HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 3A147,, 4 • •7wit„,„„,144(441..-1471. The Old Is e.hlon( d W unto. 1,. cb•ver. brilliant thinker the, With college record and degree, .Mau• lens not known the path.' of fare. The w•orhl has never known her name, elle walk* in all, long -trodden any -A, The vnlleyr of the yesterltys. Plume Is her kingdom. love her slower - she peeks no other world of lower To mete home sweet, bring heaven near, To win se welt and wipe a tear, And do her duly day by. day In her own quiet place an 1 way. Around her childish henrts are twined, An round 'vine reverend went en- shrined. And following her■ the rhlldlrh feet .1 re led to ideals true and sweet, •%n4 find nit purity and good In her divinest motherhood. NM. keeps her faith unehndowal still - t;,•1 ruler the world In goo.1 00(1 HI; 11••n in her creed are brace and tree, ,inti women pure as !merle of dew, And life for her is high nod grand. 1t1 work and glad eudeavor rpannel. 'Nile sad We earth's a brighter place 111 for the sunshine of her face ; .Iter ter, rutl!e it bleating throws, And heir(( erg happier where We gees, 1 gentle, clear-eyed messenger./ To whisper love -thank taxi for her! L. M. Montgomery, In the Congre- gattuna list. Mreaeh Proverbs. ' Anteing the French are 1001111. apt proverbs dant go directly to the twee. The following. trnnslnted by_ 1largar•t Harrington. Nevins to have b,st 0000 of their wit by being pus into EngllNII : The first awl worst of all frauds Ii to.chent oar's self. To by happy one t have nothing to forget. The Blase is not she who is sell, but alio who gives herself. .1 good Intentloa maker bet n short floppy In he who id not obliged to sncrlfica nny nue to dnty. For nil misfortune,, there are two Trmernew-ttnm and +tuner, lnllfferenee le the heart deepinte The grenteet, the rtro:lgeit, above all the elerereut man, I* hes who knows, how to wait. it la rare that the heals n( kings toe manic to fit their crowns. The morrows of to -lay makes the Ilnppiaese of tomorrow. inenlallme. ne you rlk)osn to regnrl it. Mlle It revolve 1 to have h,•r own L,& i lel finery. Herr is the model of her pretty wedding dress. It It it whit • crepe de chine. The foundation skirl is cut circular, with a trained skirt. and' has nei accordion -plea het trill of taffeta to -t It out at the riot. (her tills is a drop skirt ut the crepe de chine, finished with n deep flounce, which is curved with un- dulating linea a the tope 'old 1. mndr'of white c Mon. At the wave- like upper edge the flounce le ret n border of tin chiffon rosettes. Three rows of tie• are rippled at the hem. with a sl ht interval of two Inches apart. The iwdi'« has u w trteat front of chiffon below the y e, Oho -htf- fon I• arrange.' In ro of a -Merest tucking. the yoke Is • fine Mech- lin Inoe over white erep L' rhue•. 1Jtr lace le lata 00 per it, flat to *how the handsome de ' e, 'rhe yoke and wnheteont are bo Bred by wile revert of crepe de Uhl over- laid with accordion pinit(najd •• f chif- fon. Me revere are slashed three Ileum between the rlendar end width taper. to the wain ane th" broad part on the breast and vie I dere. The reverie are continued n roundel eltad ler roller lace the hock, but below the yoke. whirl Is here much more shallaw than In front. There nre lung chew -fatting mlr.'ves of crepe de chine. with u shnpM piece pointing down and movering half the hand. Mechlin lace inser- tion la wound about the sleeve. In n pattern mntelang the yoka Ince. There 1• n glrlle of reit elsiffon fettle finl►hlug with nceordlon- pleatel aa•ert ends, which are ar- iranged at the left nide and float loose e: like a sash. Lnitfse will wear a tulle veil with Untenanted edges rind one white rose In her cuiffur•.-I'IIILalelphlet Revere lata been raised at Oettysburg. Jewdo Wade war Iter name. j1Le and her Oster 11ve1 in a little house near the Federal Ilued. They might Irate quite to u safer ueighburlaoul a'hru due 1111,1 altitude tn-t ut that I'eutNylvnnlu town ; but they belay- ed to bake bread fur the Unlou til- diern, who were in used of fowl. On the third ttOy of the battle u bullet Passed through the door of rho house, killing Jennie Wade at her work. There are women who have figured mora cunsplvuowly than rhe oil the battlefield. There have been Jett• of Aro and Moll leteltere, and army 'terser of 'whetted records. let the Gettysburg girl did herein scrl(ee in her own way. amt the 'd uiuen'i Relief Corpa of Iowa de- serves praise for Ito exertlour In raising motley fur the monuweut. bearing Jennie \S'oda's iLalue, which Is to be unveiled this month. No gentler figure was ever nem - elated with the field of battle than Wu. 