HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 88 TtvaaDAY, Oct. 3, 11101. THE KIGNAL : GODERIWH ONTARIO. You are iuritcU io alleod ANY DAY OUR FALL DISPLAY OF Cloaks, Jackets, Furs, Dress oods, etc. Never have we shown such good values with such a large selection to choose from. You are sure to be interested in some of these lines. Come in and look them over : STYLISH CAPES, Rich black Brocade Silk fur - lined Capes, with fur trimmed collar and front, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00. Handsome Cloth Capes in fawns, blues, reds; nicely em- broidered ; trimmed with fur and silk -lined. Extra heavy Cloth Cape s, with large black Thibbot collar. Special at $5.00. JACKETS Special fawn and black Long Coat, lined with best red satin, made of good all -wool Kersey, newest shape, at $10.00. Heavy Frieze Cloth ('oats, three-quarter length, in latest dark grey and black shades, with high roll collar. The most comfortable and durable l oat on the market, at $6.50. NEW FUR CAPERINES AND RUFFS Large size Fur Ruta, well made of Western Sable ; looks like the $10.00 kind; gives good wear. Special at $5.0O. Caperines from $3.00 to $330.00. Any and every piece the best values we harp ever shown. HANDSOME SILK WAISTS Best heavy Taf- feta Silk, in colors and black, tucked and hemstitched effect back, front and sleeves; beau- tiful work. You could not get it made at one-half more. Special pr!ce, $5.00. READY-TO-WEAR HATS The styles this season are really pretty and most becoming for Ladies and Misses. Visit our Millinery Department and try some on. No trouble to show goods. We have a tipecial in a Lat!y's Trimmed Walking Hat, newest shape, all colors, at $1.35. CHILDREN'S ULSTERS t]ood Cloth; best make, $2.:;0, $:3.00, to $5.00. SAVE UP YOUR COUPONS 1 We give you tickets with every purchase It doesn't take long to get one of those HANDSOME CHAIRS FREE. It i� our Cush basis that enables us to do it. N() BAD DEBTS, MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS ,trade by the best makers, in the latest shades of greys ami browns. New Raglan .shape with cuff. Conte in and try one on. Full Range of all Seita Boys' Pea Jackets. Boys' Over- coats. FRENCH FLANNELETTES Von can hardly tett them from the genuine French flan- nel ; will not ruff up like the cheaper lines, and are fast col- ors. Special range of patterns to choose from for Dress, Sack, Wrapper or Waists. Special at 15e. This Week -Special Man's Lay Down White Collars, new shape, going at 4 for 25e. Millinery Opening, Thursday, Sept. 26th, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. KINOSBRIDOE. FRIDAY. Sept. 27tb. aM°aga--dJfP PaxsaxtATros HAttarlll.-flee following .ddreee speaks for itself : DOA• MRs. HARRIS, -With feelings of deet• regret we. your many (demos, assem- ble here this evening to take leave of you When w• hest leaned you were atrout to leave ase and take up your residence In Du lath. to enjoy • well-earned repose In the bneom of your family, sorrow filled oar Mute at losing ■o kind and beloved • Mend. Dear Mrt. Hurls, 1n bidding you farewell we omelet refrain from telling you how muoh we have appreciated your kind neva, espeolally to einkneee. Wherever then was trouble or "election you wen al- ways ready to lend a helping hand. Ke as. sued. then, we shall always endeavor to re- tain the good opinion we have had of you, and asking you to •ecept this porn as a slight token of our affection, we beg that you will sometimes remember your devoted friends In Ashfield. Signed oo behalf et the ladles of KInge- Midge: Mss. J O'CovwoR, Mas P. Klemm, Mit.. P. Rom Idus. .1. Emery, Mks. 1'. Bonita, Mai. J. J. Bpt.uvan. Mrs. Hartle replied la . most appropriate menaer, thanking her many friends for their sot of kindness on departlny from their midst alter spending a period of fifty me years amongst them. She deo said she would always remember her Meads In Ash- field to her pew home In Duluth. A sump. Mous sapper was then served to the numb- er of forty-four petering. After all were satisfied, the gramophone was the next at traction, along with atop dames from some of oar elderly ladles, About eight o'clock e ll went to their homes, and shortly after • boot sixty youno people