HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 6ileAtt 46617 -iv 4.4444.4*-te-11/ If 16-1(.414.je-ed, 4/1",*-G(r. 4/ r++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I GERALDINE'S FORTUNES L.4.4.44+4•+++++++++++++++++++++444-++++++++++++ "But elm la not in her ,tiettige, I nature you!" pentane] Eleanor, ret- the•r nettled by the cages t Ione for the housekeeper wet very few year., older than 'wove'. "Her fac- ulties are perfectly good; but alte line neer grit titer my brother's death. She 0011 not beer nay allot - ed, whispering the wines clese to her Car. "Gh, teething! I catne open You Ott- txpectedly," mite faltered. l. lett not au ogre. 'To whim were yol f I heated roues one 'Only lie Losibury. Ile told 111. 1 hail better not di turb Moe. SyniPe • cion to it, site '- The oat lel, met - I thought I eliould ,ust hate tine to itenly remembered that it W.111 au awkward tole to hate introheeet, 1-141 stet eye huw ;the ie before dinner. „Niece 11110 coutil not well mime. ha Now, I least eto an1111111•11." After thee firet moment eif impaisite fore' the phYateinn who had attend- gllneive to get away from Dr. Leti• ((editor. which did mit disetonoort hint portal); to tell tue. 1 dou't kuew In list Imet. • wtet to tio." - For myself," le roetteeet, - 1 tele wa"tai'iououttestuheiot iiiti:entko tit:viz:1..4.h tieLba...4 el operate neusw best-leillem epee:etc fliat is lutpuerible." ILu*'"iel.....U•rol.'n. Melee,' foe example," "1 oti must find a way. And yeu eh, Woke Iti. lookiag at, him with a must tell him every thing, uot keep- etete unsuntakeble expremitei (4 leg bick 4 lie least thing tiburit 'moth' ng. Julien or anyone e!re." She shook her head hopeemly. -I toll you you Ile seemed taken aback by this „mitt. tehatti t'u w eperalt, thr 111Pa1111144 Of WhiCil he all- pg. gi v e thin turan:b.tutimjpLidterralitht; leirently under‘textd. But his (ice hewed no shame and no anger ; hie tieuitty'ro'ukwoUtindt yboleuiri illrfe.inAighit t,llit :rbr.w ght featurio wi•rii indeed naturally mo ino yourself Into the lumen of n matt mei able tliat the faint eurpris • and of such geuerou• 11114111160 as your lieleire' wheel lier implied 444VO/MA.1011 limb:toe? No brevieli between i oil caused in him were only to be 1411111 4.• could justify •u It a mune,. an 1 iel feint a Jerking 'tenement of thi 1,t46,.11311,uhtigyonitntiwtthrikoeive.:Iiir,glirtliottietie; mliglimeill3iiiiitgo. hand he Itel laid •tti the piano, and heel the breach at an ()wort unity whno,tiiriv:oice, ales eta tek h r with eia,•h horror ha %.o found oloalo of .00ing yotir [rem his 'elementary silence. Ilie of this klud for tut& to :appeal to ien't It r I* ' next wnrd* weep spoken in Itle usual Ina Matinees." nice eipera. It ix about poisoulnit ' that the would not answer. e0.1111 110i Wok at him; her hands fell down (rem the key*, an41 her oyes .ought hat..., .kibe her husband at the other end of the "yea, 'Lucretia Borgia' is a very .1;1 night,. The Mated oelel sine brutal bead - but with a. threatening "But I tell you I 1,11%e tried to get an opportunity; aft 1 1 Call 1101. They are tegether from morning liive me your weed tatt before break fruetelme to-inorrow you wid litieliaiel alone atiel of usiug them to make a full courtesan' of all you for dames nail room in un Rivulets which did not es- (10,104.; muter:tut 1 Viiiel cape her companion. promise to do my very utmoet to It let of no use to call your hue- bring this scoundrel -1 believeyou intnd; You hu"' ruillud Yourat'ir with eee, that he le ti ecoundrel-to Jus - Itim. It he I you have too dent with tioe. But, If you refuse to give um now. If pat call him now. what can Jour word, why, then, I am afraid pm Fay against me that Ito will be- I must have ti, decline to make U. neve Listen. I have no "Oa, 3014 are cruel!" etirainat you, luckily fur )ou; but if "Will you give me your, word?" you don't choose to give mo an inter- "My husband will kill me! You must view eonie time before. Monday morn- have noticed beer he itiobs at me 110W." .‘Wilit you give me your ward r She etraggled with herself, and then 'reed - "Yee I don't believe 1 &hall be alive a \ breakfast time to -morrow, now, she added, piteouslY• "Very well. Go to hint prepared for tlie worat, if you like -you know very well the menet will be a Lief way eleort et that -and, in return, you have my promisee" She looked tap at him, relieved in mind already, now that she was pledged to a coulee of action : and elle wevelered, with bitter remote., how elle oould ever alight this men's 1,066 hitsband's. But the lat ly have been .Jealeus h knuwn 01 this feeling; for merit tviiich canted her to with rratit , too eby and to be east expressed, was 11)41 h gret, at it lag tniesaill a :ove nil remerea at hiving tommlMesil a niterlegii. 11- began telklug re t Mees tirettott. asking wh.liter hie heard from her lately. to give h r nn opportnalty of recovering her sellecommand before ttoy joined her husband and Dr. Ledbury. soon after, Iv left tee returit to thy 41car- • RegIneld pots hic 41111 It firm preemie. to rem ni be of ir p:ondo., anti of h ow .1. an I to cei onertg • h o to a firtimess whi le as elm Glue teok leave of h -r only friead. 