HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-17, Page 7THEY GAVE 553,1100. CECIL HOOFS' MONEY. Story That He Gave (5.000 to Liberal Funds. GEN. 11U11ER'S CRITICS HOWL. SEVEN MOMS MOURN.! BULLER AND 1115 CRITICS. What Mormon Leader Snow Left Behind. Rev. A. B. Simpson's Appeal for the Heathen BROUGHT CREAT RESULTS. Ills Methods Deserlbed Dousing in- terest by 1'ortreyrl of the Coa- dttlun of the Lest sud the Duty of l'hrtstlrss'fuwred the Ilertheu - A $5,000 Subscription. New York, Out. 15. -Elf ly-them theusnnl dollar. fell into the treas- ury of the ('hristuun and Missionary .111litnce yeeteriny, when stet, Dr. A. Jt S:mpeon'formerly of Knox Church, 1lamllton, Ontario/ ..slurped the tote of entreaty and of woe. Of title rum 117,000 was received In the morning ,se the rest at the afternoon res- eu,n. t\'atehee and jewelry there wore none, although one wutmau 4141 eek /then 11 war time to give away titer - perm. Tull to follow her co,trcieuce le the matter she retrainee from Living her watch upon the mtsdlutl- a.ry- altar. Tito methods the chief ptumoter anal atdtrltur fot'\the AI i- nner are quieter than they lsstere. but tune the ter. effective. Tits offorluge were not •0 large eta tome Which Wive !wen received at ('urnegie Music Hall .i Ii.t Old Orchard, but the effort In ,;,Ilhtg them forth seemed to be lase r: n•ouous. In order to wet her Iteteucrr en- tirely at rest and to get them In a tractable state of mind the clergy. autn reminled them that no effort child be made to prose any claims against them. It seems that In years pest the (leaned point, like the cop- p.•remlths of wham the apostle write., had date the alliance much Injury. Contribution@ which were luteoded to reel $3 have been Interpreted ne $:.00, owing to the neglect of the s•ubs.erlber 10 nee the proper mita- son. Warasd to be Accurate. 'alae Rev. Dr. Simplon Impressed It en lib hearers yesterday that there most ba no neglect of arithmetic. Air it waw, however, there were n few errors which Ihid to be corrected af- ter the annowatement war made. Clue brother whai brut pledged blmseif fur SECO was make to pity that Ito had contributed $123. Tito hal:clujah died .at the Ilps of the oholr wheel the dis- crepancy was dt.ouvrzed. In file address the Rev. Dr. Rmps ren was N/ eloquent, as he hit. been n sonny the •mon .1 h y (lowest another oerowheren larger i r •untiHie sermon followed the pinen in which he hoe been s.) w eeesful. Her de- picted the horns* of the damned and .drew pictures of the lost elate of the heathen world. • The appeal was regnieles by every- ene present an a personal matter. The artery od the cripple who roue from his bed tee ew ist to th•+ving. off. of lifeboat wh'eh c,ald not have been emend without him had it'thing ef- fect upon lir Audition. • "You owe t-vrry chill of Mn one ehnnee at boot," salt thn orator. ')evotlur mad Obedience. Illu*trnto the Mom t a devotion and ubedienee the minleter related the otory of a riven! who comment, - ed ttlree of hie soldier. to show the Ir. */enols of discipline. One man at the comment of the leader, ',ribbed him - well to the heart, another drowned filmiitU In the TIgri., and n third leaped to d..trucli.n over the edge of a precipice, The story of a dumb man who was accustomed torgive hie testimony of imitation by grovelling on the ground to show his degrndntion had the effect of riveting the nitenticut of Dr. Si m suds -nee. Hallelujah I d can't keep .tilt I" cried one mentor. MIglw and tears were compelled by the glories which the doctor• toll. •:roans and nmttere(1 "Amend" were heard. The feeling,. of the amttieree were getting well under the control .d the speaker. Dr. Hlutpfen'w dark eyee flashed and lis face wee lighted with magnetic t•arueetnese. Then he had him emit- ters rise for a time, In order to give them a rest before he made the ap- p•enl toward which h3 had bred lead- ing. Ile preached a doctrine of woe and then sltlfted for n moment tb thee vied of Deacon Jolters, of Tennes- wee, to Heaven. lite Deacon. how- ever, was turned bulk by et hard. coil hand, anti told that until ha had .1(010 more than Ite hal to 'square his ' ecatnt with the Almighty he could me crone the threshold of the pearly vote. • The anecdote No affected n woman known ILO ":Lachine the $crob Wo- man;' that rhe arm(' before It had 1,00 finlwhel and contributed $.0 to the minelmnry fund. NO RETIREMENT FROM EGYPT. Luudua. Ort. 14. -Tits Mpectatui• to -morrow will print lettere trout Cecil Rlwaloul and the late );rands Sehnadliona. who front 1S$5 to 1892 war the chief trgautzer and tulitter of the Liberal party. sur- talntng the sw.n.ational allegations wade some months tufo that Mr. ltla,dee lu 1891 gave £5,000 to the Liberai party on cousiderattou that Mr. Ghuletone voter: not bring abet the evacuuCt tin of Egypt by the Brltltsb troops. Both Sir William \'ertwu-liarouprt had der Henry Campbell-Bauuerman. the Liberal leaders' have publicly declare) this W bo fable. In a letter novering their corres- pondence, Mr. Rimier sutur up as follows: " 1 met Mr. debnadlorst in Lun- tfon, Aid hu asked whether 1 was Will He be Raised to the Peerage Now? HIS SPEECH A SURPRISE. willing to rtbscr.kbe to the party funds. 