HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 1THREE aaA'81' ADV'T8 ARB ACTIVE AG -UITB WNSN PLAIDS IN - THE SIGNAL FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR - 2850 S THE I .*.DING' NEWSPAPER OP HTTROAT oOZTNT- GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : OCTOBER 3, 1901. �s LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR ... 1901 D. M�GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MANF. T REPORT [ZY LAW NO. 9, OF 1901. (Ioomaan. ttept. 15 (901. Vali Wh.•t V 61 to 05 Flour. tamll7. par owl._.- _.. _1 00 ►o 100 Lour. psteet, per owl.-...--._._ 1 60 to 1 5) Bran, 11 ton..-.. •-- ...-. 11 00 holt 00 shorts, • ton ..., _. .. 1L 00 tole 00 Soreenlege. pee owl- 1 00 to 1 I I Bye par bush 040 to 050 Huta wheat. per bosh 0 40 to 0 50 (gate, 1♦ bush .............._..__ Peas, t/ boob ... Harter. per bush 1 }ly. • too Potatoes, t/ bush„ new Outs t. •----•-.....-•- Chessn wee Ib lleaa trash anpa.k•d, • dna Wood _...._ -. -..... _...� Hides......... �.. `.._..-.- !e11. 1Jve Hon Dressed ROMS HOoon. ........_ .r...� Ham. par 1 b............ _ Lard. par I1.......... Ires56d Heat fore quarter Dressed Beepsoonr. hind �uMOrdlaary 33 to 0 03 (01 N 0 61 !e to 040 00 to10 00 000 t• 40 11 to 0 15 IO to 0 II 11 to 0 1! 60x410 50 to 5 0T le to 0t0 50 to 690 ('0 to825 1t to 0 1R 15 to 016 13 to II W to 0l) 00 to 0 ll 75 to 4 53 00 to 3 50 Lost I�THK FOLLOWING ARTICLKS WERh. ieft Is the Aploulturel Building t 1 bushel wbeal ; 1 bushel large pass ; 1 bnsbel small pew 1 1 Isrs of fruit ; nos orook of butter ; 1 le0kst ; 2 citrons ; some uorn , 1 bangles flower pot ; 1 serail flower pot wi Ih fere, Owners of the above oan get them at the building or by enquiring at OOItDON ('OrTTte' resldeaoa nest door. McDonald street. Dederick. Situations Vaeant• /`1000 GENERAL SERVANT. ONK 171- that o•o 0o plate cooking. Good wage' plvee to the right prion. Apply to Mrs 8.A MCUAW.81. Vh o mt .1. 1*M Ar'1000 UIRL WANTKDIN THE K1T- l� ehw at tbe Colborne Hones. Apple tie Was OWO. BUXTON. Muaio. H. K. JORDAN Teacher of piano. organ sod oorn,t. Stndlo corner of Remlhoe scree d See ware. A�ISS OLBORNE, Teacher of Fletcher music method, will r- oeive pupils et nor studio- strove Mr. N•fter's tasun00. omoe. Hemlu a street. For I.for• mation apply either at studio or at ,,•'Ideate. BL Patricia • street. 'I . GLENN CAMPBELL. Orn•nat and musical director of North st. M.U,o4.at t buroh. and rase.er- or pianoforte. pippe• organ .sod theory, wil be pleased to re- eelve pupils. Detrslotl• given either .t st tidoo or •t puppil's hum es desired. etndio •t Kmerwon's Musto S , West-.*. 7: 11 For Said. SiORK TO KN['.-1'HK STORK lately secureid bii H. J. Hertga. For Der- ticalars apply ABL SMITH. FARM FO SALL-120 ACRE FARM on 0th boeoe56lon, Ooderlek towneble, 110 sera bleared, the h*Iance fn •ard..°,d bosh, 16 acres of Rood oroh•rd. goo 1 horse, ••o 1 barns end at.hles• well watered and fenced, In good stare of cultivation. A ohola farm. BERNARD WILSON. Uodorlob township. - . -'f TD KENT OR FOR BALE. -A LAKGE rosewood ino, Naw York make. Vor ppaartticulars 8O IY to Mre MAl'Alt A. ooroer ylorth et. and Square. FOR SALE. -1 KITCHEN COAL 1 range, hot water re.ervolr attached, al - mod new. will be sold cheap. Apply to CRAB. (SATE& 21 Britannia at.. near corny tare Factory. It OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH,, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, to wthorw the Cor potati.n of the sail 'Lown to borrow the sual of i ,, and to lend the YM t0 a Hotel Cumpanv for the erection and estabIl01l ant at the d town of a Hael to attwumodate what am called summer guest.. Wnaaru sepleatioo les been tube to the Muni- cipalCouncilof the sad '1'uwn by one, William H. Smith, staling that Ito and hl. as.ocutes arc pr ared w erect aad carry o miner hotel in the sud Town, large enough to a ommodate not less than tem hen- dredgwas, cal to be so constructed as to be suitable for families in winter, 010) to to eady for the a *mer season of the year 19os, providi•g the said Town sri11 lend Lim tar them the m of tlo,u0,, for a pariud of tee yeah 'cahoot interest, and will also stye remission of uses (except school tax) upon nil movements. Ake wnanus the said town is situated npmu the Eastern shore of Lake Huron in a situation favorable 1.r the development o( hat u commonly known a+ a wormer mixt, ami such development work! materially enhance the alto of property in tine +aid Town and in vicinity, mad it u coos.dered desirable by the sad Council to comply with the sad 1.ryuest for • lour, upon the addit cul particulars and conditions lerei after set forth. Awu nnerel it is the inseanon, if this Lyy-law is passed by the ratepayers, to apply (ora pecial Act id the iegulature of the Province of Omen., validating the same, and that until such validation, sew action will Le taken nereuader. Anka wn•ea*s it ail) Le necessary &or the purpose. fo.esad 10 raise by way d loan the sad sum of see upon the security of the debentures of the .aid tie Corporatior tithe Town of Cod..lch. Ann wwse•as the amount of the wl.ok rateable 41rope« y of the sail Municipality, secordiug to the last revssed and equalised u.<ssment full, is tire sum d in,rvy,ro5. AND wuasw the .marm of the existing deism• tore debt of the sad Mun.r.plity is now the tom of tr78,246.63, and no principal or interest '0 in arrear. AND aHanna, the total amount of the debt intesndel to be ,:seated by this by Lae for the purlieus aforesaid. is the .ail .arm of tw,ow. ANo Wus.sA. the tout aaane required to be seised aunuelly by spectra rate upon the triable pnp.ety ithin the said Muuopaity, (or paying such new deb .ml inerest, are the several um. here,n• iter specified and directed to be levied annually dame the ten years nest after the passu, of this by.jir, for the repayment of the principal and interest. 