HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 7DISASTER IN PHILIPPINESI A Later Despatch Shows Offi- cers are Missing. RIOTiNC AT BARCELONA. His lower lip quivered and lei tried to peat a stop to the trying urd. ill by blousing his slater from ileo "There le father," he saki, "1 mutat speak wire him " Thy Wolper'• lorrew. Victoria wlclaspetl her !muds altd stepped to nue bele. The father mover] forward and took blot disgrac- ed eou's bled. Those who were Mantling neer say tltu elder Cod. goats s 11 oku nutmingle word. TIa., PIM Wahl eomet1111g lu PoUrle, but the father dial not answer. There wad uo emotion shown In this maetlug. Poe assarrtn appeared nervous, but he seemed to hove recovered leis com- posure rcmt•wlaat after the scene wife Ids aster. The father was am stolid and otld 11.4 000 without fuel- ing. Asrlattpnt-Napor't*ttendent-o( Police Cusack. who war pra.*ibt at the in- terview, stW yesterday that 1110 eld- er ('eolgows did not speak more than half a dozen words during the half hour lite asrneetn was with his rela- tives. ela- thew. I'ullce Fire ou 31ub at ]Jen. I'rtru's Porto art ereI Persons W uundrd 'three Urn ItIl.ed 'u u 1...Melon of Freight 1r0l10i N Ito Murder nod Suicide. lla idng4,n. Sept. 311. -.1 later tle- 0it from Manila rays: "Adjutant General 1Vaeldugton Hughes reports 411• following from Beefy, Southern sitmtr: Twenty four mru.. Company C, 9th Regiment, United States ln• (entry, eleven wonmde•1. have ;est urrloeti from Buluuglgu, remainder uumpauy kUled, tururgeute eecured alt aompauy 'applies azul all rifler ei• teed three. The company- war at- tu •kit durt:tg breakfast on the mo011- Lug of Sept. 28th ; company seventy• rev strong; officers 'uncus W. teem -II; Captatu I4warl A. ltulupue, First Lieutenant ; Dr. It. S. Grit - steel, Major eurgcwl. (Signed) C;laf- free' Ale corrected the drop it •h dieser Mat It was company C that metered the tyrarter. and that the aaumund itg .'((bars of the company are miae- UuR, peehape kfllol, wire,' the fernier derpat4Jt indicated that tit •y had Pe- t• a ja'd. Survivor.' alorlre. Manila. Sept. al -General 1lttgta•r,- from the lelanl of Sarum. reports the arrival of Sergeant Markley end elle lir1 • to at Taiwan( 7) fromoo le rover tat I n a whore r fight Bsa gag , 4r nen of Company t', Mete' ut o !nfnnt r . who killed by insurgent., w. ate Lacked the troupe while at break- fast on Saturday lost. Tire m4•I1 WIMP have reached Tatman day that the of - leen of 14* awau11011y, w110 were nt Item reported to Jiasi rwitpeol. were ktllt'1 with the mnj'rrity of the cpm ,tang. The troops were attiacke.l white 'unprepared by 40,) Berko In •n. of whom the Amerkans kUlwl about 140. Many of the wtklterr were killed in dear quarters before they had time to grasp their rifles. General llughee Ls going 4. the .0' Ile of the dlearter met personally will e.rmmant tAt" trope. Fired on a )lob. Madrid, Sept. 34). --The anniversary of the revolution of 1864 was eel'e- twatnl at Madrid and other towns yster-day. At is meeting of "0.000 republicans and aoehtlt,ta nt Barce- lona the crow.kt proceeded to late e1 wreath open the nee:amend of tarn. Trina, the once famous, insurgent leader In Spnln. The mob collide] wit h tin roliee, wh.. fired In resp..nee to It TO fey of stereo. Threei of the per - 61.°11.1 er- w I participating In the denlotIRtra - tlune and two police officials were wetiadaxl. The Hrother'. tireetIug. 1VIten the father had Duthie,' thak erg Itanlr, Waldeck. Lewes elder hoe tier, approacluxt him and exchanged grt'ethage. It was In English, and Waldeck saki: "1 am curry you calve W thla, Leon.' Ttw Lusatian did not anewer. Hie lip quivered again, ac- cording to those who rtoo.1 nearby, but he loon mastered Itis emotions and asked after the health of those at home. Then b:'gan a cpnvereto the' m Englletl. Thr, ekler emboss beak no {sort la 1t except when Mr. (wrack *eked Vletoria to question ler father upon some point. siry'r 11e Was AIuue. A few moments' general family t•(w serbatk,n and then Waldeck asked the astaeeln dhrnet if he wa■ Mone ie the Meowing of the aesusrinathxn Thune wan na b •atiog artxtud the bumf. Wakieek told the nuthorltie t- w11P11 he came here on Tuorday