HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 4T I:I;tan,Y, Mapt- 1'3, 1901,
We Want You
to be
about the Clothing alo1 I' lar
nishlug8 you choose.
Particular people are our moat ter,ufa1
There's neckwear here to suit the mat
particular man that ever eat ,nd attire
moan, outfit, glvast athatery as well. 'There's nothing hors that', not In the smart -
et style.
High-grade, Ready-to-wear Clothing.
Th. clam o1 olothing oee Darty is a great implies to 11.e many people shoddyt Lays
them. Some think that ready -mode c.othtog Is simply made from cheap, cld,
sad almost thrown together ; th'e is only too true of roma the' to i ff ,red for sale, and,
stream, te say, same people will buy them ; tut the k ad we keen is made from good, is
liable, Imported worsteds, merges, cheviots and tweeds. Every garment le made to our
'pedal order, epactal lu.truotloos befog given regarding the make up. Every garment le
gwarute.d to fit and give gond satisfaction. See our special 110 00 Imported black
wonted suit ; il'e a winner. We Invite you to hapset aur new fall stock.
POI Agents for (.brlety's l.ocdon Hata. Men's Furnisher sod (latter
1) n1sp style American Hata.
l'erfect Fitting Clothing House, McLean's Mock.
She �xgnax,
—Isn't there just a little too much of this
royal reception flummery, anyhow?
—We observe that the Duke ot CORN-
WALL'S tra'n will slow up when 1t passes
Stratford, but that the train wi.1 not stop
at that city. Tho Stratford paper which
gives us the information doesn't state that
%he " Dook" will put hie head out of the
window when passing the station.
—Those people who thought the lloukho-
bon of too mild a diepaition to make good
Canadian cltlxene may now rest content.
The o'her day a gang of them engaged in
railway construction in the Rainy River
section carried off • sub -contractor who
refused to give them their time checks nnttl
they had completed their three months'
Contract, and kept him in the woods until
he gave in and consented to give them their
tame. The men wanted to go back to Man-
itoba for the harvest, When they prceent•
ad their checks for payment they were told
Ms money was In the bank at Fort Frances,
down the river. This did not suit them
apd they threatened to cut the head off the
eau in charge if he dol not give them the
mash, The Daukhobcre are all right ; they
Al's getting lust like the rest of es.
Buffalo News : Sorely there should he
some eooeur•gement to Waiters In the
United Stone and Caned• in the etatemeoe
that then are in the world 15,300,0(0 more
mon than
Wingham Time : "Anything to win"
being the Opposition motto, an attempt is
being made to work on the temper.D0e
people. '''hey say the in.peotors are not
doing their duty. I1 our friends know of
lntringementof the law why do they not
rem that It is stopped. The inspector to
Clinton cannot see when the law 1e broken
in Wloghsm. Let the temperance people
do their dote, whloh is something that one
oat o1 a hundred does not do.
At. ThomasJournal: harmers' Institutes
have admittedly done goodwork In On
talo, not perhaps se goat( as they might
have dons U (armee more generally took
advantage of them. The farmers of Nov
Scotia have reeagotsed the benefit to he de.
rived from them and have decided to *stab.
bah Institutes on the same hoer, hoeing se.
oared ap and orgnnlrnrs teem Oo
*arm to oarry our the work most winter.
The Iloveroment of 61anitobe le also report•
ed M be onorddering the •dviaabilety of etc
tabli.bing an agricultural salon. (.hewing
the eiample of t)atarlo.
• ruing ('ORNlRgn rlcHT tg 'AST HI*RON,
Seafoith Expositor : 11 rumor ripest.
truly More le• proealiiiity of a three corner
ed tight In Est Hume at the next provta-
olal election. 101s said that Mr. John 110-
eelook, of MoKillop, has some potion of
ranning as as independent esedldale.
ladeng from app•arenoer, Mr. I;nveolock
hes been In tramp g for romething of this
hind for some tlmr. Previous to jolnlnp
•he Patrons Mr. Oovaolook was an active
Liberal. Shwa the sote:deoce of the Pat-
ron organisation he be not taken any ao•
tiye part In polit.•o.. Mr. iloveolock is well
known In the riding; he Ir an active work
e r, and although we do not think he could
Ise elected. he would make a big shading ap
le the ranks of both the old parties.
