1901. Fail Wheat, . 0 414 w 64 Flour. tastily. per owl.... _...... f (0 to r 00 Flour, patent. per ewt....._.-_. 1 50 to 1 51 Bran, ton.. _-. •-.- --- - It 00 to14 00 Sborta. p ton ..........-. U 00 tole 00 elorreni•gve per owl1 00 to 1 CO Rye, pot ........04010050............ 050 Huck wheat. per bush ..._.•.. 4 0 00 to 0 50 Oats, p bush ....... , .. 16 to 0 nl Peas. Ip bosh...,,_.60 W 0 65 Harley, per bush 18 to o 40 Hay.. toe 1 Potatoes, 9 bush.. sow Butler, .... .... r. UOa..e. Der I0.... .... Vizi fresh unpacked, 0 Hide -..__- . _.-. leelts Live Her. Dimmed Roes B unn. Lard, per Ib. Dressed Best fere Quitter Dressed Hee,. nhind ...,Cattle, ExpertOrdhenee CO tole 00 10 to 10 (4 to 01.5 10 to 0 11 15 to 0 15 LA tie •00 00 to 500 M to015 Otto 550 50to700 11 to 0 18 15 to 0 In 11 to 14 00 to 0 00 00 to 000 75 to 159 00 to 350 liltuations Vaeaat BUY WANTED. -lO LIARN THE printing trade. Apply at Ilitaw&L Oaoe if driOOD GENERAL SERVANT. ONE that can ao plata rooting. Good wages H▪ 0to he right person. Apply to M Yt0.A c♦tY G001) UIKL WANTED IN THE KIT. ohen at the Colborne Howe. Apply to FRB. 020. (11 XTON. reaehers Wanted. ►/1BACHKR WA.TBU, HOLDING A 1. first or mooed clam 1.rtln•nts. for B. a No. 1, township of Colberse. Itotlm to Dant e•eaoe Jam. let, 1)9)2 ♦ plie•tlons .ud teetl- meatal• received until Nov. rah. WO. JONES. Seo., Carlow P. le, Ont. It Butcher Business For dale. As eetablt1Nd and folly equipped business 1a Oederloh for sale cheap ter o.eb, as the proprietor 1a ping to the Northwest. Ad drew BOX 127, 53- et Goderlch. Muslo. i7 K. JORDAN i1• Teacher Si lane. organ and cermet. Studio - • tier of 1(•mlhoo gree Squaro. d MPS COLBORNF., Tss.Yer of Fletobir music method. will re eel,. pupils at her mode, above Mr. Neftel'. Warance omoe, Hewitt ea *rose For Infer motion apply either at studio sr as residence Bt. Patrice s serelL W. GLENN CAMPBELL.Organut and museal Creator of North st. Yet0edlot church, and teacher of plesoforte. Pyle acmes sed 40.ory, will be pleased to re e peens. Instruction given either at Meese twat pupil's home, as desired. studio at Emerson's Mete Store. W5ptet. 77 (1 For Bale. - s FOR SALK-A NUMHRR OF 0001) Leicester Ram Lambe. Apply te ISAAC SALKELD, Hayfield Road. orGodertob P.O. IIOR SALK. - A FEW PLYMOUTH .L` Rook rookerele from Kix° ntlesa1g stook. Apply Rex 6. Ooderich. 5111 For Bale. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. No. 2. Oa Saturday, July 27th, we visited the laud of Burne. taking lichele from Glasgow to Ayr. The first thing we did was Io walk through the Lowe to ib. hew Brig, whtob we orouel, owning back by the Oed brig, made famous Ly (turns 1. his poem "The Two Brigs." The New Brig le made to say : "Will your poor, narrow foot pith of a crest, Where Lw• wheelbarrows tremble when they meet, Your ruin'd, formless bulk o' Vase an' lime. Compere wl' bootie (trigs o' modern tlmr' Old Brig - "Coorelted gowk 1 puffed up wt' windy pride ! This men y a year I've stood the flood end tide; An' tho' wl' crazy *ad I'm este forfeits, I'll be • Brig when ys rs a shapeless o•Irn ' " Um Oleg 1e o•rtalo--the Auld Brig 1a Deed only for foot pesseoger0, being blocked by a row of out Iron poste est acro« about the metre. After viewing the Burns monument la the town of Ayr, we hired u cab for the "Hanks an' draw d Boole Doan," where so Bret visited the mooumest and climbed to the top of It. It is a handsaws belittles, placed on a brae overlooking the river and its two brigs. The Old Brig was the great attraotloo, es we wanted to see the spot wbere'l'am had urged oo his grey mare "Now, do tby speedy utmost, Meg, And win the key 41000 of the Beg t There at them thou thy tall may toes, - A limning stream they d ..... prom. Bat ere the key sans she could make, The fleet a tail she had to shake." We next vlutal Alloway's auld haunted lurk. but not Ming pnmel with mouot.t'O dew, and it beteg to the high su::ebloe of nolo on • summer day, we did not see any of the ,cense that Tam saw. However. we observed the roofless walls of the old kirk, surrounded by msec ooyered rraysetoose, with the date out In stone above the door - 1516 W. went to the cottage where Burne was born end found .y.rytblot tt at hes t»•n so often dseonbed by tourists, In the very best .tate of preservetlo.. The way these things are guarded and oared for, they may last for centuries. We returned to Ayr and after dinner took the railway to Mauchlloe. We were well rewarded for the two•mlls walk from the railway station to the national menu meet by the beautiful l.edecpe vee bine+ the top of L0. tower. It 1s built on high ironed and the country all d sere 1s first alms for agriculture. It overlooks toe Wm of Moen/lel and the road to Tarboltoo, •n1 as 10). is the n.itloeal mooament to itarne It Is the greatest et •11 t0• great oozes erected to his memory. Returning to Mauohllnr. we stetted the kirk sod graveyard, and Mend two men at work keeping the walks, eta . In trim. They showed us the .raves of Mary Mori- son, Holy Willie sod Daddy Auld (this was the mintiter that male horns wino* on jbe tbees footed stool) We .aw the house where Burse was married and the boner• where be first took up hoo,ekeeplod, and w hile Mr. Wilseo was taklog notes I took our two Meads over the road to Poole N•0d4's house -- "rhe Howff of Barns.' this 10 the In.orfptloe painted on the gable of the house. The house where Burns was married has been rebuilt, so an Insctiptloo on a marble slab set on tep of t he wall says, but on the sem• l.undation and of the mine . tyle. We bad Dome from I;Iasvow by way of FOR BALE. -TSB BAST HALT O Johs.tooe, Pat.ley. Dalry, levies, l roan. N wte2 001f x1101 70. nes. 7. we" w.. M Ayr and aaohlloe, and returned by way I ,p e.mgryteg60Ger'ao. Apply10 nxi.