HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
THURSDAY, Sept 5, 1901.
W. Acheson & Son
Magnificence is Dress ioods!
Our collection of fabrics this season is beyond descrip-
tion. Nothing but a personal visit to this department will
give you any idea of our standing and supremacy in Dress
Goods. The many choice weaves which we are showing are
from the very best and most reliable foreign and home manu-
facturer's, and the exclusiveness of the many Fabrics is
appreciated by our customers, as is evidenced by the busy
appearance of our Dress Goods corner.
New Black Venetians, Satin Finish, 56 inches wide, at 90c., $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00.
New Black Lama and Cheviot Suitings, 52 inches wide, 75c.,
$1.00, and $1.25 per yard.
New Homespun Suitioge, in shades of Grey, Navy and Black, 56
inches wide, at 65c., 90c , and $1.25 per yard.
New Black Broadcloths, Poplins, Satin Cloths, 52 inches wide,
at 50c , 75c., $1.00, and $1.25 per yard.
and FURS
Our entire import opened this week and now displayed
in our store. The showing will surpass any of our former
splendid efforts, and your time will be well occupied looking
over the new things, for we are showing what is and what is
to be the correct vogue for this corning. season. A beautiful
collection of very handsome Furs. The showing will interest
you from many standpoints, chiefly in beauty and richness,
and most important of all is the extreme reasonableness of
the prices at which we are prepared to sell.
Linoleuuls, 2, 3 and 4 yards- wide, situated on entire
second floor of our store.
New English Tapestry Carpets, 40c, 50o, GOc a yard.
New English Brussels Carpets, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.15.
New AII•wnol Reversible Carpets, at 50c, 60c, and 75c.
Carpeta cut and made up at no extra charge.
W. Acheson & Son
Propo.luon from Mr. SmlthRr
swans: • Bummer Hotil.
BON orTweafpsv. Mlle fur 1111-I.
Selena_ geten ".kk" dauber Wren ..
Irk Rtllway-TIN West Street trest
IaR-Uueh flea/lee .*.lar.e.
The reku!ar meeting of the town council
was held oo Friday evening teat. Meyer
Wilson occupied the chair, and Counoillrrs
Number, Mures', Cantelon and hafted
were In their places_
0.1 Cu.. Tomato. oil. $26 73 ; National 1
(Jarboe Cu , Cleveland, 0., carbo*., $31 60 ;
J. Bropb.y t Soo, pictures for town lull,
mouldlog, elo , $9 25 ; London M.orlue
Supplies Ur., repairs to boiler, $3 28 ; ire
Sweat., printiee sod ad•ertistog, $7 60;
Toe Municipal World. aollectur'e roll,
$2 20; Canadian Geoorel Kleetrio Co , To
,onto, wire. $2646 and $11.85; Marine
Band, 'melon ou day of Wivaham 'luau
• oo. $22 ; D. K. Siracusa, repair., oto ,
$136 65; The Ster,prlutlug and advertising,
$10 36 ; John Yule, .l•etrlo wlrirg, oto.,
IDe publto works oommit to reporiot
that they had Investigated the Maim of
J. W. Smith for demagog to his wasou by
bread log through an old drain, and oone)d
@ red that the town was not liable In rho
Matter. The chairman of the committee
was t0struoted to have lbs sewer pipe being
laid on ('burgh street, (shagged to 6 !oche,,
al a cost of 7 omits per feet. 1 he immolate.
reoommended that J . S. Platt be relieved ul
his lease of th. old armory building, dating
from the ls1 January, 1901. The utatrmao
had been .utborlced to appoint au •wlstaol
e ngineer to oversee the laying of granollthlo
walks, and the appolntm.nt had bee. made.
The matter of laying • crowing on Culbert.*
Croat at the head of St. I'atrlok's street had
been brought before the committee and no
action taken. The 3ommltt... final moan
,. mmendatloa wee that A' ea. t'eslletbwalte be
allowed the use of the sidewalk In front of
his baro door as acro.ing. The report was
7 he (Danes committee reported that they
had pre pared the estimates of reoetpts end
czpendlturie for the year and found that tie
expenditures would amount to $56,387 30,
Inoludiog the amonots r"lutred for public
and separate schools and the Collegiate
Institute. The eatlmated receipts from
tearoom other than than year's taxes would
be 526.434 68, leaving the sum of 529,952.62
to ht Mead on the assessment of this year.