611 • was far from ft- ing. During th t r of ilia day, during wh'eb. in mite of hir pallor und of h haggard. an v sou s louke, h vr hue - bend never looked at or spoke to h•r 'entity. the carefully avold.et a tete- a-tete which Dr. Lesibury ail merle:1y songhL Al the et *01i114 wore on. Flie grew thebell and nervous, nue der trammed Eleanor very mu.h by the old:ye-inappropriate remarks kb, wide on toinne :emote misece elects w hi. It th • old lady w•ut reading out to le•r. tiernlene, you are anewer- 'ng as if you did tot feel th • le tat Internet In the peed work tires+ ebei,- tine laithe rte.. tarry tea out lb:Teo-. eh • complained. peevishly. " Yo.. I eo. Waved, Aunt Eleanor,' anewereel Geraldioc. rallying h r thoughts. and, in her haste to 4,9 - pear interested, unwisely letting fall her real (minion on the subject. "Don't you think the alr of superierity litese_getel Medea) women. who would palm only her half oduciated nail partitularly narrow minded peeple over hero, give themeelves over the in.lian Indica must be a drawbetek to their swore& 'T "But they are onaperier. Geraldine. They are Christiana. and they are An!, if they are half edu- cated, why the Indian Indicts are not all:rated at all I" "I ahoulet te go out there and feel out whether that 61; MI11." "Geraldine! You! Leave your home •nri your hietbani! What would Cop - Lain litorrisien may?" "Ile would any," eel I that gentle- man, vrheeling his chair round and loekIng full into lea wife's face fer the first thne that day. "that she be very weei woe to go If she pleases." Though Eleanoe thin for n the tone In which It was spot - PP neon her rettiver uncomfortable ; but the words!, renting at the moment when she wan summoning her cour- age for the onleal of a crucial Inter- view with him, cut Geraldine like a knife. lea' a TPW momenta othe told herself that It wan impoesible keer her promiee; but the might of the Importurabln doctor, stroking Ids board and talking nattily to Elisa- beth in the contented be- lief that he held the con - duet of nffalre In the h',use safely In 4111 Ita.nde,.nerveil her again to. the c.onteet. ing, where 1110b014Y Call overhear tie, • hr .11 I swear 1'11 de lago's wore between wey ilk Which t ho, houeekeeper sigh. tette?. her !venal comae:tint toward her !monied hail rottureed. yea and your lineband; and you at every mention harles' M - ed anil tremble! ain4Sir C 1\ Rama her head away from me.' +fah! he, with soina lion to next I Now' call 3012! hue - "Yon are in a great hurry to get know whom I 'shall turn my atten- netts, band if you dare I" Ile pueree out thai words itatikly. Inft low voice. resting molly' againet th• Wane, a* 41 h • w.ve chritting /dealt th• moot indiffereet Matter. Even th • expression of 4118 fate scarce. IY 4h 11110ki 11 • kept heo void blue eyes meet with th 'straight, p t448:1 1c star" wife!, h detually g.tve them nii air Of penetrattea Mitt sitja niority to human weitkiewe, but whch now scented to ail eh. gtvo true salt g:ance ut It 111/ 16114.11i1144 1406 th tit tie, (44 - 44.411 aitioh_.• of th ruffl.tit. 141* sta.rted up with a sairp'y drawn breathlen eyes.' w lit, h c fate pale an I dump; 1 U th• primmer of tiro inn a with hie Inexhitu inso!othee, partly; d kw; nal hit in r...) obi p r, ' Take cart., .'' its Itt strop ti wk. as if to Wirer h•r to paw. wav eaglet tot 1118140 h sink ;fowl again on to (hi music -stool wIttiont att.-mere a wore. Dr. le eitory 4)4(14 41 up WNW mud:- which Feli• had swept WI tht• piano as sh• pu:. out 11 ,r htal in teeing. W be. are you ? Welt ar• you?" eh.. wleteeetel. eue he bon ekiwv to rep:an• before it r th • p et* 'she trill b•411 playtttg. " You eh t I know wb yoa give me .lis ester. lew 114.444 tor. - 'This. is an inter. kw. Why c ' t you say 31(4 41. you it tie to Nay nuw ??" thrl'111.1•W Wh..1t 1 016511 aty to you 11111 y f'111 UM, ) 80111 • /ADO:. kW'. i111.1 '8001104' .4cfore wit - 114114014 You, 'tree% not be afraid of me, you C1111 C11110110 your own time 111111 piece, or you out refuge ainigether to give me the iiitertii•w-which, how- ever. 59111 be a inty, for the metka of more than tew person. Well ?" "I will anewer you -to -morrow." "eery well. But it must Ise car,y, 4104111106 tet Monday I shall prob- ably' be going 1184117." - eke, expreeeroct cuitageil to tate of neute terror; and, satisfied that he had said enough to gain hill point, and 'that to frighten the woman more would be dungerouie, he t•hanged 1418 tAxie 140 Nile /Wahl 1•16C. /81141 tatted eas.ly on indifferent subjects' as they 'eternal to the group at the other cud of the room. The rest oi the evenbig {twined quiet- ly. bet -wag uncorniortable for eveney tese-for the master of the house, who weinet scarcely able to mulure the presence of him wife : for the wife itereelf, enulibeil by lion and forced Hi converse with some semblance of amiability with a man sho feared and hat& for Elizabeth. who dur- thew hist two ;Jaye had lost some of 114V 110.11-r0111M01lli 1111.1 grown uneamy and restless; for Eleanor, on whom her rester's; unensineem