HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-17, Page 5), 14.00. rk and light nd two tone with general ie the goods prices low. inion Tweed i0 cts. h, Fast culur. rs. English and SH Drying of all BS. look new. 1rd BiOCk. CS- !LCB TO BUY.... :ES and ILUr1BiNO Vorsell, lama.. moo, 9E.••. firing quality, the:sole parts id wear. of which we )es in tock. Ln, jr. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. THuUDAT, Oo$. 11. 1901. 6 W. Acheson &Son Carpets, C0ai0s and Linoleums. OWING to our extraordinarily large stock of Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums imported for this Fall, we are tempted to make values still greater than regular to make a bigger recoil for October selling. CARPETS. 27 inches wide boavy English Tap. miry Carpets, now design* and awl orange, and suitable, for any room, Regular value 66e, at per yard.... woo,. English Brussels Carpets, four (rogue. extra heavy, in new doratandscroll dengue, nwular 90c and $1,10, at pr yard 75c and 90c. OIL CLOTH. Floor 011 C oths in 1, 14 1t, 2 yards wide, now des;gw In floral and b .ck patternr , special p.Wua'u25 HANDSOME FLANNELS. Thu moot liberal showing of Freud, Flannels we have ever lead. Koury kind Isere, from every day plain .calor to the hamlwmuly patterned50c. French got de, at per yarn ...... 54 iuch plain wool Kiderloan, best qyuality.iii shales of piuk, bluo,cer ding, grey, sky, spacial, par yard ,75c• CURTAINS. 60 pairs, 3; yank long and 50 inches wide, heavy Scotch net lata Cur- tains. in neat, lightly trooed pat terns, now and regular . slue special c $1.00, at per pair W. Acheson & Son. THE DUNCANNON FAIR. A 000d Exhibition and a Large Attendants.. Reeling CensllenNy in Excess ei Last tear -mote• el Use terbium gsklblt, -Neeeasfel italenadamr■t The ruder Wisner.. Tbe manus) exhibition of then Ashfield sod Wawanseb Branch Agrloultural Society was hod at Duoganoon on Thursday and Friday last, and was even more ssooendel Ilea any of the tale bold la previous yeah under tee auspices of this progressive So- o lsty. Thore was a toll gut of exhibits, both In the Indoor d.partmaute and to the stook olaemes, oro lbs various prod.om of ese of the Bort motions of country in Oratorio were displayed to good advantage. The weather on 'lbgnday eau wet and deprsrbg, but the clerk cf the weather got o p is rood humor Friday morning and tattooed the show with snob & day u world not hove beau improved upon If ib. dlrso►• en hod had the soaking of it themselves. The people peered into Dungannon from all @ ides, and the rate rsodpte and t6e smiles u pon the ooueteesaces of the directorate grew slmultas eaasly. The Laokoow bran hood was prosiest and enlivened the pro• *..ding, with muslo, and the *oto of the bagpipes gtaddeod Soottish hears. Th. speeding contests, the resides of which are g iven 1n the prize 1St, were run off moose.. fully in the preseooe of alarms and tnuereeted crowd. I'r.sld.nl Belle and hts a.arotatea worked hard and kept evrrythmg roaring smoothly, and It mast be some saU.laotlon to them to know these their efforts to keep up the reputation of Dungannon show mat with spleodid .aco.r. The recripti tbrs year were considerably In advance ot lost year, and the iootety is in an armptlooaly mooed Bnaaolal ooedtUoa. Toe good judo - moat and untiring gators of the director*, the hearty o0 operation of the people ot Dungannon and of the townships surround les, and gut, but perhaps not loose, the employment of eleotive moans of advertis- ing, have made the Du show one of the solid Institutions of the money. and we have no doubt that the 000tlouanoe o1 a progreeove policy will bring &blot toorcls tasty Rood monis in the tutor*. The exhibit el vegotabhw and roots was equal to any that has been made In the history o1 the Sool.ty. Tb. °aotlty ot grain inhibited coos not quite up to that of former 000wiooe, but the samples were good. Fastprimwhite wlo- tr wheat tested sixty throe pounds ; the of white oats wont 8ft .Ho. best wimpley pounds to the bushel ; dx rowed barley, Htty•f.or pounds. Th. samples ot large and small per