This would ueoeestIate a rate of tw.uty$w
mills on the dollar. The committee sub-
mitted a list of aocouots to be pod, and
rsoommecded th• acceptance of Mr. (Jun-
dry's offer for setl:em.nt of tent. The
report was adopted.
The estimates of receipts sed expenditure
are M foIl.,ws
arc 11I D .
llilanoe from 1900 .... $ 743 74
Ltoenoen . .. 786 00
Water rates 4,700 00
Maitiend cemetery ., 450 00
M nrket 20 00
Dog and statute labor taxes- 230 00
Roes ... .... 450 00
Elevator Interest 6,214 2C
Text., non•rs.ldent..... 457 03
Taxes from 1900........ 4,147 03
Kleat-Io light rates Irom 1900466 98
Water rates. from 1900 2,168 45
Electric light ,.ter, 1901 5,500 00
2i per omit. On assessment of
$1,198,105 29,952 62
Sewers i' 111 25
ala r1NDITcRM.
Sinking funds....
Callrglat. Institute
Public schcola
Separate school.....
County rote
interest oo discounts
Special grants
hist tions
I'r;otlag and advertl.ing
C.C. and 0. expenses
Fire department
Cemetery. .........
l'ublto works
thirteen mets per ton higher than my ma- l'omptng statics" .
der for Hock 'ng see. Veers truly. Miesollaneoa@..,....,. ..
F. BArims: HoLamN." Litigation
Mr. C.ntelon roes and stated then the
megamIttee had not let goo taetraot for ooal
Mf. ilumbe•r There is. charge against
1 'weanett which should not go noohal-
The oommuatoalloo was sot to the water
and light ommlttem.
The trustee, of Vtotorta street Methodist
*hutch asked for the extension of the grano-
llthlo walk In front of the char. -h on the
west .Ido of Victoria street, It trains the la
teotion of the tru.tees to make .ome am
provemoate lo front of IDs ohurch and non
tlnue 1hegr•nolithto work from the ride
walk to the ohuroh steps. The public
works oommtttee was autbonzed to have
the work done If the provfsloas of the local
The treasurer's statement for the month improvement sot would .low 16
of August was as follows : Wm. Swafbeld and .john H. Edward
Bellows from July .. .. ......$ 611 40 wrote protesting against the erection by U.
Kee•rtrr% W. Thomson of :. stable dtreosiy adjoining
the street and 'eking If there war not •
55 70 town bylaw 10 prevent lt. A letter from
60 Miss Edward was to rho sans effeol. The
street Inspector was instructed to report on
the matter.
Ermine e: Kelly advleed the purchase, .f a
quantity of servo, wire and •Iso 1.1 one 15,-
000 Watt or two 7,500 Watt transformers
to provide for the increase In lighting. Mr.
Kelly was anthorized to procure the wire,
and the other matter was referred to the
water and light oommittee.
A request from ,les. Andrews, of the
DIIIU*IIUUUNTs. power bouse, for a week's holidays was
Satre let $ 191 64 granted.
Printing and advafils4ag 5 11 I;. A. (furrows, of Ifreslan, who a few
Ma Hand oem.I.q 22 65 weeks ago was talking of locating his cu-!
Legal ,oats 91 31 pet fsotory here, but has evidently given up
I'obllo writ km 427 80 the Idea, wrote the cannot' In behalf of his
1;. C. and O. expense 1 00 younger brother, who be slated was just
Debenture lateral 895 00 gathering hie machinery together to stud
Rank lntet.t 64 45 hu'toess for himself and to whom Mr.
Bills payable 500 00 Burrows had reoommmded Goderloh as
Waterworks capital144 43 "the most desirable town In Ontario to live
Waterworks intent. 1,609 21 lo." He would require a Iran by way of
Electric lIghe 144 32 Inducement to Ioo.te here. Referred to
0 capital920 60 special committee.
labile schools 363 17 RegolsitoM for school funds were r.
Elevator toter. at 630 15 esteem.' u follows : Public aubonl board,
Stoking fond interest154 00 $5,000 ; separate *oboe! hoard, 5450 ; ('01.
