HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 44 Ta09$D.tT, Oot 3. 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO It means protection to your We have • lame stook to ohoese from, ranging to price from $3.00 to $15.00. `tee our ettttolsl $3.50 %Waterproofaarit's a weld r for itlateeney. lso°lothour double breasted waterproof Pea-Jwlet, g ply 'Mine. Every Farmer. Teamster or Workman who is imposed to the weather should have one of there seats, They will keep out the wiod and ram and are warmer than a cur omit. Ws hay. bought • big stook of them because they are sure to sell. Once you see them you wit trot one. you would not begrudge twice the price we ark fur them. The price la $2 90 Spam will not permit of us telling you •boat our mew stook of ready to -wean Clothing fes boys, youths aid men. bat would tovtte you to oome and we cur yourselves the aide goals Nod splendid values we are offering. Our motto ig - Good floods, Small Profits, Quick Sales. JUDGMENT PROTECTS. In the rainy season yon must have a good rain coat. clothes and to your health. W. C. PRIDIIAM, Selo Agents for Cbrlsty'. Loudon Hate. Men's Furnisher and Batter. MoLe*o's Book. nu $ EVERY THU DAY MORNING .I M. akaismacurart _ OODERIOIU. THURSDAY. OCT. 1, Mt. LET PERSECUTION CEASE• IT it generally believed that every- body hates a cowed. if this be so, it is not to be expected that much sympathy will be extended to CZoLOOSx when he lakes his seat in the electric char Pomo time ;Fur ing the week following the 20th of the pre- sent month. Toe shooting of the late President and the manner in whish it was done was a coward's act, and it we are to believe the reports of the press in reference to the as. sasain breaking down oo the way to Auburn prison, be is a craven of the poorest material. Bat it may he, that the police and the press have had something to do with the report ot the breakdown of the wretched prisoner. The stories toad by the police about ulministeriog the "33rd degree" and the efforts made to extract confessions trom CzoLottsx before the trial. if true, are not creditable to those who had the administration of justice in hand at the time, and would materially contribute to the breakdown of • man of better nerve and stronger physique than the miserable wretch who essessiliated MCKINLKY. In the trial of the prisoner, he pleaded guilty to the charge. His defence was a mere formality to tee that the Court forme were man's stature or a penny to his pocket Why all this fuss! -Somebody has blundered in nominating; the ducal decorations. Would it not IK a good scheme to abolish tin•pot titles in Canada altogether? The promoters of the international yacht race should hold their event during the equinootial gales, or arrange to raise enough of a breeze to lender the rate from degon crating Into • drifting match. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. A MACD LAR RZMARK. Hamilton Post : A correspondent who takes so stool' ie any (.111.1. exoept U. U. 1) , inquires if Mauls, C. M. 0 , stands for Goma altoto the garde), Mand.. s I I v es Tilt MATTER' Hamilton Herald : 11. is stated that (fold. vele Smith's douatlou of $10,000 to loronto University io the largest gili which that Isetttution has received slope 1890. Aod there are 'ewes of wealthy men among the alumni of Termite 1'atven[ty. %Vbat's the matter with them' A LO]n FELT "AST. Megaton Whig : Dr. Ree, of Ottawa, la mentioned as editor of the l'brlstian Uoar- diad in succeesloo to 1)r. Courtlos, Some day the Cuardlan will rive pleas to a Eve sewepaper man upon its staff, and he will intik' his influence Isis. The layman is sometimes overlooked by the oenroll. 