1. Ba 1 n 00 *810rtn keret 110 and u is hereby ted by the Municipal Council of the cid the corporative d the Tos.0 d Coderich. that it ball be arful for the klayur and 'Ifreesuler, for the time reins, of the sant ''own, to borrow frog any person or corporation williog Io lend the me, the .ad sum of tno,000, for the purpose or lending the sante 10 the person or Arsons, or Corporate body, as the case ay be, who Jell undertake the elec0ve and estab- lul c., d the o .d Hotel, upon the condition. here - wafter expressed, and to '.sue therefor the debentures of th.e sabot Corporation of the ''own d (.ol<rn:h for tom. of not less titan f loo each, with capon attached, fen the payment of atercal, w hick said debenture Jail be signed by the Mayr and Treasurer of the said '''own, and sealed with the Corporate seal, and the. lender shall pay the Niamey .mnel upon the ecurity of the sad debentures, unto the Branch oe ,ge.cy of the Hank oL Montreal, • t the sail Town of (Solent+, xo the apestO credit u( the sail Town of n;ulerlch, and the earns ilk )able out onl upon the join J.eque o t ors d the i.l the Mayor sad 1 reasurer and . ll Le exclusively applied for the purp'mi afims.it. s. And for the re payment of the said set .0 l,o,cu,, and inter st thereon It the rale r. f r pe cent. per annumy r x ani buss II other tes and taxes rpm the whole ta.abk pro.perq *,.h,.. the said 5luniupaJity, during 03.11 and esery year for the .aid period d ten year. licit after the passing d this Ly law, and tl.e tune, mat ion thereof by the sail the Legislative Assembly...1 the Prasinos d (hrtario, tine &attuning sums. namely : . In Irk year ,9,01 the sum of It,coo.61 in the )ear spot the wnn d !,.x0+.61 n the y.ar rose the tom of $,,n.6. 111 th.e year l(u5 the sun. d �l,aw.al la the year roue the soon d Ia the year 1p17 the .um d n the year toe the ata et 1n slue year toow the sot* 01 FAKM FOR. SALE BY TKNDSI( Tender will be received tp to October the 161h, 1' 11, (or the purchase of a farm of eighty scree. beinngg lot 1) -onoeseloo 5. In the town- ship of Ooderioh. The pl.oe has Mau lately occupied by Clem Newton. 1'erma to suit. Address HOX 17:1. oderlrh. 1t FARM FOR SALE -200 A('KK FARM on 3rd oosereeloa Rant W aw.nosh, 100 sores cleared. balance hsrdwood bush Good house ad modern barns, welt watered and fenced. le good .tste of esltivet lea. A *bolos farm. THO& HROWN. Auburn. 43 !m Ht f t 00 LASH, OR ON TERMS TO VDI ♦ ll snit, will purchase that large etonr• boas with six.roomed eddltlno.sitnsted on Plcton Sirest. Half nn acre or land with •11 the oouttbuildin,ts thhereon thrown In. For BOUSM, Hayfield P ➢0.1 td"THRU. J.304f. FOR BA LB.-LOTS95. 96, 117, 118. 119 Sed lel In llatohleou.Vp .urvey, eB In Ooderieh. For particulate appll'to1ULT. Barrister. &o., Ooderich. Maroh D Ah. 1900. IYt1 Insuranoe. oto. JAB. R MACPHERSON, STOCK BROKER. Firm door eolith gide of West street. neer 4'. 1'. R. Omce. uneveepoedeDt : J. r. Moss 0* & Co. AB orders promptly executed. ['IRAQ. R. SHAW, GENERAI. INSUR- it ANCK sod real nate agent. Ofges. ta• door east of P. 0.. 10oderioh. Anent for the leading matnal Are Inetraece nom ,antes and Leading stock oombendee. Mreentles and manufacturing risks at lowest rates. , Call at °Soo. W, R. ROBKRTSON. Arcount•nt en4Imurenoe Agent. Hooke end anoonnte mser, up. 1pendiag. rested and rent* oolle0ted. uo lasnran°e In Hiltl.4* and ('enndian l OmpY les. Ohio.- la I'rondfnnt t Hys' . o.. Narth trot Hod.rkh. L" J. T. NAFrKL, GENERAL IN - 1' . /HIRANO* sed Ileal IGtste agent. p'Ire, Life, Accident and Plate Ulase Insertion° effeetei on mutual or °ash plan at lowest rales possible. }teat English and ('anadian oompaoie0 rep resented. ONo IEt rtoof to O.rrow & Oarrow, Ras rinses HaesUtaw Serest. auo.6r (,a00.ns 1 et t,ew6. 1n the year olio the sum d 3r,wo.6r In the year ry n the tom d $.,aoo.6. tht rpose a( repaying the sad principal um u( 6...,u*' and .mer<st the+ or at tM re< aforesaid. } Tina Ly -law s1.1) come into full forte and effect immediately epee ,training confirmation thereof L)' the sad the Legislative A..mbl) d the Prosince of Ontarie, by • pnvate Bill to be introduced at the neat session thereo( for such purp se. 4; Upon obta.n,n the .nction..t aforesaid, of the sad legislature it .hall Ie lawful fen the Mayor d the said Town to tend the said sem of A..,a.. to the sad person et terso+s, or bol„ Corporate, proposing to erect and estabh.h the sa I Hotel, car dee said period d ten years, from the first dry oaf July, npr, repayaIe without intere-t, such loan b. lee .eluted by • Ant mortgage up..e the lands, buildings and ether the property d the said proposed Hotel, amt by inwra*ce pOl es** thereon in favor d the mid the Cocoanut°. d the 'town d Oolerich, to such .0 amount as can, in the usual 0.eine, bee obtained thereon, the premiums to be ed from time Loi time by the sad harrower, and t4 Insurance companie. to be wkctel and approve) d t)y the said Mayo,. The said Loan shall not tee ad.ann ed a tuid over until the sail Hotel 4.. conpleted nd furnished featly Jo ercaptien sea Heel for ea .eorta,o n of guests ; provided, however, that after this byd•w shall ha . been confirmed Ly tM .aid Legislature, the said the Mayen y advanre up to fo pts cent. oil the value d the land and the bmktin s and a saint thhereon 1. the our.. d , ornpietion, (or the pnrpo•es d the +girt HeM; and the halonee epee the eomy7<tat thereof .. afaeukl, such advance uDD to 50 per cent. to be made upon • certificate or certilrates in writing satisf tory toils. sail Mayor stating the value afore - d. It fall lee erected, furnished and maintained throughout the mid perioxlid les years as a 6rsl-claa' Hotel, supplying firsoda+s summer hotel accommo. dation 1-r n lea.t Iwo hundre,I uests, Jell cost not le.. then 016.4., r, for land an Miildings,. and shall be kept .pen .n each summer wawa,, during the said period d ten years, fa a period d nut iews than + meek:, -during the summer season, and for cis (usher period during the Infante d the year as there shall be trade or custom therefor, Including the use d the said Hotel fora winter family trade. 6. 'I he said mortgage shall c retain re/v<unn0 and agreements to r rry n the foregoing condiliona, lo. gether with such further and other t veneers, agree- ment., provisos ami ondition. as the Mayor and Solicitor for the sail Town shell deem advisable for the due and sufficient protection d the said Town in making the said Iwn, and no part d the mid loan .hall be paid over till the yid mortgage has been duly settlel and executed by all nereasar parks thereto. 