The Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TEDauDAT, Oot. 3. 1901. d W. Acheson & Son Scotch Tartan Rugs or Wraps. We have just opened up • large and very oompleta assortment in the above mentioned very high class goods They we warranted made entirely of pun wool, the perfection .f .tyle and ooinfort for Cepa*, Shawls ur Wraps, .ltd oomo i■ following elan patterns; tlurduu, Brute, 42nd, Cuuuiugharu, Otoneron, Kerr, Black Watch, Goon, Minnie, Elliot, Drees Beatrice, and very many fancy Plaids nut ulasaed. The prime are $2.25, $3,15, $5.N cad *It A Ver? Timely Offering of Women's and Children's Underwear. ust at the beginning of the time when au, b gaols oecomr fort and warmth tomes this bantam sal. at abuiluto ueeeeaanee of nom - Fifty Coats oa the Dollar. 100 dozen manufacturers' samples of union and fine pure wool Lathes' and Children.' Vests and Drawer., in all qualities, from low grade W very flue, W be cleared at onto+ at INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son Half Price. COUNTY CURRENCY. Winghem : 1). W. Gammlll. formerly of Wlnyb•m, is (11 wish typboin fever at his home in Lite Soo. Klppen : Th. Methodists have set the time for their anniversary as the 10th and Iltb of November. Exeter : Miss (;runway, daughter of ex- Ynmler Oreatway, of Manitoba. is tba guest of her mut, Mrs (Dr.) aniline, Clacton : The other day Gec. Laois and Dr. Hell caught • floe mlok oo 1be farm of Will Robinson, whiob the former has osg•d. Tuokonmltb : While plying to the barn Master Sheldon Townsend fell down through a hole in the floor, breaking his arm at the wrist. Holmesvlle : John Yoe lase week meld a fins two year-old Doll to Chas, Mssoo for the sum of $125. It is mince such stook as this that pays. deafortb : S. A. Dickson loft for '1 otoote on Monday of last week to resume bis lent studios le that oity. He now eaten upon h:. Iasi you. Westfield : Wesley Steakhouse and doter H•oeah were called to Plsmas. Mon., owing so the critical 000dilion of tour mother, Mrs. J. Anderson. Hensel%: Marrs. Pressley sod Hunter, the welhkeown evangelist., have been en- gaged to carry oo mestinge In Hensll for three or lour weeks. Clinton : W. T. Slowmen reoently mat with en ►ooldeot to his left hand In ha•isg two e1 lie fingers out while shaping brinks with a saw at S. 14. C'ooper's mill. Win*hem : R. Sb ot Sw•rts & Duo carrlage factory, bas been off wort for a few days with • wounded band. He leave. soon for his home lo the States. Wing/ham : Ralph Rogers, of Bey Mills,. Mich., bat moved his family so town and talon up Ma r,•udenoe on Francis strut. He has eompted a situation In the Union. Exeter : Thomas Young, who has been •luting friends in town, has Roos to KIppeo. where k• will visit his native home prior to returning to hie homo in i)auphin, Men. Brussels : J. D. Stewart, hanker, of A•oomore, Oat.. was lately renewing old friendships in Rntseeb and locality. Ho is a sou of Mould Stewart, now of Marton. Exeter Mrs. A.E. Benastt, •000mpenled by her little daughter, Greets, left last week for London wino. she will maks her future bome, Mr. Bennett having taken • po.lUon In the oity. Turnberry : Atter a build lllaoes, Law ✓ ents Traosv, one of the oldest residents of Turoberry, and a respected oitizeo, was cal led away en Saturday, Moot. 21st, at the ripe age o1 70 years. Cllntoa : Mrs. Mille le oarrylnr • very g ore hand, the recall of blood•polsonl.R. It le her wooed exporteeoe of this nature, and eke te to be o ngr•tuleted on the fast that sbe has got safely beyond the danger OAP. Tuokeromith : R Beattie, teacher to Sproet's school, Tooter.mith, bas our -hied the Well. property on the hill sootb of F.gmendvllle for $700. and intends occupy- ing it . It is a brick hoose and very pleasantly situated. Ssalorab : E,1. !