HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 88 TaoasDAT, Sept. 12, 1901, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. New Cloths for Tailor=rnade Suits This season promises to be as large if not a larger suit season than last. No costume is more useful or stylish than a nice TAILOR- MADE SUIT. We can give you entire satisfac- tion in an ordered suit. Our stock of Cloths is most complete - every shade, every kind. Colne in and look over our values, see our styles, have a talk with our Dressmaker. We can assist you to decide, and we guarantee sat- isfaction. SCOTCH BUITINOS In new shades and small pat- terns, good weight, of nice finish, suitable for Misses', Girls' or La- dies' Suite. Special at 50e. a yard. ALL -WOOL HOMESPUN'S Wide widths, all shades of greys, dark greys, browns, blacks and blue greys. Regular lit, for 75c. NEW REVERSIBLE PLAIDS For swell Rainy -Day Skirts, dif- ferent ahadea and plain on the opposite side. Special at $1.75 a yard. LADIES' MADE-TO.ORDER SUITS In r(Inge of new shades, heavy Cheviots, with taffeta silk plaid revers an] silk strippings on skirt made to your order. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Special at 810.00. COME IN AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER EARI NEW BILK -EMBROIDERED FRENCH FLANNELS 'I'bjs is the newest thing for Waists, in plain colors with em- broidery to batch, in black, navy, vleux rose, bluette, car- dinal, pink, at 60c. NEW BRAIDS, NEW RIBBONS, New TRIMMING. WE 6IYE HANDSOME PREMIUMS FREE FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. NEW FALL JACKETS Have you seen those new, swell Jackets for Fall 1901. We havo them long, graceful and stylish, in new dark greys and blacks. Semi tight -fitting back, double-breasted and high roll collar or lay down collar. A comfortable t•'oat. Come in and try one on. A big stock to choose from. LATEST SHIRTS FOR MEN in new wide Stripes, at 31.00 BOYS' CLOTHING School next week. That boy will like- ly need a new Suit or pair of Pant& We have a big se- lection to choose from and we don't ask much for them. • MEN'S CLOTHING New Fall Suits, new Overcoats, new separate Pants, new Vests. Complete stock. Special heavy plain Hose for Ladies at 3 pairs for 25c. CASH OR PRODUCE. Bro's and Misses, OUNGANNoN -- NancE.- The local ageaey V Duoon for Tea Mowat. le at the °Moe of J. O. Ann, J.P., oonve ander, foo., who will receive or dare for •uleoriptloas. advertising and Job work, and la authorised to give reoelpts for amounts mid for the mine Tnttsbay. Sept. 10th. RESCUED Busing -its -Oar esteemed and popular tooeorlal artist recently resumed balooss alter having been •Leant for "oma time reoupnratlog his heoish,ind will ss tor- morlygtvs setcotton to his uumeron, pet. rola. The dlrom:ors ot the Dungannon fall show are making progreas to their arran,emota for the event, wbloh take, Wale thi. 1, re ee Thursday and friday, 1)otober 10th and 11th. Thee two dates promise to be red letter days In the history of Dungannon, as It Is confidently expeoted that the show will sollpse anything hitherto held to the village, More detailed anoouoo.mants will soon be made. sit, to+e. - We sincerely regret to have to ohroolole she sad decoke of Mrs. John John- ston. township of Ween W•wanosh, which took plane at her residence on Friday of last week. The interment took plass on 'inn. day, the Rth tort. The deceased was an old settler of W est W swaooeh and bks the majority of ptoneere was highly seemed. The *Moore sympathy of the commuulty Is extended to the bereaved husband and daughter, Mus Dora, and other surviving ratans... NOTES.- Mrs T. W. little and two youngest sone, who hove been on an extend ed molting tour to /needs at Saoln Ste. Mario, sod other polo1.e, returned home on Friday ot last week, and report basing se. joyful themselves immensely Quite a lumber of our °W rens are taking in the Pan•Amarteus erpositloe tied other. the exhibition at the Forest City Ws are pleased to he ahls to state that Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Raab s, of VS -Ingham, who Imre been very 111, are perfectly , onvaleeoing Weather at present feels antumnel and plaant. DASHWOOD. Tt•r'uoy, Sept. 10, 1901. Mr and Mrs. Feu and children ere spent log a few day. at Loodoo the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and Mies Hall returned home on Thurtdey lase after • two month.' trip to Europe. Mees Flews Sell has returned to Sr, internee, where she will rename her studies at Alma Ladle.' College, Mr. Mrs and Miss Kellerman, Mr nod Mrs, I:weman, Mr, and Mr. Jona* Hert• lelb and Rev. Mr Merlotti sod wife hove returned from the Pan Amerlos. haehwnod lv s niter* of soot six hand red Inhabitants. 