'tech (1u111au l'eddler Milk. New Jersey, among its other freaks lets it trent wolnan-a wlllllau who. though wealthy, taken pleasure In paddling aa;k. Sir+ it Mrs. ,ttutn `ill limen, wife of C. 1'. Millman. of Vine- land, a woman of gotd social eland- init. education, refinement and beauty. Some time age, wearying of eoclety and the Inxur:ous living of the wealthy, Mrs. Sllliman (belted to adopt the life of a Milkmaid purely an a tllverslun. Every morning at 4 l,i'lo•'k this auo.ety belle eau be well starling from her elegant country home in tut outfit that is a verita- 11 • IIOUMe un wheels. 1'nattcnthel she drives from louse to house and leaves the pint or quart of lacteal fluid as daintily as ala receives Iter call- ers in evening dress.. TIMI townspeople, at first newton - Jetted, became is, rhnrme l with the intimation that her trade In In- ereniing tinily. Mr. bind Mrei. 8i111 - elan are financially able) to live In any style they may gee fit. nod thin fad wakes the pretty milkmaid all the more conspicuous In her endea- tor to leafed (seldom. Opener* M The C'ountes's of Aberdeen hes open- ed a new hall, erected in connection with the 8av'oeh United Flee Church. Lardy Aberdeen sold that In thee* days they eout1 scarcely un:leretand how the work of eongregatitees could be carried on without mem such place as that. The need of It was felt at every turn, and elle wan Pura it meant a great Ileal to every^ district to have a centre such 'as time where all could meet for mu- tual improvement,, recreation, and a variety of purposes which she under- stood the hall was to be used fur. sr m A VURN 'Situ(] SU(11:KMl ION 'blended for Women Who Propose Huyiea New Pieces. in very 41nemti,Jaeta,ry wart to 'mal . i' for furulrbings that taunt blew with other iirtlelea In the 444 rot, lint . there Is le Stemple to gull(• In th selection of colons. Many at woman win has elglied for now. new p,l •04' o ferniture-new curtains or rugs -ha fount ups,n gaining It lint somehow- , er room.' are much •babbler or ugll"r inn before. Tee new Wei has been helot:Ds! because the Lyle or colors are fnsle- '-'0Ti-i1111 tele, tin- r. tt, i.. ti., ceariser, without a tho: . t of Jm,w it in going to lenrmunlze Ill its eel-1401.1one 1 eine t i ves. In naldtng to pa It fiern1ited rmmas, tiniest, re woman 1111, 1414 the phrsase 604., "carry color in lir rye,' 11 Is often hardily eaf to Irby n rug, r•U•., Intllt it 11.04 Ir a tried 114 Elio omen where 1l /e to.•. while in buy- ing draperies, fternite r emeralds, rte., n wimple is gene ally °attest, though It may meek • in e slaopgaug- t Recipe for w Ruse .lar. Herr 101 a reaps• for n rose pet - petrel.. wi.1.4. 114:C4 1111411-11en tidal Ob• j rt ad near an pdsm•iole : One pint of street row tenter. sit Minces' of san- dalwood. alt ounces of "erl) 41140 oun:sh 01 brnat.itae uta unnca-Of Lint- el', one Dans eif cloves, one-half onnee of nince. O grains of meek. War l'aletI.g by a Wawale. Ones iii Ile" m•w(t hareem/dui pictures •down in the. year'. Itoynl .1Cnd.•1113, wait painted by It young woman. Lucy hemp-Wel/dt. it Item horn purcbanel by the trantree of the Cbuarey be- quest. The enbject is ikon' leund.,u- :11.1'. 1)11111 (ue 'wily PIMA h. and 1t la midst to be weaderfully truthful in I1e presentntk,n of drtnih Lord llundnn- akl wit greatly Interested In U. peogrr.e end gave time art int much nrniminnee In regard to tor• portraits' '.lel 4,4)441' 110tallt. (Ass )iemp►-Welelt 11',4, In Ore 111(1 • tenni of Bushey and work. In n goner .full• in order to gel Iter (outdoor off.e.tm w Mout 11 10110, exposure t•. the weather. Am Its ik,er is the fr•'sh green grew. else twinge the hornet! ',hr wlehrm 1., lilUlt within the gins. walls anti stlt'hep them at Iter lel.ere 111 wee or r.nln. !forgets are Ir'r fnvortte °°hies(. Ste ha'gnn her work by illustrating Iter father'. Maks on entomology. - Chicago Rea•rd Herald. • Muperstlllnny of the pride. Neter In relr•arming the eeremonv rend( the merriest, Nervier entirely urr•r. 1 bride alnnhl mine no intim in her welding clotlPl4 There U en old emeriti lll in against May mnrrlagr•sa. Dec. Alnt IN n fntoril4' wedding day to Smllanl. A hrl'ts* mnst w -.:4r nothing green. TI„'►t enter In emblematic of evil, ma 311 the Plttelte rg I'rees. To change the name and not the totter is change for worse anti not for tetter. Tire origin of .dipper throwing IN not known. It means', however, goal luck. In Yorknidres F.nglnn.t. the cent timed to pour hot water titer the ,!oor- mtep after that crerple lin.' gone to keep the threshold warn, for an- other bride. It la saki "Neese] la tire bride oa whom 11141 Men ddnen." 1.01'IRK•!