Toro.to Telegram (i01. Con ) : Ootarlo
se net te be wen for Mr. J. P. 11 hitosv by
'herrah boys" •peehe to the ,feet that
the .7o t vee never felled to Derry 01
tide when they were netted. Aoch talk
4 historically inaccurate and has the
mieobieeoue effect of stimulating that. ..:l
spirit of "yel'ore dog" pertinnshio which
!marines that the party le bigger than t'.e
omni t Ag.in and again lee 1 'nn.erv.
sive' noire(' antler air .f.,ho Macdonald to
how Older ale eat. 'I'ney wore rou'e,l
here, foo• and artil'e,y. fere r.s•ri.-I Ile
i'.ovi, c, in Federal conte.'. w.' hi.ne h.'p
e1 • g•nyna der. The p^'• tool history of
05 .rto le•I,oaree that 1'i a 1' uv'•nne 1s . o'
the ubaurl of any par y 'fns (;•,r.,rty ..
[lye* bort get vote mitred* 1h,1r eon
piny if they hep' In defeat the Po.. glow
ointment, and the empty alariflnati•,o of
petty for the sake of petty giros the in
dldewe oases 1:s irises
Loma nit►005 yo!' 1.111•.
LS-. Thomas Jorreal : The f.11ore n f of •
• r treat t.nto. y .• M «h.. ,, eh..ntd not
be wittiest its lesson to Ontario where se
gamy are nr. i•e•e.1 Uu'. of • numb r
lia abashed In tact Atat, Me ie the drat
la 1 ion reported, .M r.a on hang ,h.t
•effloleat heats enald not hi get in the
aeirhborbool to supply Ir. Where auoh a
late eapiral la notified to establish a f.r.
Hwy It N evident that It 'honk! net ba done'
wohon• fl•., nv • r n.hla guir-
ante that the regoll$t• goantity of been
will be grown. fliers seems to he on. d,Al
enhy t. n• in!., 'nw 1.1 mere t • enesg. in
toe greetd sugar boob. Authorities up -
nn the sehj etc Rey a Ivgemarmot of martini
1'••'rma•, b ". I t• • ,d !i,.• bas0m.
eh naw oaem.t. •eke V,n pl+o. of Ib. beer'
I ,• 10 le q ,ret pea yla U. the Ruth
'r ee re., h. wrong. be' If tee .,ie n.•r
Ihesaars are a anensomed aero 10 doteg
• 1 ny nevem* teed ie. y will one Iestilly
take 1. the growth of any rodent whiob
regains a great deal of hand labor though
1t does offer large profits.
A Toronto despatch reaelle the (not that
the commieston of judges appointed to in
quire Into the workings of "the machine" in
the ptrhamentary elect:, no in West Huron
and Rrookvt le it at.l! nominal) It extete0os.
1herublio wi 1 recall the fact that the
Laurier Clover non ut•,which nand the corn
mimeo. also prevented its doing Its work ,
and the pobli l will also have Its opinlcs ea
to the reason why —Montreal Gaxstte,
The Qaeb.o Opposlttoo jotter a'tst 1. •
veritable Rip % an \tinkle! \Vbe•ebaa he
been hiding all thew months! It Is indeed
a eery long time now sine the Dominion
Government, to aocorllance 01:11 a premier,
to Parliament, appotn'ed Sir John A 1io7d,
ehtnoellor of Ootarlo ; Chief Jnetios Fat.
oonbridge and Judge McTavish, of Ottawa,
as a commiwton, to: only t.o bear endeooe
in regard to the West Huron and !Stock-
y 1:e election', but to regard to any other
election which soy person might be ready
te goeattoo.
The commissioners met, Sr. John Boyd
preldfng, ..d published far and et i 1s th.t
they were ready to hear evideooe of Iry go•
lurlt a la condci tiog any or all of the Hee,
No roe responded.