1.11'.1 Ttu egluUT MKMORICi. Dr. Hee, In Mental and Moral Solsooe The happiness of mor later hie Is In great part made up of toe oleaeurable memorise of our early years. The early period of life, se favorable to acquirement generally, is a lapted to the storing up of pleasures and pains. The Same pleasure happening to youth and an middle age w111 not be Nosily duly observed. The address of his counsel remembered as a shearing association In Judge Lewis was along the lutes of MARC advanoed Ido. The joys ot early ysars Moe than an eddltloost value. A pinohed, seven, and ani ado briogtng up will sensibly depress the too. of the whole future Ids; eoarrely any amount' of subsequent good foliose w111 audios to redeem the waste. ARTHONY'S oration on the death of JCLIUS CADAa. There war no particular effort made to exonerate the culprit CzoLOoax is amenable to the law, awl has been adjudged to die Ii any man ever de• served the late he deserves it, but let all petty per.ecution cease, f1 any hu been in- dulged in heretofore, and let the wretches tato be given an opportunity to prepare for the inevitable. This is the twentieth Century -Dot the sixteenth. NEWSPAPER MEN IN POLITICS. NEARLY every newspaper man is in politics. The I.rge majority of them are is politics to assist other men, but oceaeirtn- ally some go Into the game on their own ac count When they do so they are uenally successful. This has nese the casein the past, awl amongst the sunroof ul political editors scores have won high places. JoserR Howe, °watts Baow$, WILLIAM LYON MAO. ALRZANDIM MACKgar.la,' and later Sir. WILFRID LAURIRR, Sir Markman' Bowan., Hon. W. S. FIKI.IHNu, Hon (leo. E. FowrsR, Hon. J. 1. TARTS, Hon (1. W. Rom, Hon. J. R. MraarroR, Menem PAR• MLLES, HOLMES.OLIrCR, E. F. Cr.ARKE, R. L RICMARD.OR and others in Dominion politics. se well u 050. 1'. GRAHAM. THOS H. PaerTOR, A PAr1v1.1.13, H. J. PlITYY TIBER. S. ResstLL, J. A. AILD, Col. Maras:mut, of the present Ontario Legis lature, occur to as at the time of writing se having learned the nid'ments of weighing men and measures at the editorial desk. Our Tory friends have been seined of the fact that newspaper men make gores poli• ticians, and up to the present have put several of them in nomination tor the forth• homing Provineul election in Ontario. CHARTamt in feel, CLARKS in ilruce end Uowppy in Wellington ere three bright men who have been thus selected, and it ie believed that the fight in the places knit• cabal wi 1 be fully out well sustained u at any other points along the line. in the old dove the professional man had the Ball but of late it has been dernon- ■ trated that the nueittesi man, the farmer, and the artisan make fully as err ng, if not S tronger candidates. In the coming Pro- v:ncial rontest it will he observe.) that the Tory organization -or, will we call it, the machine -is following the tactics which worked en well in Ontario in 1900, of put• ting men in the field who individually are able to take rare of themselves in their re, e lective ronstiteencies. The mso who sen poll the strongest vote fa the man who shoe rt he placed before the convention, Irrespective of all other rnneideratione, and if this System is adopted by the lebrrnls they will not have to mourn when the hat - Ile ia over, as they did is 1900, that ')ntatio went the wrong way. There are some 1.h'ngs we may learn from the Tories. and picking winners at convention ie One of thorn. r'NAPSHOTS. -The Toronto Star .amt twee to dabble In pnetry. hut it headier -dyed it. Browning slab. --Toronto is getting ready to receive the Duke and the Duke is gettieg ready to re oetee Toronto. BY THE SOUND1NC SEA. Press Excursion to the At - 'natio. • Spleadld Tear ell Ike Maritime Previneee The tight Mandel Fellowship Extend- ed - Uatl sad Farewell all Alone the Lime. RKDISTRI ut'TIO•. 