HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-17, Page 4TlruISDky, Oct 17. 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO YOUR NEEO...... Look over your clothes and see what you need. Look over our stock and see how easily we'll supply you. You'll be able to got both a suit and an overcoat for the price you'd pay for tither made to order, and it wouldn't fit better at that Wu would call your ` Speclal Attention to our 910.00 Frieze Overcoats, made with box back, seams double stitched, sleeves have cuffs attached, trimmed with heavy Italian lining, patent mohair sleeve lining, making • very nobby, comfortable and durable coat. Already we ...tare a large sale of these overcoats. in the first place the style and tit of Mese garment" appeal to the taste of all good dressers. The quality is good, and the price is so low that it wakes it a very easy matter to make a sale. Oall and see thein. It costa nothing to examine them and only 910 00 to buy ?OR THE BOY. -Ort one of our Frieze Reefers. It will rove b. lots of wear, keep him warm and ren you very little money. mmimmmmmnnnmmnnmmmmrt t The Reason Why,, a W. C. PRIDIIAM, RSIs Agents for Christy's London Hata. . kite's Foreteller and Hatter Mulw•e's B'tok. tati nal, " runr.tssao EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Mi a ealLL1CTR , IMO OODZRIOH, THURSDAY. OCT.17, BML CUUNTY CURRENCY. Hardt: Miss Edna Neelaode bed the ml.fortans, • week or w ago, to run a nail In her tool. whloh caused very painful injuried and refined her te the house. Sewall: The friends of Nicol Stilt.- ray, btrray, who 1a In Manitoba, and who war reported se very 111 with tpybold lever, wet. be pleased le ieare that be is now Improving edea y. Brussels : MW E E. Kerr, who has been rid aside for re past eight months with a disabled knee, was able to get to church the first Sunday in the month, the first tune to by. maths. Chore : Mir Moon, Kamloepr, B. C., was the ruses of Mrs. W. Brydoos feet week. Time two ladles were oollege friends when atladl00 the Preehytenlan Ladles' Colley at Brantford. Hera : U N. B.boock, druggist,' Met week moved Into the dwelling part of hie premises above the drug store, which has been fitted up with all the modern cop• vonbsoes and Improvements. KipperStewart MoMordle left here on the 7th lose. for Niagara Elis, to repents be a telegram sat by a firm of railroad retractors, with whom he has a g.,ld sit0a• Moo. Stewart is an old Huron boy, which worsts for his getttoe such anexoellent portion of trust. *Worth : Robert rurnbu.l, of ttl. town, who le eighty one years of re, le blessed with snob good eyesight that be eearoely seer needs to used specs/Mee and or read The Expositor from end to end without their aid. In other respects, also, he is hale. hearty and &otive. Seaforth : While getting o, ear • fence one day meetly. Thomas E Have met with • painful aooidal. Just as he was about to lump over, the top board of the far broke and he fell on his left shoulder, bruising 11 so severely that he was unable be use pts 1101 for several days. Hrsoefleld : We regret to learn that Ur J. A. Baird, who recently oompteed ea h a roomful ruts" of study In the old oonatry, has nontreated • severe oold, and on •Drool of 111 health, bas abandoned his boards were scrolls, betting the word, Intended trip to British Columbia He has, „Welcome," exquisitely iterated wltb galea the pri01o0 of house surgeon in the colored crayons. The children 1s holiday IV enters 1; 1 Hospital, Montreal, until attire. the girls wearing sashes of solum, he