$timate. Rade daughter died on Sunday, Mep'ember 22111, at the resideeoe of hergraodparente, Mr. sad Mss Charlet Seale, by whom she was twingesr d for. Mrs I..t,mer, 1t, will be remembered, died • few months ago. Seeltrth : The farm of Sire. William Committee, ,.o the 7th co•ioosslon of Tucker- smith, uckersmith, beg been ranted for five year. to John Hearn, of Hutlett, for $250 • year, the te'sact to pay the taxes and do the road work. It le • good Term of 100 sores. Morris : A quiet welding took oleo. at the Ontario st. parsonage. Ulloton, on Wednesday, Sept. 18th. Mies Kllztheth Maguire, of Morris, was married to i. Deoelson, of Varus, by Rey. Dr. G fford The happy pair will mike their home at Verna. Helmesvillo : Tho peoole of this vintage are slightly interested in the Sinton murder lass, now es lanai .0 London, from the (sot that Miss McFarlane, who was to have bee° married to the old men Sinton, is • sister of R. MoFerl•ne, who formerly worked Is the obsess futory bees. Morels : 9.Mrdy, Sept. 21.t, the Knight estate 100 sore farm, 8th lion, Mor- ro township, was cold at the Amnion) hotel, Brunets, by F. S. Soot., ano►lonser, to James tlolgar, wbo owns the •djoinieg 100, for the sem of $3560. It is a very good item bat minus • Nan. eight years and (hat of the deceased olghty.tbrss years and four months, being the enact age of the late Queen t iotmrla, ber birthday being on the 24th of May. Stanley : Andrew Sway, one of the pioneer farmers of :ttanloy, died at his home oo Tuesday of last week, hayltir resobed the good age of uyenty-eight years ('0. deoeesed was horn in Edinburg, Scot- land. In Mev, 1824, sod In 1834 he cisme to this convey with his tether, the late Dr, Sway, being one of the first practitioners is this pert ot thscountry. Morrie : T'be people of this oommoolty were greatly surprised on Wednesday of Iset week to bear thet Goo. Re•dmoo, 7th line, was found dead to lila bed et 9 A N. that morning. IIs had been troubled for a time with his heart ands tendency to drop sy, but was about as usual on Tuesday, sat- tnr his supper with the family and appar- ently Indies rather better than usual, and neared to bed at 10 o'olsck. Exeter: John P. Clark. of Winnipeg. Man., was visiting friends in town. He brought w,th him four fruit specimen', two fall sodltwo Drab apples, for Thomas Breaths, sent by his brother lo -law, F:1. Oke, who resides in Morden. Man. They were grown in Mr. Oki s garden and if they are fait epistlesm of western fruit the inhabttaobt bate oo reesoo to grumble or think that Provldenoe has overlooked the West as • fruit -growing oonytry. Ciliates : A. O. Johnson and .1. Bell were out driving recently they met with an ac- oldeot whlob gars both of them a rather sayers shakiest At the railway crossing the bone shied at the white lents, and they were thrown out, Mr. Belt reoeivteg interim to bas left leo which rendered him unable to will. bit Jobneton bas very little use of hie left arm, but oeoaped further Injury. The baggy Is smashed up 000Mderably. The horse became tangled op, but did not gel away. FROM ALBERTA. Werk of Dodd's kidney rub rregreml■g aspldly 1■ the Territories. Blatrmore, Alberta, h. W. T., Sept, (Spooled) -Dodd'. Kidney Pitts are too moat useful and widely used mediates is tit Northwest. They have prodoeed more genet's. results than any other remedy ever introduced here. They our. the common ailment•, which osn newly all be traced to the kidneys, from a pimple to Bright's 41t - nam. Walter H. A. Noble, of this place, to an example. His nae was covered with pim- ples. Rehr 000rsa, tried all aorta of reme- dies, bot until he took Dodd's Kidney for backache that pimples remained. Hie blood wee impure. The kidoeye were not straining It. Oo wing Dodd's Kidney Pill, Inc hack aohe, as body does In this Matelot, the backache not only left him but the plmpiea dlssppetred aloe, proving tie muse of both °omelet/Oa was the same -kidney ileum". MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. (OLRt)b'I 1. CABLow, Sept. 213 h. 1901 Colborne aouno.l mat In the township hell, member• ell pre•esr, except Alex Robertecn. Mloutes of the last ereet.ng read sod signed. The following s000uou were pa'd : E. Robertson, repairing cu:• vert, $1.00; Munloipal World. oolleator'a roll and black., $3 25 ; W. F. Wliren, gravel, $1.80; Andrew Halliday, inspecting, $1 60; John Halliday, grstel, 51.50; StowAI., pr n• hog voters' list sad adv., $36.60 ; C. A. Humber. 