81. John T.leer•pb : We are looking now at the misers! redistribution o1 the coming *melon, and 1t Is apparent that our Censer. vative friends are exceedingly anxious. If that anxiety is based on the fear that there will be an alterattou of the boundaries which, In Ontario at least, were lotendei te work the greatest possible Injustice to Literate, thou It 1. well founded If,on the other hood, they fear that the present Oov,rnment will be temp'e1 to employ the, gerrymander tootles wheeh name Into play after the two put censuses, they may oe•se to worry f. r no saoh temptation will be effective with Literati, They will do what t right. A et'MMKR 1\1'1R(ZNi'E. No. 3. ()N the return to St. John from the E clambake the Heron dol•gattoo was pleased E was a frool-raok merchant in Uoderloh, I dip" - and it wsl'-koowo In West(ra Oatarlo. i.► Be sire He now lives to `imam about fifty miles ..- tiom St. John, and has saooe•ded io dove!. oplog a mineral water soterprine In that locality Into a quid paying Ioywtment. 1 He had reed of the Canadian press party �mmmmmmmmn►mmmtnmmnr� [ThcOObject.. bject.. a Gueloh Mercury : Once upon a time • young led, from one ot the larger reties of Ontario came down to breathe the rural atm .sphere of Guelph for • season. She was very much of the ethletio type of girl, played tenni., golf Lid all the other games the orthodox Si hletle girl plays. While In this city she discovered that her health greatly reeded a walk before breakfast With her 1 t think was to aot, and forthwith she inaugurated a series of long walks to Mort an five o'ciook A M. And thereby hinge this tale. One morning she had aken her walk over ($owls bridge and through some of the aijolnlog Heldr. In ooe of these there was • bovine animal o1 the female pereuuloo, whioh to meat people would have been simply a "harmless eeoes•arv" mow. The young lady hied on • very bright red wast, and the oow, judging probably that the waist contained oome• that green, started In pursuit at • welkin, prosTh• pursued lady strained every and succeeded to reaching the fence of the Held an easy Net. But, horror of h , Immediately on the other side was • Hoek of geese. There was a dilemma; bot the lady bronght all her powers of gawk decision to beer, and deolded that there was only one th ne to be done. So she quickly mounted the feno•, with the stern resolve to stay there 1.111 help •rrlved, or 1111 oos enemy or both should move. Focally the latter oontln,.noy did happen, for the gentle "boogie" moved away, and tb• lady was enabled to oome down from the len.., on the ells opposite to the ducks, and with joy In her heart proceed to the home of her holt, where she spent the net of the d.y reoovering from the motning's nervous shook. te meet U 1i, Armetroag, who formerly •• of this advertisement is to let the general pub- lic know that we aro the leading Hardware Dealers of Huron County, and that we are by no means out of the Cement business. We are strictly in it, and sell the celebrated Owen Sound Portland Cements. yldtlag Si. Jebn, and when he caw familiar armee from Huron un the 11■t of tourlate he took p•es.ge on the first train to get • word or two with the frauds of auld tang oyes, 11r. Armstrong had the pleasure of meeting other trionds who were In the petty from N astern Ontario, and everyone was re soloed tone him. Next morning we took boat up the St. John river to Frederloteo, and • more pleasant trip 1t would h' dtttioult to con- nive. Ilia day was particularly fine, and the party was in the best of spirits; the view Irom the dock of the steamer woe enough to bring ono a dyspeptic foto Ilia and osuse him to Imagine that life was worth living. As the panorama unfolded to the view of the travellers every vowel was hand la prates and even that. who heard the high prates et the route which had been given by Mn. Rupert Olive, of the lir. John Tourists' Aaeoofatlon,•t the begiculog