( WIC1)l)IA(; I1 It FAS. She Admits It 1. •• 41114' Mt"Iltary Murat of 1 at nvsgenee." lwaime Iiall cant, home from her twn..w(•ek4' titration, engage.' to he married. As the wed ling will be ,an P.rly one, In mid-Octdwr, she it Netting to w -wk to P0114ot leer Immolate. She II•u work el est ecta- 1"filing few two yetra, after tnk- 'tig the "Illwery" lemons, awl W*rhe 111 ry nt home, ham been "tufa to "rite mite, money ant set It mettle for her wedding elethe* and oul:et. T111. 1a a eonten1-111.r to Jw' pie. tette who Aro not woe Oft. ,ow Ore it milking (late of bmgP linen nal monthly acquiring the elolhem she Will wish new to take with her Into the new Contrary. to the, ndtit. • of Iota, who •ngeeetp b eh^ PhrmM toe ne tied hi n hanAaim • trnveh Ing mull. whish email! Il' ditty Afterward all the n"Immn, iA'HI',e ham 4)termunetl 1') treat hared, to one solitary torat of •xtrataganco, or MRtl- Advice Rrow a Dentist. "IS.n't think," send the Demise. 'flat l►rudltog Is all your tooth II04d. 11110"4011‘ 44 t JO, you Mendel draw a bit of tory fine cotton or dentnl silk between them nightly. It is Imir4"Mb Me, with a brush, to bt certain that every pwarticle of food 111 remove) from between them, anal It is nares *cry that thtst should be (lone, 1f you want to korp tle•na in giral order and prev •nt tit -in from decaying.' The ([led Girls Want. He Le a )Dung man wl.om, unbound - e UUiursiteeinns eser been his chief claracteristle. When he proceeded to talk to the practical elf gentleman afoot marrying Idn daughter lie was evidently prepared for the usual wt tier►oil "I)o you think you can supped my daughter. In the Mtyl,• he wlik'li site lid's been aecust diel 7" The parent • sik. with the air of a man who tltinkr hr ham uttered n peter. 'Let un talk the thing aver," he maid. "IM, you think your daughter Is qualiflel to make 0 Loan a good wife'!" "Yet, air. Her mother and I are loth practical people and we lave given her n practical education. She can not only reed (Greek and play the piano -elm practicer three 1100 en n day -Mit .Ire can 000k a good dinner, 1111(1 dao tI r marketing an Intelligent- ly 1410 an experienced steward. More- over her ablated, with the needle are not confined to fancy work. Stet n tongue. and we don't prnpo.e to heat any doubt about her future." "Yat were milking me If i thought I could support her in the .tyle to wltleit sate (has been accustomed." "1 was." "Weft, 1 could. Hut 1 don't people( to. After mho marries me ehe'a not going to practice three hours a day on any peinn,' nor oink dinner's. nor Mandy word', with market people. ah,"m going to ha,,' all the mewing done mttnele the hoose. renn wheat ph • enjoys, whether It Is Greek or elle:envy, end go to the theatre twl.ee ,t week ICA time the girl lend mom° '1)40 Mont In life." l'o..I11neing at Forty. It is when mho ham pinned the fu Ili Arend" that 14 now solid to he moot dangerous t" the eiseepteble of the other nex. Il•r fete may (rave lone. 1hnt ',tweet and twenty" iegnrls with ,dismay; her figure m'►y he fuller than "sweet 'seventeen", deems grneeful ; It nine, even be that Art line to step In where Nature fails In On mat ter Of heir anal eewltplevion, hat It Is man- ner which tells. In earringe. In in- terest*, In thought. Uta woman of 1p nt the prevent riny Is an ynitng nn her ,hitghter lean than half her yenrr; bet her ndn1 le better 1101. timed. her )t,Igmants nee elenrer. -London I.ndy's Pictorial, A 113,1 it 1114 Itl.ltlelttd. A monument of an uncommon kind is 111 he tinselled _on the b (tlefl•ld of lirtlyshneg on Rcpt. (nth. it Is in inenmrryt not of n genefnl nr n reeimrnt of -mvllbNa, ha( ••f w gird ((omen Moe email Wee on the hell of battle; This girl of In Wee 1140 r?PR borne on th0 rolls of the array M a nurse, Yet she weft de- emses the graalte 'immortal' which 11ea444Mary. in .eluting colors for •1t VU(0011 atoll contrast', that are str ing and Pedect too.e that are of the 'revell- ing tint In the carpets and par at home, though 11 may he Ilgh r or darker or in differ( nt pattern. 1t 1n fent to start with the en wt an the presntltng tint, and have to utter fnrtilehinge blend with th Often in moting into u new home 1 U fon% that the earp't Inten led bur n ecrin1 ro.•m (meet nearly fitting it, and I every other way nppre- twintdl "'el slier' anpleziwatt11v with the wall psi r. In smelt n Cane change lir proper to !tient with the carpet : 11ue -expense '.prove very 'light compare) wit that of getting n -nowt of speed° Nrnlings to .,It the room: often r Iv the Nide paper ge•l, the selling Then - In gs carry out mid nee! to be chs helms. femnl *yea •td,lhtg fresh turned :Its name odor rrhente. stupid of 111m. Site -If you could have a with, (t,orgy, what would it Ire? He -It would le- that -that' • ' 1,- 011, If 1 only dare.' tell you 1'tt It wide.) be.'" ril,c-Oh, plena( go mi. Do tell He -I dare net ; Iwt, oh, if I only could: She -Well, why don't yuu ? What do you suppose I irrought the abett- ing subject tip for ?