1t Is rilueted &boat seven miles watt of Exeter and seven miles from Lake floron The main street runs east and west and I. Roily built up. Among the principal bulldloge of I)..hwood we might minden the Evangelical church, the Lutheran churob, sohool, commorolsl hotel, two storm, two bl&ak.mlth shops, roller dour mills, shoe shop, harness shop, butcher shop, hardware store and fits mills. The sohool-house, which Ie built of white brick, was erected in 1896. It contain four rooms, I. seated with excellent desks and Is heated by • furnace. A stat, of three teachers ie engaged to train the young Idea bow to shoot, The average attendance is about Pin. hundred sod fifty. In Ih, in,. roundinv 00001,7 flex 1s the principal , rop As the flax ha, all to he polled, turned, et,. by hand this employs • great many people '1 he greatest drawback to Dashwood as well as to surrounding villages Is a lank of railway advantages. Those wishing to travel must need. go a great dietaries by 'bus or stage before resohing a railway station . W hat a boon an eleotrlo railway would be to &l1 .00h benighted regions lig Dashwood ' Welcome, thrice welcome, O electric railway ! ASHFIELD• TrRSI4Y, Sept. 10 Mn, Cowan, beloved wife tf Musts Cow - School. •. PORT's t BOOK Opening t sTO RI �NM�TTmTTTrTm�M�h GODERICH .see SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES. We have a full supply of all the new School Books auth orised anti recommended for Public, Separate, Model, high Schools and Collegiate Institutes. in Exercise and Scribbling nooks we have, as usual, something very special. They are lines shown only by our- selves and can he aeon in our show windows. Rulers and Blotters given away with School Supplies. PORTER'S Book Store, flap Geos i• No. 100 B. (bort Room tklnara, (lorhrlch. u, Ashfield, d'01 oa Sunday morales, Yep tember 1, she/ o brief Alava el a few drys. Deceased was over ssveatt yeurs of ase, a.4 wee highly respected by all who bad the prl+Dade of knowing her. Pike feat OM a husband and large family to mourn the loss of • levies wife sad mother. Oa Sunday morning, 1.0 teak, • gloom was oast over this swum by the death of Arthur Mo Burney. Oe Saturday kir MoHuroey was wonting at Mr. M,Netu house, and at night complained of • pa'o term .1 money was eat, 1. Waal tympatby Is r t promo 1 fur Capt. Cleland is his lose. The steamer was newly noted up In rhe •rr np and w.s well rn,ppad for the ser•' vine In which she was rug .gal. The verist WWI tutored for 11.6,000. Mew • amnia bets ■.rot Hui it isn't the piths elects that 1e dreaded, just think of the loss of time and wage.. e i Spran%wl,hout number have h ,., set cured by the head, bus went to boil as usual and slept. Abut 6 A al Nee M, Harney asked him If his head viol better and be only groaned A few minutes atter sho felt his face and be nes dead. D,oe.sed was sixty years of age, and had been a resident of Ashfield for •bout twenty ysara. Ile was a member of Amberley M.thedul ohne t,,end at the time of his death wee s tp.rinteed, at of the Sunday aohool. tie leaves • wife and grown up family who have general •vm pethy to their very sad btresvemeut. Toe tumoral to Ktnoardioe on Monday was very largely atteuded, showing the h gh reri'eot in . Wok be was hald, LEtaURN. Tuasuay, Sep'. 10, 1401. (p.lto • number of our mordent" hod the pleasure ot meeting Mrs. Cade, formerly Nu. Mary Rehm, now of Windsor, In (lode rich, where she was up on a visit to retitle/is there and to Uoderich township. Preparing for press tels week, we regret to (earn that Mrs. MsoNeyia met with a ,•'+ere fall while glittering eggs at t he barn the other day, tray .,tog her troller bone. PORTER'S HILL. Moou.ty, Sept. 9, Mies Lily Weston, of Clinton, Sundayed at home, Idles Annie Mcl'nsl has returned from t iron Lon. Chas. 1'arooe, son of Col, ', orc),, Su.