of the trfp,were torsed 1.0 admit before Fredericton was reached that the hal( had nut been told. At Fredericton everybody and his wife and family appeared to have taken a half fly off to meet the perigrtnating press folk, and conveyancers were Io waiting to drive the entire party around the mty and through the delightful park. The drive ended at the railway station, It having been arranged that • visit to Maryville would be the •ttrao- tlon of the late afternoon. Maryville Is the home of Mr. lahson,the cotton king, lumber k,og and potentate of • lot of other things too Lumerooe to mention. He owns all the shingles In Maryville, so we were told. He won't allow a bottle of champagne or • glass of red eye to be sold Inside the corporation limits of his burg. Some twenty eight years ago he built a handsome church which woe dedicated to divine service, and from that day to this no oolteotion plate has gone the round, la that church. (Abaco supplies the lobrioatlou so make the wheels go around. The writer told Mr. Olbson and several of Mr. Utbeoo's friends that there was a wide and promising field for such men as he so Ontario, particularly In the way of making ohurohes self sost•alulor, and the old millionaire laughed as he said that there was also a field for such work in New Brunswtok which had not yet been pre- empted. It was gratifying to meet Mr. Gibson, who, in addition to running mills which had paid oat In wages during the orseeedlog month $47,000, owned a whole town, was the possessor of tens of thousands of scree of land and 147 miles of railway fully rqutppsd, tteeldes a lot of other Wage oa the aide, had oome bean is peer as the rest of o., Tela tRa not been spoiled by prosperity. to the evening Ooverument Howe was thrown open to the visitors and the Yacht Club gave a very enjoyable hop, which was enlalged to by even the prey beads of the party. (:opt. Fred Lister, who spent • pleasant time 10 Goderloh last year daring the holidays Ie now stationed at Frederto. ton, and had all kinds of questiose to ask about the bright young people ot Huron's county town whom he met while hen. The height of hospitality was extended to the party by the people of 1''rederloton, and the members of the press party have many plusant remembrance' of oourteelee received at the handle of the residents of New Brunswick's capital. The following morning the Gibson R. R , which had beer: placed at the sereice of the excursionists, was boarded and • party oularly fine trip war made to Chatham Junction where the special loterooluoul train with Treffio Manager Tiffin and staff was in waiting. Before going on board the spacial, the 0ha.,k, ret the party ware tendered In Mr. Oita. is tu Ran [tr. 1), wart, It. Holmes, 51 1' , end James 1 tins, ex M. P , and • very eu,table response was made by the New 11:neswrck lumber and operon k nr. 11 Was altar entraln'ng at ,•thun .lunation that toe n osteal assoota tion was I•islilutrd. 1.1rs. Idris, the wife of the 5'ratfio Manager, who haJ contributed so maoh Onwards making things pleasant for the ladies of the parry du•log the Irrp, and whose gracious manner and gentle ways bad estimate' her to the entire party, had made • find of a hundred et more Diveol's trumpets •t S . John. and h.vueg a date. to see how the y -.nth and 1 e sit' y of the party world disport themselves is horn - blowing. had put. hatted the whi le musical outfit. It'd the whom* work' Well, rather. At every station, after the dlstrlbu'ion of the hone, there wan no necessity for scnod- ung the eegioe wh title to let the natives know that the ('snedlan Prem A,sooutton -.vas "In their midst " and whether It was at mora, noon o- eight that the traio pulled op, the blare of the trumi etwar abroad in the land. At ()usher,. wht h war reaoho 1 Thurs- day morning, th• local