HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-17, Page 1THREE e'A•a11
ADV'Tel Alts
; . 1901
UOUOlan. Gel 16 1901.
Yell W beet. sass a e4 to 64
Flour, tam117. per owlt 0.1 to 1 IU
Roar, pa Not. per owl 1 50 to 2 ei
Fina, •teas. _.. _... . - 13 00 telt 00
8borw. It ton _„ --- le 00 tole 00
8on+e,lrge, per cwt t Ou to 1 00
Bye, per bush ...... 0 10 to 0:10
Buckwheat, per bush 0 40 to 0 50
Ogle. • bash ..... ........-..,._33 00 0 13
1'w, ti bosh...- -- .. _ ..... _... _00 loo 0 61
Barley, per bask 38 to o to
Hay, • ton. 1 uo te10 00
Potatoes • bush.. new 30 W 30
Mutter, -- . - 11 to 0 15
(;beers. oar Ili-.., ,,.,,. 10 to 0 11
Igor, emelt nopaek.d, • lea13 to 0 83
H10es,••..•..._......_._ 50 y500
Pelt. ,.,,,• 161 a0 0 25
Live Hon ,.... 00 to 6 W
Dressed Hogs 0010750
Bacon.....- 12 to 0 118
Ham. par lb.. ........ ___..-115 to 0 16
Lard, per Ib. 83 to 11
lassoed Her! fon quarter W to 0 Op
Dressed Best. head 00 to 0 uo
Cattle. Export 75 to 150
(hdlury 00 to 350
Pan-American Ezpod1Io, Haffaley. October
Nth and 15th. Pare $t/6. Uodertcb to
Buffalo and return. Tickets wood going .11
regular (nine O,.tober 1. 18 and ath +slid
returning from Ilutfalo on or before Monday
following date or issue. All tickets g304 to
.top over at Ntagwrs rails.
Be sure •ad purchase your ticket& from
Town T.oket Ascot. O. T. It.
OEO. T. BELL, M. C. D(CKe0S,
0.1'. t T.A. D.P.A.
Office Hours : 6 A. as. to 10 t' a.
Money refunded on all tic tete purchased
and not used.
$ltuation• Vlaeant
TV servant. Two In the family. $1:
will bepaid • competent girt. Mn. R.
RANS1'0BD. Clinton.
to take orders for our onstage made
walking sktru end underskirts. Writs uulok-
Guelph. Oat.
dram end lichee Wow made sutra, by
M. ODNDaY, South end Vlotorl• .t.
11 printing trade. Apply •t SIUN1LOmd.
that °an ao plata cooking. Good wages
Mesa to the right person. Apply to Mrs. 88.A
McOA W. tie Vincent .t. 1'1000
rhea at the Oolborne House. Apply
M unto.
Teacher of pt.o. organ and tweet
Studio - corner of Hamilton scree
Teacher of Pletcher musty method. will re
Delve pupils at her studio. above Mr. Neftel',
Insurance ofMoe H•mlll le street Icor Infos
mation apply elthor at /studio or at tcsldea, e.
et Patrice s street
(Peanut and musical dlreotor of North st.
Methodist heron, and teacher of pianoforte,
pipe organ and theory, eel! be pleased to re
calve pupils. lostraotlon given either at
studio or at puorl'e home, as desired. etudes
at Emerson s Music more, Weep{. 720
Fon Bale.
.Smear e0•talning eight rooms. wood
sedated sheds attacked, toe sale on reason
able terms. Apply to Kn, ADAMSON if
of the oldest established In Western On
Tarlo, Solid new brick, recently rebuilt.
08.30, well equipped with modern machinery.
dry kll., etc. No encumbrance. Suited as
well tor other manufacturing. flood chance
for right man. Term, easy. F. SMEETH,
Uoderloh. Ont. 61 St
on 6th concession. Ooderlch township.
110 sores cleared, the balance In hard weed
bush, Marren of good orohard. goof house.
Rood barns and stables, well watered end
fenood, In goal state of cultivation. A oholoe
farm. BERNARD WILSON, Uoderloh
township. - f
1 500 DsASt,HweOl RpnOroNb•wTE011R.0 SLTegO
stonebotme e
with six -roomed •ddltloo,sltnated
on Proton Street. Malt an acre of Isnd with
*Il the outbuildings thereon thrown In. For
farther earthman apply to TMEO. J. MOOR -
MOU8111. Hayfield )'. O. 30.11.
OR SAI.R.-LOTS 96, 96, 117, 118, 119
and 1111 In Ilotob8oa''ps survey, all In
oderloh. For particulate apply 10
Barrister, toe Underfelt.
March 1(th, 1900. 8011
In/unanoe. eta
Yirot door myth side of Wost street,
over ('. 1'. R. Office.
Correspondent ; J, r'. Mcer.,)y t Co.
All orders promptly nt.nate.
k •
AMIE and real .11.10 .gent. 0fsnw. tee
door east of P. O.. Oo4erloh. Agent for th.
lending mutest Ore In,nrsnne oompenlea and
loading stook eompsnles.
Merotntl;e and man,fmtur(n1 risks at
lowest rate'. Call at o1See.
A000untaet and Insurance Agent.
Books and memento mad° 'p.
liutldinge rented and rent. 0ollented.
Vire !agorae** In Hrltl.h and Canadian
OOtos- la I'roudfoot t Hayti office. North
treat Oederioh, 12 tf
11 J. T. NAFtSL, OKNICRAi. iN-
SURANOE Sal Real Kitson agent.
Vire, Life, A°Mdentand Plate Olen Insurance
efrecte7 on mutual er earth plan at lowest
rata ,owible.
Het English and (Ianadion companies rep
ret ed,
00! sett door to Carrow & ()arrow, Bar
.tsar, Hamilton Street.
Rang Bergen. Moe In Bank of Ooa-
miWNW., West side of Sri me. Nlgkt
cells K r'eeldlwes, L.1. se. W. Phone( 1.
Pubue Notion.
unties that anyone sf •R 8h.
41"48 -'ming es lamperise with the feral.
'hooting or teespu dna apes set lard of ono
rb, will be arrested and pro.ennte+d
11 4TTRILt.- SJ to
W anted.
tell. wMid lenders ter 13 nerds Seff green
on et Noon will be remit A
Pod by the nederelge.