1 said 1 war prepared to do *. provided the policy War out to scuttle out of Egypt. and that In the event of a Howe Rule bill . being brought forward. preterite' rbould be made for the retentlyn of Irleh member'. at Westminster. 1 uuder- &t(xsl from Mr. debnadllurst that he wuuld Cotmtlt Mr. Gladstone, which quite s,ttlrfte.l we. as 11uuk- tal upon Mr: Gladstone as the 1.11. ural party. Mr. dcltuadltorrt ac- cepted the oontritutem upon the 000dltlone defined In the letter ap- pended."1 ee letter Mr. Medea demand- ed that hid cootrllutlou be kept secret. and dust the cheque be re- turned If the batt were not repre- sented nt Weitminster. But Ire ridd- ed t postscript. saying: " 1 am IUD -rifled at Mr. Mcrley's speech on Egypt. If you think our party It opel(rsm, keep the money, but give It to some t•Larlty. It would be an awful thing to give my money to breaking up the empire." In 189:; Mr. Rhode* again wrote to Mr. 8tleutiUioret, drawing atten- tion to the s eeeii Mr. Oladatuoe, foresl.atlewtrig it yf ;scuttle out of Egypt, awl (rpreersing the hope that Mr. 13ehnuitorwt would do 1,1■ beet to eheck the marl step. But, Ise saki, if "your respected lead:.s remains obdurate I shall certainly call upon you to devote my wubasrrlption to some public charity-." In lfr. S•htuulhioret'w reply he says Ur. Rhodes' money lutd already been event, as he believed it.- had bean, glcttn mainly to help the Home Rule etruggle. Mr. S.•ltna(Uwrst, jhowever, cusurret Mr. Rhodes that MOlad- rtone'e' ut ternncen were only 01 - WO pressfoa personal oplrlon ; ilia leer . Willinm W'rnon Harcourt was annoyed atihem, and that no nebttle out of Egyltt was likely. as he had ween Inst Rw•bery, then pleated for Foreign lfinlater, who would rot permit it, being Ytrong man, "who will take his o rows... very dif- ferent from the p ant, supple Gran- ville." "On the receptiod, of this." say. Mr. Rhodes, '•i bothered no more, as 1 upon Lord ROsebery'i s,ppoolntment i knew that • Egypt was ►hw�r�leerrll -lease your readers to decide far Sir- Henry 1rHenry Campbell-Datmermari in jus- tified to oharaoterlsirlg the original statements as a lie from beginning to riot. According to their M,ats- mente, neither ter Ilenry l'nmphtell- Itntmermen nor Sir William Hnrcottrt nre acquainted with the. facts. Dot I naturally assumed that Mr. Bch- nadlweret was speaking with author- ity." Newspapers and Public Discuss It end 11s Effects on lits Prospects - Kruger lids Gifts and Addresses to Mark Second Aunt y uI the Wm-. London, Oct .14. -The *Gout raised by General Buller's outourst yes- terday afternoon on the eouth Af- rican .ttuatlon continues to grow. Tiro speech is the one topic of doer cornua, and there is general expec- tation that dlrolplinery mnaruree will follow, unless Geu. Buller himself take, the advtooe ul ouch it Conreres- tive enpporter of the gov=.rnment as the Standard. and romps. The tone of the prate to generally too of lerprtsed umasemeut at las indiscretions. The people of England have generally stuck to ham U.rough- out, and lite wife's social lnfluenoe Ma been most puwer(ui,'aud haw even reached the oourt. It lute been deckled that he would be elevated to the peerage on tits next honor list, but it le doutrtful low, after yesterday '• confewwWn that he advised the surrender of Ladysmltll, "a humUlatton compared with which," as the Standard say's. "all other revenges of the war would have been trivial," that either the King or tho people will continuo to favor ltlm. [hes Game the Appeal. -Now, then," evil the speal.rr, ulnen the those for the p•u'411g of Zhu pltlge cards hail come. "do not he ashamed of your 'lintes, awl du not Mr4t at ten thousand •tellers. Don't feel badly if you cannot pay Year piedgn. You nre your own col- loo•t,.r. Remesnber your decimal pronto "Bear In nand that $800 a year eogp,rts an alliance missionary. Et) a year a native