preys men ted by President Demers, of 1:l'venement, took charge of the party for the day, and here as elsewhere hospitality galore was the portion of the visitors. The street oar and oaluhe were put into oommlsslon .curing the forenoon, with gratifying realty, and In the afternoon a beautiful trip on the broad rxpanae of the mighty St. l.swrenoe was enjoyed. ily Montrnorenoy Faits. and book to the site of the big bridge which Is now under oondruatlnn by contractor M. 1' Heys, the steamer paled, and after the -zcursioniste had been hospitably enter- tained by Hon. Charles Fi•?patriot and Mr. Stewart, In the ab.r tine o1 Mr. Hays, the trip back to the eity on the hill was uk.'n se the shades of night were telling. In the evening, the theatre, the promenade .n Delfetio Terra** and other pleuurable (eater.. were Iadnlge.l i••, until shout mid- ■ gh • when tt 11 rear gond ornued the , Ito s L•vle, end.' oin,r., it ab.ar,t 1 qtr in•plrtrg Strait a of "1.1.,p al•.n,r, ',roar Witty, hop along." It •lore the train neat t. .l, • earl. Re' reso',u i ,ns were unanimnntty pase.d to the Hen. %hooter et Railways, to Tf.M. Manager r fila and to Me... Lyons, Lamthi,., A•"l15ald and other all lisle of the I. U. it., giving eopreninn to the approolati m Sy the .r^nnlmn4•' of the splendid treatment .I. oh b -d heen ax•ar.del to thein by the B tial. and staff of the People's Rsilroad toting the entire trip. The eentimer is of •he 1 U R repro/sate' ives were vol. ed by refile brfeiy when he bald that they da- Met r r Ow- Or - sad get oar Prices before you buy and dual bry Aaericai Cements with se reputation. Something New in Paints. We have been appointed sole agents for the famous "Ramsay's Mixed Paints," and can guarantee these paints to be pure linseed oil paints, with no equal. These paints have been on the market for fifty-nine years, and are made by the largest paint firm in Canada. 1 a a a 1 a htredte Home Industries aid get Imperial We Lead in.... Measure. All kinds of Shelf and IIeavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Farmers' and Builders' Supplies. Our Motto is :-Honest Goods at Honest Prices. ALLAN & McIVER, 'Phone '.i. Cor, North at. and 1yuare. a 3 �1UIlll l�l4l �jll�llllulll111111ill1llllfi °cautioned the 1. C. K. the people's road, and their best efforts had been given to she w the press of the country that 11 was not Inferior to any way to the best road in the world Nut morning, at Montreal, the trip war brought to a clow, and the preen party broke up e•tiefi.d that, haying •lotted the Isastern Provisos*, they were now In a better position than ever beton. to speak of the grand poiaibdiltee of the great oouotry to which their lot was oast. I). M0G. -A E.0 M.O. drwew't aid a ambit to • ram -am mesa "airy Ted. The (Inert sere Still mal.r•lu chair lm•1 In the Pan Amartoan Model Dalry, and le 1, generally oonoeded that they will win the batter to tau onto,. some ambient befall them. For the seek ending S ptember 10 h the standing of the herds was •. loll .we: Uue.ne, y $7 35:.1er•eyt, $7.29; Holetsire. 17 13; Aynhlres /6 35 ; Red Polls. $6 15; Brown Swim, $6,10: Shorthorns, $5.80 Freaoh c oeedter, $,5 90 ; Polled Je' a eye, 11.5 30; Duteh R led, $4 0i. The fell/mine le the .M"Alna ing the week sailing Sona, 17th:-(Igaras«v., 17 R0; Jar seyo. $7.36 ; Holsteins. $7.14 ; Avrehlr.a $6 46; Red Pelle. 116 37; Nhor•heres, 15.98; Meows Mwles, 1.5.79 ; French ('aoadlas, $5 711; rolled Jerseys. $6.13; i)n rh ttelteel, 1388. ?.imam's Palate•• revs and Wart Rolf meter Contains ea setas er ether 'glorious obeli'. sal nnmpnnnAe; Is either sense's, on. roolve er Irritating; het seethes and eases hem the first apolun.Nnn, and mots q*lekly 11 yes went en Irritstbg and 0..h ratios remedy de nos ask for Ps.aaes'e. le ants jest the ether way. For sale at all druggists. Raatse-"Iasi y.' Mak le de some wit roe. devotee?" Mean -" (Rt. aekdhg MI 'he 010.