• Bayed at Br&o.ld.. Mies Jones, of Morale, la visiting her cousin, kart. Win. 'lt,Owns. The Misses Welters, of Tuokersmltb, are guests of Mi.r Laura Weston. Mrs. Thos. McDonald mod Mater John will attend the Western telt this week. DUNLOP. TugSt,Al, Sept 10. 1)u townsman, D. Lawson, was in 'Tor- onto Tnureday and Fr. igy of last week se- ing the exposition there. Monday of this week Croce Lawson Itlt h, re for Oitewa, where she will remain fur some time. Tuesday of this week Mrs Tobin and her son, .lobo, and Mtn l brbett go to visit rel- atives and friends to the Forest City, and while there will visit the fair. la our last week's Items we noted that }Weaver Morgan would be to our midst lee'nt old friends. Since (ben the professor has been recalled to Toronto, • call which requires hie Immediate attention at- er his oosoer1. lo 1.sderich on the 9.1 Wet. Sunlit:9nens Tlt. R„u. -Mist 01ive Coop- er. who taught the school here for several seek, to the absence of our t.teolter, 11u. Eva Cooper, retorted to Clint°. ovathe 31st ult. While here she made many :moods in our mbIsl. Our tot b tr resumed her duties g oo the 3 -d test. after • moat pleasant mow t tion spent In the Uolden State of California. g The wind sometimes teems to lire of z steady pumping and last week the dally supply o water from the artesian well.. here failed. 0. one farm where thera.•not a tank the foreman hada deal ot pumping to do, and on another where there le • tank the aupt ly ran oat, but the wind name to itself aril aeon 611e4 the tusk again on Sat nrday. oubbiug I'.dson'e N-trvdtue well lot, the pore. of the akin surrounding the jatot. No metier *thither It le a t{{trained wrist,, ankle, knee or h.ck, ,..sat try N,ryltine en It std 050 h)w quickly it will curia There is ooly one Inimeut that ono be depended upon to .,urs 'orator, e'raina and satelliteg., and ,bet o ('.two. Ns,vllloe, Lugebottla 23 cents. AUCTION SALES. .111 partly getting thele sale bills printed a1 this *Mee will have a from nobles inserted lu tblr Iist.up to the there! Wee. Tlutas,Ao. Sept. 12. -Sa'vot the boosahol1 furniture and furbish Inasof Jame. 'l'ew,l-v, iBrook Greet, (lodertoh. Everything to be e,ll without remove, a. kir. Towels), Is less• Ino Uodetioh. Sale at 1 o'olock, 1.11,114 A.1 l: C'YDa'..uelfenter, FRIDAY, Sept. 13 -Salt of farm eteok, implements and household furniture cf R. L^Door, Seltfurd, tnclu hog one pure bred registered shorthorn cow, one pure -brad registered shorthorn bull, one Jersey cow and calf, and other animals. Sell to 00113- meacs at 1 o'clock, Tltns. Guxnnt, Guo• tloneer. Wcnvt.I..tr, Sept. 25, -Sale of stock, amplomeatt, Itotteehoid Iuroiture, oto., of J.'bo Harris, on lut 7, concession 6, L R, Ashfield, Ikoown as the Jame. Veen farm), (mo meoclag at 1 o'clock r, tt 'forme Dash. Tau, 61Suay, •uc. tio.eer. }'KIlAY, S.pt, 27th,_ (Tearing auction sale of farm ,tock and implement&, !note 1 lag some titre good grads Cattle and well- bred pigs, property of LVileda Bros., Rungs road,I:odertoh, who are dfesolvlar parWer- shlp and Ovine up farming. Tema -1110 and under, cash ; over that amount, 12 months' credit. 1NOMAe OCvo•y, seance ser. • 1 be Pelee .l Bread, To the Kdltoof Tug Swat. 1/1A14 Stu, -Can you Inform me rhe we have to pay more ter bread here than any other town in Ontario -fifty ver coot. more than to Toronto, and oltes shore weight •t that'. We hare bee& paying six cents a Its for • year or more, wink other towns are getting it at four and fico cents a loaf. I am reliably informed that '!'oro,to bak- ers will lay down bread here free, at Icor and a half cents • loaf per hooker. At that rate five tents should be • good Pay ng price for our boc.1 bakers, AST, }:\ Tarin`, S opt. 9, 1901. Tae ielhmatir'a .tueey. OV.Lelul a ghts. ■ufo)eting tensat;oos, dtili„ult Lrca.hiog. t) ho can ducnba li' :ti MOW, portly oervouI, nettle top. 