-Thr, King. • Iter Da). "Yesterday," she erred, nlmodt dancing in her glee, "was the proud- est day of my life." "Why ?" her Cousin Bob from Now York nuked ; "did torr man you have Secretly !oval for at long, long time ask yon to II" Itis wife 7" 'No tat a Loan 1 have refused three times tuarr.e.l that Kiaf 1ppto Irlri who has always Is -••u trying( to make Inc play ole fringe to her mash, awl 1 sat where 1 could look theta both in the eye. and 1n111e all tltrongll the ceremony-."-Chiun- Aes llnfnvuresble 4Igo. ('barn -1 nen afraid that ('hurley Mtreteher Isn't gu:ng to make a guml husband fur Sadao. Mnu•,I-Why not 7 Claire -She tells me that when they rune lock from tIwir welling trip he had money. lett.-fuck. Teeters (lwnuus Abnue 11. httbel (tucker away for the night) -Yee, we played husband and wife. i tinted hien and meld he was the 'Iandr(om,ht man In the world, and IM maid: "Here's' forty (1011,r., go mei buy r)me gloves."Life. horst Nought, "Veer lettere to me," until the of flume! bra le into day, "are mo toll Laird formai.' "derl•ly, my 'knr,' exrb,1,1, 3 ehr literary re lehrity, strong h) her r.' pnnlrh, "when t''y are puMlrhel after my 'kath they will he found to Iw mo I'hs of eomponitlon, bread( Ing the most rtiltd'tenement*, nee rooehed In nllesautely eorrect Lug INIl."-('hl'ngv, Tribune. A 1)IOerest Vete. • Mr.,. Brown--Rem-twee. Willie, that the early bird g•ts the w.wm•. ViItlP-•Mu7b. that.'° eti, (mi John ala Jens* ha. get 'em, an' they ain't (rent gctttn' rip fatly In the morain', either.--Nyraeise Herald. NNN•bkNg•NbH••bbab•N•NN•No • b••'Ngb PN•••••• i HER ARTIFICIAL LIMB. j --. ..fi, _ • • • •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.44.0..4. gIu The Story of a fllsunderstanding. •'Heli°, Simms. Are you gulag wy way ?" 'Yee, I'Iq Wareing up near your hunter now, at Mem, llrown'r:' "That sot 11 ha do you like 1t there ?" queried .1etklur. ••1111, It ea a Mee plantae" attawt'lel Kintner, addling, after a lsture: "Mrs, Brown luta a alive !Dine" withher. a earthier down (('41.11, nod, by Jove. I believe thin niece hen nn urtife101 limb. sly ourienley le :141 worked hup cant It." girl with n twat•° leg!" ex- claimed Jt.•takltw. "%ee:L 1 think she lutes Infringed on uudt'r righty. A %amain hue no buiuons with a %tarIrn leg." "1 did nut stay mho heal n woselen lee 1 mild 'au artificial limb,"" Thla irons Elmmll very lutprcasit'ely. "1 have a, Idea what, it W made of. but do u I do think It 1s flesh and bone." "Olt, what du pm know about It ? When you first spoke l thought there was minuet iting rtartllag," Jenkins re- tie/ eked. tantalisingly. Simms did not reply tot -thee but in- vited him friend to spend the eveningu with him, which intltttl en ew ac- cepted. And els they entered the Meow. .14 'Miro caught et glimpse, through the curtain.' that meliorated the hall and part or, 4f a young lady. 'lin titer pretty rel-tt"nded girt," 11e bthrumstntght, as he followed thrums up - emirs. It WOO In mower re quenllon frim Jenkl,.s that 1(. s tutf.l: "You see my room here 14 rinht sit the head of the /antrr. not i can't help but leer everybody as they conic up or goone s 'town. Weil, 1 noticed that smeo +hined to comae upetnlri quite labor - lowly, as though stepping up with 1us)only one foot. .•4 there was u very ell prr.ult or sick person In the house. Ulla excite( lay eurb.Mity. One s .di evening I wags et:rtingw•n town, what I heard tide permits conning ape atolrs. I opnae•l the "emir and www surprlael to find it Wan Miss .tuburn. lour nkat this )o lady. You re- member your wa with George Arnold, don't you ?" "i'es, to be Mire," nnrwerel Mtmms; "1 wagered him my m.wsl1401e ugnlnmt Wm, that, m) wife If 1 star had 0110, would be be/tiltlful-" "In f1614 4111,1 In figure. a perfect Wuuula," add,sl Joiikhls, milling. "Ile game( to that na,uatacbe while yuu have it, for it won't lane long." AM Jenklnh was h.'athtg, elu►ine ac- couipstntef him to the door, where they were both eurprta*•d to afoot Maid Auburn anti her court' coming W. Again ja Ing room, Simms lighted it cigar and rat down t0 think it out. "'fad site a -a -n artificial limb?' Even 111 Ids thought's l,:• could not ray "woo,lwl 1. . "Who eine, it Ilutt mann upstairs solightly, and why slid Mabel remove her cousin's rub- bers'?" His cigar was amd.ke d up, but he lead not thought 1t out. The next manning when lie Mtarl- a1 down town, Ire opened lam room door with n jerk, and war descend- ing two etepu at ono bound, when Pro war brought to a standstill by tiro lntl:• figure with an artificial limb, slowly routing upetnirr In leer uuual way. Kamm retreated. think - Ing he would go black to life room and minuet there until site had reach- ed the hall. He called Memel( a brute, an unfeeling bear, an inhuman mon- toter to go