-kseees, 1 gmem." Mutes (rtlleg ..e, • •s.) -"1 'Glare ms ,.ah heeah, d• were i Ma's bans *ember f weld ketsb dat!"- itsieal Time.. AUCTION SALES• An parties getting their sale Dille printed at this otllce will have a tree nottoe cnenrted In thisIle% eo to the time of sales. FRIDAY. Oat. 4;h. -Auction sale of household furniture and tunt'shings ; car- pets, curtains, blinds, dishes, ki!ohen lar- nitare, Happy Thought range, refrigerator, freezer. eta. ; oommeneing at 1 o'clock •t the U. E. Consulate, F:att street. Tilos. ( :CN Dar, auctioneer MorenAY, Oot. 14.5. - Auction sale e1 farm stook, also two valuable 50 acre farms, west half of lot b, neo 8, Colborne, and west half lot 4, oon. 9, Colborne, Lill play loam. Sale to oommenoe at 12 0 oiolk noon, at lot S, con. 9, Colborne. ALBA. (ILASS, proprte• tor, .lugs KNoa, aaotlenser.-- '1'Cr9DAT, Oat. 15th,-Clea,lag waetiss select 7 head of hetes*, 45 head of cattle, 25 sheep, 23 p'g.. t'roperty of John Fee- dlot, lots 2 and 3, K. D. Colborne. Kvrsy animal to be sold, Nei reserve. THOMAS Ill's DRY, •uotioneer. SPORTSMEN GOOD_ WILI FlND SHOOTING t New Fall ` Goods Just Received, a shirment of new fall Dress Goods in Honlespuns, 'Tweeds, Ssrges, Cheviots, Broadcloths, in all the new fall shades. Black Drees Goods in the Following Makes : Brocades from 20e to 113,00 a yard, Biaritz, Serges, llomespuns, Cheviots, Heavy Cords and Henriettas, A Big Stock of Black and Colored Silks. 43 colored blouse Waist, silk patterns, no two alike, at wholesale price, from 15c to 60c. 1n the I.kes AIpp.ws and Teaslskamisg Dls- trkts, else tltaesasbl., Resew O.y sad Negligee. ----- RETURN TICKETS will be issued at Single First Class Fare and One -Third. From Stations In Ontario, Sharbot Iwke and West. to Lake. Klppewa and Temtekaming Districts, good going Sept, 15th to Nov. 15,h, To MI.sansbie, heron Bay and Nepigon. good eotng Oct. 15th to Nov. 15th : a.l Heiken good to return mita Dec. 151h. 18.1. Tar tall particulars apply to Tour nearest C. 1'. 1t. Agent, or to A. 15, teTMaa. A. O. r. a.. Toronto. • The town oouooll meet* torro:row even. leg. ltegalar meeting of the �pia' Its eeboet hoard next Monday evening. \ Mr. Bora per -"This razor\lo awfully bleat." 11 r.. Scraper -"So I thought when I was o.atttoo oardloard with It yesterday." 1 shot a rocket in the air, ll fell to earth, 1 1.•w nob when Uottl n xt d.y, wen rage pc found, Tre men 1t fed on mime around. 1 • lees time than IS takes to tell. Igo allowed me where that et ekst fell ; And now I do Dot seemly tate l'o shoot more rockets to the air, -!Imam t. fe, An American went to K glans, and, not eseiog any means of oheckles Oe gage, at every staton he •eked I5, men in charge 11 he would be euro to find hu t unk ahem he g.1 to Lindon. At •'Feat the fifth time the man who la 1 toll him be w u" 1 1 tit h:s temper and ea'd. "If God had made you an cleph tot instead of an ars yen would have 1 y rt: ttuok in Irons of fou all the time." ON CRUTCHES. Ryan if you are oltliged to uta centciee nr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure ,as Is you up. This wee the experience of John .1. Peter*, Sher hot lake, Ont. He suffered with rlsennanan is his legs 1•clatical fe a year and had to creep about on created*** all tb. time. Fortunately he tried Dr Hull's remedy sad it only took three bottles to cure him rompletaly. Tltie greet blood puri- fier is pet W in bottles containing ten days treatment Prior !SO ciente at all drug etnrw or The Dr. Hall aillhoe Co.. Kingston, Ont. FALL FAIRS OF 1901. Ktutees, Lorknow 4,41011. 3.4 Stasle , Hayfield ... O)1.