I)epelal ton to Toronto. 60 00 Imitate institute board, 52.500
Loral improvement --In• Jobo Cl.nd.nln,. whose dog was poison -
tweet 65 10 (d, asked for remission of the dog tax. Re-
Inoal Improvement- Noted to meet of tee Ilion.
walks. .... 1374 53 7644 47 A oommsnlcatlon from Mrs. Reynolds,
objecting to the proposal to run • street
from Raglan strias to the B.yfield road
through her property, on the grounds that
then was no neoeselty for suoh • street end
that It would deprwlaI. IDe volae of her
property, was wet to the puhllo works com-
A olrcular with the sienatare of it. P.
Hell, Cohonrg, Ont., stated that the 11.11
Eleolrla Transit Company. organize 1 W
called atlemlots to an sleotrio light pole In operate electric' railroad*, would run
front of O. N. Davie' sore whfeh was on thresgh I his towel provided a bootie were
Re.ldeot lases. .... ..$ 563
Water rates 180
Ears lc rates...... 291
local Impreyemea,�i Iib
dl.0000ted) .(.., 6000 00
Bills payable ,. 2,500 00
Maitland oemetory 1 50
Water emit' (Detail31 '77
newer (r. fund) 19 25
Smkhg fund intermit . 154 00
8732 37
59343 77
galaees........ .... 51699 30
()nearside Hale rrptrted that be had made
an laepeatloo of the yards around the
Square le the rear of the stores and roved
some of them to a very bad oondttton He
had notified the owners and requested them
to Mesa up. He had also ordered the re
moval of waver.' porches and door.tere
which projeoted on the sidewalk,. Ile
the sidewalk and shred I 111 removed The
report was sent to the pobllo works oommlt-
W H. !Smith, manager of Menominee
Perk, made en off r to arae.. and eery no a
Bummer hetet In Oeder'oh on 11., t 110 slot
en 'tattlers : Tho hoe.* to be large enough
to a000mmees'• .1 least two hundred
emote. ani to De ready f.rr nest wt,nn ; to
here onnatrnoteel as to be suited for families
to wfn'•r. The town so lend him 510,000
tar ten years without interest, give free
water and light and r.01{11, Ion of taxes aeon
impprn•emen le.
Thw matter was referred to the epeeist
Waterworks oapltal •000001....
Electric light capital account.
Public library
Bells payable
Elevator Interest....fr..e
$56,387 30
4,821 60
2 027 41
2,600 00
5,000 00
450 00
962 85
700 00
120 00
476 64
53 80
500 00
2,750 00
300 00
1.25 00
450 00
100 00
2,300 00
7,500 00
200 00
200 00
300 00
2,450 00
400 00
19,500 00
2,500 00
West Wawano.h, has sold Ws fate 01 fila•
Ie Ovule* Milner, of Ss. Ausarten*,
for 52,750. Mt M•ileu,lh 1• lvoktog fol
another farm to puroba.a
The prises •warded to the beet look nJ
lady and woodsman oar the L. O. L. exotic
Con to Yaro • and D,lrult were won by
Miss Mu•:•y, of Luakuow, and I)r. lfrume.
of Kith srdme. 'Phe excursion was a sun
WNW. .
The Wears tum of John R. U Iver, east
i les: 11•uua 9 Grey Iewurhin,wae purchased
last week by Uugb W. MoKov, of the same
line. !'rim pald 1s sal.1 to re 52,700 Mr
Oliver gives up ponce/leo on March 1st.
He has to: yet deulee 1 whets he will lo•
Death has removed another of Kxoter's
olde,t reoideote, Sarah Bilious, wile of L
Mcl'asigart, who pawed to rest on Monday,
tteptsmber 2,1, at tett a,;e tt e•ywe.y three
years. The deceased bad bare In poor
health tut some mondial, latterly from
Fred Elford, of Hutmwyllle, niel with s
painful ascendent the other day. Ile was to
1Mulholland's blacksmith shop helping to
out a steel bar, when a piece dew with great
furor, cutting his leg below rte knee so
ly that the services of • dooter were
o.eessery to stop the (law of blood.
A couple of experimenting lads In Brw-
1.1s tied the tails of two cows weedier.