• Me Nth der of We mentk Tb,
*end nowbe all hard wont, spelt • d pile4
I" the • to' rii la the tows of () stettek, and
all delivered were the list A
stet. f yy Al 1/
l dory of OeteA=tnh1#L ~0s t71erIL
Lively nolownselon •i ■ .able. leetlag
Meader geealag.
Mayur tyaeon u•lled • wee log of the
°Roans for Mutual eveoing to disease the
project for tL•.0500 , of • summer hotel
whlob I. pow before the electors, and whlob
will be voted upon next Monday. A bun
dreg or more oltizoo" gathered at the time
hall In response to the call of Hi• Worship
Lad as laterstlog meeting resulted.
The Mayor ocoupiiol the obs rand startsd
the ball stilling by explain'ag that the
*bigot of the mooting was to 000•lder the
aranttog of • loan of 810.000 to Mr. S051t11
for the eetebllshment of • hummer hotel in
8 oderleh and •o pressing 00e hops that the
°atoms would ouudd•r the prolene favor
A. 0! U Allan was the first eplsker.
He wen present, he said, as • ratepayer
lnterest•d to the •dv•oo•meot of the tow,.
They had been trying for twenty five years
to promote the summer tourist triremes,
and some years ago • large betel awes built
at the park In an •ttemp0 to attract a h;ghar
oleos of trade Zhao the wino had been dome
A better Maui of people did oome when
Okla hotel was built. A great deal of money
was spina in advertlals,. and for this rote
e on no dividend was paid. The Mare
holden •zp•otsd In time to make wmethtog
on their loveatm.nt, bot unfortunately the
hotel uses bunted down and had not nee°
rebuilt. In tbe aubeequent efforts at woab-
ltnhlag • summer hotel they had bees met
with • demand that the town should &mums
• portion of the tisk, as than would be •
large iazpenditun at the etrt without ado.
gnats returns. Mr. Smith's proposal was
to ergot • brick or brick bulldiog,
with heating appliances, •o that the season
oould be prolonged. A winter business
would be deo' on the sanitarium preiclple.
ills mineral rand salt water would be .bi
Ilxod to 0000mtloi, with this, and he be.
hayed the sanitarium would 8,e a money
making Institution. Mr. Smltb did not
propose to assume all the risk ; he asked
the town to serums s portion. The tetra'.
reek ism the interest on the loan. which at
four per not. would be $400 a year. The
town would get tb' muoloipal and school
tat on the land, the "shoot tax oo the em
pro0em.ota, the electric and water rates,
and the whole taxes on bathe and 0000.8..
that would be erected on other land than
that to b. Included In the mortgage.
E Graham was not satisfied with Mr.
Allan's explanation of the Inor•.•.d toes
wblob the ratepayers would have to pay.
The bylaw said they would bre $1,200 61 •
Mr. Strang asked why the tows should
t*ke.11 the risk. 11 the betel were to pay
• 1 all It would begin to pay before the end
of tea years, and It was customary to pro-
vide for the yearly repayment of • portion
of the loan, He spoke et other bohemial.
whioh money had been lost ler Godenoh, and
thought it was about time poop'• tooled at
both side* of Obese ;tasesioos. At the end
of the tau years what poeltloo would Lite
town be in if Mr. Smith (mod the business
did not pay and lets the pl•oe co the hands
of the town'
W. C. Goode denied that the town was
taking all the risk. Mr. Smith was putting
In $15,000 hlmnit. The furniture of the
hotel alone would net $5,000.
Mr. Strang Instanoed the town's ex•
perleen with the elevator as showing that
agreements of 1118• ked are unsafe.
Mr. floods --Mr. Smith would have no
object In going Into the "hems If he did not
believe It would pay, 11 the mortgage wore
foreclosed the town would have to
halldless, furniture and land lull value for
the 810,000. Mr. Goode emphasized the
5.0ltart,m Idea, as Mr. Smith sald he
would sol go into the three months' session
baslgw, Some towns hod done more than
this for the summer hotel business, and this
must be looked upon as eoly the lint of
I hotels. Others would follow, as
had been the can at Orchard Beach, HI
figured out that with the 'caressed taxes,
water and et"tri.• light rates that would be
paid in onnectlon with the hotel the extra
border moo the t•xpsyer would be very
small. With 300 people expending $15 •
week, lnoludiog board, for Ino weeks, there
would he $45,000 extra spent in town If the
hotel were established. H• urged that
every vote should be polled In favor of the
bylaw, it was necessary to have • two
third, vote bo carry the bylaw, and if there
were only • bare two.t1or4. vote then
would be trouble la getting the bili t';rouoh
the Legislature. The reason to- not r.psy-
•eg any part of the loan before the end of
the ten years was that Mr. Smith would
went to me every cont of the profits In
making improvements and extensions, •
George Acheron said all the talk about
summer hotels had never taker hold of him
as Ma proposal het, He had formed •
very favorable opinion of Mr. Sm,th and
believed the hotel would be • paying in•
setae on, and the employment of the salt
water bathe and the mineral water would
be • good step. H. did bot believe the
►two would lose • dollar.
Mr. Graham mien to*k the floor ail said
he was not willing to to taxed on saoh •
speculation. The texas were high enough
already. Let Mr. Smith make • start hem,
..it before raking for as.atanoe from the
town, and he might then get his (the
speaker'.) yote, but he would not on this
0.uoolllor J. C Martin explained that
the bylaw had hewn submitted, not on
the •pplfoatlon of Mr. Smith, bot aeon the
Statistics show that asylums aro
(Overcrowded with patients suffer.
ing from despondency and mental
oollapse, dne to low vitality and
impoverished blood, which cannot
keep the brain healthy. "Climax"
Iron Tonin Pills stimnlato the brain
cells and nerves, restore vitality
and make new rich blood. Pries
25 Dente, at all druggists, or mail.
ed on receipt of pries. Address:
The Dr. Hall Medieine Co., Hing.
gton, Ont.
I.ewal Bale.