The oommlealoaers met again, and vet
agate, molt time ready and will.114 to hear
Where wan Sir. II rider,. oar, Whitney,
Mr. Clarke Wallace, the Toronto Stall and
Empire elltor, the Gazette editor, and
their aseootates in the declaration that then
was wideopread corruption on the part of
the Government and its supporters in re -
ant elections'
Wire they honest when they made thew
declaration.' If they were, why did they
funk when eked before an independent
tribunal to produce their proof, to cell their
wittiest r •'
11 seems to us that the ootaty 0.0001
have been well fouuded, or these men weld
have been only too glad to produoe, under
oath, the 'video* they hays again and
• �ia asserted wee to their poeseuton.
Having faded to do .o, they surety are de-
barred from cavilling should the royal oom-
mietonera hind beck Ilnlr commission with
the Statement that haying repeatedly held]
' Mingo to hear evidence, and having ad.
vertieed far and wide that they were rowdy
to leer testimony, no one reponded to
their appe•1.
It le • humil atiog dilemma that thee.
Opposition leaders have put themselves lu
'They have anted the part of common ca-
Iumniatore, ■ni now they berate those who
/ applied them with the opportunity they
proleeed to le longing to hive presented
son bewail the foot that the commission did
not hear the seldenoe that they tailed to
prndsoe ! Were over men pieced in a more
iooL.h position !— London Advertiser.
Tran' nit e la •Ir.
ell • elle /e,t -thee r
■ n r
She Presbyterian 211alslr,.
At a meeting of the Stratford 1•reehytery
last week, Rey. 1)r. Hamheu laid hie
resignation briers hie fellow members of
the Presbytery. For over forty y'ars he
he faithfully ministered to the l'resty
torten °ongregation* of Avo•bank red
Motherwell, and reelects now only ,woaua.•
of o1,1 age end Infirmity. 1)r. Hamilton is
the tether of Rev. James Hamult.on. paw: t
et Leeburn end Union churches.
la an article on 1)r. Hamilton's minis
terial life. The St, Marys Argus say.
"For forty three years the Rev Rob, rt
nommen, 1). 11 , ha', been pastor of Aver -
bank and Motherwell oburches. Title hes
been his hree and only charge. In linen
this is • notable thug. In these days of
quickly obaoging pastorale; and ..,Li0ge
for new fields of labor, the rrimpie of Ur
ilamilton 1. proof that a man may give h.v
Idle to the service of the people and not rust
cat in the doing of tt But be must hey,
the root of the matter In him. Nrdii 0, 10
say the doctor le a eon of Mainland ; that
lard of mountain and moor, of lovely l.kee
and footslog rivers, that with her wild bit.,
deep valleys and eeoluded glens has always
been the mother of men who move their
fellows ; ot men In earnest, for
'Ti. earc...triers that does the work n1
life ;
A feeble stroke w,lt not Ignite the ma' oh,
A wish will mooed OA to the goal '
"A* • pastor to has been eminently
seco.eelul. Ry wincing the effeotlon and
seating the regard and 000lda•a el his
people, he steadily enlisted them In the
nese of Hgh'. H. locked for +h . hast in
everyb edy, end was ga'ek to commend gond
deeds and noble actions, and while not slow
t,renngntta Iodine •n i Inc00e'etencier, If
he seamed them it was with playful rad..
D al+, and vehement denunciate, it 1
ha (leen aid of him that '•he wee v..v loon
of his p-opls." People liked him b•canse
he was demorratto In he taste and friendly
wI'h siva yhedv. and ready it ary t m • 1.r
• ora'. with • bend, er • We of hsln'nl
n nnofl or sugee,nve hint, ter.ely or goes,.