7. Ont d the sad loon hall be peal all the ea• ppe�nes Incurred by the said clown in submitting this by law to the ratepayer% and in the said application for a a 1 Act confirming the same. e. 'hat the votes d the elector. d the wild Muni- cipality entitled to role (mer against this by-law, shall be akin on Monday. the ata day d October, 1901, commencing al the hour d nine d the Ixk 1n the forenoon, enA closing al the h.wur of Ave d the clock in the afternoon. and wch poll shall 4.e taken in the arious polling places in hich the pull in the last M naipal EI non was held. namely. Polling Suh•Divisiw No. 1, al 6l (-lymont.-. �agon shop, i•.. Rret:kreidge, Ilep ty Returning Officer. Polling Sul,-(0viaion No. ,, t Thoma, t' idean's feed store, Chea. Bates, Deputy Returnng Officer. Potting Sub -Division No. 7. et the'town H.lI, E.I. t anr:very, Deputy Returning Office,. Prang 3uh.DIvIdon No: 4, se J. R. Rtmtiwmsi. machine shop, John t'. Rates, I)rputy Returning O1A- Modloal. 1) R w. F. OALLOW, PHYSICIAN en4 SlMeen. Oeee In RMok of 00en meta betiding. west .1de of Stets Night calls et raeldesiea Lisle et. W. Passe M. AROUND TOWN. FueItTSgs Ytete IN I'.NITgNTIARY.- Howard W•Iker, the negro who wait •rralgued at the Stratford assizes lest week for the fatal @hooting of • Fellow -employes sal the Yea-Amerlwo otrous lest May, and who pleuied guilty to the obarge of manslaugh- ter, was seutooced by Judge Ferguson to fourteen years to the Klogsloo poniteatl►ry. Fort TH1 Hoerrr*l..--At the meeting of the l/+o/titers of the Empire held last Mon- day afternoon It was louud that the •nou0ts promised on the lut0 of those who owv•Ned the town come Oo something over $1500, with whiob, together with what 161 Idles already bave to hand .nd hops to oollsot in various ways through the °eattag- winter months, the hospital may be beguu to the early spring of 190'2. WowLD Br A (.00u '1'IUNu.-A London •ubaonhsr (a Former ree.deal of Huron oou0ty) ta renewing his anbsoripllun to THE SIGNAI. .101.. that ua has been w•tobiag what this paper sey■ •bout elootrlo roads, sod he thinks • road from London to Uod.nch running ba4we.o tie L., H & B. and the lake wool' be of maoh benefit to Goderlob and London and to all the motion through whioh It would run. FI'rY HORRNs.s $0111: r. -There wets over a buodied hones at the agi ioullural ground. Last Friday,:when Col. 1)eot, with 1)r. Bowhrk and Capt. Cbapllo, was hen to buy horses for tee Imperial Army. Itobt. MuLesu had about seventy bores'' 00 the ground• ; the rema!nder b,longed to differ• e01 person'. Forty nice of Mr. McLean's horses were accepted. and only one of all the others presented. Mr. McLean le W h•ye • la'. of rejemted bores on Saturday next. W kuuap AT PHILAUILrH1A.-Andrew Rougvle, the well known yo og hardware man, returned from Yhiladel,hla with his bride o0 Thursday olght, and they have taken 0o their residence fn the handsome new dwelling on Lighthouse street recently oompleted for Mr. Rougvte. The bride was Mis. Mabel ,lona, of PhHedslphl., and the wedding took plane at the teddenos of her parew a in that city o0 Wednesday. THE SIoNAL e1te.4. It' congratulettoos upon the peasant .Sent. CAREIE 1e Corrigan.-Acoordiag to Mr. Videan, manager of Motors Opera House, TIIx MIUNAL'e surmise as to ahs improba- bility of Mrs. Carte Nation's paying • yG10 to Goderioh woo incorreol Hs say' that he has made an engagement for Mn. Na- tion's appearance at the Opera House some time the month, the date not yet fixed. Meager Videan has • number of good things booked for tho semen. Among the e arliest on hie lis; are "1'belms," to be prenrnled by Alden Heoedlnl, and "The Mountebank,"by Edward i)O.ze, who Le Already well known here. TIIE Review AT 'TORONTO. -NO. 1 oom- p.oy k drilling at the armory In prepay attoa for the review to take pl•os before the Iluke of Cornwall and York I. Toronto orzt week, In whiob the 33rd regiment is to take part. l0 Is Dot yet known definitely whet'_er Monday or Tuesday will be the day of departure. The original instruction. wars to leave on Monday, but It is possible that the departure may be delayed until Tusedey, and to thi. eau it I. likely the special train will leave Goderlch •0 10 o'olook Tuesday morning. 1'he different oo)upat ie' will mobil z0 a0 convenient what.. Th. rovlew la to take plus oo Fri. dsy. PubU• Nottteoo. WARNINO - '1'Hi9 iS TO (IWVF. Sonne that anyone bathing o(l the 1•land.. lane or kenpering with the ferry, Rhaetian sr fres -See noon any part of one D wt1. ATTR arrested and Fres•• . Dont of Re1FWon• COURT i» REVISION. VVOT$R/,LIST Op(1RRT�COi.RORN R TO W N lr 111fINa/ yea that • court wIB be �^ 1111/1 M Voters' i.Isu Art. h Ills Hann W Ogaaq tine of the (lonntff Cart • t toweshlp hell, tllwe. • tM �Iss11th,•tlee. u.te several town' of errors VMI.•' IMt for the M 4Ow,Ohlp•pfor 1901. Its gwf soda ees IYni)Ostiliff, Carlow. FgMy, hear all eaA maim of All weans u dlMi�w Clerk �l MO gild lewaAb eed ess.tltat- a Work st IN MO Mori. appreo.te h s 56rvlces. His place will It• filled by F. P. Beloher, travelllog agent of the Company. CotIKTY COORT.-A eeaaion of the County Uoaut wag held o0 Tuesday fur the trial of nno•jary oases. There was only moo action on the 11.0, that of Hamllnk v.. Mills The plaintiff, D. F. Hamllnk, sold a boild- log at Gerrie to the defendant, Wm. Mills, with the oondltion that • quantity of apple waste whioh was In the building at the time and which belonged to the plaintiff should be allowed to remain there until the plaintiff desired to remove it. The plaintiff GRAND TRUNKS°' EM DIKE OF YORK'S CELEBRATION, TORONTO. October 19th and 11th. Fare. $1.06. Uolerieh to Toronto and return, gofog October 9th. 10th and I It h, valid for re- turn leaving Toronto on or before October lin 1901. Pan-American Repetition Bufalo, Ootober 4th. IRth and 25th. Fare 81.05. Ooderlch to Bufaio and return. Tioket• good going all rewnhir trains ()t toMer 4, IR and 25th, %slid seturniest Irom Buffet° on or before Monday following date of issue. All tlokst. good to trap over at Niagara Falls. Be sure and purchase your ticket. from F. 6. I.AWRRN•'K Town T.oket Awoot, U. T. It. ONO. T. HELL• M. ('. I)T0K ON, G.P. & T.A . 