81e, $14 70; A MoKlonon, work to new remstery, $28 00; R Jewell. work In new cemetery, $15.00 ; Samuel Bleset0, repairing °advert. $7.93; Samuel Monett, wire for lents, $7.50 : Samuel Iilmett, le - 'looming culvert, $1 00; William Hill, 1028 feet H E. lumber, 115 42 ; William Vroo• men, limber mud repairing culvert, $7 00; 1'. A. Humber, S pipe for honod,ry. $18 00; Aler. Shield.. breaking •tone, (boundary), 15 00 Mr. Fowler submitted two eketohes for the Isylnr out of the new cemetery. It was moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Jewell that sketch marked "A" be aooepted and Mr. Fowler be lostruot•d to prepare the n.oewary number of plans for au of township. Carried Adjourned in meet again Nov. 2nd at 2 o'clock P M. F. W. McDociAoij, clerk. Hallett: The property on elle Hullett boundary belonging to the -estate of the late Wm. F., Brawn, of Kam% Weersonsh, was pat up by .cotton at Blyth on Thursday of last week and knocked down to Thomas ilro•e, at $1800 10 °ont•loee twenty five sores, with a small house and orchard. So&forth : A very pleetriat event 000arred le Seelorth. on Wedn,.day. nsptember 18th, whore, at halt noon, Miss ill. M MoKay, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. levee Mc- Kay, was united In murk's, •1 Me real. deem of the brldi s parent., to W. W. Hill, • proaporoot and popular yeuoi merohint of Mitchell. Morris : Jahn Ma1lrny, of Morris, irrIv. .d home from Mteltobe, after a throe months' vuslt with members of his I•mtly who have been rattled Is that proytnes for years end are prospering. Mr. McElroy peace 1 M. eightieth milestone on the first of August bet notwithstanding hie resat, years 'stayed that visit and stood the trip well. Morrie On Monday, Sept 9th, at Tripp, Smith Dakota, Witham Rand., • former reslden• of Morrie, who west west twenty year■ ago, passad awm, from earth, aged se•en'v-twe year. H. had boon 111 since last April with perilysie. A wife, eight sons and bare daughters survive. Dentesed was father of Wm. Reed., 12th oat„ (trey Hallett : Ot the last day of ,Tam, lest {•-ear, an aged is.'deet of Me tnwnshlp of Halley, 00..01 ea.y, le the pteens of An. drew J.mteees, and sow we ate nailed noon to rseord the death of 1.110 widow, whine .pMs took Its t•ghs H T.aed.y morales. the Viols. that time botwrse their death. beteg sheet • year out throe menthe Tho age of haw late brb•.d wee • gb(y, Beep Teter Would be a justifiable ore tilt.^t.d egunet the oonetime bambept that offer a ours for worth. There Is only one solentifio method of treatment for oatarrh. Maks the air you breathe the merrier of healing, bel.amto, curative agents. It bathes every inch e1 mucous memo with On healing.oeoth Ing properties. That'. Cetarrhoznne. Your druggist tor doctor will tell you U. the only effective me•hnd 01 treatment end Diet It is .are -prompt -tie , t Rao member the nems Catarrhernee. All dealers, 2.5o. and $1.00. KINTAIL. TuteDAY, O,t. 1.1. Attleu&L TAM -The seou.l lair will be held on Tuesday, 000ober Oth. nutters may expect • large number of good cattle tut .ale; else a somber of hagsm. LEtBURN. MON DAV. Sept. 30. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clutters, with Melr ohlldren, Hume. Douglas soil Jeao, •Isited relatives near Ullnto° and Bruuefield this week. Mr.. Joseph Roberta (formerly Maggie Idolwod) is down from the Soo un a visit to her mother and other toilettes.. She hos heir infant son with her. Fronde and relatives hen will be pleased to learn that the merlon. llloees of our for- mer resident, H. U. Horl.00, b•. taken • Nameable tura and no further danger Ie expeclsd though ter some time he w111 De under m.4l e1 tre•em.Dl in 1 ucent°. BLUEVALL. Moleu•e, Sept. 23, 1901. Inspector Robb visited Bluevals sohtul on Monday. Mrs, Mathew-Rlohardeon, of Brussels, visited at Jobe Burgess' last week. John Scott, of