that he wanted W learn the truth abola the affair. If poeslblc. He tried to but received the same answer which Ciolgova lute at all times given: "1 was alone in thio." The Lnterelew between the ('tail gossea lasted nearly hall an lour All that time Victoria tabbed eon - t ulelsely. She seemed heartbroken. Waldeck was cool. Ile talked with Ilt tie show of emotion. but hie words were kind. He toed his brother plain ly that hem act was owensklerol de Wombleby the other members of the banally, and he 111111011 him 1f he real tend the seriotien of It. The asses do d911 net answer. He looked dawn at the floor of his cell and nervously twtoted a button on his coat while Waklcck talked in thle Arnie. Three Killed In l•olllslor. Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 710. -Two freight trains on the Berkshire dlrl- el(rn of the New, York, New Haven A Hertford Railroad Company co111de1 bwul"n at Lung H71I them morning, --- Three men were killed and two'rerl- aiiwly injured. The dead are: l•:ngtneer 1':. Spens.; Fireman (lurtnftlo, of the nor* h - bound train, fled Brakeman Nate. of the eolith -bound train. Engineer Holt rind Fireman Pitcher, of the southbound train, were injured. Both engines and many cars west piled up, blocking ail traffic. Wife Murder and 6eletde. Hobert, Int.. Sept. 30.-Frwle•riek W. Hartman, nn aged farmer lit erg near here, fatally watnded hie wife., aged 50. yesterday, by striking her Pesoral times tam the heath with a Piece of Iron. ieaving her for deal, he went Into his bedroom and com- mitted 'aic'Ide by shooting hlmet•If. Mrs, 1i/trtmnn'r skull is fraeturtd. lite comic, Wei leen married 45 yaenn and load ruined a faintly of file chiklren. Of hate they had ounrrel•••1 over money matters. ClOLOOSL GETS SENTENCFS The farting. 1 tally 1t carne the moment for the last goal -bye. The slater trace more thre hoe art.7ls abut her brother's nook tad buried her face upon him Meek. Pyle cried as only wtvmt'11 cry, a then maid : "Good-bye, Leon, goad -by wood -bye." Tho to er took the ham) of hisser' aril el t lightly ae a man would Make the h 1 of an netlnalntnnt'P h did net w to meet. The brother abut* the a.itn'■ hand and whim- pered a word 01 farewell. Then the party left n F. l'sdgora In the gloom and dark eta of hes cull. They had looked upon: U face for the Inert time In life. Aa the deter t`o ed away clinging to her father's n who turned to thief of Detective Cusack and ex- cLeimrd : "Be mod to him. w� 't you' Don't hurt him. don't be crus Through all tider 1 ('colgosz, the pi -lamer, the span ` oomed to death, felled to 69'•1 a ten . Only the mist of sorrow wax to his es. It was not the regret of ifs metro's creme that affected him, It ns the parental affection that Is . even In the k,wost brutes. For two hour* he ant nullenl• on Ute bench of the cell, hie hnmts 111a chin. hie rlbewa oar his kne<r. ever there 05111 come to him In 1 life n renllsatien of the meaning ( hie crime ani of the great mvetery of denth It meet have come after that Inet farewell. It was the neat trying time that he will know mail he alts In the electric chair. the bloek rap ba drawn ower' his futures and he (nom the greet eternity. BOTHA AUACLS POflTITA�R. Driven Back all -day an a Y Battle. GARRISON SUFFER BADLY. He Will Die in Week Begin- n;no Oct 28. LAST VISIT OF HIS FAMILY. Buffet°, Sept. 231.-Csolgoes sen - tenced to be electrocuted In week beginning October 28th, 1901. Buffalo, Sept. 26. -At five minutes to two o'clock the prisoner Cthdgusx wow brought Into court, shackled to Detectl•ee (teary anI Solomon. "teolgoes, Rt ana u cemtnandel District Attorney ' Thomas Penney of the primmer. The aseatsin arose. "What 10 your name 7" asl ak'Mr. A.-"LeonDenney. A. -"Len F. ('solgo.is." "How oirl are reit" A.-":18 _ _--\\14 _..- enrr." born were you ,rn 7•' .1.-'1)1- Lott, "Where were you living '.shell nr- r led?" A. -"Cleveland." Lust 12 Killed, 43 11 uuwird rod (I3 M190411/1--Ilorr ('owntaudrnl dud 10 Hurahere Knew'**, Have (leen Killed in the Might. Durban, Natal, Sept. 30.