- .t Kllm•raeok, Kilmaore, Stewartoo, Duo. RT p'OWILSR. Dungannon. or to Philip Holt. top, I.agtoo, Nato on and Flathead, and Herrf.Wr. Ooderloh. FARM FOR RENT' -CORNER (W ted concession and cut line, Goderlch township. /7 1) acres or good land, well Awed. expellent water. sprung creek. own torlable e -roomed housewoad cellar ; barn. .bed, stable• orohar.l eod young orchard. Long Isere and way terms to a good farmer. For yarttonlar •ypl) W MKS. S J (1.1111 LANiI.Oudertob p.0., or ()ARROW t OAR RO W. Ooderloh. Ont. 53 ft 1'r002AS0,OR ON TERMS TO r salt, will puroher that large done bone with six -roomed addltloo,Fltuated on Platoo Street. Half an wore of land with all the outbuildings thereon thrown in For further particulars apply to TARO. J. 1100H - HOUSE, Reynold 1'. 0. 3o-tf. VOR SALE. --L(1TS 95, 96, 117, 118, 119 r and He in Itulobison''o nervey, all in Goderloh. For particulars apply to Barrister, to., Goderlch. Marob 11tb.1000. daft Insurance. ate. J AS. R. MACPHERSON STOCK BROK R. TIM door 'Muth a R 1 Wood street, ever Correspondent: J. r. MIRAN':v ACo. A11 orders promptly ezernted. CHAS. B. SHAW, GENERAL Ih8l1R- ANCE and real estate agent. Offloe. the door east of P. 0.. Ooderloh. Agent tor the leading mutual firs lneer0noe oompenles and leading at at oomt.ant*/ Mercantile and trlanufacturing risks at lowest rates. Call at omoe. WH. R. ROBERTSON. Accountant and Insurance Agent. Rooke and aag0nte made up. Buildings rented and reale (attested, Vire Insurs0os in British and Comedian Companies. ORD. -1t. I'r0ndfo0t & Hays' °Mo . North treat 6oderieh. 42 tf J. T. NAFTEL, GENERALIN- i1sIIlowont, and Real ft* ont, n, Life, Aooldent and Plate Ohm. Insnranee effected on mutual or Duh plan at lowest rater ,cisslble. lis i English sod (aanadlwn companies rep - re. ed. OR ri next door to Harrow & (Jarrow, Bar deers Hamilton Bind. Publls Notioe. youth the armory. and upwards of 14,000 stand of arm, were kept there, and other antiquities, but now all are removed to the Tower of Lofton. Oa the Esplanade is erected a statue of King Robert the drum. Attar diaper we took a walk of two utiles to the Abbey Cra'q,.500 feet high. then to the Walla* monument, 220 lest more. The monument Is furnished with a spiral otatr numbering 240 steps, and as the day was very hot I was both web sod tbltety when we remitted the bop We had • magollioant view, bowever. After waodenog around w the neighborhood fur some time we returued to Stirling. Ws left Stirling early the next morning to take the 'l'roaaaobe tour. 'Ibis trap is psoullar in that 11 includes trips on two different railways, two different steamers ao.l two different ooaohes. but one outman Motet 1s good for it ail. We took the North British Railway by way of Gargeo coos, Kipped, 14uohlyvls, Baifron, (art- istes, Wyman. Caldervan and Jam.etown to Belloob. Hers the boat was reedy and we were soots sheamlog up Loth Lomond. Toe day wan beautiful and the scenery was lovely, but the mountain tops were hidden by olouda. When we arrived at luyersoatd the ooaohes were In waiting for ns sod we went over the hills to Looh Katrina. W• had dinner at Strooaohlaaher, where woo arrived about Goon. I bad dined here over fifty yews ago; the old hotel bad vaalehed and • fins new one was to Its plans. W• had to wait a little while fur the steamboat to Dome, and employed our Mme esthetic/ heather. Taking the steamer, we eaded dows Loth Ka trtos, put the end of the tunnel and alo.auot that °envoys the water toUlasgow, put Etl.o. Isle, a few mllse farther oo, and arriving shortly after al the landing place. Hero we tock ooaohes to the Trossachs hotel. This romantic house le dtualed to a very pretty location oppo- e1ts the osntre of Loth Aohray. Off again for the remaloder of this temente drive, down by the side of Loch V•onaoher, put the Rrlg o' Turk, and oo to U,allander. Hire we boarded the train on the C•ledon• Inc Railway for Stirling, but I got off at Doan., while Mr. Wilton went on to Sur• ling and then to Edinburgh 1 went from Doune to 1'borobill (my birthpleoe). and spent two days very pleasantly in looking up relativo• and old friends. I might mention that on the way to Thornhill we passed (iarteooaber Tower. and I'eked the driver for what purpose it had been erected. Ile R.Id h• had been bold it was the centre of Selland A. SANba. (To ea t'oNTINIKD.1 with the resolve to mos the boat resting place el Borns before we should leave Soot - land. The lollowtog day 1 went alone te the Necropolis and viewed from this high plane the great chimneys of S0. Rolls sod Towne. spa, and many o/here of 1«s mai/nitwit. After spending about two hours here 1 mum morose a fellow'-etr•oger whom I found to be from tee ally of Itrantio d, (;aseda se rh.d °amps)y vlewleg for two boars the prinolpal etrsea ler probably the last time. The nett day, the 29th, we left Glasgow for Stirling. SNrline is a very old burgh, IM fire charter being dated by King David ii., 1124 It was mesad • royal burgh by King Alexander II., 1226, and divided honor, with Edinburgh as the oaplt0l, Io the list of royal burgh* they "and thus .