found vent ; and posaibly for tho imperturabie guest himself, who htvl scleral den- t:ate and difficult affairs on hand In the Waringliaro householdi The following day moo Sunday. (Jer- aldine put her last, hope tet the poselbillty of a reievernation with Reginald Bomber, the only mol heitiivei and trustworthy frietel she had. .tx obc could not get an opportunity of wreaking .to him privately an they C11100 Oat of church, elm boldly asked lion to luncheon ; and lie returne.I with the Hall party. Before the meal ;vim half niter, Gentians had the eat infection of meting that -thin move MAO /V Wier one; ,for the firet time mimehie arrival at Warringhnm. Dr. feel- hilifY; in the peewee of the vlear'e son, seemed 111 at mute. After lunch- eon, Dr. Ioedbury hirnevelf gave her the opportunity she wanted by lingering behind with f'nptnin Morrison, over 31100111 his intim/we rontInuel to 48' (1131480. when they itrollei out Into the genten 4.0 'mew the flomtitte warmth nal brightriese at an after - meet fair for into November. An won an she heel dream 14. Ilttle frny nhead with ItegInalii, she meld, hurriedly - "I want you to help me. I am In touch terrible dixtrese and anxiety thnt I COW not even think." "Yon know vowy vvell that 1 'that! be most happy to do anything I rftn-" "Viet, yet, I knew," nhe Interriipt• grntefully. not in the li•net re- buffed by tbe nelm comennopinee of Itie ppeech. "1 don't know whether you will underlie re1-1 can't toll you properly -I ton afraid of their remlng np.e Whe Woe terriley nee. toes end excite', no lie helped her out with her ;dory. "You are atrial of your humbandas friend, for me thing. I onn nee." "Oh. yew. 1 nen, and weth terrilie retain! Ile hAn trial to kid dames! It true -Indeed It Ix. Do pretend to believe me, at tenet. You heard about the burglary hers? Well, It Ween'tIt burglar; it WAX .Inmeg. And this min has come In search of him, nnd when he elide him 110 WIII kill Mine; on 1 mint to have a &teeth'. gat to match this 'loc. tor' When he leaves here. He Is we lug to -morrow." "Isn't lie tit* elector Mr. Fielding brought to are Sir Janine ?'• "Yee; but I cion't believe he hi tt doctor at all." "Thee la very likely. !Inve you tole your litiebetei yoIr ammicione?" ''No. It wonld be of no lime. They 4319' ineepernne. At fleet I thonght the moot mute tote uf my hunbaners. but noir I nut nitre he is not -he isi too vrCked. My huebitel will end by belt* n tore of hie." "T041 lewd prevent that. Yoe meet tell Coptitin klorriant your mum - Melons ; you mutt"- - "I foment. Thift man 1,194 linearly mode the branch between 1143 wi,ler titian it law, before; he in no fain- fbient h'e ;wirer lit the hoese het lif, t heed erte x a oe•r.i e me heilbowl elle ?nettle, egalnitt Inc imitate4 /Xi 11 hlto n secNit Inter. leW. He declares haa something Im- "The Rhea* of her no doubt letetened h eve! Dr. lesIbury. "A lenitatkni in saying t time her intellectual fa itirt•ady in it elate of "Oh, that is becaium y kis iwn her before! ehe It bien like that." said El genlICAUSiy. "Dr. Lielbury 0.111 see sign Ponape you and me. 1411•11/111c. • odd Elizabeth, who saw that their guest's handwitne face was cont act• big at this attempt Ot a ue egainat his superior know.edge. "If Miss °two, haol been at it hod herai beefed'. at that time, t eigte I speak of could hardly hav failed to be Oa apparent Li) her as to 110.." said the tlueow, grate:v. And poor Eleetnor 3141.4 far too notch crushed by this motel attack to suggest that tbe physician, having denied 111.11114100011 11, the sick-rootu to her sister, w mid certainly not have aocardol it te herself. Every one felt relieve -I Wien thin rather painful episode was brought to 1(11 'NYE All 1 Geraldrie intoned tee discussion of the nIterment arrange- ments. ()9ptaiu Morrie/it Welted . their geowt eee the few betook -it cif a retneekably nupictureeine neighborhood. and 116 wife and Miss Elizabeth were to go aire. Geral- dine deemed quickly for the drive. tie order tot tett a few minettee talk with Mee. Hymen: but, quick es *he wJs. Elizab..eit hal installed her; n fact wiech suggieted that the houisehold Ixexey. 441 whom, preeence the honeekeeper w of course Ian!. for mysteriMin dot•tor w. quite ite good twine With the younger Mee (4131. .y an well his hoe- She tried ',gain. on lief re- turn, to get a tete-a-tete fr.tit Mrs. Syme.. hut MI thill CleCitSioll It Viol the tkictor Isinmelf , who inet her nt the foiet of the staircase. eine reline abruptly suggentel that the old woman hart better not be atibev•ted to the exciteineut 01 eny snore tiqitm tlAtt day. "If indeed you insurt -on wisher up to her, !are Jlorriaavii, I will take the liberty of aceompanying you." be said, lit a Wale too strange, with such a cal iniggest fort Of elleret power. that she tattered, awl, In- stead of pereinting, said, "Ilave you seen her? ' -Not yet," he ant -Veered quickly. was afrahl, after watt Slits OL - 3187 tired at dinner, that the eight of me will do her mare harm 1.11011 good. Howtver. If It woteil net your inInil nt reet"--- Rill% eisarply, and them lobe panned. It Wail the (Ina time she heel root Dr. Leeihnry 11111111. -7---41401 tis• 101111 change 0; hie moque? trrwaret her bewildered and Mantled Itterteme witteu:t, however, ri•leits• master's death i eg hee. ..14X)Ig herel'ou ate too r break-up." , frank In 'yogi- unelutifulaeae an I au '1 1 bav° 110 leyal to youreelf in your disloyalty at at (hal t3 um that tl.ey, haven't 1114.11 able ult1"8 wPre to make me tette yoa ot even really Coold you -vet ; bat if yuu pereat in had not , repuldng nte-111V-1•11.141r Iiul.h1)n(I- alW1lylI ; %%nom you went to forget you (MVP 111013 111. 