'v expressed per hale. Hie Menne are
many—of enemies he hoe n
A pretty wedding took place at tee r, s •
MI ice al Sirs A 11. yd, ti.'alele,, on brad.
n eday of last week, when h'r , (deet dough
ter, Mary, woe united in marc. H to Henry
O;nr+D, merohant, of titre' fort. The ooh -
mony wee performed ly R y F. i1. Letkie,
Many persons become despond-
ent because they have been unable
to find a permanent cure for Ecz-
ema (Salt Rheum) and kindred
skin diseases, such as pimples,
and blotches. "Climax" Iron
Tonic Pills will positively erre
these ailments and make the akin
healthy. Each box oontains ten
days' treatment. Price 21 (tent.
at all druggists, or mailed on re-
ceipt of pries. Address: The Dr.
Hall Medicine Co., Kingston, Ont.
Press EXOUPSion to the At—
• Splendid Tour el the Maritime Prot lac. •
The Mehl Hand 01 Fellow ship loins 1
ed—courtesies of Ike Naulroad
r umpanle•.
The es curtains to the Maritime Prov!noea
this yam was one of the moist Interath'g
Wye ryer held uoder the bonito's of the Ca,
outlaw I'reae Association. Ily the coat'e•y
of the C. l'. It. end G.T.R. the elouratooiste
Were enabled GO u semblo at Montreal from
■II points on'l'ouraday, Aug 15, mud al Ler
the oeoeuaty prellminarite had 1 ton .0 ad
lusted and Secretary haw bti1 amauthed out
the kick., nearly 100 excursionists took
their plaoa in the four elegant ruler oars
widish bad been placed et the deposal of the
party by the management of tits lnter-
oaloolal Railway. A dining car and bag
gage acoommudatfoo contributed to the ei-
ftativenesa of the tyulpuient, and when the
olti:ial oar of E. Talus, tae able troths man-
ager, was added to the train, and the acer-
ae10 John M. Lyon. and bis c:evor asaataot
H. A Puce threw to their lot with the
pros folk, everything that oould pomtitly
be sxpeoted to make a suucess o1 au uoder
taking of the kind was done.
Shortly after noon the great mogul eoglns
Strathoona snorted and shook itself, .. a
bloudhoree straining for a race, and tamed
lately after the uroUlelon was under way,
•0d the members were settling down to the
reality of living o0 • railway train tor to•
greater part of the two weeks whiob were
to follow.
Breaking the toe was tho first order of
bur moos, and as there is as muob commoo
sense to the touters look to the average
newspaper writer .n lu the composition of
myons to any other walk In lite, it did not
take Mug to sat the tamales ret the an on
good terme one with We other. Old a:-
justotInoee hobeu1bed together, and
nought beck the days o1 .uld laog Dyne,
whsle Dew and °•during !Headships were
termed by men and women who had bion
absolute strangely until they met on the
exenrtiob train.
10 was on the Schedule that the exour-
uuooaje should arrive at Moncton at 10 A.
a Friday morning and see the "Bore." but
oaf.r•uwtely smashups on the Maritime
L'miled Express, which had preceded the
Press epeeist, and whiob resulted in the
doth of the engineer and foreman of the
L mitod, pat travelling cu. of bmtneea for
some six hours, and 11 was eyenlog °afore
Moncton was reached,
Th. S. S. Northumberland was waiting
for the party at l'oint du Cherie and the
party .t once embarked to the eolivsoloe
stela. of "Hail, elang'eell Here 1'
D.00rr war liedhall, th
en board the •fame, and
in due coupe auwmerside, P. K. I., was
reached and strained, to its full apam'y to
vivid. sleeping acoommodattoo for the
weary travellers within ito gat^', lo the
morning, by the btighs light, the trevel-
lers bre•kfa.ted and "did" the town, and
the flet souvenirs of the trip were eagerly
gathered up.
At 9 A. se, train was taken for Charlotte-
town, the supertn:endeot of the road, Mr.
Sta-pe. giving personal suueryietcu to the
trip. He proved to be a roost courteous
and painstaking chaperon. 1)1 the way the
trate made • brief stop near S,oekman'a
Farm. one of the lea! ores of ranee E 1
ward Island. The loco le unique, and
with to rich orchards, neat hengeio0I,
fine barn., well tilled beide, waving Prato,
and specious residence make • hsl.py blend
between the prosperous !arms of N cistern
Ontario and the happy home of the well te-
rm squire in old K .gland.