Under and by vlrt0e of the power contained
le • certain mortgage. dated the 30th day of
May. IRR. ma4, to the vendors, there will be
sel4 by pahllo mention at Ilnttrm'a hotel, In
Ibis town of NoderIch. In the minty of Boron.
on Satetrtal, the filth day of ncfober, 1001. at
11 &cloak noon. My John Knot. •nntloneer,
the following 'ablates, pro -arty namely : the
south halt of lot onmMr 3 in the 6th .encs
sten, western division of the township of Ash
field. In the owing of Horne,
Mere are about Mores of the shove lan..e
nleared, The end la of sandy loam and le well
watered by • week. Tho hull/Ingo oonsst of
a log hen (11x: 1, • hones Iran and • grafter,
Not The grOD..ty la sirnetee It mile, from
Ood.rlrh, 11 from 0..n.knnw, 10 from Ripley,
one 3 from Eletall, on • grew, road.
Term. Ten per omit. of the pnrohase
mons 00 the time of sale sae the D• ..,.
w1Uile nes month thereafter.
Per further parlleola,s apply to the •no -
Newest. or to
Voodoo's Mhsllor. Auctioneer.
Dsast this 30th ear of gglsm8sr. 1101, 30.48
1'oatioo of a groat number of ratepayers.
•pp 1 R p 1
Tee ooumail had tether to 00(:00 the props
sawn or to submit It to the people ; they
oould ant lurks any Manaus In Ir. ,y118. .
awe Ken o0 the buildug and land and Mr.
Smith's personal seourlty, he thought th
town was well secured. H• believed Mr
Smith ouulI m.k• the hotel • summers and
did not took h. was asking 1100 much from
the town. as he was Investing • great deal
of moray himself. Mr. Smith was to pay
the (aprons of the bylaw whether le was
Iwo or tarried.
Hon. J, 'P, Darrow said that as • rate-
payer he had ,o hesitation In uoqu•ldledly
supporting the scheme. They bad been
t•Iktoj for twenty live year* of the town's
great natural •dvanl.gea as . summer re-
sort sod he thought they Mould Lain •d•
vantage id this proposition. 'The question
wu., Would they have 61111 "ohms or noth-
ing'' Mr. (arrow pointed out that ascordlag
to the terms of the bylaw We hotel mast be
10.1,tatned right up to the mark or the
88.01145(1 would be subleot to loreelosure at
any time during the ten year'.
The .levator baying been mtotlooed dar-
ing the duouutoo, Mr. U•rrow made a few
remarks oonoerntug 1t, He had money In
vested I, the elevator and although he had
hada° return from It hews not discouraged,
b. believed It would tura out all r'gh0.
I'bey bad made a mistake In hutldi,g the
elewater before the harbor was Improved.
It was now earning money and would In
time pav dividends. The eley•tor was •
great public osoeslty ; the town had done
its duty and would Dome out all right.
(:ou,mllor Humber, W. l'roudfoot, War-
den Holt,' 1'. D. Hawley end .los. Mitchell
all spoke strongly In favor of the proposition.
Mr. I'roudfoot stated tb•t those en:itl.d to
vote were those weed as owners of real es
tate to the value of 8300 sod tenants who had
leafs for the period covered by the bylaw
(ten yeas). Persons &messed 1. different
wards 001114 vote 1, tasks o1 then ward..
Mr. Hawleyl spoke as • summer visitor and
.Iso as • property owner. He had visited
several of the sanitariums io the United
Stats, and Done of them had • alt0atiO3
that:could oompare with Mat of Uoderloh.
F. (3, SisiesoN's AI•rul0r1INT ,-F, G.
'empe00, formerly organist In North street
Methodist churoh bore, hen been appointed
organist and choir muter of the ('antral
H.ptlet church, Minneapolis, Minn., one of
Ole largest oburohto In that olty, and one
which employs • paid quartette. Mr. Simp-
son was the unanimous& obi les of the music
A NArive err OoI Kkt'l1 --Chicago British
American Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frederick
Stekw, who were married on Aug. 31, will
b1 at home to their friends atter Nov. 1, at
332 Oakwood boulevard. The bode, prior
to her marriage, was Mies Mary Miranda
Wetherbee, of l'hloago, while tb• groom,
wbo le • native of GoJerlcb, Oat , has been
meted as one of the largest bioyole immune -
curers to this put of the °owl try.
111.11 Cot- ask IN ST, K Ji 10.1 N... -Toe
president of the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, I;ualpb, announces a Mort °cures to
stock an4 grain judging ooatme,olog Janu-
ary 8-11 next and 000Onulog for two weeks.
No tuition fee will be charged, nor any en-
Lean00 examination required. Any farmer
or farmer's eon may enter for this taunts,
but .o only a limited number gran be a000m-
medaed application Mould be made at
mos. This will he • Rood Mann for young
farmers and stook men to extend theirk,owL
edge altos scientific lines.
Tits R•roRT Commove -W• hard •
rood story the other day of two Methodist
livmee who, while atteodlog oomfueooe,
got into • dtscu'too on literary told....
Die oonyersalloo turned into a daunts as
to OM Interpretation of • metal. passage
from Shakespeare, and the two premhers
found themselves utterly unable to agree
upon the •ubjest. "Well," geld R..,. -
hnally, "th.8,'. the first thing I'll ask
Sbakespeere when l get to heaven." "fiat
euppose he shouldn't be there." "Then
you can ask him " wee the amok retort.
Deere Or Mtn,SeellaRY. Mn.ylattery,
wife of James Slattery, G.T. It. smlfonmaa,
and • reepmtad resident of Uoiertoh for
many years, died on Wednesday, 9th loot ,
after an tllo&m of several months' dnr•t:oo
Besides bar husband, she leaves • grown-up
family of two sons and two daughters to
mourn the los of • rood mother. the sone
ere James and John, tho later reeldeglu
Cleveland ; and the langhters teles Mag
gte, who 81 now at home, and Mtn Bosco,
of Detroit. The remote. were Interred In
the Roman Catholic oemetery o0 Friday
moroing, after • serv.oe at St Peters
church. The deoeased was filty-Osco year.
of eon
AN OLD QoD.RL-n R1 81110T. -The Cana -
Alan Hardware Jerome' ergs : "Mr. Harry
Ctuoss, who has long represegled the Caned.