-.1 force of 1,500 Doers cesnmureled by Gen. Botha, matte an attack which lasted ail day long on 8,pt. 26th on Purtl- tala, on the border of Zululand. The burghers were repulsed, but at a heavy cost to the garrison, wheel. !ower were 1 cotter and 11 meu killed, 'nod 5 officers ani 3S men e outsled. In addition 63 teen are miming, id - which number many are belies(N1 to have been killed or wounded. The Boar ('ummanalltut Oppa•rnulu and 19 burgher* are known to Lave been killed. Tine FAMILY A'Ivlf'. 1 hey Reproached Ihs Aas,uesln M 1111 Hie Awful ('rhes. M'KINLEY'S'WILL THE CARD LOVE CASE. aulclde Wanted Girl to 'slope Nath 111 nn. Toro utu, Sept. 80.-Dieappoirit meet Iu love was ]apparently what Ica Bert Card to shoot himself on the Junction waterworks pier at Swan- sea Inst Friday night. Misr Maud Terrell, of 2 Woodgrcen Pace, the young lady to whom Card was pay- ing nttentlon, auy'a that Card want- ed 1)tr to run lawny to Montreal with him, bur that mho reNneed. else saw Card I tit on Friday afternuoe. when Pte threw a kiss t o her as she was working to JVertone" Moe factory on Bolton avenue. She knew nothing about it ring. ('mrd't father arrived from Guelph on Saturday and took the body lack to that city for burial. 1.envea 1'r• perry to 111• Wife With a Mew ('hengra. Canton, O., Sept. 27. -Tib nfter- neoa .lunge Day and Secretary l'o,r- telyou w.ytt to the office of the pro - tate judge end offered the will of Medfield McKinley for probrtte. The followlne le the text of the will: "I publish the frelowing as my Inst will and tartnment, hereby revoking all former will, "To my beloved wife, lila R. McKln- lrty, 1 terjue0th all of my real ewtate, wherever eltunta'rl, and the Income of any personal property of which 1 nosy be pxewmrase,l nt death, during h• r rotund tire. I make the following charm, upon all e( my property, both rent and piremal : To pay my mother during ha'r life tato thousand dollars n year, and nt her death mil P11111 be pall to my slater. Helen Mcl(hl- Iey. If the• 111comP from the property be insufficient to keep my wife 111 &treat comfort. and pay the annuity nbave provided, then 1 direct tint cosh of my property be sold rip its tc n;aka a sum air'juete for both pur- jxras. 11 'hate- 'r property remelts at the dellh of my Wife 1 give to my brother and Meters, aro and share n like. 1t was a little after. 11 o'clock yeeterdey morning when .latter llit- ebell Rwmng ose-e 11 01.11 1/001' In "mur- derer'. row" on elm third f:oor of the Erle County Jell W let tee arweaa',In 'mit into the corridor to greet his reittjveaa, Cml(go.e was 11111 111nt his father. hie brother, Waldeck, and Its elnter. Vlotorin, had (None to see Idm. For ort Instant a smile of welcome fllttel arrow, 1,(t fare '(teen Idm exprerralon Mame•'• It was as if ler n few brief ,/•coni, 1:00400f1 Ltei forgotten 1110 terrible noel In- human crime which brought the four together. But the realisation of It ell came beck as 1.1e ,inter Victoria stepped toward eine her ems out - a t r e t el,ed. -Leon," mire eahl, with n (kettle(' neent 00 tela last syllable, '•1(00 wlwtt have you done? What have yen (nee 7" The girl kissed him and buried her Teem' oa the aseaaaln's shoulder. Then ant threw tooth arms about hie neck nn,l ectad bitterly. it wan at that lime ,bel Cxnlgttts ellow.el Isle float rent signs of helm hataan. H • did nut cry. Not a tear appeared In Me het pie did slaw'tome amotlote "My oil from my ehr rope 1 tore, nn pr)sbd(N1 rr deem fort n hie ief concern In of my wife, rutile, shrill have all that �1rem for her condo nal pica- that my moth. shall b with whatever mPV elle to make her old age, com- M i happy." hind a tree some 40 feet away. He I ExpLosioN AT watched the tree and the face close- ly for about 20 minutes, and when tato men went to another tree ten feet nearer, challenged hint unit de- manded to know who he was No ane- wer was given, but the fellow etarted to cornu 01111 clutter, the challenge was repeated with upraleed gun. aim- ed to take effect In the body of the approaohlne man It war fired, but into the air, another man having at , r b hlad a tree from oeaclled neer the ride and atut;ht the weapon. When the .hut war fired the first man took to ht$ breis and the second, according to the guard'r .dory, made n lung° for him with it knife or Mu- ller weapon, .trtking him on the right eldu of the