•54 Fast Huron. Brussels Out. 34 Blyth and Morris, Blyth...... Oot89 North Perth Stratford Oct. 8.9 AeHrIILD AND WAwANOalt, Daogannnr, (moll. 10-11 Howtak. Gerrie Oot. 12 TO ADVERTIBERB, Notioe of changes must bo left at thl• Office not later than Saturday noon. Thn Copy for changes mast be left not 1r ter than Mon - .lay noon. Camel Advertisements aooeptord nn to nor n Wednesday of each wank Coal Bills are now a serious item. Then why burn coals for the week) wash? Some Soaps won't wash linen without boiling, but SUNLIGHT SOAP anal It's a wise economy to buy the best of all Soaps, when by doing so the quantity of coal used un washing day can be Reduced 50 per cent. Burning coal to help inferior and low-priced Soaps to wash is like spending a 3 cent tram fare to • purchase it to cwt article for 9 cents. By using S(1NLiGHT SOAPou save its cost in the cost of the coals un- used, not to mention the longer life of the articles washed. A tablet of 1 Sunlight Soap will do mon work without noels, and do it infinitely better, than two tablets of common, cheap soap will do with meas. The majority of thepublic soon find out the lines or true economy. That'. why SUNLIGHT SOAP is asked for by three people to one asking for any other soap in the world. I want you to see our new stock of Wrapperettes, just in, all new, from l0c. New Flannelettes from 5c to 15c. Ladies' Jackets. Just in, a Complete Stock iu the Latest NEW YORK Styles and Lengths in the leading colors for Fall and Winter. You should see these Jackets before making your se- lection for the coming season. Every ono new and up to date. i Terms Cash or Farm Produce. 'Phone 86 J. H. COLBORNE. BEATEMALL - STOVE PIPE VARNISH Least Odor, Brightest Lustre, Quickest Drying of all Cost, no higher than inferior makes. Use the Best. CLIMAX STOVE POLIS Brightens up 01(1 Furniture. Makes it look new. W. C. Goode, Chemist, Bedford Block. Mill Wood FOR SALE The above is cut into stove wood lonith and will be delivered to any part of tho town tho same day as ordered. Orden received by telephono or left at r(sddence, 128 Cambria street, will roceive prompt attention. - 'Phone 98. 444444444.14444%+04N'N•O+•+•44404NeN'N07444; The Kin` of Range., "Buoh'a Happy Thought - TT tookiMoney, 41"1 Hands and Brains to perfect The Happy Thought Range, and It's the Range that ardent copiers have taken their cue from. . 1 1 1 t t Happy Thought Their Cue 4' Happy Thought Ranges are made In 6 different Aires and 72 different kyles. They have all the latest practical improve- ments such aa the Corrngated Oven, Transparent Oven Doors, Uuabjjtrnctahle Oven Damper and aThorongh System of Oven Ventilation. r I t s l 150.000 Canadian Cooke R.eommend These. ISI Write for illustrated pamphlet. 'k saataatumll The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantfotd 1101.D $T LSE & SHEPHARD, Goderich. PETER McEWAN. l;,xierich, November 21st, 1899. 63-3m WOASELL'S I9 THE PLACE TO BUY.... STOVES, FURNACES and PLUMBING -8H1MtAP. i-,- Worsell, The an, Nene aed furnace mar, IT'S EASY' r To make your homes bright and attractive with . . . THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS because they are each made for certain purposes. A paint for Furniture, foe Floors, for Bath Tubs, for Houses, in fact anything paintable, not one slapdash mixture for all kinds of surfaces. % Remember,/ It's patting -the right paint in the right place that's the secret of paint sttootii lane will tell you the ifght paint to use. Last call for the balance of Goods left from our Summer Clearing Sale. N. D. ROUGVIE Hardware Merchant. - - - Goderich. A GOOD SHOE.... should be fashionable, of good wearing quality, nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts from the upper through long use and wear. Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we have sole control. We have -a full line of cheaper shoes in stock. Wm. Sharman, jr. Slater Shoe Agent.