rol+slonnry. $25 to $:t5 it Bible distributor and 1115 n year nn orphan child In intro. roe. pencils. Mr. Bell; by all means, get 1,0001la I nm ei rprlmnl that they nre net here. We mull have the ii iduanit ion. Nocv, then, let the Isdr «-Mind the I,ud thmltrel." Whereupon the fnlr pinnimt pinyel 9111, vigor and thn little organ on 1 lie pin tform mounded n faint 'ohli- spi "llnllelnjnl! ik,n't you worry 1" mid Molle one in the gallery. not then ottere etarled with the plr.lg•' card.. As the returns were en- tesnare,I the Choir 'darted nppr.l- priat.' hymn! The mutant' verbal (rout 2:m'. to $5,000, nal often there wow a wing for the tvotralIer maim, owl far to keep up the spirit of the Ole - log. The audience unearned to ile ttaw-teighly In the mood to contri- lsute. Heid the atoriew of the fele .1 1h'neon loner pointed a morn) which nil fnllowwd with alacrity. leprvrtw from Nyack, whel'r the %neutetn of the alllnnen L Mutat.e.l. slowed thnt SEGO° mole WO been mntrlMltnl to the wbtalravAry eruer. SEARCH FOFI MISS STONE. IMPRISONED FOR HIS FAITH. &tit Lake Clty, O. t. 14.-Loreuw Stow, fifth preeldeut et the !Atomic Church, tiled yesterday of acute brou- teeth, developed from a oold con- tracted several days ago. Joiq,h Smith will probably be elioren to succeed him. Mr. StoW war 87 years old, and hi eurvlvet by seven wirer and forty - Mao children. Ar prerldeut, prophet. weer and revelator of the Church of Jewu■ Citrtat of Latter Day Salute. ho was one of the most luterettlug nod remarkable characters developed by her peculiar sect. Ills father war from Marsachuretti, liar mother from Connecticut, both of Puritan fam- ilies. They settled in Ohio, where, at Mantua, on April Srd, 1814, their sun Lorenz, was burn. Lors'oz' Snow grew to young man- hood In the I'rertryterhin tattle and, as a student at Obetltu College, be- came noted ti a scholar In Hebrew literature. While tea/elllttg between Isla Itotun and the et/liege In 1838 he met 0 Mormon evangelist and war converted to the ('rurch of the Salute. Soon afterwards he Woe baptized at Kirtlatwl, Mita, where wan the home of the mother Moenesn congregation, presided over by Joseph Stulth, the noted Mot•moil prophet and founder of the new religion Prophet Smith is renowned In his- tory for the way in wh'ch be sought out men of groat strestgth of char - hetet. and won them over to tho l'tturoh. Ho was mm h impressed with the young Convert Snow, and took him luta his family as tutor to him cldldryl- Later tic 'sent him abroad with Wilford Wisidruff, Mr. Snow's recent predecelas,r ne I'r,whdent, on an evangelical tour of many laude. life confidence In 'Snow was not mierplaood, for he travelled 150,000 miles, from 1818 until 1872, gnthet- Ing converts from Turkey to Ifawall, and all the time traying hid own ex - The 11 Surrender sage " Sent to Ladysr h THE HELIOGRAPH TO WHITE. London, Oct. 14. -Speaking after a luncheon given iu Ills honor by the Kluges I(oyal Rifle. to -day, tluueral ear Halyard Buller, whose recent appolutment am cuutmander of en army Corps has been touch criticis- ed, ttprtenet his condmen atten of the newspaper erltlelrms of men who were doing their best and risk- ing their 'bred for their country. Ile ntterttd that it.. body Juulur to him was fitter to command an army, corps, and Ito challenged the critics to numo one. General Buller saki he had been attacked on ac- count of a telegram witted It wan acrid he had sent ordering General Whitt) to rdrrender Ladysmith af- ter lily (Butler's) attack on Coleus° on December 15th, 180'J, had to- welled unruccerafully. lieu. Buller dorurib ed at length his own esti Gen. White's difficulties at that Dine. He saki that at that time he prepared a moorage telling Gen. White that hitt (Buller's) attack had failed, and he owlti nut make an- other attempt to relieve hull within a mouth In the then clow fighting. t,eucral Buller saki lit read thus teltgrnm over several time.. saying to itlneerlf. "That's a moan thing to tend it fellow." but he kuew the re- ,ipouiibility was his, and that Oen. White could Nay. it he surrendered, that Gen. Buller had advised It. The seine telegram suggested that It might be necessary to surrender, ad1 In that case Gen. Bull:•. made eutuu ruggesticikts has to what Gen. lVhito 'Would do and tow ha 'Mould dao It, thinking that It would Le Dover for a man whom he bcllevexl to boo in greater difficulties than hie own- Gooeral Buller declared that lit wanted to bring the loan who said he had ccun.elod General While to surrender, into the ring. Therefore he