abdomen. The Genet only inflicted a bruise on the body, the force of the blow having been spent in pawing through the heavy overcoat unit blouse. The guard was thrown down 1n thio so if- fle and rolled over the hlllrld° to the front of Oto vault. Lieut. Ashbrtdire hurried up the 11111 from In front of the vault. cad otltere from gaatrlet.. on hearing the shpt, but the Intruders made good their eeeape. SNOT HIMSELF AT SWANSEA --- - lir Bert Card, a Young Toronto Mao, Commits Suicide, HE LEFT A LETTER AND A RING. Toruutu, Sept e8 -Looking °1.t to- ward the dock which covers the in- take pipe of the waterworks at Swenson last night, a young man named Heber Howard saw a anaa on the end of the dock pull out a re - area er e- ar ter nail fire twico Into the water, and then tura the resolver on him - oaf and fire egain. The hotly topplel over Into. Clue water, the whole thing occurring in a moment. Cloward at once notit.etf Conetablo Presseley, and lie secured a boat at Nurse's boathouse, and with Mr. Nurse, recovered the body. Bet though Ude was dune as rpeedlty as poseible, there was no sign of 11fe, and the poslt'on of the body indi- cated that the man was dead wbeu he fell into the water. The r e taken were at one remains w to Nurse's Hotel. and Coroner Cot- ton notified. Upon examining the hotly. the coroner found that the bullet had enterer, pter the right tempts, anal tient death had been praettcally instantaneous. The body was that of a young man RSEN?%L. Belief That Fifty P sons are Dead or d. TOWN OF COSENZA ON FIRE Dsamark Wails Leruot 30,000,000 l'rowes--Arrssled at the Altair ds Ile Was About to ( consult ttlgrmy -Negro Whipped to Death by a Textile Mob. Rome, Sept. 30. -Alt explorl"n oc- curred ytteterdcty In the powder de- partment of the arienal at Cosenza owing to the carelessness, of the ar- narere. It started a destructive fire, awl all the surrounding bounce aro now In flames, The admiral iu coum- nuubl bus dant all the available wa- rless from the department of Tar- eut) to assist to fighting the fire. Tho inhabitant* are terr,riztd, and are abawloning the town, and no as - Madame can therefore be looked for from them. It is believed that over fifty perm,rate have been killed or wounded. A despatch mutt lute lust night to the Mlnlaten of Marine gay. Lint the dlestter 1s of the grwveet character, Denutsrk's Mew boon. Copenhagen, Sept. 30.-1t kr an - chilly announced th t t Minister of Flnncee, Alfred P!'t I,f this week revelment the 141 get* authorise a Ooverniuent 1 30,0001 0 ) crowns. Americansa Interested In the loan, sus the" were a the recent inn of ifIO.000)<OJO,, nego fated by the olty of Copenhagen. wh h was fur- nished by :' w k oapIt lists. 1 A este at the Al r. - rt. New ort. D .: t. 130. Ref • Sergt. NchnWm in he Fifth Street Pollee Stadion, e ttpd. 1pen9Tred N rly yesterday art rneon Mrs. Louisa Kavierk n, of t Third (Street,\ a • ma - alt. Jle.1/Jlt JLJlt Jit HOURS BACK IN OTTAWA. (JARKETS]LE He Had a Return is at He a Return l icket Ottawa to Chicago. NOT A CASE OF ELOPEMENT, oltawu, Sept. CO. -',Special). --At . -At the Pollee Court to-duy the pru- reculkm withdrew the charge agaiorl Char. O. Rogers, Private Sentrttary W Prof. Robertson, Do- mla on Dalry Couunitsiouer, of ob- taining money under (idle pre. tepees from hb (Rogers') brother. Bogen returned to the city today from Toruutu W charge ut Detec- tive Dick F. Hendee.'/en. who Is rcpreeenting the prosecution. Tho charge had beeu lull wider elrcumetences that reeved to Jus- tify it, it appeared that he lett Ottawa with a young lady who Mod some time ago come from Eng- land to Beek employment, enol who had stopped at his house. Falling to secure work rive had started for Chicago to sock employment, and Mr, Boger, had act:empaniel her to Toronto. The Smithy were satin - fled. It wile not a case of elopement, Roger', having obtained leave of absence, and hating bought a return teltet, Utlawa to t eing°. Farqulutr McGillivray, Clerk of Routine and Itecorde, Iioode of Com- ment, Is to be superannuated, and Charles F. Colwei. foruierty of Lon- don, Out., but who has reaIloai In Ottawa for bona Date part, to to be appointed Iu hie place. The Dominion revenue derive.] from eueatoms for the three months" raring 30th Sept. (to -day), amount', to 88,035,091. Thur is an increase of $188,291, or nearly Mtlf et million tio;lnri, °ter the erne time fart year. Tl10 increase for the mouth, over Sept., 1900, wax $_82,810. alfir September Iaallure•. Ire p ort,' to 11. O. Dun ♦ Co. show Ihablllihw of commercial failures 111 the United Staters, thus far reported toe which 1- 9 u f h 11. 