1 enorn to 10(0 11.14 tlt," 01)7, why, I why. I mho! I enit by eutting giallte- Which latly'ir throat -not my own, For that 1 Coal sum ose you write! mind." "Yet% I ehetild. lislete-yi vs. 1 14114. 11 nho (trivet hurriedly. "I must tell you, I -I wantet to atiene to you thiv morning. bat I eouldn't get a 1 !glow.. I hail something very Import - and to any to you. The word, froze on her Pre; for, at alto steed there with her hushand's arm round her, and with one ot 'tier Linde laid persuasively on It •r 11181111 }tor face lovely with the light :I co:or white' the exeltetneut of /meet bronglit there a step be - her Made her start. ;1 11,1 her :1 iltlf nel withdrew his nrm. Dr. Led - bury apwared, smiling urbenely from th'. tarn In the e irrider. - "nage you dr pp' I a letter, :tire Ilerrisen ?" he ',eked In hie natio' eefter iiceand with his used eigni- fiel manner. Ueraeliee cote I net reprev* a Flight 'tart and a still more tell-tale rtuth 4.1 bi.xed tg, her face. Her Inaba II -dived bah algae and his dark face to came livid as here became red. 'The (teeter proceeiled impertursibly, nppnrently noticing none of these things - "Became I have juin picked np 14 letter from the Moor ; I deo% know whir4f, it hi." Before he handsel it to her; Ger- _recovered herrelf. eine wee nble te take it from him with an nir of perfect indifference. It 47113 11 half mheot .4 a letter rem vvlech the beginning was retain( ; it '.'aa In nti unknown band, And the signature woo that of n_ Alan Ale had never henrd of. it In not mine," site answered, quietlywith inwera rage at releitviriori..heen tricked ; for elle felt Rare Veit it. wan part of 4)14)0 vi hie own It had done ite work. heWever : it protineed In her it guilty ;Mort whili far niorss than eounierbalauced 11 it,a effeeta upon her husband's mind that weak attempt at (e)ne- deem wfech•the iiwoor land interrupt- ed. It hod clone more than title, for it 11410 given Geraillne a epeetly and :.entitateeng proof .that the men'in -tient wordn to her contained more tiblIU All 1110 threat ; thnt woe a 4rnteg4et renource, an enemy to he feared. She ginned from lag bland, treal'heronn face, calm, smiling and hinalwente, to the savage frown of fier Maimed, mei the rantl'A Netter whteh !Retorted the fenthres of the latter weined suddenly attraet eve and noble iti her eye'. nn•I in that moment ehe was amazed to think thet ,he had ever Inueeel oboe Pr. Ted - lore an her Intsleine's tool in a 11446e end rowardly erime. But. fia 11111 two men went down stain; together, the dretor murmuring 1.porChrl. .he ',mild not hear in Iti:4 low, porsulalve 4110 1 flt.() her lombond's ern% elle :wiped lieraelf whether the eninverne of (hitt pneition wan not more einn• meow/ still. CRAPTF.R XXXII. Ae tele heel hlen p3e44e331 to ex- pect._ tierahltnn fonnil no opportn- ney during the rest of thn (My of seeing either Mrs. Syntex or her hee- haw, /done. Ai for the letter, while her belief in him innocenne of the real &I:tractor of the mni: whom he lind bronght Witringliam as hie gloat grew etrenger every hour, and her anxiety te enlighten him Increneed In the mina prepertion, she twee found tient 'this step heti Inc -nue practical- ly an imptissible am If them hnd been dintanne of a hundred miles be- tween them. anger and inimplelon etrainst her which 'showed themeelvee in every evok nee, word while pee wnn et hes prestenov hal rate,/ tip a' har- rier white, her effort, were now nil poweriees to tweak down tie 1114 (4041 former'y been to *term the fortrees of dislike in which she had obitti- ately entrenched lior elt. From the moment 451109, in the company of f,relhar3-, Criptain litnrrison left his wife In the corridorand n''nt down 'stairs townie' the li- brary. the impellers nI tvniler- netts which 8 few graclons word,, or a align eif elistrena on her pert hnd hitherto been able to reline In him mooned dead. Wh thy met again nt. cleaner, eh, env at creve th, effect' ili• doeoree little mee in hor her bittern nicrkleg expeomion es he !coked at hYr, nue in thv rut -and -dried tamers at 9311111r11 wi.lt Willrh 110, with irei taste unwell1 in garnish -el hie 'hire 4,, th • geeerel con vereatkm. Whin, later In thi evening, shy tried :hi device of pLaying fftweritat mask weritaiti m*r,'k8, prett eraitteolki taIliel. nA he hed never be- fore failed, to exprede apereeliticri of h • ecompliment. Iltr. Len:eery mute n ;metering attempt to atone few th• negket. leve•Ing th' reel gethYrovi n 111 • firep'aei 4, eke tong drew, ina-iteenhe 4I'(10041 weir to 114'. corner wh Oerelellnei Int at the re/11104 834/1. an If 11. hot entirely foi- gotten thi little ehA14014 Of a couple of hour,. befoot 111 the norrWor, et - re -sae 1 him p'erieure I.t her performeter• 11 th Lerma ,,1 I) 1,, 31W1 Ilelth knew 1/01' Ca1r11 11111111 nitwit twee,. Geraidae rerelted his venvolcs n her. Ile w is no loagovr statunspiely cool, rener%al. mvurteous ; Ince nest attitude (retire:wed withal* lout Insulting ilefianete. Rive tainssiered • for a 1131 mstaieute as she etiviel under him impertinent meruttity. Joel 1111 abe raised her heal, anti raid. tly- ut very woe or you to take steel Internet In the men Wit thing. . Lielletry. end 4 (titre eny lit About the excitement. 