Cbarlo'tetown 1s the sextet the Looal Gov
ern¢en1 and is • 1. r;y weil'hutlt and ap-
parently prosperoot ouy. qtr Louis Devise
came to teen on mho seeming of the err (yell
sal the press yang, but a* ho did not drop
t none down to see hem add of the o o part
worried thrmtelyes about seeing him, the
two great bodies did not come in contact.
So tar as we were stile to hear, there veers
0o regrets expressed by any of the press-
men. At the Cliff hotel and at Charlotte-
town the first ea•bathiag was In liege! to
by the party. and it was pleasant to look
upon gree haired veterans who in thetr
youth had taken the,r first.wunmicg lee
•.oe on the briny once more. dirport them
.elves upon the bosom of the mtgh, y At•
lent 10.
Monday, August 19, terewell was elven
to Charlottetown and many of Its hepta
aide residents by the prowwl tarty and pts
'age was take on the S S 1' io s
o c cis / for
Foam, air brie a lunch was in waltlog Hs
fore reaching the dock the excursionists
toted with ploeuro mho familiar how oI the
Canadian tree Avsocistmn special trtfn
and as they entrained in 111' 11,01 en0 GAO,
was heard 10 warh'e ,. I'hrrde no plwe like
home 1" 1. awing I'totou short .tope were
made a1 Westville. Mtellarton and Ant,gon•
isle and the party arrived at IIu'grave lair
in the cyemog, end evsiy.,uo with an ap-
petite. se arrangements had be, n made le
take supper at Musgrave Hotel netted of In
the dining oat The preparations and the
hotel were not mads in accordance with the
plane and spsotiloation. 0 at the travellers
brought along, sod the Iasi table hai to be
'wished well thin tea and toothpicks
everything else bad been put out of busl-
o els by those who had gine before.
Next morning everybody was op botimer,
.0 to speak The genial Lambkin, of tho I.
11. R , had now chergs of the outfit and he
•aro to It that • fast pace was put op. The
dining Der was pot Into requisition and with
the .id of wine Imaging parties overyooe
breakfasted in one way or another and none
wont hungry. Toon 1tie trip old the lire.
I)'oe Lake. began It was • teen' Ifni trip
and remloda1 Doe at time. 01 Rohr, through
Moskok• !Akre There .r• many Islands
and • number of Interesting er0pping pito...
where large colonies of Potted Statelier.
most do oongregote during the holiday .ea
en. We met many of thea, In the Trip op
the hikes, and have .11 kinds rel memories
of them, from grave to gay. from lively to
t't a arrlyed In North Sy tnry in tie a for
*tipper. .n 1 the ra.h f r the table. almeet
rem need one of the ''flys., *. dpo" in a
t. D ball ount,at. Having PA, isfiod !Lc de
m...). of the stnmeh, and t •Ye,, a t• n.my
v en "' North 3ydory. boat wee t.krn for
4, dory, scrota the h.y, the new steel
• ml o, ,um, which has risen upas in a night,
and which bids fair before long to be one of
•1• moat est. rprlaing ci lee and best bus'.
n it•• centre on the Fellern see•boar.t.
IL•re the right hand of f.11ow.h p was ss
Modena on every side. Alen. Johmtie, Si
r.. and De Kendra). M. 1'.. scenmp.wi.d
ii Fred Niuegah,adl'or of The Poet, h.d
mei the party at Mel ,and added moeh
to he ehj'•ymnnt n) the trip op the ',skis,
..n4 on the arn.•1 of the party .t 1vd•ey
the Sydney (auh and the Vaoht Club at
nee, took them In hood. I1. M. Wt racy
and Me Il.ker of the steel work. sod Mr.
C Shfe1 end the m ens of the Coal
C mpsny , 1 o se t-eded every 00001/07 l0
.1.1,6r//torte, their .'ay Fvery nppr.r
rnr ity we riven the ex,ur,ioolsu to view
the steel Werke end see 'he matvelloos pr g
ren that was 1 e!ng made in developing to.
greet inde'ry.
