HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 6MONSO "None knew Gee. lot to love thee. '.None named lit"e but to praise.•" it is singular that Wen:. of the most beautiful wintry ever written le exactly applic ►bice to MONSOON t'EYLO\ 'rE.t. nr Longfellow was net dunking of MONMOON TEA when In wrote there Bora but they dtv.eraase tide delicious beverage very accurately. •++++++++r++++++++++++r++++++++++*+++++++++++++++++a4.+ LGERALDINE'S FORTUNES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ poor kdluw. Do you kt:uw what led l root very slowly, very reluctantly. ' VAY FBBIGHT HOTEL to hid caw iultthtg the -the rash act f Surely, It war very wdduu!" " lig had been unfortutatc. mingu- laily wJurtutaW, for tome time pest,' «hw allhwered, rather rlguiIleurttly. I believe her pen -lea -eat and strtuige d1 luck prevef timid his tntnd." " Utvtr me, doer me !" exclaimed Lvnlley, wli t was growing very rt t- nw under the dry hardurrr of her maturer toward hem. "how-lipw ex- tremely-aer-laud Alter et roseate" p lure, he addk'd, impulsively, " I um tory blurry I -cannot AM Cupttta Mortara" Has Dr. Ledbury heard of James death?" croaked out the rhrlll voice of the Invalid EIotuor. Both Lladley and Geraldine started', and tho former void. havtily- " 01 emote I hdurmed Wain at cones -weft mybell to leer house. which l iuut't'u minutes' walk from mate. not WW ham. I never waw u luau so over wheimed-ivever " Ito slupjoosd •• t middle ui hurt in be this rpae•b, which he was pouring out Iutrtley, and turned quickly from Ger- aldine. til t frigidly, to r w to was W aldol 1 of the' more sympathetic Ete.titur. "I expet•t-r quite expect be will be down here to -day," he cuulinuetl. "Ili* nerves are inure robust than inlay In ouch 0 ctW*', owing, of to i a te(ours'r not to uW uperalunt, but to r, protestation. Duetting have te contrul their foeliuyt." ...coming herr to -day I" exclaimed lh.raldioo, in a howl, ringing coke., which oatmeal hiss Otway to shriek. tint Lin.fl.'y to ',tart up with gb,omy eye." and demi forehead. Then• wits a stiletto of a (ew ser• oteW, which Lindley broke with an atekwarl laugh. "You quite alitrm-'d un •," lire. Mur• rieon, my nerve,t having b •en already a gif.nl deal shaken by the •hock." Wti.•n la 1e coming?" eh,. inter• rupttrl sharply. "tithed. 1. 1 cannon tell you. He told hot night tint he would hi. Iwre early : but he did not racy by what Iraqi he aliould eons..." "Ile mild dist night." Then you craw him vast eiglhtt" 'Certainly," wild I.hu!ley. shifting - Ills hifttng.Ills eyes frum her two to Eli.enor'e, and thence to the fireplace. "I have already told you," hire. Morrison, that an reeelpt of Captain Morrison's tele• grnml 1 at unce inform -el Dr. Ledbury of the cowl occurrence. knowing ne i .1hl that he was our unfortunate vee lative'n beat friend.", Geraldine Laughed In sial a bard, Ironleal manner, that it was Imps). - intik for either of her hearers to mis- take Its slgnlflnnnce. : "Geraldine, what do you mean ? You are frightening me drendfully !" broke if the iinerulous old lady. 'Nothing. Aunt 1112'n'r ;1 nm sorry I frightened yon." die replied, recov- ering herseN end ■p•akln l In a differ- ent tone. "Mr. Fielding, you etnrted no early. that I am sure you have not itnd breakfast," slue rontinued, a• she touched the hell; and she turned the talk to lighter subjects] until. excus- ing herself on the pdee that her lamr- bin.i• wanted her. ole left the duties of entert ilnm-'nt to \figs Flennor. But she was stopped before bhe re 'rho.' the library -door by Johnson. who told her that Dr. Crosse was wit hh� its muter ; and. ,although she vv•'It t In the Inner hall that she mlghtt run to meet the doctor as he name opt. anti eatlsfy herself concern- ing the condition of her husband. whose reticence on the subject caused her Name r.nxiety, he managed to elude her by leaving the library very iTntrtp-. nnd 'meter's -Una to tw deaf when she ratted! to him na he slipped hurriedly' through the front door. She would have followed) him, but that glue knew that any questions he riled would be Met b r prilsffn: -t411e-lrnor'krrt at the door of the library; but her Inislran•I called out that. he was engaged and to come In nn hour. Die Yrrurwer- saw, tvakeel ether any was with The wtrdie went nb gat :es un- ('re breakfast time. There war 0 gracious ea they c.ruld b• -the tame- rode from Lr. Ledbury on the tubit•, hi which they wore rp.rieen was Me- which lieraldiuo rout and passed t•i then affectkxutto no. anulable ; but I Mus Elizabeth, who haul evidently re - es til he honed pgstinet her shoulder oe.gnised the handwriting, which ds rite helped him to raise himself war quite unkuuwu to the younger and lie kept her a long time holdlug' hely. It was dieted (rens Luuekon the glade fir him while he slowly the eveuiug befure, and recorded hie quenched his thlret. Then he raised I sae tsual, lou ar iialoe t been duel hi to e re - lits eyoe again to her ffare with a r hard, keen tuck. glanteed again at the l irate Waringham without saying glow all back to- her. farewell to Captain Morrlrou ; It war "1 rupp ave you ,lutl't want W pd• quite 0 fennel note, tush Geritldiue ism me?" he raid, grimly. "But 1 took it to her hurbaud with. his own engirt confetti, I .b a t understand lettere. tide new dk•vottin after the pleneaut lie woes rather irritable this morn - things yon meld to 1160 at the farm lug, and hie first greeting waw o xd 'Phis fresh buret of wifely duty, I and net destitute of his old ruridcie,I; suppose, le rueant as a rebuke for my but she would not iu:eopt lir outdrew villainy-dO(tW of fire oil lily mus- ign a rebuff, mei alto tarok his br.