10 tartar to come and bee give you my Wird re reit of an exeit• w,tli a Novelle, she you are I will get her. for I dieraeirsea leg kind"; and, turned 44114 114 But be io It:mod r. "Alm. Nineteen. If you will nilose me, I hate something to qtty to YOU. ' flix voice wit/ relent ab eve lee weal *twat innudible there, and teninded IrtroM nevi etrident. But she pretended not to hear, and leuitened alma the eiwridor 4.0931rt1 the froitt staircaae, eel she cote.' hear ber Imvbarel's footstepei miming up. At thit moment. In her anxiety to meow front the &coo, who. in Ovate ten, moment11 of en riesorte. had 11141•1•1 'W1444.411141 1111- 1Pr400111 1111011 her by the unexpected euenimpt het of the biodent meal demo in lise: awl tone. silo Woo ✓ eady t41 31611•11111111 the eippearenee of any 16141 till break up the tete-a• tete.' W,It. before teiptntn Mornefee taint. In sight, Dr. 1,edbury loul caught hey* up in 41, (.11314)11, ol mtrides nisi whieportil clove to her ear, as she eltrank nwey- "Why put it ti.P? 1 tat you I will met ik to you alone; and the muster you give me an opportunity the letter It Will he for -WOW one yoiI are ilatornat ell ie." " Y011 had better say what you hare to any to my hutibantl. whotn 1 shall at °aloe inferrn of your re- markable chenge of manner." "Oa, do no, by all means! Tell year bade, rid -y lot ing humble nit - '5,131 loving hnelintel--that I have inieteted yon; and ttien lie will kick me out of the Meese ,ocnel I shall be free ti net ab rat 11111114! liumint•se I have evn heat" She gave n toy. ortarted forward, e nd Almost fell n.gninet hor linsiband, who had Pitt net f ,P11 the top stele what'a the matter ?" he asked. For R. M. ,1114.11t 111W. 1116114.41trli, 04111- 11111161 and brenthlielit. it her husband drew hew teemed him and linked ant- onel3 into her frightened eyes. Then glancing behind her, she Raw thnt Dr. Lielbury had dienppeored ; but the influence of him hart fere and voice who upon ler Atli his laat words had bone a horrible moaning met she dared nee tetra) lien. Iler h bent Waal 043teaming her, not pre- pared for any awfol itlarioenre. "Whet la the matter ?" he repeal- SOZONNT far th) TEETN 25c eve dared to aeceot her would hard - he even he sent I - look up deep t so oble 11••••••••1611•011WWWW••••••• AFTER A LAPSE OF MANY YEARS r........•••••••4•••• SHORT STORIES OF THE DAT Aetter Come,' to Light Which ; hews the Undoubted Per- manency of Cures by Dodds KidOey Pills. Hrs. Edward Patterson, of Conboy- vtlle, the Writer iler High °pluton of Dodd'. ittdaey Pills -Her Ade vine to Others. Conboyville, Ont., Sept. 1:11.-48pe- chili-Mrs. Edward Patterson, of the" town, le one of those who can testify to the lastIng nature of owes by Doders Kidney Pille the great Canadian remedy for all af- fections of the Kidneys. Mrs, Edward Patterson. according to her own etatement, la to -day' 411 eiplentlid health. Her rheumattion liar left her, and although it ta ten years since then, it has never re- turned beyond 18 alight touch in cold weather, which a Itodd'a Kid- ney Pill or two immediately drives away. TIble prover what hag al- ways been claimed -that Dodil'e Ktreney Pills cure persnanently. Their effects are losting--in fact, they do not merely relieve -they cure. Here is Mrs. Patterson's let- ter: "It is many years, perhops ten or twelve, elnce I starts(' taking Dodd's Kidney Pills, 2111,1 then It was not for, Rheumatism that I took them. I was feeling miserable. did not know whet allot true and while reading a paper I new the testimony of some one situ had been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, who had been feeling tart es I was. gut a box and found they helped nw. I found atom that my Rheuma- tism was not nearly so tind, for I 11/0 watered for utauy years. es- pecially In void weather. I have used dostots (.1 bottles of medicines ahd Momenta, but i1 always re- turnee, until I med Dodd'. Kidney and now I !seldom have a touch or it. I occasionally get a box, porksips two a year. I never hear anyone ()nineteen of Itheuma- them but I melee them to try Dodds Kidney Pills." Work Of as rekeowa Architect One would think that the identity of the ;architect of Melt nuperbly deeignated building as Cologne Ca. thedral could not ponalbly be lost o the world. But it ix. 