Clinton, visited ber uuole, )frank Soon, for a few days last week. Rev. J. McCracken, of Carley, visited his patents on the filmiest. road last week. W'tlllem Stewart, who has spent some months at kb. Soo, returned home last weak. Mrs. Akey has returned alter visiting some weeks with Mrs. Holmes near Wing. ham. Mr, and Mrs. John Pattereoo, of Molee- worth, Halted at Walter l'atterson's this woof. Next Sabbath In both the Methodist and Presbyterian churches sermons will be preaobed to the ohlldren of the Sabbath schools. The Sunday school choirs will lead the singing. DASHWOOD. TUs.sDAY, Sept. 24. Mr. and Mn.. Fritz, of %oriel, •bleed Mr. and Mee. Kellerman on Sunday loot knelte a number from this Anlage book In the fairs at Exeter 00 Tumidity andel Zurich on Thursday. The Swiss Bell Wagers will give • oonotr( in the town hall to night. A Crowded house 1. expected ea tbey Dome with a good reputation. The flux workers held their annual plonlo at Grand Bend on Saturday. A very eojny- •b1e time was spent by those who ',have worked so bard in the field.. Miss Kibler returned on Thursday and has oommeooed millinery operations la tb. .tore of ber uoole, Mr. Ksllermaon. Mies B.g.haw has also resumed her duties In the store of Jobo Hall The weekly meeting of the Young People'. Alli.mo° was held as usual on Thursday .venlog. The topic, "The saloon power doomed," was ably taken by MIs. King. There will be no mutiny this wok owing to to. Y. P. A. convention ha Credlton, which oommeaoes on that night. PORT ALBERT. McNDAr, Sept. 30. Mt.. Schaffer returned to Milverton on Friday. Mr. end Mrs. Jobs Bennett are In Chl• cago visiting their woe. W. Y. Hyden left on Saturday:to resume his studies at the De.t•1 Collets, Toronto. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Jas. Stevenson, who was quite 1I1, is letter again. Mies Llzzle Johnston, of Goderfch, is hayloft • pl.as•nt visit at the home of Joe Dunbar. Mrs. John Stevenson and ,laughter, Birdie, of London, were visltlnr 10 our midst last week. We are sorry to lose one of our resideote in the person of Mr.. J. Ii. Hawkins, who goes today with her two children to raids I° Godertab. Mn. Geo. Buster and sed family left for their home la Ven Ands, B. C., on Satur- day last, after spending the summer with her persists here. Walter Hawking, s000m• panted them to Toronto. Miss Campbell's organ recital was • de aidedtraoaes. ; en scoot°e of It will be .eon in another column. The l'ort Albert people wore pleased to meet .00h pleasant young folk. from Goderieh and hope that they may oome agate. Word was reoelved bore last week of the death of Charles W. Murray i■ Hickory. an Caroline. Mr Marry was • former resident of times port., and hie many as owlets* here are sorry to turn of his early death. He was • nephew of John Bennett and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. 1 roeyestles IMbbatb Sebald a•seel- atles of Ontario. The Sabbath School Annotation of Oa• talo will hold their annual oonventlen In the Metropolitan oherob, Toronto, on 9e0a her 22nd, 23rd sod 24th next. Ryery nee- perat ion neoeseary to moue • good oonysn •entlon has hien made. In •ddllinn to tome noted Canadian op.ekers, Including the Hon. O. W Ross, Premier of Ontario; Mrs .1. W Barnes, of Philadelphia, • prominent primary worker, and the Rev. too, Clark, 1). D., general seoretery of the Stets of Ohio, will be In attendance, The Metropolitan church 0 one of the largest Ie Toronto, end large gatherings are intim pared. Every school In the Province should b• rsorr anted. Mingle fare rates .111 bo lessed to delyatso, who e', the railway station on starting obtain from th• treket ages% • standard eartlfieete, whlnh on hang signed by the soontary •1 the onnreetlen will entitle them to sinal. fare. Will Sett bath .•hoe%s who may not receive nlfinle sedlcatl.n metope el Ibis am nab mad nee that thee ooheels are rprn.essed Tau. Y at.tnw s.ga, Assoeiat. Bncr.tsry. Qhreete, Sap. 23.4, 1901. 