Everything went lovely Instil the bovines
decided to follow dlverglog paths, when
the tug of war began. The result ot the ex
pertinent was that one nosey lost a fent or
more of her oaudal appendage. 'Tie • s10
Wm. Bkolz has disposed of tits fine farm
on the hippen read, just south of Eemood
villa, to William Oke, of unite, near
Blyth. '1 he pries paid weir $7 000 and Mr.
Oke gets possession on Octobr 1st, This
Is an sxoellcot farm, with first• lass bulld-
loge, wilt!, the price poil was in keeptor
with the property.
Mr. Walter, of the Huron road, Goderlab
township, hu bought from Thomse Jeoktoe
the 80 -sore farm situated en the Worth side
of the Huron road, and known as;De Mar
gals farm, paying • little over 54 0i for it.
A new baro was erected on 1t • y r ego.
sod as the farm adj,lna that of Mr. fpVatter
it w 11 be galte convenient, i
The excellent 5C acre farm on the L radon
road, Tuokeremtlb, a short dim •nose rom
Cllotoo, owned by John llunter, has been
sold to Thomas John F.IIlott, of the !My -
field road, Goderloh township. for the .Wm
0.' $3,300. 'Then is • frame boas* and rood
outbuildings oo the plant, and the price idt
dloatom that land Is nut docreaslog In value.
Mr. Jamieson end wife, of Bruoe6rll,
left for Neenah, Diana, whore three of
War family are located. 'Their daughter,
Mien Joel* Jamieson, formerly of Brum-
field, took op a plum tome years ago, and
has this year • orop of seventy five •ores of
wheat. It a not every young lady who 11.0
the pluck to lo,;ln fuming ou her own 10•
Of the several farms b•looglog to thee
elate of the late Christopher 11.1., of Hul
lett, clLred for sale by auction In nsatorth,
on the 31st ult., only one was sold. TDI.
was purohuel by James Dale, the de•
oeased'e eldest 100. It is alongside the farm
he now ower, and gives him an estate of
304) aures. This farm oon'ains 100 acres,
and was parchsmo' for 1.3,800. There are
no buildings mite
A quiet wedding took place on Tuesday
of last week at the home of James Coiling,
Llloton, his fourth daughter, F:HA, befog
oalted In marriage to Alex. M. Lean, of
Goderloh. The ceremony was performed
by Rey. Alex. Stewart. The bride war
hecomtngly attired in blue cashmere trim
med with (ream Insertion. 1.1.11e Nib,
Nellie Catling was Bawer girl, while Arch s
McLean performed the duties of groom.
A t,•ivy rainstorm, with thunder •td
Iithtning, pissed over the southern part (1
the 000oty on the 30;11 alt. Several bares
were struck by llgblaing. The large bank
barn of John Decker, on the 9th concession
of Hay, was consumed with its contents.
The lose was covered by iosarance. .lobe
Itoutley'a fine bank baro, our Winobelsea,
.Ifo was burned to the ground, together
with all the aeeson's crop end a number of
implement.. • L098, 11,300, and insurance of
A •uooesstul plonio 0.0 hell ander the
au.pioes of the 1•d1es of tie ,lames' obnroh,
Seaforth, on Labor I)•y. Durfne the day
there was a voting 00otest to deold• wbo wase
the most popu,ar yo0og lady. Mies Towle
Whittle, of Be.ohwood, won the first prize,
a gold watch ; Mies Minnie Carpenter, of
Duhllo, aril bliss Minnie Ryan, of Seaton b,
who were ties for seoond plane, received
each • silver tea set ; and Miss McQuaid, of
Tuckersmith, won the third pr'ze, a du.
mond ring.
Alexander Macdonald, • former resident
of ibis county, died at hie home In London
Friday evenlo, .Iter an illness extending
over tom, seven years. The deoe•aed was
born In P. r.hshlre, Sootised, and would
nave bees eighty six years old in December
next. Oe arriving in America he lived for
one year In Chippewa, Out, Thence he
moved to Huron county, and finally to Lou-
den. For several years he was • fireman o0
the lake steamer•. He took up his real
dance in inndon in 1846, His wile, two
.on and two daughters are left to mourn
his lose, The remains were interred at
Henault On Monday.
556,3137 30
Mr. Oaoales brenrbe up the matter of
the crowing on West street le continuation
nl the walk on the we,t side of Waterloo
street, •od a motion was weed that the
crossing be coaetruoted.