Palet Co. In Western (Mario, has been
appointed w the Marge of the sales depart•
meat of the Toronto ofhoe, alai will shortly
bake up his ruldeooe 1, that city. He will
b. &ml.eed by Mr. Lee, who has been doing
excellent aervloe for his firm, while Mr.
Monokhoase will •Iso be on the *astern
territory. This staff ought to prove a
Or•t•olass oombi,atlon." Mr. CI,,as Is •
resident of London, and his many friends
here, while pleased to hear of his promotion,
wi11 deeply regret the removal of bonne I
and family from this oily. -London rem
MRn (It1.8., D•Aytl.-Mrs. (leorge Roll
died on Friday last at the home of H.
T;ohbourne, Montreal street, when she had
. pont the last few weeks of her Gloms,
i e• age was thirty nine years. The funeral
to 't plata on Sunday afternoon and was
• ttelect hy 5.7.018 of the deeeoed'e
hoe. from Brune county. A. there have
been some grave reports to olrnul.t+on con
oernlne the manner of her death, Crowe'
Attorney Leann has •ntbor•eed us to state.
hat • poet mortem et•mination was per•
formed by Ur. Whitely. with the •,,inanee
of another doctor, sal he report& that Mrs.
HAI died of .oute tuberculous There Was
no mark on her oho wing that she had lige.
LIritRAlty Stet ETV -The regular meeting
of the (' dlegiate In.lIluS, Literary Society
was hell last Friday evening. The prof
deo0. Wesley Edward, took the ohalr and
delivered hie immoral address, otter whloh
the following program was rendered : Ie
e rnmental, Mise Quante; U C. 1. ioarnal,
F. Edward ; rsottetton, Miss Edna Straiten;
question drawer, Mr. Strang ; reading,
Mew Ida Baba; vocal solo, W, neediest
Model S.hool Brum, Miss Stoll. Urmoney;
Instrumental, Mise Urate Dyke. The
editors of tM (1 C. 1 and Model Sohonl
publication* prod,eeel interesting editions of
their journal., and the other members so
the oro 'ram were well rendered
MAR•Itg Ar Wi'NIr'r.i MIs. Maggio
Stews, *Ideal daughter of IH,nry Stowe, of
taws, sera married at Mentor' ea Wetting
day, September 25-h, te Mom Carter, who
some time e{(+ .1114.4 the reser and leash
In llnderioh and Is now In the Memorial
hodnwe at I'.Int Mooed, Man The wed-
ding took plans at the residence of the
bride's aunt, Mrs Manndsr., 441 Balmoral
street, Winnipeg, In the pr*we1 et im-
medlote friend* and relatives, Rev. C. 18
Ptlblade performing the Os Smasy. '1►.
yoga. *maple teak part 1• IM ..le8rstt.s
of the Duk=. and Uuo
bow' visit to Wised
peg on the 10180.104 day and arrived oo
Friday at Pilot Mound, where • number of
Mr. Carter's friend. called o0 them and
Presented them with • number of handsome
News .Soot THs HAkeo t, - The .tr.
Adyanoe was in Sa'ord•y with 45,000
bushels ot wheat from Fort Welham for the
Uodertoh Elevator Co Toe .ohs. Har-
*ond arrived on Saturday from Toledo with
490 tons of coal for the town power house
The OseUrag• mads lta call on Moo-
d. yy on the trip mutts.... ...The .team
bdrg• George ])unbar and ooneort, West
Side, on the way to Kiooudi,e with owl,
rams In hers for shelter Moad•y night and
remained until yesterday eyeoiog To.
sir. Midland Queen arrived yesterday morn
lug from Duluth with 100,000 bushels of
wheat for the Uod.rtob Elevator Co
t'he surveying party from Lb. •tr. Bayfield
has been working In the harbor the. weak.
. Mate Haa.00, of the soli.. Herschel,
eras for captain of the barge Jrapttor whioh
was wreaked off Alpena last momeh. H•
cella • thrtllmg tale of bit experts/room on
that oco..lo0.
A KiNtLY A.'i8dw LuuminaNT. -Teat the
counsels" extended by the municipal author-
ities to the Wlogham yso0reiooiete lest
mummer were thoroughly sill heartily •p•
prenatal la shown by tke following letter
whioh Mayor Wilson has resolved from the
secretary of the exounloa oommlttee
WtMieAM, Oot. 11th, 1901.
Mayor Wilson. Ooderloh, Oatarlo.
DEAR S1R,-AI • meeting of the Wing -
ham u0iuo Sunday school •xcuraloo nom
mittens, bold last evening if the othei of Mr.
Thomas Ball, the following r••olut:on was
uaaolmously adopted --a uopy ot wbtah 1
have great pleasure to forwarding, to you -
toe. :-" Moved by Rey. W. Lowe and
amended hy Rrv, D. 1'.rrie, that the thanks
of the \Viogbam Saod•y school excureloo
uommotlee L,, and is hereby, tendered to
H11 Worehlp the Mayor of God.noh, for
he °our Amy and kindoese to the committee
acid exourstooistn on their visit to the town
on tic first of August but, and we also wuh
to leader • ,elut=e. thanks to Mr. Mitobell,
the town clerk, and Mr. Weak, the care-
taker, for their amelioration •ud ktat:oses
eo freoly shown to um h oonomtlo, with the
said excursion." tVlehlog your town and
yourself, my dear Cr, every prosperity, I
am, Yours most rot peat fully,
W. B. Too ore, Sm, Com.
Hoot Mon Tug 84.'.irw.-The God.rloh
and L)uogannoo companies arrived from
Toronto Saturday morning at 4 30, h•vtog
been on the road from Toronto since about
J o'clock Friday snoring While tbere is
some coniplal:>t an to tee shortoomiaps of
the transport and oommisury departments,
the boys seem to have taken a good deal of
enjoyment out of their experience •t the
realise, and there t no doubt that they
101101tted themselves creditably during the
ducal Inspection. Austin Chisholm sod
Morgan Jones were presented to the Duke
and received from him their modals for
*orrice to North Alrioa, The medal le •
beefy plea of silver, about two Inches In
diameter. Oa the f•os Is the bust of Queen
Victoria, with the wools, "Victoria Reg'oe
et Imperatrix." 0. the reverse le the
figure of Itritaoote bolder forth a laurel
wreath before the soldiers of the Queen,
with • number ot battleablpa In the back
ground. Iia the edge of the medal are the
name and the regimental number of the
.oldler to whom It is awarded. The ribbon
to whloh tt is attached has two stripes each
of red and blue, and • brooder one of
orange. The clasp ani ban, the latter
indicative of the engagements through
whioh the wearer has p&med, were not
presented ; they will tome later oo. We
trust that both of the recipients, who,
though army veterans, are unite young
men, will wear their honors to • rood old
age, sod will never have oau•s to regret the
ra11w1 eervioe whioh they performed for
Tums sad country on the some of strife In
' ou1h Africa.