1, .a. at Sydney that the party mot R
1.. Borden, the leader el H.► Sf.Ieety'a 1 tat
Oppeltion l0 the House e1 Commcae, (1
taaa The press fork Dere ell grated 11
I.noh le the ep•olon, dlntng tam of the
9ydn'y hotel w, e t Mr Horde. 'groomed
on the scene /to he remitted the doer if
the dining room b• took a furtive glans Is.
as ,1 to .ee whether he eenld Dated some
familiar Sys, het anoor, n'Iy in vel., whew
all at *noes well kernels Writ politielan sad
journalist raised the ory, "What's the at
Infectious Diseases
ter with R. 0 Bordeu Tho tbufdetoa$
response Item the assembled hundred, • 116'e
all right!' almost look It oaten off his lege,
and when to reepooee to a ,lusty the orowd
vws 1t to to understood that the linden
who was the (the re of attention ww'•R. L
Rerden, ot Halifax," a smile at once spread
over the urnalty sedate features of the Tory
chief, and napkins weto waved ani applause
given without stint.
The railway trip to Glace li.v and his
aorto Louisbourg was a lively tun. The
road bed is one of the best to the world and
held with 90 Ib. stool, and wuh Ent:ner
Muggah at the throttle breakiug recent'
was in order. A mile a minute is usually
counted good time, hut whio eighteen miles
were ruled t ff in fifteen mimeos—a rate of
seveolytgo mile an hour—most of there
on herd who had preyiousiy looked opoo
th9n:salvo[ se eminently respectable came to
the oonolusion that they were leading a (art
life M t wood Sydney and enuuboarg.
A• 2 a. se the train polled out from
Sydoey and eter:ed on the return l i9, brief
stops le:ng made at Mu!graye and New
Glasgow. At Truro theinhalitaots appeal•
ed to have turret out en mann), aol car-
riages were provided and mho prime party
driven through the city and up to the ogre
cultural grounds, whew light refreebmen•e
were served and all went merry as a mar
riage bell. Lire at night Halifax was
reached and there a cried miilo Iailtbs was
extepded, late a0 the hour w..
Next moroiog there was • beautiful sail
around the harbor and met to the North-
west Arm. By courtesy of tho British Ad•
mir.l, a visit to if. M. S. Creeceot was In
order, and the novelly of belgi on the deck
of a itr till a.o•ot-war war experienced by
tee pre+amen and their anooiala, Alter
;ouch, a drive to the put Le gardens by the
vie.1 Ire more than milli them, for Halifax
hes good reason to be proud of ate beaotifnt
display treat is here made. A drive through
the natural scenery, own dr the t •Martello
toner, around by Melville Isloo1, and up to
the onadel hill was •leo taken part to by
the excwrelnnti'r, and pleasant deeoripttoes
ofth• eights 1000 Were heard when the
party got together at the sta!lon to plume
their flight to: the trip thr..u,h the AnoL
poiio valley and the land of Evangeline.
Supper was tai at Aooapoll•.
Next morn+ng at "ass .p° she travellers
f uod them•elver l0 O'gby, where ttcy had
arrived diriag the night. The pity was
Filleted for breakfast at a number or On
hotel., sad c lie of the features on the re.
turn trip from theibtitel farthest from thesta.
tion wet a bunch of ladder of the party i0 an
ox siert. wh'eh Lad Seen ermm*ndeered by
the r.doubtable Bork, of Pert Arthur, A
Dame a de -d ssapred the party on the way
doio, awl labelled the plature. "A Harem
lees Cm ria.,," A sail around the bay, and
• pleasant reueptfo 1 aS the hands e1 the
..maoion re. some ratter wig, mimileald t,
red ,Iom-e,w ere the fe•tnr. al 1) gby.
TO lig l )NTINCg0.) 11'..Mi
ltw-her Man Cannot he too Grateful for
Dodd's kidney rills.