rasltleg nut like+ 0 mail - mon, for no doubt site was unreason- ably senttive about this matter, and would feel huwillat• t because he had now, en naaut•tnkably, dlreotered her secret. Iii had not reached Ila room, however. whmen elle called him. " Mr. Simms, the rtalrway Is wide ci•ouglt PCW you to lutes me. A1 ley aro you running away ? U61 1 frighten yon by creeping tip stairs this wny ?' B'Ie weld laughing and not In the (rant embarrassed. She 'spo)ke* and atoi)1 Just Iike n girl with two mend SIR LOUIS DAVIES. K.C., K.C.P1.0. prised her and her aunt by coming to pay thew a .telt, "Cisme dawn and vend the t"v0u• - lug with us, tile, tilutwr, 11114.1 %telt my brother," was the sx` nun 'sweet Write- 00 ��C eu frau Misr Auburn, wUloh Stumm `h With al)/ut to acre, t, but Dick pr')- tested, saying beat Ile had 1111,1114110dl Powder to Wpeud the et ening in Simms' room, whore they souk! Rare 1411 uaadbturbed chat ubuut of I school (1143144. Accordingly, that.evening the two frtetela were timely ehi►aiug mud 'smoking; smoking and chatting; liv- ing Over again tic happy .lays gone by, altd po ibly leaapple,• now lit the memory of those (lays than they were at the lite In aIle Diktat of all this cook. lit 1 teak, sighs and laughter, they heard 1,1(40, Vanilla's steps O11 tho stulrr, "flier', comas whiter pegging up rhtlrr one step ut u tam'," cried Dick, Ia1IKhh►g. liituuw looked at her friend In 'surprise, which quickly changed In -auger. To think that hie old frie11d Wee, lase her brother, should laugh at her nlinfortulle : "Sir 1" he cried. "Why, what's the matter?.' And Dick's tweeting face begun to lengthen. N'hatb thee nett ter clutter enough, wheel pet (laugh lik.t that at your sister s misfortune.- ' My a'ster's wlelurtuue?` r:•peat ed 1)Ick with a grin. "les, your sister's - misfortune, nnnwerr.l Simms, frowning. "L to not tuf/erstund you, Mr Shuttle" mild Dick, hatiglatl..v. "fou w-ertryort kluged:id at th. nmuner in whi.'h your ,41511 r cunt up eta LAO:, were you nut ?' aaMkw. Simms, ju11k IaIly. "1 know the cues • perfectly well. but Mee nothing parti•-•ulanly funny about 1t." „Jack Hammy, you aro oral).' chi u I*•k In dehp.'ru.tl,n, 'my hinter h:u at pate of ultteaky Gime marl walks that way to keep them from making a 11012W. NOW def you know that?' . "Squeaky Weser may explain her t•ontblg up stairs so slowly, but they (toa't expialn thea way Mlle (r)sret her feet . they Ikieet explain that that tdglit In the hall wit n Mab I took of( her ruhb'rs, and the ilex: morning when i uo .1 her on tit. Metra, late amt sick, they ,3.n't et plain why else used to (law- nn: state, but (low m) 110 more.' A little 4f Nru,tas' ,,i.1 pm)Mlllvenee returned as he repeated h'1. nndenia We ev1'lenkte. "My friend, will you plane, tell m what yon think Is the tnniter with 4117 Wetter ri Dice asked calmly. 'Dick, hasn't yew slater nn art' fb'►el limb? Shama did not Irak at leg friend an. he said this; lee looked out of the window. Dirk 1aug31nd Mud and uproarlouily, nitwit to Simms' Me -comfort. Then he -explained that lila sinter, who lune a burros of squeaky' shoed. lard bought a pair that squeaked. She (111 everything she could to stop it, but p1111 they made an nap,ensai►t noise when sir walked. She pairchas- e1 another pair, and to her con- sternation they squeaked also. In Idler anxiety to keep this hem>,eliating fact to herself, else walked pecu lar, and come up-utalrr "'one stele at a dint'," an Dick termed it. "'S(Ite oc- entt"°ally wears sippers In tite even - Ing, 1111(1 only th,'+tt, she apmeare nat- ural," his added. elitism.' thought of the evening when Jenkins had visited him :old they heard someone rel lightly up «intra '"Dat that night in the land' 7" he est e l 1. "That most have been t to atg tl she had lite pl••uresy," a tuswerr,l Dirk • 41w' went with Mabel to the thorn - (re, and on the way Ironer wear taken with the peewits,' and, although 011ie di l not tell me ,.4, It is more titan 1 kety that Mabel removed her rub- bers,. Aunt 6e ,t groat nurse semi nest u sideng hiller was up and arutoel, bet pale and hick. an pull said." regard to the skating amt *Introing et Metier," continued Dick. 'Mee neem to dance and was learning to skate when We cnnw up tu•rt with aunt, mince then,Mile 11601 'Won bu attending 'lovely to hlnetw, nn.• beng a stranger, goes out bat lit- tle." "'Dick. I !mvr been n — fool,' mild Simms, with the ghost of n smile. w, 81mrd►, don't cull yourself that, to we aro indebted to-etea fur ao rich a joke, -We ? Dick. 1 beg, of yosi-do not re pent t11W to your teeter." 'Oh, per, I'll tell her and emit ix'th;' remotwtr.itel Dick, "No, 1 eyo':d rather you would not ozodont Tile appointment of Sir Louis Henry mir'.k,ers. Ile enterer the Prince Ed- Devlew, K. ('., K. C. 