33024..t' September,8 . 1101,590 were In manufacturing, and ng. Failures this week 1113,0:-.1,12e umber' 227 In the United States egainut 2'04 last year, apet 84 In Camelot agitin't 18 last year. 'reroute Partnere• Market. Sept. 3O.-Oraln receipts on the street market were heavy on Satur- day.as Pricer were 11 little mutter. Wheat was steady, 800 bushels of wliKe selling at 60 to 731-2c per burled, 400 buldlels tit roti at 60 to 70c, and 1,500 bushels of {pose et 651-2 to 661-2e per beetle'. Bewley was mailer, 4,000 beetle's selling at 47 to 53o per bushel. Onto were caster, 2,000 Islmhels ',oil- ing at 42e per bushel for okl and 89 to 40c for new. Rye was steady, 100 bushels selling at 51,c per bushel. Poultry -The offerings were again heavy, though not pp to yesterday's amount. Prices were firm at yester- day'. figures. • Hoge -Dr esat.l bogs were easter, owing to large receipts yesterday. They are seting now at $J.23 to $9.50 per cwt. Lambs were easter, selling at 7 to 7 1-2c per pound. Hay -Receipt• were fair not prices meter, 20 loads selling at $10 to $11. Straw wan firmer, two loads Bell- ing at 810 to 811. Leading Wheat elerkets. Clueing quiotalions at impel tent - wheat centres to -day : Cash. Oct. New 'Pork... 783.1 . Chicago ... ... ... ... ... 70 1.8 Toledo... ... .. ... 72 3 4 78 (4 Detroit, No. 1 w,114(e78 Toronto Fruit turd Vegetables. There Was a gnarl market to day, wink ample supplies, and the tone of the market ste•aely. We quote: crapes, 10 pound baskets, 17 1-2 to 20t ; ale., large, 23 to 85c ; peaches, basket, 40 to 60o for ordinary, anti 7.c to sl for Crawfords; Michigan peaches. $1.50 to $2.50 per hush. l'Iwnr, 81) to 500 per basket ; pears, 25 to 50 ' apples, es 1 b to 25) per bas ket and $2 to $3 per barrel. Bananas N'e, $1 to $1_20; do. flirts, $1.30 to 1.65 per bunch ; lemons, box., 83 to 84. Pineapples, case, 83.23 to 63.50. Cucumb es. basket, 25 to 80c ; for pk'kllne, 65 to Tie ; tomatoes. basket, 121-_ to 20.1. Watermelons. 5 to 15e each; murkmelons, 12 -quart )racket, 121-P- to 15c, large basket. 20 to 30e; tweet pwtatOatI barrel, $3.27,. 16ngrlsh Live Stock Markets Liverpool, Sept 28. -Cattle to -day are unehAngeel at 118-4 to 13e per pend, dressed weight ; refrigernter beef le 9 to 1) 1-4c. Toronto Leve Stock Market,. export ostUs, choice, par cwt. 11 75 to 03 no do medium 3 75 to 4 23 Ittport cows 3 in to z 73 Butcher*mule pinked..... t ..i 10 4 ire) Butohere' mule, e 3 73 ,o 4 13 Butchers• wattle, fair.... 3 .41 10 1 u1 do common. . .. . 3 00 to 3 30 do cows. .. . . 3 W • do bull* _ " 75 t1. 3 23 Ralla,etoort heavy.'ps*cwt-. 3 30 to t lie Hulls. export. light, per Cwt... 3 pr to 330 reeding bine . 2 30 to 3 D readers, .hurt -k. ep 3 73 to 4 00 do. mrdlu,n 3 50 to 3 73 do light.. .,., t m to 3 30 dtoekere. 1.4111to 1.111011)... .. 3 73 to 4 00 oR-ooiore and hullo 2 "r to 3 2) Milch cows. each... ,.. 13 00 to 17 00 dheee, 0wee per cwt. 3 01 to 3 23 do. bank* 230 to 2 75 do cull+. 3 (rt M 3 In tomb.. ea,:n 3 J, to 3 M) calves, per head 2 5) to 10 00 flan. choice, per own 7 15 to 7 3754 111w.. corn ted - 7 n• to 7 11 Iloins. llght, per cit 7 Ian to s en Hoer, 1*4,.. per ewe 7 fru te 0 00 SUING FOR SI0,000. W. T.; It. Preston's ('ase fur Ube Agrinl the Journal. Toronto, Sept. 27. --On behalf of Mr i W. T. R. I'restun, lnme'tur of lm migration, Mr. lents Iley,I (lila morn hag filet) particulars of .fir claim agnlaet the Otto wa Journal fon $10, 000 dnmag a for the publication of :a letter by n kinsman of Pre -atone casting doubts upon his sernaity unit rectitude. The Tetter was publishee during the hearing of the Cook ehnrgee regarding the sole of senate In tato 8 -nate. Mr. Preston was n witness, and the letter was n signe- tons attack upon ]lie reputation. 