were, we tblok, the best we hove awn for years. The bread, pokes Lod preserved fruits were exhibited In large qusntlty. The e xamples were really tempting. flood home- made baking hu oertelely not become • lost art In this neighborhood. The quantity of better and chose was sot Iarve this year. Tits oomp.tltioo was close, however, the quality being of • high .undo art tbrooghout. Miss Grose, • graduate of ih• dairy department at the Model Farm, Goelpb, slid 1). E. Munro, of Auburn, were the judges to this deportment, and the Ito- otety is to M oongratulawd for having **cured .soh r-apable expert.. We hays seen a larger show of fruit than was displayed this year. but there wore only two varieties in the prize list not repro. sontd. oranb.rry pippins and aprloots. Cot Bowen &off hours plane 000upled a am.11 op.o. There Wu not nearly an large an exhibit In this ole as might have Woo mad*. In tho ladies' work ole, up stain, there wag a large Motels, of u.ful and faooy work, and Isdging from a manful noting of .hlbtts from year 10 lean th. quality ie improving. The flee arts ole.. was Dot larfs'y represented. T. W. Little, Dunganoon'n boot and shoe man, had • Ji.pl.y of boos and show that Wu a coedit to him, and WWI admired by nnoy who viewed It. Ho makes to ardor end limps in stook just as rood foot• wear is h' hal at the fair. The (oroltors Interest' of Dungannon ware well repieeeatad la the display of ha•d..me upholstered and fanny plow of oeblaat work, robin., oto , moll by Messrs. A mad W. Sproul., M :Kenzie b. Howell, borJwtinmarobanta, of Dal win '., hal a display of builder's bardwars and cutlery This exhibit was In eh.rge of N . W. Stowell The doubb. "Amer" era. lamp, ter which they have the sale sunny for Huron county, was • part ret their exhibit, .ed was an aooeptatele ed. damn to the liohting faolhtles of the male building. in powerful light of two hundred andls power woo also much apogee seed at the omport. where le ora e.ad. MaK. & 11 had prepared a meoh larmr exhibit for Dungannon'," show. hat the threatening Weather of Oho hat day prevented Thom from Niacin, it eat, J. 11 Wigged,daolr to loons, forna(n, ate., (dodrlob, had several of their popular lines o1 elven on exhibiting se the fair. The dampness ret th• first day deterred him from making • larger exhibit. .1 K. Bryrig's, of Me Demin(nn 1.-rlage wake, Go terluh, hod • "Mikado" pbsetes and Iwo single in? baffles no the grenade. The etaelt.at geatt"v M h•o work is wall tnnwe around i)nogannne Andros R W abettor, a iookenw firm, had three it M sgept " arum separators and soon' awing ma►lees en echlhitinn H. 004o, Nile, hod & display .1 hit and ler** parolee. James Regie, Dungannoe, had an s,hlhle el sine* sod twill plows, Adkins' wages' sl a ..,shiest k.y sed *teak rook I)eagssset's thew ; much mold be said about the pig' and .beep, nettle and horses, whlob in many oass would vie with uuoh Wirer and mon prototlons ublb;ttoos, out speoe will not permit of our doing co, and for forth.c information w' .111 rider our readers to The rel.. 1.1.1. iowir.. Heavy Desugbt -Brood Mars, with foal by her side, W F Young, Tbos. Todd ; 2 you old filly, Paul Rood. John MoD.ar- mid ; 2 year old gelding, James Forster, J Salkeld & Soo ; 1 year old Blly, James Forster ; 1 year old gelding, Jamss hoini : foal o1 1901, Teo. TodJ,Jame. Chit - helm ; mem b haver, James Forster. Agrloultaral-Brood mus, with foal by her ode, A C Pattenoo, Jame' Chis. holm ; 2 you old filly, Charles Taylor, Thee Joint ; 2 year old "oldie', (has Tay- lor ; Ir year old filly, Th.. Joint ; foal of 1901, W F Yoga,, Jas Cbtsholm; team to harness, K MuGnlre,J as Hayden, Jaa Port ter. Ueaoral Purpose -Hemel mare, with foal by bar side, A K Anderson, Chu Taylor ; 2 ygar old filly, John Armour, Samuel Morten ; 2 you old g.ldlno. Wm Hum phrev ; 1 year old wilding, Wm Humphrey ; foal of 1901, Glson Bra Andrew Kirk ; toam 1e hors..., Wm McQuillan, Joho Wat son, Chas I'e7 lor. Judge, :-.John MoNavlo, )(Ippon ; W 1' Tiplady, Clinton ; Wm Wellwood, For dyos. itoad gal Carriage -Brood mare, with foal by bar aide, James Vona.. W 1) Jesse ; 2 year of f getdlog, Matthew Nods, k Dann ; 1 year old filly, Wm Mallough, Sonnet Morton ; 1 year old gelding, l bas Taylor, A 0 Patterson ; stogie horse to hsroees,J A Hanhs, T K Derain ; pair matched hare.s in borne.., R Graham, Joba A Mouses ; fool of 1901, W U Jones, Sam. sol Morton. 