- F.dleburgb, Stirling. Lithrow and Lanark. After viewing the prinotoal streets we visited the High Chetah. or Perturb Church. of Stirling, toe old part of whloh was built In 1124 and the newer portion to 1414. At d(ffereat periods Roman ( athello.. Eolean• p•Ilans and Presbytetlaos have held its keys and worshipped within ICs walls. In July 29th, 1567, the coronation of .lame. 1'i of Scotland, afterward" James I. of Kegl.od lank place in this church, sad .lobo Knox preeohed the sermon. Through the ceme- tery we went to the Wise' Rook, trem which (here Is a lofty •Iew. An lo- earlptlon whloh we observed on one of the "toner reads Thus "Oar life is but • whiter day. Some only breakfast and away : ((.here te Maser .ay And ere fall led : The oldest man bol sup, And goes W bed. Lupe le hie debt That lingers out the day ; He that goes soonest Ru the least to pay." Along the new cemetery, with Its fine stet - nary, we went on np to the rustle. 1 flood many change.. sinew 1 last sew It. What was a1 one tune the royal chapel wee in my WARNING - THIS IS TO GIVE notlee'that anyone /within( oft the blends. tieing or t•mpe.rino with the ferry. ahooteng or trespa.dnO npen any port of one pproperty, will be arrested and prosecuted` RUw 4.. ATTRILI. Nodes to Orsdltors. NOTIOS TO CREDITOR& lw IM *setter of Thomas J. Flamm of Ike Tole. of Ooderf'A, fen Mr C0Mrp of Marne, Flour avid P'l'ed Mereiuswt, Mottos le hereby given that the shove - named ha• made as asslgnme•t to mw, ander toe provisions eft An Art Respecting Assert. meets for the Benet of creditors.' " being chap 117. R. S.O,. 107. A meeting of the CmdiWre of the saki Thome..d • J. V ean will bs Weld •t m o(rl« In Me Oonrt Hewett In the Teen of Oo4eri t. at elev.. e'dnrk In the ferw0000, (e Tknrelay. the 74(0 day of November, 1901. for the •9pnlnt- m.st of Inspectors aft the giving of diem of tines with referent.* to Me dipped sonata. Remy person dal t 0 Mtitted to rank nn the seem is reel tlnwlars of ealm, 1► t.0gaN1 lent 400- 00,04iown, AM tine ,awlbe>fe es the ease ad- mit* nf. R. 0. RRYNO DR. ttyrlQ r it e Mmetif K flow. . GRAND TRUNK SY's EM AROUND TOWN Moan Homes FOR rill ARMY -rel. Doot Inspected another lot of harem •t the eget cultural mounds oo S.tardsy. There were not so many animals to this bunch as there were at some of the previous inspections, bot in point of quality they were perhaps the best that Mr. McLean hal got together yet. Thirty hones were purchased ty the lasp•ctur. Amours Next' Walk - oases have beo.eler.4 for trial by Judge Meredith at the non jury assizes, which open on Mon• day next. Doe of these tees 1s that of the town of Goderlob worms the Uoderlob Ele- vator Company, to oompel the Iol4llnteat of the agreement between the Wwn and the °employ. There le also a motion for Iudg• meat on the dooket. Ir. Surlrrt ANntvxa.ARv -Tb• stu• dents of the Uollegi•te Institute have decided to give an "at home" on the Timed,y precede ung 'lbankeglving Day. The on.tem hu been to bold this function In the spring, but. as 1901 marks the sixtieth year stone the school wet ee0ab11.0ed It has been re.olved to hold it !hie 1a11 and give it the character of an anniversary ocosem0. F.\.unset uM.-ALLAN & Moloxe with the pobllo to know that they are handling the JA. SMART MANcrw(Tnato,: ('o'. stoves, and there Is no truth to the report in circulation that It 1. the "imperial l).• ford." Tome stoves have a world wide reputation, art tally guaranteed to every particulsr, and are positively the best value in stoves ever offered In Goderloh. llon'0 tail to see them. To STor A FII.TIIy HAetr.-Mayor Wilson announces his Intention to have a bylaw Introduoed to put a atop to the habit of spackle on the sidewalk. Sometime' the walks on the Square ate to filthy with to- ba000 j0ioe as to be disgusting, and to ladles p•rtloul•rly the tobaoco juice habit is moat obnoxious. His Worship intends that the walks shall be kept in a ht condition for the purpose for which they are ioteoed, namely, to walk upon. KING'S BIRTHDAY, SATURDAY, NOV. Ikh, (0)1. Tlnkete .111 be betted at lowest one way Met class fan mood going Friday and eater dal Nov. 8th and 0th. 1001, good returning en *before Its nv, 11th. 111101 Tesoro sod pernhase your tickets fmm F. F. LAWRRNCR, M 1'. !stetson. O. T. R)) Town Agent D.I'.A. on the Square. 011lce hoary. 6 LY. to 10 1. M. Money re funded on tickets purchased and not need. Lost. 1 OST. - ON SUNDAY. o('r 20th, I J comets►►hero betimes North et Methodist church sed the reedier* of Mrs.. Yates, Bratsk ew., a 9alr of gold risme.. epenaeles le • aft hearten t0e name of .1. K. N eases. Aeroflot, ►lad... 7144141 return to JAS. TATER. Weil t U. I(181'. - A VOX TloRRlER PUP, J black and whites asewers to "Foxy." has on • steel cellar, mall wheat. Finder .11) be rewarded by refarning to M. 0. CAMERON. Medfeal. DR. w. T. ()ALLOW, PHYSICIAN and Nnrr.ee. OMee elite d4. RBaaakt of Clem- metrosDal age . M m t.4 W, 'Phos• se. • b M Mods few days ago kis wife. who had ooatlon•d to reside here, reoelved • letter 000t•Inlog the D ews of the death of her husband a0 Dente, • phos about Ove mi1404 from Rothwell, Oat. 1'o a,o mean definitely whether the stats• moot of her husband's death was trot. or not, Mrs. Uordon era Thereday of last week went to Deets, a000mpantsd Ly John Knox and Mrs. bowerbv, and had the body exhumed. The burial bad takes plate •bout a west before. the body was Identl- d•d both by Mrs. (Jordon and by Jobo Knox an that of Robert (Jordoo. 'The de oeued bad been lit tog In that part of the ceuntry for two years and a half He was sixty -nips years of aft. Besides hie widow, two tlaughWrs survtvs him. ON A He.rtnu Title -A party' of four Nlmrods from Dungannon --11. J. Crawford, W. Sproul, Jos. ('umte-rland and 1). 0, Rlokle-left of Monday fur the Parry Sound Mettles In search of game. Trout Creek was their immediate dortleath's. They foxed to be •way for two weeks. (;stags wA0-ST11,' -ler. Phomas Ilrer.