1 SCHOOL TEACHER MISSIN 1, N:dg-tr Down Disappeared From ' Near London on AIIgtHt 30. Lonilon, Sept. 29. -That Advertimer .nye: Edgar (town, n young man whet taught shoot neer Whetea..Obbornc Township, ham myrterloualy tfls'ap- p"ared from that neighlaorhi'OI, and 114 whera'alaute hoe not mince been learned. Ilia Mitten nt thr whool alerted after the midmummer holt- dep., nal ire continued to teach tip to Friday, Aug. 40. Before leav- ing the school that evening, he nak- eI the tioholars to titin attenlane0 the following Monday (inter Dap, nt he wI.4i 'I to mike good the day they hail lord some little time pre- •lon... The Children obeyed hie rermest and went to the school Whiny morning, bet to their alurprlee the tpaeher 411 not put In him ,nppenr- wni l', They went borne that day nal returned again on Tnra.lay, but ti, on the day preslonm, their tench- es wax still miming. It wait now telt-feat that all wan not right, and Ingnlrlee were at once made, Mot the where/Omuta ref the mewing psi. ngngne. Is still n mystery. Nlrenge to any, tilt Is the third perien who ham myaterinurily dire nlip noel from the came 110110- I 01.700.7, elthont the al•ghleittearco of liar wherentanite Over .Oyeare mgt, it Mr. Jon em dl.npp»+.red; then, In 18:1I1, Mr. Pertinent and now Mr Down. THE CUP CANDIDAT i`'I' 1.f , 1! / Sha v sr. ��"►meal "". rock 1I., the Challenger. 6UA110 RT M'KINKy TOMB Soldier Firing at 0 S:abbad by Anothe apparently about -0. °loan shaved, and becomingly dressed in a dark tweed suit. and a tin,, frieze over- coat, and patent leather shoes. Alt exumantion of the contents of tae pockets /Mowed that the mimeo( Man the young mon was Slhta Bert Card, 783 Queen street east. At the Invete Ligation Instituted by the coroner It was shown that the young man en- tered Nnree'a Hotel about lO o'clock at night anti asked 1f ho could have a room. Mrs. Nurse naked him what be wanted it for, and upon his not giving any satisfactory answer, as told that he could not have one. left about 10.15, and went out o\the pier, where, after a ■hort tl Ile was seen to shout Wieself as 1.method above. The examination show that his watch had stopped at 10..1 p. m. The f oweer letter' was fount on helm per , .lttel Sept. 28. which week! me t, give a clue to the 1110• We of tlw eed : • STRANGE PAIR OF PROWLER Canton, Ohio, Sept. 29. -Oce o the 70 aoktlers from Fort Wayne, Mich., guarding tho tomb of Presi- dent McKinley, to-nlgbtt attempted to fire it blot at what his took to bo a prowler about the vault for pirpoee. unknown. but the nim of Ids wenpon was diverted ate earl. by nnothcr prowler, who came from another direction, and wtreuk the rifle, nt the sprue time thrust- ing a knife at the guard's abdomen, and penetrating hie overcoat and binilte. The first man, the guard Nap., carried a small white pnet- eort hi his right hand, and something that Kier -treed like et polished wee - elan In the other. The'second one, "oro it matt over his Peek. Lleet. Xahbrldge, officer of the tiny, was on duty lesarx than it hundred feet 'twill In front of the vault, and is .nil tie hare retched the top within five eteoonds after he heard the shot, bat when lin arrlvel thegnnrd wee nt the foot of the slope In w7rlch the vttolt le bdlt, where he rolled niter the nsanult, and the ramposed prowler', were melting their comp•' with a good lend. Othere of the company were nt- limited by the retort of the rifle, Mut ra'nche'd the !eerie torr late to be of any aaststancn except to pwr- ticlpate an the /'arch of the ceme- tery end in bncrenaing the guard few the night. Morten regarding the Incident when they reached the city were compared wltlt the Jell delivery that tarcurrt'1 nhont the vim) Unie. Military re'gnlntioflIprP- tent either the otfktara or the lane from dieeneeing the matter for pitee lientton, Anil ('apt. Biddle. veho In command, deellnn(1 to be quoted when .eon at the onmp to -night. The SoIdiPr's 5,nry. -I ata mtenling tat go out to.n °:+t for goo 1, so 1 will mot have timeetor m t to 1140. En clime w'111 findt ring, and you had batter keep min Otxx1 bye (Sign ), Bort Card.' Thole. wax tin - )ll i*titen Its- to -wlr, the "fr>erel" la: -:In the letter wns keine it gold ring\Wtheeh land or- iginally contained six _, rnets, but two of them were misadn There wan also a photograph of the oung mon In one of hln px,ckete, tow. her with a number of trinkets and n mate graphs album. Another letter wee found m the hely, dated Sept. 9, and nod Mated. Turrell. It opened an folio n : "I hopxe yon will not think me ' d In writing to 7011, but 1 ter,' an a fully lonely that 1 Just got to say vvtmethlnw to yon, and 1 have net had it chance for a long tithe." 