1). r, A. Office Ifonre 4 A. Y. to 10 a v. Money refandrl on all tickets purchased and not need. Pollin`` Sub.Divhion No• 5. at Mrs. Welton', .hip, David Marwid., Delete Returning Officer. Pilling Sub-Divieon No. 6, at rophey's furniture snxe. Harry Watson, Deputy Returning (Macer. Polling Soh -Division No. 7, at James Hays' dosed ling house, John Bain, Dep ty R,mrmng O r. 9. That the Clerk d the said Corporation shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town, on Tues. .lay, the rand day ofOctobee 1901, at n o clock in the 1, renoon to .um up the numbs d votes given for ami against tjhi by law, and the Mayor will attend et the sad'townsHall en Saturday, the 19th day d October, 19o,, at the holt d eleven o rlork in the forenoon, for the appointment d persons to attend at the various polling places and at the fnal summing up d the said votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interr..nl m promoting .r opposing the passing d the, by-law, rnpernvrly. Prov.eonally 90+004 thea r7th day d Sepemlrr, rq.r. tVw. h11T, net t_ Clerk, 1 gall JAwrc WO sore, Mayor. TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing in e trun ropy of a propo.ed by Few which has been taken into most.joration. and which will be finally pamwl by the Council in the event e erltMw thein obtained n th el omen• 1 of the R tberRto, after one month fmm the first publie*tirm thereof in The (lrwlereh Star newspaper, which mid first publication took p&Aro on the 27th day of September, 1901, and et the hour, day and planet therein geed for taking the votew of the elector., the/ poll will be held. 50 2t Wo,. MrTo1niLd., Tnwn Clerk. (I•elrey Roll, who is attomdleg Trine, College, Toronto. wi11 preeMe a Ma terra twe•n•ewI pipe organ le the allege °Impel during the current sellas• year. Oee. W. Themeee A Yen ha.. beeght net the bl.tele repair and livery business of George Jeheetoe, •ed have Ine.rperstee 10 *1tk .halt owe beldame, with Mr. Joist's In aerie. - Legal Sale. olaimed (hat this an'Ilion was vlola•d and that the place w.* lookedagainet blm when he attempted to ninny. the apple west. W. I'roudfoot appeared for the plaintiff and the oan was not defended. Hie Heoor .fudge Doyle gate judgment for the plain. tiff, aeseselog tie damages at $111.67. FATALITY AT CLINTON.-Yesterday MOrM- tog the body of 'Shoe. Klliott, • young farm er llving In Uolerloh township, was found on the road near Clinton. 1(e was taking t load of apples to Olintou when It Is 049900ed the horn' ran away and he was killed. His clothes were torn .nd the body was out. Demured was the ms000d son of (.ab, , tel Elliott and leaves • widow and 004 oFnl0. IxA1H tar CATI.EY HAMILTON -News wee reolved this week of the serious illness of W. Ceyley Hamilton. K. C., of Regina, N. tt. T , son of Mrs. G. C. Sna0000 and son-io law of Hor•oe Herten, of town. W. L. Horton 1,R yesterday morolog for Regius u,4 liter In the day word mane that Idr. H•milto'i had died st I o'clock In the.lter- aa,,. 1'artaoelari of the sad event have not yet been realised here. Mr. 1(omllton suffered from Bright's disease. A SuoIAL El/Korot.-Tbe l). l;. I. Liter• cry Society loaugurated the term by a promenade 1n the assembly room. on Fri- day eyeeinp last. Mualo and conversation made • very pleasant 10.010g fur the au• dents and their friends. Ballots were out for the best •o0ven►ttooalt.t among the young ladies and the vencv gentlemen, respectively, sod the result will be sa unao ed .t the mixt meeting of the.Sootety. The numbers oh the program ',eluded pl.00 solos by Mies Edo. Guor1,Mlss Pearl Evans, Miss (Iraa Dyke, Mia Grace Strang, Miss E. Tye, Mlss Irene Acheson. duet. by Mins May Dunlop .t.l Oliye Buchman, Miss F: and l'eruy lye, Miss K. and Kegg o lye, and • violin solo by L Kundle. Ti. regular maftinee of the So.lsty will co nmonce Friday of next week. DEATH or (,HARLEI4 Btx MCLEAN.-The following, Irom '1b. Leesburg (FIs.) Com• merctal, refers to • brother of Dr. 1'. F. McLean, formerly of town, and Mrs. M. C. Cameron : Deed, a Marcotte, on Wisdom day, September 25th, 1901. Charles Bte MoLeao, who was born at Perth, Ontario, Canada, April 28:h, 1840. The burial took place at Lme Oak Cemetery, Leesburg, yesterday. Key Wm. Johnson conducted the funeral eerviu .. Tbe deceased was the youngest eon of John McLean, Id. 1). K. N. He enlisted in the 18 b Cavalry, N. V , in the lout years of the .Sar of the Sae. and, after the war closed, took up a homestead •t what le now Gladden, W;.. He w8* for • number of years a resideot of Ashland 13 the same state. and alms from there to Florid• io 1894, mottling at Cogent. Il,e wife. two sons and • daughter surviv him. SALROF VALUABLE FARM PROP. ORTY - Under end by virtue of the power contained lea artsle mortgage elated the 71th day of May 1887 made to the vendors, there w111 be sold by pablio suction a Buxton's hotel, In the town of Golerlch, In the county of Iluron. on Seturda. the 96th day of tictober, 1901. et 12eclook noon. by John Knoz. auctioneer, the following vaiauM. pron.rty, namely ; the south half of lot number 3 In the Rth ooneee- eton. western division of the township of Ash fielA, in the comity of Huron. There are about AO sores of the above lan..e cleared. The moll In of nerdy loam •ad le well watered by a geek. The hulillnms consist of a log horn 66x3), • hoose 1z30 and a granary 16zl1, Tho Limpet tv tin .41.03ed I4 milom from 00'lrrirh, I1 from Ln -know 10 from Ripley, and 3 from Heiden, ons moors ros•1. Terme Ten per cent. of the purohsn mortar at the time of sale nod the hsl.nce within ono mouth thereafter. For further particulars apply to the n110 floater or to PHILIP HOLT, JOIIN KNOX. Veiier's Solleltor. Auctioneer. Dated tlle3hh day of September. 1901. 50 It Auotion Sale NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - OCT. 3. Pogo Bu.low' 5 5 1 1 It Will l'ay You-Llatowel Col lege Good Shootgo4-C, 1'. K duotion Sale -John Knox Selo of Farm Property -P. Holt The Obpaot-Alien & Molv.r Hyl.w No. 9 -Toren of Uod•rhsh Millinery -W. A. MoKim 4 1 1 Store to Kent -A. Smith 5 Farm for Sale --Bernard W flwo .. _ 1 Announcement -S. K. Hick; 1 Cocoerniup Far.- Redeem Bros. 8 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. This le the tlmo of year when an ovrooet is veiny often appreciated. If yyou want • good gee rant of coy weight go to l'rldhatn'•. The beet materials trade up in the right way. Mies Beaumont, Newgate street, is have log the roof of Ler dwell og raked several teat. The next great event 1. she Dungan0or show, on Thursley sod Friday of next week. W. Burrows and Son took in last Satur• day at their elevster over 1300 bushels of grain. 