- way, of Hamiltoo, was married on Tuesday at the Victoria-mt. Methodist parsonage by Rev. J. W. Robinson, to Miss Rertha Steep. daurbt•r ot George Steep, (loderith town- ship. The newly•w.dded_couple left on the 2:30 train for their new home In Hamilton, where Mr. Ureeoway bas a position In a foundry. Do IT 1-octt.,el 1. --An exchange makes the sensible bud welltlmed suggestion that the editor ebould not be asked to rebuke every evil In the town and oommun'ty. If anyone becomes convinced that .a:h things need att lading to, let blot write an artlole to the piper himself acd sten tits name to It, There are too many men, end poulbly some women too, who ars too cowardly to publish • letter over their own name, but would Idris to ke p the editor in hot water all the time. Lore or Turn Hotta. -Papers in other P lume are oompbining of the same plague of green flee which the Let few days of warmth hu Worried out In Stratford. The little winged pests are Wider,. Pronounce in three syllables, with short a. Ono o1 them you oall an aphid, except it gets In your eye, and then von are liable to pall It atm*° anything. For the oousola'ioo of the 511ltct•4 it might here to remarked (bat the dictionary describe" aphides as stoour• hynchan homopterous Insects. It le no wonder rhtt they aro plentiful. as oo• f. - male produoee mllllons of insects In two generatloou.-Stratford Herald. Hit.l.-Hn.t.tiit. - Un Tuesday of Int week the marriage took place at Lethbridge, V. W .T , of Mies Minnie Hillier, daught,r of John Hillier, of town, and Edward Hllt, of Moyle, R C The ceremony took place • t the teatimes of the groom'. brother, Edgar 11111, In the presenoe of about thirty guests. The bride. brothers, Will aid John, accompanied her to Lethbridge. and were pre.ent at the ceremony. Mr. HIJ was formerly of Brussels and • few years ago was a student at the Goderloh Collegl• ate Institute, afterwards •landing Trinity Medical College, Toroolo. H. 1• tow ie • merosntile boatoees at Moyle, one of 11,111.0 Oolomhta.'Wog towns. (%o the Wedeln day evening following the wedding Mr. and Mrs Hill left for their home at Moyle, and Wili and John Hillier returned east to Calgary, where they ate employed. Many friend• In Goderlch will wish the newly wedded couple bon voyage over the see of life. 11'11010. TRU FiR.r Son. -The first erd in connection with the crw summer hotel was turned Monday Int by Mayor Wilson. Hulce • number of spectators was present, sad just b•frte the sod was turned Mayor Wilson briefly alluded to the object in yl.w. He old that for years efforts had been made to procure the erection of • summer hotel gettable for the t000mmodetion of the large number of tourist' and others who ram• yearly to Goderloh. For twenty years the proj•ol bad filed of accomplish meta, but nowhe was pleased to know that the work which was started today would he parried on to oompletion, and he hoped that It would redound to the benefit of the town, sod be a successful venture for the Meteors. Smith, who had undertaken the work. The whip wait cracked by Jame. Mttohell, the Ham ware drawn on the horses by 1). McGillicuddy and Mayor Wilson at the plow bandies ably turned the first sod. The work of excavation was at Ince pro• weeded with, and the foundation' ,will loon be laid. ('Airs eon His Biome -George Donald- son. of Miles City, Montana, was with hie mother and dear at Maltford recently for • •idt of • week or so. Haters returning west he went to Toronto and married • young lady of that city, Mise Isabella Urant, The clergyman who performed the aetemooy was Rev. J. A. Turnbull, former• ly paster of Knox ohuroh, Goderloh. Mr, and Mrs. Donahue* spent • week In Chi- cago and then proceeded to their home et Mlles City. STANDARD 011. Dgt.lt 111Y. -Th. Standard Oil Co. We been delivering ooai all to 0ode. rich by mean. of • tank wagon whloh travels through the oonntry surrounding UhoWn, where the compeer bee • tank from which the supplies for this motion are drawn. it la stated that this system of delivery bat been so «►id•otory to retellen that the tank at l llnton is not tonal to the demands made upon It, and that the oom pony will erect one in Goderloh next year. Nearly all the coal oil used le Goderlch 1. .applied by the Standard Oil Go. A FoWerve,.t, A.rwss,r.-The (sle)s of Monday has the following whloh refers to an •ooldenl e. • stn of Rey. H L. Hatton, formerly of Vtotorea•st. church, l:odertoh, and afterwards of Dungannon : During the orogeo« of an Aeaootatlon foothill march between Trinity Medloal College and Vic. Coria College team. en Vanity lawn on Saturday afternoon Mr. Herbert Hutton, oaptain ot the former team, had his rivht leg fractured. H. was for -sed h•bween two opponents, and hls leg wreoohed, with the result stated. Mr. Hotton was removed In the ambulance to the U 1 Heeplral, whole he la reported to ho progressing fav• reality. He IR the .on of Ret R. L. Hol- ton of Centralia, Ont. GRAND C.io -coT NeXT Wmgk.