challenged him to produce the tele- gram, which he Bald ho knew was in oho hands of the editor of it magasine, and mutt havo torn stolen, boettuee it .was to cipher Wrestled to General White, and wow perfectly private. The speech crietted a great room - lion among those present. ('uudensned by the Press. `General Butler's epcech has made a tremendous stir. Tao newspapers are divided in thelr opinions of it. A ma- jority of them, including roma that are not hostile to General Buller, re- gard -it as an amazing blunder, and greatly regret that the general did not adhere tc hew lately avowed prac- tice rao-tice to not !answer oewipaper crttt- cm. Several papers declare that IAA ke 520,000 WORTH OF LOVE. That is What Lyon, of Mont- real, Mourns For. HANGMAN BAIIU NEEIEN. SUES CAPTAIN FRANK FISHER. Montreal, (jut.. Oct. 14.-A $:90,000 notion fur the alleged allenatteu of a wife's uffeeti tt liar been entered la the Superior Court by C. E. le Lyon, 26 St. Sacrament etreet, who adver- tises himself as the Cattadlan agent for "Lipton, Limited,' ugulnrt Cap- tain Frank Fisher, the Calrulihtn mwub(r of the wholeegle dry goods firm of John Planner, Sou & Cu., of London, Englund. Mr. Fleeter claims that the affair la a Wackniatling *cheater of the Lyon couple, regnrling whore ant ivedentr Ito has obtained the following alleged facts: Mr.. Lyon's maiden name was Ethel Moore, She lived in MNIsvIHe, N. J., where she eloped about five years ago with n man of tho name of Smetlwrrt. They went to Washing. tow where they were married, and then wont lute Virginia and finally to St, Augustine, Fla., whs'ro Mrs. Smethurst met C. E. P. Lyon, who was reel to bo u wealthy English' traveller. ge WOtt the wife's heart and elle ran away with him. They were In jell In Chattanooga for non- payment of basad. They wore nett beard of in Lon- don, tont. Here Mr. and Mrs. Lyon had n pow in a prominent church. In or about Jnnuary, 1900, they came to Montreal, and were aeon Ilvisg aa man and wife at n wellrkmowr board- inghouse on Dorchester street It wow there got they met Captain' Flatcar and other prominent young people of Montreal, A party was or- ganised to go up to the Adirondack*/ and Captain nether, was invited. The party was a jolly one, and a few days after Captain Fisher carne back to attend to lila buslneee In the olty and Mr. Lyon and Mrs. Smeth- urst dine a fowl miles to Westport, n quiet I ttic 000untry town, and there they were given the right to the name which they had claimed long - Mr. and Mre. C. E. 1'.- Lyon. The re- oord of marriagrw nt Westport stows that they were wedded on Sept. 1st, 1000, explanation that he heflographed to General White suggesting that It might be nteswiwtry for him to surren- der, and advising treat it. do In 1 it Cargo, War &Ctuaity instruction to eurrnuder, and they condemn him no- curdtugly. One paper compares the weemtgo to Har 11. Parker's famous or- der to Nekton to retire at Copen- hagen, which posterity has el opar- inggly condemned. Tito StantinoW-UnTIT be quoted as exprcwtng the severest view set forth with the greatest moderation compatible with welt an opinion. it oyes:, "On the realty aamagtag e'ptaode of the heliograph meetmge General huller admitted tire worst that can be inial n.galnet him. It la not the heat eurprlstng feature of the case that ho dons not evince any con- ockousnese of the real character of hat admloilois. By aulhoriting Gen- eral Widte to eurrenier lie contem- plated a humiliation compared with winch alt the other rever.en of the war would have beenHIs mo- tive It moons was a generous desire to shield it subordinate from respon- sibility, but If this woe chivalry It war not war. It watt not leadership, and It was not pol- icy. Tito error was committed unties. . tercumetancei w,114t(h ,wwssibly vindicate Gen. Mutter's good nature, Mut only at the expenee of his Judg- (neeflt, capacity and (v,rnpetenee to (hied a et -roomettes office. it teems to )in t.iw'ro le only one oourre left for its unfortunate officer. On sober con- sideration of all that hie admissions involve, It abwrtld bet ()belong to Oen. Buller Utat he would beet eonsttlt bit own dignity and the national Inter- ests by reehgi Ing hie coommantt and seeld,ng the retlremetrt he haw earned by yeare of arduous service. He meet etre that he it no bnRer In bis Sae at Um haul of an army corps,' denernl Roller's apologists, whet. as Pail, are in the minority, nre Im- re...mei by his Manly protest 'manta hair -brained critics, who hardly know a musket from n field gun, and Uley unhesitatingly neept bin ex planalku all manly end frank. Bulgarian -Troops Scouring ----the--Country. NOTED BANDIT KILLED. 