11 a ars pleased to learn that Mrs. Ju. Henle Is Improving after her leant severe Illness. Division Court was Tbe hnokey orae came settled. The friend■ of Miss Andrews will be pleased 00 know that she hes recovered from her attack of typhoid fever. W'mt. Barrows Ie appointed as judge o0 grain •t Doog.nnon,thl. beep hu thirteenth year In succestop. He Wu also juige at the 1.. N. 1V. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'. Browo have returned from Toronto. They will be at home to r oelve their friends en Thursday and Friday of meet week, at their reeidoca, Nelson street. Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Horton have glven up their grocery busloess here and are moving to Sault Ste. Marie, 'l'ney will go tato business there and hope M share to the growing prosperity of the "Soo," Roy Jamieson, of Drsytoo,North Dakota, afters oollege course at the State 001,.r city at Minneapolis, where he took a very high stenHHog, hes Dome to Uodyr'.41 to °retinue tIostudy of the drug business with his uncle, 9. E Hoak, There should be • good house at next Monday evsnio4's sotertelomoot under the sospioet of the King's Daughter.. 1Vill J. W hits, the well known humorous vocalist, wilt be tweeted by /rood loaf falser. Remember -next 6looday eveo ng, In Victoria Opera House. held on Tuesday. up, but *u not Teti DcN.teNNON SHOW -The anonel fall exh,b.tioo of the Ashfield and Wnwanosh 'drench Agricultural Society, to he held on Thur, fay ecd Friday of next week a Dun- gannon, will be attended by • l.rge n umber from town, and some of our eater poising merchants w141 be repre0aoted there The Du Brannon show Is always a great •t• tr.otio0. sod with g•dd weather the atter. dace t1.. yea will pro:rattly be • rmard- breaker. 0, Friday evening • grand eoter- tainment will be held. J. H. Cameron, the welt-knowo entertainer, of Toronto, and Mb . Elith Smith, of Luokoow, s000mpao• est, have been secured, In addition to the folio/nog teleot: 'The Misses )'atterson, soloists, Auburn; Miss Mary Pentland, elocutionl.t, 1)uop.000n; Min Lours Bryd- ge., elccutiu,ist, Ooderlch ; Misses Nellie Monvto and Maggie MoNevio,entertalnersln Highland onstume; Murdoch MoKay, piper, Ki nett, and others. 1)on't mist the Dun- gannon talr--O.:tober 10.h and 11th. Rao, K F. ARWATRON.+ WEnDED,- Many Godderloh people will be I0/er0led to the fallowing wedding an0oupcemeet from The Windsor Record of Ieet week, the groom being the .OD of Edword Armstrong, of town. A very'prstty social event took pl.ce.t 7:30 u'ulook Tuesday •0 the red. deoca of Mr. slid Mrs. A 'Stowell, 128 Caron -ave, when their daughter, Feges T., was united In muriate to Rev. Egerton Franklin Armstrong, B A , H, D., of Tap- pervltle. 1'he ceremony was performed by Rev. Jae. Lein/Woos in the midst of the relatives sed intimate friends of the con tracting parties, The bride was sedated by her old friend and schao4mnre, Miss Minole Symlopton, of Boston, while Rev. Arthur Barker, of Ve Ilkeeport, Ontario, .ulsted the groom. After the guests had partaken of a wed.ling supper, Mr. and Mr.. Armstrong left on the midnight trate for Buffalo and loner relate east. They will snide I0 Tupperyllle. i)KATul set' JAMMU I11.AIN, PERTII COrNTo. - -One of the moat respected residents of S,uth Futhopo, oonnty of 1'.r.h, dlnl on Thursday Iset, in the parson of John Blain, et ths .g• of ty•threo years. Mr. Blain had hren a remarkably healthy man, and h.d been 111 only • d.y previous to his dee! h, which was due to heart failure. The deoesse4 was • native of Ayreh're, Riot• lend, having n0me to ('ands with his fither, the tole John Bl.in, about fifty five years son. The brothers of the deaued e ra Huph Itlain, of the Key, Blain Com- panv, Toronto ; Davl.1 Blain, barrister, Toronto; .lame, Blslo, Toronto, and WII. Ilam RI.In,Harrie. A family of aevrn dsogh• ter. and three eons survive. Mr. Blain wes • Liberal to relit r+, .nd • member of Knox ehural), 9'ratterd. Being of • retiring dlr pneltton, he toyer songhtmunlolpai or other Mhos. He .njnyd • wide acqunlntance end was bonord and respected by a large chole of friends. He wee a brother of the late Mrs (Ray ) M. MacKay, of Goderloh, .nd Mr MacKay attended the faoeral, whioh took place on Sstarday. A(101ION MALK OF FARMS AND FARM STOCK. - John Knox has received Instenotione from Mr. Alexander Olsen to sell by pnbl'o ■action on lot A, eonoeeslon 9, Colborne. ti mile, east of ('arlow, on Monday,the 11(h day of October, 1001. nommencle( at the hoer of I!, noon 4 mllch row,, due to °Alva In Nov.. 1901: 6 much cows. dna to calve In January, 1912 ; 6 mlch cows, due 'entire In April to Jan. 3, 190! : one now, three Tears o14, and nal' ; 1 thorenghhred Ayrshire hall, 4 yeses old, reale. Nred ; f edeas, rising 3 years old ; 7 steers, riing 5 yeas old ; 6 halter,• rising ! yeas 5 he r caly ; 26 •hI 1 .tear nwlves Ifs es S ro p w lemhs • 1l SAro hl �Ow hlne a s s es 9 te • W 4 less 01A ; 1 HArnp'hhrr ram, ! resrm� olA, registered a 1'ork,hlro brood Row•, In pig; 1 thmm�ehilred Berkshire hoar. le months o ; 1 g*n.sl nnrpo.° herte. 6 year■ old : 1 r ele- lag hone, N year, old . 