The street Inspector was authorized to
have the firemen's room repaired and a oar
pet le14.
Mr. Muroey spoke of the proposed sewer
on the Hiroo road and the matter was again
referred to the works oommtttee.
Mr. Humber put In a word of caution ea
to the neeeeelty of watching the expeodl
tore for tie Wanes of the year. The board
nt works had spent more than any of the
members thought until they came to put
the Items together.
Mr Marney understood that the omit of
put 0 not .11 of the sewer on the Huron
road was looluded In the estimates.
The obalrm.w of the work• oommtttee
eat authorized to have euob abode tree, es
require It trimmed, particularly some on
North street regarding which complaint had
been made.
Mayor W'Ilsoo said he had intended to
present a report of the Toronto trip, but as
Mr. Knox wan not prevent he would poet -
pone It to another meeting.
A bylaw to levy the rat• for the ourrent
year wee read three times and passed.
Al,!..eaggestloo of Mr. Cantelon, the
Mayor and Councillor Humber were auth-
orized towed • message of sympathy to the
wife of the President of the Vetted Slates
In the trouble whloh Dad befallen ber and
the nation In the shooting of the President.
Mr. Naftel consented to act on the board
of works for the remainder of the year.
In connection with the trip to I'oronto,Mr.
Humber stated that there was a favorable
prn.peotfor s•oonog the attondaooe of •
large body of Orangemen at the celebration
In (inlerleh next year.
The oounoll then adjourned.
oleme. A seals of !wetness required from
towns of yaryfog dams w. appended ;
towns of from .5,000 to 5.000 pnpn'allon
being espeoted to contribute $2,000. Re-
ferred to special committee.
A petition from R. (1. Reynolds and 1).
MacDonald wt forth that the petition
aialos/ the construction of • granoli hie
walk on the west .ids of Well noon street,
from Rrltanma road to the river bask, had
on legal .Into', not having been presented
during rte time preserlbed by law. '1'he
petitioners requested that the work be pro
needed with. The a star was referred to
the works oommtttee.
ememittee and the ol.rk was Instrooted to .1. H. Edward requested therm large tree I J the Malloosh, of the 2.4 onoeewloo o'
notify Mr. Smith when the oommtttee1 weeding fa frost of lot 1 014, ja.1 greet et
would meet. that they nnelel have a ooe• the organ factory on Ewe street, he re
l'r•nree regarding the propositlne. I moved. Referred to works onmmitt.e.
The follewlne orenmunleation w. re- Dr. Taylor aimed thee an Ie'andesaent
eeie,d from r B.rlow Holmes : light he planed nn MDs .'reel running le
"Again the faros of pretending M sok for front of his plane, Refers 1 1e water 1,11
tenders and will award the oontraos 00 11.1,1 oommtttee,
Whom Shay please bee Mee play.( by the Residents of tie ees1 side of Ckaeoh street
Br. and Iishe eomm(ttee Thte tide, game petitioned for the grading sed Improving nI
is merle •soy by refuters to sok Inc tenders the sidewalk there. The weeks oemmittee
no well known wandard orals and then se wag empowered to set.
aMp"se a LI self,. en same owl the ns one A pet(/lee frnw reeldeets of Newgate street
lint the .enereeful teeierer hair qe. t d All , far a sewer extender from Vleorla to Al
the s'an lard • al., • a , Volthineheei, 1 bort street. 0.M sent to the work. oemmtt
Meader, W. V.. and Hoekln., were lea- k. to npp++rt.
dared anon end In every one my /ender was The lellewbaganeennta were sent te the
the lowest, lin' the noel rest wee awarded Gabe. eomwlltes : t►.derteh Organ Ce.,
Inc a out from the a.eday (reek dtesrl.0, ewe ephnl.teesd elates, $18 ; PAWMe.
'bleb is the Fleshly/ valley dkekiet. all Ewes, weed and sell, 552.71 i Queen City
The rate of laxation to Blyth is 19 mills
The Wingh•m Advenoe entered upon Its
twenty-eloth year lest week. It is a good
local paper.
The township of Weed Wawenosh has
posed a law prohibltlne all .look from run
near loos on the road.
Wm. Stinson has sohd his farm near (tor
r o, ooesistieg et 160 eerie with good build•
logs, for the sum of 54.500.