11e 1s %apposed to Hove Led ole Gang • That Murder(d Rlembulofl--Your More llrlgeudml'aptured-A Band of Twenty Seen la the Mountains. New York, Oct. 14. -Three battnl- ionr of the Sixth Bulgarian infantry Regiment marohsd thrnetgh the coun- try between ihthnitzn and Samakov and searched the villages of the Itllok- looter. dtutrkt, In Otte of w'hleh It was replete(' the brigands hal con- cealed ILas Stone, ways It Sofia etre rirep..nd.nt. A senrc4ieng party com- ported of A(N) Rulgnrlan Infantry and 500 dragrwmw iw a'rntrlmg that ranges of Doeplt and the lthodopegehl rgen. `(#ABIB OULLAH, NEW AMEER OF AFOIL\NI9TAN. Q Who Has Just Been 'Seated on His F'ather's Throne. Anniversary of the War. I pel(Aes, in noeordnnce Witit the rule Illlverwum. The Netherlands, Oct. of tiles Church , and also during that ll.r#fr. Kruger vow tlsf. recipient to- time gttkttrl n large body of Mormons day of many gifts ami addresseeupon in the work of transforming the - the occaelon of the secotltt annlver- itt)rthwretWrn seoltof Laub front tory of the decin.ration of war In n bleak vervete Into a prosperous fng os try Hn emit:Moil to a South Africa. Among how v{eltore were marked derrear the wpirittwl devolltn (lie BarRomnte er of Hilversum, and wbi'h haw gained Mnrmonlwm Its con - other o ficlale. vera., rind the btlltinees ability which Ids de Mar's Case. • has enable: the Church to make them London, Oct. 14. -The henring of p }'rum a emcee cmr' F IDe cased Theodore and Latera Front of' mlash mart' He. Jackeon, formerly Am Della1)is da Snow became ono ev the 12 apostles liar, of New York, wl►u have been of the Church ; eventually he wrier passing under Leto name d !torrent',locule the heed of the ]^, earl when charged with cunFplring to defraud President Woodruff died tour years women p( pinery and jewelry by for• phis 10 st , e(ded to the h*1 (19' ttute tel lag, awl agalnet wttioln there °aura the ("Much. Hee had whenen aro otter chargee, was resumed to• - azure of 1118 6,u under the and a day. Victims oraroborated the open• Inw, ft r n Ing I the polygamy. Iwo d . ing eeclt yesterday of Charley W, cllnr dor ft.rda In ternent Iwo dna Mathews, reprementing the trete ellnexl n p)talokm, after n sentence of ury. They detailed the (net/odic16 monthw 1n prison, if ion wooed re- putllanlmlty of tho vows .eonnectecl ��toe p,lyegrny, and went to prl- wlth there initiated Into the Theo- He wns rrinet.ed at' tfie end of n crater Unity, awl the claims of Theo year. Be centimeV to be wonderfully dere that he was C'hrtet returned to yptive up to wltttltk a few days of his earth ant the only perfect man in" -death. i the wb►Id. Tho terthrrwoth en freqn luence HIS MODEST REQUEST. reference to the hypnotic Influence of the prisoners Sparing No Effort. Thr American (lnnmulOeneral at Oonstantinople has :salted at Sofia with an evangclieal pastor from Phal- jppopo:ls as dragoman ar1•.1 both nre taking energetic weem with the Bal. gars an Government to effect Miss Stone's release. Stanubulon's A In Shot. The reputed leader of the gang who IeLlecl Stamhubff tuts met hie fate. Suspected of being awotbate,) In the capture of Minn Stone. he wan shot dent on the frontier near Kostendlt. Though 1.000 'mends reward had been IMd on lila heal for the murder of RtamMildf, hallo, the mime nn der which he was known, was tax) influential a ruffian for the Bulger Lan peke+ to arrest. Four additional Mewled'. have haven captured near T•eho'p ite, nett n hand of twenty. folly nrmet were ru,rnveri l near Dulmitsn and rh'lren Into tho awn fltalnm again. Not ten Nsm.su alar. \\ nshingt.mt. (kat. 1(. -Thr ytnt e Depnrtment receival to -day n ruble from (0. A r h8lliOftenerat fltrktiwitit nal R'eretary of f.egntlen Spencer F:.1dy. toweling the ',regrP iI of the negntlntinns Ieaolfag to the releasor ,f MIm1 Remo. None of the (lignite were male pnblle, however, All that can tar gntherel an to the datum of the same It.the: the ronlltlnns are hy no means reassuring, as was ex - pastel ye.terday. Emperor William Im suffering from etomaeh tremble. The people who believe In a short arse and it merry one mast mm"ally tent themm,lvws with the first ha of their dootrles. ' HER LIFE CRUSHED OUT. Buffalo. Oct. 12. -Mangled by n swiftly moving trolley car, Mr.. Helen Cook, who started for bee lame yeater ay. after a four day..' vimlt to the Exposition, will arrive there dead. Laitt Monday. Mrs. Cook. her !ma- hout Wm. tee*, bath