1 renes) pnrpese geld. lag.! teen 04.1 Aho • first sun 50 -sere farm. west heli of lot R, Rth conceeelon. Col been*, frame hone. with peed naltar. good tarn with stable, 3 mores of 3rnh.rd. 3 acres of bl b Thiel farm 1. well fennee and well drelned. SMI weed clay atm. Also 00 tenor of n -et elate Ian&, went half of lot 4. otos. 1. (o enree. •1) ne ar cultivation. all .ewo1 elay leant. The ahoy farms ar. In Arta -slate nese Alston enA are gree -nicer lend. Terms for the @fnnk All some of 81st (10 •,A ad.r, cash over that •mount., It monthi osd.t will tin ghee 00 fnrnlah(n7 approved 'Mat notew. Rix per tent. will be •1 owed off for tomb. Terme of the fermi mai% known en Aa! of rale, A■ Mr. N1.nn k wlvtre ap the tor• lame the •boy will bs gold. AL�)C GLo ie r. JOH ASION C, . COMINU AHD G01NG. Mr. and Mn. Frank Martin are visiting In Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Ph•rls are visiting In Detroit, Mks Mitchell left last week ono visit to Cleveland, 0. R. E. Smith .pent • few day! at Buffalo Otte put week. __ W Ill HIBler 4. bows hos C.g/ary, N. W. T., for a short visit. UeorgeTristram, of Hamlltoo. I. vlslMsg ht..t.ter, Mrs. Egener. Hon. J. T. (Jarrow was at Owen S•ned this week on legal business, Mos F'lo ('onnolly, of (Iderloh township, le attending St. Margaret's College, 'Toronto. Mies Ethel Rhymes. left Monday morning, for Hamilton to attend the Normal College. Mn. Fred Hunt returned to Chicago o0 Saturday after a visit to her relatives hen. Mn. Walter returned lost week from • visit to Owen Sound and other northern pointe. - W. Y. H•ydeo left on Monday to put In his last term .t the ach,ol ..t 1)antlstry to Toronto. W. W. `Stoddart lett Monday morning to resume hl. tbeologioal oourse •t LouisviMs, Kentucky. Mye. Jas. Eiwsrd, jr., returned to Ohac.go on `Saturday after • vl.lt to her old home here, Mis. Olive Buchanan left for Toronto on Moud•y t• enter upon a ooarse .t the P'ro- vinol.l University. Mr.. W, W. M @off hoar and ohtl lren left Thundry) last on • visit to Chatham, 41 indoor •m4 Detroit. Mr. Geo. Hanits and children ),'ft on `laturday for their home In Winnipeg star a visit with relative. here. The Mise. Gamiry returned Tued.y night from their trip to Manitoba. They had a pleasant and interesting time. London Advertiser: Mrs..1. J. Wrlgbt, of the Print Farm, Ooderioh, i. 'ttting Mrs. T. l'. 1Vright, Ptooid{IIe street. Mr.. and Mee Jones, et Woodstoob, were the guests of the Mimes 1Vashington, k..t .treat, for .eyeral days the put week. Stuart Lane left on Friday to .pend e few days •0 th. PaawAmerlo.n hefore going to Toronto to take hl. course se the L.w Soba[. Chas. Adair, 1•te of A. MoD. Allan's store, has taken a position as clerk 1. the beet and shoe .tare of Wm. Taylor & Soo, Clinton. little Randle let Monday morning for Toronto to enter the School of l'raotioal Solana•, where be *ill take a Oouree to sleolrial engineerlog. KNTRRTA0NwgNT AT ''ORT ALBERT. -Do Friday evening leaf • reolt.1 was given by pupils of Mlu Mildred Campbell In the Foresters' Hail .t Pnrt Albert. A party of young people drove out from town either to take part to nr to attend the entertainment. Rev. M. M. Goldberg disnhsreed the datles of ehairman Ina very pleasant m►nn,r. Organ eeloe were given by Misses Lett). Bennett, Olive F Oster, FAA MoConnsll, (Irate Deloeg, Evelyn Hayden, Mahai Qadd anti Blanche Oliver, Wesley Graham and Will Sage, ail doing orodlt both to them eelres and to their teacher. An •musing pantomime, "1 don't want to play In yens yard," was given by a nnmher of girl', end little Miss h.velyn Hoyden sang a solo The ether numbers on the program were oentributed by (l.ierloh talent and were greatly apDrenleted, mayoral theorem being en Usti Miss A meek ►oA she g t M losat llrydieo rtnlered vnoal selections, MIes Laura Heyde.. sod Miss Edna Stratton melted, and George fa Allan west. ebrongh his °lever olah-ewinging performance. Mr. OnAAber, rendered • well deserved tribute to M to s Campbell fnr hes snoo ., ss • teacher of reale as, elemnnslrated by the parfnr mantes of her pupil., and after singing the natenal anthem the gathering dispersed The hail was filled to the door, end • anedly teem was raised M assist the Foresters In peeing off the debt on their new hail. Refers Iesvino fns home the )10derleh y,nno people wore entertained Ina very kind c.d hesplt.Me manner al the home 01 Mr, and Mn. H. Hyden Th.�p Ik hew le new lighted wii t bite Isesd $ tights. and Mr...1 E. Andrews, of Clevelanl, O., spent lou• week w0 Mrs. An.lrews' old home *t iienmill.r. Oo their return to t Lem end on Saturday they were acoom panle4 by MI.. (:race Stewart. 7 HE GREAT NORTHWESTERN FAIR• 901 a Success Tab gear 0056* Poops. trio,. h i. Time ler. ('h The Great Nurthweetern exblblldon was held on 'Tuesday .nd Wedoosday .d this week. The exhibits to most of the dep.rt- meats were up to the average, both le .uentily and In quality. There were, how- ever, only • few display. by merchants and maeulaotur•rs, and the male bullding had a deprwlagly vaoan0 look. A oartatn lietl56e- nem seemed to pervade the whole show, and pu,plet aro wondaring how maoh longer the U. N. W. will remain to .xkteooe. Com• pared with the hr.vs start wi){ph was mail• in the new grounds some duzem or more years 800, there 1. arts a weful lack ot 1n- thualasm Mending the f.lr, 'Ile faille( o8 of some 1165 in the gate receipts this year le nut In emelt a matter of great (mportaeoe, tempt u • sign of the continued decline is the formates of the exhibition wblob hu been 70)04 on for year. and whioh It not . non • d will result iu Its complete ex- tlootlor. Something 1. wrong, end the Assocution should take prompt and rudioal measures to put the fair oo a bettor basis. 1Ve do not know th.t those who have had the management of the show hays not don• their best, but the loot i. all too apparent that they have not suoo.ded In keaoing up the measure of pubho lotereet whioh is eseentul to the maintenance of • gond ex- hibittoo. We do 001gtar• ►o say wbat 1n o ur opinlon would be the proper •tap to Wake to bring about a revival, but certainly some thing should be dons to rekindle the waning enthusiasm of the people el the town and oountry, sad to make the tole • greater suooese than It hu been for oho Fut few Yeats at .oy rate. Outlde of Toronto and Loudon Goderlob might have the greatest fall sbow in Western Vetere. So far u the exhibits are conoernsd, we can hold our own with the beet of them, .nd if we oould mak• the show a holiday oo0aa,on for tisk whole ...,too. thane would ire no daoger of the sad ending whioh now threaten■ the Great Northwestern. A powerful tonic Is required. 