Metal*. - The production of U. W.
Chase's dramatization of Mitre. Corelll's
popular novel, "Thelma," •t the Opera
House oo Tuesday evening was s very good
one and had a 1011 house, Ali on all the
mato characters In the story are penooated,
that le, all those directly connected with
the main plot, but the ohar•oter of the
Rev. Mr, Dtoewuthy as shown In the
play fails to come up to Mario lbrellee
descr,ptloo of the hypocritical Lutheran
divine, Gat (,nldmar, the old rugged
Norseman, clinging tenaciously to the faith
of hes fatbtrs in Odin and Thor, makes•
very pioturesque chinaoeer, and bis sterling
honesty and goa4 heartedness were admir-
ably represented, the same actor also play-
ing the part of Lird Wiosleigh very efleet-
ively. Sigurd, the dwarf, passionately
attached to his mistress, Thelma, and with
almost • ohild-I lie love for flower, •n.l the
beautiful In nature, was another striking
Manatee, sod • good personation was
viten. Ser Philip !Hues Errington and
Outgo. Lorimer, the two English gentle•
men visiting Norway, were characteristic
Norte, wall:t0k.,, The Ii11e role was fair,
bat fell short of the picture one would form
of the Norwegian prioress from reading the
novel. The part of Brette was one that
added • good des! to the humor of the play.
Her quaint dialeot and grammar and blunt
e tr.sRhaferward0e0 caused many • laugh.
Lady Wiosleigh, the complacent leader in
L,odoo society who, aunt by jealousy,
oonllrverlito bring sh=at • to ua0derst•nd toe
hetwren Sir Philip and his "northern rose,"
and Sir Fraud' Lennox, truly dscr,bed as
a "wolf In lamb's olothtng," were fair
repreetentaions. The soeee where Louisa
*pleats before Olaf Guldmar to make • oeo-
fesslon of her oriole before her death was •
striking one. wl*h th. Ramat old woman,
closely ,dad In black and teuning on her
°rooked staff, end the old Norse bonds as
oho partioipanu. - Violet Vers, the actress,
and several miner pars were loelu led In
the Dost, The Norwegian 'winery, repro -
milting midsummer sod midwinter i, the
Allen Fjord. was very fine, and the stage
settings •pproprlate.
A PRxelNTAT1oN PARTY. --O& Me1d.7
evening the members of the chair of Vio•
Darla street Methodist °harsh, the Latteers
and tetohen n1 the ,Sabbath sohnol and
the member" of Mise Minnie Hilller's :dab.
bath school oleos repaired to the bnene of
W. J. Rutledge, Albert street, to bid fare.
well be their teacher and follow worker.
Mies Hillier has for 1 years taken •
Prominent pare In the work of Victoria
street. ohorch, and this gathering an the
e ye of her departure for the Wed, was for
the purpose of showing that her efforts had
sot pawed oonottud. ,Toho Shannon was
appointed ehalrman, •e4 the following
&dere* was read by .1. H Mulles i
00ba(h 11, Oot 10tb, 1901.
Mies Minnie Hillier.
l)•AR Fiilow•WnRKRR.-W., • few of
your friend* to a IotbAa street Methodist
oharoh, roe the eye of your departure from
among as, desire to swore you e1 the deep
tailing of affeeHes ere bete far yen We
have ewe wIlh ple•snr. the Interest yea
have tekan In everything that perlalned to
the sphlteal ►of well as the temporal later
sots of oar •hnise. We weal., espeol•Ily
mok• msa8nn of tho •ervlesa resdsred by
yea to oar Sabbath "hest for many years,
le the asp/telt, rel teseker, ea4 also as a
member .1 Ib nhareh .hell, sods►fey le the
. tltryl.. of :mai. W., therefore. who see
prosiest, tepreseotiog the Oeeobers and of -
flown of the Sabbath *Moot, along with the
members of your Mass and uhwr, to mead
ea evening with you before you Ieare for
your new home, would eeL you to aouept
this set of derwrt .goon., not toe tour
80'r,utlo value, but as • slight token of our
eeteem„an1 •Haut on for you. May the
God whom in early life you have made
you °nolo' ao0umpany you and assist
you In the performance of every duty that
may come to you in the future.
Signet on b,half of the teachers and otli•
cu•. of the Sabbath school,
J. H. Mimeo,
K. li Daviou',
O. M h otooTT.
00 behalf of the member' of the claw and
VIPs B 1L,
Homan W Hlrny,
The address wise •000mpanled by the pre-
sentation ot a doyen solid silver (spoons,
engraved with the lethale of the rsolplent.
Mr. Rutledge replied briefly in behalf of
Miss HIlller. Addressee were the, given
by neon' of those present, and the remain-
der of the •7'088` wen 'pent to games and
music and the tantalise of r•treehmeuts.