assembled at the same home as • surprise farewell party to Miss Jennie, of Detroit, end Frank. who le oolag to Duluth with his p.renta. "All went merry as a marriage bell " till • lets hour in the morning, when all went to their bootee after i mjoylnt • pleasant evening. PORTER'S HILL. Tpa'in*Y, Oct. 1. Mrs, lames Tate, of Bouton, Mae.., has returned to her home after a two weeks' Oslo with her dater, Mn. John Yonne. John Vouog vblted •b the Pan American this week. Mc lemeaa, of Chicago, president of the Ss..loeeph Reek, to. and Terre Colts C.., Limited, was in town with N. M. C.ntio, of St Joseph, on Monday We aaderst•nl that Mr. Lamm le to take up his residence at 91. Joeepb. Sciling Out.... . .....Wal/ Pape We intend to sell out of all Wall Paper in stock. Not one roll is to be left. This is certainly a Chance of a Lifetime, as all papers are NEW THIS YEAR, with the exception of probably five or • six patterns, of about 200 rolls each, ranging in price from iOc. to 25e, which will be sold at exactly One-half Price. Other prices are as follows : 700 Rolls Wall Taper, regular he end be per roll, Melling Out fries, 3e and 4e peer roll Deo '• " fk and 9e •' •' " fie ant, 6r " 600 " •• " 12e and 16c " " Be and 10e •• 400 " 20e and 25r '• " " 121e and 1fie " A very epeeist RKDUCTiON made nn our regular 10c Papere. The following roles must be observed during this sale :- TRRMS STRICTLY CAR! ; SAMPLES NOT SENT OMIT ; ALi, rArKRs MIST RR r('R('HXSRI) AT STOW', (TRERWIS5 ONLY A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER r'1NT. WILL BE ALLOWED. You will have to look sharp, as this SALE will last only until the 15th day of Oetobes. PORTER'S Book Store, O D Leo's_ is No. 100 a. Court Hotta Squats, (iadaehk. DUNOANNON. Noting.- The looad aarenoy in bunc nada for Tu■ Shaw AL to at the ()Moe of .1. Waxn, oonveysreosr, to.. who will reoelve or dere for subscriptluoe, ttavertletng and lob work, and is authorised las give mediate for amounts paid fru the same TUosDAY, Oot. 1. Mr. and Mn. James Soott,ot Port Albert, one day lest week visited their daughter, Mrs Wm Mohielly, and family. Dungtenon's big fall fair Is close at hand. Thuredoy std Friday of pest week sae the dates no whioh the biggest and boat fair to Me (aunty this year will he held. K.M".AL --Mn 'Thompson, dressmaker, recently removed from the east side of Southampton street, where she has for some years tarried on dreeemaklpg suooeesfully, to the west site, tato • mon oowmodlous place, which formerly was occupied for some true as the pubho reading room and library. Ws wish her and daughter, Miss Allo., encores to the new looatloo. I)Asxwuup -In • recent btu" of Tal S1u:YAl. w• noticed some excellent tld bite from Dashwood oorreepondent, giving • good descrlotion of that progreestve village, and .Ir.. woeful Information as to ata sur- roundings, along with passing event. In that vlotnity which may be •ppr.m•tee We presume lits SIGNAL has added to Ire list of correspondent. • noteworthy one at Dashwood. csei .0 Noire.-Tbaakaglving service was held to St. Paul's ohuroh here morning and fryeolex on lett Ssbbstb. The interior of the March was profusely and beautifully decorate l with • vsrtety of Bawer., oereale, ,t . Owing to the heavy downpour of rain attendance at the torenooa eervloe was small, that In the afternoon being fair. Services to the evening was Itrgoly alt.udad, the ohuroh below tilled to its utmost ..pantry. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Goldb)rs, conducted the senile.. veru appropriately. ISTCKMCNT --The remain..,( Jslues Tay- lor, of ti yth, formerly a resident of Aeh• tilos, wore interred to Dungannon cemetery on MonJsy. Beteg • member of the order of C. U F , Duoge000n Court marched to solemn procession Item the village to the oemetrry, and performed the last rites at the Interment. Deceased was suddenly taken from all aublenary objects by a serers attack of pneumonia. The b.ueaved family have the sincere 'Imp 'thy of their friends and ecquelutsnoea in the sad and sudden bereavement. Hcxx AND Tw.xit - Our 011.17.61111 who took In the Pm -American • short time ago nave returned home muoh pleased with the trip, prominent among whom were Wen. Cameron, councillor, West %Vawmosh, 1). McNevins, the potul.r livery keeper, known as tall Donald, and intoe host of the Queens hotel, Dungannon .. ..Andrew slimmer and wife, .,t Huron township, wpnty of Bruce, on returning home front vlelttogrelatives and friends to the town. ships if Stanley sod Goderleb during last week, mads • passing pall to relatives and •cviu.lntanccr hare. Among flee latter, your humble seethe had • pleasant but short visit from them, they hating been intimate ly ac.iu•inted with him atom the latter past of the fisties to the 19th century. We wens pluses to seri them.... Mrs. %Vasco, relict of deceased R. Wilson, who has been on an ert.odrd visit to relatives in Dakota, retained home last week. Her namerooe acquaintances and friends were pleased to see herloek well, and give the venereble lady a hearty welcome Met '1'Fowp ren, our popular di •umker, returned home on Saturday bait, after havhg • pleasant visit w.th her daughter and family at Wsneh.m. BLUEVALE. Tt•rst.oY, A. Craig was 1n Walkerton this week. idles Mary King has been lir fee a row day*. Mrs. fieodersoo left this week for a visit to friends In London, Mr. Coomer, of Wtagb.m, visited J. Fawoett on Friday last. bliss ('tomer, of Toronto. Is viatttng her oousle, Mr.. .1. Fawcett. Ilia Jobe Dlment has been ill for some time with a very sere hand. Moen. McMillan aod Stevenson, of Kio- bat,i, abated at J. King's Iset week. Jas, 11. Jenkins, of Kalkaska, Mich, to vldtlog his parents on the Bluevale road. Abeg. Magee has n eyed book to flbuevole and Intends to commonest shoemaking again. Mrs. J. Collie returned on Taeed•y from • few winks' vitt with friends in Kioaard• Ins. Harry Malludy, who has teen working to Goderleb all rummer, re urned home tub week. Inspector Robb visited our school last week and, no doubt, lourd everything otitis- ?actory. Quite a numher of Mine ere attended the Wingham show on F.I4.y leer, The day was an ideal one. Jsok Coultas was the winner 1n the ht - cycle recta at the Ripley chow last week. A h•ndsnme bicycle lamp wee the prize. Mrs. Snell end her family, who have Leen living oo • far it. near Wlogham dartog the ✓ ummer, moved back to town last week. Ti • autumn woods are putting on the -1 brightest tints just new and present • picture which would be hard to enemies. 5. Ashton, who has been 111 with small. pox In Gerrie, has oempletely recovered and Is v:elting •t hie father's on the lee line, Morrie. Rey. W. J. West officiated at the m.rrl. age of Miss Woodrow and Mr. Hoy, of Morris. on Wednesday lase. The wedding was a large one. Mtn Ida Churchill, who hu been a mem- her of the l'resbyterlan chateh choir for tome month+ this rummer, hes returned to her intuition In Arthur. The osrpenter work on Georpe Melton. aid's stab/se has bun completed and now Mr. McDonald has one of the bele barns and stables around here, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, of MoLearan Algoma, have been 'letting (ideals in Bur on meaty, laolndlaa ►tlurvale In their tip. tire. B as Miss Louts 1Jartley bad many friends here and they were all glad to see her agate. Tits annual Cblldren'e D.y nervine wen held to the Presbyterian church in Suud.y last, The ohuroh was prettily deoora•ed with flowers and maple leaves but on at const o t the wet weather quite a number were pre- vented inlaying the extra preparation" which had been mads for them. Th* slur - leg of the children wee muoh enjoyed, and Mr. t%t•t in hie addressees to the young beth morning and evening was listened to yr ry attentively by the hale folks. Iii the Methodist church the eervtoos were mush the game. Rev. Mr. Swan eddreseed the uhildrao and the singing was led by a obolr of Sund.y school scholars. CHURCH NOTES. The MacDill vrey mteeiou Lod of Knox ohuroh sae peeperin, for an entertainment to be given in the near future. Rey. T. R. McNair, of,Dunganaou, occupied y the pulpit of North-st. Me'budtet oberoh lest Sabbath. R.,. Dr. Dem del oopductcal anniver• Baty ureic*. at Donnybrook. The report presented to the Lrodno con feresoe brsnrh of the Methodist Woman's Missionary Society, meeting this work at Sarnia. by the treasurer, Mies Lixxte Ache. son, of town, shows that the tottl net re• crtpu during the peer ending September 20.h last were $6,170.75, as •gsinet $5,629 04 'tie previous year. Thu abowe a gra'nt'ing. Mariam of $541 71. NOTES OF SPORT. The G. C. 1. stu lents have Jeclded not to hay* a sports day this tell, A football ma'uh for the hough cop will be played hero oo Seturdey between the Seeforth and Gods/rich Ool'egiate institute teams. 