'bf. (i., to the ; ward Tshaml 1.nc:11 Assembly In 1871. MaIiwe ne Court 'WWII W "t W111- ' and In 8 ptemis•r, 1876, he became malted recognition of legal abiIty i Premine and Attorney -General. S'.ure of (tor 'tightest order, all a fitting 11882 Ile has rresresentel Queerest ttrahnatt,n to pubil.• career.. tntn /evenly and Queenly, (Pest, N. K. 1, In we.Ielt have erten rluw,tr.l mnnv dos- the Common', toed at the fermatl:rn Ingulthel Pert iris to his native j re the Lander Government in MSS 1 finer rine or the Donliniun.'Horn accepted the portfolio of Minder Of a Charlottetown, 1'. E. 1., W May. I Marine nal F'iaheri'e , whirls lar re - 18 i, Sir Ionia Deviser ehaasr the law ! InInes, up to lits appulntment to lh• aM prolevel'ro, rune ens enllel to ! (melt. iHe tenni it member of the: cI,m- thr r 4)t the inner Temple, boTt=tvetretnn to Wnohingtnn to refererrre- dun, 1 1664. Pte p•nclleol him pro I to re'Iproenl trade in 18:16, and in fest•'on n ('hnrlettetown, and tgwel- 1 18:)7 watt appointed on the m mmlP- ilt• won foremost. p11ter at the bear. •don to London in (OnneetiO(l with Ile lean 11 d briefs In ninny important the Behring R,n Heap .r)ntrnvlrny, (Mara, not Irl( before the 1'. C. 1. the centra rI the international (Idle-. Land ('om r4I ei In 1417:,-78, where I relies of Canada, rind the Itelgian Mn,l he wain Lem ag teemed for the ten- ! German trMle treaties'. He In at mein - entry, not ono eel* the British Ire of the .leant ITlge ('ot)tm(wene teensy' h^hw lite Intlrnntiunnl appointed In 1898 to adjust the rr•la- lIsllrrlel l'otn Intl et under the Hone bet wren ('aniuln and the Trenty of 11 mile mg(on,. tilt tort est Untied Slates, which was npieented Hn111nz In 1*77, r erfting the thitnke".ne emelt of the West to Lobed g of the Itritish (*,'ernmcnt for Ids hl 18')7. awl, be the way, 0 ♦r nppropriate me, Iter heir h^Ing n turn," i Vs red," Interrupted diking. " : er heir Is embers'," el- !einemcomp Ing Ian lips In n ny that made etklna think ergilme t would be noel "After ruing that it w . 111+4 Aub.rrn that enter*up'.tnire no low- ly," contlneed Femme "I took ad- vantage of every opportunity to sandy (rile young Indy, and i fi d , that sho ham n very peculiar wap Gaud when .hr mite sheen wire ham n Twee way of or.t•aing her Jert. Rift' total l are- alt. Ano evening when I , first emu. ever here -yob remember that I:Nt freete-np we lend? Well, It wan Mined, that time. Little Mabel !heave was tensing Mini ;tab Ira to ([e nk_attIInnit_--Yat neer not Winne) '1.'!, r"_fi> 111131 '13iTT ip tffP"'1t*F, 'y Fgrr "mates.' Thee turning to me mite 0,1141: 'Cousin hese the nleest pair of mkntrs, bit glue never 00410 them.'" "i ntttrnlly asked. 1PIM.4 Anhnrn why Orli+ fill iint ante. "'O, 1 got my mkates several wln- tern ago Inte In the season,' she ans- wered; "b It the Ice all nielt01 before i Iwarnel to 'Mate, an 1 +inch then, i have not rorr.l for It.' "I took ten upportenity to ask Ate Indira if they 'lanced. Agnln, Mies An- bnrn easel to dance, hat droner* nn more. Now..lenkins, why don't 11th• dance and why don't else mknte. when she used to do both? 1 say, un- dlottbtrelly, 11I10 ham n good rennet." • "My deer !ley. t can't may y,o have nndpn;ubh' proof that them young Indy lints a worelan leg." 1Jpnklne." md.l rihnm. nnensllt ; "1 don't lit„ to hear yen any 'weak,' 1'g.' It moues taw 1inilllnr" 'Alt ! 1 new," "Yoe nen what 7" "Nothhlg. mat dt'nr hey, nothing. i only 010.141 1 did ant sen that yon 411.141 nntpnlnble proof for your mtntement." Here they heard the mwl.h-awl',Ili n/ n womnn'. "trees n0 'Moran lightly op etntro. "Ry Jove!" ethyl $lnrent, "that .ern tel Ilk" her. It'e add, hitt Mru Rrnn•i,'m ,ktrin n••t er mane. %)elle Masa lnbnrn cannot niev witltont her .k M duelingIib• 'Mk That scats o 1pce been her though." "My :on are entirely too ear - 1 g. nn.ber 1,er. nut 8!mm I knew bet• ter. He murmurer towel lil ag aln,ut goring twee to el,,ae his MOM ,!o',r. " 1 nm .omrwhnt of It In111111 to - .41y," she rale wftly, an he lwtss e1 her. 8 men; noticed she linked pH11e. Aa he walked (Own town he tiled to remember what he haul meld to her. Hr felt metre h" hn'1 sal I twine - thing, but what? H1e portliest hn,l been awkward and lie feared Ile hu 1 not npp,etrel t o the beet ndtnntnge. But at nay rata he had at, chute p orf now. One evening ti few week' Inter the Wee sees tweeting the prowl Itl- IptIon, ".1. II. Simms', .11t.•rn.'y," tt, closest and locked promptly ,411 tin. net the busy man of Ina* turn 1 Icy Weep homeward end his (lieu t* IovewarL He felt very wall elesteme w'jt4e nl hu affairs. All doubt 1 from 1)14 m'nt reveling had ennmrd him (0 mi.