After the ranging Of the hymn "God be with
you till we meet again," tb.•gathertog tarot
D.1TII or 1)R. MadicSINo.-Ueorge Mil•
mine Mc Mick int, M.D.. who for a long per.
iod practised his probation in Uoderlab,
diad after • week's 11 8151 op Sunday lest
at Ma hems In Toronto, to wbtoh oily he
removed from :his town some twelve year.
ago. Dr. Mo51iokiog was In his seventy-
seventh year. 11. 1. well remembered la
God, r,eb, and the sympathy of many friends
here will be extended to the Mises Mo -
flicking. Dr, McMickmg's death was doe
to beast LrouLle, whioh attacked hem In
serious torm 0011 a short time before his
death. He had been • sufferer from gout
tor many years, however, .ed for • man -
adorable Om• had led • rebind Ids. He
leaves two daughters, MIM K. Aunt. Mc-
Nlcklog, the assistant librarian •t Toronto
University. and Miss Umrpin. MoMlok8.g,
U. , Mcbl lokhg was Molest meleo(• family
'flabbier one hundred and (Hey years was
prominently identified with Canadian him
tory. Slue 1770, when Dr. MaMicklog's
grandfather name to Canada, lb. family
have been espeolally well known In the
Niagara peninsula, toot with his deals the
name will be lost, Tbe fleet et the family
to come to Canada wee Peter MoMtakl,g,
who was bore to Cslmoa.11, Wtgtoo, and
who 0005, to this oo0ntry and settled In the
Mohawk Valley In 1770. He took up arms
ea the side of the Crown at the time of the
revolution in Butler's linage. As a Uoiteb
E i olre Loyalist he name to Niagara falls
lo 1788 with his wife and family. Heine
empoverlahed by the saorifioe. Chet be had
luau le, he was given a handsome grant of
Ifni at S1amford,:wb.re Gilbert MoMick-
tog, the father of Dr. MoMloklog, was
barn. Mr. Mcidioking represented W•11•sd
to Perelm n% for 22 yeah, sitting in the
Liberal Interest Ur. McM;cking was bora
1, 8 hlppew• 80 1825, and foam. • student
•t Upper (':tnad. College i0 18.36. IN could
ole.,Iv recollect the incidents of the rebellion
of 1837, and rememtered particularly
looking hi. father when hs, with other Re.
form member., were looked up•lo the 8'.r•
!lament House. h0 1844 he entered MoUill
University as a medloal student, but owing
to his tether's death in 1847 he did not
graduate until 1(449. Then were thirteen
members of the graduating 1Ires, and of
these Dr. MoMIcklog at the time of Dia
death was the only survivor. While to
Montreal he .'ndied under Dr. Nelson, who
afterwards Melva famous in the P.pipe•u
rebellion 1n I)r Mo*1icking married
Marla, the eidut daughter of Jobo Kirk.
pstrick, of Chippewa, who predeceased him
by four years. He pr•0tlsed to Cnlppow.
until 1867, and then settled to Uoderloh,
where for twenty two years he was most
woosaeful. Although he had many offer,,
to represent the muolclpallty to several
o•pactties, he had • prima distaste far public
life and relaxed ail of the obaooea f, r mobilo
adyacoement offered him. He settled In
Toronto lo 1889, but was foroed to retire
from the practice of his peel.•sslon owing to
frequent anent• of gout. The Interment
was made •t Chippewa.
I'rldhsm'a is he•dgnartera for dressy made
to -order olothinor. If you have never tried
him give 111m a call and Demeaned.
Voting on the summer hotel bylaw takes
place next Monday,
Geoffrey Holt has been awarded the organ
scholarship of Trinity University, Toronto.
The Daughters of the Empire will meet
at the oourt house on Moodsy afternoon
nett, at 4 o'olook.
A Dumber want Iron here to L,hdon or
F-tr•iford on Satyrd•y morning to weans,.
the reception to the Duke and Duohees
of Cornwall.
The Epworth League of North street
Methodi ohuroh will have • Whittler
evening •t their regular meetlog next Ton -
day, All are Invited.
A larger boiler and engine 000 being In.
stalled at the kolttine factory by the Lon•
don Elfin, Supplies Co, The now boiler 1.
of 40 horae•power and the engine 35.
Reyes Template of Temperance are re-
quested to meet at the Tempersnoe H.11
on Saturday evening nut, Oot. 19th, for
the trans•otfon of Impottaoe bootees',
In the notice of the auction sale at Richard
Young's, ('nlhone, on the 21st Inst-, a
mistake was made last week to •dverbtslnp
It for 10 o'clock- The ooerecl lime is 1
George Baldwin, of MWlorth, was In
town yesterday with the first •uto•htoyols
that ns been aeon In (104,08,h. He rode
from Seaforth to town 1n an hoar, over •
rough and muddy real.
The' anneal entertainment of the M•o-
G;lllvr•y Mission eland w111 be held In Knox
ohuroh on the evening of October 18th, A
Rood program will be given by members of
tho Mission Bend, .misted by the best local
This Is • slralehb hp from The Clinton
New Mara : •'1)r, .1. L. Turnbull, of (ledtrloh,
and 1)r. Frank Tomball, Auburn, attended
the marriage of their slater, at 04il,.rton,
on Wednesday. The` should both follow
her exwU.ot example.
A pest at the muter of North street and
the Square was the •ooroe of 000siderable
fun for • ample of evenings the past week,
In some manner It became •Ieotrifieo, and
oent•ct with 11 when It was wet produo.d
s lively shook. The boys found It out, and
mine • tsnehing some was the roach.
Oe tete gbh Inst Mise Christina Turnbull.
Jnanewt danghter of Mr. sed Mrs. John
Tnrnball, MIlverton, was married toCharles
Neilsen, of Sault Ste Marie, (lea. Dr. J.
I.. Tenhell, of ttederteh, end Dr. Frank
Tomball, of Aabero, brothers of the bride,
were weasel at the 010omeny.
VI,terl• atrial Methodist oharoh le en
dergeleg • ther Yeah rasoyatie•- The Im-
provements Inoloda repainting and Wee
mlalnv, sew carpeting, • m.tellie roof ter
the ..heel Tore[, the le•1•Illeg o1 Neetrle
light. *ea A spooled seryl.s willbe held
IS ..Seat.
M m.Naw. of Ike weak,
labour, the .mood week of November.
To see "The Amulo•o Owl" at Victoria
Opera How Tuesday, Uutobu 22,1901
House, 1 •
I W v.
mean• 10 Witty • rare •musemlrt tram
1'h. play is H Urattao Donnelly', best
•ffort, and be relates an Interest ng story
la • obarmtovty' fawloating manner. '1'11.
°muoaay, whioh 11 under A. Q. So.mmoo's
direotloo, is one of especial merle and is
most evenly balanosd, The central figure
in the play 1• George F. Hall, as Row
Holter, the Arne/wan hustler, equal to
toren 000aslo., and In this play he has
estebluo•d himself a great favorite when
ever b• lies appeared. 'Two very obeyer
obildreo, Uremia Russell and Daisy Stamp*,
hsye important para and make the moot of
their opportunities,
Peter McElwee, jr., le taking 1D the sights
et the Pan-American.