8:rattord Herald • The 100.yard foot rao• at the l; T R. track on Svurday afternoon. between Maitland Humber and $ J. Mal Icon, was won by Humber. A. Miller and H. Pratt also egos-, former wtnotng. A handicap race, in 'Hitch • number of the runnels took part, was woo by H. 1 tett. (dumber and Murphy will raw next Sttur- dey. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. M aT11UGI,T MA.+AttNt: AND Hrvlgu FOR G,TuunIt to tills Dumber Sir Joh*, Bowl - pot completes his admirable lorries of papers on "Ituilden of Nova Sootla," with numer- ous htt'h (law portraits. Ur Raskin coo - eludes also his admirable Illu.treted' Story of Architecture.' "The Storied Ithioe" kV H. A. liuerber and CV H. Withrow, has numerous engravings of that p.ctareeque river. Other •rtioles are, "t'reeching to the Twentieth Century, by the Rev. Dr, 1lewart ; •'Sir Henry Fawcett. the blind pnstvta*ter of Eoglmd," by hire. Sarah Knowles Bolton ; •'1 he Romance 'of the Killing Time," by lbs Rev. A. J. lrwie, B. A., 11 D. ; "The Oburohman.bip of John Wesley," by the Rev. W. Harrison ; and in admirable article on ('hrietian 'Mutant, entitled, "Let us Fo1Lw Him," by I,abatis Horton. A four page fes low of -The Love letters of Siemer►" rev•.le the settee and Letter side of the Iron Chancellor. Port retie and pictures Must tate the chief topic et the month, the death of President Mc K'olq. The November and December numbers of title materna will be rent Ire. to new eubecribers I. r 1902. A Irogr.nte of epeot:b Imtorto-oe is bring prepare(. Toronto : William Briggs. Meatiest : C. %V. Costes. Halifax : S. F. Haestu, $2 00 • year ; $1.00 for six months. A Hover. Nt•es- The October Canadian Msgaz. ne is, as might be expected, some. whet of a Royal number. Arthur H. U. l'ulquhouo writes of "The Sign'fioaow of the R tyal V'lelt Claude Bryan, of "The Duke and Ducheas of York at Home," and Joanna K. W eo I, of "Presentation at Court." Three articles are prefeoely iflas- trated with attractive photographs. The lull page 'Meters of a debutante dressed for presentation at the ISr1N.b Court Is some- thing of a novelty to this oountry. Nor dose Royalty m000pilizo the issue. The sportsman will and good mediae to "The Gem, Laws otOntario and Quebec" and "W 1Lgoose Snoottng In Nee Brunswick." "Canada at the Glasgow Exhibition" to another valuable texture, the illustrations being eapeolally fine, Dr. VV iokett breaks new g'ownd with his article on "Commercial Education at Universities," in whioh he quietly advises the universities to follow the lead of Germany, France and Belgium. and bring their teaching to bear on the subjects In *filch hulmia men should be trained. the rarlons departments show that the staff writer, of 1 he Canadian Mu/seine are eleyer and capable, eummu-z ng torero events, destiny with event' of interest to women, and giving such literary comment as is required even by thou, who maks no pretentlnn to •uthorlty. Any person read• lug this lane will desire to preserve It. [AMIN' H"MS JOURNAL.--Hudy.rd Klp- line'e latest animal story, "How the leo pard Got HI. :Spot.," has first place In the October Ladies' Home Journal, whioh its a truly notable number of this excellent magazine, "A !'11ih Avenue Troubadour,' the etcry of . bird In New York, by Rrneet Seton -Thompson; "Some Things the Presi- dent Doe. Not 1)o,"and the tut Inatelm•nt of "Mies Alcott'" letters to Her 'in,.,.. " forms most Interesting and varied trio. Mus Lours Simmer Porter's delightful Iwo •tory, "A Gentleman of the fila" times," also begins in this number, and .losef ilof. mono, the world-Ismod pianiet, writes on "Playing the Mann Correctly." There i. s )oriel) oellsotion of anecdotes •bout Mr. Whistler, and a charming hit about "The Ileal 'Cranford.' " .hewing piororee of the pieces most mentioned in Mrs. Goshen'I greet story. Mr. B. k'e editorial le ad. dressed "To a Voting Man About to