11 the old dootor is helpleea, dismis. him and nail In • Deer one. but for any sake don't let the patient die. An 40ui4,01 In connection with the fair wbioh occurred ou Tuesday evening hu mused • greet dell of commernt. The Col. leglate lostltute football players oto the agricultural grounds for their game, and on Tuesday atter sohool boar. • number of them, aooempanied by H. K. Jt.rdao, went lD over the fence for. erotic. They were ordered out and Mr. Jordan demurred. Finally he and President Martie not Into as altercation and angry words were betwe6a therm. Alter sapps- Els. ord�n went down to the grounds with the Marlon Band, of which he Is leader, and whiob we. to play during the evemiop. The directors were willing to admit the ban.1, but on • cooant of the wrangle to the •fternaoon ►hey wool.' not let Mr. Jordan tooter, and he turned around and the band m►roherd up town again. To make maters worse, sernothing had gen. wrong with the eleotrio 1141140, and the manager. h•1 to hunt up lanterns, (amps and portable gas light• to llgbt rho mate bull ling, and thee. did not make the plea just se hrtgbl a day. It rained for . while during t e evsning, too, .04 naturally the .tteadana wa0 not very large.. Tbe wttr$otlen of the evsning was the famous old end man of the minstrel .t.ge of forty years •go,Coel Barges' (by the way, • I ids• rich boy before he took to the .legs), who gave • performance on a plettorm to the mein hail, On W•doesday thesum lentle oousteo- aea to the tole, and In the alternooe there w.s a fairly good orowd en the vrouede. The directors tied wised to Seatortb for lee 33rd regiment bend, wbioh o•ms up on the morning train .n4 played on the grounds In the •fternoo., The speeding contests were the mum •ltraution, enA w,• o not coin. plated uot:l • lido hour. The results ware ou follows : Farmer's trot or pace - 1'. H. W Ilsua Joe. Hugill .1. M. Reed A. A. 1 Dung W'. Mc)rory Y. Mo}'hall Free -tor -all trot or .Soho Storm' Two Strike' Maggie Usher• Names of horses. 2:45 leo,' and 2:42 irot- Geo. Whitely... ......332754 1 1 1 K. R. Swart. F. Boreenberry E. Newt, .1. Johnston C. Hoedoru,n .1. Miller .1. A. Inglis, of the (I. N. W. Telegraph Co., vieltae hie parent., Mr. and Mr.. A. Inglis, lighthouse • lase week before leaving for Faust, New York St.te, where he has been promoted to a lucrative pal tlnn. Mrs. A..1 Moore, Mrs. Alex. Davldenn and idle. Lirz:e Aoheeon represented the minlonary societies et North street Meth. ndlet oharoh at the London oonferenoe non vnllnn of the WVoman's Mlnsionorit Societe. hrl l at Marnla this weak. MIs. l urs Anhesnn left potinly ifter- noon for Chlo•go to join the Roston Ladles' Symphony IDehestre, In whioh .he will play first violin. The orchestra will make a l onr er tending ever about slit months. it will ho • new and Interesslno etp6nenee for our accomplished yoani towuwnmen. Mies Nellie Itrewn left nn Saturday fnr Detroit, whore she Intends to reside. Meee Rrnwn ha. been on the competing self of THn g1ONAL for some time, and In her re. mo..l we lose a good, faithful worker. Sha wee .nnnmp•nlod to I9•treis by her deter, Mies Edith, who had been vetting her. ANNOUNCEMENTS. p.ee- 111 223 43`2 344 5 dr 6 dr 1 1 1 223 3 3 2 "iron (It"Tablets for health end strength, 25n . box . ('ent rat Drog Stere, Soo "iron Ox" In Hi.k'. drug store *1e dow. Oyster., always fresh, at tee• 044 rellahlf oyster henna, V lot0rla ReeMsran►, W 561 se., In bulk er'srved all style. lee groom, frete, eeafeetlwesy, e(gare, eta 0. BwoM- mPoxm. pr pe ser. ;1el•N.se 70. 224121655 117466344 675212233 443333422 7516455de 566577 dr The running rma was not finished. 'Where were four entries. (.00 dropped oat and the others, R. K. Smith, W. Marney an4 J. L. Aitken, •greed upon • division of the prime money. TIIE al lflhl Tt, Plante and oat flower. woro not numer- ous. but among the latter there were morn• erond.peolmeu., particularly in dahlias, In which the well known growers, Chem. Wells and Wm. Warnock, had exc.•;lent colleotlons. Phlox. asters, pansies and pe• tante' •Ise made • good sit',wlog. W h•uv.+r may b, said of the other •x- 4111.IN, the fruit display h.s certainly held set• own and kept up the reputation of the Northwestern as belne headquarters for the hest display of fruit In the 0000(7. When tt Is smoldered that our trait crop Is one of the smallest ever known, nod le estimated •t only about one-fifth of w full crop, and that the high winds of the put few weeks hd almost reined the prospect• for • gond display, It is twd•d a remarkable thlnp that the tables should have been sn well supplied, end that so few of the different meotions o. the prim list shnul. have Item represented. Tho •pple,whleh by •M odd. Is our prinolpalfralt, w•erepresented by nn lees than thirteen °elle,lons and 175 platen, and for beanty of .peoimen the e.hlblt has been surpassed. ['hoes grand olnl standby. far whioh the county is famous, viz., the Spies, Baldwins and Kings, would he • ns•de a bl show b r e y 4 y h mselver, cad N was no small task ler the judges to •ward a prize when ail specimens looked so good and se near porfenttoe as possible. ('ears were r. presented by four eoll•ct'ons and 76 plate., and soma real fin• Bartlett., Anjou • A (; • lair a m. need • 0 th tables }'lOm, g g •wtog to the leteesse 0f the .nseem, were not well r•preesoted. Only fourteen plate. were •hewn. A few fine plates nt pe•°hen and some remark ably fin• tininess went alio a be seen. Grapes filled op • whole •eotlen of the allotted tiptoe and •hewed o•rein enitivatIon, besides • ler4• number of new varlotbe of dseld•d merit. Thee were slit oollentlnu and eighty two pl•lee for Insrea tion, and many were the praises bestows, by the Interested vlethrto Cieres' and melons were 1e greater number than venal anti remarkable for their I•re• alma An uh*b11 *414.4* attracted general •tt,n• Mon and wbioh should have been el sepeelai Inteest to hertloalterles was a eelleetlon « lass•N Iajotloa. te phase, sleety Ina., . ed 1• a owe with • eard attached M .mob lwect glytng lie name and stating tthe partl- oular trees 0r planta to which 1t was Injuri- ous. '1'h• oolloottoo Wu made by Nermas Allan, who referee, or•de for making .o tot.reating and useful •n .dditlg. to Oke ole 'clop.. At Lao north end of the hall vegetables, grain., dairy pruduotw, oto., were In t heir soeustomed planes. There was notes large • showlog of vegetables u In formes years, hat the quality was good. The firs' prie. squash was of pretty goad sloe, bee0 ta osmr portion with those of ppre,leua years 11 was only • ehsdow. Breed, oak's, oaosed trate and .uoh things mad. a tempting display. The (iodirtob Organ Co. had • large.pane for their annual ddpey of organo arta stools. Joe of the lnetrumen0 had a tow arrangement of stops, wbkh allows et the olo.est approach Io the •ppearano. of • piano whioh •rgau manufacturers have y.