'e1071, part')• the mutt of mioroblo belts. ion, is no 1 uger treated or nauseous tomaco destrot tog drugs, but by ('atarrho- tor, that destroys the microbe, rideya noge.tiun a )d relaxes ate eerrn&a irrit• MARINE NOl ES Midland, Sept. 4. -The Midland 1!teeo, the new boot of the Midland Iravigattoo t'oatpaoy, srrtved in port for the first tome today, from Chicago. The vessel was hurt to Newoatls un Tyne, and sailed Irani Ii1r mini/ham. with cargo, (or ('hf,ago After dl&chsrglog there sae 1 ailed wheal for here The citrins turned out an moa on the arrival of the I. the onmeroua s'eamer§ In port saluting with their whistles, also factories mid .awmtlls The lawn w,. dooereted with flogs and hunting In honor of the 000asfon. !t 1i the intention of the c1(17.0s to preomnt the .teamshlpw the flap. The Midland (preen will be engaged to the wheat and ore trade Captain Feather- e tonhangb la the mater. The e' cameb(p i. 255 feet over ail, 42 feet beam, oar ries about 105,1100 buansle on an cony draught of water. Her speed is a good eleyen miles per hoar onmall ooneumptlon of fuel She was boll) to replace the steamer St. Andrew, which was destroyed to a storm on Lake Superior last year. Core Tray, Sept 4. -- The steamer ,John J. Lonv was burned at Meldrum !Sty ,look at 1 o'clock on Tuesday norntnv. The Lose was owned by Gone. Clel,ed, 1,1tr),. Torrent, e nd mimed the mai', ale° p monger. and freight, between ('oiler and Maoitowanirg, oohing at Intermediate porta She esu n0 har weekly trip to Cockburn lateen when the catastrophe 000arrrd. The osuse of the bre to unknown. Chief mutineer Scott was ill and had only laid down fifteen minutes when he dieeovered snicks sod lotted the vessel to flames. Re Immediately aroused the deharmen, who wine sleeping below in - the stern, sod who but for his prompt so. tion would have bee. out off from e• eerie He next weaved Captain and Mrs Cleland •n4 the stew, wbo honied on • few clothes and made s rash for their Ivo.. The bead waiter attempted to ossa hie grip, whish 000talned hie moot h'e emcee and other .f - idiots, but so hero@ were the fl mow that of ter two Int tent oil attempts he was obliged to run for hultfa. Ureal praise is dos Mire. Cleland for her coolness and *ell o°n1ro1 In 1.011 hour et peril, for after nereptog Ly .tiding down the fonder r ,po to the dock, mho was the flret to remember the money In the office. Ily tMa time the (limes had made an entranm to the race dmpoulhle, so with much trouble a bole was made into the side et the 'Meet and theasptwlo's hard- 1 tluy that readers breathing so d.Bi)ult. TLa breathe to the very east of tie deem* wad removes at once the cause. The great dle- onvety Is known as Catarrh zone. Its i$ fl rooce upon motto's 1. &imply mwrvoIlo•,. Catarrhnz .net ear, era 45 sell as rare., and ie the ugly remedy guars deed to cute. Your money Milk it it felts Two sizes et alt dialer,, 2...5; and 31 00. ---------- DRUGS For the Sick .... The deader can do you no good un leen his prescriptions aro properly put up from reliable ingrodienlr. That n where we render invaluable aid to the doctor. We rompoutil proscriptions as they .boils be, F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIB f. eel's., or Wog et. and the evuar.. In, when the horse.h!.4 • little and rump. ed the wheel mount the child, severely is juring her Iwo and um. Tho talk cu the head molted several stitch,r, to close It, sad kiss Hamilton alto had het arm hurt lo 1 ryiog to save her little titter. Nies N. Hazlawoud, woo was also to the buggy et the time, lumped oat mid sprained her ankle. The Injared eons are •l1 recovering nfoely. A surprise party met one evening last week ►t the home of J. '1'. }:tilt, of Aube/e, strict Is leaving t) reside at Reveler. Mr. R. nit was for many years a prominent m' Pin bar of Ibe IIelle 0 ohurc) of the kran,el oil Association and also occupied the imp/inn, potation of superlutendeat:of tis• Sunday school. Nies Maggie Fido was cbarob or- ganler, and Miss Mollie itidt filled a situ, - ler prettioo In the Sunday "chord. In ren' '4011004 en I spprecistion of their eervlrM, Ai citizen, ana church worker,,• well. word ed address was read mud pro.', at tons were made to Mr. holt and his daughters, May Ile and Millie. Mr. r.ldttreolved a Donal' tu1 leather wallet, Mangle a Hutt dish •0J Hamilton biotite au autograph album. 