•tik- dlerer'. luted." - C.t,t from the servant at the door. "No, It Isn't. It-" Her voice broke, brought it to him and waited upon .and Woe was client. hint ars very sweetly Limit, to sloe re• W. -II T" octet the trey and r• .arranged lite "1 simply want to net rightly to- pillows, he detained her to kir* him, wand you I .hue wily you weui't be- :uud oculi, quickly -- 'Wye we. If you will deet let Inc trY1'laere el a kind little wife. Yui 1.o drawn the inb,sers I tau muttering, aro not uffen'led by buy ill -temper? bill waiting upon you ttud tkdng mY 1 didn't mean to he hnrwh to you ; beet tet be to you what tt wife «Itouldl but my ankle mints um this morning." he during her humband'r illness, I '•'iuuyare sure Where Ir nOUaing the think l Weill go toil!" ranter with you but the sprain?, "Tarn I bate to tua,uk Jumee Ot- You look 'carry 111 Mair morning." way's death fur tide reogtt nitiuel "No. no; 1 ane gutting on all your duties toward tate?' tight: `tit 1 titn(t 1 must have turned Saw shivered, and involuntarily tried any fe.t again In the night. to i tell to withdraw herself, from hunt pun, it paunr int'." But he leaned agalnvt Tier nsure hear- ..You meet see Dr. Croda at °pct•. hl+, • and chrtcled her left baud tb•n. i w111 r•4,41-" while he breath value In gasper. and ••Nu• no; ho Thar promised to call his eyes began to glow with per- 1 -itis morning, at vuu need not send. stun. Now 1 tm.t write 'onme lettere. un - "No, act! i accept your . 'serticet. loss you will write for m••." whatever the votive or them may She. ran for her 'leek, and when she be. And you may be satisfied on one returned he was looking at ler. Led - whit ; it win not I who rhea Jams fury r note again. If: h:ui retied- '1t thirsty " - through tau. first time without vont- "Who cw,• itt7" event ; now he weld - ".lunhw Otw.ly lilawebf." "Dr. Le.lbury will he dreadfully "Weill you sw.nr that?" meet by this-unlwppy affair. won't "Y'e•e, I smear it." lett' ' she literati to tremble ■r violently. She started. and the-bl•rod rushei no mle, rt111 stunt supporting Mut, int•, her pile fnoe, while her husband tlutt he put hid artu round her rind 'welched her cineely. wlktpare,t, huskily- "Yes, 1 suppose he will," she nom- -Don't na-Don't be No miserable. You -you wered.,ne calmly as she multi; and, think thew is nothing left In the though' ('aptafu Morri'oon noticed her world for you; but you e.re mile tr.'idnrion, he said nothing about 1t. taken- You will be lalhpy Hittite 'lay, She had written three or four let - t twe•nr! lie kind to me,: 1 have tyre nt his dictation, when they been wretched. too, lately. Just be heard the snarls of an nrrienl, awl kind to mo until -until me ankle Johnson came to say that Mr. Fiekl- grt.i well; I wlli ark no more than ing wee in the drawing room. (ler- that from you. Don't you think you Plaine rose, trembling and lioaren. can proeulao no thot; ?" and with n eibmassively Ing'tiring - - His looker -tit Itteei-ttatk,r--- -;lane- vat --het bnebreek- vvas-ase her Mark Skin 01 which' 'T1110-('H.t-tttood • -way U, 11ii-.1601,-whelt •hw ea t"d-her woe glowing, drew closer 'tn:l Moe. hark. Rhe w:w struck by it certain ur to hers. 'hi* Need --+orals toot of steady- determination which clung more convulsit'ely to her had gees(,' stronger every moment ehrtnking -dorm-- --Iris nnwiuue.,'ne'ut-elfthrvisit- grtW haver, inure broken. as he ,r'e nrrivul. pleaded with the amigo earnest- 'ys.rnldine" he tetiel, "ynu will mit- beer of a man whom- very life hangs i•dv Mr. Fiehling's' anxiety an fully 6J11 the answer for whirl he is pray- as ynu possibly can. Te:.:timi 1 nun leg. ulcer heart was touched, and her eincerely . rry that an nceldent to cy a filial. -_--- my hoot prwvente my Seeing hind my - "I am very ndrernble," rhe whir- ,.,:11. Tell him I wail at the farm p,ereesi. timidly. "IL huttkeo me selfish :e few minted after Sir .tames' at- --maker me forget that nnyb.cly else tempt on his own Ilse, and i saw hila pfr- es unhappy a+ I tun. 1 hate i before lir died. Asti fim to stay here been cruel awl wicked to you to -day 1 t•+ -night, and 1 will wee him." 1 will n►.on' to 3,,„11.1 will bu g 01 "Philip, y'etn arta not in a fit state to yw e'thks manient. My poor Philip -sec -1I will be kind to your to nee anybody: I nm sere of it. You ab' drew his hem' very gently on i•dok ghastly• not your 'oleo 10 quite to her rhouider, and kissed lair fore- uelak thiw morning. I will tell him leoul lightly, Just where the dark Just what you like; but you must hair curled abed hie temple*. Wore 'n'd erre film youroelI." than evor lea ode, the foot tit he " Weil. !won't efe hem until I" nm p talenate ree.rp tritium of her kind- better. If you