-A great musical event will be ths.conoert to be given in Victoria Opera Hoose on Friday evening, November 13th. A splendid array of slept has been seoured for the nooaion, and no lover of good credo can afford to miss It. On the program will be A. D. Jordan, of Hranttord, pianist, who Is already well known to Goderioh audience., and who played with great sitcom" at the Pac-Amerl- oan exhibition thle year ; G. W. Slaght, of Tornoto (law nf New York), Immo, who snored a splendid success in the opera "Bo. herniae Girl" In New York, and whose rloh, full voice will delight those who hear him t Miss Blanche Teeple, of Itrantford, whose pinging in Knox ohuroh • few weeks aro won all hearts ; Miss H•.ttnps, who as a •lollois• hen appeared in many cities of the United States, Including New York, Beeson and others, winning unstinted applause eh the has played ; 11 K. Jordan, pianist and solo cornetist; and the Goderlob Marine Band. Prices have been fixed at 25o and 35o, and the house will doubt4ess 1. filled, Wxnntyr,. IN 111..11 Lues: --The lollowlne items may be of Interest to liod•r,ch read- er., se some of the persons mentioned are oonneotlnns of the Wynne of town : -"Lon• don -The marriage of Wilfred (lrlpp., of fltmteter,wtth the ('emntese mop Rlemart, youngest d.ughter of Count Itl.mark, of Sohlenetein, Onsin of the Iota Chancellor, book edam at W yon.ay Gavle, the o.un ry neat of Sir Wetklee Wyeo, nf Wales. Hoole of the bride." "Louisville, Ky., Sept. 7. - Lord Charles Wynn Newborough is to wed MAI Grace Cert., formerly of this city, the marriage will take place at the Savoy hotel, in London, where Miss (tare Is *Wp- Ine, the first week In November. There w111 bo • breakfast following the oeremnny, after which the oonple will sail for Japan and Chloe to Lord Newhnrough'e yacht, the Fedora. Mies (tare, who has been abroad with her mother and sitter, Mrs. Samuel S. Chansoey, of Brooklet), for the last year, met l,nrd Newborough In Egypt 1 month. ago. Alter their marriage, Lord and Ludy Wynn Newborough will reside at there reentry seat In Wales." and of the year, Mr, Newton has been pieta of the Baptist churoh hero fur eight yearn, god during that time he had the good will and esteem of all, Independent of de• oominatioo. Mrs. Newton will also be greatly missed, as eft has always been ready to meet to any loom enterprise by 000tnb- uting to Its aid hoe remarkable mudoal gifts. O, C. I. 1,1T(Io DY Sa•Iery.-There wag a large att ndenoe at the tot weekly meeting of the ('ulb.g.aa Institute Literary Society last Friday eyening. 'Thu premises wan a good one from b.giuolog to sod, and indi- cated that the Soolsty Is neither liming any of He old y or falling behind In the matter of talentTh. opening piece was an instrumental solo by Mli. Elise Tye, which was followed by a recitation by Mies Thlri% Lewitt. Miss Mcl.ellau gar• • readier, and Prloolpal Strang answered the questions la the question drawer. Mite Stella Gregory read Number Tero of Model School Breves, the journal published every mooed week by the students of the Model school. A violin solo by F. Holmes was loudly encored, and Miss Laura Itrydges' reoitstfos was receiv- ed in a stealer way, and • ob responded to the 00001 e. Mr. Great gave a talk on the 'went mi;itary review at l'otooto, and a yoeal solo was rendered by .1. 1'. Brown. The olosinq number oo the program was the G.U.I. Journal, which was presented by the editor. Frank F:dwerd. Ao Interesting aoounoement contained thereto was that of the "at home" to be given by the students on the 26:6 of November. ''1:04 Save the Kbng" brought the meeting eo • close. Tile'IWKLrTll it0 Jl'l. \. D. 1iOner RATION. -The County Orange Lodge of Toronto met Wednesday of lot week and di,ou..ed the invitation to oelebraW the 12th of July to Goderlch next year. A. M. 'Todd, repre- senting the demonstration oommlttee, and Councillor J. C. Martin, represesling the town ot Goderlch, were present. There were three hundred Orangemen in attend- ance at the meeting, and the feeling was very favorable towards the proporal. Tbs railway rate offered by the Grand Trunk was, however, oon.ldered too high to allow of the participation of the Toronto brethren, and unites the (1.1'.14 comes down they will not be able to sooept the Invitation to jolo In the Godertoh demonstration. A resolution was uo•nImolly passed express - tog approval of the scheme of the I;oderlob brethren and regret at the refusal of the grand Ttuok to make a tether rate from Toronto. Mr. Todd says he will 000tinue hie efforts to obtain a •uiable rata ; but Io any .vent Toronto will be represented In Goderlch next year. 11 the Orange body se • whole cannot Dome, a battalion of a hun- dred members wilt be sent as representatives. From otber sections of Western Ontario It is confidently expected that such • large at• tendanoe will be soured as to make the Godorlcb celebration ot 1902 a reoord• breaker. A ('ooNTY F'Ant.--The Exeter Times last' week had the following: -"'There appears to be a generalfeeltop throughout the oounty, •mooget the otliolai" of toe township Isles that the patronage is falling off and that some change should be made In the matter. There are different suggestions offered, some setretarfes being of the opinion that the fain should merge themselves tato a horse chow and ao inside .hew. The cattle, sheep and swine ol•eee.. bay. -ef late years been only patronized by large herd owners, and only enough entries made to tate all the prize mousy. The result has been tbat these classes are only a drain on the funds of the eoolety, without any material income while horses are always large entries and inside exhibits also bring good entries and make • good showing. The oo0.eosu• of opinion, s, however. that Lhe township tales should be abolished entirely 11 the gov- ernment grants could all be made foto one and one large country fair be held in the twenty town. flag would gradually tend to bring all the county exhibitors together, and a good paying institution worked ap. Some attractions oeuld be engaged, and a general oon0try attendance would follow. A week would then ft none too long tor the exhibition, and the patronage would be found sufficient at night to warraot lighting up the ground. ane buildings and running a free attraction or fireworks. The exhibitors themselves would hail snob a change with satisfaction, for • premium won In such a oompstition e• would then be met with, would be far more valuable than a hundred prizes taken where there was no opposition and would be a better advertisement for their stock. It 1e to be hoped that some such plan will be formulated betore long, and that we shall have one good repre.eo• Wive meaty show." Nana 011(100111■ I1ARroa.