'IMP cathe- al took centuries to build, and y architects have mot:Jebel parts o( 1 according to their ow• ideas. In the mein, however, the original grand Idea -an idea which eimply natounee every modern architeet. bolt the origin of which IR abso- lutely unknown -wax carried out, and the remit Is the moat beauti- ful cathedral In the world. (To be Coollnuede WISE AN It 0 let E H ME. A free mute now ere{ then be right by cliance.-eowper. Wenry Walker-lb:1 yin get a cold howl -oat down ter (het frirm-himore? 11 awry leggiest -Nee ; but de far- mer', wife sent two kaiak (mit, nil' they wet 1414., 4 tell )er. Difficultlett tire thinm th tt. Flees n hat 01111 are.-Epict et tei. S.ee here 4" exclaimed the loy'm mother. 40*814' resettert tem term the mentry, "now twiny me re times. mi I tell you te keep away from thee'. etre of preserves ?" "ff FIV 1011 119 /11•P there, uut 1" In itered (ho bey. --- An honest motet ward 1.4 an good nn hie boul.--Cervantee. 0--- Twei tillage there etre that 01111.3" 11 girl To worry quite a bit ; ithe worried, If site le In love, Fete worrien If she's not. To reform a 1142)15 700 must begin wept lea grendmother.-Victor Rug.. If yonese.lrotsbled with cold feet nt night Y m Ailosild get- 11/4.011fg tor ll, 01 0111 Me, The (Pesten luny fix ymeeleriaht. Or ir•rhepor )(et may WWI di --- Neither n berrower nor n leneier b. for Orin oft Ware Welt fuel frieed filleskespeeee. • Ile -What ! Another areas? Preemie, dresseve, nothing 1014yen ever think of nov thing. t:111)411r;t. Sive-0! stenwetImee I think ;V iimnets end thing,. SOZODONT *Tiefti 26c BENUMBED LIMBS. A Trouble Resembling Para lysisin Its Effects. The Victim Loses Strength le Hla Limbs and l• Usually Unable 101)0 Any N ork -('(0 Story of a For- tner Sufferer, Showing Hem Thiet Numb•ess Con be Overcome. (Front the Whig, Klagtotaio, Ont.) There are few men in the city of Kingetoo better known than Mr. 11. S. Johneon, the genial proprietor of tne "Bon Ton" barber parlor, on Brock Street. For severed years he had beeti in falling health, being obliged to give over the entire work of his by ehop to h• assistants. Hut Gila spring hla health ie so won- derfully Improved that bet many friembo have been congratulating him Oil hie restoration. In conversing with a reporter of the Whig recently, Mr. J01111006 had the following to say °esteeming tes 11414004 n04 cure: "For many medium I waa practically paralyzed. Numbneen took porseadon of my limbo, emiteially of my brush.. Prone my tape .b.nvn my body Wil* without eitreingth, and despite all Gott I collet do. I waa unable to keep my halide and feet from 414.430111 - lag icy veld. My appetite left me, awl Novell I had to gite up work. My general hen.th 84,48 .41 course failing, auto 4 king 11,011. Au you know. I am petty -five yenre of age, and; when rt man hews atrength at Gott age, it is • listra thing to build him up again. I tried ereveral kinds of medicines, hut they alt failed to benefit me. The doc- tors whom, I commit eilt were' 5140 un- able to help me.. I was growing ilia- couragod when some of my old cue- tompro arlvlsoal me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pelt Pills. At Doti I refused fur, I did not beile•e any medicine un earth oould help ma but at last friendly persuasion had Ito effect, and I bought it eupply of thn pills and began taking them. I damn found that they were benefitting me, and en continued their nee until Dr. Willinmee 41,114 have mado me it DOW MAW. f feel ;stronger awl better day by day; I ,arre gaining In weight, and 411100 a,galn I 11.13111 to attend to my old custoMere without the least trouble. I consider the pills my beet friend, and would not be without them." Dr. Willinmee Pink Pilin are the friend of the weak end ailing. They aurpnge all other medicines la tte lr tenic, etrengthening qualitlea, and make weak and eleepondent people bright, nett re and healthy. Theste pllia are gold by All denieru in mein - tains, or can be hnA by mall, poet - peel, at SO event& per box, or six boson for $2.50. by Addressing the Dr. William, Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. tell•••••• One of the witty remarks which tion. Charles IL 1141.fow.r, dupertntentl• ont of Public, Instructive of the State of New Yock, made at the commence- ment dinner at Tufte, lu leowton, stud the irtury whielt followed it, literally brought the home, down. It vermeil thett Mr. Skinner had prepared him - wen to entre the concern 36 year.; Ade, but 1,541 been prevented front carrying out ide intention So, hav- ing been honored with a Litt. D., lit the morning he said that while he could not unit Tufte 114. 6111111 111atcr, he could call her ids alma mater•in- law. 