8rreet , THE FAMOUS AMERICAN Shoe for Women THE HANDSOMEST MOST STYLISH ANO THE EASIEST SHOE MADE The nuccusa of " Qweu Quality " tihoee has been ase complete and so immediate Wherever they have been iutrodu.od that it can properly 1., termed " phenumonal " Something mora than tttu price bee achieved this result 'Ilion) ars office shoos at the mime price It is THE SHOES THEMSELVES std what they foretell in eatislactrwr to the eye and the foot that hes made them world humans and leaders in wuttlbn's high, grade footwear. FASHIONABLE ELEGANCEABSOLUTE USE. That rare oomblustiou-w difficult to secure at any price -ie furnished in "Queen Quality " shoes at half the price commonly dentundwt. They aro male of the beat awl most fa.hienable leather*, its the Latest " up to date ".tyle,, and by the very beat meth. cls of uonatrt,etion. We oak of the wonl«n of our town au opportunity to prove our claims fur these ghoul,. AM styles --Street., !dress, Hou.e, Outing. BOOTS $3.76 OXFORDS, $3.00 P_ T: HALLS Sole Agent, for " Q yt. ge Queen unlit • " and Walk Over " Shove. UODER1Cff. Fall Season --1901 All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most novel effects in trimming -and everything of the best. These are the features of the FALL MILLINERY DISPLAY AT MISS CAIIBBON'SI Ladies aro invited to call at any time and slake an in- spection of the new goods. Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up. MISS WIERON. TaLtraO\E KO. *1. HODGENS BROS. Ind DINIM WEST •r m/.ILTrt-ST. Handsome Fall Dress Stuffs. CUUNTV CURRENCY. A quiet wedding wee eoleme'? ed at 5 s• forth oo Tuesday of last weok, when Mar- . daughter of D 1). Wilson, was united in marriage to George R Anderson, demon- strator In Toronto Unworthy. The,oere- mooy was performed at noon by Rev. C,Ln F'letoher, of Theme' Road, assisted by Rev. F. H. Larkin. of the Presbyterian church. Alter the ceremony, tuooheoo was eerysd, and Mr. and hire _Anderson left on the 3 o'clock train Ooly the inrmedute family were present el tie ceremony. Mr. sod Mrs, Anderson will in.ke those home in Tu• rosin. Mur Alioe fl 'mitten and her slater Elean- or, daughters of Jelin II•milton, were i. SVroxtter one day teiently and after driving round Mfrs H. .,topped on the beldge to take the little girl C F:ALKD TNNI)RRS AD1)REYSF:D T(t k) the undersigned sod enbalmed "Tonder for AteYfie1J flet," w111 herroet red atthholnos nnt11 railer, 77th September, Inclusively, for the court ruction of an extension to the south pier tt nayaeld, Huron County, trot Ince of Vrtario, arcotdme to a plan and aperitloatlon to be -- - 'fritterer to theme. Harbor andy'Hier Works for (interle, Confedera'lon I.Ife Hngd law roronto, on application to the Postmaster at Bernell, ant* at the Department of Public Work., Ottawa. Tendert 0111 not be ennalder,e1 unless nude on the form supplied, and signed with the actual s'anaturee of tenrte►era. An accepted cheque on • chartered tank. Payable to the order of the Weimer of Pablo) Works, for two bsndrrd dottare (32J01 must aeoompeoy Saab tender. The cheque will be torfelted 1f the p,rty decline the contract, or fall to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned In emir or non-acceptance of tender, The Department does not b'nd Iraclf to ao^ept the lowest or any tender. Icy order, F1tKD UELINAI, I atuartment of I'nhlic Works, )loaret•rq, Ot'aws, 7th September, 19 II. Newspapers loseAing this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid ter la 47 .11 - M CKENZI@\ - WELL are prepared to give EXTRA VALUE iN HOUSE FURNISHINGS such as GLASS, LOCKS, WINDOW FITTINcIS, PAINTS, OILS and HARDWOOD FINISHES. BARN DOOR LATCHES We have the most cornplete latch merit'. OUR PENINSULAR PORTLAND CEr1ENT astonishes all. It goes from :30 to 40 per cent. farther than any other Cement sold in town. Wo have a ear to arrive fresh from the kiln at once. Let ug figure with you before you purchase We can show you how to Save money. M°KENZIE & HOWELL. ItirWe have some American Field Fencing on hand. T rIE hest portion of our Fall Dress Stuffs are here. A great part of the sfk has been bought direct