like. lint you must not Im•se astonishes' nnd even alarmed telI hem you ate alartnNi ,.hoot Int!: her.roe few m-n:vrnos he env"" rep'et ugly .ray wd1iLS.huta_fathl trembling, printing, uu her breast, y'•m-r•membert." Von• well, 1'h'11p." Sh • left him, nnd went Into the dinwleg"ro ant. vett •re Lindley Stet ttng .tnrtedl up uertouvly from the rrota, where he had Leen talking, low find earnestly to Mao I' IPnnor• who re- nntlruel tre'mblag lifter Geriltilue'e ntrnnve, ne if .atnething in the eon- verentb.a .bo had just held alarmed leer. Ihew .o yon do, my dettr Mr..' Mo: reit t Bnt, In Mee 1 1 need mitre rc. i n ash you how yea aro, for 1 am sure that the oh„ck hos affected) you more fine tiny ona, 1 ran hnrlly Iwel'etw sir dames (toddy commtke i %Meade seterday 7 ('apt.'t'.rt M wristlet tele - wheel the std tidings to time !apt n • 1. nnd 'cattle by the (lost trate this .nhwning, Ie.pinpt ,,glia'+t hops that yno nietnko wou:d prove to have 1 din made." "It true -t.'1 I1:m it Is true'." ',mitered .nor old lads outto a1 ou r t the p . who •g hurried the tiding.. her- o hero now *puke ng if she had man ditficult to Mon% ince her informzetion. rye to way At. le true," MIDI Geraldine. ok•nuhly ; "hay hus- iund was at th+ amu a Pew me n utel After the shut w. r fired, and was, 1 bullate. prercnt a tar Janke/ dust. 11.' ie very Mor that 11e ran• nut r'drltr yon Mined but. be rprnln• ret ht. ankte nw he as retorting fr onh the farm Met tcg t, awl bur *tut left his room Nine. Y will stay here to•ntgitt, will you 7 My harirand legit that you will. We are Meth very .a+rry your volt to to kit pin.e In much unhnp elr- eunt(tineeeo. Of ovurs.', qua will ant to ger to tM, furu and tree Jammer "Web' -ter -yew, 1 teuppoae-1 sup,• post 1 had better,' Kalil Lindley, with a west deal of evident elm.. tants. 11hated the very rugge.tlen of death, nal the Id.':a of looking tiepin n dead 1n en's face Repined him, ' Of rou►gr. stun' nt It:a relative* ought to go ndi mei that --that it'd all right,' he worn 1 !ins inapprepriaterv. "Oh, If by 'all right' you mean de. certainty that he i* really dead, 'won). of his reinUvcs' have already as erkdn ill th it t 1 saw -1 paw Jtt nes --dead-kat n'ght," ale nd•ared him. her toiee clunking. PMe hod spoken with mom, hardness, for Lindiey'a manner Jarred lien her terribly. it regime 1 to her that lin was more omceerned In assuring hitrtaelf that Jitmer was tonne dead then in greeting over tiro circum eten^e: and eve words Iv now it telv'd (refired tine orange Improve Mon. "I neatly don't ere tint there 1. Sty t1em.sgrlty tar m• to go to the farm. Mrs. Marmont,," he mid, In n tone which mho riuotw W fancy oho .+mold detest green rat's.(. "I am sure and then buret tut., Wane and Keary ruby. slake and shiver in he incoherently whimpered kewlsg ,a-nd clumped herr a terrible fervor, which t til a drowning than , at spar which into prolong tie ft life. Her alarm Chat pity him, and with acne like tenderness slue soothed the mutt gate had retied, and dried ryes with hair own handkerchief, a held line head Leewee!' her hater while she begged him nodi t.. excite Mewl( art t tier in line. feverish state, but to lie dkrwn and take tele rest he needled "Yin art Very Ile,'. edea mpt(i,'..nn tltoritatively. "There it more time pier retrains! ankle ilea twitter with you, 1 trot sure. Yoh inc weak rind your halide and leo ore Ir r .1 r rtvK r am V 7 parched, and as it, its fire. if you do not rets i nm afratid you will moo be In a fever." ,Iter worts ve moet- him. ant he Instantly tried to waster hhtrrrif, and, welt}bruit it protrAt, het her lay him .knrn up.T hi pillow. Yew, yrs. you aro right," h--• an - sneered. "A resile d ankle is n serl- om th ■t, nal I tm 'netted afit er sited to night. I mutt not let t.iysell get /eve -rill', fele 1 have a great deal W du Jilt now, ani•l 1 t lye fat for burrower to -morrow. lir. Fielding will lie .own here In the 'Luning, for tin., thing, i expect ; 1 telegrnphl'tl to him, knowing ba wee n r•Irttive of Sir James'. nal you wilt have to eve him when he comer, and tell him all about it. It will be painful icer you, i know. tw'rnilie ; but, if i am not well enough to ere Idm myself, i nm afraid 1 newt ark you to do this for me.' "ace 1•Irdley fielding!" faltered Me: then, remembering her promise to ler hewband, rhe Knld, dutifully- - "Very wwlh ; i will tree him If you aimed. Now you Meet lie quietly rind try to "Will yon -would you mind bring- ing your chair nearer, nnd ritting where 1 cnn see you, lu cage I leant en:Milner She rat drown the hedade, nnd. when presently fate fond attiM toward hors, mite advltnced her awn to meet it, awl het emlleel with n resilience ref pvwlonnte joy over his pale ince, and whispered: "Geraheine - Geraldine, yrm are good, you nee tris-h..artr.I! Ton shall he happy wrme day ; 1 swear it 1" Awl then little by little the firm Marro of his finger. roan.' herr re- laxed, and, ea the fire grew low nnd the night wore on, he fell quietly asleep. It seg Mot until seven o'clp'k the nest Ileryrelag that his wife left him the sight wooed quits upset me, for to We a eoeple of boors' rest be- 1 was very much attached to the teerr•ut of hot t made him nate, as he thanks nnd him with uggt•sted 'itching is bat - d to Meg lu- lls asi If there were rouge right or seem . r awaiting her there 11linh would be aluaort more than slue Could bear. I Ike appearaae. war the; signal for Proprietor of the Popular Mon- Integdsetit-, ement In the little group trw Hostelry Talks About muthe ll Omelette. Ur. L edbury ttdvaueed to meet her. dressed tit Ad's Kidney Pilla, black, and wearing ten air of elerpr est Helehnaity. She shrank back, In epdte of hermit. its its held out lir Uses ?