14 mntalnel protoetatons of love. purl arrange) for it meeting "to -night in Futetern Armoire, neer the Woodbine." when the girl promised to "try and get ewny from Mabel." Coroner Cotton will report to the proper nntd'awltk'C, who w111 defile whether an ingnesi 19 neeeneary. The story an learned from reliable and authentle pourers la as fellow": Private Deprrnd was on duty we gOaed at the top of the vault, at ledge of stoned some 2O or 30 feet higher than the plot 1n front of the aanit, proteeting the wpprnnelinae from the Wive wild ?,Sr. About 7,80 he says he saw the taw of a mac hkltog be - Columbia, the Defender. punted by two of her fonr chiklren and by Leon Waseter, a tr ietee of St. ettaulblaus' Polhill Catholic Church,. In Seventh Street. She mold she wanted n marriage stopped, which her hub -band was about to contract. The sergeant sent a roelnleman and preicemnn nronn(1 to at. Mtantwtanw' Church. with instructions to arrest Kayieskin. They found till, church full. Lona Knvlmkin and Mophio 111 - law'. 1- lapn. his proepectivo bride, had Just knelt before Father John ii. Strzol- t•cki. The priest stool with hand's extended end bps framing the flirt words of the marriage ceremony. Mr. Was -ter, standing at one side of the altar, pointed down at Karle- skin, and Berke tapped the kneeling Illnn oil the alionkler. Schra iber ex- pinlnt'ti to Father eltrselecki and then led awn:: tho bride, who had risen in coneternatim. At the 'tattoo Kerlatekln audn)Ittpll his wife.'a charges. 11 maul he had Litt her two menthe herb:'ranee she were ntwnys complaining lint he did not 'mike money' enough. De had con- templated ninrry'Ing Milia 1):ibipn be - mime elle had stoney of her own. Wage. Cut la Kaglaad. Iwln.le.n. Rel 29.-A deepateh from Mkldbot'nrougli ways 1b* ae'•eteetant'l eertl(Irntes of the north et Englund Iron nn 1 steel trnilee ahnw a hell In the prleen of relit!, plettna and berm mower/NI with two months ago. A rrdnvtlnn ,•1 wngne hos been di('Inred for October ntri .oaaemher .,f alxpa'nee nn peddlint and five per cent . Dol her Droll wags& PERISHED 1M FOREST FIiiE. Country About St. Jerome Que., ir, Flames. FATE OF SEEKERS FOR HELP. St. Jaeronn, Lake St. John, tine., apt. 710. -Far the ]net few (lava for- firaem have beet raging 101 over country around heree Miming hon , barns and crops. At . Andre de Lsp.xtvnnte, 12 nails fr here, the presbytery, Metnhefo an Pulp Cos. store and ten houses nit dspendencbec were deetroyerl. a ly the ehurt•h ranrl four houses were t ctanding la the vil- lage. ;1 Two men named Panne and Bexu- drennit on their way here for repot were enraght In the flames. Panne wag barred to death; itoadreault Is still alive, bit le badly horne.l. The firs came very near here, end 1t was feared thin Thong. w,„,hl b. - O011113 n prey to the Mimeo b honey faU of rain net in mating all night cell the danger Is now past. BURGLARS WITH WEAPONS. A LTNneAe !robbed off:eerhae Ilun. tired Dollar". Tnrenlo, Sept.:10,-Ono.of-tlte most daring - bu•rglarlo. Whisk have taken phaco in Toronto In a long time oc- curred early Itundey morning, at the premises of Kwong loot Loy, Chin- os) tea merchant, at 85 pant Queen street. Between six and seven o'clock the Celenthtl, who elects In a mom ad- joining the More, was awakened by two men, who drmnnded his money. Ono held a revolver vet his head, while the other flourished a large knife and compelled him to chow them where he kept his money. The Chinaman, under the circnmetaneee, obeyed, veltla the result that the bur baa r H r ,t IO for'their t , .• g 6 root I . Tho thieves got in by forcing it rear door. Eight or ten oilier (,htuitpnen were sleeping npetalra at the time the burglar,. entered tho phew,. 