of Sidney Center. Dclnwnre County ; John Roof. her father. tine Frank Berry. it friend, the, two latter of Frank- lin, N. Y., came le Ruffolo to me the Fxp(wltktn. Yesteriny they went to take trnin for home. They went to Niagara and Rhode island streets to board a enr for the railroad sta- tion, reaching there about 5.30 o'clock. \ingnra Fells enr No. 16 was Ap- proaching the corner, south Wand, nt n high rate of owed. Mot. G\)ok attempted to erre. In front of the ear. She wag knock 1 down. ground meter the wheel' Anil her body was antto pipette. When Coroner Wil- .r)n, who ens mttomoned, ranched the er•enn, he hid to have thein t lIeeted in it nhe0t, - 1.41(1. Astasila Innen of hnnrtn form was left. Thrown Brent Iter Buggy. BMckt elle. Ont., Oct. 11. -Title nt- terttmn n horns Arleen hy Mrs. Oen. Ekirldgge ran away. The Imtgg" (we- nded with another reg and Mrs. E1d- rkfgn wM thrown net nn her head. She ens relseved to the hostpltel in nn nne.)nerlatils eon anon, aPd Is thought to be fatally lttjared. Macedonians to Capture All Foreigners in Sight. HAVE TURKS GOT MISS STONE L lidos', O t. 11 -he Dolly Express) received the foltiwlug prow Vi• retina : "T daruif, Use driver whit, accent ponied Mise Stone were rite wae, kW Lopped, tsar ar4vexl at B Jia. Ho say■ Iter captors aro 'Curter The Bulgarlau pul:lt:e. Wirt are not ratlrflel with lila ettitemettte are keeping him tinderaur t etI Lus:ct' Au Aber Kidnapped. Ieutdun, U.tt. 15. --It W anteetneed from I(u.luarert,' saver a tk'mpateh t.. Tito levity !ail treats Vionnua, ' that Herr R dentlutl• tiwe representative uta Berman firm. heir tarn kidnapped by Bulgarian brigand's at elllirla. The )toutuatAtut (ioverum:'nt has tent a protest to Botta, awl the Bulgarian tkererltlnVtt bete ordered troupe to parent, the brigands. "It is rumored teat the Macedonian Committee has decided , to oaptere very (.,rtegner wieehl) rimed' In or der to attract European attention to the beet state of p ublke security In Macedonia-' Mbsour1 Man Wants the City of Windsor for ills )lother. Winbior, Ont., Oct. 18. --Chief 6( Por lie' Will'. Inas received the following remitremitrlinbie ',pimtle from Misso,M. The letter in addressed to the "City Marshall" or "The People of the City of Windsor." and reads ae fol- lowm : - "Joplin. Ma, Oct. 10, 1001. "The Penple of Wlnd*or, Canada: "Dear Sir's, -I have been Informed that my mother 1e the rightful owner to the grotnt on which that city le built, and to what vainn ha, been folded to that grnlnd It for the peo- ple there to decide. "If yah nre willing to admit her claim Is trite. please raise by Nime seriptio:t nn nmatnt sufficient to en - a il', min to go there, ani) semi it to "It will lir accepted by me he( a payment on what in rightfelly here. If prim wend the money to me i -will nee 1t to go there and collect what 1n due ne aconMlig to law. "i believe yen aril willing to ale what Ie right. and hope to hear from yah smolt. i have been aaaisting my palette iltV'A 1 tart Kolas Aereral yearn mot, 9041 hope the people d may newt will deal Justly with one. Renp.ctfully, "L. F. *Wenn, "Address, 600 Pearl St., :open, Ma" TRYING TO STOP WEDDING. Lieut. Cecil's Mother Objects to Ills Marrying Miss Dale, of Ilelfast. Edinburgh, Oct. 13. -Lieut. Cecil, a graniltort of the Maryut!' of Exeter, and Mimi Bain have applied to the Royal Exchange for the publication of the Winne of matrimony, which will be proclaimed to -day. Lieut. Cecil, being a 'minor, and a ward of Chancery, his mother, Lady Cecil, bete obtained no order from the Chancery Court forbidding the mar- 1it t'. The Chancery Court, how- ever, hos no jurisdiction In Scotiend. Th.' Royal Exchange le the Scotch for town hall. It contains the regia• ter'* office and makes th application for the publication bf the banns as public as possible. Objection will probably bo rallied when the banns are proclaimed in the church today. Mho Bain 1s the daughter of a Bel- fast insurance agent. The (1*rntnn Minister of F.deeatlon has temne.l naters restrleting the nttenlnnee of foreign mtnd.nte at nnteereitlea And at the Berlin Tech- alaal School. MI . the Cunliffe -Brooke millions. ANOTHER RHODES STORY. Ile Is Suf'ering Front a 3Irtignaat 'humor of lite Stomach. Philadelphia, Oct. 14.-Tlte North American's London correspondent wires : Vete! $hooter, according to informa- tion eupplhrt by a colleague. In the Dr Beers directorate, ie suffering from an Incurable complaint. which t4 believed to be n malignant tumor In the stomach. He has joist returned to Lorek,n from rix wicks of com- plete) seclusion with ID•. Jameson In the throttle!' Highlands, where he raw nobody and refused all invltntlonr to tvountry houses. lin Ilveet on n milk diet, carie-! occa- sionally by rhlrken Jelly. He has it tpechtl cow, wild, he takes with him wherever Ito goes. 