--The steamer Rosedale volved Sunday morning from Fort Willem with 90,000 bushels of wheat for the Gnderieh Elevator Co. She nem manned onlceding after midnight and clear- ed from the harbor .bent. 1 o'elnck Monday afternoons.. She etr. I)tsifrate made her lase esll for the seven yesterday. She celled Seedily evening on the way south, and yesterday morning returned on the way to Smolt Ste. Marie en the last trip for 1901. Si* Sud • ruli load of freight yei%ARllsy. The bars Armenia arrived Monday 00.1.1( with 501) tons of oval for the town a.d 50 tons for the dredge oomp•ny. The .team yacht Alma l whloh had been undergoing repair* at the island. left se Meeday for Midland. Rome reed "Glees t.1 perob have been taken this week. Finny Exprat gn roe In.NnrtoATtow Same sixteen years aro Robert Gerdes left (World', aged before 10.1 all trees of him we. lark. Nothing wee hard el him setae 0 • • LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. If you are feetldloue as to the cut and style f the clothes you wear, probably you are 'd- early • nnete'ler at 1'ri them'., the tailor, If ou are not you will be after your first trial n il, moreover, the owl w5n't Da any greater han for Inferior work. Yes, this Is Indian summer. !Heaton Court will be Weld oa Setnrday. Tonight will be Hallowe'en Look out or your gate. Polios Magistrate Seeger for violation of the cow bylaw. They were allowed to ,o o0 paying oosts and promising to look after their sonnets more closely In !attire W. Itrydges and J. 1'. Brawn were suo- oeyeful to their appeals to the Edlumblon Ilepartmeot in 000aeotloa with the midtown mrr examinations, Mr. Rrydges bavfog bees granted • senior leaving and Mr. Itrowo a junior leaving mertitluate. '1'O. Sons of Sootlau3 have •ppoloted • oommistes to ge for a suitable oelebra- 1lon of the anulv.n•ry of St. Andrew. The annual ohuroh parade will take place o0 No•ernber 240h, when the members et lo- yalness Camp will attend Koox ohuroh. R. K. Smith bag secured • petition es traveller for the Eby, Blain Co., reroute, with the NI. p.olosul• se his territory. The Eby, Blain Co. Is one of the best whole- sale 470000ry tlrms to the Proylnoe, and we ere glad to know that R. E. bas landed ser well. l'he knitting factory has not been running the pie week, the portable engine which was being used while the new engine was being installed havtng elven oat. 1e is ex- pected that the new °nettle will be working today and the factory to run0tog order again, to an article on building operations to M oodstook during the present year, The Sentinel -Review mentions a dwelling and stable erected for U. B. 1alblok at • poet of about 73,500. Oar termer townsman has baso very eucoma fu1 and 1e now living oa Easy etrest. Zurich Herald : Father Prudhomme and N. M. Cantin of St. Joseph returned from Ottawa on Tuesday evening, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of I'ubllo Works, who oame for the purpose of looking over tho ground at St. Joseph Is connection with proposed dock. The residents of oar sub- urts evidently wt11 not rest until some sort of transportation w e The Government madtsoellttlan aDproareprlatlprov,ondd. of some 75000 for the work and If brother Mo. Gillionddy 1s Doe looking for the job we se - pee to gat It ourselves. Regular meeting of the town counoll to- morrow (Friday) e•enieg, A standard dictionary has been plaoed le the publio library. The monthly mtetlop of the public t hoot board will be held next Monday evening. Thos. Gundry .old forty five head of cattle by auotion at Clinton last Saturday, The I (ominfon Government savvy steamer Hayfield is laid up for the season at Owen Slotted. Rev. Unorge Rlobardeon, formerly peat or of North street Methodist church, has taken up his rssldeoce in Toronto, Theo. Hale intends to revive the curfew bell, whioh ha• fallen Into disuse, and start. log pent Monday evening the bell will be t ithe. H. K. Jordan was thrown from his wheel one day last week and sustained an Injury to his knee that kept him In bed for severs! das. John Down, of Ueborns, has Dos yet ro- oeived any word from his son, Edgar Down, who disappeared mysteriously about two months ego. We were pleased the other day to see W McClure •t his post at the U T.R. station, after a lone absence. He had been laid up for lone weeks with a sayers at1.agt of touts rheumatism, The shooting season le nn In earnest. Allen & Mciver hive sell a thousand loaded ghetto a:ready this week, and es every bullet has Its billet sem•thing meet i• petting hart. London Free Press : The oity I) men have received an invitation to po W Goderlch next year, hat the matter will not be 4.- olded nntil the mooting of the o0nety lodge laRabtoary nest. -. The revision of 1N TeMrs' list ter the town of Gnd.rleh took place ea Saturday before Jedre Marmon. A14114 tweety•6ys names were added, and nearly the same number streak off. Th. Crest Northwestern eshlb.tbon beard met en Satorday to straighten n0 masers In commotion with the Pali show. 10 was Need that the denote will net be se Imre as was at first expecte&. 