Dr. Hueh R toe, formerly of Auburn, hes
returned from Europe, where he spent
several month. 'tiding the vineries' o ties
and hospitals.
.John Wallin, oonoeeelon 2, Ooderloh town-
ship, has rented his farm for a term of
years to (Ise. Vanderburg, al some'.bine
over $300 1 year.
A. R, Smith, formerly et Brss'.lo aid
IUterly of Seratfrrd, N o n mast It burl•
sen la W egham web • I,es nt ready male
clothier, b 1)1.. and d 01.4e11• furnishings,
Thos. Brown, ,Iris r f Torreon, Is t he sew
leader el 'he 33 it regiment band. He le
ra'd In be coin of the hent rlsrleeet players
in Cened.. He was with (ley Brothers for
. whets.
A man with a tame baoE deals
not feel mach like working •ad you
cannot blame him, Jeremiah Red-
den, carpenter. No. 7 Cowdyj
Yingwton, Ont., se/Aered with
rheumatism In his back (lum-
bago) for two years, ries betties
of Dr, Haire Rhonmatic Curl enm•
pletely cured hem, This great blood
purifier is pet up in bottles con-
taining ten dale irsatoa.siv Price
80 rants at all dry et a girth,
NaU Nedind is Soolsiopl.a
"A false friend is worse
titan an open enemy."
A shot with a good
upper, and a bad sole, is
worse than cheaper look-
ing, but more honest,
The Makers' price on
the sole protects you
against deception, when
you see that you get --
"The Slater Shoe
DOdd9S are the only
mediclao that
well .:un Dia -
eats. oke
Bright's Dla-
ease elite dlr
•ase was in-
D°dd . Kidney Pills
cured 1t. Doctors
themselves contaai
that without Dodd's
Kidney P91. they are
powerless against Dia-
betes. Dodd'* Kidney
Pills are tete fist medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations -box, name 'tad
pill, are advertised to do w,
but lbs medicine that tees
U Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills a»
fifty cents • box et all
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
Of questionable quality. Get the beet
th re is at the parse prices that are
chs ed for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways h, and each article pure, po-
tent an satisfactory.
Our ascription Department
has a repo tion for promptness and
Medical Hall.
A Great So
le oar Oleg Soap, 11 5o. a
pound, of which we sell barrel a week.
This Isn't our only Inaam we parry
everything that oan be loo d In an 00-
to.d.te grooery store, and ,ur pries'
are right. The farmers know hat they
Ian always get from us a map for their
produoe. We draw the line at oo
legitimate trade - everytblug goes :
Gl.uwaro or potatoes, garden stuff or
ohotoeet table Caine. We deal In ell
of them.
Radford block. Uoderke
J. H • Worse!!
The oheep stove and furnaoe man,
R. B. Smith's
Store M cK IM' S 3 Jordan
And we are ready for it with
Specials we will mention
Blanket.,- W• have • lull range
mark ran a of
9s..11hu,.ni1y1l..•ast$an2d7950w.1•. sfpeot
uraqul.c-ka large
white blanker, very fine, fi.61, soft fia:eb,
Aoetb•r extra quality. good Value as
58 50; for quick selling we put the N�
9010. 1t N
Wm have all prion from 753 up.
Dress Good.. -We have better
Values than ever In black good*.% 50J f, .,g
Home.puns -fore 0.m 1. 56 inch.
.1d.. ueweu colon, .111 1h. bo., vel sus
n• 10 Canada a..... .70,, 51 00 sod
French Flannel.. -A complete
n, W renal.. .1 pattens in the aeeeet
F. each 6.00ele ..
the newest Goads. A few
All Wool Delalne..- The lat.t
for waists, selected patterns, vett' alk
wide. special ••1
Ulothing.-W• will tell you of oar
Liao of men's sults. A bury Cheviot,, WI.
or mute, beat Iinio • bled .D. best yes
ono any place at $10.00 and our 58.00 ear
will but 1s. And to make It doubly
sure of easy sel1ue we put the price
All s'aeefrom 36to44.
Millinery. -!Iles Doles has returned
from the beet eull.asey openings with the
newest a'.d best emote money .04 exp
ono. o.n pr.oure Y u 111.1 • u -sir. I
newest of M....w n. ,,.l n •e.
.r the r.gh p• c
FUP -les nap.. 0....,.