`em some Years Angrier • Had hand ; but. affeotiug to see to thug lase of Kidney W saltness -Mecum- movement merely a alga of physical wetklielt+. he drew her arra through hid filth n firm clasp before elle could protest. and led her to a chair oI not It wolf, and w found her eo ,rt the truth " Y'es, lam ed n Skov I iter aerial the butler its mrteter, nlef he maid - "Yes: young M1•. Bomber and a Derwin had teen wit!, him for the last twenty min• ute's-they were there when the .kw. - tor rams." "Wan the other permon n wtrangrr?" ante,' Geraldine. wimp (envied old Johnsen knew more than he Melee to tell her. Yc+R ma'am -at lea%t.. he 14 a wtrnnrer to me." "What 1n he like?" "Hae le short, ansi ,tart, thin. with clone -c -at while respectably dressed, ma'am." "Not it gentleman T" "No, Ma am." Grraldinr went np Metre tint dressed for it walk, very much disturbed by title iinformntiesi : for 'he remembered UV. reined tel 1 e tfAM tO Ilei it t1� Willie to watch 1)r. iw•.ibiryb move• mentos from the moment of hie lent, Our the R411, cubit she was paralyzed by renew concerning the dlpcirrnrea the offeer might have to make. She went through the consnrtntory to- ward the farm, giving herself the pre- text that pile meet ask Mrs. Corbin) for further tl etatlr of the hor- rible more which had taken plate there; lett ,hr wan Iinlf-vonlid'isaio that the .strongest motive which inti her In that direc- tion wee the longing to look upon James' ince again. But she was disappointed. A11 the 111itth were drawn down. nnd bo one rtrelwered her knork at . the fnrm- honee door : mu rite went In and Tiiukev1 into the kitelieft. NO one ons there. Ellie e•ierwed the door 'softly-, went tightly np tine rtilrr, nnd tried the dkt,r of the room where rhe had r• es n But ne locked. I. wren .In shin i u 11 w m R She round we the. itgh the keyhole that the hlind was drawn town, and air turned away shuddering and mis- erable. thrust what the.terrible lone - lineal of thin abort limier, with it. neglected dead and stole downstairs, :ern In. At the door of the sitting-rdeinl; where she had meet and (vetoed tier (lialkitlIS, *Tid Pentad, .li(n-velgtitna'to go In; but nrrested by an Irresistible -tupe(natlon. It. was also locket; but e lle remembered that the window Thad no fastening, nnd was rustily opened from the outside. I Going out quickly, still without meeting anyone, she pushed np the wln,kow of the 'sitting -room, lulled stride the bllndl with a trembling hand, and peered In. The room wile In ex- actly the same state Rs on the pre- vious' evening. The Idnekeu.-.1 lamp hnd been extinguished. but It atilt stool on floe table; one curtain lay on the floor, the cloth wag half deleee•1 from the table. One ghastly «eeiTt, which the dint Lamp 11(111 Wei not nevealeI, wife laid bare by the glnrr of the 'learning. A great, dark stain. 'spread over the floor between the window and table, dyer the table- cloth on ne Otte, nnd showed on the (hint, of- the overturn'.i chair. The Myatt filled Geraldine, prepared ns ale had been for some trate of the scene of the poi netts lettermen, with her. nor ; she pulled down the window end turned away, without hoeing ]are. ('owltyn'r fans', stained wiWi tear, of sympathy, 'looting at her retrv:tt- Ing figure aarraWfully from an ep- pea' win rev. When she reached the Mill she re- mand annthvr Wert ; far the bite it enmeineed that Or. i.wlitury had arrival, and was 1'a the drawing-- rnm with the Indies and Mr. Fielding "lint's y'"or meatier know 7"' "Yee, mattes. lis toll nae to 411 sun as w.,1. AI you rfItra In, when Imo heard you had guns ort." Rhe went straight to the drawing nd very ern -very steeds '1'bem Hlgbly to all 'hose Who are Worried by Loy Urinary Sediment. iluutreal, Sept. Y. -Dan W. Allan, tratlde the old ladies. It was molting" ps'uprletur tit the Way Freight lintel Hint the presence of Lindley richt- J�0r0 made n strong rtatemeut Ing, who weaextremely nervous. In about the well-knewm remedy, Dodds' ridte et nn elation which lie in Kidney Pine. Alt. Allan's] hotel 1r tit Leon tried to hide, secluded to tee- &Ga lit. James street, and eujuyr cou- sltue all the relfh Eleanor and dig- rWeruble popularity wall railroad Elea ia no !My which Mr had mlrwt m,•n. fruw Dr. l etlbury'r roarer during Some of the latter were dtrcurrWg his 1st visit. ' "1 nm extremely sorry to hear Out I wluell not hate the pleasure of sewing Captain Morrison thtr morning." mid Ito, when lie had bat down with Derry Iwssurunice by Ger- akllne'r ride. "Kut that need nut delay the statement you lave to tuake, my dear fellow," wild Lindley. quickly. n limo like this. wfteu these Indit>d