0. Monday seven psr..es wail Wore Rho. W. L. NINTlN'. Rl0OV AI.. the Norwich oorresl»ndent. of The Woodstock Senttnel Review writes regarding a brother of C. (4. Newton, of town : ie the oeerie of the servloe at the Baptist ohereh on Sunday moreing, the hlehly ',teemed pastor, Hay. W, L. Newton, oar! lb intention of resigning the charge of the pastorate sad fnrmaity tendered bis reglr.atlon. The annonncemsnl 001 rrodvod by The emigre Ration with mean 'armies and deep regret, the majority of the w.Mbers being unaware that. he was oontempl•ting a change. The relations between paster and renpla have boon of the pleeetetest nharanWr, bat Mr. Newtown thinks his work Is dens here, and that, ether fiends will open np to which his laben may peeve mere awful. The reglg- seldom b te take Whet In a mast\ sr al the COMING AND GOING NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - OCT. 91. Heideman Varnish. Black Cherry Cough lure -- W . C Uoode. 4 '1,auber Wanted -S S. No. 1,Colberas.. 1 Notice to Creditors -R. 0. Reynolds.... 1 Anooueoemeet-Kldd's Book Store 1 Annouo*meote --Allan & Molest (1 Mantles and Furs -J. H. Colborne 4 Stoves and Hardware -Allan & McIver1 A Big Week of Good Bargain Buylne- W. Aoheeoo & Soo 8 Yeooad Werk of Ureal Dross Ooode 8ed- Ing-Hod(ens Bros 8 King's Birthday -F. F. Lawreuo•, 1 Too Much Goods -W. A. McKim 8 Speotoles Lost -Jas. Yates 1 Ram Lambe for Sols -Iwo Salkeld1 Angler's Emulates- - 8 Aneoso*meot -0. E. King 1 Anoounoemaat-J. H. Worsen 1 For Sale -Philip Helt 1 51re, It, Boswell leu returned to town. R. R, McKenzie was to London last week, Mrs, T. Hall. '1s visiting to St, Marys and vi sty. 51r. Sad Mrs. Fred. Thomson are visiting relallyee In Detroit. A. Seeds returned to Glencoe tole mora• lag Weer spending a month here. ll, W. Howell spent • taw days tag pee week at ole hosts near Brantford. H. Mooers, of Kingston, president of the Goderloh Elevator Co., Is In town this week. Mn. Hamlen was In 10n1g•ono0 last week on • visit to her father, Mr. MoMath. Miss Lizzie McLean returned this week after vldtlog the Pan. American and the Fella. J. E. Johoston returned to town on Mon- day biter speeding three week. at Port Arthur. Parry Falooner, who was engaged on the Government survey boat Hayfield, has re• turned to tows. Mn, Jae. Crafgle returned off Meloy after a week's stett with friends a1 offelo and Niagara Falls, Miss Lilly O'Loane, daughter of the Police Megelrate of Stratford, is vlelttotr her sant, Mrs. Keely. Miss Mackay returned on Monday to her home at Amegari, after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ausebrook. Rev. Dr. Daniel attended a meeting of the London oonferenoe seeo•'al oommltbee held in London last Thursday Mrs R. W. McKeon* and Mrs. (Key.) Hamiltoo are attending the Provincial W. C.T.U. convention at Stratford. Ensign Crawford and Capt. Sitter of the Salvation Army here left on Moad•y for Toronto to receive their new appointment. Use. Thomson, Mus Iattle 1'homeo* and Mi.. Nellie Harris left on Saturday on a visit to Bof alo and the Pan-Amertoan ex- hthitton. Mn.. (leo. Aoheaon is at Stratford fole week attending the convention of the Provincial W. (1. T. UJ., of which she 1. re- cording secretary. Mrs. lirowo and Mie. Ketnrah Brown hase been spending a Law days in Stratford. Mrs. lirowo Is a delegate to tho Provincial W. ('. T. U. convention. W. H. Shannon, of London, was In town over Sunday, visiting his parrot., Mr. and Mrs. J. Shannon, Cambria road. He was accomptnled by his little son. Mr.. 11. .1. Horton and children left yesterday morning, per steamer Oselfrag., for Sault Ste. Mara, where t ey will join Mr. Horton and make their future home. Mle. Hutchinson, who bad been Wetting her pronto here, returned on Tnesday to her home In Orey,aocompanl•d by her sant, Mrs. (leo. 11iward, who will speed the winter wltb her. Mr. Edward will follow In a low dogs. A visitor from the West was In tows last week In the person of I;. W. Willard, t former resident of Auburn, who hes been away from this cottony for elght'en year,. He was to California for a number of years stet latterly hes resided In Spokane. He was visiting his brother Iii Goderloh. every Friday evening to profit from 11. 11 has been decided to obaoge the order of the meetings, and hereafter Dr. Daniel "• talk w111 begin at 8 o'clock, and the latter part of the evening will b.; devoted to the Sunday .ohool work, under the l.adsr.hlp of the president of the chess, Mies Sharman. At • meeting of the building and fineno• committee of the uew F.oglleh ohuroh a1 St. Helens tho week of the bricklayer• was passed and • hearty vote of thaoka wee passed as en acknowledgment of the eatle• factory work executed oy Mews. Sharman & field, of Goderlob, The mooed pa,met was mad* on aecouot to the oontreotors, Meagre. Welter Stewart & Sons. The 000- gregatlon is looking forward uult• hopefully to lo, 10.10 o•w h of 4.0po1. Aboutloco 7400, over andohuroabuse allclear prea- eot promises, has yet to be rifted. The ohuroh, It Is quite expected, will be ready for opening In December. Tee Whittler evening at the North strata Epworth League on 'Tuesday ens a great g000.". (,luia • number of scenes from the works and the life of the poet wore presented In tableau form. In some oases the figures being •hewn within a large frame, In imitation of • framed Mature. Each scene bad a suitable Iniroduotl.n in the way of the recitation of the poem from whloh It was taken, • sye.p- 5), of tot poem or a description of the •ieoe. A paper on the life of Whittier also was read. Tnere was • large •ttosd• anal, and the evening's program was both interesting and instructive. on Sunday the fifth anhlversary of the opening of St. Pster's ohurob was oelebrated with spools.' sole'. The ohuroh was head• comely decorated exteriorly and lntertody with flag" and bunting. The altar was beautifully deoorated, and the .8eo0 of the eleotrlo lighting was particularly animating and devotional. In the morning mass was celebrated at 8 o'clock by Rey. Father Noethgrayse, who alto preached se the high mass. The subject of the sermon was the gospel of the day, the text being from St. Matthew, XXII., 21 --"Render there fors to Comer the things that are ('agar's, and to God the things that are God's." 