1 HE WINDHAM FAIR. a aaeeeestSI 11110W-Oodoeteb Mere.s le the •peso■s. Whaleboat, Sept, 27. -The Turoberry and Great Northwesters Fair, bold In Wine/ham today, was .0 unqualified gumless and doe weather and a m.g.idoene card of •ttrsu tloot brturht to this plats the lerg.s► ornwd e mu bete to • long time, 8,000 people pas sing the formulas. The show In the belt Is Rh.u.tatros t(a and of Monte, fruit and ladles' work was the beet ,rhe cause leJ ever seen hare, t the show in the ring in the blood. 1►h• bia could not M surpassed. TM• gentlewsa's net's did their *fork then drives, is weal, brought •u1 • very l•rge would be no Urtp Add and Held, the whaler being the beautiful bar no LumbAga • • the horse Belly, owned by (leo. K. King, seen-1110 do their wor . T1s aur•, positive Yd my cure toe Lumbago la ago eery of the Turf Club. T'he victory wee • populu one, and deservedly so, for Billy could not De beaten en any show ring is l'eoade. The epeedl07 In the ring has bar - mono • fixture here, and the renes today were not equalled by the turf club a1 their spring matting. The directors are to be congratulated on the 'ocelots ot their untiring •iler1. Summary of the races :-- Open,trot or p•o•-- John Storm 1 1 1 Two Strike. 3 2 2 Tom A pelboy. 2 3 3 Time 2.28 1.4, 2.19 1-4, 2 21. 2,30 olass- Amella Alto Line Parsley Tommy Mack 4 4 4 Tim. 2.29 1.4. 2.29 1 4, 2.29 1 4. Owtlemen's rood rum, t mile -- t apt. Jriok Nelly Dexter Maurice C 3 3 4 Time 1.19 t, 1 17, 1 19. 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 a 1 1 1 223 4 4 2 ram is the J.I.I. May be muscular or rbeumatlo. Tb. joints ars hard to get at, and 1t requires • power- ful. owerful. penetrating remedy to reeob the affect tad parts. Polnou's Norville. exactly mute the roquirsments, for it is both powerful and penetrating. leis pato is expelled as If by m•glo, for one drop ot Norville• equals In strength fire drops of other remedies. You won't often call the dootor if Nerylllns is lei the house. Prone 25 Dents, An Irish lawyer addressed the oourb es "gentlemec" Instead of "your honots." After he had 000cluded, a brotber of the bar reminded 010 of his error. He im• mediately arose to •pologlse thus : "Mar j 1t please the ooari - to the heat of the de- bate I celled you bonors gentlemec. 1t au • mistake, your honors.' DUNLOP. MONDAY, Sept. 23. Mies Eva Cooper, the prsoeptrees of our school, was In Ulinton on Saturday seeing her relatives then. She make the journey dowc on her wheel on Friday eveuiog after school was over. Saturday of last week Mrs. D. Cumming left here on • vlslt of **viral week. le her daughters reading In Chicago, While there she intends to vett Mrs. H. R Levitt, formerly Mrs. Jessie Couto, and late pro. tsptres. of our eohool, who no doubt will• have many questions to ask retarding the scholars hers. Alroot 9 A. M. the other morning one of our readopts found his bons. oat hanging by Its hind leg from the second wire of • barbed teooe, having been oaoght in 11, we eupposs, in trying to catch some bird in the bush** beside the feeoe. A pale of sheep ' hears were need with great oars and pus was released. to the greet joy of her kittens. Rrruatgo.-After s■ aboenoe of nearly w oven weeks our popular townswoman Mrs. A. Allen hit oome back from her trip to Manitoba and Western Dakota. She was first at Austin and other points, and then with Mn. Guest, of Ooderioh, went out to bakes, both seeing restates. .0 different plums. Mrs. Allen waited at 80. Thomas, o wing Mrs. Thos. Morrie', formerly Louisa Jewel of thus pl•m. She also saw Wm. Jewel, •n old Dunlop school boy, now • flee leoking young man, who, by the hy, gave her ton Important meas,ge. to deliver here -at to the boys, however. When home ward bound at Winnipeg she wow Moses Dixon, an nld i)unlop boy, and also J C. Carrie, ono. of Godertoh. She was present at • memorial envies for the late President MoKlnl.y. She did not woe the Doke of York, hit taw an arch of sheaves which ware to be threshed when he should arrive In the oily. On the name trip the train she was on was held at Dalton, • wayside station, for