01151' IN lila RING, No 1 -Farman' carat or pus, - Wtt.ia, Jacob Reed ; No 2, come to a11. trot or pore, P Mattevttt, Two Strike ; George Buxton, Allan Lin. ; ,t' MaD.dtt, Ame;ta ; 2:40 trot or pace. (tray Kris, .look Johnston, 3rd prize divided Uterus - Henderson and P MoD.vrit ; No 4, lady driver, single, Ma►how Wood. No 5-epeolal, for the best g.ntleman's driving outfit, K K Swarts Driving horse -for medal pr*..oted by Bank of Commerce -R l;nham. Jmlr.. -1) MoCorvte, A Ross, Ploli); MoI,woo, T. Guidry. . ATTI.a. Durham - Thoroughbred - Mtlob 0011, haying raised Dalt to 1901, 1 and 2, Thos Auder.on ; 2 year old beds, Thom Ander• son. John Barr ; 1 year old heifer, 1 and 2, John Barr ; heifer Dell of 1901, 1 and 2, W .1 Jamieson ; bull .11 of 1901, W ,1 Jamieson, Jobe Armour ; aged bull. Tho, Aodsrmos ; bulb under 2 years, W. MoAl- lister, Thos Anderson ; special by ,Toho .lamlesoo for best 3 calves from ons etre, salted in 1901, 1' ,1 ,lamlesoo. Jersey --Thoroughbred -Mlloh oow, hay Ing raised calf le 1901, 1 and 2, T W Little. Grads Gale-M11oh now, giving mirk, buvmg raised oalf In 1901, John B.rr, K Mollwaln ; 2 year old heifer. 1 and 2, John Barr ; 1 year old hotter, 1 and 2, John Roar ; steer calf of 1901, John Rarm, Wm Monolith ; holier poll of 1901, John Bur, IA m Mallough ; fatted or or stew, Joe A Mallough, .loon Barr ; fatted cow or holler. H. lhrvin, .Ishs Barr ; 2 year old steer, John Barr, Joseph H. Mallough : 1 year old steer, 1 and 2, John Barr ; special by Hon J T Gamow, MPP, for best herd of g rade wale, John Barr. Jody -James Snell. All arr. Iwlomter-Aged ram, K !'aryls & Sos, George Henry ; .hearling ram, (inion Bros, John llarr ; pair aged owe., raising Iamb. In 1901, John Karr, R Pavia & Son ; pair ' hurling ewes, Ghon Bios, R Purvis & Kon ; pair we Iamb., K i'urvls & Son, Glean Aro'e ; ram Iamb, (gleno tSra's, R I'urvu A Soo. Oxford and their Downs -Aged rom,Jnho Armour, Pool Roe/ ; .hearling nm, John McDonald, James Sone ; par aged ewes, raising Iambs 10 1901, James Tabb, John Mcl)oodd ; ralr @hearling ewes, 1 and 2, .fames Toth ; pair ewe Iambs, James Tabb, ,loon Mol).nald ; ram lamb, Jobs MoDoa- ald, James Tabb. teoathdowne -- Pair afoot ewes, rsi@ing Iambs In 1901, 1 and 2, Jame@ Luse ; pair ' hurling ewes, 1 and 2, Jam.. loins ; pair ewe lambs, 1 rel 2. Jam*. lone ; ram Iamb, .Tamm Lane. Sweepstake prime for best pee of sheep, any breed,pen to °omelet of aged ram, .hear du nm, aged .wo,.hearltng moose lamb, R t'urvi. & Sou ; fat sheep, any bred, (Henn lire's. K. Purvis & Son. •lady .: -Geo Carrell on i W Snell 11,0. Berkshire -Aged n,s•, 1 and 2 .l..m.. Alton 1 now, hiving ra'.ed tots in 1901 i end 2, Jam** Alton t boor, Iltt, rod 10 1901, Permit glibber,, .Jame Alton ; .ow, lit tared In 1901, 1 and 2, Jame. Alton. Yorkeblrs-Aged bnsr..lames Alton; raw, having mimed pits Is 1901, .lame. Alton ; hear, littered In 1901, .lam.. Alton ; mow, Hinged in 1901. 1 and 2, James Alton. Tamwerth-Sow, having noel pigs lo unbar, Jolts Barr : Gelsee fowl, John Barr ; pair dunks, 1 and 2, J C. Lyons. Judges :-M J Wllaoa, J H Weroll UL&IL Fall wheal, whit*, John MuIurmll, tai Furse, J 8.11.14 & Soo ; fall who at, rad. N m MoAllb.ter, Jobo MoDurmld, 8 Verse ; six row barley. J Salkeld A roe. John Mc - Darold ; este, whit., Joha MuUlarwld, S Fares ; eat., black, 8 Fur.. ; pans, .mall, Jobo M,Dtarmld, 8 Furse; peas, largo, John MoDurwld ; timothy u.ed, Minos AIteo,A Able; bushed dal mod. 8 Furee,A Alton ; orals is th. .Maw, 8 Tune. Judge Wm ISurrooderlob. patten AND DOMIeiri. MINU1ACII'mt 10lbstuster,to roll., James Lyons ; b Ib. table hotter, Jamas toioos, Mrs T An demon ; 20 lbs paokd butter, to be gaited to keep, Mn It (limo, Mrs Hamilton ; Mono not lee than 50 Ib., foulory mat., K Mallwato ; cheers, not Ica than 12 lb., boas mad., Mar Symington. Judge': -Mary LGreo, I) k Morro. 