'He has grown very fat, and is more reticent aid morose titan ever. PUNISHED FOR COWARDICE, Although au URleer Swears Ile Heard Usdsr-to plaits. ESSEX TOBACCO CROP. Has Turned Out or be Kqual to That of 1800. Windsor, Ont., Oct. l8. -In an In- terview regnnling tide year's tobacco crop in F.aex county, Mr. Lewis WIgle, of Lenmington, the well-known grower, make: " If last spring heel been as laver- ebin for growing plants and setting them out there would have been a greater acreage this season than last. tart the spring was baekwarl 'snit ,try, and we find the crop about equal to that of 1900. "There will be between two and throe million pounds of burley leaf. nearer three than two, and about one million ,wends of Zimmer, Spanish and outer varieties adapted to cigar making. "Tito effect of the very large crop Ing off, and nearly )til the factories in Canada consum- ing Canadian leaf will require some of lee year's trop. " Practical demonstrations have "'town that we can grow as road barley leaf as can be grown be any ' country 1)1-01111 w rkL" London, Oct. 14.-.t strong effort it liing tmtde to secure the revision of a sentence of penal ger :dude pas.ed by court mnrtinl en Private Stlnehtir, ,f 111e Black Watch, for alleged mis- behavior at Hrning's teprult un Juno 22n1 Inset. Slstclatlr was charged with retiring alone with others to cover when or- ok'rr to do so had not been given. H, was sentenced to 10 year.' penal tort Untie, wtt11 it. ricomutenda(i wt to mercy. The sentence was reduced by three years, nal Sinclair Is mow errV- Ing the .even in lbrtlnnd I'risoo, (:rent exception Is -taken to (11., we' - detto:) given at the court martial, and It Ise pointed out that a. -commis.' Monet ,sf:c:'r decetres that hi? heard ,too' or .,r given to retire. Apart from that .t 1. urged thnt 8inandr was oaa.uf those who fought his way to the hoer tvetches at Mfngtersfon- teln, haat he was captured by the Biers nt I'retorin and field prisoner looser .for six months, that he and. his party were armee nt Hrlaaing'is• Rpeirlt •only with Mertlnl-Henry riff e, aryl tion. he Is an c ietw to rtt- turn to the front. Au all el nenanding o.ffieer believes film Incnpnble of cowardice, and to bnceing the appeal, Ample \'Indication, Tho Telegraph, the chief of these, rays, however, that femoral Buller 1. mlotaken In treating the helktgram affair no involving theft, or the,lt)t proper divulgence of Ferrets. It In shunter. that the facts were fairly well known nn far hw k am August. 1900. Aithongh thinkkig that Oen Ruler had ample Justlfi'ntirrt for Ills indignant protest, tho paper thinly" it would (wave tr'en rdmgh If he had salt that Earl Relberte, who knew ell the clrenmetmene M whish the degetteb VIM assent rte den. Bailer's eritiet cannot po'mibly knew, r(taln cal ham In his r.rmrnand, and puttee qunntly deliberately continued him In office at Aldershot. That merely, enyw the Telegraph wan n complete nee tbolutn vindication of Gen. Buller (8l stt o'•casb,n which in rrmponeihlr for en ,ntrh LI -timed end ill-informed wander. MORE TtJAN HALF MALES. Interesting Ste toles •Itr.peeting the United ,yea s Population. \Vnrgluittgton, D. Kee Clot. 14. -Thr flnni venoms rnprt o)n the popula- tion of the rnitel OCcs by nre, nativity and color w Issued to - dny. it ,uhowo that the males num- ber 197).59,21'2 or 51.2 per cent. of the total popnlatlon, in 1500. The Inerenwe of 13,23;b,8:11 in totel pop - Mellon minae 1N90 In male nit of 6,741.179 miler nM n,48:),tr.1. fe- melees. an inerease of Me of mal and 21, of tannins, The foreign born element have Inertia/mil only 12.4 per erne 001 the native horn ppulntlon 2..5 per cent. miner 1)400. As to color ani tones Nie imputa- tion In 1000 committee 4,9!0102 white perr.nm. end 0,412,S63 col- ored perw)nm, the letter emnprl.ing 8.840.7RO perm -ins of negro dr.eent. 1 lie .v)l.r(.1 element n• It whole atone. nn Iner.wten of 17.A per Cent. l'ro nnn'w father ham become violent- •11oe 189p, 1), insane. BY THE HOUR. • Moyle Hiss a Machin" Which Keeps ate Account. TREAT ALIENS COURTEOUSLY ('hiang», Ort. lt.-Jelin Alexander flows' Is now able to keep tnh on hlv prnyore by the use of nn electric' Iline otatmp. ' 1 1IJ•th 11. ' tprnds n eon- sklorable port of Itis time dully pray - leg for variant. 