'He else prw•ohed .t vespers, his subject" befog "Th. Real Preemie." There was an aunsa• ally lame oongreg•tlon present. The ter - moo was • looid presentation of the Oathollo doctrine In regard to the ohang. of the suh.aoo• of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, by virtue of the omol• potent words of (.heist: "This Is My body: this 1. My blood," spoken by Him of the bread sod wine at His last sapper to the Institution of thb.•or•mene. '10m revr.od lather cited as proofs of the dootrioe the promise mad• by (.briet to S0. John the 6'1 chapter, e.pectally from the 32nd to the 70th ,arse, the words of the Institution as given in Si. elatth•w XXVI., St. Matthew XIV., St, Luk• \\ii., 1 Corinthians Xi., the oontinuous ere. of the eaor•ment by the Apostles, arld the uninterrupted teaohlne of the ohuroh from the death of the apostle St. John down 1.0 the sixteenth osntury, and the oentlouanos of that tsaobing to thee church down to the prs•ent day. Tb• choir was highly spoken of for their tinging. Benediction oonolud.d the evening servb.e. CHURCH NOTES. Theta will be service le St. George's ohuroh tomorrow evening at 7:30, All Saint's Day. Miami Kate ()impales* discharged the dn. ties of organist. in harm ohuroh en Sunday, Mr. Jordon being oottbhs(' to (Alehouse. Rey. .lame. 1114..r, of Holme.yllle, and Rev. .1. W. Robinson, of Viotorta street Methodist ohuroh, •:changed pulpits last Sabbath. The hymn For Those in Peril on the Sea was 0001 in Knox r:huroh on Sunday morn- ing, the e0ngr.gat io0 remembering In this way t his Royal tonrlets on their way home across the Atlantic. theannlvereary ser.loss of Myth Meth. odl.t church will be held on Sood•y sod Monday, November 10th and 11th. Rev. Dr. Daniel, of Goderb-n, will preach on Sunday and lecture on Monday evening. twat Sunday Ret Dr. Daniel onndenWd the roopening eervioes of the Colborne. street Methodist church, London, whloh had been closed for some weeks while Im• prevements were beteg made. Ileo. A. K. Birks, of Lembo, preached In I)r. feelers pulpit here. The motor of Se. Geori. s preached In Clinton recently and The News -Record .ave aI him : "large oongregatiens attended the Iterti ,loes le '' 1 Paul's ohnroh nn . nnda, sad listened with much pleasure to the disaonraes by Rev. Mark Turnbull, of Godo rloh. The rev.rend gentleman aeg010sd himself so well that se. Pani's will weloome him at any time an siohoegs of pulpits may be arranged for." The ol.0 for HI61e steely to eoeneetloa with North street Methodist ohuroh has been very saeeamfal ever glees 14 eel* 111110-l-wtt, sada lama a0mber bee sat ANNOUNCEMENTS. (4o oart, robber tires, beautifully opbol• stored, 710.00. Mel be seld.-KIDn'l (took Store. Wanted- Bright dried apples, fin. Orders direct from Germany. Also roll better, fowl sod raw fun. 0. E. Kt ii, WInF- ham. W nnvl1. ha. In • new stook o1 00.1 stoves, made from patterns direct from the Michigan Stows Works. They are the most improved and np to -dab self -feeder. Byer brought to Goderloh. Also • good horse for sale. Tux\ AR, 111111 Nww. -. ALLAN & Mr. tyre have at last removed their first con- signment of the femme "Regal Perfea. Hon" ceokmg stoves and the "Lustrous l'0rf.otion" heater. Be sure and see them. The f•otory's agent will be here to show you them •Il day Saturday. AUCTION SALES. Ail parties getting their sale b111e printed et this onloe will have • free nouns inserted In this Ilet no t0 the time*? Wee. Fel PAY, Nov. l.t. Unreserved 'motion sale of farm stook, implements, 1 Peerless separator, 1 fourteen horse power Sawyer At Massey eagles, 1 water tank. all In good repair. The stook lacledse Atoms right good hones, cattle, pigs and many new imple- ments, whloh will be sold without reserve, as the proprietor 1s leaving the farm. Sale at the Stevenson farm, last opposite the schen! at Port Albert. A. V. ('rRRgt.l., proprietor. T1tos. Gummi, auctioneer. Montreal Sar : William Isyerloh Rrew• or tells • story of the recent annual mesling of the Partloular Synod of the I)a'eh Re- formed ('huroh In this oity. A friend pass• eel the church, at the portal et whloh • newsboy wag reading the afternoon papers. "Can yon all me what le going en in the nbureb, my lad?" asked Mr.Hrower''friend. "Yap ; dey'a • mettle' 0' de lertloslar Sinners In dere,' readily reepooded kh• nnweboy. At • erieket match played reoeot.ly In the park nf an English haronot It was toned ssoeesary to secure the serylose of one of the footmen as umpire, in doe mune the baronet went In, and the second hall deliy• ered him he stopped with his leg, and the ore of "How's that' was raised. i1 was eh., footman nn whom the decision rested, and turning to hie master, he said. Is • half. apologetic tone : "i'm afraid i meet say, 'Net at 'onto,' Sir John." "Not al helmet - retorted the baron; "what do yen mean?" "Weil, thee, Sir .John," replied the feet. man, "i1 you w111 'ata it, 1 mean that you're host 1 ' Tribune. DIED. OALH1CIE.-At New Weetmiwetr, R.(;, en Ont. 11th, at the Rrestelss.e egyet tier et.. I. 1[ Wary . e.((Os.JW.ths late W. A. 0Wbis iat. ta the Md Far et her sok