regains nre health and strengthleaves, presented • vary pretty appearanr, TwOltenmlth : On the 3rd of Walser but mat of all to IN admired was the our business has increased so enormously lately is that we treat our customers right and give them the lxtst quality of goods at the lowest possibltyricei. We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Farmers' Supplies in the County, and we buy direct from the inanufacturers for cash. Give Us a CaII and We Will Do Our Best to Please You. EWs Carry a Large and Well -assorted Stook of Crws-e:ut Saws, Axes, Hau,lloe, Cow cheltte. Baru -door Koller* and Tracks, T,Htnges, Strap Hinge/4, Latches, Cow-tles, 8 all Fixtures, Curry combs, Horse brushes, tleruess Oil, Hanna Blacking Locks, Knots, Bdtts Hoge WA:artoey, In the slaty -Ire. rear of his age. Deo.ued was a natty" of Tucker• smhh, being born oo the Mill road to 1840, an l was s can of the late Robert McCartney, Deceased married Miss M.rgarct Walker, daughter of the late Geo. Walker, of the Mill road, and sister of John Walker, the present reagent tf the old homestead. Clara : The St. Catharine" Journal. of Got. 7, said :-"111. and Mrs. F. Holmes, of Grantham. had • pleasant surprise on Saturday. Their eldest eon, K Holmse, Clinton, dropped 1n on them unexpectedly ; Miss Millie Holmes wan attending the Pao ad happened to moot her ,•phew, Tbeo. Zealand, of Detroit, sod brought hint home with her : and on Sunday, E T Holmy, of lodlaoapalle, soother eon. dropped 10. se that there was an uosntloiteted but yery plr;uat family gathering It eau eight yore sloes the four brothers were home ,ogether. Mew one ■Slue■ 1. spe■t. Not Jess tate one million dollars Is anew •Ily spent by people seeking an absolute ours for ostarrh, bronobitre and oonsamp Hoo. Numerous ere the remedies, bot toe one standing preeminently above all ot Isere 1. Camera in.. It cures these desires because It is rue to reach t hem Catarrh- ezors Is inhaled into the lunge, throat and easel purges, and bathes every part of the diseased membrane wtih Its rerm killing, healing vapour. You simply breathe Catarrh• ozone and it cures. I'rioe 25, and 51 at iragglsts, or Poison & Co., hiogeoo, Out. DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES et 05. Peter's Selma -as EsesIISf$ Pre gram /tendered by tae Children. Friday, 0 t ober •11th. was a day at St. Peter'" school not soon to be forgotten. On that day the prase that had been promt•ed the pupils at the l,eglnln, of the year by Rt. Rev. Fergus P. Mab:.ay, 1) U., 'bebop of London, Rev. Father West, the trustees and ether generous o.oetaotors was distrt The prizes presented were books, all 'lo gently bound in the later style of blether, os entrance ezamloatioe-presented by come with Amenean seal binding, padded Judge Davie, .warded to Nay Kidd. covet" and stilt edges. Groat oars was align Prize for reading -persisted by Rev. to the /election ot hooks, sod it was very os- Mother lenses. of [Anion, awarded to orrery, os thoughtless and Induarlmisate Edna Hogan. reading 1. to the soul what op.em is to the Kele. Prix, for ord lit. d to Kathleen pre Kelld y. This by Mrs. mental faculties. This school room. were prettily derrsted Prise for srtII,metio-pr%ented by Mr. for the oocaaloo, with maple leaves. flowers J. I) O'I'onceP, awarded to Noy Kidd. soil toilette, and draped with Union Jacks Prize for grammar -presented by Mr. looped with maple leaves. On the blas- Kidd, awarded to Mev,'' Dean. Prize for drawing --presented by Mr. .1. Kelly, awarded to Ney Kidd, t'r r. for geography presented by Mr. Joe. Or thin, aw.rded to Kathleen Kelly. Prtre for physiology presented by Mr. Jae. Dean, awarded to Winnie Griffin. Sheri. pared away, .her a lone illness, Mr. orderly demeanor of the pup Is. A giro Prize for regular at' eodanoe -presented Lowest Prices is Tows si 1asa H. COLBORNE. r I. ,t N. 1 cola Blast Lanterns only 75c. livaranteed collo blow out. WE DON'T HANDLfI CULLS. ALLAN & McIVER, Thu Leading Hardware Fin, Honest Goods al. 110tlo I'hone 57. 