S0. Me ear, Que.. Sept. 9, (•special). —A
future about the work of Void's K,doey
Pills Is the great gratitude they arcuao to
those whom they restore to heal: h. Health
and sickness are as d.ffereot from each other
e s happiness nod onbapptor,•1 misery end
joy. le It .any w'.oder that thine oho ere
transported from e)ckoen to happiness and
joy by I/ old K .dney fills are grateful to
thea wendcilul medicine' Aud as t odds
Kldosy fulls have nured people all over the
world, ore may jc.lge of the multitude
n inon bras the name of Dodd's Kidney
Here ie what a ,'o'•bec man Saye
•'I thank I)od,t'e teido.y Palle. Th'y
cored me of kidney disease which forced me
to rite tier ry hoar .t night. - Today I am
perfectly well. I .le.•p without rising
Ycu Dao bel.eve mei am weal to have re-
gained my health. Thanks a tbe0'and
times to Dodd's Kidney P.11s.
Bruerels Post. It le said some Bimini
itis+ disposed of a c ,w by sell'mg 30 tickets,
numbering Item 1 to 110, to be drawa by
puruhasers. Whalta or the number of the
ttoket the holder had to pay that :mem
of roots Reeve Ross le credited with boom
lug the owner. hie number being 13. The
cow b:ought $32.50, a figure maoh latgn
than would be thought possible by the plan.
There n an Idea prevalent that the precool
is se'ling very oluee to what the law dodge
Data ae'a refit..
A welcome vl-itor 10 Grey lowneh,p S. T.
A. Ferguson, of Cody, Wyoming, U. 8. Hs
is a son of J.mrs Ferguson, 9th coo. Mr.
t.rguson h.a been .baht years In tNyom-
ing arsooiated witha Ur. Fulton In ranch-
ing with 6 000 sheep. '1 01e year they had
30 000 pounds of wird. It sold from $ to 15
cents; the marketing being chit fly done at
Rdhete. 75 mile. film Cody, where fifteen
million viands will probably be handled.
He aryl, the change in ranohlcg legislation
.ad the largo oumb,r of people in this bmi
news materally af•Otiag the profit..
Te ,'wee a Corn In Twenty -Fen, \awn,
There te no lack ot el chilled Dora 1,r
Doyne. Thevegerablo, animal. and mineral
k ngdotr.e hay', been rat stoked for cures 1
ie • simple matte: to remove turfs utttot t
pale, for 1( you will go to any (bungle , r
me [foal dealer and buy a bot. 1 . of Pittman s
Painless Cora and Wart Et rao:or and al •
ply 1t ...directed the thing is done. l..
"Putnam'." aril no other.
Notion' of amigos mast be left at this
Office not lator than Saturilay
noon. The Copy for changes
meet be loft not later than Mon
,lay noon. Casual Adtertiuomonta
accepted UD to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Wntaro, Lo•don S.pt. 5 14
Southern, rirantlotd Sept, 14 20
Steohea and Ushorne. Ereter...Sopa 16 17
Central, Guelph.. . .... ..... Rept. 1719
Hay. lunch ,Sept. 1819
Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 1319
South HuruO, Sealortb Sept 24.2,5
R pled'. Mops. 24.25
Elora, Atwood .... ,Aep1. 24 25
Teeewater Sept, 24 25
Mitchell ...... Sept, 26 27
1'aroberry, Wtoeham .sops. 26-27
NoRTtlw'M GRN, (t,lbalin•II On. 1 2
BelgRrave Oct, 1-2
!Online, Lucknow Oct. '34
Stanley, Hayfield O0.34
East Huron, liruenele
Oot. 3 4
Blyth and Morris, Blyth, . , ....Oot.8 9
North Perth Stratford Oct. 8-9
A.0101g61) AND WAWANO0I(, Dungannon.
Gat. 1011
Howlett, (lord* Gott. 12
Tte arohlteot of the Pirtle Works De-
partment has reported In favor of 11. site
occupied by Mr. Wil tete for the new pees •
Office in Clinton, and atop. ere t • ng 1.ke ■
to transfer the prop -ray !o the Government.
New Fall Goods
Just Received, a shipment of new fall Dress Goods in
II8mespuns, 'Tweeds, s')rgos, Cheviots, Broadcloths, in
all the new fall shades.