2 loay.& home made bread, Ja nee K ,so. Wm Doraln ; jar of hooey, T E 1)urolo, A Dr&tney ; maps. .yrup, Wm Durum. A Alton ; maple sugar, W H McCracken, A Alton ; ootroocloa of bom.mad. prrn.rves, W H Ma trackso, A Kirk ; oolleotloo of home mode baking. kiln Lyon., Mn Ham• Ilton. Judg. ;-Mn B J Crawlord. YKUUTaal.RN AND SOOT'i White elepba•st potatoes, 8 Furga. Joh. MoDiarmld ; any caber yri.ty. 8 Fur... W m. 1)uon ; oabt aie, J. Salkeld & Son, A Sproule & Son ; b'uad bests, W, H. Mo Craot.o, Mn. Hamilton ; sugar beets, Wm Duoo, W. H 11ppoCraokea ; maorold wort. z)1., W H Mo('-r.ckeo, A Kirk ; golden tankard wurtzsla, W H McCraokso, Wm Duan ; worizol., mammoth yellow inter- mediate, IV 11 McCraokes, J. Salkeld & Sun ; Swede tarslps.Wm MoAlllatsr, •lame. Lyons ; grunions turnips, R Moltwaio, Wm. Bailie ; loog orange ourota, J :Salkeld & Soo, John MoD,armld ; white Baglan oam*, W 11 Mal:rooks*, Jobo MoDurmld; oarroi., Intermediate white, Jas Ktrk patrick, W H MoCrscke0 ; o.rly horn oar• rote, (leo Curran, Mn Hamilton ; onions, Mn Hole, W H MoCraok.o ; somatom, A B roule k Son ; ooro, J 8a1.e1d & Soo, Jae Kirkpatrick ; pumpkb0, 1 Balk.id & Soo, Jame. Lyons ; winter squash, John Mc- Diarnild, W H McCracken ; .umm.r squash, W H MoCruleo, A Alton ; water melons, Mr. Howrle, W H McUraokeo calory, T W little, W 11 MoCrackeo ; caul How.r, W R M'Crackso, A Sproule & Sou ; aurora, Mn Hamilton, J. 8.11.14 & Son ; coll.otloo garden vegetables. W H MoCraokso ; special b named Tortilla pot- atoes, W K Dono, S. F ane ; .pooled by Wm Barrow. & Son, s..demaa, for ibe beat oollecttua of field rote raised from mod parohased from them, J Salkeld & Soo. Jodg.:-Horny Howell, Buffalo. MATS AND nLONgke. Vi hailer Apples -Spies, Joe A Mallough, Geo Fotberglll ; b.ldwloa, Ju Alton, (loo. Fo hecto l ; king of Tompkins o.uty, Jos A Mallough, Goo Fothergill ; Hir stow pip pin, Jas Alton, Geo. Fotn.rrlll ; Canada rad, Mut Nott, Jas Alton ; Ootario, Ile Fotb*rgltl, Samuel Furse ; golden taut. Simnel Fon., James Alton ; Spitzeaburg, Jos Alton, Goo Fothergill ; Wagner, Goo Foth.r till, Jae Alton ; rumor, Samuel Furse, Ju Alton ; Rhode Island greening, (leo Fntherrill, Smoot Fares ; p1..•elz, .Jim Alton ; Mano apple, Ju Alton, Samuel Fula.; 8 named vari.tlee, Geo Foth.rvill, Jas, Alton ; 4 Domed v&rletlee, Goo Fother- gill, Jr Alton. Fall App'es - Duchess of Oldenburg, Samael Far.., Jas Alton ; 20 mars pipp!n, Samuel Fane, Gee fotberrlll ; wealthy, Samuel Farr, Jas Alba ; snow apple, Samuel Fuse. y -.Fothergill • Blooholm pippin, Gee Fothergill, Satenil Faroe ; arab apple„ 1 and 2, Mn Campbell ; 4 named varieties, Jas Klrlpatriok. P.am,etc--Thr.s named varied**, Small Furs, Mrs Nott ; 1 named variety, Stroud For.., K, Mollwalo ; 3 named varlet(.. 01 plums, W H Moliraokes ; 1 named variety of plums, W. H. MoCraokeo ; cotl.otl.e •rap.., A Allo, T W Libil. ; plate pe•ohes, Mn H.Ie, -A Sproule & Son ; plate riotous, R Mcllw.ln, Jess. Grumman ; oolleotlan of h,uee plants, 1' Little, A Sproule & Soo ; collection garden flowers, out., Mn Ander- son, Mrs Howrle. Judg.:-A MoD. Allan. M aNUVAI-TUR5R. Ten yards all wool *loth, Uri Note ; 10 yards all wcol flannel. James Alton, A Alton ; 10 yards union fl aonel, Mrs Nott ; pair woollen blaok.ts, James A'ton, Mrs H.1. ; pair horse blankets, home mal., ,I Alton, A Alton ; oollectloe of boots, T W Little ; ooll.otloo of wood work, Wm Mo d ri hur. .1u Igoe :-J M Roberto. R MIaiIwalo. 1MrLRMSNT* Smgts buggy with top, Y sad ft, J K timbres ; wood axl* farm wanes, 1 and 2, James Kase; farm gate, 1 and 2, Wm Thomism ; waggon rack, Jame. Ro.. ; recommended -cream separator, Andrews & Webster. Laokoow ; collection of pumps, 1 and 2, Henry Dodd. Judge : --Sutphen Stotbrs. LADIUS' WORK. Crochet In wool, W H Mol,rakee, Mrs Campbell ; ornobet to ootton, Miss Syming- ton, Mrs Hale ; crochet to .11k, Mrs Camp- bell, Mr. Hole ; Mexican drawn work, Miss Symington, Mn Hale; Queen Anse darning, Mrs Campbell, Min Symington ; laly'e taooy wool mitts, Mn Hole, Mien Symlo.