1 11U1111 1Illlll ul lll llllul l lllulli number of the parents and birds of the uhlldreo were pressor. Rev. • Father West was e000mpanted by the trusters, Messrs. Gratho, Ford aria peso. Before the di.trlbutto, of prize' began ,Its following program wassdmtrably rend ered, rttle,ttng gnat credit on the pupil' and their teachsrs. W eloome Chorus . "Fondly We ()reel, You' Words of N eloome Mester Msurloe Ki.k Recitation -Under the Curfew" Cowtane' (.0511. "The Maple Leaf." "Lin Ie Iota." "Unawares" t,horue Canoe,t Recitation Roo:attoe teals Box. Chorus . ."Sweet Jammer'" (:one Away" Reoltatioo. :3l,. Chnetopher'e Burden" Leslie Webb. Concert Reoitatloo.... -Tee British Flag.' Chorus "Greeds, the Ltod of the Maple Tree." Rev. Esther West, aselated by the true tees, presented the prizes. Before doing so, he thanked the obddren for the agree- able surprise they had given him by pre- panog •uoh au excellent program. He abs congratulated the pupils who had obtained the prizes and desired them to keep their books as souvenirs ot their happy rheol days, for "when all that is worldly tore, to dross around us, ba nks only 11 110 their steady value." ,loeeph Grin, alio, in a sew well chosen words oomphmeoted the children and their teachers on the soccer ot their entertsie- ment, mod urged the neoer,ty of panes, and erierds fiffilincmere eubetentel ploot. of encouragement to the pupils sal/k8 To 1155105 r:LAss5s. Prue tor eempoeltton-presented by gr. Rev. Fergus 1'. McKvay, D. 1), Behove) London, awarded to Fdua Hogan. 1'r .e for hiett ry-preseeted by Rt. Rea. Feraue 1'. MoEyay, 1). D. Bishop of Un - do's. awarded a Haggle I)eeo. Prize for dtotatlon-presorted by_ Rev, Esther Wrt, awarded to Winnie Griffin. Prize for highest total norther of marl" by 11,0 trustees, •warde1 i.. Willie Wright. 1 r ze for bottleet total number of marks on monthly examinations ,n iuoior fourth class -presented by the trustee", awarded to Orrle Ueao. Prize for the highest total number of marks on monthly examinations to esnlor third o'er -prorated by Rev. Father Wear, awarded te Floreoca Mc1aoald. Prize for highest total number of 'nuke on monthly exsnlutlnne in Junior third class -presented by the trustees, awarded to Mary Neville. Pries for gm! onndoot and applloation- pre.eoted by Rev. Mother [natio. of Los deo, were awarded to Mary Lacey and Mary Doyle. Prize for good conduct and apollc•tfoa- presented by.Rt. Rev. Fergus P Mclyay, •warded to Maurice Kteley, Price tor good conduct and apphotlon- presented by Mrs. Kiely, "stabled to Gertfs Fox. Prize for puootaalety-presented by Mr. Ki,ld, awarded to Eugene Deao. i'r zv for regular ettendanoe at Sunday hoot --presented by Mr, Jos. Griffin, awarded to Bernard WoAvoy, rat".dem .ir•!11oa rhea e , Rlyo1L7G1117-i310 GUNSwe make the following offers :- Double -Barrel Breech Loaders, 12 Gauge e. .e .t Better Quality .. Al Savage Rifles, 303 Cal. Flobert Rifles, 22 Cal. BonehilltM ke i'r'ze for arithmetic -prorated hy Rt, Rev. Bishop M••Kvay, awarded tor'" steno" UritS,. Pnz, for spelling -.presented by R•_ Rev, Bishop MoEvey, awarded