Black Dress Goods in the Following Makes :
Brocades from 20c to $3,00 a yard, Biaritz, Serges,
liomespuus, Cheviots, Heavy Cords and Ilenriettas,
A Big Stock of Black and Colored Silks.
43 colored blouse Waist, silk patterns, no two alike,
at wholesale price, from 15c to 60c.
-I want you to see our new stock of Wrapperettes,
just in, all new, from 10c.
New Flannelettes from 5c to 15c.
Terms Cash or Farm Produce. 'Phone 86
"Queen's Chocolate Cigar,"
The banner 5 -center. Try it.
How Is Your Tooth Brush ?
.Just to hand, a new stock of Loon-
• en's and other high-class goods. Qual-
ity of these goods guaranteed.
A Bargain Line is a good 10c brush going
for 5c.
Our French Toilet Soaps
are going fast. Groat value at :13c a
box. Some of that cheap oatmeal soap,
3 for 10c, still on hand.
W. C. Goode
hem ist
'Phone No. 1.
Returning 3rd
Nov. 3rd
Sept. Ilt�
Returning until
Nov. 17th,
Antler .
Iii nscartb
Mooeomin ....
Swan River..
Regina ...
Mooeejaw ....
Prince Albert
Calgary - .. ..
MacLeod .. 1
Red Doer
Prom all 1,'011 In Canaria. Onnping, Vault
11,-. Marie. Windsor and Katt.
For pamphle] giving further particulars tip
ply to the nearest Canadian 1 'win° Agent or to
A H NOTMAN. Asst Oen. fuer. Agent,
King Street part. Toronto,
MISS SALL. Agrat, 9oderiob.
e Carry
s i g t
Licks that count.
Uood tools enable the work-
s e out of
the muse0 TIC
puts into his
work. - The right quality of
tools will insure excellent re-
turns for the exertion.
There's re perfection in all
the tools we sell.
We have ami .
a Ie Bargains 1
left over from our August
CLEARING SALE, which w.•
will continue to sell until
cleared out:
Butcher ('leavers, reg'lar price, 40
cents ; sale price, 25c.
Perfection Meat Chopper, regular
price, $1.75 ; sale price, $1.25.
Wi:Kav a pste-•ioek of -
Our prices will be found reason-
able in every department.
Cash Hardware Store, Goderich.
it full line of
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
The m�(�� a.�t..
•.e��x•. nappy Thought"
Ths King of Reenl(ee
"iduclt'e Happy Thought"
Think before you Buy
Tbink before you Buy
When buying think before you buy
¢y � Happy Thought. In buying a 14
� the ��.Um.d recommendation of ,Y
purchasers. Range
buying n range think you buy and then you will
!my a Happy Thought. In Happy Thought you
Ne nnatinted recommendation 150,000 previous happy
purchasers. Range building k1 s
specialty with ns—ft's not a gide
issue—we leave no room for improve-
ment in our construction of the
nappy Thought. 4111 I AS AS dar
They are manufactured b'
CO., Limited, Ili Brantford
Write /err .0 111eetratM P.w.phire
LEE & SHEPSARD, Goderich.
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We have:a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wm. Sharnian, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent.
A Wonderful Tonic :,n'1 Ftomr'dy for WEAK and IMPURE
-Manufactured -{yy .1 M.-M3aLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
Mill Wood
The * „vc la cut into Itove world
inn2th anti will he delivered to any
part of t ht, to,t'n the eamn day an
Orders received by telephone nr
left at rt.idence, 128 Cambria street,
sill revert via prr.mpt attention,
'Phone 98.
Oodetich, Novomher Spat, 1889. 54.38
SIJn.11P sts, ov8fco1s
The man droned to a salt male at
OW More alw.v. to Its trim. as It le ti e
ambitlee of every man of taste to look.
A large rant. of cloths to cheoes
1f you are o0etemplktI,g settling a
light overoost ter sprieg wear, give es •
chariest In serve yea. Priem. right.
e'en 1119E