throe hours In the morning, to have • clear line for the Dake. The pae- mongere all forint their breakfast that they might ere him puede', but early hoots did not malt the Doke; he was not up when his train peeved them. All they saw was • policeman •0 the end ot sash oar. The passengers were deeply related at HM H,ghnese' failure to show himeslt. BR10H'a BYRS, ROBY CHEEKS. That depressing "used -up" feel - Ing and pallid face eco be quietly evehanged for happiness and try cheeks by a ooar.e of "Climax"Iron Tonio Pills. They build np the constitution, make new, rich bleed, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion. Bash bot contains tan days' treatment. Pries 25 oenta, u all druggists, or mailed on receipt of,prila. Address: The Dr. Hall Indiana 0o. !Lemke. Oil. -- 0 "Praise a fair day at night." Approve a brand of shoesafter you have worn out your second pair. The last pair as good as the first, and the first pair as good as can be produced for the Makers' • price. Stamped on the sola of - "The Slater Shoe" Nm. SharRaa, Jr. - Sole Local Agit A Great Snap. Dodd's Kidney Pills DEAR IN MIND THAT to attend the Listowel Hillt(ness College for a term. Students may enter at any time, either for a Business or • Shorthand Course. hate. reasonable. Send for Journal. 0. A. FLBM- INt), Pres.; A. L MoISTYRE. Sea DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the beet there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department !ha. a reputation for promptness and aocuracy, Is our Ginger Soap, It Ss, a pound, of which we sell a barrel • week. This isn't oar only snap, as we oarry everything that o•n be found In an up- to-date grocery store, and our prises are right. The farmers know that they oen 'away. get from as • snap tor their produce. Wo drew the line at no legitimate trade - everything goes : Glassware or potatoes, garden stuff or °holoest table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford blook. Goderlob. We Carry.... a full line of Screen Doors and Windows, Lawn flowers, Garden Bose, Garden Rakes, \Spades and Shovels, Paints, Oils and Var- nishes. PLUMBING and HEATING a specialty. AT F. JORDAN Medical 11.11. Clothing I have put into stock a line of Ready-made Clothing of first clans manufacture, and at prices to suit the times. Ordered Clothing la still my specialty. A good) range of clothe to select from ; and workmanship the beet to be had. If you need an overcoat this fall call and see me. A number of lengths of piers goals to be cleated out at cont. H. DUNLOP, West Street RRYNAS & CORNEI,I, the leading Furniture Dee ere and Undertakers. have just received the following goods : Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up, Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up, Couches, $5.00 to $20.00, Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00 Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18.00 and choice odd pieces of Furniture. Wo aro still selling Window Shade" and Polee at reduced ptioe. Picture -framing, Upholstering. Pack Ing, etc. The Underlain Department, , , , ie under expert supervision, and the service we guarantee is of the very beat, while our prices aro re•tonable NIGHT OK DAY utile promptly attended to. We solicit ;patronage on the merita of the goods we cell and services we give. MYNAS & CORNELL, LEE & SHERIARD'S rvslisre oaten. t.rs. en cad ietrid Rrdt.rd Risek. eN.rleb, Fall Season --1901 All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most novel effects in trimming -and everything of the best. These are the features of the FALL MILLINERY DISPLAY AT MISS CAMERON'S. Hamilton 5,r•eet Ladies are invited to Mall at any time anti snake an in- spection of the new goods. Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up. MISS CAMERON. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR R 8. Smith's4,jr cI( 1M �S 3 3ordae Store L 1 Bir The Best is Millinery McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderieh, Ont. Is none too good for you. Our successful opening is over and we are down to business. It yoo have an idea come and Miss Duttua and her staff will execute it for you and to your liking. It you aro not set in your mind what you want come and see the very latest creations at the lowest price. OLOTHINO.-Now that the cold weetber is hen, perhaps your overeat% Is nee op to what you would like. We have the new ones, spuial al 55.00 se well as blgtter and lower prime. UNDERWEAR. -Von will mita It If you buy before you see oar special wool. fi000•d silk finished Arotlae, worth 41.50 • suit for, per stilt 3125 OLD JAOKETB.-You ay want one for running out to er to ears your good one. 1t not you may 11ne11/ 00000 poor person who does and le set able be afford one. Make ber happy let 50o. Old .tyle Jackets, geed heavy ol.N, worth up to 410.00, y.er oholo, .1 the lot for the prion of the Matisse ....1300 Double -fold lannelett Ht.ethag, two wide, at par yard Two specials in Wool Blankets at 92.50 and $3.00. The beet value yon ever saw. 1'lcKIfl'S BUSY STORE I BHOPIIEY & SON - Till 1.IADIN1I - Ykar,era\ D.reetorIIt.ukt li.moakmera. Orden earerslly'latteaded N .1 al1 bean. signet or dy. asebee Street. CANTELON'S ,\ Pastry, Outer Patties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranon, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are as good as the beet made In any city in Canada. Cantelon lexis the trade in WEDDING CAKES In fancy deeivn(ng add ornament ing and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat- isfaction will be assured. D. CANTELON, WERT-8T. LIG71op Nataal Fire Igaaraace Ce. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of Property inured 0p to January, 1901 _.- 1111.618 .11111..•• orrICC$. AND Dlogerosm. J. R McLean, pre.. ; T. Primer, vies -ores. Joe. Connolly. G. Dols. W. O. Broadtcat, J, Watt, Jas, /vans,J. O. Grieve, J. Heoaewele, directors; W. O. roadfoat, le•forth, inspec- tor of losses ; T. IL Hays. Iteatorth, moretary• treasurer. AOCNT5, J. W. Yeo, Holmmville ; James Cumming Egmondvale ; 1t. McMillan, limatorth ; R Mmlth, Harlook. Polley -holders oan pay asseamente and get (heir nerds r.tslpted at Mr. Coils'. OIlnteo. ar at McLoon Bros,' Palace Clothing Store, Rode. rich HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWATS ON HAND THP B)tST Scraiitou Had Coal IN THE MARKET where ll you Beit MOD Ilewelahad a for • the� 1 1!'salea WM. LEE. Orders tet0 .0 LE2 • gg»gAADro Ston promptly attasd.d te- "Hover dreamed that arch could be made in Canada I" "s Iasi that a beautiful fialakt" "I like the shape and cut"( It. tote graceful, you knew. w M. Iso the "KingQuality" abet, and really, gide. 1 mover won shoes' so comfortable asd neat as these are. And, you know, we save all the customs duties, because they w mads In Canada." "They won the gold modal at Parts this year."' "See, hero ie the trad*daaek you can know them by" I - " KIND QUALITY glad* by The J.0. Klieg are Limited, Tomato. For Sale in Goderich by ST. GEO. PRICK .Sale is Over. Our Fire Sale has bean an immense success, having cleared out all old stock, and we have received the largest consignment of Fine Shoes that has ever come into town. WE MUST DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE "KING QUALITY" SHOE which is being worn by the society people of England, France, Germany and Canada. • They are the most stylish, durable' and comfortable shoos made, and you must remember that you do not have the duty to pay for when buying these Famous Shoes. Don't forget the name, rr King Quality," in both Ladies' and Gents'. All styles, widths and sizes. ST. GEORGE PRICE. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES & GRIPS. SOLE AGENT "KING QUALITY" SHOES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. ANT A STEPLADDER? We give one away with each pound of Pure (:rears Baking Powder purchased from ug. 50e a Ib. Thn step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a pactage of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full ark rtment. I Telephone No. 91. Sfry CZ CO. TSB OROOiss,