are all deplia'ing the liar of 0120 situ wad AM their to them-al- mutit-us to yourself, the tidings we huvo to break to them will, we 'may lope, ' prove 'some sort of conrole- tion." Geraldine sat quite still, listening, w tltiug ; Miss F:Iizatlr.th giant. rt'etkerrly from one face to another; Mile Eleanor wee the ugly ono who Was quite unprepared for the reve- latlori about to be matte. "Whitt theles be mean. Elisabeth T. she croaked out, in n whimper. "What apo you mean, my dear con - sin 1" lirplled Lindley, in a tone whk'h grew mere Jubilant every mo- ment in vette of hlnw•If. "why, 1 Moan that, to yeyilne•e, att far at may be, the Jatut'e Otway we have hat, tic my cuu>ut haw Just turd m'. that Heaven hop appointed nae the hap- py ambassador of tlhe,otneolhtg tld- loge that there a tint her, and, may my, worthier Jn Otway to keep up the famlly name, and, we will thine. to restore the fatally for- tunes', and that trite man wleonf you have known as Dr. Ledbury/ le poor Charier' • int, and (leraidnno'd bro- ther." "Untamable!" cried Elesaor- "Ger- aldtne-Elisabeth, it la cot true!" Burt Geraldine and Misr Elisabeth were berth silent. "1 will raut-I can not believe It! We should have heard of tt before-" "I think you can ere that you are the only person in the MOW who has nut heard of It before, my dear Eleanor," interrupted Lindley, glnnc- lug at. the disturbed, but not aston- ished faces -of the two other ladles. "An for James' reason for ant con- fw.ling himself openly before this, It le one whluh, I moat ray. glues him great hotpot." "It le merely ^ pent of jtartic° with me," put ...In the other, gravely nnd modestly. "I ruuld trot, dur- ing the life of my rowan James, whom I had learno.l to love aa if he lied really been the brother he delight- ed to oral hinmell. .tepriet him of the position be had a:wlyr held as the heir of Sir ('h'i,r:es, whom I had only a 'short tame twfore lib death teemed to be m♦ father." This was a remarkably generous speech -rather tarp neat, perhaps, Nit etutrt and to the point -yet it fulled to draw any espouse from Its hearers. There w.tr as death ',B- enne when he ended, until Miss Eleanor's to:ee again brobe- Witl u enM•uNam otajt'Ction-=-deed... _.._..- "But Jamie couldn't inherit the property. become he war undier Nett- le -Doe tit pea.il vervituda tor We: eo 1 sheet anrterrtrttd -yomr-ehrtkver' - - "But he had escaped. and my claiming the title and the property would have toot the police In motion sifter him again while he war actu- ally under my care." "I don't untieretand it at all," ngnin (emcees! the old lady, "and I think Mr. Massy or ruuwt iawye.' ought to to went for to Intyitrre into this." "Mr. Mltsey will he here before the Week to out,' said Lindley; tri- umphantly 1 "I enw him not long ago, rind I have rune letters of his Idem which will prove to you that he w.tr see of the principal ngr'ntr I12 oetabilshing the claim tit the pre - went Kir Jame,. Otway, In the mean- t Flea sister cnn etatis- me, nor, your for you, no else MAW the certlfirater e.f Charles'marriage and hie ehildren's Firth -in my hands on -the night your broter died." "But that sites not prove that le W one of lilt cldblren. persisted 1. nor, encourages) by a keit M- ot approval train her •later, who one` umn«nilly sik'nt and crestfallen. whenMrs. Symes. She was preheat Poor Charles acknowledged hid Then by didn't he proclaim him - 'elf at o •e?" g ie tI0ned the doll bsdy, In tl NW -we of till the rent. "I have air tidy explained that," re- torted Lindle , wiio. was becoming rather resat and who was much relieved when t e butler entered the room with a rr una't from Captain ifo rrawo that ITT. Ledbury, Mr. Fielding, and the Ia(iltsr would -_dare• to him in the Iiijrar Elennov 41"tter.l he self, afraid tf sonde even° which woo disturb her nerve', already mhaken the reve- lationP by Lindley d by her own untwmtl display of nergy In gtretk ring the truth of it. The resit wont nt once to the library where preprtratkxw heti been made ,whleh showed that Imptrrtanee wi at' tachnd by ate occupant, to the o3tene about to take place there. The bed hail beton taken awry; tfle tali ..sprees. which usually shall Jpl n small silo,• rein,' the fireplace from the draught, had been puehml hark tnt-t n rnrner, to make wry ter chairs nrrutgrd Per the expected visitors; Captain Morrison lied tor- anken his favorite arm -chair, rod lay with hie back to the light on the mita which had been placed by the fire -ride. Ile d1.1 not offer to shake linntle with either of the gentlemen when' they came In; but, apologiz- ing in it grave votes for having to ask therm to come in, as he had sprained hie ankle on the previous afternoon-nnd he pointed to hie bnMI:11V•i foot -lin Sniff he believed they hnd atm* that duty to make tome important statement's, nett he eh•nild feel very mach interette, 1f they would let him hear them. Bath gentlemen aw'emel ntlonished nnd e.mewhnt disconcerted by thin lltiasatinn that some Inkling of their huffiness had reached Captain M'r- rlw,n's (tard; hat Lindley recovered himself nhw,st immediately, and at once took npn himself thn office of narrator of n story the proofs of