• ton ; lady's fanny apron, Mn Hine, Mrs Campbell; bonny iota cushion, In mazy wort, Mrs Hell, Miss Symington ; ?I dt 7 s table mato, embroidered, Mn Hole, Mrs Hnwrie ; boohoo gage, Mut Symington, W H MoCraken ; point loos, Mn Halt, Mn Campbell ; Roman embroidery, oro Item. Mn Campbell, Miss Symintton ; elute box, Mrs Campbell, MINS Symington : smbtrti• dery on moslto, Mies Mallough, Mb.. Lyon.; crochet table mats, in ootton, W H Mo Cr•cks's, Mi,. Symington ; table soul, Mn P Nott, Mrs Hos ; crazy quilt, MIr Sym. iovton, Mrs Campbell ; patch work quilt in (stun, Mrs P Note, Mn Hamtltoa; pooh work quilt to wool, Mrs P Nott, Mn Hamilton ; patch work quilt 1n oak, Miss Symiogtos, Mn Hos ; two pa'r woollen seek., hand mads, 1 mans, 1 fine, Mrs Hole, Mn Hamilton ; two pair. woollen stn. kinds, hood made, 1 ooane, 1 Hes, Mn 11.1o, Mn P Nott ; Iwo pairs woollen mita, hand mads, 1 ooaree, 1 hri. Mrs Hole, Miss Symington ; embroidery In silk on cotton, Mrs. (',mph• 11, M ns Sem auton ; embroidery in silk on lin. it, Mrs Hole, Mr. C.m1.h:11; le. moo, Mie Nett, Mr* .1 Hnwrie ; show'. crochet, Miss Symington, W H I( C,aoksn : fancy pin rubles, Mn Coen: bell, W H MoCrook.n ; table cot coo Mrs tempted . Nn Hole; Hye noleck tra cloth, Mn Hale, Mrs J Howrle: lag °able quilt, W H Mocraoken, Mrs Nott; hand kerchief satoh.t, MI.. Symington, Mn P Nott ; ■siting, fancy, Mrs Powrie, Mrs Hots ; hraldlnt In silk, Miss Sym 1901, John Mel)Itirm1A, .lobe Mel)oesld ; bsgern ; sofa wool Afghan. Mr* hole, Mn uemptell ; tnilee est, Nett, Mn boar, intend in i9(1, John Mohtarmtd, .1 n0wrie; sol• p111ow, More Sym,ngln, John McDonald ; mow, glared lo 1901, Mn !Lawrie ; Veen shirt, maehlai ends, John MoDenald, John MoDlarmld. Mn Hole, Mr., Hamilton ; linos nhlrl, Speotal for the beet five baron hogs from hand meds, Mn Hamilton, Mrs Heti; oq. Utter, lend and fid by the axhlnitor, ,y0(1 holder, Mn Nett, W H MoCneken i loeeph A Malloogh. pillow shams, Mrs Campbell, Mfg Nett 1 Jgdgwt-11. I.eokhart, Jobe Walters. Ian hentkarchlef, MriCam,bell, Slim Syne. rOWI. legtcn ; H.tteebor,t lave tabs* never, Mn Reshot', light, A C. Lyng', Mn (%amp• Camphell, Mn Hole; tenuity by, Miss hell ;..ehbe, whlta, 1 obi 2. .1 C Igoe.: Syminaton, Mrs Hnwrl*; lamp .hods, whim, belt, 1 sad 2 .1 C Lyooe: lefkorn, ((spo:l Mn Howl. ; Borba wool motk,fl•t, whlti..1 (; Lynn., Mrs. Rowels; lagoon, t,s Symla.toe, bin Camphill ; fancy brews, Mn Uamphsll. Mrs Hewrle ; Ply• knitted len., heed male, Mr. H.I., Mr. mouth Ronk, J 0 Lynne, W W Fl.har ; Ply Nett ; .mhreidry on felt, /Wield A Soo, month Hook, white, 1 sed 2, Mrs Campbell ; Mb. Symington ; monld work, Mrs camp I)erkinge, 1 and 2, .1 (' I,}y'on@ ; Minerals, bell. M as Yymingioe : emhrelderel linea Ment, Mn Rewri., .1 0 4yens : red caps, pleioro from., Mn Hewn*, MI*. Symlagtos• Mn (:.mphill..1 C Lyes. I lI Mamie,' and 2• mmbrokiry en sate, Mn tempke111 MIr J C 1.reaa; Hambergs, pennant geld and h(Illoe,h i fancy heel rose. Mom tinning allow, bfr. Cnsphell, .1 0Lyses ; Wynn tee, Mrs Heti i sseatolls s and eeff NA rhemp,.., D. Os,. leadleg beat.. Mn Oempbea, .1 (J Lyeai 1 bag- hex, Mtee Symfsgtea, Mn Hurtle ; rlbbee hlanswilth, Ind two of hie well sed. farm tame, 1 sad 4. Mn Camphill 1 bar*yerd work, Miss Remington, Mrs Nett 1 rechl gates to wetting ardor eat the greesda fowl, W W Ikea, J C Lyons i gee.. dlppeHowie., Mrs Hole, W H MoCrentes ; wn We weld write • gat Anal mere about 1 and fl, J 0 Ly.ag 1 Whorl. W W rag mat, Mn Rale, Mrs Hemllttsa I wag • tidy, Mn Nett, Mn Complied ; Jap•se's yore mat, Mies Symington ; oreebse gait, Wm S)ymmgtee, Mre Hunts ; tray cloth, Mise `lvmisgten. Mrs Hole ; embroidery with jewels, Mrs Hole, M1.. Lyme ; brit slippers, Mrs Howl's, W 11 Mo• uraokoa ; kniteed quilt. Mw Symlavtoo, Mrs Hoe; footstool, Mn Campbell, Mn Nott ; fauns panel, Mr. Nutt, bias Sym• lugtoo ; table osatrs piens, W H MoCrack. ea. Mrs Nott ; wasostaod &plasbsr, Ilea, Mn Howrle, MI.. Symlegtoo ; drawlog room eereon, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott ; lambrequin monied, Mrs Campbell, Salkeld & Sot ; oollestlon of Kadin' work, Mr. Hoe, Mrs Note, Mr. J flown*. Judge' :-Mrs T It MoNalr, Mrs M J Wilms, Mn J M O'Connor. riot AhTN. Palatial/ on moleskio,Mre Campbell, Ulm Mollwalo ; palating on bolting *loth, W H Mo0rack•o, Mn Oampbell ; oulls.tloe of oil palollogs, Mrs !towns; ooll.ctlon of water color.. Mrs 11,1. ; peooil drawmg, Mrs Hole, Mrs Campbell ; °rayon drawing, Mre Huwrle, Mn Halo; ooll.ot'oa of pato and lop Meltable, Mn Hoe, Mr. Campbell ; summon of penmanship by buy or girl under 15 yet*, Mime Crawlord, Samuel Furse, W Little ; oolleotloa of flowers painted oo gloss, Mrs Hamlltoo, Mir Moll. woo ; ooNwtioo of autmals piloted on glom, Mrs. Hilo ; eolleoloo of metalllo luta patotlog, Mn Hoe, Mir Symington ; ool- leotloe of autumn leave', Mrs Andars.o, Mn Hoe ; fancy panels, Mrs Nott, Mts. Symington. Judges : -R R Sallow., Rey M J Wilson. boles. Doe of R. Moliwain'e grsyetooe turnips tipped the semen at twooly•five pounds. They took lint prize. Rohl. Holmes, M. P , was oo the grounds oo Friday and was busy staking hands and conversing with kin oonsiltuent.. The six Hnt prlte maogold wartasls weighed 168 pounds, ging twenty-eight pound. sub. W. H. MoC,ack*o, Promote, wan the exhibitor. Hodgen. Bros, N. D. Rougyie, Smith Bros., Aliso A M Iver, J. H. telboree, McKeon* & Howell, J. M. Wendt, St. Goo Prloe and others of the ttoderlob mer ohaab distributed Targe quantities of advr- tisie; matter at the fair, Wm. McArthur, the efl'ioent secretary of the Dungannon far, we notloed had a tint) prize ticket attached to hb exhibit of useful and fanny woudwerk by the judges. Tee prize was well merited. Mr MoArthur I. an expert workman lo wood. A largo frame! eepsoally d.elroed by bloomed, whlob 1s tog oontato the charter oertifioate of the A. 0. U. W, lingo al Duoganoo, le a marvel In woodwork The emblems of toe order are band•oarved &off plao.d In • moot artistic manner upon the frame. Several other plow, to his oolleotlon were equally oredit• able. Among the (Iodinate petiole oo the ground. were Ju. L. Grant, W. S. Clara, M. G. Cameron, Wm. Lane, A. J. Cooper, Cots. Humber, jr, Wm. Swaffiald, J. E. ind the Misses Brydges, Chas. :Swarm's. Jas. F. Thomson, M. Treble, H. L Salkeld, Dr, Hooter, PolBp Holt, Miss Ba111., J. H. Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrow, Indloy Holmes, 1.1..W. Howell, J. H. Worsted, (alio C•mpbdil, Dr. W. F. Clack, Geo. L Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. King. El. Van Every, R Cluodeoniog, 1'. L. Walton, Goo. Smith, Rabe., jr.. and Wilmer MoLean, W. Lulea'''. Andrew Bologna, Mr, and Mrs. J. 8. Howrle, D. Johnston, F. F. Platt, Jonathan Miller, J. D. O'Connell, D. B. Mackay, J, W. Smith, John Sorimg**tf, Mir Lal►bwalte, Jos. Beattie, Mir Morris. There were probably a number of others from the county town whom we did not see. • Tho Hstertslsacesl. '1 he ball was filled Trida{'melee for the entertainment, and a good may had stand- ing room only. i'resident Halle, who per- formed the luooeton of chairman, bad an excellent company of entertainers to Intra• duo• u th' large andlenoe. J. H. Cameron, of Toronto singer, elocutionist caricaturist, R w host In himself, and he e u a t u repeatedly remitted by e000res. Mss. Ketorah Brown, Mims Mary Prime and Min Minnie MoVittle rendered vocal solos which were very pleas mgto the 'odious. and Mies Mary Pent. land and Miss Laura Brydges acquitted tbem.elvss well in recitations. Misses Harris and Clark. In oostUme, exsooted moms ,raoeful Highland danoes, to the tie- oompaoimene of Piper McKay, of Monti; and Goo. L. Allan's olub swinging perfor- manos wes greatly apprsolatd, Miss Edith Smith, of Luoknow, and Mins Ethel Ache. n os, of uodvloh• played the piano &000m, panlmeete, the instrument need en this oo- oslon bong • Dominlon piano from the war.rooma of fl. W. Thomson & Soo, 1.odoriob. The program was a lengthy one, and 1t was at a late hour that it was brought to a aloes with the staging of the national anthem. The foot that • great many were e twding throughout the entertainment aocouoted to some extent at least for a oeo• enterable amount of disorder whloh pre• walled during the evening •off whloh marred the pleasure of those who wished to hear the performers. Notwithetandiog this the entertainment was • vary enjoyable ono, and was a Bailee nonolunion to Ike very 'nonmetal ezhlbitioo of 1901. 