Marry." The remainder of the magazine le devoted to its enlarged editorial departmeat, nine new editors, saoh with a speotsl page, making their bows. Chief among these are Professor Grigg's talks on "The Fdawtlon M CKENzJE &lloWELL are prepared to give EXTRA VALUE IN HOUSE' PURNISHINOS such as GLASS, LOCKS, WINDOW FITT1fiGS, PAINTS, OILS and HARDWOOD FINISH S. BARN DOOR LATCHES We have the most complete latch made. OUR PENINSULAR PORTLAND CEr1ENT - astonishes all. It goes from 80 to 40 per cent.. farther than any other Cement sold in town. We have a car to arrive fresh from the kiln at once. Let ns flgnro with you before you ►wrchase We can show yon how to save money. M°KENZIE & HOWELL. IWe have some American Field Fencing on hand. Fot the SI k .... Tho doctor can do you 110 good un leas his prescriptions are properly put up from re:table ingredients. That a where we render invaluable aid W the doctor. We eo.upouud prescriptions as they shush' be. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS T. Oornor of W,et at. and the Suu.re. of a Child from Eleven to Eighteen," Pie lessor S. C S.Mmnoker's "Seeing Thing" Outdoors," Min Wnhey's ' Speakleg and Wilting Correctly," "The Lady from Phila. delphia," a sow in quette department, Dr. Walter's •'Good health for Glrie" and Mn. Songster's answers to "Girl's Problems." The Cattle Publishing (Jo., Philadelphia. Oas dollar a year : ten cents • somber. i"tnttw[*'s run Ot•ro*kn.-la Sof'besr'e Magian's fur o:tober 't'hsodore Roosevelt o ,ntributes the brat of too hunting ankles in that spirited manner which makes "The Wilderness Hunter" one of the best eat• door book. ever written These articles, called "With the Cougar Hounds." desmlbe his advent urea while hunting the monntais Zion tut winter to Colorado. The peek of Intel!ipent hcund+ who chess the prey are the heroes et the story In wblcb the in He'd. uallty of the doge Is deliehlfully portrayed by Col. }trouvvlt. Ifo also in his ant article fin gathered many now fasts and m'erences to regard to the nature of the nugsr *herb is mnob In dispute. The article is therefore a contribution toasterel hlatery. Tae early aatumn Ir the masers of comity Out they go 1 A11 our odds and ends of Summer Shoes must be cleared during the next two weeks, no (natter if we do lose money Out they must go Our Bargain Counter will offer you a splendid opportunity to Nave money. 50 pairs of Shoes your choice for 50c. per pair, nto,tlt' for boys mei girls. They are all right in every way but we have only n pair or two of each kind left. 50 pairs Ladies' Dong, Oxford Ties, regular $1.00 and $1.25 Shoes -all new goods -any pair in the lot for 75c. We also have a number of pairs of Men's Shoes that are slightly out of style, that we have put on our counters at JUST HALF PRICE. If you can get a tit you will have a bargain, as they are good goods. We have the exclusive sale of the two best makes of Alfieri - can -made Shoes, viz.: and for... Women Walk= Over glen BIG BOTTLE SHOE DRESSING at 8c, P_ T_ HALLS Sole Agent for " Queen Quality "arid " Walk Ovur " Shoe*. (;ODFatll'1[. fairs and E. 8. Nadal, a well-known writer as well as an expert horsemen, has caned the spirit and .leo the poetry of tbs. picturesque Amental relebnitiona In "A Hone Fatr 1'.Igrtmags." He deeoribes the trotters and pacer@ at work. end •leo the obaraoterutice of the creed oho exhibit them. Ho has riven a fine Ili quality its the scene. Weber A Wyckoff, author cf "Tie Worker.," c n;Wee hie present cafes with an &owes, of hie experiences let the Cblmgo slums, giving particularly I polio" wort imoidents• "Thomas' Carlyle" le the subject of W. C. Brownell" etsay--eertatnly the most mature and con- vlocing cf thi* remarkable group of odtteal essay *Floe one authority says "hate restored orltloism to a mew dignity." Then are otner •+Heise, short *tones and poem( to thew Dumber, I Te:ttr°eve a°. Ya. NODG ENS BROS. ta:.o WLTON T °r Concerning Furs THE Furs this store sells are good, good in any way you like to take them. Style, quality, workmanship and value are just right in every case. Poor furs of any kind find no place in the big stock of stylish garments we have gathered together for this season's selling. Every fur garment