which, in lettere and other pipers, he pr•tduend ne lin proeesded. "Vie; I told yen Abele 114 Wider," add James, glancing a' t+." "I remember," (terahlee e••watpd, Irtving It to the dortnr, who*, ov- ereaten •armed to her to denote that he wag following 'some plan, to lend the rnnvereation as he would. (Til be motioned.) aliment' peculiar to engineers, brake- men, firemen, ouuductorr and trate crews generally. It war uckouwl edged that the greatest difficulty a railway man liar to contend with le Kidney Trouble+. The °optional Jar- ring of the train weakens the filter, of the •yrtrm and odium' forms of Kidney Trouble result. "Every mag that works In an en- gine oab or on nay part, of a railroad train ought to nue Dodd'. KWuey Piss," add nue neap. ' Are lkodd's KWuey Intim what they're cracked up to be, though ?" put an a second. " Yea. els," *,turned the first, em- pbatdcally. ' 'Dodd's Kidney Plllr are what they're cracked up to be, and III leave it to Mr. Allan." " Gentlemen," said Mr. Allan, " I firmly believe Dodd', Kidney Plflr will ako everything that Is claimed for them. They are u genuine medleiue. They cured me of Kiduey Trouble, I know that. illy trine was full of it kind of red brick dust for years. I knew It war my kidneys, but could get nothing to roup It. Two bones of Dudd'e Kidney Pills did the work finally end 1're been all right ever rine." Hot Weather Settles. The Csar's name is Nicholas, but the baby's nattte isn't Nick, alas 1 - Albany Argue. Edith -The man i marry.must be bold and scariest. ' Ethel -Yee, dear -be e('kbty years smoked to my life." "WWI, don't et dlecouraged : you may smoke yet.'_Indianapolis News. "John, how dare you come home at 1 o'olook In tele morning 7' "W -w -w41 -y, Mary, you can't 'meet me 1' stay uut all night on drdler'p forty centa"-Deuver Time. Admiring Mother -Now, Tommy, What du you my to Mr. Bildad for giving you that penny ? Tommy -Please, Mister Bildad, I wieht It wet a niekL'i.-Ohio State J00rital. SOZODONT Tooth Pswdir 26c must.- Puck and never 111nard'. Liniment Com =etuf p.t. Duplicity Exposed. A cook who had burled up a etrce of veal weighing four pounds threw It away and afterwards explained to her mirtrees that the cat hal eaten the meat. -Very well," said the lady, "we will wee. that directly." So haying, slue toot the cat. put It ou the scales and loured . that it weighed exactly four prwtnds. "There. Fredericka," she raid, "are the four pounds of meat -but where M the ceet T'—Kueiner Tageblatt. MLlard'. Liniment Cures Colds, eto. Boston Ladles. Mrs. Poserlelgh (who flatters her- self she looks young) -This is my daughter, Mrs. Snyder. I suppose you'd hardly think it 7 Mrs. 8lyder-H'm ! Your youngest daughter, I presume t - Boston Trancrlpt. BADLY RUN DOWN. Symptoms That May Lead to Serious Results. WITCHCRAFT IN MARYLAND. k user We great copper kettle title night, au old luau remarltd, its he stirred ale seethlag wholesutue eon- teutr, that we did not hear much of witchcraft nowadays, but when he was young there our u good deal of that business going on. Ills own fa- ther had beeu ohullg.d auto a horse. and ridden to the witolies' ball. All the witches. as they arrived, turned Into beautiful ladle*, but he remain- ed a horde, and so far and eo fast was he ridden, and so wore anti bruis- ed wap he the next day la hlr own proper portion, that be could not do a stroke of work for two weeks. Aunt Saran well remembered this adventure of her father -in -haw. Her own father always kept a bug bunch of sweet -brier switches hanging at the head of his bed. And many a night she had heard 1103 "%dashing away at the old witches that wouldn't let him slep." l'rogreretve farming has about Im- proved the sweetbrier off the face of the earth. But old beliefs are nut m easily uprooted, as the following story will testily : When Grandmother Eller was young rhe hiul it cow def her own rulr- Ing. of which rhe war very proud. Otte evening at milking time, a cer- tain woman passel through the barn- yard, atupptd, and looked 111e cow all over. "1 war tentiteh enough to tell her all about the cow, how gentle idle was, how touch milk she wee lav- ing, and all that, and she ratdl f eels- Utility ertairity hast a fine cow, Well, the next tuuruing that cow couldn't mould un her feet, and there she lay to the stable 1111 father came h one trent the uaouitain, where he was cutting weed Inc said It wap all plain enough, whoa 1 told him everything, but he ;venter'.] I hadn't better rtrtre Hr rubbed the cow all over with araluetkba, saying words ail the time. And the next day, when I went Into the barn. there she stood, ort her four lege, eating like a hound. Witohter can't stand asafoetida." - The !Journal of American Folk -Lore. The Experience of Thomas Cada, of Essex Co. -Nerves Seesed Shat- tered, and He Welt Unfitted to Stand Hard Work. (Prom the Review, Windsor. Ont) Mr. Tlhomns Cada, of Pike Creek, a email village in Essex County, 1s known to almost everyone In that rea:tlon. 110 it a sou of Mr. John Cana, milt saner, and a prominent politician in W• locality. A represen- tutivo u( the Windsor Review, who bad known that some time previously Mr. Gioia was in poor health, recent- ly met him looking anything but an boatel,7 and natural) nrkeel what had restored him to health. "Dr. WII• Wtms Pink Pills,' promptly replied Mr. Cada. When asked 1f he would gave the particulars for publicattuu Mr. Cade. weld, "certainly, 1f you think It worth while, but there is nothing very wonderful about my cesee. I was eltnply badly run down; aiJ' uwrvea Heemevi to be all shattered itnn l war unable to stand barn work. !n fact work of any kind left me I was cured of Rheumatic (lout by MINA1ID'8 LINIMENT. ANDREW KING. Halifax. 