•li (rpt, thnt Mean %Manu nrlifieiil limb. Seco° 1, t in the lent effect for her. New he Pant uppw•rtuntly to lady'. (opinion of 1,lmoelf wan ('Inn the whit• eneh.inese. rrilly brut n that it (1h1 11, high rive w-e,uhe tike the Vern them your' hllnrs'lf. When he enterst memorable et ening 1 (aline color In the with the low tones he The flan!, Jenionny, heart. and he wan Inell e tv,umue niltll:it heard a mile - lex, mingling new no well. Ippr'1 1114 1 to (Pel nrgry when the low voice tiutde Remit more distinct nn caller 1111 flame. Hr entered the parer ani bowel gravely to the Iwly, not look ng to- n -nate her eomp nnlon. 'Yirsxl evening, Mr. !Admms," am MI's Aulmrn'r greeting. elle pent .1 nnhI looked est the otherg entllmA rilnme felt nwtwnrd. "'dr. Minims, there It n gentleman prevent. Perletpm you knew him." Kintner ruined him eyebrow., no though It Htlrprllrel him to Irnrn dint there woe nom erne PiMP In the rooter. ani Moiety exited In the dl- ,rllml Mime Au man Indienlel. "Dirk Linn. 01.1 toy!" and ".Inrk Mitten my 1, IPn.11' ware mlmtlutne- tet. exclatnell tee an 11," tn•. 111.4) elnYped bronchi. Then foll ewe! n lung etplan,1 nim how Dick, who was an old school- mate of Mr. shame, wall MIM As. barn's .tip-hMlher, and had sur- Good for Sad Teeth Not Sed for Good Tooth assd.M Llpld eye law 1.1q.1d and Powder maw ID MOMS or by malt let the pry- :e.,apie tot playa N HALL a It UC0.11. Naw yeel, The Signal o ronueeltn LVERY THURSDAY MORNING DT D. Mrt:141.1CUDDT. _.J Teras of 11.beerfptteat 1 w M IM One month. in advents) throe nn,.,t 111, " Six ohon'.h.. Oue yet. Adverllstng Retells Legal and other annual advertWmeate, IO,x per w.• f.r dr•t tad. rtio an 1 .1 o4n14 per alae for ew.b evb,enuent la•era 40. IA assured N t nonpareil s, ale. L nines+ uard• of di lines and under. IIs par rear. Adverti.emenle of Lost, Founq , Strayed altuati,mu V.o.nt Rita..t.w• '('sled and 11Chant,* sn 51 W•n not ez.wedloe nremonth. 1 (louses on Ma's and Yarm+ •n Sale, net 10 e zourd $ 134'.. 51 for aret month. 50o. per ins trgnant month. ho.rg. r.4.rs. la pr. n. Any epccial notice. th• ohls4t of which 14 to promote the penuntary boo eat sf any t.divit. nal or onrnpany, to be 000. dorwa an advertlna meat and charged aocordtn ly. Local nntl.e. In .nnparrf type ons cent pat word, on notice leas than ISo. 1,110.1 notleen lit 0,41,110ry reading typo twa cents per worn. No notice for le./ time gin. Notices for rhumba and other reljll•ua 14141 benevolent institutions. half two. O uhsrribere who tall to receive Tug Stemat regularly by mad will confer a favor b a.► e uainline us of the tact at p earl a dot. d possible. N hen a change of address 1s drlred. bill the old and the new addrowl should 14'. r.beel.er'e !lodes. J. O. Le Tense'. of Onderirh, (ee been ap pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the Town- shtpe of Ooderlck. C'u:born•, A.hiIeld and Wawanoeb. 1.00a1 postmasters over the dlstriot are e1* empowered to resolve .abecrlpnons W Tau Stowar_ Ab coo nndrp 1 L moat be wintered D.. MoOIl."UDDYDDY, Tet Senses, ?Costume Cal) y0. Ooderish. Oat. THURSDAY, (X'T 3 I1m)I. Tl:at't:/.LINO G1'IDR. r Meted GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AZIUTL Kd , and Express.l r,d .... L *IL M 1. Nall sad [sprawl AIM Ra osralT. Wall and Fzpnes 7.15 a.m. 11411 Ind [dprewi ?x. pen. Meted 3.16 pm DF.NTISTR T. Ml. NIC'HOI.RON, 1. DAS, 1.101TAL Si'R0•OV, Rooma epposlte the Poet Valeo. Gold Filling. Crowe and liridae Work a Specialty. IS Years' [zperlsne•. ••Iwa-ccload ,01 1'. '.I ..lo)' Atte /" 4011. est p.m. from 4I.,) In U -„;her ,nil n.l, e, 11. MAREE. D.D.S. LD.S-fDIttl AL I ate.( and nea're'd methods fee se dental neer..tlena I'ro-.'rvatiee of the natural teeth • epecill . Office: ('or. West .t and revere (upstairs. [atr.aoe me Were Omen elate.' on Wednralov afternoons. et p. m., from May to Oct.. Inclu.lve. Telephone No. Si _ ye wrie—" "Well "" q*uslhiled leek, after pauape. Che (not Id, DI.:k,' flnime admit tett, "i levy peer Meter, and wen!, net Ilk'' to have thiol little mlotak• (lrttese any teethe. between IM, n. I might '1,. If Ph' knew' It," leek eves anent. "i would rather 71)41 would not tel her," Rlmme relented. "Well, 1 wont, on one condition,' anelwered leek, "And Hutt is that yo "W4•It t any n word to tier niter y'ot aro mnrrlel, but will allow me to lel Iter nn 1 mint in your preee'nce." "Agreed," wild FUmm.. "That 1.4, of emerge, if Phe Will lint. you," n'Idal Irick. it .was n ht many months nftrrwitm thnt Dick had the opportunity t" tel Ids joke, And Mr. Femme did met hilt, to share oft his mountnehe. The (%)lurch of the La'tgs. The origin churel, of Large wa, dealicated to int (1,1 lin, the Air bot of leas, woe me fentivnl wan emu memoratel on the Dth day of June A fair. at ono time fermium all ole the Wret of acetinnd ne at market for Ilighlatsl cattle and hiring fare 'servants, wan hell on St. Columba'. duo,. 