'Next to a good wife, the bee1 thing a man can here Is a good mo- ther ln-law,' Mr. Skinner declared. "I think it was from Massachwiette that came the story ot the nian whore motherineaw was very One day the doctor told him: " 'She Le no better. Pve done all I can for her. You'll hare to Mond her to a warmer "The man weut out to the wood• idled,' Mr. Skinner continued, and came back with ti.n ace. Going oloall to Ms mother In-law'a boilable he booked all her for a moment, and, turning to the physician, maid " 'It's no use, tketor. You'll have to tie. It your/telt I haven't the heart.'" "I will ?miler mine viskern .have off -not eefen for mtne tees!" Time molts MOUS MMus, of *24 De Koven street, to -day in Juotice Sabbath's malice court at the Max- well street station, says the New York Sun. Mower and Me frau. Katrina, had ahalr-plielng content lain night, and Katrina had been nrrenteil. He told the )(intim that all !Ili matrimonial troutilee 01111:111 from hie whiskers. K•Ortnet inelettel that lie cut them off. I treat tube. tlfe ilke elee roe eta etymon!" wad Mows to the court, strokleg itei gray beard. "I puy her trete tows unt piano, I gif her gelt und dresses find soda tamer try de drug stars. lend now die wants me rtaltern ! Nein, dose OAP,* can she after ha!" Ifni. Odder clinched her fingers mei looked as tf maw would like to get them _into the wild whiekers. -It ts eta big Ile!" she ejaculated. 'Mose.% you tan the biggest liar I offer Reed 1" duettee fiebbath took the couple 8111110 118t1 talked gently to niece, and then he amwminced that Mown and Katrina had agreed to get a divorces and thint Iio would dionine the dis- orderly case. THE ATTIC PHILOSOPHER. Dom to et torn -vaudeville acts. A man witlt & double -the contor- tionist. Every achnol ham OR room for Im- provement. Thermometers are only stuck up to hot weather. The dyer einem t like to be referred to an a dead one. The gtrl Who plays the violin Is sure of at Uotat one toner. Whet IMOD people roll repartee other people rail aquabbling. st=et. tern up the light& a who 11*. in eines hon,... -- ft Is it mix/take to ImAgtne that votary man with it diploma Is a diplo- mat. A tell 01 fere is nevrrresented pram men here a reel wuticket. Illhoord'a LI n1 men t Relieves Neu- ralgia. In.portant officials sometimes for- ge?. that titer° are person• who can afford to dioregaril their imoortnnee A purse-proutt oki nubleman war travelling t1411•011/11 • ilr rural ills - tri ti of Bearden. Ote. day be iteppel his carriage at a couutry tatern, n I called oirt la an isspeebas tone: "Horses. las/die:erg ! ROTH/ at once!" 'I am very meth pained' to in- form you that you will hare tn wait over an hour before freeh horses can be brought up." replied the landlord, calmly. "How!" violent!) exclaimed the no- bleman. '"This to me 4 my man, I demand horses immediately 4" Then obeervvng the freak sleek looking ones which were being led up to another carriage, he coa- t need: •For whom are Gloom horses?" y were ordered lay the; gen- replied the landlord, point- ing t�, a tad, elm 1014119I,lu,tI a few paces d1.tant. 'I Nee en) man!" called out the nobleman. -Will you let me have those horses! if I pay you a liberal bootee ?" anoweeed the OHM Ina& "1 intend to me them myself." ""Peritaps you kre not aware who I am!" roared the now thoroughly agitated told irate nobietuan. "I am, sir, Field Marshal Irikron George Spero% the last and ly one of my race," "I am very glad to hear that," t14;f1 slim man, ;stepping int,' bie varriage. "It would be it terrible thing to think that there might be more of pal coming. I am inelinel to think Heat your race win be a foot race." The slim man was the king of Sweden. sold the doctor, peeping in- to the room where Wellington lerneh. tho great poker expert, wear welting for the returns. "I suppose you will regard this aa. a mere Irani& lit Y. but I most congratulate you. neverthe- 1•1111. 041 the fact that you hnve a fine bay aerons the hill." "ni saki Mr. Fresh. "that's good! Conte and take menething." "Excites me for it, moment," the doctor replied. Prreently ilr returned, put hie head Into Mr. Fragile"' den and mei : "Let me cottgettulate you again. You have two fine boys acroas thee ha II." Mr. Frnalt opened hies mouth na If to rewound, hut beetle. hr could do so the doetor w rue gone again. PreeentlY lie bounded In the new, father', pres- ence, slaying: "By Goorge, you ha•n three fine bny-a maroon the 117111!" 314343 &torting brick whom Mr. Fetish hurriel trimmed grneped him try the odometers and In excited totiee cried "Flay, floe, hold on. Three, of rt kind are good enough for me. I Attind pint." Minard's Liniment Curea Burns, etc. Those Walks, Drat Them ellpry walks. Beata all Why folks can't keep '*31) Clean. Winht I hed Half the lellote t het he• sepry walks In my right hand, And half In my Left. LIko tu Knock Their heada together till they saw Stores. Hey I There goner Brown on hiel Bank. Ilaw I Theen a sight, to make a feller's heart ; Et the old fool wann't Es elurnegy es an oz, Ho'd a kept Ili. feet. Raw Die ye one him Sprowl Wield. I know who owned that walk. ('.1 4.4*. him nut end Huy. Dew 1 gay. Wenlehet thet maks yon laugh I ISSUE NO. 40 1901, You Can Lead aHorse to water but you can't make him drink. You can't make him eat either. You can stuff food in- to a thin man's stomach but that doesn't make him use it. Scott's Emulsion can inake him use it. How? By mak- ing him hungry, of course. Scott's Emulsion makes a thin body hungry all over. Thought a thin body was naturally hun- gry didn't you ? Well it isn't. A thin body is asleep -not working -gone on a strike. It doesn't try to use it's food. Scott's Emulsion wakes it up -puts it to work again making new flesh, That's the way to get fat. Send for free sample. 