1 was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINAItlYS LINIMENT. LIEVT.-00L. C. CREWE IIEAD. Smrsez. I war cured or Acute Rheumatism by M1NAIIIYs LINIMENT. C. B. BILLING. Markham' Ont. POSSIBLE AMERICAN POPE. ISSUE NO 37 1901. Oil for the Children. Cardinal MaSella, Born to Italy, • Citizen of the United Slates. The recent cont.irtorleo heti at the Vatican call attention afre.rl the fact tint the reign of the pre- sent head of the Itutttan Catholic Church le fast nearing Its cess. The strength of the venerable Pon- tiff, In spite of the many distract- ing crimes through which be has passel, mains almost miraculous- Fur many a day the pawing of Hie 11o11- nr•ro has been prepared for. epecu- btthon le widely Indulgent In no to hie probable euceee.tr when the In- evitable end shall have come. Who may "succeed Pope Leo XIII. In the chair of St. Peter 7 It will undoubtedly be an Itallaa, be- veeee of the preponderance of Ital- ian Cardinale in the Sacred ()Wiese. Several Omen when the Pope hashed weak spells anti the rumor hat. been abroad that his end was near. cer- tain newspapers have hinted at the possibility til there being an Am- erican Pope, In clew of the cotesylc- uuue ability and universally rec- ognized popularity of Cardinal rib- bons. These attempts to .suggest an Amerlcan Pope are intereeting.' There it., Indeed, reason to believe that a citizen of the United States might be the next Sovereign Pon- tiff, but it would not be the 114- tingulebed Archbishop of Baltimore. Cardinal Gibbons is not the only American citizen in the College of Cardinale ('nelinal (netane Alol.t- Marlla, of the Society of Jesus. In an American citizen, and, be'Ade•, he fulfils that essential txnditlon for election to the Papacy -he Is an Italian by birth. This Cardinal I• one of the moot learned men In the Roman Catholto Church. Ile was bast in I'entecarvo, wax educated and ordlainel in hie native Lind, but carne to the I tilted States when coinparatltely n young priest. Ile resided here fur many year,, and while filling a chair in the Jesuit College, at Woroeeter, Mass„ took out naturalization pa- pers. Whet In obedience to the com- mands of the bend of the Order, he returned to Europe and consented to accept the "rel hat" he still re- telne! and proudly proclaimed lily al- legiance to the United States. Some years ago, at n banquet In the Am- erican College. in Rome, Cardinal if/tuella, npeaking in perfect Eng - kWh, thte declared himself 'Years ago f became an American citizen, because of my profound honor for American in.titutlonv and my love for the country and !tepee - pie, To -lay, living en this other Nide of the world, my loyalty to the 1lnite! States is even greater, If pomriblc, than It war then. There- fore I elven live anti die what I am proud to be, nn Amerlenr." And poitetbiy this (cardinal may be the aacoessor of leo. N111. Ismaili used up. Ilton did not seem to be any organic trlouble, it was Just a caro of Bing run down and warn out. 1 felt myself gradually gutting worse, however, and I be- gan taking medicine. I tried several advertised remedies', but Ahey did not help me, lrhleed, some of them did me more harm than good. Just then 1 read of a rase much lite mine cured by the uw• tit Ill. Williams' Flak Pills, Rebel 1 purchased a few beteg. Very 'iris) i noticed a decided Improvement In my condition, and In the course td it few, tweq'ke i was feeling my old• time self. I ran mewl eat heartily, .1> it good day's wort with nn unusual fatigue, and In fact feel thoroughly renewed in health and strength, Na- turally r think Dr. Wllllamw Pink Pill* a great medicine for those who are weak or ailing." if you are feeling run down, and neatly tired, pet neem a tonic to put you right --t. make yogi feel height, as'tive and sarong, and tin only al way. reliable txhlo le Dr. WlIIi*ms' 1'lrtk Pill. for Pain People. Give those p IU A. fair trial and you will find that their enratlye powers have not been over praised. Fetid by *II deal- er• in medletne. or pent poet paid at 120 cant. ii twee er sit boxes for 112no by wddre aang the Dr. V/11 110 11111.1. > Itclne Onmpany, Brockville, Ont, Give them oil—cod-liver oil. It's curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret• ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, ana'nlic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take a flat - chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give hits the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been dune for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful 1I1 making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT* HOW N E Tore.ete, yo. •ad S. eau an Jrowes. Cards, AN UNAPPRECIATED INSECT. 