t, George Kuntz Prize for reading -prima ed by Rt. Rev. Bishop McEvoy, awarded to Mous Kidd. Prz, for wntIng-presenters by trustees, awarded to KItz.beth Farr. Prom lues good randier, and application - presented by the t teeth t.aoey. Prize for reading and speling-presorted hy Rt. Rev. Bebop Mary, awarded M Lilian Faulkner. seut Pdzs for arithmetic-orsed by the trustees, awarded to 1. than Kuntz Prize for regular •ttendaeoe---prrsented by Rt. Rey. Reap ktoE:v.y, awarded t• Leslie Prissier geed deadsct and atlee- prwested by Mr. Kidd, award to Chile. uoe Mal.ugall. Prize for good oonduot and apolioa'ler oressoted by 1i'. Rey. Bishop McEyy, awarded 10 Fr•nois flood. Prize for good conduct and epplloation, awarded to Lata Marten, After the singing of the Nationel Anthem deport"ell deport" 1, well pleated with having ss, h an ..j"%vbls,hoar. $ 7.00 1 1.00 -20.00 - 25.00 - 3.25 $5 00, 5 75, 6.00, 6.50, SOMETHING New and Special about MANTLES in the latest New York designs, tailor made in correct lengths, Black Beaver, Black Curl, Black Astrachan, Black Fur, Dark Grey ReversibleFrieze, Fawn Beaver, Cardinal Beaver, all lined, with Satin or Satanna. Just the Nob - blest Coats to be found in the trade and at popularly low prices for the quality of the goods, ranging in prices : 7.25, 8.00, 8.75, 10.00, • 1.00, 12.00, 18.50, 1100. MESS GOO Our sale of Dress Goods this Fall has been greater than we expected, but that is l 'llsily accounted for -we have the right goods at the right price. Our stock of Homespuns and good -to -wear Black Cheviots, Cheviot Serge, Wor- steds, Sorges, Henrieftas and Brocades, ranging in price from 20 cents to $3.00 a yard. No old shopper here. Every- thing new, fresh and up-to- date. s In black, dark and light greys, browns and two tone effects have met with general approval, because the goods are right and the prices low. A lot of Union Tweed Dress Stuffs • FLANNELETTES 20c. to 50 cts. Fine finish, hast color. All prices from 5 cents to 15 cents, and from 25 to 36 inches wide and fast colors. English and Canadian Snakes. French Flannels for Blouse Waists in a number of the newest patterns cen and colorings, from 39 to 50 ts. Wrapperettes."OoloTed on bath tides, fast colors for wrappers and waists, 10 to 121 cents, Canadian and English makes . These goods are extra value. Ladies' Black All=Wool• Ladies fine AH -Wool Hose Cashmere plain and -ribbed- - NOs ery to 50 cents -plain and 23 to 50 cents. GIri ribber!, Uolerich snake, trustees, •earded to Ehx' (gloves, Cashmere, Ringwood anti Black and Colored Kid. A complete stock of Fingering and Saxony Yarns and all kinds of haberdashery and sn►alt water. MANTLE CLOTHS in Black, Fawn and Cardinal, Beavers, Curls and Astrachan:t LOADED SHELLS. - Bieck Powder, 2c. each. 12 GAUGE. Smokeless Powder, 2!.c. each, We also carry a full line of Rovolvers, Gun -Cases, Cartrigo Bags, Gun Cleaners, Reloading Tools, etc. GUN ' POWDERS. American Deadshot, Kentucky Rifle, King's Semi -Smokeless. SMOKELESS. King's, Hazard's, Robin Hood, Gold Dust. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. N. D. RODUV I E, a The Cash Hardware, GODERICH. URS -Everything new and fresh in these goods in Collars, Ruffs, Storm Collars, Caperines and Ladies' Coats, and you will find our prices as low as consistent with new up-to-date goods. me our goods before making a selection. Ne York Cosmopolitan Patterns for sale. No pattern more than 15 tents. J. H- COLBORN, C'ODERICH. Lumbago Meeks Mralgbte_ed. Iloo't lie around the hoses 1 ring time and money hears your bark is .tiff from lumbago. Do as IA oossnde heti re you have done. Buy • large tool. of that anasuelly good Iiolmrot, I'oleo:,'s Nervihr o, and rut It Ire g •ren ly over the sore tort. 1 t. g, t , a the peal, drives It ons, limbers yea up In no time. Servllios ie quick to relieve : never fall. ; never harms. Try it today, d5 cent,. hoodoo Advertiser : t'olire\l)fli or klao- I)onsln and Mrs MacDonald are rang on • nolida, trip, taking in -Hippos. Mrs. Mee Donald's fes rmer home • so (Clinton and Ooderich. CANADIAN ► PACIFIC SPORTSMEN WILL FIND GOOD SHOOTING in the !eke. kip{{,ewe end Ternlsksming UI.- Irkts, also lisrnable. Heron 11., .nd Neplgon. RETURN TICKETS3will be ,issued al Single First Class Fare asd One-third. Fro n Stall." s to Onto• io. Shari of (L deo and tyt7t. tojekes Kteen a a and Tv ml.kaming Nlatrlt to, gond going dept, lath tO,Nov. 1.510 To Mlesanebl,'. 1101)0 flay aad Nepig .0, goo 1 going Oat. ISth to Nor. Pith : aS lrkn. s 1001 ler. torn until 1)eo. 1Stb,tt:St. -.. Yr tall panle•dnrs apply to roar nrarntt l' %4,J 1' 1t. Agent, or 11 ,:,'ll,, M,g5•'M l,5. A. C. r. "..st"""ns", TF.RN8--Gael es Praises. Coal Bilis nre now • Serious item. Theft why burn coals for the weekly wash? Some Soaps won't was linen without boiling, but SUNLIGHT SOAP will We a wise economy to buy the best of all Soaps, when by doing so the quantity of coal used o• washing day can be Reduced 50 per cent. Burning coal to help inferior and low-priced Soaps to wasp 1. like spending • S cent tram fare to purchase • to cast article for 9 crate, By using SUNLIGHT SOAPoa ave its cost in the cost of the coals un- used, not to mention the longer life of the articles washed. A tablet of Sunlight Soap will do more work wttaat e.sls, and do it infinitely better, than two tablets of common, cheap soap will do wth CONIC The majority of the public mom find out the lines of true eooneel . That's why SUNLIGHT SOAP is asked for by three people to one asking for spy other soap in the world. • 6+4144440Fe+o+e+e+M441'Woos+e+e4o44+4444 + +*4o+o4i' The King of R•ndee. "Duch'. Happy Thought" iT tool Sitoney, 1 Hands and Brains to perfect The Happy Thought Range, and It's the Range that ardent copiers have taken their cne from. : : t t t Nappy Thought Ranges are made in 8 different sizes and 72 ditereat styles. They have all the latest praotfoal Improve- ments such as the Corrugated Oven, Tran parent Oven Doors, Unob5,+tructable Ove_n Daioper and a rborongh System of Oven Ventilation. : 1 t 190.000 Canadian Coolie P,.e.ma,end Thom. Ie1gP Write for Illustrated pamphlet. 1[uebeheed by The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Briittfbedi GOLD PT LEE & 811EPHARD, Goderich. Happy 7hoaybt Their Cue •!r ! BEATEAI4L STOVE PIPE VARNISH Least Odor, Brightest Lustre, Quickest Drying of all Cost, no higher than inferior makes. Use the Best. CLIMAX STOVE POLISH fh'ightens up old Furniture. Makes it look new. W. Ce Goode, Chemist, Bedford Block. Mill Wood FOR SALE'\ The above is cut into stove wood Length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. WORSELL'S 18 TILE PLACE TO BUY.. . STOVES, FURNACES and PLUr1BiNO J. H.orsell, PETER McEWAN. The cheap sires ,,teri,•h, November 21st, 1899. 53.3m Goderloh. foresail mac, A GOOD SHOE.... should be fashionable, of good wearing quality, nice fitting, and keep its shape till thesole parts from the upper through long use and wear. Such a shoe is the EMPRESS. of which we have sole control. We have:a full line of cheaper shoes in stock: Wm. Sharman, jr. Slater Shoe Agent.