Edward Pennington, of Dundee, 1s
visiting relatives le town.
Maitland A. Humber, of Stratford, was
•t bis home here over Sunday.
P. T. Hall. Is away for • few days on a
trip to Laden and Isle old home at Eliot.
Wm. B.81!,, Dungannon, left Monday
morning eo attend • C. O. F. meeting .t
Mies A11.. Hates lett oo Tuesday to •1s14
her aunt and her slater, Miss Lottla, at
Weshington, Pa.
Rey. T. M. Campbell, of Trenton, •
former pastor of North street Methodist
oburch, is to town.
Will Huller loft Tuesday morning, after
• Milt of • few weeks ab home, on hes return
to Calgary, N. W. 1'.
Mew Annie Campbell, who was In the
employ of Coleman tiros., Sealerth, for
soon years, h•a trturned home.
George Shannon, aephow of Mrs G. C.
Shannon, who made • lsogthy visit ben •
few winters ago, la again to town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, late of the
Huron rood, left last week for Ihoalord,
Mich., where they will maks their home Ia
R, J. Acheson, W. C. Goode, Dr. Mabee
sod N, Smith took • drive to St. Joeepb
the other day to see the eights of the
embryo city.
Meas Evelyn M. L. Rumball, who nu
been vatting at the home of her uncle,
Mayor Rumball, of London, returned to
town this week,
Henry Thomson, of blast 13a•d, wile la
town over Sunday. His father, Geo.
Thomson, a000mpanied him oo his return to
the north on llooday.
Sword Hart, one of the ettioleot .teff of
Jas. Wilson's drug store, has returned to
hes duties after • week's holidays at b1.
home, Dear Benmiller.
Mrs, W. A. Doner sod oblldre. left
Friday morning for their home ler Stegner,
alter • vent of 1 weeks at the home of
James Craigie, William street.
Geo. L Glass, represeotlog the Dodge
Wood Spilt Pulley Co., of 'Toronto, was 1n
towu this week on be'lo'w with the Gods -
nob Elevator Co. Mr. 01&m war formerly
lor.m•n of the elcy•tor here.
Mr. and Mrs. John McTavish, of the
township of Harm, returned home Tuesday
of this week atter speeding three weeks
with friends and relatives to Clinton, .St
Mary's, London and Goderloh. AI Loa.
don they visited IMI. eon, A. J. Mc-
Tavish, m of the dress goods depart.
meet in Chapman's store, and here they
visited their brother -lo taw and aster, Mr,
and Mee. R. Henderson, sun Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Wise, Nelson street. They bad a
very element time.
Chas. D. Williams, M. D., redolent gynw
oologlst of Lakeside hospital, Cleveland. 0.
and W. Graham Williams, druggist, 08 Tor-
oronto, are spending • few days at the old
home hole. We are pleased to note the
suooes which there Umlaioh boys are
achieving to their chosen oalll0R. Dr.
Williams purposes to put in another year at
Lsksatde, and alter that to spend a year in
Europe preparatory to nettling down In
l )levelasd as •o of crating pky.iol.n
younger brother le the proprietor of • drag
store on Jarvis street, Toronto, end is doing
• saooweful hasioees,
The Masons or teais. Mears the Lean et a
Loved grottier.
Oleg him the meed he has won In the past,
(live him the honors his merit forecast,
Give him the ooaplet he has woo In the
(live him the laurels he lost with hie Ills;
Cover hem over with beautiful flowers,
Deck him with garlands, (his brother of ours.
Wart ane Chapter mourn, the loss, by
death, of ex Companion W. I' Hamilton,
who was mailed to his reward on Wedees•
day, October 2, 1901. His was an mem
hi amnia Haying joined the order In
1889, hl. settee energy and Interest In the
craft were the means of his electing as
Worablpfol Master in 1895, whioh oftioe he
ailed during 1896, 000duotl,g iia affaln
with oredlt to himself and the prosperity
and satisfaction of the lodge. He was a
n harter member when the Royal Arob
Chapter was formed, filled the office of
Scribe N. and 3rd Principal, sod at the
regular o00vreation in l)soemher, 1900,
was sleeted 2nd Principal. 11.d he bees
. pared, he woold have been called to rale
over the Chapter, and from his known
energy, this would have been to It. advent.
.:hgLRI{eH T0WNnt1ir.
(',nnaoll met pursuant to adjnnrnment.
Minutes of last meeting were read end
(Mesed. Moved by Johnston, seonndsd by
Woods, that the Mork entity Jas Wallis to
remove his fence and all ob.tr,otion" plead
by hem from off the publics highway bolero
the first day of November, (•..tend.
Moved by Middleton, teoonesd by (;ox, that
the nommonio•tloe from the Huron, Brooms
and Middlesex ICI"trio Go. be 1.1d over
until next meeting for farther 000a(deratIon.
Carried. Bylaw No. 7 was resolnAed-
The following amounts were paid : (lode.
rleh Star, 8840; R. S. R.y., legal advice.
$3; A. Wilson, ns of hall for soort of
revision, 84. The following Is • espy of the
motion whioh he. been prepared by ehe
oouncil, and whioh le to (foma rep •5 mist
meetlnr: Resolved that • fra•.hbe be, and
is hereby, granted by the municipality of
the enwashlp of Goderioh to Messrs. Me-
011llouddy A Goldthorpe, In tense for •
oompan7 be be termed, for • term of fifty
yearn, for the baildlnP sed operating of an
* Nettie railway In and upon the highway',
known as the Huron read, from Clinton to
Hslmesvills, theme from Holmeeyllle along
the (jab Ides to the lel nee., and khasce
sleet the 1.t oos. to (1ect(rloh ; the nom•
p0e7 not to nee the goaded smiler, of Ms
pahllo highway er lie=d,.. 010110,♦ ►h•
coeees► of the mnelnlp•Ilt7 ; that 8818.
r.selasi°n does not debar the mantelp.11ty
trate grantee • frae0Mae to Day ether
oomp•ny ; and that •plraUeen h. started
within tine rein and eempe.ted within Eve
1$.gow dloal9T, Ulsrb.