$ made. 1'h. space on the we.0 side of the hall was the best lighted to the building. When the •leotrlo lights failed, • member of gas lamp• were obtained from McKenzie & Howell and Le. & Shepherd. The latter are.geots for the E0000my gas lamp sed McKenzie & Howell for the Auer gas light, and tb.y oertaloly had a good adyerti..• meet 'Tuesday •voning. J. H. WVor5611 h.d a large exblbit et stoves and ranges. Oue of the •Moves an view was a handsome Art Amherst bo•e- burner whioh has beep sold to the town tee the heating of the council ohambers. Jehe Kuox bad • Dumber of fine mittn on exhibition. A young women reprwn0- Ing the London l offee t Sptoe Co. had • stand from whioh ahs db.oributd sample paok•ges of Yolk baking powder and tea bearlike made with ►he same. Upstairs were the exhibits of fine arts, ladles' fanny week, elo. The ladles are doing their share towards keeping up the standard-ot the exhlbl*Ion, and the fanoy work male • meritorious display. The ►cooing were very neatly arranged, and the work both In quality and quantity was •n •dean)" upon previous years. 1'ee pablio school children had the usual display of writing and drawing. Tie display 1n the 8ne arta department was suoh as would re8.at oredlt upon any show of equal size. Ode hundred sad fit• picture• and drawings 1n •11 ware shown and there was an absence of the large pro• portion of rubbish usually men. Yom. attempts, of course, showed undeniable •m•teue effort bat it may be taken that on the whole a deotded Improvement le m.ot- feet to 10(0 general .tyle and elocution of the work. Many old friends and prise• winners were 0,0,0.1 and some ■ew ex. hibl*ors put to en •ple ra e. for the fires time. Mrs. C.utpbell took many primes Is the ell painting. and also In water oolor. bee. Fowler to water oolor dowers and animals and sepia, Miss Lou'e Andrews to water color landscape. Mrs. Hole, of Wingham, had some tale. oils and some water color which were oo the whole rather too labored. Mies Smith had some ooples and some original In water (elor, Muter A. (Jarrow had • very splreed pea and Ink •ketch of a head. Mn. Howrle, • n evloo, had eons very maoh worked ells. The Roy. M. Tarobull showed his deft pencil In • lovingly rendered platers of she rectory and old W .mated oharoh. Tb. profo.4onal alms was represented only by J. A. Fowler, who showed ten of his best water colors. U lip speaking, there was • leek of attention to correct drawing and aloe N chl.roscure, or Ne art of "bode, and shadow, for whioh rasion many expesMnta were duappoloted, but may Mke the hint kl•dly and see bow to Improve foe m•tkes rectation. Mist Andrews had ooe of her group In play, representing the great powers el Mae world to their typical oharaoters. A recent eventjwu'portrayed by ih• figure et • Col• e.tt•1 1n bun l' posture befbre a militant G German -Prices Chun doing the kow tow cot before Emperor William. Allen A Molvar had an •tirsotive display of hardware ; Kidd A Co stewed well pap• er designee ; the Blstohterd roma was ahnwe by Wm. Se mffield, sod there was an exhibit of ohs Royal eviler rlibey. In ►h• outside departments there was • creditable showing of horses, cat11s, sheep, pion and poultry. 1)15 ENTgRTLINMINT. On Wednesday evening there was an entertalnmen► In Vioteria Opera House In oonpact.on with the fair. Tbe attendance was slim but the house sou • yery sppreof• •tile one, and encores were numerous. ('ool Bargees snowed that he wee MI1Me home oo the et•4e, although, es he •tad himself. It is eight year, .400. he meted from the show business. Mks Daffuo m•intalae.l her repotallen as • olever elocutionist, and the selootlons by tis. 33rd regiment baud were greatly appr.oiaed, T. Brown, the leader of M• hand, gave a olarlonet o)1o, and 1Vill McLeod, the well• known comedlaa, who Is nne et the band playere, danced the matinr'e hornpipe and told some tunny stories. Other numbers were Highland denote by MImeo E)la and Olive (lnldtbnrpe, club swine/leg by (lee. L. Allay, and • vneal solo by Chas. Humber. Harry Mooers end Mee Mof.aree were the .eco m pan sats. Con.)uotor Alile last week resumed ks run on the f .. T. K. buMween Stretford and flod.rloh, ('onduotor Huto, who had bees taking his place, Is •gain on the mor.lag train from Stratford. __- - Th. MMhndist ministers of the (IderfOi, district mot In their financial dletelot most• Ing recently In Sewfnrth, Dr. Daelol, ohairman of the district, pre/idiot. A. there are on mlesions en this d{.trlot there were no finagoes to adjust. The morning session was devoted to t:.e making of arc r.ogementa for the hoMine of the misson- •re and educational anal lee on the olrooits. ('onelderahle discussion look plea• as to the need of lnoreasin4 the In rarest of the people In the misslnnary mum, and I different method. were •nagn'- .4, mome of which w411 no doubt be tried. It was felt that fn Methodism the .fforle were too spasmodlo and th.t missionary sermon, should often be pro o ted by the reeideot pester, In addition to the reenlar annual sermon At the afternoon session anmmnnlntIone were rete sed from the Prlsen.ra' AIA Association, and from tk. trustees of the Ilreat St. Jamie' Meth. - diet •hamh, Montreal, it was hoped that $17,000 would b. raised by thew Landes eon- lereece to eeelte In relieving th1@ hkrerle chnroh - n t 1 hal •tunnel n 1 n who w1 S 7 $. 000 hu been forthooming. it was dealded thee ...h oirowit do what, In Its jalgment, 1' onngidered hat Mwardt helping this owes. A most animated Aiemeelnw Leek plane In el to evangellslin work In this Aktrloe. A very stormy terlintt prevailed ♦hat every effort mese he ns4e to strengthen tiro aplrltaai work of the chetahThere meem• to to he considerable Allfarenm of opinion as lo the desirability of engawing evange list• from • Afrin, ; it sou thought thee goarl work onnld he done by ming the Mien' of the (Hetrtet, Intarnh ly, the mime. tors helping ear h ether, for at 1•eet ►we weeks nl speniai werk. Tho May .40. est m0Mng will be held •t'44754. wind e• the evening of the first d.y 1k. Dwml.1 *111 ptwmel and .desltaiNmr Ikte 5mevmn. 4 of the �,ggd . Sapper.