1 e teectivel Cuddy and itleek are 'net -ta- ilgating. Thtmvree elan attempted to enter n house on Widmer *treat en liettnrday night, but were frightened off. SILENT AND SUI.LEN. ('zolg.nnz lento nod Steeps flit Witt Not Calk. Auburn, Sept. 30. -Warden Mead le- 'bey o-'bay gave out the following: "l's:dg(twx line oaten his meals retro - tarty and hraa h ed no cnnvermntien with linty of tho other contemned light ID a good many departments. men. lite answered question', In regn/d to hie meals, such as inquiry 11 he would hnve malt, etc.. which were put to balm by the officers, but nettle frena that he line maid nothing. I'nrt of the time yeeterdny lin lay In him bed end the rent of the time he apent wnikIng up nod dawn lila oa11." Priam Physolan Guerin alatel (*soigne: yeata'rdny and nein the; morning, bet tmine no nerd foe hoe ones ytr e•m. in Addition to hnndre.le of rewrite from eh over the country for invita- tions In witness the evrnetinn, War- den Mend to -day received numerous ra,jnawtm for the nutt.grnph of 1'P,l- go'ss nal nlmn Rome from medlenl men for piece* of hie !stein After he .hall hoop paald the death pen'1lty. --Cheese. Belleville, Ont., dept. 28.-81fi- trs factories offered 955 white and 100 colored cheese here to -day; sales, 78 -- at 9%c. London. Ont., Sept. 2A. -At to-tln,v's market 11 factories offered 1,507 boxes September cheese. colored; no sales; bidding from 9 1-4 tog 11-16c. Iroquois, Ont., Sept. "8. -Today 688 entered and 150 white cheese were boarder, the highest price offered as 9 3-8c, but Clone sold on the rd. errlabnrg, Ont., Sept. 28. -To - de 9 3-8c was offered for cheese on boat . ; no stiles. Cort vnll, Ont., Kept. :IA. -To -day L289 hltes 567 colorer], 62 Amerl- e were boaried.. McGregor Ito nt 9 8-8c; Mciae got nd 45 colored at 9 3-8o cyan ph got 67 50 white each. Cowanrvill Quem., Sept. 29. -To- day 49 (net elm offered '2,466 boxes of cheerio am three creameries of- fereel 85 boxes of butter. (lu n bnnght 211 box nt 9 5-16, boxes at 9 1-4c, 1: boxes at 9 1-8e; Odell bought 461 • . pees at 9 5-16c. 25 boxes nt 9 1-4e; 'erguson bought 662 boxes' at 9 1-443 ; Ihtmo! bought 183 hotpot at 1) 1-4c ; irnett bought 84 boxes at 0 1-4c; Ili.. rd bought 48 boxers at 9 1-8c. A trued to October 5th. Batter -210 bid; no sties. BradstreeVs oil lead Wholesale trade at Montr al le folly votive. Sorting buelil,I for the toll le quite active now, trav- ellers' orders being very sattntae- tory ant culling for bmmedfato 'hi menta. A good deal of money 1 Nine receive- fromthe Northwest, Trude at Toronto this weak lute \ dlspinyed a fair •anoint of nctivily in fall goyim. The prospect.' for \ the next month Indicate a 'steady development of burliness. Itllaitte'e nt Hemiltrm continue" near.: active. Travellers' orders sire very nnmer- oxte and all for liberal supplies of NPttemetlllt• lines to Wirt etocka. 17nnntry remittance"( nee fairly gine] end wit; improve av the grain re ceiple inereatre. Ili p orta of the buelness 'Hendon at Winnipeg re.Mve.l by I1rad- etreet's ]him week are encouraging. nntwlth,tnnding the fnct that rale hart 1wterfareal with the harvest spurn t to n s Trade at London it fairly pedes f(x this aanson. Th ore ti net much to report In baldness clrolee nt Pa- cific cornet centres. Trade, accord - Ing to Bradstreet's reporter. Is ettll The granite monument a'rectel by the pimple cif Acton to the Int» (tun nor Moore, who died nt Pretoria, wee unveiled by Mrs. C. 8. llmlth. Thirty -firs Syrian immigrants, who arrived at Montreal by the Frnneo-Canadian stammer Waxman. booked for the United Staten, have been tient back to Quebec by United Stales Officer Watohou, who claim, ticy are not provided with a clean bill of health. John Cunningham wan 'Initialling girder, from a ear nt tnettivllle, when one of them fell nn his foot. Ile WPM rrmnvtxl to St. Mlrharl'ti Hnap1- Inl Tnrnn•o when' 11 wits fotun 1 that the m•mhr'r wax aro 1)11,11', entailed as to neoewattate amputetlnn Met above the rankle. Rey. i1. M. Torbert, wgetl 54, late rector of Bt. Stephen's' Church. Bos- ton, diet anddrnly of heart fwljnre 1n a privet^ word et the Toronto (lettere! finapltsl et neon on Mtn - tiny: Ifo had been slatting friends at Ht. Cwthwrtneu, and while there was taken tel on Sept. 4th.