'I'he fate Is still kept up tilde, the SMOCK nmmO, txmtrnclel to "('+ol'motny," but im now held on tin oc n,1 Tuesday of June. The eccle- siastical history of Large open" between the yearn 1124 ant 11:48 David I. bestowed upset the ChUreia of Nt. Kentlgewn 1)f Oln.gow tie "tlhr0 of the Kahn of Chard. of Coal, of Cenlgaa, of ritrathgrlf, an, of L.arg14e's." It a (lull of Pope Cle- ment IV., 1204, tin Church of Large in name] among tin ('hnpwtM clatrehem, Miele, anti other privilege, then 'gem ging to the monamtery 0. I'aleney. In 1:418 1lobert 1. granter the lormhip of Larg.' to Vatter, ltd Steward of IiontLand. In tho reign of Charted 1. the patronage and tithe Of the' church of lorgm peened to v11 Imbert Montgomery of rikelmorll,. The only retie of the ancient church, of Largs (0 an nine, ktrown as "Tin ekelnerrl►e Male' it wan Prete es1 it the year 1,4:10 by Mir Hobert Me'nl- gornerie of rikeImorlle to coataln the burial place and ut*slnment of hint - elf 141411 lam w!te. Margaret iko,glam it in a mart lnteremtltg r•Ik,, aril Atli, Leen preserved( entire. and quite recently was carefully re``ntlred Wolf ✓ eethred. The pariah of bergs wan originally In the 1'reebylery of Tr - (Dae: 1041 111 the yrnr 1RS,rr Largo was trnnderrel tie tleP newly horned l'reahy'tore r1l Oreeaw.eh. The pee - Reel minl.ti'w Ie the Itis. John Kettte 1► l,, mild his occlesisNtleal neigh- bor. ora Rot. Dr. (('alwuh, Rt. .Iola'. IL F. ('(taut ; Ret, J. 11. K. M'Intyre Clark Memorial, atilt Res, Ur, Ler-, Scottish EpIIoopal (starch. T • M. TURNBULT. D.D.S., LD.a.-DRM. et • eel Bergsma. nits(, associated wi b Dr. Dixon. of NnntrotLl Gold and poroaMla, arttIclal teeth meentrd on gold or .Itn.t,nm 'mow. upe , tat attention riern to therem.% radon of the natural teeth. Odic• i MMa Lean'e new bloat. •, Office mallard nn W'tdue■day afen•oons at p.m. from )141 to October Inclusive," LSOaL. t t'AMpH)ti, Q.('1.-RAbRISl ici1, 8011 1Al alto, Notary. &a. um. over ltedloal el'• 0qu*re, Oaderloh. ,1 0. IO,INSTON-BARRISTER, *AA. I • • t.,,., Commis -lone , to Money u .inn. Olntw: tar. Hambtun and 8t AMdr.w aunt', Oudot hell, Oct alai [)ROUrIr0OT J. (IAN'S. il' ' tISTIITHe wlirtta-+, notw.r.re ((46111' pith Lori la Me [arltlmo Court. k ,: •. Oslo,:N .nh at., next loor 4l4114 at. ofl,,n. 1'11vn1.0 Font, to lend wt weal 101 nr "t lob: ON- a 411 V. PI(Ot;UttatT. It C. f13YS. BARROW & (FARROW,BARRISTttti, it Attorney., Solielton., r.. Qodericb, J. ', Ostrow, Q.U., Charles (Jarrow, LLB. f)HILiP HOi.T. U. C.. BARRTSTF.R, 1 Solicitor. Notary Public, eta Odlee ),n4 ild•Conrthoute Square. Monty to loan 145 se rates of hawses fkICKINSON k HOLM&S :'] 114RRI Ke Mrs, Solicitors, Nolan.. PobiA eta done, talent,, 1)400.. (Veeigl%ipttswt. 1. L DICKINSON. DUMAS( HOLMIl7(. CHAR. 1[AOKR - BARRISTER, SOL. iota., notary and eonventaeer. O*o. n Hamilton street cermet," fa. Coiborne �istel, Godertoh. Private tondo to lead ne .orteagea at t per oeot interest Farman sus abed, • n, WARD. CO\v[! gMSR. tr.. ANY • • rnwMd-dolor fur tet mg sad re...dving .eosn,?u.Cet of hall. oaldavhs or agree, I" 0, dents.' ions or solemn d.slsrstlone la re °enarning any action. cult •r peered'.( In 0* High Court of Jostles, U)• 40(rt of appeal or Ontario, or le any County Pt 1101 ridden own A11 t,.t•*odona carefully art eranfprt F immerse Residence sued P. 0. ad rem- Iiia ,canon, Ont. WNW 1.0ANS ANS IN/URANCIL N`gOMITTO'LKND`•iLAROM J'1 of Private hinds for InveatmasA �e�a1e rase.... ll! et rates and •tlra.ae oa aroko(ar mortmyna 414 a Oarrow a Oarrow, • n. u, cat r 14- (J1CN KRAi. t Pritrir 1k• no. e. (teal Estate and Mousy ,ant Only aret-dem companies rep . one '0 lend on straight teens, at IN to of 1nte.e-1 doing+, I. any win to orrower. Oruro: /locoed doer voittamet, Ood.rlck, AI'(TIONRiftNO. I'HVMAR OIINDRY, AUCTiONKICR AND l Iwtor, Ooderlch, *Mt Milan attended 0 It enlr Met er tee t'OIIMT', 1,•115 ',,,R uRN*KA I. At • ..• i en4 'And rw'•n.,nr. h,.trrl h. U N. Il.w .s lewd r.•a.tdeewbls (oi•", Inn•e n she • es ..•u.wring ovule b•• I• ,L . 111-1•I„n w. 14 carn,1ee aim tt•arongh anti Yam lm, all sem. narl.,ns entrns:erl to him. Ord, re eft .i lert•.n'. Hotel. or amt by well to h1. addrre(a�w% )oderleh P. O„ eandatlr attended to. 201(4 .:KOX, County Anil loop?. heir tl MARR4AO1 LIC( 'a>m. vs• avanar. (terIerlak. Owl RRiA Maly "Mr. Illuff wants to know if y4,111.4,0 rid it blank eheek pet mend Rive am," a tel hie. Bluff's' bright (pinto Bunk. bet I theet gleppoee they'd do,” ,...piled the merellant. "Any eel hi Mien do. 1fin ter'i; going to be married, and Ite aunts draw a hands min cheek to (Replay nntong her weskillin present,'" Carrie -Charley thinen my new gown Nat begot 'fel lie genet 'sat Whnt nee you grinning nt thlaklagt that Chttrley told me only today that he how tench horrid