7.loultn, whowe friends or relativ'ew have anoint the general overseer t0 Ho them In. prayer for healing at i.oclt an hour. Thew. re - (meets for prayers by (towhee teem- -tartest. tnh,tlntn.l to the specific hour. at which the special prnyer hs rtnight, are taken tip by the 110nd of the Zloultes at the time specified. Thn moment Dower flnl.bol it Dim Ter he stripe the written map Into ihn jaw, of hie electric time mtame, '.lams lite handl on top of the device, an.i the exact time he prayed le re• mr.Mi hoot theHAD A TERRIBLE VOYAGE. Journey Through China Made byj a lirltlsh ()Ober. London, Oct. 14. - TI)n Shanghai correepondint of the Times nays Major Pereira, an officer of Brig .- Gen. A. G. Crenglt'N staff, tote com- pleted an fe„ ers'wting journey from Tal -Totten -Foo to Mian -fu, mut thence to Use Yang -ton River. He ani lila darty were everywhere receiv- .11 by the offlclaiv and people wltit marked enttrtsw•v and cordiality, proving Hutt the attllmin of the people Stronghold China toward foreigners In .ilbtated and con- trolled hy the Government and the hlglt provinclal eswthorltlest Despite the terrible effects of the Vamino In the Provinoe of Shensi, and the floods to oho Yang -tae re- gion. the Chlnnwe Court appears de- termined to make tbe journey to Kai - Fong -Foo lee a Splendid Imperial prtgrewe, Involving !wavy expend'. titre. According to the opinion of native officials, the court will winter et Knl-Fong-Foo, and proceed to Pekin in the early spring. Four Men Drowwrd OR Steamer for South Atrlea. M,ntral, Ott. 14. -Adores received !tern ,(tote that the Liverpool steam rte (9iermn, beim' from St. John, N. R., for Table Bay, with wlpplk•w for Month Afree. had a terrible anyage, and wee obliged to pit into St. Vim 'segtt, d' V., after being same clays fait. War experheneewl n hurricane. Mei )van ntrisek by a iwvtvy nen. which swept overbore -4 a hundred tont of erwtl stoped on ten .leek. Four of the eriw toe wanlwe.l overboard and drt)wned FIGHT AT A KANSAS DANCE. One Mee 1(111.4 Witham Anomie Two Burned to Death. ' Topeka, Kan., Oct. 1A. -Jest it lit- tle nterrymnklng In Lane, In Petti- wntrento tmntty:'hiet -Watt. It was not merry enough for *time n -A general fight was 1 started. Jolts T1•wltae wM killed by it blow over the head with an axe wielded hy won. $inrfnl (lancer. Engen Cre- me And .f. McDonnl.l went to sleep om tho finger. Someone elite not fire to the hntee. The two men were hornet In death. In consequenee M•LAUGHLIN ACQUITTED. lose of the Murder Trial at Ht. Andrew's St. Andrew's, N.B.,Oct. 14. -The Me- Laugltlln tttttrd4er trial ended at 8.15 Ills evening. by the jury, after three hours' deltberratlon, returnig a ver- dict of "not guilty." Judge/ Orrgory until there were runny circumstances about the mon that were very, *us- pkqoiuo an.1 tlwt might awaken doubt In the mind,. of the )'try. Af- ter the verdict was rendered his Honor elearniereel the prisoner, admin - 'petering to Idm re few words of ocwtttweh Ho regretted to noy he fennel there was .Morn sasptcion of crime ngatnet !Om. The odium of et ch euwplelnn woukt iinger with Itim f6r many years, unless by his upright cominct Ito won the ap- proval of IoM follow-citisens. Tetp prisoner thanked the court. counsel rind )'try, ani took Itis departure. Gm. Metanghlin, the prisoner, wan nrrnnrvl of killing lite ramptin, Harris iie..Iwtulr)tltn, a few months ago. Hn :.wok tote stand in lila own defence, and nxpinlnel the man's death was p rseibly dee to it kick from his Imre, which notal to kick andbkte. SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN. Amory Ilablbulla Takes 1•rompt Measures 10 Check 'disorder. , Lem.kxl, Oct. 14.--A despotet (nen remin to the Times say. 1N an- ttnnnonmmtt that to -(fav will be a day est mourning. for Amcor Abdur Rah- man thmnghrntt !mile will be gener- ally approval no the death of all ally ,f Din Belted, 0overnment de - mantled rscagnitin. It will also Icing home t, the mitre population ,t mills/Mon of their friendly alli- ance tett the ruler and people of Afghanistan. Nwelni precaution are teeing taken elm" the frnntiorr to prevent. undo - Menhir pereens crooning from Indio Into Afghnnistnn. Hiblbedla shown himself nireNdy fully alive to Iola reepeMtMlltlea. H1. irstruntkme to the Afehnn .ilatrlM t•.mmnnbr, to be reedy to hold lbw 14hlnwnrie, Entire 'mil ether tnrhulent tribe's In (Steel• ata s the eorretpwwi•.s writ. era timely, Md they will me- eker,. the tribremwn Ihnt no oppor- tunity will bo a -rented to them to ea - gag* In pesdatory eetloos, 1