11 One of tbt moot danger - owe and repulsive forMS d Kidney Dillaass le oPsY for which Dodd'e Kidney Pita are the only oertato cure In Dropsy the Kid - nay are actually l.rw.d up, and the water, which should be upelked In the form of urine, Bowe back and lodges In the cells of the flesh and peak out the ails. Remove the Lltb which plug• up the drain. Restore the HI to health. There Le only one Kidney M.dicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS , BEAR IN MING THAT 'MVP 4///—g - yo v to attend the Listowel Huloew College for a term. Students may enter at soy time, either for • Binnacle or • Shorthand Course. ltatr reasonable. Send for Journal. C. A. TLKM INU, Prez, A. L. Mo1NTYRE. See. DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the beat there if at the name prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department hoe a reputation for promptness and accuracy. - - Brussels : Dr. Kneohtel, of Winnipeg, formerly of Brawls, wog • pallor on old friends In town and looality recently. "Do not judge between friends." If your shoenian tills you he has a favorite line which is better than ours—don't question Lis motive. Go direct to the Dealer who has the rpt to sc11 tithe small profit ,hoe"— the real thing— "The Slater Shoe" F. JORDAN Medical Hall. Clothing I have put into .tock a line of Ready.marde Clothing of first clam manufacture, and at prices to Putt the times. Ordered Clothing Is .tall my epecialy. A good range of Clot hs to select from ; and workmanship the beet to be had. If you need an overcoat thin fall call and Nee me. A number of lengths of piece goals to be cleared out at coat. H. DUNLOP, West Street CORNELL /� B. Smith's MCK IM 9S 3 ✓o Bdr Store Block TIMELY UNDERPRICES. SIXTY-TIIREE ENDS MANTLE CLOTIIS at reductions of • quarter, a third, a hall and sometimes loos than hall prior. There are just 63 urll ad ono yawl up to ton yards each, and the prima to .dear thew will average just about ono half of the regular prices. Fortuna ately they are all dark colon of blacks, blues, browns, eta, the oorrect col- ors for this reason t4omu are new goals, some we had last mason, bet must of them are from the C. W. Andrews stuck. We can afford W cut priors on them, and wu will, as they must be o:eand. They oro just the thing for ch ldren'n and virli .Writs anal boys' overacts and rooten,and the pnoe put them within the retch orf ail. t100.1 cloth. at hall price soot dew ; for in- Mannve, Curl Cloths which wero $2.26 per yard for $1.00. Others are lower and some higher. Will you maw this opportunity? New 66 -inch all wool Freeze, newest colon, special at per yard. 900 New all wool Tweed, good valso ttf 50c. We got a bargain and will clear them at 874e $1.25 black Hotpeopun, 56 io,wide, all wool, yery heavy, for skate, drat o, jackets or capes, at 76o We hive 62 only Jackets to clear at big redmctaous'; $10 00 for $6.90, $8.00 Jack ea fur $4.0e. $5.00 Jackets for $810. Ten only left of those old Jackets at 50c. Millinery. -We like to talk about Milltuery beoauw we know we have the beet, the newest and at the lowest prion A lot of new millinery in this week. We got all the new thlogs sod ideas as they Ieave New lbrk aol Pais. And it yroe hese au idea of your own briug it to lutea 1)uffue and she will put 1t Into shape just as you watt it. If you have oo1 an idea of what you watt come to Air lhtfia end she will give you one. NMWNESH IN MILLINHRY. CLOTHING IgARGA1N —Will toll yes about them text week. 1'IcKIITS BUSY STORE l BROPIIEY & SON - reg LIADlru - Vurgera\ Darrt<or1. feral\ - .moa\tette, Orden, earehM,:'altendod se e/ all been,, unit or day, Somber .Soot. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Iince Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses, iacarooas, 1araalocs, Brandy Snaps, Etc. - are as good as the beet glade in any city in Canada. Cantelon lends the trade in WEDDING CAKES thn leading Furniture 1)ea era and Undertaken, have just received the following goal.: Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up, Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up, Couches, $5.00 to $20.00, Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00 Racks, •5.00 to $l8.0; d choice old pieoe, of Furniture, We are still selling Window Shades an Pole, at reduced prices. Picthre framing, Upholstering, Pack - Ing, etc. The Uodertatiag Department... . in under expert ,upervision, aid the service ate guarantee in of the very best, while our prices are reasonable. NIGHT Olt DAY c a promptly attended to. We solicit 'patronage on the merits of the goods we .ell and services we give. g,p,y RR ) YNAS & CORNELL, /arniture haler.. PMrrtakers and Km holmrm Wm. Sh • .k. • Sole Local Agent. a..lferd clerk asderleb. Fall Season --1901 All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most novel effects in trimming—anti everything of the best. These are the features of the FALL MILLINERY DISPLAY IT MISS CAMERON'S, Ladies are invited to call at any t.itnl' ami retake nn in: spection of the now goodlt. Trimmed Nadi from $1.00 up. 1``°" MISS CAMERON. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR KLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by 4. MI MacLEOD, (3od.rich, Ont. 1 to tiny deeivning and ornamen ing and almond going. Give him an order and your sat i.faction will be assured. ; D. CANTELON, WERT-3T. 1 Mille/ Ideal Fire Irortua FARM: AND ISOLATZD TOWN PROP. BATY INSURED. Value of Property Insured ap M Ammer, 1501 — ...-.1,SM,TRse O►r1CRea MND DIaRTOaa. J. B. Meiean, pro. ; T. Draeer. oo-pa• 1 Jas. (:oeaolly, 0. *leisW. O. made..., J. Watt, Jas, Evans, J. O. Griever 1. Hensewels, Unclose; W. 0. Laodbst. Seaforsh, tepee. Mr of looses ; T. R. Heys, Yealortb, esosetorl- teeagarar. ♦t�tdw, 7p jfolstos Jasm �y s tore ; Il Me tae, SiesA ; A Y H�g{me k. slap-0eidera Urn My mt•ssm*eb and sen their coeds wool$ sd as Mr. Coals'. MUasosa r vas haloes Bra": igloos Cl.*&Jrg Seem stain HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TH! BHT ScraIlloil Bard Coal for zraa 1rARH=T All Deal wv,s�gl�t�b�ed on the Markel Nsalga' where you 1.1 dello Ihs, tor . ton. WM. LEEM (Mgr lefl a1 LZj teenualyi Sten promptly } PAT'D RIO'? TURN TRADE INo The "ging Quality" ladies' shoe with the "Twin turn sole" is the ideal a comfort and ap- pearance. Twin Turn soles ars just as flexible as your finest dress - shoe soles, but they are twice as thick. Invented, patented and con- trolled by the makers of "King Quality." Can be get in no other shoe. No tacks or threads under the foot, no squeak—greater wear, more comfort, kandsome appearance. Gold medal, Parte Kgosi. *4.00. An ds.js, a� ewe" 6w TAO i a. Mow Ono UeMssa, TOrwne& For Sale in Goderich by ST. GEO. PRIOR .Sale is Over. Our Fire Sale has been an immense sucaese, having cleared out all old stock, and we have received the largest consignment of Fine Shoes that has ever come into town. WE MUST DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THZ "KING QUALITY" SHOE which is beitlg worn by the society people of England, France, Germany and Canada- -They aro the most stylish, durable and comfortable 511)(58 made, and you must remember that you do not have 111' duty to pay for when buying these Famous Shoes. Don't forget the name, " King Quality," in both Ladies' and Gents'. All styles, widths and sizes. ST. GEORGE PRICE. ?1U 1&S, SUIT CASIRl k GRi!'A. SOLIC AGSM! "JINO QULLITY" BI011d, • RIPAILINO Nsa?LY DONT JAIT A STEP-LIJJIIKR? We vivo one away with wteh pound of Pure ('ream Baking Powder purchased from slut, 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our liop fully selected Indian and (le y manner with specially prepared Now is the time to buy full Ansi rtmont. Tea --nog a medicine, but a ears - Inn Tea blended in a scientiMe flops. Delicious and healthful. your (garden Seeds. We have a Telephone No. 91. sTZTFiInr az co. TH1 ORaLlUL