'SCOTT IS DOWNS. Tweets, Creed., sna Si orK all drawees Strenuous bits •1 the Stair. It Is alway• best to he prepared for anything that might happen, Thin seems to be the 12840,1 Or the ' Auopr of Afghnnistan. for In his look, "Tam Life or Abdur Reitman. Muir of Afghanistan." he says: "I 11 11:1 alway• all ready an a oi.. WPC en the march te a battle, la Fuelt it manaer that I ,could 'dart without delay in num of emergency. Iles pockets of my coats and tries Isere sire always filled with loaded •••1011crn, and one or two have.. of bread for one day's food This bread la changed every day. . "34o4.4)ral guns and •wordo are a4. wayto lying by the aide of my het oe the chair on which I am prated, within rend, of my hand, anii tod- dled horses 1119' Meese kept ready n front of my officenot only fur myseif, but for itIl my courtiere and pontoonl t tends nt s. have also ordered that ft rim- eidentble number of gold owns should be sewn Into the eaddlia of my horses when required for rtjour- ney, and oat both sides of tho are two. revolvers. I think it i• noreismary In *wit 44 warlike try that th* acoereign, and .s- peckolly a sovereign whe In a sol- dier himself, should alwaym be ea well prepnreel for tin emergency ae n. whine on the field of battle Al- though my country is, perhape, mole, tenceful and safe than many other countries, one clot never be toe eautioul or too well prepared." Deafness Cannot be Cured Ry local applicat tone ..they menet 'verb the diammed portion of the ear. Thcre wily one way to cure deafeeee. and that is by rona'11,1- 11011.1 namedios. Ibrefnerie la caused bt tio in flamed condition of the mamma lining of Ow Eustachian Tube. When ibis tube l• inflamed you have • I taint:dine wooed et. imperfect nese me. and when it 4., entirely cleeed, Deefnew the result, and unless the inflemnriation 1113 1)1 (.1.140 0111 and the tube motored to ita normal condition. hearing will be destroyed fur, er. n ine (1010 0411 of ten are canoed hy catarrh. which in nctltlag hot an Inflamed iiondlt,on 01 ti• 110,011* surface. We will giro One HunArnel Dollars for any ow of Deafness tenoned by catarrh, that ran. not toe rural by Hall', 4 atarTh Usu.*. Send for circulars, free Ir J. CIlgsgy k 00.. Toledo. O. . Sold by To ggl•ts. Hall'. Family Pins are the beet. 004 Just Try )'hare Tench Dainty - Take 'Mere of "lenge mkt,, angel food or soft girt- gerbrend 011,1 4 rim Into ['mania , CON ..r with ripe peforhos eat small ; dust wl It powdered milker nal cover nee NW tenet! whipped cream. C loth with ( heeste-leel a Vend of mdflelt In milk t.nouicht to cover It well ; drain 11.11.1 pick .part Mete a tem of draen butter, and whew? I two tof bread crumbs and set in a hot corn 44(84!. 0111 fni 1-1 grAted ehevere Turn Into link- p.ist I ft 11Pneelleash.m. rs:p mince! : e! parsley and nblespreing- me (nosh . 0.01'01. n light In7er Tonusto Itaakets - Select the smooth, rotted, dark red tower> and large, enough to h•-pitt half a run flllIvtg nonid, peel, cut it once teem the Ileticilk mot ; scoop out the Inolde , torn th tomatoes, unship down ta drain and get In the refrigerator nn - (II nieeded. Then* CR n be 111101 welt innyonnelote or shrimp. crab men?. ,,r a_tryg eneeigim_gt_at_ebilei - Pi t too- Oentlemett.-11 fell from- e-1.- .14-1-lato• Anietrmte ,n1segaJet, 3d. imP. Q, eel) Moore C.. C. RICHAIlleel & leading from it platform to it load- ed ear while aseltiting my men in uniondIng a load of grain. The bridge wont down as well no thst load on my Mick, owl I struck on the end' of the 111PrprCO, eauxing a 'weenie injury to my leg. Only for Its be- ing very fleshy, Walliki have broken it. In an hour could not walk a ROT. Commenced tieing MINARD:4 LINIMENT, and the third dAy went to Montreal on business, and got about well hy tbe nee of a enne 111 let, days was nearly well. I ran cerely recommend It an the rest Liniment that I know of in use. truly,. e 044 Coronation Pe.a.rqa00Risite00. Ono of the meet curious perquisites In ennnection with the Coronation be the right of fgt. of the peers to elnim the herl and bedding need hy ths heir apparent on the Meta preceding the enrorratlort In olden times this wag a perquisite of r011111,4401. P 1111117, as the bedding neuntly consist est of richly embroidered reopen& nf velvet or gbh, with prIceleint hang insr, or cloth of silver and gold Minard's tenlmout tor sale every- where. PARTIES WANTED 30 10 X NITTINO fiw nit at home. We en^.414 yarn end machine. &ay work firwarl par Nand knitter, oleo wanted, fiend sterna Per particular, to PTA NDARD HORN en.. Tenets. net Um Winslow', Plaything dm, ebenid 1•1 eiY e bs 114114 180 .141174040 teething. It eratehen the child. softese the fume *WOO PARA POMP 1011 1. Om hest remedy tar dilarrete a. Tees* eve emu • MUM ea riittn-r FIRM Iron SALM WI Or TR?W.*mot lef the Mesas P10454314184 •• an;afle nal from WagelAtisti two eat teril asera legit* et velike is is Pew k reedy peaehaa WIll be seed la ewe oassol etelsel la* hos of l& to SS sew** le sall Yu' = 4741000 Then le • gagging norgalle 0003•6431. P 0 lies Ma Whams Onewha