Approotlaes V5 anted --Miss 0uodr7 1
Cottage for Salo -Mn. Adamson 1
Agents Wanted -Dominion Garmeet Ce.,
Uuelpb 1
Sporting Goods --N U. Roug71e 4
Meatlas and Drees Oooda-J. H. Colborne 4
The Duke and Duohsee-MOKenile t
Howell 8
15meiv Uuderprloas- W, A. McKim 5
Uarp.t&, Canalise and Losolwms-W
Acheson R Son 5
The American Girl-Vlot orl• Open
House 8
Wood wanted -W, Lan. 1
Wa11 Paps Sale- Porter's Book Store.,. 8
Edouard D'Ols.--Vlotorta Open Rouse8
Queen (ZaoHUy-P. T. Halle 8
Wrappers -Hedging Bro'. 8
Tb. /tuition Why -Alum h Molyer 4
Sorriest Wanted - Mrs. K. Ran.tord,
Clinton 1
A000uno.ment-North street Methodist
Cbunh 1
CHARLES M. SCHWAB, president of
the great steel trust of the Uaiteo States,
stated to a member of the British House of
Jommous, who recently visited the United
States, that he oould deliver steel billets in
England for $16.50 a ton and uadersell the
Britten steel manufacturer 0u his owe
grouud, The price of the billets in the
United States is $26 per ton. In figuring
out how much the United States purchaser
of steel loose by the protective tariff, ao.
count must be taken of the freight from
Pittsburg to the British market. A remark
made by Sir Ceeisvoraaa Fuesese, of Log -
don, Kuglaud, who is visiting this country,
is interee0isg in the same connection. Sir
CHRISToOlt5R, who Is at the head of some
groat steel companies iu England, was
asked why the British nla,uta:turen did
not form a trust. "That would be an im•
possibility," he replied. "The powers of
the steel trust in America roost largely on
the protective system. A trust in a land
of free trade would posneen very limited
powers." How long will the people of the
United Staten be Willing to have $10 o ton
added to the price of steel for the encourage
meta of the "infant industry" which Mr,
SCHWAB repre.enti7
TIIE Suunner Hotel Bylaw, which
la to be voted upon on Monday next, is ono
which should remiye the hearty approval
of every o0ctor who has the interest of the
town at heart.
Otderich is well situated to do a thriving
summer hotel trade, and without hotel
facilities has been sucoeuful in the past in
'hawing a large number of summer visitors.
With increased a000mmodation the Dumber
could be largely increased, and it voes with•
out saying that a. large luau: of summer
visitors is a good thing for any town.
The meatier which wan hell Monday
oveniug last, a report of which appears in
in another oolumu, went far to show that
the enterprising bueine.e men of the town
and the heavy property owner's are united
to support of the project, and if the large
tax payers see money in the scheme why
should the little ones hold back 7
Other towns have worked up a suocesaful
tourist traffic, and no reason exists why
Ualerioh, with ite magniticecie natural ad-
vantages, should not be equally nuooessful.
For twenty yearn the towel has been wity
out adequate accommodation, and now that
the way is hale clear for the eonetruction
of a hotel that will aeeommaL'te 200 guests
or more, not only during the tourist .00500,
but at other times of the year, the hest
interests of the town demand that the
opportunity he Seized and the project oar,
rood into effect.
Uolerich wants manufactories to get in
lino with those which we have already, and
the town also wants capital. The way to
lfet hold of capitalist., is to get a good
tourist trade. People of capital do a good
deal of travelling In the summer months.
and what more early. if caplt0liate be
brought here for a summer home, than to
interest them in the town no that they will
willingly invest their capital in enterprises
which will he established here 7
Vote for the Hummer Hotel Bylaw on
Monday next
Rev. C. A. Esros, who loft a church in
Toronto to become the pastor of the con.
gregation in Cleveland of which Joest( D.
I4o tmersLLIR was a loading member, in
said to have so disturbed the multi mill on -
•ire with bin ideaa of social r.form that
that genrs,tleman has declined to remain any
longer et pillar of the church More power
to you, Bro. EATON, HANSON did hie
greatest execution when he throw down the
EMMERTt)N-JUNOR,-I0 Clinton. on Mon-
day, October 7811, by Rev. Ur. Gifford,
John Emmerton. of Goderlch, to M(1,
Juno., of Olinton,
STANRI!RV - •ASTW►OOO. At the resi-
dence of the bride's father. Whitby, Out.
011 Wednesday. Oetober 9th. 1901, ba the
Rev. A. II Wright. rentor of All Neute
church, Margaret Octavle, youngest
daughter of Or K. 0. Eastwood, to Jame'
Gnorge Stuart 8taobery, B.A., brrislp,
Exeter, Ont.
MI;RIN)CH -In A•hfeld, 000. 13. Sept. 30th,
Mary Murdoch, nand 29 real, 10 month.
and Si days. tastll regretted.
14E1J. In Oodert°h, on FriIoy. Got 11th,
Mari Jane, wife of George I0e11, aged se
I'14011(4*, In Oederlch township. on Wedees
del, May16th, gest son of
David anMarl JJ.Pron. unaged A roan,
5 mouths Dad s dais
Cern aowaae.
In a process .molted hy vanity, hacked up by
teed tight beets -yon may leek tbe vanity
but yon have the amid Mghlboets--y1 My
wear any etre boots you p1.•...p te three
shim tee small If yea nee 1'ataam's Pranks,
(torn and Wart I•.attestor, Ihaggl.M tall
l e,
lister., always trash, 0t the end reliable
oyster holies, Vletele Rasteura.4. Was.
u„ Ie bulk or served all styles lee °teem.
fro*, emeleotlenery, elan, etre (1. Blaca•
,lura, Proprietor. '111.pbe01 70.
Mrs. (norm' Atheaon will 'IVO •• worsen*
of her renews trip to O.Ilfenla marl leo
Wast In the beton room of North sig...
MsIt o4j.t Moire!' sort Monday .vestys.
A pregrem el dudes 'seal mast. .111 New
uo r.nd.rdl and refresk•wts w111 be miry -
ad. Taw will Man adtmhstsw tma st jly
mita. Dale a1