I nen fon .-
fortunate to oanag by . a ••• .0 •
the pewee', and w• neve psi ' he ter •• .
neural •het will de No. ..Ili •i
Jordan Block.
- I'Hg 1.5A01011 -
1`•tenter1s.\ 11..r2e\orl1. u.voS
orders earef}Ily:;arteade4 to ar all
hears, make or day.
eaebee 5410.4,
Pastry, OysterPatties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rollsj.tflce
Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses,
Iacaroofls, &aranges,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are as gout as the beet mado in any
city in Canada.
Cantelon louts the trade in
in fancy designing and ornament
ing and almond icing.
(ave him an order and your eat•
iefaction will be assured. ,
ilckillop Mrtaal Fire Iasaraace Coo
Value of Property Insure 1 up to Jenoare,
1.901 •3,14&,571 en
orne•rna AND onset -rows.
J. B. McLean, pres ; T. Framer. eloe-ores. ;
Jas. Connolly, te. Dela W. O. Broodiest, J.
Watt, Jas. Ktans, J. O. Grieve, J. HenaewW,
directors, W. O. Broadfoet, tleafo•rh, inspec-
tor of losses ; T. IC Hays, 5.arorth, secretary -
All KNTe,
J. W. Yeo, Hulmesvilie ; James $'umrel.a
B;mood vIlle ; 1t. MoMllieo, Ssafortb ; It
Smith, !fetlock
Polley -holders can pay aseesemeata and net
their oard• recelpted n Mr. Coati. 011ntoa, or
at McLean Bros.' Potreo Clothing Shore, Godes-
ScraltOl Bard Coal
All Coat weighed on the Mirka' Scales
where you get 9000 Ibe, for • ton.
�M. LEE.
Order* 1.11 at LEE fl DEKp$O_b
stare promptly attended W.
ale is Over.
O. Fire Sale has been an immense success, having
cleared t t all old stock, and we have received the largest
consign' me . of Fine Shoes that has ever come into towel.
, which is being worn by the so
Germany an
the leading Furniture Dealers and
Undertakers. have juet received the
following goods:
Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up,
Couches, $5.00 to $20.00,
Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00
Hall Racks, $5.00 to $I8.00
and choice odd piece,' of Furniture.
We are still selling Window Shade,
and Polo, at reduced prices
Picture framing, Upholstering, Peek
ing, etc.
The Undertaking Department. , . .
7xxxtwar Welted'
Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sok Local AteN.
Every mine perane ihtedd take • metres In
lin id.towel neatness ('ulleee, which reopen,,
under • row management, on Monde,. mep,.
r 1911. ('ireeln•n free nn .D llratlno. 4'. A.
�LgMINO. t'ialdent • A. 1. Me1NTY RIE,
le rimier expert supervision, and the
service es guarantee in of the very
'best, white oar prime are rem nehte
NIGHT OR DAY calls promptly
attended W.
We solicit patronage on the merit,
of the good, we sell and .ervice. we
Fnrellarr Nater.. 1 aderlaker. lad Eno
Bedford Meek. Olederlek.
Hat Bargains....
Having purch'l.e(l twelve dozen hats at a great reduction they will t e
sold at the following low prices ;
Rear'y-to-wear hat at 25c, worth 60c.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 16c, worth 35c, and at 50c
worth $1.00.
Leghorns at 86c, worth 6Uc
Leghorns at 75c, worth $1 25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 75c.
All millinery reduced for the balance of the amine.
'ety people of England, France,
They are the most stylish, . urable and comfortable
shoes made, and you must remembt that you do not have
the duty to pay for when buying these mous Shoes.
Don't forget the name, " King Quali " in both Ladies'
and Gents'. All styles, widths and sizes.
Xing of Mem all.
The " King Quality " shoe has been
awarded the God Medal -the highest award
at the Pais Exposition, wheat hundreds of
makes from the best aloe factories of the
world were also shown.
Th. lady who wears a " King Quality"
wears the beat ladles' shoe in the world.
Beauty of finish, handsome design, perfect
fit -appearance, and comfort, with the price
Mad. N The J. D. Khtg 0.., Umitod. Toronto.
Oar 485111* Ooderfob b 81, (Legge Prlc..
We five one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try n package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full ass(.rtment.
Telephone No. 91.