that leaves this store carries with it our guarantee that it is thoroughly depend- able and worthy. If otherwise we stand prepared to refund the money in every case You will find here one of the largest fur stocks in this section. We have been particularly careful in our selections. Every popular and fash- ionable style is represented, and there is variety enough to suit almost every taste. We will be glad to have you examine the stock any time, test any garmentlin any way you wish -the workmanship, the lining, the trimming, the sewing, look at the inside as well as the outside, be as critical as you like, and we do not think you will have any fault to find. OUR STYLES ARE CORRECT, OUR ASSORTI"IENT LARGE, OUR QUALITIES GOOD, OUR PRICES RIGHT. Black coney oeperiae, thickly furred, otrculer sista high storm collar, fanny merceriz-d lining, ch."n fattener, each Black Astraohac aspirin.), even curl, glossy bur. oc', good quilts,, well made, high storm ocular, contra down well at back and trent, extraspeaial value, each Black eposrom copulae', oiroularshape, nigh storm col• ler, thickly furred, a stylish sod serreeable garment, each 9.00 mks gond quality electric east cap rine, high rt rrrr cellar, long trent, 4 largo busby sable tails, satin lined, each 12.00 F.nty oep.rn., good qusl.y 8.100100 nasi. wilt bilge5.00 I ape. um Ifjmmlog.n-tGot tar, 6 largo bush Weis, et win v,ry A•ndreme gement £.-.r,-._a-?1>�--_-- F.' •nrti• 4,1 oapnrine, toolbar ant edge of think mad even 6.00 - t)otn eablo, 6 large tails, fanoy silk lined, one of the.os most stylish summate we show H Aminineeaperiee., the meet f..h!nnable Manes and combination, of ('n!umbi• merle and eleotrin •iectrlo seal sod Alaske sable, Persian iamb and A.askm eable ... 25.00 to 45.00 Handsome °sparkle, blank a,O.ohan trntmed with ,p- Fancy teff. and seat., all the new and popular 'harm oxeam, high storm collar, long front, 6 large tale, to opossum. Ohln amble, far, and Alaska ..bb., Melee .et i• lined... 12.00 select Mins, each 3.00 to 16.50 These are flints only of the groat variety of high-class fur garments we are showing. It world take this whole page to give a detailed description of thein all. Fur Jackets. very fur ,jacket we sell is made from choice selected skin to our order, by the most reliable fur houses in Can ads. No do not buy poor garments at any price, and a fur jacket canting from this store can be depended upon as thoroughly reliable in every way. Rteok All reshot jackets, t s'!. from .116 e, ak n., a.arUpteedlo wolf, Rine. syeyes cart. bayv quilt- ed IleInc,24 cod 27leohee long, h'eh storm er)f.r aid try. l . $,ird.N 4. -lie.,' 'I,traohan jackets, 1 r e't glnesy for, even earl, made from gond skins, ,"learned to wear, flat• clans Laing saw Weiy Nae quality bleak Are rr.ohan jswhet", rho beet skins evenly matched, bright and glumly, very handsome garment.' seat will wear welt, 27 sod i0 Inane each .... Lgg, Special Orders. We pay particular attrition to special orders for garments of any kind. Our prices r good furs will ho found very reasonable. We can supply any kind of fur garment that is made, on short notice and guarantee satisfaction in every case. T O.S. tin good qualities, in 'brown, red -hod fancy at Camel's Hair Tams. New C'amel's hair tam - o - shooters are among this week's arrivals. They are black, navy, green, combinations, and sell 50c apiece. More About Mantles, Tho new mantles are rapid- ly growing in favor. Thorn is a distinctiveness and style about them that commends them to stylish dressers. They are so different from those shown the .past few seasons, and come as a welcome change from the extremely short and tight -fitting coat which has so long held first place in public favor. The best styles of the leading Canadian and German manufacturers have it place in this. stock. Como in any time and' eo the new styles. You will jbe as welcome to look as to buy. A 8picial in Black Frieze. Black frieze for snits or skirts, 54 inches wide, heavy weight, does not re(iuire lining, regular value $1.25, our special price &5c, Agents for Standard Patterns. a,.w.0er.11 106.0, ..r.,..m...... c,r,r ....N.rt...r HODGENS BROS. OARNKi,IS ('UT FROM SI'ANI)AK►) PATIKRPY ARIL PRRFNCT FITTING.