1'►e Mleslu■ of the Spider as Seen by Scleutlsts. It le a pity that neck Interesting aid useful creatures as ephlcre rl.'ula be so universally disliked, writes 1 Hudson Moore hi the l'lautauquuo The chief prejudice against theta arises. from the poisonous' eater of their toting ur bite, but if one run put all thtr maw of l,ertimuuy out of nand and believe that u .tpl ler e bite le no mere harmful than it needle's prick one can endure tbetr proximity, uud study their habits at leisure. Who that knits a Wider Id ()repent,' to do its work to mankind' Under the heading of beneficent ince+ to should be written large the rcttad Arachnida. Then' mlruion is to keep down the hordes ..f inrectr whose u. - crease would threaten the life of mankind. Home scientist has ad- vanced the theory that If dragon flier were raked In buil O nt numtwrr they would keep down the hordes of nee«- qultoes that ravage. ur roasts ass wall sr our inland retjeats. Bwt,Mr. Henry McCook, our most famous arachnoid. gist, Iodates tient if molders were pro - teetotal and suffered to increase, the mosquito plague would be tementtl. Many people are' prejudiced enough to conches the remedy worse than the disease! Drifting Drollery. When is man goes ter rennin' ter office year sometimes finds out dat he wigs bu'n a Itaptiet, raised a Methodlet, and eldlcated n 1'resby- terlatu—tllanta l'onetitutlon. "Do you get n rest every mummer, Mr. Shackle T" "Oh, yes; thank goodnefill. I'm (rely In butlneot.-1'm amt In wo- clety. Kinard'• Liniment Cares (target in Cows. Bloostblrsty University Yell. Every man knows the old jin,rle. Rich Mari, poor man, beggar man. thief, Ikx'tor, lawyer. merchant, chief. The Syracuse University freshman "'ntedirr" hire trausfnrmei a Into the following blcxnithlroty els cru Well man. sick man, dead man. stiff, Dig 'em up, cut 'em up -what's the diff ? llunrerteit., tumorous, blood and gore, Syracuse medics, 1904. "But he doesn't seem to know Meh abut the topic of the day." "Weil, no wonder. ile got all his etheeton in a 'Asia Reboot." "But pier frnnrhlt.e le not proper- ly nose.aed," aaggeat.'l the rltlten. "Thaler all y.0 know About it," .newest the *trent railway man. "The aldermen taxed ns the llmit prier when we got it."-fleleago Net --- Forge --He says In his native city the &treed'. Ars *Twayw well water- ed. nnd yet they never tote sprink- ling earta. Fent On -For goo,ln'as' sake, where In he froze? Forge -Venice. - Philadelphia Re- nard. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred ionari Reward for soy twee of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halle Catarrh l'nre. F. .1. CHENEY t e0., Toledo. u We, the undsslened, have known T. 1 Cheney for the beet tuiesm. and believe blip perfectly honorable in all basins. transaction. sand araaur'fall able to carry out any obiate tions made by their arm Whirr a T,t .x, w'bolerale Druggist., To ledo. it. WALI'Iwe, KINNat k MAR%IN, Wholesale ',Druggist., Toledr, 0. Hall. Catarrh ('are Is taken Internally. act ing directly upoa the blood and mucous cur face of the oysters. Testimonials silt fr.s Pelee--7bt per bottle gold by all drugglet.. Halle Family deltic are the boot. lip and Downs. Mrs. Peak (hearing a racket In the hath -What are y.nu up to now, H eolr Y ? Mr. Peck (feebly)-i'm not up to anything, my dear. 1 Just fell down trued tis. Mleard'• Liniment Cures Diphthe- ria. Comparing iAo'es• Mrs. Slow'b.,y-Mv husband's en lazy that if It wasn't for toe I don't believe he would get np In time to Roo e r bit. Mrs. Iemmier--My husband's dif- ferent. lie seer•rely goes to bed Im time to get up. uhtIo flot6lS Canadian hone,. for ('enediene at d'an.4ter. prices and mammal by a Canadian. The Hotel ibuckinghnm, The Marlborough aatt; rho Lillian. All up to date buildings. hoofardsn on the Haekingham. haeme --41.60 per Say. Apply F. H. ROBINS, Hotel Buckingham Rueal°. 24.Y. PARTIES WANTED to do KNITTINO for us atitome. We fumed, Mam and machine. Ey work. flood pay r Mand knitter. els wanted. fiend .tamp for particular' t0 STANDARD Hos?, C0., Toronto. Ont. Your Complexion I. one of your Joy. V good: If not good, you are perplexed, end your general heath I. wrong Send 'Ike by exprn.n or 1'. O. order for ton metcble.s preerrlptiona to portent your health. hence your perfect complexlnn Ito not net a. for worthier fare blotches or wishes. Ad dress YALE MEDICAL, Yate. M1o•h. WANTED - i read? b- te "fN per bbtaks Apply : 0 Walter 1a mall, Merlin. month. Appll ..a Ws1Ur Kest Ce., oat VOR SALE- izr ACRER iN ONE Or TRIC IV best item Matelots hr Canada, 0 silosifrrom particular" : snood W Wt to R W. NIUMITT, Woodstock Ont. RUTT VARM TOR SALE ONE OT THE /serf le the 1lrgen pealnarla I 1 10 miles tr'InLYS. UR awes la itium HHeedlkr m awe rall- itvlded be seid la ewe parcel or Iu a feels. paagy vomitus M A Ito ft aerie ti 16 of whisk le twI$ 7**r sbseea This o.o.'. P. . be. lar; aliens Oates P. O lira W10611W10611.1116ie'a Soet111111*Trrap Ba a ld el wag • be sd for rafters teething. It seethe 1be 0(10. sera ewes, rear wlid calk' aY Hie he Marilee a Tweet• re mals•