from the Canadian mills, or imported by ourselv direct from Britain. We know the styles, materials and shadings are ex- actly what fashion calls for, and are confident that you will not get better val- ues anywhere. Come in any day and see what ewe are showing. We will be glad to show you the goods, and there need be no necessity of buying unless you wish. Suiting, 25c. 11,0, y Tweed ,•flat Su1t11.4A Ch •vi -t fini.h, 40 inche, wile mixtures of grey, brown green and navy ; will nuke gaol Skirls or Children's School Huila. Extra tweet 1 valor at per yard Cheviot Serge, 50c. Fine quality of Pure Wool Cheviot Serge, goal weight, 38 inches wi4e,material that will make a droaey (militate and eland no end of hard wear : shales of navy, reel, brown and black ; imported by °ur.eise. rlirbct.from the 11 /troll markets. Would be gaol value at 60c., our .penial price, 50C Cloth Suitings, 50c. Pare 1Too1 Lufkin' Cloth Suiting., bright matin flniah, very otylieh material, wenn we'I, imported by our• *elves, an the impolite Vali .halmi30i>: , as good se moat a�kc store. will sell for 60c Our .pecial pride, Homespun Suitings, 75c. Elegant Horneepun Suit•riga made item 'clean, pure wool yarns, full 54 inches wide. nothing better for Out ng Skirts, or Tailor made Suite, *halte of brown, e_ grey or black, per yard Ibe Fire Homespuns, $1.00 and $I.25. At these two prices we show a range of Suitings you will find it hard to equal, either for style or value, They are made from pure wools by the best manufactur- ers in Canada. They are heavy enough to make up without lining, the colors are absolutely fast, and there is body enough in the cloth to make it retain its shape after it is Made up into a finished garment. Suit and Skirt lengths in plain, twilled or basket weave effects, and all the fashionable Fall shades, including black, per yard $ 1.00 and $1.25 The above lines are hints only of the many good things we show in our Dress Goods Department. Two Bargains in Black Silks. We imported this season two lines of Black Silks that wo are able to sell a good deal below their real value. As good Silks for the price have never gone over our counters, and we are quite confident that you cannot get any better value anywhere. We are doubtful if you get as good : Taffeta Silks, 50c. Black Peau de Sole Silk,11.00, Plain black Taffeta Silk, 21 inches wide, firm \ cry heavy quality bla•k peau de ti de Milk. and raring, wit, Aire e,ttedhmt wear, *reit- full width. guaranteed not to out. trill, able for waist*, linings or trimmings. You make * hsndeome dream or w&a', and will --- mIght pay b0c, nr 65e, for it, trod then)et, wear well. 1 k,n.1 %able at 111.110 per pod, N' Price r We hnnQht it chimp ural prem it e to toe gott ng go it %aloe. Our *poem card, P Per . the same way, and our .pees pribme is per sLoo yard, Lace Curtains, $1.40. We have 25 pairs of new !Ace Curtains to sell this lveek at a price that will save a little money for the people who buy them. They are lin odd lot, part of a manufactur- er's order that was stopped in transit. The qualities are good and the patterns new. On sale Saturday : 25 nisi Nottagh*mL rr+Certain*, and 60 int whin fine and .tams net, handsome pattern* (fond valeta at dl 73. Ow *pre tpair 40 prmit few the ho will ho per iI An all -wool Flannel for 20c. We have a real good all - wool Flannel to sell for 20e. per yard, 'll,;) inches wide, clean stock, soft finish, plain or twilled, good weight, dark or light grey. Extra good value at per yard 20c Cashmere Hosiery at a Bargain Price. Saturday hosiery buyers will get a bargain if they come here. This is a lino we are going to sell : Witte' a11•word black Cashmere iloee, good weight, for Fall and M inter Wear, .oft finish, nuam- Iee, feet,.pliced heel, double .ole. Ue *ale Saturday tor 35e or 3a. M pair. for 1.00 Black Homespun for Skirts, $1.00 per yard. Heavy weight all -wool NI Homespun Suiting, suitable for Skirts or Tailor -malty Suits. Does notrequire lin ing, will not lose its color. Extra special value at per yard $ 1.00 A limited quantity to sell, and when it is gone no more to sell at that price. HODGENS EROS. OODERICH. i 44.4: 111_.' alt2 sA L .7